#ensuring a bright future for both of you while living together!
worldvisacouncil · 2 years
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princessanonymous · 5 months
When Night Comes
Platonic Yandere Vampire
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First Chapter
15. 𝓐𝔀𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓖𝓻𝓪𝓿𝓮
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Time took its course. Days turned into weeks and those turned into months. (Y/n)'s outbursts became few and far between and Dorian liked to think their relationship was growing closer. She retreated less from him and talked to him more often. She was progressively starting to act more comfortably, like the little bright girl he had met in that forest all these months ago.
Dorian thought  fondly of the little moments they spent together. Her nightmares were becoming less frequent, but every time she had one, the girl came to him for comfort. They played chess and, while the vampire was still winning against the girl, she was a fast learner and was getting better at it. 
(Y/n)'s etiquette was something he was very proud of. They had gone to two other balls and the girl had behaved impeccably. Dorian had received a lot of comments about how the child acted the part of a future vampire very well; that she was a good fit to be amongst their elite society. He relished at those compliments, a proudness only a parent could feel growing in him.
Additionally, he grew more cautious, understanding he had underestimated her wits. He had ensured that she had less contact with the servant. The unfortunate events on that night could not repeat themselves. He wouldn't allow it. The vampire was however positive that they were unlikely to repeat themselves as he had had an enlightening conversation with the child. One that hopefully crushed these foolish ideas out of her head. 
· • —– ٠ ⏳ ٠ —– • ·
"I am so relieved you have given up on the silly idea of leaving, doll," Dorian had told her one night as they were both spending time together in the living room.
(Y/n) looked up, but didn't say anything. The vampire, nonchalantly engrossed in the pages of his book, continued his discourse with an air of detached sophistication. "Considering your circumstances, it's not as though you possess anything to return to," he declared, a smirk playing upon his lips, casting a shadow of cruelty. One that was necessary to educate her; she wouldn’t learn otherwise. "You have nothing to go back to. What would you do on your own ?"
She averted her eyes uncomfortably, her shoulders responding with a subtle shrug. "I don't know," she admitted in a soft whisper, her uncertainty palpable.
A chuckle escaped Dorian's lips. "Nothing," he corrected with a pointed emphasis. "But, I am here, which is why there is nothing good in leaving."
· • —– ٠ ⌛️ ٠ —– • ·
(Y/n) knew it. The child knew leaving would be fruitless and foolish. Dorian found comfort in the knowledge that she relied on him, the assurance of her presence intertwining with his sense of control over the situation. She had to understand who was the caretaker here.
Despite the apparent tranquility of their coexistence, the veneer of familial harmony in the household couldn't fully mask the palpable void that lingered within. It was as if an essential piece of their collective puzzle was conspicuously absent, leaving Dorian with an unshakable sense of incompleteness. As the days unfolded and (Y/n) became increasingly amenable to the idea of establishing connections, Dorian seized upon the opportune moment that presented itself. A subtle shift in the familial dynamic paved the way for him to contemplate the reintroduction of that elusive missing piece into their lives. He had been away long enough by now. 72 years of slumber must have taught him a lesson.
"(Y/n), dear," called out the vampire as he entered the library. He had recently bought books for the girl to read and she was spending more time in their library.
She looked up from her armchair, curiosity etched across her features. "Yes?" she inquired.
"Come with me, starshine. I have something to show you," he announced with an air of gleeful anticipation.
She straightened, tension briefly evident in the set of her shoulders, yet she followed him nonetheless, her steps echoing through the dimly lit corridor. As they approached the basement door, she edged closer to him, her unease palpable, and she hesitated for a moment, the uncertainty etched across her face. She shook her head.
"I didn't do anything," she promised with a brittle voice, her words hanging in the air like delicate glass on the verge of shattering. Her eyes pleaded for understanding. Despite the conviction in her voice, there was a vulnerability that betrayed the turmoil within.
He gave her an understanding look, his eyes softening with empathy, acknowledging her discomfort with this place. He recognized that her fear stemmed from the  anticipation of potential punishment. After all, the first time she had been allowed in that basement was to be reprimanded. However, he sought to convey that this time would be different.
"I know, dear," he reassured, his comforting touch guiding her forward. "Trust me, I merely want you to meet someone."
She trembled, a palpable shiver coursing through her frame, yet his firm grip on her trembling hand compelled her to follow him nonetheless, even if it was against her wishes. Her steps were hesitant, but they arrived at the room at the back of the corridor and Dorian used the key to unlock the door.
He turned to his child and passed a hand through her hair tenderly. "Wait here for me until I tell you to enter, starshine," he instructed. He smiled when she nodded dutifully. Dorian opened the door and closed it behind him.
The room, untouched since his last visit, held Killian in a state of slumber. Dorian approached him, placing a hand on the lifeless figure's chest. With a sigh, he declared, "I believe we are ready."
He withdrew the wooden stake, an artifact designed to neutralize their kind, and the body, once inert, sprang back to life. The vampire, now released from the temporary paralysis, slowly rose. He gasped out for breath, the sound echoing in the cold silence of the tomb as he stood up from the casket.
He scanned the room, his eyes adjusting to the muted light, and a sense of disorientation lingered. It however disappeared mere instants later when Killian's eyes shot on Dorian as he put his hands on his chest where the wound that had disappeared by now had been. Sensing an opportunity, the dark-haired vampire seized the moment. With a swift and fluid motion, he retrieved the wooden stake discarded in the earlier struggle. The blond vampire realized the imminent threat. He could feel the energy coursing through the blessed weapon, a reminder of the danger it posed. Fortunately, he sidestepped it with ease as the other had been weakened by the stasis he had been put in.
As the recently awakened vampire raised the stake for a second strike, determination etched on his features, Dorian managed to summon a surge of strength. In a swift and calculated move, he intercepted the descending weapon, his hand closing around it just inches away from his own chest. He found himself cornered against the cold wall, his back pressed against the ancient stones. The impact sent a shiver through his undead form, but the immediate danger was averted.
"Welcome back, darling," Dorian greeted, his voice a mixture of defiance and wry amusement, still struggling against the wooden stake the other was pushing dangerously close to his chest.
"Dorian," the other responded, his tone dripping with a dark edge. "You stabbed me."
He glared at the remark, his previous smiling exterior disappearing in mere seconds. "You wanted to leave," he snapped back to justify himself. "I had to do something to make you understand."
"I will leave," Killian declared adamantly. The dark-haired vampire, unmoved by Dorian's explanation, maintained his grip on the stake, the tip hovering dangerously close to the point of no return. "I will leave, and you will not stop—"
"We have a daughter," Dorian interjected hastily, his words slicing through the tension like a sudden gust of wind. 
Instantly, the other paused at the words uttered. Seizing the moment, Dorian acted with agility. The pause granted him the opportunity to disarm his adversary effortlessly. With a swift and calculated move, he deftly knocked the stake from Killian's grasp, sending it clattering across the stone floor.
"What are you on about?" The other asked with narrowed eyes, the fiery being temporarily quelled. Killian, known for his aggression, typically combined actions and words seamlessly.
There existed an unspoken agreement between the two, a delicate balance ensuring that their clashes never escalated to true harm. Dorian had, however, shattered this agreement the day he pierced his lover's chest with the blessed stake—a memory he preferred not to dwell upon. Despite such incidents, a mutual understanding persisted: they wouldn't inflict genuine harm on each other. And while the memory of the quarrel leading to Dorian’s slumber often hung wavy on his mind, he justified his action; Killian hadn’t been genuinely hurt. That had all been temporary; Dorian hadn’t done anything wrong. 
"A child. I brought in a child," the blonde reiterated, approaching his partner. Clasping both hands, he offered a smile. "Our child."
Killian's face remained closed off, his stare unyielding. "If she is anything like you, I do not wish to see this girl," he sneered coldly. "I will not raise a child with you."
He looked away for a second dissimulating the hurt he felt at that. "At least, let me introduce the both of you." Before the other could respond, he opened the door and let (Y/n) in. "This is (Y/n)," he introduced. "Doll, this is your—"
"Killian Ambrose-Hart," he introduced sharply, his eyes shining a bright red as his gaze focused on the girl. "She's human."
Dorian stepped between the two, placing an arm on his child's shoulder. With Killian having not fed for decades, the vampire was uncertain of what he might do in his current state of hunger. Who knew what he could do to the human with the hunger he must feel right now.
"She will be turned following her twelfth birthday," he declared with unwavering conviction.
Killian, outraged, furrowed his brow. "On her—you won't," he insisted, pointing accusingly.
