#ends up finding one of the others and being like. THERE IS. A BEAST ?
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Okay the idea that grabbed me the most from the Kuttenberg Vampire thing...
(I've not finished the game yet so in terms of Canon Events this is entirely bullshit. Somehow this also ended up being 3.6k words. Rated E but only just. In which Henry gets turned into a vampire, and Hans tries to save him.)
Henry goes to Kuttenberg. He needs to find John of Lichtenstein. He's going to save Hans. But... he never does. He enters the city, and he vanishes.
Weeks - months - later, Hans is free. But Henry never came for him. In fact, everyone presumes Henry is dead. But this is Henry. Hans refuses to believe it, so he goes to the last place he was seen to find him himself, even if all that's left is a pile of bones.
Eventually, he finds someone who tells him a man matching Henry's description was seen going into the tunnels below the city. And he tries, he really does, but the walls close in on him and the ceiling creaks down and he can't breathe, he can't even see, and by the time he comes back to his senses he's back in the air with his heart thundering in his ears.
He really is useless. He heads to a tavern on the edge of the city. He'll either drink himself to death or get enough liquid courage to get back in those catacombs. But there he finds a familiar face: not Henry, but Mutt.
The innkeeper tells him Mutt appeared a while ago, lost and skinny. He's welcome to keep the beast (for a small fee). Hans takes him, and with the animal by his side he feels a little surer of himself. He returns to the tunnels.
Mutt is a good companion, but better than that: he's a good tracker. It's Mutt who leads Hans to the sealed-off tunnel, who scratches at the planks blocking the way until Hans shoulders his way through them.
On the other side is a chamber, rank with rot. The floor crunches beneath Hansâs boots: bones. Hundreds, maybe thousands. Rats, mostly, but some are larger: dogs, cats. A few birds.
He goes deeper. Another chamber. In the corner, a pile of rags. A bed? Mutt is in turn whining and barking. Hans reaches in, desperate to find anything that might lead him to Henry. And then there's a hand on his shoulder.
He spins around, dropping his torch. The flames illuminate the one who grabbed him from below, horrible and hellish.
He's alive. But he's different. His eyes are darker, face sunken. He looks sick. He looks like he's close to death: like he died a long while ago, but never stopped moving.
Hans tries to embrace him. Henry backs away. He moves so quickly that it makes Hansâs head hurt.
"Don't--" Henry backs himself into a corner. He looks terrified. "You need to go.'
Hans refuses. He didn't come all this way and through those fucking tunnels just to leave Henry now he's found him. They argue. Henry won't back down. Neither will Hans. Henry blathers about danger, and monsters, and the Devil. Hans won't have any of it.
And then he sees. He sees the flash of something new in Henry's mouth.
"What the fuck is going on?"
And finally, exhausted, defeated, Henry tells him. He'd been exploring the tunnels. He heard a noise - found a body. He was attacked. Not by a man, but by a creature: a devil spawn which took him down and sank in its teeth and left him drained and dead.
But not dead. He came back. Came back like this - wrong and hungry and evil. Came back with the Devil in him. Hans has heard stories like this before. Demons, blood suckers. Vampires.
"Just leave me," Henry says. "Just go."
Hans will never leave him. Henry has saved him so many times, and he intends to return the favour.
It takes some convincing - and stealing a horse - before they leave the city. They ride by night: the sunlight makes Henry's skin blister. Henry tells him more. He's been living off rats and strays, draining them dry in the mouldy crypt that's been his home these past months. Hans asked if he's ever taken from a human. It takes a while, but Henry confesses: yes, just once. A bandit in the tunnels looking for loot. It had just happened. He didn't mean to.
At last, they return home. Henry is greeted in the way befitting a man returned from the dead, and he hates it. Hans bundles him into his own chambers, telling the others that he's sick and tired and needs a bath and a rest. The part about the bath, at least, is true: Henry stinks.
Once Henry is settled, Hans makes a decision. He's going to find a cure. He's going to fix this.
"What if you can't?" Henry says, in a tub of filthy water. "What if there is no cure. What if you fail? I can't stay here."
The answer is obvious. "Then we leave together," Hans says. "Wherever you go, I go."
"But you can't. You're a Lord."
Hans doesn't care. "I can. And I will. I won't leave you again."
He leaves Henry asleep in his bed and goes to find Godwin. Hans suspects Godwin knows fuck all about vampires, but he is discreet. He has too many of his own sins to worry about anyone else's.
He finds him in the tavern, of course.
"I need to talk to you," he says, pulling him aside and placing a full jug of wine in front of him.
Godwin eyes the wine. "Go on?"
Hans suddenly doesn't know where to begin. It's about Henry. It's about the Devil. It's about sin and God and absolution and Hell. Father Godwin listens to him ramble before speaking.
"I had wondered how long it would take you two," he says, laughing. "I have often wondered why they tell us God is so happy to allow us to murder and seige each other but is apparently so furious with a little light sodomy. What is it you need? Penitence and pardon?"
Hans chokes on his wine. His face goes red. It's not that. At least: not in the way Godwin thinks. That guilt has been eating at Hans for a while, now, the fear of Hell and the noose, but right now he has more pressing problems. The dark heart of him - his sodomical nature - can wait.
"It'll be easier to show you," he says.
Involving someone else in this is a huge risk, but Hans isn't sure what else they can do. Godwin speaks to Henry, examines him, looks at his teeth.
"I cannot say I know how to help," he says.
Hansâs heart sinks. He's already planning how to leave, where they can go where Henry will be safe.
"But... I think I may know someone who does."
Godwin rides off that very day. When he finds the person he's looking for, he'll send word to Hans and they will set out after him. All they have to do is wait.
The waiting nearly kills him. But they find sense in it all. They tell people that Henry is very unwell and that Godwin is looking for something that will help: the truth, in a way. They settle into a routine where Henry emerges after sunset and before dawn, snatching a few hours together where they can, and making sure others see him too.
Henry stays in Hansâs chambers. It's so he can keep an eye on him, Hans says. Just in case. Sometimes he wakes to find Henry near him, watching him. Once he is stirred from extremely pleasant dreams to find Henry leaning beside him, his hand resting in the crook of Hansâs neck.
"I can hear your heartbeat," Henry says, eyes dark.
They don't talk about it.
There have never been so few rats in the castle.
Finally, a message arrives from Godwin. He bids them to return to Kuttenberg where he will introduce them to a friend of his. Hans is keen to set off as soon as possible: he cannot stand the anxiety of waiting for much longer.
How they'll travel to meet him is a difficult question. Henry cannot ride by daylight, but the roads are dangerous by night. Their solution is simple: a covered cart, the canvas lined with wool and sealed at the back to ensure no light can get in. It's awkward and slow, but it works.
Their journey is easy; at first. And then the worst happens. A bandit attack, just after sunset. They're outnumbered, but that has never mattered before, and now there's a new strength thrumming beneath Henry's skin that Hans has never seen before. He takes down the bandits brutally, and its terrifying, and beautiful.
And then he lets his guard down. A man goes for Hans, and Henry turns - tries to stop him - and then there's a second bandit on his back. The knife goes in again, again, again.
Hans has the bandit who attacked him on his back in an instant. Henry rears back and the one whose knife is embedded in his side is taken down in a spray of blood. And then he's on his knees. He pulls the dagger out and flings it aside.
No. No, no: not now, not when they've gotten so far and Godwin is dangling the promise of a cure to this hell in front of them. Hans throws himself down beside Henry, scrabbling at his clothes, trying to stop the bleeding.
"Hans. Hans."
Henry takes his hands and pushes them away. He rips off the ruined tunic. His chest and back is covered in horrible wounds, bleeding sluggishly. But as Hans watches... they close. The bleeding stops. Henry's breathing levels.
But the wounds don't heal entirely. Henry is left with a torso full of dark, angry-looking gashes.
"Shit," he says. "Shit. Normally I-- I heal."
There's nothing they can do. Hans wraps Henry's chest in bandages, more to keep the blood off his clothes than anything else, and they're back on the road. But Henry is slower, now. Potions and tinctures don't work. The wounds don't heal. They're riding down a wide road one night, side by side atop the cart, when Henry slumps sideways. He nearly falls. He would have fallen, if Hans hadn't caught him.
Somehow, Hans gets him into a clearing at the side of the road and leans him against a tree. It takes a lot of cajoling for Henry to admit what's wrong.
"I've not..." he says, through laboured breaths. "I've not eaten in too long. That's why I'm not healing."
Oh. Well that's easy, then. Hans tells him as much himself. Henry does not agree.
"I can't catch anything like this," he says. "And you're a shitty shot."
"I'm not intending to catch you a deer, you oaf," Hans says. "Use me. Christ above, Henry, it's not like you have much of a choice."
Henry looks horrified. "No. No, I can't."
"And if you don't?"
"I'll be fine."
"You'll die."
It's a guess, but the expression on Henry's face makes Hans realise its true.
"What if I hurt you?" he says at last. "What if I can't stop?"
Hans takes his hands. "You won't hurt me," he says. "And if you're that worried about it, give me your dagger. If you go too far, I'll stab you again."
Henry laughs, thank God, although the sound is strained.
"You think that will stop me?"
"No," Hans says, "but it'll distract you enough so you realise what you're doing."
Henry still seems unconvinced.
"Please," Hans says, frustrated that he's resorting to begging. "I... I refuse to loose you like this, Hal."
Henry relents. It takes a little shuffling to find the best position. Henry slots between Hans's legs, and Hans tries to keep his mind on what's about to happen, not the feeling of Henry's thighs between his own. He pulls off his shirt: this, he suspects, will be messy. He thinks on Godwin's words about sodomy. His heart is thundering.
Henry, he knows, can hear it. He wonders if he knows why it's beating so hard.
He grips his knife in one hand. He won't need to use it. Henry edges closer. His skin feels strange, cooler than usual, slightly unreal. His hands come up to tilt Hans's head just so, exposing his neck. His lips brush Hans's skin. Hans can feel his breath. He closes his eyes.
It hurts, but only for a moment. And then -
Hans curses. Henry stills.
"Don't you dare stop."
He's never felt anything like this. The pain peters out almost immediately, replaced with a burning, rushing heat that seems to fill him to the very tips of his fingers. Henry opens his mouth wider, tonguing at Hans's skin. He cannot tell if his neck is wet with blood or spit.
Henry makes a deep, guttural noise. Hans feels it rumble out of his chest. He bucks his hips instinctively, and - God's Teeth - he's never been this hard in his life. He rubs himself against Henry's thigh, too lost to bliss to care that Henry will be able to feel what he's doing.
It's over too soon. Henry laps at his skin, and then - horribly - pulls back. Hans can barely think. He mutters something needy and desperate. He can't hear Henry's reply over the sound of blood rushing in his ears. And then panic grips him.
He's going to lose him. After wars and battles and nearly dying and being fucking shot and weeks of hunting and then, to top it all, a fucking devilish curse, he's going to lose Henry in the way he suspected he always would: with Henry figuring out the shame in the heart of him and turning away.
"Henry, wait--"
He doesn't get a chance to finish that sentence. Henry is back upon him, his lips brushing his neck now not in a toothy bite but in a gentle, soft caress. He heaves Hans into his lap - there's that untapped strength again - and Hans can feel that he, too, is desperately hard.
His release comes embarrassingly swiftly. Henry's takes longer - and Hans is determined to commit the feeling of Henry's cock between his thighs to memory, in case it never happens again.
Afterwards, they lie side-by-side beneath the trees. Henry's hand is tucked into the crook of Hans's neck; feeling his pulse, Hans realises. He looks so much more alive, now, the wounds on his chest closed, his eyes sparkling. There is blood around his mouth.
"It's why I didn't kiss you," Henry confesses in the dark as Hans attempts to wipe it away. "I thought... well. It might be weird."
And there's the Henry that Hans knows and loves. A little awkward, a little off guard, always unsure if he's a peasant or a blacksmith or a nobleman's son. Hans laughs.
When Henry is finally clean of blood, he holds Hans down and kisses him and kisses him until Hans can no longer breathe.
The rest of the journey goes slower; not because of bandits or brigands, but because Hans is insatiable, and now he's been given permission he cannot stop. By the time they finally reach Kuttenberg, Godwin is clearly sick of waiting.
Their destination, it turns out, is further afield: a convent a few days ride out of the city, right on the edge of nowhere. This isn't like an illness, Godwin explains. This is worse.
They need an exorcism.
Hans keeps his eyes lowered and his arms close as they walk through the halls of the convent. It's too quiet, here, save for the sound of singing. Henry winces: the holy songs burn his ears. Hans is more worried that they can all see through him, these brides of Christ. That they're all judging him.
Godwin and Henry speak to the Abbess. Hans is not permitted to enter. He sits outside her solar with his head down and his hands clasped together. He prays. He doesn't know if God will listen to him, but he prays anyway.
It feels like an age has passed when he's finally called in. Henry stays silent and stoic as the Abbess and Godwin explain their task to him. There is a novice, she explains - a girl with exceptional talents. She has the makings of a saint. She has expelled demons before; though never like this.
It will be hard going. If it does not work, it is likely Henry will die. Hans tries to see what Henry thinks of this, but he refuses to look at him across the long table. Hans feels himself shaking.
"What do we need to do?"
Hans isn't well-versed enough in holy teachings to understand it all. They need certain herbs, candles, tinctures. Blessed water. Prayer. Holy books of dubious origin, hundreds of years old.
"We need you there, boy," Godwin says. "The Devil is hateful and powerful. If you want him gone... you need something better than hate. You need love."
Now Henry is looking at him. He looks unsure; as if Hans could ever deny this feeling.
"I'll do whatever you need."
He is given words in ancient Latin to read. A candle to hold. He dares not ask what gives it its eerie red colour. A fragrant garland is placed around his head, a thurible with incense pouring from it around his neck.
A cut is made in the crook of his arm. They collect his blood in an earthen dish, then take it away. He doesn't ask what they intend to do with it.
Henry is stripped and placed on a bed. Hans is commanded to kneel at his head. In one hand he holds aloft the candle, the other he rests on Henry's forehead. Henry peers up at him. It would be laughable if the situation weren't so dire.
The Abbess leads in the novice. They begin. There are so many rush lights burning and so much smoke and scent in the air that Hans nearly chokes on it. The candle in his hand melts, the hot wax burning his hand. He doesn't let go. He never moves his hand.
The novice's voice is clear and high, like an angel. She warbles Latin. She bids Hans to speak his part. When he does, it's like there's ropes around his chest, like lightning under his skin. He doesn't know what's happening, but it feels like it's working.
Henry groans beneath him. The novice drips a thick ointment onto his chest. Henry yells. The room smells like burning flesh. The novice does not stop. She paints letters into Henry's skin, speaking in Latin, swaying as she does. The Abbess prays. Father Godwin places something to Hans's lips. Wine. He drinks down greedily, unaware of how thirsty he is. Sweat comes off him in torrents.
The air is full of fire. Henry writhes upon the bed. Blood pools in the corners of his eyes. Hans wishes he could wipe it away, but he cannot let go, cannot move. He focuses instead on the feeling in his chest; the love, the dedication, the desperate need for a future.
"Don't go," he says. "Don't leave me, Henry. I do not give you permission to go."
Henry swears in a voice that isn't his. Hans is terrified, but doesn't move. The novice's voice reaches a fever pitch. Henry's eyes open. They're black - like pools of ink - like night. Like nothing.
Hans stares down at the thing in Henry's body. It stares back at him, like it can see into his soul.
Let it see, Hans thinks. Let it drink it in. He thinks of Henry. He lets the love fill him, lets it overtake him. Is this Holy, he thinks? Is this a sin? How can it be, when it feels like this.
The demon mutters something. Henry's body shakes. His skin is hot. The novice screams - they're so close. Hans's fingers and wrist are covered in wax. It burns.
He stares down into the face of the man he loves with the eyes of the demon he isn't.
"Audentes fortuna iuvat."
It's not the right words, he knows. It isn't like the words the novice instructed him to say.
Henry goes still. He blinks. One second its those dark, horrible, endless eyes. And then there he is: there's his Henry.
Henry takes a long time to heal. His chest is covered in terrible burns, which must be treated and re-wrapped several times a day. He has to relearn his body, rediscover thirst and hunger. Hans is there beside him every step, holding him, keeping him close.
They do not fuck again for a while; a miraculous act of self control, Hans thinks. He fears what would happen were they to fuck in a convent. They would probably be struck by lightning.
When the Abbess releases them and they're back on the road, however...
Hans has gone too long wanting to give over to restraint. Henry appears to be of the same mind.
Things are not the same, when they finally return home. Henry's appetites have changed - Hans has to stop him from eating meat raw. He can step into the sun, but he burns more easily than he once did. He's very weak, for a long time. That unnatural strength has gone, taking with it some of Henry's natural strength as well.
