moka-pot-official · 2 years
I want everyone to understand this genius reference in the new Pokémon
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daughterisotope · 1 year
god gives his thoughest battles (lard-based traditional pastries) to his strongest soldiers (vegetarians from balearic families)
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foodaundtheworld · 2 years
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Hora de la merienda!
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coffeenewstom · 1 year
Kaffeereise: Palma de Mallorca
Wer meint, die Balearen-Insel ist nur gut für Ballermann, Party und Sangria aus Einern, der tut Mallorca Unrecht. Gerade Palma de Mallorca hat neben dem Tourismus – oder vielleicht sogar trotz des Tourismus – eine gut erhalte Café-Kultur. Dabei vermischt sich oft Traditionelles mit Modernem. Wie zum Beispiel in der Rösterei Arabay, ein Unternehmen in der dritten Generation, dass heute in einer…
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if fidough evolves to look like the dama d'elx i'm gonna be soooo annoying
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carubworld · 20 days
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beingjellybeans · 2 years
Sweet Christmas celebrations with Red Ribbon's Holiday Cakes
Sweet Christmas celebrations with Red Ribbon’s Holiday Cakes
Christmas is nearly here and with it comes all sorts of happy celebrations. From the office potluck, barkada get-togethers and family gatherings, parties give people the opportunity to come together to catch up and toast to the past year’s happenings. No celebration will be considered complete without a show-stopping cake that will serve as dessert and the sweet punctuation to the…
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nytb · 1 year
Flying Private
Being a public figure came with a price – little to no privacy, secrecy, crazy paparazzi – it seamed to be a nightmare, but hidden in-between it’s flaws Alexia found some perks.
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The Catalan star’s crazy schedule didn’t help her private life, love life out of the window – for now – Alexia focused on her public appearances, helping women’s football grow.
Trip to Paris here, quick appearance in Rome, little interview in London – Alexia was everywhere.
Behind the scenes, a key piece of the puzzle; Y/N Y/L/N. Joan Laporta’s loyal pilot. They had grown close over the years and when Joan became Fc Barcelona’s president – for a second time – he invited Y/N on the journey.
And so it began, Y/N flew all Barcelona players to every corner in the world; preseason in the USA, basketball games here, European football matches there. Y/N was crucial for Fc Barcelona to keep everyone’s public appearances up while allowing them to get the optimal rest before crucial games.
With Y/N’s little vacation possibilities, Laporta offered the pilot a compromise – whenever the plane was land-bound Y/N was able to do as she pleased. The possibility to travel all over the world, stay at the best hotels, eat the best food; it was Y/N’s dream job.
Unluckily for Y/N, the latest trip to Madrid came with a personal compromise; Y/N had to step in and replace a security member’s role.
All plans out the window now, the loyal pilot followed orders to a T – shadowing the Catalan star during the three day trip, keeping an eye out during meals, making sure that whenever Alexia sneaked out she returned safe and sound.
That night the midfielder’s annoyance at the lack of personal space was noticeable – add that she was in a foul mood and you get an explosive combination; and explode she did. Now safe and sound at the hotel, both Alexia and Y/N were at the bar. The pilot kept a safe distance from the midfielder.
“Is shadowing people like you’re a lost puppy a habit of yours or have you reserved it only for me?” Alexia asked as she approached the pilot, annoyance in her tone.
“I see that your evening has calmed down – for now at least – I will leave you with the remaining security team.” Y/N replied, pointing to the two security guards of the hotel, downing the rest of her drink she added “And seen as how you’re in a foul mood, I will take this opportunity to go and get my well deserved rest in”
The indifference that radiated off of Y/N’s voice was palpable, many people would describe it as cocky – arrogant even – but Alexia found it intriguing.
The Catalan star grew accustomed to everyone treating her a certain way; admiration and love in their voices whenever someone approached her, but Y/N? The pilot treated Alexia like she was any other Joe in the world.
Sitting at the bar now, the midfielder was dumbfounded – watching how the pilot walked away, not even looking back once – she was bamboozled.
Replaying the interaction over and over, Alexia was stuck looking for ways to get back in the good graces of the pilot. The midfielder knew she had to apologize for her bad behavior.
Early in the morning, Alexia made her way to one of Spain’s most famous bakeries: El Riojano. Getting some delicious Spanish pastries, among them Y/N’s favorite: ensaimada, a mallorcan specialty. Alexia made her way back to the hotel – crossing path with the pilot at reception, Y/N didn’t say a word.
Later on, as everyone boarded the private jet headed back to Barcelona, Alexia carefully placed the paper bag filled with pastries on the seat closest to the cabin. At first, Y/N looked at the bag from afar but as she made her way to the front of the plane, she inspected it – looking for it’s owner.
“Is this anybodies?” The pilot asked, looking around a sneaky Putellas popped her head up “I got those for you, a little gift to make up for my behavior yesterday” the midfielder sneaked a cheeky smile in.
For the first time, Y/N didn’t display indifference towards the Barcelona star “Thank you, they are my favorite” the pilot stated to which, very quietly – as Y/N made her way to the cabin – the midfielder whispered “I know”
And thus a tradition was born. During the season, Alexia would go out of her way to purchase Y/N’s favorite pastries, placing them on the seat closest to the cabin. It was their little ritual.
One morning – on one of Fc Barcelona Femenis champions league trips – the team discretely inspected Alexia’s delivery.
“What was that about?” Pati asked, taking the seat besides the Catalan midfielder “What was what?” Alexia played it cool, but her face spoke louder. The midfielder was blushing, looking everywhere but into Patri’s eyes.
“Feeling shy?” Mapi mocked her captain.
