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colormepurplex2 · 2 months
Shatter With Me | Waving The White Flag
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↳ Model!Jungkook x Surrogate!f.Reader ⤜ Surrogacy, Best Friend's Husband ⤜ Rating: MA 🔞 ⤜ WC: 18,286 ⚠️ Crass language, talk of infertility, drinking, very mild bullying and references to cruel behavior/words, talk of surrogacy, at-home medical procedure, genital touching (non-sexual), planned pregnancy, talk of pregnancy termination/abortion, BIG hurt feelings, open palm slapping, accusations of infidelity
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Jungkook never thought he’d be haunted by such a small, seemingly insignificant thing. A tiny pastel pink line. Singular. Just like all the ones before it. He’s lost count of exactly how many, but it’s been years; every month, the same outcome. A singular pink line telling him he’s failed. He knows that’s a bit harsh, but it’s how he’s starting to feel—like a complete and utter failure.
“We’ll try again next month,” Jiyoon offers, dropping the offending piece of plastic in the bathroom trash before giving Jungkook a tight smile.
“Have you given any more thought to trying IVF again?” Jungkook asks hesitantly, knowing that’s a sore subject. But, dammit, he’s not in the proper headspace right now to think better of it.
Jiyoon glares at him, her pouty pink lips drawing taut. “I told you not to ask me that ever again. Now, get out. I’d like to take a shower.” When Jungkook doesn’t immediately move from his perch on the bathroom counter, she tags on a frustrated, “Please.”
Jungkook hops down, his socked feet swishing over the tiled floor as he retreats into the master bedroom. The door forcefully shuts right on his heels, echoing the hollow ache in the center of his chest. He promised himself that if it didn’t happen this time, he’d just try harder next time.
Yet, there is only so much he can do. Pushing any harder might widen the rift slowly forming between him and his wife. Already, Jiyoon spends more time at work than with him. Her glares of irritation any time he seeks intimacy outside of their strict ovulation schedule are like holes being punched into his resolve.
After nearly two years of trying, he sought medical answers a year ago. Jiyoon was quite cross with him when she found out he went to the doctor, but he needed to know if it was his fault they were having trouble conceiving. The numbers were standard, slightly higher than average even. The utter devastation on Jiyoon’s face, he’ll never be able to forget that day. Because if he isn’t the problem…then that means she is.
It’s his fault. He wasn’t even thinking about that potential. Jiyoon hasn’t been the same since. That’s when the schedule came into play. That’s when she started to pour far more energy into waiting for the perfect moment instead of just enjoying their time together.
Jungkook can see the disappointment, the guilt that eats away at her each time that single pink line reveals itself. He wishes more than anything there was a way to change it, something more he could do. Yet, she refuses to consider the option of IVF, not after the horror story she heard from her friend Dani. She refuses to even talk about it.
There has to be another way; he’s just not sure what it might be. Jungkook is at a loss, and it feels like the weight of the world is sitting heavy right between his shoulders. The shower kicks on in the bathroom, and Jungkook decides to busy himself by making Jiyoon a cup of tea for when she gets out. He knows she’ll want to spend some time relaxing before bed, and tea always helps.
Not a day goes by that you don’t think about your best friend, Jiyoon, and the unfortunate circumstances that have befallen her and her husband. It’s not a secret amongst your peers that they’ve been trying to start a family with no luck for several years. It breaks your heart every time she gives you a shake of her head when you look at her with hopeful eyes.
Today isn’t any different. You’re sitting at your desk, absently clicking through the latest portfolio files you got from Namjoon, when Jiyoon walks by your desk, heading toward hers. She’s half an hour late this morning, something that’s pretty routine every few weeks. It’s like clockwork. You’re aware of the ovulation schedule that she and Jungkook keep and know that she allows herself extra time the morning after taking a test to steel herself against the disappointment that will come from the pitying stares in the office.
You catch her eye as she settles into her desk chair, and she gives you that subtle shake of her head. There is tension in her shoulders, and her bottom lip looks like she’s been chewing on it in irritation, but she turns around and gives you her back before you can think to question her about it.
“Morning, Jiyoon,” Namjoon says as he steps out of his office. Namjoon is also well aware of the unfortunate circumstances surrounding Jiyoon and Jungkook. It’s why he doesn’t hassle her about being late, something you’re endlessly grateful for.
Jiyoon is your only friend, and you are very protective of her. Well, that’s not entirely true. The protective part is, but she’s not technically your only friend. She’s just the longest friend you’ve had and the one you hold closest to your heart—your best friend. Though, even still, everyone else are really just people you know through Jiyoon or from work. Maybe that’s sad, but you don’t mind it.
“Jiyoon!” Dani squeals from the other side of the office. The bubbly, energetic woman flits across the room, looking every inch like a fairy with her blond pixie cut, petite stature, and buttoned nose.
“Oh gosh, hey. Come here!” Jiyoon swings her chair toward Dani as she beckons her forward, letting you catch a glimpse of her profile. There is a smile on her face, but it’s hard to tell whether it’s strained or not. Jiyoon has always been beautiful, with not a single wrinkle or blemish in sight. Looking at her body language, it’s even harder to tell.
Giggles punctuate their whispered words as Dani crouches beside Jiyoon’s chair, their heads pressed close together. You watch as Dani slips something into Jiyoon’s hand before she stands and waggles her brows down at your friend.
“Have fun,” Dani sing-songs as she prances away from Jiyoon’s desk. Her gunmetal eyes meet yours, and her face sours before she disappears beyond your cubicle.
“What’s that?” you ask a beat after she’s gone and before you can curb your curiosity, tinged with mild jealousy. Dani has made it clear before that she doesn’t like you very much, only tolerating you for Jiyoon’s sake. So, it’s no surprise that you don’t find yourself included when it comes to anything involving Dani—it’s something you’ve chalked up to her own jealousy, perhaps at the fact you’ve been Jiyoon’s friend for so long.
Jiyoon flicks her eyes in your direction before stuffing whatever Dani gave her into her purse. “Just some antacids,” she says, giving you a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes.
All suspicions disappear as you take in the controlled curve of her lips. She looks miserable. “Oh,” is all you can manage before Namjoon calls everyone’s attention to the front of the room.
“Good morning, everyone. Let’s start this week off on the right foot. We have reports to file and new contracts to negotiate…”
You and Jiyoon have always aspired to work for a marketing and media agency together. So, when the opportunity presented itself, you both were elated to land jobs with Kim Exclusives, one of the most popular management companies for up-and-coming artists, models, and influencers.
That was seven years ago, and your time here has only solidified your friendship with Jiyoon. She met her husband, Jungkook, through the agency. He was one of the first models signed to Kim Exclusives, and you and Jiyoon both handled his portfolio and schedule for a year before she had to give you sole leadership over it once they became intimately involved—the whole conflict of interests thing.
“Are we still meeting tonight?” you ask Jiyoon as the day draws to a close. She’s still diligently working away at her computer, and you stand outside her cubicle with your bag on your shoulder.
“Hmm? Oh. Umm, yeah, I guess. I might be a bit late, though.”
You peek over her shoulder. “Is that the new Song profile?”
“Yep,” she pops the end of the word, keying you into thinking she's not in the mood to chat right now.
“Okay, well, I’ll see you guys later then.”
Jiyoon makes a noncommittal sound, already focused back on her work. You miss the days when she would give you more than a few passing words. Even on her good days, it seems like she’s growing further and further away from you. It’s hard not to feel guilty over the bitter and lonely feelings you get when you think about it. It’s not Jiyoon’s fault that you don’t have more close friends to turn to. But sometimes you wish you meant as much to her as she does to you.
As soon as that thought crosses your mind, you mentally kick yourself. It’s not fair for you to think that. You know Jiyoon cares for you; she’s just had a rough few years, and you shouldn’t be making it about yourself.
Feeling truly like a shit friend, you continue to chastise yourself over the next two hours as you commute home and get ready for tonight. Five minutes away from the pub, you consider calling Jiyoon and canceling. But, just as you pull out your phone to do that, someone calls your name from down the sidewalk.
You turn to see Taehyung and Jungkook waving at you from across the street. Well, there goes your intention to cancel.
“Hey! Have you heard from Jiyoon?” Jungkook asks as he and Taehyung jog across the street.
You press your lips into a thin line, confused. “Did she not come home?”
“Ah, no. She said she was working late and that I should just go ahead and meet up with you and Taehyung. She’s, uh, well, she’s not answering my calls. We—this morning…sorry, just, have you talked to her?”
Doing your best to keep your eyes on his, you give him an honest answer, “She was still working when I left the office. I haven’t heard from her since.” Losing the battle against your will, your eyes sweep over your best friend’s husband. He’s just as gorgeous as he always has been. His hair is a little longer than the last time you saw him, licking at the collar of his denim jacket. As the lead on his contract, you know he recently landed a massive campaign with a new clothing company, their emblem stitched onto the breast of the coat. Jungkook looks every inch the model he is; his friend no less so.
“Hey! Happy Birthday!” Taehyung greets you as your eyes swing to him.
Warm embarrassment kisses your cheeks. You hate your birthday; you hate being the center of attention. “Thanks,” you murmur, giving him a tight smile.
“Oh, yeah, happy birthday,” Jungkook tacks on. He rubs the back of his neck, giving you an apologetic look. “Should we go ahead and go inside?”
“Yeah, sure.” As Taehyung leads the way inside, you type out a quick text to Jiyoon asking how long she’ll be.
Thirty minutes later, you’re sitting in a mildly withdrawn personal bubble of silence as Jungkook and Taehyung chat about work and sip on fingers of liquor. You’re normally not so silent with them, as they have been clients of yours for years but you’ve also grown to think of them as friends. It’s just you have a lot on your plate right now, Namjoon just added three new clients to your work portfolio, putting you at juggling almost a dozen. You don’t mind the added workload, it helps keep you busy, but it does mean you have to switch around your schedule a great deal and have less time to spend with Jungkook and Taehyung who are two of the longest portfolios you’ve managed. They have a joint ad campaign coming up for the whiskey they’re sampling right now and are trying to decide if they actually like it or not.
Over the years, you've learned that advertisements are just that—a cleverly crafted piece of media to highlight a product. The models in a hamburger ad could very well be vegan, but they’re paid to make you believe otherwise. So, even if they decide they don’t like the whiskey, money will say they do.
Taehyung is a bit newer to Kim Exclusives, a model by complete accident. He came into the office once with Jungkook, just friends hanging out with each other, and the moment Namjoon saw him, he had to have him. A few weeks later, Taehyung was added to the roster of elite models under Kim Exclusives, booking just as well as any veteran.
“It’s a little too smokey for me, I think,” Taehyung comments. “What do you think?” he asks, setting his glass on the table and startling you out of your thoughts.
“What?” You blink up at him, totally lost.
“Give it a taste.” He taps the rim of the glass. “Tell me what you think,” he encourages, pushing the glass closer to where your hands are clasped together on the table.
You don’t really want to try the whiskey, but the expectant looks on Taehyung and Jungkook’s faces make you pick up the glass and take a tentative sip. It burns across your tongue, coating your throat in a fiery, smokey blend of burnt spices. The flavor sits like ash in your mouth.
“It’s, uh…”
“Not great, right?” Jungkook gives you a lopsided grin, his shoulders stretching the seams of his jean jacket as he shrugs. “It’s okay to be honest about it.”
You slide the glass back across the tabletop toward Taehyung. “Yeah, it’s not great. It might be better on ice, but I’m not a big drinker, so I think it’s hard for me to judge it fairly.”
They both seem satisfied with this response and resume their conversation about the whiskey and the new campaign. You check your phone, wondering where Jiyoon could possibly be. There is no response to your text.
You’re picking at the frayed edge of the paper coaster that’s slowly growing waterlogged from the condensation dripping down your glass of ice water when Taehyung taps on the table in front of you, trying to capture your attention.
“Isn’t that right?” he asks.
“Sorry. Is what right?” You feel heat bloom in your cheeks at being caught not paying attention yet again.
“You’re healthy.”
That statement has confusion replacing your embarrassment. “Healthy?”
“Let me backtrack,” Taehyung says, leaning back in his seat and throwing an arm over the back of Jungkook’s chair.
“Taehyung, really, this isn’t the time—”
“Ahem,” Taehyung interrupts Jungkook’s protest. “Hypothetically speaking, if your best friend and her husband were to inquire of you about the possibility of surrogacy, what would you say?”
The dots aren’t connecting for you, and his blunt question makes you feel like you missed something important. “Surrogacy?” You don’t mean to sound like a broken record, repeating what Taehyung is saying, but you’re thoroughly having a tough time understanding.
“Listen, you don’t have to answer that,” Jungkook states, shaking his head at Taehyung and giving him a pleading look that says to stop while he’s ahead.
“Are you and Jiyoon looking into a surrogate?” you ask; everything suddenly clicks into place, and the question tumbles from your lips before you can stop it. 
Jungkook grips the back of his neck and grumbles something incoherent towards Taehyung before he blows out a heavy breath and his eyes slowly rise to meet yours. “Not exactly, no. We haven’t talked about it yet. It’s just something I read about today. But, honestly, you don’t have to answer the question. Taehyung is just being a dick—”
“I’d do it.”
Your response leaves Jungkook with his mouth open and jaw slack as he stares at you in bewilderment.
“See, I told you. She’s perfect. Young, healthy, and someone you know and can trust,” Taehyung tots off, waving a finger in the air.
“Wait…are you serious?” Jungkook asks, pointedly ignoring Taehyung.
You’ve never considered being a mom before, at least not in that sense. It was always an assumption that it wouldn’t be in the cards for you—the whole lack of a love life thing being the crux of it. You’ve barely had a handful of boyfriends, much less a long-term commitment that would lead to a family. But, when it comes to Jiyoon, you’d do just about anything for her. So, if she asked you to carry a baby for her, you know, without a doubt, you’d do it.
“Y-yeah. Yes,” you state with more confidence. “I’d do that.”
Before Jungkook can respond, Jiyoon bustles in through the bar's front door, her lilting laughter drawing everyone’s attention. She has her phone pressed to her ear, and she’s smiling at whatever the person she’s speaking to is saying.
“Okay, yeah. Tomorrow sounds great. See you then,” Jiyoon says before ending the call and pocketing her phone. “Oh, Taehyung is here.” It’s a bland statement, Jiyoon’s eyes flicking over Jungkook’s best friend before landing on her husband. “Did you order me a drink already?”
Jungkook clears his throat, trying to compose himself before speaking. “Babe, hey. Um, no, I wasn’t sure when you’d get here. You weren’t responding to any of my calls or texts.”
Jiyoon slides into the empty seat beside you, across from Jungkook, and gives you a quick smile before wrinkling her nose in his direction. “I’ll take a glass of red.”
“Oh-kay,” Jungkook says slowly, a look of confusion ghosting over his features. “Where have you been?”
“Hmm? Oh, just busy with work,” Jiyoon says. “Wine, please, Jungkook.” His only response is a tight press of his lips before he stands up and disappears in the direction of the bar. Jiyoon clicks her tongue and angles herself to look at you. “You’re not drinking?” she asks, eyeing the glass of water on the table in front of you.
“Um, no. You know I don’t—”
“I know, you’re boring,” Jiyoon sighs. The only thing taking the sting out of her words is the smile she gives you. You know Jiyoon isn’t exactly what people would call a nice person; in fact, she’s often coined as a ‘mean girl.’ But she’s never been intentionally mean to you, not really. She just provides constructive criticism and encouragement to be the best version of yourself that you can be.
“Way to be a bitch to her on her birthday, Jiyoon,” Taehyung mumbles into his whiskey glass before tossing it back and downing the rest.
Jiyoon winces and then plasters a smile on her face before saying, “Right, happy birthday.”
“Yeah, thanks.” You make your best attempt at nonchalance, but you’re not sure it lands properly as Taehyung shakes his head, and Jiyoon sighs again.
“I forgot, okay? It’s been so busy at work and with—uh,” she pauses for just a second, and any other time you might not have noticed, but you can’t help but pick up on the way she rushes to continue, “the new client that you know Namjoon has been breathing down my neck over. The Harper portfolio, you know the one? And apparently, the Song profile needs to be redone on top of that.”
Jiyoon has been different lately. You’re aware that she took over one of the new higher-end clients, some big hot-shot movie star or something like that, but it’s almost made her seem like she thinks she’s above everyone else. It makes things tense sometimes like everyone is on edge when she comes around. You try to ignore it, for the sake of tonight. “It’s okay, Jiyoon, really.”
“Anyway, how are things going? It’s been a few weeks since we last talked about something other than work.”
Yeah, because every time you turn around Jiyoon is spending time with Dani or has a client meeting. You shrug. “Okay, I guess.”
Taehyung pipes up in the silence that follows, “We were actually just talking about surroga—”
“Red wine for my wife, another whiskey for Tae, the good stuff this time, and a pina colada for the birthday girl. Virgin, I made sure. I know you don’t like to drink alcohol,” Jungkook interrupts Taehyung, passing out the cluster of drinks in his hands.
You stare up at Jungkook, lips slightly parted as you try to think of the proper response, completely taken off guard by his gesture. Finally, you lamely offer, “Oh, uh, you didn’t have to, but thanks.”
“Nonsense. It’s your birthday, you deserve a little treat, and I know you like pineapple.” Jungkook settles back into his seat, and you try to keep your eyes off your best friend's husband. But it’s hard with how his hair falls into his face, and the denim hugs his shoulders as he relaxes against the back of his chair.
“Ew,” Jiyoon gags dramatically, startling your attention in her direction. “Is that a jacket from the shoot today?” She gestures at Jungkook, the distaste apparent on her face. “I know they didn’t dress you in that. What were they thinking?”
Jungkook frowns, staring down at the oversized light-wash jean jacket. “You don’t like it?” he asks.
Jiyoon scoffs, “It looks ridiculous, you look ridiculous. What the hell did you do to your hair? A mullet, really? It’s a wonder you’re a model. You were okay with this?” The last part is directed at you, because, as the lead on his profile, you’re the one who signed off on the hair and makeup for the shoot.
“Hey now,” Taehyung states loud enough to quiet the table; he’s clearly not having any of Jiyoon’s antics tonight, long work day or not. “Keep your petty bullshit opinions for when you’re at home. Tonight isn’t about you or how handsome my best friend is in his jean jacket and new hairstyle.” You can tell he intentionally calls Jungkook his best friend instead of Jiyoon’s husband as an extra jab.
“I never said he wasn’t handsome,” she grumbles, rolling her eyes before looking at Jungkook and sighing. “Sorry, dear, I’m just under a lot of stress. You know I didn’t mean it.” Her eyes flick to yours. “I know it’s not your fault.” You just give her a subtle shake of your head, not sure how to respond.
Clearing his throat, Jungkook smiles, though it doesn’t reach his eyes, and tries to move the conversation along. “It’s okay. Let’s just focus on why we’re here tonight.” He swings his eyes toward you, his smile becoming genuine, and begins to loudly belt out Happy Birthday, much to your dismay. This draws the attention of everyone else in the bar and earns you a generous round of applause when the singing finally fades.
You try to enjoy the rest of your night, but every time Jungkook catches you staring at him, you can’t help but feel a small spike of guilt; guilt over the perhaps tiny, mostly insignificant, completely harmless crush you might, perhaps, maybe have on your best friend’s husband.
It’s hard not to be attracted to him; Jiyoon knows that—she flaunts that fact. She also knows her claws are deep in him, and he’s not going anywhere. Jungkook would pull down the moon for her and then ask if she wanted the sun, too. You swallow down the last of your pina colada, eyes once again locked on Jungkook as he throws his head back and laughs at something Taehyung said.
Jiyoon presses her arm against yours, leaning in close to you. In a soft voice meant only for you, she whispers, “He really is perfect, isn’t he?”
“Hm? Who?”
“Don’t play coy with me,” she giggles drunkenly. “I know you were staring at him. My husband.”
You shrug. “I wasn’t staring.”
Jiyoon sighs wistfully. “It’s okay to stare, I don’t mind. I know what he looks like, after all. He’s so beautiful when he’s happy. I wish I could give him what he wants, he’d be the perfect father…I’m so scared to lose him.” The last part is whispered, so soft it’s hard to hear.
Instantly, your guilt turns into something else: resolve. You can’t bear the defeat you hear in her voice. It’s not something you can even begin to fathom—what she and Jungkook are going through. It’s no wonder she has caustic words at times. You meant what you said earlier, what you told Jungkook you were willing to do. With that in mind, you make a mental note to start researching and do what you can to make sure at least someone gets a happy ending here.
The night of your birthday kept playing over and over again in Jungkook’s head the days that followed. Now, just as evening is rolling around, one week later, he can’t stop thinking about what you said, your confirmation. On top of that, that night was probably the most fun Jungkook has had in a long time—as long as he excludes the prickly start after Jiyoon arrived. He’s used to her snide and biting remarks after a long work day. Brushing them to the side and sweeping them away is usually easy.
But for some reason—perhaps it was the high he was riding after your confession and confirmation—it bothered him that she was doing it in front of Taehyung—in front of you. As if somehow her criticisms might make you both believe them. Not that he cares about being good-looking to Taehyung, or you for that matter, not really. It’s just that his first thought was what if that made you change your mind? Not necessarily whether or not he’s attractive, but the exchange as a whole. What if Jiyoon’s blatant criticisms made you want to change your mind because it somehow planted doubt in your mind that they’re a happy and healthy environment for a child?
“Jungkook.” The frustrated snap of his name brings him out of his thoughts. His eyes focus on the bathroom mirror once more, on Jiyoon, who is standing behind him with her hands on her hips, accentuating the flattering cut of the navy-colored dress she’s wearing. “Are you even listening to me?”
Turning and leaning back against the counter, Jungkook gives her his full attention. “Uh, yeah, sorry. You were talking about having dinner with a client tonight, and you’re leaving now to meet with Dani so you can get some files.”
“Yes,” she says, her lips twitching in mild surprise, and Jungkook knows she was expecting him not to have been paying attention. “I don’t know how long the dinner will last, so don’t wait up for me. It’s likely I’ll be home late.” She turns to go back into the bedroom, and Jungkook isn’t sure what possesses him, but he surges forward and gently snags her wrist, turning her back toward him. “Uh?” she makes a sound of mild questioning irritation.
“I have something I need—er, want—to talk to you about. It should only take a moment.”
She shakes his hold off her wrist and gives him a placating smile. “Okay, well, talk while I finish getting ready at least.” Not waiting to see if he follows, she disappears into the bedroom and heads to the closet, rummaging through her jewelry.
“Okay, um. Okay,” Jungkook stumbles over his words, feeling like he’s under pressure for some reason. “So, the other night, it was brought up in conversation, and uh, she already agreed, and it’s just that, well, there’s this thing called intracervical insemination and…how do you feel about surrogacy?”
There is a heavy pause, dread threatening to make Jungkook backpedal and eat his words just to snatch them back out of the air. Jiyoon glances at him over her shoulder, but he can’t get a clear read on her eyes. “What? Oh, yeah, sure,” she says, turning back to her digging.
Jungkook can’t tell whether Jiyoon is the one paying attention to him now, so he probes further, just to be clear. “You mean that? You’re okay with going the surrogacy route? My sperm, her egg…your best friend carrying our baby?”
Jiyoon’s back is to Jungkook, but he watches how her shoulders slide up in a shrug. “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”
“I’m not sure, it’s just that with ICI—”
“Look, Jungkook,” Jiyoon says, turning to face him fully. Her fingers work at slipping a pair of silver hoops into her earlobes. “I trust you.” She says the words slowly, keeping her eyes intently locked on his. “I know you’ll do your best for us. Whatever you want, it’s what I want, too. You know that.”
“Well, um, do you have any questions? We should talk…discuss this, er, something. I know how you feel about IVF. I want to make sure this is an option you truly want, and you’re not just saying this to make me happy. You should take some more time to think about it.” The fact she’s so quick to agree makes Jungkook question whether or not he’s hearing what he thinks he’s hearing.
Jiyoon cups one of his cheeks, gently thumbing over his bottom lip. “I don’t need time to think, because I’ve already thought about it. I—well, I was going to bring it up to you soon, but I wanted to do a bit more research first.”
“Wait, what? Really? You were thinking about ICI, too?” Jungkook swallows hard, leaning into his wife's warm touch.
“Yeah,” she whispers, her soft smile making her eyes twinkle and his heart melt.
Jungkook can’t help letting his eyes drink in his wife. They might have been going through rough patches the last few years, but that hasn’t lessened how he feels about her. Jungkook has always found her strikingly beautiful, with long legs and shiny hair that he loves to run his fingers through. But at this moment, he feels like he might burst with the love he has for her.
“Yeah? Okay. Okay,” he tries to suppress the emotion in his words. “Okay, perfect. I love you. I love you so much!”
Jiyoon laughs, and it sounds magical, as Jungkook sweeps her into his arms and plants a kiss on her lips. “Don’t smear my lipstick, please,” she mumbles, her voice light and playful.
“Go have a good dinner, secure the client, and don’t worry about anything else,” Jungkook bubbles happily, setting Jiyoon back on her feet. “I swear I’ll take care of it all. Everything will be perfect, absolutely perfect.”
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An hour later, Jungkook walks up to your apartment door. He couldn’t stop himself earlier, so he immediately texted you and asked to see you as soon as Jiyoon left for Dani’s.
The door swings open before he can knock, revealing you standing there breathless and in a set of purple checkered pajamas. “Is everything okay?” you ask, worry lines creasing between your brows. “Your text sounded urgent.”
“Oh.” Jungkook feels terrible for making you concerned. He didn’t mean for it to come off like that. “No, I mean, yes, everything is okay. But, no, it’s not exactly urgent. Sorry for that. I didn’t mean to make you worry.”
You lean against the doorframe, eyes wide on his. “What is it?”
“Er, uh, do you mind if I come in? This is more of a sit-down kind of conversation.”
The little ‘o’ your lips form is far cuter than Jungkook has a right to think it is. His mind instantly latches onto it, wondering if the baby would have your lips or his. “O-okay, sure, come on in.”
Jungkook has visited your apartment a handful of times over the years. It’s quaint and cozy, exactly what he’d imagine for you. There are books everywhere, shelves full of thick and thin volumes of literary prose. A few art pieces decorate the walls, along with dozens and dozens of black-and-white photos in simple frames. He stirs up the recollection that you enjoy photography in your spare time.
“Sorry, again, about my text. I didn’t mean to worry you, really.” Jungkook feels nervous, unsure where to stand or even sit, until you gesture toward the couch. A handful of well-loved decorative pillows are scattered across the burgundy suede. He settles at one end as you take the other, looking at him expectantly.
A beat or two passes, and Jungkook feels like he’s about to swallow his tongue until you open your mouth, clearly picking up on his distress. “Is it something with work? I can try to fix whatever it is first thing in the morning—”
“No, no,” Jungkook holds up a hand, shaking his head. “It’s not work. It’s um, it’s actually Jiyoon. Well, me and her, specifically.”
You pull your knees up and tuck your feet underneath yourself. “Oh, okay.”
“Were you serious about what you said the other night?” Jungkook blurts, figuring it’s best, like ripping off a bandaid.
Your bottom lip has an indent left from where you tucked it between your teeth before nodding. “Yes.” Jungkook didn’t necessarily expect you to say no, but the rush of relief he feels at hearing that encourages him to press on.
“I talked with Jiyoon about it today and she—we—would be honored if you’d do that for us. If you’d give us a chance at having a family. It’s…it’s something we both, deeply, deeply desire. If you’re truly serious about it, we’ll take care of everything, all medical expenses, bills, anything…just name it, it’s yours.”
“That’s—okay, okay, yes. Yes, I’ll do it. Just tell me what I need to do.”
Jungkook whoops loudly, jumping up from the couch, and drags you into his arms for a bear hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can’t even begin to explain what this means to me, to us. This is…I can’t…oh my, I need to—wait, okay. Sorry, let me calm down for a second.” The word vomit is real, and Jungkook uses his hold on you to ground himself, moving his hands to your shoulders and locking his eyes on yours. “I think I might pass out,” he whispers a second before bursting into a giddy laugh.
“Whoa, um, sit down. Please don’t pass out on me. You’re too big for me to catch!” Your frantic words make him laugh even harder.
He shakes his head, on cloud nine. “I’m kidding, kind of. I just feel…I feel so light, like—well, it doesn’t matter about that. What matters is you. Please don’t feel obligated to do this. That’s the last thing I want. If you are serious, I can send all the information you need to you in the morning. But only if you’re certain.”
“Jungkook,” the way you say his name makes his heart thump heavy in his chest as if his fate hinges on whatever comes next. “I am serious. I promise. I want to do this for you, for Jiyoon…I want to give you both the happiness you deserve.”
“Thank you,” Jungkook says fervently, never meaning something more in his life.
This happiness carries Jungkook through the rest of the evening, turning into a brilliant flame of intimacy when Jiyoon crawls into bed beside him hours later. For the first time in a long time, there is no schedule, no waiting for the perfect moment; it’s just the love shared between two souls celebrating the joys of life.
The following day, several emails from Jungkook are waiting for you; Jiyoon CC’d on them all, as well as a few texts to check in. The idea that you could possibly be pregnant in the coming weeks or months—not just pregnant, but pregnant with Jungkook’s baby for your best friend—still feels a bit surreal.
You texted Jiyoon last night, expressing to her how much she means to you and that you’re honored she wants it to be you that helps her fulfill her dreams of having a family. She hasn’t replied yet, but that doesn’t bother you; she’s probably busy helping Jungkook with planning.
There is an entire email dedicated to medical referrals. Apparently, Jungkook spent hours pouring over all the local doctors and medical facilities vetting to find the best ones. Each has notes and suggestions under them, along with all the information you might need to call and make an appointment.
That’s really all you need to do: make an appointment for a check-up. Taehyung made an assumption of your health last night, but it doesn’t hurt to be sure. The last thing you’d want to do is be in poor health and unable to keep your word.
Your fingers tremble as you dial the numbers, and you have to take a few shallow breaths to get your voice to work properly. Minutes later, you have an appointment scheduled for later this week. Now, all you have to do is figure out how you’re going to wait the next few days and not burst from anticipation. It’s a slow few days.