Things are not the same. Henry shares Hans's bed more often that not, for one; sneaking through the corridors when everyone else is abed. The bathhouse girls bemoan Hansâs sudden change of heart when he passes them by; they're missing out on good coin, after all.
Hans knows that the future is going to be uncertain. Neither of them know what will happen to Henry; if he will stay like this, trapped between two forms, or if he will one day be back to how he was. Or if the Devil will take him again.
Hans watches him sleep, his head pillowed on Hans's chest. He drifted off there, listening to Hans's heartbeat. It makes him feel safe, he says. Hans brushes back his hair so he can better see his face.
Let the Devil try, he thinks. I'll be ready for him this time.
#hansry#kcd2#my fic#I DUNNO WHAT HAPPENED#iT WAS ONLY SUPPOSED TO BE 400 WORDS#kingdom come deliverance#kcd
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âïžCosmic Love // Spencer Reidâïž
Spencer finds himself falling in love all over again whilst stargazing
content: idiots in love, spencer rambling about greek mythology, love love love
pairing: spencer reid x reader (established relationship)
genre: fluff fluff fluff
notes: reader referred to as a girl, probably incorrect stuff about greek mythology (i tried my best with my research but it is probably not the most accurate or extensive), a super super brief allusion to suicide when talking about said greek mythology
authors notes: this is possibly a little self indulgent as a stargazer but oh to go stargazing with spencer reid. and yes this is named like the Red Velvet lyric. fun fact! the star pics above are mine! both orion and taurus/pleiades are visible in the first pic, as mentioned in the fic. i hope you enjoy!
Eighty-eight constellations stretch across the endless night sky like a blanket embroidered with ancient tales and stories of love and loss. Tiny, twinkling lights that dance way up above, their nightly shows enchanting, enamouring- entrancing.
Entranced. Thatâs how Spencer felt, gazing up at the storybook of stars, one hand draped over your back as his chest steadily rose and fell under the comfortable weight of your head resting on him. Of course not all eighty-eight constellations were present, just a couple of pages worth of stars, but there were plenty to keep the two of you charmed, an air of tranquility flowing through you as you listened earnestly to his warm voice softly explaining each tale to you.
You were lying on the grass of the field beneath you, a blanket separating your bodies from the blades of green, Spencerâs curls falling onto the cushion beneath his head as your hair fell over his sweater. With his free hand, he pointed towards the sky, landing on three dazzling stars lined up in a neat row which you recognised, eyes darting to the rest of the constellation around it.
âOrionâs belt- and Orion himselfâ you spoke before he could, leaving his mouth hanging open and he let out a light laugh instead.
âSmart girl.â He traced small circles on your lower back with the arm still wrapped around you, a loving smile on his face.
You couldnât see him with your gaze locked onto the sky above you, yet your face mirrored the same smile as your voices gently broke the silence stretching over the field. You nuzzled his chest with your cheek, urging him to tell you more, he grinned.
âWell, thereâs actually multiple versions of the legends that account for how he ended up in the stars. Thereâs one that claims Artemis was tricked into striking him with her own arrow by Apollo who was jealous of their love, but the most commonly told variants result in a monstrous scorpion being sent to kill him.â As he spoke his finger drifted below Orion to a different constellation, âand so we have Scorpius.â
You hummed in thought. âA scorpion, huh? And who sent that?â
âHmm thereâs a couple of different stories behind that too.â He chuckled as you let out a confused groan. âOne says that it was sent by Gaia who despised his boasting and arrogance. In others it was sent by Artemis as a result of unwanted advances towards her. In Gaiaâs case, itâs said that she was so grateful to the scorpion that she promised the proof of itâs victory would be visible for all eternity, placing Scorpius in the sky to pursue Orion forevermore.â
âDamnâŠâ You sighed, âGreek mythology is brutal.â
âThatâs certainly one way to put it.â
A content silence arose as your eyes drifted between the two constellations and your mind crafted vivid images of Orion the hunter slaying beasts, of Gaia, irate, and of the scorpion raising itâs mighty tail and bringing the giant to his demise. The scene dissipated and in the calm of the night you could hear Spencerâs breathing, in time with the movement of his chest beneath you. Carefully, you turned your head upwards to see him as best as you could. He was ethereal. The glow of the moonlight bathed him in an angelic haze, every perfect curl on his head highlighted as if they each had their own personal spotlight. Your lips parted slightly and you dared to look into his eyes, and for a second you forgot about the sea of stars above and you became fixated on the ones that seemed to shine within those mesmerising golden brown pools, shining brighter than anything youâd seen so far that night. Suddenly missing his voice, you turned back to face the sky.
âTell me another one, Ptolemy.â You joked, earning a hearty laugh from him that gave you butterflies.
âOkay, okay.â He lifted a finger towards the sky again, this time heading above Orion and somewhere far to its right, to a tiny cluster of bright white lights jumping out from the darkness. âDo you know this one?â He took your silence as you followed his direction as a sign to continue, âPleiades- part of the Taurus constellation.â
Youâd seen this constellation before, it was too small to stand out amongst the great cosmic illustrations it burrowed between yet it was captivating enough that when your eyes did brush past it on their way to the next set of stars they stopped, fixed.
Spencer licked his lips before speaking again, âThe seven sisters, daughters of Atlas who was fated to hold up the sky and carry the heavens on his shoulders by Zeus as punishment for the Titan rebellion. They were relentlessly pursued by Orion, only Atlas was unable to protect them leading Zeus to transform them all into doves which he then released to the heavens.â
âDovesâŠâ you cooed, slightly sleepy but completely engaged, âthatâs kind of nice.â
âWell actually, thereâs a different version of the tale where the seven sisters died by their own hands but I figured you wouldnât care for that one as much.â
âMm-hm. I want the dove story. Tell me about the sisters.â Spencer smiled at your tired drawl, craning his neck slightly to press a gentle kiss to your hair as his hand moved from your back to stroke your arm. He loved that you were so interested in his stories, in his rambling, it was something he hadnât had the luxury of getting used to in life- not until he met you, anyway. He couldnât fathom that after years of abrupt interruptions, of being told ânot now, kidâ, even of being outright bullied and mocked that he would have anyone- let alone someone as divine and seraphic as you- hanging on to his every word and actually asking to hear more. He bit his bottom lip, a beam pulling at his mouth and he placed another kiss, with just a little more pressure, to your hair, making you giggle before he began again.
âMaia, Alcyone, Sterope, Celaeno, Taygete, Electra, and Merope- daughters of Atlas the titan and Pleione, protector of sailors.â A happy hum escaped your lips as you cuddled into him, unknowingly causing his heart to skip a beat as he held you tighter. âIf you look closely, to the human eye Pleiades appears to contain only six stars and not seven, though thatâs not actually the case. Merope- also known as the lost sister- is said to have been faded, hiding her face in shame after marrying a mortal. Her star is there but much fainter than the others, practically invisible to the naked eye.â
âThatâs sad.â You whimpered. âLiving in shame forever because of who you married.â Though he couldnât see your face, Spencer could tell you were pouting and your compassion made his heart ache. He decided you didnât need to hear about Sisyphus.
âYeah, I suppose it is, sweetheart.â He murmured, his hand stroking your hair slowly and delicately. âI think youâll like Maia, though.â He suggested, in an attempt to resolve your frowning face, as cute as it always was to him. âMaia was the eldest of the sisters, a nymph, supposedly very beautiful yet incredibly reserved and solitary. Romans considered her a goddess of spring which is said to be how the month of May got its name.â
âSo she was known for being pretty?â You questioned admirably as you pulled your head back up again to look at him.
âMm,â Spencer nodded, wrapping both arms around you in a tight hug, your body fitting against his as if made specifically for it, âkind of like someone else I know.â
A delighted, girlish giggle escaped you, matching lovesick smiles illuminated in the glow of the night. In that moment it was as if no one else in the world existed, all that you knew was the way he looked in the dreamy moonlight, like a God himself pulled straight from the heavens above and he took your breath away. Your eyes travelled over his face, stopping at his brows- you loved how expressive they always were: how they furrowed when he was deep in thought, a crease appearing between them that you always wished to straighten out with the gentle touch of your finger or the dainty touch of your lips; how they shot up high above those beautiful eyes of his when he was excited, the way they moved a million miles a minute with his ever-changing expressions as he rambled about whatever it was that had caught his attention that time; and how they framed his face so perfectly you sometimes genuinely wondered if his features were carved by sculptors before he graced the world with his existence. You couldnât resist, within seconds you had turned to prop yourself up so your face was hovering over his, your hair falling around the two of you like a curtain blocking out the rest of the world until it was just you and Spencer. Leaning in, you gingerly took his face in one hand, using your other to keep yourself steady, and kissed between his brows, your lips lingering on his skin for a moment longer as you breathed him in and let your fingers drag up his face and into his hair.
âI love you.â You heard yourself whisper distantly, like you were someone else listening in, so dazed and infatuated with the wonder of a man lying beneath you that you felt light, drifting away somewhere to those distant twinkling lights above. You wondered if one day the two of you may by some fate wind up there too, beside Perseus and Andromeda maybe, entwined forever and destined to love side by side above the earth while people for years to come point up at the sky to tell a story all your own, one of soulmates.
âI love you too.â Spencer whispered back, arms still wrapped around you and a rosy heat rushing through his cheeks as he scanned your face, pathetically and hopelessly in love. He let out a shaky breath laced with disbelief, something between a sigh and a laugh as he locked eyes with you and pondered. He was a classified genius by itâs very definition, he knew everything about everything and yet there was one thing that stumped that marvellous brain of his, one thing that he just couldnât figure out- just how in the hell he had gotten so lucky.
Feeling at peace, you rolled off of him and resumed your rightful position on his chest, watching the sky once again as your eyes fell on the far-away moon, standing out against the black sea outstretched around it with itâs pale yellow glow bleeding through the darkness before thinning out into nothing.
âYou know, as a kid I used to talk to her. Write her letters and stuff.â You lazily lifted your hand to where the moon was settled in the sky before framing it in the angle between your thumb and pointer finger.
âWho?â Spencer asked, intrigued by your whimsicality as always.
âTo the moon.â You stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
âYou used to write letters to the moon?â A sweet, saccharine tone took ahold of his voice and he felt butterflies in his own stomach now as he pictured you, tiny and innocent, perched at your window and scribbling about your day as you stared out into the night, youthful eyes full of wonder. Until this moment he was sure he couldnât possibly fall any deeper in love with you.
âSheâs always there. And she always listens, you know?â Spencer noted the softness in your voice as if you were recalling memories of an old friend. âNo matter where you are, how old you get, what youâve done or where youâve been- when you look up at the sky sheâs still by your side, waving her little light at you like sheâs saying âhey itâs okay.ââ You gave a sheepish chuckle, embarrassed slightly by how childish a sentiment it was.
The truth was, you were exactly the kind of person Spencer needed in his life. Someone who could look at the seemingly insignificant things that other people seem to pay no mind to and give them meaning, much like he felt you did to him. It didnât sound juvenile at all to him, in fact it was comforting after all heâd been through in his life to know there was still magic in the world, in you and in your infectious joy as it filled his heart until he feared it might burst. He understood entirely, because thatâs what you were to him- a little light waving his way saying âhey itâs okayâ, and for once in his life he was certain he had somebody who would stay.
âPlus, sheâs beautiful.â You spoke, snapping him out of the trance he had wandered into. âMuch like someone else I know.â You tilted your head up towards him, throwing him a playful wink as you echoed his earlier remark, and he couldnât help the laugh that left his lips as they spread in a grin from ear to ear.
Another relaxed silence encompassed the two of you as you lay there, perfectly moulded to one another, taking in the night before you. The only sounds around you were your breathing, perfectly in sync, in rhythm with each other. It would have been enough to lull you to sleep right there in his arms, but before long you began to miss his voice again.
âHey,â you poked him lightly, âwhy do we call the moon âsheâ anyway.â
âOh, thereâs plenty of reasons for that.â He spoke in a low, yet honeyed voice. âOne of the most popular being the belief that the moon has influence over womenâs reproductive cycles, that the moon and women are tied together in a sacred bond between the cosmos and femininity. Itâs a longstanding belief across many cultures throughout history.â Since meeting you, this was a theory he believed more in every day- there was certainly something stellar- cosmic, even, about you.
You were pressed so tightly to Spencer that his voice vibrated through you as if his words were taking over you completely, and you loved it.
You were about to respond when out of the corner of your eye, a brief glimmer of light flashed, and your gaze followed just in time to catch the shooting star that raced past before vanishing into the air just as fast as it had appeared. Gasping in pure, unfiltered glee you sat up, wildly pointing at the direction the star had come from.
âDid you see that, Spence?â You squealed, the beam on your face wider than anything he had ever seen before.
âYeah, I did.â He mused, a look of wonder washing over him as he stared at you in awe, at your blushed cheeks and at the happiness in your voice. âDid you make a wish?â He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you toward him as you continued to coo at the sky.
âNo, I didnât. It happened too fast.â There was a slight sigh in your voice as you rested your head perfectly in the space between his neck and his shoulder, like it was meant to be there.
âThatâs okay.â Spencer spoke in an adoring, hushed tone, craning to place a kiss to your hair once more. âIâve got everything I could ever wish for right here.â
#criminal minds#spencer reid#spencer reid imagine#spencer reid fluff#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid fic#spencer reid drabble#spencer reid x fem reader#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid oneshot#criminal minds fic#criminal minds fanfiction#mgg#matthew gray gubler
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oooh boy this post is for me and my vampire failuresss also most of the bad stuff happened after the embrace for them, the embrace is just kinda the catalyst hhhh
this is gonna be a long post so im gonna write everything under the cut (ps: everything is formatted as NAME - CLAN - CHRONICLE - SETTING
ALEX - MALKAVIAN - PURPUREA LUCENSIS / LANGUORE - LUCCA, XXI century: the night of her embrace she was being stalked in her own home by a rogue nosferatu, who wanted to kill her to teach her father a lesson (he was investigating some murders he committed). Alex had to fend off (or rather, survive) the nosferatu, while he was actively terrorizing her and cornering her. Alex managed to keep her wits and survive long enough sor Stefano, her sire, to intervene, as he was sent by the prince to "take care" of the nosferatu, as he was causing big problems to the neighbouring domains. After Stefano impaled the nosferatu, he started talking to Alex, who started questioning him, his intention and the overall situation. Seeing potential in her, seeing how she kept her wits both with the nosferatu and him, and curious about her, Stefano offered her the possibility to be embraced and Alex accepted. What Stefano didn't tell her that night is what the malkavian entailed, preferring to watch her squirm to maintain some mental control, while also actively using dementation on her during most of her period as a Neonate. This left Alex with deep trust issues and a strong need for control, as she had (and shill has) lost control over her mind, often manifesting as a repression of her emotions and thoughts, often hiddend behing a mask of nonchalance, but also a tendency to frenzy and having severe moodswing, often presented as explosive anger. While she and Stefano are now closer and have a sort of Uncle-Niece dynamic, the experience sure as hell left her scarred and very guarded, seeking contol in anything she does and hardly taking time to truly relax.
ELIA - SALUBRI - CHRONICLES OF MILAN - SOUTHERN EUROPE / ITALY, XIV century: Elia's embrace needs a bit of context first: he has been part of a monastery since he was a child, there he was severly abused for being "the child of the devil" (different appeareence due to being mixed, left handed, heterochromia, born with a vestigial tail), he was highly religious. The night of his embrace happened when he was in his 20's, he was praying under a statue of Mary when his sire revealed herself (to him she looked like Mary herself had manifested to him) and offered him the embrace as a way to reach sainthood under her guidance. Elia accepted, eager to finallly being seen as something other then a devil, only to find himself doomed and barred from sainthood altogether. He did not find that out immediately tho, but rather spent several years under his sire guidance before being confronted with this reality when she confronted him over a vision she had of him spiralling towards the path of the beast. Betrayed and angry, Elia ended up frenzying and diablerizing his sire, taking that first step towards his spiralling descent.
JAMIE / LIA - BRUJAH - CHRONICLES OF MILAN - MILAN, XXI century: Jamie was a third year univesity student, studying Conservation and Restorations of Cultural Artefacts with brilliant results. One night while out doing Urbex and parkour (activities he had picked up as a hobby and later went on to post on his social media with discreet success) he found himself being assauted by who he would later know as his sire. He didnt even know what was happening, by the time he figured out what had happened he was stuck, trapped in the house of a temperamental anarch art dealer who was working him to the bone to resore the artworks he was gonna sell, with tight deadlines and no payment other the heated screaming matches over the work he had done. No wonder he later run away and joined the camarilla...
