01may1994 · 2 years
who's gonna do the achilles / hector parallels research for me and tell me all about it bc I wanna know but can't be bothered rn
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kacievvbbbb · 22 days
I don't know which is more devasting. The idea that Mihawk and Shanks didn't see each other for a decade after thier breakuptm (which giving that they dueled almos daily for years someone had to have drastically changed their habits to avoid seeing the other)
or even despite all that and not for a lack of trying they just keep running into each other. That their fates are so horrribly enterwined, their yin and yang so bound to the other that despite their best efforts to the contrary it always brings them together again. On the same island in the same know nothing town pretending the other doesn't exist. Because Shanks is a captain on the come up he has a whole crew a burgeoning fleet and territories he can't just drop everything to chase after a petulant swordsman. And if Mihawk can't fight shanks then he can't see Shanks.
And god the tragedy of that of knowing that they are there on the other side of this island because you've known from the moment they arrived. But knowing better/refusing to do anything about it.
On the other hand I do also love the idea that whenever they do run into each other they get into these intense arguments and Mihawk and Shanks have always been prone to fighting but not like this. Because at the end of the day Mihawk and Shanks are both very immature people Shanks is prone to deflecting and distracting to avoid the problem while Mihawk is prone to just completely shutting down when any strong emotions are involved or when he feels like he is not being understood, until he just bursts out in a flurry of rage filled meanness and wrath with a body trail a mile long. And so they just go at each other and the situation is too delicate to thorn filled for Beckman to mediate and so he separates them at least to preserve the integrity of the island they are all presently on.
And then Mihawk goes off and takes his anger out on a marine base cause the pirates have all learned to steer clear of him.
I just think it brings new meaning to Shanks posturing when Mihawk first pulls up on him a decade later. That "you come here for a fight" is a real question and not just playful banter because obviously Shanks doesn't like fighting with Mihawk but why else would he be here? It's why mihawk's little comment doesn't diffuse the tension until he mentions luffy's poster. He is literally and figuratively extending an Olive branch and Shanks couldn't be happier to take it
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hypnos333 · 9 months
Falling for ya
1610 Miles Morales x black reader
Synopsis: You love Miles but your scared to fall for him because of a heartbreak in your last relationship
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“Careful” Your friend simply said making you look at her in confusion. You both were in the cafeteria during lunch.
“Huh?” You asked looking back at her waiting for her to continue her sentence.
“Your smile. You look like you’re about to fall in love” She explain making you immediately shake your head in denial. This is the bare minimum of what you want. What’s falling in love? because you definitely don’t know.
“Uhm I don’t think so he just looks interesting, I mean he looks like a regular student sure but he looks like he’s holding a secret” You explained.
She raised her eyebrows at you before sharing a piece of her cake with you but without both your knowledge, the same guy was staring at you.
“You know what I see?” Your friend asked making you curiously squint at her.
“What do you see?” You questioned.
“I see a love story right here, You guys do look cute together and whenever you’re ready you should take a chance” She said making you look back at the cake.
You playfully shoved her before putting on you backpack you hurried her up to get her to class.
“Alright students I’m going to switch up your seats and you’re gonna be assigned these seats till the end of the semester” Miss. James stated.
“Flash and F/n and then Jamie and Kc and then ah Miles and ___” Miss James added before continuing down the list
You and Miles looked at each other before you both walked over your two seat desk to get comfortable.
“Hey Miles” You greeted as he looked nervous and could barely breathe so you tried giving him a comforting smile.
“H-Hey ___” he greeted back making him a little more relaxed.
You looked to your side to see your friend giving you the thumbs up making you roll your eyes at her. But as time went by you and Miles seemed to be getting closer, Like him and Ned now hangs out with you and f/n.
You were falling for him and it was scary.
You were both on the rooftop looking at the sun setting, Miles enterwine your hands together making you wanna talk about your situation.
“Love is scary. This feeling of falling terrifies me, the only way it ends is with hitting the ground” You stated
“Not if I catch you” you giggled at his statement but you could tell he was serious
“You can’t catch me if you’re falling with me”
“Mi Amor, I started falling long before you did” He said before kissing you cheek making you blush.
Maybe F/n was right this was gonna work out longer and stronger.
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the-banana-0verlord · 2 years
Reader with Trampoline
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Just a bunch of headcannons about the reader having a trampoline, because i spent the afternoon jumping on mine. It’s not a specific character x reader it’s more collective. Also it’s a bit short and I’m bullying Azul lmao. Let me know if you want more characters with this trope!
