thegodwhocums · 2 months
Distance from me is always an illusion. If you feel distant, it’s because you aren’t reaching out.
Dionysos, channeled 21 July 2024
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Toko-pa Turner writes: “Be wary of any influence in your environment that dismisses or judges your enthusiasm. Without it, you would become anesthetized to life itself.
"Anyone who demands this smallness of you is in danger themselves and may have contracted this insidious, deadening monotone.
"Enthusiasm is the vitality of spirit, expressing itself through us, and its grace in our voice should be welcomed and cherished.
"The word originates in the early 17th century, from the Greek enthousiasmos meaning ‘possessed by god.’
"Now, more than ever, the world needs your enlargement, your weirdness, your fiery crescendos of rebellion from boring.”
~ Toko-pa Turner, Excerpt from “Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home” :: [Rob Brezsny]
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flamingkorybante · 1 year
Announcing: AMA with Rocket and Alder of the Agdistine Order! - Saturday June 17th, from 5-7 pm ET
Hello all! Saturday June 17th, from 5-7 pm ET, we will have an AMA with Rocket and Alder of the Agdistine Order.
Description of the Agdistine Order:
The Agdistine Order is a liberatory spiritual project working to build a transcendent mystery tradition that meets the needs of modern transgender and gender nonconforming practitioners. It honors the Anatolian mythological figure of Agdistis, a nonbinary Earth daemon with a powerful appetite for pleasure, and strives to provide practitioners with tools for transformation of trauma, shame, and dysphoria as well as a shared focus for ancestral veneration. This is accomplished through a mix of ekstasis and enthousiasmos, using both ancient and modern techniques. The Order is a work in progress, with particular attention on crafting effective rituals, while also not forming the bad kind of cult. The dramatis personae of The Order include Dionysos, Cybele, and Attis, all of whom had mystery cults in antiquity, but far as we know, Agdistis has never before had a mystery cult of their own. You don't have to be trans to venerate Agdistis but we make no guarantee that you won't be trans when they finish with you. If you'd like to do the reading before the AMA and come with questions, you can find the essay, "The Passion of Agdistis: Gender Transgression, Sexual Trauma, Time Travel, and Ritualized Madness in Greco-Anatolian Revival Cultus," first published in "Queer Magic: Power Beyond Boundaries" in 2018. The piece includes very frank discussions of transphobia, transmisogyny, violence, and sexual assault, so please take care while reading.
Some info about Rocket and Alder:
Rocket is a cultist and mage of the Agdistine Order and the founder of the Anarcho-Surrealist Wizard Brigade, fully dedicated to 1) Cybele Magna Mater, and 2) being the weirdest pervert in the mystic groupchat and the weirdest mystic in the pervert groupchat. On the clock, Rocket can be found destroying the institution of marriage and teaching at law schools, and the rest of the time, they write poetry compulsively, glue rhinestones to things, organize with other leftist weirdo Jews, and push the flesh to its limit for art, magic, and pleasure. Rocket’s writing can be found in the Queer Magic Anthology, Nerve Endings: The New Trans Erotic, the Texas Journal of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, the Advocate, and the Brill journal of Religion and the Arts, and Rocket can be found on Tumblr at @ flamingkorybante and in meatspace on a trans commune on unceded Lenape land. Alder Knight was raised as an animist and got into witchcraft in 1998. They began their work with Dionysos in 2012. As neither a classicist nor a reconstructionist, they rely heavily on divination, personal connection with the divine, and trial and error in their Dionysian practice. They are an herbalist and a rootworker, with a focus on local plants and a light touch, and they prioritize using their skills and resources to seek out healing, community resilience, collective liberation, and the ecstatic. A mystical experience in 2014 propelled them into intensive work with the transgender dead, which culminated in the annual Transgender Rite of Ancestor Elevation, @ trans-rite on Tumblr. Similarly, a mystical experience in 2015 planted the seeds of what would become The Agdistine Order. Their day job is in clean energy and climate education, and they live with Rocket and others at the all-trans intentional community they co-founded in 2018 on unceded Lenape land. You can find them on Tumblr at @ thegodwhocums.
