ima-ghost-art · 1 year
I feel like no one has mentioned that dan OFFERED TO GIVE HUNCH UPPIES????
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geronimomo-spd · 2 years
timestamps for the jumpscares in Scherzo
ok i gathered the timestamps for the jumpscares in Scherzo! as i couldn't find anything about it as i started listening
15:18 - 15:27 29:55 - 29:59 1:15:01 - 1:16:00 1:23:38 - 1:23:42 1:24:26 - 1:24:40
if i missed one do not be afraid to tell me!
(also all of the timestamps start one second before the jumpscare so the brain has a second to prepare!)
if you are about to listen to it for the first time or just in general make sure you are prepared!
(also unfortenetly i didn't manage to include all of the predictable (ie scares that you know are coming and don't suprise you, ie not jumpscaring you) screams and predictable load noises, as there are a lottt of those, so i recomand to be prepared to lower the volume a lot while you listen to this one or just listen to this one with a very low volume to begin with!!)
(now updated after a relisten)
please reblog to spread the word so people cane be informed!!
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tchaikovskym · 1 year
Four lane highways all across a country are humans' most miserable creations
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yellowhood · 2 years
Not me crying, wheezing, dying on the morning bus because my two bastards have just engaded eachother in the women's bathroom, no that is definetly not me
(tysm the recommendation @is-this-taken-too-questionmark)
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Fuck you. These pills better work fast.
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trans-xianxian · 1 year
apologies if this is like. putting too much authority on u so u can ignore it
i used to be really into genshin & i love a lot of the characters/story but esp with the newer stuff (i say "newer" but i left before sumeru came out) i've been getting really uncomfy w/ the lack of fat, disabled, or darker skinned folks and i wanted to ask if you think they got/are getting any better in that regard?
this got incredibly long so I'm going to put it under the cut!
for one I'd say that one of genshins biggest problems is it's complete lack of dark skinned characters. there are, what, five playable characters who aren't death pale out of the 70 something in the whole game currently? and my white dad gets darker than all of them in the summer. and then almost every single one of the darker skinned npcs in sumeru, with the exception of like three, have either been lying tricksters trying to con us, or aggressive and "brutish". they are also framed as being evil, unreasonable, and dangerous for wanting their ancestral lands back and trying to practice their culture. they couldn't even make candace, who is BASED OFF OF A REAL BLACK ETHIOPIAN QUEEN, dark skinned. sumeru is based off of swana (which, there are also problems w sumeru being based off of a huge geographical area w a plethora of different cultures while every other nation in tyvat takes clear inspiration from One singular real world nation and culture), but almost all of the characters, npc and playable, are super pale? this is obviously not to say that Everyone from a certain region looks the same way or that there are no light skinned ppl in swana nations irl, but like. cmon. they had an opportunity to represent darker skinned ppl w a nation based off of an area where a lot of darker skinned nonwhite ppl live, and they dropped the ball. not to mention the fact that out of all of the sumeru npcs, I don't think Any of the scholars from the akademiya have darker skin. there's obviously cyno as a pc but I feel like his academic side wasn't as focused on as it was w the light skinned characters. I think that the positive addition of a collection of darker skinned protagonist playable characters and npcs in sumeru sadly doesn't outweigh the fact that these characters are still ultimately whitewashed, and negative treatment of so many of the darker skinned npcs in the nation and the way that, even when those characters aren't being portrayed in a negative light, harmful stereotypes are still being perpetuated. there were quests that I could barely get through because they made me so uncomfortable. I do however know that hoyo has gotten a good deal backlash about this issue, at least from north american players, so we'll see how they handle natlan
as for fat characters... I feel like in general, genshin does pretty well with fat npcs. for the most part they're treated the same as other characters, appear in a variety of roles, and I haven't noticed any fatphobic jokes. I could very much be wrong and I wouldn't be Surprised if there were one or two but it hasn't been so much of a glaring issue that I can think of specific examples or remember it as a huge overarching problem. there was a fat npc in the most recent archon quest that played a pretty minor but positive role. sadly, I don't think there will ever be a fat playable character in genshin. there is barely any body type variation in the pcs anyway, ignoring the complete lack of fat ones. at the end of the day, genshin is a gacha game. the most popular one in the world currently. every playable character has to be marketable to the largest possible audience, and to be blunt about it, as fucked up as it is, fat bodies are not marketable. I just Know that if there was a fat pc there would be insane backlash. the amount of people losing their fatphobic minds would drown out anybody celebrating it. now, there Are instances of hoyo doing stuff w character design despite previous backlash - lyney being so blatantly gnc despite all the shit they got for venti comes to mind - so Maybe there's hope, but I honestly doubt it, unfortunately
