#enzo de la costa
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guardian-angle22 · 4 months ago
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911 lone star -> tk's bday party in 5.07
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reasonandfaithinharmony · 4 months ago
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911 Lone Star: Push (3x04) | Kiddos promo (5x07)
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lonestardaily · 3 months ago
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Tarlos + family dinners at Owen's 9-1-1 : LONE STAR: 4x15 'Donors' I 5x07 'Kiddos'
requested by @strandnreyes
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911lsbts · 4 months ago
Sneak peek: TK Visits Enzo In Prison. (X)
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thinkertkstrand · 4 months ago
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this little family
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howtosingit · 4 months ago
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hetaczechia · 3 months ago
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bam-bi-buck · 4 months ago
Carlos using the word “adopt” while at Gabriel’s grave is interesting
Adopting and becoming a child’s guardian/taking custody are not the same thing - adopting would imply that Enzo is losing or is willing to give up custody
When you go to prison you lose physical custody while in prison but unless your crimes are against your child/show you as a danger to children you don’t get your custody completely taken away from you and none of the crimes listed would indicate that Enzo should permanently lose custody
So (if we’re basing this off of irl and not it being a drama - cus it’s a show they may just strip him of custody for the drama) I’d imagine that means Enzo’s facing a long time in prison and he’s asked TK to not only take custody but adopt Jonah
Taking custody/guardianship would imply that Enzo would be in prison for x amount of years and then upon release, gradually be given custody back
Adopting Jonah would mean that Jonah’s is legally TK & Carlos’s child not Enzo’s even after his release
I wonder how they’ll navigate all that next episode
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equaniimiityy · 29 days ago
High Potential Intellectual
Chapters: 1/?
“Tyler Kennedy Strand?”
“It’s TK. And who’s asking?”
The detective looks unimpressed. If TK didn't feel so harried he might've otherwise enjoyed the man’s attention. He's certainly his type: tall, tousled curls, dark lashes, smooth skin and a fit physique. That much is evident even with his suit pants, shirt, tie and jacket obscuring the view. He raises a hand to pull the jacket in question aside, flashing the badge at his hip. “Detective Reyes with the LAPD. We have some questions for you. It’s time sensitive.”
Jonah pulls at TK’s hand insistently, a silent plea to be held. Usually, he’d give him a soft chastise and tease him that he is getting too big to be carried. But today he relents, seeking his brother’s comfort just as much as he seeks his. He perches him on his hip and raises a single eyebrow, “Ask away.”
Detective Reyes’ eyes flit over to where Paul hovers in his neighbouring doorway, ready to jump in and help if need be, then down to Jonah who has tucked his face into TK’s chest. “We need you to come down to the station with us.”
The TV show High Potential rewritten with the cast of 9-1-1: Lone Star.
Read on ao3
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chenlopez · 4 months ago
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gwyn would have loved this I think
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I totally get what you're saying, but if you don't mind a different perspective, the way I interpret it, TK saying Enzo is the reason he became a firefighter doesn't have to be contradictory to what came before. Obviously the reason TK wanted to be a firefighter in the first place was because of Owen, but then he was so hurt when he felt like Owen left him and left their family that he was ready to turn away from him completely. It makes sense to me that Enzo encouraging TK to give his dad a little grace is what made TK go back to wanting to be a firefighter. In that way, Enzo is the reason, but it's because Enzo is the one who made sure TK didn't completely turn away from Owen. I don't see TK as saying that solely to try to hurt Owen. Instead, I see it as TK trying to get Owen to realize that Enzo isn't all bad. Owen is extremely biased against Enzo and always has been, but actually Enzo may be a big part of the reason Owen even has a relationship with his son to this day. TK telling Owen that Enzo is the reason he became a firefighter was like TK's way of getting Owen to recognize what a big role Enzo has played.
