#enjoy some dorky pictures of me and my bestie
fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 16 - Be Careful
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, can they bear the news?, 2.2k
@trevor-wilson-covington is the bestie who makes these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
WARNINGS: cancer mention
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15
Julie sat beside Luke at the small table they had set up beside Rose’s bed. A stack of photos, glue sticks, stickers, scissors, and tons of colored paper covered the table, as well as another stack of photos sitting within Rose’s reach.
“Oh, look at this picture of Carlos,” Rose said in her raspy voice. She lifted one of him as a chubby two year old wearing a baseball cap that was too big, clapping his hands together.
“Aww,” Julie looked affectionately at the photo, tilting her head.
“He’s a cute kid, Mrs. Molina,” Luke said. He continued cutting music notes out of a sheet of purple paper.
“Thanks for visiting me today,” Rose said. “I heard you and the boys have been busy in the studio?”
Grinning like the goof he was, Luke nodded. Julie couldn’t help suppressing a giggle. Even though she knew he was tired from long hours and he only had a little time to get away, he’d still been all about coming with her to visit her mom this morning. She wasn’t sure he was that interested in scrapbooking, but it was sweet of him to come along.
“Yeah, it’s been so fun,” he was saying. “I don’t know how the guys in production make us sound so good. I mean, we already sound awesome, but they make it just perfect. I feel like I would go out and buy ten copies of the album when it gets out.”
Rose chuckled. “Really? That’s great to hear. I remember with the Petal Pushers, I could’ve spent hours in production, tweaking everything until it was just right. That’s why it almost took us two years to release our debut.”
“Two years?” Luke sat back, letting it sink in.
“I was a bit of a perfectionist; the rest of my band wasn’t so patient. I don’t mind though, I had other things to put my time into.” She gazed fondly at Julie, who looked back with a similar fondness, if not slightly clouded.
She wasn’t responding to treatment anymore. It had just become official last week and Julie wasn’t ready to break the news to Luke or anyone else. There wasn’t anything she could think of that would make it easier, no matter how much she knew she needed to let them know. It just seemed like everyone else was doing so well: the guys were finally moving on up, Flynn was coming out with her own music, and even she had barely finished a successful tour. But this was more than just a wrench in the gears.
In the middle of cutting out a heart, she was too lost in thought and snipped on the end of her thumb.
“Ow!” she cried, immediately sucking on it. “Do we have band aids in here?”
“Oh, sweetie,” her mom said fretfully. “I can’t remember where they are, but let me call the nurse.” She pressed a button on the remote beside her bed. Luke tried to get a look at the cut, but Julie insisted on sucking on it.
Moments later, the same woman Julie had seen before entered the room. Her hair was in a braid today, and Julie tried to smile at the sight while her thumb remained in her mouth.
“Hey, Rose, what’s up?” she asked, appearing surprised to have gotten a call.
“Sorry this isn’t a big emergency,” Rose apologized. “My daughter just cut her thumb and I can’t remember where you put the bandages.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I’ve got you,” the nurse said, going to a cabinet and pulling out supplies to bandage Julie’s thumb. “Here, let me see it.”
Finally releasing it, Julie held her hand out and let the nurse sit down and get to work cleaning and wrapping it.
“What are we working on here?” the nurse wondered aloud, looking at the table of craft supplies.
“We’re putting together a scrapbook,” Julie told her, knowing she was using the conversation to distract her from the pain. “You know, so we don’t forget the good things.” She got a knowing look from the nurse. Her eyes were soft and full of understanding, and Julie offered her a little smile. “I know I’ve seen you before, but what was your name?”
“It’s Renee,” the nurse said. “I was just realizing that I never properly introduced myself, either.” Closing the band aid around Julie’s finger, she patted her hand and stood up.
“Well, it’s good to see you again. This is Luke, by the way.” Julie pointed toward where he was simply watching them, slightly spaced out. He blinked for a minute before smiling at Renee and nodding.
“Nice to meet you,” he said. “You’re a lifesaver.”
Renee smiled demurely. “Oh, well, I certainly aim for that at the end of the day.”
Luke could only respond with his dorky grin.
“Luke, here, is a musician like Julie,” Rose piped in.
“Is that right?” Renee replied, raising her eyebrows in interest. “Your family seems to attract the most talented company.”
“Oh, well, I’m definitely talented,” Luke said. “But Julie’s the real wrecking ball. It doesn’t surprise me she got to touring before me and my band.”
She rolled her eyes, but Julie enjoyed the compliment. That was pretty modest for him when it came to music.
“Yes, I remember mentioning my niece is a big fan. I have to refrain from telling her you’re related to Rose, otherwise she would ask for a lot of favors.”
“Oh, how old is your niece?” Julie asked.
“She’s thirteen,” Renee said, leaning on her hand. “Just started middle school.”
“Oh, middle school is rough,” Luke murmured.
“She’s definitely having a rough time,” Renee said to all three of them. “But I think your music has made a difference. Her mom might buy her keyboard for Christmas.”
Julie looked back at Luke, who was already beaming at her, and knew what he would say. He didn’t have to, but she could hear his mantra about the importance of music echo in her brain: it’s about connecting with people, making a difference in their day. She turned back to Renee, whose pager was beeping and made her turn to leave.
“Thanks for the bandage, and of course being there for us,” she said.
“You’re welcome. Glad I could see you, too, Julie.”
“I’ll see you later, Renee,” Rose rasped as she disappeared.
“She seems pretty cool,” Luke said, picking up the music note he was still trying to cut out.
“Yeah, I like her,” Julie told him. “She gave me some good advice.”