Apparently, by Googling every possible thing you can think of about being a surrogate and pregnancies. Along with the emails full of information, by the time you’re walking into the clinic for your appointment at the end of the week, you feel confident asking questions.
“Being a surrogate is a pretty serious situation. Have you considered all the possibilities and what might be required of you?” The doctor has a pleasant demeanor; her eyes are intense yet kind. It might be the steel-colored strands scattered through her hair or the wrinkles that deepen around her eyes when she smiles, but you feel comfortable opening up to her.
You roll your lips between your teeth before saying, “Honestly? Probably not as much as most surrogates. I’m sure there are things I’m not aware of yet. It was only presented to me a few days ago. But I have done some extensive reading and soul-searching, and I know it’s what I want.”
Dr. Lee contemplates you for a moment before nodding. “Yes, I believe you do. Let’s get started, shall we?”
It’s not uncomfortable going through all the tests and procedures. There isn’t much the doctor does that you haven’t done before. Samples are taken, and a routine exam is performed. As you leave, the nurse tells you you should have results within the next two weeks.
Thankfully, the results come at the beginning of the following week. You’re sitting at your desk at work, reviewing the final details for the whiskey campaign Jungkook and Taehyung are shooting in a few days, when you get the notification that your results are viewable on your patient portal. A moment before you click into the email, your phone buzzes in your pocket.
“Hello?” you whisper, cupping your hand around the base of your phone and mouth. A nurse rattles off your information, ensuring she speaks to the right person. “Yes, speaking.”
“I just wanted to let you know that all of your results are in, and Dr. Lee has signed off on your request to move forward with the surrogacy…” Everything else the nurse says is a bit hazy. She covers the numbers for your tests and where to find resources for more information on at-home intracervical insemination. “Do you have any questions for me? Ma’am, are you still there?”
“Oh, umm, yes, sorry. No questions, thank you so much.”
The line disconnects, and you sit there for a few more moments, the phone still held to your ear, as you try to process the giddy feeling bubbling up inside you. You need to tell Jiyoon, Jungkook, someone…anyone. Pushing up from your desk, you scan the area around you for your best friend and come up empty.
“Hello?” Jungkook answers on the second ring.
“Oh, hey. Everything okay?”
“What? Oh. Yes. Yes, everything is okay. Everything is perfect. Do you know where Jiyoon might be? I haven’t seen her since she came into the office this morning.” You rack your brain, trying to remember if you saw her leave or go into another room.
“Yeah, she called a little while ago and said that Namjoon was having her meet one of the new clients for lunch to sign some more papers.”
“Right, that’s right,” you say, recalling that Namjoon asked her to come into his office shortly after she arrived this morning.
“Why? What’s up?”
You drag a slow, shallow breath into your lungs in an effort to slow your rapidly beating heart. “I heard back from the doctor.”
Jungkook urges you to continue, “Yeah? What did they say? Is everything okay? Are you okay?”
“I’m…I’m great. I’m perfect. I’m—I, I can do it. We can do it. There’s a chart,” you explain, wedging your phone between your ear and your shoulder to free your hands so you can pull up the email you got and forward it to him. “It has an estimated schedule and recommendations on timing for the best results. I just sent everything over to you.”
“I got it. Wow. Okay. Wow. Oh my…wow! I need to call Jiyoon. Fuck. Oh my god. Okay, thank you! I’ll call you back later, okay?” The line disconnects after Jungkook says a hurried goodbye, the elation in his voice evident.
According to the doctor's ovulation chart, the best time for you to begin trying is next week. Conception is most likely during a twenty-four-hour period. On your way home, you stop and pick up an ovulation testing kit so you can remain on track.
You arrive home filled with nervous energy, unable to stop smiling as you unpack the things you picked up at the pharmacy. A large box of pregnancy tests goes beside the ovulation kit in your medicine cabinet, along with a pack of medical gloves and hand sanitizer. You’re not sure what you’ll need, exactly, but you figure it’s better to have it and not need it than the other way around.
“Jiyoon!” you gush, swiping to answer the call coming in on your phone. “Hi!”
“Hey, I just got off the phone with Jungkook.” There is a lot of background noise, and it’s hard to hear her clearly.
“Oh, wonderful! I got the results today. There is a possibility of next week being—”
A loud laugh cuts through from Jiyoon’s end, the added clang of dishes drowning you out further. “Sorry, I’m still at dinner. Next week, you say? I’ll be going on a business trip the whole of next week, Namjoon wants me to travel with a client for a go-see.”
Disappointment drags at your shoulders and has your smile softening into a frown. You suppose it can wait a few more weeks. “Okay, no problem. That will give us time to plan a bit more anyway.”
“Sure thing!” Jiyoon yells, the line cutting out momentarily. “I’ll catch you later. I can’t wait to see you when I get back. Thank you. I love you so much!”
“Okay, yeah, love you—” The line goes dead before you can finish. “Love you, too,” you murmur into the quiet of your apartment.
A minor setback. But it’s okay; you’re sure you were getting ahead of yourself anyway. Taking a few weeks to confirm things and actually come up with a game plan is probably for the better. But it doesn’t hurt to start doing that now. Letting the smile that hadn’t left your face most of the day slide back onto your lips, you continue setting up everything in your bathroom so it’ll be there for when you do need it.
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It turns out you don’t have to wait—at least, according to Jungkook. From the constant flood of text messages you’ve gotten from him over the last few days, as much as Jiyoon would love to be there to help, she’s given her blessing to proceed with the ICI without her. In her own words, via a text you got last night, there will be plenty more for her to be present for, and she’s far too excited for you to wait for her to return.
Jiyoon has been relatively quiet, but Jungkook explained in delicate words that she’s okay; she just has a lot on her plate right now. Even though it may seem like she’s on the outside, it’s more that this is a very sensitive topic for Jiyoon. Despite wanting a child, ICI is nearly as taboo a subject as IVF when it comes to Jiyoon; you know this. She’s told you how much it makes her feel like a failure. So, you’re content when Jungkook takes full responsibility for the surrogacy journey and has promised to be there for you every step of the way, including coming over to your place tonight to help you with the first ICI attempt.
You’ve been testing your ovulation each morning, and the positive test strip in your bathroom trash has started a full-tilt, day-long extravaganza. It’s a Thursday, just a few days after you got your green light from the doctor, meaning you were able to leave work early and are now sitting on your couch waiting patiently for Jungkook to arrive.
All your research and reading about ICI makes you nervous about what’s to come. It’s not that you’re going to be explicitly intimate with Jungkook, but you’re well aware of the fact that fresh sperm samples, as in within a thirty-minute window, are the best. Which means, he’s going to have to somehow provide the sample while he’s here.
The idea of Jungkook masturbating in your bathroom should feel awkward or perhaps embarrassing to think about, yet you’re oddly comfortable with it. It’s a natural thing, something necessary to create something that’s going to be beautiful.
By the time Jungkook knocks on your door, your hands are clammy, and it takes you two tries to get the handle to turn. He greets you with a giant smile and shining eyes, absolutely breathtaking.
“Hi,” he breathes.
“Hi,” you parrot, unable to contain from reflecting the smile still on his face. “Please, come on in.”
“Thanks.” Jungkook steps past you, and the soft fragrance of his laundry detergent catches in your nose. “I brought everything we need,” he says, holding up a bag. He’s wearing the same denim jacket he was the other night, a white T-shirt underneath above a pair of worn, light-washed jeans, and black boots on his feet that he toes off before heading into your living room.
“Can I get you anything to drink or maybe something to eat? Have you had dinner yet?” You’re not sure how this is going to go, if it’s just going to be a clinical experience or something more comfortable between friends. Because you are friends, right? At this point, you should consider him more than just your best friend’s husband; he should at least be seen as a friend of yours, too.
Jungkook deposits the bag on your couch and turns to look at you. “Um, maybe if you had some beer or something, but I know you don’t drink—” There is a nervous energy to the way he’s talking, words coming out a little too quickly “—so, er, maybe just some water is fine.”
“Actually,” you say, hurrying into the kitchen and opening the fridge, “I got, well, is this okay?” You hold up a 6-pack of beer you bought on a whim a few nights ago. It’s true that you don’t really drink, but you weren’t thinking of yourself at the time that you bought it. In actuality, you were thinking of Jungkook, knowing he’s partial to this brand, and figured…well, you’re not sure what you figured, you bought it before you could give it too much thought.
The corner of Jungkook’s mouth lifts, his smile turning into a light smirk. “Wow, my favorite. I’d love to, but actually, I’m not sure if I should, no matter how nervous I am right now…not until after, at least. I haven’t read anything about how alcohol might impact things, but I’ve not had a drop of alcohol to drink nor a bite of junk food in the last week, just in case.”
“Oh, right. Of course, I should have thought about that.”
“No, it’s okay. I wasn’t thinking either, I haven’t been able to think about much at all, if I’m being honest,” Jungkook laughs nervously, one of his hands rubbing at the back of his neck. “Is this weird? Are you sure you want to do this?”
It is weird, but not in a bad way, and you don’t want to admit that because you don’t want him to worry. So, you simply smile and shake your head. “It’s not all that weird, it’s…well, just not weird. I am nervous,” you decide to give him at least that. “I’m worried that it might not work, or that I might do something wrong.”
“W-what do you think you might do wrong?” Jungkook asks, moving closer to you. “I’ve…I’ve read a lot about the how, I even got an informational video from my doctor.”
You can feel heat crawling up your neck. “I’m not sure, exactly. I guess just the whole process in general.”
There is a beat where you can see Jungkook contemplating his words. He chews on his bottom lip, eyes unfocused for a moment before returning to you. “I could help if you want. Purely in a platonic, helpful way, no funny business, I swear.”
“Um, I don’t know if that…uh, I can try first, maybe?” You can’t seem to swallow past the thick knot in your throat at the thought of asking Jungkook to help assist you in…well, that.
“Sure, okay. Should we…get started?” Jungkook asks, his eyes flicking back to the bag he dropped on your couch. 
Your stomach flips at his words. “Yeah,” you say, voice barely above a whisper, feeling suddenly even more shy than usual.
“Great.” Jungkook claps his hands together before retrieving the bag from the couch. “I have everything we need. It's probably best if we begin this in the bathroom.”
Your apartment has one bathroom, which is joined to the bedroom but is still accessible through the hallway. Jungkook leads the way down the hall, flicking on the light inside the bathroom before stepping aside to let you in as well.
“Have you talked with Jiyoon?” you ask, seeking something to fill the silence as you watch him unpack everything from the bag and arrange it on the bathroom counter.
Jungkook shakes his head in a so-so manner. “I spoke with her for a few minutes earlier to let her know the plan for tonight. She couldn’t talk long and it was hard to hear with all the background noise, but she’s excited and said she can’t wait to be back at the end of the week.”
After washing his hands, Jungkook opens up the packet of a large sterile pad and spreads it out across the rest of the counter. From the research you’ve done, you recognize some of the things he begins to set out. There is a collection cup with an orange screw-on lid, a large syringe with a hose attaching it to a bulbous silicone mushroom-shaped plug, and several single-use packets of water-based lube. He also sets out a box of pregnancy tests, giving you a sheepish smile when you raise an eyebrow at it.
“I, uh, bought some, too,” you say, opening the medicine cabinet to show him the large box of pregnancy tests sitting between your ovulation test kit and your toothbrush.
Jungkook smiles. “I guess we’re on the same wavelength, huh?”
You have to stop yourself from leaning too far into the unusual, yet enticingly warm and appealing, feeling you get when he smiles like that. Clearing your throat, you gesture to the spread of tools. “What now?”
“I think we should discuss a game plan, make sure we know what to do and when to do it. There are some things I’ve read online, plus the directions in this pamphlet,” he says, slipping a folded paper from the box the inseminator came in.
Leaning in, you try to read the step-by-step process written on the paper over Jungkook’s shoulder. He shifts, steps closer to you, and angles the pamphlet to make it easier for you to see.
“Step one, collect the sample. Step two, transfer the sample into the syringe. Step three, insert the silicone plug into the…v-vagina,” you choke over the word, feeling heat licking up your neck, “as close to the cervix as possible. Step four, depress the plunger to administer the sample.”
“Seems pretty simple, right?”
You’re not sure you’d say simple. Sure, step by step, it looks pretty straightforward, but you seem to be responsible for the most challenging part, and that makes you even more nervous than before. “Yeah, simple.”
“Give me a few minutes, I need to—uh,” he points to the sample cup. “I’ll, you know.”
“Oh, right, right, of course. I’ll just—" you hook a thumb over your shoulder towards the door that leads to your bedroom ”—wait in there.”
It’s hard not to pace around your bedroom as you wait. You try to stick to the far side of your bedroom, not wanting to come too close to the bathroom and overhear anything you shouldn’t. The fact your best friend’s husband is in your bathroom masturbating is a weird enough revelation, albeit a necessary one for the ICI procedure; you’d still rather afford him some privacy.
After three minutes, you stop counting the seconds that pass, realizing that means you’re counting how long it takes for Jungkook to produce the sample. Which is something you’re vehemently trying to avoid thinking about so casually.
The bathroom door opening startles you, stopping you in your tracks. Jungkook clears his throat. “Ready?”
You move over to the bathroom. “I think so.”
“Hey, it’s going to be okay. You can do this and don’t forget, I’ll be here if you need any help, promise. Purely for help, for the process.” Jungkook swipes a finger in an x over his chest. “Cross my heart.”
“You’re right,” you say, trying to bolster your own confidence. “I can do this.”
You step past Jungkook and into the bathroom, but his hand on your arm pulls you up short. “Wait, wait. Would you feel more comfortable doing it in your room? It’s just that I’ve read it’s best if you could lay on your back with your hips elevated for fifteen to thirty minutes after.” He nods at your bed. “More comfortable than the bathroom floor.”
The idea of doing this on your bed crosses a line, taking this from a medical process to something far more intimate. “Maybe just a pillow,” you say, grabbing one of the decorative throw pillows you never seem to remember to put back on your bed but keep in a small pile on the floor instead.
“Okay.” Jungkook gives you a small smile, and it makes his eyes look soft and bright. The kind of smile you hope you can help him bestow onto a baby.
You leave the door unlocked, just in case you need his help. In your bathroom, there is no evidence of Jungkook's actions other than the very full sample cup sitting on the medical pad covering the counter.
The cup is warm to the touch, which is startling, though you know it shouldn’t be. Placing the pillow down on the floor, you shimmy your pants and panties down your legs and step out of them. There is a lingering scent in the bathroom; it’s a mix of Jungkook’s cologne but also of something clinical. You realize there are two empty packets of lube in your trashcan, and you can’t help the image that pieces itself together in your mind.
Swallowing hard against the threatening flood of further indecent thoughts, you move quickly to prepare the inseminator. It’s a systematic process you can do with little thought—safe—unscrewing the cap of the cup and filling the syringe. Once you’re in position on the floor, hips elevated on the pillow, empty packets of lube discarded and your body primed, you take the silicone plug in one hand and the syringe in the other.
The directions make it seem so easy. But as you try to fit the silicone plug inside, you can’t seem to get it to go where you want it. It keeps slipping sideways and tugging at the tube connecting it to the syringe. Your heart begins to race as you realize you might not be able to do this—not on your own, at least.
By the fourth try, fifteen minutes have passed, and you’re in full-blown panic mode. Your breath wheezes in and out as you crunch up, hands fumbling between your thighs, and sweat forming on your brow. “Oh god, oh god. I—uh, god dammit…Jungkook!” His name is out of your mouth in a strangled yell before you can stop it.
“What is it? Is everything okay? Are you okay?” The frantic words are muffled through the door. The door rattles on its hinges, and you can tell he’s pressing up against it from the sound of denim scuffing along it, probably pressing his ear against it in an effort to hear your response.
You’ve managed to get it inside, but you’re not sure if you can get it all the way in, pressed up against your cervix where it needs to be. It’s possible you used too much lube, though the idea that it’s possible to have too much lubricant seems ridiculous. But no matter what you do or how far you press your fingers in, you’re either at a wrong angle, or your fingers keep slipping on the plug too much. Asking Jungkook for help is the last thing you want to do, but you’re not sure what other options there are.
“C-can you come in here?” you ask in a hoarse voice. There is a moment of silence before the door eases open and Jungkook sticks his head inside. His eyes are closed so tight it makes you let out a snap of nervous laughter. “I think…I think I need help. I’m sorry, I just can’t—it’s not going in all the way, I don’t think,” you gush in explanation.
“Do you—is it okay if I?” Jungkook asks, leaving the obvious unsaid.
“Um, yes…please. I’ve tried, and I just…I don’t want to ruin this. I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” Jungkook shuffles into the bathroom, eyes still firmly closed and arms out in the air. “Um, where exactly are you so I don’t step on you by accident?”
Snagging the edge of the towel hanging on the rack, you pull it down and drape it over your knees to make yourself as decent as you can be in this situation. “Just open your eyes, it’s okay.”
Slowly, his eyes peek open and finally land on where you’re laid out on the floor, bent knees covered in a towel and your shirt askew from all your efforts.
“How can I help?” Jungkook kneels down beside you, shrugging out of his jacket and tossing it to the side.
“I just…I don’t know if it’s all the way in. Can you—with your hand, I know that’s horrible and weird, but I don’t know what else to—”
“No, no, it’s not weird. I said I’d help. It’s clinical, right? We’re doing this just as a medical procedure. Like I said, no funny business, I swear. It’s for the baby. I’ll help you.”
“Okay.” You nod, squeezing your eyes shut because it’s hard to look him in the eye when he’s about to—the towel shifts, and cool air licking between your thighs has your mind going blank.
“Look at me,” Jungkook requests, to which you immediately comply. “I need you to promise me you’ll let me know if I hurt you or do something you don’t like. I’ll stop immediately, okay?” When you don’t immediately say anything, he adds, “I need you to tell me you understand.”
“I understand.”
Stretching across to the sink, Jungkook keeps his eyes on yours as he washes his hands and then shifts the towel more, folding it up and over your knees. “I’m going to place my hand on your thigh. Is that okay?”
His fingers are gentle against your skin, softer than you expected, and warm from the water. You can feel errant droplets of water streak down your thigh and roll over the bottom of your ass. You try to focus on that feeling instead of the way Jungkook’s hand trails down your thigh until his fingers graze your outer lips.
“I’m going to use two of my fingers to try and seat the inseminator. Is that okay?”
“Yes,” this time, it comes out as more a breath than a word.
You tense at the subtle press of his fingers and how they probe their way down until they find your entrance. There is easily enough lube down there to grease a bakery’s worth of cake pans, considering the half a dozen empty packets now in your trashcan, but you can’t help but take a deep, fortifying breath as he begins to press in.
“Still okay?” he asks, fingers moving achingly slow.
“I think so.”
Jungkook’s brow pinches. “I feel it…only about two inches in. I’m going to push it further now. Tell me if it hurts or is uncomfortable.”
Never in a million years did you think you’d ever find yourself in this position. Not only are you butterflied open on your bathroom floor, but your best friend’s husband is now middle-knuckle deep in your vagina, and you’re not sure how to feel about it. In fact, you’re trying to do everything you can to not think about how you stretch around the intrusion of his fingers, or that it feels far better than it should.
“Do you think you can get it all the way?” you ask, voice warbling with nerves.
Jungkook hums, his lips pushing out as if he is trying to concentrate. “I think I’m almost there. Does that feel okay, is it good?” 
Not once does he look away from you as he’s pushing deeper into your body. You think you want him to look away, to break that intimate contact, but you can’t even bring yourself to do that—even though you know you should. And the whispered exchange does little to help. Is it good? You’re going to burn in hell for the thoughts now flooding through.
“Oh!” You jolt in place, eyes going wide, all previous thoughts gathering into one singular point. Jungkook mirrors your surprise, his mouth popping open in silent shock.
“I’m so sorry!” he babbles. “I didn’t mean to do that. Oh fuck, god damn, shit…okay, sorry, let me just—” Jungkook is still gentle, yet swift in finishing seating the inseminator before quickly extracting his fingers from your body. “Please believe me when I say I am sorry, and I swear I wasn’t trying…I wasn’t trying to do that.”
Your body is still buzzing from the that he’s talking about—the graze of his thumb over your clit. It’s clear it was an accident by his reaction, but it does nothing to lessen the pulse that is now singing through your body.
“I-it’s okay. Really, it’s okay. It’s fine.” You’re not sure if your words are convincing enough, but Jungkook jerks his head in what you assume is a nod of acknowledgement.
“Um, it’s, uh, it’s in. Do you need me to do the syringe, too?”
“Just do it.” You exhale a shaky breath, finally tearing your eyes away from his. You’re confident he’s still watching you, even as he depresses the syringe and injects his cum into your body—as crass as that sounds in your head, that’s exactly what’s happening, and it’s the first time you think you’re realizing how truly fucked you are for this.
Nothing has happened between you and Jungkook, not in that way, but for some reason, guilt won’t leave you alone. You feel like you’ve just betrayed Jiyoon and feel even more like a ridiculous schoolgirl ruining her life over a crush on a boy. You’re intimately aware of the warmth and the subtle change in pressure as he finishes depressing the inseminator. It makes you want to squirm, but you chew your bottom lip and tap your toes instead.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook asks, his voice soft and gentle.
“I should be asking you that,” you sigh.
Jungkook balks. “What? Why would you say that? I’m fine…I’m the one that—” He nods toward where your body is now covered with the towel again. As soon as he was done plunging the depressor, he unfolded the towel and made you decent once more.
“You didn’t mean to,” you say, maybe more as a reminder to yourself than him.
“No, but that doesn’t make it okay.” Jungkook settles back on his heels, using one of the wet wipes that came in the kit to clean his hands. Suddenly, he laughs. “This is ridiculous, right? I mean, look at us, we just did something…beautiful, and we’re not allowing ourselves to enjoy it.”
You chuckle softly, fidgeting with one of the ends of the towel. “It is kind of ridiculous, huh? Sorry that I freaked out and you had to do…that.”
”I’m not. Sorry, that is. I’m glad you asked for my help. We’re in this together.” Jungkook gives you a smile, similar to the one he wore when he knocked on your door over an hour ago, and takes up the hand not pinching at the towel in his, squeezing it. “I don’t know that I can even begin to articulate with words just what this means to me. Thank you so much.”
“It means a lot to me, as well. Being able to do this for you and Jiyoon is not something you need to thank me for. I’d do anything for her. She’s my best friend. We’ve been through so much together over the last twenty years…I just want to see her happy. You, too, of course.”
Jungkook hums in the back of his throat, keeping his hand wrapped around yours as he leans back, using the side of the tub for support. A comfortable silence settles between the two of you, spanning several minutes until Jungkook speaks again. “Have you ever thought about being a mom, you know, before this?”
It’s on the tip of your tongue to answer with what you think he wants to hear, that this has always been your wish, but instead, you choose to give him an honest answer. “Not really.”
”Why not? If you don’t mind me asking.”
If it were anyone else asking, you might mind, but…
You purse your lips before offering yet another truth. “I guess I just…I’m me, you know?”
”No, I don’t think I do know. What do you mean?”
“I’m a single woman in my thirties with no prospects on the horizon. My last boyfriend was over five years ago. I’m a modern-day spinster. Nothing is wrong with that, I love who I am…I just, no one has ever shown interest in me like that. Though it’s not necessary to have another person in the picture, it’s just that…I don’t even know, I’m rambling, sorry.”
Jungkook looks at you for a long moment, and it’s so hard to read his expression. All you want to do is plead with him to tell you what’s on his mind.
“You shouldn’t do that to yourself,” he finally says.
”Do what?” you ask, uncertain what he’s referring to.
“Sell yourself short like that. You are easily one of the hardest-working people I’ve ever met. You have a successful career and amazing tastes in art and food. Not to mention, you have the biggest heart of anyone I know. You’re…you’re amazing, and I know for a fact that people think so, too.” 
You puff out a breath, trying not to laugh at him. “How could you possibly know that?”
“Because I’m one of them. I wouldn’t choose just anyone to do this with. After all, the baby will be half of you, too. A win-win in my book.” The corner of his mouth tilts in a small smile.
You’re pretty certain you’ve never had something create such a viscerally emotional response in you. It takes everything you have to blink away the sudden onslaught of tears that threaten to overwhelm you.
When you finally think you can speak without melting into a blubbering mess, you whisper, “I think you’re pretty amazing, too.”
It’s well after midnight by the time Jungkook makes it home. He’s positively buzzing and can’t even think about going to bed just yet. There is far too much going on in his head, so he decides to expend some energy in the tiny home gym he turned one of the spare rooms into.
The condo he and Jiyoon bought two years into their marriage is spacious, spanning half the second and third floors of the building. There is a three-car garage on the first floor, as well as an elevator that leads to the landing out front. Across the landing is where Taehyung lives with his roommate Jimin, another well-to-do model they met through Kim Exclusives.
Jiyoon stuck her nose up at the fact that Taehyung was buying the unit across from them when Jungkook first told her, but so far, it hasn’t caused too many problems over the years. It helps at times like this, when Jiyoon is traveling for work, to have a friend so close by. Usually, Jungkook would knock next door when he can’t get his head cleared, but for some reason, Jungkook doesn’t want to tell Taehyung about what happened at your place. He doesn’t want to tell anyone, for that matter, holding onto it as a private thing for as long as possible.
Losing himself in sets of squats and curls is far safer than describing in maddening detail the way your soft, lush—Jungkook slams his hand against the squat rack and forces his thoughts away from that line of thinking.
Just because you’re a gorgeous woman with a nice body doesn’t give him the right to think about you like that. Especially considering he’s married to your best friend, whom he loves more than anything. Besides, he’s better than that, knows the whole alpha male hindbrain is the stuff of fantasy. There is no excuse for him having such sordid and outlandish thoughts about you like that. It was simply doing what needed to be done to help—for the baby.
With that in his mind instead, he moves through the motions of his workout. By the time he’s dripping sweat and his muscles are trembling with fatigue, the sun is starting to peek through the windows, and he hasn’t thought about you in hours—well, not much, at least. And when he does, he says it's just because he's thinking of what might be passed down to your baby—er—his and Jiyoon's baby—he reminds himself.
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It’s been an excruciating three weeks waiting and waiting to hear from you about something other than work. After Jiyoon returned home from her business trip, Jungkook told her about that night, including the accidental slip-up. At first, she was upset, accusing him of taking advantage of her best friend. It took hours of strained conversation to get her to understand that it was more of a clinical procedure than Jungkook fingering you.
When that accusation was first thrown out, Jungkook was at a loss for words and completely thrown off the tracks. Jiyoon apologized, saying she didn’t understand how he didn’t think she’d be upset about it but that she’d forgive him for it anyway. She then gathered Jungkook into her arms, and they cuddled in bed for the first time in what felt like forever.
Jungkook wasn’t sure if Jiyoon would confront you at work over it, but as the days continued on without a peep from you, he figured things were okay between the two of you. There were times when Jungkook wished something had gone down with you and Jiyoon because then, at least, he’d have an excuse to talk to you in a way that didn’t make him look like he only cared about you now that you were possibly pregnant or with something work-related.
He knows these things take time, and there is only so much he can do. So, he’s been pouring himself into work and filling his schedule with as many activities as possible to keep his mind off of waiting.
“Jungkook, let’s go.” Taehyung raps his knuckles on Jungkook’s shoulder, grabbing his attention. “Head out of the clouds, daddy-o, we’re needed in hair and makeup.”
Sighing, Jungkook hauls himself off the couch in the studio waiting room and follows Taehyung into the space where the makeup and hair artists are set up. He arrived at the studio early this morning and had spent the last hour spilling his guts to Taehyung, something he promised himself he wouldn’t do but couldn’t keep it contained any longer.
“Don’t call me that,” Jungkook grumbles.
Taehyung smirks. “What? Is that not what you’re hoping to be called? Don’t tell me you and Jiyoon are into daddy roleplay. That might make it a little weird to have your kid also call you daddy—ow!”
Rubbing the back of his head where Jungkook smacked him, Taehyung harrumphs before sidestepping the line of chairs and taking a seat in the one farthest from Jungkook.
“Fuck off, Taehyung. After everything I just told you, that’s all you have to say?”
Taehyung throws up his hands, and the hairdresser at his station begins to comb through his black tresses. “The way it seems to me, you’re the only one making a big deal about this. If you want to check on her, I’m sure she won’t think it’s only because she’s your possible surrogate and not because you’re friends after this. And sure, you stuck your fingers into your wife’s best friend’s vagina, but so what? It was what you needed to do. If I really needed you to touch my dick in order to complete an important procedure, I hope you’d do it with a smile on your face.”
Jungkook opens his mouth to protest but closes it when he realizes he can’t really argue against that. Taehyung is right. He did what he had to do. Hell, he knows that, he used those words himself when explaining it to Jiyoon. There’s just this feeling he can’t shake, he’s far too nervous and on edge right now. If only you’d reach out, put him out of his misery with an update.
“I hate it when you’re right. I’ll stop being such a—”
“Hi, guys.”
“Excuse me, ma’am, only staff and models are allowed back here.”
“Whoa, hey, wait. She’s our manager, and she can be here.” Jungkook is quick to spout, not caring if there is desperation evident in his voice. Once his eyes landed on you, it was all he could do not to jump up from the makeup chair, cross the room, and drop to his knees and beg for an update.
The directing assistant who stepped in your path gives you a once-over that makes Jungkook grind his teeth, but he just sighs and steps to the side. “Okay, but you’re both needed on set in fifteen,” he says, directing the last part toward Jungkook and Taehyung.
“It’s okay, I won’t be long. I just…” You hold up a thin manilla envelope and give it a shake. “Jiyoon is out of the office for the day, she said I should let you see first and that you could tell her later tonight at home. So, here I am. I thought we could look together.”
The makeup artist dabbing a sponge on Jungkook’s jaw lifts an eyebrow when he jerks forward in the chair, intent on scrambling across the room despite being in the middle of blending.
“Two minutes,” she says, stepping back from Jungkook and turning to the makeup collection on her table.
