#enigmatic beauties
epiphainie · 4 months
i've just finished my s7 rewatch and it's kinda so funny to me how much discourse people created over every bucktommy interaction when their whole arc boils down to tommy being patient and vulnerable with buck and showing up for him. like when you are not wearing shipper goggles under the name of "analysis" and don't try to reverse-engineer every word and look and shot with utmost bad faith, that's what it is. a simple and sweet story of a new exciting relationship with a guy who's understanding and willing to show up. literally the two things buck needs from a relationship but never had with his previous love interests. they are kinda sickeningly sweet and well-communicating actually lol
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shivroy · 1 year
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my favorite image ever in the entire world #kendalling
available as a print on my INPRNT if you love jeremy strong and his enigmatic spoon and beautiful spirit as much as i do ❤️
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therealmoonknight5 · 3 months
A Silent Voice - Gerald Edward Moira
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A still small voice spake unto me, "Thou art so full of misery, Were it not better not to be?"
Then to the still small voice I said; "Let me not cast in endless shade What is so wonderfully made."
To which the voice did urge reply; "To-day I saw the dragon-fly Come from the wells where he did lie. "Two Voices" -Tennyson
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xtruss · 1 year
Who Were The Tarim Basin Mummies? Even Scientists Were Surprised. The Enigmatic, Extremely Well-preserved Mummies Still Defy Explanation—and Draw Controversy.
— By Erin Blakemore | September 15, 2023
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Hundreds of bodies have been excavated from cemeteries like this one around the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang, a region of Western China. Known as the Tarim Basin mummies, these people lived some 4,000 years ago—and their ancient DNA has yielded surprising insights. Photograph By Wenying LI, XinJiang Institute of Cultural Relics And Archaeology
Though they died thousands of years ago, hundreds of bodies excavated in East Asia’s Tarim Basin look remarkably alive. They retain the hairstyles, clothing, and accoutrements of a long-past culture—one that once seemed to suggest they were migrant Indo-Europeans who settled in what is now China thousands of years ago.
But the mummies’ seemingly perfect state of preservation wasn’t their only surprise. When modern DNA research revealed the preserved bodies were people indigenous to the Tarim Basin—yet genetically distinct from other nearby populations—the Tarim Basin mummies became even more enigmatic. Today, researchers still ask questions about their cultural practices, their daily lives, and their role in the spread of modern humanity across the globe.
How Were The Tarim Basin Mummies Found?
Buried in a variety of cemeteries around the basin as long as 4,000 years ago, the naturally mummified corpses were first unearthed by European explorers in the early 20th century. Over time, more and more of the Tarim bodies were unearthed, along with their spectacular cultural relics. To date, hundreds have been found. The earliest of the mummies are about 2,100 years old, while more recent mummies have been dated to about 500 B.C.
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One of the most famous mummies found in the Tarim Basin is the Princess of Xiaohe, also known as the Beauty of Xiaohe. Named for the cemetery where her body was found, she is remarkably well-preserved even down to her eyelashes. Photograph By Wenying LI, XinJiang Institute of Cultural Relics And Archaeology
Who Really Were The Tarim Basin Mummies?
At first, the mummies’ Western-like attire and European-like appearance prompted hypotheses that they were the remains of an Indo-European group of migrant people with roots in Europe, perhaps related to Bronze-Age herders from Siberia or farmers in what is now Iran.
They had blond, brown, and red hair, large noses, and wore bright, sometimes elaborate clothing fashioned from wool, furs, or cowhide. Some wore pointed, witch-like hats and some of the clothing was made of felted or woven cloth, suggesting ties to Western European culture.
Still others wore plaid reminiscent of the Celts—perhaps most notably one of the mummies known as Chärchän Man, who stood over six feet tall, had red hair and a full beard, and was buried over a thousand years ago in a tartan skirt.
Another of the most famous of the bodies is that of the so-called “Princess” or “Beauty” of Xiaohe, a 3,800-year-old woman with light hair, high cheekbones, and long, still-preserved eyelashes who seems to be smiling in death. Though she wore a large felt hat and fine clothing and even jewelry in death, it is unclear what position she may have occupied in her society.
But the 2021 study of 13 of the mummies’ ancient DNA led to the current consensus that they belonged to an isolated group that lived throughout the now desert-like region during the Bronze Age, adopting their neighbors’ farming practices but remaining distinct in culture and genetics.
Scientists concluded that the mummies were descendants of Ancient North Eurasians, a relatively small group of ancient hunter-gatherers who migrated to Central Asia from West Asia and who have genetic links to modern Europeans and Native Americans.
How Were They Mummified?
These bodies were not mummified intentionally as part of any burial ritual. Rather, the dry, salty environment of the Tarim Basin—which contains the Taklimakan Desert, one of the world’s largest—allowed the bodies to decay slowly, and sometimes minimally. The extreme winter cold of the area is also thought to have helped along their preservation.
How Were They Buried?
Many bodies were interred in “boat-shaped wooden coffins covered with cattle hides and marked by timber poles or oars,” according to researchers. The discovery of the herb ephedra in the burial sites suggests it had either a medical or religious significance—but what that religion might have been, or why some burials involve concentric rings of wooden stakes, is still unclear.