☁It was near the end of the year when Kalim and Jamil came to you with an offer. It was their Yearly Trampoline Change, where they replaced their old trampoline with a new one. Ordinarilly thye would have given it to charity, but since you were here, they decided to give it to you(don’t think about that too much).
☁One of the many pleasures you had was to zap people with the static you gained by rolling around on it.
«Hey, Azul!» You called him from afar.
Intrigued, he approached you.
«Do you need anyth-»
You cut him short by by poking his cheek with your finger. He instantly felt the current go through his body. But it was nothing compared to the shock he had mentally received.
«I-How-You’re not supposed to be able to use magic-Huh-»
Meanwhile you were laughing hysterically.
☁And imagine the sleepovers with Ace and Deuce under the starlight, sometimes with the other first years. Red and blue colored sleeping bags enterwined with yours, not used at all because you’re cuddling each other for warmth.(Also Ace’s foot is in your face but shh, take in the moment.)
☁Or just,you know, jumping on it. Floyd and Kalim are almost garanteed to join you. It’s a bunch of fun, but since it’s been used a lot, it ends up caving in after one wrong jump. You are now part of the Yearly Trampoline Change, because Kalim insists on buying you another.
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syresdcthings · 5 months
Eric Border is a variant of Joker I've never touched upon with Batjokes before despite how much I love it, so let's do this!
Batman liked Eric. He was a reliable asset, and he had this completely non threatening, mousy demanour that should've unsettled Bruce if the circumstance weren't so perfect. Joker was gone, and Eric's smile twisted in such a way when he thought he was out of Bruce's vision, but he wasn't. It should've been suspicious, just how wonderful Eric was. An anxious but strong willed and courageous man who was absolutely sure on his goal of helping the people in Arkham. Bruce thought it was admirable, and he silent enjoyed the fact someone was finally trying to make an impact, even if it was some dreamer from Metropolis. And yeah, at some point? Maybe those feelings of admiration become adoration, but could you blame Bruce? Everything about him set his nerves on fire- and he hadn't felt that way since he was fighting hand in hand with his favourite foe. It was everything from the way he flinched when Batman appeared, or how he was so willing to do anything he was asked, but would go into strange and dangerous situations if it meant helping somebody. And when the time came that they finally got a little handsy, their tounges enterwined messily as if they were both desperate teenagers, Bruce felt the fireworks exploding. He knew bringing people into his business would be dangerous, but maybe Eric is different, maybe he understands Batman more than anyone else. There was a set date he was planning to ask him out.
When water trickled down onto kevlar and metal bars clung together, the face of a man beloved replaced with one who's mere presence reset a flame burning in his gut.
(Ps. Bruce has to stop falling for cute brunettes, they are usually Joker)
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darling--angst · 1 year
The faint sound of rain
Pt. 2
Part 2 of "I'm only a fool, am I not?"
Just a little fluff for y'all
You woke up with an unsettling feeling of a hangover. You took notice of your surroundings and there you see an asleep Chuuya, with his hand enterwined with yours. The sound of the rain falling, and thunders striking was surprisingly peaceful with him by your side. You groaned at the unbearable pain in your head, and a feeling of wanting to puke. You left the bed and rushed to the bathroom, after all you were much familiar in his place. Opening the lights, you rushed to the sink and took your form by the mirror upfront. Eyes are looking like a faint crimson color due to your crying, hair is very messy, you looked very disheveled. Liquid started to flow from your mouth uncontrollably, perhaps it was the bottles of gin, wine and sake you drank yesterday. You washed your face and left the bathroom, now you can fully see the asleep Chuuya on the bed, the moon faintly lighting the bedroom, you tiredly smiled remembering how he comforted you from yesterday. You went downstairs to the kitchen to get painkillers. You drank the some, drank water, and exhaled. You weren't sure why you weren't crying as much as you did yesterday, was it the fact that you already drank your sadness away, or the fact that you didn't care as much; it's neither, it was the fact that Chuuya was there for you, you needed someone and he was there, you didn't move on from Dazai no, but you recovered from the sadness that ate you away yesterday. You were snapped out of your thoughts when slender arms hugged you from behind and a head now rested on your shoulders.
"Ah!" You flinched from the uncertain man from behind you.
"Mmhm" Chuuya groaned tightening his grip on you
"Ahh.. Chu" You softly sighed,
"It's too early.." He complained.
"My head hurts so I took some painkillers" you muttered but was cut if by him turning you around to face him.
"You're hurt?! Where? Are you okay?" He panicked but you chuckled from his reaction puzzling him.
"Huh?" He was confused. You smiled brightly at him and said:
"I'm fine Chu.."