He had known Killian wouldn't have liked that. There was a reason why children couldn't be turned before they turned twelve, after all. Following the turning, the body completely stopped aging. It was the same for the person's mind. Children turned before their twelfth birthday were called immortal children. They could not grow physically and neither could they age mentally. The immortal child would therefore lack the self control of an older vampire and become a creature only driven by hunger ; a danger for their world. A liability that was meant to be put down. Turning a child was therefore not allowed and punished by other vampires.
"I can and will," he retorted. "She will be old enough by that point and—"
(Y/n) would be turned after she reached twelve years old. At twelve, it was deemed that individuals had generally developed sufficient self-control. Though turning someone so young was rare, it was permissible. Some at that age were still too uncontrollable, but Dorian was sure it wouldn’t be the case for his fledgling. And even if it was, he wouldn’t care; the mere idea of a member of their vampiric society touching even a single strand of hair on her head would unleash the formidable force of Dorian. 
"You cannot curse her to such an existence," Killian tried to reason with him. "What will we do with an uncontrollable beast?"
Dorian would have been happy at the slip — 'We' meant that he felt involved in the child's existence — but his eyes darkened at the way he referred to her. He turned to the girl who seemed frightened by the presence of the other. "Why don't you go to your room, dear," he suggested lightly. "Killian and I are going to have a grown up conversation. Close the door behind you."
She left diligently and as she closed the door, he gave the newly awakened vampire a dangerous look. "Do not," he sneered, "call her a beast ever again. She is well-behaved, and we will ensure her safety once she is turned."
Their argument persisted through the night and into the early hours as the sun ascended in the sky. That wasn't anything new for them—Killian always rambled about how the 'curse of vampirism was something he didn't wish on anybody else'. Or how 'selfish and conniving Dorian had been to doom him to such a fate,' acting like a martyr. If anything, the older vampire should be the one complaining. Killian was too focused on making a tragedy out of his existence to care about anyone else. As always, the two only stopped when both of them had exhausted each other enough and then left it at that.
"I will go hunting," Killian declared, exasperation evident in the pinch of his nose.
"At this hour of the day?" Dorian questioned, both baffled and frustrated.
"Had you not started this complete mess, I would have been able to do so earlier," the dark-haired vampire countered.
"Oh, so all of this is my fault?" Dorian challenged. "Typical of you."
"Typical?" Killian repeated with outrage. "What do you mean, 'typical'?"
"Always trying to put the blame on someone, aren’t you, darling?" Dorian snapped back sardonically.
"Don't you try to put this on me," he threatened angrily. "This is all your doing!"
"This is ridiculous!" the blond exclaimed, flinging his hands in the air spitefully. "Utterly ridiculous; you are ridiculous!"
And like that, another session of arguing began.
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bts-0t-7 · 10 months
Eternal Love
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Pair: OT7 x F Reader 
Summary: You find a deep connection and support between all members of BTS through shared moments of laughter and unconditional love. You embark on a journey that surpasses traditional love and transcends individual connections, creating a harmonious bond with the whole group.  
Genre: Fluff, Idolxreader
Chapter Warnings: None
WC: 740
As you sat in the middle of the large sofa the boys have in Jungkook’s house, the atmosphere grew brighter every second. Filled with laughter and happiness, you were sandwiched between the members, each of them bringing their unique energy and charisma to the room. The bond that you shared with all seven members was something truly special - a connection that ran deeper than words could express. 
Jin’s infectious laughter echoed from the kitchen, filling your heart with warmth, just like the dinner he was preparing. Yoongi’s calm presence beside you brought you a sense of tranquillity, while Hoseok’s bright energy uplifted your spirits. The total opposites but they do not clash. Instead, both energies work together - creating an ever-brightening atmosphere. 
Namjoon’s wisdom and deep insights forever inspired you, while Jimin’s caring nature made you feel cherished at every moment. Taehyung’s playful antics brought you joy and Jungkook’s dedication and determination constantly motivated you to be the best version of yourself. With them, you never once felt completely alone. 
In the midst of this harmonious chaos, you found solace and love - a sanctuary where you can bleed your heart out without worrying that it will never heal. The collective support and understanding from all seven members created a safe place where you could trust yourself and them - a place where dreams and aspirations were nurtured. 
With each passing day, they never fail to surprise you with new facets of your relationships. Each member carried themselves differently, but yet all so connected. Meals were filled with laughter, deep conversations that delved into the very depths of your soul, and moments of quiet understanding that transcends words. There was no need to speak when you were with them - the connections ran deeper than blood. 
The everlasting comfort that you find yourself encompassed in brought you a deep sense of belonging - a critical feeling that you were an integral part of their world. The boys celebrated your success; comforted you during times of struggle; and stood by your side through thick and thin. 
In return, you offered them your unwavering support and care. You cheered for their accomplishments, provided them with a safe place where they could express their vulnerabilities, and ensured that they knew they didn’t have to walk the roads alone. Your connection with each member was unique and meaningful in their own ways - but together, as a whole, you created a symphony of love that knew no bounds. 
Late nights were spent in each other’s company, exchanging stories, dreams, and hopes for the future. In those intimate moments, you discovered the depth of your bonds shared with your boyfriends - going beyond the traditional definition of love. It was a connection that tested the limits of friendship, surpassing the weaving of threads and transcending into something deeper and more profound. 
The living room was filled with the melody of laughter and whispered words, creating a harmonious blend that could only be achieved by the eight of you together. In each other’s arms, you found love and support - a reminder that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them as a united force.  
As the stars started to twinkle in the night sky, you leaned into the embrace of all seven members, heart near-bursting with the amount of love floating in the air. With a shared smile, you whispered, a voice full of gratitude, “Thank you for being here with me, for coming into my life.”
Their voices, a chorus of chaos, surrounded you. “And we are so very grateful to have met you too, kitten.”
“There is no other if it is not you, sweetheart.”
At that very moment, you felt a cosmic push, and you knew that your connection with the members was not to be confined to individual connections - it was a song of all seven. It was a symphony of emotions, a tapestry woven with shared memories and promises of the future, laughter, and unconditional support. 
As you embraced each member, you revelled in the warmth of their love - the love that encompassed the entire group. You knew then, that whatever the future lies ahead, you will be fine. The boys will be fine. And the future’s gonna be okay.
As long as you were together, the sign woven by your connections will continue to play the harmonious melody - a melody that would forever be known as your eternal love. 
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aita-blorbos · 11 months
AITA for choosing my career over my sister?
I (48F) have had this career, which is my dream job, for years now. I wouldn’t give it up for the world, but what I’ve done to my sister (46F) still keeps me up at night, and I’d like to know if I’m in the right.
When my sister and I were younger, we both had our eyes set on my current career. Power, publicity, the opportunity to make change, it had it all. We had been told that this was a new era, and that we had to power to pave the future. Who wouldn’t want that?
We worked hard for this future, making sure to excel in school, gaining the skills necessary for this job, whatever we had to do. This was our dream, to work together in the same career, bettering lives and our home. Nothing could shatter this dream or our relationship, or so I thought.
One thing you must know is that my sister was incredibly gifted. I worked hard, but that was no match for her sheer talent. She was younger than me, but had skipped enough grades to be in my class. Whenever we dueled to sharpen our skills, she was always the victor. Despite her tendency to break rules and pull childish pranks, our school couldn’t kick her out due to just how gifted she was, and my parents always loved paid more attention to her than me.
One day, our school had a Career Day, and my sister (16F at the time) and I (18F at the time), found a recruiter for our dream job. We both asked to sign up, but they told us that there was only one spot available, and that we would have to duel for it.
I was crushed. I knew that my sister was going to beat me, and there wasn’t anything I could do to change that. She was strong, beloved, driven, better than me. There was no was for me to compete against her. But I felt as though I didn’t have any better job prospects. If I lost, it would cost me my future.
While I sulked, thinking that there was no way for me to succeed, that the deck was stacked against me, the CEO of the company (and my current boss)’s slogan flashed through my mind. “To be great, you have to make sacrifices.” A flash of inspiration hit me. Maybe the deck was stacked against me, but if I hid an ace up my sleeve, I could win. It was less cheating and more evening the playing field.
I went and got something to sabotage her, that would make sure that she lost our duel. Although conflicted, I tried to get some rest, knowing that the biggest day in my life would be happening soon.
The next day, my act of sabotage completed and my future success practically set in stone, I walked onto the battlefield. I was going to win this. As it turned out, I didn’t have to.
My sister immediately forfeit, an outcome I didn’t expect. I felt bad about having attempted to sabotage her, especially since she was giving this up for me. At least my sabotage was temporary and no consequences would come of this.
I was wrong. The object I used to sabotage her turned out to not be the one I wanted, instead afflicting her with a painful condition. She was injured and ran off, and I didn’t follow, held back by the recruiter. At least this was a one time effect.
