#enji Todoroki
autumnmobile12 · 18 hours
Can you imagine if Star made it to Japan and talked with the heroes there? Because we probably would have had this conversation:
Star: *meeting Best Jeanist* ....ummm, the BJ on your belt buckle is an interesting choice.
Best Jeanist: It stands for Best Jeanist.
Star: Yeah, that stands for something else in America. I'd avoid being photographed by my team. You will become a meme.
Star: *meeting Endeavor, doesn't even acknowledge him and turns to All Might* Didn't this guy get outed on national television for being a wife beater, child abuser, among other things? Why's he still here?
Hawks: We kinda need the firepower.
Star: Ah, I see. It's a use and abuse then prosecute situation.
All: *uncomfortable silence*
Star: …then prosecute, right?
Please, just one character who didn’t sweep all that under the rug.
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all-all-might · 3 days
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Chapter 93 | One For All's Ember
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ariannag6-blog · 1 day
Two is better than one
All Might and Endeavor 18+ MDNI
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Size difference, daddy kink, age difference, smut, threesome, nsfw, female reader
All Might in big form the whole story.
8k words
Genuinely don’t know how I made this so long. Guess I really love my beefy dilfs.
Not a writer please don’t expect this to be perfect or the most grammatically correct!
This is fiction and should be treated as such. If any of the topics in this make you uncomfortable at any time please don’t continue to read this. <3
You work with Hawks. You and Hawks are the same age so you’ve grown to be quite close. Best friends. Because Hawks see’s Endeavor and the other hero’s often you naturally run into Endeavor and All Might quite regularly. Endeavor has taken a liking to you the second Hawks first introduced you to him. He’s not good at expressing emotions and feared pissing off Hawks by hitting on his friend so he kept his feelings to himself. That was until All Might also started taking a liking to you. He could see how All Might eyed at your perky breasts and tight ass in your skin tight costume like a filthy teenage boy. Endeavor was judging as if he was any better. Unlike Endeavor, All Might was quite charming. He flirted with you casually to test the waters on how you felt about him. Not really caring about the age difference because he’s quite confident in his bigger form. Plus after all he’s All Might what’s not to love? He even went as far as to ask Hawks about your interests and to see if you thought he was attractive non platonically. To All Mights satisfaction your feelings were mutual. He had quickly won you over with his charms and compliments. All Might had been planning on asking you out for dinner having a nice home cooked meal. Hawks casually told Endeavor not thinking anything of it. The second Endeavor heard the words come out of Hawks mouth he was furious. His flames blared hotter and bigger than usual. Growling to himself in displeasure. He asked Hawks in a demanding tone how to win over a younger woman. Hawks not wanting to start trouble with his grumpy friend told him to just tell you that you were beautiful and smelled nice. He also said “some women like the grumpy rich type. Swoon her with your money I don’t know.”
Endeavor quickly dropped everything he was doing to go 7 floors down to your office. He quickly stops at the vending machine to get you your favorite coffee told to him by Hawks before going to you. When he arrived he knocked on your door with clammy hands. Damnit why was he feeling nervous. He hated it but he knew he wasn’t going to loose you to All Might. No more being second place to that asshole.
You speak muffled from behind the door. “Come in!” God even your voice is beautiful. So sexy Endeavor thinks to himself.
Endeavor slowly opens your office door and sits down on the chair infront of you. He places the coffee down infront of you.
“Here, I bet you need this you’ve been working a bit. You’ve always been one of the best workers here.”
“Oh thank you. This is my favorite coffee! You shouldn’t have Mister Endeavor. I was just about to get some myself. What did you need sir?”
Endeavor grins to himself feeling proud of himself for getting you the coffee. His cock was twitching slightly at how you called him “Mister Endeavor” you were always so formal and polite it drove him wild. It was one of the reasons you were one of the only people he greeted every morning. Hearing your voice every morning was his guilty pleasure. He was fuming that it took having All Might want you for him to build up the courage to ask you out.
“If you have time this afternoon I’d like to take you out on a date. You wouldn’t have to worry about anything I can pick out a dress for you. Even shoes. I just need to know your size. I can make reservations at a restaurant aswell.”
You nearly choke on your coffee. You’d always found Endeavor to be far too sexy but never thought he’d like you too.
Endeavor moves the chair closer to you when he sees you choke slightly at your coffee. He pulls the coffee from your hand setting it down on the table. He wipes a droplet of coffee running down your chin with his thumb.
“God you’re so beautiful. I apologize I should’ve asked you sooner but your beauty is intimidating.”
God how could you say know when he just said that. You look up at him face flushed from his touch.
“Intimidating? You flatter me. I’d be more than happy to go on a date with you sir.”
Endeavor bites his lip at the mention “sir” you’re so formal he likes a young woman with class. He doesn’t want you to just look at him as a hero or as Hawks older friend though so he insists that you just call him Enji.
“Just call me Enji please. 7pm tonight work? Sushi?”
“Yes Enji that’s perfect. My dress size is a 4. Shoe size is 6.”
“Good. I’ll bring you the dress at 5. You can shower in the office showers at the top floor if you want. Just tell them I sent you.”
“Thank you Enji, I think I will shower before actually. It’ll make me feel more awake.”
He was hoping that you’d say that. He takes it as a sign you actually like him if you’re willing to spruce up before your date with him. Also the thought of you showering in the same area he does in the mornings when he’s worked too late and had to sleep over at the office turns him on immensely.
As Endeavor gets up to leave you can’t help but blush while he’s not looking. His boldness made you completely forget about the crush you also had on All Might.