He looked and flustered. Yet you remained wondering why does this man care so much about you? He was sober now, so he has no reason to stay in the same bed as you. The night passed with you sleeping on the guest room and he left to sleep at the master bedroom.
You woke up again glancing at the large window on the wall, faint sounds of the rain could be heard, you sighed. You looked at the clock and it read, 6:59 AM. You sighed again, closing your eyes leaning back to bed. Then you realized the time and your eyes shot open. "Fuck!" You threw the blanket aside and began to panic, until someone barged in your door.
"It's time for work lazy ass!" Chuuya said halting when he realized you just woke up.
"Ha..haha.. Yeah." You awkwardly said.
"You have 5 minutes, if you don't come down by then I'll leave your ass" he said looking away as you were still in your night gown.
"..." He didn't give you time to answer as he left closing the door with a annoyed, blushing face.
"Shit!" You sprinted to the bathroom grabbing your towel and closing the door shut. You took a quick bath and began to dress. You rushed downstairs and there you saw Chuuya.
"Oh! There you are, I was thinking of leaving you" He said annoyed.
"Sorry Chu.." you apologized, but he clicked his tongue and looked away
"Let's just go." He said as he drove you to the Port Mafia.
It turned out you both almost missed an important meeting but he barged in the door and got seated while you quietly sat as you saw Dazai. The two of you met eyes and you looked away from him.
"May I ask why you're both late?" Rintarou-san creepily smiled at you earning shivers down your spine.
"It.. it was a personal problem.. Chuuya just got caught up within it" You explained which made Dazai furrow brows and Chuuya's fist clenched.
"I see..." He said glancing at you and Dazai, then a sinister smirk appeared on his face.
"Chuuya-san, Dazai-kun, Y/n-san" please come to my office later, I have something to discuss with you. The three of you could only mutter a "yes" from him.
The meeting finished while you and Chuuya talked with Ane-san.
"May I ask why you didn't come by dear.?" She asked you.
"Well.. I stayed by Chuuya's house.." You awkwardly said earning a shocked expression on her face.
"You.. You slept together.?" She stuttered.
"No! It's not like that Ane-san!" You panicked which earned a small giggle from her. Chuuya looked away and blushed, accidentally making eye contact with Dazai. Chuuya's expression changed when he saw him, his eyes was filled with anger as he looked at the bandaged man.
"Huh.? Chu?" You asked snapping out of his thoughts looking back at you.
"Uh-huh.. yeah I'm fine" he stuttered then suddenly you put the back of your hand on his forehead. The sudden contact made him jolt in surprise as he blushed.
"Oh.. I'm just checking if you have a fever, you are quite red right now.." You said as his ears turned bright red which you didn't notice. Ane-san quickly caught up and smirked.
"I'm really fine though-" he tried explaining but was cut off by Ane-san.
"My..my it seems Chuuya is indeed sick~" she said putting her hand on her cheek feigning disappointment.
"Huh?Ane-san what do you mean-" He asked confused.
"L-O-V-E S-I-C-K" She mouthed which Chuuya caught making him embarrassed. Before Chuuya could complain she reminded both of you that you have to go to the Boss's office in which you agreed. You said your goodbye while Chuuya stood there clearly annoyed with Ane-san.
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
How about dating hcs for Mephistopheles, and Raphael?
Obey Me Mephistopheles and Raphael Dating HCs
Disclaimer: These are just my HCs I don’t know much about these two.
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I believe that Mephistopheles right off the bat likes to put things on a higher shelf so you can ask him for help. His ego is immediately boosted when you’re asking your boyfriend for help.
He gets super embarrassed asking you for anything, when he wants attention or is super needy he doesn’t say anything but looks at you when he thinks you’re not looking. If you look back he immediately turns his head blushing red.
You’re gonna have to ask for affection. But when he’s used to it, he will ask you or grab your hand when you’re both alone and kiss your fingers. He feels comfort from
Mephistopheles seems like he’d hate PDA but feels so threatened by Lucifer’s presence he’d super fast like Sonic grabs your hand, enterwining your fingers together. He’s blushing a lot, and looking down in floor.
Mephistopheles also gets jealous easily due to insecurity, he’s afraid deep inside that you’ll abandon him too and he when he’s having those moods he wants to be alone and will shield himself to protect himself emotionally.
It takes a lot of communication and boundaries for both of you to be strong together, you both like eachother but communication is greatly appreciated.
For dates Mephistopheles likes to invite you to ride his horse with him, he will have you sit on the front while he has his arms wrapped around your waist keeping you balanced.