hoyos relationship w disabled characters is.... complicated. there were two pcs in sumeru who I would consider disabled - collei had a fictional chronic illness and another character named layla has what I'd argue is narcolepsy or at least chronic fatigue. you could argue that what's happening w dainsleif is a chronic illness and I know baizhu is sick in some way but I'm not informed enough on the details to really speak on it. the pc dehya Maybe has a prosthetic arm? but it's incredibly unclear. there are of course a few characters with eyepatches. there's an upcoming character in hoyos other game, star rail, who has a prosthetic arm, but in the same game they have a blind npc who turns out to be a villain with her blindness being an obvious aspect of why she chose to be evil. in genshin a lot of the characters with sort of ambiguous health problems are treated... fine? like dainsleif is obviously isn't supposed to be a villain but I feel like his chronic illness doesn't actually affect his every day life in a significant way and it's just sort of a looming plot device. from what I remember from our interactions with layla, nothing glaring stands out as being problematic, and I think the portrayal of her illness was decent but I also don't really Remember a lot about how she acted or was treated. eyepatched characters don't get outwardly ableist treatment but it also doesn't seem to really matter to or affect their characters. and then there's collei. collei could have been so good, I was So excited for collei. the treatment of her chronic illness was surprisingly well handled, and there was a plot significant npc with the same illness who I appreciated the handling of as well. it could have been So good. but then due to plot events that chronic illness magically disappeared and wasn't a problem for anyone anymore. I was so disappointed, it felt like such a cop out like oh this playable character whose whole life has been affected by her illness and who has had to build different strengths than others due to her disability? who experienced medical abuse and was taken advantage of because she was sick? yeah all that's magically whisked away now. like it didn't even matter. honestly it's embarrassing. hoyo had been handling it so well and then they fumbled at the end. for a popular piece of media, I think genshin does alright with disabilities, there are some positive instances I can think of, but I also think they've made some real blunders in this regard. I don't know if I would call recent updates any Better about disabled characters, but I guess there's More of them
hoyo has its own handful of biases and bigotry that are very evident in the game (especially when it comes to race and colorism), there's no arguing with that, but I do think a good chunk of it comes down to what is and what they perceive as marketable, and considering genshin Is a combat game, this is especially true for fat playable characters. people would throw a fit about fat characters being """unrealistic""" in a combat setting, and hoyo knows this. they know that certain disabilities could get similar backlash or at least not be seen as being as "cool", and they know that, especially in east asian countries where colorism is very prevalent, dark skinned characters wouldn't make as much money. people like to act like because hoyo is a chinese company, they could have no possible clue that any of these things are problems, which is it's own insane brand of racism/orientalism from fans, but ultimately they are a multimillion dollar corporation trying to make as much money as they can, they know exactly what they're doing
there are many parts of the game that you can tell are made with genuine love for the story and the craft, I'm not saying it's all a nefarious cash grab, they Do care about quality and storytelling - that's clear in the intricacy of the lore and the beauty of the game itself. genshin is a game made by people trying to make good art, and I want to acknowledge that, but those people also work for a multimillion dollar company that gets the final say. I'm not trying to be pessimistic and say genshin will Never change, or that they Always bend to fan service and marketability, I do think there's hope! they've gotten better about a lot of these things! but I don't think that any of the issues you mentioned are Fixed by any means, and sadly a lot of the positive improvements have negative and disappointing counterparts
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exoexid · 1 year
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stoppp, i love them so much 🥺💗💗💗
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the-fo0l · 1 year
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Spencer Reid x gn!reader hcs
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Notes: lotta spencer content has him as an asshole, pregnancy, angst, smut, insecure reader...so here's some classic fluff
Warnings: fluff!, earlier seasons reid +he's kind of a simp (and a bit subby ;))
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the way his eyes just absolutely light up whenever he sees you <3
the man's a total genius, but only in the book-smart way, socially, he's a little...stunted
he's very much not used to any proper form of love, so you're gonna have to be a bit patient with him while he gets used to it
but believe me he is trying his very best cause he does not want to dissapoint you
at first he thought your love of his rambles was just a way to make fun of him
but since you seem to actually like listening to him talk, he'll take the opportunity to ramble to you about anything and everything on his mind
which the team appreciates, he has an outlet to rant to, someone to attend his geeky events with, and most importantly, someone reliable to support him
(they are still annoyed when he's constantly on the phone with you, meanwhile there's an active crime scene a few meters away)
before you two started dating he probably already considered you his best friend who he totally neverrrr had a crush on (sarcasm)
he was blushing, stuttering, jittery mess when he asked if he may be your boyfriend
and yes, that's how politely he asked
or at least he tried to, you had to cut off his blabbering with a "yes"
how could you ever say no to such a charming, lovable, polite young man
plus yk...he's cute as hell
the type to go out of his way to wake up early to make your coffee and breakfast just the way you like
wearing matching rings, either with each other's initials or some nerdy inside joke
he absorbedly teases the ring on his finger when he misses you
whenever someone mentions you he gets visibly more engaded in the conversation, and the team teases him like crazy for it
like, sometimes the crew'll pretend to be talking about you and watch how reid immediatly perks up from whatever file he was buried in and turns to look where the he heard your name be spoken. and he falls for it every. fucking. time
