#enzo berkshire fic
theostrophywife · 3 months
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🤍 pairing: lorenzo berkshire x reader.
🤍 song inspiration: so american by olivia rodrigo.
🤍 author’s note: just a cute and fluffy little piece because enzo gives off major boyfriend vibes.
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It was a well-known fact that Lorenzo Berkshire had a terrible sweet tooth. 
So well known that his mates often hid their stash of sweets from him. Not that it deterred Enzo. If anything, he saw it as a challenge of sorts. 
As Lorenzo ransacked his roommate’s belongings, it should’ve occurred to him that Regulus was far too clever to leave his candy in plain sight, but his attention was focused solely on stuffing as many chocolate frogs into his mouth before his surly friend returned. In his haste, Enzo failed to notice the strange metallic taste until practically inhaling his third frog. 
Still, he figured that it was probably fine. How much damage could a chocolate frog do anyways?
Unfortunately for Lorenzo, that pesky little question would be answered soon enough. 
After carefully rearranging Reggie’s things, Enzo happily skipped off to breakfast. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he spotted you in the Great Hall. With a murderous expression, you swiped a chocolate croissant out of Mattheo’s reach and glared at the curly headed boy. 
“Make one more move towards my food and I’ll snap your arm like a twig, Riddle.” 
Theo snickered and draped an arm over your shoulder. “Come on, bella. Mattheo just wants a taste.” The twat wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “And so do I.” 
You flicked his arm off and rolled your eyes. “For the last time, I’d rather gouge my eyes out, Theodore. You’d think you’d be sick of rejection and embarrassment by now.” 
Nott merely smirked. “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Could’ve woken up in mine instead, if you stopped playing hard to get.” 
“Keep pissing me off and you’ll wake up to a bed full of cockroaches.” 
Mattheo cackled before ruffling your hair. “Turn that frown upside down, Y/N. Guys don’t like a grump.” 
“I do,” Enzo blurted before he could think better of it. “I think Y/N’s cute when she’s mean. Especially to you two idiots.” 
Theo and Mattheo gaped, their gazes pinballing from you to Enzo. They were no doubt expecting you to smack your best friend upside the head, but instead you shrugged and bit back a smile. 
“Really?” Theo remarked incredulously. “You’re letting that slide? You threatened to tie my tongue into a bow the last time I called you cute.” 
You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. “Yeah, well, Berkshire doesn’t annoy me as much as you do.” 
Enzo beamed as he slid into the seat beside you. “Wow, I feel special.” 
Clearly, he was well aware of the sweet spot you had for him. Though you’d never admit it. Just like he’d never admit his long standing pathetic little crush he had on you. Except, he did sort of slip up just now, which he unfortunately would continue to do for the rest of the day. 
Lorenzo couldn’t help it. The compliments he normally kept to himself just kept spilling out of him. 
When you were studying in the library during free period, he found himself speaking thoughts that he usually saved for his inner monologue. “I like the way you scrunch your nose when you read. It’s adorable.” 
Surprised, you peered up at him from your book. His words were rewarded by an uncharacteristically shy smile. It was enough to make him momentarily forget his lack of control over his mouth.
Later in History of Magic, Lorenzo stared at you instead of focusing on completing the assignment in front of him. You tapped his nose with the end of your quill playfully. 
“You alright there, Enz?” 
“You’re so beautiful, it’s distracting. I can’t even focus on my notes.” 
You flushed in response and Enzo found that he rather liked making you flustered for a change. Maybe a case of loose lips wasn't so bad after all. 
During lunch, Lorenzo glared at Draco as the blonde asked you a question about the Draught of the Living Dead potion. 
“What’s got your knickers in a twist, cousin?” Draco asked after a moment. 
Enzo continued glaring at him and inched closer to you, draping a protective arm around your shoulder. “Look at Y/N like that again and I’ll turn you into a ferret myself.” 
The other boys snickered while Draco backed away from you. His brief stint as a rodent clearly traumatized him enough to balk at the threat. You turned away from the recounting of the infamous fourth year incident and faced Enzo. 
“Are you feeling alright, Enz? You’ve been acting strange all day.” 
Come to think of it, Lorenzo did feel a bit different. Unfiltered, unadulterated, and perhaps a tad bit unhinged. Oddly enough, it was freeing in a strange sort of way.
“I’m fine. I’m just saying what I’ve been thinking all along. Usually, I’m too scared to speak my thoughts out loud, but I’m not now.” Enzo scrunched his nose. “Also, the chocolate frogs I stole from Reg tasted kind of funny.” 
Before he knew it, you were marching right into the boy’s dormitory with him in tow. He shuffled hurriedly behind you as you yanked open the door to his dorm. Regulus lounged at his desk, flipping through the pages of his book and not bothering to look up as the two of you barged in. 
“Learned your lesson yet, Berkshire?” 
You frowned as you snatched the book out of Reggie’s hands and threw it over your shoulder. “What the hell did you do to him, Regulus?”
Regulus shrugged nonchalantly. “Slipped a bit of Veritaserum in my chocolate frogs because I knew the little weasel had been secretly stealing them behind my back.” 
“Hey!” Enzo exclaimed. “That’s rude.” 
“Is that why he’s acting so strange?” 
The youngest Black leveled an amused glance at you. “Define strange.”
“Well, he’s been complimenting me all day. He even threatened to turn Draco into a ferret for looking at me. It’s like he has no filter at all.” 
“Yeah, that’s kind of the point. Veritaserum makes you tell the truth.” 
You paused, taking in his words. “So everything Enzo said today…” Enzo smiled brightly as you glanced warily at him. “He means it?” 
Regulus nodded in confirmation. “Mhm, I’m afraid young Lorenzo has a little crush on you.” 
“Hello?” Enzo exclaimed. “I’m literally right here.” He turned to face you. “Also yes, I do have a crush on you. I have for ages. I’m honestly surprised that you haven’t noticed. I’m not that great at hiding it.” Your jaw dropped as he pivoted back to Regulus. “You’re a twat for dosing my candy, Reg.” 
“Your candy?” Regulus huffed. “I bought that with my hard earned money.” 
“You mean your allowance that mummy and daddy sends you every month? Please, Reg, you have more galleons and candy than you know what to do with. Honestly, it’s a bit selfish not to share.” 
Before you could put a stop to it, Regulus launched himself at Enzo. The boys wrestled, smacking and taunting each other like toddlers. With a frustrated sigh, you pried the two of them apart. 
“You two are honestly ridiculous.” 
Enzo pushed Regulus off of him and brushed off the front of his shirt. “Yes, but hopefully you find it cute and endearing, right? Well, me. Not Reg. I don’t really think you’re into the whole tortured poet thing he’s got going on.” 
Regulus glared at his friend. “Rude!” 
Enzo shrugged. “What? It’s true. Don’t worry, it works for some people. I think that redhead in Gryffindor likes you, but you’ve got to stop being so goddamn oblivious. She obviously wants you to break her back like a glow stick.”
You smacked your best friend on the arm for his rather candid commentary, but it was half-hearted. You were too busy trying not to burst into laughter given the fact that he was completely correct. Said redhead definitely had a thing for Regulus. 
“I’m just stating facts. Anyways, if he didn’t want to hear it, he shouldn’t have dosed me.” 
You tugged Regulus by his tie. “You did this to him. Now you’re going to help me get this under control. Do you understand?” 
Regulus sighed in defeat. “Fine.” 
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For the remainder of the day, you kept a close eye on Enzo. Though you and Regulus were both babysitting him, your best friend didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he seemed rather thrilled with spending the rest of the day by your side. Truth be told, you didn’t mind either despite the fact that you had to pull Enzo out of a sticky situation more than once. 
As you watched him during quidditch practice, you nearly fell out of the stands when Lorenzo cocked his head at his captain and narrowed his eyes. “Flint, why is your head shaped like that?” 
It was by sheer luck that Regulus swooped in to save the day and promptly dragged him off to perform drills at the far end of the field. At the end of practice, you thought it would be safe to lounge in the common room, but you couldn’t have been more wrong. 
Enzo snuggled to your side, his slightly damp hair tickling your neck. The familiar scent of citrus and cedar distracted you momentarily as he stared at Tom. The older Riddle was currently hustling Theo through a game of chess. 
“Tom, even though you scare me, I still think you’re hotter than Mattheo. Just don’t tell him I said that.” 
The entire room fell into a hush as Tom directed his smoldering gaze towards Enzo. You tensed beside him, fingers curled protectively around his arm. 
Finally, Tom spoke. “It’ll be our little secret, Berkshire.” 
“Salazar save us all.” 
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When dinner rolled around, your fight or flight response was completely shot. Thanks to Enzo’s current condition, you were on constant alert. 
By now, the boys were perfectly aware of his inability to lie and the twats found his predicament particularly hilarious. All except Mattheo, whose ego had taken a hit after Theo told him all about Enzo’s confession to Tom. 
“I can’t believe you think Tom is hotter than me,” Mattheo grumbled. “That’s just completely mental.” 
Theo pinched his cheek. “Don’t worry, Matty. I’ll always think you’re hotter.” 
“How can you two flirt at a time like this?’ You sighed exasperatedly. “One of your best friends is under a truth spell and all you care about is being the hot brother?” Mattheo protested, but you held a hand up to halt whatever stupid remark he was itching to say. “Where is Regulus? I should wring his stupid neck for putting poor Enzo through this.” 
“I think he’s talking to that Gryffindor,” Theo said with an eyebrow wiggle. “Finally. Maybe dosing Berkshire wasn’t so bad if it gets Regulus laid.” 
As if on cue, Enzo snapped his fingers in front of Draco’s face. “Cousin, you really need to lay off the bleach. I think it’s seeping into your bloody brain. You’ve been staring at Granger so intently that it’s starting to freak her out.”
The boys snickered as Draco snapped out of his trance. Before the blonde could reprimand his cousin, you stood up and grabbed Enzo’s hand. Your best friend grinned as he linked your fingers through yours. 
“Oh, we’re holding hands. This is nice,” Enzo shuffled to his feet as you tugged him out of his seat. He didn’t seem to mind being dragged out of the Great Hall. “Hey, have I ever told you that your eyes remind me of the sunset? You’re pretty. I really want to kiss you.” 
You pointedly ignored the kissy faces Mattheo and Theo were making. “We’re leaving. Let’s go, Enz.” 
Enzo waved to your friends and grinned. “I hope we make out.” 
The boys snickered as you turned beet red. “Lorenzo!” 
“Yes, dear, coming!” 
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With the promise of an impromptu movie night, you managed to coax Enzo back to his dorm. He shuffled in your lap, nuzzling into your touch as you ran your fingers through his hair. 
“Reg says the serum should wear off in an hour, so you just have to hold off until then.” 
“Oh,” Enzo said with a tinge of disappointment. “That’s a bummer. It’s kind of nice just saying whatever was on my mind.” 
“Enz, you told Theo he smelled like day old lasagna and then you hit on Tom. Tom!”
Enzo’s honey eyes blinked up at you. “What? He’s hot. You’re telling me you wouldn’t hit on him too?” 
You shook your head. “Psychopathic maniacs aren’t really my type.” 
“What’s your type then?” You fell silent for a beat before Enzo nudged your elbow with his nose. “C’mon, it’s only fair. I’ve been making a fool out of myself all day. Grant me this one, love.” 
You sighed, knowing that you’d cave to his puppy dog eyes. “I do have a crush on this one guy.” 
“What’s his name? Enzo asked as he sat upright. “His house? His dorm number? I might ask Tom to hunt him down for me.” You glared at him in response, causing him to raise his hands in surrender. “Sorry. Blame the serum.” 
You couldn’t help but chuckle. “To answer your very nosy questions, he goes by a nickname, he’s in Slytherin, and we’re currently in his dorm.”
“Oh my god. The emo act worked on you, too?” Enzo smacked his forehead in distress. “For fuck’s sake!” 
“It’s you, you idiot. I like you.” 
Enzo beamed. “Thank Godric! This is the happiest day of my life.” He bounced as he talked, eyes shining brightly. . “Do you want to go on a date with me? We could go to Hogsmeade. Wait, no. That’s not good enough. Let’s go to London. Or Paris. Fuck it, I’ll borrow Malfoy’s jet.” 
You giggled at how ridiculously adorable this boy was. “Enz, slow down! First of all, I’d love to go on a date with you. Hogsmeade is perfectly fine, but we should probably wait until you’re back to normal.” 
Enzo sighed. “Fine. I suppose I can wait. But you’re staying to  cuddle, right?” He flashed those honey eyes at you again, perfectly aware that you couldn’t resist him even if you tried. To add to his plea, Enzo jutted his bottom lip into a pout. “Please?” 
“Sure, Enz.” 
With a triumphant grin, Enzo pulled you against him. He leaned forward to kiss your cheek, making you melt. As you continued watching the movie, you couldn’t help but revel in the affection Enzo showered you with. He was a great cuddler and he smelled nice and oh gods you really, really liked him. 
“I’m not going to lie to you,” Enzo murmured against your ear. “Mostly because I can’t, but I definitely have a boner right now.” 
You burst into a fit of giggles, which caused Enzo to laugh as well. He only snuggled closer, burying his face into your neck. “Sorry that I find you super hot and pretty and cute. Honestly, I’m the victim in this situation.” 
You smacked his arm. “Oh my god, just shut up and cuddle.” 
Enzo grinned as he wrapped his arms around you. “Yes, honey.” 
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suugarbabe · 10 months
idk if someone’s already asked but enzo + mirror?
Lots of Enzo tonight but not this one yet
Enzo never shies away from a mirror, checking his hair or his collar in any one he walks past
And honestly can you blame him?
He often has to bend down a little to see himself because mans is just so damn tall
His favorite mirror is the one in your room though because it’s nearly floor to ceiling and he can easily see both of you in it
His favorite thing to do is to stand you in front of him while he sings your praises
Fingers dancing over the curve of your shoulder, down your arm, over the curve of your hip
All while watching his movements in the mirror
Him slowly pulling down the straps of your dress as he meets your eyes in the reflection
Telling you how gorgeous he thinks you are as his lips trail from your ear, down your neck across your collarbone
His hands slowly removing each piece of your clothing as he tells you why he loves each part of you
Then his hands are cupping both breasts, kneading and massaging as his lips are on the curve of your neck
But when your head falls back on his should his gives your neck a playful bite
“Eyes up and open, Angel, want you to watch how I touch you, how good I make you feel”
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bettymylove · 1 year
pairing: theodore nott x reader
content: pure smut, 18+
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your hazy state and the fact that theo was just out of the shower were the two things you had decided to blame for your behavior.
you had been painfully horny all day long, so much that it hurt to walk and the only solution you were aware of for your problem was theodore nott also known as your boyfriend.
you had reached his dorm when he was still in the shower, and like the good girl you were you waited for him on his bed not once trying to touch yourself.
theo emerged from the shower with wet hair and water dripping down his body until it reached his very loosely hung grey towel which you were sure was the only piece of clothing he was wearing.
however, your attention was taken up by something else, his abs were the only thing you could focus on.