“I know she kept talking about her niece, but I think you have another big fan,” Rose said.
“Maybe,” Julie shrugged, trying to focus again on the scrapbook.
As she and Luke left the hospital, Julie had to steal a long glance at her mom, now fast asleep. She had to remember the good things, but there were so many questions she felt like she had to answer. Now that she was off tour and back in school, it was only a matter of time before she had to return to the studio. Once that happened, visits like this would be nearly impossible. She felt a hand slip into hers and fingers interlocking, and she looked up at Luke gently nodding at her to move onward. His puppy-like eyes gave her enough courage to go.
“So how long do you have to be in the studio today?” she asked him, forcing her mind to switch gears.
“Uh...till about seven,” Luke said. “We’re mostly working on Lakeside Reflection today.”
“Aww, I love that one,” she melted into his side as they stepped into the elevator.
“I know you do,” he chuckled softly. She continued leaning on him, feeling his thumb rub over the top of her hand like a lullaby. They remained silent the rest of the way down, just enjoying each other’s company. Julie loved Luke’s calm, quiet moments where he didn’t need to use words. Like the way he used music to speak his mind, he could also communicate with the way he held her. He offered the best comfort. Stepping out of the elevator and to the front of the hospital, Julie saw Bobby’s van already waiting.
“Do you need a ride?” Luke asked.
She shook her head. “No, my tía is taking me and Carlos to see a movie. She’ll be here any minute.”
Forever a pleading look in his eyes when they said goodbye, she shook her head and rolled her eyes at him before he could suggest she change her plans. It happened so often now that she’d had to learn how to say no, no matter how hard it was sometimes.
“Okay, fine,” Luke said, the silent argument over. One hand grabbed onto her head as he planted a kiss on her forehead, letting the other slowly slip out of her fingers as he went to climb into the van. Julie waved at all the guys inside as Bobby took off before looking back down at her bandaged thumb. She still couldn’t tell them about her mom.
Tapping his fingers on the seat, Alex nervously fought to decide if he could break the news to Luke and Bobby. Reggie peeked back, giving him an uncertain glance. They hadn’t exactly discussed it or practiced what they’d say to them, but the clock was ticking. Luke and Bobby needed to know what Caleb was really like now. For some odd reason, Alex’s tongue remained on lock for the whole ride, and it seemed to plague Reggie, too. He felt his muscles twitch as they pulled into the parking lot at the studio. Listening to the squeak of Bobby’s brakes, inertia let them all lightly lurch forward before coming to a full stop.
“Guess who me and Reggie ran into last night?” Alex cried out, almost reflexively. All the guys turned back at him.
“Who?” Bobby prompted.
The two of them stared at him, stunned, as Reggie took in a deep breath. It was hard to tell whether it was relief or something else.
“Reggie, is he okay?” Bobby asked him.
“Actually, yes he is,” Reggie stated solemnly. “I saw Willie too. He’s here in LA.”
Bobby looked at Luke.
“Caleb said he died. There’s no way he could be here.”
“Well, he is,” Alex said firmly. “Flynn can prove it too, we ran into her as well.”
“Alright, that’s good news, but why are you guys telling us now?” Luke queried.
“Because he knows things about Caleb,” Alex said. “Really bad things.”
Luke and Bobby both blinked and then looked at each other. Alex shot a glance over at the door to the studio. He was already afraid to enter. Caleb wasn’t always there, but he always arrived unpredictably.
“Like what things?” Luke asked.
Later that evening, all the guys sat in the garage where they usually practiced. Luke was lying on the couch, despondent as he gazed at the ceiling. Bobby was sprawled on the floor while Reggie had lain sideways across the armchair. Alex paced, occasionally running his hand through his hair.
“Anyone else never want to set foot inside that studio again?” Reggie offered cheerlessly.
“We can’t just quit making a record,” Luke contested.
“Maybe we wouldn’t feel like we want to if we hadn’t jumped the gun and just signed onto the first place that wanted us,” Bobby said. Luke sat up, clearly bothered by those words.
“Dude, what are you saying?”
“Caleb’s a creep,” Reggie supplied. “I don’t know what his game is, but if what Willie says is true, then working with him is a major no go.”
“If?” Alex retorted, stopping to target Reggie. “If we’re gonna trust anyone between the two of them, I would trust Willie. He’s not the one killing people for convenience.”
“Hey,” Bobby interrupted. “You can defend him all you want. We’re not saying we don’t trust him.”
Alex took back to pacing again. Sighing heavily, Luke sat upright on the couch.
“So what, do we just give up?” he demanded. “We didn’t work so hard to get this far just to drop our dream over one shady guy. I mean, what else could he possibly want with us?”
“Look, I don’t know,” Alex said. “But what if it’s not just about us. I mean, thanks to Caleb, Willie can barely remember who he is.” The guys fell silent and serious as that reality sank in. “I mean, he’s not the only one that Caleb has messed with for years, manipulating them into working under him and giving up almost all of their control. Maybe he doesn’t need to get foster kids for it anymore. What if we’re next?”
“So what should we do?” Bobby wondered. “Break the contract and risk losing the rights to all the work we’ve been doing?”
He had a point. Joining Luke on the couch, Alex rested his face in his hands, feeling the frustration seethe out of him.
“No, guys, we need to think about this,” Luke began saying. “I know this is messed up, but I also know that backing out isn’t the right answer. And I know I’m usually not the one to say this stuff but...we need to be careful.”
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princesskokichi · 4 years
Makoto, Hajime and Shuichi with their s/o as best friend!
