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Hey! Do you think Izana tried to find his biological mother? Also a bit related to it, do you think he tried to learn more about Filipino culture after learning the truth about his mother?
Well, I always thought that at least in the Manila timeline, Izana tried to find some of his family there... Mikey is hiding in the Philipinnes, I'm sure Izana had something to do with that choice! (yeah, I know it's also because Shinichiro found the bikes there but.. What was Shin doing in Manila if not looking for Izana's family? Two bike engynes? My headcanon is that the second one was suposed to be for Izana 😭).
So yeah, I can totally imagine Izana trying to found about his biological mother in the final and the Manila timelines (well, the ones that we know for sure he becames an adult, you know xD). Blood family was always important for Izana, seeing how he reacted with Shin, so... Of course he will try to found her! About if he would want to learn more about Filipino culture, I think it would depend on what he founds and how he feels about that. If he finds some type of closer or something that helps him feel that he finally belong to something, then I can totally picture it!
(If he just founds more trauma and pain, he would probably not want to know anything about it)
I've seen more than once in the fandom the idea of Manila timeline Izana going with Kakucho to give gifts to the orphan kids there. I actually love this image! 💜
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minteapurrs · 4 years ago
nala i shit you not one of the victims in ace attorney is called. get this. "deid mann." its simultaneously the worst and the most fucking hilarious thing ever
HELP???????? WHAT IS THIS GAME!!!!!!!
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low-sugar-eye-candy · 5 years ago
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Symplifycation Engyne
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graywyvern · 2 years ago
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( via / via )
Pas de Deux.
"What means this burly shapte horse? what person is author? For what relligion? what drift? what martial engyn?"
--Stanyhurst's Aeneid
Blood Market.
"Confessions of a Trilobite Meerkat"
they take from me my places of sanctuary dark they take from me the days and the years and the hopes i started out with
when first i took to the road
Final Catcher, black and white, Rembrandt, Picasso, volumetric lighting.
If textures are a world, those textures in motion are a story.
Here Lies the Body of Death.
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robertbonetnegrete · 4 years ago
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“Stories of people” My name is Ochieng Moses Ochieng, but my artistic name is Moseh Drummist. I was born and raised in Mathare, Nairobi, Kenya. I am 27 years old. I am an panafrican percussionist, a sound engyneer, a sound dessigner, a music producer, and a loving soul. I major more on african drums, playing and also making different varieties of them. I work with children in Mathare. I started playing drums and doing traditional dances and acrobats when i was 9 years old. So I am a teacher since i was a little boy. In Africa drums were one of the first tools of communication. If a baby was being born people waited outside, and the way to notify it, it was through drumming. Today in some african communities they still preserve the culture. I use drums as a tool of mobilisation, cause music brings people together. So we get to discuss different issues that affect our comunities. Politics is part of our daily lifes, we can’t run away from it. Am here to create a plattform for us as a community to come with our own long-term solutions. They say “If you don’t dance a yard, you cannot dance abroad”. So Mathare is where i dance mostly. I can’t mess or burn any bridges here. Am here to better and support people. With my leixure time, i usually go to Karura Forest, because i love nature. I just sit there, chill and feel the environment. Right now am setting up a recording label, so looking forward after 10 years i think the label will change a lot of creative minds in Mathare. The idea is to open the doors for this younger generation and give them an opportuntity to record their own music. I pray for wellness, health and wisdom. I love life, this mother earth, seeing people happy and seeing children smiling. Everything should be happening in synchrony under one love.
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cao-the-dreamer · 4 years ago
English being my second language, I tend to do grammatical mistakes, which you wrote about, when I try to talk too fast or without thinking first. For example I may say "she don't" or "I hates" if I'm not careful.
Sometimes I stop in my sentence looking for a word and I say "you know the... thing that you use for X?" while doing a gesture that I think could help conveying what I'm talking about. Yesterday my landlady talked about cleaning the garden and I asked "do you have the, you know, big tool that looks like a fork?" while spreading my hand and crooking my fingers to make it look like a rake.
If I have a doubt about the pronunciation of a word, I simply ask. "Do you pronounce it engEEne or engYne?"
