#entering my chelsea wolfe era to prepare myself for trop s2
tolkiens · 4 months
it’s so amusing to be watching shows/reading the source material after the initial hype wave and having a totally different experience compared to what i have learned via observing what people who are swept up in the online discussion have been talking about…
oomf made a good point abt how for a lot of shows it can be boiled down to a majority of people in online spaces are too caught up in shipping or misrepresenting something so people are inclined to read/watch. it’s so fascinating just to have an outsider perspective on these things.
also it’s very fun to discuss a current popular show w a variety of ppl like — boomer coworker whose kids downloada shows for her so she doesn’t get a virus again (help 😭) vs mutuals online vs friends my age who use social media & those who don’t…! i get a good variety of topics from these ppl tht i wouldn’t see just sticking to the one thing and it moves discussions away from being limited or looped back to shipping as someone like myself who simply doesn’t engage w media this way
anyway yeah point is things couldn’t be more night and day sometimes
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