#enter indian market
foxnangelseo · 7 months
Exploring Investment Opportunities in India's Evolving Real Estate Sector
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The Indian real estate sector, a crucial component of the country's economy, has been witnessing significant fluctuations in institutional investment over the past few quarters. According to the latest report released by Vestian, a Bengaluru-based commercial real estate consultant, the sector reported $1.6 billion in institutional investment during the second quarter (Q2) of 2023. While this marks a 41% drop compared to the same period the previous year, it represents a promising 29% increase from the preceding quarter, which ended in March 2023.
The report, "Institutional Investment in Indian Real Estate Q2 2023," highlights the sector's journey over the past five quarters. In Q2 2022, the real estate sector experienced an impressive 81% year-on-year (YoY) increase and a staggering 98% quarter-on-quarter (QoQ) increase, reporting $2.7 billion in institutional investment. However, this growth was short-lived, as the following quarter witnessed an 86% QoQ decline to a mere $0.4 billion in investments.
Despite this setback, the sector showed resilience and bounced back spectacularly in the last quarter of 2022, with a 316% QoQ increase and 103% YoY increase, amounting to $1.5 billion in investments. The roller-coaster ride continued, with a 19% decline in the first quarter (Q1) of 2023, reaching $1.2 billion. These fluctuations underscore the inherent volatility of the real estate sector but also highlight a positive upward trend.
Vestian's CEO, Shrinivas Rao, attributes this upward trajectory to renewed interest from institutional investors, buoyed by India's robust GDP growth and a promising pipeline of upcoming infrastructure developments. The commercial assets segment, encompassing office spaces, retail outlets, co-working spaces, and hospitality projects, has been at the forefront of attracting investments.
In Q2 2023, commercial assets received a staggering $1,400 million in institutional investments, indicating an impressive 101% YoY increase from the previous year and a remarkable 189% surge compared to Q1 2023. This renewed demand for office spaces points to the evolving landscape of the Indian workforce and the growing importance of commercial spaces in the country's economic growth.
Amidst this ever-changing scenario, India's real estate sector continues to present exciting investment opportunities in India. The renewed focus on commercial assets, fueled by the changing work culture and increased demand for office spaces, has created an attractive avenue for investors seeking long-term returns.
Investors are also likely to explore opportunities in upcoming infrastructure projects, which are expected to enhance connectivity and boost the overall real estate market. India's burgeoning economy and steady GDP growth provide a favorable backdrop for investors looking to capitalise on the potential of this dynamic sector.
The Indian real estate sector's journey over the past few quarters has been marked by ups and downs, reflecting its inherent volatility. However, the recent upward trend in institutional investments demonstrates the resilience and potential of this critical sector. Commercial assets, particularly office spaces, have garnered significant attention from institutional investors, indicating a shifting paradigm in India's workforce dynamics.
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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journalismjpg · 2 years
Whatever the reason for the apparent change, Twitter’s moves at the behest of Modi’s government bode ill for Musk’s claims to be running the company with an aim of protecting free speech. While Musk has felt fine wading into U.S. culture wars on behalf of conservatives, he has been far more reticent to take a stand about the far direr threats to free speech from autocratic governments.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"A Delhi-based engineer has designed a replacement for polystyrene packaging out of “rice stubble” the dead stalks left over after the rice season in India, millions of tons of which are burned every year.
They say wisdom oft comes from the mouths of babes, and Mr. Arpit Dhupar was at first left scratching his head when his young nephew drew a picture of the world with a grey sky.
Everything else was normal, green grass, yellow sun, white and brown mountains; why was the sky grey? It dawned on him that his nephew was drawing the sky as he saw it every year when the rice stubble was burned: grey.
“We shouldn’t live in a world where we have to explain to kids that the sky should be painted blue. It should be a given,” he told The Better India.
So he launched a new business venture called Dharaksha Ecosystems in order to tackle the rice stubble problem. Essentially, the farmers need it cleared off their land asap after harvest. Its high moisture content means it’s not useful for stove fuel, so they burn it in massive pyres.
In his factory, he turns 250 metric tons of rice stubble harvested from 100 acres of farmland in Punjab and Haryana into packaging, while paying the farmers a rate of $30 per acre for something they would usually burn.
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Dhupar originally wanted to use mushrooms to rapidly biodegrade baled stacks of rice stubble, but found that the fungus left behind a metabolite that wasn’t biodegradable—in other words, he’d have to create a waste problem to solve a waste problem.
Over time he realized that the filaments that make up the subterranean structure of the mushrooms, called mycelium, were acting as a sort of binding agent, turning the baled stubble into something durable.
“This wasn’t a waste material but could be a usable one,” said Dhupar. “Through bio-fabrication, we could use the stubble waste to create a material similar to [polystyrene], but one that was biodegradable.”
There are a lot of these sorts of sustainable packaging ideas floating around, invented by people who rarely have experience in markets and commerce. This is not the case with Dhupar’s stubble packaging.
He has already prevented over half a million pounds of polystyrene from entering landfills since launching his product, which has numerous, exceptional properties.
They sell around 20 metric tons of their product every month, making about $30.5 thousand dollars per annum, mostly by selling to glassware companies."
-via Good News Network, 3/22/23
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Manifesto of the Communist Party
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A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies.
Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as communistic by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?
Two things result from this fact:
Communism is already acknowledged by all European powers to be itself a power.
It is high time that Communists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Communism with a manifesto of the party itself.
To this end, Communists of various nationalities have assembled in London and sketched the following manifesto, to be published in the English, French, German, Italian, Flemish and Danish languages.
I. Bourgeois and Proletarians*
* By bourgeoisie is meant the class of modern capitalists, owners of the means of social production and employers of wage labour. By proletariat, the class of modern wage labourers who, having no means of production of their own, are reduced to selling their labour power in order to live. [Engels, 1888 English edition]
The history of all hitherto existing society† is the history of class struggles.