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Heya! I enjoyed writing these, even though they turned out differently than I wanted- I hope you still enjoy reading!
-Mod Shuichi💕
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[M A K O T O]
-Makoto is always friendly, trusting and nice, we all know that and nobody can doubt that.
-you wouldn't have known that you were on the best friend level if he didn't asked you first-
-he did so you're saved from the embarrassing realisation. 
-"s/o uh- I know we're friends for a long time now and I would like to ask if y-you're okay to be my best friend?" Makoto was blushing a little and you were kinda surprised? But happy? 
-you hugged him. "Of course, gladly!" you hugged him tighter. "You're such a precious baby, Makoto!" 
-when you thought Makoto was friendly and nice around his friends, oh boy do I have news-! because he became even nicer towards you and nobody thought that was actually possible.
-you have a bad day? Makoto is there with ice cream, cake and DVDs to cheer you up the whole night.
-You need to get shopping? He is there, he helps you because your his best friend. Sometimes people would assume that you're a couple, because of Makotos VERY nice behaviour.
-what you didn't expected was that Makoto, who seemed like an open book wasn't really that open. 
-He hide some of his thoughts and secrets from others, but would share them with you in private and that was so sweet??
-you would always listen and he does the same for you.
-you two are like the picture book best friends, very healthy and wholesome.
[H A J I M E]
-this dude doesn't fully trusts anyone- he can't help it but he is always a little sceptical.
-but the people noticed that he is way more trusting around you. You say you can handle it on your own? Of course you can! 
-He trust every word you say without questioning and the others thought Hajime has gone insane, but nope apparently not.
-the others asked you what the hell you did to him and you were confused, because isn't he like this to everyone?? 
-He isn't, he definitely isn't.
-then the others though, maybe, he had a crush on you, but you shook your head 
-and now you're all trying to find Hajime to ask him directly.  
-"Hajime! are you sick?" he turned around perplexed. "What? No?"
-"then why are you so friendly and trusting around s/o? Are you in love with them?" Hajime crossed his arms. "Are you crazy?! No! They are just my friend! m-my best friend to be honest-" Hajime scratched his head, blushed a little and you smiled proudly. 
-"me and Hajime are best buddieess?!" you yelled and Hajime tried to hide his face. "I don't know them, I don't know them" he kept on repeating, but it was too late.
-Everyone heard it and now he will never get some nice, peaceful time ever again.
-"Haaaajimee~ my bestes best friend and wingmaaan~" you sang the whole day and he was SO annoyed. "Please just fucking stop- I will take everything back" he threatened and you gasped dramatically. 
-"You wouldn't!" you pointed at him with a confident smile. "I would" hajime gently slapped your hand away. "and you know that" he continued.
-"NO!" You yelled loudly and stamped on the ground. "YES!" he yelled back at you and crossed his arms.
-"it's MY title! I OWN it!" your brows furrowed and you crossed your arms as well. "not if I take it back!" in his tsundere way Hajime turned his head away and started leaving.
-"Nooo! Don't! I love being your bestie, Hajimee~!" you clinged to his arm. "Then stop making a scene all the time!" he tried to free himself from your grip.
- "But you wouldn't call me your best friend if you hate my dramatic side so muuch~" you teased and let go just to keep teasing as you followed him.
-you two are the teasing and tsundere combo, who are the perfect comedy duo without trying.
-You need entertainment? Just watch them being-- just being themselves.
[S H U I C H I]
-oh god, someone help him, he need guidance for friendships or he will just distance himself forever 
-You just appeared out of nowhere and to be honest- he was very glad that you did-
because you don't take no as an answer.
-It's not like you don't care about his fears. You do, you really do, but sometimes he needs someone who pushes him in the right direction and you were this someone.
-Shuichi was so shocked at the start, but since you were always rather positive you matched pretty well. 
-If he had a bad day you were there to cheer him up and he never really thought about it, but he also opened up to you faster than towards the others.
-and now he wanted to give you something in return, but he literally had no idea. He never had friends this close- 
-you often had this one day there you would meet and talk about everything and if you didn't knew before- Shuichi knows a lot about the people around him.
-like they have a new girlfriend and they broke up or had a fight and you would ask yourself how the hell did he even knew about that, but somehow Shuichi knew all the gossip and that was kinda fun.
-Shuichi organised todays "meeting" so he could prepare and get your favourite sweets to thank you for helping him getting out of his shell, even though Shuichi still struggles a lot- he feels better and more confident, because you're there to support him and he wants to show you that he appreciates that.
-as you arrived you saw the sweets on the table and hugged him immediately. "You know me so well! That's why we're best friends!" this little comment made Shuichi stop in his tracks.
-"Best friends?" he repeated slowly and you turned around worried, but as you saw the huge smile on his face you sighed in relief. "Now come here, my dorky and awkward bestie" you called him and you two laughed.
-Nobody knows how you became friends, but you constantly pushing and supporting Shuichi- everyone approves.
-You two are clearly the insecure and very supportive best friend duo, very wholesome and sometimes also fun to watch. 
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edengarden · 4 years
Hey pls could I get a regular matchup for bnha!<3 I'd prefer a guy but if you think any female fits better then I can be down w/ that too ;))
Getting the basics out of the way: Aries, ENFJ 2w3, Hufflepuff, Chaotic Good
I'm 5'7 with quite a big chest but a lack of ass lmao and I've got bleach blonde hair with bangs that falls just in-between shoulder and chest length. Brown eyes with long lashes (honestly still confused why they're so long now bcuz I deadass cut them off like three years ago bcuz I thought they looked too feminine?? Jokes on past me I'm Extremely stereotypicaly feminine now😽) and a dorky smile that I try to hide in pics but that just ends up with me looking like I have resting bitch face💔
I'm extremely extroverted, bubbly and kind to others with a somewhat hidden vulgar sense of humour that rly contrasts the "cute fluffy animals in sunflower fields and neverending love" vibe that I give off irl. I take on a motherly protective role with my friends (we will pretend that wasn't just bcuz trauma made me mature early luv that 4 me) and am always there to offer advice or just cute pictures/facts to take their mind off their worries!