A few days later, my father announced that he would be leaving on a business trip. Being the man that he is, he announced it “in style”, with flashing lights and confetti. This triggered a flare-up in my sister, who then clawed his eye out and gave him brain damage, causing him to be unable to continue his job.
I left a few days later, going to my new job. I am now a successful, productive member of society, having helped to ensure that the future of our land is bright. My sister is a wanted criminal, with the highest bounty in history. We don’t really see eye to eye.
My boss has promised to remove her debilitating condition provided that I bring her in and recruit her for our job, a perfect chance to wipe my past sins opportunity for her. Yet for whatever reason, she keeps refusing, saying that she doesn’t want him to fix it, and that she likes her lifestyle, all kinds of nonsense. I just wonder if I could have saved her from this corruption had I not performed my act of sabotage.
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Monster AU - Mozus' Backstory
Monster: N/A, Human Word Count: 0.3K Relationships Mentioned: Trein's fiancee, his research team, saboteurs TW: Trein's wife dies and everything they worked for is destroyed Also not really a fic, just the ideas I had for him ---------------------------------------------------
Mozus was a researcher from the human realm and studied anthropology. After some ruins had depictions of monsters and humans working together, he headed up a team of like minded people to go into the Monster Realm and extend an offer to work with any monsters that were interested in researching the topic as well to see if there was a way to allow humans and monsters to live in harmony again. It was through this research project that Mozus met another bright, like-minded individual who also happened to be akin to a giant lizard lady. They quickly grew on each other and had a very friendly sort of light-banter type of relationship teetering on flirty and friendly for a while before they started dating. They spent about 15 years studying together when they finally had a full report ready to publish, including illustrations of the drawings found in the ruins when a group of humans ambushed the field researchers, killing what monsters had been there and burning anything they were able to find. Trein held his lover close and slipped the ring he had finally bought her on her finger as she died in his arms, which is nice to think about but I currently dont have the braincells to develop this the way I want to lmao. Trein decided that humans were too difficult to teach, and ended up applying for permanent residency in the monster realm to act as a history teacher as his now late fiancee had taught him nearly everything he would need to know about the history of monsters as a whole, and he was well versed in human history. His hope is/was that teaching at NRC will allow him to give young minds both perspectives of history so they can build a better future. The only useful thing Crowley has ever done was ensure Trein's safety with his abilities, as Trein was and still is privvy to receiving death threats.
if you made it here, you might want to check out my other Twstober works here, or if you're looking for some fluff after that fic, you can check out my main masterlist here.
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pocket-luv101 · 2 years
Forget Me Not // Chapter 1
Fandom: Genshin Impact Ship: CynoNari
Summary: After Cyno broke their engagement, Tighnari left Gandharva Ville. He returned years later so Collei could attend school there. Collei could see the unspoken feelings between Cyno and Tighnari and decided to help them get back together. Cyno couldn’t explain to Collei that he left Tighnari to protect him. (Modern AU)
(Ch.1) // Ch.2 // Ch.3 //
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“My job won’t start until next week so we have time to settle into our new home. The countryside is different from the city but it’ll be better for your health.” Tighnari told Collei in the backseat and he glanced into the rearview mirror. Her response was a half-hearted nod and she didn’t take her eyes off the stuffed animal on her lap. The toy bunny was a gift from Amber. “You’ll make a lot of new friends here, Collei, I’m certain.”
“If I get stronger, can we move back to Sumeru City?” Collei asked. The answer was more complicated than a short ‘yes or no’. He decided to move their small family to the countryside where Collei could have a more stable life without the noise and traffic of the city. He understood that moving and starting a new life was difficult for a child. She had to leave her friends and the future suddenly became uncertain to her.
“You don’t need to worry about that. Since Grandma lives in the city, we’re able to go back and visit often. You and Amber can still call each other and stay in touch. She’s your best friend and that won’t change as long as both of you put in the effort. I know how hard that can be but you’ll have an easier time. When I was your age, we didn’t have unlimited phone calls.”
Tighnari wanted to reassure Collei that moving to the small rural town was a good change even though he had his own reservations. His concerns were the opposite of hers. The town was his childhood home with many memories he planned to never revisit. He thought time would lessen the ache in his heart but it only festered without closure. He resented that Cyno never told him why he broke their engagement.
The only reason he returned was because he adopted Collei. Her future was more important than his bruised pride and battered heart. “Gandharva Ville is only an hour away from a rural university. It’s not as prestigious as the Akademiya but their research facility is one of the best. They also have a program for late learners. If you’re comfortable, you can take a few classes. My friend works there and she offered to watch over you while I’m working.”
“Do you think I’ll be able to handle a university course? I just entered high school and I’m far behind my classmates.” She asked and he could hear a hint of excitement in her voice. Collei wanted the opportunity to learn but she worried that it would be overwhelming for her. Before Tighnari adopted her, she lived in various orphanages and they barely provided her an education. She struggled to read until he taught her.
“It’s not exactly a university course. Faruzan’s program is a few small lectures that helps students prepare for school and decide a career path. You won’t be graded on anything or have homework.” Tighnari reassured her. She didn’t voice her concern but he could read her expression easily. “You’re a bright girl so you can do anything you put your mind to. There’s no rush to answer me right now. For now, let’s focus on moving into our new home.”
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Tighnari locked the flower shop as he left and shook the door a few times to ensure that someone couldn’t easily break inside. Gandharva Ville was a safe town but the flower shop was his responsibility. After he was satisfied, he checked his watch to see how long he needed to wait for Cyno to pick him up. They saw each other every day but Tighnari still found himself excited.
He noticed his reflection in the glass door. Tighnari held a peony against his hair and mused to himself which flower they should have for their wedding. He pictured himself walking down the aisle to Cyno with a bouquet in his hands. He didn’t care whether he had a thousand flowers or a single rose, he was happy that they could share a name.
Tighnari thought of how people would describe love as a rush of excitement and butterflies. He didn’t expect to find that with someone. Beyond that, Cyno’s love felt like a homecoming. A warmth and sense of ease would calm those butterflies and leave only love. Though, their engagement renewed those butterflies.
“Are you trying to sneak up on me, Cyno?” Tighnari said when he heard footsteps behind him. Since he would arrive at the flower shop at the same time each night, he could easily guess the footsteps belonged to Cyno. His grin grew when he turned and saw that he was right. He expected him to greet him with a pun like he usually would but he was oddly silent.
“It’s dangerous for you to stand outside in the dark like this. You should wait inside the shop next time.” Cyno told him but Tighnari could hear that there was something else troubling him. He laid his hand on his cheek and tenderly ran his finger over his lip.
“I can hear people a block away so it’s impossible for someone to sneak up on me. In the unlikely chance someone does try to rob me, I know how to defend myself.” Tighnari reassured him and moved his tall ears to emphasize his words. “Did something happen at work? You look stressed. Even though you can’t tell me the details of your investigation, you can lean on me. We’re going to be married soon.”
“Did you hear back from Professor Naphis about his new research project yet?” He asked. While Tighnari was still working towards his bachelor degree, his professor invited him to help with his latest project. The opportunity would help Tighnari enter his graduate program the next year.
“Professor Naphis emailed me this morning. The bulk of the research will be conducted at the Akademiya since they have more resources. My mother lives in Sumeru City so I don’t need to worry about lodging. The most difficult part would be how much I’ll miss you, Cyno.” Tighnari confessed. He looked down at the ring gleaming on his finger. “You proposed to me at the perfect time, didn’t you.”
“Tighnari,” He whispered his name. Cyno took his hand from his cheek and leaned down to kiss his lips. He held his hand between them and he squeezed his fingers.
While Tighnari was distracted with the kiss, Cyno slipped the engagement ring from his finger. The ring on his finger had become so familiar to Tighnari and he was pulled out of his daze when its weight disappeared. He broke away from him and looked down at his empty hand. Cyno tucked the ring into his pocket, confusing Tighnari further.
“We should end our engagement.”
Tighnari almost thought he misheard Cyno because his words were so outlandish. Why would he kiss him and then end their relationship? However, Cyno’s expression remained stiff as if he was staring at a stranger. A beat of silence passed. A strained laugh forced its way out of Tighnari. “This is worse than your usual jokes. Give me back my ring, Cyno.”
“I’m sorry, Tighnari, but we have to break up.” His voice never wavered as he spoke. “We looked into the accounting of Professor Naphis’s research and there are inconsistencies. Taj assigned me to investigate your professor and his research. Our relationship would be a conflict of interest. I know this opportunity is important to you so I won’t dissuade you from going to the Akademiya. The details of the investigation are confidential but it shouldn’t affect you, Tighnari.”