† That is, all written history. In 1847, the pre-history of society, the social organisation existing previous to recorded history, all but unknown. Since then, August von Haxthausen (1792-1866) discovered common ownership of land in Russia, Georg Ludwig von Maurer proved it to be the social foundation from which all Teutonic races started in history, and, by and by, village communities were found to be, or to have been, the primitive form of society everywhere from India to Ireland. The inner organisation of this primitive communistic society was laid bare, in its typical form, by Lewis Henry Morgan's (1818-1861) crowning discovery of the true nature of the gens and its relation to the tribe. With the dissolution of the primeval communities, society begins to be differentiated into separate and finally antagonistic classes. I have attempted to retrace this dissolution in The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State, second edition, Stuttgart, 1886. [Engels, 1888 English Edition and 1890 German Edition (with the last sentence omitted)]
Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master‡ and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.
‡ Guild-master, that is, a full member of a guild, a master within, not a head of a guild. [Engels, 1888 English Edition]
Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinct feature: it has simplified class antagonisms. Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other – Bourgeoisie and Proletariat.
From the serfs of the Middle Ages sprang the chartered burghers of the earliest towns. From these burgesses the first elements of the bourgeoisie were developed.
The discovery of America, the rounding of the Cape, opened up fresh ground for the rising bourgeoisie. The East-Indian and Chinese markets, the colonisation of America, trade with the colonies, the increase in the means of exchange and in commodities generally, gave to commerce, to navigation, to industry, an impulse never before known, and thereby, to the revolutionary element in the tottering feudal society, a rapid development.
The Communist Manifesto - Part 1
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scotianostra · 3 months
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9th July 1861 saw the birth of the shipping merchant, philanthropist and art lover William Burrell.
William left school at 13 to join his father and brother in the family business as a shipping merchant. He bought his first painting while still at school, with a few shillings he got from selling a cricket bat. It was the beginning of his 75-year collecting career.
His father and grandfather were involved in shipping. and, on his father's death, William and his brother took over the running of the firm. They developed the technique of ordering modern, advanced ships at rock bottom prices when the shipping market was in a slump, thus trading with brand new ships when the market recovered and then selling, at a large profit, when the market was at a peak. William also had an eye for detail and an astute eye for opportunities.
Having learned that a squadron of Royal Navy ships were on a flag waving exercise in distant ports, he realised they were likely to run out of coal and sent some of his ships to one of the ports of call, selling the cargo at a handsome profit.
The brothers amassed a large fortune and Burrell entered into local politics. He was active in the setting up of the Glasgow International Art Exhibition in 1901. At the age of 40 he married Constance Mitchell, daughter of another ship-owner and the following year, with the birth of a daughter, the family moved to a "Greek" Thomson designed house in Great Western Road.
Having again built up a large fleet of modern vessels, the brothers sold most of them during the First World War - at more than three times the building cost. It was at this stage that Burrell effectively retired and devoted the rest of his life to being an art collector.
He had a wide range of tastes but built up an important collection of Chinese ceramics, tapestries, stained glass, silver, bronzes, Persian and Indian rugs and furniture, travelling widely in the process. In 1916 he bought Hutton Castle in the Borders, although he did not move in to the castle until 1927. The same year he was knighted for his public work and services to art. He always had a good eye for a bargain - a 14th century Chines porcelain ewer was bought for 85 pounds and is now worth over 250,000 pounds.
In 1944, he gave almost his entire collection to the city of Glasgow along with 250,000 to construct a building to house it. However, the terms of the bequest (he thought it should be in a rural setting) posed problems and it was not until the 1970s that a building for the Burrell Collection, in Pollok Country Park, was eventually completed.
Just this year, after a major refurbishment and redisplay the Burrell Collection reopened More of the Collection is on show than ever before and exciting new galleries bring the objects to life, including more than 90 digital displays offering interactive and immersive experiences for visitors of all ages.
The new displays also tell the stories of the man behind the Collection, Sir William Burrell and his family.
The Burrell Collection is open 7 days a week, entry is free but donations welcome.
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kp777 · 1 year
By Ralph Nader
Common Dreams Opinion
Sept. 9, 2023
Our national charter needs amending to deal with big corporations, which in turn requires a mass movement.
The headlines on climate catastrophes are becoming more informative as they become more ominous. For years the media headlines have been describing record floods, droughts, wildfires, heatwaves, hurricanes and other fossil-fueled disasters of an abused Mother Nature. The immediate human casualties are devastating.
Very recently, the headlines have been steering us toward what happens in the aftermath of natural disasters in afflicted regions around the world.
The Washington Post yesterday front-paged a huge headline “Climate-Linked Ills Threaten Humanity,” followed by the sub-headline: “Pakistan is the epicenter of a global wave of climate health threats.” The reporters opened their long analysis with almost biblical language: “The floods came, and then the sickness.”
The record heat wave and flooding that left one-third of Pakistan under water have unleashed “dark clouds of mosquitoes” spreading malaria. Food supplies were reduced by drenched fields unable to grow crops. The article depicted a world map with color-coded measures of dangerous heat waves. The Indian sub-continent is registered as having one of the longest annual heat-intense periods. Over 40 million Pakistanis will endure dangerous heat for over six months a year “unless they can find shade… Extreme heat, which causes heatstroke and damages the heart and kidneys” is just one consequence.
Our Constitution never once mentions “corporation” or “company” – it only speaks of “We the People” and “persons.”
Dengue fever surged in Peru. Canadian wildfires poured smoke and particulates into the U.S. triggering asthma attacks. Famine lurks in East Africa’s worst drought in 40 years, while contaminated water takes its toll on many diseases, especially horrifying for infants and young children.
Another consequence recorded by the Post with the headline “Amid Record Heat, Even Indoor Factory Workers Enter Dangerous Terrain” in Asia. Public Citizen’s Health Research Group, led by Dr. Sidney Wolfe, was a pioneer in petitioning OSHA to issue regulations to protect workers against extreme heat (See: https://www.citizen.org/topic/heat-stress/). Corporate OSHA stalled. Then the Biden Administration proposed modest regulations that are facing corporate opposition and years of delay by corporate attorneys.
Until overturned by a Texas court, Governor Greg Abbott overrode some ordinances that were passed in large Texas cities requiring drinking water breaks for construction workers laboring under 100-degree temperatures.