Despite being very extroverted and people-oriented some people that don't know me may think I'm a lil shy because of my anxiety and tendancy to overthink EVERYTHING. Around my friends I try and hide my real feelings behind a super happy mask so that others can feel the joy I give off and I don't feel like a burden🏃🏃 I can also be incredibly judgemental in my head and if I know I'm right about something I will fight to the death till others acknowledge that I'm actually right.
My current biggest hobby is cooking/baking and I always make dinner every Sunday without fail (shout out 2 my roast dinners they are elite if I do say so myself😌) along with some sweet treats. I also enjoy creating cosplays because it combines my love of sewing, makeup and acting because I can completely embody my character and not have to worry about being judged because it's not Me being judged it's the character I'm portraying.
I can honestly vibe to any music but I prefer cheesy pop songs and jazz music along with assorted classical music that I listen to every night to help me sleep (I say that but some of them fr have me trying to stay awake just so I can listen to the whole song rip)
When it comes to people I tend to gravitate towards introverts because I can always make them ramble their heart out and I adore listening it's honestly my hidden talent both romantically and platonically they've said that they feel I'm trustworthy and easy to talk to (SUCH high praise like 60% of my past friends were the bookworms that Never Spoke and one of my besties now talks to me more than most of her family after only knowing eachother 2months)
Ummm fun fact abt myself I used to be obsessed with the idea of being a spy when I was a child so I wrote my entire diary in code and to this very day I can't uncode a single thing I wrote💀
Have a wonderful day I hope this is enough haha💗
Listenlistenlisten you give off strong Kendou vibes, But Better. And I mean better suited for Monoma. He’s a lot to handle, but you can definitely do it. I think your friendly demeanour and naturally approachable self is VERY convenient for him, even if he won’t say it out loud for a while.
At first you can bet he’s not THAT interested; you’re just another person, and a bubbly one at that. But then he sees how your sense of humour completely derails from your persona and his heart goes “and I oop-“
Jkjk I honestly think it takes Monoma a while to fall, but it’s an irreversible process. Like you keep his boasting and insulting in check?? When he aims it towards you, you just aim it back at him with the same silver tongue he has?? Battle of the Wits. Everyone KNOWS it’s flirting but he doesn’t. You don’t. It’s actually sort of funny.
The fact that you can befriend literally anyone? He’s Shooketh, it’s something he’s not able to do (for very good reasons), but he admires it. He totally hid his admiration through “maniacal plans” of having you befriend people from 1-A and become a spy on the inside. You did not agree to his plans and still went on to befriend Koda lmao you really said “fuck yo plans”.
And my GOD YOUR ARGUMENTATIVE SIDE. He loves it so much, he loves to trigger it, he loves to argue with you, and it’s even better because he’s a bit,, dumb dumb so he 100% thinks he’s right but you KNOW he’s wrong but he thinks he knows he’s right and the arguments go on forever and wow I guess you’re moronsexual now?? This is oddly endearing to me what the heck.
It takes so long for this boy to realize his feelings, and even longer to confess, but through it all he remains the same towards you. The only exception is after you two become a thing and he gets comfortable with you, you might be able to draw out some insecurities from him. Please help him with those he needs help
- Wake Up In The Sky, Gucci Maine, Bruno Mars & Kodak Black
- That’s Life, Frank Sinatra
- Fame, David Bowie (if this doesn’t give you a Monoma vibe NOTHING will-)
- Fashion, David Bowie
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allhailkingrooker51 · 6 years
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
A little backstory about this fic - Rooker was in a Budweiser commercial way back in 1984.  You can watch it here.  Rookerstash (who unfortunately isn’t on Tumblr anymore) suggested amongst the Rooker Hookers that we needed a smutty scenario about the “Cute Beer Can Hat Guy” (as we affectionately called him)...here’s what I came up with.  
And once again thank you to @merlesgirl47 , @celticheart72 and Rookerstash for reading this and giving me the courage to post it.  
Warnings - NSFW, Smut
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It was a picture-perfect day in Chi-town – the sun hanging high in the clear blue sky, a balmy temperature of 72 degrees, a pleasant whisper of a breeze on the air.  It was a beautiful day for baseball.  Or at least it would have been if the blind date your bestie had set you up with had actually shown.  Your friend had been nagging you for weeks to let her set you up with her new co-worker.   “He’s sooooo sweet,” she said.  “He’s suuuuch a nice guy.  He’s perfect for you!”  You finally agreed, a little out of curiosity to meet this so-called wonderful guy and a little to finally get her to shut up.
After waiting for him outside the left field gate of Wrigley Field well into the 1st inning, you soon got the hint.  
Well, this is just great, you thought.  You know what?  I give up. You had made up your mind.  There weren't any “nice” guys left in the world.  
You thought about heading home and drowning away yet another misfortune in your unlucky love life with a pint of ice cream and a good book.  But you had already bought a ticket to the game.  It had been ages since you had been to a Cubs game.  Plus, it was too pretty of a day to spend moping about inside your cramped apartment.  So, you picked your chin up and waltzed into that stadium head held high.  You weren’t going to let that guy ruin your day.