“You’re lying.” He couldn’t say whether he believed his own words or if he was simply in denial. Tighnari looked into his red eyes that brought him comfort before. Now, they were cold. He felt as if the ground disappeared beneath him and he gripped Cyno’s shirt. “If this is because you suspect Professor Naphis to be corrupt, you would tell me it’s dangerous to work with him. Why are you really breaking up with me? We’ve been together for years and I deserve the truth!”
Tighnari’s mind raced with the possible reasons he would want to break up with him? He thought they were happy together and he couldn’t picture Cyno cheating on him. His questions were only met with silence and his confusion turned into frustration. “You know that I would never abuse grant money. I would report my professor as soon as I learned he was doing that. He is an honourable man and so am I. Don’t you trust me?”
“Before we met, Taj asked me to investigate you. I told him that you weren’t a corrupt scholar in my first report to him.” The implication behind his words caused Tighnari to let him go as if he burned his skin. Cyno first spoke with him for his job? How long did his investigation last? Did he still suspect him of corruption? When Tighnari tried to ask him, his breath struggled against the lump in his throat.
Cyno brushed his bangs from his eyes but Tighnari barely felt his fingers. He was still trying to make sense of the situation. Only minutes ago, he was excitedly planning their wedding. Now, he had to question Cyno’s feelings for him. “I’m sorry, Tighnari. I’ll take you home. It’s dangerous to walk alone at night.”
“Don’t.” Tighnari slapped his hand away from him. He almost wished that Cyno would act more coldly rather than confusing him by offering to walk him home. He laughed bitterly. “Whenever people ask me why I would date someone so cold, I told them that you’re different. I guess I was wrong.”
He hated that there were tears in his eyes. He hardened his heart and threw Cyno’s words back at him. “You don’t have to worry about our little relationship interfering with your job. I know this opportunity is important to you so I won’t dissuade you from investigating my professor. It’s far more important to you than our relationship. We should both focus on our careers. Goodbye, Cyno.”
Tighnari turned away from him before his resolve could shatter and cry in front of Cyno. His eyes were blurry from his tears and he tried to wipe them away. What broke his heart further was that Cyno didn’t try to follow him.
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“Tighnari, you’re spacing out.” Collie said and waved her hand in front of him.
“Sorry, I was lost in thought. The restaurant we ate at was a large flower shop before. I wonder how expensive it was to convert the space.” Tighnari sat on a bench with Collei. Since they moved into their new home that afternoon, they didn’t have the chance to buy groceries and cook a meal. They decided to eat at a restaurant and then walk down the boulevard lined with shops.
Grandharva Ville had changed from when he attended the university, far more than he expected. He thought he would be grateful that the flower shop was gone and he wouldn’t be reminded of his dates with Cyno. A familiar loneliness made his heart tighten painfully in his chest. The first week he moved to Sumeru City, he wondered what would happen if he returned and confronted Cyno. He could never know the answer now that so much had changed. He had changed.
The stunning view of the river in front him hadn’t changed though.
While the city had a few parks and gardens, they didn’t compare to the gems that he knew in Gandharva Ville. He could spend hours studying the lotuses in the water or listening to the whistle of grass blades. Tighnari decided to become a botanist so he could preserve nature like the river before him. The park had countless memories connected to it and people should be able to visit them years in the future instead of being paved over by construction.
He wondered if Cyno sat at the bench and reminisced on their breakup. He almost laughed at his own thoughts. Why would Cyno do so when he was the one to end their relationship? Tighnari was grateful that he didn’t meet anyone he knew from high school during at the restaurant. They would easily recognize him with his rare ears and tail. He was far too tired by the move to deal with their questions and the conversation would inevitably lead to Cyno.
Tighnari noticed a little girl stand dangerously close to the water. She collected the lilies that grew on the riverbed. He scanned the park for her parents but she appeared to be alone. Why would anyone allow such a young child to wander alone in the park? Worried that she could be lost, he stood to help her find her parents. “Collei, wait here. I need to find some irresponsible parents and yell at them for leaving their child alone. I’ll be right back.”
The girl reached towards the lily and fell into the water. Tighnari dashed forward to rescue her. She flailed in the lake and he jumped inside before the current could carry her away. The water was colder and deeper than he expected but the sensation almost made him lose his balance. He struggled to lift her out of the water with how she splashed water at him in her panic.
He was thoroughly soaked by the time he managed to bring her back to shore. She clung to his shoulder and shivered from the cold. His clothes were wet so he didn’t have anything to keep her warm. Tighnari lightly patted her back to calm her. “It’s okay. Are your parents nearby?”
“Put that girl down!” Someone behind him yelled. A hand took his arm and turned him around. He started to explain to the person that he had saved the girl. Those words were lost after he saw the person’s red eyes. Tighnari’s surprise was reflected in the man’s expression. Time stopped and he was forced back to the night his heart was broken.
Cyno stood in front of him.
Tighnari swallowed the lump in his throat but that only caused a heavy weight to settle in his stomach. He didn’t expect to meet Cyno so soon after returning to the town. All of the angry rants he imagined he would say to him became mute. He didn’t understand the stab of longing and loneliness he felt when he should resent him.
“Cyno, I wanted a lotus for my collection. I couldn’t reach it but this man helped me.” The little girl opened her palm and showed him the leaf in her hand. She frowned in disappointment because he thought she had grabbed the flower in the chaos.
“She fell inside when trying to get a flower.” Tighnari explained. He looked between the young girl and Cyno and counted the similarities they shared. They both had silver hair and her brows furrowed the same way as Cyno’s whenever he was deep in thought. Was the girl his daughter? The question made him colder than when he jumped into the water.
“Nahida, I thought I told you to wait on the park bench while I was buying hotdogs for us. You’re going to give me a heart attack one day.” Cyno took off his long coat and he draped it around both Tighnari and Nahida. “Thank you for saving her, Tighnari. I didn’t know that you were coming back to Gandharva Ville. Are you visiting?”
Hearing Cyno say his name again made his heart jump. That brief moment of excitement was dampened by how Cyno spoke to him as if they were distant acquaintances. Tighnari retorted in a sarcastic tone. “I wasn’t aware that I had an obligation to tell you anything. We’re not together anymore. Next time, don’t leave your daughter unattended. It’s dangerous. What if I wasn’t here and something happened to her? You could’ve taken her to wait in line.”
Tighnari handed Nahida back to Cyno and quickly removed his jacket. He couldn’t look at his red eyes so he blindly thrust his jacket towards him. He didn’t wait for Cyno to grab the jacket before he let it go and walked away.
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“Nahida, you shouldn’t be in my office. My books are too scary for a little kid like you.” Cyno said when he found her in his office. She sat at his desk. He locked his files in a safe but he worried she would accidentally she wouldn’t accidentally read about his investigation. He struggled between raising Nahida and his work. Initially, Cyno was assigned to watch over Nahida while they investigated her mother’s disappearance. A year had passed since then and it was unlikely that she was still alive.
“I recognize the man who rescued me today!” Nahida said proudly and held up a photograph. The moment he saw the picture, memories and emotions flooded back to Cyno. He was able to vividly recall the day he took the photo of himself and Tighnari. They were in a greenhouse and Tighnari was complaining about the heat. Even covered in dirt, he was beautiful and he took a picture of him. Cyno couldn’t bring himself to throw away the photo even after their break up.
His appearance changed during their time apart. Tighnari had cut his long hair to be shoulder length and it framed his mature face more. However, his sharp eyes were still the same. Cyno believed he wouldn’t see him after he moved to Sumeru City. He didn’t have a reason to return to their small town, after all. He thought it was best that way.
“Kaveh told me that you have a fiancé. Is he Tighnari?” Her question pulled Cyno out of his thoughts. Nahida was too young to recognize the way he grimaced and turned away from her. She continued: “When I was looking for a pencil, I found his picture. You don’t have many pictures hanging on your wall so this one must be important if you keep it on your desk. I didn’t piece together who it was until now. Will he live with us now?”
“I shouldn’t have let that gossip babysit you.” Cyno sighed and placed the photo back into his drawer. “Tighnari and I broke up years ago.”
“Why?” She innocently tilted her head. The first week she moved into Cyno’s home, she thought he was a cold person. Then, she found the photo of him smiling softly next to Tighnari. He looked genuinely happy and relaxed.
“It’s a complicated adult issue.” She wasn’t satisfied by his curt answer and pouted at him. Cyno knelt in front of her so they were eye levelled. It was difficult to fully explain the situation to her but he tried to make her understand. “We had to break up. When you love someone, you’ll do anything to protect them. Even if being apart is the answer.”
Each night he stayed awake thinking of Tighnari, Cyno would repeat those words to him. It was selfish to think of himself over Tighnari’s safety. Nahida echoed the protest his heart would make. “Wouldn’t the best thing to do is stay close so you can protect him?”