Abbott, arguably the cruelest governor in the United States – unless Florida Governor Ron DeSantis out-snarls him – thought he could get away with this bit of brutishness. After all, he is in Texas, where the oil and gas lobby (Exxon Mobil Et al.) is pushing to increase North American exploration, production, and burning of these well-documented omnicidal sources of global warming and climate violence.
The oil, gas and coal industry’s tentacles have encircled a majority of the 535 lawmakers in Congress to shield and maintain huge tax subsidies behind the industry’s lethal drive for increased production. Its marketeers see their profitable circular death dance intensify as hotter days lead to higher air conditioning loads.
Running berserk with their bulging profits, these giant energy companies worldwide are forging a suicide pact with an abused Mother Earth. The projections for what climate eruptions will do to humans and the natural world continue to be underestimated. The realities each year exceed scientists’ predictive models.
With no other driving value system than short-term profits, these artificial entities or companies, and corporations controlling different dangerous technologies, cannot be allowed equal justice under the law with real human beings driven by other far more important life-sustaining and morally enhancing values. For over 2000 years, every major religion has warned about subordination by the merchant class of civilized values. The great “soft energy” or renewable energy prophet and physicist, Amory Lovins, put this critical declaration in modern, secular language when he wrote: “Markets make good servants, but bad masters.”
Our Constitution never once mentions “corporation” or “company” – it only speaks of “We the People” and “persons.” Our national charter needs amending to deal with big corporations, which in turn requires a mass movement. Since ravaging corporations impact people with indiscriminate harm, not caring whether the victims are liberals or conservatives, the political prospect for a decisive left/right coalition is as auspicious as ever.
Tens of millions of hard-pressed American workers have given up on themselves securing a government that works for them, instead of for short-sighted, greedy corporations.
The pressure for such a coalition is growing daily. Insurance companies, citing climate disaster claims, are skyrocketing homeowners and auto insurance premiums, or worse, either redlining areas or altogether pulling out of some states such as Florida. Some coastal areas will soon be private insurance deserts, requiring entry by state-run insurance coverage, at least for reinsurance purposes.
Overpaid insurance company CEOs are starting to demand bailouts without even guaranteeing coverage for consumers.
Faster and faster, the second, third and fourth waves of after-effects of these man-made natural disasters will become all-enveloping punishers of societies that are failing to head off the looming dangers, now maturing into evermore desperate states of living.
On Capitol Hill, a domestically paralyzed Congress only comes together every year to hoopla its bipartisan mega-billion-dollar additions to the bloated, unaudited Pentagon budget – taking over half of the entire federal government’s operating budget. Congress regularly gives the Generals more than they request.
Meanwhile, back home, tens of millions of hard-pressed American workers have given up on themselves securing a government that works for them, instead of for short-sighted, greedy corporations. These Americans continue to ignore the historically validated truth – no more than one active percent of the citizenry, representing the majority public opinion, can quickly make a large majority of those 535 Congressional Senators and Representatives fight first and foremost for the public interest.
Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely. RALPH NADER Ralph Nader is a consumer advocate and the author of "The Seventeen Solutions: Bold Ideas for Our American Future" (2012). His new book is, "Wrecking America: How Trump's Lies and Lawbreaking Betray All" (2020, co-authored with Mark Green).
Full Bio >
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This day in history
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#15yrsago Best practices for economic collapse: Long Now talk https://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2009/02/social-collapse-best-practices.html
#10yrsago San Francisco police beat up and detain Good Samaritans who call 911 and perform first aid on accident victim https://medium.com/indian-thoughts/good-samaritan-backfire-9f53ef6a1c10
#10yrsago Dems appoints RIAA’s man in Congress to House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet https://www.techdirt.com/2014/02/12/another-friend-recording-industry-joins-house-subcommittee-courts-intellectual-property-internet/
#10yrsago Senator Rand Paul sues US government over NSA spying https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/02/us-senator-sues-president-obama-to-stop-nsa-metadata-dragnet/
#5yrsago Who can forget those scenes in Count Zero where they all stand around eating soup? https://memex.craphound.com/2019/02/14/who-can-forget-those-scenes-in-count-zero-where-they-all-stand-around-eating-soup/
#5yrsago Bossfight: Allstate Insurance enters the Right to Repair fight, loans its lobbyists to fight Apple https://www.vice.com/en/article/nex3dz/insurance-giant-allstate-buys-icracked-phone-repair-company-joins-right-to-repair-movement
#5yrsago Installing a root certificate should be MUCH scarier https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/02/powerful-permissions-wimpy-warnings
#5yrsago Ex-NSA whistleblower says she and other US ex-spooks targeted Americans on behalf of UAE https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-spying-raven/
#5yrsago LA Times demands that reporters sign away rights to books, movies and other works they create while working at the paper https://latguild.com/news/2019/2/12/press-release-los-angeles-times-guild-pushes-back-against-managements-proposed-intellectual-property-policy
#5yrsago Even without explicit collusion, pricing algorithms converge on price-fixing strategies https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/artificial-intelligence-algorithmic-pricing-and-collusion
#5yrsago Most adults are incapable of understanding most online terms of service https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3313837
#5yrsago How Epson’s patent trolling is killing the EU market for replacement ink https://www.openrightsgroup.org/blog/patently-unfair-epson-takedowns-continue/
#5yrsago The Final Version of the EU’s Copyright Directive Is the Worst One Yet https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/02/final-version-eus-copyright-directive-worst-one-yet
#5yrsago Beyond GIGO: how “predictive policing” launders racism, corruption and bias to make them seem empirical https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3333423
#1yrago Nathan J. Robinson's "Responding to the Right: Brief Replies to 25 Conservative Arguments" https://pluralistic.net/2023/02/14/nathan-robinson/#arguendo
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willkatfanfromasia · 1 year
A Night to Remember - 2
She monotonously paced around the room to burn off her restlessness. She repeated the principles of management and profit planning, hoping it’ll ground her.
Her mind and body were far too desperate to know about him. Did he already know she was here? Was he happy or sad to see her? Does he want her back? Should she play hard or fall into his arms?