“Okay!” Jungkook springs from the chair and rushes over to you, having no regard for the way his hair flops out of place on his forehead. “Hi,” he says when he’s standing in front of you. “I didn’t realize you had an appointment today.”
“I didn’t,” you tell him. “I just wasn’t feeling all that well this morning, so…well, I just wanted to ensure everything was okay. They had to do a pregnancy test, it was routine.” You offer the folder to him. “Want to do the honors?”
Jungkook’s fingers are trembling as he takes the folder from you. It takes him three tries to get the flap open and to extract the slip of paper inside. You give him an encouraging smile as he looks to you for reassurance before letting his eyes sweep over the report.
“It’s…we’re…you’re…holy fuck. You’re pregnant. You’re pregnant! YOU’RE PREGNANT!” Jungkook shouts before breaking out into a bout of ecstatic laughter. “Fucking hell, oh my god, you’re pregnant! I’m going to be a father. Me. A father. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Yes!”
You join in his laughter, the sound pleasant and musical, as he throws his arms around you and spins you in a circle. There are shining tears in your eyes when he sets you down again, happiness clear on your face. “I’m pregnant,” you whisper, the words reverent and full of awe.
There have never been more beautiful words. Jungkook can’t help but say them again. “We’re pregnant.”
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It’s hard to say if what Jungkook is feeling right now is considered a healthy response to what his wife, Jiyoon, just told him. But, the erratic beat of his heart paired with the incessant ringing in his ears doesn’t necessarily feel bad, just like he’s having some sort of out-of-body experience.
“Say that again,” he requests, softly smacking his lips, trying to work moisture back into his mouth.
Jiyoon sighs, shuffling the papers on her lap. “I’m pregnant,” she repeats the same words you said just two weeks ago.
“You’re certain?” Jungkook wants to believe he heard her correctly but can’t help asking for clarity again.
“I am.” Jiyoon smiles at Jungkook, her eyes watery. “It’s right here, look.”
Jungkook hesitantly takes the top sheet of paper from Jiyoon, letting his eyes devour the words and numbers on it. It’s all there, everything he needs to see and know for the truth—hCG levels far, far above average, an inked red circle around it along with a doctor’s barely legible scrawl of ‘pregnant’ beside that.
“How far along? It’s been—” Jungkook pauses to try to do the math in his head; it’s been weeks since they were last intimate—the night they agreed to do ICI. 
“About eight weeks,” Jiyoon offers. “I suspected a few weeks ago, you know, when I was a little sick that weekend—the one when we found out about, well, I didn’t want to get my hopes up or disappoint you if it wasn’t true, especially after such good news…so I scheduled an appointment. I had to be sure, had to be certain.”
“You’re pregnant.” The words feel thick on Jungkook’s tongue, like he’s trying to talk through a mouthful of peanut butter; sweet, decadent peanut butter.
“I am,” she whispers, the confirmation turning into a squeal of laughter as Jungkook sweeps her into his arms and shouts his own happiness.
Peppering kisses all over Jiyoon’s face, Jungkook hops around, alternating between shouting how much he loves her and how he can’t believe his luck. “I’m going to be a father. Twice! What did I do to deserve this?! I love you so much. Fuck!”
“Calm down,” Jiyoon giggles. “Put me down before you make me hurl.”
“Oh, yeah, sorry.” Jungkook pants, setting Jiyoon back down on her feet. “I’m just so excited!” He wiggles his hips and shimmies his shoulders. “We’ll need to order a second crib. Should we have the babies share a room at first? That seems the easier option, right? I bet there is a book on that somewhere, I need to go—”
“Hey, calm, right?” Jiyoon’s smile is warm, soft. “We have time. There is no need to rush. Can we just enjoy this for a little while longer?” she asks, grabbing one of his hands and placing it over her belly.
“Yes. Yes, yes, yes.” Pressing his forehead to hers, Jungkook wraps his other arms around Jiyoon and sighs contentedly. “I love you so much, babe.”
“I love you, too, Jungkook.”
Jiyoon seems nervous, pushing around the chopped salad on her plate as she chews her bottom lip. She hasn’t met your eyes the entire time you’ve been at lunch. You want to ask her what’s wrong, but you’ve been friends with her long enough to know that she’ll come to you with it when she wants, and pushing won’t do you any good.
“So,” she draws the word out, lips forming an exaggerated pucker.
“How are you feeling?” You can tell that’s not what she wants to say or ask, but you indulge her anyway, hoping you’ll get to the actual matter of why she insisted on going to lunch with you today.
You shift in your seat, setting your fork down on your half-empty plate. “I feel good. I just have some nausea in the mornings sometimes, but it’s not too bad.”
Finally, Jiyoon’s eyes come up to meet yours. “I know what you mean,” she says, the words slow and enunciated—pointed. Her free hand flutters over her belly as if for emphasis.
“What?” The word is more breath than question. “You are?”
“I am,” Jiyoon confirms, tears shining in her eyes.
“Oh, my goodness! Jiyoon! What? But how? Oh my goodness! That’s wonderful!” You can’t contain your excitement for your friend, throwing yourself across the tabletop to hug her fiercely.
She’s laughing as you sit back down, clearly buzzing with her own excitement. “We just found out. It seems a miracle was in our cards after all. It’s still early, nine weeks or so now.” That would make it just two weeks, give or take, before you and Jungkook did the ICI.
“Wow,” you breathe, your own hand landing on your stomach. “They might as well be twins. It’ll be so cool—what?” Jiyoon’s frown stilts your excitement. “What is it?”
She casts her eyes away from yours again, pulling her full bottom lip between her teeth before letting it pop back out. “I don’t know. I just thought…it’s not too late if you wanted to—I just know it’s a lot on someone, your body, the pain and everything that comes after. And now that I’m pregnant, it’s just, we don’t expect you to continue…if you don’t want. We’d be completely understanding and fully supportive if you—”
“Termination? Is that…what you’re talking about? And Jungkook agrees?”
Her nose wrinkles. “I don’t like that word. I’m just saying that we will support your decision to do that if you’d like. It was never in the plans to have more than one child, and now it would be two newborns at the same time…that’s a lot, you know? Twice as many diapers, bottles, and sleepless nights. It would be hard to say goodbye, but we’d still love you and not think less of you for it.”
Your mouth feels too dry for you to form words. You know what she’s saying. Though there isn’t a single ounce of you that desires that, you also understand the hesitation Jiyoon is expressing. She’s right. There wasn’t a plan for two babies. So, what now? Do you volunteer to help? Do you seek out the advice of a lawyer to know where your parental rights might sit in the case they decide they don’t want the baby in the end? So many thoughts swirl through your mind that it makes you dizzy.
“Can I think about it?” you ask, feeling for the first time a wave of uncertainty.
Jiyoon gives you what you assume is supposed to be an assuring smile. “Of course. And if you decide not to, I’m sure we can come up with some sort of system. We’ll figure it out.”
She seems so sure that no matter your decision, it’ll all be okay. “Really?”
“Absolutely. I want—we want, these babies, even if we didn’t plan for two. I was just letting you know that there is that option if you want it.”
“I-I don’t think I do, but if that changes…I’ll let you know.”
“That’s all I ask! Now, tell me, what do you think it’ll be?” she asks, patting her flat stomach again. “A boy or a girl? I’m leaning more towards a boy…”
Jungkook still can’t believe his life. Two babies—two extraordinary miracles, it’s surreal—perfect. His calendar has never been more full. There’s the regular schedule of photo shoots, meetings, and other client work but now those are penned in between the baby classes he’s signed up for and various doctor’s appointments.
One of which is scheduled this afternoon, just a few hours after another this morning. There is your ten-week and then Jiyoon’s three-month appointment. Things have been going great with the pregnancies being so close together, but it does sometimes make appointments and times overlap. Which is how Jungkook finds himself sprinting across the parking lot of Jiyoon’s doctor’s office. He’s late—really late. He didn’t mean to arrive so late. It’s just that your appointment ran a little longer than expected, and traffic wasn’t exactly on his side, either.
Just as Jungkook puts his hand on the handle to open the door to the doctor’s office, it swings outward, nearly smacking him in the face. Jiyoon glares at him, a peeved sigh escaping her.
“You missed it.”
“What? No. I still have—” he glances down at his watch. “The appointment should have lasted at least forty-five minutes, and it’s only been thirty.”
Jiyoon rolls her eyes. “They were able to get me in a few minutes early.” She pushes past him and starts towards her car. “Everything is fine, by the way. The baby is measuring small but is still healthy. Thanks for asking,” she snarks, holding up a length of printed film.
Jungkook grabs the strip from her hand, jogging to keep up with her angry strides. “Wow,” he whispers, looking down at the 2D images. “She’s beautiful, so tiny.”
“She? It could be a boy.”
“Is that what you hope it is?” Jungkook asks, skipping ahead of Jiyoon before turning and walking backwards in front of her. His eyes barely leave the black-and-white grainy images. He traces over the faintly-there contours of the face, the delicate nose and forehead.
Clicking the unlock button on her keyfob, Jiyoon sighs again. “I just want it to be healthy. I don’t care what gender it is.”
“You don’t care?” Jungkook purses his lips, finally looking up at his wife. She’s wearing a designer pantsuit, the deep navy complementing her porcelain complexion and making the red lip she has on pop beautifully. Pregnancy looks good on her. He opens his mouth to tell her so when she cuts him off.
“Don’t say it like that. Of course, I care. Good god, Jungkook, why do you have to make me feel like shit all the time? First you missed my appointment, because why? Because you were busy playing daddy to someone else. And now, here you are, accusing me of being a terrible mother before it’s even born. Fuck you. Fuck you, Jungkook.”
Jungkook is so confused. “What? I didn’t—playing daddy? What are you talking about? I already said I was sorry for missing the appointment, you know the times were really close. It was her ten-week appointment. They were measuring her nuchal translucency, you remember how important that is!”
“Whatever,” Jiyoon deadpans, pushing around Jungkook and climbing into her car. “I have a meeting tonight, don’t wait up for me.”
Before Jungkook can respond, the door slams shut, Jiyoon turns over the engine, and takes off. Maybe not everything is perfect, he laments to himself, mulling over his earlier thoughts. With a determined expression on his face, Jungkook makes his way to his own car and promises to do his best to make this right, vowing not to let something like this happen again.
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Of course, it’s only some weeks later that Jungkook has to break this vow. It’s not his fault, it’s no ones. It seems that life just wants to test him, perhaps make sure he’s honing his time management skills for when the babies come.
Everything has been going great since his hiccup with missing Jiyoon’s twelve-week appointment. He’s been able to shuffle around his schedule and work with the both of you to ensure appointments don’t overlap or are too close together.
Jiyoon has become reliant on him, which is something Jungkook revels in. It’s like their marriage is finally back to the way it once was, full of nights cuddled in bed and romantic dinners—sans the wine. While you’ve been fiercely independent, yet charmingly sweet when it comes to Jungkook and Jiyoon and sharing the pregnancy experience with them.
There have been a few discussions about the fact that now there are going to be two babies instead of one. Jungkook has spent nearly all of his free time turning the guest bedroom into a nursery fit for two. His home gym has become a catch-all, most of the equipment being confined into a corner to make room for the furniture that came out of the guest room-now-nursery.
It’s been a lot, but it’s something Jungkook would never trade for anything in all the world. He’s positively jubilant over the prospect of being a father. It’s something he’s dreamed about for as long as he can remember. Now, it’s just a few months away, a permanent light in his life.
“J-jungkook?” your trembling voice sounds through his phone when he swipes to answer the call, tossing the paint roller into the bucket. Butter yellow coats the walls of the nursery and dots the hem of his old t-shirt.
“Hey, is everything okay?”
“I think so. I don’t know. I slipped on the stairs, I’m at the ER right now—”
“I’m on my way!”
“Jungkook, no. It’s okay. I know you have things going on today. I just thought I should tell you. Jiyoon was in a meeting, so Namjoon said he’d pass her a memo when she was done.”
He’s supposed to attend a First-Time Fathers class in an hour, and Jiyoon has her twenty-two-week anatomy scan this afternoon. The class can wait. If he’s lucky, he can go to the ER, check on you, and then make it to Jiyoon’s appointment.
“No, no, you’re not sitting in the ER by yourself. I’ll text Jiyoon and let her know that I’m leaving now to come check on you.”
The line disconnects, and Jungkook slaps the lid on the paint bucket and throws a plastic sheet over the paint tray. If it dries out, then it dries out. Paint can be replaced; your health is far more crucial right now.
Walking into the entryway, he thumbs open his messages and types out a quick text to Jiyoon before tossing his phone on the small bench by the door so he can pull on his shoes.
It’s a twenty-minute drive to the hospital, and it takes another ten minutes of searching to find you sitting in a waiting room with a large ice pack resting on your right foot.
“Hey, are you okay? Have you been seen yet? How long have you been here? What happened?”
You hold up a hand to ward off more of his word vomit, an embarrassed smile soft on your face. “Slow down, have a seat. I’m okay. They said I should be called back soon.”
Instead of sitting, Jungkook kneels on the floor in front of you. His fingers the ice pack, his face falling even further. “What happened?”
“I slipped in the stairwell at work, missed the last step and came down hard on the side of my foot.”
“Can I?” he asks, fingers moving to the corner of the ice pack.
You nod. “Yeah.”
Lifting it gently, Jungkook takes in the sight of your foot. The black ballet flats you’re wearing give him a clear view of the swelling that’s already beginning along the top and side of your foot.
“Do you want me to find a wheelchair?”
Before you can answer Jungkook a nurse comes through one of the doors, pushing a wheelchair. She wheels it over to you and says, “Ready?”
Jungkook slips his arm under yours as you stand before slowly helping you lower into the wheelchair. “Would you like to push her back?” the nurse asks Jungkook.
“I can come?” he wonders, hopeful.
“Of course. Unless you’d rather wait out here, and I can call for you when your wife is done.”
“Oh, she’s not—”
“I’d like for you to come if that’s okay? I don’t really want to be alone,” you interject before Jungkook can correct the nurse. She gives Jungkook a polite nod and gestures towards the door she came through.
“Please come right this way. We’ll need to get a quick weight and a urine sample before I can get you into your room, where the doctor will see you shortly.”
Jungkook aids you the best he can, helping you to and from the wheelchair as he can. He almost asks if you want him to come into the restroom with you, but you give him a quick shake of your head before closing the door on him.
What feels like an eternity later, you’re finally settled on a bed with Jungkook sitting in the chair beside it.
“Thank you for being here,” you say quietly, drawing Jungkook’s attention. “I know I said I wanted you to come back with me, and it’s not that I want you to leave, but please don’t feel obligated to stay. I know you have a lot of other things going on.”
Shifting his chair closer, Jungkook reaches for one of your hands. “Nonsense. I’m glad you called. I feel bad that I haven’t been to as many doctor’s appointments with you. I feel like it’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve even seen you. I wish our schedules worked out a little better. Perhaps, as my manager, there’s something you can do about that?” he asks, giving you a jesting wink.
“I was trying to give you more time to go to Jiyoon’s appointments!” you laugh, covering your mouth with your hand.
“I know, but in case you forgot, you’re also carrying my child. Don’t get me wrong, though, the texts are great, and I really appreciate the weekly baby bump pictures, but it’d be nice to actually see you. Though, maybe next time, let’s make it not where you’re laid up in a hospital bed, not yet, at least,” he adds on with a low laugh.
This is the first time Jungkook has seen your bump in person. The soft swell under your shirt calls to him, and he wonders if it would be okay to touch it. As if you’re reading his mind, you take the hand that’s wrapped around yours and press it gently over your stomach.
“Kinda weird, huh?”
“No. No, not weird at all,” Jungkook says, being completely raw and honest with you. Jiyoon is touchy about her belly, pun wholly not intended, seeing as she doesn’t let him touch her bump nearly as much as he’d like to. She’s only recently started to show, and it’s hitting her hard, with which Jungkook tries to empathize. He can’t imagine being pregnant and how much a body changes; he’d probably feel things like that, too.
He spends a moment absorbing the feel, trying to imagine the little life growing just a few inches below his hand. Life he helped create. He’s so in awe he could cry…if it wasn’t for the door opening and breaking the momentary spell over him.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Lee. I’ll be your attending today. I hear you slipped down the stairs today and are worried your foot might be broken?” The cheery, middle-aged woman chatters away, washing her hands and drying them off before offering one to you and then to Jungkook.
“Yeah. I missed the last step and landed on the side of my foot pretty hard.” You shake your head with a rueful smile. “I should have just waited for the elevator.”
“Oh, ouch. Let’s take a look,” Dr. Lee coos. “May I?” She gestures to the blanket covering your feet. Jungkook helped you remove your shoes once you were in bed and tossed the blanket over your feet so they wouldn’t get cold.
“Of course.”
Dr. Lee pulls back the blanket and gently probes at your foot, turning it slowly side to side to get a better look. “Does this hurt?” she asks as she rotates your ankle.
“A little, not as much as putting pressure on it, though.”
The doctor nods. “I think it might be best if we do an x-ray just to be sure it’s not broken.”
“Won’t that be harmful to the baby?” Jungkook asks.
“Don’t worry, we’ll make sure to protect your little one.” Jungkook nods his understanding. “Is it your first? You look a little green around the gills, first-time-father jitters.”
Jungkook isn’t entirely sure how to answer that. Because, technically…no? Considering Jiyoon is approximately two weeks further along than you are. Would that make her baby his first? A laugh, barely restrained, simmers deep in Jungkook’s chest.
“Something like that,” he finally says, earning another warm smile from the doctor.
“Alright, let’s get started so I can get you two out of here as soon as possible.”
The word ‘soon’ should be a relative term when it comes to hospitals—or a word that hospital staff is barred from using. Jungkook doesn’t mind spending the hours waiting with you. In fact, you’re pretty pleasant company. That’s not to say Jiyoon isn’t when Jungkook attends appointments with her; there’s just a different level of expectation, he thinks. He hopes this baby will have your patience and grace like that.
Jiyoon wants a quiet observer sitting in the corner, whereas you’re welcoming to his insights and curiosities. You haven’t hushed him a single time when he’s voiced a question of any of the medical staff. In fact, it almost seems like you welcome it, comfortable in letting him show his concern for you.
Thankfully, the x-ray showed no break or fracture. You’ve been given a temporary boot to wear for the next week and strict instructions not to overdo it. “Got it,” you say once the nurse has finished explaining everything to you.
“Now, before we discharge you, we would like to have a sonographer brought in to check on the baby. According to your charts and file, you’re at the twenty-week mark now.”
Jungkook stands up, panic worming its way in. “Should we be worried? Is everything okay?”
The nurse gives him a motherly smile. “That’s what we would like to check.” She turns her attention to you. “You didn’t fall on your belly, but with any trauma to the body, it never hurts just to be sure.”
Of course. That makes sense to Jungkook, but he looks to you for confirmation. “Yeah? You want to do that?”
“That would be great, thanks.”
Jungkook has only attended two live ultrasounds in all the doctor’s appointments he has been to. He has many printed ultrasound images that are now stuck to the refrigerator at home, one side for Jiyoon and the other for you. But he’s only managed to attend one for Jiyoon and one for you, so this will be a wonderful treat.
“Okay, they’ll be here in just a moment.”
A few moments pass after the nurse leaves the room, and Jungkook allows himself to truly assess his internal feelings. He’s thankful that you’re okay and will feel even more at ease once the ultrasound confirms the baby is alright, too. It’s wild for Jungkook to think that just a few months ago, his life felt like it was on the verge of falling apart. There was a steadily growing rift between him and Jiyoon, and you were just Jiyoon’s best friend.
Now, however, he feels closer than ever to his wife, and you’ve managed to carve out your own little pocket in his heart, too. It’s alarming, yet comforting, to realize that there is something more between you and him—a deepening connection that’s still delicate but growing more solid with each passing day.
“You feeling okay?” Your voice breaks through Jungkook’s reverie.
“Hm? Me? I’m great,” he assures, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand. You’ve barely let his hand go the entire time, to which Jungkook won’t complain. “Does it hurt much?” Jungkook nods toward the end of the bed, where your feet are back under the blanket.
You shrug. “It’s not so bad while laying here.”
“Hi!” a bubbly voice calls from the door a second before a young blond woman wheels an imaging cart into the room. “Are we ready to get a look at your little one before you guys go home?”
“Yep.” You give Jungkook’s hand a light squeeze. “Excited?” you ask in a soft voice meant only for him.
“Very,” he tells you, sitting up straighter in his chair.
“Now, this won’t be nearly as good as if we were in radiology in an exam room, but all we really want is to get a look to make sure everything is okay. Besides, who doesn’t want to take a peek when you get the chance, right?”
The tech, with Jungkook’s assistance, helps you adjust on the bed until you’re in a comfortable position for the ultrasound. Jungkook feels frozen as you tug your blouse up and over your belly, giving him his first real glimpse of the swell in all its glory. It’s one thing to see it through your shirt, another thing entirely to see it like this.
“Cold,” you chuckle as the tech squeezes a glob of contact gel onto your lower belly.
“Sorry about that, these carts unfortunately don’t have the warmers on them. Ah, here we are,” she sing-songs when she smoothes the wand over the gel. “Look at that.”
Jungkook tears his eyes from your face, focusing his gaze on the imaging machine's display screen. His breath stutters in his lungs, and a wave of pure, unrestrained joy washes over him.
“They’re perfect,” he says, voice thick with emotion. Jungkook watches as an arm moves across the screen, followed by a little kicking foot.
“Seeing them never ceases to take my breath away.” You take the words right out of Jungkook’s mouth.
The tech hums, giving you a soft smile as she moves the wand around to different angles. “No gender yet?” she asks. “I’ll try to be careful here, don’t want to have any spoilers…unless you would like to know?”
It’s hard not to be curious. “Is it not too early to tell?” Jungkook asks.
Turning the screen slightly away from you and Jungkook, the tech says, “Um, nope. Not too early. Everything looks good, though. So, if you’d rather wait, we can get cleaned up and be done here.”
“What do you say?” Jungkook looks at you with a raised brow.
Your teeth leave a dent in your bottom lip as you worry it for a moment. Another thing he thinks would be cute to see his mini-me do. “I kind of want to, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” he admits, loving the fact that you do.
“Okay, wonderful. In that case,” the tech says before moving the screen back and adjusting the wand on your belly. “Take a look here.”
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When Jungkook arrives home, the sun has long since gone down, but he’s so high on cloud nine that he can’t bring himself to care. The large smile on his face hasn’t slipped in the slightest.
Jungkook is certain nothing can bring him down. At least, that is, until he walks through the front door of his condo and straight into hell. Jiyoon is sitting at their dining table, her expression completely devoid of emotion.
“Hey, babe. What’s going on?” Jungkook hesitantly asks, eyes sweeping the open layout and taking note that the only light on is the recessed one directly over Jiyoon. His smile slowly fades, replaced with a crease between his brows.
“What’s going on?” she asks in a cold voice.
“Is everything okay?”
Jiyoon sniffs, her eyes narrowing, the first sign of emotion he’s seen since he walked in. “No. Everything is not okay.”
“O…kay,” Jungkook draws the word out, letting his mind flip through its internal catalog, trying to find pieces of the puzzle to put together.
“Where have you been?”
“There was an accident. Did you get the note from—”
“You’ve not answered any of my calls or texts.”
“I sent you a text before I left. I think I misplaced my phone, I can’t seem to find—”
“You missed my appointment!” she sneers, cutting him off once more. “And you did not text me. I haven’t heard from you since this morning.”
Realization hits, and the warmth drains from Jungkook’s face. He was so focused on everything with you, the panic and then the joy, that he completely spaced on everything else he should have done today. But also…
“I swear I texted you to let you know I was going to the hospital. I was going to make sure everything was okay.” As soon as your name falls from his lips Jiyoon shoves back from the table and rounds it, getting in his face. “She slipped at work and thought she might have broken her foot. Namjoon was supposed to give you a note about it since you were in a meeting. She called me. I was worried. I didn’t mean to miss your appointment. Were they able to determine the gender?”
Jiyoon jabs a finger in the center of his chest. “Not. Good. Enough. I’m your wife, not her! You’re supposed to be with me! Instead, you spend all your fucking time with your nose up her ass when you barely even know her!” Jungkook staggers back as her poke turns into a fully-palmed shove. “You’re un-fucking-believable! What a goddamn joke.”
“Jiyoon, that’s not fair. Something could have been wrong with the baby. It was an emergency,” Jungkook says, trying to make Jiyoon see reason.
It doesn’t work.
“Fuck you! Why do you care so fucking much about that stupid baby?! All you do is fawn over the photos and re-read her text updates! This,” she gestures wildly at her stomach, “is the baby you should care about! Yet you can’t even show up when it counts.”
“You can’t be serious. This is ridiculous.” Jungkook keeps his tone level, refusing to be baited into a knock-down-drag-out with her.
“No!” Jiyoon screams, making Jungkook flinch. “You are ridiculous.” Suddenly a menacing smile cuts across her face. “I bet you slept with her. Didn’t you? That’s it, you’re feeling possessive because you fucked my best friend, and that’s how she got knocked up, isn’t it?”
Jiyoon’s words spark a ringing in Jungkook’s ears. “What?” he whispers, the word barely forming.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Jungkook. I know you too well for that. Let’s not forget your little slip-up—” she throws up air quotes as she says that “—the night you supposedly did ICI.”
“I told you it was an accident. I didn’t mean to do it!”
Sarcasm is a heavy, bitter layer in Jiyoon’s reply, “You just so happened to touch her clit? Just a little oopsie, so innocent. You’re too nice to outright lie to me, so, of course, you come up with some half-truth, expecting me to believe that you didn’t want it, that you weren’t secretly gnawing at the opportunity to try and seduce my best friend!”
“That is not what happened at all!”
“So I’m supposed to believe my pathetically inexperienced best friend is the one that seduced you, then?”
“What? That’s not what I said at all. No one seduced anyone. You’re being fucking crazy right now. You know I’d never do that to y—”
The crack of Jiyoon’s palm against his jaw stuns him into silence. “Don’t you dare call me crazy!” she screams. “You’d never do that to me? Yeah, right. You’re a man, and that’s what men do! Heaven forbid a woman works hard and spends time away from the home, trying to provide for her family. Is that it? I’m gone too much for your sad little dick, so you have to chase after the first desperate pussy that comes your way?”
Jungkook presses his fingers over the searing heat licking up his jaw where her hand struck him. “Jiyoon, no, it’s not like that at all,” he says, losing his momentum because he’s not sure what he can say at this point to make her see reason. “I wouldn’t cheat on you.”
“Fucking my best friend because she’s convenient and out of spite for me being gone so much? No, that sounds exactly like something you would do. Well, looks like it’s your lucky day because two can play that game, asshole. Enjoy your fucking prize!”
Jungkook jerks back, as if Jiyoon just slapped him again. “What does that mean?”
She laughs, the sound deep and throaty. “This baby—” she seethes, rubbing over the small swell of her belly, voice rising with every word “—it’s not yours, you pathetic bastard!”
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hillbillyoracle · 5 months
So you can't get out of bed...
This is a resource list for all those who are having trouble getting out of bed. Whether that's because of injury, disability, or mental health, this collection of resources should help address some of the common pain points I've experienced over the years. Some will require modification if truly bedbound but my hope is this sparks ideas and gives you a place to start.
A warning: this is a *long* post. I went for thoroughness over brevity so people had options where possible.
This video from Sarah McGlory of Adaptive Cleaning details her system.
It is excellent. I have a similar bin to her first in my room for high pain and low mood days. Prioritize high fiber and high protein shelf stable foods. Make sure electrolytes and water are within easy reach.
If grocery trips are too much, it's worth looking into pick up or delivery. In my experience, the delivery services through stores are better than Instacart and the like. The retailer who must not be named also has a great snack selections that hold up pretty well in transit.
Fruit + veggie pouches, baked chips, and RXBars are some of my favorites to keep on hand.
Clean Space
This video from KC Davis of Struggle Care details her "Five Things Tidying Method".
If you can't tidy your whole space, focus on the walkways. Make sure you have a walkway to your bedroom door, to your front door (or other way to leave your house), to the bathroom, and to the kitchen or where you store food.
Another tip from KC Davis - if you're struggling to get your plates back to the kitchen before they stick or attract bugs, get gallon sized plastic bags and seal the plates inside of them. You can always wash and reuse them once you've delivered it safely to your sink or dishwasher. When you're just surviving, it's just as okay to toss them after.
Bonus: This no-mess method of decluttering from Dana K. White is low energy friendly. You can stop whenever and your space is still better.
This post details my care kit that I use.
If you're unable to shower regularly, I'd add in some baby wipes. Yours probably won't look exactly like mine but I hope it can be a jumping off point. If I could only pick two items, it'd be the disposable toothbrushes and a good facial lotion (since it can also be used on the body). If you can't bare to change your clothes, just change your underwear. This helps prevent health issues down the road.
Arm Workout in Bed: [3 Min] [5 Min] [10 min]
Core Workout in Bed: [3 Min] [5 Min] [10 Min]
Leg Workout in Bed: [3 Min] [5 Min] [10 Min]
Yoga in Bed: [Morning] [Anytime] [Evening]
Stretching: [5 Min] [10 Min]
If you're able to stand + move but not up for leaving your room, then Rick Bhullar's walking workouts are great in a small space.
For a long time, I thought that you could only get exercise by getting dressed in specific clothes and going outside or to a gym. Now I know that there are lots of options for getting a little movement in bed. Even a short 3 min workout a day can help decrease muscle atrophy. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good enough.
Bonus: I also just walk laps around my room/apartment. You don't have to go outside. It can get a little boring sure. But quick 5-10 min walking breaks through out the day add up.
This is ultimately going to be specific to you and your tradition. Even if you are not religious at all taking a moment to think about your bigger picture values is important. Since my core spiritual path is Buddhism, here are some recommendations in that vein. I could not find good links for all of these. I don't necessarily do all of these everyday but I try to do a few.