“Maybe that would be an option if we were fighting a dragon.” Cyno stood and lightly nudged Nahida towards the door. “It’s time to get ready for school. I’ll make pancakes while you brush your teeth. If Shakespear cooked breakfast for us, it’d be a Hamlet.”
Nahida could be oblivious to social cues at times but she lived with Cyno enough to know when he wanted to end a conversation with a joke. She nodded and walked out into the hall. She was still a little curious about Tighnari and the photo Cyno kept in his desk. After he took her in and raised her, she wanted to repay his kindness.
She decided that the next time she saw Tighnari, she would help them get back together so Cyno could smile again.
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chenford2infinity · 2 years
The Surprise-Posal Party
Everyone from the Mid-Wilshire Police Station including Kojo gathered in a nearby park decorated with twinkle lights, a bar, catering from Tim and Lucy’s favorite restaurant, tables and chairs, and Smitty the DJ playing light background music as they waited for Tim and Lucy to arrive. Everyone was in on the surprise thanks to Tim, but he instructed everyone to remain silent and watch it play out in front of them, but wait until they heard the cue before they made it known to Lucy that they were there.
After a little bit of mingling, everyone saw Tim walk hand in hand with a blindfolded Lucy close to his side into the park. As they got closer, everyone got extremely quiet as they were told, so they were apart of the surprise to watch two of their closest friends FINALLY get engaged. Tim positioned Lucy’s back towards the group, so she wouldn’t know they were there. Once Tim felt she wasn’t going to see anything behind her, he removed the blindfold and stood in front of her, and held her hands. Just then Smitty, took that cue to turn up the music slightly and put on a playlist of their songs, the first song being; ‘Love Survive’ by Michael Nau.
“Tim,” Lucy stated excitedly with a smile that was on the border of laughing. “What is going on? This is a little bit more of an elaborate date than what we normally do. You know I would be fine with dinner at our house or a restaurant, I’m fine with whatever you are comfortable with”. He sweetly replied saying, “Lucy” before he kissed her intensely and lovingly.
“Do you remember your first day of being a rookie in the roll call room and how we looked at each other and made eye contact?”
Lucy responded, “Yes, little did I know that after we were dismissed from the roll call room my life would be forever changed with both the amazing, the harsh, and everything in between. It was all well worth it to get to where I am now both professionally and personally”. Tim giggled and smiled at Lucy’s response and picked up one of her hands that he was still holding and brought the back of it to his lips to give a kiss.
Tim continued, “I know I was tough on you in the beginning, but I just wanted you to be prepared for what this line of work entails and to ensure you would have a big and bright future ahead with the LAPD. The ‘Tim Tests’ and my tricks, during your time as a rookie, were not without purpose. However, what wasn’t purposeful was how my feelings for you would evolve as time went on”.
“Awww Tim . . .” Lucy looks at Tim with happy tears developing in her eyes, unsure of where he is going with this.
Tim carried on with, “While my feelings didn’t develop romantically for you until well after you were done being a rookie, it began out of caring and being protective of you, which developed into a close friendship; even though I was too stubborn to admit it. From friendship, it progressed to romantic feelings, especially after the practice and real undercover kisses, I felt something then and it has only grown as time went on and has gotten better and better from that point. I love you so much, Lucy Chen”.
“I love you so much too, Timothy Bradford!”
It was then that moment, Tim pulled the tiny box with the engagement ring in it out to hold in his hand, and got down on one knee in front of Lucy. “Lucy, you not only broke down my walls, but you gave me the chance to love again when I didn’t think I would ever. We saw each other at some of the lowest points, the highest, and everything in between. I want us to keep seeing all those moments with each other for the rest of our lives together. Will you marry me?”
Lucy was wiping emotionally happy tears from her face and was speechless that Tim was asking her this question. She knew it would come up eventually, but with his affectionate speech, and this extraordinary and romantic setup, it was all so much to take in at once. Tim was truly a romantic, especially when it came to doing something for Lucy.
After she had a minute to collect her thoughts and pull herself together, taking a deep breath she enthusiastically said “YES” and jumped up and down. Tim had the biggest smile on his face and pulled Lucy into a tight hug. He pulled the stunning ring out of the box and placed it on her left hand and they both looked at it in awe.
They pulled each other into one more hug and chaste kiss when Tim said to Lucy “There is one more surprise, turn around”.
Lucy turned around and was so happy and surprised that all their friends from the station and Kojo were there and watched the proposal happen before their eyes. Kojo ran up to his parents with their friends in toe hugging and congratulating the happy couple one by one.
Lucy turned to Tim and asked “What is all of this?” Pointing to the bar, catering, the twinkle lights, and the tables with seating.
He looked at his fiancé so full of love and said happily, “It’s our engagement party with all our favorite people, food, and music”!
Lucy was in complete awe at how Tim and their friends pulled this together without her knowing anything. Tim asked her “Are you surprised”?
Lucy put her arms around Tim so only he would hear the answer and lovingly said, “I am very surprised”.
Tim, Lucy, and everyone else went on to enjoy the engagement party with food, and music and celebrate their FINALLY getting engaged.
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thelightco · 1 month
From Caves to Smart Lights: A Journey Through Human Dwelling Illumination
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Lighting—it’s more than just a practical necessity. It’s woven into the fabric of our existence, from the earliest days of humanity to the cutting-edge technology of today. In this article, we  will trace the fascinating history of human adaptation to home lighting, explore its impact on our lives, and peek into the future of illumination.
Early Fire-Based Lighting
The first "homes" were caves, illuminated by fire. Early humans used wood and other natural materials to create fires that provided light, warmth, and protection from predators. This primitive form of home lighting laid the foundation for future innovations.
Oil Lamps and Candles
The invention of oil lamps, typically made from stone or clay, marked a significant advancement. These lamps provided a more controlled and consistent source of light by burning animal fat or plant oil in ancient dwellings.
With the progression of civilizations, candles and lanterns became popular. Candles, made from beeswax or tallow, offered a portable source of light. They were used in ancient Rome over 2,000 years ago during religious rituals and 500 years later in medieval Europe, serving both functional and ceremonial purposes.
Gas Lamps and Electric Bulbs
Gas lamps became popular in the 19th century. This technology provided brighter and more reliable illumination, marking the beginning of a new era in home lighting. However, they emitted toxic fumes, leading to the term “gaslighting” (originally referring to manipulating someone’s perception). Together with occasional explosions it led to eventual decline of its use.
The invention of the electric light bulb in the late 19th century was a game-changer. Edison and his incandescent light bulb revolutionized home lighting. Electric lighting was safer, more efficient, and easier to control. This innovation sparked a wave of electrification that spread across the globe, transforming homes and cities. Fun fact: Victorian-era lampshades were often made from women’s dresses. When fashion met function, lampshades became stylish accessories.
LED and Smart Lighting
In the 21st century, LED technology has become the new standard for home lighting. LEDs are energy-efficient, long-lasting, and available in various colors and brightness levels. They have reduced the environmental impact of lighting and paved the way for smart lighting systems.
In a time when the light emitting temperature can be  chosen, we strongly recommend to opt for light bulbs that emit softer, yellower, or redder tones (usually not exceeding 3000K). Avoid bulbs that emit violet and blue light, as these can be harmful to you and to wildlife.
The Future of Home Lighting
The future of home lighting looks bright, with continued innovations on the horizon.
Technologies like:
Organic LEDs (OLEDs): solar-powered lighting is becoming more and more popular, offering a sustainable alternative. 
Motion sensor-infused bulbs, 
Adaptive lighting like Human-Centric Lighting (HCL) that can mimic natural light cycles, promoting better sleep and overall well-being. Imagine waking up to a gentle sunrise-like glow or winding down with a warm, sunset-like hue.
Adaptive lighting like Human-Centric Lighting (HCL) that can mimic natural light cycles, promoting better sleep and overall well-being. Imagine waking up to a gentle sunrise-like glow or winding down with a warm, sunset-like hue.
Innovative Lighting Solutions at TheLightCo.
TheLightCo. is a premier destination for lighting enthusiasts seeking the latest technologies and styles in light illumination. 
With a carefully curated collection of lighting products, we prioritize innovative solutions that offer both aesthetic appeal and environmental responsibility. This commitment to embracing the latest trends ensures that customers always find something that suits their tastes while also aligning with sustainability and health considerations.
One of the key aspects of TheLightCo. is its focus on environmentally friendly lighting. We offer a range of energy-efficient options, including LED and solar-powered lights, which significantly reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions compared to traditional lighting methods. These technologies not only save customers money on their energy bills but also contribute to a lower carbon footprint, helping to combat climate change.