gushes to you about any new interesting books, reseach, interesting statistics, facts, events etc
in a similar vein, he'll get caught in gushing to the gang about how cool and smart and funny his partner is
rizzes you up w magic tricks
but can't handle you flirting with him, he's smiling like an idiot and bashfully looking away, with his face all red
a lot of people say he wouldn't like pda, and i get it, but i think if you've been together long enough and he feels comfortable around you he's not shy about expressing it, verbally or physically
i mean yeah, it's not "all up in your face" pda, it's with smaller affectionate gestures
vents all his thoughts, concerns and emotions out to you, and listens attentively and patiently when you have to vent
falls in love with you all over again listening to you get caught up talking about your interests/opinions
man's capable of easily retaining encyclopedias worth of info, so anything and everything you tell him gets commited to his database of a mind
be it the most insignificant gossip or tiniest detail about your childhood, you best belive he's never forgetting that shit
tries his best to not profile you or try to explain your emotions to you, but really he dosen't need to be told twice when it comes to learing the intricacies of realationship ettiquette
he's never dated anyone before and he's about as nervous as he is excited
deeply fears disappointing you, hates the thought of being a burden to you, so hearing affirmations of your love verbally means a lot
more than anything he needs a solid positive presence to help him deal with his emotions
so if he's had a really bad day, or a rough case, he comes to your front door and just totally breaks down and falls into your arms, crying into your shoulder
if anything traumatic were to happen to him, you're the first person he needs to be there
and if he woke up in a hospital bed he'd immediately start asking for you, rather frantically too
and if the event is traumatic enough, he may become a bit codependent, at least for a week during the recovery process
used to get jittery around you from nerves, now it's from the uncontainable happiness he feels being around you
his kisses are so shy and inexpirenced but also so, so needy and desperate
he'd die if you ever custom made a puzzle or quiz with questions about your relationship, like he'd be so overjoyed, literally would never shut up about it
(he'd nail it ofc)
reid usually isn't one for physical affection, like, not at all
but it's completely the opposite with you, he can't seem to keep himself away
and the guy is starved for touch...or really affection of any kind, so whenever he can, he clings onto any part of you he can
sits on your lap facing you, it's like you guys' favorite relaxing position, it's so intimate
follows you around like a puppy, all giddy and stupid with love
always holds your hand or onto your forearm while walking beside you
cuddles very close, tightly intertwined with you
you'll have to squirm and push while he just pulls himself closer into the crook of your neck
or yk just tickle his sides when he least expects it
reads to you, odds are whatever book it is, he's already read it, dozens of times over if it's a classic or scientific. he very well could just recite it but if there wasn't a book to look at, he'd have to look at you which would make him get distracted and trail off
which you'd, of course, playfully tease him for
in conclusion, you're never allowed to break up with him, i don't make the rules, it's the law
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narcjsistx · 18 days
— 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐓 | Reo Mikage
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒: 4.9k (4964)
𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄: fluff / angst
𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓: dreams that always seemed achievable don't always remain so. pro!player Reo Mikage, adult AU. mention of death, guns, suicide (not described and not heavy to read)
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The air is tense, the whole stadium doesn't even dare to breathe. The few who speak do so to pray, pray that that damned goal enters the net and thus marks the team's victory. The most audible noise is that of football boots running on the green lawn, and of the hits the ball receives in the shooting area. Everyone trembles, even the security or cleaning workers who stopped only to witness the possible victory or defeat
The ball flies into the air, a member of the enemy team tries to catch it but it is promptly passed back by a teammate. Even the smallest second counts in matters like these, so all enemy defenders try to regain possession of the ball as quickly as possible. It's a matter of less than a second when someone emerges from midfield, shoes tightly tightened and a blue uniform dressed with honour
With a sharp kick, the ball ends up in the net without even giving the goalkeeper the chance to realize which direction it is coming from
The stadium explodes, the screams become even too loud for the human ear to bear. The winning team cries, everyone throws themselves on the person who kicked the winning goal: Reo Mikage, Japan striker and soon to be your future husband
You join in the screams, and the tears you had contained until then pour out like a raging river. Sitting in the stands dedicated to the players' families, you hug the jacket with the visible writing "Mikage #1 Fan" that you had taken off due to the heat. You look up at the field again and find your boyfriend's soft eyes staring at you: he looks at you in a special way, but with a look that is much more proud than any other time. His irises scream "Did you see? You're happy? Are you proud?" and you can't help but let out a nervous laugh as you wipe away your tears
From the large screen placed in front of you, Reo's goal is broadcast again, and immediately afterwards, a recording of your reaction is accompanied. You die of embarrassment, but after years of being his girlfriend you're used to things like this. While the cameras are still filming you and the screams are continuing, you come down from the stands quickly putting on your jacket; you jump the steps that separate you from the pitch and even before you get close to the net you find yourself in the arms of Reo, who has escaped from his teammates to run to you