Three Refuges by Plum Village
The Five Precepts by Access to Insight
The Five Remembrances on Wikipedia
Chanting Om Mani Padme Hum
Chanting Namo'valokiteshvara
Reciting the Heart Sutra
Bonus: A pagan practice I enjoy is reciting the hymns to the planet of the day. Offering water and incense is great but optional. Praying to and thanking ancestors and land spirits is also a great practice.
Alternatives to Social Media
It's easy to get stuck in the black hole of scrolling. It's good to have something enjoyable to pivot to.
Cozy Games
My favorites are Stardew Valley, Wingspan, and Animal Crossing. The first two aren't terribly expensive. A lower cost alternative to Animal Crossing would be Cozy Grove which regularly goes on sale. Sims can be cozy as well - minus any pool shenanigans.
This is an app that allows you to send messages but delivers them on a delay based on how far away you are from someone. It makes it fairly easy to find penpals though, as with anything, it can be hit or miss. I've even convinced a few of my irl friends to try it and write them little letters on there. The delay makes receiving them more special. It's a great way to play letter writing rpgs with friends. I'm currently using it to play Grandpa's Farm with my partner.
750 Words
Ever wished you could do morning pages digitally? That's what 750 words started out as being but you can ultimately use it however you want. Some people use it to hit word counts on their writing projects. I'm a fan of using it to brain dump and then micro journal. It does cost a small fee after 30 days but it's by far been worth it to me.
Getting outside - even if it's just for 5 minutes - once a day is a great goal. But if you can't, take a break and watch one of these feeder streams for a while. Even just seeing images of the outdoors, is calming. I sometime throw this up on one screen while I'm playing a cozy game or doing some non-screen activities.
Screen Breaks
We all know it's important to take screen breaks - but it's extra important to do it when you're in bed and you're screens are a big part of how you spend your day. Below are some of my favorite ways to take a break. 10 minutes every two hours or 20 minutes every three hours can make a big difference.
Postcrossing or writing letters to friends
Solo RPGs - here are some of mine, here's a D&D example
Free adult coloring pages
Read a Book - reading challenge, get personalized recommendations
Play a solitaire card game - there are so damn many now
Walk around for 5-10 minutes, bonus if it's outside.
One of the big feelings that come up for me when I'm mostly in bed is that I feel like a burden to others. Rather than trying to "be productive" I've found it's much better to try to positively contribute to others even if it's in small ways - sending a text to someone remembering/thanking them for something kind they did for me, ordering a little present for someone I know who's had a rough time, sending a card to someone who has a birthday coming up. The little stuff really helps people.
If you don't have many people in your life like that to help or you'd like to help some strangers too here are some other options.
Sigma Phi Eta
This is a 100% online and free greek service org I'm trying to get off the ground. 3 hours of service to become a pledge which count towards the 10 needed to become a member. 10 hours each year to stay active. We maintain an updated list of online/distanced volunteer opportunities as we find them. We have service awards for those who want to go above and beyond. Plus once you're a member you can wear our letters.
We're small right now but if you want a group of people to talk service and grow with - come join us!
Letters Against Isolation
LAI is probably my favorite charity I volunteer for. Volunteers write cards and letters to people in nursing homes, assisted living, and those connected to senior centers through Meals on Wheels and other programs. They're always adding new facilities so the need is always growing. They have facilities in multiple countries they write to and could use people who speak another language especially.
Warm Up America
Mostly for crocheters and knitters - this org accepts donations of all kinds of patterns and distributes them to smaller projects and charities who otherwise wouldn't be able to access these kind of goods at scale. I've made a few things for them - simple hats - and greatly enjoyed the process. Great use for your cheaper acrylic yarns.
7 Cups
I've had a mixed experience with 7 Cups. I really have enjoyed my experiences chatting with people on there but it can be really hit or miss as to whether I feel like I've helped people. There's also the usual people who try to use any chat service for sex. That aside, I still think their training is pretty good and it can feel meaningful when you're able to connect with someone who's not doing so hot.
Have you cleaned yourself + changed clothes? [ ]
Have you tended to your spirituality? [ ]
Have you fed yourself? [ ] [ ] [ ]
Have you tended to your space? [ ]
Have you gotten some movement in? [ ]
Have you taken a social media break? [ ] [ ] [ ]
Have you taken a screen break? [ ] [ ] [ ]
Have you volunteered or done something nice for another person? [ ]
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lazycats-stuff · 6 months
Can you do a teen reader (younger than Damian by 1 or 2 years) x batfam, where he is spider man? (I mean kinda like miles morales, he has electricity powers but his webs are organic too and doesn’t need a web shooters.) he is Bruce’s biological child and his mother died, yk his canon event and what not. So he has to move to Gotham and isn’t happy about. Just distant and all. One night He sneaked out and bought a train ticket and went to New York, and was only spider man and just slept in somewhere. So the batfamily tracked him to New York, and while looking for him, they bump into him as spider man. They have to team up to find a villian but reafer gets hurt in the end and his mask fell off and they see it’s reader? They bring him and just have a talk when he wakes up and they come to conclusion for him to join the family in their fighting in Gotham?
Oh, that sounds good. Yes... Also, 2.7k words and so sorry for taking so long to write this... Hope you enjoy. I changed it a little bit, so my apologies, but I got into my writing spirit lol.
Summary: (Y/N) is Spiderman. The fam doesn't know that.
Warnings: (Y/N)'s mom passes away, funeral, sad (Y/N), he loves his city, angst, running away, fighting with Green Goblin.
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(Y/N) had a great life in New York. He was very happy in his city. He lived with his mom and everything was fine. Okay, he did get bitten by a radioactive spider and got cool powers with it. Did it cause some troubles? Oh yeah. Electricity was a bit problematic to control, but he managed.
Did he get grounded because of it? His mom sure thought so. His dad visited with the rest of his brothers every month. (Y/N) understood why he couldn't come more. Being a CEO and all that stuff, (Y/N) really understood. He didn't love Bruce any less. Bruce was involved in his life, which was nice.
He loved his brothers and father, more than anything in this world. Alfred was the best though. Whenever he came, he would bring his food and (Y/N) and his mom would enjoy it too, often asking for recipes. Or they would exchange recipes.
All of those were very fun times. And his time as Spiderman. He really loved it. He loved patrolling and helping the people and maybe get a hot dog from the stands that worked through the night. He loved it all. It was nice that his webs were natural and they, like mentioned before, they also came with electricity.
His enemies hated him, but (Y/N) loved being Spiderman. He loved what he represented in New York and he wouldn't change it for anything in the world. He is a New Yorker through and through.
But life decided to be a bitch and strike that luck and happiness.
(Y/N)'s mom passed away. She was hit by a drunk driver. The worst thing is, the driver survived. When Bruce got the news, he got into the car and drove to New York. (Y/N) was told just before Bruce came and (Y/N) felt his soul shatter.
He broke down in Bruce's arms, crying and screaming. It took him a while to calm down, but he couldn't stay alone. Bruce knew that and he knew that going back to Gotham was not an option now. At all. Bruce called Alfred and explained everything and told him that he would stay to arrange the funeral.
Alfred understood and the brother called (Y/N), wishing that they could be there. (Y/N) thanked them for it and then sat up all night, unable to sleep. Bruce tried to comfort him in the best way possible, but it was difficult. Bruce's former fling, (Y/N)'s mom, was the most important person to (Y/N). Without a doubt.
Bruce knew that he would have to bury her in New York, otherwise his son would have raised hell. Without a doubt. After funeral, (Y/N) would have to move to Gotham. Which is another problem on its own. Bruce didn't know that (Y/N) was Spiderman and (Y/N) didn't know that Bruce was Batman.
Match made in hell, so to say.
The funeral was held a few days after the incident and (Y/N) thought that New York cried with him. The sky was dark and the rain was falling. (Y/N) was torn. There were way to many people who were saying sorry and while he appreciated the care and worry, he just wanted to say goodbye on his own.
His brothers have stood it with him. (Y/N) didn't even have the courage to be next to the grave, while they lowered it, but Bruce held him hand through it, keeping him close to him during the entire process.
At the end, he found some strength and came closer, allowing the rain to soak him. It felt appropriate. When she was lowered, (Y/N) threw a rose in there and wiped his eyes. He took a deep breath as they started putting dirt over her coffin and (Y/N) never felt so mad. Why did this happen to him? To him out of all people?!
Bruce recognized that look in (Y/N)'s eyes. He knew that rage, sadness and frustration in his eyes. It was going to be difficult to let go and have a new life in Gotham. But (Y/N) had to try. He had to put some effort.
" (Y/N), we have to go. " Bruce said gently as he shielded his son from the rain with an umbrella. (Y/N) kept looking as the coffin got buried under the dirt. He swallowed before nodding and following Bruce to the car.
" Why do I have to go to Gotham? " (Y/N) asked and Bruce sighed as he started driving.
" We have been over this. I have a company there and your brothers are there. I know you don't want to leave, I know that, but you have no choice. " Bruce explained as he drove and (Y/N) turned away from him, biting down on his tongue so that he wouldn't lash out against Bruce.
" I know you are not happy, but you will be happy in Gotham. "
" Sure. In a city ran by a clown and a bat. Sounds like heaven. " (Y/N) said sarcastically.
" It's actually a nice city once you live in it long enough. "
(Y/N) huffed, but kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to lash out at his father, he really didn't. His dad was doing something he needed and Bruce wasn't at fault.
It was the driver's fault.
But he was pissed and he just wanted to be alone. Bruce saw it and didn't say anything, driving back to Gotham. It was the most awkward drive Bruce has ever done in his life. The hour was quiet and once they parked in the yard of the manor, (Y/N) took a bag with his personal stuff, his Spiderman suit included, and made a beeline for his room.
He ran past everybody and they all looked at him with sad looks.
" Do you think he will be better soon? " Dick asked, glancing at Bruce.
" I don't know Dick. He is sensitive and he will need some time to process it. I don't think I can even introduce him to our line of work. He found justice, they got the driver. " Bruce said as he rubbed his chin and the boys had to agree to a certain agree.
" He just needs some time. The first few days are the toughest. He will get better as times passes. " Alfred said as he took one of the boxes out.
Those few days have passed and (Y/N) didn't really feel good. He didn't like the fact he is starting a new school year here, without his friends and a sense of familiarity. He would have to start a new, without... He cried a lot during the time and he just wore black. Alfred had to make sure he ate and Bruce was there to comfort him and make sure he is okay.
Another thing that was painful, alongside his mother's death was the fact that he couldn't be Spiderman. He couldn't go out, he couldn't save his fellow New Yorkers or chat with them. He saw the news talking about his absence and he wanted nothing more than to go back to New York.
Nothing more.
But... There is a problem called big brothers plus a dad.
They were always around, watching him. Always popping in his room to make sure he is okay and not hungry, knowing that eating wasn't easy. Everyone popped in to make sure he is okay. (Y/N) was sure they thought he would hurt himself somehow, but he wasn't doing that.
He would often sit down in his room, when he knew that his family was on patrol, he would take his suit out. He would watch the spider symbol, wishing he could be back in New York. Gotham was nothing compared to New York. New York was much better, still is better than this city. New York is alive, vibrant, full of colors.
And then you have Gotham.
But (Y/N) has had enough after 2 weeks. With a little bit sneaking around, he managed to buy a ticket, his suit underneath the normal clothes he was wearing. While his family was on patrol, he sneaked out and made his way to the station to leave. He was happy, but it was bitter sweet. It would remind him of the things he loved and yet... It would remind him of his mother.
He had actually had some money left for a few flowers to lay on her grave... (Y/N) put his head on the window, watching the scenery change. Left his phone at home so that they couldn't track him, so he spent his time looking out the window and stretching.
After a few hours, (Y/N) has arrived. He smiled as he saw his city. He took a deep breath in and walked around, just remembering the time in his city.
" My apologies New York. " (Y/N) mumbled as he started walking to the cemetery. It would be a long walk, but he had time. He really did. Once he came, the flower shop was open and he has paid with cash, making it difficult to track him. After getting a beautiful bouquet he walked to his mom's grave. He put them down and smiled...
Bittersweet beyond belief.
He kept knelt down on one knee, smiling at the gravestone. He smiled and wiped some of his tears away, not wanting to cry.
" Hey mom. I'm back. Dad wanted me to move, but I think I will stay here. " (Y/N) said as he got up and started walking to his apartment. He missed it, he really did. He could only hope that it's unlocked, but his neighbor had an extra key. He knew it.
And she loved him.
While (Y/N) was happy, the family wasn't really paying attention whether or not (Y/N) was in his room. They were thinking that he has slept. They couldn't have been more wrong about it. (Y/N) already had a whole night ahead of him as an advantage.
Alfred went to check and a few minutes later and he called out for Bruce in a panic. Everyone dropped the cutlery and ran upstairs to see if their butler was safe. Jason and Tim nearly tumbled over one another more than once. Damian jumped in first, ready to fight with the non existent intruder.
They were all shocked to see that there was no intruder. Another problem? There was no (Y/N). Jason checked the bathroom.
" Not in here. " He declared, closing the door.
Bruce wondered what the hell happened. Oh no. Where is he?
" Did anyone see him? " Bruce asked his sons, leaning on the wall.
" No... I thought he was in here. " Tim said as he looked out the window. " Where is he even? " Tim wondered. Bruce pondered for a moment.
" Lets go to the cave and check the cameras. " Bruce said as he pushed himself off of the wall. Everyone followed and soon, they were looking through the cameras.
They all paled when they saw that he went to the city. Bruce pulled all of the cameras he could and thanked God for facial recognition. He pulled it all to find (Y/N).
" Why did he escape? " Dick wondered out aloud. Was it the fact that they were checking on him too much? Was he smothered? Did they smother him?
" Shit. " Jason said next to Bruce as the two watched the screen. Everyone turned their heads to look at the screen. A train station. Bruce connected it.
" He went to New York. " Bruce said as he tracked (Y/N)'s phone.
" What the hell? " Tim wondered out loud.
Everyone frowned when the location turned out to be the manor. Everyone was now worried.
" He has to be in New York. He has to be. " Damian declared and everyone had to agree with it. They knew that (Y/N) coming here wasn't his choice and that he wanted to stay back in New York. Bruce couldn't blame (Y/N) for any of it, nobody could blame (Y/N) for trying to run to New York.
" He has an entire night as an advantage. " Damian said and everyone has agreed with him. That is one hell of an advantage.
" I'm not sure whether or not to be proud. " Bruce said, trying not to smile.
" A mixture of both. He passed the security. " Jason mumbled and Bruce chuckled.
" Yeah, I have to be a mixture of both. Lets do some more investigating and then lets go to New York at night. " Bruce said and everyone nodded.
(Y/N) has had fun during the day, but it seems that Green Goblin wasn't happy with the fact that he was gone out of their city. The fight has been going on for a while and (Y/N) was slowly getting exhausted. Ever so slowly.
(Y/N) knew that he couldn't lose his cool now. That's something that Green Goblin wanted him to do this entire fight. Green Goblin was taunting him and by God, (Y/N) was ready to kill. His wrists were hurting like never before.
He was ready to strike once more when he saw a familiar face. His dad and his brothers. Oh God. Were they all looking for him. They landed near him and (Y/N) swore that his heart was about to jump out of his chest. He really thought so.
" Hey Spidey, you need help? " Dick, well, Nightwing asked and (Y/N) shrugged his shoulders. " Could use some backup. " (Y/N) said, voice breathy.
" Arch nemesis? " Damian, well, Robin asked.
" Yup. "
" Sounds tough. " Dick said and (Y/N) got ready to strike once more. He saw an opening and took it.
(Y/N) was struck and he flew back onto the rooftop and something fell of as he landed. He couldn't pinpoint it, but every part of him screamed that something was wrong. He froze when he saw his father, covering them both with his big cape.
" (Y/N), why didn't you tell us? Is this why you didn't want to leave? " Bruce asked, glancing at his son, trying to see if he was injured.
" I... I didn't know how to... " (Y/N) admitted shyly, looking away from his dad.
" I'm not blaming you. But we have to talk about this later. We can't just leave it like this. Put on your mask and lets finish this. " Bruce said with a firm voice and (Y/N) nodded as he did so and with the help from Bruce, got up.
" Lets get the bastard. " (Y/N) said with so much determination and Bruce smiled proudly. He really is his son with that much determination.
The fight was tiring beyond belief, but the Batfamily was determined and persistent. And Green Goblin wasn't expecting the back up that (Y/N) has gotten out of nowhere. Soon, Green Goblin was taken into custody. Now it was all good. All good.
If you remember that (Y/N)'s family was still there, waiting to talk to him. He didn't really want to talk, he just wanted to avoid it. He didn't want to. By God, he wanted to go to sleep. But he knew that talk would happen eventually.
" Now, " Bruce started as he glanced at everyone. " I'm not mad you, but... You could have told us. We told you. " (Y/N) tried to say something, but Bruce stopped him. " Now, what happened happened. However, you can use your talents back in Gotham. "
(Y/N) shifted on his feet, nervous about it.
" No need to worry (Y/N). " Jason started, hands on his hips. " NYPD is more capable than GCPD. "
Everyone laughed at it. To some extent it's true, but (Y/N) wasn't convinced.
" You don't have to lose your Spider symbol. You can keep being Spiderman. You can be a spider and the rest can be birds. " Bruce said as he put his hand on (Y/N) shoulder.
" It's difficult to leave my city behind. " (Y/N) admitted and Bruce nodded in sympathy. The brothers hugged their brother, hugging him tightly.
They all were saying something, but (Y/N) couldn't understand. But he knew that they were all saying something positive.
" Now, lets go home and get you situated. " Bruce said and (Y/N) just looked at the sun.
" It weird to see you guys in this time of the day. " (Y/N) mumbled as he was led to the Batmobile. Everyone laughed at that. It was true. He really didn't want to leave New York city, but he knew that he could help them in Gotham.
He knew it would work out in the end.
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sexydoffyman · 10 months
Hi! So this is my first time requesting,, I have COD brain rot and I had this idea I thought you might like.
Forced proximity with Simon ghost Riley x male reader :D!!
If it’s spicy I’d absolutely love hair pulling and soft praise,, reader being bottom please! I don’t mind if it’s smut or not tho 🫶
genre: smut
A/N: Sup. I did the praise thing, but I couldn't find a way to add the hair-pulling. Enjoy! 🦆
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You guys were on a mission together. Everything went well until it didn't. One of the soldiers got wounded and wasn't able to run. And with Ghost in charge of the mission, the rule "No man left behind" was never forgotten.
Ghost picked the wounded soldier up, but by that time, the enemy soldiers had caught up. Everyone scattered. Soon, there was no other option than to abort the mission.
Ghost commanded the team to run to the trucks that were hidden in a nearby forest. He threw the soldier to someone else and started looking for you. Hoping you were left unharmed.
He only met you a couple of days ago, but you caught his eye. You were an important asset to the team. You were smaller, so you could sneak around better and fit through places no one else could. You were also an amazing strategist and interrogator.
And for some reason, he couldn't take his eyes off you.
The way your smaller, flexible body moved when you dodged knife throws. The way you looked at him when everything was going exactly how it was supposed to go. The way you laid your head on his shoulder when you were exhausted.
You quickly found yourself messing with his pheromones. He felt like he needed to have you in his grasp and he didn't understand why. He wanted to touch you. He wanted to taste you. He wanted to make sure you are alright.
Your small size also resulted in you being a little slower than the others. He was aware of that, so he wasn't surprised when you had trouble catching up with the rest of the team.
He ran to you and picked you up bridal style. He ran fast even when carrying you. You being smaller helped him a lot since you were also lighter. He ran with you, seeing the last truck waiting for him and anyone else.
A few soldiers jumped into the car, and Ghost signaled the driver to start moving. The truck slowly took off as Ghost caught up with it, opening the trunk and jumping in it with you in his arms.
You closed the trunk from the inside. Ghost looked at you while gasping for air. You gave him a sweet smile knowing that the whole team is safe. "That damn smile." He thought. That damn smile that messed with him so much.
He squeezed into a slightly larger part of the trunk. You both look at each other awkwardly, not really knowing what to say. Ghost had his leg in front of him, managing to hide his erection. He would be really embarrassed if you caught him thinking like that about you.
The truck ran over a rather large speed bump. You were almost thrown at Ghost ending in your back smacked against his abs. You ended up being pushed into his lap by the way the truck moved.
There, you felt it. You felt the bulge in Ghost's pants. He wanted to get you off him to avoid being embarrassed even more. Instead, he grabbed your waist and pushed you closer to him. He knew the truck would still be moving rather roughly, and he didn't want you to get injured.
When the ride calmed down again you looked at him. "Don't talk about it." He almost barked out. "Being distracted like this won't do you any good in the field, sir." "Would you want me to help you out?"
He was blushing hard under his mask. "Sergeant, I am in no way attracted to you." He said defensively. "Then why are still holding me?" You questioned. He would think that you were teasing him, but your innocent eyes made him realize that you were genuine.
He sighed "Pants down, sergeant!" He commanded. "You're lucky these trunks are soundproof." He muttered against your neck. You slipped your pants down to your thighs he followed your movements.
"You sure you can take this?" He asked, grabbing your hips with the hand that was over you. "Yes, sir!" You answered and adjusted your body so he could slide his other arm under you and push you closer to his chest.
He didn't wait a second when he got an agreement out of you and thrusted his dick straight into your ass. You gave out a little whimper. He grabbed your chin to look away from him. You wondered why he did that only to feel his lips on your neck.
He took off his mask to kiss you.
Your stomach filled with butterflies as he started thrusting into you roughly. With each thrust, you let out a whimper. He stretched you out so good. "Good boy... keep... making those sounds." He stuttered struggling.
He didn't know it would feel so good. He just had to make sure you knew how happy he was. "You are such a good boy for me sergeant." "You feel so good." He was bruising your neck as he sucked on the skin.
He started hitting your prostate head-on which made you switch from whimpering to moaning. That made him go feral. He could feel himself getting close to seeing stars. He thrusted last time into you and filled you with his cum.
He didn't want to leave you unfinished, since you did so good. He grabbed your dick jerking it off until you came into his hand.
You both panted trying to catch your breaths. "Sergeant!" "Yes, sir?" "Just letting you know if I'm ever distracted again, I'll go straight to you."
You chuckled knowing that you signed up for a hell of a ride.
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skz317cb97 · 1 year
The Beat
Jisung x Female reader
Word count: 2.5k (no look they're really drabbles okay?)
Synopsis: Jisung is having difficulties with a project and asks you to help take his mind off work for a bit.
A/N: 18+ ONLY! Okay seriously I'm on a roll right now but like I said they might not all come out so quickly so do bare with me if some of the others take longer. I am having so much fun writing these so I hope you all are enjoying them! Chan will be next! If you enjoy reading please reblog, comment, shoot me an ask, like, I love to hear from you guys! As always warnings and smut below the cut! 3/8
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Warnings: 18+ ONLY! MDNI! Swearing/strong language, eluding to casual sex, oral (m receiving), deep throating, face fucking, cum eating, breath play (kinda not really), masturbating, cum shot, slight exhibitionism (kinda maybe, not really), slight MC dom/Jisung sub dynamic (kinda). I think that's all but if I ever miss something please let me know and I'll add it immediately!
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It was the last morning before the guys were due back and you were on your knees under the kitchen table after you decided you’d rather blow Changbin than eat eggs and toast. You were sucking his soul out through his dick, choking and drooling all over his thick cock rubbing his balls and humming as you gagged on it again and again. Suddenly the front door opened and someone came walking into the apartment. Changbin had heard but apparently you didn’t because you were slurping and gagging on his fat cock when Jisung came around the corner into the dining room. 
“Hey Changbinnie hyung!” Changbin’s eyes went wide with surprise. 
“JISUNG! You’re home early!” You choked when Changbin shouted Jisung’s name and stopped sucking his dick for a second. But Jisung couldn’t see you or what was happening under that table and so you took Changbin’s cock back into your mouth and what you couldn’t fit you jerked off hard as you continued to fondle his balls covered in your saliva. You honestly didn’t know how he was holding it together, must be that strong jutdae of his. 
“Yea I wanted to come home a little early and get some rest before having to jump back into the grind.” Changbin bit his bottom lip and nodded, small beads of sweat were starting to form on his temples and forehead and he prayed Jisung didn’t notice. 
“Good idea Ji! Why don’t you go get you some rest!” Jisung looked at Changbin funny. 
“Yea, okay Bin I’ll do that.” Jisung shook his head and went to his room. As soon as Changbin heard his bedroom door click closed he groaned out and came in your mouth. You swallowed and kept slurping on him until he was sensitive and pulled away. 
“Remember this little moment the next time, pay back is a bitch.” Changbin laughed breathless, pulling you up from under the table. 
“For now though we should probably get you home.” Changbin kissed you deeply. 
“Go get dressed I’ll give you a ride.” He patted your rear end and you ran off to get your clothes on.  
A month or so went by and everything was still just the way it always was. You and the guys had your board game nights every other Monday and had been to the club to go dancing and drinking. You had fucked two of them and at least one of them knew and they both acted like nothing happened. Aside from a lingering touch here and there when passing you or sitting by you everything was perfectly normal. It was a nice day and you were walking to the park down the street from your place when you got a call from Jisung. 
“Hey Ji!” You heard him sigh heavily. 
“Hey y/n.” He sounded drained. 
“What’s wrong Sungie?” He took another deep breath. 
“I’ve been at the studio all night and I’m just so stressed over this song that I’m having trouble with. Do you...you think maybe you could come to the studio and help me?” You were confused as to why Jisung was asking you to do this when Chan or Changbin would be far better options since they actually knew how to produce music. 
“Ji I don’t know anything about music.”  
“I know I just mean come and hang out, maybe distract me for a bit, clear my head.” Well that made more sense, he needed to unplug for a minute. You were only going to go on a hike at the park because you were bored anyway. 
“Sure Sungie I’ll come hang out for a bit.” You could already hear his voice getting lighter. 
“You’re the best y/n. See you soon!” When you got to the studio the door was slightly cracked open. You knocked lightly and walked in. When you did you saw Jisung with his head laid on his desk; it looked as if he’d fallen asleep while waiting on you. You were just going to back out and let him rest but you bumped something by the door and Jisung’s head sprung up. 
“Oh hey! You made it great!” He rubbed his eyes. 
“If you want to nap a little longer, I can come back later.” He shook his head and stood up walking over to welcome you in. 
“No no I was only resting my eyes. Please come in.” He closed and locked the studio door behind you and ushered you towards the sofa in the studio. You sat down getting comfy and Jisung sat in the roll-y chair across from you. You both exchanged some small talk and caught up with what the other had been doing recently. Everyone had been so busy lately it felt like it had been forever since you’d see any of the guys when reality it had only been two weeks. The longer you sat there chatting with Jisung the more antsy he seemed to get, knee bouncing, eyes darting, if he chewed on his lip anymore he’d bite it off so finally you said something. 
“Sungie you’re supposed to be relaxing and clearing your mind a bit. You look like you're ready to crawl out of your skin. What’s going on?” His teeth let go of his lip and he let out a heavy sigh. 
“I... I really want to ask you something but I don’t want you to get upset with me or take it the wrong way.” His face was so soft and his big brown eyes seemed to have grown even bigger. You could tell he was genuinely scared you would be angry with him. You sat up and leaned forward a bit closing some of the distance between you and Jisung. 
“Well... I promise to listen and try to understand if that helps at all.” Jisung nodded and shook his head. 
“Okay... whewww... okay...” You braced yourself unsure of exactly what was going to come out of Jisung’s mouth. Jisung closed his eyes tightly. 
“WouldyoudowhatyoudidforChangbinniehyungformetoo?!” It all came out in a shouted jumble of words. You jumped at the volume of his voice and caught fragments of words but not enough to understand him. You shook your head. 
“Take a deep breath Sungie and slow down okay?” He took a couple more deep breaths and then closed his eyes again, softly this time. 
“Would you do what you did for Changbin hyung for me too?” Your brow furrowed in confusion and then the memory of you blowing Changbin under the table when Jisung came home flashed through your mind. You tried to play stupid. 
“Uh what do you mean? What did I do for Changbin?” Jisung’s face was buried in both of his hands embarrassed to say. 
“Well... you... know... you... uh... sucked his... d-” 
“HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?!” Jisung jumped and looked terrified that he had in fact upset you. You were just caught off guard finding out he knew; you coughed and lowered your voice. 
“How do you know that?” Jisung wrung his hands together. 
“Changbinnie hyung said you were going to be over for the weekend. When I came home I saw your shoes by the door and then... well I saw your feet poking out from under the table a bit, that and Changbin hyung looked like he was about to explode.” Your face felt hot. You were so embarrassed to find out that Jisung knew the whole time that you had been under the table. Then it registered and you remembered Jisung’s actual question. 
“Wait did you ask me...” Jisung waved you off in a panic. 
“Never mind about that, sorry! I shouldn’t have suggested it! You’re my friend and I respect you and I shouldn’t have...” You couldn’t help but be endeared by his babbling. 
“Sungie do you want me to suck you off or not?” His eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open. 
“Words Jisungie. Do you want me to suck your cock?” He gulped hard shaking his head up and down. 
“Yes!” You tsked him. 
“Yes what Ji?”  
“YES PLEASE!” You hummed pleased and smiled at him. 
“Good boy.” You got on your knees in front of him and ran your hands up his firm thighs towards the waist band of his pants. He looked down at you with his wide hopeful eyes. You could see his pants already starting to tent from his growing erection. You slowly unbuttoned his pants, dragging the zipper down one tooth at a time, a little whine came out of the back of Jisung’s throat and you looked up at him. 
“Aww poor Sungie, you need it bad don’t you baby?” Jisung licked his lips and nodded. 
“Please?” You smiled at him sweetly 
“You asked so nicely how could I say no?” You grabbed the waist band of Jisung’s pants and underwear and pulled both down to his ankles. His cock was hard and leaking, smooth and pretty and while not as big as Changbin’s he was not lacking. 
“Such a pretty cock Jisungie.” You praised him. 
“Really?” He sounded surprised by your compliment. 