"baby, what are you doing here? I thought you were busy today" you broke out of your trance after hearing his low and husky voice.
having no patience left, you took long strides towards him and clawed on his chest so that he would angle his face towards yours.
both of your lips met in a fiery kiss, and you detached your arms from around his neck to his shoulders slightly pushing him back so that he would land on the bed with you on top of him.
your kisses started trailing downwards, sucking on his neck long enough to leave a mark.
you had untied his towel and his cock sprung out in response, your kisses finally reached his abs the place you adored the most.
licking all over his abdomen, while sneaking some licks to his dick, you moaned after you heard him groan.
if you thought you were horny before, it was nothing compared to what you were feeling now after theo forcefully put his dick in your mouth to cum in it.
you had started humping the floor out of desperation,you needed the friction,you needed the release.
"are you really such a needy whore, that you have started getting yourself off on the floor?" you only moaned out a breathy moan in response.
you finally had the courage to stand up on your wobbly knees and push theo back down on the bed again.
carefully positioning yourself on top of his abs,you started to move back and forth the friction going directly to your clit.
theo made an animalistic sound at this, "fuck baby, you really love my abs that much, huh?" he was fully smirking seeing you in this form.
"love it teddy" you responded, biting your lip.
"do you fuck your pillow like this, thinking it's my abs?" you blushed at being caught, and only nodded in response.
"you're close aren't you baby, you're gonna cum in your panties like a whore?" he had started helping you fasten your pace so that your could reach your high.
"m'your whore teddy" you managed to make out, and just as you did you reached your orgasm, it was so stretched out that you were shaking by the end of it.
"fuck that was so hot, now don't you think my dick needs a little riding too?" he asked cheekily and you were more than happy to oblige.
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obsessedwithceleste · 7 months
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Mother Brother Knows Best
Theodore Nott x reader
Based on this request 🫶🏽
Summary: In which Theodore is no match for the sheer determination of a twelve year old fueled by sugar, pumpkin juice, and spite.
word count: 4.1k
©️ obsessedwithceleste. all works posted here belong to me and should not be reposted or copied in any way or form.
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“Take a picture mate, it’ll last longer,” Mattheo says, collapsing onto the sofa next to his brooding friend.
Theo looks at the boy next to him in annoyance. Mattheo had been meant to meet him in the library thirty minutes ago, and while he was waiting on his habitually late friend, he’d been forced to watch the love of his life practically sit on bloody Cormac McLaggen’s lap. What you saw in that boy, Theo had no idea.
Theo had fancied you for what felt like forever to him at that point, and it’s not like he was exactly subtle about it. At least he didn’t think he was being subtle, but ask any of his friends and they’d say that holding eye contact from across the room for over 3 seconds did not count as a declaration of love. But what did they know. Not that it mattered anyway because somehow, he’d managed to lose you to the toadstool that the Gryffindor house claimed to be a fully functioning wizard.
“I wasn’t staring,” he mutters defensively, breaking his steady glare away unconvincingly.
“Sure you weren’t. How is little y/n anyway? Haven’t seen much of her since she and ole McLaggen started snogging and such,” Mattheo responds easily, an amused grin spreading across his face as he watched his friend tense.
“Fuck off. Don’t remind me.”
With a silent snicker, Mattheo leaned back in his chair. Ever since you had started going out with Cormac, it had been increasingly easy for Mattheo to ruffle Theo’s feathers. The boy really had been taken with you for months now, and Mattheo simply saw this as payback for all the hours he’d been forced to listen to Theo’s rather pathetic pining. She doesn’t even know I exist this, and we made eye contact for a whole 7 seconds that. You’d managed to bring the ever stoic Theodore Nott to his bloody knees, and you didn’t even know it.
“So, about that charms homework…” Mattheo says eventually, breaking Theo’s blazing gaze away from you and Cormac once more.
“No time. Carter should be here any minute since you, are thirty minutes late.”
Mattheo raises an eyebrow.
“You’re still gonna tutor that little gremlin? Thought you were just trying to get on y/n’s good side. No point now eh?”
For the past few month or so, Theo had been tutoring your younger brother in charms and transfiguration and, while Mattheo was right about his initial intentions, the little bugger had slowly grown on him. Like a fungus.
Theo shrugs noncommittally as he spots the young Slytherin from across the library.
“Not just gonna let Carter fail. He’s a good kid.” He mumbles.
“Aw Teddy, you’ve gone soft,” Mattheo teases as his eyes follow the young boy making his way excitedly towards them.
Making a face at his friend, Theo tosses a scroll of parchment across the table and Mattheo reaches out to snatch it.
“Get outta here ya tosser.”
With one last smirk, Mattheo rises lazily from their place on the sofas, nodding once at Carter who sidles up to him before making his escape, a completed charms essay successfully secured.
“Hi Theodore!” Carter greets, swinging his bag onto the sofa next to Theo before climbing up himself.
“Hey buddy, what’re we working on today?” Theo asks, a fond smile growing on his face as the young boy makes himself comfortable.
Usually Theo wasn’t one for children of any sort. He found them to be, sticky. But Carter almost reminded him of a younger version of himself. Feisty and energetic with a sharp tongue. The pair honestly got on like a house on fire and Theo actually looked forward to their tutoring sessions.
“Levitating charms,” Carter replies with a look of disgust. “Ew. Is that Cormac and y/n?” He asks, spotting his sister across the library.
Matching Carter’s face of disgust, Theo nods his head in confirmation, pulling out his own charms book.
“He’s the bloody worst. I wish y/n would date someone cool for once. She has a talent for always picking the worst ones. I heard Cormac say he wants to see what’s under y/n’s skirt once, so I told him that the only way he was going to get laid was by crawling up a chicken’s arse and waiting. He didn’t like that. But his friends all thought it was funny. But then he locked me in a broom closet. But it was fine cause Enzo found me a few minutes later and beat Cormac’s arse for me,” Carter rambles, flipping through the pages of his textbook.
Salazar, for a second year, this kid was certainly mouthy, Theo thought.
“Think Enzo mentioned that to me actually.” He replies off-handedly.
“Yeah. He’s so cool. I think y/n used to have a crush on him a few years ago. Don’t tell her I said anything though. You’re cool too.” Carter says, looking down at his book. “Hey! Why don’t you date y/n? Then I could see you during holiday! Hopefully Cormac doesn’t stick long enough to make it to Christmas. I don’t want him to stink up the house.”
Theo feels his cheeks begin to redden at the boy’s statement and he begins to stutter. Damn he hoped his filter wasn’t this bad when he was twelve.
“Let’s just get back to the lesson,” he mumbles, hoping to redirect the young boy.
Lucky for him, Carter obliges, allowing the older boy to guide him through the precise wand movements essential to the spell in question.
“Windgardimum leviosum”
“Wingardinum liviosa”
“Windgarnium leviosauarasurausrus.”
“Now you’re just making words up,” Theo laughs as the boy fails to pronounce the spell correctly for what feels like the hundredth time.
“Because I am!” The boy says with frustration.
“Hey, c’mon, it’s fine okay. Ready? Win.”
“Nice! Now the second part. Lev.”
“Great. Now put it together.”
“Wingardium Leviosa.”
“Perfect, now add the wand movements,” Theo instructs.
Moments later, Carter has a textbook floating through the air with ease.
“So will you date my sister?” Carter asks as he slides his books back into his bag.
Theo chokes on air. It had been a bit over an hour and the two had perfected the boy’s levitating charms and worked on turning a flower into a teacup, so Theo had assumed that their previous conversation was all but forgotten to the younger boy. Apparently not.
“Sorry?” He splutters, looking over at his companion.
“My sister. Will you date her? I saw you get all red earlier so you must like her, at least a little,” the boy says nonchalantly as if pointing out the most obvious thing in the world.
Theo feels the heat rushing to his cheeks once more.
“Look little man, I appreciate the support, but it’s not really entirely up to me to decide. Your sister is taken,” Theo tries to reason.
The boy just shrugs.
“We’ll just have to break em up then. Cormac is dumb as rocks, so it’s not like it’ll be hard,” he replies.
Theo can barely hold in his laughter. Salazar this kid was great.
“You know what Carter, if you can break those two up, yeah, I’ll ask out y/n,” he says, patting the young boy on the back.
“Deal.” Carter says, sticking out his hand. “But don’t think I don’t know that I’m doing you a favor too. I’ve seen you stare at my sister. Oh. And if I need help plotting, you have to help me too.”
Damn this kid was good. A right and proper Slytherin.
“Deal.” Theo replies, shaking the boys hand.
As he’s leaving the library, he hears Carter’s voice ring out.
“Hey Cormac! The village called and said they want their idiot back, so you better get going!”
Salazar he’d really found himself the perfect ally he thought gleefully. With a final snicker, Theo pushed open the library doors and headed back down to the dungeons.
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You watch with silent amusement from the entrance of the Great Hall as your younger brother once again made Cormac’s life a living disaster, sending pumpkin juice flying all over the older boy’s robes. For the past week or so, you’d noticed your brother sabotaging your boyfriend’s every move with varying levels of discretion; from tripping him in the halls, causing him to trip into you, to sticking him to his chair in the library during a study date.
At first you’d found it annoying as you’d known your brother didn’t like your boyfriend, but thought he didn’t have to make the boy miserable. But then, as you were passing by what you thought was an empty classroom, you’d heard your brother’s voice whispering to one Theodore Nott.
“Do you think it would be too far to just get him expelled? If I have to see him snog my sister one more time, I’ll release one of Hagrid’s beasts on him myself!” You’d heard Carter exclaim, followed by Theo’s low chuckle.
“Easy there little basilisk. Let’s not get the guy expelled, as aggravating as he might be.”
You’d never really spoken to Theo much in the past, and aside from brief eye contact from across the classroom, you really couldn’t remember interacting with the boy at all. But he’d begun tutoring your brother a few months ago, and Carter would not stop going on about the boy. You knew your brother was quite picky with his friends, and very difficult to impress, so to be so taken with the bloke. You knew Theodore had to be something special. You’d started noticing him more after that, dark and broody, but also sharp witted and fiercely loyal to his group of Slytherins. Not to mention ridiculously handsome.
You subconsciously take a step closer, listening to the two boys.
“I don’t understand why she likes him. He’s so dumb. And mean. He’s always picking on me and my friends when y/n isn’t around. And he thinks he’s so cool because he’s a bloody Gryffindor. I don’t know why she wouldn’t just date you in the first place. You’re the best,” you hear Carter grumble as you feel yourself blush.
You hear Theo laugh again. “Let’s finish this chapter and then you can continue plotting Cormac’s demise okay?” You hear him say.
“Fine. Do you think y/n will break up with him if he smells? I wanna hide a dung beetle in his robes.”
“That’s actually not a bad idea. Now- quill pen into a telescope, let’s go.” Theo says with a snort.
After that, you’d begun to take your brother’s words to heart, noticing Cormac’s rash reactions towards the younger students, and loud outbursts whenever something didn’t go his way. You’d always assumed Carter was just goading at your boyfriend, but maybe he had a point.
Breaking away from your usual group of friends, you divert your attention to your younger brother who was now sitting alone at the long green and silver table on the other side of the hall.
“Morning Carter,” you greet, sitting down next to him at Slytherin table, quiet chatter filling the Great Hall.
“Didn’t want to sit next to your boyfriend covered in pumpkin juice?” Your brother asks innocently, taking a sip from his own pumpkin juice filled glass.
“Mm. I saw.” You respond dryly, side eyeing your brother as you filled your plate.
“It was an accident.”
“I’m sure. So, how are your tutoring sessions going? Mum and dad gonna be on you next holiday?” You ask.
“No way. Theo has me getting top marks on all my assignments. He’s the best,” Carter brags.
“Yeah? You seem to like him. A lot more than Cormac that’s for sure.” You comment.
“Well duh. Theo’s like, one of the coolest blokes in Slytherin, and Cormac is one of the biggest tossers in the whole school. Bit of an insult to even compare Theo to that wank-cloth to be honest.”
You struggle to maintain your composure, holding in your laughter, and before you’re able to probe your brother any further, a plate is plonked down across the table.
“Carter! My favorite little second year!” Enzo says brightly, taking his seat.
“Enzo it’s too early for you to be this cheery. No one is that cheery at 7:30 am let’s reel it in,” Mattheo groans, sitting down on Carter’s other side.
“Theo!” Carter exclaims as the brown haired boy takes his spot across from you.
“What’s up little man, how’d that charms exam go?”
“I got the top score in my class,” your brother responds proudly as you gaze across the table at his tutor.
Theo really was handsome.
Quickly shaking the thoughts from your head, you force yourself to zone back into the conversation.
“I remember being in second year charms,” Mattheo was saying.
“No you don’t, you never showed up,” Enzo snorts.
“Shut up pretty boy.”
“Speaking of second year. Where are your friends in second year?” You interrupt, suddenly realizing that your brother was in fact surrounded by a whole gang of sixth years.
“They’re all scared of them,” Carter shrugs nonchalantly, gesturing towards the boys around you.
Mattheo’s jaw drops open in mock offense.
“I can assure you y/n, we are prime role models for young Slytherins.” He says.
“Didn’t you and Draco just get a detention for sending a hoard of rabid pygmie puffs after a group of firsties?” Carter asks, taking a large bite of his eggs.
“Minor details.”
“Right. Note to self, Theodore is the only one of you to be left alone with Carter. Got it.” You joke, almost missing the tinge of red in Theo’s cheeks as he ducks his head, suddenly very interested in his breakfast.
“That’s fine with me. Theo skips class all the time too, so I won’t be missing much,” Carter says matter of factly as he proceeds to drown his pancakes and eggs in syrup.
Now it’s Theo’s turn to drop his jaw at the young boy.
“Little snitch, you said you wouldn’t bring that up,” he says, throwing a bit of his toast at your younger brother.
Carter just laughs, tossing sticky egg right back.
“That’s on you for trusting a twelve year old, I can’t be held responsible for my actions, I’m just a kid,” he replies, sticking his tongue out at his tutor.
You watch the scene before you play out, a smile growing on your face.
“Oh he’s going to make Slytherin house proud,” Mattheo says with a grin as Theo proceeds to throw a bit of muffin back your brother’s way.
“Woah woah woah there Theodore, leave y/n’s brother alone,” a voice says from behind you.
You turn to see Cormac approaching the table, dried pumpkin juice still staining the front of his shirt.
“Piss off Cormac,” Mattheo tells him, a scowl quickly taking over his face.