In addition to environmental concerns, TheLightCo. is mindful of the impact lighting has on health and wildlife. The company carefully selects products that minimize light pollution, reducing the negative effects on local ecosystems and the natural behaviors of nocturnal animals. Whether you're looking for energy-efficient lighting for your home or environmentally friendly options for your outdoor spaces, TheLightCo. has you covered.
The future of illumination is not just about brightness—it’s about enhancing our lives, one bulb at a time.
So, whether you’re in a cozy cave or surrounded by smart bulbs, remember that light shapes our world, our progress, and our very existence. Let there be light!
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villasinhennurroads · 2 months
Best villas in Bangalore by MIMS Builders
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In the fast-paced world we live in, finding the perfect place to call home for your family is a task that requires careful consideration. With its serene surroundings, convenient amenities, and a strong sense of community, Hennur Road has emerged as an enticing destination for families seeking their dream home. In this article, we'll delve into the family-friendly aspects that make Gated community villas in Bangalore, particularly those developed by MIMS Builders, a top choice for families looking to settle down in Bangalore.
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1. Proximity to Quality Education:
One of the top priorities for families is providing their children with the best education. Hennur Road boasts a plethora of renowned schools and educational institutions in its vicinity. From prestigious international schools to well-established local institutions, parents can rest assured that their children's educational needs are well catered to. This ensures that your family's academic journey is both convenient and promising.
2. Abundance of Parks and Recreational Spaces:
The importance of open spaces and parks in a family-friendly community cannot be understated. Hennur Road offers a variety of parks and recreational areas where families can come together for picnics, outdoor activities, and quality time. These green spaces provide a breath of fresh air, allowing children to play freely and families to bond over nature and shared activities.
3. Access to Healthcare Facilities:
The well-being of your family is of utmost importance, and having easy access to quality healthcare facilities is a critical factor in choosing a home. Hennur Road is strategically located near leading hospitals and medical centers, ensuring that medical assistance is never too far away in case of emergencies or routine health check-ups.
4. Close Proximity to Employment Hubs:
For families where one or both parents are working professionals, the location of their home in relation to their workplace is vital. Hennur Road's villas, including those by MIMS Builders, are conveniently situated near major employment hubs such as Villas near manyata tech park and the Bangalore airport. This means that you can enjoy a shorter commute, allowing for more time to spend with your loved ones.
5. Safety and Security:
Gated community villas have become increasingly popular among families due to the added layer of security they provide. Villas in Hennur Road, especially those within gated communities, offer a secure and tranquil environment for your family to thrive in. You can have peace of mind knowing that your children can play freely within the community while being surrounded by a safe and watchful neighborhood.
6. Thriving Community Spirit:
A strong sense of community is essential for families, as it fosters social interactions and a support network. Hennur Road's residential areas are known for their vibrant community spirit. Residents often come together for various events, festivals, and activities, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere where lifelong friendships are forged.
7. Quality of Life:
Above all, the overall quality of life that Hennur Road offers is a compelling reason for families to choose this area as their home. The serene environment, coupled with modern amenities and well-planned infrastructure, ensures that your family can enjoy a comfortable and fulfilling lifestyle.
If you're a family in search of the perfect place to call home, Hennur Road's villas, particularly those developed by MIMS Builders, tick all the right boxes. From its proximity to educational institutions and healthcare facilities to its abundant recreational spaces and strong sense of community, Hennur Road offers an ideal family-friendly environment. With its strategic location near major employment hubs and a focus on safety and quality of life, settling down in one of these gated community villas is a decision that promises a bright and fulfilling future for you and your loved ones.
RERA NO: PRM/KA/RERA/1251/446/PR/180516/001722 Location: MIMS BUILDERS PVT. LTD
Corporate Office :#99, Infantry Road, Shivajinagar, Bengaluru 560001 Karnataka, INDIA.Visit for more information : https://www.mimsbuilders.com/https://www.mimsbuilders.com/northdale-villas-in-hennur-roadEmail:[email protected] Mobile: +91 80 4123 5002
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tiaraahotel1 · 3 months
Jim Corbett: The Ideal Destination Wedding Getaway
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Imagine your utter surprise and awe as you exchange vows in front of this magnificent masterpiece of nature. The bright orange and pink tones that adorn the sky make your wedding so warm and romantic. Like nature’s symphony, the gentle rustling of the leaves creates a song that harmonises with your heartbeat as you walk down the aisle, but there are other reasons why this place is so special for a wedding in Jim Corbett. It is the breathtaking foothills of the Himalayas, rising far above and showering you with blessings on this special day. Their majesty and glory are reminders of strength and your enduring love, and they promise a bright and prosperous future.
Located in the lush tops of Uttarakhand, Jim Corbett is a haven for couples looking for a unique wedding experience. It is a place where romance and the natural world come together in a beautiful and fascinating blend. Here, the sounds of birds mixed with the roar of the majestic tiger and the gentle murmur of the river Ram Ganga create a peaceful atmosphere for your celebration. Your wedding at this beautiful venue takes on a mystical quality—a moment captured in time as the landscape itself bears witness to your love. Surrounded by the green splendour of the garden, you and your significant other are transported to a realm where worries disappear and the purity of your love remains intact.
An aura of awe and reverence fills the air as vows are exchanged. The wonderful surroundings are a constant reminder of the countless opportunities that await both of you on your journey. It acts as a reminder of the power of love and a gentle reminder that beauty and peace can be found when lifted. In addition to honouring your love, your wedding at Jim Corbett is a celebration of natural beauty. It is a commitment to preserve and value the beauty of the world for future generations, and a reminder of that beauty. Your wedding is a reminder of the beauty that can be found when love and nature come together in this beautiful setting and a symbol of hope.
Beyond the Ordinary: Envision Your Dream Wedding in Jim Corbett
Step into a world where traditional arcades are a thing of the past. Your wedding at Jim Corbett will be a joyous celebration connected to the beauty of nature. Imagine the romantic thought of saying "I do" on a manicured lawn, overlooking a sparkling lake, while a gentle breeze carries the sweet scent of wildflowers.
Located in the heart of Jim Corbett, Tiaraa Hotels & Resorts has a stunning array of properties to match your vision. Picture a beautifully decorated tent, decorated with vibrant marigolds, stunning in the warm glow of the setting sun. We can turn our expansive lawn into an outdoor theatre room, decorated with twinkling fairy lights, creating an atmosphere filled with laughter and fun.
But Jim Corbett's wedding magic doesn't end with the ceremony. Make your special day more memorable by adding unique experiences to your wedding itinerary, and create cherished memories with your loved ones that will last a lifetime.
Experience the unmissable:
Go on an incredible safari with your closest friends and family, and create an adventure that will be remembered for a lifetime.
Go outside:
Give guests the chance to experience the wonders of nature up close by taking them on a professionally guided nature walk. This allows you to fully immerse yourself in the scenic beauty of the park.
Cultural Activities:
Incorporate traditional Kumaoni-style performances into your wedding celebrations to create a lively and colourful atmosphere to highlight the rich cultural heritage of the region.
Planning the wedding of your dreams can be a daunting task, but fear not. At Tiaraa Hotels and Resorts, we are here to make the process stress-free for you. Our dedicated team of wedding planners will go above and beyond to ensure a personalised Jim Corbett wedding experience that truly reflects your personality and style. From choosing the perfect venue to organising the best food, stunning decor, and exciting entertainment, we will take care of every detail to ensure you have a relaxing and enjoyable time, fully enjoying your special day.
But the suspicions don’t go away. Jim Corbett provides a beautiful backdrop for an unforgettable honeymoon. At Tiaraa Hotels and Resorts, we offer luxurious accommodations that will ensure your complete comfort. Wake up to melodious birdsong, treat yourself to a rejuvenating spa treatment, and create lasting memories amidst the breathtaking beauty of nature. If you are considering a destination wedding at Jim Corbett, you’re not only choosing a unique location, but you're also about to embark on a unique journey. Make the most of your time in the park by enjoying thrilling wildlife hikes, discovering hidden waterfalls, or simply relaxing in the tranquil waters of the Ramganga River. The magic of Jim Corbett adds an extra layer of surprise to your wedding trip.
Tiaraa Hotels and Resorts: Your Perfect Wedding Host at These Best Resorts in Ramnagar
Explore the breathtaking beauty of Ramnagar, Jim Corbett’s entry point for a truly exotic holiday. Explore vibrant market stalls filled with handmade goods from the region, explore historic monuments, or go on a scenic drive through the scenic Himalayan foothills. Tiaraa Hotels & Resorts, one of the best resorts in Ramnagar, will make your wedding day unforgettable. Our commitment to providing quality care, quality food, and stunning locations ensures that your ideal wedding will be a spectacular reality. As one of the top resorts in Ramnagar, we offer unparalleled beauty and service.