He also invites you to all of his horse races and equestrian competitions. He likes to kiss you for good luck before each match.
He doesn’t like to tell you out loud but he leaves small notes for you telling you that he’s extremely proud of you and sometimes leaves notes that looks like origami flowers that you have to unfold.
Some common dates for you both will be picnics or activities like daily walks outside, he likes the deep talk while having these small walks it makes his day.
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For Raphael. At first he’s extremely closed off and stuff. You were first intimidated based on the brothers description of him being sadistic.
With the help of Luke introducing eachother you both slowly became friends then to lovers.
You were the first to confess, however Raphael who didn’t understand his feelings right away asked if you could wait and he eventually after a week accepted your feelings apologizing deeply.
He likes to stare at you sometimes, it’s not on purpose but he enjoys watching you be you. He finds you extremely charming and he gives off a small smile sometimes.
He is extremely overprotective of you, the moment he found out that some demons were being mean to you, you never saw them again and you earned a cringy Raphael.
He’s not overboard with PDA however he does like to lay his head on your shoulder and doesn’t see a big deal about it.
Sometimes he feels insecure about not understanding you a lot and from the advice from Leviathan; checks out romancé manga.
He basically takes the advice from the main leading males and applies it to himself and goes on forward.
He is dedicated to you, I feel like he’s not picky with your food. If your food taste like shit? He’s gobbling it up and leaving no crumbs on the plate. He likes Solomons food what do you expect?
He really likes listening to you talk about any of your hobbies, it’s really enjoyable for him to listen you be happy talking. He likes your voice, smile and laughter.
A specific date you guys would have is probably the movies, he wants to see more movies in general and enjoys watching them with you. He sometimes takes a glance at you every once in a while to get your reaction.
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shysuccubusstuff · 6 months
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yandere!megumi pt. 2
TW: Dubcon, risky intercourse, blunt words, female anatomy, overstimulation, sqrt, a little of mind break, 34 + 35.
Note: this is not proofreader, so there may be mistakes, I'm really sorry :(( Let me know if you have any suggestions/recommendations!
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Without saying anything else, he went for your lips, kissing them with force, you were almost feeling as if you were being devoured, he suddenly pulled away, his face was slightly red, shirt unbottoned, his eyes looked hazy, kinda foggy, he looked down at you, almost like some kind of predator. He left a little smile escape his lips, his pupils were as dark as the abysm, without saying anything else, he kept kissing your lips, letting his tongue inside of your mouth and enterwinning it with yours, his demeanor was wild, nothing compared to how he had ever behaved with you. While he kissed your pretty lips, he started to take off your bra, letting your breasts free, he took his hands, somehow slightly cold in contrast with your skin, he slowly massaged your chest, carefully touching your nipples, sometimes flicking them a little. He left your lips, and started to kiss your chest, slowly going down until he reached your nipples, he smiled while looking at your eyes, which only made you even more flushed. Suddenly he pulled his mouth towards your nipple, your had to bite your lip in order to not let a moan escape, he of course noticed, so he quickly moved his free hand to your face, forcing you to stop bitting your lips and letting your sweet moans free. He suddenly pulled it out from his lips, getting closer to your face.
"Hey bunny, will you let me devour you? Be nice..." He caressed your face, hair sticking a little to your face due to the sweat that was starting to fall down your face, You slowly nooded, still lost in the pleasure and the high temperature that you felt through your whole body. "Gumi... my head is kinda tipsy..." you were able to blurt out those words, Megumi simply chuckled, his face lighting up with a smile. "Oh... that must be the drink I mixed, since it was our last party, some of the boys from the baseball team decided to make surprise drinks, I guess you were the "lucky" one, bunny..." He carefully explained what happened, but without giving you time to response he lifted you from the bed, laying his body on the bed and positioning you upside down on top of him, your face facing his still clothed member.
"Let's have some good time together, yn." He put his arms around your legs, not allowing you to move and he quickly put his mouth against your sweet cunny, starting to slowly pass his tongue through your slit, hitting with the tip of his tongue your clit while all you could do was let small cries and moans out of your mouth. He suddenly stopped, lifting you for a moment in order to take of what little cloth was still covering his lower half, you were suddenly facing his not so little member, well-trimmed and clean, it was a little pale his tip having a flushed pink colour. "Show me how good can you be bunny."
He brought his member close to your mouth, suddenly feeling how his member was slowly parting your lips, he slowly started to move his hips, his tongue still stuck against your slit, he kept playing with your clit, but he slowly started to enter a finger, moving around until he felt something slightly hard against his fingertips. A wickened smile crossed his lips, starting to move faster his hips while he kept touching your clit, playing with your cunny as well, the feeling was making you feel light-headed, and the fast pacing that his trusts had taken was definitly not helping you.