I don't know if words like "thank you" are expressives, but when I'm either stressed out or excited I slip and say "merci" instead, and then I immediately correct myself afterward, "merci, I mean, thank you."
One thing I would like to see in a story, it's when, in a particular situation, the bilingual character goes "oh, we have a saying for that in my native tongue!" then proceeds to say and translate said saying. This morning there were droplets on the windscreen and my friend said that they shone like diamonds even though they weren't, and I added, "oh, we have a proverb about that in French, tout ce qui brille n'est pas de l'or, which means not everything that shines is gold." I think it's nice to compare different sayings between languages.
How to Write Non-Fluent ESL English
@interneet​ asked:
Hey, I’m reading a story at the moment where immigrant characters speak in incredibly broken English. It’s really jarring. Is there a way to respectfully write characters speaking in broken/non-fluent English without it coming across unrealistic and racist or would you advise just leaving that out of your writing altogether?
This is going to turn into a bit of a guide…I’ll try not to get too carried away with linguistics stuff :)
A Note on Terminology
I’d definitely go with “non-fluent” over “broken,” as the term “broken” has quite a negative connotation that also tends to be used in describing stigmatized languages, language varieties, and dialects that are, in fact, used properly according to their own internal rules (AAVE and many Global Englishes, to name a few). 
Another term you should know for this guide is ESL and L1/L2. I’ll use L1 to refer to first language, L2 for second language, and so on—you can keep adding numbers. ESL is “English Second Language,” which is pretty self-explanatory, but there is a crucial distinction between that and dominant language. I myself am technically ESL, as I started learning English at around age 3. However, since I live in the US where English is the dominant language, I quickly gained in English proficiency and lost Japanese proficiency. While I still have around middle schooler proficiency in Japanese, English is my dominant language now. An immigrant character may be ESL but completely fluent in English.
Should You Write It?
It depends on whether or not the character’s English proficiency is plot relevant. Keep in mind that with writing non-fluent english, you don’t want to overload speech with mistakes, or make it incomprehensible. The most you should do is use it to establish character (say a character has just moved overseas, and in the story their English improves over time) or to further plot (maybe there is important info that needs to be communicated and there’s a barrier). If it’s not relevant, and it’s just in order to establish that they’re a foreigner, don’t do it. It’s Othering, and there are other ways to establish culture and culture shock. As I said before, not all immigrants have a poor command of their destination country’s dominant language. 
The How-To
There are two components that I’ll address: 
The types of errors to include, and
Writing accents (or not)
First, grammatical features are better to use than phonetic ones. We’ll get to why when we talk about accents, but for now, note that it’s more respectful to use for ESL errors than pronunciation. Here are some examples of grammatical features: 
Word order
Inflections (eg. the attachment of affixes like -s, -ed, etc. to indicate tense, person, number, etc. of a noun or verb)
The presence or absence of certain morphological constructs that appear in some languages but not others (eg. Japanese has topic markers like wa, and English doesn’t; English has definite/indefinite articles like the but Japanese doesn’t)
If you’re writing an ESL character, ask beta readers & mods on this blog who speak the character’s L1 to see if the grammatical features of your character’s ESL speech are consistent with typical English fluency errors. Here’s an ask I answered on Japanese, and Mod Rune gives a good example on Korean here: 
A Korean is more likely to try and put someone’s title behind their last name (e.g. Obama President rather than President Obama, Lestrade Inspector instead of Inspector Lestrade)
Second, we want to avoid in-dialogue portrayals of phonetic differences, which is also called “eye dialect.” Here are some examples from a piece of media many of us are probably familiar with, but I don’t think deserves a citation: 
“Will you please inform zis ‘Agrid zat ze ‘orses drink only single-malt whiskey?”
“Eh? No, don’ go! I’ve — I’ve never met another one before”
“Anuzzer what, precisely?”
“Another half-giant, o’ course.”
Both speakers have an accent that is shown within the writing through misspellings of the words they’re speaking (one is French, one is West Country English). This is a stereotypical (and often hard-to-read) portrayal of accents that Others the speaker and unfairly puts either their dialect differences or their perceived proficiency in English at the forefront of their dialogue. And this is with European characters! Imagine how this would look on people from other parts of the globe. 