SABA - VENTRUE - BLOOD ECHOES - EDENMOOR, XXI century: Saba was both a scientist and a blood doll, being trafficked all over by the Circulatory System to be the perfect meal for picky Blue Bloods. that is until one of those blue bloods took interest in his research on artificial blood. So Madonna, his sire, ordered him from the System then embraced him and bonded him to her, making him obsessed with him.
Vtm fandom,
Gimme some gutrenching ideas/blurbs about tragedies of some of your embraces- the ocs and kindred that woke up with their life altered forever. Gimme that angst you spin around in your head
#purpurea lucensis#chronicles of milan#blood echoes#oc: alex incerti#oc: elia dâangeli#oc: jamie veraldi#oc: saba fiorini#vtm#vampire the masquerade#world of darkness#wod
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Hiya ! I love your posts, they are all amazing đ«
I'm not sure if you're really into poly relationships, but i've got this on my mind for a while now.
Reader is dating two monsters, the monsters know each other since kids and get along very well, they are predators, they like to play with their mate as if she is a prey.
Someone tells her they'll eventually hurt her for real and now they're upset, to make her feel safe again, they decide to show off to the whole village how they take care of their mate (if you know what i mean đ«Š).
Kabr0z Writes Episode 60: Beauty and the Beasts
Find the rest of the Kabr0z Writes anthology here!
CWs: Lashings of oral sex; public sex; exhibitionism; interspecies; knotting; enthusiastic consent; restraints;
A/N: This one sounds like fun, and it's not gonna kill me to write this one and the other I have planned to make up for missing Wednesday.
Plus I get to put out a little more exposition on why there are werewolves in a low-magic world. If there's one thing you've probably worked out about me, I love me some âšExpositionâš
As always, requests go to the ask box or DMs so they're in the queue when I check it. I won't not do stuff asked for in comments or reblogs, but they won't be in the queue so they're very likely to fall through the cracks
The year is 1670. Almost twenty years since everything changed. You were only a small girl then, when the sun darkened and the menfolk of your village changed. You remember them falling to the ground as bones cracked and rearranged, blood streaming from broken faces as snouts and muzzles replaced human mouths and noses, tails bursting from the smalls of their backs, and the fur spreading in patches to cover their skin. Then, the sky lightened again. Those who had changed picked themselves up, strong limbed and sharp toothed, but still themselves despite the monstrous form they had taken.
Other villages suffered the same, boys and men who saw the shadow over the sun turning into monsters. A royal decree came a week later. The changed men were to leave the towns, banished to the forests and woodlands where they would bother the women and the unchanged no longer. So it came to pass that the lupines were driven out. Most were never heard of again, but you still heard stories of children being born in villages with tails and fur, the get of the banished wolfmen.
You were approaching your twenty-fifth year. Despite them being banished you never lost touch with your close friends from youth, a pair of boys named Leo and Michael, if anything, you'd grown even closer to them over the years. You could well understand the tales of wolf-children being born.
Your rendezvous with them had not gone unnoticed either. The men of the village gave you a wide berth, not wanting to get too close to you for fear of your wolfen lovers. The women who would still speak with you warned you to no end that the lupines you cavorted with under the stars and the treetops would be the end of you. Of course, over the years, fewer and fewer women spoke to you. They were all getting married, their husbands forbidding them to consort with the strange woman of the village, warning their children away from you. Little by little, life in civilisation became quieter and quieter, lonelier and lonelier.
You head leant on Leo's belly, complaining about the villagers, gently stroking Michael's back as he topped off the cuddle pile. Michael's tail began to wag as you saw a mischievous grin spread over his features
"What are you thinking" you were starting to match his grin. Michael had the best plans
"Well, if you're miserable there, why not join us lupines? They see you as one of us, why not leave?"
You hummed, it's not like you hadn't thought about it "I don't want them using it as an excuse to come after you..."
Leo snorted "They wouldn't have waited if they weren't so scared of us, though I like the idea of giving them a show of things... They want to banish you? Let's give them a reason"
Michael's grin widened "I have an idea... Mind if Leo and I talk a few minutes alone? I wanna make this a surprise"
That's how you knew this was gonna be good. "Sure, I'll be by the river, need a piss anyway"
You took your time. You couldn't hear them over the flowing water, but you could see them discussing intently from your spot. Every time one of them spoke, the other would get more excited until they were both looking at you. You stood up, letting your skirts cover your ankles again as you walked back to them "Made a decision?"
"Yeah, just about... Oh, one quick thing"
Leo tapped Michael's hand and held up two fists "left or right?"
Michael chose left, the fist was empty, the other revealing a crumpled leaf
Leo smiled "I win"
Michael laughed "Right, now we're ready. Do you trust us?"
"Always" you nodded. You'd known these two since you were children, you helped them get used to walking again on their back-turned legs, you brushed their fur and spent every spare moment with them. You'd trust these two men with your life.
Good thing too. The moment the word left your mouth, Leo tackled you and both of them took off in a sprint. Towards the village.
A lupine can outpace a stallion if they have a mind to, and over a longer distance. Many of the changed men had left the country and were living as condottiere in Italy and France if the tales were true. You could feel why, the wind rushed through your hair as the two wolves charged down the path to the village centre, alarmed cries coming from behind you as the furry blurs sped past terrified peasants.
They stopped at the pillory, placing your head and hands in the wooden frame and shutting it, keeping the latch closed with a stick jammed where the shank of a padlock would fit. You knelt there a moment, head waist-high off the ground, knees on the paved stone below you, a crowd gathering and murmuring as the wolves howled around you, stomping and snarling at the villagers. You tried not to laugh. They're trying to make a scene.
The crowd must have grown to their liking.
"You there! Priest!" Leo pointed at the local clergyman "Come here!"
The crowd pushed the hapless man forward, clutching his bible ahead of him like a shield "W-what are you going to do with me?"
Michael laughed at him, trying to make it sound scary, but only making it harder to keep the grin from your face "You're going to marry us"
The priest stammered a protest, but a showing of sharp teeth from both wolves silenced him. He cleared his throat "We are gathered here today to witness the union of this woman with this" a snarl "These, sorry, these... men? Er, that is to say if any know of any reason why these... people should not be wed, please speak or forever hold your peace" The priest held his eyes shut. Silence fell for a moment, a voice yelled from the back of the crowd "Get on with it!"
"Ahem. Yes. Er" the monk stammered again "Do you take these wolves to be your lawfully wedded, er, husbands?"
You nodded your head "I do" you croaked out, mouth still dry from the run
"And do you-"
"We do" both of your wolf lovers said in unison
The priest drew a cross in the air in front of the three of you "in which case I pronounce you man and wife" The last words were said so quickly it took a moment to process. Then the wolves were upon you.
Michael stood in front of you as Leo stepped behind, tearing the skirt off your rear end, showing you off to the villagers behind you. His tongue went at you, licking your cunt vigorously, making your jaw drop at the ferocity of his touch as he held you open and ate you out. Michael craned his head to watch as he gripped his sheath, the cock inside starting to poke out. The pillory kept your mouth at crotch-height as he slapped his cock on your cheeks, teasing you with the feeling of it as he painted you with his scent. You tried to catch it again and again as the crowd jeered, every time it rubbed against your face, giving you another sniff of his shaft. Until, of course, it didn't.
The crowd cheered as his cock slipped into your mouth, and you started to suck it. Michael grabbed the pillory and started to fuck your face while Leo brought a hand to your clit, sending an orgasm rocking through you as the pad of his finger circled your sensitive nub.
Leo stood up behind you and leant over, his hard cock between your thighs "I'm gonna take your maidenhood, alright?"
You nodded, the cock in your mouth stopping you speaking, the roar of the crowd would drown out any muffled grunts of approval. Thankfully, Leo saw the slight move of your head as you looked into his eye.
The cock pulled out from between your thighs, then plunged into your pussy. Your eyes widened as he pushed in, gently at first but gaining speed with confidence. Your legs bent as your toes curled, the canine cocks ramming into both sides of you building up to another orgasm as the braying, yelling crowd surged your adrenaline.
You felt your pussy squeezing on Leo as Michael hilted himself in your mouth, spraying hot cum down your throat. There was just so much, you felt it dripping from your nose and leaking out of the seal of your lips.
Michael's grunts set Leo off. His knot started to swell in you as he howled, the first load of cum your womb had ever taken, filling you to the brim and over the top. You tried to lock your legs around him, but needn't have bothered, the knot stuck the two of you together.
The crowd started to disperse now, the show was over, all that was left was the gentle licking of your new husbands as their excitement wound down. You each knew the villagers wouldn't do anything about this, there wasn't a watch to speak of and by the time a magistrate blew through you'd be long gone.
It took almost an hour before Leo's knot deflated enough to pull out of you. You opened the pillory with a single push from your back, the flimsy stick giving way immediately. It was only there for show, after all. Together you walked back to the forest where you met with the rest of the lupines. After all, you're family now.
When you finally came with child, you weren't sure which of your men had actually fathered the pups, but you didn't care, they were sure to be great fathers. Plus, you'd even started seeing familiar faces from the village again, moving in with new, furrier husbands.
All's well that ends well, you suppose
Don't be alarmed that this episode is being published in the evening, rather than 1am, I'm not getting all responsible on you, rather just making sure I'll have steam in the tank for tonight when the next regularly-scheduled episode is going to be written!
One of these days, I'll write a couple ahead of time to build a backlog. Until then, this shit's happening live!
#kabr0z writes#original content#textposts#fem!reader#monster smut#monster fucker#monster fuqqer#monster x fem!reader#monster x human#monster x you#monster x female#monster fudger#monster fic#werewolf fucker#werewolf smut#werewolves#werewolf x reader#werewolf fic#werewolf#werewolf x fem!reader#werewolf x you#werewolf x female#werewolf x human#cw knotting#cw impregnation#enthusiastic consent#public exhibition#public exposure#cw public sex#free commissions
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New Event PV
New Operators

Wulfenite, 5â
Trapmaster Specialist
Doctor, why the long face, it's pretty good that we got this big of a haul too!
Brigid, 5â
Welfare Loopshooter Sniper
Enemies and wild beasts, they all flee all the same.
Necrass, 6â
Shaper Caster
Why do you repress yourself? I see within you the desire for destruction, you deserve to pour it out, and don't hold anything back.
Operator Outfits Update

Total of 4 new outfits, 3 new additions for the Epoque brand and 1 new addition for the Achievement Star brand
Sweetness to the Heart - Nymph
Plush Cake - Dur-Nar
Midskog Fika - Valarqvin
Achievement Star
To Evoke the Anima - Sesa
Operator Modules Update

Wulfenite being part of the Trapmaster Specialist branch immediately gets her module
TRP-Y module base effect gives Wulfenite's traps a 20% chance to have double damage when deployed
Alchemist Specialist branch gets 1 module type
Gnosis, Vigil, Saileach and Pozëmka get their second module
TAC-Y module base effect makes enemies blocked by Vigil's Wolfpack more likely to be attacked and increases the trait effect to 165%
ARC-X module base effect reduces Pozëmka's Redeployment Time by 25 seconds
The base effect of UMB-Y and BEA-Y modules are unknown at the time of writing
Events and Stories

When Elegies are Ashes, a side story event
Path, trodden out by people. Fire, stoked by people.
Thus, if the path you are traveling is not the path to your ideal, and the fire you see is not the source of warmth that illuminates the cold nightââ
You should then go back, and keep looking.
Find a light, a direction, a sound... Even if it's just a lantern, a hard road, and a song that will end.

Operator Archives update for Fartooth, Brigid and 'Justice Knight'
Misc Stuff

Standard and Kernel banners update
After 150 total pulls in the current banner, the next 6â
is guaranteed to be one of the 6â
s featured on the banner
After 300 total pulls in the current banner, the next 6â
is guaranteed to be the other 6â
featured on the banner
The number of pulls will reset at the end of the banner and is not shared between standard/kernel banners

Aak's [Healing Hand, Evil Heart] and Gitano's [Unknown Journey] Outfits will be available in the certs shop to players that don't have it
Warfarin's [Casual Vacation HD31] Outfit will be up for sale in the event shop
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Rewatching act 2.... yeah ISHA WATCH OUT FOR THE CYCLE ISHA!!!!! NOOOOO
#ambessa setting up the logs on a fireplace while literally adding fuel to the fire with cailtyn... subtelty#silco spent his whole life trying to rile the undercity together STUPID JOKE THAT IT IS you have the chance to pull it off#isha is the true revolutionary after all... jinx get up to her level#was jinx scared of having hallucinations when the girl she released was gonna touch her shoulder??? and then she didn't#what i find really funny is that warwick knows how to use elevators and that funicular to the prison#also there is a lot of blood when he appears in the prison.... it was surprising#vander recognizing jinx with the name of powder after she complained about it eariler its just crazy crazy crazy#people commenting that its unrealistic how caitlyn bests vi when they meet in episode 6 as if there wasn't a montage about how she lost her#edge because of alcohol and living like shit.... she's not like jinx lmao....#rewatching so recently is so weird i imagine it is as close as being dr manhattan as i can get it is literally happening all at once#also the people of piltover are so dumb... lets let the government implement martial law and put this 20 something with 0 political#experience on charge with the army of this outsider agent. alright. i can tell you guys dont vote in this oligarchy you know fuck all#well i guess in that case it isnt the people of piltovers fault... just the important families that contribute in this oligarchy...#putting count fagula in charge.... salo is speciallt dumb but we all knew that#katie leung needs awards btw.... and interviews#âdo not test this or you will yearn for caitlyn's dungeonsâ be careful singed my friend vi fell for that and look at her... her dungeons...#vander reaching for isha not jinx.... OR VI.... she just stopped him#âhes gonna kill youâ and vi fighting vander to protect jinx.... yeah#and then she trusts jinx and the beast turns into vander... he serves as a recognizing tool for their true selves...#their mom being so worried about how to name vi and then names the second one POWDER kahdksjsk never not funny... also the barber of zaun#when vi joins with jayce she unlocks this loser flop aspect of her mother's inheritance.... two losers joining to maximize their joint flop#also vander kinda giving up this promise to protect the girls instead of bettering zaun... how it puts him in a standstill bc it's either or#like damn there is nothing as undoing as a daughter for reals. she didnt experience that bc she died so now vander has to and here we are#episide 6 starts with the end of the episode when viktor drops that metal piece..... hello..... is this anything#âdo you think this place could workâ underground utopia.... DYNASTIES AND DYSTOPIA FEAR IS NEVER AN OPTION SO DYING'S NOT A REAL PROBLEM#didnt ambessa suspect anything when they spent loke a full minite staring at each other đđ she's lost her edge...#just like when she clocked sevika but not jinx... when there's a strong butch in the area her radar gets jammed up#and caitlyn leaving her weapon behind... ambessa thought she was gonna fistfight warwick or something#the metal thing falling when viktor dies repeats THREE TIMES WHAT DOES THAT MEAN#watching arcane season 2
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Doing my part.
Long fics are essentially novels. They take years to write instead of weeks, and by the nature of the beast, you're more likely to find one in-process (or abandoned) rather than completed. In terms of endurance, it's a marathon to a sprint; in terms of complexity, a classical composition to a hit rock/pop song. I don't mean this in terms of "artistic seriousness" but more in how your brain is meant to hear the hook and the melody: In the pop song, there's a quick cycle of some repeated combination of verse-chorus-bridge and a satisfying ending - and this is experienced by the brain over three to five minutes. In the classical composition, the structure remains similar, but the melodies are stretched over a far longer arc, so they're harder to recognize at a glance, and there may be more internal diversions. Apart from an an and b section, there may be even c and d and e sections, or even sub-sections; any of these may change style and tempo and POV dramatically before it returns to the familiar coda. The brain must train itself to listen to and hear the long melody over a greater amount of time, because it will often meander for much longer before any recapitulations of theme, or realizations of foreshadowing. The final payoff is delayed. But along the way, there are also countless self-contained smaller sections and self-contained melodies within the composition that have their own internal life and rhythm and melody, pop hooks within the greater piece, which lend themselves to a sort of sub-listening. A novel-sized fic is the same. Someone who has written fifty finished 2k-5k one-shots has an anthology of short stories, which is really not that different than fifty 2k-5k chapters, except that in the latter case, all the stories are sequential and related.