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Mummified corpses were first unearthed in the Tarim Basin by European explorers in the early 20th century. Their Western-like appearance and clothing originally led researchers to believe these ancient people were migrants from Europe—but DNA later debunked that theory. Photograph By Wenying LI, XinJiang Institute of Cultural Relics And Archaeology
What Did They Eat?
Masks, twigs, possibly phallic objects, and animal bones found at the mummies’ cemeteries provide a tantalizing view of their daily lives and rituals. Though most questions about their culture remain unanswered, the burials did point to their diets and the fact that they were farmers. The mummies were interred with barley, millet, and wheat, even necklaces featuring the oldest cheese ever found. This indicates that they not only farmed, but raised ruminant animals.
What Were Their Daily Lives Like?
The Tarim Basin dwellers were genetically distinct. But their practices, from burial to cheesemaking, and their clothing, which reflects techniques and artistry practiced in far-off places at the time, seem to show they mixed with, and learned from, other cultures, adopting their practices over time and incorporating them into a distinct civilization.
Researchers now believe their daily lives involved everything from farming ruminant animals to metalworking and basketmaking—helped along by the fact that the now-desolate desert of the Tarim Basin region was once much greener and had abundant freshwater.
Researchers also believe that the Tarim Basin residents traded and interacted with other people in what would eventually become a critical corridor on the Silk Road, linking East and West in the arid desert.
But archaeologists still have much to learn about what daily life was like for these ancient humans, including who they traded with, what religious beliefs they adopted, and whether their society was socially stratified.
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Most of the bodies were found buried in boat-shaped coffins like this one, with the site typically marked by oars. This coffin is covered with a cattle hide, suggesting that the Tarim Basin people raised cattle and other ruminant animals. Photograph By Wenying LI, XinJiang Institute of Cultural Relics And Archaeology
Why Are The Tarim Basin Mummies Controversial?
The amazingly preserved mummies have long fascinated archaeologists. But the Tarim Basin mummies have also become political flashpoints. The Tarim Basin is located in the modern-day Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, land claimed by China’s Uyghur minority. Uyghur nationalists claim the mummies are their forbears, but the Chinese government refutes this and has been reluctant to allow scientists to study the mummies or look at their ancient DNA.
In 2011, China withdrew a group of the mummies from a traveling exhibition, claiming they were too fragile to transport. Some research about the mummies’ DNA has been criticized as downplaying the region’s distinctness in support of China’s attempts to assimilate Uyghur people. Just as more remains to be learned about the enigmatic mummies, their future as political and national symbols remains disputed too.
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egirlgarak · 2 months
still thinking about how i dreamt last night i was bojan and i had to save the world from a monster takeover by. eating ass.
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mhaccunoval · 1 year
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elsie wagg — john singer sargent (1893)
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artfularchon · 9 months
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Just a realistic portrait of Xiao. Definitely one of my faves. <3
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year
I just.. you know.
Think Plo Koon's really neat.
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meowtifullycute · 1 year
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Midnight Blooms: The Enigmatic Black Rose Pattern!
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angelynial · 6 days
the scream I let out when 1970's Spike was revealed
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shivroy · 1 year
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jeremy strong and his enigmatic spoon and beautiful spirit
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a-caribbeandreamer · 9 days
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Roosevelt Island, NY
Small pox hospital 🏥
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enigmatic-mouse · 20 days
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sashaspasiba · 1 month
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MUGLER, DIOR, ARMANI & The others 🌟🧲
& I shoot, I perform, I offer you the sound and beauty itself.
& I personally choose the models and work closely with a casting director to handpick the perfect team. I want more Men than Women, still want slavic, Already know, from head to toe, of exactly who I want in the creative team. Let me in life, Let us in! <3
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visite-the-place01 · 6 months
Enigmatic Beauty of the Caucasus Mountains
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rebfile · 9 months
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In a dimension woven from the threads of forgotten summer dreams, there stood a mesmerizing figure against the backdrop of an amber-hued world. She was a wanderer of golden shores, a mythical siren whose life was bound to the sun that spilled its warm honey over her radiant, animated presence.
This captivating soul was nameless, yet her tale whispered through every ripple of the ocean and every grain of sand she tread upon. On this particular eve, a fateful breeze danced with her sun-kissed locks, which shimmered like treasured gold spun by the hands of a celestial artisan.
Garbed in a swimsuit that glowed like a captured sunset, she was the embodiment of the carefree spirit that lured hearts and souls to the depths of infinite serenity. Yet, there was an enigma in her cerulean gaze, a silent story yearning to be told amidst her mischievous smile.
The world around her knew her not by a name, but by the feeling she instilled in the hearts of those lucky enough to encounter her. She was the missing piece to every incomplete summer story, the laughter amidst the solitude of the tides, the dream that visitors to these shores would carry home, nestled safely in their memories.
As the sun dared to kiss the horizon goodbye, she cast one last glance over her shoulder, offering the promise of adventure to those who dared to dream and dared to follow. Who was she? A portrait of summer's breath, a living ode to the jovial dance between day and night.
She was the untamed whimsy of the coast, and just like that, with a swish of her lustrous hair, she turned back to the embrace of the horizon, leaving a trail of stardust for dreamers to follow, a tale for tomorrow’s seekers of sunlight and sea whispers.
And so, the story goes on…
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