Looking forward to this AMA! Mark your calendars!
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Obsessed with enthousiasmos
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orgismenh · 7 months
Όταν κλείνεις εισητηρια για συναυλίες πρεπει να είναι από τις πιο χαρούμενες μέρες για εσένα και πάλι όταν πας πρέπει να είσαι πολύ χαρούμενη και δεν ξέρω αλλά το μεταδίδεις τόσο πολύ που ζηλεύω επειδή θέλω και εγώ και δεν έχω τα άτομα συνήθως να πάω. Να περάσεις τέλεια στη συναυλία και να ανεβάσεις τίποτα και για εμάς που δεν θα τους δούμε. 💜
Otan kleinw eisithrio gia mia sunaulia einai san na mou kanw to polutimotero dwro, eidika an den prokeitai gia ellhna kallitexnh (exw perissoteres dunatothtes na dw enan ellhna kallitexnh) opote ontws eimai terma xaroumenh kai twra apla tha to skeftomai mexri tis 25/10 kai epeita tha to skeftomai opws akrivws skeftomai to live twn AM ws ena apo ta kalutera experience of my life. An den uparxei oikonomikos logos mpes kai kleise eisithrio kai egw sto live twn AM monh phga kai den to metaniwsa pote, oute ena deuterolepto, giati tous eida kai hmoun se fash vlepw to agaphmeno mou sugkrothma oh my god htan o,ti kalutero kai apla den uparxoun logia na to perigrapseis. Auto pou zeis ekeinh th stigmh den perigrafetai me logia. Mhn xanete stigmes epeidh eiste monoi. Den peirazei na eimaste monoi. Na sas gemizete, na sas kanete dwra, na sas pate se sunaulies kai parastaseis, na sas pairnete to agaphmeno sas gluko, na sas agorazete pragmatakia pou sas aresoun. Na zeite. Monoi. Den peirazei. Peirazei na mhn kanate pragmata gia esas!
Ps. Tha anevasw video giati apla tha thelw na moirastw ton enthousiasmo mou alla ok. NA PAS!
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fredborges98 · 7 months
*Como acontecem nos sonhos.*
Por: Fred Borges
Uma homenagem a Lewis Carrol e sua obra prima: *Alice no País das Maravilhas.*
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, conhecido como Lewis Carroll, nasceu em Daresbury, Inglaterra, no dia 27 de janeiro de 1832. Filho de um clérico de província nasceu no presbitério de Deresbury. Estudou no Christ Church, na universidade de Oxford, licenciando-se em 1854.
A partir de um panorama sobre a infância, família e antecedentes escolares de Lewis Carroll, convido o leitor ver revelado de como se deu a introdução do escritor no mundo da literatura.
Sua obra conta com elementos da realidade que se relacionam de forma incongruente e, dessa forma, acabam criando um tipo de humor específico, chamado de "nonsense vitoriano", que atrai e provoca a imersão de vocês leitores no universo construído.Detalhes do processo de escrita de Alice no País das Maravilhas, que começou como uma história contada para crianças durante um passeio até seu fim.
Os sonhos são escapismos diante da nossa dura realidade. Em Alice não é diferente, sua protagonista revela a hipocrisia, o cinismo,mas também revela a loucura, uma loucura que nos faz rir da condição humana, mesmo que esta se torne trágica ela no final é ilusória.
Assim como rimos quando alguém tropeça e cai, se esbarra num poste, somos impelidos a acreditar que o ser humano é na sua totalidade sério, mas definitivamente não somos e isto não interfere em nada com a forma ou conteúdo de nossos desafios diários, pois sonhar, imaginar, delirar, vislumbrar um futuro radiante nos faz bem e nos proporciona a capacidade de sermos entusiastas de nossas causas,destinos, e consequências, e não nos cobremos demais pela falta de ciso, mas muito mais pelos sorrisos, o modo jocoso, humorado, sarcástico e irônico e por sua vez estes lados provocam em nós os desafios e com eles o entusiasmo.