Right as Endeavor exists your office he sees All Might walking towards your office in the hallway. He chuckles in his face knowing you accepted him first. He turns to All Might blocking him from entering your office door.
“Too late number one she accepted a date from me first.”
All Might smirks before speaking
“Hah! She’s a young girl. Do you really think she’d want to be tied down by a big grumpy man like you? Especially with all your “family drama”. I’m not a jealous man unlike you. She could have both of us if she pleased I wouldn’t mind.”
Endeavor growls knowing he’s probably right
“Ask her whatever you want after our date tonight damnit!”
All Might scowls and agrees. He doesn’t want to overwhelm you. He thinks you can do better than Endeavor but since Endeavor is trying to be a better person he doesn’t see you being in any danger if you choose Enji over him. All Might lays his head back on the wall near by your office to collect himself after Enji walks away. Toshinori has never been with a younger woman before. He loves how youthful and free he feels when he’s around you. It reminds him of better times. He puts his pointer finger and thumb to the bridge of his nose and ponders to himself how he can win you over. If not winning you over how can he convince you to date both of them at the same time? He wants to at least have you in some way if not all to himself. Would you really be up to that? You’d be spoiled twice as much by the two richest hero’s in Japan, what’s not to want?
As All Might still remains in place with his head leaning against the wall mind flooded with thoughts you walk out your door. You’re about to go give some papers to a coworker when you see him there.
All Might
“Hey pretty lady didn’t see you there. Sorry have a migraine.”
The only excuse he can think of for the sour look on his face
“What brings you here handsome?”
Woops you’re so used to having a flirty relationship with him you didn’t think twice before responding like that.
All Might can feel his heart thumping faster. Did she really just flirt with me after being asked out by Endeavor? Hm maybe she really will be fine with the both of us he thinks.
All Might
“Just had some hero work to go over with Endeavor nothing serious. I missed your pretty smile.”
You blush not knowing how to respond. Your relationship has always been flirty but you’d just been asked out by Endeavor. You know he can get fisty if he doesn’t get his way. You are not wanting to find out how he is if you flirt any more with his rival. You give him a simple “that’s sweet of you” before walking away to continue your work.
That night you go on your date with Endeavor. He picked out a black silk dress with matching black designer heels for you to wear. Your favorite color, you’re guessing Hawks told him, that brat. Bring best friends with the both of you makes you nervous what else could Enji get out of him if he wanted.
He had a personal driver take you both to the destination. Booked a private booth at a sushi restaurant with a candle lit on the table hand picked by yours truly. He could be quite romantic outside of work you were pleasantly surprised. The date went well he was much more talkative and charming than you would have expected. Not like you’re complaining though. You liked this side of him.
When the evening was over Enji dropped you back off at your apartment like a gentlemen. He gave you a kiss on the cheek goodnight. You grabbed his tie hungry for more placing a kiss on his lips. Enji growls softly in pleasure from your kiss. He’s lifting you lip gently by your waist to hold your face at his more comfortably. It takes everything in him not to take you right then and there but he holds back knowing he wants you for more than just sex. Not wanting to give you the wrong idea on the first date. If it wernt for his driver waiting for him he probably wouldn’t have been able to hold himself back despite how he knows he should behave.
Later that night All Might can’t hold himself back and ends up texting you, asking you how you feel about him. You’re reluctant to answer tip toeing around the subject. Toshinori confesses that he wanted a relationship with you and not just a flirty friendship. Figuring if he confesses first you’ll be less hesitant to tell him your true feelings.
His text:
Y/N I’ve had feelings for you for quite some time. You’re so funny, stunning, smart, and witty you make me feel like I’m young again. I was too busy with hero work for most of my life to worry about a relationship I wasn’t expecting to fall for someone this late in life but here I am falling like a fool. Head over heels for a girl over half my age and way out of my league. I want to be more than a friend who flirt with you. I’m sorry for telling you this now I just couldn’t hold it in any longer.
- Toshi🩷
Your text:
Toshinori, I’m so sorry. To be completely honest I feel the same way. I like you too. You’re very funny, charming, sweet and I love the way talking to you is so easy. I want the same thing too but I’m afraid I can’t give you what you want. Endeavor…well..Enji and I went out on a date tonight. So I’m not available anymore. I’m sorry. I would still love to be your friend. ❤️🤍🩵
His text
I would never stop being your friend y/n.
The rest of that week you and Enji start talking more at the office. Having lunch together with Hawks and him in his Endeavors office. Even going as far as to fall on asleep on call everynight with Enji aswell. You both secretly masterbating to eachothers voices from time to time on the calls. You were both surprised at how attached you were getting to one another.
That was until that weekend when All Might decided to tell Endeavor about the texting conversation the two of you had. Toshinori cornered him at his house so Enji would have no other choice than to have a conversation with him. Toshinori knocks at Enji’s door. As soon as Enji opens the door he pushes his way inside Enji’s house without invitation.
“Toshinori! What the hell?!”
All Might
“We need to talk. About y/n. Now.”
Enji huffs and doesn’t say a word.
All Might
“Did your date go well..”
“It went perfectly actually. Don’t waste my time tell me what you want.”
All Might
“After your date I might have confessed my feelings to y/n. I know- I know, I’m sorry! To be fair you did ask me to wait until after the date. I did just that. I know you’re going to be mad but she does feel the same way towards me En-“
“What the hell did she say”
All Might takes out his phone to show him the conversation. Enji was squeezing at the phone so hard he would’ve broken it if it wasn’t a special made hero grade smart phone.