“Oh yes Ji, pretty cock for a pretty boy.” His cheeks started turning red and you thought it was so cute. You had always thought Jisung was cute, his chubby cheeks and toothy smile. You licked your hand and wrapped your fingers around his cock. You started to stroke him slowly, your thumb rubbing the tip of his cock before twisting your wrist and sliding down his shaft again. 
“Ffuck!” Jisung’s cock started leaking even more precum. 
“You’re not going to cum already are you Sungie?” You leaned forward and licked the precum off the head of his dick and he twitched in your hand hard. 
“N-nno I w-won’t please suck on it please!” The way he begged for your mouth made your body buzz with excitement and you could feel your arousal wetting your panties. You nodded and started gently sucking on the head of Jisung’s cock, slowly going further down his shaft, coating him in your saliva. Jisung gathered all your hair into a ponytail and looked down at you with your mouth full of his dick. When he hit the back of your throat and you gagged you pulled off and started jerking him off, looking up at him, your hair still held back by his hand. 
“You’re such a gentleman Jisungie, holding my hair back for me while a choke on your cock.” You hummed and took him back into your mouth bobbing your head up and down sucking, drooling, and swirling your tongue around him. 
“It’s s-so good y/n feels... Oh FUCK!” Jisung was glad the studio was soundproof because he moaned out uncontrollably when you gagged on his dick again and continued to suck him off. The grip he had on your hair tightened a bit as you repeatedly took his cock to the back of your throat, squelching, spitting, and gagging on it with pleasure before pulling off and stroking him again, harder than before. 
“You’re being so good for me Sungie. Stand up.” He did as you said although on shaky legs since you were still firmly jerking him off. He looked down at you and thought he’d died and gone to heaven. You were kneeling in front of him, blushing, your chin covered in spit and precum giving him those sparkling doe eyes. 
“Okay Jisungie, fuck my face.”  
“Excuse me what...” You giggled a little, seeing you all messy and sweet then hearing that come from your mouth short circuited something in Jisung’s brain for a moment. You repeated. 
“I said choke me with your pretty cock, make me deep throat you, hold me down on your dick until I’m gasping for air, face fuck me Ji, be good and I'll let you cum wherever you want. 
Jisung twitched uncontrollably in your hand and he got a little sparkle in his eye. 
“A-anywhere?” He asked unbelieving and you nodded, kissing the tip of his dick softly again and again. 
“That’s right baby. Now, fuck. My. Face.” You took Jisung’s cock into your mouth again and started a good rhythm then Jisung started to gently thrust into your mouth testing the waters. When you hummed in pleasure he went a little harder. Your hands came up and grabbed his ass pushing him deeper into your throat still. Jisung got the hint and started fucking your throat harder and faster. The sound of your spit and gagging, you moaning around his cock, it all made Jisung feel so lightheaded. Jisung’s grip shifted and one of his hands cradled the back of your head as the other supported your jaw. Once he had his hold adjusted he really started jamming his dick into your throat. He pulled you off and tilted your head up to look at you. You were panting, a little sweaty, covered in spit and blushing. He shoved you back onto his cock, pinched your nose closed and pushed the back of your head down until your nose was buried into the soft spot above his cock. He made several shallow thrusts, drool dripped down his cock and balls as your throat constricted over and over again around the tip of his dick while you were struggled to breathe. Jisung looked down and realized you had one of your hands down your own pants riding and fucking yourself on your fingers as Jisung choked you with his cock. He pulled you off again and spit trailed from your fucked out face to the tip of his swollen red cock. You smirked up at him. 
“Where do you want to cum Jisungie? Hmm?” You started stroking him with your free hand, your other still teasing and rubbing your clit. He bit his lip and whispered embarrassed. 
“uhon your f...” You spit on his cock and started stroking him faster and harder. 
“Sorry Sungie I can’t hear you baby. Where do you want to come?” You sucked on the tip of his dick as you continued to stroke him fast and hard, your warm wet tongue teasing. You stopped playing with your pussy and started gently playing with his balls. 
“ON YOUR FACE! GOD PLEASE LET ME CUM ALL OVER YOUR PRETTY FUCKING FACE!” You spit on Jisung’s cock again and stroked him as fast as you could, two fingers from the hand playing with his balls followed a wet trail down until you were softly fingering his perineum. You aimed his dick at your face. 
“Do it Ji paint my face with your cum baby.” The strangled moan that came from Jisung as he came almost made you climax untouched. A thick stripe of cum shot across your lips and nose, another across your cheek and one eye, another across your nose and forehead, more across your other eye, it pooled in your puckered lips as more stripes of his cum shot across your face. Your hand had crept back down into your pants again and you rubbed your throbbing wet cunt as you started to lick at the cum dripping down your face. Jisung helped wipe you off and once your face was clean again you stood and slumped back on the couch your legs spread wide.  
“Look Sungie, you made such a mess.” Your hands trailed into your pants again and you played with your pussy. Jisung crawled on the floor on all fours and his face hovered over your warm cunt while you continued to tease and finger yourself. 
@acciocriativity @caroline-ds-world @chansynie @ughbehavior @jquellen27 @hyunelixies @fixation-dump @lachinitaaaaa @rinrinndou @bangchans-angel @laylasbunbunny @owo-manii-uwu @armystay89 @b00dyguts @purplenimsicle @caticorn61 @lauraneuuh @channieandhisgoonsquad @minnysproutgriffinteddy
“Come now Jisungie, clean up the mess you made baby.”  
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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Can you please make one of Muntant mayhem x reader? I bet you will do a awesome job on it! By the way love your content! <3
Beauty in the Bodega: part 1 (Fluff)
MM!Leonardo x reader
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Part 2
A/N: Thank you so much!😊💕💕 I’ve actually been wanting to write for Mutant Mayhem for some time now, but I just haven’t had any ideas until now💚 Inspired by when Mikey comments on Leo’s crush on April with: “Here he goes again”, and Donnie’s: “Every girl, man”, implying that MM Leo has had quite a few crushes in the past💙😏
Hope you enjoy!💚🐢
During a grocery run to the nearest bodega, Leonardo sees a girl that makes his heart skip and his insides feel warm.
Warnings: Spelling and Mutant Mayhem cuteness💙
The sewers beneath New York City were a chaotic blend of echoes as the four brothers moved stealthily through the shadows. With a memorized grocery list in hand, they moved silently and stealthily, just like their father had taught them to, each of them knowing exactly what to get.
Leonardo led the way, his keen eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of trouble. His younger brothers, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael, followed closely behind, their ninja senses sharp as they navigated the labyrinthine tunnels, until they made it to the familiar ladder that led them to the world of the humans.
As they reached the surface, the brothers climbed the nearby fire escape before sprinting across the roof, until they found themselves on top of the building that housed the small bodega. Leo surveyed the area, ensuring it was safe, before nodding to his brothers. With practiced ease, they slipped in through the ventilation system.
In the vent just above the store, the four turtles found themselves staring down at the mostly empty store. The only human being, the ever absent minded cashier at the cash register, who was busy with a very infuriating crossword, mumbling about a word that was causing them a lot of problems.
With a quick nod from Leonardo, the brothers crawled out of the vent and split up to cover more ground. Donnie took care of the toiletries, while lip syncing to the music playing in the bodega. Raph was busy finding kitchen and cleaning supplies, while Mikey was digging his way through the best junk food. Leo found himself in the snacks aisle, contemplating the various options. He remembered what his father had told him before they went out. Make sure the Doritos were party sized. Party sized Doritos. Remember that Leonardo.
The bell above the entrance to the bodega rang, altering the cashier and the brothers to a new presence in the small store. All four of them knew what that meant - hide. With lightning fast speed Donnie disappeared up into the vent, Raph found a spot among the cleaning supplies, and Mikey hid up above on top of the long lamps. Leo stayed on the ground, hiding behind the shelves, relieved when he realized that the cashier still hadn't noticed them.
Through the shelves, he caught a glimpse of the person who had just entered the bodega, and his heart almost stopped at the sight, making him drop the Doritos bag. Of course he had expected a human, but he had not expected one looking like you did. Your presence, seemingly ordinary yet captivating, drew Leo's gaze. He couldn't help but watch as you moved through the bodega, selecting items with an easy grace.
You came into the store, humming to the music that was playing in your headphones, totally oblivious to the eyes of Leonardo that were watching your every move.
Leo’s brothers, scattered throughout the store, noticed his distraction and exchanged knowing glances. Raphael, spotting Leo's fixation, smirked and made eye contact with Donatello, who joined in the silent communication with a playful grin.
Leo tried to regain his composure, tearing his eyes away from you for a split second, as he moved to a different shelf, before you managed to see him. His heart was beating, not just from the fear of getting caught by a human, but the thought of how close you were to him. But as you moved away to a shelf further away, Leo couldn’t help but follow along, making sure that he was staying hidden.
Leo watched as you gathered your things before walking up to the cash register. You placed your stuff in front of the cashier, waiting as they groggily started scanning your items. Leo and his brothers used this as an opportunity to get the last they needed, before hurrying back into the vent, all while the cashier was focused on your items.
With all of their groceries in bags, they hurried through the vent and up onto the roof, just in time to see you leave out the front door of the bodega with your newly bought groceries, once again humming to the music in your headphones.
“It feels like / Skuba duba dabda dididaj / Skuba duba dabda dididaj / I love you / Another cliche baby”, you sang along, doing a little dance as you walked.
Leo watched you with a smile, his heart skipping a beat at the sight. There was just something about humans, especially the ones like you, that just warmed his heart. Carefree, dancing and singing down the street, without having to worry about who was watching. How he wished he could do something like that, with someone just like you.
Raphael couldn't resist a teasing comment, hitting Leo’s arm when he saw him staring after you. "Well, well, look who's got heart in his eyes again. Leo, you've got a thing for grocery shopping now?"
Donatello joined in, smirking. "I think I saw a spark between Leo and that cereal box".
Michelangelo laughed. "Maybe it's love at first sight. Or should I say, love at first snack?", he said and pulled out a pack of oreos from his bag, causing both Donnie and Raph to hold their stomach in laughter.
Leo tried to brush off their comments, a faint blush visible under his mask. "It's nothing. Let's just go home".
“Booooooring”, Donnie groaned out loud, as he followed Leonardo’s lead back to the sewers. But his brothers weren't about to let him off the hook that easily.
As they made their way back home through the sewers, Leo’s brothers continued to tease him, comparing you to all the other girls that have caught his attention over the yes. Was it really so bad that he dreamed of getting a girlfriend one day? All human teenagers his age did the same, so was it wrong of him just because he was a turtle.
As they were about to round the corner before the entrance to their home, Leo stopped in realization. He had forgotten the Doritos.
“Oh shit”, he mumbled, before giving his bags to his brothers.
“Yo, what’s happening, man?”, Raph asked in confusion.
“I forgot the Doritos”, Leo said in a hurry. “Tell dad I’ll be back in a minute! I’ll hurry!” And with those words Leo was down the sewer before any of his brothers could protest.
Leo made it to the ladder and pushed the sewer cover off, only to stop dead in his tracks. Right in front of him on the alley floor was a perfect party sized Doritos bag, with a note taped to it.
Leo’s first thought was that he should run. The fear that a human had caught him burning in his throat. But he didn’t run. Instead he looked around to make sure he was alone, before he reached out and grabbed the bag, bringing it down to the sewer. Once at the foot of the ladder, Leo took a look at the note taped to the bag. It was hard to read with his shaking hands, but he managed.
“Hey stranger! I think you dropped this at the bodega, so I thought I would bring it to you. (Y/N) <3. P.S. You and your friends are quite noisy once you get up on the roof;)”.
Leo felt like fainting. A human had brought him the Doritos that his dad had asked him for. Not just any human, but you. The pretty human from the bodega.
Heat creepy up his cheeks, as he took the note and hid it in a pocket on his belt. Thinking back on Raph’s comment, Leo couldn’t help but giggle a little. He might have a thing for grocery shopping now.
A/N: MM Leonardo with his crushes gives me “Cliche Love Song” by Basim vibes. Also the song used💕
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yaut-jaknowit · 8 months
How bout something with a yautja and their partner (either human or yautja) gets hurt, like broken back level of hurt and the two just go through the ups and downs of recovery/healing together till the partner who has got hurt learns how to walk again and what not. How they get hurt up to you lol
When the Stars Align
Pairings: Gawtin (Female Yautja) x Reader
Word Count: 5942 (Whoops. A whopping ten pages)
Summary: For the year, you were closing up your cabin deep in the forest. It's done well and served its purpose during the warmth months but winter was coming. On the last night up there, you were walking the property only to come across a wounded animal.
Author Note: I hope it was okay to turn this a little different than you wanted it. If you want something else, let me know! I felt like this could be used as an excuse to finally reveal where reader met Gawtin originally. Little warning of blood, birth (not descriptive).
Part 2
Around the cabin deep in the forest was miles and miles of forest barely occupied by any other people. A life you wished to enjoy longer before reality crashes back down on you. The cool crisp air attempted to bite through your jacket, almost nipping at your skin. Winter was coming soon. The poor little cabin situated far from civilization was unreachable during this time. Which meant, at this time, it was time to close it down.
Food and some drinks had to be retrieved. All the pipes had to be blown out so they didn’t freeze and burst open. Any clothing you wanted back home was to be packed into the extra bags you’ve brought. Windows had to be boarded up. Lastly, the power shut off.
Alone, you sat out by the large fire pit, observing the flickering flames. The warm it produced was enough for you to sit outside comfortably with just a simple jacket.
Up here, this far in, there was no cell service, not to even call for an emergency. If you were in trouble, you had to either solve the problem yourself or somehow get yourself into range. Both options were difficult to obtain in the middle of an emergency. When it came to survival, that’s what you had to do unfortunately.
A sketch book and pencil sat in your hands, used but forgotten about currently. Thoughts crowded your mind too much to think clearly. Coming up here was always a great stress reliever when life became too hectic. Wintertime sucked. Unable to escape reality for just a weekend and be stuck at a job that drains you or able to just come up to enjoy nature at its finest.
Softly, your eyes closed. The forest grew louder, ears picking up every little sound possible from your spot. The fire before you continuing to crackle and pop at times. A constant source of heat to fight off the chill of the beginning night. This was your last night up for the year. You’ll be back up in late April and early May to reopen it for the year and enjoy it all over again.
Warm air turned the cool air surrounding you into a steam for just a moment. You stood up and stretched out. The sketch book in your hand was placed to the side, pencil on top of it. If you couldn’t get out of your thoughts, you needed to clear them. There were only so few things possible to do so.
You walked up the short three steps on the deck and into the cabin. It was small, reliable though. For years, since the seventies or so, it has withstood a freak tornado, too many wildfires to begin to count, and many thunderstorms. The lightning was always a danger and caused you to panic at every strike heard or seen. It’s seen many people as your family has shared throughout lots of members.
The flashlight you were searching for was swiped off the counter. Out the door you went. With the light in hand, you started to make a path you’ve taken so many times before. A path you could probably walk blind on. Content as can be, you were alert and mindful but still enjoyed nature.
Water running would be heard at the edge of your hearing, barely there. The creek. A tiny river that ran through the acres of land you now owned. Just on the other side was a thick marsh you didn’t dare step into again. Last time, you lost a flip flop to its depths. You stayed on the safe side and on the path that buddies up with the creek until a certain point.
But you stop. Despite the quiet creek, the forest… it was dead silent. No bugs. No birds. Not a single sound to disrupt the unease in the air. Your entire body tenses, fear pumping into your veins. The flash in hand slowly swiveled around to survey the area only to come up empty handed. Your ears strained to heard something but it was like the forest suddenly died.
Throughout your years, you knew there was something out there. Something dangerous. All you had on you was a switch blade. No bigger than five inches. If a creature came after you, the thing would offer little to no help against a true predator. Your hand patted the spot it sat in your jacket pocket for double measure. Same place it was earlier.
From there, your steps were light, soft on the way back to the safety of the cabin. Not a predator hunting but prey surviving. Your heart was racing in your ears, almost drowning out the sound of the creek. This was a feeling you’ve never felt before up here. Never. Yes, there’s bears, wolves, and cougars but this was different. Your throat bobbed, eyes being vigilant.
Something you didn’t notice before was a liquid glowing bright in the dark atmosphere. Like a moth to a light, you stepped up to it. It truly glowed. A liquid, neon green. As if someone had broken a glow stick and drippled it along the forest floor… and left a handprint on the next to you. A massive handprint. It was smeared partial but could easily engulf your head.
Of course, the first thing to come to mind was Bigfoot. As stupid as it sounds, what else could’ve made a print that large?! Who else was out here this far? Nothing or no one you knew.
You swallowed your apprehension and diverted from the well-worn path. Away from the creek and further into the forest you grew up in. You stalked the trail of this glowing liquid. It stood out like a sore thumb in the growing night.
Labored, painful wheezing rasped in the silent forest, breaking the pause of sound. For just a heartbeat, you felt relief there was something creating noise out here only to realize the meaning. A creature, probably wounded, was causing this entire situation. Your shoulders sagged before you pushed forward.
Through the dense foliage, you saw a lump covered in the green goo and furrowed your brows. The light from your torch was pointed at it. Said lump shuttered.
Stunned into terror, you choked on a gasp at the sight of this… this humanoid monster on its side. Dark eyes were pinned on your trembling frame. With one of its arms, it weakly sits up as if it was going to crawl up to you. Its other arm lashed out. A guttural snarl releasing from its strange mouth. A wounded animal cornered is the first thing that came to mind at the sight of it.
The deep, bloody wounds that covered its body prevented it from moving much more. That didn’t stop it from creating noises of warning and unspoken threats. More green fluids gushed out. Blood. The glowing stuff was its blood. You shuffled through your knowledge to figure if anything had glowing blood like this. At least anything native to this area.
But nothing.
Tears were welled in its strange, inhuman colored eyes. Instantly, your heart ached at the sight of the poor thing in pain and writhing on the ground, coated in blood. You, yourself, made a saddened noise, brows furrowed in sorrow.
As your eyes scanned along its dark skin, they stopped on something that stunned you once more. Its belly was extended, rounded. You took notice at sharp bulge for a moment. A baby. A baby had just kicked. Shit.
If you were terrified or concern for not only your life but for its before, you were definitely now. A mother was someone to be afraid of. Mama bears were no joke. But the fact this thing looked like it could kill you like any other predator in this forest, you lost all color on your face. The only thing stopping you from turning tail and running was the wounds that downed it.
Consider it stupid, you lowered yourself down to your knees, hands clasped in front of you. At your movement, the thing hissed a deadly call. The flashlight pointed at the ground before the creature. This thing watched with intent, not letting you out of its sight for a moment, not even blinking.
Its breathing was ragged and wet sounding. Horrible to be in such a position as an upcoming mother and terribly wounded. You blink slowly, like you would do to a cat and slightly lowered you head, like a dog. “He-hey,” you tried, voice cracking involuntarily. You huffed at the sound. It stayed silent besides its breathing. “You’re injured.” At that point, you could’ve slapped yourself silly. As if it didn’t know it was wounded. It grunted, hand fisting the pine needle blanketed grounds.
“Sorry, that was stupid of me.” You sighed before introducing yourself to it. All the while you did this, you continued to keep your voice low and soft. Truly though, in its eyes, you couldn’t tell if it could understand you or was gathering the will to pounce on you.
“I would like to help you, if you let-“ The creature snarl, head bowed, chin tucked as its arm wrapped around its abdomen. You notice the way its extended belly contracted slightly on itself.
Not only was this an expecting mother, but a mother in labor. You gnawed at your lip to the point copper could be tasted on your buds. How were you going to salvage this? What could be done? Did this thing even understand what you’re saying?!
Its head whipped up, eyes back on you. You hadn’t moved. “You’re in labor. Fuck, you’re in labor. I-I can help, maybe,”  you rambled and ran a hand through your hair. The action had it hissing at you. Instantly, you stopped and returned to your former position. “Sorry, just nervous.” You took a short pause to gather your thoughts again. “I don’t know why you’re hurt but those wounds need to be cleaned and bandaged. The fact you’re in labor doesn’t help.” It released a clicking, wet hiss.
Sometimes, you needed to learn to get to the point. Even in troubling times. “Okay, okay. I can help you to my cabin. It’s not too far from here. I can tend to your wounds. I don’t know much about birth but I can adapt quickly.” Hopefully. This was never a situation you thought was possible.
With a pause, you had a chance to fully look at it. To be honest, its face looked like if someone turned a crab into a human. You weren’t disgusted or concerned by the way it looked. Just something you’ve never even seen before.
The top of its head was a shaped like a dome. At the edges of said dome was strange parts that jutted out like a crest or crown. Similar to dreads, thick, long strands that looked like rubber fell from its head. The rest of its body was human enough looking. Just the face was nothing from here you’ve every seen or heard about before.
Her arm around its belly tightened as it seemed study, judge you from the safe distance between the two of you. You stayed exactly where you were, despite the way your legs protested. You had to gain her trust, even if it’s just the tiniest sliver for her to come to the cabin with you. Deep inside of your heart, you felt awful for what’s happened to her. If you were in a situation like this, you hoped someone had a kind enough heart to help you.
Slowly and deliberately, you raised both of your hands in the air, flashlight pointing up into the air. A sign to show her you are no threat. “Please, I just want to help you,” you pleaded, brows furrowed, and put all of your sincerity into your words. Deep, bone chilling bellowed shook the ground under your feet.
Like a stone wall crumbling, she sagged in her spot with a hefty groan. Her massive head bowed, eyes on the ground now.
Hope grew inside of you at the sight. Was she going to accept your offer? You’d feel awful leaving her out here like this. Even though you didn’t create the situation she was in. You continued to gnaw at you bottom lip as you let her take all the time in the word. You timidly rested your arms back on your legs, showing no signs of moving or aggression.
Barely noticeable, she dipped her head in confirmation. You had to stop yourself from cheering before the realization hit you. This unidentifiable creature understood you. She knew what you were saying. At least this made things possibly simpler for you.
First thing first: getting her on her feet and to the cabin. “I’m going to stand up now and walk over to you. Is that okay?” you stated and stayed where you were crouched until seeing her head bob. Relief bubbled in your system. You did exactly what you said. All of your movements were slow, timid, calculated in each step over to her. She hissed at first before quieting down.
Once close enough to her, you officially noticed the size of this creature. Massive. Entirely powerful and huge. This was just from looking down at her.
From here, you knelt down again to get to her level and access the damage up close now. You cringed at the sight of so many wounds but saw stitching a few healing marks. You tilted your head but didn’t bring it up. It was unknown if she could respond to you.
“Like I said, I have a cabin close by. Are you able to walk, or at least get to your feet so I can help you?” you questioned quietly, afraid to go any louder. The last thing you wanted was to enrage her somehow. Her eyes watched your every move carefully.
The moment her muscles twitched into movement, you leaped back, ready to bolt. She stopped immediately. Nervously, you laughed quietly and rubbed at the back of your neck. “Sorry,” you apologized and approached her again. One of your hands was outstretched for her to take. All she did was brush it off with a bellow and used a tree to struggle to her feet.
Your jaw dropped. She towered completely over you. If you thought of her as massive on the ground, this was totally different on her own two feet. Your eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. Fear consumed your emotions due to the fact you were frozen on your spot.
A guttural, pained groan snapped you from your thoughts. She still had an arm swaddling her abandoned, head temporarily bowed. You cleared your thought. “A-alright, we better get you to the cabin,” you broke the awkward silence and stared up at her. There was no chance to even try and carry her. Her weight alone could crush you like the bug you are compared to the creature.
Yet, at the sight of her, you knew she wouldn’t be able to walk on her own. Timidly, you inched towards her, observing her body language just in case. “You can use me as a crutch?” you offered and stopped once a foot away from her. She hissed out but made no move of aggression. You flinched at the noise, antsy. She did not like your suggestion.
The way she leaned against the tree gave you any idea though… Her making it back to the cabin on her own would either take far too long or she just wouldn’t make it anyhow. “Please. Take in all the issues against you, please,” you begged and shown within your eyes that all you meant was to help her.
She made a noise akin to an alligator. A tree was her support for the moment. She leaned forward to get closer to her face, careful of her wounds and belly. “I just want to help, okay?” you repeated, voice barely above a whisper. She released a snort that blew hot air into your face. A small part of your mind believed she was probably thinking on how you were going to withstand her weight. It was worth a try in your eyes.
When you didn’t back down, she reached out to place hand on your shoulder that engulfed it. The hand surely matched the print you saw earlier. You could see the fact her palm along would take up your entire face or simply snap your neck if she saw fit. A shaky breath released from your tense lungs.
More weight was shifted onto your fragile form as she left the tree. Neon blood smeared on the dark bark in her wake. She did her best to conceal her heavy, rasping breathing but this close to her, you heard the rattle in each inhale and exhale. Your heart ached at the sound, brows furrowed. What in the world could’ve done something like this?
Once the creature moved away from the tree, she nudged you forward. Like a cane, you let her use you to stable herself from tree to tree. Thankfully, this far into the forest, it was more wild, less groomed by your family. This meant more foliage and trees crowding each other. The creature swayed, stumbling behind you.
At one point, her legs nearly buckled. That caused what felt to be three hundred pounds to be shoved onto all at once. Thankfully, a tree had saved you from being crushed into a pancake. A tinge started in your back though. Great.
The pace both of you traveled at could’ve rivaled a snail. From the many breaks she had to take – not that you blamed her, to the fact she had to drag her feet. Making progress through the night was incredibly hard. The strain she put on you and lack of sleep were starting to catch up to you.
Your first yawn of the night began as you stepped into an all to familiar area around the cabin. It was part of the area that’s easily maintained. The trees here were sparser as you struggled to keep her up on her legs between the trunks. Your legs ached horribly after the unknown amount of time it has taken to get her this far.
Biting through the pain and yawns, you finally see the dark cabin through the foliage and felt the last bit of adrenaline enter your system. With this newfound energy, you marched on and got her to the steps of the front door. Once there, the creature switched her weight to lean on the porch’s support beam. You, yourself, rested against the cabin’s wall, breathing heavily. At least that’s over.
Sluggishly, you dragged yourself up the steps and opened the old door. For a moment, your eyes glanced around to find the best place for her to be. The bedroom is what came first. Sheets can either be washed and replaced. You glanced back at her with a sorrowful look. The poor thing was struggling to stay on her legs, still holding onto her stomach.
Her eyes narrowed. A low growl sounded in the back of her throat. You threw up your hands to show you’re still no threat to her. You gnawed again at your bottom lip while just standing there. All you could do was pray she understood you meant not ill intent towards her or her baby.
You stepped back from the door and made a grand sweeping motion. “This is my cabin.” The creature took a lungful of air, scenting the place. Slowly, she trudged up the three steps and onto the porch. It groaned and creaked underneath her massive size. Due to her size alone, she was unable to stand up completely, partially hunched over.
Green blood stained the wood, leaving behind a deadly trail in her wake. Instead of fretting over a small mess, you guided her into the place and over to the only bedroom. You opened the door and helped her inside. “I hope this is okay for you. The tub definitely wouldn’t have fit you and the living room probably wouldn't have been comfortable for you.” In all honesty, the cabin didn’t have much to offer besides the forest it was surrounded in. Not that you minded. But, in the moment…
Once she was sat down on the bed, you stepped away careful, hands partially raise. “Is-is this okay?” you asked and stood back to lean against the dresser behind you. Her eyes had yet to leave your exhausted form. But for the first time, they darted around the room before resting on you again. Her massive head dipped once, thick dreads shifting with the movement. You had to stop yourself from smiling brightly.
This wasn’t over. You pushed off of the dresser and walked over to the bathroom that was connected. There was a first aid kit somewhere in here.
It didn’t take long for you to return back to her side with the supplies. Carefully, you opened the box to show her the contents. “This is a first aid kit. It medical supplies so I-“ the box was swiped from your hands and into hers. You jerked your arms back and checked for any injuries. Nothing. You relaxed and watched as she dug through to find what she wanted.
With a sigh, you left again to get a bowl and some towels. Those wounds of her weren’t bleeding heavily anymore but they still needed to be cleaned up. You stepped back towards her timidly and showed off what you had. With a jerk of her head, she motioned for them to be set off to the side. You raised a brow but placed the bowl on the nightstand. The towels were tossed next to her.
The creature had its eyes on you again. Now, in the light of the cabin, you realized they were purple! A beautiful shade that easily caught your attention. But, you shook yourself free from your thoughts. She had lowered head, body tense, ready to lunge. Curses were forming in your brain as you stepped away from her, arms raised.
She followed your every move but never made one of herself. When you got to the door, she released a deadly snarl. Your first reaction was to slam the door closed. The cabin went quiet, besides the low crackling of the dying fire outside.
Okay then. You popped your lips and tried to piece the whole the situation together. What had you just done? All you could do was stare blankly at the closed door for a few long, unspeakable minutes. Then, you pulled yourself up by the bootstraps and trudged outside. The fire couldn’t be left out to burn all night.
By the fire again, you plopped down on a wooden bench and stared into the flickering flames. Next to you was the discarded sketch book and pencil. They felt heavier in your hands after picking them back up.
What had you done? Why was your heart so naïve to these things?! A wounded creature – or whatever that thing is – isn’t something you bring inside of your house? Cabin? Whatever. You groaned and cradled your head into your hands. “What am I going to do?” The things had kicked you out of your own cabin after you offered it shelter and medical supplies.
It’s a mother though, in labor. That thought pulled at your heart strings, making you feel horribly guilty. A hand ran through your locks of hair. Tomorrow is a new day. Could you even sleep while knowing that thing was in there with you? Was it hungry? You brought it water, though not drink.
Your mind was all over the place, trying to decipher the next course of action for the upcoming day. As you sat, alone, you felt eyes on you. Immediately, your head whipped up to find the window to the bedroom. There, in the dim light of the room, was the creature, watching you. Did it need something?
Both of your legs strained under your body but carried you to the bedroom door. Softly, your knuckles racked against the wood. “Are you okay? Do you need help?” Your voice was barely above a whisper, ear listening for movement.