Nas religiões não cristãs da Antiguidade, estusiasmo é definido como o estado de exaltação do espírito de quem recebe, por inspiração divina, o dom da profecia ou da adivinhação.
Sim! Um entusiasta é um profeta, pois ele profetiza palavras e cenários bons, e palavras boas geram atos de bondade( vide a neurolinguística), de generosidade e altruísmo, de cristandade, pois o bom cristão não é aquele que decora capítulos e versículos da Bíblia, mas no pouco que a conhece faz dela referência para viver, se relacionar, ter virtudes éticas e morais, ser exemplo para sua família, amigos e sua comunidade.
A Bíblia é VIDA!
Com relação à etimologia, a palavra entusiasmo é derivada do grego "enthousiasmos" que significa "ter um deus interior" ou "estar possuído por Deus".
O entusiasmo pode ser descrito como um estado de excitação da alma, quando esta experimenta uma paixão excessiva.
Mas quem não morre por excessos, morre pela escassez de amor, de paixão, só recebe quem divide, soma, multiplica o pão, pão físico, espiritual e emocional.
Mas sem dúvida a obra Alice no país das Maravilhas é um desafio ao leitor, sonhar, imaginar, delirar, submergir no seu ego, id e superego.
É provável que o próprio Lewis Carrol sofresse de um distúrbio neurológico que hoje chamamos de síndrome de Todd( psiquiatra John Todd) é uma síndrome que paciente que tem o tipo B sofrem dos seguintes distúrbios de percepção e que isto pode ter afetado até mesmo sua relação, dita estranha ou fora de uma normalidade, com a Alice que inspirou o livro, certo que estes distúrbios são das seguintes naturezas:
Micropsia, onde objetos parecem muito pequenos.
Macropsia, onde objetos parecem muito grandes.
Metamorfopsia, onde aspectos de formas, como altura e largura, parecem imprecisos.
Pelopsia, onde os objetos parecem estarem muito perto.
Teleopsia, onde os objetos parecem estarem mais longe.
Certo é que estas características de sua identidade, personalidade, inclusive o fato de ser gago, fez ele se projetar suas faltas ou sobras em seus personagens, tornando cada um o retrato de suas angústias, temores, rancores e amores.
Certo também é que não é à toa que é considerado uma obra prima, pois muitos anos se decorreram para Sigmund Freud ser inspirado por alguns de seus textos,inclusive Alice.
Estudos envolvendo a neurociência tem analisado a obra de Lewis sobre uma perspectiva da imaginação e da cognição e a conclusão é que o " brincar de fazer de conta" pode fazer com que as pessoas tenham um poder de aprendizado e percepção ampliada e aguçada, logo a inteligência crítica e analítica mais abrangente e rápida, principalmente por aquelas que por exemplo lêem,os que não lêem devem passar algum tempo com Alice e seu mundo surreal, de fantasia, de imaginação e que assim agreguem as suas virtudes a capacidade e habilidade da alegria, da rizada que estimulam descargas de substâncias liberamos endorfina (hormônio da felicidade) e dopamina (neurotransmissor do prazer). Já os níveis de cortisol (hormônio do estresse) diminuem. Os sonhos acontecem pelo humor, prazer, amor, paixão e finalmente do entusiasmo!
"Tantas coisas fora do comum tinham acontecido ultimamente que Alice começara a pensar que muito poucas coisas eram na verdade realmente impossíveis". De Lewis Carrol em Alice no País das Maravilhas.
