aloeverified · 2 years
Before forming a band together, each member had a miniature career of their own. Luna was a pretty popular online figure for her performances at bars and restaurants, Dusk went viral a few times from her rave shows, and Thorn had a history of starring in plays and talent shows all her life. They eventually found each other online and began talking, and after Thorn and Dusk immigrated to the U.S., they formed a band.
Although they live in America, Luna is the only one who was born there. She's Creole and was raised in New Orleans, Thorn is French-Candian and from Ontario, and Dusk is Japanese and from Kyoto. Due to where they grew up, they all speak different languages as well. Luna is fluent in Spanish and French, Thorn was raised speaking French just as much as English and knows a bit of Italian, and Dusk's first language is Japanese and she's fluent in JSL. They all began learning ASL after forming a band since Dusk is deaf in one ear and hard-of-hearing in her other.
Thorn's real name is Sally McKnight, Luna's is Selene Moon, and Dusk's is Twilight Yami. Thorn picked her name due to her love of roses, whereas Luna and Dusk simply picked names that have the same meaning as their own.
Due to her hearing loss, Dusk doesn't wear shoes when practicing or performing. When coming up with songs, Thorn doesn't wear shoes either since she claims it helps her feel closer to the music. Luna sometimes doesn't and says it's for the same reason but it's actually just because her boots hurt her feet after a while.
They each base their personas after different horror monster icons. Thorn's is Dracula, Luna's is the werewolf, and Dusk is inspired by both Frankenstein monsters. They also have very different gothic styles; Thorn being more of a romantic vampire goth with some witchy accents, whereas Luna is a trad and corp goth with lots of glam, and Dusk being more in the visual kei and metalhead scene with some cyber and bubble goth inspiration.
Thorn is known for being a bit of a bachelorette and dates anyone ranging from a trucker to a theater kid who thinks he's a vampire. Luna and Dusk, however, are in a relationship that they keep private from fans. Luna is a lesbian, Dusk is bisexual, and Thorn doesn't feel the need to label her sexuality.
Their fans often get into heated arguments over the girls' heights since Dusk is typically shoeless and the other wears heels. Thorn typically looks pretty tall since she's in the front and wears high heels, with Luna looking about the same in her boots behind her keyboard, whereas Dusk looks the shortest while barefoot and sitting down to play the drums; but the truth is Thorn is only about 5'4, Dusk is 5'8, and Luna is just over 5'10.
Their fans have nicknames for them based off of different creatures, with Thorn being called a succubus due to her seductive voice and dancing, Dusk being compared to a banshee since most of her back-up vocals are screams and her unhinged drumming, and Luna being recognized for her werewolf persona due to long nails, canine fangs, and loud howl-like laughter.
Rather than visiting a salon, they have nights every few weeks were they touch up their hair. Dusk is albino with naturally platinum hair which makes it so she she has to redye her hair every so often, whereas Luna and Thorn have to actually go through the process of bleaching their hair. Dusk typically dyes her hair a darker blonde or adds different shades of green streaks, Luna switches between dark red and blonde every so often, and Thorn either dyes her naturally brown hair black or bleaches it to make it a bright red — sometimes a combination of both.
They're all university students who avoid actually attending classes by taking online courses. Thorn is majoring in envoirmental science with a business minor, Dusk is a literature major studying philosophy, and Luna is in the process of graduating art school.
Thorn is most inspired by bands like She Wants Revenge and London After Midnight, whereas Dusk takes more after Malice Mizer and Bikini Kill, and Luna is one of the biggest fans of The Cure and the Bauhaus.
They regularly go on adventures together to places that are regarded as haunted or cursed. While on tour in different countries, they make it a habit to try and visit any attractions they haven't seen yet. Thorn particular likes haunted castles and cemeteries, Dusk is interested in asylums and prisons, and Luna is obsessed with any place that has a tragic backstory.