Then, the door was ripped open. In a bout of terror, you reeled away, back slamming into the wall behind you and gasped harshly.
From many moments ago, the mother’s body was fairly cleaned up now. This allowed you to notice the fact she wore no shirt to cover her enlarged breasts. A squeak passed your lips. You shied your eyes away to look at the floor, stupid as it might be.
The creature huffed before making a clicking noise of sorts. Your eyes darted up to her face for only a second. She sighed once more. A warm, massive hand wrapped around your bicep and tugged you into the room. You released a yelp and squirmed in her hold. “Hey, wait! Please don’t hurt me,” you pleaded and did everything in your power to get free.
It took a fraction of her strength to push you back into a wall and effectively pinning you there. Instinctively, you bowed your head, body shaking like a left on a tree.
Nothing was done to you. Untensing a little, you glanced up at the towering figure as she peered down at you. Despite no words, her actions spoke loudly. She wasn’t going to hurt you. Your body relaxed, for the most part. “So, uh, what do you need?” you questioned and clutched your sketch book to your chest.
She stepped away from you and partially turned her back towards you. It was still a mess of wounds and glowing blood. “You want me to help you?” Stupid to ask as she was wanting you to already. Your nerves were getting the best of you.
Despite looking like nothing from this world, she expressed a deadpanned look. “Okay, okay, sorry. Just wanted to make sure. Alright?” You held up your hands, one holding the book. She snorted airily before grunting, claws flexing.
You cleared your throat. “If you don’t mind me asking… how far along are you?” A coppery taste touched your buds the longer you worried at your lips. She took a momentary pause before pointing at the ground. For a second, it was hard to figure out what she was doing. “Oh! Now, now. Got it…” So, you were right.
Before you had a chance to move away from the wall, a deadly hand encased your throat and pinned you hard against. A threatening, bone chilling snarl ripped from her throat next to your ear. The warning loud and clear. Then, she backed away and sat down on the bed. Like nothing had happened.
After shoving your heart back into your chest from your throat, you shakily walked up to her. Her back was facing you, allowing you to see all the past scars and new wound decorating it. A part of you wanted to reach out and touch them but reframed from doing that.
Fairly enough, the sheets were barely contaminated by her blood. A part of you appreciated that. Less of a job to clean up later. The towels you’ve given her earlier were half used, soaked in neon green blood. You grabbed a clean one, dipped it in the semi dirty water, before reaching out towards her back. “I’m going to touch your back now, okay?” you stated and only moved when given permission to wipe off her back.
Stroke after delicate stroke, dried and wet blood was washed away. The hours of the night went on as you worked on stitching close any large cut. Glancing at one of the round wounds in her back, you noticed something lodged in it. Carefully, you plucked a pair of tweezers and let her know your intentions.
It was delicate work to pull the unknown object from her flesh. Finally, you were able to get a good grasp and tugged it free. More blood gushed out. You placed a clean towel with even pressure on the newly opened wound.
In the grasp of the tweezers… was a bullet. You dropped it by accident but froze up. Something had shot her. Fear battled anger. Who in the hell shot her?! That meant someone trespassed onto your property to injure her. Your hands shook from boiling rage as new light shined on the situation. Someone had shot a mother. A clearly pregnant mother!
Instead of letting yourself get distracted, you focused back on the task on hand. It wasn’t long before the wounds were cleaned and covered. You stepped away from the lumbering giant, hands and clothing soaked with her blood. A shower was desperately needed after this has passed. “How do you feel?”
She turned around to face you, legs hanging over the edge of the bed now. A deep breath filled her lungs. The creature carefully stretched out her muscles to test her ability. Once she seem satisfied, she nodded her head. Either in gratitude or acknowledgment, you didn’t know. “Are you hungry?” This made her stop to think for a moment then nodded again.
Okay, communication was achievable, thankfully. You pressed your lips together in thought. “So… what do you eat?” Downright, she looked to be a predator with the size of those teeth. No herbivore on this planet had teeth like that. “I’m guessing meat?” Another nod.
Meat was something you could do. Right as you were about to leave, a thought came to mind. “Raw or cooked?” You realized your mistake. “Raw?” A nod. Makes sense.
You dug through the fridge and pulled out meat you were thinking of cooking up tonight. Someone else was in dire need of it. So, you go back to the bedroom and offered it to you. “Does this work? It’s all I have.” She took it.
Like the meat eater she is, the mother tore into the packaging and consumed the meat quickly. In such a quick manner, you didn’t have time to even get a word out. Hopefully, that could tie her over for a while. But she was eating for two, soon to be one. That reminded you of the other dire situation occurring in her belly.
Nervously, you scratched at the back of your neck. “So, the baby? You said you were having it now… is there anything I could do to help?” She stared at you. If this was the answer you were getting, then that means nothing to you. You sighed and picked up the sketch book from the dresser. “Okay, I’ll just be in the living room if you need me.”
Just like you said, you returned to the living, book in hand. Despite the weariness in your bones trying to drag you to sleep, you sat on the couch, sketching. Your pencil danced across the paper with an easer to sometimes chance it.
A piercing roar rattled your cabin. You awoke with a jolt, head whipping up to figure what was happening. A pencil stuck to your face fell down into the open sketch.
Pained, wheezing gasps and growls sounded from the only bedroom. You flinched at the sound of torture in the room. No wonder why the birth rate was on a decline.
Against your better judgement, you stalked over to the opened door and peered around the corner. Next to the bed was the creature, standing two wobbling legs. One of her hands was gripping the headrest so hard it had left a handprint in the metal. Her other hand was tearing into the drywall. You swallowed, throat bobbing as you observed the laboring mother, unsure on how to help. Your first mistake was to take a breath in to speak.
Her head snapped over to you. Shit. A deafening roar shook the house to its foundation. The mother pushed off of the wall and marched over to you. Like the prey you are, you were frozen to your spot. This thing stop right in front of your trembling form and roar right in your face. Spit flying to land on your skin as she huffed and puffed with caged anger.
Deep in your chest, you find your voice timidly. “Wha-what can I-I do to, to help?” is all you can say for the life of you.  The creature snarled threatening and took another step forward. Was this your demise? A lesson you weren’t going to learn from.
Her threatening display was done. She went over to the bed, knelt down, and rested her upper half on top of it.  With a sigh, you left but only to return with your sketch book. You didn’t know if she wanted someone to be in the room with her as this went only. If you were in a situation like this, you would like to have some comfort, even if it was a stranger.
Due to the way she didn’t react, you guessed it was okay with her. More hours of the night went along until the morning sun rose in the dawn. It took all of your effort to stay away during the process.
Once the night became day, you heard a shrill, squeaky, loud cry. Your head shot up, knocking against the wall behind you. The pain was brushed off as you watched the new mother cradle a sticky, gross green blob in her arms and flop against the bed. She purred a low noise to the baby and clicked to it, mandibles twitching playfully.
A wide smile broke across your face at the endearing sight. The sketch book in hand was closed and set off to the side but you stayed where you were. This was a mother and baby moment, you weren’t going to disrupt that by moving. The poor mother had gone through enough within the last twenty-four hours. She didn’t need the stress of you moving around.
The mother turned her head over to you and locked eyes. You tensed, unsure of her intentions. To break the ice, you spoke up softly. “Quite a cutie?” you tried but a loud knocking scared you.
Immediately, the creature snarl and cradled her baby closer all the while attempting to stand. You need to sooth her rose. You put your hands out as if calming a wild animal. “Wait, wait! Don’t! Let me go check it out, okay? Stay here and quiet,” you said and walked out of the room after she didn’t make any more moves to get up.
All the living room curtains were closed still from the night. The curtain next to the front door was white and let you see the outline of someone. Shit. Fuck! Mentally, you cursed up a storm as you tried to think of a good reason on why any one would be out here. Then, the creature popped into your mind. The bullet holes. She was being hunted. And these people were the hunters.
Determination flooded your system. You marched back into the bedroom, bypassing the confused but protective look on the mother’s face, and went up to the nightstand. In there was a gun your father kept up here all the time. In case of an emergency. This was one. You pulled the weapon out and checked it out. It had bullets in it. You turned to the mother. “Stay in here, please. I’ll deal with them, alright?”
The window caught your attention. You rushed over and closed the curtain. Luck had to be on your side.
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synnamonroll666 · 8 months
Crimson Eyes Of Desire
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Prompt 31: Monster Fucking Pairing: Syzoth X Fem!Reader Description: Worried after waking up to find that your husband's side of the bed was empty, you go on a search around your house to find him. Eventually, you find him outside, drenched in sweat and acting distance. He is hesitant to tell you what's wrong, but after a bit of prying, you finally learn the shocking truth... Warnings: Monster Fucking, Teratophilia, Hemipenes, Slight Claustrophobia Kink, Slight Dumbification, Mention Of Oviposition, Voice Kink, Biting, Marking, Acid Burns, Blood, Knotting, Breeding Kink, Breeding, Syzoth In Heat And Needs Some Help From His Loving Wife... Word Count: 4k A/N: Well, holy fuck! We did it! 😂 I did not think I would make it through the entire prompt list when starting Kinktober, but here we are! I honestly couldn't have done it without all of your support. I really appreciate it. I hope you have enjoyed Kinktober from me, and if any of you want part two of any of these fics, let me know. I already have ideas for more in the future. 🤭 Anyway, I wanted to make this last prompt special, so I went all out. I hope you all enjoy it! Happy Halloween, friends! 💚🖤💚🖤 Main MasterList: 🖤 Kinktober MasterList: 🖤 Synny's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil, @queenkhepri, @bihansthot, and @mmeerraa.
In my slumber, I brushed my hand against the mattress beside me to feel for my husband. But surprisingly, I found nothing. The feeling of the empty space next to me on the bed jolted me awake. Confused by this—since Syzoth would always stay by my side while I slept—I got up and began checking each room of our house for him.
I first went to the bathroom, assuming that he most likely had to use it and snuck off because he was too embarrassed to let me know. I knocked a few times and received no answer. Sighing, I opened the door in hopes he was in there. But my suspicion was shot down when I found an empty room before me.
Then I went to the kitchen, figuring that he needed a mid-night snack. Again, I found nothing—not even a crumb that would tell me he had been there for that very reason. Now very concerned about my lover, I began checking every room frantically, worried that something had happened to him.
Shocked to find no trace of Syzoth, my last option was outside. I put on my robe and slowly opened the front door. I wasn't the biggest fan of going outside at night, but I had to make sure that Syzoth was okay. I stood on the front porch and listened for any signs of his presence. Other than the sound of a light breeze brushing through the branches of trees and an owl in the distance, everything was fairly quiet. That was until I heard the rustling of a nearby bush.
Slowly, I left the safety of our porch and approached the bush before me. I knew it was risky, but I had to know if it was him. I was careful not to step on any branches as I walked through our yard, leaving the only sound I produced to be my slippers dragging along the grass. Finally, I rounded the bush to find Syzoth. I was relieved... For a moment...
Then I noticed how flushed and sweaty his skin was. He clearly knew of my presence, but refused to look in my direction.
"Do not come any closer!" He warned in a tone that sounded more like an animalistic growl than anything.
"Syzoth," I spoke as softly and calmly as I possibly could to sooth my husband of whatever had been troubling him. "What's wrong?"
I took another step towards him, and he quickly shifted away from me. I instantly took notice of how his breathing grew heavier as he did so, and I quickly became more concerned about his well-being.
"I-I told you to stay away!" He yelled through clenched teeth, his body growing even more visibly tense by the second.
His tone shocked me, but there was something in it that sounded like he felt guilty for treating me in such a way. Syzoth was usually a very calm and down-to-earth person, not like this—not with me. As much as he protested, I came forward and slowly—like I was trying not to scare off a frightened, wild animal—kneeled beside him. He turned himself away from me and hugged his knees to his chest as his body began to tremble violently. It was almost like... He was afraid?
"Syzoth, I am your wife!" I reminded him in a firm manner. "Now you need to tell me what's wrong!"
He heaved a deep sigh as his body tensed due to my close presence. Despite wanting so badly to know why my husband was acting so differently towards me, I let him take his time. He was clearly struggling to even function at the moment, let alone talk about it.
"T-T-There is something I never told you." He stammered in so quietly that it was almost inaudible, like he was about to share a secret with me. It almost sounded as if he was about to cry. "I feared it might have scared you away."
"Well, what is it?" I pried, and he went silent for a moment, as if he didn't trust his voice to speak.
"In Zaterran culture, we are known to... Mate with our lovers." He explained cautiously. "There is a lengthy courting process that we have never finished, which leads to a mating ritual we do to seal our bond for good. And right now, I'm..."
"I'm in heat... And I really need to finish that mating ritual now..." He admitted timidly, looking back at me for the first time. I was shocked to see his pupils so dilated that those beautiful lime-green eyes—which I adored so much—were almost completely swallowed up by the two black holes, which led right to his soul and showed me his hunger. This man was clearly starving for some much-needed attention. 
"O-Ok," I stuttered while looking up at him through my lashes in a shy manner. I could feel my cheeks burn with a sudden heat of desire, and I swallowed thickly before muttering my next choice of words. "H-How do you... Mate?"
The Zaterran seemed too ashamed of his needs to speak for a moment, his lips pursing in a thin line as he contemplated the next words to come out of his mouth. He lowered his head, his eyes averting mine as his shoulders dropped in defeat.  Then he exhaled deeply to prepare himself for what he was about to tell me.
"Well, I will start by transforming into my natural form." He froze for a minute, his eyes examining me to see if I was comfortable with what he was saying. Once he was sure that I seemed okay, he continued explaining. "Then I will begin rubbing myself against you to mark my scent on you. After that, I will enter you and begin breeding you. It will be a long process, but an enjoyable one. Once I finally reach my limit, I will proceed to fill you with my seed to impregnate you with my young."
A thousand thoughts fell into my mind at once, like a hail storm. I placed two fingers on each of my temples, rubbing them in slow and circular movements. It was a lot to take in—almost too much—but Syzoth needed this. So how could I deny my husband of it?
"This... Is a lot to take in..." I huffed a short laugh to tame the awkward aura that had fallen between us. "However, I'll be willing to do this... For you."
"Really? You're not uncomfortable with—with making love to my natural form?" He asked while glancing back at me with wide eyes, evidently astonished by my declaration.
"Of course not, Syzoth." Smiling reassuringly, I placed my hand on his clammy one. "I love you—all of you."
The worry in my husband's eyes melted away with pure love as he squeezed my hand tightly, soon leading me back into the house. Once we returned to our bedroom, we wasted no time and got fully undressed. He asked me to remove my own clothes, since if he were to do it for me, he could lose all control and rip them to shreds.
Did that make me even more nervous for what was to come? Yes. But I would try to be strong for him—I would endure all he would give me. The wild hunger in his eyes was growing by the second as we came closer and closer to starting the ritual. He took a step forward, stalking towards me like a predator hunting its prey.
"W-What about a safe word?" I suggested nervously, and he stopped in his tracks, raising an intrigued brow.
"A safe word?" He parroted as an amused smirk toyed on his lips.
"Yeah! It's something someone says during sex, so their lover knows that they have had too much." I explained, getting quite into the idea of it. Any other day, we would not need to have such an odd rule during our love-making. However, Syzoth was in a very wild state—one that would make it difficult for him to control himself. This was the only thing that somewhat calmed my nerves because I knew that Syzoth would stop at the quietest mutter of the chosen word.
He merely chuckled at the suggestion but nodded his head to show that I had been heard. "And what would your safe word be?"
I thought for a moment before the perfect word struck me. "Umm, mercy?"
"Mercy?" He laughed almost mockingly. "You would want me to grant mercy on you if things get too rough?"
"It's the best I got, ok?" I scoffed, my arms folding across my chest as my lips formed a pout. 
"Okay, okay." His laughter finally died down into words. "Mercy it is."
Now that that was clarified, that raw craving for me was clear in his eyes again. He took another step closer; his muscles rippled as his clothing strained to contain his broad chest. It was like he was filled with so much arousal that he was growing larger. Perhaps that was a Zaterran thing.
"So beautiful..." He growled lowly, his voice filled with a primal longing and hunger. Once he stood right in front of me—his tall form towering over my own to make me feel small and vulnerable—he then leaned into me closely, his body pressing into mine in a dominant way. His voice was so quiet that it was almost inaudible, but still somehow clear as water. "I'm going to make you mine."
An almost hypnotic sense of seduction and lust filled the words he spoke. For a moment, it felt as if my body was being caressed not just by Syzoth but also by his words themselves.
Being lulled into this moment of intoxicating seduction, I almost didn't even notice it when he changed into his natural form. It wasn't like I hadn't seen it before; when we were alone, he always transformed into it to loung around the house or in our backyard to soak up the rays of sun through his scales. But still, Syzoth was full of surprises. I realized this when I glanced down to discover that reptiles and humans were more different from each other than I thought.
"Two?! You have two?!" I shrieked, stumbling backwards as my mind grew way too overstimulated with all this new information it was receiving about my husband. My eyes were now glued to these two, long beasts of cocks before me. I couldn't believe it—they looked so unreal. Thick and veiny with knots on both heads, along with sharp-looking spines along the sides. The sight made me quite anxious.
"Yes, (Y/N). I have two penises." He confirmed, his voice now rough like gravel in his reptilian form. Though I didn't necessarily need him to, thanks to being able to see for myself, my sanity did because it was so damn unbelievable. "Usually, they would both enter the female's vagina at once to help the breeding process. However, I think you are too small to take both at once."
I thought of a solution to this dilemma, but it didn't take long for one to hit me like a truck. "You could put it in... My other hole?"
"Really? Would you be comfortable with that?" He narrowed his now-ruby eyes at me, clearly uncertain of what I was suggesting. It was so sweet that, despite being in this state, he was still insistent on making sure that I was comfortable with all that we did.
"Yeah. Honestly, I think it would make this feel even better." I stated, climbing onto the bed to get into position on my back. The Zaterran climbed on top of me just seconds later, his weight pushing me into the mattress as he got ready to begin.
His body brushed up against me, and with a quick nod of his head, he began nuzzling my throat. It took me a moment to figure out what he was doing, but once I remembered his words—about marking me with his scent—I spread my limbs out on the bed to allow him better access to my body. He continued to wiggle and rub against me, and I had to keep from laughing a few times due to how comical the situation was. Once he was finished, he nudged his nose under my jawline and inhaled deeply.
"Perfect," he uttered while his large hands gripped my forearms tightly to hold me down. Clearly, his work was a success, and he was ready to continue on with the ritual. "Are you ready, sunflower?"
"Yes." I breathed, closing my eyes to mentally prepare myself for what was to come.
"Here we go—" His words cut into a feral groan as he pushed both members into my two holes.
I screamed, not expecting it to hurt as much as it did. The stinging sensation was almost too much to bear as his girth stretched me wider than what was natural, almost ripping me in the process. He was usually so good to remember to prepare me before entering my body. But unfortunately, that hunger clouded his mind and made it easy to forget such an important step.
Luckily, my cries of discomfort brought him back to reality, and he froze within me for a moment to allow me to adjust the best I could. He raised a clawed hand up to my head, his nails carefully dragging through my hair as if to comfort me as the pain slowly began to melt away.
I found it funny how much bigger he was in this form, with the palm of his hand being the same size as my entire face. I actually liked it more than I had previously realized. His hand then slid beneath me, and with his sharp talons lightly dragging across my nape, I released a sigh as I began to relax under his tender touches.
Once the numbing pain finally subsided, I was able to feel him within me in detail. The spines were, surprisingly, not uncomfortable but rather enjoyable. They dug into my walls perfectly and helped graciously to stimulate those nerves within my core.
With the slightest utterance of approval to start, Syzoth's hips began to move. I keened as the spines pulled at my walls as he pulled out, before slowly pushing back in. In the beginning, Syzoth's crimson eyes stayed glued to mine, gazing upon them with adoration. A low rumble emitted from his chest, vibrating against my own and sending chills down my spine.
It didn't take too long for him to pick up the pace, and soon, his hips were snapping back and forth viciously. I screamed and moaned as his tips slammed into the sweet spots in both of my holes at the same time, pushing me closer and closer to the edge of bliss.
I tried writhing beneath him, but I was trapped under the weight of the Zaterran. The feeling of not being able to move was terrifying... But in all the right ways. My arousal spiked, and I instinctively raised my hands to claw at his sides and back, as if I were trapped under a boulder and trying to scratch my way free.
Syzoth only responded to this with a loud growl as he moved faster, clearly focused only on his thrusting patterns, which were driven by his need to breed me. Edging closer to the peak of passion, I was now shaking as each breath either hitched in my throat or caught on a gasp from the intense amount of pleasure I was receiving.
The sounds of the bedsheets tearing filtered the air, along with my thoughtless moans and his hisses and growls. No longer having anything suitable to hang onto—since the sheets and mattress had been destroyed by his claws—Syzoth then gripped onto me, his claws skinking into my skin but not enough to actually draw blood.
It wasn't until my orgasm finally reached me that he completely lost all control for good. As I lost all of my senses to the mind-numbing high that was coursing through each of my veins, something in Syzoth snapped, sending him into a downward spiral into his true Zaterran nature. His claws finally dug deep into my flesh, pinning me against him as he slammed into me at high speed.
He pounded so deeply within my aching canal that I swore he was trying to enter my womb. And I didn't know that it was really his intent until he spoke words of confirmation.
"Come on! Take my seed into your womb! Get pregnant!" He roared viciously, his tail snapping back and forth around the room, knocking items of unimportance off my nightstand and shelves.
Though I couldn't pay much attention to the comotion around me because his deep and rough reptilian voice had my heart vibrating from lust, it was the only thing I could focus on in the moment—the only thing keeping me somewhat grounded to reality. I wasn't sure if it was the moment, the words he spoke, or the sound of his Zaterran voice in that tone, but I was completely high off of it, like it was some sort of intense drug.
"Take it! Take it! Come on! Arrrrrrrgh!" With one final roar tearing from his leathery throat, Syzoth released within me, hot ropes of seed shooting down both holes like rockets. 
I buried my face in his chest, crying as the overstimulation nearly grew to be too much to bear. For a split second, I contemplated using my safe word. But looking back up at him, through the look of primal determination in his cruel, crimson eyes, I saw love and passion—love and passion for the future mother of his children. And that was more than enough to push me through.
After what felt like several minutes of him ejaculating within me and stuffing me beyond full, he collapsed on top of me, yet again trapping me beneath my weight. I almost couldn't breathe since he was practically crushing me. Luckily, when I let out a small gasp for air, he realized this and slightly lifted himself up to relieve some of the pressure on my form.
Though that wasn't the only reason why I took that sharp intake of breath. The sudden overstimulation of being stretched open just a little bit more than I had been previously had my lips parting as the air caught in my throat. But I didn't think too much of it at the time.
"You did so well, sunshine." He cooed lovingly, his voice still deep and hoarse and still sending chills down my now-jellied spine. Though it held a sudden softness to it now, at the same time. He then averted his gaze to my stomach, chuckling lowly as he examined the area. "You are so swollen, my sweetheart. You already look pregnant with my young—so pretty."
He released his talons from my flesh to bring them up to my hair again, gently brushing them through the tangled strains to fix them like the loving husband he was. I sighed while letting my eyes fall shut, so comfortable and happy in his presence.
Though that peaceful moment lasted for a short time, because the next thing I knew, I felt something long and strong snaking tightly around my waist. My eyes shot back open, and I glanced down to see his tail wrapping around me again and again, caging me within its grasp. When I looked back up at my lover's face, his stiff reptilian lips had formed a dangerous grin.
"Now for the final part." He announced, his voice deep and growlly yet again. "The marking process."
"W-What does that mean?" I stuttered weakly between still uneven breaths, unable to fully calm myself from the previous events, which made me nervous for the next ones that my husband had in mind.
"It means I will have to bite your neck as just a thin layer of my acid covers my canines, allowing me to brand you as my mate." He explained casually, like it was nothing at all. But then, his voice grew just a bit of humanity back into it as he spoke his next sentence. "If you are uncomfortable with this—"
"No," I interrupted him abruptly, not really thinking of my words before speaking them. And that was because I didn't need to, because I was already sure. "I want you to."
"Are you sure?" He asked, peering down at me with concern thick in his eyes.
Raising a hand to his cheek, I brushed my fingers along the rough scales. His eyes then fluttered shut as he leaned into my touch, a soft rumble coming from within him, imitating a low purr. I gently placed my lips upon his snoot, and his eyes shot open, as if he were astonished by the gesture.
When I pulled back, I gazed up at him with nothing but love in my eyes for the man as I murmured, "Yes, Syzoth. Make me your mate for good."
"Ok." He whispered before lowering his face to my neck, his teeth gently grazing the flesh as if to test the waters. "Do you trust me?"
"I trust you." I whimpered, my body quivering slightly. Not from fear, but from anticipation. I knew Syzoth would never put me in harm's way. I really did trust him with all my heart.
With those words being spoken, Syzoth allowed his teeth to continue grazing my neck for a moment longer before letting his sharp canines sink into its soft flesh. I cried out in pain, and Syzoth had to hold down my arms to keep me from writhing so he could complete the mating ritual.
Tears filled my eyes as a hint of acid stung my skin, staining it crimson. Though deep down, I felt okay because I knew Syzoth would never put my life in danger—I knew that by scarring me with his bite, I would be his forever.
The acid worked quickly to burn a small portion of my skin away to engrave the marks of his teeth into my flesh. The pain pierced nerves within me and made it hard to stay still, but I tried my best for him. After all was said and done, he released my throat.
His scaley lips lingered upon the bite for a moment before he freed his long tongue to gently caress the area, lapping up the blood and soothing the scorching pain that seared through the bite. Once he was sure that the wound was clean, he pulled back and stared down at me with a loving gaze filling his eyes as my blood dripped down his chin.
I wanted to tell him how much I loved him—that I was so blessed to call him my husband—but like the acid did to my throat, the experience had melted my brain. I was too tired—too in shock—to speak or function at all. So I just laid there, my dopey eyes watching my pretty Zaterran contently. I was so numb from everything that I could barely feel now—so numb that I barely even felt the two knots swelling within my holes. But regardless of not knowing what was going on below my waist, I knew I would be sore tomorrow.
"My precious wife, you will look so beautiful carrying my children." Syzoth murmured, his Zaterran tone still coarse but gentle with the tenderness of the moment. "I am so proud and honored to call you my mate."
After speaking his words of adoration, Syzoth pressed his forehead against my own. He had told me about this before—that it was a way to say "I love you" in Zaterran. The gesture meant more to me than any kiss or hug I had ever received. When he finally moved—several moments later—he nuzzled his nose into my neck once more, though now it was just to cuddle.
His tail curled around me in a protective manner, and soon after, soft snores were heard from the sweet boy. I couldn't have been happier—I couldn't have felt more loved and wanted. I could feel the magical swirling feeling of butterflies within my stomach, and something told me that it was his seed being conceived into sweet little eggs of our young.
I rested my hands on his back, gently stroking his scales as I began to drift off as well. I knew that he would be just as good of a father as he was a husband, and I couldn't wait to start that beautiful journey with him in the near future.
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vhagarlovebot · 2 years
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♡. ── gif credit. ; ( aemond targaryen masterlist. )
pairings: prince aemond targaryen x fem!reader.
summary: did aemond targaryen ever love you?
content contains: this is pure angst with no happy ending, if you’re not comfortable with it i suggest you not to read. aemond being a piece of shit.
note: i’m a real whore for angst and i couldn’t leave babygirl aemond out of it. if there are any mistakes i apologize but as some of you may know english is not my first language. hope you enjoy! reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated.
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YOU NEVER THOUGHT aemond targaryen would break your heart, how silly you were.
the moment you felt your heart being crushed was during dinner. you knew something was happening the minute you entered the room and were met with a familiar face. you did not knew her name but have seen her face before. this was a family dinner. a private family dinner, and she was standing next to the prince, a nervous smile on her face.
aemond paid you no mind when you walked past them, just the girl who bowed at you.
jacaerys, your older brother, had grab your arm, leading you to a secluded corner. his eyes were full of worry. “aemond is marrying lady ellyn baratheon.”
your world fell apart in that moment. and if it had not been for your brother’s hold on you, you would have dropped to your knees.
you knew aemond would ask for your hand, you have talked about that just hours before while his head rested on your lap, your fingers caressing his face.
later that night when you went to his chambers to demand an explanation, the doors remained closed. no matter how loud you screamed and cried, he never opened them. not even the day after that, or the next.
and no one knew what was happening. your relationship was never a secret to your family, even though you two tried very hard to hide it from them. so it was a shock when he announced his wish to marry the baratheon girl. his own mother had demanded an explanation for his sudden decision, but aemond never granted her or anyone with one.
the days where you’d walk through the gardens holding his arm, talking about the future and how far would you fly with your dragons if you could, turned into cloudy days spent in your chambers crying. the beautiful moments you two once shared turned into memories impossible to forget.
aemond not once tried to visit or talk to you, even when your absence was evident. the girl he loved so much turned into a mere inconvenience easy to be removed. was that always his plan? were any of the things he said true?
when your mother came to you with the option to go back to dragonstone, you tried to talk with aemond one last time.
you waited for him in the dragonpit for hours, until the night came and he descended from his dragon.
he was really surprised to see you for a moment, before his expression changed to a hard disgusted one. “you should not be here at this hour, princess.” he nodded, not meeting your eyes and simply walking past you.
“did you ever love me?” your voice came more weaker and raspy than you intended.
aemond stopped immediately and your heart, hammering against your chest, held onto a flame of hope.
but the second he turned around, clench jaw and eye devoid of any emotion, you knew it was all over.
“i do not wish for gossip to reach the ears of my wife-to-be and stir up unnecessary trouble.” and just like that the flame of hope died down. “it is improper for a princess to be wandering around this late unescorted.” and just with a nod he ended the conversation.
you were left behind bloodied and bruised, the pieces of your heart at your feet.
hugging yourself you fell to the ground, tears streaming down your face while you tried to comprehend how the man that once killed a man for you, the man that used to profess his undying love for you, is now incapable to look you in the eyes.
the following morning you were found by the dragonkeepers, almost passed out due to the cold, being taken to your chambers immediately.
when you woke up, you wished for it to be a bad dream. but the faces of your family, full of pity and worry, told you otherwise.
that same night you accepted your mother’s suggestion, flying on dragon’s back at sunrise. leaving behind once loving and happy memories, hoping time would make the pain fade away.
you did not heard from aemond targaryen until two years later when a letter came from king’s landing, and all those memories you tried to bury away came flooding back to haunt you.
after you watched the unopened letter burn, you never heard from aemond targaryen again.