“Don’t think I will. Can’t stand by and watch my girlfriend’s brother get bullied,” he says, placing a protective hand on your shoulder. His gesture might’ve been nice a week ago, but at the moment you wanted to hurl.
“Right. Like you weren’t the one who locked Carter in a broom closet the other day you bloody bastard. How’d you like a replay of our little encounter?” Enzo sneers, going to rise from his seat only to be sat back down by Theo.
“I’m sorry, you did what?” You ask, fury rising in you as you whip around to face your boyfriend-for-not-much-longer.
“Relax, it was just some man to man bonding,” Cormac says, giving Carter a pat on the head. Carter smacks his hand away.
“Salazar Cormac, are you always this stupid, or do you just show off when we’re around? Get lost,” Theo says, the annoyance clear in his voice.
“Yeah! If I wanted to hear from an asshole, I’d just fart!” Carter adds, glaring up at the boy with crossed arms.
With a scowl, Cormac sneers at the group of Slytherin boys glaring right back at him before giving your shoulder a tug.
“C’mon then y/n. You shouldn’t be hanging out with this filth anyway,” he practically growls.
You frown at the Gryffindor. What on Earth had made you like this boy? The mix of sheer embarrassment, disgust, and rage sends a shiver down your spine.
“Fuck of Cormac. We are so, so done. And my brother isn’t filth.” You snap, abruptly turning your back on him.
You’re met with a satisfied smirk on Theo’s face as the other boys jeer at Cormac as he stomps away.
“Bloody hell, who let me stay with that tosser for so long?” You mutter, stabbing at one of your sausages.
“Not to say I told you so, but I totally told you so,” Carter says through a mouthful of egg.
“Point very well taken.”
The five of you eat in silence for a moment, but when you look up, you see Carter mouthing something furiously at Theo who looks mortified.
“What’re you two on about?” You ask, breaking the silence as you glance back and forth between the two boys.
“Yeah Theo, what are we on about?” Carter says pointedly at the older boy.
Mattheo and Enzo, now also fully invested, look between Carter and Theodore as well, a sinister grin spreading across Mattheo’s face as realization grows.
“Oh I think I have a good idea of what they’re on about,” he says, taking on a playful tone.
“Don’t you start.” Theo grumbles.
You look blankly between the boys as they seem to be having a silent conversation amongst themselves.
“Well this has been lovely really. So glad you all got a front row seat to the drama that is my life, but I think it’s time I head out,” you say finally when none of the boys speak up.
As if coming to a stalemate, four heads turn to you, and you leave to a chorus of “Bye, y/n’s and see you laters.”
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You found yourself once again seated in the library, scribbling away on your DADA assignment. It had been a bit over a week since you’d dropped Cormac and you’d forgotten how bloody nice it was to not be constantly dragged down by him when studying. As you continue to scratch away at your parchment, a loud thud shakes you out of your focus.
“What’s up sissy?” Carter says, his bag joining his large stack of books on the table as he makes himself comfortable in the chair next to you. “Matt over here!” He whisper tells, gesturing frantically to the curly haired boy who was quickly making his way over to you.
“Ah y/n! Perfect timing! Been such a pleasure chatting with you for the last several hours eh?” He says, sliding into the seat across from you.
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
Just then, a miffed looking Theo bursts through the library door, eyes quickly zoning in on Mattheo and your brother.
“What did you two do?” You hiss as the boy begins stalking over.
“Nothing!” Carter says quickly.
You glare at the two boys.
“We might have allegedly started a small fire in the dorms,” Mattheo grumbles, trying to look invested in one of the random textbooks that had been strewn across the table.
“You did what?” You whisper yell across the table.
“Allegedly!” He emphasizes, still not looking up.
“I know it was you two. And also probably Enzo.” Theo states unamusedly, walking up to the table, arms crossed.
“Us? We would never! We’ve been here studying with y/n this whole time!” Mattheo says, looking very offended for someone who was in fact guilty of what Theo was accusing.
“Yeah?” Theo asks. “You’ve been here reading Advanced Love Spells in the third edition?” Theo says, raising an eyebrow as he gestures to the book Mattheo was holding.
“Uh, yeah,” Mattheo responds.
“Really? Because it’s upside down,” Theo replies, snatching the book and turning it right side up before giving it back to Mattheo.
“I enjoy a challenge.” Mattheo retorts, doubling down as he snaps the volume shut.
Theo just dead stares his friend for a moment before sighing and slumping into the last remaining seat.
“I’m not covering for you if Snape asks me who did it.” He says eventually.
“But you won’t snitch?”
Theo glares at his friend.
“Don’t insult me.” He grumbles. Then turning towards Carter. “I’m advising to Snape that I begin tutoring you in potions too before you burn the entire castle down,” he tells him.
Carter just grins bashfully.
“Great! Now that that’s all settled, I’ll be off. Y/n, pleasure as always. Boys.” And with one last nod, and a sarcastic salute, Mattheo is off.
“One day, I’m going to murder him, and drop his body in the Black Lake,” Theo says under his breath.
“Alright. Which one of you is going to explain?” You ask, looking sternly between the two boys you were left with.
Before Theo has the chance to get a word in, Carter shoots up.
“I just remembered that I need to get a book for our tutoring session tonight! Be right back!” He exclaims, running off.
“Well I suppose that answers that,” Theo mutters.
“Are my parents going to get an owl? And if so, how bad will the howler be on a scale of 1-10?”
“I don’t think they’ll be owled. If anything, Matt will take the fall for the three of them,” Theo assures you.
“So what exactly happened?”
“Not entirely sure, but from what I gathered, Matt and Enzo decided that they would be able to help your brother with his potions homework, proceeded to forget about the cauldron sitting on an open flame, and then had the audacity to be surprised when a stack of parchment caught fire because Matt’s side of the dorm is a mess.”
You purse your lips.
“Yeah, that sounds about right. I’m so sorry. You share a room with them don’t you?”
Theo nods his head.
“How’d you know that?”
“Carter hasn’t shut up about you since you started tutoring him.” You reply with an awkward laugh. “Thanks for doing it by the way. And for letting him hang around you lot. He seems so much happier lately.”
A small smile appears on Theo’s face.
“We like having him around. Kid’s a spitfire. And an excellent alibi. Not that we’d ever get him into trouble,” he says quickly.
You let out a light laugh.
“I’m very sure that Carter would find trouble with or without you lot. He tends to go looking for it.”
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence as you wait for Carter to return, and you try to turn your focus back to your assignment. It’s significantly harder to concentrate you find however, with the handsome Slytherin sitting across from you fingering idly through one of the textbooks he’d picked up.
“Someone’s deep in thought.”
Theo’s voice jolts you into the present, and you blush knowing he’d definitely caught you staring.
“Just annoyed with this bloody DADA assignment,” you mumble, hoping he hadn’t realized just how long you’d been staring.
“Did it earlier. It’s a bit of a snooze.”
You nod your head in agreement.
“Would you want to work on it together sometime?” He asks suddenly, words practically tumbling from his mouth.
You look up at the boy in surprise.
“Um, I’m not sure a really need a tutor…” you say trailing off.
Theo gives you a lopsided grin, shaking his head a bit.
“I meant as a study date.”
You feel yourself blush for what feels like the thousandth time.
“Oh. Then yes. I’d like that.” You say, holding back the huge grin that was threatening to take over your face.
“I’m back!” Carter sings, skipping his way back to the table and effectively ending the moment. “Was that enough time for you to ask her out? I can only stare at those dusty shelves for so long before I start going crazy.”
Your jaw drops as you turn to your brother.
“Did you really just set me up?”
“Duh. Christmas is only a few weeks away, and you clearly don’t have good judgment. I can’t risk having to see some stinky loser over break! And Mattheo said Theo’s had a crush on you since forever, so it was really a win for everybody.”
Now it was Theo’s turn to look embarrassed and offended.
“You didn’t need to tell her the last bit,” he hissed at your brother.
Carter just shrugs in response.
“This is what you two get for putting a twelve year old in charge of your love lives.”
“Carter, I don’t think either of us put you in charge of our love life,” you tell your all too satisfied younger brother.
“Well you should’ve. I got better results in a couple weeks than you two did in sixteen years.”
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And that’s a wrap! I know I strayed from the rec a tad bit, but hopefully I did your request justice🫶🏽 Anyway, live laugh love Carter🙌🏽
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sunkissedscribbles · 24 days
the holy trinity.
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side note: how can i tag the entire slytherin boys fandom?
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nottsbitch · 1 month
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Dating Theo Nott
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thatdammchickennugget · 9 months
Take Care Of My Girl
pairing - mattheo riddle x fem!reader x lorenzo berkshire
warnings - cursing, smut, unprotected p in v, unprotected anal, threesome, some cringey dirty talk, MINORS DNI || 18+
wordcount - 2.7k
a/n - I just saw that I reached 1.000 followers that's insane! I wanna thank every single one of you for reading, reblogging, commenting, and following little old me, it really means so much to me <3 to celebrate I finally pushed myself to finish this, I hope you like it <3
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You should not have played with him this morning. But dressed in a pretty short black dress and feeling on top of the world with your hair falling down your back in perfect silky locks, you saw your chance to rile him up.
Knowing that you only had a couple of minutes left before you had to leave for the annual ball hosted by the Berkshire’s at the end of every summer, you grasped at the opportunity to tease your boyfriend.
He looked like a dream in his black suit and emerald collared shirt, hair tousled perfectly.
Mattheo was fixing his tie in front of the wide gold-rimmed mirror in his bedroom when you re-emerged from the bathroom after putting the finishing touches on your make-up.
Pressing your chest against his back, you snaked your arms around his middle, your palms rubbing along the edge of his slacks, middle and pointer finger sliding inside the tight-fitting material to play with the hem of his boxers.
One of your hands strayed from its path to slide up over his chest, soothing some of the tension from his tight muscles.
He finished fixing his tie as you scattered slow kisses along his shoulder blades, his eyes meeting yours in the mirror when your fingers found their way into his underwear.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he quipped, the corner of his lip quirking up as he studied the way you batted your lashes. He was fully aware you were up to something.
Cheek squished against his arm, you pushed your lips into a pout. “I need you, Matty.”
You did not miss the mischievous glint in his stare. It was never hard to rile him up, at least it wasn’t hard for you.
One of his hands found its place on your wrist, stopping your hand from sliding down even further. “What exactly do you need from me, baby?”
Pushing up onto your toes to nip at his ear, you made sure to let your breath hit the spot behind his ear. His weak spot, the spot that could make him melt beneath you if you targeted it just right.
“I need your cock.”
Through the mirror, you watched him bite down on his lower lip. He started pushing your hand closer to their destination, speaking in a low voice. “Why don’t you go ahead and show me just how needy you are?”
You happily obliged, sliding a hand over his length, relishing in the sound of the small gasp leaving his lips. One of his hands reached behind him, grasping your ass and pulling you even closer against his chest.
Slowly stroking him, you watched his face in the mirror, waiting for the moment he closed his eyes and leaned his head back before pulling your hand away and leaving a quick, teasing slap on his backside.
His eyes flew back open, finding yours with a confused expression. Sending him your cheeriest smile, you went to grab your bag. “Okay, let’s go. We’re going to be late if we don’t hurry.”
A knowing smirk made its way onto his face. That was the moment you should have realised he would retaliate, but you were feeling much too good about yourself to notice it.
You made your entrance at the Berkshire manor, greeting whoever Mattheo deemed important enough, and made polite conversation with whoever came up to talk to you. Soon Enzo arrived, and your boyfriend was pulling you along behind him as he followed his friend to the library, happy to get away from the crowd.
You took your place on one of the sofas, your thighs pressing against his as you leaned into him, watching as Enzo threw himself down on the sofa across from you. The boys instantly opened up a discussion on  Quidditch, so you took the moment to relax, already exhausted from socialising this much.
At first, you didn't even notice when Mattheo’s hand edged higher and higher up your thigh, but once it finally made its way beneath your dress, you instinctively clenched your legs together. Mattheo was not having it, his grip tightening as he pulled them apart.
You froze in place when his fingertips ghosted along the hem of your panties, checking  if Enzo had noticed what he was up to. Thankfully, he was not paying attention to you whatsoever, completely focused on what Mattheo was saying.
There was a hint of desperation in Mattheo’s touch now as he ran his thumb along the top of your panties. You caught his little smirk when he felt the wet patch beneath his finger, rubbing slow circles over your clit.
Your legs opened a bit more, silently asking him to continue despite the feeling of shame washing over you. His touch on your sensitive bud had goosebumps forming all over your body, but you didn’t  stop him. Not yet anyway.
Closing your eyes, you thought about his soft lips on your neck and his strong hands on your hips. About his powerful thrusts inside of you, and a new excitement washed over you. By the time he pushed your drenched underwear to the side and slid a finger inside of you, you had completely forgotten there was someone else in the room.
Mattheo began pumping his finger in and out at an agonisingly slow place, his thumb still drawing circles on your clit. You couldn’t  help the moan that slipped past your lips. Grinding your teeth together, you embraced the pleasurable feeling of your oncoming orgasm until you heard a soft groan from the other sofa.
Your eyes snapped open only to meet Enzo’s, staring back at you, his eyes wide. Your cheeks flushed  a bright red in embarrassment at being caught, though you felt yourself unwillingly clench around Mattheo's finger.
Your hand went to grab your boyfriend's wrist, trying to withdraw his hand from your core. He responded by pushing a second finger into your tight hole, increasing the pace of his thrusting digits. Another moan tumbled from your mouth when your gaze shifted, dropping down to find Enzo rubbing himself over his pants.
Suddenly everything became too much. Too overwhelming. The pleasure building between your legs was rising quickly, the intensity of Mattheo’s fingers pushing deep into your centre had you moaning louder and louder. Dropping your head back, you clutched at his arm tightly, your nails sure to be leaving marks on his skin.
"Oh, god," you cried out. Mattheo paused, his fingers withdrawing slightly as he looked down at you, his brows furrowed.
Then the corner of his lips curled up before he pulled them out completely, bringing his fingers up to his mouth, tasting your juices. "Mmm...so sweet."
With a whimper, you grabbed at his collar to pull him closer. But before your lips could meet, the door flew open, a familiar head of blonde hair appearing in the doorway.
"Mattheo, come on. My father wants to introduce us to someone," Draco told him, not even waiting for a reply before he was out in the hallway again.
Your jaw dropped when your boyfriend actually stood up, making his way to the door. "Really? You're going to leave me right now?"
He just looked at you with a cheeky grin, before turning to Enzo, making the other boy rush to attempt to cover the bulge in his pants. "Take care of my girl for me while I'm gone?" he said with a wink, pulling the door closed behind him.