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webtechnologynews · 10 months
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Συμφωνία ορόσημο στην ΕΕ για την τεχνητή νοημοσύνη – Ενθουσιασμός αλλά και επιφυλάξεις για την ευρωπαϊκή πρωτοπορία https://webtech.rodos-island.gr/symfonia-orosimo-stin-gia-tin-techniti-noimosyni-enthousiasmos-alla-kai/
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innervoiceartblog · 1 year
"Be wary of any influence in your environment which dismisses or judges your enthusiasm. Without it, we would become anaesthetised to life itself. Anyone who demands this smallness of you is in danger themselves and may have contracted this insidious, deadening monotone. Enthusiasm is the vitality of spirit expressing itself through us and its grace in our voice should be welcomed and cherished. The word originates in the early 17th century, from the Greek enthousiasmos meaning ‘possessed by god.' Now, more than ever, the world needs your enlargement, your weirdness, your fiery crescendos of rebellion from boring."
~ by Dreamwork with Toko-pa
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thegodwhocums · 2 years
do you have any tips on how to achieve a state of enthusiasm? you seem to know how it works
kind of because it doesn't always work and can be super elusive for a long time until it suddenly does work. hopefully.
you already know this but for the sake of anyone else who comes across this reply, Dionysos is "the god who comes," meaning that enthousiasmos, or possession, is an enormous part of who he is and what he does.
the three step process is to make yourself hospitable, call the god, and get out of the way.
MAKE YOURSELF HOSPITABLE this can mean a lot of things. hard to say what's necessary *for the god* and what's a psychosomatic preparation of your own self. might mean cleansing, getting calm and centered (or hype and manic I guess, ymmv), Donning The Vestments (whatever garb or jewelry is relevant), preparing your surroundings (candles? fire? low light? soft surfaces? unremarkable ambient temperature? sounds or lack of sounds?), and removing distractions (turn off the alarm on your phone etc). maybe you want to be actively dancing, or lying down. making yourself hospitable to the god works a lot better if you make your space hospitable to yourself. I also recommend having a trusted buddy, for safety and to help with recall later. the god will interact with others through you if he comes. .
CALL THE GOD ritual works. use it. set an altar, make offerings, play music, say prayers. smoke/incense is good bc it doubles as offering and as a sensory signal to your body that you're entering an altered state. recite epithets and entreat the god to enter you. .
GET OUT OF THE WAY do whatever you need to do to make space in your brain/etc for the god to come in and drive. (some people just use drugs. I can't say that's the best method - it can be a shortcut but at the cost of not learning to do it on your own, and it's harder to remain clear-eyed through what should be a really profound experience. but I am not a very drugs person so again ymmv.) there's an almost physical sense for me of molding my consciousness to take up less space - like pressing into the wall of a crowded elevator. I cover my eyes for best results, or at very least keep the light very low. looking around the room or being asked a technical question that I can answer but D cannot is a fast way to yank me back into my head and force the god out. if you are prone to dissociation, this step might be really easy for you, and the hard part could be coming back to fully inhabiting your body. if you are a very grounded and embodied person, which I am, getting out of the way is the hardest part and takes the most practice. you may only get flashes of success for a really long time.
that's the format I've pulled together from a decade or so of studying, practicing, and listening to smart people. epiphany and possession are essential to Dionysos as a deity. if you try and it isn't working, don't get frustrated with yourself, just keep at it. I've had times in my practice when it's been years between successes. when the conditions are right, the god will come.
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rudyroth79 · 1 year
Știri: Au început înscrierile pentru cea de a doua ediție a Academiei de Arte Lugoj Clasic
În perioada lunilor august și septembrie 2023, Asociația Enthousiasmos cu sprijinul Primăriei Municipiului Lugoj organizează cea de a doua ediție a Academiei de Arte Lugoj Clasic, ce însumează activități de formare și de perfecționare în arta muzicii. Structurată în două secțiuni, prima dedicată tinerilor cântăreți de operă și studenților disciplinei canto,  iar cea de a doua elevilor, ediția din…
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sportsnewsgreek · 1 year
Χατζόπουλος: «Υπάρχει μεγάλος ενθουσιασμός για τα διαρκείας!»