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finnbbl · 3 months
Hyunjin x M! Reader - Dancer AU | SMAU | Chapter 7
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Ch. 7 - Friend? | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter |
| Story Masterlist |
Written: Yes
Smau: Yes
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: I just wanted to mention that I’m aware this may not be how it actually is to be a backup dancer, or that this stuff wouldn’t actually happen IRL. However, it is just a story and an AU so it really isn’t that serious. I ask to just enjoy the story and not criticize plz !! tysm for your support :)
Warnings: Swearing, Sex jokes lol
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That conversation was one you particularly weren’t fond of. It did you no good and only flooded back negative memories. Sounds silly, but you had your own reasons. All you could have hoped was that they were just bluffing and wouldn’t actually try to go through with the idea. What really shocked you was Lia. She was on board with it and was encouraging it, despite what you had told her years prior. Maybe she just forgot? Or did you imagine you told her and to never really did. Both was a possibility and now you were second guessing yourself. If the second option was true then you were upset for no reason, which only caused you to feel guilty. All these thoughts ran through your head and it felt like one big jumbled mess. You sighed as you saw the studio come into sight. You had arrived, thank god. Maybe you could push everything out of your head now.
As you guys stepped off the bus one by one, you were led by staff members were you were given instructions. You had about 10 minutes before group rehearsal would start. You’d actually be dancing with Stray Kids. It started to be come hard to believe, how had you gotten to this point? No idea, but all you knew is you were incredibly lucky. And you weren’t gonna allow yourself to let them down or take this opportunity for granted. As everyone was doing stretches or warming up, the eight of them wandered in. Laughing and bantering with each other. You decided to try and avoid eye contact with them right now, especially Hyunjin. This whole thing was new and you felt rather awkward about the situation. Making eye contact with him would only make you start thinking, and you’d most likely be distracted. You couldn’t afford it right now. So, you blocked everyone out as you continued your leg stretches. It was definitely something you’d always struggled with. You weren’t the most flexible and always had trouble with this particular stretch. Sitting on the floor as you did your best to reach your toes.
However, this was quickly interrupted as everyone was called by the choreographer. He was there to make sure everyone was on point. His plan was to watch the members do it, then the backup dancers. Followed by combining everyone to make sure it looked good. That’s when something had caught your ear. They said you had only one day to rehearse, you must’ve gotten dates mixed up. It wasn’t really a problem for you, but it was stress inducing none the less. You’d made a mistake of mixing up the dates and now you had to deal with it. You convinced yourself you’d be fine.
Hours and hours went on of rehearsal. It was exhausting dancing for hours upon hours for sure, but dance was something that had brought you comfort and peace. Even with the yelling, the sound of feet against the floor and deep breaths of the others around you. Somehow you were able to tune it out, and focus on your performance and matching the moves to the music. Then, it wasn’t long before it came to an end. Around 9 P.M. it was. Staff, managers, and the choreographer had praised you all. They gave encouraging words as you exited the building. You all waited and waited for the buses to show up outside. Everyone else had seemed to have had their own little groups already. They must’ve all known each other already, wasn’t that great for you. It felt so awkward, standing off to the side as you impatiently tapped your foot on the ground, hoping the buses would show up soon. Fortunately for you, you received a phone call. That would give you some relief and not make you feel like an absolute idiot all by yourself.
Pulling the phone out of your pocket, you noticed it was San calling. Most likely to check up on you and see how your day went. San was probably one of your biggest supporters right now, aside from your girls. You could tell he was a very genuine person who had a very kind and fun personality. Swiping right, you brought the phone up to your ear.
“Hey, San! What’s up?” You spoke as you glanced around for the buses once more.
“Y/N! Just wanted to see how rehearsal went, was it fun?”
“Yeah, definitely. You know how much I enjoy this stuff.” You smiled, chuckling lightly into the phone. Making sure to be aware of how loud your voice was, not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention to yourself.
“Awesome, the concert’s in a few days right?” With hearing San’s question, you sighed. Being reminded of your careless mistake.
“Ah no actually. I mixed up the dates, it’s tomorrow.” You said sort of embarrassed.
“Well, it’s nothing you can’t handle I’m sure. I know your trip has been hectic so far but, hang in there. It’ll get easier.”
“Thank you, so much San. It means a lot.” Truly, you found his words quite comforting and reassuring. You’d traveled with a few other groups, sure. But none of them were as popular as this one. So although it was entirely new, there were definitely some things you had to adjust to.
“Oh I wanted to ask by the way-“ As San had started to ask, his question was interrupted by a small shriek that came from your side of the call. Followed by a male’s laugh.
You had felt someone poke your sides. You weren’t really ticklish, but it definitely caught you off guard and scared you a little bit. Turning around ready to swing, you were met with Hyunjin laughing. At this point you had suddenly forgot you were on the phone. Before you could say anything, San had brought you back to reality as he spoke.
“You okay?” A laugh had laced his voice. He had known the surface of your situation as you had explained a lot of it.
“Yeah I’m okay it’s just some idiot.” Making sure to put an emphasis on the ‘idiot’ part, specifically so the blonde male that decided to surprise you, could hear. His face fell into a playful pout as you focused your attention back on the phone call.
“Didn’t know your voice could go that high.” At this point, San had to be teasing you. It was a lie if you had claimed you weren’t embarrassed by that. In your eyes, it wasn’t a very flattering thing.
“Anyways, you sound busy so I’ll let you go.” You took a peek at Hyunjin who still had a small pout worn on his face.
“Alright then, bye San. Talk to you later.”
“See ya y/n.” Pressing your finger on the red button, ending the call with a smile. It quickly faltered as you turned to the blonde haired boy who has interrupted your call.
“Now was that necessary?” You let your head fall to the side with an unamused face, crossing your arms. “Was calling me an idiot necessary?” Hyunjin retorted, taking a step closer mocking your movements. Except his eyebrows were raised as if he was very much aware of what he was doing. Shaking your head and rolling your eyes. “Anyways, what do you want?” Your body relaxed as you searched for an answer in his facial expressions.
“I don’t know you seemed lonely so…” Hyunjin swung his body side to side. Almost as if he was trying to act shy, though both of you knew that was definitely not like him. Narrowing your eyes, a few brief moments of silence followed. “Well you must’ve not noticed I was in fact on the phone.” Sarcasm was now leading your voice. You hadn’t known him for very long, but for some reason you felt as if it was the opposite. Almost like you’d known him longer than Lia. Despite your hesitance of interacting with him, as the situation felt rather awkward and unusual, something about him drew you in. And it wasn’t long before those feelings of uneasiness got pushed to the side. You found yourself enjoying the banter you shared.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a familiar yet unfamiliar male voice. “Hey Hyunjin, why’d you run off so quick?” It was a short haired male, and you couldn’t help but notice that his face was rather representative of a fox. Remembering his name was Jeongin, or I.N, he glanced between you and Hyunjin. It shown on his face that his question was answered.
“Oh, this is my new friend Y/N.” The word “friend” fell out of his mouth, and it caught you off guard as you almost didn’t know what to say. “Friend?” You questioned, making sure your ears weren’t fooling you. “Yeah, I mean.. what you don’t wanna be?” That definitely wasn’t the case, you particularly didn’t mind it would just take some getting used to. “You’re always putting words in my mouth I swear dude.”
“Yeah, you’re just easy to tease that’s all.” He shot a dorky yet mischievous smile as you briefly raised your eyebrows. “Sure.” That’s when you two were interrupted by Jeongin. “You know we should go, I see the buses.” I.N spoke to Hyunjin, “I’ll be right there.” He said before turning back to you, “Well, see you tomorrow then.” He nudged you with his shoulders before lightly jogging back over with Jeongin. Waving bye to him as it was finally time to head back to the hotel. You wasted no time at all, it had seemed like a such a long day and you knew you’d most likely pass out as soon as your head hit the pillow.
Taglist: @silverstarburst @virluna148 @galaxycatdrawz @onementally-unstabel-kid @uso-dakedo
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darlingggdearest · 1 year
Genya and fem!reader who thought his fighting style and determination was really admirable and cool and wants to get to know him more, but everytime she tries, he's just too flustered
Genya with Fem! reader who thinks his fighting style is really cool
OMG I love this so much! thank you for requesting.
WARNING: None! enjoy!
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+ You were a demon slayer, just one rank lower than Genya. Genya had always caught your attention, from the way he looked to the way he held himself. One thing in particular caught your eye though, the way he fought.
+ You had tried to become friends with him a multitude of times. Finding him cool and admirable for the way he fights, but whenever you tried to walk up to him to introduce yourself, he'd walk away.
+ At first you thought he hated you, what you didn't realize is that the exact opposite was true. he'd run away from the sight of you not because he hated you, but because he really liked you. He liked you a bit too much, and in the world of the demon slayer, liking someone in a sense more than friendship is emotional suicide. He knew this, so it was ok right? He just had to keep his distance and- DAMN IT- you are too damn persistent!! He saw your figure emerging from the trees again. That damn perfect figure. With that damn perfect smile. And that damn perfect hair. And- he stopped his thoughts. BE GONE YOU AND YOUR PELVIC SORCERY. (I really hope people get that reference)
+ You waved your hand in the air. "Hey, Genya! What are you talking about?"
+ His face heat up, great- he accidentally said it out loud. To save what was left of his dignity, he turned around and hightailed it out of there. And that's what he kept doing, for a while.
+ Until you guys got paired up on a mission.
+ Now he couldn't run away, so instead, he came up with the best option he could think of: staying perfectly silent. That lasted about 15 minutes.
+ You started the conversation by telling him your name (he already knew because he asked his older brother about you) and he mustered up the confidence to shake your hand. Your skin felt so soft and warm to the touch, he defiantly held onto your hand a good 2 seconds longer than he should have, embarrassed, he overthought it the rest of the day.
+ The mission went well, after a few hours of fighting, the demon's head came off with a satisfying slice. And you got to see Genya fighting up close, which is always a good thing.
+ You felt overexcited from all the fighting, adrenalin most defiantly still flowing through your veins. So without thinking you let all of the things you had thought of Genya out. The way you thought he was so cool for fighting with a gun and a sword, the way he holds himself, and of course the "I am so honored to be able to fight by your side Genya!" At the end of your rant you had to take a big deep breath, realizing you hadn't been breathing through any of it. You look up, Genya stares back.
+ He is in complete shock. He had no idea that you thought these things about him. He feels proud? Embarrassed? Happy? Flustered? oh yes most defiantly flustered. His blush has not only causes a sheet of sweat across his face but it also stretches down his back and chest, even his fingers are blushing a bright crimson glow. His stomach is doing cartwheels. He can't quite focus on anything but you. Right now. Right in front of him. One side of him would do anything to not be in this moment, and the other would do anything to be in this moment forever. Both are fighting to the death inside of him. And before the second side could claim its victory, Genya faints.
+ He wakes up in a bed at the butterfly mansion with you sitting right next to him.
+ "Oh! You're awake!" you exclaim. "Shinobu said you'll be fine, it was just a tumble, she thinks that you stretched yourself too thin during the battle and you just need to get some rest."
+ That's it. He's excepted his defeat. He loves you. And now he's in trouble.
Should I post a part two??
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pixelmensupremacy · 2 years
If you feel like it , can I request an angsty fluff request. (Connor and Nines or Nines ) X female reader . Where Gavin berates Reader like he did with Connor in the game .. and it bothers them (LED flicks yellow red ) ...
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A/N: This turned out to be a bit more of Connor x reader though I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
Summary: The request
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: Gavin being a dick, Connor and Nines post deviancy, fem!reader
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Blending in with her new coworkers at the DPD proved to be more difficult than (Y/N) had originally anticipated.
For the few months she had worked as a detective at the Detroit police department, she had come to learn the hard way that some of her colleagues abruptly refused to have any relation with her whatsoever. Despite befriending quite a few colleagues, it still pained her she couldn’t freely chat with all of her coworkers. Yet she accepted the fact she couldn’t be friends with everyone, but what she couldn’t wrap her mind around was the rudeness detective Gavin Reed had towards her. His unreasonable discourtesy often got out of hand to the point where (Y/N) actively avoided him.
Whether it was irony or some twisted test the universe forced her to endure, she got paired with no other than detective Reed himself to investigate murders that seemed to be connected. To say (Y/N) was excited for this assignment would’ve been a lie. Well at first, she was glad to work on such intriguing and complex case up until Fowler announced Reed as her partner. Even though she tried her best to negotiate with her supervisor it was no use- she had no other option, but to withdraw and accept her fate.
Despite getting upset with the news, she tried her best to not let Gavin’s immature antics get in the way of her work. Even though (Y/N) tried to keep her composure -and even succeed for the most part- there was a drastic change in her otherwise warm demeanor didn’t go unnoticed by her android friends, who immediately picked up something different about her no one else could. Throughout the time the two androids knew (Y/N), they have learned a lot -if not everything- about her; her facial expressions and body language gave away everything about her both Connor and Nines needed to know.
Simultaneously checking her vitals and using her body language as an indicator for her mood had become a habit the two androids had developed; it was form of an indirect checkup to make sure (Y/N) was well and healthy, so they instantly noticed the worry in her features and in the way she behaved. At first, wanting to avoid further upsetting her, the two detectives didn’t question her. Yet they discussed their observations silently via data transmission even in times when she was present.
“It appears she is still troubled. Her dopamine levels are lower than usual.” Connor’s LED flashed in a glowing amber.
“I am positive she is indeed upset, but the cause still remains unidentified.” Nines’ head tilted slightly.
“For the most advanced prototype ever created, you do seem to not live up to the assets you should possess.”  The tiniest of smiles curled the corners of his lips.
“Enough.” Nines’ harsh voice took (Y/N) by surprise; she stopped talking as quick as she had begun and took a closer look at the boys. Were they communicating via telepathy?
“Am I interrupting something?” She raised her brow at them; the two looked back at her.
“No, no.” Nines began explaining “Connor was simply overloading my system with unnecessary data.” He went on, striking his predecessor with a stern look, who now looked at his feet in embarrassment.
“Okay, sure.” She rolled her eyes, buying none of it though she didn’t question them further. “Now if you don’t mind I gotta go. Duty calls.” She winked as she headed towards Gavin’s desk. She let out a deep sigh as if to collect any willpower she had left to put up with him for yet another day.
“Your ass finally decided to show up!” Gavin snickered through his shit-eating grin.
“Yeah, I’m glad to see you too, Reed!” She rolled her eyes as she sat across him, immediately busying herself with reports.
“You know it would’ve been nice if you smile for once. Hate to see your pretty face so grumpy.” He commented in his typical mocking tone.
“I don’t know about that, but maybe I will look happier if you shut up for once.” She gave him the fakest of smiles, fighting the growing urge to punch him in the face.
“Now let’s stop bitching and get back to work. These reports won’t write themselves.”
“What the hell is your problem?”  (Y/N) raised her voice, catching the attention of the two androids that happened to have witnessed the whole situation.
“Unlike you, I just want to get my job done.” Gavin stated as he typed away at his keyboard, not even glancing her way. She scoffed in response.
“You’re un- fucking -believable!” She stormed into the breakroom; tears formed in the corners of her eyes- she couldn’t bear it.
“Go after (Y/N)“ Nines’ LED flooded with multiple colors as he transferred the message to his predecessor, who already thought the same thing. "I’ll take care of detective Reed.” Connor shot him a brief look of puzzlement only to notice the bright red of his LED, but decided against stopping him- whatever was coming Gavin’s way was most definitely deserved.
Entering the break room, Connor was met with the sight of (Y/N) silently sitting on a table, the soft sounds of sobs being the only noise that echoed in the empty space.
“Detective” His hand gently landed on her shoulder; carefully, he rubbed her skin through the fabric of her clothes in a soothing manner, in hopes of calming her down. “May I help?”
“How?” Her head rose from the palms of her hands that have guarded her vulnerability, being her pained look, only to reveal the hopelessness woven in the (E/C) of her eyes. “There’s nothing we could do. No matter how many times I tried to be nice and understanding nothing seems to do it. He just hates my guts.” Another set of tears rolled down her cheeks, followed by a hiccup.
Connor had never seen her like this and he soon grew to resent it; the feelings of anger and disappointment grew within him. How could he have not noticed the root of the problem earlier? He quickly pushed these thoughts aside, for he had a far more urgent task- to take care of his friend.
“Humans tend to do many unreasonable and irrational things, one of them being their communication with others.” He began explaining all the while he filled a glass of water to give to (Y/N). “I came to learn that from my very first interaction with a human. Believe it or not, I had difficulties with detective Reed myself.”
“Really?” Curiosity flashed in her puffy eyes. “But you two hardly ever communicate. What’s your secret?” She sipped at the water; her gaze fixed on him in anticipation.
“That’s a long story.” He gave her a reassuring smile.
“Aw don’t leave me hanging.” She playfully hit his arm.
“Okay I’ll tell you… one day. Are you feeling better?” His soft brown eyes searched hers.
“Yeah. Thank you, Connor.” She pulled him in for a hug; speechless, leaving him speechless. Cautiously, he wrapped his arms around her form. He sighed in delight- the mission was a success. Right then sudden yells caught their attention. Looking at the direction the commotion came from, the two noticed Nines, holding Gavin by his collar.
“I have a feeling Gavin might want to avoid the three of us all together.”
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thelovelylolly · 1 year
I saw your requests are open, could i request a Billy Hargrove friends to lovers fake dating oneshot?
Reader has an outgoing personality and is super caring and protective of her loved ones.(If you know what the enneagram types are shes a 7 and in the mbti types shes an ENFP. If you dont know what those are, its all good dont worry about it!)
She grew up in a loving household but her family is having a get together and she told a family member she had a bf that way people would stop asking her about dating and now shes in a heap of trouble till she realizes no one in her family has met billy..?
Fake It
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Summary : After lying and telling your family you had a boyfriend, they want you to bring him to a family gathering. Realizing you needed a fake boyfriend, you ask your friend for help. Warnings : ooc billy, not proof read bc im sleepy Notes : ooooh i like this idea, thank you for requesting it! i hope you enjoy it <3
You knew you shouldn't have told your gossipy aunt that you had a boyfriend. She was visiting and she kept getting on your nerves. While doing schoolwork, she sat next to you and started asking about your love life. You wanted her off your back so you said you had a boyfriend and she seemed pleased by your answer.
Then your mom asked you to bring this mystery boyfriend to your family get together.
Of course your aunt would tell your mom, she couldn't shut her mouth and when it came to her sister, it was physically impossible. Then she spread it to the rest of the family and now, only a week out from the gathering, you needed a boyfriend and fast.
You ran through any of your guy friends that could work, but most of them had met your family and they knew you'd never date any of them. Steve was the closest to a possible date, but he wasn't the best liar.
You were laying on your bed as you thought through all your options. Maybe you could say that you had broken up with this made-up guy, but your family would dig for details. Maybe you could say he went to another school in another county, but that would clearly be a lie.
Then it hit you. You knew a guy who hadn't met your family, you had barely mentioned him at all to them, and he could play the part well. You rolled over and grabbed the phone, dialing his number quickly. It ringed a few times before you heard him pick up.
"Billy, I need your help."
"If this is about Mrs. Scott's research project, then-"
"No, it's nothing for school. I...I can explain this later but I need you to be my fake boyfriend."
Billy went quiet for a few moments and you thought he hung up.
"Billy, you there?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm here. It's just...fake boyfriend?" He replied before laughing. "I mean, in what situation do you need a fake boyfriend? You could easily get any guy to actually date you, why ask me?"
"Listen, my aunt told my entire family I have a boyfriend and they all want me to bring him to this family gathering I'm having. It'll just be a one time thing. You'll drive us there, we'll act like a nice couple, then go home and hopefully my family will stop bothering me."
"Okay...what's in it for me?"
You sighed, rolling onto you back to look at the ceiling. "Name it."
Billy thought for a moment, then said, "I want one real date."
"A...real date?"
"Mhm," he hummed.
You twisted the phone cord around your finger as blush warmed your cheeks. "Fine, we'll go on a real date."
"Alright, babe, see you at school."
You giggled. "Bye, Billy."
You heard a click from his end before you put your phone up, taking a deep breath. You couldn't believe Billy Hargrove agreed to be your fake boyfriend for your family gathering in exchange for a date.
The following week consisted of you and Billy hanging out at school more and calling each other at night. You two basically planned your entire relationship out, making sure your family couldn't poke holes in it. You two met at school in english class, he would walk you to your locker and next class everyday, you caught feelings but he confessed first, your first date was at a diner near the school, you go to all of his sports games and wear his jacket.
The day of your family get together, you got ready and waited for Billy to pick you up. Your parents had already gone over and most of your family has probable done the same. You heard Billy's Camaro pull into your driveway and you went out to meet him.
You slid into the passenger's seat and as you buckled your seatbelt, Billy leaned over and kissed your cheek. You instantly blushed, you hand reaching up to touch where his lips just were.
"W-what was that for?" You asked, a smile pulling at your lips.
"I'm getting into character," he answered, taking your hand in his and intertwining your fingers as he pulled out of the driveway.
You two pulled to the side of the road, across the street from your grandma's house. You both got out of the car and when you reached Billy's side, his hand found yours again. You smiled at him then led him to the front door.
You rang the doorbell and you heard a loud conversation approach the door, no doubt your grandma and your gossipy aunt. The door swung open and the conversation stopped, being replaced with excited cheers from your grandma and aunt.
"Oh, it's so good to see you, sweetheart!" Your grandma exclaimed, pulling you into a hug and squeezing you tightly.
"It's good to see you, too, grandma," you said as you pulled away from her tight grip. You saw your aunt and grandma's attention go from you to Billy.
"And who is this?" Your grandma asked, looking him up and down.
"This is my boyfriend, Billy," you quickly answered.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am," Billy said, shaking your grandma's hand carefully.
You smiled and slipped by as your grandma started to talk his ear off and compliment him. You gave your aunt a quick hug. You noticed how she was looking at you then Billy.
"This is the boyfriend you told me about?" Your aunt asked.
"Yes, why would I lie about that?"
She sighed and mumbled something about getting more wine. You looked over at you grandma and Billy, the two laughing at something Billy had said. Seeing him dressed up nicer than usual and getting along so well with your loved ones caused butterflies to flutter in your stomach.
Billy looked up from your grandma and made eye contact with you. You saw a soft smile slowly form on his face, which made you blush. Your grandma grabbed his hand then yours, snapping you two out of your little moment.
"You two must be starving! Come on, we were waiting on you two eat."
The actual dinner was easy. Everyone was mainly focused on eating, asking a few questions about you and Billy here and there. Sometime during dinner, Billy placed his hand on your knee. You kept your head down as you ate because you knew you were blushing.
But, of course, your aunt noticed. She swirled her glass of wine before taking a sip and placing it down. "So, Billy, what do you plan to do with my sweet, sweet niece after high school?"
"Oh, um," Billy muttered, looking at you and trying to think of an answer. You moved his hand from your knee and held it under the table, smiling at him. "Well, maybe move back to my hometown in California. I want to help her through college or her career, whatever she wants to do. Maybe even marry her one day."
Your mother and grandma 'aw'ed at the two of you as you smiled at each other. You aunt, however, still wasn't convinced. "You should know what she wants to do after high school, she never stops talking about her plans for the future."
You quickly tried to take control over the conversation. "Sometimes people change their minds once they actually graduate high school, you know? I mean, I know what I want but I don't know what I'm going to do until it actually happens."
"Hmm," you aunt hummed, grabbing her wine glass and leaning back in her chair. Her eyes darted between you and Billy, a skeptical look in her eyes. "You two are faking it."
"Honey, they're a young couple. Leave them alone-"
"No, mom, they're clearly faking it," you aunt said, cutting off your grandma. "He doesn't know what she wants after high school, he hasn't even thought about their future. I mean, it's clearly there-"
"I'm sorry not everyone has their entire lives planned out step by step!" You exclaimed. "I mean, you didn't even have your life planned out this far!"
"You two are faking it," you aunt paused and leaned in closer, "and you both are terrible liars."
You quickly got up from your seat and left the table, storming out of the room. Billy watched you leave before quickly following you. You walked outside, leaving the door open behind you since you knew Billy was following you.
"I can't believe her! It's probably just the wine, she can never get enough of it-"
"I mean, how dare she judge us? Her marriage failed and it didn't even last 5 years-"
"Maybe we should just go in there and admit it. Then we can leave and go our separate ways and-"
You finally stopped talking when Billy yelled your name. You looked at him, noticing how close you two were.
"What?" You asked.
Billy hesitated for a second then cupped your cheeks and kissed you. You melted almost instantly, your hands reaching up to get lost in his curly hair. His hands fell from your cheeks to your waist, pulling you as close as possible. You were on your tippy toes and you tilted your head to the side to deepen the kiss.
"Hey sweetie, I'm sorry-" You aunt walked out but froze when she saw you and Billy kissing. She quickly turned and walked away.
You two pulled away when she was gone, looking over at the door and laughing.
"Do you think she thinks we're faking now?" He joked.
"I doubt it, but there's one more thing we can do to really prove it."
"And what's that?"
"I owe you a date, remember?"
Billy smiled, cupping your cheek again before giving you a quick kiss. "Maybe we can that first date at the diner real."
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nadinebrooks · 1 month
Here is the link to my masterlist. - Here is the link to Part 1
The New Potions Master Part 2
Warnings: None. It took a while, but I was finally convinced to write a part two for this. I hope everyone enjoys it as much as part one.
The two of them felt like a pair of teenagers sneaking around. Well, at least this is what they imagined teenagers sneaking around felt like. (y/n) never had the chance to sneak around with boys while she was in school and Snape had been bullied so heavily that it never seemed like an option for him. 
Over the past couple of months there were lingering looks that turned into brief touches as they passed one another in the corridors which went on to finding empty classrooms and closets to kiss in when the two of them had some free time which eventually led to the two of them waking up in each others beds and having to scramble to get ready before classes started that morning. 
(y/n) (l/n) had become the new Potions Master at Hogwarts. Ever since she had become the new professor, the dungeons had become much livelier.
She was a young and enthusiastic witch, who quickly won over the hearts of students and professors alike. Her approach to teaching was dynamic, her lessons engaging, and her demeanor approachable. 
“Are we supposed to tell someone about this?” (y/n) asked Snape. The two of them had retired to her bedroom for the evening. She was sitting with her feet in his lap grading an assignment while he lazily flipped through a book. 
“Someone like who?” Snape’s eyes flicked up from the book and landed on hers.  
“Dumbledore?” She looked. “Do we not need to mention that we’re seeing each other? Isn’t there something against coworkers romantically being together?” 
“I was unaware that we were,” He smirked, flipping the page of his book. 
“Severus,” She giggled, lightly slapping his arm. “I’m being serious.” 
“No need to worry love,” he picked up one of her hands and gently kissed it. “I will talk to Dumbledore.” 
(y/n) felt her heart warm at his words, appreciating the rare moments when he let his guard down. “Thank you, but there is something I need to talk to you about.” 
“What is it?” He sat down the book he was reading to give her his undivided attention.
“It’s about Draco Malfoy. He’s been falling behind in Potions and I’m worried about him,” she explained. 
“Draco Malfoy?” Severus’s attention shifted to one of surprise and concern. “Falling behind? That is unusual. He excelled in my class.”
“I know,” (y/n) said, her brow furrowing. “That’s why it’s so troubling. He’s always been so diligent, but lately, he seems distracted and unfocused.” 
“I must admit there is more to Draco’s situation that you realize,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. 
“What do you mean?” Her curiosity piqued and she leaned closer. 
“Draco has been given a task by the Dark Lord,” Severus revealed, his voice low and tense. “A task that is far beyond his abilities and it is causing him a great deal of stress.” 
“What kind of task?” (y/n) felt a chill run down her spine. 
“For your safety, I do not want to discuss details. The less you know the better. But please know that I am doing everything in my power to help him. It’s a matter of life and death.” 
“Is there anything that I can do to help?” Her heart ached for Draco. She knew that this was punishment for Draco’s father getting caught at the ministry last year. 
“Just keep an eye on him. Offer him support when you can, but don’t pry too deeply. I also heard that Draco might have a schoolboy crush on you. That could also be a reason why he’s seeking extra attention in Potions.”
“Oh.” (y/n)’s eyes shot up in surprise. 
“Like I said, just keep an eye on him,” Snape’s expression darkened slightly, a hint of jealousy flickering in his eyes. “Draco has always sought approval. With his father being gone and you being a pretty and respected professor that's close close in age, it’s not surprising.” 
“I asked him about doing private lessons after class, but maybe I shouldn’t.” (y/n) said after a moment of thinking.
“Just be mindful of his feelings if you do. He needs all the support he can get right now.” Snape replied, reaching over and taking her hand in his. 
She squeezed his hand, grateful for his understanding. As they sat in comfortable silence, (y/n) found her thoughts drifting to another topic she had been curious about for a long time. 
“Severus,” she began hesitantly, “can you tell me about Lily Evans?” 
“What do you want to know about her?” His grip on her hand tightened momentarily and she saw a flicker of pain in his eyes. 
“I’ve heard bits and pieces, but I want to understand you better. I know she meant a lot to you.” (y/n) explained gently. 
Severus took a deep breath, his gaze distant as he gathered his thoughts. “Promise me you won’t think any differently of me?” 
“I could never. Look, I lov-” (y/n) immediately stopped herself from finishing that sentence and coughed to cover up what she was about to say. “I really like you, Severus, and it’s going to take a lot to turn me away from you.” 