Silence fell over the room. All you could hear was the heavy breathing of Enzo and your own erratic breaths. He had placed a pillow on his lap, refusing to meet your eyes, his face still flushed. A newfound boldness took over you at his flustered state and you pushed yourself off your seat, slowly making your way to where he was sitting.
He gulped when you came to a stop in front of him, your thighs brushing against his knees. You caught his eyes raking down your body, halting at your hips where your short dress was still pushed up, your panties clear on display.
Then they lifted up and found yours, full of heat.
"Are you going to?" you asked him in a low voice, almost a whisper. "Are you going to take care of me?"
His hands hesitantly rose to touch the side of your thighs, his touch leaving goosebumps in their path as they travelled up your exposed skin. When they found their destination at your hips, he hooked his fingers under your panties, sliding them down and revealing your soaked core.
He licked his lips, a nervous look crossing his features as you climbed onto his lap, straddling him. Your hips rocked forward, desperate to pull another groan from him.
Slowly, Enzo brought one hand up to cup your breast, kneading it softly through the thin material of your dress before he leaned in closer, his lips leaving soft kisses along your neck. You let out a shaky breath, grinding down harder against his growing bulge. Pressing his free hand between your legs, his fingertips teasingly brushed along your folds.
A gasp escaped you as you started rocking against him, needy for more. And more he gave. Steadily, Enzo teased your sensitive bud with his talented fingers. His tongue leaving wet trails down your neck, his lips lingering against your ear. "I’ll take really good care of you. I'll make you feel so good," he rasped.
It was like he had flipped a switch, all the tension that had been simmering underneath came pouring out as he captured your lips with his. Two of his fingers pushed into you, pumping in and out at a rapid pace while his other hand pulled down the front of your dress.
Enzo's lips pulled back, quickly attaching themselves back to your skin and trailing down to your exposed breasts. Your head thrown back, the loud moans now tumbled out of you freely. "That's it, love. Let me make you feel good," he mumbled against the soft skin around your nipple, before taking the hardened peak into his mouth.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you moaned loudly, your climax exploding as his teeth grazed over your sensitive nipple, body convulsing around his fingers. Enzo’s finger’s slowed their pace and he pulled you back into another kiss, his tongue running along your lower lip, until you finally collapsed against his chest.
You took a moment to come down from your high before you started sliding your hands down his chest towards the button of his pants. His eyes widened as your fingers made quick work unbuttoning them, one hand slipping under the waistband to stroke him over the material of his underwear.
A sigh left his mouth as your fingers worked on his swollen cock, eager for some release. Enzo groaned out your name, as you pushed the restraining material down,his whole body shuddering with pleasure when you took him into your hand. You smiled smugly as you continued to pump him,  his hips thrusting forwards in response. 
Pulling his head back by grasping some of his hair, you held his gaze while lowering yourself down onto his tip, relishing in how his hands gripped onto your hips tightly.  You started rocking your hips slowly, teasing his tip, sliding it along your folds. 
He growled and bucked up against you, his body shaking with the pleasure you were bringing him. Your mouth left open mouthed kisses along his neck , sucking and biting along his sensitive skin. Enzo’s grip tightened on your hips, pulling you impossibly close to himself.
You slid further down and he gasped sharply, his fingers pushing into your skin as he pushed you down, fully driving his erection inside you.  Your arms wrapped around his shoulders as you began rocking your hips faster, one of his hands sliding down to find your clit. 
He groaned in pleasure as he slammed harder into you, the friction sending sparks through your entire being. Enzo’s breathing was becoming more laboured, each thrust causing him to moan and cry out your name.
The pressure building within you threatened to burst from inside of you, and your toes curled, when you heard the door creak open behind you. Your hips stopped rocking and your hands squeezed Enzo’s shoulder blades. Both of you froze at the sound of footsteps coming closer.
"Oh, don't stop on my account," Mattheo rasped into your ear when he came to a stop behind you. "Come on, keep going." 
Your whole body stiffened at his words and your fingers dug deeper into Enzo’s shoulders. Enzo met your eyes, an unsure look on his face and his jaw clenched.  Slowly his hips started to rock up again, his movements slower than before.
Enzo’s breathing grew heavier as your hips started moving against him faster. You felt one of Mattheo's hands on your hips, pushing you down to meet Enzo's thrusts, the other coming down to smack your ass.
Mattheo let out a low chuckle at your yelp when his palm met your skin, the noise only fueling your arousal. A loud moan left Enzo’s mouth at your reaction. Mattheo's hand came up to your face, thump running over your bottom lip. "Open up, baby."
You obeyed instantly, opening your mouth to wrap your lips around his finger. You let out a small whine when he pulled it back out, resulting in another slap to your sensitive skin. Then a gasp tumbled from your mouth as he slowly pushed his saliva covered thump against the tight ring of your ass.
"Fucking hell..." Enzo breathed out when he slipped out of you and then slammed back into you again, intently watching your face as Mattheo slowly pushed his finger deeper. 
As your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you let out a louder moan, you felt Mattheo bite down on your shoulder, now pumping his finger into your ass in an agonising rhythm. Your whole body arched and shook as you felt your release getting closer with every pump of his finger. 
"Are you ready, good girl?" Mattheo nipped at your ear, the warm breath hitting your neck sending a shiver down your spine.
"Yes, please, Matty," you whined, leaning back against his chest as your eyes remained on Enzo's flushed face.
Your boyfriend muttered a quick lubrication charm before throwing his wand on the sofa behind him, replacing his finger with his already leaking tip. Your eyes clenched shut at the pleasurable pain when Mattheo slowly pushed himself into you, rocking into you gently before picking up his pace.
"God...fuck...fuck...yes!" you cried out, grabbing Enzo's biceps tightly, your nails digging in as they both started thrusting into you in sync, your muscles contracting around them. Your body trembled and your vision started fading in and out as your brain grew fuzzy. Everything faded out except the feeling of their bodies pressed against you, their moans filling the room as they pounded into you and you let the orgasm wash over you, Enzo still rubbing shapes into your sensitive bud.
Enzo cried out as he felt you clench around him,  his own body tensing as a rush of pleasure rushed through him. He let out another guttural groan as his release followed right behind yours, shooting his seed deep inside you before his hips jerked forward one final time.
Mattheo's thrust soon became even more erratic  and sloppy, his body meeting yours with heavy gasps. His teeth sunk back into the skin of your shoulder as he rode out his high. Panting in pleasure, his hands pulled you back against his chest.
You slumped against him, tears of pleasure pricking your eyes. Your chest ached as your heart beat frantically against your ribcage. You buried your face into the crook of Enzo's neck for a moment. Then you felt yourself being lifted off of Enzo's lap, Mattheo gently laying you down on the sofa next to the other boy.
Your boyfriend grabbed his wand, non-verbally casting a spell to clean the both of you up before sitting down himself and pulling you up onto his legs, leaving a kiss on your forehead.
"You can go now," he snapped at Enzo, who quickly scrambled to pull his pants back up and leave the room. You let out a soft laugh at his flustered expression, resting your head on Mattheo's chest.
Mattheo leaned down to press his lips to the top of your head, asking with a teasing tone, "Was this what you had in mind this morning?"
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Mattheo + Enzo Taglist: @slytherinboysappreciation @urmomsgirlfriend1 @remussbitch @nighttimewrites @starsval @gillyweeds @sir-elian @harryslittlebitch @thatblackthorn @gayforyelena @whoreforfictionalmen18 @darkacademicvibes @marauderswhxre @ravenclawprincess33 @sbrn0905 @atadoddinnit @helpimhopelesslyinlove @carav4l
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nottyoursbutmine · 2 months
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cruel summer | t.n
pairing: theodore nott x hufflepuff soulmate reader
the one where nott and Y/N never wanted a soulmate. so why can’t they stop thinking about each other after they agree to never talk about it again?
this is my first writing and you can totally tell. it’s super long for no reason so pls be nice. it has 3 OC in hufflepuff. totally wrote this overnight so I rushed the ending can you tell?
cruel summer - taylor swift
You’re listening to your best friend, Sophia, as you’re walking towards the Great Hall. For the past two weeks she has been ranting about the same thing, Blaise Zabini, her soulmate.
As she’s going on about the colors of trees, our uniforms, and flowers you can’t help but space off. They met while being paired up during Potions and spoke their first soulmate words to each other. She has always wanted to meet her soulmate and ever since then, she’s been happier than ever.
You have never wanted to meet your soulmate. The thought of being trapped down and having children will not be your future.
“Are you even listening to me?” Sophia asks.
“Oh, um…of course I was, Blaise is perfect, the sky is magical?” You say with uncertainty. You’re arriving at the Great Hall and approach your table to sit down.
She gives you a look and says, “No, you know exactly what I was saying…please Y/N!”
“Can I just ask why is this so important to you? I mean, it’s not as if we would have anything in common. Slytherin do not make friends with Hufflepuffs,” you say with a straight face. Compared to her always happy demeanor, you were the type of girl who looked at the glass half empty. Not to say you weren’t kind to everyone you met, but you were a realist.
“I have been trying to introduce you to Blaises’ friends since we met… please?” As she sits across from you at the table, she gives you her biggest smile, one that you can never say no to.
As you pick at your food, you finally give in. “Okay, fine but we have to invite the rest of the girls.”
She squeals, leans over the table and gives you a hug. You’ve never been one for physical contact but you’ve been friends with Sophia since diapers, so you do your best and pat her back.
You’re sitting on your bed with your curtains drawn staring at the words on your wrist, thinking about the power they hold. Your entire future is determined by your first words with a stranger. The words were harsh, feeding into your whole ‘wanting to be alone,’ thing. You wonder what their words say.
Seeing colors is something you have also always wondered about. What are the colors of your eyes and hair? What is the color green and why does it make nature look so beautiful? What about flowers? And the color of your clothes?
However, does spending forever with someone you didn’t get to choose sound worth it? You have heard stories of colors fading for people who have lost their soulmate or chosen to be alone, you wonder if that’s true.
You hear the door burst open and Sophia say, “Okay, get ready everyone! We’re going to the Slytherin common room.”
You pull your curtains back, then look at Violet and Ariana, Violet lets out a small laugh from her bed and says “What?”
“Yup! We are meeting Blaise, Riddle, Nott, Berkshire, and Malfoy in 1 hour,” Sophia says, “so you all better start getting ready.”
You all get up with a groan as you get up and all go into the bathroom to get ready. You decide to put on a warm sweatshirt/sweats set because it’s cold out and blowout your hair. You exit the bathroom and all make your way out of the Hufflepuff house.
Walking to the Slytherin common room seemed faster than it should have been. Sophia talked most of the way, assuring us that this will be fun. She always seemed to be the positive one in our group. She states that the guys are nicer in person and only look scary from afar or something like that.
As you get closer you see Zabini waiting outside. Sophia walked towards Blaise, greeting him with a kiss. “Blaise, these are my friends, Violet, Ariana and Y/N.”
He shakes Violet’s and Ariana’s hand, trying to make a good first impression on his soulmates friends and as he extends his hand towards you and Sophia stops him, “Y/N doesn’t touch.”
You feel your heart get warm, you didn’t know how you were going to get out of that awkward situation. She knows you so well, you just give her a small smile as a thank you.
He just chuckles and says, “Exactly like someone else I know. Okay, c’mon the guys are inside.” As you walk in you can’t help but look around, even though you can’t see colors, the Slytherin common room has always been famously talked about and you wanted to know what the fuss was about.
You see Berkshire sitting on an armchair, reading a book. Malfoy is sitting on the floor with his back to the couch and he’s doing homework on the table. Riddle laying on a couch and Nott laying on the couch across from him talking you think about Herbology.
“Girls, these are the guys, right there is Malfoy. Right there is Riddle, over there is Nott, and there is Berkshire.” Zabini says pointing over at them without looking, without caring. It made you internally laugh.
Your eyes glaze over the boys and you just give them a smile. The girls give the boys their biggest smile and say hello, Ariana even goes as far as to give her famous flirtatious hugs. Not that you are judging, these guys are attractive.
Nott and Riddle sit down on the couches to make room for you girls. You sit next at the end of the couch to the left of Violet, who’s in the middle sitting next to Riddle. Ariana is sitting across from you, to the right of Sophia. Sophia is sitting next to Zabini, who’s finally sitting next to Nott at the very left. Berkshire is hadn’t moved from his place in the arm chair and Malfoy had collected his homework, but was still sitting on the floor.
The usual topics come by, grades, hate for the teachers, holidays, and the usual family drama. “Okay let’s get real, has everyone here met their soulmate?” Ariana asks.
Berkshire begins to rant about his soulmate, one that everyone knew he had. It was nice to hear him say those sweet words about her.
Malfoy rolls his eyes and says, “Doesn’t everyone already know the answer to this question? It’s not as if this school doesn’t spread the word as soon as it happens.”
Riddle laughs looking over at him, “You’re just upset because Granger is mad at you right now.”
“I don’t know why you don’t go apologize to her like I’ve been saying, staying here isn’t going to help her forgive you,” Berkshire says.
“He’s right, you need to man up and go to her dorm,” Nott speaks up, “if you don’t she’ll be pissed forever man.”
Malfoy looks like he wants to kill all his friends as he gets up and storms out of the common room, assumingely on his way to the Gryffindor house.
Malfoy, Berkshire, and Zabini are the only ones in the group who have found their soulmates, leaving Riddle and Nott to find theirs.
As everyone but Nott and you answer the question, the tension shifts. “So Y/L/N, have you found your soulmate?” Riddle asks, a hint of suggestiveness in his voice.
All eyes fall on you, “Um...No, I haven’t, but I don’t want to either, so…” you say trailing off.
“You don’t want to? Sounds familiar. Can we ask why you don’t want to?” He pries while glancing to the side, at something or someone. You’re not sure if you imagine it but everyone leans in closer, except for Nott of course, who’s sitting against the couch, eyes not leaving you.
“Well, let’s just say, I’m not going to let some words, colors, and a stranger determine a future I have already envisioned for myself, one that does not have a soulmate,” you have the straightest face and you’re not sure if it’s just your natural face or if you’re just annoyed by all these questions.
The boys sit in silence as they all give each other looks to your answer, however Nott is just staring at you and for some reason you’re afraid to look his way.
It seems like the night has ended with what you said and you decide you need to leave to room immediately. “Okay well, if that’s all I’m going now…I have to go to the library to finish my homework.”
Violet and Ariana follow you out, Sophia stays behind to spend more time with Zabini. As you’re walking you feel eyes burning into the back of your head.
Heading back to your common room from the library alone before curfew was a usual trip for you. The dark, empty corridor never scared you, it actually brought you peace. Ariana was the only one who preferred to study with you, but today she wanted to rest.