Maybe she should just avoid him, treat him as a stranger she weakly sighed
Her thoughts raced a mile an hour, punctuated by the loud rainfall outside. The thought of crossing the waterlogged grounds irritated her, but at least she’ll be left alone with her thoughts for now.
This family’s problems are as intricate as their mansion’s décor she chuckled. Their long term CAs- Anirudh & Pazhuvur- were a well known firm run by two senior professionals. They were from nobility themselves and handled elite clients. Though well meaning, they needed some help to untangle their client’s mess given the ever changing business laws.
She found a remote under the newspaper stand faced it towards the small, early 2000s BPL TV. She tsked when it didn’t switch on. Restlessness made her bang the remote on the sofa armrest repeatedly -and voila! The TV worked.
She shifted through the channels….. ethirneechal serial, suryavamsam movie,teleshopping, BBC, live telecast of a temple..no no no she chanted before settling on an Indian news channel.
An immaculately dressed man addressed the eager reporters. “Pandyan corp will venture into buying other heritage properties too”, he said that they’d already eyed a few old forts and palaces to turn into tourist sweetspots.
“Sir, you had already announced such a project 2 years ago, but it failed to take off” clamoured a journo
The official smoothly assured them that this time it will take off, dismissing the previous plan that fell through.
Nandini smirked, thinking of how they lost their most lucrative purchase due to her ‘skills’.
The Pandya’s were the royal clan who lost the most to colonialism. But they persevered, ignored public criticism, cut costs and started a real estate business- unthinkable for a clan of their stature. They’d changed their last remaining fort into a Heritage hotel and entered the luxury real estate market. Other noble clan’s looked down on them then, only to regret their decisions now.
The Chozhas were one of them. They had maintained autonomous rule long enough, so they settled into a complacent lifestyle. Their palatial homes (including their current residence), agricultural lands overseen by locals all seemed grand. Their money was locked up in trust funds and wills, rendering them unable to withdraw funds for their immediate needs. Their business investments were failing and it looked like they had to sell atleast one property.
Pandyas might’ve modernized into a corporate now, but their executive committee’s bitterness remained. They had lost a lot to the Chozhas but couldn’t retaliate when the British slammed them with the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’.
Their core team, on behalf of the young son of their late CEO, was full of “old guards”- people from families who’ve long been faithful servants of the owner’s kingly forefathers.
They were the top players in the luxury segment, their plan to buy heritage properties was just a century old thirst to one up the Chozhas
She’d interned with them as a gangly 23 year old fresh out of uni. The opportunity was great- they were one of the patrons of her college’s scholarship program. Veer pandyan had personally taught her, despite knowing real estate wasn’t her main interest.
The talent scouts at HR had run a background check, the results of which intrigued the big boss.
Born and adopted in Madurai,  moved to a suburb of Thanjavur at 10 where her dad worked  as a Archagar in temple before moving to Chennai after grade 11.
It was the last fact that caught his eye.
No sane Indian family, no matter their financial woes would shift cities when their child has completed 11th. Something drastic must’ve occurred. It no doubt involved the Chozhas as nothing moved from that estate without their consent.
The pandyan corp executives were nice to her. Really nice, that some of the older employees began envying her- an intern! Veer pandyan had a friendly uncle demeanor as he taught her the practicalities of real estate, investments and predicting markets. But soon his real interest began to show, he tried to pry into her past.
“It’s just odd, you know, you did grade 11 in one city and grade 12 in another “ he innocently asked.
Hoping to tolerate the intrusion for the sake of her job, Nandini replied “ My dad found a better position in Chennai, besides my brother wanted to join the OTA” hoping it sounded rational. She loved using her military intelligence officer bro as an excuse.
He left it for the day, but circled back to it often. “You went to THAT school right? The one where the Chozha kids studied… did you talk to them?”
Nandini cursed herself for being so naïve. She initially presumed he wanted to know about her past genuinely.
The topic was too painful. A sore spot she rarely thought of even in private- afraid of the emotional fallout. No amount of casual dismissal of her acquaintance with them sated her boss.
The heckling of journalists of the suited man snapped her to the present.
She began chuckling madly at the TV, at the slimy man trying to convince the reporters that all was well in paradise. Uncaring of been seen, she wheezed with laughter, knowing all wasn’t well- they had her to thank for that!
The low grumbling of the skies masked her outburst and made her anticipate the next loud thunder. It settled into silence but she wasn’t completely at peace yet. She’d stolen biscuits, borrowed a blanket and used the living room of her former flame.
She looked every bit the confident career woman she was, but his presence threw her off the cool headspace she maintained. And she’d have to leave this place anyway.
A fainted shadow fell on the foyer. “The rain must’ve messed with the porch lights” Nandini dismissed it and continued to change the channels. She chose to watch a Djokovic vs Nadal match to pass time. Engrossed as she was in their rally, she didn’t notice the shadow shift closer to her.
The door lock clicked and forced her to notice. “holy shit please don’t be a murderer” she inwardly thought before deciding to turn.
Her stuff shoulders turned, her eyebrows curled in fear but the sight of the form at the door step made them turn up in anger. “You…you brat!” Nandini bared her teeth as the tormentor of her dreams just smirked
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sanskriti-2751 · 1 year
What is Mutual Fund?
A mutual fund is a type of investment vehicle that pools money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of securities such as stocks, bonds, and other assets. Investments in securities are spread across a wide cross-section of industries and sectors and thus the risk is reduced.
It is managed by a professional fund manager or an asset management company (AMC) who makes investment decisions on behalf of the investors.
Mutual funds offer good investment opportunities to the investors. Like all investments, they also carry certain risks
SEBI formulates policies and regulates the mutual funds to protect the interest of the investors.
The mutual fund industry in India was set up through a combination of regulatory changes, legislative reforms and the entry of various market players.
Unit Trust of India- UTI was founded in 1964, which is when the mutual fund sector in India first started to take off. To mobilize public funds and invest them in the capital markets, UTI was established as a statutory body under the UTI Act, 1963. The idea of mutual funds was greatly popularized in India because to UTI.