You found your seat on the third base side and sat content for a while, enjoying all the sights and sounds that come with a ball game.  Around the top of the 3rd inning, you were dying of thirst.  You got up and went off in search of a concession stand for an ice-cold soda.  
You pushed your way through the mob of fans and got in line at the first concession stand you came to.  The line must have been 30 people deep, all crammed together like sardines in a can.  Finally, after waiting for what felt like a month of Sundays you made it to the front of the line and ordered your soda.  As you walked away, someone in quite a hurry bumped into you, spilling beer all over your arm and shirt.
A little peeved, you were just about to give that someone a stern talking to about watching where they were going.  However, that all vanished when you looked up and were met with the most gorgeous set of blue eyes you had ever seen, albeit hidden under the bill of a silly novelty baseball cap with a beer can squashed onto the top.
The eyes belonged to a man around 30 years old you figured, holding a hot dog and a half-filled cup of beer, the other half now soaking into your shirt.  He was a little taller than you, a handsome face with a square jaw and chiseled cheekbones, and brown curly hair hidden under that hat.  He wore a patterned, green short sleeved button up shirt, the first few buttons undone giving a peek of his nicely toned chest, and his khaki shorts hugged him in all the right places.
Your heart literally skipped a beat, something that had never happened before when it came to men.  It was instant chemistry, and from the way he was looking at you, you could tell he felt it, too.
He snapped out of it and immediately began apologizing profusely.  
“I'm soooo sorry,” he exclaimed.   You quickly took notice that his voice was sexy, too.  
He moved his beer to his other hand, trying to juggle both the cup and his hot dog at once, and grabbed for a wad of napkins he had stuck in his back pocket.  He handed them to you still apologizing.
“It’s ok.  Don’t worry about it,” you assured him.  “It's partly my fault, anyway.  I should have been paying more attention.”  You took the napkins and wiped your arm dry and then started to dab at the wet spot on your shirt.  
“I just..just didn’t want to miss any of the game.  I guess I wasn’t watchin' where I was going.  I really am sorry.  Let me make it up to you.  Um...”  He looked around frantically trying to figure out what on earth he could do to make this better.  He pointed to a little vendor cart selling Cubs t-shirts.  “I know, let me buy you a new shirt!  So you can get out of that wet one.”  
“No, it’s fine, I promise.  It really is ok.”  
“C’mon, there’s gotta be something I can do.” he pleaded.
You had never seen a man as beautiful as the one who currently stood before you.  And the fact that he wore that dorky hat made him even more attractive.  Something deep inside told you this was fate.  Out of all the people in the stadium, he was the one that ran into you.  Surely, it wasn’t just a coincidence.  
You scanned your eyes across his hands – no wedding ring.  But, surely a guy like him was taken.  You were about to find out at least.  You had an idea how he could repay you, but it would muster all the courage you had.  
“What about you letting me watch the rest of the game with you?” you asked timidly, praying he wasn’t at the game with his girlfriend.  You were never this forward, but you didn’t want to lose him just yet.
He obviously never expected that answer and fumbled over his words.  “Um, y-yeah..I..uh..yeah..absolutely, c’mon.  It's just me and my buddy, and you’re more than welcome to join us.”  The look of shock on his face faded into a crooked grin as he turned to lead the way.  Your heart melted a little more.
You followed him through the crowd, not minding when you got a little separated on the way.  It allowed quite the view of his cute butt in those tight shorts.
When you got to his seat, he introduced his friend who also happened to be a co-worker.  
“This is Frank.  Frank, this is..um..sorry, I didn’t get your name.”  
You introduced yourself to Frank just as your new love interest sat down, quickly drawing your eyes back to him.  The way his shorts scooted up his thighs a little when he sat down, the fabric tightening over his crotch revealing a nice bulge, you couldn’t turn away.  It was suddenly really hot in Wrigley Field.
You made small talk at first, both of you a little nervous but becoming more comfortable as time went by.  Soon, you lost all concentration on the game, focusing your full attention on the blue-eyed, curly-haired dream that had accidentally stumbled into your life.  
You learned his name was Allen.  He was a city bus driver by day, and by night, an up-and-coming actor, the hot new item on the Chicago theater scene.  He had been a Cubs fan since moving to Chicago as a teenager, and he made sure to catch at least one game a week during the season, usually with Frank.
Over the next couple of hours, you got to know one another as much as two people could in that brief span of time, and before long, you both seemed like old friends.  And Allen actually listened to you when you spoke and was genuinely interested in what you had to say, something that until now the previous men in your life never did.  
When Allen talked, you couldn’t take your eyes off of him.  You were discovering he was just as beautiful on the inside as out. He was respectful and polite, the perfect mix of sweet and a little shy, humble, charming and funny.  And that laugh of his?  You hoped you never had to go another day without hearing it.  
There was no denying you were falling for him.
Now, there was also no denying the sexual tension between the two of you.  Since the moment you first laid eyes on him, you had been trying to brush aside the ever-growing feeling of wanting to know what he looked like under his clothes, to sleep with this man you had just met and barely knew.  That feeling was getting harder and harder to ignore.
At some point during the conversation, Allen's bare leg accidentally brushed against yours.  You swore you felt a spark, an electric surge tingling through your body from where your skin had touched.  He looked down mid-sentence, losing his train of thought for a second, before turning to you and smiling.  He felt it, too.
By the 7th inning stretch, the stands began to empty as spectators slowly started trickling out of the stadium.  The Cubs were down by 12 runs, and it wasn’t looking good for a late-in-the-game rally.  