While Thorn is relatively good friends with Daphane due to their shared love of fashion and past romantic interests in Velma, and Dusk enjoys terrifying Shaggy and Scooby, Luna and Fred are actually able to have normal conversations
They love getting together with the Mystery Gang when possible. When she's not flirting with Velma, Thorn spends her time with Daphne talking about fashion and gossiping about their past experiences with stupid boys. Luna is also pretty good friends with Fred and they could have conversations for hours about random niche interests. Dusk and Velma have a shared passion for gothic literature and Velma also enjoys watching Dusk terrify Shaggy and Scooby when she's bored.
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fatihulusoy · 2 months
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Greetings folks! when you talk about tech so much its an inescapable fact that you're gonna came across into dystopic and unethical things eventually.. But what is it? a human genome experiment? or a implant that suppresses the mind and fills it with false memories.. which one is sounds more far fetch? meet Project COGNIFY!
a prison system that can suppresses the perpetrator's mind and fills it with victım's and their family's horror, grief and hatred for the criminal with ai generated memories!
Look, i know how does it sounds but this thing is real been researched, built and proposed already.. and about to implement on many prisons around the globe which who agrees to this "alternative" method..
in theory. our neural system accepts reality by its senses around by organs we have like eyes, nose, skin, ears, tongue etc. this project is twists our envoirmental vision by VR, excessive headphones and short term electrical zaps.
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prisoners would be subjected to artificial memories in a virtual environment. The system creates customized AI-generated content that’s converted to visual information and delivered to the prisoner’s brain as well as the parts of their DNA and RNA linked to memory formation to establish a long term memory pattern -engadget
OK!! I know thats way too much to handle but before that how did we get here in the first place?
cognify project was started by an yemenian biologist and scientist Hashem Al-Ghaili.. before this stage this project was used for psychedelic tests like testing base cognitive functions and such by giving patients to play specifically crafted games. for most of the cases this idea was a success at the time most of the patients show improvement getting better at controlling their muscle system and most of the hospitals around the globe was adopted this methods at the time. around 2016 to 2023 they announced series of progress reports about the results and its effects (this separation is kinda necessary in this situation)
at first psychedelic research were only in health industry and getting more companize this idea before covid but after covid and home office era some companies were started to find more progressive ways to improve their workhaul and needless to say these guys offered a "solution!"
first: gamify the interview and casting process with more interactive hr system and give the candidate more *special* feeling
second: surveillance the behaviors of the person against a problem and acts against the both coworkers and menagers through the live meetings
third: reward the smarter and progressive ones with more break time and more interactive and interesting contents in online world which encourages people more brainstorming to creating more generative ideas and also more payroll! And the rest.. just, get rid of them!
four: repeat the process!
in the end et voila! you have a company full of superminds! i mean.. it is effective but..
While the technology is effective, it raises significant ethical questions. Is it humane to manipulate memories? What are the long-term psychological effects? The potential for abuse and the moral implications of artificially altering a person's mind are profound. Safeguards and ethical guidelines are crucial to ensure the technology is used responsibly.
now lets take a step back and return to our prison system for a moment shall we?
with this knowledge cognify company did menage to learn how to use envoirmental elements to manipulate minds and desicions..
at first stage its been proposed for 10+ year sentenced prisoners as "do you want to fullfill your whole of your sentence in 10 minutes?"
who would'nt right? :)
if prisoner or tester would agrees they put the headset and the glasses and connect bunch of electrodes onto head and upper arm area with that way while their ai model is generates event based videostream starts to play while the tester continues to watch these videos minor electroshocks starts to given to different parts of neural system and by that way mind can be manipulated as these external video stream slowly becomes recognising as actual memories
And finally looking ahead, Project COGNIFY might evolve to address other applications beyond the prison system. Potential future developments could include therapeutic uses for trauma victims or advanced cognitive training programs. However, the ethical landscape must be navigated carefully to prevent misuse.
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sashetha · 2 years
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An art-fight attack I did this summer. Not sure if the person I attacked has a tumblr so gonna link to their artfight page instead. As usual, when trying to do more envoirmental stuff, I cant say I'm 100% happy with the execution but I do like the ambience a lot.
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gwagwagwagoogoo · 1 year
I'm ngl I see a lotta people even now theorize that denji and nayuta's plants are foreshadowing/symbolic that denji cares for life more than nayuta ever will or that nayuta has evil inside her and the plant not being taken care of is a sign of it and like idk.