Regulatory Framework-In India, the mutual fund industry's regulatory structure began to take shape in the 1990s. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Act, which established SEBI as the governing body for the Indian securities markets, was passed in 1993. Among other market intermediaries, SEBI was responsible with regulating and supervising mutual funds.
The SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations,1996- This regulation established the legal foundation for the establishment, administration, and operation of mutual funds in India. These regulations outlined the standards for investor protection, investment restrictions, disclosure requirements, and eligibility requirements for asset management companies (AMCs).
Introduction of Private Sector Mutual Funds: UTI was the only active mutual fund provider in India prior to 1993. Private sector mutual funds were nevertheless permitted to enter the market as a result of the liberalization of the financial sector and the opening up of the Indian economy. Many domestic and foreign financial organizations launched their own AMCs and entered the mutual fund industry.
Product Line Evolution: The mutual fund sector in India has grown and increased its product selection throughout the years. Mutual funds initially mainly offered income and growth opportunities. To address various investor needs and risk profiles, the industry did, however, offer a wider range of products, such as equity funds, debt funds, balanced funds, and specialist sector funds.
Investor Education and Awareness: Serious efforts have been made to educate and raise investor awareness in order to encourage investor involvement in mutual funds. Industry groups, AMCs, and SEBI have run investor awareness campaigns, distributed instructional materials, and supported systems for resolving investor complaints. Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) were introduced, and this was a significant factor in luring individual investors
Technological Advancements-The mutual fund sector in India has embraced technological development, making it possible for investors to access and invest in mutual funds through online platforms and mobile applications. Investors can now transact, track their investments, and get mutual fund information more easily thanks to digital platforms.
The mutual fund industry in India has developed into a strong and regulated sector through regulatory changes, market competition, and investor-centric initiatives. The sector keeps expanding, drawing in more investors and providing them with a wide variety of investment possibilities around the nation.
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thereader-radhika · 1 year
The Other 'Kalki' - T. Sadasivam and the origins of the 'Kalki' magazine
Thiagaraja Sadasivam, better known as 'Kalki' Sadasivam, was an Indian freedom fighter, singer, journalist and film producer. In his later years, he'd come to be more well known as the husband of the renowned musician M.S. Subbulakshmi.
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R. Krishnamurthy, better known as Kalki, was a Tamil writer, journalist, poet, critic and Indian independence activist who wrote under several pen-names like Tumbi, Tamil Teni, Karnatakam, Langulan, Agastyar, Ra Ki, Yaman, Vivasayi, Petron, Guhan, Tamil Magan, etc. but what captured his readers' fancy is the pseudonym 'Kalki'.
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T. Sadasivam and R. Krishnamurthy worked at Gemini Vasan's (who owned the legendary Gemini Studios as well) 'Ananda Vikatan' in 1930s but both left the magazine in the late 1930s, due to personal (Sadasivam's marriage with MS was scandalous for the times) and political (Vasan often got into trouble with the British government due to Krishnamurthy's works) reasons.
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From T. J. S. George's M.S Subbulakshmi: The Definitive Biography :
Sadasivam must have admired his own luck at that point. For he had not only the most marketable literary property at his disposal but also the most valuable musical property as well . . . With Rajagopalachari giving his approval to the idea, all three were inspired to take the plunge.
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Krishnamurthi, Rajaji, Sadasivam
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Rajaji, M S Subbulakshmi, Sadasivam
The name of the magazine suggested itself. Krishnamurthi’s writings had spread his pen name ‘Kalki’ so far and wide that Kalki as a magazine title would have the priceless advantage of instant recognition. That indeed turned out to be the case. Not only the originator of the pen name but also the manager-proprietor too would henceforth be identified by the magazine’s name; they would always be known as Kalki Krishnamurthi and Kalki Sadasivam.
Thanks to MS’s film successes, he found many a wealthy financier knocking at his doors ready to invest in her. But Sadasivam was not open to their ideas; they had to be open to his. Such a stipulation kept potential investors at bay until a film director named Y. V. Rao came along. His idea sounded preposterous . . . He would make up the shortfall in the Kalki capital, he said, if Subbulakshmi would act as Narada in a film he was planning to make, titled Savithri. Sadasivam felt scandalized. MS as a male character!
For Rao that was precisely the point. MS in male attire would act as an irresistible magnet for the masses . . . After holding discussions with Rajaji and Krishnamurthi and after making a few teasing references to the idea in conversation with MS herself, Sadasivam said yes to Rao . . .
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The first issue of Kalki
It took no time for Kalki to make a mark. That period was characterized by tremendous turbulence as a result of the war in Europe and Asia and the independence movement in India entering decisive phases. . . . Every day was a news day. The public appetite was keen for both incisive political commentaries and elevating literary works. Kalki Krishnamurthi’s pen satisfied the popular taste. Sadasivam’s managerial prowess found new inspiration in proprietorship. Combining creative credibility with entrepreneurial vitality, Kalki quickly grew into a part of Tamil history. Krishnamurthi, Sadasivam and Subbulakshmi, with Rajagopalachari hovering as a ‘presiding deity’, symbolized the vanguard of a virtual cultural renaissance in the Brahminic world of Madras. It would reach a peak with new historical novels appearing in a serialized form in the pages of the magazine—Ponniyin Selvan and Sivakamiyin Sapatham.
Krishnamurthy's daughter Anandi was married to Sadasivam's nephew Ramachandran and Sadasivam's daughter Vijaya was married to Krishnamurthy's son Rajendran.
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Krishnamurthi, Anandi (sitting on his lap) and Ramachandran
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MS Subbulakshmi, Sadasivam's elder daughter musician Radha with husband Viswanathan, Rajaji, Sadasivam, younger daughter Vijaya with her husband Rajendran
@willkatfanfromasia @favcolourrvibgior @celestesinsight @sampigehoovu @ambidextrousarcher @sakhiiii @whippersnappersbookworm
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bmspectra24 · 5 days
Chai garam, chai garam, chai garam!