Frank slapped Allen on the shoulder and stood up to leave.
“Alright, Al, I’m headin’ out.  Game’s a bust, and I got an early route in the morning.”  Frank extended his hand towards you.  “It was really nice meeting you.  And, hey, don’t let this clown give ya’ too much trouble, hm?”  
You smiled and shook Frank’s hand.   “Don’t worry, I won’t.”  You looked at Allen and swore you saw a little redness appear on his cheeks.  
Thankfully, Allen didn’t give any impression that he was ready to leave.  You certainly weren’t.
More and more people left, but, unfortunately not the group of drunk bozos in the seats in front of you.  At first, it had been fairly easy to ignore them.  But they had been getting gradually louder and more obnoxious with every beer they downed – throwing Crackerjacks, cursing, heckling the visiting team's left fielder. They were a real bunch of charmers.
At the bottom of the 8th, the Cubs third baseman was up to bat.  He swung on the first pitch, and a loud crack echoed across the field, the unmistakable sound of the ball coming in contact with the sweet spot of the barrel.  You knew that ball was going over the fence somewhere.  It was a futile effort, the visiting team having scored three more runs in the top half, but it was a homer nonetheless. And you saw the ball heading straight for your section.
The ball was moving like steel to a magnet straight for you.  You and Allen stood up in anticipation, Allen's baseball glove at the ready.  You put your old softball skills to work and reached up, the ball landing flawlessly right into your hands.
It was just your luck that the three drunk bozos had also jumped up to try to snag the ball.  The guy directly in front of you snatched the ball from your hands as soon as you caught it.  His pals hooted and hollered, congratulating him, clapping him on the back like he was the one that had made the catch.
Allen immediately saw red.  “Hey, man! That’s hers!”  
The drunk guy turned around and glared at Allen.  “Yeah?  Whatchu gonna do aboudit?” he slurred.  “How's about you and your ‘lil bitch just sit the fuck down ‘fore I make ya'.”  He pushed Allen hard in the chest, nearly knocking him backward against the seats.  
Allen’s Irish blood boiled over.  The tendons in his neck tightened and he gritted his teeth.  If this fucker wanted a fight, Allen was happy to oblige.  He drew back his fist, seconds away from clocking the drunk bastard across the face when you grabbed his arm.  You shook your head no.  “It’s not worth it.  C’mon.”  You took his hand and started to lead him away, the trio of drunk guys still hurling insults at your backs.
Allen protested,  “But..but..that ball’s yours!  You caught it fair and square.  And I’m not gonna let that little shit talk about you that way.”  He was pissed no doubt.  But you had plans to take his mind off being angry.  All of your feelings that had been building for Allen the last couple of hours were already at a peak and this incident just sent them exploding over the edge.  The way he had just stood up for you, outnumbered and risking getting his ass kicked for a woman he had just met, it was making your panties wet just thinking about it.  You wanted him, needed him right then.
You led him out of the stands desperately trying to find the nearest restroom or unlocked utility closet, anywhere that would give the two of you some sort of privacy.
The first available option was a men's bathroom.  You barged through the door, Allen in tow.  Luckily, attendance had dropped a great deal in the ballpark so the bathroom wasn’t crowded.  There was one man, however, washing his hands at the sink.  You gave him a glare and he hurried to dry his hands and swiftly shuffled out the door.
Your heart was pounding.  You don’t do this.  This isn’t you at all.  But ecstasy had officially taken over.  There was just something about Allen that you couldn’t wait another second to feel his lips on your skin, his hands on your body, caressing places on you begging to be touched.  
You yanked him into a stall and slammed the door, locking it behind you.  Allen’s mouth hung open.  He couldn’t believe this was happening, but from the hardening bulge in his shorts, you could tell he was game.
“Are we really doing this?” he rasped.  You pulled off your shirt and draped it over the stall wall.  Allen’s eyes grew large.  “I’ll take that as a yes,” he gulped.
“That was so fucking hot what you just did.”  You grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled him to you, kissing him hard on the mouth and nearly knocking off his stupid beer can hat.  
Allen tangled his fingers in your hair, moaning against your kiss as you palmed his bulge and rubbed him over the fabric of his shorts.  You quickly broke away from his lips to unbutton his shirt, pushing it back over his broad shoulders.  He shuddered as you traced your fingers across his chest down to the lean muscles of his belly.  You kept going, undoing the button and zipper of his shorts and tugging them down, his dick springing forward, already dripping from the tip.  
He was just as beautiful underneath his clothes.
Everything was happening in a heated frenzy.  As much as you wanted this to last, to take your time exploring every inch of Allen’s body, time was of the essence.  It was only a matter of time before someone walked in on your little rendezvous.  
Allen helped you shimmy out of your shorts along with the lacy red panties you had worn, now soaked with your arousal.  He cursed under his breath and pushed his knee between your thighs, using his leg to sweep yours apart.  He reached his hand down to your apex, circling your clit with his thumb before gliding one, then two fingers inside the silken curls of your core.  You purred beneath his touch, grinding yourself against his expert fingers.  
“Allen, I want you so fucking bad,” you begged.
He pulled his hand away and grabbed beneath your thighs with both arms, lifting you up and pressing you against the stall door.  You wrapped your legs around him as he pushed inside, molding your body with his.
Allen grunted and buried his face against your neck, sucking and biting on the sensitive skin there as he began to thrust, slow at first but then quickening as he found his rhythm.  You tried to be quiet, but you couldn’t hold back the sounds of pleasure as he plunged his hips into you over and over again, withdrawing and sliding home faster and harder each time.  It wouldn’t take long for either one of you to get to the grand slam.  