You hold him tightly to you, while he surrounds your waist with his body now all wet with sweat. The purple hair plastered to his forehead and his still slightly short breath make him so damn cute that you're surprised not to find any small or hidden imperfections in him. Even after being engaded to him for 10 years, every day you fall in love with Reo Mikage again
"You were very good" you whisper, remaining hugged to him, feeling his body trembling with emotion "Really very good" you say, breaking away from his embrace, while he holds you close to him, placing his hands on your hips. You dry your tears laughing, but he moves your hand away and with a thumb he wipes away the last tears at the edge of your eyes "It's thanks to you. Knowing that you were here only gave me determination" he says, wiping away the last tear, to then place a sweet kiss on your forehead
"REOOOOOO" shouts one of his teammates, who motions for him to come to the center of the field where they are opening some sparkling wines. You laugh at the emotional faces of his colleagues, however you notice a bit of dissent on his face "What's bothering you now?" you ask, and he pulls you into another hug "I want to stay here with you" he sighs, and even though you want this too, you know he has to celebrate because he won a really important match "Don't worry. I'll wait for you here" you say caressing him sweaty hair, and even though he doesn't seem to agree, he accepts. You break away from the hug, but before you can even turn around he pulls you by the wrist and, placing his hand halfway down your back, kisses you. The stadium erupts into another roar, and the image of the hottest couple of the moment is broadcast on the arena's big screen
You place your free hands on his cheeks, smiling as he presses his lips to yours. He breaks away shortly after and without saying a word, he runs away with his teammate. You remain enchanted by the kiss for a few more seconds, but you immediately compose yourself, and with a feeling of lightness, you step aside a little. You enjoy his happiness from afar, the emotion that lives in him as he lifts the cup while he is at the center of his team, who celebrate him like never before. Today's match was particularly complicated, fortunately ending with a 6-5 after almost the entire second half of the game was characterized by yellow cards. Today's match brings home an old trophy that Japan hadn't won for 27 years, but thanks to your boyfriend, can once again say it's Japanese property
The players enjoy moments of happiness after 90 minutes, including 2 extra minutes, of pure agony. Immediately someone is picked up by journalists for the usual interviews, but a large part rushes towards Reo with microphones and cameras ready to record his words. You understand that at the moment you can't be with him because he will surely have to have some interviews, so you decide to take his bag from the side of the field and stand at the end of the crowd of journalists, who otherwise will crush you
"Anxious?" asks a voice you recognize well "Enough. You? You just won a game, Nagi" you say turning, where you find your boyfriend's best friend, who seems to have escaped from the journalists "Nothing overly exciting. I just sweated more than expected" he says doing a few close to you, taking Mikage's bag "I'll bring it to him when we go to the locker room, don't worry" he says, knowing you can't say no "Thank you, and above all... you were very good too" you say crossing arms, finally with free hands. The boy shrugs, then continues straight where a line of journalists begins to follow him. You giggle at the scene, and before you can notice, Reo steps forward into the crowd of reporters only to pull you by the wrist and make you come with him “What do you want to do?” you ask entering the crowd of people, who however let you pass quite a bit "My wife can participate in the interviews, right?" he says giving you a determined look, and your heart skips a beat at that moment
Reo had proposed to you about six months ago, and at the end of this month, you would have become husband and wife. You had been together since he was 19 and you were 18, having met thanks to Ego's strange experiment: you worked as Anri's assistant, and more than a few times you had happened to sneak from the control room to some training camp. You once came across a former teammate of his in training, who, seeing a woman after months of "prisoner" inside the Blue Lock, had had a rather excessive reaction. Hearing your screams as you ran into the training field while escaping from the boy who proclaimed a kiss, someone had decided to check what was happening: that someone was Reo
Reo had more or less calmed down his teammate, giving you the option to lock yourself in one of the locker rooms for protection. Once the boy left, Mikage came to the locker room to check on your condition and, despite knowing that it was not legal for you to be there, he asked Anri and Ego to have you checked by a doctor to make sure that you were okay. That was your first meeting 11 years ago, and throughout his stay at the Blue Lock facility, you communicated through letters you hid in the cafeteria. Knowing that you certainly couldn't meet him, you had hidden a letter of thanks in the tray that you knew would end up with him. A few days later, while cleaning the cafeteria under Anri's orders, you found a reply letter from him, hidden in the empty rice bowl. You had sent a letter again, hiding it in the tray, and he had replied to you again. This has been your method of communication for over two years, until his exit by elimination
From the first letter, you had started rooting for him in every match, and maybe for you it was even love at first sight. Reo was one of the last to leave the Blue Lock, but he was practically immediately taken into an equally strong Japan team, and then with a bit of luck, he still managed to join the official Japan team at the end. As soon as he left the facility, you introduced yourself to him, and after not even a few months of knowing each other, he was actually the one who asked you to be his girlfriend. You had been together for 10 years now and every day you were grateful that you had the chance to be with such a fabulous guy. You had met his parents almost immediately, and you were quite surprised to find out about his family's heritage, which Reo didn't show off out