The Indian Railways system, established in 1853, is one of the largest and oldest railway networks in the world. Since its inception, it has played a critical role in connecting distant regions of the country, supporting both passenger and freight transportation. Initially built and operated by private companies under British colonial rule, the railways were later nationalized in 1951, bringing the entire network under the control of the Government of India. This shift was made to ensure the efficient expansion of rail infrastructure, uniformity in service delivery, and better integration of the system across the subcontinent. Since nationalization, Indian Railways has operated as a government monopoly, with centralized control and management through the Ministry of Railways and the Railway Board. This structure has allowed the government to prioritize public welfare, providing affordable transportation while facilitating economic development.
The centralized control system of Indian Railways enables uniform decision-making, centralized resource allocation, and coordinated operations across its various zones and divisions. All key decisions, from scheduling to budgeting, infrastructure development, and safety protocols, are managed by the central government. This structure ensures a standard level of service across the country, with the Railway Board responsible for policy formulation, regulatory compliance, and financial management. While this centralized system has ensured operational consistency and widespread accessibility, it has also led to challenges such as inefficiency, delays in modernization, and financial strains, given the vast scale of operations. These limitations have been a driving force behind discussions on potential privatization and decentralization, aiming to improve efficiency and foster competition within the sector.
Task at Hand: This centralized structure has ensured operational consistency but has also led to inefficiencies, delays, and limited innovation. Due to this reason, the Indian Government has decided to open the railways market and privatize the sector. With the privatization of the railway sector, there is now an opportunity for private companies to enter the market, creating competition that will hopefully drive better services, financial performance, and customer satisfaction. You are tasked with building a comprehensive plan for your railway company, addressing crucial aspects such as system design, financials, and marketing.
1. Railway system design (network coverage, infrastructure, technology integration)
2. Initiation costs and financial projections (startup costs, revenue streams, expenses,
funding strategy)
3. Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and value proposition
4. Marketing strategies (target market analysis, branding, promotional tactics, pricing
5. Operational plan (applying for government tenders, service offerings, scheduling, staffing)
6. Extra deliverables are welcome.
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sanyaaa-12 · 16 days
How AI Technology Companies Are Revolutionizing Business Operations in India
Indian AI technology companies are doing wonders in transforming traditional business operations in such a fast-paced environment. They redefine business functionality by automating routine work and augmenting the decision process, which enhances the business's ability to be more efficient and bring in cost reduction, hence adding to more strategic growth.
Automating Routine Tasks
Automating repetitive jobs is one of the most crucial ways AI technology companies in India drive business impacts. Whether it's manufacturing, retail, logistics, or any other industry, the ropes of AI-run automation have entered them to streamline operations. Automating tasks like data entry, inventory management, and even customer service will enable this change in business focus toward innovation and customer satisfaction. Such a shift saves time and reduces the scope for human error, ultimately leading to more accurate results.
Enhancing Data Analysis
Data analytics is another domain in which AI technology enterprises are creating powerful companies. Companies generate a lot of data within a day, and manually analysing it for insights is time-consuming and error-prone. AI-powered tools can process and analyze big datasets much more quickly and accurately than human equivalents, so businesses can instantly obtain actual data insights. This allows companies to make informed decision-making, improve customer experience, and predict future trends to stay ahead in the market.
Improving Customer Experiences
Artificial intelligence technology companies are also some of the essential facilitators in ensuring customer experiences. Advanced AI algorithms can be used by businesses to suggest personalized recommendations, predict consumer needs, and provide immediate support through chatbots and virtual assistants. This augurs well not only for the satisfaction of consumers but also in retaining consumers, thereby making them repeat business.
Enabling Predictive Maintenance
Moreover, AI technology companies in India are leading from the front in predictive maintenance. It helps businesses forecast when a machine or equipment is likely to fail by analyzing data emanating from machines and equipment for maintenance before a breakdown of any machine. This proactive approach reduces downtime, increases productivity, and extends the equipment's life, significantly saving costs.
AI technology companies are changing business operations across India through task automation, data analysis, and enhanced customer experience predictive maintenance functions. Businesswise adopting this technology will be agile enough to foil competition in the business environment as technologies go on into the near future. Companies like SCS Tech have come into the lead of these transformations through innovative AI solutions that drive business success.
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pixelgrotto · 1 year
Karate History & Box Art Redemption
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About a year and a half ago, I mentioned Jordan Mechner's seminal 1984 game Karateka in a post about Sifu, a newly-released beat ‘em up with a similar martial arts theme and tough-as-nails difficulty level. Sifu's a good game that garnered a certain amount of scrutiny from people who pointed out that it was an interactive experience steeped in Chinese culture but developed by a predominantly white team. This is not inherently a bad thing (Sifu’s devs did a respectful job), but considering Western media’s track record of misrepresenting Asia as an exotic place full of Fu Manchu-mustachioed bad guys and subservient women, it’s always worthwhile to be cautious. At any rate, Sifu reminded me a lot of Karateka, another game by a non-Asian creator that owed its lifeblood to Asian culture...and even featured the main protagonist and his love interest as white on the box art, despite the fact that the game clearly takes place in medieval Japan.
The Making of Karateka, a just-released interactive documentary by Digital Eclipse, explains the logic behind this decision via extensive notes that detail every step of the game's creation. From what I can discern, the box art design doesn’t appear to have been Jordan Mechner’s call. (Though the playable Karateka beta included in this package reveals that Mechner had some wacky non-Japanese names in mind for the game’s villain and damsel in distress... Akuma and Mariko were once dubbed “Kratang” and “Tiger Lily.” Yikes!) Rather, publisher Brøderbund’s marketing team seems to have been the division that assigned artist Thomas Blackshear II to paint the cover, instructing him that the titular Karateka was supposed to look like "a young Chuck Norris" or "Luke Skywalker" while Mariko should resemble an "American blonde." Meanwhile, only Akuma was specified as "Japanese."
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Brøderbund’s promotional strategy followed the typical American metality of the era: it's okay to portray a bad guy as a foreign race, but leading men and ladies should be white and ideally blonde. It didn't have to be this way, since Bruce Lee had dominated cinemas with Enter the Dragon only a decade earlier and proved that audiences could accept an Asian hero. But Brøderbund decided to go the safe route, despite the fact that Thomas Blackshear is a person of color renowned for his Black and American Indian paintings. (He also portrayed a decidedly unblonde and possibly Asian main character in his early cover sketches.)