I'm p sure that plant croaked cause nayuta is just a kid lol I don't think denji even cares all that much and just took care of his cause he thought it'd make the house look nicer or smth but idk. Your thoughts?
i think the plant theory is.... not that deep LOL. I just think its another way for Fujimoto to do envoirmental story telling and describing who Nayuta is as a person rather than it being foreshadowing
It isn't neccessarily 'evil' inside of Nayuta, it is her being the control devil and just first and foremost a devil, therefore only really being selfishly motivated rather than selflessly motivated especially at her young age
I agree though, I just think its a dead plant bc Nayuta is a kid ontop of being a devil too so you know she doesnt give a shit about a plant LOL
i think the crowd of people thinking nayuta will be evil i think are silly and wrong
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kaltsektion · 4 years
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Green-House is the project of Los Angeles based artist Olive Ardizoni. Approaching the project with an intentional naivety, they craft songs that find freedom through simplicity. As a non-binary artist, they hope to create a space with fewer barriers as both a performer and a listener.
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wobistdude · 5 years
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🌱an essential question of our time 🌳an intro to @openforests - an org dedicated to supporting sustainable landscape restoration projects to be come more social, more environmentally friendly and financially resilient. . 🌲See the full interview with OpenForests Cofounder Alexander Watson on the @wobistdude Website (link in bio) . . . . . #forestrylife #agroforestry #forestrywork #forestrytech #envoirmental #enviormentalscience #enviormental #enviormentalism #enviormentalawareness #enviormentday #humanitymatters #humanityhealing #humanityphotoid #human_beings #organizationalleadership #ForestRestoration #ForestConservation #DroneTechnology #sustainabilitymatters #sustainabilityinstyle #sustainabilityblogger #environmentalsustainability #sustainabledesign #sustainablelifestyle #sustainabledevelopment #sustainablebuilding #sustainablefuture #WoBistDude (at Krefeld, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B60vt2FiqA6/?igshid=1ryw5g6xkxr10
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just-a-mod · 2 years
when a particularly rough set of dreams/nightamres has one of your calmer nightmare children go off the deep end
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Lacie isnt one to lose her temper easily and i can count on one hand the amount of times she has
but this one was rough, for her and I
for now she’s okay, but...i gotta get us help
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ramblesanddragons · 5 years
Can I be angsty for a moment?
I was contemplating Eda’s curse. We know that the elixir keeps it at bay but I wonder just how well that works. If the theory the the curse is still showing even with the elixir is accurate (her overall appreance the gold fang) I wonder if envoirmental factors could set her curse to go off even with drinking the elixir properly.
Factors like extreme stress.
Eda is a chill person. Nothing bothers the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles after all! But how much of that was a part of who she was before the curse? Is that chill, aloof attitude nessasary to keep the curse form at bay?
What I’m getting at is as time goes on will we see the curse appear when Eda becomes angry or frightened? Maybe not. In the first episode she and king are cornered and there was no sign of the curse but again time is passing and Eda and her sister both acknowlege the curse is having some sort of influnce on her.
Thank you for coming to my angsty theory talk.
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officialcodysimpson · 6 years
Hey Cody! Im a long-time huge fan! Could you tell us a bit about the envoirmental projects youre involved with and how these types of subjects relate to ur music? Love you!
I work with the United Nations Development Program on a variety of ocean and environmental issues as their Oceans Advocate… Particularly plastics pollution and ocean conservation. Organizing clean-ups, making small documentary films to raise awareness, and personally setting a daily example via my own choices. I weave these topics throughout the fabric of my lyrical content to hopefully inspire people positively to make their own change.
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magnetic-darkness · 3 years
Pentex Megacorp and its subsidiaries
Pentex is a corrupt multi-billion dollar international megacorporation in the world of Midnight. It is well known for its anti-union and anti-envoirmental practices. In addition, it's products and designs are made for planned obsolescence and mass consumerism. Most of its workers are underpaid, overworked, recieve little to no benefits, and often face on-site issues regarding safety and health with the vague attempts at proper OSHA-compliance to avoid the inevitable lawsuit eating into their yearly budget.