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falangesdovento · 1 year
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Por esses dias andei meio acabrunhado, pensando sobre a vida e percebi que quanto mais pensamos nos problemas dela, mais perdemos o que chamamos de entusiasmo.
Quanto mais nos ligamos às partes sombrias de nós mesmos e dos que nos rodeiam, trazendo para dentro de nós, de nossos corações e almas, o descartável alheio, mais nos esvaziamos de nós e nos perdemos na estrada que deveria ser celebrada como jornada, mas ao observarmos apenas o externo, nos perdemos e começamos a sentir que essa caminhada chamada vida é castigo, punição ou purificação de pecados.
E não adianta de nada pensarmos que teremos outras vidas, pois quem estamos, é no aqui e agora, na próxima encarnação não sabemos e na anterior, não importa pelo mesmo motivo, essa passagem não existe mais.
Quem somos ou o que faremos depende do entusiasmo que temos pela vida que levamos e/ou construímos a cada escolha, em cada bifurcação que encontramos e nas quais necessitamos decidir para onde iremos, o que plantaremos e ter consciência do que colheremos, pois essa última etapa independe de nossa aceitação, ela não é facultativa. Colheremos exatamente as sementes que espalharmos pelos caminhos que trilharmos.
Essa palavra me preencheu.
Ter a necessidade do sol, da luz, do calor.
Ter a necessidade da gratidão.
Ter a necessidade do sorriso e da alegria.
Ter a necessidade do vento, da chuva e de mergulhar nas águas.
Então compreendi profundamente o significado da palavra o do sentimento Entusiasmo.
Palavra antiga, de origem grega, que era designada às pessoas que caíam em profundo êxtase divino, como os oráculos Delfos...as pessoas eram possuídas por uma energia divina e traziam à tona mistérios e os revelavam. Enthousiasmos vem de duas palavras: en e theos. En significa dentro. Theos significa deus. Assim, enthousiasmos significava literalmente ter um deus dentro de si.
Quando ao caminharmos por essas paragens terrenas e nos mantivermos dentro do nosso caminho pessoal e acima de tudo, sendo fiel ao próprio coração manteremos em nós o Entusiasmo, porque manteremos vivo um deus dentro de nós e isso ninguém abala ou nos rouba.
Preencher-se de sol luz e calor.
Preencher-se de gratidão.
Preencher-se de vento, chuva e mergulhas nas águas.
Sentir-se pleno de si. Tendo um deus dentro.
Olhando pra dentro e dando cada vez menos importância ou satisfação fora.
Está tudo dentro.
Somos a imagem e semelhança.
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thelastbacchae · 4 years
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Ch. 4, Page 30. << Previous || Start Reading || Next >>
When all your knowledge about camping comes from american movies from the 80s, and so cooking sausages on sticks you just picked up in the woods seems totally a genious idea. --- Notes ---
Enthousiasmos: Particular trance state in which, it's said, the soul left its mortal body to let the spirit of a deity in, to control and speak freely through that vessel. This is particularly linked to Dionysos, which was said to enter in spirit his bacchae during celebrations, but also to Apollo, which entered the Pythia to spread his oracles (all oracles in general worked like so). The word is indeed a descriptive one: it means, quite litterally in Greek, "divinely inspired, possessed by a god" (en= in, inside + theos= god). In modern languages it came to mean something different (One could argue that an enthousiastic person is really a little out of their mind), a better rendition would be "Exstasy" (from ek= out and stasis= being), so a state in which one's spirit is technically outside the body.
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zerogate · 3 years
‘Impresarios of gods’, ‘mediators of the divine’, ‘masters of truth’—who were they, people who believed that their inspiration came from the gods? Francis Cornford, in his Principium Sapientiae, was the first to trace the common derivation of the poet, the seer, and the sage from the undifferentiated shaman-like practitioner of the past. He called attention to the traces of common origin still discernible in the activities of Greek poets, prophets, and philosophers of the Archaic and Classical ages, especially their conscious attribution of knowledge to divine inspiration, in particular by Apollo, the divine shaman.