My intention here is not to hate on Karateka or any of the individuals involved. The original Karateka game for the Apple II did, after all, feature white hair for its leading man's sprite that could easily be interpreted as blonde (though that was likely due to hardware color limitations more than anything else), and Brøderbund justified their decision by claiming they were inspired by the multicolored hair of Japanese manga characters. (Eh, sure.) Also, if we're being honest about it, Blackshear's final art is a beautiful composition even with the questionable racial depictions.
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Rather, I'm fascinated with Karateka's box as an example of mildly problematic '80s promotion, and I love how we gain insight into its development thanks to Digital Eclipse' painstaking efforts with what they call the first in their "Gold Master Series" of playable documentaries. Aside from these marketing details, The Making of Karateka delves into Jordan Mechner's early life in precise timeline fashion, letting us explore planning documents, early rotoscoping footage and prototypes of not only Karateka, but the games that preceded it, including Mechner's take on Asteroids and a shooter he was trying to develop called Deathbounce. There's even glimpses at the bones of a platforming puzzle game that started out as Karateka II and would later evolve into Prince of Persia.
Just about every review of The Making of Karateka stresses how this package sets a new standard for preservation in the video game industry, a business that is terrible at chronicling its own past. I won't repeat these arguments too much other than to say that I fullheartedly agree. Behind the scenes featurettes used to be a thing when it came to games — as a kid, I remember being utterly absorbed with the "Making of King's Quest VI" footage that came included on the CD-ROM — but these days you're unlikely to see too many of them, especially for titles that were released decades ago. In a world where Nintendo has yet to localize Mother 3 and customers need to rely on emulation and all types of hacks to revisit old games, Digital Eclipse's commitment to curating digital museums dedicated to works like Karateka is an incredible worthy goal — possibly one of the most important goals that a video game company has ever embarked upon. I can't wait to see more volumes in the Gold Master Series, and can think of many potential entries off the top of my head. Pitfall! Ultima! Doom! Maybe even one day...Sifu? (Likely a stretch, but stranger things have happened.)
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But going back to the discusson of art for a moment, one of the most monumental things that The Making of Karateka does is offer a "remastered" version of its title game, complete with impressive graphical flairs, a more managable difficulty level, and even...revised box art. While Thomas Blackshear's original Karateka painting is still displayed prominently throughout the package, when you go to select Karateka Remastered under the list of playable games, you'll see a new mockup box. No longer is Akuma a dehumanized Japanese baddie, no longer is Mariko an all-American girl, no longer is the titular Karateka Luke Skywalker. All three characters are Asian...and get this, the central Karateka is not only Asian, but blonde too.
In one swift stroke, The Making of Karateka not only captures history and chronicles its mistakes, but also revises them for a bright future. Take that, 1984 marketing.
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Update: An earlier version of this article stated that the new mockup cover art was illustrated by Digital Eclipse in-house artist Mae Livingston. Mike Mika, the president of Digital Eclipse, reached out to me on Twitter to explain that while Mae was responsible for Karateka Remastered's in-game artwork, the actual box image was made via Midjourney, and the characters were tweaked multiple times to look more culturally appropriate. He added that this methodology was an experiment that Digital Eclipse does not intend to rely on in the future.
I have very mixed opinions on AI art, and I do wish this box had been created by a human. I don't know if I would've written this piece if I'd known that the artwork was made by Midjourney, frankly. Nevertheless, I appreciate Mike actually reaching out to me, and the ultimate message of this article still stands. I hope Digital Eclipse considers the power that an image like this holds — especially for multiracial people like myself — and chooses human artists in the future.
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brookspayroll · 2 months
International PEO Service Provider in India: Why BrooksPayroll is Your Best Choice
Expanding a business into India is an exciting opportunity, but it comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to managing employees. This is where an International Professional Employer Organization (PEO) like BrooksPayroll comes into play. As a leading PEO service provider in India, BrooksPayroll offers a seamless solution to handle your HR, payroll, compliance, and other administrative tasks, allowing you to focus on growing your business.
What is a PEO and Why Do You Need One? A Professional Employer Organization (PEO) is a company that provides comprehensive HR services to businesses. When you engage with a PEO, you enter into a co-employment relationship where the PEO becomes the employer of record for your employees. This means that the PEO takes on many of the responsibilities of employment, such as payroll, taxes, and compliance, while you retain control over the day-to-day management of your employees.
For international businesses looking to expand into India, a PEO like BrooksPayroll is invaluable. It simplifies the complexities of Indian labor laws, ensures compliance with local regulations, and manages employee benefits—all without the need for you to establish a legal entity in India.
Why Choose BrooksPayroll as Your PEO Service Provider in India? Expertise in Indian Labor Laws: BrooksPayroll has deep knowledge of the Indian regulatory landscape. They stay updated with the latest changes in labor laws and ensure that your business remains compliant at all times.
Cost-Effective Solution: Setting up a subsidiary in India can be expensive and time-consuming. BrooksPayroll offers a cost-effective alternative by handling all employment-related functions, allowing you to enter the Indian market quickly and efficiently.
Comprehensive HR Services: From recruitment and onboarding to payroll processing and employee benefits management, BrooksPayroll offers a full suite of HR services. This ensures that your employees are well taken care of, which in turn boosts productivity and retention.
Localized Payroll Management: Payroll in India can be complex, with various statutory requirements and tax regulations. BrooksPayroll’s localized payroll management ensures accuracy and compliance, reducing the risk of penalties and fines.
Scalability: Whether you’re starting with a small team or planning a large-scale expansion, BrooksPayroll’s services are scalable to meet your needs. They can quickly adapt to your changing business requirements.
Dedicated Support: BrooksPayroll provides dedicated support to ensure that your business operations run smoothly. Their team of experts is always available to assist with any HR-related issues that may arise.
How BrooksPayroll Simplifies Your Expansion into India Expanding into a new country is a significant step, and BrooksPayroll makes it easier by taking care of the complexities involved in hiring and managing employees in India. Here’s how they can help:
Quick Market Entry: By handling all HR and compliance matters, BrooksPayroll enables you to enter the Indian market faster, without the need for lengthy legal processes.