Together, you arrive in front of the journalist's cameras, who welcomes both of you with a light smile. "What were we saying?" says the boy, holding you close, putting his arm around your shoulders "Oh, we were talking about the match. The goal was decisive for the team's victory, and the fact that it was scored by you, who at the moment is one of the most loved and followed, it makes the fans crazy about you" says the man holding the microphone "Even for me it is unthinkable to have made the winning move for such an important match, but I had already thought of having to do it today to dedicate it to her. The goal is for Japan, but above all for my wife" he says in one breath, and the cameras get closer and closer. The journalist bursts into genuine laughter, while your cheeks get a little redder at his words "Prove your power to your wife, huh? But if I'm not mistaken, your wedding is still a few days away" says the man, and Reo nods "The wedding will be on the 28th of this month, but I have considered Y/n my wife for a long time already. The wedding is just an excuse to see her in the white dress" he says jokingly, and everyone bursts in a laugh, including you "I understand. So we can already call you Y/n Mikage, miss?" the man says, shifting his attention to you "Oh, if you want to, do it. It pleases me enormously" you nod, and Reo kisses your hair delicately, and you can already imagine the myriad of edits you will see when scrolling through Tiktok or Instagram of this scene
"Well, I don't know what else to say other than to congratulate you on your upcoming wedding. Are there any other plans in mind, work or personal?" the journalist asks, and at the same moment you and Reo turn to look at each other, a little thoughtful "Work... I think I'll continue with the Japanese team, I struggled to get into the team and above all I can't abandon my best friend and the other teammates alone... personal, in addition to marriage..." Reo says not really wanting to answer the question "We will have a family. We would like to have two or three children" you say answering the question. You know well that Reo didn't want to answer because neither of you had decided to tell the world, because you had talked about the 'children' issue relatively recently but you both agreed with the idea of ​​having them immediately after marriage "What she said" Reo says sighing, but with a smile on his face
The journalist nods, thanks for the time dedicated and leaves room for others, who would only like to have the same answers you gave to the man "Can you do me a favor? Can you waiting for me in front of the locker room? I should take a while and I know you won't particularly love answering the questions they ask you" he says while another journalist positions himself in front of you, with the microphone ready "Sure, see you there" you say, stepping aside, and you mentally thank him since sooner or later some journalist will ask you he would ask some strange question, as has already happened in some interviews where you appeared at the request of the television stations
Once you arrive at the door, you wait there for about twenty minutes. Some teammates start to enter, greeting you because they know you anyway. Nagi arrives after a while, with Reo's bag "He's still finishing the interviews, he told me it will take a while longer. Do you need a ride home?" the boy asks before entering the locker room "I want to wait for him, maybe I'll sit in the stadium cafeteria" you say shaking your hand, greeting him. Nagi nods and enters the room, and soon after, the rest of the players leave, and you hear them talking about a certain dinner
About another hour passes before you see Reo pop into the hallway. “Still here?” he asks, seeing you from afar, motioning for you to enter the locker room with him because he's the only one who still has to change "I waited" you say nodding, sitting on the central bench of the room, while your boyfriend opens his locker "It was more tiring answering everyone's questions rather than winning the game..." he says sighing, taking off his player t-shirt filled of sweat "I suspected it. Did they ask you any particular questions?" you ask as you see him grab a change of underwear, before also taking off his shorts and his underwear; although naked, you've seen him so many times that you're no longer surprised "Oh, one about marriage. They asked me if I forced you to marry me just to maintain a homosexual relationship with Nagi" he says rolling his eyes, entering the showers of the changing room. You burst out laughing at his answer, trying to avoid the tears caused by laughter "With Nagi? You should collaborate less on the field, then" you say passing him the bubble bath
"Ugh, don't make me think. When they asked me that question I didn't know whether to slap the reporter or not. Hell, I'm getting married in less than two weeks!" he says annoyed, pointing to the shampoo "These are questions made specifically to create hype, don't worry" you say passing him the shampoo, which he passes through his purple hair "Tired?" you ask, seeing him wash himself. “A little. But I think I have plans tonight, or rather, we have” he says, water splashing on him "What do you mean?” you ask in surprise "The team was talking about a possible dinner at a restaurant to celebrate the victory. Players and girlfriends included" he says turning off the shower jet on his hair to rinse it "Oh! I understand, some of them were talking about it when they came out of the locker room" you say remembering the boys who were talking about it earlier "I would like not to go and spend the evening at home, possibly in bed, but my father finances that restaurant... I think we have to go" he says sighing, wrapping a towel around his waist before getting out of the shower
"Okay. Do you know what time?" you ask crossing your legs “I think 10pm” you say as he dries himself off grabbing another towel. Reo puts on his underwear, his hair still a little wet and his chest clean and smelling good. You smile at him, motioning for him to sit on the bench "Rest a bit. I'll take care of the hair" you say, getting up, taking the hairdryer from the locker room, which you pass through your boyfriend's hair as soon as it's turned on. Reo relaxes as you run your hand through his hair, the warm air drying it quickly and making the room slightly warmer. You comb them delicately, and then put them in the little ponytail that he usually always wear