(For the purposes of this informal essay, Iâm leaving out the halfway step of writing a "series" of related, loosely-affiliated shorter stories as a sort of compromise between short and long fiction, which would be the analogue of, say, Dvorakâs âAmericanâ quartet, where you have four standalone stories that are meant to be heard together, in a specific sequence, but where each can also be listened to alone, completely outside context). Like the best novels, the best long-form fics have chapters that create a smaller narrative arc within them, leaving the reader edged and wanting more, yet momentarily satisfied. An unfinished short-form fic is an orgasm denied. An unfinished long-form fic is being denied one final orgasm after having multiples over the course of an entire evening. Which brings me to why rejecting a novel for not conforming exactly to the baseline expectations of a piece of short fiction is possibly not the ideal way to engage it. Yes, it's important (and satisfying) for novels to have endings, but the point of a novel is the journey, and the many smaller stories within, more so than the ultimate destination. Do I count myself cheated if I hear a piece of classical music in say, a piece of media, and donât hear the whole thing? Sometimes - but usually only if I know it intimately. If itâs an unknown piece to me, I mostly just recognize its beauty and suitability.Â
On the other hand, I also have passages that I love within long-form pieces I know well, and sometimes I listen for those passages alone.
Many people wouldnât even recognize any other part of Night on Bald Mountain or Toccata and Fugue in D minor than the beginning. As with a classical composition, repeated "listenings" is where long fics really shine. You start to appreciate the architecture and the landscape, now that you've internalized the structure of the story. You start to savor the journey, the execution, and marvel at the path of how the writer got there. You recognize the return of themes, and details you missed before. You start to admire the art of individual phrasesâthe scansion, the prosody, the rarified individual mind-state that came up with a metaphor.Â
You re-read anticipating the experience of re-living certain scenes, the execution and the emotion you know theyâll reliably evoke.Â
Though necessary as a bookend, the ending is rarely the most enjoyable, or gratifying part.Â
In fact you may grow, in time, to resent the ending - precisely because it means there is no more. Some people are reluctant to engage with unfinished (and abandoned) work. I understand their perspective, but I think it's misguided, and if I'm brutally honest, a little entitled - as well as ultimately self-sabotaging.
Most long fic writers are novelists by nature, and many will find their way to writing original novels (or frankly, already do).Â
From the author's perspective, the expectation of spending years in a vacuum writing an entire 100k+ piece - (which, let's be brutally honest, most long fics are - the length of what in the traditional publishing industry would be considered two or three "normal" novels, because of the absolutely explosive level of emotional and expositional detail given to excavating the micro themes of inter-relational dynamics, which is the defining hallmark of the fanfiction genre)
- the expectation of writing a niche, transformative, pro bono story for years, with no ongoing interaction, motivation, appreciation, ongoing âcompensationâ or feedback, in order to have the entire manuscript available to either mete out in chapters weekly for a year, or publish all at once for a single one-and-done spate of kudos and comments, holds little appeal or good-faith reciprocity. That kind of vision-quest ordeal is worth it for an original novel, something that sprung wholly from the topography of your own mentation, driven wholly by an internal urge to create what doesnât exist, but should - although even then, you usually have other authors and beta readers reading your drafts, cheering and affirming your progress; reciprocity, in other words.
Long-form fic novelists write for themselves, yes - but also for the people out there who are simpaticoâto their metacognition, to their sense of aesthetic and expression; to their general Weltanschauung.
Thereâs a mutuality to it, like cooking someone their favorite dinner, even if itâs also yours, even if you eat it with them - itâs done out of love, and for no other reason, and without that second half of the equation, the âthanks, I liked itâ, it quickly becomes a thankless unilateral obligation.
And in that case, why share? Keep your dinner to yourself, and your thoughts and plots and canons inside your head for you to enjoy.Â
Why not write your original work, instead of the pro bono stuff?
Add to the mix that a lot of the people writing your absolute favorite fiction are often ârealâ adultsâand by that I mean people old enough to have advanced professional lives and adult obligations, with a not-insubstantial number of them actually in the arts, academic, or entertainment industryâfanfiction (or fan art) being a sandbox they play in to relax and get a recreational brain break from their other work. With the growth of interactive media culture and the rising profile of fanfiction as a known cultural phenomenon, that line has blurred more than ever.
What keeps an ongoing fic in the priority pile and writing rotation, is an equal mix of personal interest, personal perseverance, and reader enthusiasm. If you continually post to crickets, the first two will have a very hard time picking up the heavy lifting, especially over time.
I have been very lucky in this regard, and I have no complaints. My repeat readers are people who resonate with me a personal level, and many have been reading my fiction for as long as Iâve been writing it. Some have even followed me into fandoms they donât know the source material for, which I consider the ultimate compliment.
I left one novel-length fic hanging at a halfway point of about 100k at the beginning of my fandom career, and it still haunts me. Itâs my albatross. And it made me determined not to do that to my readers again. So though my updates may be slow, because of my original work (and my delightfully complicated life) Iâm determined to finish what Iâve started.
But thinking that the only thing that matters is whether a fic is finished, that not having that second bookend means the narrative has nothing to offer you - no pleasure, no insight, no gratification, no life-changing emotional journey, no food for thought - is a very transactional way to fuck.
Certainly itâs your choice if you want to wait years for stories to be finished before you deign to engage them - but in the mean time, you are adversely contributing to the natural biological environment that allows such fics to grow to maturity.Â
And youâre likely missing out out on reading some prose that will change your DNA, and inform your own enjoyment of and approach to the canon, or even inspire your own writing, going forward.
As a result, in both cases, the end result is the same: you, yourself, get less fics to read.
Whether the writer finds the wherewithal within themselves to sustain a years-long compositional process is down to the same three factors I mention above. We have no control over whether a writer loses interest in a fandom, and we have no control over whether a writer wears out their personal motivation. The one factor you, as a reader, can influence, is engagement. So if you're a person who's okay with tolerating a little uncertainty in your free on-tap highly-specialized literature and you want to see your favorite writer finish the marathon, hand them a bottle of water at a pit stop - let them know you're still reading, and you have a much better chance of keeping it in their priority pile.
make long fics popular again. iâm tired of 2k words one shots
#make long posts popular again#writer stuff#writing thoughts#fanfiction#fanfic#ao3#long fics#fic writer confessions#tl;dr#ao3 writer#fanfic confession#auntarctica meta
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dont know why but i am deeply invested in the idea of the characters having a maze adventure
#i dont know what it is abt the idea thats compelled me for weeks#idk why but i want them to go in a maze bc it feels like itd be fun#im high rn so i cant fully word it but i think it fitss the fun but ominous nature of the show#id try to write it myself but i dont know.. hm i could#not rn. but i think smth uniqeu would have to be the case#maybe they are split up bc i think it would emphasize the theme in the show of like#the significance of having companionship thru shit#i also dont think the maze would be simple. smth weirds in there. caine cant make simple adventures theres gotta be smth wacky in there#itd be fucked up if theres some sort of beast in the maze. but only one person ends up finding it#ends up finding one of the others and being like. THERE IS. A BEAST ?#its funny if itss jax. guy who famously feels compelled to look cool trying not to look like hes just been chased by smth#bc he just found someone else who is significantly calmer and is like. what beast#anyway im rambling theres just a lot that can happen#maybe someone else saw it. not kinger though hes having a fun time but it gradually veers into eerily melancholic#pomni is nervous as hell though. idk what would happen w her but i think shed find a waay to become nervous
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Undead Galaxy
So! Within the Ghost Zone, there exists a Lair unlike any other.
To a Ghost, a Lair is supposed to be an integral part of their Existence. When a Ghost Builds their Lair, they take a part of the Ghost Zone Itself and mold it into a Realm of their own, transforming it into a reflection of their Core.
As such, a Lair usually matches the personality, and more importantly the Obsessions, of the Ghost it was created by. It is meant to be the Eternal Home of the one who built it, a place to spend the rest of their eternal unlife, and as such it needs to be able to fulfill the Ghosts Obsessions.
Think of Skulkers Lair, an Island Jungle filled to the brim with Monsters and Beasts of all sorts, ready and waiting to be hunted down and skinned. The perfect home for a ghost with an Obsession based on Hunting.
Some take this a step farther, like the Ancients (which is just another name used for Gods in the Zone), who transform their Lairs into Entirely Seperate Afterlives for others to inhabit. Hades, Osiris, the Demon Lords of the various Hells, they all took this approach.
But there is a problem. For beings like God's, who are sustained by Worship, what would happen if their world were to die? If the planet their people resided on were to be hit by an asteroid, or blown up by an Alien warlord?
A God without its worship would Fade, and as such the Afterlife they used to maintain would fall apart as well. The Millions of Souls who trusted that God to protect them in death would be left to the mercy of the Void between Afterlives. Somebody decided that they didn't like that, and stepped in.
Within the Ghost Zone exists a Galaxy.
A Galaxy where all the souls and Afterlives of worlds that have died continue to exist. Worlds that were destroyed by a cataclysmic War that resulted in both sides dying, by unstable Mining Practices destabilize the Core, by a Psychic Virus that wiped out all life on Planet leaving a baren husk.
When their populations died, and the Gods who maintained their afterlives would have faded, they were saved by another and brought into his Lair.
The Ghost King, Phantom.
He was a spirit with two simple Obsessions. The Protection of others, and the Majesty of Space.
But there was no Space in the Ghost Zone, only the Infinite void. So he made his own. He constructed a Lair of incredible size, decorating it with Stars and Planets and Supernova and Nebula. He recreated the Majesty of the Space he adored, and the invited the wandering souls of dead worlds to enjoy it with him.
He gave them planets of their own within the Unliving Galaxy. All the souls of crumpled afterlives wandering the Ghost Zone were allowed to recreate it again, to find eachother and build their communities again.
With this he could fulfill both of his Obsessions at the same time, and he would he doing his duty as their king by helping his subjects.
He saw it as an absolute win.
They had been trapped in this strange dimension for days now.
Nobody had any idea how they ended up there. Clark had just fallen asleep, Diana was training, Hal was on patrol. Even J'onn himself was on Moniter Duty, when the next thing he knew they were all waking up on a floating purple rock in a Lazarus green void.
Thankfully Constantine that had been dragged alongside him when J'onn when he was taken, and managed to explain that they were in some kind of void in-between the afterlives.
"The Ghost Zone" "The Unending End" "The Collective Dead", it went by many names apparently. The most famous name for it was "The Infinite Realms", named for the way the infinite souls residing there would build their own personal Realms, or Lairs, to spend eternity in.
Not even he knew how they had ended up there. Constantine was confident that they hadn't died recently (the fact they needed to use "recently" was a sad thought), so it wasn't the old fashioned way at the very least.
Still, they needed to get moving. This place was dangerous and they didn't want to stay in one place for too long.
After days of traveling across the strange void (had they even eaten since they arrived there?) Constantine finally caught a hint of something. There was a draw on them, pulling them towards a specific direction. They had been unconsciously following it for days now, and now that they knew what they were doing they soldiered on even faster. If there were answers wherever they were being drawn, they would find them.
Once it came into view, it was obvious what had been calling to them this entire time. It was massive.
Spanning across the endless horizon, they could see something that looked like a Galaxy spanning in front of them. From their position on a floating island, they could see it in all its glory. Contrasting the green they had become accustomed to, the Galaxy swirled in a variety of Bright Blues and Deep Purples, with multicolored stars shining so brightly they stood out even as far as they were from it.
It took all their breaths away, and J'onn would admit to having stood there staring for longer than he should have. It was just so starkly different than anything he had seen thus far in this dimension of greens and purples.
"Beautiful isn't it?"
In an Instant their weapons were drawn and fighting stances set, facing the person who had appeared in their midst.
He was a young man, seemingly in his early 20's, with snow white hair and Lazarus green eyes. Above his head sat a crown glowing the same color as the galaxy spanning in front of them. They all knew instantly that this man was connected to it on a deep level.
"Who are you" Asked Diana. Her thoughts were filled with theat assessments and carefulness. She thought he was strong.
"Oh, my name is Phantom." He replied, "Sorry for startling you, this is one of my favorite spots to stargaze and I forgot that normal people usually can't see me when I zone out like that."
"What is that?" Clark asked, pointing to the Galactic Structure on the horizon. He was curious. The man before they didn't act hostile, so he had decided to match his energy.
"Oh, that's my Galaxy. Like it?" He asked excitedly, "Took me ages to get it looking just right, but I'm so proud of the results."
"Do you know why we are here?" Asked Hal, his mind was swimming with worry over his Sector of space. He had been taken while patrolling it. He wanted to get back quickly.
"I didn't bring you here, if that's what you're asking." He replied evenly, "But I know who did. They wanted to see you again, but with their Realms crumbled and their people scattered, they never had the chance. Now they do, and they wanted to say hello again. Sorry about the long journey, they messed up the Summoning process and you ended up a bit farther than intended."
"Who summoned us?" Asked Constantine warily. His thoughts were full of the various demons and gods he knew inhabited these Realms. He was worried.
"Well, You, accidently got dragged along through proximity, sorry." He apologized to the magician, "But as for the rest of you? Well, you'll just have to wait and see for yourselves. Trust me, it'll be a welcome surprise."
"Can you tell us where can we find the ones who summoned us?" Asked J'onn finally. He was curious, and wary, of who had decided to pull them into this dimension. But if the man before them was being truthful, then he wanted to meet them.
"Just keep following that pulling sensation that brought you here, you'll find them." He said, "I'll stay here for a while longer though. Just want to stargaze a bit more."
They left him on the island and kept going.
As the approached the Galaxy, it dawned on them how truly massive the realm in front of them was. Hal confirmed that it wasn't as big as a real one, but even he was in awe at its size.
As they drew closer is quickly became apparent that they were being drawn in different directions. After a quick discussion they decided it was best to split up.
J'onn approached the Planet he was being drawn to, and realized very quickly that it very closely resembled his old homeworld, Mars. The Red Sands, the Rocky Terrain, the two Moons that could be seen orbiting the planet, all of it seemed tailor made to resurface memories of his destroyed home.
It took all of a second for all of it to come together in his head.
The allusions Phantom had made to his summoners missing him. The resemblance to his old Homeworld. The fact he was currently in a version of the Afterlife.
As he made the connection in his head, he felt another two connections form. Ones he had not felt in the the Centuries since he had lost them.
"Hello, J'onn."
"...M'yri'ah..." His wife.
"Hi dad."
"...K'hym..." His Daughter.
It took nearly a full minute before his mind calmed enough to send them a response. It was a Whirlwind of wild thoughts, fear of this being a trick, and above all hope that it was real.
Eventually, he finally managed a response.
"I missed you."
#Dpxdc#Dp x dc#Dcxdp#Dc x dp#Danny Phantom#Dc#Dcu#Danny is the Ghost King#Ghost King Danny#Danny built his own Galaxy#Lairs are much more important than people realize#They are custom made to cater to the Obsessions of their creators#And are literally a reflection of their Souls/Cores#A Lair is a Realm of its own#That's why another name for the Ghost Zone is âThe Infinite Realmsâ#Every Ghost has their own Realm and there are Infinite Ghosts. Therefore âInfinite Realmsâ#Afterlives are actually the Lairs of Gods who live in the Ghost Zone which they turned into communities of their own#But when the people who worship that God die out the God dies as well and their Lair crumbles#So Danny created a place where they could go to after their Afterlife crumbled#He created a Galaxy to feed his Space Obsession and a Refuge to feed his Protection Obsession#The JLA was summoned by their loved ones after they got their afterlives back#Diana is there cause the Amazon Afterlife is run by Pandora who Danny invited to live in his Galaxy#Hal was summoned by the world's he failed to save so they could tha k him for trying and to give him closure#Maybe the other GL's are also summoned#Constantine was literally just dragged along by accident when he was leaning on J'onn's chair on the Watchtower#He is so done
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I desperately want butcher!simon to take me against the dingy couch in the break room, no sounds but the squeaking of the springs, my muffled moans from his hand covering my mouth, and his deep grunts as he pounds into me from behind.