Risk Mitigation: Navigating the legal and regulatory environment in India can be risky without the right expertise. BrooksPayroll mitigates this risk by ensuring full compliance with local laws and regulations.
Focus on Core Business: With BrooksPayroll managing the administrative burden, you can focus on what you do best—growing your business and achieving your strategic goals.
Conclusion Choosing the right PEO service provider is crucial to the success of your expansion into India. BrooksPayroll, with its extensive experience and comprehensive service offerings, stands out as a top choice for international businesses. By partnering with BrooksPayroll, you can streamline your operations, ensure compliance, and focus on driving your business forward in the Indian market.
Ready to expand your business into India? Contact BrooksPayroll today and discover how their International PEO service provider in India can make your expansion seamless and successful.
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poisonandpages · 2 years
Ok so I just finished my first read of Peter Darling by Austin Chant after completing it in a few hours, and here are my thoughts (spoilers if you haven't read it) ;
The writing is of better quality than I was expecting. I've been fooled by the "progressive retelling of (x beloved story)" kind of marketing before so I had braced myself for something distinctly subpar in the vein of un-proofread fanfic and was pleasantly surprised to find how well done it is as a novel.
I think the story is more nuanced than I've seen certain reviews give it credit for. Specifically, I think a lot of people saw "Peter Pan/Captain Hook love story" and assumed it had a paedophilic angle to it. Is it kinda sketchy for an adult to get with someone who is technically also an adult but was known to them as a child? Of course, this is something that always makes me uncomfortable irl and I hate to see it played straight in fiction, but it's established in this story that both time and memories are made blurry by the very nature of Neverland, so it enters instead somewhat vague and implausible territory like criticising a vampire for getting with a young human adult - there is no real world equivalent to this so it's easier to hand-wave the age stuff away.
I also felt the author approached the characterisation of the leads and the themes of growing up and coping via imagination vs reality in a much more complex way than most Pan stories do. At times it was brilliantly heart-wrenching.
I can only applaud the decision to leave out the "Indians" from Barrie's original work. The Doylist explanation is of course "it would be hard work trying to justify such a thing in the work of a 21st century writer", but I like to think that the Watsonian explanation is "Peter may still have some growing up to do but he matured just enough to realise Native Americans are people too".
The ending where two people made miserable by their real lives who felt they had no choice but to hide in a fantasy land choose to return to this world together, as honest, awkward versions of themselves? Beautiful. Spectacular. Chef's kiss.
I loved how the fairies were written as these little half-human half-bug creatures, more real than the nameless pirates but less so than Hook and Pan, much more alien than the miniature winged people that could be expected in a disney story. The way they're described and the way in which Neverland "traps" people felt a lot more like traditional legends of the Fair Folk than anything else.
I'd like to know that Ernest lived a happy life but I understand why the author chose not to include that.
As a cis person I don't know how much I can talk about the trans narrative that is key to the entire story, but I personally thought that it was very well done and knowing that it was written by an actual trans person made it all the more wonderful.
In short I enjoyed it, but I know it's the sort of story that won't be for everyone. Glad I got it.
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indiatajtours01 · 2 months
Taj Mahal Day tour by India Taj Tours Company.
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India Taj Tours Company's Day Tour of the Taj Mahal Unquestionably captivating, a day trip to see this famous structure ensures that visitors will never forget their experience. You can count on an itinerary that has been painstakingly crafted by India Taj Tours Company to make the most of your trip.
Why Opt for Taj Tours Company in India?
The India Taj Tours Company is highly known for its carefully planned itineraries and outstanding service. Their day trip to the Taj Mahal is planned to give you a smooth experience from the time you check out of your hotel until you return.
Early Morning Departure
The tour starts early in the morning when you leave your Delhi hotel. Your air-conditioned, cozy car will be ready to whisk you away on a picturesque trip to Agra so you can arrive rested and ready to explore.
Arrival in Agra
A native guide will meet you when you arrive in Agra and provide you enlightening information about the rich history and culture of the city. The Taj Mahal is, of course, your first stop.
Investigating the Taj Mahal
You will be astounded by the Taj Mahal's utter magnificence and splendor as soon as you enter its gates. A masterwork of Mughal architecture, the white marble monument was constructed by Emperor Shah Jahan in honor of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal.
Tour Guided
Your guide will regale you with amazing tales regarding the building of the Taj Mahal, its historical significance, and the love tale that inspired it. You'll have plenty of time to snap lots of pictures, tour the grounds, and the main mausoleum.
During lunch
Following your tour of the Taj Mahal, you will be escorted to a nearby eatery where you will savor a delectable meal of authentic Indian fare.
A visit to the Agra Fort
You will next proceed to another UNESCO World Heritage site, Agra Fort. In addition to providing breathtaking distant views of the Taj Mahal, this red sandstone fort provides insight into the lavish lifestyles of the Mughal emperors.
Investigating the Neighborhood Market
You'll have time to visit the Agra local marketplaces before returning to Delhi. Shopping for mementos, such as fine marble inlay work and traditional crafts, is a terrific chance.
Go back to Delhi
With pleasant recollections of a day well spent, the tour ends with a leisurely drive back to your Delhi hotel, where you will arrive in the evening.
In summary
The ideal approach to see one of the most stunning sites on earth is with an India Taj Tours Company day trip to the Taj Mahal. A well-thought-out itinerary, comfortable transportation, and knowledgeable guides ensure that you have a day to remember.
What should I pack for the day trip to the Taj Mahal?
It is advised to wear walking shoes and comfortable clothing. It's a cultural site, so please dress modestly. Is it allowed to snap pictures inside the Taj Mahal?
Tripods are not allowed, but taking pictures is okay. Is lunch included in the price of the tour?
Yes, the package includes a delectable lunch at a nearby restaurant. Which season is ideal for seeing the Taj Mahal?
The milder months of October through March are the ideal times to visit. How far does it take to get to Agra from Delhi?
Depending on the state of the traffic, the travel takes three to four hours.
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