Fever dream high in the quiet of the night
While turning a corner you trip over something you don’t see, hands wrap around torso preventing you from falling. You drop your books and loose papers on the ground. You immediately push yourself away from the person holding you up.
It’s so dark out, you can’t see the tall figure, however, as you bend over to pick up everything you dropped, his shoes look expensive.
And so you do what you do best, apologize,“Oh Merlin, I’m so sorry. Are you okay? Than-”
You feel the person slightly freeze but not enough for you to process it, “My god, what the hell is wrong with you?”
Now it’s your turn to freeze. You’re afraid to look up, you’re afraid to even move. All of a sudden everything is different, you understand what Sophia means when she says the lights are yellow and actually do light up the night. You look at your clothes and see your yellow set. Everything yellow.
You’re not even sure why but you thought you had more time to find them. You’ve collected all your things and you’re still there staring at the ground. How are you supposed to tell this guy you’re not interested?
As you stand up, you stare into the eyes of Theodore Nott and you’re not sure what you feel. His eyes are so brown, his hair is so brown and he looks so attractive in his Slytherin uniform.
You’re both just standing staring at each other and you’re not sure what to say to him. Should you rip the bandaid off?
“Okay so, I don’t want you and you don’t want me, right? Let’s just pretend this never happened,” he has the straightest face ever.
You’re grateful he said it first so you didn’t have to but you’re not sure why you’re heart skipped a beat, almost like his words hurt you. “Okay.”
You’re not sure what else to say and you’re also not sure why your heart is now beating so hard in your chest. The colors don’t even matter anymore, what only matters to you now is that he’s in front of you and that he was just in front of you a few hours earlier, yet you never spoke one word to each other.
You thought the conversation was over, you thought he would walk away. He clears his throat, “Okay well then, let’s shake on it,” he says as he extends his hand out to you without looking away from your eyes.
You look at his hand and in a beat place your hand in his, slowly shaking it. “So we agree to not tell anyone,” looking back in his eyes. Your heart starts beating faster and your mind starts racing. You pull your hand back and say, “Goodbye then,” you walk away and don’t look back.
Ariana wakes you up the next morning, saying something about almost being late for breakfast.
As you get up, enter the bathroom to get ready and put your uniform on, you curl your hair and put it in a ponytail with side pieces out.
As you exit the bathroom you see Sophia sitting on her bed. “What do you all say about sitting with Blaise and the boys for breakfast this morning?” she says with a grin.
Ariana claps her hands together, jumping up and down, “That would be so fun. Last night was so fun!” Throughout the night she became good friends with the boys by gossiping about the teachers and student drama in the school.
Violet gives Sophia a small smile, “I think that would be nice.”
All eyes turn to me, I roll eyes in sarcasm, “Okay, let’s just go or all the blueberry muffins will be gone and you know how I feel about that.”
You follow Sophia to the Slytherin table and as the boys see you all approach, you see Zabini say something to them, making them scoot over. Sophia casually sits next to Zabini at the end of the table. You sit down first, scooting over for Ariana and Violet. Riddle is to your right, Nott directly across from you, and Violet to your left.
You immediately begin looking around for a blueberry muffin but don’t see one, the only one you see is on Notts plate. So you go for the second best option, banana bread.
“Aw we were too late? I’m sorry hun. Tomorrow will be better,” Sophia says with her positive attitude. You give her a smile and try to not continue the conversation.
“Late for what?” Riddle asks with a mouth full of food.
“Y/N loves her blueberry muffin for breakfast,” Violet says as if it’s the biggest secret in the school. You shrug because it’s true, there’s nothing better to start your day off with.
“Here then.” Nott holds out his plate offering you his muffin. The guys give him a look as if he just told them he’s joining the circus.
“No, it’s yours,” you say, giving him the exact same look.
He pushes the plate closer to you, “Take the damn muffin if you’re going to be complaining about it.”
The energy has completely changed, “Woah man, what the hell?” Berkshire says, sitting to Notts left.
Your eyes narrow at him, push the plate away and in your calmest voice say, “I didn’t complain about any damn thing, you’re getting hysterical Nott. Why don’t you calm down?”
And with that, he storms out of the Great Hall leaving his friends to question exactly what happened.
You’re left staring at where he was sitting, hurt in your chest but you both made this decision. And if you bleed he’ll be the last to know.
It’s been two weeks since you have found Nott, two weeks since you’ve been trying your best to avoid him, and two weeks since you’ve been failing at it.
You’re sitting in the library with Cedric working on your project. You’ve been working for hours and for hours Nott and Berkshire have been sitting in your line of view doing ‘homework.’ You turn back to Cedric, this grade is more important than some boy.
For some reason, Nott can’t look away from you. His mind is going crazy knowing you’re avoiding him. He’s the one who made this decision, why can’t he get you off his mind?
He thinks about the first words you spoke to each other and regrets being so harsh towards you, he wonders if you hate him for that. He wonders if the words on your skin have taunted you forever and if that’s truly why you don’t want a soulmate.
Colors haven’t faded for him, probably because he keeps following you, trying to be close to you. The color of your hair and eyes, your after school outfits. Your smile and the way you tilt your head back when you laugh. He cannot look away from you.
Berkshire realizes Nott isn’t paying attention to him at all, turning around to see what he’s staring at. “Merlin, is she your soulmate or something?”
Notts heart skips a beat, “What are you talking about? O-Of course she’s not,” trying his best to play it off.
Berkshire gives Nott a look, “You constantly follow her around, you threatened Cedric to not make a move even though he has a soulmate, you always save a blueberry muffin at breakfast in case she sits with us, you always-”
“Are you a detective or something?” Nott says narrowing his eyes.
“Listen, I just think that, if you have something to say…you should say it before it’s too late. I should go, I’m meeting Olivia but…think about it,” he says as he gets up leaving to meet his soulmate, a glint in his eyes.
“Wait,” Nott stops Berkshire, “Don’t tell anyone.”
“I promise.”
As he sits there waiting for you to finish with Cedric, the words Berkshire said can’t leave his mind. Cedric’s soulmate walks up to the table with a smile greeting Y/N, his arrival makes Cedric get up and says goodbye to you.
Nott takes this opportunity to walk up to your table and simply sit down across from you, taking Cedric’s former seat. You simply stare at him, not knowing what to say. His eyes are so brown, his hair looks so soft, and his sweater looks so warm you just want to reach over and feel every part of him.
You’re both staring at each other in silence, both afraid to make the first move, your heart is beating so fast and you can’t think of a single thing to say to him.
He takes a deep breath, looks in your eyes and says, “I know you probably don’t want to talk to me right now but I can’t stop thinking about you and colors are brighter when you’re in the room, I need to see your smile and hear your laugh everyday or else I- I can’t think about anything else and you seem so okay but I-”
To say you’re in shock is an understatement, you’re afraid to open your mouth unsure of what will come out. You reach over the table and hold his hand in an attempt to calm him down, “I’m not okay,” you say looking down at your hands as he starts drawing circles, “I think about you all the time, it’s exhausting.”
“I never thought finding my soulmate would feel like this, I never thought choosing my own path would be the wrong option.” You give him your biggest smile and he stares at you with a glint in his eyes you’ve never seen before. “So, how should we go on about this? Do we tell everyone now?”
You let out a nervous chuckle, “How about we start to get to know each other first?”
“I already know everything about you. You love blueberry muffins, cats, you don’t have a favorite flower because they’re too hard to choose from, you don’t drink your drink until after you finish eating, you hate people who chew with their mouth open, you-”
“Okay! Wow, you really do know me. Have you been purposefully following me?” You say in a teasing tone, your heart warming at the fact that your soulmate knows you, the real you.
You see his cheeks heat up and his head lower, “What? No! Uh-no, I-”
“Nott,” you say pulling your hands back from his, giving him a small smile, “I’m just joking around.”
He grabs your hands back pulling them into his, the warmth of his hands helping with the cold of the library. “It’s Theo.”
Your cheeks warm up, “It’s Y/N.”
It’s been a week since the conversation in the library and having a soulmate was better than you have ever heard. Theo and you haven’t gone further than holding hands in secret and sharing pecks on the cheeks and the corner of each other’s mouth. It has been excruciating holding back from kissing him, but you want him to make the first move.
For the past week, you woke up early in the morning to meet with Theo before breakfast. You told your friends you went to the library to get some extra study hours in. For some reason, they never questioned you and you never questioned that.
They don’t know you meet Theo in either The Room of Requirement or an empty classroom and just talk about anything and everything. Before it was blueberry muffins and now this is the best way to start your days.
This morning you’re laying on the couch in the Room of Requirement with him on top of you as you play with his hair in silence. “Can I admit something to you?”
“Of course you can,” you say furrowing your brows.
He looks up, grinning like a devil, causing you to stop playing with his hair. “I tripped you. When we met, I saw you walking, I saw you in your mind and for some reason I just wanted to…touch you. Which I knew I needed to do because I’ve never felt that way. I’ve never wanted to feel someone’s skin against mine. I don’t want to keep secrets just to keep you.” His voice getting deeper as he talks and your heart beating faster as the air grows thick with something you’re unfamiliar with.
You can’t look away and your skin is burning. Was it always so hot in here? You don’t know what to say. His eyes are so brown, the brown you love. You only have one thing to say, “Kiss me.”
He doesn’t hesitate, holding himself up with his right hand so you’re laying underneath him. He grabs your jaw with his left hand and immediately places his lips on yours. The kiss starts off gently, with you running your fingers through his hair, as you pull on it he immediately begins deepening the kiss, his left hand now cupping the back of your head pulling on your hair.
Typically when walking towards the Great Hall with Theo, you both arrive before anyone and walk to your separate tables, waiting for your friends without suspicion. However this time, with everything that happened, you two were a little late.
You both arrive at the Great Hall and see your friends sitting together, giving you both looks as if they’ve been expecting you. Now your mind is racing with probabilities. Is your shirt ruffled? Is your hair out of place? Are Theo’s buttons unbuttoned? Is Theo’s hair ruffled?
Theo and you sit down seats away from each other as casual as you can as if that would be less suspicious. You serve yourself breakfast, ignoring the silence and obvious topic you’re trying to avoid.
Riddle scoffs, “Okay, I’m tired of this, when are you two going to tell us?” He says looking only at Theo.
“What are you talking about?” Theo says, furrowing his brows feigning confusion.
Ariana speaks up, “Y/N, we really thought you would tell us if anything happened.”
“I understand why you wouldn’t but finding your soulmate is something massive that you needed time to process-”
You cut Sophia off, “Soulmate? So you all know then.”
“We know.” They all say in unison.
“Wait, how? Besides Berkshire who promised not to tell…” Theo said.
“Wait Berkshire figured it out?” You ask.
Berkshire nods his head as he says, “Oh c’mon it was so obvious. He was stalking her, obsessed with blueberry muffins, his mood would change when she was around, he switched seats to be near her, guys around her would suddenly not be-”
Theo narrows his eyes, “Okay, you could’ve stopped a long time ago. We get it.”
You look at your friends, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys, it was all just complicated.”
They all look at each other and Violet smiles, “We get it Y/N, we all noticed you’ve been happier too.”
Ariana adds in a teasing tone, “Plus you two weren’t that secretive walking back to the dorms before curfew. I must say though, you actually looked cute, his arm around your shoulder.”
Your cheeks warm up, the fact that they know and it’s now official, setting in.
You turn to Theo, finding him already staring at you. You immediately give him a smile and look into his eyes, his eyes are so brown, the brown you love. He smiles back and-
“Yuck! You two are disgusting, I’m trying to eat my breakfast here,” Malfoy says.
“Alright Theo, let go,” you say getting up from the table ready to get away, “we’ll see you guys later.”
“Theo?” All the boys say in unison.
Theo intertwines your fingers together, glad he doesn’t have to hide you two anymore. “Just keep walking,” he says. However as he leads you out of the Great Hall you don’t miss the teasing “Aw’s” coming from your friends.
He leads you out of the Great Hall, into an empty classroom. He closes the door after you enter and presses you up against the door. He holds your face in his hand, “Please tell me they didn’t scare you off.”
You tilt your head back while laughing, “Of course not.” You peck his lips and pull back too fast for his liking.
“Good because, for whatever it’s worth…I love you, ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?” He says looking down at you with a shy smile.
You wrap your arms around his neck, shaking your head, “I love you,” pulling him down so your lips could meet.
You pull back and stare into his eyes, his brown eyes, the brown you love so much.
send any requests you would like thank you
I totally edited this after I posted
I know theo doesn’t have brown eyes btw it’s more of a reader(me) thing thanks
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hpimagines · 3 months
Surprise| T.N
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summary; it’s a surprise with a romantic Theo, and some annoying friends
(sfw, fluff? kissing) loosely based off of an older request, but can’t find it :<
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It wasn't strange for your boyfriend to mysteriously wonder off after dinner at the great hall, in fact it was almost nightly when he did whatever it was that he did, you didn't want to assume it was smoking for your own state of mind.
It was a bit stranger this night however, he seemed to hurry off quicker than usual but you decided not to think much of it just continuing on to your dorm as per usual.
Walking into the common room Pansy immediately popped up from her spot on the couch and scurried toward you, "Y/nnn! I have some new muggle makeup I'm dying to try on you, come on" She didn't give you much of a choice, yanking your arm to her dorm "Slow down Pansy I'm coming” You semi protested but still excited
"Hm, this makeup is cute but It's missing an outfit. Let's get you out of this awful uniform go properly execute my vision!" Pansy clapped her hands together and ran to her closet, throwing out a black mini skirt and a simple dark green sweater. "I think just the makeup alone is cute" I admired my mascara in the mirror.
"Just change!!" She huffed pushing the clothes into my lap. "Fine but after this I'm running far away from this madness" | exaggerated, walking to the restroom to change. I won't admit it to her face but she was right, this outfit made my makeup look so much better.
I walked out and Pansy immediately smiled "You need to go walk to the black lake miss" She squealed. I raised my eyebrow suspiciously "What exactly do you mean?". You couldn't think of any reason why you'd need to go to the black lake, especially when the sun is setting.
"Trust me Y/n, it's worth it" She winked, once again shoving me out the door. “Fine but just do you know I’m keeping this outfit!”. You contemplated whether or not to actually go but there's no harm in it only feeling a bit weird in your outfit and makeup.
As you got closer to leaving the castle Theo jogged up to you and snaked his hand around your waist pulling you in "Amore Mio, you look beautiful" He spun you around, kissing you at the end. "How did I get so lucky, bella"
You looked up at him blushing "You're not so bad yourself you know" winking at him and giving him another kiss. "You know what's weird? Pansy told me to go to the black lake right now that's why I'm even here". Theo looked at me and smirked a bit before he straightened his face "No idea, let's go check yeah?"