Another major reason why we want to avoid eye dialect is because of the racist history of (pejoratively) writing accents in literature. In early American writing, Black characters were written according to minstrel stereotypes, and with it, a stereotypical way of speaking that was emphasized through eye dialect. Here’s a thesis that explains the history of eye dialect in American literature to supplement that idea, if you want to learn more. In addition, unless you’re a linguist or dialect coach who is trained in the phonetic inventory of the L1 & speaker tendencies, you tend to perpetuate media stereotypes that may not be reflective of actual speech. This can be very harmful. 
Here’s a link on how to describe accents instead, and here are some good perspectives on being a 1st generation immigrant and struggling with accents (how that affects them when they’re teased for it, and also strategies they have taken to overcome a knowledge gap). 
In Conclusion
Before writing an ESL speaker’s English in a different way from the rest of the cast, consider whether or not this is really needed in your story.
If you do decide to write their speech differently, look at the grammatical features of their L1 and talk to real speakers of that L1 to get a realistic idea.
Thanks for stickin’ with me, folks. 
~Mod Rina
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canuterex · 8 years ago
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“A 'introduce the tale of King Edmund Ironside (Irensides) and how he is slain by the traitor Edrith.”
English MS 103.
“loued þat þey bicomen sworne breþ(er)en and so wel loueden to gideres as þey had ben breþeren geten of o body an o mo- der born. How king Edmund Jrensides traytrously was slayn þorugh a trayto(ur) þat me callede Edrith of Stratton Co. [...] // Co. xviijo. And after þo regnede king Edmund Jren [...] syde and knogh þe danoys. but þus it bifel aftirward and in þe same ȝere þat þey were accorded and so muche leueden togedre Wherfore a fals þeef traito(ur) had enuye vn to þe loue þat was bituene ham and frendshipe whos name was Edrith of Strattou(~) þat was a gret lord. þat was Edmund Jrensides man and of him held al þ(e) land þat he had // and noþeles he þouȝt his lord to bitraye & make Knoght king of þe land: in entent richely to haue ben auaunced and w(t) him ben wel biloued // Wherfore he prayde his lord Edmund . Jrensydes oppon a day w(t) him for to eten. and w(t) him duelle. and þe king curteisly him g(ra)untede and to him come at his prayer. and at þe mete þe king rially was serued wiþ diu(er)se metes and drynkes // And whanne nyght come þat he shulde gon to bedde þe king tooke his owene maynye and wente in to cham- bre. and as he lokede aboute he saw a wond(er) fair yma- ge and wel made and in semblaunt as it were a archer w(t) a bowe bente in his honde. and in þe bowe a fyn arwe // King Edmund wente þo nerre to biholde it bettr(e) what it mighte ben. and anon as his hond touchede þe arwe him smot þorugh þe body and þere slough þ(e) king for þat engyn was made to quelle his owene lorde tre- toursly // And whanne þ(e) king Edmund þus was ded and slayn he nad regned but .x. ȝere .his peple for him made muche sorwe and his body þey bere vnto Glastyngbury and þ(e)re þey him enterede. // And þis fals traito(ur) Edrith anon wente to þe quene þ(t) was king Edmund(es) wif. þat wiste of hire lordes deth: anon he nome fram hire hire too sones þat were faire and ȝonge þat hire lord had oppon”
Source: http://johannes.library.manchester.ac.uk:8181/luna/servlet/detail/Man4MedievalVC~4~4~229496~108151:King-Edmund#
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everytingyouneverwanted · 8 years ago
melancholic techno by Engyn for your weekend-entry.