I do think that Owen and Enzo were at least equally at fault in this episode, but I think I also get TK being a little more mad at Owen than at Enzo. It doesn't seem out of character to me. For one thing, Owen did break Enzo's arm and Enzo was carted out on a stretcher. Owen is the one who's left for TK to be mad at and also the one who's uninjured. Also, as we see from their conversation, Enzo has encouraged TK to see good in Owen and to give him grace even if the Enzo/Owen relationship is outwardly antagonistic. However, Owen is always 100% anti-Enzo, which TK knows very well. I see his frustration specifically at Owen stemming from that. Owen has never been willing to give Enzo a chance or see any good in him, so TK is specifically upset about this and also wanted Owen to recognize just how much good Enzo has done, both for TK and his relationship with Owen.
Obviously this is all just my opinion, your opinion is completely valid and I'm not trying to change your mind here, just offer a different perspective!
Hi anon!
I get what you're saying- and truthfully, this is why I find the version of Enzo we met so very confusing!! (I recently learned that tbf stands for 'to be fair' not 'to be frank' like I thought and I will not be using it incorrectly again).
In my opinion, it would be easier to take what TK is saying if the Enzo we met is the one he's describing, but to me they seem like different people. I know it isn't a secret that season five due to their limited number of episodes did a lot more telling than showing, but I think this really needed some showing because we had never met Enzo before.
Like I don't disagree that Owen is anti-Enzo, but the Enzo we see is the exact same way towards him. When we see Enzo, he is just so... delighted to show Owen up with this fancy car. He clearly gets a big kick of how uncomfortable Owen is to have this man in his home. His whole vibe towards Owen is "it's not a competition but I'm winning" and when we've never met this man before, for me it's hard to picture him telling a hurt little boy "your dad loves you but he's going through something no one should have to, it'd be good to cut him a break".
(Also, and I know LS will LS, but if the objective was for Owen to injure Enzo on accident, I still wish to God they had picked some other way for that to happen. Owen didn't cheat because there isn't really a way to cheat in arm wrestling, and even for all the ridiculous injuries LS has done, that kind of thing really doesn't seem like a plausible way to break someone's arm until that someone is arm wrestling with Terry Crews or Jason Momoa).
Here's the thing- I would have loved to see the version of Enzo that TK remembers. Because I feel what this episode is shooting for is Owen says he doesn't like Enzo because he's a rich, self-involved prick, and we realize that this is just his own insecurity. But in my opinion, Owen is right on the money for what happens at dinner and what we learn about Enzo at the party. We know that TK is happy to see him, but we don't see Enzo being particularly connected to the child he is a single father to (again I know they had limited time, and I know the nanny was there to establish who Jonah was with after his father is arrested, but it just seems so weird to me that how little Enzo and Jonah interact in that episode. Like sir, that is your child. Why are you picking him up like a cat who's trying to bite you??)
This is really just an episode I need these choices explained for the Enzo argument to work- because another thing- is this always what Enzo's job has been? Cause I don't really understand what a corporate raider does, but this is something like seems like he travels a lot, and wouldn't this job take a lot of time and take him away from practicing fly balls all winter in the snow?? Isn't Enzo's main draw that he was there when Owen couldn't be?? (I'm not getting into the Gwyn aspect of it all, but my mouth dropped at she liked him because he;s rich. You put some respect on my girl's name that she would give this man the time of the day solely because he's rich!!)
Anon, I think I got a little off track, and I do appreciate you sharing your perspective with me!!
And I know like we all do that we truly needed an 18 episode season. For me, having everyone say "but Enzo RAISED TK!" every five minutes isn't enough; I need to be shown some proof of that, because where did this compassionate version of Enzo go?? Did he only exist when TK was ten years old?
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guardian-angle22 · 4 months ago
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911 lone star -> baby animal lover!TK Strand story 🐛
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reasonandfaithinharmony · 4 months ago
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911 Lone Star: Kiddos promotional still (5x07)
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dear-viv · 4 months ago
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Just saw those stills for 507!
My first reaction was, wow Enzo’s rich! That’s his car?!😆😆😆😆
Look how happy TK was! And the way Carlos was looking at him and Jonah! 🥹🥹🥹
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thinkertkstrand · 4 months ago
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he's so happy
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sageandred · 4 months ago
It's giving Gatsby vs Tom Buchanan.
Owen remembering that little TK wanted a red mclaren and remembered promising getting him one for his 30th birthday and being excited about the cake and enzo just showing up and bringing him the whole damn car because he had the same thought 😭💀😭
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