He intertwined our hands and we started walking just enjoying the crisp air, feeling perfect with the sun nearly set "It feels amazing out here" You smiled up towards your boyfriend, "Its the perfect weather for something romantic don't you think?" He smiled a bit, and you gave him a confused look.
"What do you mean?" Still confused you waited for him to respond before he turned your body towards the lake revealing a few candles, and a small picnic blanket with your favorite snacks."Solo il meglio per il mio unico e solo"(only the best for my one and only”)
"Go on principessa, I want you to enjoy it all".Theo directed me towards the blanket and we sat down beside eachother. Examining everything he got you noticed a little jewelry box at the bottom of the picnic basket and you picked it up, "Teddy what's this?" You began to open it and he smiled wide without saying a word
Your eyes lit up the second you saw a diamond heart necklace with a pink stone in the middle,"Go on and turn it around too"; Doing as he said you saw T.N engraved on it, the period being a smaller heart. "Thank you so much I love it! I love you!" You lunged onto Theo giving him a big kiss.
"Now turn around so I can get this on that pretty little neck of yours baby." His hands brushed up around your neck and lingered for a moment "Hold you hair for me Amore". His rough hands made their way delicately around your neck with the necklace and clasping it together, turning you back to him with his hand wrapped on your neck "Perfetta." (perfect)
"So was pansy in on this all?" | looked up at him smiling still so happy about all of it "No she just saw me setting up and made me let her help, I'm glad I did though you look gorgeous, La mia bella ragazza"(my beautiful girl). You blushed at all of his compliments and rested your head onto his lap looking up at the stars, theo's hand stated softly stroking your hair and you noticed him staring at you.
You tried ignoring his stares but you couldn't help yourself from blushing and you can tell he caught on by the small chuckle he let out, "Stop starring!!" Your face was getting redder by the second and he wouldn't stop nor stop laughing.
During this process he somehow managed to tackle you onto the blanket and shower your face in small pecks “I".."Will"..”Never".."Stop".."Starring". Each word separated by a kiss making you laugh and attempt to push him off, it was all fun till you two heard laughter from afar.
Both looking up to see Draco, Enzo, Blaise, And Mattheo all fake barfing. Enzo and Mattheo doing fake kissing with themselves, Draco gagging, and Blaise enjoying it all. "Fuck off!" Theo yelled flicking them off annoyed returning swiftly to kissing you disregarding them completely.
"Ew we're still here" Mattheo fake barfed "Not the fuck anymore" Enzo shuddered walking away with the rest of them following. "Annoying pricks"
Theo shook his head, "Now back to my girl" He smiled pulling you in for a kiss.
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Let me know if you enjoyed this or not!! I’m honestly good with smut but I need to work on fluff 😭😭 So take this as some of my practice <3
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amongemeraldclouds · 4 months
No plot, just smut. You’re welcome.
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Lorenzo Berkshire x f!Reader x Theodore Nott
Warning: threesome, piv, unprotected sex, oral (m!receiving and f!receiving), v!fingering, praise kink, one use of y/n. Characters are aged up.
Author’s note: I consider this the prequel to all night where it’s briefly mentioned you had a threesome with Enzo and Theo the week before. Both don’t have a plot though so you can read it as a standalone.
✿ Masterlist | 2.4k words
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You savored the delicious friction building inside you as you rode Enzo’s cock. His hands gripped your waist, guiding you as you repeatedly took him deep inside you. The room was filled with grunts, heavy breathing, and the constant slap of skin on skin. You could already picture his fingers leaving bruises on your hips to remind you who you belong to.
Enzo felt your walls squeeze him, signaling your near release so he moved you faster against him. The sudden increase in speed and intensity sent you over the edge, squirming and writhing against him, euphoria washing over you in waves. “That’s a good girl,” Enzo cooed as he guided you through your orgasm.
“I’m so close, love,” he said in between labored breaths.
“I need to taste you,” you replied and he nodded. You rose up and moved lower, settling in between his legs. You took his hard length in your hands, stroking him before wrapping your lips around him, tasting both Enzo and your own liquid heat. He looked at you admiringly and scooped up your hair in his hand, moving it away from your face.
You bobbed your head up and down, enjoying the familiar way his cock filled your mouth, taking him deeper down to your throat. Mouth stuffed, you licked the base of his cock, exactly the way he liked it. You were rewarded with a sharp intake of his breath as he gripped your hair tighter, his other hand grasping the sheets.
“So good, love,” he praised as you continued at a steady pace. With your free hand, you played with his balls, making him moan loudly as pleasure coursed through his veins, spurting white hot liquid into your mouth. You swallowed his load and enjoyed the way he tasted.
You licked the rest of his spilled seed until he was clean. “Such a good girl,” Enzo said and you grinned at him, moving closer to cuddle with him. He wrapped his arm around you, drawing lazy circles along your back. “Are you ready for Theo to join us?” He asked.
You hid your face in the crook of his neck, nervous at the thought of being taken by two guys at the same time. Yet you couldn’t help the liquid heat pooling between your legs, which is exactly how you agreed Enzo could share you if he lost a silly bet he was playing with his friends, which he inevitably did. It was now time for consequences and you just knew it was going to be good. After all, their reputation precedes them.
Enzo stroked your hair patiently, waiting for you to answer. “It’s okay if not, we can always reschedule,” he said. He was so gentle with you that you didn’t see any reason to feel unsafe. Steeling yourself, you replied, “no, it’s okay. I want to.” You looked up at him and found him smiling at you. 
“Good, because he’s already on his way here. Just don’t forget who you you belong to,” he said, a low warning registered in his voice.
“Only you, Enzo,” you said, sealing your words with a kiss to his lips. He ran his hand through your hair as he kissed you back so tenderly, soothing over the ache and soreness you felt from your pregame sex.
“Am I late to the party?” Theo asked, closing the door behind him. He took in the view before him, paying careful attention to your naked figure as lust burned in his eyes and his trousers got uncomfortably tight with his growing bulge. 
“You’re right on time,” Enzo assured him, “just needed to remind y/n who she belongs to.”
“As if I could forget,” you gave Enzo another quick kiss before turning your attention to Theo. His intense gaze focused on you was enough to quicken your heartbeat, anticipation building in the base of your stomach. You only ever knew him as your potions partner and Enzo’s good friend. With his subtle smirk and messy hair, it was easy to see him in a new light. No wonder so many other girls wanted him to do unspeakable things to them. You nearly tipped over at the thought that he would soon be doing those to you.
“Hi,” you managed to speak with a low breathless voice.
Theo’s smirk grew to a full grin as he approached the bed. He could see the effect he had on you and it just fed his already gigantic ego. “Hi y/n, ready to have fun tonight?”
You nodded, sneaking a nervous glance at Enzo who nodded encouragingly as he shifted in bed to make space for Theo. When Theo sat on the bed across you, you caught a whiff of cigarettes and expensive cologne. He held his hand out to touch the side of your face, it was so tender, filled with unspoken promises he would take care of you and make you feel good. “Do you trust me?” He asked softly. 
“No,” you said honestly. Even though you worked well together at class, you could always sense something dangerous hidden beneath his quiet confidence. Something calculated that could sneak up on you when you least expected it. Yet somehow, it made everything even more exciting.
“That’s probably wise,” he chuckled, agreeing with you. “But if Enzo says it’s okay?”
“I’ll be a good girl, you can have me,” you declared. Only because you trust Enzo. Not that he was any better than his friends, but he was the mess you wanted to get tangled up in. He’s the heaven and hell you chose for yourself and you were going to make the most of it.
With a devilish grin, Theo closed the distanced between you, taking your lips in his. You reminded yourself to breathe as you kissed him back. Small jolts of electricity pulsed through you, sweet desire rousing your body as Theo continued holding your face with one hand, the other moving around your waist. His fingers snaked past the marks Enzo’s fingers left just minutes before and you were already hungry for more.
“Good girl,” Enzo praised as he moved behind you, his hands wrapping around you to play with your breasts—teasing and pulling at your nipples, making you moan against Theo’s mouth. He took the opportunity as your lips parted to let his tongue explore your mouth.
“Take his clothes off, love,” Enzo commanded as he started trailing kisses down your neck. It was almost too much, being kissed at the same time, you had to remind yourself to calm down. Things were just getting started. Without leaving his lips, your fingers undid the buttons on Theo’s shirt. As soon as his shirt was free, he slid it off his shoulders and you traced his toned figure, feeling his muscles flex beneath your touch.
“You’re not yet done,” Theo whispered in your ear, breaking the kiss as he guided your hands to his trousers where you started undoing his belt. You felt him twitch against you as you moved his zipper down, which encouraged you to stroke him through his clothes. He grew even bigger beneath your touch and you whimpered at the thought of taking it all in soon.
Theo kissed the opposite side of your neck and you leaned your head back, allowing them more access. His kisses were curious and exploratory whereas Enzo knew just where to kiss you to draw the loudest moans from you. Each kiss from them shot flames from your skin down to your core as you felt your arousal soaking the bedsheet beneath you.  
You closed your legs together, trying to soothe your aching core. Enzo noticed, ever so tuned in with your needs, as he moved your legs apart so he could play with your folds as you leaned into him, bodies melting together. He drew lazy circles around your clit, eliciting low moans out of you. Theo shifts to remove the rest of his clothing as Enzo grabs your chin with his free hand. “Watch Theo undress love. You want that cock inside you, huh?” He asked.
“Yes,” you said in between whimpers. “Couldn’t hear you,” he said even though he did, his fingers getting rougher as he presses his hand down your greedy cunt, rubbing it ferociously. “Use your words. Louder, darling.”
“Fuck,” you exhaled, swallowing before you tried speaking again. “Yes, I want Theo’s cock inside me!”
“Such a good girl,” Theo cooed as Enzo slipped two fingers inside you. “Not yet,” Enzo teased and you couldn’t help but whine. “You’re a greedy girl,” Enzo chuckled. “Don’t worry love, you’ll be so satisfied when we’re done with you, it will be hard to walk the next day.” You clenched your walls around Enzo’s fingers and he loved how eager you were for them.
Theo followed the curve of your figure and he moved closer to you again, kissing your breast while his other hand teased your nipple, getting them taut. With Enzo pumping his fingers in you and Theo sucking on your breasts, you were being pleased at your most sensitive spots. The pressure in the base of your stomach was getting too much to handle. 
“Don’t fight it, love,” Enzo encouraged as he curled his fingers inside you, hitting your g spot directly and taking the sensations to the next level.
“I want to see you come, bella,” Theo encouraged as he moved his fingers to your clit. He rubbed and pinched it in alternating motions that had your head swimming and vision blurring in pleasure as Enzo picked up his pace inside you, fingers moving just where you needed him. It was enough to send euphoria erupting through you as you cried out, wave after wave of pleasure coursing through you.
You rest your head against Enzo’s shoulder, trying to recover your breath. “You’re so pretty when you come for us,” Theo praised, trailing kisses down your neck. 
“Lay down, love. Let Theo taste your perfect cunt,” Enzo commanded as he guided you down. Theo moved between your legs. You felt his hot breath on your cunt and the aching need ignited within you again.
“Yes,” you exhaled as you felt his tongue across your slit, lapping up the slickness from your orgasm. You gripped his soft hair in between your fingers, encouraging him to keep going. “Fuck, you taste so good,” he sighed, looking into your eyes before he returned to your core. His tongue expertly licked your clit just gently enough to send electric jolts without overstimulating you.
You licked your lips when you saw Enzo, “you like me being a slut for you and your friends?”
“How did I ever get so lucky?” He asked, moving to kiss your forehead.
You chuckled, “come on, I miss having you in my mouth.”
“That’s my girl,” he praised, moving to position himself against your mouth. You took a few moments to stroke him, planting lazy kisses before he gripped your hair, taking control as he slid in and out of your mouth. You loved it when he used you like this, he fit in your mouth and everywhere else so perfectly. You clenched your walls involuntarily as you choked against Enzo’s cock. You felt the rumble of Theo’s snicker against you, “I think she’s ready for me.”
You made a muffled noise that they both took as agreement, while Enzo closed his eyes, enjoying the vibration you created. Theo straddled you, brushing his tip against your slit. You were already so wet, it would be so easy to slide into you and so he did. You whimpered against as he filled you, pleasure heating up your core. 
“Sshh, it’s okay,” Enzo assured you as he slid outside and watched you take Theo, running his fingers through your hair.
“You can take it,” Theo said as he slid out and returned. You nodded, feeling your walls stretch for him. It felt even better than you imagined. He groaned when his tip kissed the end of your walls, you felt so tight and wet against his hungry cock.
Desperate, filthy moans filled the room and Enzo took this opportunity to grip your hair again, returning his hard length into your mouth. It was starting to get overwhelming again, now that you were filled with both cocks. Each thrust creating delicious friction as they chased their release. Everything else was also in motion from the rapid beating of your hearts to your labored breaths, and the way your tits bounced in sync with their movements.
It didn’t take long until Theo increased his pace, his full length now slippery inside your dripping cunt. Your fingers twisted in the sheets, trying to ground yourself against the hazy pleasure overtaking your mind. Your back arched, letting him thrust deeper into you.
You enjoyed the way Theo said your name as he continued his relentless pace. “Look how well you’re taking us, I’m so proud of you,” Enzo said as he continued fucking your throat, making your eyes water. Your muffled noises against his hard length added more vibrations that sent Enzo over the edge.
“Take everything, love,” he said as you tasted him again for the second time that evening. You swallowed as much as you could and when Enzo pulled out, he ran his thumb along your lower lip, pushing back everything else that spilled out. You took it all in and sucked on his thumb as he watched in amazement. 
His hand moved lower down to your sensitive clit, rubbing and teasing it, while Theo rammed into you faster. Your legs tensed and tightened along with your core. Everything blurred in the haze of pleasure until it all erupted in waves of ecstasy that sent you writhing against them. Your release triggered his as he cried out your name and you savored his white hot spurts inside you. He rode you both through your orgasm.
You found yourselves smiling at each other, faces flushed and breathless. Enzo laid beside you and held you once again. “You did so well,” he said before peppering your face with kisses.
“You’re amazing,” Theo praised you as he laid on your other side, drawing lazy patterns on your arm. 
“Only because I had great partners. Thank you,” you said, kissing each of them on the cheek. “Perhaps we can go again?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” Enzo smirked, kissing you once again.
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✿ Masterlist
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theostrophywife · 1 year
written in the stars.
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pairing: theodore nott x reader. song inspiration: until i found you by stephen sanchez feat. em beihold. author's note: boyfriend theo is the best theo. if you're wondering, then yes writing this hurt me as much as it hurts reading it but like in the best way possible.
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Theodore Nott has always had an affinity for the stars. 