"Come on baby, cum for me...show me how much of a good girl you are" just as he said that, he sucked on your clit, fingers still inside your poor cunt, you were almost forced to cum, liquid stainning his face, he quickly licked it from the source, smiling as he felt your body shake a little from the overstimulation, his member suddenly letting the cum out, your mouth suddenly getting filled with it and making you almost choke on the substantial ammount that he released. After a few minutes, he took you from your hips, letting you lay at the bed close to him. He suddenly left the bed, coming back after a few minutes, he pulled you up, taking you in a bridal style and moving you towards your bathroom, the tub was filled with warm water and your mind was still kind of melted due all the stimulation. He entered the bath, helping you enter and letting you in between his thighs.
"You did such a good job baby, let me take care of everything from now on..." He smiled while looking at your face, eyes still foggy. He surely enjoyed that night, and perhaps the idea that his "father" gave him had been much more useful than what he thought at first.
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luvdivy · 9 months
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the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own
You're in a subway train in New York on Friday headed to work at 6:45 am. You look to your right and see an old lady smiling as she does her daily crossword. You look to your left and see a woman in her 20's eyes closed listening to music. You look around and see a crowded train of groggy people going about their own mornings, and you would never know what is going through their minds. The teenager just got dumped and is heading to her mother's for the weekend. A man is grinning because he's going to be a father. The old man is heading to work to announce his retirement. The college student an elite athlete heading to university early to begin preseason. And here you are sat going to work, living the same day as yesterday, wondering how many are just like you.
Everyone is the main character of their lives. 8 billion people experience every day differently. Some people die, some enter this earth, every second of the day. Everyone is living their life just as complex as you. Its everyones first time living a life too. Everyone has their own hopes and dreams, distant memories, loves and hates, sorrows and joys. We will never fully know what everyone's life is like. But man, people are beautiful. There's just so much to learn about others. Somebody just lost their mother or father today, somebody just got their dream job, somebody just learned about calculus, and somebody had their first kiss. Everyone is experiencing everything, everywhere, all at once.
Everyone is writing their own story, but many will never know how it goes. They'll never know the highs and lows, the laughter and cries, the inside jokes and the friends. Everyone goes about living their own lives, enterwined in this web of the human interactions. Our time on this Earth is limited, and the truth is, our stories may never be told after our death. Everyone just goes about their day. You have to make your life meaningful and beautiful for yourself. We only get one life, why not experience everything, why not make it worthwhile for yourself? Why not make the most out of each and every day so that your life, regardless of when it ends, ends with purpose? Why not kiss the guy, wear that pretty dress, laugh uncontrollably, and dream big? Why not chase your dreams and take risks? And maybe, just maybe, if you make a beautiful life for yourself, and become a beautiful person, you just might impact others around you. You'll be unforgettable.
Make your life meaningful for yourself. Do what you've always wanted to do, get the most out of life. Whether or not you're remembered, atleast you'll know you lived one hell of a life in the afterlife. Life is a blessing, time is finite, live wholeheartedly, get to know that stranger, impact those around you, and experience life in the best way possible. So what if you fail? So what if you lose people. That's life. Be authentic and vulnerable, and go through life discovering what it means to truly live. What it means to be alive.
With this realization of sonder, get to know the strangers around you, and their stories. People really are beautiful, you just have to get to know them. One day you'll be gone, and you'll look back and see how truly precious everything was. Don't take time for granted. Don't take this life for granted. Make the most out of life, and be thankful for all its blessings. Lead with love, live without regrets. Remember, 8 billion people experienced life differently today.
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lolitastories · 7 months
This will be insert of storylines that happens in the future if Yn and Kayce
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Chapter 17:
Chapter 16: Part 3
I tried to be present for the last weeks but I stood no chance against work. The court date moved on pretty quickly and soon I was standing infront of the judge on the last date. I had Kayce sitting behind me and Tate thankfully wasn’t allowed in court because my mother had made it a strong belief that he should be here. “Your honor” I say approaching her. “It is clearly stated in the paper that is infront of you and plaintiff they are reasoning behind my son not being present” I had not adopted Tate Legal. He still had both parents and I never wanted to over step. We did write a couple papers indicating I am a legal guardian/parent of him and under that paperwork it was written he would not be used or even attend family matters in court. I wanted to protect him and anyone that was born into this family. Kayce has a hard past and so do I, I didn’t want anything affecting kids.