just a quick little fuck in between customers, and he has to leave mid-fuck to go hand off a package of pre-ordered meat, and scares the ever loving fuck out of the guy who came in to pick it up
okay iâm gonna change this request slightly because I saw a video and it inspired something based on this ask đ
(ending updated)
c/w: nsfw content below, implications of non-con (none takes place, delivery driver assumes reader is being attacked by simon but this is not the case at all), reader is fully consenting, reader and simon are married, threats, degradation
the delivery driver had been waiting for a good ten minutes now, wondering where the pretty counter girl was who always gave him the usual package. not even that unsettling brute was there to help him so he did what he thought was the correct thing to do
operating under the assumption that someone may be hurt or in need of assistance, he walked around the counter and into the back of the butcher shop. alongside the somewhat eerie humming of the freezer coolers, all that could be heard was a repeat squeaking sound coming from the back office
but since there were no calls for help or cries of agony, the driver opened the office door as quietly as possible. the cause of the squeaking becomes evident when his eyes land on the couch in the corner of the room, where he finds the pretty counter girl and her frightening beast of a boss
there you lay, pinned against the old sofa by the crushing weight of the butcher. legs spread what seems like impossibly wide to accommodate the brutal snapping of his hips. the driverâs eyes widened at the sight before him, the rough hand clamped over your mouth and the tears slipping down your cheeks leads him to believe heâs walked in on a viscous attack
he hasnât been spotted yet, leaving him plenty of time to do the heroic thing and rescue you from the awful man who bunched up your skirt around your hips and ravaged you like you were nothing more than one the pieces of meat hanging in the freezer
but before he can, simon slips his hand from your mouth and the driver expects his hearing to become overwhelmed with pleas to stop. however, heâs shocked to hear almost pornographic moans slip from your throat instead. your hands that originally seemed pinned down under simonâs weight are suddenly pawing wherever they can reach
your head turns to catch simonâs lips in a sloppy kiss. tongues clashing, saliva mixing with moans as he whispers nasty things against you,
âfuckinâ slag, grabbinâ mâcock whilst Iâm workinââŠâ he grunts, slamming his hips into you harder. your hands settle on his ass, grabbing handfuls of the meaty flesh as leverage to push his cock deeper into your sobbing cunt
âcouldnât wait, couldâya? didnât wanna wait for me to take ya to bed like a proper husband should⊠donât worry, lovie. gonna give ya what you needâŠâ he continues, looking down to watch where his mean cock stuffs itself inside your pussy. all you can do is respond in drunken babbles of âmoreâ, âharderâ, and begging him to make you cum
the driver soons realises his mistake, ducking out of the door and adjusting his suddenly swelling cock in his trousers before heâs caught by your terrifying husband
you come out to serve him about twenty minutes later, still looking as prim and proper as you always do. now the driver canât help but wonder how many times youâd spoken to him after being split open by your hulking husbands cock. to be honest, he still canât over the husband bit
before you can open your mouth to speak to him, simon appears behind you, pressed right up against your back but his glare is locked onto the man on the other side of the counter,
âgo. Iâve got this oneâŠâ he mumbles in your ear before sending you off with a pat to your bottom
the driver canât help but feel like heâs shit out of luck here. the transaction is awkward, uncomfortable and he really wishes he was dealing with you instead. at least you actually smile at him
he takes the package, ignoring the way simon purposefully tightens his grip when he tries to take it from him, making him struggle. the driver gives him an awkward smile before turning to leave the shop
âoi.â simon calls out to the driver once heâs at the door. he turns around to face the butcher who gives him a look that would make any grown man shit themselves
âif I catch ya trynna look at my bird again, youâll find yourself behind this counter for different reasons.â he snarls, glowering at the poor man who can only nod his head before darting out the door with no intentions of picking up a delivery from your shop ever again
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prompt: simon notices you in the stands (welder/amateur rugby player au). (nsfw, 1.9k)
Sheâs in the stands again, and he doesnât know who for.Â
The same bird as the time before, and the week before that. Always a few minutes into the match, like she snuck in through the backdoor. She always leaves in a hurry, up and out of her seat with her jacket already tugged on, her strides quick on her way out the main doors.Â
In the years since joining this amateur league, Simonâs never been tempted to talk to any of the people in the stands. For the most part, theyâre there for one of the other players anyway. Wives, girlfriends, sistersâthe odd cousin or fuck buddy, those girls dipping in and out, replaced by newer, sparklier versions of each other, the older ones licked clean.Â
His focus narrows when he steps onto the field anyway, shrinks like horse blinders sunk down over his skull. Hardly a reason for him to spare more than a glance towards the stands.
Rugbyâs not a sport for spectators. At least, not such a low level league. Barely amateurâjust some of the locals with a bit of built up stress and aggression to work off. Itâs why heâs here after all. Simon spends the hours of his day hunched over sheets of metal and carbon steel, sweating into the metal mask pulled down over his face and staring without blinking into the heart of the flame just inches from his face.Â
His nerves are a closed fist in his chest and it grows and grows until he steps out onto the field of the local rec centre and hears the timer overhead start to count down and feels someoneâs chest cave in when he drives his shoulder into their solar plexus, hears the breath whoosh out of them, their next breath in thin and febrile.Â
It sets his head right. Violence with no consequences. At the end of the game, he looks the man he just bruised and bloodied in the eye and shakes his hand. Puts the world to rights.Â
And he needs nothing more than that. His bills are paid, bloodthirst sated, thirst quenched when the team hits up a pub after the match, after which he slinks off into the night to head home with his hood drawn over his head, the size of him rarely inviting more violence. Occasionally it happens that someone with the bad luck of choosing him to mug wants to prove that they have the bigger cock, but that never ends well. Not for them at least.
Simon would fight for a living if welding paid him less. As it is, he satiates that beast in him on the field or the occasional back alley, and it keeps him in check.
But now thereâs a bird in the stands drawing his eye and distracting him from the match. It rubs him the wrong way. The blood pumps through his veins more viciously, and the pretty thing in the stands watches the game completely unaware, a serene smile on her face. His gaze keeps being pulled towards where she and a couple clusters of fans sit and nurse paper cups of tea.
She cups both hands around her tea and he wonders absently whether sheâd have to hold his cock the same way.Â
Itâs Gaz who calls him out on it first, panting hard after the first period and frowning at the scoreboard. âNot to be a dick, but that was bollocks, Simon. Never seen you miss a pass like that.â
Few people could get away with speaking to him like that, but Gaz is right. Heâs been playing like shit, too preoccupied by the bird watching him with wide, rapt eyes.Â
He doesnât know how to apologise though, so he doesnât. âGraves is a useless twat. Canât throw for shit.â
Gaz rolls his eyes. âNot saying he isnât, but youâre distracted. Whereâs your head at?â
âStay out of it, Garrick,â he says, not even bothering to meet his gaze, the warning clear in his voice.Â
âSorry for caring,â Gaz shouts after him as Simon jogs away.
He asks around at first, trying to find out if sheâs someoneâs relative or girl, but all the guys just shrug, no answers. If sheâs someoneâs, they arenât staking a claim on her. Itâs good news for him. Bad news for anyone else taking an interest in the girl that comes to their every match to cheer them on.
His urges sit deeper than the abyssal plain.
Sheâd probably turn tail and run if she knew the hunger festering in his belly. She sits sweet and innocent in the stands cheering him on and all Simon can think about is pushing her knees up to her ears and feeding his fat cock into her pussy. Shoving his tongue into her cunt, licking her from hole to hole. Sucking each puffy lip into his mouth until her moans go garbled, eyes unfocused.Â
No, Simon thinks when she jumps to her feet enthusiastically at the end of the match, she probably wouldnât like that. Women rarely do. Objectifying them and all those other terms that Gaz likes to wax on about, Johnny nodding along like he isnât the same kind of mutt as Simon.Â
Even during the day, she troubles his thoughts. Troublemaker. He thinks of her when he cleans and buffs in between passes, mind not lulled into the rhythmic emptiness of usual. Even the sound of steel sizzling in his ears doesnât clear her from his thoughts. Instead all he can think of is her walking into the shop in a little skirt and top, and dragging her to the back where heâd bend her over the closest desk and pull her panties to the side before sinking in to the hilt, mask still on.Â
Heâs never gotten his cock wet on the jobânever been tempted to. For her though, heâd make an exception.Â
By the next match, Simonâs made up his mind. When he sees her sneak in after the match has already started, he feels his blood pump harder, his tackles extra rough. His opponents walk away wincing and cursing him under their breath, but it only makes him preen when he glances over to find her watching him, hardly able to pull her eyes away. Price would call it peacocking. He wouldnât be wrong.Â
He approaches her himself at the end of the match before sheâs had time to pack up and leave, leaning over the railing separating the field from the stands, covered in sweat and grass stains and bleeding from his right eyebrow.
She stares up at him wide eyed, looking a little lost for words. âHi?â
âGot somewhere to be?â he asks, blunt. Heâs never had it in him for pleasantries. Why waste time when he can see even now the way her eyes rove over his chest appreciatively?Â
ââŠNo,â she finally answers, shaking her head. âJust home for supper.â
âLook like you could use a good fuck. Come round back with me?â
The blatant proposition makes her eyes widen, but Simon doesnât see the problem. Figures if she doesnât have a man, thereâs no issue with him trying out for the part. He waits her out though, vaguely admiring the pert shape of her mouth, lips round with shock.Â
Finally they come back together and she chews on her lower lip nervously, caught off-guard but considering it. He doesnât hold it against her. His birdâs pretty enough, but he doubts she ever puts herself in the position to be asked. He sees the yes in her eyes before she says it.
Still, he enjoys the way she stutters it out softly, eyes downcast. Simon doesnât bother with his goodbyes to the guys still on the field before ushering her out of the arena and down the hall to the locker rooms with a hand on her back. He drags her into the first empty supply closet he finds, locking the door behind them. She breathes a bit heavily, almost stumbling over her feet, and thatâs the eagerness heâs been looking for. Proof his birdâs just as hungry as him.Â
She definitely is, Simon thinks, smug when he hoists her up and her legs wrap around his waist without a second thought, her eyes already glazed over. Like sheâs been waiting for this for weeks, cunt already sopping wet when he nudges her panties to the side with his knuckles and buries his cock into her. She grips him like a vice, slack jawed and whimpering into the stretch. He likes that. He likes it more when she digs her nails deep into his back, leaving her mark behind.Â
âCâmon, donât get shy on me,â Simon huffs into her neck when she tries to grab his hair instead, what little of it she can. He stares with eyes half-lidded at the way her tits bounce with each thrust. âI like it rough.â
She clenches up at that, dripping wet. Almost a shame that he couldnât get his mouth on her first. Heâll have to follow her back home like the mongrel he is, mess her pretty bedsheets up and make her scream until she canât even face the neighbours the next day.Â
He doesnât need her to tell him to know that sheâs a good girl, doesnât do this ever. Only for him. He can tell by how tight of a screw she is, practically purring in his arms; itâs a fight to bully his cock into her. Itâs nice when she stutters it out though, strokes his ego the right way.Â
âD-didnât think youâd notice me,â she says, all shy even with her legs spread.Â
âHard not to, pet,â Simon teases, endeared by her soft edges. His slot right in, if not a bit jaggedly. âBeen panting after it for a while, havenât ya?â
âI just wanted to get out of the flat for a bit,â she whispers.
That shifts his perception of her a bit. Infinitesimally so, but still. He didnât expect the bird to have a lonely flame in her heart.Â
âWell, I noticed,â he grunts, and then bends to suck at the salty skin at the crook of her neck before pumping a load into her.
Sheâs a real good girl. Comes nice on his cock and muffles her whine by biting into his shoulder. He canât wait until heâs covered in her bites, until his nipples hurt from making her chew on them and his neck is littered with hickeys like a schoolboy.Â
Taking her home is easy enough after that. She lets him drive them both back to her place, handing him the keys with a little yawn when he tucks her into the passenger seat of her own car all limp and pliant.Â
And heâs right, of course. He makes a right mess of her bed come morning.Â
When he leaves after a morning fuck in the shower and breakfast, the cold sinks into his stomach like a lead weight. The fist in his chest is clenched as ever; Simon hadnât noticed it loosen in the birdâs presence, but he feels it now drawn tight again. Maybe he thought fucking her would finally shake her from his head, but instead itâs made it worse somehow. The lonely flame in his own chest flickers.
He stands in the middle of the sidewalk and thinks it over while angry nine-to-fivers snap at him before really taking him in and scurrying along. Then he turns back around, heading back the way he came.
The next time Simon sees her in the stands, he feels his smile like a phantom limb. He doesnât have to ask to know sheâs there for him.
#ceil writing#cod mw2#cod x reader#ghost x reader#ghost/reader#cod simon riley#ghost cod#simon ghost riley#simon ghost x you#simon ghost x reader
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âMy perfect Marionette~.â
Shadow Milk Cookie HCs
â§âË đ©» âźâË âËđ§âčâïœĄđŠč °
âOh, mister wolf, you want me to stay? But I fear weâll regret it one day.â
TW: slight spoilers(mainly tame), possible yandereisk themes, SM being a morally evil cookie (who all we love), mention of violence/death, slightly suggestive ( aka biting and stuff, but nothing NSFW), this is mainly fluffy, etc..
CW: Shadow Milk Cookie, other CRK characters ( such as Pure Vanilla cookie, the other beast, etc.. ).
Based on @dedfly âs CK/SM x anon art, maybe check them out since theyâre honestly awesome and deeply underrated! These HCs are mainly romantic, but can be platonic dating depending on your preferences. BTW, the reader will have they/them pronouns for gender neutral reasons.
â§âË đ©» âźâË âËđ§âčâïœĄđŠč °
-Letâs get it out of the wayâyes, heâs the jealous type. Whenever he sees you around the other cookies (expect for the beast cookies, heâs cool with the gang), he automatically pouts before shooting a glare at whoever dares to even breathe your air. Of course, you always calm him down with butterfly kisses.
-As evil as your man is, only you can insult him. So whenever a cookie tries to say something, you often end up beating that said cookie while Shadow Milk Cookie places his hands on his cheeks with a playful smile. Itâs like he gets a power trip off seeing you defend him, he either becomes a playful ass: âBaaaabe, staaaawp, you know Iâm shy!!â or be your personal cheerleader, doing whole choreographed works while you beat someone up.
-Often, he dresses himself up all pretty whenever you two go outside for a date as to show off to other cookies. Mainly wearing jester related clothing, but making sure to stand out. If you praise him, he always lets out a smug scoff saying that obviously heâs the handsomest cookie to live!⊠only to ask you to repeat the praise again, basically fishing for compliments.
-Yes, he has fangs which he proceeds to nibble on your fingers. Like a cat, biting is a love language he enjoys, but unlike Burning Spice Cookie, he isnât going to bite your face off, so itâs only mildly annoying to you. Most of the time, you find the jester only leaving soft and light marks on your fingers and at worst, he takes a playful nibble of noise. Again, he is nothing compared to Burning Spice Cookie.
-When he confessed to you, he did it through a puppet play and you cannot believe how long it was. He plan out the whole puppet wedding, domestic life, how we could kill million of cookies as a present for you.. you know, the usual! Anyways, he was over the moon when you accepted and return his feelings.
-He has odd gifts, alright? Look, heâs tried getting tips from Eternal Sugar Cookie herself, but the gifts are not the best. Most of the time, you end up getting gifts such as a bouquet of cookieâs (still beating) hearts, designing fancy outfits for you, and so on, so on.. either way, Pure Vanilla has to force him to get you normal gifts even if the Beast whines.
-Long story short, heâs a âŸïž/10 and you cannot convince me otherwise. Of course, heâs not the best, but heâs trying his best! Basically, you two are cutie pies who love each other.
àȘâ⎠Me and Mr Wolf - The Real Tuesday Weld
0:32 ââââââââââ 4:33
đ âThe old and upright, what do they know?
I'm all appetite, you'll help me grow!â
đ âOh my love, I want you too
But, my desire may prove your doom.â
âHis evil eyes and jolly smile captivate meâ(âżâčâĄâč)!
#x reader#gn reader#x you#shadow milk crk#shadow milk cookie#shadow milk cookie x reader#crk x reader#crob x reader#jester x reader#cookie run kingdom x reader#cookie run ovenbreak x reader#cookie run x reader
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â± TRIGGER WARNINGS: Johann literally hunts down the reader, Small outburst at the end, and a lot of bullshit talk about hunting because I like it, DEAD DOVE. No violence was used.
Synopsis: You escape from Johann, he has to track you down. WORD COUNT: 1.6k
Johann wasn't exactly the thrill-seeking kind. He always preferred a slow-paced life, not filled with many excitements or tragedies. He wasnât an adventurous spirit or a fiery soul in search of greater meaning. In his head, the only thing he needed was you.
And maybe thatâs why this exact moment made his blood boil with newfound rapture, he could swear for a moment his skin bumped at the feeling of his heart throbbing so quickly against his ribcage. The thrill of the hunt, like his father used to say, made mere men become beasts, some because it was vital for their survival, others because of the rush of power it gave them.
But he couldnât quite understand it until now. For him, hunts werenât that exciting. The game was always too easy to track down, the footsteps effortlessly concealed. The gun didnât feel heavy enough. His breath didnât quicken at the mere chance of letting his prey slip away; heâll always find a way to reach them again, after all. Animals have their habits; theyâre easy to decipher once you know their true nature.
This is the type of hunt heâs been craving for so long. Johann had to press a hand against his mouth to prevent a low chuckle from escaping. Oh, how right his father was. This was truly trilling to the core, the kind of thrill that made a foreign heat rise towards his head and seep into his very brain tissue.