When he was younger, Theo's mother used to take him to the rooftop of Nott Manor and point out the constellations to him. The stars told stories, his mum had said. Theo listened with rapt attention as she recounted the tales of Aquila, Heracles, and Orion as they glittered against the backdrop of the English countryside.
The two of them would make an entire evening out of it. Laying on his back atop a nest of blankets and pillows, little Theo watched as the stars climbed higher and higher, filling the horizon with hope and light. Stargazing had been their special secret. The one thing that wasn’t tainted by his abusive father. Theo guarded the memory of those nights in his heart like a priceless treasure.
After his mother’s passing, Theo continued their tradition of stargazing. Even if she was no longer alive, all he had to do was look up at the sky to feel her with him. For that reason, the stars were special to him and he’d never shared its meaning with anyone. 
Until tonight. 
“Watch your step, cara mia.” Theo said as he guided you by the small of your back. 
The dark cloth covering your eyes prohibited you from seeing, but you trusted your boyfriend to keep you from falling. Though you weren’t a fan of surprises, Theo was impossible to resist. All he had to do was flash those pretty watercolor eyes at you and you were an absolute goner. 
For you, Theo had always been the exception. 
He guided you up a staircase, keeping a firm grip on your waist as the two of you ascended. Wherever you were going, it was pretty high up. You smiled as Theo took hold of your waist, knowing that you weren't the biggest fan of heights. Sometimes it felt like he knew you better than you knew yourself. When you reached the top, Theo unfastened his tie from behind your head. 
“You can open your eyes now, sweetheart.” 
You blinked, letting your eyes adjust to the dark. The wind whistled through the stone arches of the Astronomy Tower, framing the starkissed night with its marble pillars. The soft glow of the moon illuminated the nest of blankets and pillows arranged in the middle of the wooden floor. 
“Did you do all of this for me, babe?” 
Theo smiled. “I thought you might like to go stargazing with me,” he said, his voice soft. “Do you like it, my love?” 
“I love it, Teddy.” You beamed, standing on your tiptoes to kiss his nose. “But not nearly as much as I love you.” 
Theo grinned before pulling you in for a proper kiss. His lips were soft against yours and he tasted like peppermint. Butterflies erupted in your stomach as your knees buckled slightly. Theo never failed to make you feel like a lovestruck school girl. It never stopped feeling like this despite how many times you kissed this boy.
As if reading your thoughts, Theo smiled against your lips. “Come on, Y/N. I want to show you my favorite constellations.” 
The two of you laid down beneath the stars, making yourself comfortable amidst the blankets and pillows. Wordlessly, Theo pulled you into his arms and you nestled into the crook of his neck, breathing in the familiar scent of sea salt spray and sun kissed skin. 
“Tell me the story of the stars, Teddy.” 
He smiled, brushing your hair back. “That one right there is Ursa Major. Otherwise known as the Big Dipper, but if you look at the entire constellation, it actually forms a bear.” 
“I remember learning about that when I was little,” you said, gazing up at the sky. “Didn’t it have something to do with Zeus?”
Theo nodded. “In Greek mythology, the Olympian God Zeus fell in love with Callisto and got her pregnant. After she gave birth to the child, Hera was so mad she turned Callisto into a bear.” 
“That hardly seems fair,” you responded with a frown. 
“Zeus was a bit of a wanker,” Theo said in agreement. “Hera was even worse. She cursed Callisto to wander the forest for years in bear form until she was hunted by her own son Arcas. Just as he raised his spear to strike her down, Zeus stepped in and sent them up to the heavens. Callisto as Ursa Major and Arcas as Bootes.” 
“The Greek gods were truly a piece of work,” you replied. “But at least we got those constellations out of them."
You squinted, pointing at the cluster of stars hovering in the east. “What’s that one?” 
“That’s the constellation of Leo,” explained Theo. “Named after the Nemean lion that Heracles defeated during the first of his twelve labours.” 
“Didn’t he make a cloak out of the lion’s pelt?” 
“Smart girl,” Theo said proudly. “The cloak made Heracles invincible and more fearsome than he already was. The Nemean lion’s heart is made up of the star Regulus, which is associated with the arrival of spring.” 
“The Little King. I read that it burns hotter than the sun.” 
Theo couldn’t help but smile. Before he met you, he never thought he’d find someone to share such a special and intimate thing with. He was worried that no one else would understand his love for the stars, but as he watched you peer curiously up at the sky, your nose scrunched in careful concentration, Theo felt all of his doubts fade away. 
“Regulus is unique because it can be seen in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres.” 
The blue star glittered brightly above your heads, as if it was showing off for the occasion. “It’s beautiful,” you breathed. 
Theo stared at you, at the childlike wonder shimmering in your eyes, and he felt like the breath had been knocked out of his lungs. The gravity of what he felt for you hit him all at once. 
“Yeah,” Theo said softly, still looking at you. “Beautiful.” 
You grinned, intertwining your fingers and kissing his knuckles. “How do you know so much about the stars, Teddy?” 
“My mum taught me.” Theo answered, drawing circles on your hip. “When I was little, she used to take me to the rooftop of the manor and tell me the story behind each star. She was fascinated by them. Before she met my father, she wanted to teach astronomy at the Stati Magia.”
“The Italian School of Witchcraft?” 
Theo nodded. “My mother attended the Stati Magia, just like her mother and her mother before her. A tradition that I unintentionally broke, as nonna Lucia loves to remind me. Sometimes I think the old bat wishes that I was born a strega instead.” 
You giggled. “You would’ve been a very pretty witch.” Theo chuckled as you propped your head up in one hand. “Did your mum end up becoming a professor?”
“No,” Theo said sadly. “After I was born, my father said that her place was at the manor. He refused to move to Florence, even though he knew it was my mother’s dream.” 
You stroked his hair, nodding emphatically. Theo rarely talked about his mother. You knew that her passing was a painful subject for him, so you never pushed him to talk about it unless he wanted to.
“That’s awful. I’m so sorry, my love,” you said. “But at least she was able to pass down her love of the stars to you. In a way, she lived her dream by teaching you.” 
A soft smile tugged at your boyfriend’s lips. “I suppose she did.” 
You laid back down, but this time you cradled Theo against you. He rested his head against your chest, listening to the calming sound of your heartbeat. Talking about his mother will always be hard, but you helped ease the pain. 
“What about those stars?” You asked, pointing to the north. “What did your mother tell you about them?” 
“Perseus and Andromeda,” Theo answered. “Those are actually her favorites.”
“The chained maiden.” 
Theo stirred, inclining his gaze to the horizon. “Andromeda was the Princess of Aethiopia, the daughter of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia. She was said to be very beautiful. Her mother bragged that Andromeda was fairer than the Nereids, which angered Poseidon. As punishment, the Sea God sent the creature Cetus to ravage that coast of their kingdom.” 
You nodded, recalling the story. “King Cepheus chained her to a rock and offered her as a sacrifice to appease the sea monster.” 
“Luckily for Andromeda, the hero Perseus found her before Cetus could attack again. Perseus fell in love with Andromeda and defeated the monster so he could free the princess. They ended up marrying and became king and queen of Mycenae. When they died, the goddess Athena placed them side by side in the heavens so that they would never be parted, not even by death.” 
“A love written in the stars,” you said with awe and wonder. “I can see why it’s your mother’s favorite.”
“When I was a boy, she told me that she hoped I’d experience a love like theirs, minus the sea monster of course.” You chuckled. Theo knit his brows together like he did when he was deep in thought. When he spoke again, his voice was barely audible. “It’s sad to think that she never found her Perseus.” 
You brushed his hair back, running your fingers through his curls gently. “She might not have found her Perseus, but she did have her Theo.”
Theo turned over and looked at you. The intensity in his gaze made you shiver. He was so ingrained in your heart that it felt inaccurate to continue calling it yours.
“After she died, I never thought I’d share her stories with anyone again, but I’m glad I shared them with you.” 
“Thank you for trusting me, Theo.” You said as you placed a kiss on his temple. “It means the world to me that you not only shared your mother’s stories, but her memory as well. I would’ve loved to meet her.”
The tender smile on Theo’s face was heartbreaking. Then softly, he whispered. “She would’ve loved you, Y/N.”
Your heart cracked open, his words spilling like sunlight over every crevice, warming you from the inside out.
Tears formed at the corners of your eyes, but you forced yourself to give Theo a watery smile. “Because I’m a nerd who memorized obscure mythological facts?”
Your boyfriend smiled. “No,” he said gently, caressing your cheek. “Because you made her wish come true. You are my love written in the stars, cara mia.” 
The moonlight kissed Theo’s tan skin, the silver beams caressing his face like a lover as if the moon and the stars craved to commit his beauty to memory as badly as you did. Gods, he was breathtaking. 
This was the Teddy you knew and loved. Your Teddy.
Those watercolor eyes shimmered with emotion. “Sometimes I think the gods made you just for me, like our souls are linked in a way that neither logic nor magic can explain. Whatever it is, I think I’ve loved you since before the heavens and the earth existed and I’m fairly certain that I’d still love you even after the last star falls out of the sky.”
“You’re the love of my life, Theodore Nott.” Tears streamed down your cheeks as this boy—this beautiful boy ensnared your mind, body, and soul. “I’d find you in any universe and in any galaxy. Maybe someday we’ll be immortalized in the stars too.” 
Theo held your face in his hands. His expression was open and vulnerable, like he wasn’t afraid to lay himself bare before you. As if it was the most natural thing in the world. 
“We’re two halves of a whole,” Theo said. “I loved you yesterday. I love you today and I’ll love you tomorrow. You’re it for me, Y/N. You and no one else.” 
“You and no one else, Teddy.” 
Under the constellations of the star crossed lovers, Theo kissed you so gently that it made your heart ache. As Andromeda and Perseus kept watch over the horizon, Theodore Nott knew one thing for certain.
Someday the stars would tell your story too.
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suugarbabe · 6 months
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Coming soon…
As a new dancer at the most prestigious mixed wizard and muggle club Protego, your goal is to impress your bosses and make sure you’re worthy of the position. But when a certain employee starts to take special interest in you, things start to unveil as more than they appear…
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bettymylove · 1 year
pairing: theo nott x reader
content: it's smut based on this ask
a/n: sorry it took me so long to write this i have my exams going on hope you like it<33
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such a complex emotion they why, oh why did you feel it so easily, maybe it was theo or maybe it was just the way he loved you always knowing what you need and today was no exception.
it was just a few days before your period, hormones raging you reached class though it was an effort to do so.
that look
it was enough to kill you and in this state it was enough to push you over the edge you craved his touch right now and his eyes following your every moment wasn't helping.
and when you walked to get to your desk his hand coming up to hold your wrist to pull you back made you want to sit in his lap and take him right there.
"baby, are you okay?" his eyebrows knitted together in worry and the bell rang before you could form the words to answer him.
his eyes asked you the same question, in a silent whisper and you lied with a simple nod, how were you to convey with your eyes what even you words couldn't begin to form.
you needed but one thing and it was a simple word, theo.
finally class ended and the only solution you found for yourself was pulling theo in the nearest closet you could find.
basically clinging to him pulling him down by his collar to whisper in his ear, "I need you right now", and once again his eyes asked a silent question of 'are you sure?'.
a nod was the only form of consent your body allowed to give him and he took it as he knew your period was approaching and the state you were in right now.
"not here let's go to my room", he assured you with his voice and you found the warmth you so craved for.
you let him drag you to wherever he was taking you, thinking was a hard option in this haze, but you knew you would let him take you to hell and back happily.
finally reaching his dorm, your hands instantly went to his shirt buttons undoing them one by one slightly pushing him towards the bed until he was sitting down on the edge.
you made your way to the empty spot on his lap, hands going up to pull at his hair to pull him slightly down still a little distance evident between his lips and yours.
and reading your mind, he made the first move bringing your lips to his kissing you so passionately that you could curl up and die while kissing him.
turning you in his lap he laid you down on the bed, he knew now was the time for the soft caresses and all the time should be dedicated to you.
slowly going down he reached face to face with your cunt removing all the layers of clothing delicately until his fingers reached inside of you stretching you out and giving you the pleasure you craved.
soon his mouth joined his fingers and you cried out his name, and he grunted in response the vibrations putting your pleasure above a notch. your hands reached his hair on reflex pulling it with all your might.
and then with a chant of his name you came all over his face coating him with your juices.
"i need you inside of me" you looked at him desperate eyes and he looked back at you with the same lust filled eyes.
he kissed your neck hands slowly going to unbutton your shirt and bra his kisses started trailing down until his touch left your body and you craved for more.
he slowly removed his pants and boxers revealing his hard dick, it was red on the tip and you were definitive you wanted it inside of you.
he slowly gave in to your pleas and pushed in inside of you albeit gently so as to ease your pain and not add to it.
soft gaspy moans, light kisses and steady thrusts was all what happened until it was not too long before you hit your second orgasm.
yelling out his name you came around him clenching impossibly tight around his dick, and he couldn't help but have the same reaction hearing your moans and feeling you milk around him.
after pulling out of you he laid down your side, pulling you close, his hand going to masaage your lower stomach.
sighing you said,"what did i do deserve you?" and he replied with a simple chuckle.
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nottsangel · 5 months
Lorenzo Berkshire nsfw headcanons
pairing: lorenzo berkshire x fem!reader
warnings: smut 18+, vaginal and oral sex, mutual masturbation, exhibitionism, praise, edging
nav. // m.list // blurbs m.list // taglist
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a switch. it really depends on his mood
can be pretty rough when he’s dominant
but mostly so fucking mean and such a tease
he loves seeing you all desperate with your pretty eyes gazing up at him as he has all the power
“poor girl, so fucking needy for me, hm? you want me to touch you? then beg for it princess”
so vocal !! especially when he’s submissive. like oh my god. lots of begging too
moans so fucking loudly at the slightest touch. he literally cannot control it
“oh f-fuck, just like that! please, i need more— feels so good, please baby”
sleeps with a lot of girls but gets away with it because of his cute and innocent face
he will only be submissive in serious relationships though. he is always dominant when he sleeps with random girls
don’t let his looks deceive you— he’s hella freaky and not innocent
talks in full detail about his sex life to his friends and brags about it
a little bit of alcohol in his system and he’s going wild. like his brain turns off and he can only think with his dick
will drag you to the nearest empty room and quite literally rip the clothes off your body
sex with him is always fun and adventurous !!!!
if you’re dating, he’ll run you a bath afterwards and smother your face with kisses
and if you’re not dating… he’ll just leave and pretend like he doesn’t know you the next day, like he does with every other girl
exhibitionism. he’s freaky and horny and willing to have sex anywhere. the freakier, the better. the thought of someone being able to see him have sex makes him even more turned on
mutual masturbation. not much to add here. he just thinks it’s hot as fuck
praise kink. tell him he’s a good boy and he will cum instantly
edging. like i said, such a fucking tease. he wants to hear you beg all night long as he gazes down at you with the cockiest smile ever
favourite positions
oral (blowjob). to be more specific, you laying on your back with your head off the bed as he fucks your mouth
69. he just loves getting his dick sucked and even better when your pussy is in his face at the same time
doggystyle. mostly because he fucks a lot of girls and doesn’t do intimate positions with them so doggystyle is his go-to position
cowgirl. yes but especially in relationships. will suck on your tits and wrap his arms around your body as he holds you as close to him as possible
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reblogs and comments are very appreciated !!
tags (join here): @tellenically @vintageirene @leslie-malfoy @burningdesirebby0 @itzliyalupin @hvgwartss @bunnyweasley23 @watersquirtpewpewboomm @liqvidlvvck @loveeharrington @demirunner @saturnmoonyy @nyctophicbtch @iloveefictionalpeople @jac1ndaa @iluvweasleys @mih-velaryon @juletaylorsversion @le000xxgrd @etolies-garden @drewstarkeyslut @rafesslxt @diaries-of-a-hopelessromantic @jllyunn @sluttychanel @blackthunder137 @rafesthroatbaby
— if you don’t want to be tagged anymore, fill in this form.