Endeavor scoffs
“At least she’s loyal to me. You always win over everyone it pisses me off.”
All Might
“..back to the..”she can date both of at the same time” conversation. She never said she didn’t dislike me. Do you really want to deny a young woman like her fun and experience?”
“I-…I suppose. I wouldn’t want to make her feel held back with me. I know I can be intense.”
All Might
“Ah haha, and I’m light hearted. I think we could balance each other out with her very nicely don’t you?”
“..only..*only* if she wants this. Not just because you or I think it’ll be better for her.”
All Might chuckles
“Fuck, wait. I can’t let you fuck her. I won’t have it.”
All Might
“Why not do it together then? Not like we haven’t had threesomes together before.”
“We haven’t both cared about the girl before…”
All Might
“Don’t you think it’ll be a good compromise? Don’t be so strict Endeavor.”
It’ll give them peace of mind. Plus they wouldn’t mind dominating a pretty little thing like you.
“…I suppose I do like the idea of dominating her in that way. You can’t try to please her more than me it has to be equal.”
All Might
“You’d be the one starting the competitions. I just want her to be pleased I simply do not care if it’s you who pleasures her more as long as I get to be there watching her eyes roll back as you do.”
Endeavor and Toshinori both decide to send you a group text
Text reads:
Think about the both of us. We know you like both of us romantically. Think of who you like the most. Or do you like both of us the same? We know you’re young. Neither one of us want to hold you back in forcing you to be with just one of us. If you want. You can date both of us separately at the same time. If you don’t want that. We understand. We just want you to choose whatever will make you happiest. Let’s all three talk on Monday okay. <3
Your anxiety spikes as you read the text. Assuming Endeavor found out about the text between you and Toshi. You figure they are bluffing that this a test this is them making you choose. You try your best to think of the two of them. You did in fact like them both.
You loved Endeavors mysterious, hard dominate edge to him. You went wild over his deep voice. You could tell he was possessive and protective. Though most others wouldn’t think so you felt safe around him. Knowing a few things Hawks has told you about him you trusted Endeavor to never hurt you and protect you from harm. He wasn’t a man of many words but oh god when he spoke it made you wet everytime. You knew he was a man who liked to be in charge. Just the idea of how he might take charge in the bedroom made you dizzy.
All Might on the other hand was charming and talkative. A big man who was quite soft. You loved the way he made you feel safe in his presence. His deep laugh sent shivers down your spine. He always laughed even if your jokes weren’t funny he was so kind to you.
Both had different qualities but both you liked equally. They were right you were young after all. What’s the harm in seeing both of them. It’s not like you’d be seeing a whole football team. Just the two of them. You’d be loyal to the two hero’s as long as they’d have you.
Monday comes and you rush to Endeavors office to talk to him about their text. You find All Might already there as well expecting you.
“Enji, um were you drunk when you sent that text?”
“No sweetheart neither one of us were drunk.”
All Might
“Did you think about the text sweet girl?”
“…I’m sorry what if..what if I want both of you equally?”
“It’s fine sweetheart, we said we’re alright sharing.”
All Might
“You can either date both of us at the same time or you can choose which one of us you prefer. There’s no rush. We can be patient right Enji?”
You chuckle thinking they’re playing a big prank on you that you don’t understand
“I mean it”
All Might
“You’re not bluffing? I thought you were bluffing.”
“No baby girl. It just means you get to be doubly spoiled it’s alright. To be honest we both want you too bad to not share.”
“I-I’m fine with dating both of you at the same time then. I mean it though. You’re both equally perfect in my head. I couldn’t choose. I tried.”
“The only thing we ask sweetheart is that when we’re ready to be intimate it has to be with all three of us.”
All Might
“Otherwise one of us will feel left out. We want to make sure we both pleasure you equally as good. We’ll be gentle. We promise. Right?”
Not expecting them to ask such a thing but in all honesty you’ve always had a fantasy of being dominated by two older men you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about both of them taking you at the same time before.
“Alright, I see. That’s fine by me.”
Both a little surprised expecting at least some pushback from you.
“Don’t worry though take your time. We’re in no rush for you to be ready to be intimate with us yet. We know you probably aren’t ready.”
All Might
“Yeah sweet girl we know it takes some time before you can get used to something that big.”
“So can you both do other stuff first?…to warm me up? Before we go all the way?”
“Is that what you want?”
All Might
“Oh shut up Enji that’s what she needs. Yes we’ll give you prep. Your first session with us can be just prep no cocks inside your pussy just fingers and tongues.”
You gulp getting more turned on at their statement.
“How…how about we do that next weekend?”
Enji grips his pants tightly not expecting you to be so greedy. Not complaining just way too turned on by the anticipation.
“I- I’m. Yes. Is that alright with you Toshinori?”
All Might
“Sweetheart are you sure you’re ready?”
“As long as you go gentle I am.”
“I promise I’ll go easy. I can be soft.”
All Might
“Me too.”
“All right then it’s settled. My house. It’ll be much nicer than Toshinoris.”
All Might scoffs
“Oh do tell, do you have a big designer bed and a bathtub the size of a small pool in your house?”
All Might
“No…I have a normal sized bedroom with a normal sized bed..and a normal sized bath and shower..because I don’t think everything has to be perfect..”
“No fighting please. Let’s just do Enji’s house first..mainly..because I do want to try that bath. But we can switch places in the future it’ll be fine.”
“Alright, alright. I can compromise. We can switch places in the future just my place first.”
All Might
“I see you do have a soft side when it comes to her.”
“Who wouldn’t?”