“Lily was … extraordinary. She was kind, intelligent, and had a heart that saw the good in everyone. Even when they didn’t deserve it. Even when I didn’t deserve it.” He went on to talk about how he met Lily, their time in Hogwarts, and ultimately how he lost her as well. 
“You loved her.” It wasn’t a question and (y/n) knew the answer to it, but she wanted Severus to keep talking. 
“Yes.” He admitted quietly. “Back then, more than anything. But I lost her because of my mistakes. Because I chose the wrong path.” 
“You can’t change what happened.” She felt a pang of sympathy for him. “Now you can honor her memory by being the best version of yourself.” 
“Thank you for understanding.” His eyes filled with gratitude and sorrow.
“You know I’m here for you Severus.” She leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. 
The following days at Hogwarts were filled with a renewed sense of purpose for (y/n). She kept a close eye on Draco, offering subtle support and encouragement where she could. She also continued to grow closer to Severus, finding solace in their private moments together. 
One evening, (y/n) was working with Draco when there was a soft knock on her door. Hermione Granger opened the door and her eyes opened wide with surprise to find Draco working on the potion that they had been brewing in class earlier that day. 
Professor (y/n) excused herself and stepped outside to speak with Hermione. 
“Is it okay if I speak with you about something personal?” Her voice trembled slightly. 
“Of course. What’s wrong Hermione? Is it Ron again?” 
“He’s dating Lavender and I haven’t gotten a chance to tell him about my feelings.” Her cheeks flushed. “I don’t want to tell him now because it seems like I only find him interesting now that he’s got someone else.” 
“It’s always difficult to share your feelings, especially with someone close to you.” (y/n) smiled gently, remembering her own struggles with love. 
“I had a moment of weakness. I bought one of the Weasley twins' love potions, but I threw it away. It didn’t seem right.” 
You did the right thing, Hermione.” (y/n) reached out, placing a comforting hand on Hermione’s. “Using a love potion would have taken away his choice. It’s better to be honest and let him decide for himself.” 
“I just don’t know how to tell him.” Hermione nodded, tears glistening in her eyes. “What if I’m too late? What if he’s already moved on from me?” 
“He hasn’t,” (y/n) chuckled. “Like I told you, boys are stupid and don’t always make the right decision first. He’ll come around.” 
“Thank you Professor (l/n). I appreciate your advice.” Hermione gave a small smile, wiping away her tears. 
As Hermione left, (y/n) sat back, her thoughts drifting to Severus. She realized how much he had opened up to her, sharing his past and his pain. She felt a deep connection to him, one that grew stronger with each passing day. (y/n) knew that there was something she wanted to tell him tonight. 
Later that night, Severus visited her chambers once again. The glow of the fire danced in the dimly lit room, casting flickering shadows on the walls. Snape sat in his usual chair, his dark eyes focused on the flames. (y/n) was sitting across from him, feeling a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. She had been mulling over her feelings for days, and she knew it was time to share them. 
“Is something bothering you?” Snape broke the comfortable silence that had settled between them. (y/n) met his gaze which sent shivers down her spine. 
“There’s something I need to tell you.” She took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. 
“What is it?” His expression softened and he leaned forward slightly, sending her unease. 
“Severus, ever since I came to Hogwarts, you have been my rock. I know we had a rocky start, but you’ve supported me, listened to me, and shared parts of yourself that I know you keep hidden from everyone else.” 
He remained silent, his gaze unwavering as he waited for her to continue. 
“And over time,” she continued, her voice trembling slightly. “I’ve realized that my feelings for you have grown deeper than I ever expected. I care about you more than I can put into words, and I can’t keep it to myself any longer.” 
Severus’ eyes widened slightly, a mixture of surprise and curiosity playing across his features. “What are you trying to say (y/n)?” 
She took another deep breath, her heart now racing. “Severus, I love you. I love you with all my heart.” 
For a moment, there was silence, the cracking of the fire the only sound in the room. Severus’ expression was unreadable, his eyes searching hers as if trying to decipher her emotions. Then slowly, he stood up and crossed the room, stopping in front of her. 
“(y/n),” he said quietly, his voice filled with an emotion she couldn’t quite place. “Are you sure?” 
She stood as well, reaching out to take his hands in hers. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”
His hands tightened around hers, and she could see the conflict in his eyes - the fear of vulnerability, the hesitation to believe that someone could truly love him. But as she looked at her, her eyes filled with sincerity and love, she saw his resolve begin to waver. 
“Severus,” she whispered, stepping closer, “I love you. And I want to be with you, no matter what.” 
Something in his expression softened, and before she could say anything else, he pulled her into his arms, his lips crashing down on hers with an intensity that took her breath away. The kiss was filled with all the emotions he had kept locked away for so long - passion, longing, and deep, aching love. 
(y/n) responded eagerly, her arms wrapping around his neck as she melted into the kiss. She could feel the depth of his feelings in the way he held her, as if afraid she might disappear if he let go. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in a bubble of warmth and love. 
When they finally pulled away, both of them were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other. Severus reached up and gently cupped her face in his hands. 
“(y/n),” he murmured, his voice rough with emotion, “I never thought I could feel this way again. But you’ve shown me that it’s possible.” 
He smiled - a rare, genuine smile that lit up his face - and pulled her into another kiss, this one softer and filled with a promise of a future together.
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starsstuddedsky · 1 year
Chapter 1 - The Mistake
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reader x jihoon
masterlist | Chapter 2
summary: when you're caught in a simple lie, the best solution? dig in and stick to your guns until everything inevitably goes wrong and everyone gets hurt
or, a serial dater and a pessimist fake a relationship in the vain hope that nothing will go wrong
genre: fluff, angst, non-idol au, lawyer au, coworkers to lovers??? friends to lovers???? fake dating!!!!!
warnings: mentions of alcohol, food, bad decision making
wc: 3.9k
a/n: thank you all for being excited!!!! the first part is mostly the same as the teaser though there’s been some minor grammatical edits! I’m can’t believe it’s finally being dropped!!! I hope you all enjoy the chaos!!
updates: every tuesday
taglist: open! send an ask or comment!
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If Jihoon was stopped on the street and told to name three facts about you, he could probably do it. He doesn’t know your favorite color, or what you ate for dinner last night, but he knows where you went to school (since it’s been the same school as him since elementary school) and where you work (since it’s the same law firm he works at). He might struggle for a bit for a third fact, but eventually he’d settle for this: you are hopeless when it comes to love. 
Unfortunately, Soonyoung isn’t asking three facts about you, he is asking what Jihoon has planned for your anniversary. Jihoon blinks at Soonyoung, standing beside his table. 
“My anniversary?” 
“Yeah,” he says slowly. “With yn?” 
He runs a mental check of any possible thing that Soonyoung could be referring to, then checks his calendar on his phone. Both come up empty. 
To be honest, Jihoon would be more surprised if there is something he’s forgetting. Despite knowing you for so long (in the way that he’s grown up with you but hasn’t had an actual conversation with you since he was seven), he’d never call you his friend; at best, you're a coworker. 
But the way Soonyoung is looking at him now makes him wonder if he’s forgotten something, and worry that whatever he’s forgotten is important. 
“You don’t have anything planned?” Soonyoung says, loud enough for the couple sitting at the table across from Jihoon look up. Soonyoung doesn’t seem to notice. “Dude, it’s been a whole year. I can’t remember the last time yn has had a boyfriend for a full year, you have nothing planned?” 
Boyfriend? Jihoon stands up, snapping his laptop shut. “Look, I don’t really know what’s going on, and quite frankly, I don’t have time for it. Tell yn, or whoever is behind this prank that it’s not funny and to grow up.” He leaves Soonyoung standing there frowning, leaving the coffee shop and pulling his satchel over his shoulder. 
It’s a short walk from the coffee shop to the firm, and Jihoon uses it to think things through. Here’s what he knows: 1) Soonyoung is your best friend since middle school, 2) he isn’t the type to lie about this for fun, and 3) you have sworn off dating (a fourth fact!). So either A) Soonyoung lied (uncharacteristic) or B) you’ve lied (not out of character for you, you are a divorce lawyer). He figures the second option makes the most sense, though the why still troubles him. He waits for the elevator, staring at his distorted reflection that makes face shrink and his ears look comically large. 
The doors open with a small ding and a stream of people flow out. Jihoon politely steps to the side to let them through before getting on. Thankfully, it’s a much less crowded ride up, only a couple other people, none of whom are going to the firm on the nineteenth floor. Jihoon is able to focus completely on the person he otherwise has spent very little time thinking about: you. 
Despite knowing you for so many years, Jihoon really couldn’t say much about you (see above limited list of facts). What he does know is mostly filtered through Wonwoo, whose office is next to yours and separated by rather thin walls. Jihoon didn’t expect Wonwoo to be into gossip, especially since he’s known you since law school and actually calls himself your friend, but Jihoon has heard more about your love life than he ever wanted to. That’s why he knows of crucial fact #4: You have sworn off dating. 
He knows—from Wonwoo—that after your third boyfriend in as many months, you gave up on ever being able to balance dating and work, tired of having your heart broken over and over again. According to Wonwoo—who allegedly heard this from you over the phone with your friend (which Jihoon thinks is at the very least an invasion of privacy, but Wonwoo argued you were on a personal call during work hours so it’s free game)—you cited your failures in love to your own tendency to “catch feelings too fast” (he isn’t sure if Wonwoo was quoting you or using his own words, but they stuck with him). From Wonwoo’s lamenting, he knows that you’ve since sworn off dating, giving up on the pains of failed romance. So why does your best friend think that you’ve been dating him for the past year? 
He isn’t thinking when he walks into your office without knocking. You’re on the phone, though you hang up quickly when he walks in. You’re frowning, and he wonders if Soonyoung was on the phone when you hung up. You stand as he pulls the door shut behind him. 
“I can explain,” you say, confirming his suspicions. “It’s not what you think.” 
“Oh, so you haven’t lied to your friends and told them we’re dating?” Jihoon says, folding his arms. 
“It sounds bad when you say it like that,” you mumble. 
“It is bad,” he says, shaking his head. “Honestly, you’re lucky I don’t report you to HR. This is borderline harassment, you really should know better.” 
“I know,” you say, voice barely above a whisper. 
“Seriously, did you think you could get away with it? Soonyoung went to middle school and high school with us, surely you knew this wouldn’t last,” he says. “What were you going to do at a reunion?” 
“Well, I didn’t go last year,” you mumble. You leave out neither did you, but when you meet his eyes, he can tell that you aren’t totally beat. Not yet. 
“I just thought you were smarter than this,” Jihoon says. “I mean, we don’t know each other well, and I know you never scored as high as I did on tests, but I didn’t think you’d be this stupid.” 
“I get it, you think I didn’t think this through,” you say. “I really am sorry, but I don’t have the time to listen to you lecture me for a full hour, so can you at least make it quick?” 
Jihoon blinks. “Why?” He says, more statement than question. “Why did you lie?” 
You sigh, slumping into your chair. “Long story very short, I had a few too many bad relationships and I decided I wasn’t going to date anymore because apparently I have a tendency to fall in love with brick walls.” 
Jihoon figures it’s a bad idea to tell you he already knew that, opting to nod so that you continue to explain. 
“The problem is, pretty much none of my friends believed that I would actually be able to keep it up,” you say. “They thought that I’d fall for the first person that gave me an ounce of attention. The thing is, it actually did work. I haven’t been on a date in a year, and I think it’s been really, really good for me. But my friends didn’t believe it. 
“So I lied. I told them I started dating someone from work, and I did think it through: I said someone from the firm, since they don’t know anyone, and because my mystery boyfriend is a lawyer, they weren’t surprised when he was busy all the time and couldn’t come to anything. Plus, since it was someone from work, I could say that we had to keep everything quiet because I told them dating wasn’t allowed. Everything was perfect, actually.” 
Jihoon can almost see your logic. Almost. “Why me?” 
You’re quiet for a long moment, staring at your closed laptop. “They wanted a name, and yours was the first I thought of, and then the lie just sort of took on a life of its own.” You have the audacity to smile. “Did you know that you’ve been in love with me since elementary school?” 
Jihoon scoffs. “There’s no way they believed that.” 
“You’d be surprised,” you say, with a fond smile. It vanishes when you meet his glare. 
More than anything, Jihoon is confused, but the one thing he is absolutely certain about is that he doesn’t want anyone walking around thinking he’s dating someone that he isn’t, especially not when that someone is you.
 He can’t think of anyone more different than him; your office is testament to that, filled with all sorts of knick knacks and brightly colored pillows, mugs from around the world strategically spread around your bookshelves, which hold a combination of books on law as well as classic novels and collections of stories. He remembers that before you went to law school, you majored in English. Pride and Prejudice sits in between a copy of War and Peace and Beowulf, with a bright red glass ornament keeping them upright. 
He thinks about his own office. His only decorations were at the insistence of Seungkwan and Seungcheol: a plant that Jihoon was actively trying to kill (and starting to suspect is fake), a set of colorful highlighters that he would never use that Seungcheol said “brightened the room,” and a framed photograph of all of his friends at Seungkwan’s graduation. The last piece, a gift from Seungcheol, is the only one he will admit he doesn’t mind having in his office, but he could live without everything else. He doesn’t know how you manage to work with so much going on in your office. 
But the biggest difference between the two of you, Jihoon realizes, comes from a fundamentally different understanding of the world: while you seem to find love in everything (and everyone), Jihoon simply doesn’t believe it exists. 
The street lights in front of Joshua’s building are out, again. It used to set Jihoon on edge, but he’s come to expect it more often than not, and waits patiently as he rings the buzzer to be let in. 
He’s also late, again. The door swings open and he waves at the man behind the front desk. He should know his name with how often he visits Joshua’s apartment. There’s no one in the lobby and he gets to ride the elevator to the sixth floor alone. 
Mentally, he prepares himself for the chaos of the night. It’s been months since everyone has been able to get together (and even then, Wonwoo had to cancel because there was a complication in his case that left him stuck at the office even later than Jihoon). Still, the rest of the group—Joshua, Seungcheol, and Seungkwan—were finally able to meet up, which means that the night is going to at the very least be interesting. 
They didn’t wait for Jihoon to start drinking. He has to knock three times before the door finally swings open. Unfortunately, Mingyu is behind the door, and he practically lifts Jihoon off the ground, wrapping him in a hug. Jihoon has met him maybe six times but apparently that means that he’s close enough for a suffocating hug. 
“I haven’t seen you in six months!” He shouts, dragging Jihoon inside. The rest of the boys, in varying degrees of intoxication, tackle him as well. Seungkwan is close to tears, babbling in his ear about how long it’s been, and Seungcheol is one step away from kissing him on the cheek (Jihoon dodges it). 
Joshua is clearly more sober, settling for a quick hug when he finally disentangles himself from the others. 
“Work was good?” Joshua asks. 
Jihoon shrugs. “Work was work.” 
“You’re late,” Seungkwan says, still clinging to Jihoon’s arm. 
“You should be grateful I came at all,” Jihoon says, though he doesn’t push Seungkwan off. It isn't worth the effort when he knows that he’ll latch on again as soon as he can. He still shoves Mingyu before he can take his other arm. 
Jihoon lets Seungkwan drag him onto the couch. It’s long past dinner time, but there’s still plenty of snacks laid out. Despite the faulty lighting outside, Joshua’s apartment actually looks nice. He’s traded cheap beer for a growing collection of wine next to his bookcase that is no longer solely populated by fantasy books. Jihoon still has his doubts about the quality of the wine. 
“You’re still coming Saturday, right?” Seungkwan says, resting his chin on Jihoon’s shoulder. 
“Yes,” he says, pushing him gently on the forehead to get him off his shoulder. “Just like when you asked yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that.” 
“Well, it’s not like you always show up,” Joshua says. He sits on the other side of Jihoon, the rest of the boys spreading between the couch and floor. Mingyu stretches out on the floor, long limbs resting in front of Jihoon. 
“I come when I say I do,” Jihoon says, lifting his feet so they are resting on top of Mingyu’s shin instead of beneath them. 
“Except for Johnny’s wedding,” Seungkwan says. 
“And my birthday,” Seungcheol says. 
“Oh, and that one time we went to dinner to celebrate your promotion,” Joshua says. 
“Those were extenuating circumstances,” Jihoon says. “Out of my control.” 
“I’m telling you, if you just went on one date, it would fix everything,” Seungkwan says. 
“Here we go again,” Jihoon mutters. 
“No, no, the logic is there!” Seungkwan says. “If you actually dated someone, you’d understand that you can’t just blow things off, that other people’s feelings do in fact matter.”  
“Plus you wouldn’t be such an uptight little bitch,” Seungcheol says. “What?” He asks when everyone stares at him. “It’s true.” 
Jihoon shakes his head. “I don’t know why you all are convinced that my love life is why I’m like this. What if this is just who I am?” 
“Did Jihoon just admit he’s an ‘uptight little bitch’?” Mingyu asks from the floor. 
“I thought it was an accepted fact,” Joshua says, then apparently realizes that he hasn’t had enough alcohol to excuse rude comments because he takes a very long sip of his wine and looks anywhere but at Jihoon. 
“Anyways,” Seungkwan says, smacking Jihoon’s chest. Jihoon thinks it was meant to be a reassuring pat. “We’re getting distracted from the really important things.” 
“Which are?” Joshua asks when Seungkwan trails off into silence. 
“The fact that Jihoon has never once been on a date,” Seungkwan says. 
“And you guys wonder why I always ditch,” Jihoon mumbles. “Besides,” he says. “I have been on a date. Multiple dates.” 
“Those don’t count,” Seungkwan says. “We set them up.” 
“A date is a date,” Jihoon says. “How does that not count?” 
“Okay, there’s a date and there’s a date,” Seungkwan says. “You go on a date because your friends set it up and it’s too late to say no, but you go on a date because there’s something else, a feeling, a— a—”
Jihoon frowns at the stuttering man beside him. “How much have you had to drink?” 
“Let the man speak!” Joshua says. “He’s got a point!” 
“What point?” 
“You!” Mingyu says, lifting his leg to bounce Jihoon’s feet. Apparently his alcohol impaired brain thinks this is hilarious because he does it a couple more times until Jihoon digs his heel onto his thigh (and maybe a little too close to his crotch). “You, Lee Jihoon, have never told someone how you felt. Actually, have you even felt anything before? Seriously, I mean, I haven’t known you nearly as long as these idiots but have you ever told them you love them? Or even care about them?” 
Jihoon looks around, Seungkwan at his side, Joshua on the floor leaning against the coffee table, Seungcheol on the far end of the couch, and Mingyu, who’s managed to lift his head off the floor. Though no one else says anything, he can tell they agree with Mingyu, waiting expectantly for him to admit that he has a problem. 
And that’s when Jihoon realizes he knows exactly how you felt: cornered with no hope for escape because the people you care about most in the world are convinced that your lack of a love life is somehow congruent with your happiness. Though it’s still just as ridiculous to him, he understands it. And even though there isn’t a drop of alcohol in his system, the words are out before he can stop them. 
“I have been on a real date,” he says. “Multiple actually. With the same person. Because I’m dating someone.” 
Jihoon has been friends with the guys (with the exception of Mingyu) for the better part of ten years, some of them even longer. He knows them better than his own family, and he knows that when they are quiet, it never bodes well. 
Joshua is the first to break, unsuccessfully attempting to hide his snort as a cough. It devolves from there, Seungkwan practically shrieking with laughter while Seungcheol pounds the arm of the couch so hard Jihoon worries it’ll break. He lifts his feet off of Mingyu because the larger man is bouncing them with his laughter. 
“I am!” 
“Sure,” Seungkwan manages through tears. “Just like Mingyu has a real job.” 
“Hey!” Mingyu says. “You were one of my references!” 
Seungkwan waves his hand, leaning fully onto Jihoon, whose patience has begun to wear thin. “Seriously, though, you expect us to believe that?” 
“Yes!” Jihoon says, because there’s nothing he can do but stick to his lie. “I have been seeing someone!” 
“And they’re real? A human being?” Seungcheol asks, then pouts when Jihoon smacks his knee. 
“Yes, they are real, and yes, they are human,” Jihoon says. For some reason, he thinks about your smile (not that you’ve ever directed it towards him). “And they’re… nice.” 
“Wow,” Joshua says with a whistle. “You heard it here first: Jihoon’s definitely not made up date is real and human and nice.” He ignores the glare, running to the kitchen to get another wine bottle instead. 
“So, does this very real, nice, human date have a name, or do you need more time to make one up?” Seungkwan asks. 
“Yn,” Jihoon says. “From work.” 
“Yn, like yn ln?” Joshua asks, returning with a very full glass. 
“Yn? Why is that name familiar?” Seungcheol asks. 
“Didn't they go to the same college as us?” Joshua asks. 
“And law school, right?” Mingyu says. Jihoon curses his friends for having such good memory and caring about his life. 
“Wait, aren’t they the person that you went to school with ever since you were kids and you said something like ‘they’d fall for an lemon if it tasted sweet enough?’” Seungkwan asks, sitting up. 
How his drunk little brain could remember that specific phrasing is a mystery to Jihoon, but he grits his teeth and says, “That was a long time ago. They’ve changed. I’ve changed.” He rolls his eyes at Seungkwan’s laugh. 
“You’re really going with this?” Joshua asks. 
“Going with what?” Jihoon asks with a sigh. “I am dating someone! I don’t know why you all find this so hard to believe!” 
“Okay, for starters, you didn’t tell us that you started seeing someone,” Joshua says. “And you also have only ever said bad things about yn.” 
“Okay, well, despite what you all apparently think, you aren’t entitled to every tiny detail of my life,” Jihoon says. “But we started dating a month ago.” The lie comes easily now, though a small part of him is screaming that this is all a mistake and he’s going to regret all of this. He pats it on the head and pushes past it looking for good things to say about you. 
“What about yn?” Mingyu asks. 
“What about them?” 
“You know, why you like them,” Mingyu says. 
Jihoon’s face curls into a scowl before he can stop it. 
“Okay, since feelings are hard for you,” Joshua says in a rather patronizing voice, “why don’t you tell us something about them? Anything.” 
“Anything?” Jihoon studies his fingers, thinking about his very short list. He can’t talk about school (Fact #1), or work (Fact #2), or even your pitiful romantic life (Fake #3), because apparently they already know about all of those. There’s no way he can talk about Fact #4, so he’s stuck scrambling to put two thoughts together while they all stare at him expectantly. 
He can see their already limited belief beginning to wane as the silence continues, so he blurts out, “Yn has terrible taste in music.” 
“Worse than you?” Seungkwan asks. 
“Shut up.” He knows that he needs to change topics before they ask who exactly you listen to and he’ll really be screwed. He thinks desperately of every time he’s seen you over the past twenty years. He remembers when the office ordered burritos, and tries to remember the color of the sauce you chose. Red, right? “They like spicy food. Like, really spicy food. And…” 
And despite all your heartbreaks and failed relationships, not only in your own life, but in negotiating divorces every other day, you still somehow believe in love. That’s probably the thing Jihoon admires most about you, but he doesn’t think he should say it now since it would (accurately) imply that he still doesn’t believe in love. 
He settles for, “they see the world differently,” because that’s basically the truth. 
Joshua takes another long sip of his wine while Mingyu lays back on the floor, breathing slowing. Seungkwan tucks his head back on Jihoon’s shoulder. It’s clear they still don’t believe him, at least not fully, but for the first time tonight, Jihoon has told the truth, and that seems to be enough to at least shut them up. 
Jihoon starts to feel claustrophobic with Seungkwan still clinging to his arm and giggling, pushing him farther into the arm of the couch. The reality of what he has said hangs over his head like a fuming storm cloud that hasn’t dropped its load yet. But it hangs low, dark and churning with lightning and thunder that warn the destruction of anyone foolish enough to get stuck below it. 
Apparently that isn’t enough to stop his mouth from saying things before he can really think it through. In his final act of this magnificently idiotic night, Jihoon adds, “And they are coming with me on Saturday. As my date.” 
Seungkwan gasps. “Seriously?” 
“Can you get another ticket?” 
“I can do anything if you are actually bringing a real live date!” He jumps off the couch, diving for his phone (Joshua catches him before he faceplants and manages to distract him from whatever drunk texting he was about to attempt). 
Jihoon is finally free to breathe, looking up at Seungcheol to find a strange look in his eyes. “Is this a good idea?” 
Jihoon almost laughs. If only he knew the half of it. But he doesn’t know, which just means that he’s looking down on Jihoon, so he shrugs. “It’s beyond time for you all to meet them.” 
Seungcheol shakes his head but doesn’t say anything. He’ll be the hardest to convince, too busy thinking he knows better than everyone. Maybe he does, but Jihoon will be damned if he admits it. 
Jihoon needs to leave before he says anything else dumb. He stands up from the couch and immediately finds himself on the floor. Mingyu. He had forgotten the tall idiot had fallen asleep right underneath his feet. Now Jihoon is on the floor next to him, listening to the rest of his friends howl with laughter while Mingyu blinks and frowns. As if he hadn’t thoroughly embarrassed himself already. 
Plus there’s the fact that he somehow needs to figure out how to actually ask you to be his fake date for the indefinite future.
Yeah, Jihoon is pretty much screwed.
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leegemma · 11 months
wondering if you'd write a lee!leeknow and lers!chan and changbin with the prompts 69, 70, 71, and 96? (if its too many you dont have to use them all!)
Hi! Thank you for your request, I think this one turned out okay so I hope you like it!
69 - “i don’t think i’ve ever seen your face so red.”
70 - “either i’m really funny, or you’re really ticklish."
71 - “can you use your words?”
96 - “oh? than how about… here?”
Usually when the three oldest Stray kids memebrs were hanging out without the others, they were pretty calm. Usually just playing a game or complaining about the troubles the younger boys were causing.
Today was no different. After the younger members left the dorm to all go and do their own stuff, leaving the other 3 behind, Changbin suggested they watch a movie, the others agreed and they settled down on the couch, lee know in the middle and the other two on both his sides. They searched through netflix until Lee know clicked on a random comedy film he found.
After watching silently for around 20 minutes, Lee know suddenly groaned. "This movie isn't even funny!"
"We just started, give it some time." Chan encouraged and started scratching Lee know's back comfortly.
Lee know mumbled something back but soon relaxed into the nice feeling and went back to watching the movie.
After another 10 minutes went by and passed though, Lee know was getting bored again. "I don't understand why you guys are laughing at these stupid jokes! Comedy movies are stupid!"
"You chose this one!" Changbin said, pointing at Lee know accusingly.
"Yeah, why did you even choose it if you don't like comedies?" Chan asked, stopping the scratches on Lee know's back as his hands were getting tired.
"I just felt like laughing." Lee know shrugged. "But this is not working anyway so whatever!"
Changbin and Chan turned to look at each other over Lee know's sulking face as if they were thinking the exact same thing.
"You know, hyung.. there are other ways to laugh... a comedy isn't the only option." Changbin started, scooting closer the Lee know.
"What do you mean...?" The older turned to look at him suspiciously, missing the fact Chan just moved closer from the other side.
"There are funny animal videos, or comic books, or my dad jokes-" Chan's statement was cut off short when Lee know let ouf a muffled chuckle.
"Your dad jokes aren't funny."
Chan raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Then how come you're laughing?"
"I'm not laughi- Hehy!"
Chan got his revenge when Changbin forced Lee know to lay down and raised his arms above his head, sitting on his wrists. Chan was quick to start tickling, digging into the younger boy's sides.
"Wha- what are you doi- doing?" Lee know stuttered, trying his best not to laugh.
"Oh nothing, I'm just preparing to tell you this joke." Chan said.
"Nohohoho!" Lee know broke when Changbin started wiggling his fingers into his neck.
"Aww he's already laughing!" Changbin teased. "Tell your joke!"
Chan complied, "What do you call a factory that makes okay products?" He turned to look up at Changbin calmly while still tickling Lee know.
"I don't know! Do you know Lee know hyung?" Changbin grinned down at the older boy.
"Nohohoho!" Lee know was now squirming around.
"A satisfactory." Chan announced with a laugh of his own.
Changbin forced himself to laugh. "Haha! That is hilarious, do you get it hyung? Beca-"
"I GEHEHET IHIHIT!" Lee know trying rolling on his stomach, to no success.
"Well obviously you do, look how hard you're laughing." Chan observed.
"Hyung, that might be because we're tickling him." Changbin finally admitted.
"STAHAHHAP" Lee know's helpless cries were pretty much ignored.
“Either i’m really funny, or you’re really ticklish.” Chan nodded at Lee know.
"Are you sure?~" Changbin walked his fingers down to Lee know's armpit, smiling when the other's laughter increased as he hit the inside of his elbows.
Lee know didn't bother to answer, letting Chan do it for him. "Does this tickle, Lee know?~" he questioned as he dug into the younger boy's thighs.
"NOHOHOHO" Lee know shook his head a bit too aggressively. "IHIHIHM NOHOHOT TI- TIHIHCKLISH THEHERE" liar.
“oh? than how about… here?” Chan moved a bit up to his hips, laughing and cooing when Lee know squealed.
"STAAHAHAHAHHAP!!!!" Lee know was flopping around, he was convinced he could have held it together if not for the teasing. It was terrible and he was blushing madly.
“I don’t think i’ve ever seen your face so red.” Changbin said and moved one of his hands down to dig between Lee know's ribs.
"I CAHAHAHNTTT AHHAHAHAHAHA ANAVDHWUAJBAGUK!!" Lee know tried his best to express his feelings through the muffled screams.
“Can you use your words?” Chan asked politely.
"NOHOHOHOHO" Lee know answered. "STOHOHOHOP."
Changbin looked up at Chan and shrugged. "Good enough for me."
Chan nodded back. "I guess so."
They let Lee know go and stayed with him while he caught his breath, after they saw he was fine Chan started playing the movie again, not before turning to Lee now with a mad grin on his face. "You better not interrupt again, or else..."
As if it was planned, both Changbin and Chan started wiggling their fingers at him mischievously.
"Yeah, yeah... I get it, I won't interrupt this movie anymore..." Lee know held back a small smirk until the two turned to look at the movie, and then he whispered in the tiniest voice: "Never said anything about other movies though..."
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