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sunkissedscribbles · 3 months
Mattheo Riddle's Guide To Win Y/N's Heart
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pairing: mattheo x fem!reader (house not clarified)
genre: fluff
tw: my bad writing
word count: 1532
summary: mattheo's desperately trying to lure you in by using psychological tricks on you.
a/n: okay, this one might not be the best, but it's sweet. also, i wrote this in the middle of the night lol
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dividers by @chachachannah
It all started a week ago when Mattheo strutted into the Great Hall in the morning with that stupid, confident grin plastered across his lips.
“It’s 7:30. In the morning,” Theo raised an eyebrow at him as to why he was in a good mood so early for his liking.
“I have the master plan to get Y/N to date me,” Mattheo stated proudly, to which Enzo and Theo shared a look, and the latter snorted a laugh.
“And how are you gonna do that, Casanova?” Pansy chimed in too.
“Psychology,” Mattheo shrugged simply, deeply believing that his master plan would work perfectly.
He read in Enzo’s book that if you want to be appealing to a woman, you should sit across her at a table and if about to win a man’s heart, you should sit right beside him. So, the first trick he tried was sitting across you at the table in all cases, even if it meant two people — including you — sitting on the one side and five people squeezed together on the one across because Mattheo wanted to sit across you with millimeter accuracy. First, you didn’t understand it one bit. You only sensed Mattheo growing weirder by the day and your friends having more fun directly proportionally and putting two and two together, you realized these two are actually related.
The next thing was wearing red. Now this one was a hilarious one; on Tuesday afternoon when you, Enzo, and Mattheo were due to study together for Arithmancy (which, may I mention, Mattheo only took up because you did so too), Mattheo slumped down on the chair across you at the table in the library, wearing a Gryffindor hoodie.
“What on earth-“ Enzo shook his head in disbelief but you had to fight back a loud outburst of laughter.
“Hi, Y/N,” Mattheo grinned confidently but you shook your head with a grin still lingering on your lips.
“Whose is this?” you nodded in the direction of the hoodie hugging his upper body.
See, the problem with wearing red was that he didn’t own a single clothing piece of the colour, so he had to think outside the box and be creative for this one.
He looked down nonchalantly and shrugged with that familiar smirk. “Longbottom’s. I’m sure he doesn’t mind.”
Enzo buried his face into his hands next to you, trying to hold a groan back from escaping as your mouth hung open and your eyes widened. “He doesn’t know?”
“His door was open…”
You, knowing Mattheo, lifted your eyebrows in disbelief as he clearly didn’t tell the exact truth.
“Well- it wasn’t open, but soon it opened magically and I took it as an invitation…”
“You Alohomora’d his door to get a burgundy hoodie for Merlin-knows-what?”
“Well, y- wait. Burgundy? This is red,” Mattheo shook his head as he stiffened. He was convinced it was pure red — boys and their eyes for colours, huh?
Enzo snorted a laugh finally, knowing exactly Mattheo was trying to use the ‘red makes you appear more attractive’ law of psychology on you and he technically failed.
“No, darling, this is burgundy,” you chuckle which by the way, Mattheo found adorable, even in the middle of his embarrassment, plus, you called him darling — so he took it that you actually fell for his trick and, well, for him too.
But of course, there were things in Enzo’s psychology book Mattheo didn’t even think of doing. This was, for one, playing hard to get. Because he knew his eyes would have failed him every time he’d tried to close you out, and he knew exactly how well you were able to see right through him. You being concerned about him was also a problem with this because as Pansy once absent-mindedly drew his attention to how you noticed people’s energies shift pretty quickly, he had to close this option out completely.
Another one was putting on a cocky, intimidating, or prideful look because of the same reason; you noticing the energy shifts, and because no matter how hard he’d tried, that stupid grin had grown on him and your sight only fueled it.
He tried mirroring your body language, too. You were leaning forward at breakfast, tiredly resting against the wooden dining table? He was sitting opposite you, sitting as if he was actually in your mirror. You ran a hand through your hair? Guess what, he had to scratch his head. Even when your leg was bouncing nervously under the desk in History of Magic, he sure mirrored it.
You weren’t oblivious to this either, and you knew something was up — but you simply thought he was playing a prank on you. And your friends being awfully quiet whenever you brought up how weird Mattheo was being around you only added to your suspicion.
“I see” was a common way for him to start whatever he had on his mind. Because, research by MIT showed that women were more attracted to men who used the phrases “I see,” “Okay,” and “Yep.” And for him, he used them until he’s grown sick of them.
But of all the things he’d tried, his favourite — and yours too — was touching. Touching you had always lightened his day, even if it was just a tap on your shoulder to enquire about the time. And his touch provided reassurance for you, whenever he touched you for even a split second you knew you had someone to count on, someone to be comforted by. When you were tired in class he had a shoulder to offer for you to rest your head on (not Theo though because he could go fuck himself rather than sleep on his best friend’s shoulder, respectfully, in the best friend in question’s opinion.) When you were anxious, he chose to put his quill down and not take notes, rather have his hand comforting you by rubbing little circles on your thigh just above your knee (and sometimes a little too high), having his arm around you or playing with your hair, saying he’d borrow your notes later to catch up, which he never did.
However, things haven’t changed for two more weeks. And, as time went on, Mattheo grew more and more desperate, seeking the moment he could finally hold you in his arms and kiss the life out of you. He was waiting for the moment when he could confess his love to you — or, which would have been more convenient, and a whole ego boost for him, to have you come crawling by yourself, singing odes about him. But he realized it was a rather unlikely scenario that lived rent-free in his head.
“That book sucks,” Mattheo complained to Enzo one evening in the common room frustratedly as he sank into the green velvet material of the couch.
“Why so?” Enzo didn’t even look up from his Transfiguration essay he was desperately trying to put a dot on the end of for an hour.
“‘Cause I tried everything! And Y/N still doesn’t have a clue how I love her,” he let out a grunt as he let his head fall back against the backrest of the sofa and rubbed his closed eyes tiredly. “She’s still not into me.”
“I am into you,” your voice came down on him like a rain of cold ice. After nagging for two whole weeks, Pansy agreed to fill you in about what Mattheo called his master plan, and you finally understood what it was all about.
Mattheo’s eyes shot open to see he hasn’t hallucinated your reassuring words in that sweet tone you always talk to him with, and to make sure you are very physically standing there. He quickly got up from where he was and sat on the couch next to Enzo, who seemed to be in a completely other world with how concentrated he was on his Transfiguration homework.
Mattheo quickly made his way over to you, standing just a few feet apart with that stupid grin already growing on his lips as he took you, your gorgeous figure, bright smile, and shiny eyes in. “Are you now, princess?” He asked in a tone sweet like honey while tugging a strand of hair behind your ear.
You rolled your eyes at him before taking a step closer to the point that your chests were grinding against each other, to Mattheo’s biggest pleasure. And before he knew it, your lips came crashing against his in a long-awaited kiss and his arms slithered around your waist so naturally like they were made to be resting there. However, you pulled away after a few seconds before it could’ve got a little too carried away. “Did you really steal Longbottom’s hoodie so that I’d find you more attractive?” You chuckled with a touched but still a little mocking smile.
“Borrowed it. I returned it after you told me it wasn’t the right colour,” he rolled his eyes at you too, but he was the happiest guy on earth right then and there because he had all right to wrap his arms around you like a shield, protecting you from the world and its horrible people.
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theodorenmyth · 2 months
Hii can I request Theo, Enzo and Mattheo with a male reader. Like they know reader is gay but him (reader) is denying it so they keep teasing him, like Theo making reader touch his biceps, Enzo touching reader face, Mattheo going in just a towel in their room, and more things like that
Teasing game
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Pairings ; Theodore Nott x M!reader x Lorenzo Berkshire x Mattheo Riddle
Summary ; Despite your adamant denial of your feelings, Theo, Enzo, and Mattheo are relentless in their teasing. Theo makes you touch his biceps, Enzo finds every excuse to touch your face, and Mattheo parades around half-naked. Stubbornly resisting, you continue to give them the middle finger and roll your eyes—until Mattheo's bold kiss changes everything, leaving you questioning your resolve and finally ready to admit the truth.
A/N : literally love this request so much 😻😻😻 enjoy!!
Warnings); none
Word Count ; 1k+
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You’d think they’d give it a rest by now. You’ve been nothing but clear with Theo, Enzo, and Mattheo about where you stand. But they just won’t let it go. The three of them have been relentless in their teasing, each with their own methods, trying to break down your stubborn denial.
You’re in the common room, attempting to read a book while eating a chocolate chip cookie, when Theo plops down beside you. Without preamble, he pulls up his sleeve and flexes, showcasing his impressive biceps. “Hey, feel this,” he commands, pushing his arm in your direction.
You glance at him from the corner of your eye, deadpan. “No thanks, Theo.”
“Oh, come on,” he insists, grabbing your hand and placing it on his arm. His bicep tenses under your fingers. “Impressive, right?”
You roll your eyes, yanking your hand away. “Wow, amazing. Can you leave me alone now?”
Theo laughs, clearly not deterred. “You know you like it.”
You give him the middle finger without even looking up from your book. “Go away, Theo."
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
A days later, Lorenzo saunters in the common room, spotting you immediately. He sits on the arm of your chair, leaning down to your level. “Hey, gorgeous,” he purrs, his hand cupping your cheek. His thumb strokes your skin, and you resist the urge to flinch. “How’s my favorite guy?”
“Busy,” you mutter, trying to concentrate on your book. “So, if you could…”
Lorenzo’s fingers trace your jawline, his touch light and teasing. “You’ve got such a handsome face,” he murmurs. “It’s a shame you hide it behind that book.”
You snap the book shut, glaring up at him. “Enzo, do you mind?”
He grins, clearly enjoying your irritation. “Not at all. In fact, I think I’ll stay right here.”
You groan, pushing his hand away and burying your face in your book again. “Why do I even bother?”
As if on cue, Mattheo strolls in, a towel slung low on his hips, droplets of water still clinging to his skin. He stops in the doorway, smirking when he sees you. “Oh, hey. Didn’t know you were here.”
You look up, and your breath catches in your throat. Mattheo’s broad chest, his abs, the tantalizing trail of hair leading below the towel—all of it is on full display. “Do you fuckin' mind?” you sputter, your cheeks heating up.
He grins, sauntering closer. “What? A guy can’t walk around in a towel in his own room?”
You scowl, trying to ignore the way your heart is racing. “Put some clothes on.”
“Why?” he asks, stopping right in front of you. “Does this make you uncomfortable?”
You refuse to give him the satisfaction of a reaction, flipping him off. “You’re insufferable.”
“Am I?” he asks, leaning in closer. The proximity is unbearable, his breath warm against your face. “Or are you just denying how you really feel?”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Get out of my face, Riddle.”
Mattheo chuckles, finally stepping back. “Whatever you say.”
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
The days continue like this, each of them finding new ways to tease you, to get under your skin. Theo keeps flaunting his muscles, Enzo finds every excuse to touch you, and Mattheo parades around half-naked more often than not. Each time, you respond with glares, middle fingers, and rolled eyes. You refuse to give them the satisfaction of seeing you crack.
But one day, it all changes.
You’re sitting in your room, enjoying a moment of peace with a book in one hand and a slice of mango on a fork in the other, when the door bursts open. It’s Theo, of course, with Enzo and Mattheo right behind him.
“For the love of— what the actual fuck do you lots want?” you demand, exasperated.
They don’t answer immediately. Instead, they close in on you, a determined look in their eyes. Theo is the first to speak. “We’re tired of this game, you know.”
“What game?” you snap, even though you know exactly what he means.
“This,” Enzo says, gesturing between you and the three of them. “You pretending you’re not into us. We know you are.”
You scoff, taking a bite of the mango, munching on it before swallowing. “You guys are delusional.”
“Are we?” Mattheo steps closer, his gaze intense. “Or are you just scared to admit it?”
You open your mouth to retort, but before you can say anything, Theo grabs your hand again, pressing it to his chest. “Feel that?” he asks softly. “That’s for you.”
You yank your hand away, your heart pounding. “Piss off.”
Enzo leans in, his face inches from yours. “Just admit it,” he murmurs, his breath warm against your lips. “You want us.”
Your breath hitches, and you shake your head, refusing to give in. “No, I don’t.”
Mattheo is the last to move. He steps right up to you, his hand cupping your face, forcing you to look into his eyes. “Stop lying to yourself,” he whispers before his lips capture yours in a fierce, demanding kiss.
For a moment, you’re too stunned to react. Your mind goes blank, and all you can feel is the heat of Mattheo’s lips, the softness of his touch. His tongue slips into your mouth, tasting the lingering sweetness of the mango. He deepens the kiss, and you can’t help but respond, a soft moan escaping before you can stop it.
Then, reality crashes back in, and you pull away, your eyes wide.
“What the—” you stammer, your brain struggling to process what just happened.
Theo and Enzo are watching you, their expressions a mix of amusement and satisfaction. Mattheo is still close, his hand lingering on your cheek. “See?” he says softly. “Not so bad, is it?”
You sit there, stunned into silence, before the anger surges up. Grabbing a pillow, you hurl it at Mattheo’s head. “You asshole!” you shout, your face burning.
He dodges it easily, laughing. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
You glare at them, but there’s no real heat behind it. Deep down, you know they’re right. And maybe, just maybe, you’re finally ready to admit it.
Breaking the silence, Theo suddenly says, "I wanna taste Y/N's lips too." After a few seconds of silence, he felt a pillow hit his face harshly.
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