Humans arenât like animals, their behavior is a little more erratic, animals can be divided between highly intelligent beings and straight-up dumb ones, but humans? All of them had their quirks, you couldnât easily guess how prepared someone could be under certain circumstances. âIsnât that so fucking interesting?âÂ
Lowering himself to the ground Johann reached to touch the freshly shaped footstep that his precious prey left behind. If theyâre leaving such a pretty trail behind theyâre expecting me to find them, what a tease.
âYou know what kind of animals roam these types of terrains?â His voice was loud enough to carry its sound through the extremely quiet, when the hunt begins, the forest goes quiet, no need to scream. âBears, moose, sometimes even wolves. Had to detangle a lot of âem from traps before, not without properly securing they wonât be able to bite, âcourse.âÂ
His heavy boots made the rotten wood and debris scattered around the forest soil yield under their weight, no need to change onto more quiet shoes, his bunny wouldnât be able to hear him coming, surely their heartbeat was the only thing resounding inside their ears. Reaching into his pocket he took out his watch, starting a countdown. âIâll give you two minutes to gain distance, cover your tracks, you can try hiding if you want, but I wouldnât recommend staying still, it makes you easier to spot.âÂ
âOnce the two minutes are done Iâll begin searching, I'll make a bird calling each 45 seconds, and once three minutes pass by, Iâll stop making bird callings and hunt in earnest, âkay? Just want to make the game easier for you, it isnât fun if Iâm the one with the upper hand all the time even if this is my subject.âÂ
With a deep sigh, he crouched down again, his hands fidgeting inside his pocket until he found a cigarette, the last one actually. Grabbing his lighter he lit up the tip, taking a slow inhale before letting the smoke escape from his lips.Â
His free hand reached to grab the gun he always had with him, it was an old friend of sorts, stuck by his side in all the worst situations, a lot of people meeting their death at the end of this same barrel. Maybe it should have your name, after all, people do name their guns sometimes.
The forest grew more eerily quiet, the sun setting down in the distance while Johann quietly awaited the starting gunshot of the race, he didnât really need to put the time on his watch, he could already count the time down to the millisecond inside his head. âForty-eight, forty-nineâŠâ His gloved fingers tapped against his lips, hands tightly clad in leather gloves, perfect for the harsh Austrian winter.Â
A part of him wished you didnât even make the effort to run away, maybe finding you curled up against a rock or a tree just waiting for him to find you was more exciting than actually pursuing you, after all, that meant you truly gave up on the idea of leaving him behindâstill, another part of his brain screamed for you to run, so he could find you and make sure you wonât try pulling up bullshit like this again.
Slowly he stood up, the watch making a low beeping sound before he began to walk, settling the gun back onto the strap around his thigh. Holding the cigarette in between his lips he began to prepare the clothes you were going to use once he caught you, after all, little you decided to escape both barefoot and barely dressed, the worst thing in this forest beside him was the cold. Holding the spare jacket he always brought with him inside his bag and a blanket he continued to walk nonchalantly, not even sparing a single stare in any direction that wasnât just dead front and center.Â
Johann's stare drifted onto the floor, a little disappointed that you didnât take his recommendation into account, there, clear as day, were your pretty little marks for him to follow like a bloodhound. Johann even took the time to carefully make sure he didnât accidentally step into any of them, not wanting to overshadow the loving tracks you left behind for him with his heavy boots.
He knew very well he was taking all of this too lightly, this was a high gamble where he could lose everything or gain all, but still the elated sense of happiness and bubbling excitement made him more self-confident, too sure you wouldnât get away too far, and even if you did, heâd stay in the damn forest all the time necessary for you to realize you need to go back onto his loving arms.
Stopping dead in his tracks he turned around as he heard a small sound coming from behind a fallen stump, dead bark peeling off the treeâs corpse. There you are.
And there you were indeed, curled up in a ball, back pressing against the rough bark as you held your arms around your torso, bracing yourself from the harsh winter cold, from the shiver that ran down your shoulders towards your legs or the sight you so pathetically defenseless made him smile, a blush creeping up onto his features.
âYou didnât even run far enough to let me do any bird calls, are you that tired, baby?â He kneeled down in front of you, but as soon as you jolted up in surprise Johannâs hand shot to grab your wrist with unnerving quickness. His dark eyes bore into you, a small smile gracing his lips, but there was no emotion behind that expression of his. âThatâs okay, next time Iâll give you some proper equipment, some shoes wouldnât hurt.âÂ
His thumb caressed the skin of your wrist, while his other hand threw away the now almost half-smoked cigarette that Johann held in between his lips. Eventually he reached to grab your head in between them, rubbing your cheeks with such tenderness that it could be even soothing in a different situation. âThere, you did good. Not good enough to grant you a reward, but you did have me a little scared back there.â His smile widened as he lied through his teeth. You frowned, tired, freezing cold and also breathless, but still with enough energy to try and pry his hand away from your wrist, it was useless, he was latched onto you like a handcuff. âFuck yoââ Before you could even finish he reached to clasp his free hand onto your mouth, the sudden movement making you stumble backward, head pressing against the tree. âFuckinâ language.â He whispered between his teeth, staring at you dead in the eyes. âYou should be grateful I didnât put a damn bullet in between those pretty eyes of yours. Runninâ away from me like that? After all I did for you? I let you away from my sight for just a second and you go jolting away like a fucking rabbit.âÂ
Taking a deep breath he lowered his head, slowly pushing his hand away from your mouth, his face leaning closer to you, the only warm feeling gracing your warm body being his hot breath against your face. âSorry âbout that.â He pushed your lower lip with his thumb, pressing a soft kiss onto your flesh as some sick and twisted kind of apology.
âI wonât be as lenient next time, âkay? You know I care about you a lot, meine Liebe, donât want you getting hurt.â He forced a smile, leaning his forehead against yours, but again his voice was masked by the thumping sound of your heart against your ears. âLetâs get you back to the car, Iâll get you all warmed up and cozy.âÂ
You just let him grab you, his hands effortlessly grabbing you and carrying you bridal style as both of you made your way back toward the car, you stole a few glances at Johannâs face, finding a small smile and that darn blush in his cheeks that showed how much he enjoyed himself, maybe a twisted part of him was truly pleased by all of this, even if it just started as a rebellious act of trying to escape from your part.
âHear that? Itâs a White-tailed eagle. Birds of prey, always hunted them with my father as a child.â Suddenly the forest wasnât so quiet anymore, the hunt has ended.
#ah yes#is that#âthe author's thinly veiled fetishesâ moment#anyways hope u guys don't mind me nerding about hunting...#male yandere#yandere#yandere oc#yandere x reader#chrona... writes stuff?#johann the bastard
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I present my link click x swan princess AU or what I call, The Swan Princes đđŠą
(Part 1)
My notes on this AU:
Swan princes AUÂ
-Ql and CXS are from a neighboring kingdom from LG, QL's parents arranged to start bringing LG over to their kingdom every summer to try and matchmake QL and LG together so they can marry when they are older to unify their kingdoms. Ql and Lg do not have any romantic interest in each other at all right off the bat and end up more like siblings, Lg and Cxs (who is the adopted ward of the royal family) become fast best friends and all three of them are joined at the hip when Lg visits, and often arrange more visits outside of summer as well when they can.Â
-QL's parents give up trying to get LG and Ql together but still welcome LG whenever he comes to visitÂ
-LG, Ql and CXS start making plans about the best way to unify their kingdoms (without marriage) when they reach their 20s, even though in general their kingdoms are really friendly already.Â
-Not everyone is a fan of this idea, especially a faction of nobles in LGâs kingdomÂ
-One of the times that LG is leaving to travel back to his kingdom, his convoy gets ambushed by a party wanting to overthrow the throne, and only a wounded messenger escapes back to QL and CXSâs kingdom to tell them that there was this great beast that had attacked their convoy and he doesn't know if anyone survived, but that the beast isn't what it seems to be (like in the movie) but the messenger does not recover from his injuries and passes away shortly
-Cxs and Ql go out immediately when they hear the news to search for the remains for Lg's convoy (and possibly his body, because the messenger was adamant no one had survived.) but all they find is a bloody massacre (and no lg except maybe a personal item) leading them to believe he didn't survive
-They are both devastated, but Cxs is beyond devastatedÂ
-Cxs and QL start researching into the great beast and about the messengers last words about how it was a deceiving beast because they want to figure out what the hell happened (And Cxs wants REVENGE)
-Cxs starts hunting in the forest over the span of a month or two because they canât figure out what the beast could be disguising itself as and also to unleash some of his pent up anger and grief over LGâs âdeathâ when he comes across a Swan, (and like in the movie he assumes that's the great beast) so he chases it to the lakeÂ
-But just as he was about to take the shot with revenge on his mind the swan turned into Lg in the moonlight heheÂ
-both of them overjoyed to see one another
Random Notes:
-Lg can't talk as a swan, and can only honkÂ
-Ltx is part of the faction trying to overthrow the kingdom, but helps lg out when she can, she doesn't really have a choice of being in the faction or not cause her brothers in it also she doesnât fully understand what is going on with the politics in their kingdom
-at some point cxs is brash and ends up getting turned into a swan too, Lg is less than thrilled with this development because how are two swans supposed to save an entire kingdom.Â
-They figure out how to go honk to QL for help
-Lg didn't find cxs quickly originally cause he had to learn to be a swan and couldn't get to far from the lake, when cxs becomes a swan he has to teach cxs how to be a swan (fly, swim, honk, poop, eat etc)
-It goes as well as one would expect.Â
Will upload more notes/artwork probably next week!
#link click#link click au#shiguang daili ren#lu guang#cheng xiaoshi#shiguang#swan princess#the swan princes AU
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Imagine being a nymph
You exist somewhere in between being older than most living things but young in comparison to the ancient forest you reside in. You laze all day on lush moss and wander through thick meadows in the evening.
You spend most of your time with your fellow nymphs and the Satyrs, who also inhabit the forest. You join the satyrs in their festive orgies, their never ending debauchery and stamina is always entertaining. The satyrs are very close with the nymphs, both being able to keep up with the others insatiable apatites. They often invite you to praise their god in the only way they know how; sex, parties, wine and more sex. No matter what season, weather or time of day the forest is always filled with the pleasured sounds of your shared revelry.
You have your fun luring Human adventurers away from their parties, giving them little glances of your body behind thick trees. Humans also like it when you pretend to not notice them when they "accidentally stumble" across you sitting in your meadow. Either way when you have them to yourself it's always a fun arrangement. They always seem enraptured by you, all you have to do is bat your eyelashes and they come to you like they're locked in a trance. Always so hesitant at first like their dirty mortal hands shouldn't touch something as divine as your skin, you dispel those thoughts very quickly.
Sometimes the nomadic Centaurs travel through the forest, the nymphs and satyrs are always more than happy to welcome them into their home. The centaurs are proud creatures so you have to flirt a little harder than you do with humans or satyrs but traveling for months with no relief is so burdensome and why deny the cute nymph offering exactly the relief you need? When the huge man-beast eventually grumbles some admission of interest you waste no time bending over, hands on the lush forest floor, presenting your ass for the centaur to completely ruin on his massive horse cock.
The occasional traveling Orc camp will pop up now and then, that's always exciting. Orcs are very simple creatures and require little to no coaxing. You can usually just skip into the orc camp and plop yourself down on the nearest burly green hunk. They may be confused at first but a sultry look and a well placed hand will have them grinning from ear to ear, already half chubbed. It's a good idea to try and find the chief or clan leader as they might announce to the whole camp that they've found a useful fuck toy for the night. You might spend the day getting pounded by orc after orc until the late hours of the night. The only trace you'll leave behind for them when they wake is a trail of flowers and a few puddles of cum.
Goblins are similar to orcs but even more insatiable. Walking into a goblin camp in all your beautiful naked nymph glory will get you jumped and fucked within seconds. The small creatures don't care much at all for civility or decorum, they see a pretty thing like you walk into their camp and they're already scrambling and fighting each other for a hole. Not that they have any problems with sharing, during these particular nights there's always multiple goblin cocks being stuffed into all your holes, fitting in as many as they possibly can. They fuck till they drop, literally thrusting into your cum soaked holes till they pass out on the grassy floor.
Elves however, are another story. Elves never lose their composure, always so regal. When they travel through the forest they let the nymphs trail along with them, if only because this is your home they're walking through. You've only fucked elves very few times. The first being a noblewoman who weaved flowers in your soft hair while stealing glances at your naked body. You pleasured her in her tent one night, lapping at her pretty pussy as she gave you quiet but generous praises while gently stroking your hair. There was also the respected guard captain who you caught pleasuring himself by the river, he seemed very grateful for your assistance, fucking you ragged like he hadn't touched another person in centuries.
If you're lucky you may stumble upon the Minotaur that lives in the forest. You and the other nymphs like to play this game where you tease and taunt the Minotaur until he chases one of you down and fucks you into the dirt. It's not clear if getting caught means you win or lose but the other nymphs will sit around you, pet the minatour and coo at you as you get ferociously fucked by the beast until it fills your belly with it's seed. You're almost unconscious when the minatour is done but that won't stop the other nymphs from licking up the monsters cum from your abused hole while trying to coax the Minotaur into another round.
#posting alot as an apology for being gone haha đ
#well alot for me at least#monster fucker#monster x reader#monster x human#exophelia#monster fucking#monster lover#terato#terat0philliac#minatour x reader#orc x reader#elf#centaur#minatour#gn!reader
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đđđ đđđđ đđđđđ đđđđđđđđ
aemond targaryen x baratheon!reader
rating: 18+, minors dni
summary: aemond targaryen is tasked with bringing the stormlands to his brother's side. but when he arrives he finds the new regent, old lord Borros' young widow, isn't as pliant as he had anticipated. he finds himself drawn to the poised, commanding lady of storm's end, much to his horror. but he refuses to leave without bringing this storm to heel
word count: 12 k (ye gotta suffer for ye smut what can i say)
tags: mentions of past forced/arranged marriage, reader is a member of a minor baratheon branch and is Borros' widow but no other traits are described, smut, handjob, choking kink, fingering, p in v sex, hate sex, creampie, cowgirl, mention of moontea, hints of dom!aemond? or hes just being a control freak i mean the line is very thin [lmk if i missed something]
sidenote: this was such a fun one shot to write, i was writing aemond after so long i think i got a bit carried away hytftgyhuijo do comment/ask and lmk if you'd like this as a series cause i might just have ideas for that
The hall of Stormâs End was cold, the stone walls rising around you as you watched the storm raging outside through the window, expecting to see your guest arrive at the dreary scene any minute. The screech of a dragon approaching managed to reach you, louder even than the sound of thunder. You did not wait to catch a glimpse of the creature for yourself, instead your black gown swept as you made your way to your late husbandâs seat, the dark fabric pooling around your feet as you sat, spilling over the stone like a dark tide.
The unmistakable roar of Vhagarâs wings heralded Aemond Targaryenâs arrival, accompanied by a loud âthumpâ of what you imagined was the ground straining under the beasts feet, to signal just how close to your home the dragon had landed. The dragonâs arrival even rattled the windows, a reminder of the power the prince carried with himâpower you knew he intended to wield like a blade. Your jaw tightened for a brief moment. Vhagarâs presence wasnât just a spectacle, a grand display of power and might; it was a threat.
Your lips curled ever so slightly in distaste. The princeâs arrival on the back of a dragon, no less the largest alive, was nothing less than a veiled threat. He wanted you to know the might of the greens, to feel the heat of dragonfire on your doorstep.
You stretched out your hands and placed them on the arms of the stone seat, chin up, back straight; determined, to be seen as a commanding presence. You wore no crown, but you would impress that this was your land. Your posture must reflect as if you were carved from the same storm-hardened stone that made the keep, a Baratheon through and through, even if from a lesser branch of the family.
 You belonged here, not merely as the old lordâs widow and the new oneâs mother, but by your own right too â you had to hold onto that as the gates to the hall were flung open after a few minutes of anticipation.
In he steppedâAemond One-Eye, cloaked in Targaryen arrogance, his long strides purposeful, each movement precise, till he reached the middle of the hall. His single eye fell upon you immediately, his gaze sharp and assessing, like a man who expected you to yield at the first word. You did not move.
After a few seconds, he continued his steps once more and you let him approach, watched him close the distance until he stood before you. Then, with all the decorum expected of his blood, he bent low and kissed your hand. âMy lady Baratheon.â His voice sounded as cold as his hand felt against yours.