So, like the Amazon company but more overtly evil, I guess.
All of there products are made for one of four reasons; research about how to monetize and study and collect the various types of supernaturals regardless of the cost of life and its quality, make profits to coat their already gilded pockets at any cost, decently-made and "generous" products for PR purposes, and any other research and product and pet project that serves the needs of the Project Managers/Subsidiary Overseer.
While many of Pentex's employees are innocent people simply trying to get by with their meager paychecks, the same cannot be said of the upper management. They often promote only those who show themselves shrewd and ruthless or easily corrupted and greedy by nature. That is not to say everyone is bad, just the majority, sadly, often do not place the value of their employees' health and safety and livelihoods above their own and/or the bottom line. These are the Project Managers. The Subsidary Overseer is the one in charge of the subsidiary company.
Alas, it seems that no matter how many subsidiaries Garou and their allies remove, more are brought into Pentex's fold everyday through legal-and illegal-means. It is like a hydra in some ways: remove one head and two more will appear. The alternative of burning it to the ground to prevent the spread often carries the weight of a large number of casualties that even the hardest Garou veteran balks at. It has, however, been necessary at least a few times in recent history, but only as a last resort. Naturally, Pentex has bribed local media outlets-often conservative or radical extremist ones-to demonize the "protests" and denounce the "vandalism" as part of its propaganda. Which...is shitty and exactly what an evil megacorp would do. So, go out there and kick Pentex's smug teeth into its ass!
A disturbing number of their products contain Wyrm Taint via added artificial chemicals and pollutants to slowly addict* and harm its consumers and the environment. It often weakens the mind and body enough of its consumers to draw Banes towards them to be hosts for the corrupted spirits' possession, thus resulting in creatures called Formori. (As an example, I once made a joke in-game about energy drinks being a source of Wyrm-Taint and, for whatever reasons, my players decided to make it Canon for all the games they participated in.)
Other products produce Weaver-taint, though Wyld-taint is oddly never produced for whatever reason. The pollution from their oils spills, trash heaps, and other biohazard waste often creates and attracts Banes by corrupting those already present on the land and sickening-if not outright chasing the deaths of- the people who live there. Sirens and the various Changing Breeds may find themselves weakened by such destruction of their environments and most will go up in arms-in whatever way is needed-to resolve the situation.*
*Any resemblance to current real-life struggles of marginalized is mostly unintentional and often used for themes and backdrops of the World of Midnight, however, should the players wish to do so, it can be brought to the foreground and further developed/resolved and used for catharsis. I often make a note of different class and systemic clashes and struggles and have had players develop beautiful stories around such topics.*
*About addiction, it is no joke and will often be treated with as much seriousness as allowed by everyone at the table. I do not want to belittle anyone's struggles with addiction nor do I want to cause any issues for players who may be uncomfortable with such a narrative choice. I want the games to be fun, inclusive, and hopefully meaningful to its players. I do not want anyone to feel uncomfortable with this particular and any other themes present in these games.*
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fatihulusoy · 3 months
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Greetings folks! Do you remember our folks at Facebook now Meta? You know 'em, you love 'em! Yet some of them still not trust them.. Annd you folks right to do so.. Here is why:
İn recent weeks some of your pictures you took and post these platforms get flagged as "Made By AI" for no reason like this one..
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An Instagram photo of the Kolkata Knight Riders, labeled incorrectly as "Made with AI". An Instagram photo of the Kolkata Knight Riders, labeled as “Made with AI.” Image Credit: Instagram (screenshot)
Well the thing is our folks at meta has been work on a new ai based picture identification project for rest of their platforms for the last few mounts called: PlatoNERF!
actual tech is pretty amazing actually Nerf (NEural Radiance Fields) tech is mostly used by mockups and quick cgi reference shots this is simply generates photo realistic and high resolution scans into 3d renders like photoscan but based of reflections of light.