The glamorous beauty of Jim Corbett is waiting for you, beckoning you to create precious memories. Combining your wedding celebration with the natural wonders that surround it, Tiaraa Hotels & Resorts can take it from the mundane to the extravagant. Contact us now, and together, let us begin planning your ideal destination wedding in the heart of Jim Corbett.
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sidhikulkarni · 4 months
Necessity and Benefits of Beach Toys Set for Fun-Filled Days by the Shore
As the sun shines bright and the waves beckon, there's nothing quite like a day at the beach to rejuvenate the spirit and create lasting memories. While lounging on the sand and swimming in the sea are staples of beach outings, adding beach toys set to the mix can elevate the experience to new heights of fun and excitement. In this article, we'll explore the necessity and benefits of beach toys sets, and why they are essential companions for a day of seaside adventure.
The Necessity of Beach Toys Set:
While some may view beach toys set as mere accessories or optional extras, they actually play a crucial role in enhancing the beach-going experience for both children and adults alike. Here are several reasons why beach toys set is a necessity for a day at the shore:
Promotes Active Play: Beach toys encourage active play and physical activity, helping children stay engaged and entertained for hours on end. From building sandcastles to playing beach volleyball, these toys provide endless opportunities for fun and exercise, promoting healthy development and active lifestyles.
Stimulates Creativity: Beach toys spark creativity and imagination, allowing children to unleash their inner artist and engineer as they construct sand sculptures, dig moats, and create elaborate beach forts. This imaginative play fosters cognitive development and problem-solving skills, as children use their creativity to overcome challenges and bring their beachside creations to life.
Enhances Socialization: Beach toys facilitate social interaction and teamwork among children, as they collaborate on building projects, share toys, and engage in friendly competitions. These social interactions promote communication skills, cooperation, and empathy, fostering positive relationships and lifelong friendships.
Provides Entertainment: Beach toys provide entertainment and amusement for both children and adults, offering a variety of activities to suit different interests and preferences. Whether it's flying a kite, playing beach games, or simply splashing in the waves, these toys ensure there's never a dull moment at the beach.
Benefits of Beach Toys Set:
In addition to their necessity, beach toys sets offer a multitude of benefits that enhance the overall beach experience:
Encourage Outdoor Play: Beach toys encourage children to disconnect from screens and technology and enjoy the great outdoors. By providing alternative forms of entertainment and stimulation, these toys promote outdoor play and exploration, fostering a deeper connection with nature and the environment.
Promote Family Bonding: Beach toys create opportunities for family bonding and quality time spent together. Whether it's building sandcastles as a team, playing beach games, or exploring tide pools, these shared experiences strengthen family bonds and create cherished memories that last a lifetime.
Develop Fine Motor Skills: Beach toys help develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination as children manipulate sand, scoop water, and handle various toys and tools. These activities refine dexterity and precision, laying the foundation for future academic and athletic achievements.
Instill Appreciation for Nature: Beach toys sets foster an appreciation for nature and the ocean environment, as children interact with sand, water, and marine life in a hands-on and immersive way. Through exploration and discovery, children develop a deeper understanding of the natural world and the importance of conservation and environmental stewardship.
In conclusion, beach toys sets are not just accessories for a day at the shore; they are essential companions that enhance the beach-going experience in countless ways. From promoting active play and stimulating creativity to fostering socialization and family bonding, these toys offer a multitude of benefits that enrich the lives of both children and adults. So, the next time you pack your beach bag, don't forget to include beach toys set for a day of fun-filled adventures and unforgettable memories by the sea.
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meaganreadproperty · 5 months
Embrace Luxury Living: Jimboomba Real Estate Unveiled
Luxury living finds its true essence in the serene and picturesque landscapes of Jimboomba real estate. As we delve into the heart of this thriving community, we uncover a world of unparalleled beauty and sophistication that defines the epitome of refined living.
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The Allure of Jimboomba Real Estate
A Symphony of Nature and Architecture
Jimboomba real estate seamlessly blends with the natural splendor that surrounds it. Nestled amidst lush greenery and captivating vistas, each property is a testament to architectural brilliance. From contemporary estates to timeless classics, the diverse offerings cater to every discerning taste.
Unveiling Hidden Gems
Beyond the luxurious residences, Jimboomba holds hidden gems that add a unique charm to the real estate landscape. Quaint cafes, boutique shops, and exclusive recreational spaces dot the community, providing residents with a rich tapestry of experiences right at their doorstep.
The Unmatched Lifestyle
Exquisite Residences
Step into a world of opulence with the exquisite residences that grace Jimboomba real estate. Crafted with precision and adorned with high-end finishes, these homes redefine luxury living. Spacious interiors, state-of-the-art amenities, and panoramic views create an unparalleled living experience.
Community Harmony
Beyond the walls of each residence, Jimboomba fosters a sense of community harmony. Residents come together in vibrant events, fostering a tight-knit atmosphere that distinguishes this locale from others. From neighborhood gatherings to cultural celebrations, the sense of belonging is palpable.
Investment Opportunities
A Booming Real Estate Market
Investors keen on Jimboomba real estate are presented with a golden opportunity. The burgeoning real estate market in this region promises not only a luxurious lifestyle but also a sound financial investment. With property values on a steady rise, investing in Jimboomba is a strategic move towards long-term gains.
Future Developments
The visionary approach to development in Jimboomba ensures a bright future for its real estate market. Planned expansions, infrastructural advancements, and a commitment to sustainability contribute to the overall appeal for potential investors seeking both luxury and foresight.
Why Choose Jimboomba Real Estate?
Unparalleled Scenery
The breathtaking landscapes surrounding Jimboomba real estate set it apart from other locales. Rolling hills, pristine lakes, and lush greenery create a mesmerizing backdrop for residents, making every day a visual delight.
Proximity to Urban Hubs
While Jimboomba offers a peaceful retreat, it is strategically positioned for those who crave the convenience of urban amenities. Access to major cities and business districts ensures that residents can enjoy the best of both worlds.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, embracing luxury living in Jimboomba real estate is not just a choice; it's an experience. The seamless integration of nature, architecture, and community creates a lifestyle that is unmatched in sophistication and charm. Whether you seek a dream home, a wise investment, or a thriving community, Jimboomba stands as a testament to the epitome of luxury living.
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moonglowlightscapes · 7 months
Guiding Light: The Art of Illumination in Landscapes and Yards
Transforming your outdoor space into a captivating oasis requires careful consideration of the right lighting elements. Whether you want to enhance the beauty of your landscape or create a cozy ambiance in your yard, Moonglowlights.com offers a unique selection of outdoor lighting solutions. With a focus on both landscape lighting and yard lighting, our collection is designed to elevate your outdoor experience.
Landscape Lighting: Bringing Your Garden to Life
Landscape lighting serves as the artistry of outdoor illumination, accentuating the natural beauty of your garden and highlighting key features. At Moonglowlights.com, we understand the importance of creating a harmonious blend between functionality and aesthetics. Our collection includes a variety of fixtures, from path lights that guide the way to spotlights that showcase your favorite trees and plants.
Whether you prefer the gentle glow of soft lighting or the dramatic effect of uplighting, our landscape lighting options cater to diverse preferences. The fixtures are crafted with durability and weather resistance in mind, ensuring that your outdoor space remains enchanting in every season.
Yard Lighting: Setting the Stage for Outdoor Gatherings
Yard lighting plays a crucial role in establishing the overall ambiance of your outdoor space. From relaxing evenings on the patio to lively gatherings in the yard, the right lighting can make all the difference. Moonglowlights.com offers a variety of yard lighting options that seamlessly blend functionality and style.
Explore our range of string lights, lanterns, and wall-mounted fixtures to find the perfect additions to your yard. Our designs are not only aesthetically pleasing but also crafted with high-quality materials to withstand the rigors of outdoor use. Illuminate your space with warm, inviting light that encourages conversation and creates a welcoming atmosphere.
Customization and Control: Tailoring Your Outdoor Lighting Experience
Moonglowlights.com understands that every outdoor space is unique, and personalization is key. That's why our outdoor lighting solutions are designed to be customizable, allowing you to create a lighting scheme that complements your specific landscape or yard layout.
Many of our fixtures come with adjustable settings, allowing you to control brightness levels and even change the color of the light to suit different moods or occasions. Smart lighting options are also available, providing you with the convenience of controlling your outdoor lights through a mobile app or voice commands.
Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: Lighting the Way to a Greener Future
In addition to enhancing the beauty of your outdoor space, Moonglowlights.com is committed to promoting sustainability. Our collection includes energy-efficient LED fixtures that not only reduce electricity costs but also contribute to a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. By choosing our LED landscape and yard lighting, you can illuminate your space responsibly while enjoying the benefits of long-lasting and low-maintenance lighting solutions.
Elevate your outdoor experience with Moonglowlights.com, where landscape lighting and yard lighting come together to create a perfect harmony of beauty and functionality. Explore our unique selection, customize your lighting scheme, and transform your outdoor space into a haven of elegance and warmth. Illuminate the night with Moonglowlights.com, and let your outdoor space shine.
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sepanbanquet · 8 months
The Ultimate Birthday Party Hall for Every Milestone
In the huge city of Los Angeles, where every moment feels like it belongs in a movie, personal events need a big stage to match. Every event, every birthday and baby shower is a chance to think about the past and create some new, lasting memories. And the setting is where all of these parties come together. Sepan Banquet Hall, which is known as the best Birthday Party Hall, has been at the center of these special events, making stories that will last a lifetime. From first steps to fifteen candles, today we’ll talk about how Sepan Banquet Hall is your all-in-one birthday party hall.
A Child’s First Laugh There’s something magical about a baby’s first year, from the first giggles to the first shaky steps and the joy they bring. This first appearance in the world deserves a big party that matches the importance of the event. Baby showers at Sepan aren’t just events; they’re carefully crafted experiences.
Imagine the hall filled with the soft glow of a thousand twinkling lights and the soft hum of songs coming from every corner. Tables decorated with soft pastels that make you think of the colors of your childhood. But more than just looking good, Sepan is proud of the mood it creates. A sense of warmth, of families coming together, and of love being passed down from one generation to the next. In these ways, Sepan proves that it is the best place to have a birthday party.
Each Year Counts Children grow up so fast that it often makes parents feel breathless and nostalgic. For many, each year brings with it a new side of their personality, a new achievement to be proud of, a new dream to chase, and the promise of a brighter future. And each of these milestones deserves its unique and fun celebration.
Sepan can turn into a wonderland of their favorite characters for a lively baby who has just learned how much fun it is to run around. For preteens who are still figuring out friendships, hobbies, and school, the birthday party hall can have a more grown-up but still fun vibe, with fun booths, interactive games, and gourmet treats that suit their changing tastes.
What We Do Sepan Banquet Hall & Catering stands out as a place to celebrate in the middle of Los Angeles. Our hall has been the proud host of many happy and unforgettable moments for more than 15  years. The interiors and deco, a mix of contemporary and classic luxury, set the mood. But what makes each event special is the “soul” of Sepan, which is made up of our unbeatable service and the culinary adventures we plan, from Mediterranean treats to spicy Mexican feasts. We believe in sustainable celebrations, ensuring that our practices are eco-friendly. Sepan is more than just a location or a hall; it is a promise. A promise of perfection and of times that will be remembered for years to come.   
The Magic of Quinceañeras For many people, turning 15 is a big deal, a landmark that separates their child years and the rest. A way to get from the happy world of childhood to the world of adulthood. Quinceaneras are full of cultural meaning and traditions, and families wait with eagerness and excitement for them. While the warmth and character of Sepan are undeniably charming, it is the venue’s unique amenities that truly set it apart from any other LA quinceanera hall.
Our halls are filled with music from both the past and the present. The decor is a nod to history, but it also has a modern feel to it. Customized meals make sure that the food is both a tribute to the past and a taste of the present. Each Quinceanera is a colorful mix of old-world charm and modern fashion.
A Promise of Joy and Laughter If you think about it, memories are the threads that hold our lives together. In the big picture of life, birthdays stand out as bright, bold patterns. At the Sepan Banquet Hall in Glendale, we know how important these events are. We don’t just put on events; we take care of memories that families will talk about for years to come. Our expertise lies in turning simple events into grand narratives.  No matter if it’s a first birthday or a big Quinceanera, our birthday party hall is ready to be filled with laughter, joy, and many memories. When it’s more than just a party and you want to mark the passing of time with grace, beauty, and style, Sepan Banquet Hall is still the best option. So, when you start looking for a great place for a birthday party, know that with Sepan, the trip is just as memorable as the end result. Join us in celebrating every age and every milestone, and let’s make stories that will last forever.
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growingtogetherspeech · 9 months
Why Everyone's Buzzing about Remote Speech Therapy: Benefits You Can't Ignore!
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The scope of therapy has expanded beyond physical sessions in our technologically advanced world. Remote Speech Therapy, particularly Speech Therapy On Zoom has taken center stage, revolutionizing the way we perceive and engage in therapeutic interventions. If you have been wondering why there's so much hype around this innovative approach. we are here to shed light on its multiple benefits.
Growing Together Speech stands at the forefront of this transformation offering online speech assistance that promises effective outcomes. Here's a deep dive into the buzz-worthy benefits of engaging in such sessions.
1. Accessibility Like Never Before
One of the prime advantages of distance voice training is its unmatched accessibility. Whether you are living in a remote area, have mobility issues or simply can't find a local therapist that meets your needs, virtual speech sessions bridge that gap, ensuring everyone has access to quality care.
2. Flexibility and Comfort
Online voice rehabilitation eliminates the boundaries of time and location. This adaptability allows clients to participate in video therapy sessions wherever they're most comfortable, whether it's their living room, bedroom or even on the go.
3. Seamless Integration with Technology
Platforms like Zoom make online communication therapy interactive and dynamic. Features such as screen sharing, virtual whiteboards, and real-time feedback ensure that Zoom sessions for speech are as effective, if not more, than in-person meetings.
4. Cost-Effective
Digital voice improvement sessions often come with reduced costs. Clients save on commuting expenses, parking fees and often find that online sessions are priced more competitively than their traditional counterparts.
5. Immediate Documentation and Record Keeping
therapists can easily document progress, share resources and set reminders with web-based voice training. This efficient documentation means clients have an organized record of their journey, making it easier to track improvements.
6. Enhanced Engagement
Many people discover that online therapy allows for better concentration. The combination of a digital platform and the familiarity of one's own home often enhances engagement and participation.
7. Diverse Tools and Resources
Digital voice enhancement platforms offer an array of tools and resources. therapists have a plethora of options to make sessions engaging and tailored to individual needs from videos, apps, and games to interactive exercises.
8. Safety and Health
where health and safety are paramount in uncertain times. distance therapy advantages cannot be ignored. Virtual sessions eliminate the risk of physical contact, ensuring both therapists and clients remain safe.
9. Global Expertise at Your Fingertips
you are not limited to therapists in your vicinity with online language sessions. You can access experts from around the globe ensuring you get the best possible care.
10. Building a Global Community
Platforms like Growing Together Speech have created a community of therapists and clients from different parts of the world. This global network facilitates the exchange of ideas, methodologies and experiences.
Conclusion It's clear that the benefits are tangible and vast while the world buzzes about the wonders of Remote Speech Therapy Services. Whether you are considering online voice correction for yourself or a loved one, it's an avenue worth exploring. And with pioneers like Growing Together Speech leading the way, the future of speech therapy looks bright, accessible and full of promise.
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pooma-today · 10 months
Teachers' day: Reflecting on past experiences
Mohamed A. Othman, Department of Education, SOMALILAND
My name is Mohamed A. Othman, and I have been a senior math teacher for many years. I have had the privilege of working alongside Prof. Mohamoud, who has been a senior Mathematics-Statistics teacher for over 45 years. Our teachers have been the guiding light, the beacon in the dark, and the source of hope that gives us the strength to survive.
Today, we celebrate Teachers' Day, a special day set aside to honor these gifted souls who work tirelessly to ensure a bright future for all of us. On this beautiful occasion, let us take the opportunity to express our gratitude and convey our wishes to all the teachers who have made an impeccable contribution in shaping our lives.
Every year on the 5th of October, we celebrate Teachers' Day. It is a day filled with excitement, joy, and happiness as students eagerly express their appreciation and share why their teachers are special to them. Students across the country come together to pay respect and express gratitude to their teachers.
Our teachers are the backbone of our society. They spearhead change by shaping and building students' personalities, making them ideal citizens of the country. When we consider the profound impact they have on the growth, development, and well-being of both students and the nation as a whole, we must acknowledge that teaching is a noble profession. There is a saying that teachers are greater than parents. While parents give birth to a child, it is the teachers who mold their personality and provide a bright future. Apart from academics, teachers stand by us at every step, guiding, motivating, and inspiring us to become better human beings.
Teachers are the source of knowledge and wisdom. It is from them that ideas and thoughts emerge, which we will one day use to contribute back to society. I would like to extend my gratitude to every teacher for their selfless service and dynamic support. We are forever grateful to you.
Thank you, everyone.
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