“That cannot be suitable in this case, your honor!” My mother stands and with a rush her lawyer urges her to sit back down.
“If you are not going to let your lawyer talk and with permission I am going to dismiss this case for a further date until you learn how my courtroom handled it” She backs up and takes a seat. “Now continue Miss. Y/N” The judge looks over to me and nods.
“Thank you” I shifted back to my desk. “The paper clearly states he will not be allowed at court for any case unless it's life or death.” I picked up his birth certificate. “This gives it more credibility and the reason the plaintiff does not have any copy or knowledge of it, is because it is not suitable” I look over to my mother and her lawyer before handing it to the judge. She scans over it and quickly straightens up.
“I will need to see you in my office” She says sternly and I nod. “Give us a 5 minute recess and we will be back” She announces as she starts to walk back to her office.
“Everything okay?” I hear Kayce call out to me but not loud enough for everyone to hear. I nod my head.
“I wanted to have something against her but since the agreement is not enough I needed to tell the whole truth even if it won’t knock the smile out of her face” I groaned walking off.
“Couldn’t you have started with the birth certificate?” She shakes her head behind her desk. “Saved you and I much time”
“I know there is a way around everything so not matter how officially the paper may be she would find a way to get what she wants”
“You know what?” She stands up and walks to her fridge. “I have never seen you this stressed” I thank her as I grab the water she handed me.
“It has never involved my kid” I say sitting up straighter. “I guess I prolonged this so I can see her lose something she really wanted, even if it was to get back at me” I shrug and get up. “But I am not going to lose a kid just so I can win this game”
“Couldn’t agree more” She sets her cup down. “I'm glad even after everything you don’t change” I hate change. I was going to say but I only smiled. “Recess is over let's go” I nod, getting out of the room and waiting back in the courtroom for her to appear. We all stand as we hear the doors open. “After hearing and seeing all the evidence I have come up with a decision” The viewers were the only ones to sit down. “When it comes down to the shares and every last of the demands such as last name affiliation or change I grant in favor of the Plantiff” I could see the smile in her face. “When it comes to visitation of Tate I grant favor to the defendant. Case is close”. I know I won. Bickering days back and forth about the company and the name. We stood facing eachother knowing this might be the last time I get to see my mothers face.
“Y/N?” Kayces voice reaped my eyes from following her walking figure. “Everything is done?” I look over before handing the file to Jennifer.
“Yes. Everything is done” I smile. I pull my hand forward to enterwine with mine. “Let's go home, I need a vacation after this” He chuckles walking out of the courtroom. The image I saw was something that made me unable to swallow.
“Think about this” I heard Kayce warn me but my feet had already started walking towards them.
“Y/N” I pull my hands up stopping John from talking.
“Whatever you are saying or trying to do here is not worth it. As stated, I am no longer part of the family so that means you don’t belong in mine”
“No matter what they said he is my blood and the problem was never with him!” She stepps forwards but I don't move an inch. Tate was currently hiding behind John.
“I don’t care!” I took a deep breath not wanting to scare Tate more. “You will never get a chance to hurt me again. And trust me when I say that if you even try, remember I know everything about you and your name”
“You have always been so sensitive” She smiles while fixing her purse.
“You can think anything you want. If you decided to show up again I will make sure I am not the only thing stripped from your last name” I turned around grabbing Tates hand.
“Who was that lady?”I look down, finding a sort of calmness in his eyes.
“She’s my mother,” I say as I get to the truck. I hear the car unlock and help Tate into the back seat.
“Why were you screaming at eachother?” His innocent eyes didn’t compel what was happening.
“Sometimes mothers and daughters fight. Sometimes you need to walk away to give people time to breath”
“Do mothers and sons fight?” I look over with a grin. He smiles knowing the answer. “I guess I have a good mother. She fights for me” I ruffle his hair checking that his belt is secure enough. “But I got really lucky I have two”
“Yes you are bud” I look over and see Kayce and John finally begin to walk towards us. “How about some ice cream? I could definitely use one”
“Yes!” He screams.
“What's happening here?” John says come to my side.
“We decided we need ice cream, will you come with us grandpa?” I turn around leaving them to talk.
“Are you okay?” I look up nodding my head. I move forward wrapping my arms around Kayce. He immediately wraps his arms around me.
“Yes. I just need some ice cream” I smile.
“Yes ma’am” He whispers, pulling my face up and leaving a gentle kiss on my lips. “Guess what?”
“Hmm?” I tried to catch his lips again but was denied.
“I got the stove set up”
“Oh thank god!” I groan, pulling away. “I think I hate every take out in this town” He laughs as I move around the truck to get in.