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undetermine · 4 years ago
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@seatheworld7 @dumbbandkid @engyne @thatgingaaa-blog @thebeatofles @wruined @auttumng-blog @the-grand-optimist @tinaa123-blog-blog @ho-ho-hoe-it-up @marxxlceq-blog @pallidblossom-blog @tryingyetnotreaching @grizzygaby @every-singlecellofme @nyc-serendipity @create-your-own-fairytale @dolin1021 @bettercomecloser-blog @skylarsevan @adaborup-blog @paperocean @monsterpoopies @whytalkifyoucansing-blog @heresthereal-adventure @the-lostloves-blog @b0dy-snatch3rs-blog-blog @beyourselfisbeingcool-blog @waanderslut @be-who-you-are---xoxo-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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djvegassa-blog · 6 years ago
Premiere: Engyn - For A Better Tomorrow [Outcast Oddity] by Deep House Amsterdam https://ift.tt/2z8Cbyf
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caseism12 · 7 years ago
Engyn in Iraq: Choosing Between Baghdad and Erbil Case Solution & Analysis- Caseism.comhttps://caseism.com Get Your Engyn in Iraq: Choosing Between Baghdad and Erbil Case Study Solution. Caseism.com is the number 1 destination for getting the case studies analyzed. http://ift.tt/2xUZXeL
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low-sugar-eye-candy · 5 years ago
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Symplifycation Engyne II
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charlesdouglast-blog · 7 years ago
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Manutenção em centrais hb20, #hyundai (em Engyn Soluções em Elétrica e Eletrônica)
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canuterex · 8 years ago
How kyng Edmond Irensyde traytou•…sly was slayn thurgh a traytonr that was callyd edryth of stratton / Cao / C / xv•…ijo.
“ANd after tho regned kyng edmond Irensyde. and knought the danoys / but thus it befell afterward / that in the same ye re that they were acorded / & so moch loued to geder / Wherfor a fal se thefe traytour had enuye vnto the loue that was bytwene hem & frendship / whos name was Edryst of s•…ratton / that was a gre∣te lord that was edmond I•…ensydes man / & of hym helde al the land that he had / & nethe•…s he thought his lord to bytraye / & ma ke knoght kynge of the land in entent rychely to •…en auaun•…d and with hym wel be byloued / wherfor he prayd his lord edm•…d Irensyde vpon a day with hym for to eten and to duelle / and the kyng curtoysly hym graunted. & to hym come at his prayer / and at the mete the kyng ryally was seruyd with dyuerse metes and drynkes / and whan nyght come that he shold go to bed / the kyng toke his owne meyne▪ and went in to chambre / and as he loked a∣boute / he sawe a wonder fayr ymage & wel made / & in sem•…t as it were an archyer with a bowe bent in his hond / & in the bowe a fyn arow / kyng edmond went tho nerre to behold it letter what it myght ben / & anon the arow hym smote thurgh the body. and there slowe the kyng / for that engyn was made to slee his owne lord traytoursly / And w•…n kynge edmond thus was dede and slayne / he nad regned but x yere / & his peple for hym made moche
sorowe / and his body they •…ere vnto glastenbury / & ther they him entered / And this fals traytour Edryth anone went to the que∣ne that was kyng edmonds wyf that wist of hir lordes deth anō he toke from hir twoo sones that were fayre & yong that hir lord had vpon hir goten that one was callyd edward / & that other e•… dewy•…. & lad hem with hym to lōdon / & toke hem to kyng knoght that he shold do with hem what his wylle were / & told hym how queyntely he had slayn kyng edmond / for encheson & loue of hym so that kyng knoght al englond in his power hooly myght haue O thou fal•… traytour / hast thou my tr•…we broder slayn for enche∣son of me / a man that I moost loued in the world / Now be myn hede / I shal for thy trauaylle the wel reward / as thou hast deser ued / & anone lete hym take / & bynde honde & fe•…te in maner of a traytour & lete cast hym in to thamyse / an•… in this maner the fals traytour ended his lyfe / T•…e kynge toke tho twoo children / & toke hem to the ab•…ot of westmynstre to ward and to kepe till he wyste what was best wyth hem to done /”
Source: “The Chronycles of Englond.”  http://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/eebo/a23588.0001.001?view=toc
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globalfucker · 11 years ago
engyne replied to your post: anonymous asked:It'd be unforgett...
Maybe it is and everyone's just making it more difficult than it needs to be :P
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richwhitebread · 11 years ago
who is your fave tumblr user? (:
Ahhh this is super hard but I really like engyne and I don’t know why I can’t think of anyone else but there are so many! 
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