"Thank you" he says when he sees through the mirror of the room that you have done "You're welcome!" you say, leaving a kiss on his cheek. Before you can even break the closeness, he places his arm around your waist, holding you close to him; you place your hands on his bare chest and feel him relax a little as he hugs you "I can't wait for the wedding day" he whispers close to your ear, tightening his grip "The idea of ​​seeing you shine in your wedding dress, I can't get her out of my head. I've always been annoyed by crying in front of others but I think that day I'll care less than nothing" he says, leaving a few kisses on your neck, not in a lustful way, but rather in an affectionate way. You wrap your hands around his neck and let your bodies touch "Bride of the Mikage heir... I'll take your surname too, how strange" you say resting your forehead on his shoulder, with his chest heaving he lowers and raises slowly "Y/n Mikage. I could die, once everything is official" the boy says, and a small laugh spontaneously escapes your lips "And yet it will happen soon. What we have been planning since we got together so many years ago is about to happen" you say enjoying the contact with your future husband. This time Reo is the one chuckling, as he breaks away for a few moments just to look at your face "I may not be the strongest attacker in the world, but I think I won in another way" he says, and you look at him fascinated, affectionately throwing him a cheek "You are also the strongest striker in the world!" you say scolding him ironically, and both of you can't help but laugh
A few hours pass before you both find yourself at the entrance of the luxurious restaurant, chosen by the team coach. You shine in your long pearly white dress, adorned with a fur of the same color. Arm in arm with you is obviously Reo, who instead opted for a black suit. A crowd of photographers and more journalists fills the sides of the restaurant avenue, creating a crowd with also several fans. Reo greets everyone and more than a few people ask for his autograph, which he signs extremely quickly. Some fans greet you too, and you happily return the greeting: fortunately, Reo's fanbase loves you, or rather, loves your couple. You are trending on any app due to the news of the wedding, and every day you are happy to see the positive comments on social media under the posts dedicated to Reo's career, to you, or to your couple
The restaurant is one you already know because of Mikage's father, who let you dine in there, knowing the owner, for some dates or family reunion that you also attended. An entire room, larger than the house you used to live in before living with Reo, was taken over solely to hold all the players and their partners. You know some of the girlfriends of Reo's other colleagues, that you greet with a wave of the hand or by talking to those with you have familiar. Everyone present sits at the seats placed along the entire table, and you end up between Reo's seat and that of Honna, a girl wherewith you have a good relationship
The dinner proceeds peacefully, filled with the various toasts that the table makes for the team's upcoming victories. One topic that often comes up is your marriage, and both you and Reo are a little embarrassed to have to answer all the questions, but you know that people ask them with good intentions and not with malice
The evening drags on, and it's already past one in the morning when, by chance, you see some waiters passing by your table with some security guards. You're a little perplexed, and Reo seems to notice. "Did something happen?" he asks, leaning towards you a little more "I don't know. It's strange that some security guards passed..." you say thoughtfully, seeing how some of them have just closed the door of the room where you are. Reo turns around, also noticing the strange movement "I noticed" he says, returning to look at the movement near the door "Wait here" he says, and then asks Nagi and another teammate to get up with him. You watch him get up with the two boys, and with a slow pace they approach the door, where a couple of waiters have positioned themselves. You try to reassure yourself that it's just your stupid paranoia, so you calmly go back to the topic you were talking about with Honna. You spend more than 5 minutes talking, but Reo doesn't seem to come back: you turn around and he's still talking to the waiters, but why doesn't he come back? What are they talking about that makes the waiter seem so worried?
You apologize to Honna and get up, walking towards your boyfriend. The closer you get, the more you hear words you don't like, but you think they've simply changed the topic. You come up behind Reo, and gently tug at his jacket sleeve to get his attention "Hey" you say, and he turns around; his face looks very worried "Is something happening?" you ask. The boy looks down, sighing as he runs a hand through his hair "There's some problem outside the restaurant, some fans of the opposing team are making a mess..." he says, biting his lips. You look at him a little perplexed "Is it serious? You seem worried" you ask "The police are coming because they suspect he has a weapon, but it wouldn't be anything serious. He can't enter the restaurant with all that security" he says trying to smile, but you understand that he's only doing it so you don't worry "Reo, shouldn't we be leaving? We ask to leave through the back door of the kitchen..." you ask, resting your head against his shoulder, and he wraps his arms around your waist "Don't worry. It's nothing serious, really" he says kissing your forehead
Back at the table, however, your mind is a tangle of thoughts. In a remote corner of your mind, you think that the man's goal is Reo himself: after all, he kicked the decisive and victorious goal, and thanks to him if the enemy team lost. You tell yourself that these are useless worries, but you can't calm down. The dinner continues as if it were nothing, and no one has warned of the man's presence, probably kept secret from the team so as not to trigger unnecessary alarms. You sigh continuously and play nervously with the fabric of the tablecloth, trying to appear calm when you're not even a little. "Darling" he says suddenly grabbing your hand, massaging the palm gently "If you're not calm, let's go. I ask to get a taxi to pass as soon as possible and let's go home" he says as he continues to massage your hand, getting down on the thigh. You nod, and while Reo apologizes to the others for leaving so suddenly, you put your fur coat back on