“Don’t act like you are a great cook either” If I had something to throw at him I wouldn’t think twice.
“Shut up. Now I can practice and you will see” He laughs again pulling his door open. We both get in and turn around to Tate. “Tate, you like the food I make, right?” Tate looked lost. He looked between me and Kayce not knowing what to say.
“Bud, you can tell the truth” I smile nodding my head at Kayces words.
“Well” He stretches his arms trying to come up with his words. “You have only made breakfast and dad has done most of the cooking so I can’t judge” I hear a snicker from Kayce earning him a hit in the arm.
“Thank you buddy.” I smile turning to face forward. “Let's go get ice cream and then we are going to the grocery store. There is a recipe I know you will like”
“You know what that means Tate '' Kayce starts up the truck and looks throught the rear view mirror. I didn’t have to look back knowing he had a smile on his face just like his father.
“Pizza!” At his words I hit Kayce again
“Damn women! I am trying to drive here” He laughs
“You haven’t even put it in drive” I roll my eyes. I feel a presence leaning into me and I turn and see Kayce close. “What?” I groan annoyed
“I love you” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes again but soon enough I smile going in for a kiss.
“I love you too!” Kayce’s face is pushed back to replace the kiss I wanted with a kiss on a cheek.
“I love you too” I say as he takes his seat back.
“Put your seatbelt back on” I turn to see Kayce. “How does staying with grandpa sound?” I laugh moving over to grab Kayce’s hand
“No. I want to stay with you two” Tate say innocently
“Right” Kayce’s groans. He leans in again and starts whispering. “You were right not having a baby just yet. If my only child is cockblocking me right now, imagine a littel one? I wouldn’t even be able to spend the 10 minutes we get alone in a day” I chuckled looking over making sure Tate wasn’t paying attention.
“Really?” I say. I move my hand up to rest on his cheek. “I was thinking we were ready for baby #2”
“Oh now he is really staying in the ranch” He groans, straightening himself in the seat before starting to drive. I know my intention was to tease him but there was some truth behind my words. After all of these I know I have Kayce beside me. Always. There wasn’t anything that could stop me now. Giving him another baby was my promise to him. I wasn’t planning to go anywhere either. I was ready to stay, to stay with him and our family.
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internetfriend · 2 months
i feel weird abt that "fuck casual friendships, our souls are enterwined" post bc the only way i can manage relationships is casually due to chronic illness bullshit
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borealiszero · 1 year
I just love stories that have soft melancholic mood, with happy and slife of life moments enterwined with tragedies of the past. The past is haunting your waking moments, yet you have to live happily to not be pulled under. To grief is not having time stop for you to mourn, to grief is to think back to the moment of them by your side while you're doing your dishes. To mourn those who were gone by living everyday, carrying their memories with you. You cannot go back, you cannot worry for the future, what you must do is live in the present.
I want to see your face again, it has faded from my memories. I could only recount our stories, yet your voice eludes me. I sleep holding your token of love every night, yet the warmth you left has long gone cold. I live everyday thinking of you, how much I have loved you, and wished I have loved you more. I cannot go back. Even if I wanted too, I have learned to grow in your absence. I will carry on, today and tomorrow and the after too.
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screamingthatnamw · 1 year
Smut no plot
I take a deep breath as I make eye contact with the stranger across the bar  there's an electric energy between us and I feel my heart pounding in my chest as he leans closer "so would you like to get out of here?" He says.
As we could to the house, our bodies press against each other, feeling the heat radiing between us. I trace my finger along her skin igniting a trail of goosebumps in her wake our lips me in a passionate kiss tongue's dancing and exploring each other's mouths your hands roam her body sending shivers down her spine the desired between us grows stronger with each passing moment
"So wet already he says in a low husky voice"
I run my fingers through your hair before I pull it, harshly my touch, sending shivers down your spine with a lustful gaze pulling her closer, the anticipation builds as our body's mingle, enticing, and intoxicating
I roughly push you against the wall. My hands are roaming your body as i passionately kiss your bare neck my fingers fumble with the buttons of your shirt eager to explore every inch of your skin the room her moans fills with intoxicating desire our bodies enterwine with the passionate kiss,succumbing to the depth of pleasure
As we enter the bedroom, I slowly undress you savoring the site of your naked body. I'm a requiem with desire, that I press my lips against yours hungrily our bodies, enter wine, I pull you close my hands, exploring your body as our lips meet again in the desire we kiss the desire between us and intensifies
With every thrust in a fast motion , echoing through the room, our body's  moving perfect in synch reaching new pleasure that we thought we would never have experienced
As I thrust into you, I choke kisses a longer neck down to your collarbone. My hands explore every curve.