Throughout the week you spend it getting to go on your first date with Toshinori as well as another date with Endeavor. You texted All Might throughout the day and continued calling Endeavor every night before you went to sleep. You couldn’t believe what a great time you had with the both of them. You were truly greatful they weren’t making you choose between the two. You’d die before you could choose between them.
Next weekend comes around. You arrive at Enji’s house. Toshinori is already there. You’re surprised to see them already chatting and being friendly. You spot a bottle of wine on the counter. That must be the reason they don’t hate each other right now. That and they could get along if it involved your clothes coming off.
All Might
“Hi sweetheart!”
You sit on the counter top to be at chin level with them instead of your head resting below their pecks. You expected to be more nervous. You probably should given how thick and lengthy their fingers are but you can’t help but just be needy for them instead.
Endeavor lets out a soft sultry “hi baby” before going straight to kissing your lips while gripping your waist. Toshinori grips the counter top before he joins in kissing along your collarbone moving up to the left side of your neck. You couldn’t help but let out soft moans as they both kissed you.
All Might
“You’re making such pretty sounds my god”
“Fuck you sound so pretty”
All Might
“Lets take her to the bedroom”
“Yes please”
Enji lifts you up in his arms bringing you to the bedroom. Toshinori quickly follows behind giggling in excitement behind you both. Enji sets you down on the floor by the bed. Toshinori pulls you in for a sloppy kiss. He quickly pushes you against the wall, pushed against you, lifting you up. Placing a knee in between your thighs, unable to control himself for much longer.
Enji can feel his possessiveness growing. Toshinori can hear him huffing and puffing hovering over the both of you.
All Might
“Fine. You want first at something Enji? Then fuck her first. But don’t be misled we’re sharing. She can rest her head on my lap while you have fun with her pretty hole. And don’t worry sweetheart I’ll make sure he doesn’t go too rough with you, I know he can get a little wild.”
Endeavor grins and quickly agrees. Liking the idea of a little thing like you being completly towered over and pleased by two men rather than one. Even if it was with All Might. It’s not like they both haven’t done this before with women. He wasn’t about to admit that though.
“Fine. Only if that’s what she wants. Are you sure you’re ready? Is that what you want sweetheart? Two big older men to take care of you? Make you fell good hm?”
You look up at both of them towering over you with egar eyes and nod
All Might
“Nuh uh sweetheart you’re going to need to use your words. Do you want us to be your daddies tonight? To take turns pleasing you? Stretching your pretty little body out?”
You speak nervously only because you’ve never felt so dominated in your life.
“I- yes. I want both of you to use me.”
Endeavor places his thumb across your lip lifting your head up to look at him directly.
“Tell me you want me to fuck you first baby. Tell daddy.”
“I want you to fuck me first Enji.”
“Who to fuck you first? I’m daddy now”
“I want you to fuck me first daddy.”
All might chimes in chuckling
“Calm down Enji we’re both Daddy to her now.”
Endeavor hisses
“Shut up. Don’t ruin the moment.”
All Might stands behind you and starts to unzip your skirt. Endeavor quickly grabs his hand pushing it away and growls. “Mine first.”
All Might chuckles at Enji’s need to be first at literally everything and complies taking a step back letting Endeavor take your clothes off. Endeavor continues to remove your clothing slowly kissing up and down your body. All Might stands behind you palming his buldge in his pants at the site of your pretty body getting more and more revealed. Enji’s growls grow louder with each bit of skin that gets revealed. He feels like he’s never seen someone so beautiful before in his entire life. You begin to unbutton his shirt. Enji leaves on his pants as an added layer of protection so he’s not more tempted to go further than agreed upon. Once all of your clothes are all over the floor leaving your tiny body fully exposed infront of the both of them, Toshi groans at the site of your ass infront of him. He can feel his precum increasing. Enji can feel his animalistic desires increasing looking at the front of your exposed body. Looking at how innocently you’re looking up at him right now. Eager to hear you moan his name soon.
All Might sits on the bed in position to have your pretty head use his thighs as a pillow. Enji instructs you to lay on the bed facing him with your head in Toshinori’s lap. You comply and do just that. As soon as you lay your head in Toshi’s thick thighs he starts to stroke your hair to comfort you for what’s about to come.
Enji lifts spreads your legs crawling on top of you placing his face inbetween your thighs.
“Can I start out with my tongue baby?”
“Yes daddy.”
Enji traces his rough tongue up and down your folds. Your legs start to shake but Enji keeps them in place. Toshinori places a thumb in your pretty little mouth.
All Might
“Suck on my thumb pretty girl. That’s it. Swirl your tongue around it for me. Mmhmm, just like that.”
He does this to take your mind off of what’s happening down below. He knows any second now Enji is going to stick a finger in. He wants you nice and relaxed so you’re able to take it better.
And Enji does just that. Once he can tell you’ve adjusted to the feeling of his tongue on your clit he sticks a meaty finger at your entrance. He slowly sinks his thick digit knuckles deep in your cunny.
“Sweetheart so tight. Fuck. I can feel you squeezing me.”
After a 5 minutes. You start to moan uncontrollably as he starts to thrust his finger slowly in and out of your sweet hole. The sounds of his growls while he’s lapping up your juices and the sensation of his thick finger inside of you is driving you wild. Toshinori is stroking your face sushing you.
All Might
“Shhh, take it. I know you can, my pretty girl.”
“Fuck Enji I think I-“
*slap* Enji pulls out his finger and leaves a gentle slap on your clit before sinking himself back in.
“Ah ah, who am I?”