Suddenly, you heard the unmistakable sound of door hinges creaking as someone entered the restroom whistling the melody to “Take Me Out to the Ball Game".  The tune came to an abrupt end when the man undoubtedly saw a pair of legs with shorts around the ankles and various sex noises coming from the stall.  Once again the door hinges squeaked, this time giving away the man's hasty retreat.
Allen looked at you and you both burst into laughter.  It was now no secret what was happening in the men’s bathroom by Section 502.
Despite the interruption, neither one of you dared to end things early, and you soon felt the tension down below pooling in your lower belly.  You cried out and threw your head back against the door, digging your nails in Allen’s shoulders as the long, slow ride of your climax coursed through your body, your inner walls tightening and fluttering around Allen’s dick.
Seconds after, you could feel Allen throbbing inside you.  “Fuck, I'm gonna come,” he whispered against your ear.
He pulled out and set you down, your legs trembling and nearly giving out beneath you.  You circled your fingers around his dick, jerking it in your hand.  Allen gripped the top of the stall door, breathing heavy.  He closed his eyes and with a moan from deep in his chest, he reached his own peak, marking you across your stomach with warm strands of cum.
Barely giving either of you a moment to recover, Allen kissed you, a slow, passionate kiss that nearly made your knees buckle again.  He helped you clean up and handed you your clothes.  You glanced at Allen as you redressed.  He had a devilish grin on his face as he pulled his shorts up and buttoned them.  “Hey, uh, the Cubbies are playing again tomorrow.  Early afternoon game.  Can we maybe do this again?”
His cheeks blushed immediately, realizing how bad that might have sounded.  He started talking 90 to nothing trying to recover.  “I-I mean not this exactly…I mean don’t get me wrong, this was amazing…but I just want you know I’m not usually this kind of guy, but I'm not gonna lie, the way you caught that ball earlier kinda turned me on, and you’re just so beautiful and all, and I like you a lot…like a lot..like I’m fallin' for you more and more every second and I'd really like to keep getting to know ya'…I-I mean if it's ok with you, of course… fuck, I can’t think straight around you…y-you know what?  I'm just gonna stop talking now.”  He let out a much-needed deep breath.
You giggled and put your index finger to his lips.  He was cute when he was angry but even more so when he was flustered.
“Yes, Allen, I'll watch the game with you tomorrow.”
He chewed on his bottom lip, smiling.  “Yeah?”
“Yeah.  Now let’s get outta here before we’re banned for public indecency.”  
On the way out of the stadium, you passed by the gift shop.
Allen stopped and grabbed your arm, halting you in place.  “Hey, wait for me just a sec.  I'll be right back.” He disappeared inside.
A few minutes later he came out of the store obviously holding something behind his back.  He bit back a smile and handed you what he had been hiding – a souvenir baseball with the Cubs logo on it.
“I mean it's not a home run ball, but…,” his voice shied away.
Now you were blushing.  “Thank you, Allen.”  You gave him a peck on the cheek, holding the baseball up to your heart.  This one meant way more than that stupid home run ball ever would.    
Allen walked you all the way to your car, making sure you got there safely.  
He opened the driver's side door for you, propping his arms atop the door frame.  “So, I'll still see ya' tomorrow?  I promise I won’t spill my beer on ya' this time.”  He paused.  “Well, honestly, I can't really promise that.  I can be kind of clumsy sometimes.”  
He smiled that lopsided grin again.  Man, he was making it so easy to fall harder for him.  
Taking his face in your palm, you gently kissed him.  “Meet me at the third base gate at noon.”
You got in the car and drove away leaving Allen stunned in the parking lot.  
You left Wrigley Field having officially changed your mind.
There was at least one nice guy left in the world and turns out, it was a beautiful day for baseball.
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not-so-lonely-star · 7 years
Could I please put a request in for Holsom and celebrity :)
Wordcount: ~1500Rating: GSummary: Ransom has a teeny tiny crush on Adam Birkholz. To be fair though, who doesn’t have a crush on a movie star? Besides, the chances he has of ever meeting the man are slim at best - at least they are until it’s announced they’re filming his next movie in the town next door to Ransom’s…  A/N: Thanks so much for the prompt! I hope you enjoy it :)
When Justin found out they’d be filming the new Adam Birkholz movie in a town twenty minutes from where he lived, he’d calculated the statistical probability he had of meeting the man. It was unlikely. When he found out there was an open casting call for local extras his chances expanded exponentially.
Which was how he ended up in a coffee shop turned set, less than five minutes away from meeting his celebrity crush. They’d told him to act natural, take occasional sips of coffee, talk to his seatmate - the mic wouldn’t pick up what they were saying anyway, ignore the cameras and the funny, kind, beautiful faced man who’d be walking through the door.
He was seated with a guy named Bitty, and once the director called for action they began making smalltalk. It took literally every ounce of willpower he had not to look out the window and watch for Holster’s approach. He did turn his head when Adam walked in, but Ransom wasn’t even thinking about the movie anymore. Holster’s gaze roved the coffee shop, stuttering on Ransom imperceptibly enough that he may have imagined it, before he made his way to the counter to place his order. Bitty tapped Ransom’s arm gently, bringing his gaze away from the movie star less than ten feet from him.
“You might want to close your mouth hon,” he said with a consolatory pat on the wrist.
Ransom felt his face heat. He needed to pull himself together if he didn’t want to get himself kicked off set. He was doing an admirable job of focusing when Holster walked by and tripped over nothing, crashing into Ransom. Adam’s elbow was jammed into his ribs and his head knocked into Justin’s chin hard enough to bruise. It was the best six point four seconds of his life.