"Your moans are music to my ears he growls"
The thrust  get sloppy her hands claw  his back as she is about to cum  her climax approaches
"She moans lustfully in his ears as she cums all over his cock.
Y'all I'm so sorry I really bad at dialogue.
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Dreamland...(Silver X Reader birthday special)
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Notes: This is a bit of an old fic since i wanted to post it on his birthday 😅. Also I’m very bad at making up songs at the top of my hand hehe. GN Reader, very short TvT.
Vil and Leona were fighting. Again.
Leona had ordered requested you to go take a nap with him, but Vil had stopped it, saying your sleep schedule wouldn’t be consistant if he kept doing it.
You looked at the two adults men screaming at the top of their lungs at each other. They were always squabbling about who would gain your attention, about who would take care of you, or about anything really. Having enough of it, you decided to take a short stroll to clear your mind.
You walked into the walls of Night Raven College, silence filling your ears. It was a sunday afternoon, so the castle was devoid of people. However you noticed someone as you reached the courtyard. You recognised Silver, napping away under a tree. On a whim, you settled on laying down next to him.
He looked so peaceful... You wished you had the same kind of peacefulness. Leona and Vil were usually dragging you left and right and arguing over your head. As you stared at his ethereal face, his eyes fluttered open.
“Hey, he murmured, half-awake.
-Hey. Did I wake you up?
-No, it’s okay, I was bound to wake up eventually.”
You then stayed silent, but it wasn’t an awkward silence. You switched up to lay on your side to face him.
“Ca I ask you a question? You spoke.
-How do you fall asleep so easily?
-I don’t really do it on purpose. Most times, I just pass out without warning. Though, it happens more in quiet places.
-Quiet, huh...
-Also, when I was a kid, Father used to sing me lullabies to get me to sleep. I was always out in seconds.
-Lullabies? Would you mind singing me one?
Silver had a voice as soft as his features. You looked at him, wondering where he was all your life.
Sleep, little children Come to the land of dreams Here, you’ll find what you yearn for
Sleep, little girl Come to the land of dreams Here, you’ll find what you yearn for
Sleep, little boy Come to the land of dreams Here, you’ll find what your yearn for
Sleep, my little love Come into my arms Together we’ll go to the land of dreams...
Silver’s voice weakened until it was no more as he realised you had fallen asleep. He snuggled close to you and joined you into the prized dreamland.
💤 💤 💤
Leona and Vil looked in anguish at the you two, carefully enterwined into each other’s arms. Without a word, they left you undisturbed.
💤 💤 💤
Have a good day/night!
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shelassos · 2 years
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It's the closest they've been all night. At the museum, she had wandered about with childlike wonder, offering each artifact the respect that such history deserves. Then, at dinner, they had been at opposite sides of the table, a tradition of Mankind's that she did not quite understand but adhered to nonetheless. In his car, however, there's no such restrictions on their space. And she prefers it this way. She thinks.
She brushes the side of her knee against his and reaches for his hand so that she may squeeze his fingers. Parked outside his home, the lake house looms over them like a forbidden fruit. Even with its glass windows, the inside feels like such a mystery to Diana. She's been to the cave of the Bat man. But to Bruce's home? Never.
❛ This night was beautiful, Bruce. ❜ She's sincere, because she always is. Biting her lip, she leans towards him to give him a sweet kiss on the cheek, grinning at the smell of his aftershave. Ah, he had wanted to impress her, had he?
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❛ So. Are you going to invite me inside? Or are you expecting just to make out in here? ❜ Those mischievous eyes of hers spell friendly trouble, and her fingers enterwine with his. Remember to breathe, Bruce.
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t4tbedehopmar · 2 years
marshmallow anon
Dear Star Anon, I'm glad that we both thought the same, perhaps it truly was destiny. It's like our lives are enterwined together. I love your ideas and fantasies (and you) (and jime) and I'd also love to spend 10 hours watching the lorax with you both while eating marshmallows and kissing, and then another 10 hours to watch your favorite movie. Then, us three could cuddle on the couch together under the softest and biggest pink blankets, our hands linked together. I wish for nothing but a future like this, dear stranger. I'd study all of the stars in the sky just to spend my life with you and Koha, if that's what it'd take to make you both happy. Also sorry to get out of my shakesperian wording but are you osamu dazai cuz thats the only thing i could find lol
marshmallow pls tell me who u are. pls tell me star was right. pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pl
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