âPrince Aemond,â you said, your voice as smooth as silk, yet laced with an undercurrent of steel. âStormâs End bids you welcome⊠and your dragon.â you tilted your head ever so slightly, the hint of a smile on your lips. âI must say, it is not every day one finds a beast as colossal as Vhagar at their gates. Her presence is... difficult to miss.â
Aemond straightened, his eye narrowing ever so slightly. âVhagarâs presence is a reminder of the strength our House offers to those wise enough to stand with it, my lady. A reminder, of a promise of protection.â
âA reminder,â you mused, leaning back in your chair as though you held all the time in the world, âor a threat?â
His lips twitched, not quite a smile, but close. âOnly to those who would stand against us, my lady.â
âAh,â your eyes danced with playfulness, âand I suppose I must decide whether to accept thisâŠ. protectionâŠor risk the wrath of your beast?â Your displeasure at being forced to house the ancient creature as you made the decision about whom to side with was clear. Vhagarâs presence cast such a long shadow, it hung over every word that was spoken in that great hall. You knew Otto Hightower had expected the mere presence of the dragon would encourage the frail, young lady, whoâd only been appointed regent because she had the good fortune to give birth to a son unlike Lord Baratheonâs first wife, to come on side without much fuss. You were going to cause him much disappointment.
Vhagar might be mighty, but you would not give in to the feeling of fear at her attendance. You would stand your ground before the prince, and not let him make the mistake to think that he could intimidate you.
Hands clasping behind his back, the princeâs good eye bore into your face, his voice low, laced with a hint of warning âyou appear to be a wise woman to me, my lady. You understand how unwise it is to provoke a dragon.â
You laughed softly, the sound ringing across the otherwise eerily quiet hall âIs that what Iâm doing, Prince Aemond? Prodding at the dragonâs belly?â
He was trying to impose upon you the upper hand he held, to dangle the danger of his dragon over your head to get you to agree to his demands â you deflected it as if by a flick of your wrist, which left him surprised. He knew you understood him perfectly well, and he was starting to understand you too now, as you lifted your hand to your chin, and leaned on your palm to watch him almost lazily.
Your eyes sparkled with an unspoken challenge as you watched him, letting the silence linger, enjoying the way his patience seemed to thin with each passing second. You could tell he was uncomfortable with how the tension had shifted, though his eyes never left yours and his expression betrayed nothing but you observed how his nose flared up in an indication of the underlying anger and frustration. He was a dragon, yesâbut one that had yet to learn patience. You would teach him.
âYou know why Iâve come,â he finally said, trying to pull the conversation back into his control. âMy grandsire has written to you already of my intent. A marriage alliance between our houses. I would take in marriage one of your stepdaughters, in exchange for the strength of the Stormlands at our back.â
âAh,â you sighed, âsuch a generous offer. The strength of Stormâs End married to the might of your house would certainly be something. At the very least it would ensure your brother cannot be defeated outright in a land battle.â You had gone over this with your husbandâs advisers multiple times, you knew the strength of your army, the advantages it brought to either side, like the back of your hand. âAnd yetâŠâ you paused, lips curling into a faint, knowing smile. Aemond straightened his back, tapping his leathered foot, realising you were not going to make his work easy.
â⊠I have to wonder, why you think I would choose the promises of the Hand over the promises of⊠others?â you spokepointedly but did not mention the name of his half-sister Rhaenyra, but he understood where you were signalling. âYour brother is not the only claimant with dragons.â
Aemond forcefully replied, in an attempt to demonstrate his advantage while keeping his bubbling anger in check, âThe largest dragon in the realm is before your gates. The whore of Dragonstone with her bastards could never match Vhagar.â
His words were filled with vitriol, but they did not move the lady Baratheon. You simply mused âI confess, the notion of the mighty Vhagar at my beck and call is... temptingââ Aemondâs jaw clenched at how you implied him or his dragon would be at your âbeck and call,â but he bit back his tongue ââbut power is a fickle thing, your grace, is it not? Today, it flies at my gates; tomorrow, it may burn them. If not your dragonsâ, then your half-sisterâs. To stand with either one of you is to stand against the other. And their dragons.â
Aemond took another step forward, refusing to let your words unsettle him. âStormâs End has always been loyal to the Crown. We expect no less now.â
âYes but which crown must we bow to now remains unclear, yet.â You casually replied as you rose from your seat, the dark material of your gown swirling around your feet once more. The firelight caught the fabric, casting shifting shadows that made you seem like a figure from a half-forgotten tale â larger than life, and ethereal, not quite inhabiting the same plane as the prince. âAs I am sure you are aware my late husbandâs father swore an oath to support Rhaenyra. While I do not dismiss this hand of friendship your grandsire, the Hand has offered us, I cannot accept it either.â You met his gaze as you looked up at him, unflinching, your smile pleasing yet razor-sharp. âLoyalty, Prince Aemond, is a curious thing. It can shift, like the sea winds of this land. And I... well, I would prefer to remain more flexible in my allegiances. At least until Iâve had time for some careful consideration.â
Impatience grew within Aemond, you could see the tension in how rigidly he stood. He could sense you were slipping from his grasp, just as easily as the wind slipped through the cracks of your keepâs stone walls. He needed to push harder, to make you commit.
âThis is a matter of great urgency, my lady, Iââ He was about to press further when you let out a soft sigh and brought a hand to your temple, feigning weariness. âForgive me, my prince, but I find myself dreadfully fatigued. The burdens of leadership weigh heavily on one such as I. You must understand... after all, I am but a woman, and we are so very frail. We were not built to rule you see⊠is that not the core reason your brother has raised his banners against the Princess after all?â your eyes seemed to goad the prince to challenge you on your words.
Aemond clenched his folded hands behind him, but betrayed none of the irritation simmering beneath his surface. He could see right through your act. There was nothing frail about the Lady Y/N Baratheon. This was another move in your game, a way to delay him. You were stalling, that much was clear.
âLady Y/N,â he began, stepping forward again, âwe cannot affordââ
âThere will be time, Prince Aemond,â you interrupted, finality in your tone, a dismissal thinly veiled behind sweetness âPlenty of time to discuss alliances and armies. Stormâs End is yours for as long as you need it. Make yourself at home.â
Aemond stiffened, realizing that you had no intention of continuing this conversation tonight. You were dismissing him, and there was nothing he could do to force your hand without showing his own weakness.
You turned then, moving toward the doorway with a graceful ease that contradicted your words of weariness. Aemond was fuming with frustration which had finally sept through the cracks of his unbothered exterior. This was the first task he had been assigned as they had started to draw their banners, the first contribution he was expected to make for his familyâs cause. He refused to go back empty handed. To win the Baratheonâs to their side was his duty, and he had no intention of returning without anything other than the Stormlands in his pocket.
Just as you reached the threshold, you stopped, casting a glance over your shoulder, your voice light but edged with mockery. âOh, and do let the staff know whatever your beast will be having. We wouldnât want to keep her waiting, would we?â
Aemondâs grinded his teeth at how you were daring to treat Vhagar as if she were no more than a hound at the gates. His dragon, the largest and most fearsome alive, reduced to a mere beast by your dismissive words. Aemond would not find it so easy to deal with the new lady of Stormâs end as most had expected. Borrosâs widow may not have the years of experience to strengthen her, she was a young thing yet, that the old lord had married for the purpose of producing him sons; yet, even he would have never expected you to become this formidable a defender of his seat as you had become.
He watched as you disappeared into the shadows, having given him nothing. Everything in your manner told him one thing: this woman would not bend easily.
You stood beside the bed, watching the rise and fall of your sonâs little chest. Seeing him safe and sound was all that kept you going, so whenever your mind would be distressed over the politics and games around you, you would try to be around your son to remind yourself why you were doing all of this in the first place.
Royce slept soundly, a peaceful expression on his innocent face, his tiny hand curled around the edge of his blanket. But peace was an illusion here in Stormâs End, where every decision threatened to shatter the fragile balance you were fighting to maintain. You smoothed a stray lock of dark hair from his brow, your heart heavy with the burden of his future. All this you did for him, to ensure his safety, his future, his seat. One wrong move, and you would not pay for it alone.
Behind you, the crackling fire in the hearth could not chase away the cold reality of the letter from Rhaenyra, now resting on your writing desk â it served as a reminder for you, a reminder that a storm was brewing outside. Ser Byron Swann finally brought you out of your brooding thoughts. âYouâve been quiet for some time, my lady,â came Ser Byronâs voice, tinged with concern as he stepped forward, his armour gently clinking in the quiet room. Byron had been a faithful bannerman to your late husband, and so far to you. You appreciated his counsel and concern.
Not taking your eyes off Royce, you spoke âTo choose incorrectly would mean risking his future. The Stormlands could tear itself apart.â Your bannermen, always watching you with suspicion for being a woman who dared to hold power over them, had already whispered their concerns. Some remembered the oath Borrosâ father had sworn to Rhaenyra years ago, binding them to her claim. Others had made their displeasure plainâa woman on the Iron Throne, abomination they had muttered darkly, displeased with the idea of a queen ruling over them. The Stormlands was teetering on the brink of division. Then there was the fear of dragons, which prevailed over all else.
You straightened, hand lingering on the bedpost as you turned away from the sight of your son and addressed your counsel more directly. âChoosing Rhaenyra might honour the oath, but it could also fracture the Stormlands beyond repair. Choosing the Greens...â You hesitated, the thought of Aemond Targaryen flashing briefly through your mind. â...may bring us under the protection of dragons, but at what cost?â Otto Hightower was perhaps the most infamous schemer in the land, and the âKingâ Aegon was by all accounts a useless drunk. Not to mention his younger brotherâŠ
Byron crossed his arms, brow furrowed. âNeutrality is not an option either, not with the eyes of both sides upon us.â
You sighed wearily, and agreed âNo, choosing neither would invite war right to our doorstep instead.â You paced toward the hearth, placing a hand on the frame of the fireplace as you watched the flickering flames that seemed to reflect your thoughts, anxiously moving, untamed. You had been strong when facing the prince, unwilling to back down or give away any fears you might privately have. Now you had no need to hold onto such a façade, you could admit to yourself that this was an extremely slippery situation you and the Stormlands were in. Your brow furrowed with worry as you looked into the flames, willing for an answer to leap out from them.
Byron's eyes followed you closely. As if he could read your mind, he tried to voice your thoughts âThere is no right choice, my lady, you can only hope to pick the lesser of two dangers.â If only you could tell which was which, you thought of who Borros would pick momentarily, but then found yourself thinking that youâd never much cared for his strategic opinion anyway, so there was no reason to rely upon it now.
âwhat did my lady think of the Hightowerâs messenger, the one-eyed prince?â Swann curiously asked.
What did she think of Aemond? A dangerous man, undoubtedlyâsharp, calculating, and ever poised for battle, even when the fight was merely in words.
And yet⊠there was something more. Something you would not, could not, name aloud. His cold, unyielding demeanour stirred something in youâsomething that made you wary, but also intrigued. Aemond Targaryen was not a man easily thwarted, and that made him dangerous. His arrogance was palpable, his strength undeniable, but beneath that was a fire, simmering just beneath the surface. You had seen it in his eye, in the way he watched you. His features were sculpted as if by marble, standing so close to him you could see why your septa use to tell you the Targaryens were closer to gods than men, you had verified the fantastical accounts of their Valyrian beauty for yourself. You found yourself tilting on the side of agreement with those opinions.
Your fingers tightened ever so slightly on the stone beneath it as you leaned towards the fire. You werenât a fool. You knew the allure of power, of danger. And Aemond embodied both.
The memory of Aemondâs lingering touch when he kissed your hand, and the veiled threat of the dragon that waited outside your walls, sent a chill down your spine.
You drew in a slow breath, forcing yourself to focus. Attractive or not you could not afford to be distracted by immodest thoughts of the Targaryen prince, not when everything hung in such a precarious balance.
You turned back to meet Ser Byronâs eyes with your own hardened gaze. âOnly that to take Aemond Targaryen lightly could prove to be a grave mistake.â
Aemond stood at the narrow window of his assigned chambers, watching the endless churn of the sea beyond Stormâs End. The wind here was relentless, beating against the stone walls with the same fury that seemed to linger in the air since his arrival. It matched his moodârestless, frustrated. He had come to Stormâs End to secure an alliance, to bring the Baratheons to his brotherâs cause. But instead, he found his thoughts tangled in something far more distracting.
Lady Y/N Baratheon.
He stepped away from the window and moved towards the small desk, settling into the chair. A half-written letter to his grandsire lay before him, waiting to be finished. The fire crackled low in the hearth, casting long shadows across the room. Aemond dipped his quill into the ink and resumed writing.
My Lord Hand, I arrived at Stormâs End to find the lady regent in full command of her seat. Y/N Baratheon is not as easily persuaded, as was expected...
His quill paused. His mind drifted back to your first meeting in the great hall. You had been seated on the Baratheon throne, the seat of you late husband. Yet you did not look out of place in it for a second, one could have been easily forgiven for mistaking to think you had been born to it and were not merely guarding it as your sonâs keeper. Your alluring eyes had met his without flinching, without the slightest hint of deference. You were calculating, composed, and beautifulâthere was no denying that. But it was more than just your appearance that held his attention. There was something in you that challenged him, intrigued him.
Aemond set down the quill on the table with force, flexing his hand in frustration. The same hand, he realised as he looked down upon it, which had held your own to his lips only hours ago. He had felt it then, a pull. A quiet draw towards you that had nothing to do with the game of politics and alliances.
He had seen it in the way you looked at him, how your eyes had lingered when he kissed the back of your palmâa small, fleeting moment that had unsettled him more than he cared to admit. He had sensed it the moment you welcomed him with that cold smile, that hint of mockery in your tone when youâd spoken of his dragon. Vhagar was meant to remind you of what he could bring to bear against your house, yet the you had barely blinked. Instead, youâd made a jest of it, turning the veiled threat back on him with the ease of a seasoned player in the game.
You wielded your wit like a blade, much like he wielded his sword. You had unsettled him in a way he hadnât expected. And that pull he felt towards you was as unwelcome as it was undeniable.
He leaned back in his chair, exhaling slowly. This was not what he had come here for. He was not a boy, not some green fool led astray by a pretty face and a clever tongue. He was here for dutyâfor the future of his house. For his brotherâs crown. Y/N Baratheon might be all captivating, but she was merely a pawn he needed on his side, nothing more.
Aemond shook his head and returned to the letter.
I will continue to press our advantage and remind them where true power lies.
With a resolute shake of his head, Aemond signed his name to the letter.
Duty. Only duty.
The days at Stormâs End had settled into a routine of formal dinners and polite conversations, surrounded by the awful weather which seemed ever present outside the walls of the ancient castle. Aemond had been introduced to Lady Y/Nâs stepdaughters soon after his arrival, and each one, in her own way, seemed determined to gain his favour.
This was very much to Aemondâs annoyance, and very very much to your own entertainment. You held no great love for your stepdaughters, Floris was the only one you tolerated really. All four of them had been rather uncourteous to you when you, young as you were, not much older than the oldest of them, had first married their father so quickly after their motherâs death. You hadnât been able to voice how unfair it was for them to lay the blame for that on your feet when it was your father who had practically forced you into the union with Borros. After their fatherâs death the girls were pretty much on your mercy, and you had decided to be generous enough to keep them under your protection â they were your sonâs family after all, even if utterly tiresome. You supposed the responsibility to get them respectable marriages also befell on you, when you thought of Aemondâs offer.
Upon hearing the news of the arrival of a prince they had leapt at the chance to be introduced to him, which you had obliged. That ought to keep him occupied in the meantime, youâd thought with a smirk.
Cassandra, the eldest, had made the first move. She had practically thrown herself into the role of hostess, her wide-eyed enthusiasm grating on Aemond almost immediately.
âOh, Prince Aemond!â Cassandra exclaimed the moment they were introduced, clasping her hands together as though she were greeting a long-lost friend. âWhat a joy it is to finally meet you!â
Aemond inclined his head stiffly, already sensing where the conversation would go. She wasted no time in becoming over-familiar with the man who seemed to do nothing but ice her out. Cassandra was pretty enough, but her excitement bordered on ridiculous.
âTell me,â she continued, undeterred by his silence, âis it true that your dragon is the largest in the world? What a marvelous thing to behold! My father always hated those things but I assure you, I donât share his aversions one bitââ
Aemond barely managed to suppress an eye roll. Cassandraâs chatter washed over him like the ever-present rain outsideârelentless, loud, and entirely uninteresting. His mind wandered as she continued to babble about the wonders of dragonriding, and before he knew it, his gaze had drifted across the room to where you stood, speaking with one of your bannermen.
Unlike your daughters, you were calm, composed, your every movement deliberate. You had a way of carrying yourself that commanded attention without demanding it. There was no loudness, no need for theatrics. You simply were.
âPrince Aemond?â Cassandraâs voice interrupted his thoughts, and he blinked, realizing she had asked him a question he hadnât heard. He looked down at at her out of the corner of his eye, her eyes were wide with anticipation, waiting for a response.
He forced himself to focus. âThe sight of Vhagar is stunning, yes, though I doubt she would be as charmed by your enthusiasm as you imagine.â There were few who could stand before his great dragon and not buckle at the knees, he did not think the eldest of the Baratheon girls was one of those rare few.