“Sorry daddy. I- you’re gonna make me cum”
Enji chuckles at your words as he continues to lap up your juices. You can feel his hot breath on your cunt. You’re about to finish.
All Might
“That’s a good girl”
Your whole body looses control as you cum on Enji’s meaty finger. He doesn’t stop his tongue from swirling around either as you cum. It only makes him so faster. Toshinori pushes your face against the throbbing hardness in his pants. His face growing more flushed as you cum.
Enji lifts his head up. Kissing from your stomach all the way up to your face.
“Fuck yes baby. That was so good.”
All Might
“My turn now.”
Toshinori pulls your thighs with his hands bringing you to him. Endeavor grabs your arms bringing your upper body in his lap. Toshinori doesn’t waste anytime cleaning up the mess Enji made. Groaning over and over “Tastes so good. Tastes like heaven.” It was almost as if he was getting off to this more than you. After Toshinori cleaned all your juices he sticks one of his meaty fingers inside you before pulling it out. Replacing it with two of his thick fingers. You start to wine softly at the painful stretch. Enji is quick to direct your attention elsewhere, taking down his pants, climbing over sitting on your chest. Being careful to barely use any of his body weight. Looking down at you he strokes your pretty face.
“Gotta stretch your pretty little hole out. You’re doing so good for us.”
All Might
“So good.”
Enji slaps his thick member over your face. His distraction is working. You’re so fixated at his pretty drooling tip you don’t even notice Toshi starting to speed up his pace with his fingers.
Starting to grow hungry for Enji’s cock you start to drool slightly out of the side of your mouth.
“Wanna taste me baby? Want daddy’s dick down your throat? I’ll go slow.”
“Yes please I need to taste you so bad, fuck”
All Might chuckles and says
“I see Enji’s lost control again. I still have all my clothes on.”
Enji shoves the first few inches down your throat. Stuffing your pretty mouth. Watching how your pink lips wrap perfectly around his cock, admiring how tears are already forming in your eyes from his girth.
“Shh don’t act like you don’t want to fuck her throat too. Do you want him to fuck your throat after I fill you with my milk baby?”
Stuffed with his cock you nod letting out a “mmhmm”
“See. She wants it maybe you should stop playing cool and take off your clothes too.”
All Might
With his free hand he takes off his top. Still pushing in and out of your pussy he uses his thumb to start rolling around your clit. Enji starts to go deeper down your throat, thrusting in an out of your mouth slowly, rolling his head back, getting close to release. He can tell by your eyes rolling back Toshi is getting you close too.
“Fuck so pretty, cum with me baby. Cum with me.”
Too filled at both ends to say anything or even give as much as a nod but you’re able to hold out until he cums down your throat. As Enji fills your throat you’re orgasming on Toshi’s fingers. They feel bigger the more you cum. You try to moan but nothing comes out. All it results in as you spilling some of Enji’s cum out of your throat. The sound is sex is filling the room.
Toshinori licks his fingers and Enji gets up from you. As All Might removes the rest of his clothes Enji kisses your cheeks telling you how good you were. He fingers some of the remaining mess on your face into your throat before pushing you down to your knees. Toshinori stands infront of you stroking his cock, letting his precum drip down on your face.
All Might
“Such a pretty mess. Open your mouth for daddy. Good girl.”
“Stick out your tongue honey.”
You so just that.
Endeavor grips the back of your hair and pushes your mouth down on Toshi’s thickness.
All Might
“No gag reflex huh? I like it.”
“She’s better than I thought she’d be. So egar to please her daddies.”
All Might
“Fuck that feels good. Keep making her throat fuck me like this Enji, please, fuck-“
Enji does just that. He bops your head back and fourth on Toshinori until he cums down your throat. Enji gets down on his knees and whispers in your ear “try to swallow all of it this time sweetheart, make us proud.” You try your best to do so but your mouth is so filled a little bit runs down your jaw onto your chest.
“Such a messy little thing.”
All Might
“Fuck, a beautiful mess.”
Endeavor uses the dripped thick cream on your chest and rolls his thumb around your nipple with it. You scream out of pleasure from over stimulation.
All Might
“Enji she’s going to break if you do anything else!”
“Alright alright. I’ll go start the bath.”
All Might takes you in his arms caressing your body as Enji goes to start the bath. He wipes you off with a towel before placing you both in the bath.
Enji went out of his way with the bath. Obviously new fancy soaps and shampoos anticipating you being there more often in this way. Candles lit around the tub. Flowers in a vase on the sink.
“Keigo told me lavander was your favorite bath scent I hope you like it.”
All Might
“Such a romantic.”
“For her yes.”
You move closer to Enji nuzzling up in his arms. He gently starts to caress your body.
“It’s perfect Enji thank you.”
“Didn’t go too rough did we?”
All Might
“No it was perfect, both of you. It was just a little hard to handle your fingers. I guess I didn’t realize how long it’s been since I was with someone like this before.”
“You did perfect baby. Don’t worry no rush to go all the way. We can keep getting you used to more fingers until you’re ready for..you know.”
All Might
“How did you like having two men please you for a change?”
“I liked it a lot more than I expected.”
All Might
“Oh? So you’re willing to do this more often then?”
“Isn’t that what you both wanted?”
“Yes, but we would never push you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with sweetheart.
“Yes, a lot more often.”
Toshinori chuckles in excitement. He comes closer to you leaving kisses on your back. Enji gently kisses your lips. Swirling his tongue around yours. They both take turns washing your body off then your hair. Then you do the same to the two big guys next.
