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jeintalu · 7 months ago
Russia claims that Ukraine shelled the Energodar city.
Nuclear plant cooling systems were affected.
A fire broke out.
There is no danger of nuclear catastrophe.
In turn, some Ukrainian channels claim that Russia is burning the car rubbers at the nuclear plant.
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anchesetuttinoino · 7 months ago
Incendio alla centrale nucleare di Zaporozhye?
Da alcune ore stanno girando queste immagini. Le autorità hanno riferito che a seguito di un tentativo di bombardamento della città di Energodar, gli obiettivi ucraini abbattuti hanno causato un incendio.
L’incendio è localizzato nella zona delle torri di evaporazione della centrale, lontano da reattori e scorie radioattive.
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andrewtheprophet · 2 months ago
Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant reports drone attack from Ukraine: Jeremiah 12
The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, Europe’s largest, is seen in the background of the shallow Kakhovka Reservoir after the dam collapse, in Energodar, June 27, 2023. (PHOTO / AP) By Xinhua MOSCOW – A training center building of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (ZNPP) was attacked by a Ukrainian drone on Sunday, according to the plant’s press service. “A Ukrainian drone hit the roof of…
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capturedukrainians · 9 months ago
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Region: Zaporizhzhia Settlement: Energodar Full name: Kolyada Yevhen Ivanovych Date of birth: 03.03.1997 City of last stay: Kamianka-Dniprovska Circumstance: The occupiers took him from the house
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mokhosz-nafo · 11 months ago
The occupiers authorities detained the operator of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant for comments on Telegram
According to ASTRA, 20-year-old Ruslan S., who works as an operator at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, was detained in the occupied Energodar.
The reason was his comment on the Ukrainian TG channel under a publication about the bombing of the car of Maxim Zubarev, the ex-head of the occupation administration of the village of Akimovka. According to the source, Ruslan wrote: “What great news, we need to drink to this. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Ukrainian nation and fuck Russian Federation.”
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russian-sasha · 9 months ago
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Все также ведем информационный бой с западной пропагандой. Наша сила по-прежнему в правде.
Поэтому, команда «Ваших Новостей» свозила очередную группу иностранных журналистов в Запорожскую область и Мариуполь. Такие туры мы уже организовывали в ЛНР и ДНР.
В этой поездке приняли участие журналисты из Америки, Китая, Франции, Греции, Литвы, Британии, Мали и Ганы. Например, с нами был Джексон Хинкл – звезда США, популярнейший ведущий и блогер-миллионник, который искренне любит Россию.
Вместе с представителями зарубежной прессы мы посетили прифронтовые зоны, Запорожскую АЭС, пообщались с местными жителями в Мариуполе, Токмаке, Бердянске, Мелитополе и Энергодаре.
Наши иностранные коллеги уже вовсю делятся контентом из поездки со своей публикой. Очень скоро мы опубликуем наши материалы из тура по новым территориям.
Благодарим за поддержку в организации поездки Захара Прилепина и вице-спикера Госдумы Александра Бабакова. Отдельно выражаем благодарность МИД России и Марии Захаровой, а также федеральному агентству «Россотрудничество».
We are still engaged in an information battle with Western propaganda. Our strength remains in truth.
Therefore, the “Your News” team brought another group of foreign journalists to the Zaporozhye region and Mariupol. We have already organized such tours in the LPR and DPR.
Journalists from America, China, France, Greece, Lithuania, Britain, Mali and Ghana took part in this trip. For example, Jackson Hinkle was with us - a US star, the most popular presenter and millionaire blogger who sincerely loves Russia.
Together with representatives of the foreign press, we visited the front-line zones, the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, and talked with local residents in Mariupol, Tokmak, Berdyansk, Melitopol and Energodar.
Our foreign colleagues are already sharing content from the trip with their audience. Very soon we will publish our materials from the tour of new territories.
We would like to thank Zakhar Prilepin and Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Alexander Babakov for their support in organizing the trip. We especially express our gratitude to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Maria Zakharova, as well as to the federal agency Rossotrudnichestvo.
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creidart · 2 years ago
I think at this point it's clear that russia do not intent to use their nuclear weapons... They cause mass destruction in other ways.