The Greeks perceived mental experiences of exceptional intensity as stemming from divine intervention: poets were inspired by the Muses, the visions of prophets were imparted by gods, sages received revelatory dreams, and the intense emotional experiences of simple mortals were also believed to be due to divine intervention. Unusual psychological phenomena were explained as possession by the gods or enthousiasmos. Democritus, the inventor of the atomic theory of matter, also recognized the kinship of the seer’s intuitions, poetic genius, mystic insights, and mental actions, but ascribed these phenomena to an abnormal physical condition, namely to extremely rapid motion of psychic atoms...
The Greeks knew several ways to liberate their souls from the constraints of the body and still remain alive. Some mystics claimed that they could release their souls at will; independent of the body, the soul could achieve superhuman knowledge. Others attained states of intense concentration by means of meditation-like techniques. Ordinary people on the verge of death reported out-of-body experiences, involving the feeling of their soul’s flight.
Possession by a deity, divinely inspired madness, enabled temporary abandonment of the human self and transformed an individual into a medium, uttering words coming from the deity, rather than from the mortal mind. All these techniques were known to Plato. Moreover, on several occasions Plato associates philosophical doctrines with ecstatic revelation, thus suggesting that human enquiry derives from a superhuman source.
-- Yulia Ustinova, Caves and the Ancient Greek Mind
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phemonoi · 4 years
what we know about myths, summarised in a short list
so its been hard for pagans along the ages to interpret problematic myths. this is not a modern issue, back in ancient times many people would condemn poets that wrote immoral things about the gods. but still, myths were told and retold, and in the process the original narratives probably got worse.
for the pagans that are struggling between devotion and myth interpretation, or for whom certain behavior of a god affects their relationship, i offer you some interpretations of the myths that i have come across in my path:
When a deity is involved in rape, kidnapping, and killing, these behavior is often a symbol of the subject experiencing that deity's power and enormousness in a transformative, sudden spiritual manner. what this means is that, when a mortal is said to having been raped by a god in a myth, it is a way of saying they experienced an enthousiasmos, the frenzy of that god's qualities entering the person's self.
Killing is often, as said, an act of transformation and transmutation. One has to be careful and pay attention when examining myths: for instance, you can find a pattern in myths where a god kills or condemns another. For instance, they often share similar characteristics or are in a way related to that god, assuming them; mimicking them. Take into account the myth of Apollo and Marsyas; both of them were musicians. But Marsyas is a satyr that represents the loss of control and self-awareness, so when Apollo “flays” him, he is transforming his nature.
When a deity is described to have sex with another, that is also a symbol of union; specially when it happens between deities. It probably means their souls are being united in a way they get intertwined, and participate in each other's dominion. Take Ares and Aphrodite into account; Aphrodite seems to be the antithesis of Ares' war-like nature in many ways. So when they get united, they become whole. Same with Hephaistos, who in the myths represents creativity; he is not whole without Aphrodite's love and passion.
Proclus, I think, said the writing of the myths can be affected by the poet's life experiences. As any writer today, poets back then projected themselves into their work. The myths are, of course, tainted with the colors and narratives of their original contexts. So a myth told by the elite will be very different from a myth told in a poor village outside the city. But this is a conclusion that is easy to arrive to.
Then again, when a deity is giving birth (like, half the pantheon being a child of Zeus) that is obviously a symbol for the child participating in the parent's performance and nature. All gods are related and descend from the same source, we could say, simply because they are all gods. They share that quality.
I encourage you to make up your own interpretations and see how they apply to your worship or life experiences. I hope these few I've listed somehow help. They have certainly helped me. A person told me a few days ago, for example, that Persephones' myth with Hades described the descent of the soul into matter and consciousness, not just the seasons. Ain't that pretty? We can go as far as we want, because the myths, by being poetry, are written to fit everyone's own truth.
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miazwgrafiaa · 3 years
Xreiazomai pali sneaky link. Mou leipei o enthousiasmos
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