After your bath Toshi drys you off in a warm towel while Enji gets one of his shirts for you to wear. They both lay you down on the bed giving you kisses and praises. While you take a nap to recover the two of them make some curry rice for you in the kitchen. Getting along surprisingly well. When you wake they spoil you completely until the end of the night. Giving you the best aftercare you’ve had in your entire life.
You continued seeing both Toshinori and Enji for the past few months. Going on equal amounts of dates each week with the two of them so neither one feels left out. They were both spoiling you like crazy. Both having the time of their lives with you. Neither one of them seem to be as jealous probably because they can tell you truly do hold an equal spot In your heart for the both of them. You’d even been having dates at eachothers houses with all three of you. It seemed like you were the glue that was slowly mending Enji and Toshinori’s relantionship. You had even told your friend Hawks about the relationship but asked him to keep it secret from everyone aside Toshi, Enji, and the two of you. He took it better than you expected. Keigo said he was just happy to see his grumpy friend finally have a girl that makes him happy for once. Keigo had been third wheeling with you and Enji quite a bit as you grew closer but he seemed to enjoy it. It was all going suprisingly well.
You’d been continuing to let the both of them use you together. Letting them have their way with their fingers and tongues on you about three times a week. Last week they both were able to fit three fingers inside your pretty little hole. You finally feel like you’re ready to take their cocks now. Or maybe you’re just being impatient. Either way you know you needed all of them soon before you went mad.
You decided to tell both of them you were ready at the next date you three had. You had all three been spending the whole weekend at Enji’s and Toshi’s house for the past few months. What better time to bring it up than when you’re all together. You had bought a red and blue lace panty and bra set to surprise them for the special occasion. Both of their favorite colors.
The weekend comes. Time for the three of yours weekend of heaven together. You arrive at Toshi’s place wearing an off the shoulder top Enji had gotten you and a skirt Toshi had bought you.
“Hi Toshi!” You run into his arms for a hug. Quickly realizing Enji is nowhere to be seen “Where’s Enji?”
All Might
“You look stunning as always. We were missing one of the ingredients for the meal, he ran out to get it. He’ll be back soon sweetie.”
You wait until all three of you are eating to bring up that you’re ready to take it to the next level tonight.
You all begin to eat at around Toshi’s table.
“So..um..I was thinking. I’d sort of like to go all the way with both of you tonight.”
Enji nearly chokes on his food
“I- sweetheart are you sure-“
All Might
“You can barely handle 3 fingers…honey you know we are both bigger than that. We promise no rush.”
“I can’t wait anymore. I need you both. Tonight. Please.”
The way you’re looking at both of them right now. Practically begging to be railed how can they deny you.
“Alright just tell me if it’s too much. I’ll go slow and not all the way in okay.”
All Might
“Me too love.”
You blush anticipating the rest of the evening.
After you finish eating you head to the bedroom begging both of them to follow behind you.
Enji goes to take tug on your skirt expecting to take your clothes off as usual. Unexpected to them you push both of them down on the bed and undress infront of them.
Climbing onto the bed slowly. Grinding on Enji’s lap tugging at his shirt, putting your hand down Toshi’s pants gripping Toshinori’s hardness in your free hand.
“Fistey thing tonight aren’t we?”
“Toshi. Undress.”
All Might
“I can’t argue with that.”
Toshi undresses rapidly. Enji moans louder as you continue to grind on him. After Toshi is undressed you get off the bed and instruct Enji to do the same and he does. You undress infront of them revealing your red and blue lingerie. They both groan at the sight of you. You’ve never been this bold before. They like this side of you but don’t be fooled they’re going to be ones taking charge by the end of the night.
You crawl on the bed taking turns suckling on their balls in your mouth then taking their meat down your throat to get them nice hard and wet for you.
All Might slaps his thigh
“Come here doll, on daddy’s lap.”
You do as he says. Kissing on his neck. Endeavor gets behind you pushing your back forcing your chest to touch Toshinori’s.
“Arch your back for me baby. I need inside you now. You’re such a tease.”
“Yes daddy.”
All Might warns
“Go slow Enji.”
“Fuck, shut up. I am.”
Enji slowly inserts his tip into your hole. Groaning at the tightness. You gasping at the stretch. It hurt more than you thought it would but you want this. You need this. You moan “fuck.” “Just hold onto me,” Toshi coos in your ear. “I’ve got you.” You hold onto Toshi’s shoulders digging your nails deeper into his skin. Toshi slowly helps you sink down onto Enji’s length.
“Such a good girl for your daddies aren’t you”
“Yes, fuck. So big- Enji- ah”
All Mights reaches his hand down to stroke your clit so you can take Endeavor easier.
Enji grunts as he’s pumping into you, prolonging every electrifying spasm of your cunny. Toshi is sushing you whispering sweet things in your ear calming you down while you take Enji’s thickness. It hurts so good. Toshinori is moaning as he watches your chest bounce up and down as Enji thrusts faster.
He pulls out after 10 minutes not wanting to go too far in fear of hurting you. He was so turned on so much of his precum is spilling out of your cunt.
All Might
“So messy Endeavor.”
“Fuck I’m sorry I couldn’t help it. Are you alright down there sweet girl?”
“Yes, more.” You moan
“Thata girl that’s what I like to hear.”
All Might
“Fuck, I’m gunna ruin you….well gently ruin you.”
“You just need two grown men to treat your body right.”
“Yes daddies.”