As someone living v close to occupied Energodar, home of ZNPP... I am kiiinda worried
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tvbrasilnoticias · 2 months ago
EUA impõem sanções à maior usina nuclear da Europa
O Departamento do Tesouro dos Estados Unidos adicionou a Usina Nuclear de Zaporozhye (ZNPP), a maior instalação do tipo na Europa, à sua lista de empresas e indivíduos russos sancionados. Localizada na cidade de Energodar, a usina está sob controle russo desde março de 2022, após a região de Zaporozhye ter votado em um referendo para se unir à Rússia – votação que os EUA não reconhecem,…
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multipolar-online · 7 months ago
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andronetalks · 7 months ago
Fire breaks out at nuclear plant after Ukrainian attack – governor (VIDEO)
RT August 11, 2024 The Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) has caught fire after being shelled by Ukrainian forces, the governor of Russia’s Zaporozhye Region, Evgeny Balitsky, announced on Sunday. The fire is under control, the official added. The fire broke out following a Ukrainian attack on the nearby city of Energodar on Sunday and affected the plant’s cooling systems, Balitsky said in a…
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korrektheiten · 7 months ago
Kühlturm des AKW Saporoschje brennt nach ukrainischem Beschuss
Anti-Spiegel: » Die ukrainische Armee hat die Stadt Energodar und das nahe liegende AKW Saporoschje mit Drohnen beschossen. Durch den Beschuss ist in der Kühlanlage des Kernkraftwerks ein Feuer ausgebrochen. Laut den Behörden besteht jedoch keine akute Gefahr, denn das AKW ist wegen des fortgesetzten ukrainischen Beschusses aus Sicherheitsgründen schon lange heruntergefahren und alle sechs Blöcke des […] http://dlvr.it/TBnjNJ «
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ujcdecuba · 11 months ago
Drones ucranianos atacan la central nuclear de Zaporozhie
Las Fuerzas Armadas de Ucrania atacaron la cúpula de la sexta unidad de energía de la central. Las fuerzas ucranianas atacaron con drones la central nuclear de Zaporozhie, situada en la ciudad de Energodar, en la provincia rusa homónima. Un dron kamikaze impactó en la zona de la cantina, dentro del territorio de la central, comunicó el servicio de prensa de la planta. Como consecuencia del…
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andrewtheprophet · 7 months ago
Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant 'Blackout' Warning: Jeremiah 12
A Russian serviceman patrols the territory of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station in Energodar on May 1, 2022. The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station in southeastern Ukraine is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe and… ANDREY BORODULIN/AFP/Getty Images Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant ‘Blackout’ Warning Issued by Ukraine – Newsweek The Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (ZNPP)…
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head-post · 1 year ago
Russia accuses Ukraine of regular attacks on nuclear infrastructure
Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolay Patrushev has charged Ukraine of striking three Russian nuclear power plants (NPPs) at a meeting with his colleagues from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries in Moscow. Russian media also report about possible provocation at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant.
In late October, a Ukrainian drone crashed and exploded near the nuclear waste storage facility of the Kursk NPP, but no damage was done to the facility. Later, a similar drone failed to reach the Kursk nuclear power plant and crashed in the city of Kurchatov.
The Russian mass media also published information about a possible provocation at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. 
The Zaporizhzhya NPP is located on the left bank of the Dnipro river, near the city of Energodar. It is the largest nuclear power station in Europe.
Learn more HERE
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jeintalu · 1 year ago
Russia launched war against Ukraine 2 days after Zelensky, speaking at an international conference abroad, announced that Ukraine could acquire a nuclear weapon.
At the very beginning of the war, Russia seized the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and Europe's largest nuclear power plant in the town of Energodar, Zaporizhye oblast.
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inprimalinie · 1 year ago
Preșcolarii din regiunea Zaporojie au trimis felicitări militarilor pe 4 noiembrie
Preșcolarii din Energodar au trimis pentru prima dată felicitări militarilor pe 4 noiembrie cu prilejul Zilei Unității Naționale. Georgiana Arsene Preșcolarii din orașul Energodar, regiunea Zaporojie, au transmis pentru prima dată desene și felicitări soldaților din Forțele Armate ale Rusiei în cinstea Zilei Unității Naționale, a declarat pentru jurnaliști Uliana Korobciuk, șefa departamentului…
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