“Oh my god,” Holster said, getting up off Ransom’s lap. “I’m so sorry bro.”
Bro Adam Birkholz just called him bro. “It’s fine,” Ransom said, voice only just barely squeaking. “No harm done.” Luckily the coffee cup he’d been holding was filled with water so he was only slightly damp instead of burnt and sticky.
“I’m Holster,” he said, stretching out a hand.
“Justin - well my friends call me Ransom.” He had to clamp his jaw shut to keep from rambling as he took the proffered hand.
The director had called cut and they’d begun to reset the scene, but Adam stood there gazing at Ransom. They were still holding hands. An assistant or PA or someone finally came over and dragged Holster away so they could redo the scene.
The next time they shot the scene, Holster made it to his seat without incident and Ransom successfully managed not to stare at him as he walked. He was talking to Bitty, telling him about this time in college where he and Shitty had pranked the Lax bros, and feeling quite proud of himself for acting so natural.
“So they were naked, locked outside of their house just as the soccer girls were coming home from their game,” he said, laughing at the memory.
Bitty laughed. Holster laughed from Ransom’s side and turned to him with a wide smile. “Did they get you back for it?” he asked.
“Shit,” Holster said, throwing a sheepish glance at the director.
They reset the scene once more and Ransom let Bitty direct the conversation. Clearly Ransom was not a very good extra. He probably should be talking about something boring. Bitty smiled at him, talking about pie and jams for a long while. Ransom glanced at Holster out of the corner of his eye and saw him keep glancing at the door. He was supposed to be stood up in this scene - or something - Ransom wasn’t quite sure.
“Sorry for talking your ear off,” Bitty said with a smile. “So you mentioned a lacrosse team and soccer team lived near you in college. Were you on a team too?”
Ransom nodded. “Yeah I played hockey.”
“Nice, I play too!” Bitty said. “What position?”
“Me too,” Holster said, turning to face Ransom with a shy smile. “Do you - shit. Shit. Sorry everyone,” he called, standing up to redo the scene once more.
They filmed the scene a dozen more times. The first time the barista sneezed just as Holster was ordering, in another take one of the other extras was being too exaggerated with his hand motions. There were several takes where Ransom wasn’t quite sure what went wrong, only that he was told to switch to a table on the other side of the room.
It wasn’t as much fun on the other side of the room. They’d put him at a table by himself so he was just supposed to be tapping on a laptop and eating a muffin. The muffin was kinda gross, but Ransom was hungry so he picked at it. At least this time he was facing Holster’s chair, so any time he glanced up it’d be only natural for him to look at Holster.
They were most of the way through the scene when he looked up and caught Holster’s eye as he was scanning the cafe. Holster smiled at him. Ransom smiled back. The director called cut. They did the scene twice more with similar results. By the third time Ransom was determined not to look up from his computer. It wouldn’t be that weird for someone in the background to be really focused on the computer.
He was doing a good job of being hyper focused on his laptop and more than half eaten muffin when the director called cut again. Ransom looked up and caught Holster staring at him, cheeks flushed pink.
“Why don’t we take five.”
Holster nodded sheepishly and left the room. When they reset a few minutes later they had Ransom sitting at a table by himself behind Holster where they wouldn’t be able to see one another and Ransom wouldn’t be speaking.
They shot it perfectly in one take.
Some of the extras were asked to stay on to help film another scene after later, but Ransom wasn’t one of them. He still got to eat lunch though, and they’d pay him $50 for the day - so all in all not a bad deal. He was planning on sitting down with Bitty to eat when there was a tentative tap on his shoulder.
Ransom turned and couldn’t help but smile when he saw it was Holster.
“Hey,” Holster said, “Do you want to eat with me over there?”
Ransom nodded. “Definitely.”
Holster asked him the questions he’d tried to during filming, and they talked for so long that Ransom worried Holster would be late to film his next scene. It was clear neither of them wanted to be the one to stop though, especially once Holster mentioned that he’d almost enrolled in Samwell the summer before he got his big break.
“We would’ve been D-men together,” Ransom said in wonder.
He was trying to picture how different his life might’ve turned out had Holster not gotten his first role. Was it selfish of him to wish the man hadn’t? Because now that he’d talked to him, Ransom knew for certain it wasn’t just the celebrity that he liked, it was the real Holster too. The shy dorky guy who tripped on set. The guy who was so excited he kept messing up the scene to talk to him.
“I know.” Holster nodded. “I never once second guessed my decision to skip college and take that part.”
Ransom nodded. He figured as much. The man was rich and just famous enough where his entire life wasn’t displayed in the tabloids. He played characters who meant something to him. He had the life most men dreamed of.
“I’m kind of regretting that decision now.”
Ransom whipped his head up to look at Holster. “What?”
Holster shrugged. “I just - if I’d gone to Samwell we’d have met five years ago. We’d definitely be besties and maybe -” Holster’s gaze drifted away from Ransom’s shyly. He cleared his throat. “Maybe something more.”
Ransom bit his lip. Nope, not dreaming. “We still could,” he said, no idea where the forwardness came from.
Holster smiled, bright and full of promise. “I’d like that.”
It a fit of wild courage Ransom leaned across the table and kissed him, soft and chaste. Ransom had only started to pull away when Holster chased his lips and drew him back in for another kiss. When they finally parted a full thirty seconds later he was dazed. Holster’s face was flushed and his lips were parted in invitation. Ransom couldn’t quite stop himself from kissing him again.
They showed the blooper reel at their wedding.
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