But what is PlatoNERF? has design and made by both MIT and META's R&d labs have developed PlatoNeRF, an AI-powered computer vision technique that can use shadows to model 3D scenes, including objects blocked from view using both Nerf tech and Lidar scan.
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its simply scans the pictures and can create 3d envoirmental model through it but how its decides if something is real or AI? Shadows!
if it cant detect any shadows it automatically flags the post!
i know im speaking like its a techno-horror story or some its a conspiracy theory but i swear this bug actually caused by this :)
So if we solve that case we can continue with our regular schedule see you guys tomorrow!
for you guys to understand how NERF tech works:
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ahill17aca-blog · 7 years
blog post 5
Senator Harris and sentator Desaulnier are both pro environment and have sponsored bills on envoirmental issues.
There are 3 bills on my issues. HR1289, Expand John Muir Historic site. 44 acres of land will be added to the current site. I vote yea because it would cost nothing and preserve a piece of history and the environment. Came from the house, it has been unamousley passed by the House Natural Resource Committee. I'm currently ok with the site now but it could be bigger and better.
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captianshat-blog · 6 years
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$12.99 Scarves & Wraps, Fashion Scarves, Dahila Floral Print Plaids Infinity Loop Circle Scarf Red Black - CD11OVDGAG1 Sexyinlife is a registered fashion apparel brand and guarantee of top quality and customer service. All scarves are made by envoirmental friendly materials and passed strict tests in both US and Europe Colors might be different because of your screen please also refer to the color name to make sure All orders will be shipped in 2 days and arrived in 14 days Free return/refund with no question asked You may also like other Fashion Scarves at: https://www.captianshat.com/394-fashion-scarves & Wraps, Fashion Scarves Scarves
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ApocynumD1 10C, Atropine SulphD200 200C, BacillinumD200 200C, IodoformD30 100C, Kali IodD6 60C, Veratrum VirideD30 100C, Zincum MetD30 100C
Hydrocephalus is a condition in which fluids build up in the brain. The specific signs and symptoms includes, unusual large head, a rapid increase in the size of head, vomiting, sleepiness, irritability, seizures, eye fixed downwards and developmental delay.
The term Hydrocephalus is derived from the Greek words (Hydro means water and cephalus means head). Hydrocephalus may be congenital or acquired. Congenital Hydrocephalus is present at birth and may be caused by either envoirmental influences during fetal developmental or genetic predisposition. Acquired Hydrocephalus develops at the time of birth or at some point afterwards. This type of Hydrocephalus can affect individuals of all ages and may be caused by injury or disease. Symptoms of Hydrocephalus vary with age, disease progression, and individual difference of tolerance of CSF. For example an infants ability to tolerate CSF’s pressure differs from an adults. Infancy, the most obvious indication of Hydrocephalus is often the rapid increase in head circumference or an unusually large head size. Other general symptoms may include vomiting, sleepiness, irritability, down ward deviation of the eyes and seizures.
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wobistdude · 5 years
👨🏻‍🏫Bonus! We asked Alexander Watson of @openforests to give anxious soon-to-be #graduates some advice! Here is what he had to say... . . . . . #forestrylife #agroforestry #forestrywork #forestrytech #envoirmental #enviormentalscience #enviormental #enviormentalism #enviormentalawareness #enviormentday #humanitymatters #humanityhealing #humanityphotoid #human_beings #organizationalleadership #ForestRestoration #ForestConservation #DroneTechnology #sustainabilitymatters #sustainabilityinstyle #sustainabilityblogger #environmentalsustainability #sustainabledesign #sustainablelifestyle #sustainabledevelopment #sustainablebuilding #sustainablefuture #WoBistDude (at Krefeld, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B63VqbxCmn9/?igshid=1kq4u6hwqg0i2
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Lawyers in South Delhi we practiced law before Supreme Court Of India, Delhi  High Court, National Commission, State Commission, District Consumer forums, All District Courts of Delhi & NCR, DRT, DRAT, competition commission of India (CCI), National Green Tribunal (NGT) for Envoirmental cases and before number of arbitrators Criminal Lawyers and Marriage Registration Lawyers in South Delhi / Delhi and others parts of India.  www.southdelhiadvocate.com
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