He takes your wrist loosely, guiding you towards the exit where you know he'll ask to go through the kitchens. You breathe a sigh of relief knowing you're finally leaving, but you hear a window glass shatter. The whole room including you turns towards the main noise, where, scattered between the glass, a man is lying curled up on the floor
Many players and partners stand up, and you feel Reo's grip pushing you a little further behind him, behind his back. Everyone observes the man with a few pieces of glass stuck in his skin, and some waiter rushes towards the unknown person, and before anyone even realizes it, a gun is noticed hidden between his trousers and shirt
“Fuck" Reo says, placing a hand on your head to pull you down. Your breath catches in your throat when you see the weapon, pulling your boyfriend as far as you can under the shelter of a vase “Oh my god” you say panicked, starting to tremble. The man moves all the waiters who go against him, and more than a slight glance at the other players, his attention is completely captured by Reo. The emblem clearly visible on the man's shirt is that of the team that lost today
"Please, hide yourself better near the vase" you say again behind his back, but Reo only dismisses you by keeping an arm around you, keeping you firmly covered "Don't move" he orders you as he tries to hide you. The trembling is also joined by tears, which fall silently due to panic "Reo please listen to me, hide" you say practically begging him, but he doesn't seem to give in "Don't worry, put yourself here" he says, forcing you under the protection of vase. You hold his arm close to you, crying into it “I'm fine" he says, turning away for a second, but it doesn't take long before his body jolts suddenly
A little further away, the man with the gun pointed at your boyfriend, fires the shot. The bullet runs fast, landing precisely against Reo's back. Your boyfriend freezes, moving his pupils towards his chest where the tip of the bullet exits his chest. Your mind stops at the precise moment Reo gasps, and still in shock, his body ends up against yours. You find Reo's head on your shoulder, your chests against each other where you feel your dress quickly getting stained with blood. His blood
“Oh my god...” you say not daring to look down where your boyfriend is “Oh my god...” you say louder as your breathing becomes erratic. You dare to look at your boyfriend for just one second, and it's enough for you to burst into a desperate scream as you try to fix him in front of you. "REO!" you scream holding his cheeks, moving your hands to his shoulders “REO DAMN ANSWER ME” you scream even louder, but his gaze seems completely blank. Your gaze wanders between his face, the wound that's getting bigger and bigger, and the way he's slowly breathing more and more laboriously
You tremble like a wet dog, trying to stay calm because you know it's the only thing you can do at the moment "Reo, please, answer me" you say shaking him slightly, but beyond a light batting of his eyelashes, no reactions come from him. The world falls on you the moment you see his chest swell in a last desperate attempt to breathe. "Reo I'm begging you, give me a sign that you're okay" you say as you observe him, and the more seconds pass, the more you feel that your boyfriend is abandoning you. Out of nowhere a small smile appears on his lips, he closes his eyes and with difficulty moves closer to your ear
“I love you, I love you, I love you, I really do, darling. Thank you for making me so happy when you gave me the chance to be your husband"
Reo utters words before collapsing onto you, with his head on your shoulder. His chest no longer moves and you no longer hear his heart beating
You remain paralyzed, your hands unable to touch his back. You stop breathing the same moment Reo leaves. The heaviness of the world falls on you, and in passing, you momentarily see before you a possible scene that could soon have happened: you and Reo with two wedding rings on your fingers, while you have children around you who laugh and play peacefully
You explode into a desperate scream, calling the name of your now dead husband. You look for signs of life in his face, but what you see is only horrible death; you hold him close, bursting into desperate tears. Everyone is probably watching you, even your lover's killer. The pain you feel in this moment is unlike any in the world: it is a wound that is not yet finished, which is slowly tearing your flesh apart while it enjoys your torment, and you already know that even if it never heals, it will never be completely healable
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Morning newspaper: Tokyo Today News - 28/08
Journalist: "Y/n Y/s, girlfriend of the recently deceased Reo Mikage, heir to the Mikage fortune and important player of the Japanese team as a striker, was found dead this morning. The woman left a letter specifying that she took her own life because she has been empty since the day she lost her lover. If they were both alive, they should have gotten married today... line to the studio, stay tuned for the next news"
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wwemcumuscleslover · 2 months
You know something I really hate about TV series, is when a Disfuncional caracther start to redime itself, and out of nowhere. DEATH.
I Know This happens in real life, but c'mom, we watch this to escape reality.
Justin Voight, he was in peace, engaded, become a dad and really was trying his best to be better, but a Ghost from the past took everything.
Let his dad, Sargent Hank Voight alone because with this, His Grandkid move away with his mom and like that Hank Loses contact the only Blood Relative he still have...
My man, don't have a day of peace
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jaronxlordashcombe · 6 months
the difference between the two
Tobias: "Me and Amirinda are getting married!" Jaron with his sword out: " You interrupted our engadment!" Roden down on one knee with his sword out: "yeah tobias give us some space geez." Tobias:... Roden: "so anyway will you fight with me forever Jaron?" Jaron: "Yes I wil for the rest of my life." Tobias:"...what."