This was new for everyone – Alexia included. Usually, she was the bold, direct type; but with Y/N she forgot how to act. Luckily for the midfielder, Y/N was oblivious to the mocking – and as she made her way to the cabin – the pilot picked the little paper bag up, taking one of the ensaimada out and straight into her mouth it went. Sending Alexia a thank you head-nod as she greeted the co-pilot.
It all made sense now.
“OMG” Pina was shocked “You’re sleeping with our pilot??” the mini Putellas asked, the rest of the team waited anxiously for an answer.
“It’s not like that” Alexia defended her situation “I – I just”
Mapi came in like a bolder, mockingly nudging at her captain’s arm “She might have done her ACL in, but girly is still out here scoring” the defender joked.
“Shhhh” Putellas was embarrassed, not wanting Y/N to hear any of the teams shenanigans – for however true they were – she distracted them.
“Yeah yeah… maybe it would be best” Paños stepped in “We wouldn’t want the pilot to be distracted” she further mocked.
Part 2
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ddiiaaay · 29 days
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Journal 18/30 - 28/5/24
📅Activities: Read some academic papers (fruits and spices). Practiced two pastry recipes (Ensaimadas + Palmeras with handmade puff pastry 6/10).
🎭Hobbies: Read books and manga.
📚Something learned: New fruits (Cidra, Jujube, Toronja...)
🌺Something pretty: Smell of lavender. Dried plants on the countryside.
Ate 5 vegs or fruits
Exercised (Walk 4km)
Less than 4h of tech
10' sun
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marcosvidalfont · 1 year
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Marcos Vidal Font aprovecha esta muestra para presentar una selección de collages y de obras de ensamblaje. Más de cien collages manuales que se agrupan en series o en libros de artista. Los grandes temas universales marcan estas series de trabajos: la ensaimada, las vacaciones, los mosquitos, la fiesta, el sexo, el fútbol, las relaciones difíciles, el matrimonio, la infidelidad, la electricidad, el golf, los malos tratos, la burbuja inmobiliaria, el fitness, la ropa de baño, las mentiras, la monarquia, la dieta, la enfermedad y la muerte, etc. En fin muestra una sociedad seriamente amenazada, malos augurios para gente muy estresada y mal criada. Los sueños se truncan, y los planes se tuercen en el paraíso.
Marcos Vidal Font aprofita aquesta mostra per presentar una selecció de collages i obres d'acoblament. Més de cent collages manuals que s'agrupen en sèries o llibres d'artista. Els grans temes universals marquen aquestes sèries de treballs: l'ensaïmada, les vacances, els mosquits, la festa, el sexe, el futbol, les relacions difícils, el matrimoni, la infidelitat, l'electricitat, el golf, els maltractaments, la bombolla immobiliària, el fitness, la roba de bany, les mentides, la monarquia, les dietes, la malaltia i la mort, etc. En fi, mostra una societat seriosament amenaçada, mals auguris per a gent molt estressada i malcriada. Els somnis es trunquen, i els plans es torcen al paradís.
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armatofu · 12 days
Un posible origen del almogrote gomero.
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Parece ser que el almogrote de La Gomera es el último vestigio que queda en nuestro país de una salsa extraodinariamente popular en España durante la Edad Media denominada almodrote. El almodrote se hacía con tres ingredientes básicos: queso curado, ajos asados y aceite de oliva.
Se comía untando pan o bien como acompañamiento de platos de carne. Como he dicho el almodrote fue muy popular en la cocina medieval pero desapareció totalmente a partir del siglo XVI. Ocurrió que esta receta pertenecía a la gastronomía sefardí, si bien su origen podría ser la Hispania Romana. Se tomaba principalmente durante la Pascua judía y por pura ósmosis pasó a la comunidad cristiana.
Cuando los judíos fueron expulsados de España resultaba sospechoso, judaizante, realizar recetas propias de la perseguida comunidad sefardí. Por ello se transformó la receta añadiendo manteca de cerdo, principalmente. Puesto que cualquier producto del cerdo está prohibido según la Ley Mosaica,quedaba claro que la receta era cristiana y no judaizante.
Algunas recetas sobrevivieron a estos nuevos ingredientes aptos para los inquisidores. La ensaimada mallorquina es probable que fuera un dulce típico de la Pascua judía a la que se añadió manteca de cerdo por razones no precisamente gustativas.
Pero el planteamiento de su origen sigue abierto...
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coffeenewstom · 2 years
Toms Kaffee-Erinnerung: Forn Ca na Teresa in Palma de Mallorca
Toms Kaffee-Erinnerung: Forn Ca na Teresa in Palma de Mallorca
Ein ständiges Gewimmel von Menschen aller Herren Länder, 1.000 verschiedene Sprachen erfüllen die Luft genauso, wie 1.000 Gerüche von verschiedensten Speisen. Im Schatten jahrhundertealter Mauern werden die unterschiedlichsten Waren feilgeboten, von erlesenem Serrano-Schinken über Wein und Kaffee bis zu Kleidung und allerhand touristischem Schund. Die Altstadt von Palma de Mallorca ist schon ein…
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marinagolondrina · 2 years
Solo quiero informar también por aquí que empecé Pokemon Españita y tengo un sprigatito que se llama Calabacín y un perro ensaimada llamado Mazapán, y un lechonk llamado Carmelo.
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timegays · 1 year
Just got a shit ton of ensaimada filipino win
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fidough with the ensaimadas as ears 😭😭😭
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was sitting outside eating some ensaimada and tita conductor came by and waved at me. we’ve come a long way from her squinting at me trying to figure out if i got the wrong day or what
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