Enji pulls your back to him. Placing your head in his chest letting Toshinori have a turn. You watch as Toshinori places his big cock at your entrance. Enji pushes your little body down on his girth slowly. Enji whispers sweet things in your ear to calm you down as you get stretched a second time. He strokes your pretty face before moving his hand down to your cunt to trace gentle circles around your clit to ease the pain. You sob from over stimulation they both take turns sushing you cooing “shh sweetie you want to make us pround don’t you. You’re a good girl you take take it a little longer. We know you can”
Enji strokes himself with his other hand still hard. They continue taking turns until you end up cuming all over Enji’s cock. Enji moans loudly with pleasure being prideful knowing his dick was also the first you’ve came on. Toshinori positions himself inbetween your thighs, thigh fucking you so he can cum all over your pelvis and stomach. Enji stands over your face positioning his cock at your pretty mouth. Gripping the back of your head face fucking you until he overfills your pretty throat with his seed.
You’re fucked out of your mind by the time they’re through with you but you regret nothing.
All Might
“Fuck sweetie you did so well.”
“How are you feeling love?”
“A little sore but I had fun.”
All Might gets up to grab you some pain meds and water. Enji cuddles you, leaving kisses all over your face, bringing you down from your high.
All Might returns with the pain meds. After a small cuddle session you all three go to shower in Toshi’s small shower together. You take turns washing their bodies. Kissing each of their bodies up and down. Praising them for treating you so well. Endeavor lifts you up in the shower pressing you against the wall while Toshinori washes every part of your body Enji isn’t covering with a wash cloth.
“Baby I love you so much.”
“Do you mean it?”
“Yes sweet girl. These last few months have been the best months of my life. I have no intentions of ever giving you up.”
All Might
“Me too sweetheart. I’ve been too nervous to say the big L but now that Enji has broken the ice. I love you too. So much.”
“I love you both too.”
Enji chuckles. Blushing like a little schoolboy. They both kiss each side of your neck. Overfilled with love.
“You both spoil me too much.”
Endeavor and All Might
“We wouldn’t want it any other way. We’ll spoil you till the day we die.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too. So much.”
Thanks for reading!
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choke-meow-t · 3 days
Mha rant!! (sorry)
Touya's quirk was discovered when he was less than a year old! (Most likely because he was born prematurely)
Him and fuyumi were born in January and December of the same year, Endeavor KNEW Touya's quirk by the time Fuyumi was born, most likely by the time she was conceived based on the fact that he says "So, our second Fuyumi was born" as if Touya's quirk not including ice was the sole reason they had Fuyumi. (He's basically telling the story in order of how it happened. So, ya know.)
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ALL FOUR of those kids were born into a specific purpose. Fuyumi is NOT excluded from that!!
I really want to talk about how Touya and Shoto are both victims of grooming but I feel like I'm already talking too much. AND I FEEL LIKE IT'S SO OBVIOUS?? If you selectively breed your children for one specific purpose and then force them to train for that purpose since before they can walk you're literally just grooming them into being what you want. Bam, easy.
The second point I want to yap about is "Rei wanted all four!" and yes, I understand where the confusion comes about. While Rei "wanted" Touya and Fuyumi (I say "wanted" because her marriage was a quirk marriage, she was essentially told "marry this man or your entire family will face the consequences". It explains it a bit better in the anime, but in short it says "her family used to be prestigious, but now they're broke and going under.") she explicitly said NO to having more children. Literally, the word NO.
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^ and then not long after this, there's a 3rd and a 4th.
BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY, I know that Rei loves all of her children very much. It's shown a million times throughout the course of MHA. But, best case scenario, she was coerced into having the last 2. Worst case scenario, you can figure it out. I'm not going to say Enji is a violent rapist, but he has laid hands on his wife and children before, and it's heavily implied that he at LEAST coerced her into having Natsu and Sho, which is.. rape, technically, so I guess I am saying that? I do think that Enji s/a'd rei and I do think that he forced her to have children she didn't want, but what I meant to say is I know it's not canon confirmed that he like held her down or anything😭 (MY opinion btw, based on MY interpretation of canon events. You don't have to agree.)
Now, take a deep breath cause I'm not done talking yet or EVER. PART THREE.
Enji's writing.
I do not think that Enji is a well written or deep character at all. Simply put, I actually find him very bland compared to the rest of his family. I know a lot of people say "oh I like him because he's well written!" I respect your opinion ofc, but GENUINELY? He's not. He's VERY flat. I've actually taken the time to look into his behaviours and mannerisms instead of just writing him off, and while I do find certain things about him interesting, he's badly written (well not BAD, just not good.). He doesn't have a realistic change of heart at all (tbf the man farts fire. He doesn't need to be realistic, but it's preferred). He does a 180° in a span of 5 minutes. He feels bad, that's something we don't see in a lot of abusive characters, and that's why I think he's "falsely well written" if you know what I mean. Essentially, he's very basic, very... Any 12 year old on wattpad could write him 100 times over. He's unique in the sense that, not only does he feel regret, but he doesn't try to obtain forgiveness. He settles in, he doesn't try to be forgiven, he doesn't try to be any better (he doesn't try to be better in the sense that he doesn't actually try to redeem himself. He simply doesn't beat his family anymore, and has seperated himself from them whilst continuing to do things he would've done either way), he's just there. And he's sorry.
In MY opinion, he's falsely well written. But everyone's entitled to think whatever they want!
One thing I really do like about Enji is seen in one very specific scene. During the initial fight with Stain (I want to say it's during the episode "Climax" but literally every website and app has it listed as a different episode name and I'm like. Idek anymore guys.)