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Casually falls from a portal. "I GOT ENGADED- cough that hurt ow-"
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
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It’s nearly 2 am but :P u should take this💪
*screeches* AHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 GHOST YOUR SPOILING ME!!!! They look so freaking adorable, our sona’s! 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
We’ve inadvertently entered a sona art war- haven’t we? Engade! 🤺 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😈 THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL THANK YOU SO MUCH AHHHH!!!
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not-souleaterpost · 9 months
Least favorite part about soul eater's 3 introductionary episodes?
Guess the cop out easy answer would be saying the excesisive fanservice, especially when it involves minors, but that is too obvious and boring as an answer.
But if I had to think for anything else...
I could say things like that one can feel that the world wasn't fleshed out yet and there is a kind of disconect between them and the "real" plot that starts after, with that I mean the whole Kishin madness thing - but eh, I dont think that plot consistency is the highest virtue, especially when they started as stand alone things and dumping anlot of lore before it was clear it would be a whole show would be execsive, especially when it would derail the charecterization and other things inside the one shots.
But speaking of charachterization, maybe that could be a flaw - I've seen the argument that Souls and Makas charachters are kinda flipped - with Maka being the one that doesnt rush into things, while in the show proper it was she who actually did a lot of dangerous things without a plan - but even then I never was bothered by that and one can interpret it as showing another side, especially of a Maka that is still kinda paralyzed with uncertanty after the divorce. Hell even Spirit saying things like "oh I care for Blair more than Maka", even if a bit too extreme and tonedeaf, could be seen as the start of his charachterization and arc and reason why Maka really dislikes him (but yeah maybe that part was a bit too extreme if I'm not misremembering some bad fantranslation lol)
So yeah, one other thing that may be kinda clunky for me is the whole contrivance of everybody ending up with zero souls - like I get it, its so everybody starts the series on even footing, or if it doesnt get picked up one still has that "the adventure continues feeling", but still, especially with Kid it felt kinda forced - but again on the other hand its not like a big deal and the comedic note of all the efforts being revoked do to incompetence kinda works too - especially with Soul and Maka once it later gets established that they were kinda still rookies (but again thats all prolly just cause all the shit wasnt planned, so I wont be a stickler)
So yeah, in the end I'm kinda sorry that this meandering answer doesnt have a satisfying conclusion. I think in the end the chapters all had self contained storys that established charachterizations and set up how the personalities could develope in the future while showing the wacky world of it all. I'm not even saying that I found them super engading, but at the same time its hard to find something obviously wrong - I guess one could say that BlackStars is the one with the most emotional resonance, cause its ironically the one least played for laughs and the one with the serious "choice", while the DtK one is mostly wacky and a cartoon - but that has its own appeal.
But maybe even that is kinda a blessing and a curse - the way Ohkubo tried to one up himself - so ok we first start with an actuall scythe, hence the theme, but then how do we one up that, oh a weapon that transforms into like 5 or how many others on demand, and then... Guesss two weapons and they are glocks!
Like one could arguee that maybe it leads to Maka and Soul being overshadowed - but even that isnt really true, because the scythe stayed iconic so yeah, in the end if you thought I had some brillian insight behind all this rambling:
(but thanks for the ask, feel free to write another one, maybe I'll have something actually profound to say then lol)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 days
My tears ricochet.
by little_gay_butterfly Y/n Mountbatten is the daughter of the most powerful and richest family in Europe. At 36, she's made a name for herself, not only for being part of the family of the Royal Family of the United Kingdom, she also made a name for being a fierce business woman, the richest person in the Royal Family and completely attractive. She is engaded and completely in love with Kara Danvers, a reporter at CatCo Worldwide Media and secretly known as Supergirl. She thinks that she has everything in her life, she's great at her job, she has a lovely family, a beautiful fiance, great friends, her fiance's family loves her, her family loves her fiance, she's good-looking and she's soon to be wife of the kindest and perfect person that has ever touched this planet. What happens when she receives an envelope with information and proof that the love of her life has been cheating on her for the last year with her best friend and realize that she's not living the perfect life she thought she had? Let's take a dive into this. Words: 861, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Cat Grant, Eliza Danvers, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Maggie Sawyer, Winn Schott Jr., Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Lucy Lane (DCU), Nia Nal, Agent Vasquez (Supergirl TV 2015), M'gann M'orzz, Bruce Wayne, Olivia Marsdin, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), Zor-El, Alura In-Ze | Alura Zor-El, Astra (Supergirl TV 2015), Lara Lor-Van, Jeremiah Danvers, Jor-El Relationships: Kara Danvers/Reader, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Cat Grant/Reader, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Cheating, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Cat Grant Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Protective Cat Grant, Betrayal, Partner Betrayal, British Character, Heartbreak, Based on a Taylor Swift Song, Title from a Taylor Swift Song, British English, Bad English, No Spoilers via https://ift.tt/3jDT0GU
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tia-amorosa · 11 months
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Marcus & Bruce, engaded, Employee and boss…works for them.
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