pausemeplayme · 1 year
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pausemeplayme · 2 years
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Please look at this picture of my puppy in his new thunder jacket that makes him look like a stick with a bobble head 😭😍
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pausemeplayme · 1 year
Good news: We finally found a place to live that’s within our budget!
Bad news: They recently replaced their entire management staff because of rampant corruption and embezzlement issues, leaving over 500 unfulfilled work orders, including the cleaning and damage repair costs to the unit we were approved for.
In order to move in now (so we can get out of my parents house, which we all DESPERATELY need to do ASAP for our mental and emotional well-being) we’ll need to fix the broken toilet, bathtub faucet, closet door, and track lighting ourselves. We’ll also need a bunch of cleaning supplies and drywall repair supplies and paint.
My current estimate for everything to get the place livable is $400.
I’m 90% sure we can scrape together the pro-rated rent and deposit fees on our own, but it’s gonna be a rough week (physically and mentally!) with all the work we have to do for the apartment, plus the strain of moving furniture and boxes, as well as my spouse working full-time.
I’m disabled and can’t work, but I’m offering landscape commissions if anyone needs a nice wall decoration or a background for their characters? DM me for info on that if you’re interested!
Any help at all is so appreciated! Even just $1 would go a long way to making this place livable and getting us out of a living situation that is very quickly deteriorating our health!
If you can’t help out, or even if you can, a reblog would be so helpful as well! Thank you!
Cshapp: $N7Sphinx
Vnmo: @ N7Sphinx
PayPal: @ N7Sphinx
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pausemeplayme · 1 year
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pausemeplayme · 2 years
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pausemeplayme · 2 years
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Admire my awesome new hair!
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pausemeplayme · 2 years
your dog is cute but I still can't let you off the hook for blazing a post. do something better with your life
I have finally contributed something worthwhile to this world. Enjoy the pup. You’re welcome.
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pausemeplayme · 1 year
Sigh. Another day toiling away, working until my fingers bleed. But we must all do our job for the collective.
*Blocks and reports another pornbot*
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pausemeplayme · 1 year
I wanna post my new Art to show it off but it’s a present for someone who follows my blog so I caaaaan’t and it’s killing me 😩
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pausemeplayme · 1 year
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What exactly is “wandavision” about this post?
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pausemeplayme · 2 years
I really really hate what tumblr did to images when you tap on them on mobile. I don’t want to look at the pictures as though I’m on instagram, I just want to zoom in because I process the info better that way! Just let me zoom in and stop changing things that don’t need to be changed!
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pausemeplayme · 2 years
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pausemeplayme · 2 years
You ever just out yourself for the pun of it all
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pausemeplayme · 2 years
I’ve decided I’m gonna make this blog 18+. Don’t follow if you’re a minor and if any minors already do follow me, please unfollow.
I won’t be posting anything myself but I’ll definitely be reblogging some adult stuff.
For everyone still here, as always, ask to tag.
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pausemeplayme · 2 years
This is the first time I’ve ever done this but
My spouse and I need help.
I’m being sued by a collections agency over a payment they say didn’t go through but definitely came out of my account. This was for a colonoscopy two years ago. While I gather all the paperwork and receipts to prove I don’t owe this money (again), our bank accounts are currently overdrawn.
We need $450 to cover overdraft fees, upcoming automatic payments for medical bills (so we don’t get more overdraft fees), and our prescriptions until we can sort this out.
Anything helps, even if it’s just $1.
Please don’t donate if you’re not a financially secure adult.
If you can’t help, please reblog.
We appreciate you so much!
C@sh@pp and V3nmo: N7Sphinx
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pausemeplayme · 3 years
I got Covid-19 during an infusion of meds for an autoimmune disease.
I, an immuno-compromised chronically ill patient with several high-risk co-morbidities, caught Covid-19 while getting treatment for another disease.
A disease for which the treatment is to literally suppress my immune system.
I got a disease which many healthy, young people are dying from. During a treatment which literally intentionally suppresses my immune system.
And the worst part is, it was likely the nurse working there who gave it to me.
I’ve seen the Covid-19 employee policy at this hospital. I’ve seen it because my husband works at this hospital.
Their policy states that if you are an employee and you have been exposed to Covid-19, you are still allowed to report to work.
Their policy states that if you are an employee and you have been exposed to Covid-19 and you have a cough or sniffles, you are still allowed to report to work.
Their policy states that if you are an employee and you have been exposed to Covid-19 and HAVE TESTED POSITIVE, you are still allowed to report to work, EVEN IF YOU HAVE A COUGH, as long as you wear a mask.
Even if you have tested positive for Covid-19, the only symptoms that preclude you from working are diarrhea or vomiting within the last few hours.
My husband and I had a big fight over this. Because he has tested positive for Covid-19. And he has a cough. And sneezing. And stomach issues. And his work is pressuring him and guilting him into coming into work.
He feels as though he would be letting down his “comrades in arms” if he were to use any more of his several weeks of saved up paid time off. So far he has used 3 days.
It’s a good trick, making your employees feel responsible for each other’s state of mind. It works. No one is saying it doesn’t.
How many people caught Covid-19 from my husband today when he went into work 3 days before his self-isolation was supposed to be over? How many sick, vulnerable people caught it from him the way I caught it from the nurse at my infusion?
How many people caught it and aren’t as lucky as I am, to have complications that can be handled at home with prednisone and a nebulizer? How many weren’t so lucky as to get the monoclonal antibody treatment I was able to get? How many were mislead into not getting their vaccines, and so ended up at that same hospital, dying of Covid-19?
I don’t blame my husband. And I don’t blame the nurse. But I don’t want to be exposed to a disease that has every chance of killing me just because I dared to get treatment for a disease that has every chance of killing me.
Disabled people are worth keeping safe.
Chronically ill people are worth keeping safe.
Immuno-compromised people are worth keeping safe.
Workers are worth keeping safe.
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