There's a moment where you can literally see Enji's brain stop, he's the most expressive he's ever been up to that point but it's subtle. He looks to Shoto with admiration, he looks like he just realized his son is more noble and hero worthy than he ever was. Afterwards when he goes back to doing his work, he's cockier than usual, like he's compensating for the way he feels, but he's quieter and more focused on the actual work. He acts like a hero doing hero's work for the sake of helping people, not just having a fancy title like he does a lot of the time. AH omg I actually find his mannerisms really interesting because they're usually so subtle. I have to look at him the same way I look at Dabi to be able to understand what he's thinking. I don't mean like I'm a mind reader or anything but I think body language shows a lot in the Todoroki family since they're very... Todoroki.
ANYWAYS OH GOD I HAVE TO STOP GOODNIGHTT EVERYONE sorry this is so quickly written and lije I swirched topics so much lol
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luxthestrange · 21 hours
BNHA Incorrect quotes#41 Hahaha-
Anti-Hero!Y/n: My kink is doing stupid shit and watching Enji speed-run the five stages of grief as he realizes that he still wants to fuck me~
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Part 7 of:
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piedpip3rrr · 2 months
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Rip todoroki family you would’ve hated celebrity gossip columns
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theopfan · 6 months
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They're brothers your honor
Getting annoyed by your father's obnoxious yelling is a Todosibling thing
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herbarimoon · 3 months
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One last dance in the deepest pits of hell
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maripolifan · 6 months
If MHA was just a little sillier...
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The biggest question left in the series unanswered (so far)... 
Who is Hisashi Midoriya? Who IS Izuku's father????
Ik I'm playing Russian roulette rn with how things are going in the manga lmao
Endeavor is here because Izuku being his secret love child is an actually funny theory (to me)
All Might is here because he's def hitting that
AFO thinks he's the top dog, but he is, at most, a clown
Mystery guy. Ignore him. Maybe he got lost on his way to the restroom?
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autumnmobile12 · 6 months
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Endeavor holding his hand out to stop Touya from poking Fuyumi and waking her up is conclusive proof that Touya has always been a menace.
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all-all-might · 3 days
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Chapter 93 | One For All's Ember
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m0stlygoodvibes · 5 months
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Keigo is perched on Mr. Endeavor’s shoulders as they walk in. His little wings are flapping happily behind him, taking in all the sights and smells and sounds. He can smell meat cooking, the sound of it sizzling on an open grill. “—it’s cause you’re a girl,” Touya is huffing at Fuyumi, who just blinks at him. They’ve been bickering for awhile. This morning the three of them had been playing outside, until Touya had found a nest of ladybugs in one of the trees. Touya had immediately found it fascinating, while Fuyumi had found it gross. “They’re bugs!” Fuyumi frowns. “They’re gross for everyone, you’re just weird!” “You’re stupid!” “Yeah, well Keigo thinks they’re gross too!” Fuyumi huffs, which makes Keigo’s eyes immediately widen. “What! No he doesn’t!” Touya huffs. He and Fuyumi both glance up at Keigo. “Right Keigo?” Keigo’s wings flutter. He feels his cheeks warm and his eyes widen. He opens his mouth to be doomed either way between betraying Fuyumi or Touya (because really they were kinda gross, they were everywhere and made a lot of noise) when he gasps as he sees a server bring out a delicious smelling meal that has big round fluffy circles and strips of different kinds of brown meat. “Mr. Endeavor, look!” Keigo says, his wings flapping as if to try to get higher up to see more. Mr. Endeavor puts his big hands on Keigo’s legs to make sure he doesn’t actually fly off his shoulders, considering Keigo can’t really hold his own weight in the air yet. “That’s a Western style breakfast,” Mr. Endeavor says. “Pancakes and bacon, I believe. You can order some, if you want to try it.” And Fuyumi and Touya are thoroughly distracted now and forget about the ladybugs. So it’s a win in Keigo’s book.
From Time's Arrow
Synopsis: Hawks gets sent on a mission to go back in time to stop Dabi from becoming a villain. Hawks takes the opportunity to fix the whole Todoroki family and give his younger self the life he’s always deserved.
Art by @beachbeibi <3
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frickingnerd · 5 months
hawks secretly dating endeavour's daughter
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pairing: keigo takami / hawks x fem!todoroki!reader
tags: secret relationship, wholesome fluff, lots of sneaking around, todoroki!reader, number one!endeavour, almost caught
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unlike your younger brother, you never wanted to be a hero, so your father never had to worry about you getting involved with his work
however, when a certain winged pro hero began to work closely with endeavour, your interest was piqued and you began to pay your father some visits at work for no particular reason
and it just so happened that as you spent more time at his office, you began to bump into hawks quite a few times, always finding time for some small talk with him
it was clear that the two of you had a thing for each other from the start! but neither of you outwardly admitted it, due to you being the number one's daughter
however, when your father ended up in the hospital after a tough battle against a nomu, hawks began to pay you some visits at home, to check up on you
those visits quickly began to become something more like dates and by the time your father was discharged from the hospital, hawks had finally asked you out
however, both of you had decided to keep your relationship a secret! it would be better if the public and your father didn't know about you two
for most of your dates, hawks flew you somewhere secluded and brought some home made meals! you'd often eat on some roofs of a skyscraper, far away from anyone else
occasionally, hawks would even be able to visit you at home, though only when endeavour invited him over for dinner. of course, he wasn't aware why you were so eager to prepare the food whenever hawks came along…
there were many close calls of hawks and you almost being caught making out, when sneaking around your house or endeavour's office
but you always managed to make it seem like just a coincidence that the two of you ended up alone together in a room…
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piedpip3rrr · 2 months
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oxygen537art · 2 months
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stormcallart · 3 months
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Heat Wave
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