Cassandra giggled, utterly oblivious to his lack of interest. âOh, I would never presume to charm a dragon! Iâm sure it takes someone with great strength and skill to command such a creature.â
Aemond only nodded, eager to end the conversation. His thoughts were already drifting back to you, who had now turned and caught him watching. You smiled faintly, a knowing glint in your eyes, before turning back to your conversation. He felt a flicker of frustration. You were too aware of his distraction, and it seemed you enjoyed keeping him off balance.
His encounters with Maris, the second eldest, were no better. Maris was clever, and her need to prove it often left him feeling as though he were being interrogated.
âPrince Aemond,â Maris began one evening during dinner, her eyes gleaming with a curiosity that made Aemond immediately wary. âIâve always been fascinated by Valyrian history. The legacy of Old Valyria, the blood of dragons⊠surely, someone like you must know its intricacies better than most.â
It was one of Aemondâs favourite topic of study, and thus, initially he was intrigued by her interest in it. âyes, I have read the histories diligently. What parts hold your particular interest?â
âOh the doom, of course.â And there she lost the prideful dragon-prince, for he was as attached to the legacy of his familyâs old homeland as one could be, at the mention of its downfall his face turned to an immediate grimace.
Which was apparently a hilarious scene.
A stifled laugh from the other end of the table made him lift his eye off the younger girl to you, who were hiding your mouth behind the white napkin.
His gaze had drifted to you many times that night already. You had sat at the head of the table, right across from him. Your demeanour blasé, unbothered by the efforts of your stepdaughters to capture his attention. Every now and then, your eyes would meet his, and there would be that faint glimmer of amusement in your gaze, as though the entire charade was a source of quiet entertainment for you. And now, you had dared to openly laugh.
It irked him, the way you seemed to understand his thoughts without him ever voicing them.
Maris pressed on, oblivious to his distraction. âIâve read that Valyriaâs fall was as much due to internal strife as external forces. The dragons, the magicâsuch power, yet they crumbled from within. Do you think that fate could ever repeat itself here, in Westeros? Could our dragons fail us the way theirs did?â
That question got on his nerves and Aemondâs patience frayed. His thoughts were still tangled with you, and the incessant questioning only worsened his mood. He glanced at Maris, his tone sharp. âYou ask too many questions than are appropriate, I think, of a noblewoman, Lady Maris.â
Maris blinked, caught off guard by the sudden coldness in his voice. For a moment, her confidence faltered, and she offered a sheepish smile. âApologies, my prince. I suppose I can be a bit⊠overzealous.â
Aemond said nothing, his gaze flicking back to you, now sipping wine with an expression unreadable, though the faintest trace of a smile lingered at the corners of your lips. You raised your goblet slightly in a mock toast, eyes sparkling with levity as if you knew how little interest he had in your stepdaughters.
You both became the last two to depart from the dining hall that night, and walked back to your chambers in stride with each other. The corridors of Stormâs End were quiet, save for the soft rustling of your gown and the faint echo of footsteps. With a sly glance, you broke the silence.
âYou were rather harsh with poor Maris tonight,â you said, your voice carrying a playful lilt. âI think you might have left her heart in pieces. All that talk of Valyrian history and you simply dismissed her with a single, icy look. Quite the cruel prince, arenât you?â
Aemond cast a sideways glance at you, âI have little patience for those who speak without thought.â he stiffly replied.
You let out a soft, playful laugh, eyes twinkling with mischief, completely unbothered by his frigid demeanour âYes, I noticed. But tell me, Your Grace, do you always deal with such cruelty, or was Maris simply the unlucky target of your wrath?â
Aemond slowed his pace, his gaze narrowing slightly as he looked down at you. âI am not cruel by nature, Lady Y/N. But I value directness. Your stepdaughters prefer to dance around what they truly want.â His voice lowered, carrying a hint of something more, something that suggested this conversation was no longer about Maris. âI prefer a more⊠forthright approach.â
You arched an eyebrow, your smile deepening, though your eyes remained sharp. âForthrightness is an admirable trait,â you mused, the tone almost purring. âBut sometimes a little patience goes a long way, donât you think? Not everything worth having is so easily won.â
Aemond stepped closer, closing the gap between you as you walked. His gaze was intense, his voice dropping to a whisper. âIs that what this is, then? A game of patience?â His eye flickered over your face, searching for some crack in your composure, some indication that he was getting through the walls you so carefully kept in place.
It would be so easy, you found yourself thinking, for something to occur between the two of you in this very hallway, without no one being the wiser. You couldnât deny, the temptation was there for you. What you could not predict was how similar line of thinking was running through the princeâs head as well, how painfully easy it would be for him to press you against the stone wall and take you then and there. He wasnât sure youâd even resist.
He forced himself to steer clear of those thoughts when he next spoke, âI wonder, Y/N, how long you intend to keep me waiting.â
You stopped walking, turning to face him fully, Â gaze unwavering. The flirtatious spark in your eyes faded, replaced by the calculation of powers you had to keep track of every moment as the regent of the Stormlands. âWhat exactly are you waiting for, Prince Aemond?â you asked, your low voice carrying all the weight of a challenge.
Aemondâs eye darked, the tension between you both thickening. He leaned in, his voice low and smooth. âAn answer, perhaps. To the alliance. You know why I am here, and yet you continue to delay. You say patience is a virtue, but I wonder how much longer weâll pretend this is a game.â
Your lips twitched into a smile, though there was no warmth in it. âItâs late, my prince,â you replied after a beat, stepping back ever so slightly, putting just enough distance between you both to break the moment. âSurely, even a man as determined as you must know when the hour is too late for such discussions.â
Aemond hummed lowly in frustration, sensing the shift. You were pulling away, retreating just as he thought he had gained some ground. His voice remained steady, but there was a hard edge to it now. âThe hour is late, but the war waits for no one, My Lady.â
You sighed at his tenaciousness but did not reply, turning around towards your chamber âGood night, Prince Aemond. Do try to get some rest. Youâll need itââ You turned to have one final look at him as you closed your doors, ââI believe Cassandra is planning on accompanying you to our library here in the morrow.â You smirked, as you shut the door on him.
Aemond stood still, his fists clenched at his sides. He had come close, but once again, you had slipped through his grasp, leaving him with nothing but the lingering tension and the maddening sense that you were still in control of this dangerous game.
Ellyn, the third-born, was, if anything, the easiest to deal withâif only because she was utterly uninspiring. She made no effort to engage him in conversation, content to let her sisters fight over his attention while she sat in silence, staring into her food.
âIt rains often here,â Ellyn said one afternoon, as they both stood by the windows watching the storm outside. âYou get used to it.â
Aemond glanced at her, waiting for more, but that was all she said. No follow-up, no elaboration, just a dull observation about the weather. He resisted the urge to sigh. This, too, was a waste of time.
He found himself watching you again, speaking with one of the castleâs servants in the courtyard. Even in these small, everyday moments, you commanded attention. It was infuriating how easily you pulled his focus away from everything else. He was here for an alliance, not to be distracted by a woman who was clearly dangling him like a childâs toy. What infuriated him even further was, he didnât think youâd meant for this to occur at all. He was falling into a trap all of his own making, tormented by his own desires. Your simple presence doused those flames. Who needed enemies when his own lust was doing the work.
As he caught you stretching your neck, clearly tensed and in pain after having to run around and manage the affairs of the household as well as the work that should have been your lord husbandâs, he could not stop himself from wanting to reach out and ease that burden for you. He wanted to ease all your burdens truth be toldâŠ
He closed his eye and took in a deep breath to steady himself. No, you were not the one he was here to court, at least not beyond courting an alliance.
Floris, the youngest, at least didnât waste his time. She barely spoke at all, her fear of him palpable. Every time he caught her looking at him, she would quickly avert her gaze, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. At dinners, she sat in near silence, her eyes fixed on her plate, only daring to glance up at him when she thought no one was looking.
Floris was undeniably beautiful, he noted one night at dinnerâdelicate features, soft dark hair, and a quiet grace that set her apart from her more eager sisters. She had a certain fragility, the kind that made her seem as though she might shatter under the weight of his gaze alone.
As he had expected, the moment their eyes met, alarm crossed her expressions. Her cheeks flushed a deep crimson as she quickly averted her eyes, her hands fidgeting, fingers trembling ever so slightly.
Aemond allowed a moment of silence before speaking, his voice low and steady. âLady Floris, youâve barely spoken all evening.â Floris was startled, her breath catching in her throat as her eyes flickered up to him for the briefest moment before falling back to her lap. âI... I didnât wish to intrude, my prince,â she stammered.
He leaned forward ever so slightly, his voice dropping to a near whisper. âDo I frighten you, Lady Floris?â Her eyes darted to him again, wide and filled with anxiety, but she couldnât bring herself to answer. Aemond leaned back, feeling more indifferent than curious now.
Floris was beautiful, yes, but her beauty was fleeting to him. It lacked depth. His mind wandered, almost involuntarily, to you. How could he think of Floris when her stepmother sat just across the table, quietly capturing his eye without ever saying so much as a word?
You were something else entirelyâyour beauty had a sharpness to it, a confidence, a power that Floris sorely lacked. You knew your worth and how to wield it, and it was the graceful way you held yourself that lingered in his thoughts far longer than Florisâs timid presence ever could.
You took no note of him this time, too engrossed in conversing with your bannermen Ser Byron. Aemond couldnât explain why the sight of you leaning towards him and talking in whispers with the man set the hair on the back of his neck on fire. That closeness with another man was not appropriate of an unmarried woman, he bitterly opined.
He was glad when Ser Byron had to abruptly leave after a servant delivered him a letter in the middle of dinner. But the hurried steps the knight took also arose his suspicions about the letters contents. âHas something happened?â he had asked you as he watched Swann leave, you simply dismissed it as some trivial dispute among your staff that needed mediating. He said nothing but did not think to take your word as it was.
Like a moth to a flame he sought you out once more as you walked back to your chambers. Sensing he was following you with quiet, almost hidden footsteps you abruptly spoke up âYou seem troubled, my prince,â smiling at him as you stopped in your tracks and turned around towards him, âAre my stepdaughters proving too much for you to handle?â
âThey are persistent,â Aemond replied, his tone carefully neutral. That earned him the first real, open laugh he had heard out of you. âYes I suppose that is one way to put it. Are you still as adamant on marriage with one of them after meeting them or have we finally deterred you?â
The prince stuck out his chin most stubbornly, âI still intend to secure the alliance if that is what you ask.â That caused your smile to falter as you shook your head and turned towards your chambers, âof course you do.â Here you were delighted at one light moment with the dark prince, but Aemond Targaryen was nothing if not steadfast.
âYour persistence could almost give theirsâ competition.â You teased before leaving.
Aemondâs patience was bound to eventually run its course. For days, he had watched you receive messages, carried in by suspicious birds, and each time youâd dismissed his inquiries with vague answers and a smile that only fuelled his frustration. After receiving a letter from his grandsire demanding to know his progress, he realised he had very little to show for his time here and decided he had been played with quite enough. Tonight, he had no intention of being so easily brushed aside.
He strode through the corridors, his jaw clenched, his boots striking hard against the stone floor. Without hesitation, he pushed open the heavy door to your chambers. Inside, you sat on an ornate desk, your husbandâs, a letter in hand, with your gaze flicking up to meet his slowly. You didnât flinch, didnât move. You merely raised an eyebrow, as though his intrusion was nothing more than a mild inconvenience.
âPrince Aemond,â you greeted scornfully, not attempting to hide your displeasure at his unannounced entry, âYou enter, insolently, without permission. I hope you have an urgent excuse behind such an incursion on my privacy?â
âEnough of your games, Lady Y/N,â Aemond snapped, his voice dangerous as he advanced toward you. âIâve seen the ravens, the messages youâve been receiving. Do not insult me by pretending I do not know who they are from.â He spat out.
You remained still, your expression unreadable as you took your time to set the letter aside. "And who, pray, do you imagine my correspondents to be?â you refused to match his tone, carefully keeping yourself in check.
âThe bitch mother of bastards â Rhaenyraâ Aemond hissed her name like it was a curse. âYouâve been stringing me along, all this while sending your little birds to her. I wonât be made a fool, not by you.â
Your eyes flashed at the accusation, but your voice remained steady, cutting. âFoolishness is something one brings upon oneself, Your Grace. If you feel such, do not lay the blame at my feet.â
The princeâs temper flared, and he walked forward in a swift stride, his presence filling the room with barely contained fury. He pressed his fingertips on your dark oak desk, to imposingly lean forward towards where you sat. If the feeling of looking up at a furious dragonlord pressing down upon you made you scared at all, you didnât show it. âDo not make the mistake to think I am unaware of your little schemes. Keeping me here, playing coy while you weigh your options. But I warn you, Y/Nââ
You took a breath, your chin lifting as you met his gaze head-on, Â interrupting his little speech âYou warn me?â Your voice dropped, deadly calm, as you slowly rose from where you sat to match his stature. âAnd what will you do, Aemond? Bring your dragon down upon me? Burn Stormâs End to ash because I donât bend to your will?â
Aemondâs lips twisted into a cold smile, his voice softening into something more dangerous. âYou think I wonât?â This was not a man who would let insults go unanswered.
You were the stormâs daughter too though, not one to back down at the first sight of strong winds. âBurn it down if you wish, but it will not win you the Stormlands. It will not win you this war.â
You stood only inches apart now, close enough for you to feel him breathing down on you. Aemondâs eye narrowed, his anger palpable as he spoke, each word laced with cruel intent. âIt would be nothing more than rubble if I wished it, and you, Lady Baratheon, would be nothing more than a forgotten name in the ashes.â
Your eyes blazed with fury, never leaving his as you sidestepped the table to stand next to him. âYou think threats will bend me? That I am some weak-willed lady whoâd cower before your dragonâs mere breath?â Your voice was sharp, holding back a tidal wave of anger. âI am no stranger to men like you, men who believe they can brandish fear like a sword.â After all, Borros had tried to break you and failed, you had prevailed over him. Your son was your victory. Now your husband laid six leagues under the ground while you sat on his seat. If Aemond Targaryen thought he could break you, he would be proven wrong too. âKnow thisâStormâs End will stand long after you and your beast are dust. Dragon fire or not.â
They were too close, the air around them crackling with the force of their anger. For a moment, neither spoke, their eyes locked in a battle of wills, neither willing to give an inch. The heat between them had shifted, it had become something trecherous, as Aemondâs gaze dropped to your lips, then back to your eyes.
Without warning, the tension snapped.
Aemond moved first, his hand gripping your arm as he pulled you to him, his mouth crashing down onto yours with a force born of fury as much as lust. You responded in kind, your fingers grabbing onto his leather coat as you kissed him back with equal fervour, both of yoursâ anger feeding the fire that had long been building between you.
Aemondâs hand moved to the back of your neck, his fingers almost clawing at your soft skin. Your hand instinctively bawled itself around the leather beneath it, pressing your body impossibly close to his.
It was not a kiss of tenderness, but of conquest, a desire ignited by the very battle that raged between you âfierce and unrelenting. Neither of you attempted to be gentle, perhaps being rough and demanding was just in both yoursâ natures.
Aemond only broke the kiss to knock down the various trinkets that had been occupying the late Lord Baratheonâs desk, to then lift you with ease and make you sit atop it. You felt guilty at destroying your late husbandâs things so callously as you caught sight of the now broken, spilled ink bottle on the floor, when the thought of how Borros had never even bothered to learn how to read to actually make use of the thing, made it disappear. Besides the dragon prince did not leave you much time to have thoughts anyway. His mouth was soon upon yours once again, as he parted your legs to make space for himself between them.
When his cold hand suddenly slipped underneath your heavy black dress, you couldnât suppress a gasp at the feeling, which he used to slip his tongue inside you, deepening the kiss. The feeling of his hand trailing up your thigh made the hair on the back of your arms stand. Your hand found its way to the princeâs perfectly kept up hair, entangling themselves in his silver locks in knots, as if you wanted to ruin it, ruin him. When you tugged at his tresses sharply, you caused him to growl into the kiss, a sound which made you deliciously crave for him.
It seemed you had called forth some beast in that act though, for Aemond abandoned your lips entirely and the hand on your thigh moved towards your core, starting to remove your small clothes. In your own impatience, you helped him guide the cloth down till it was off of you, your hand then moving to undo his breeches with hurried fingers.
You gasped at the feeling of having his length in your hand, it had been a long time since youâd felt anything similar, having been widowed many moons ago. You spat in your hand to use it as moisture before you pulled on his manhood firmly, feeling your cunt become warm and wet at the very feeling of having him in your palm. Aemondâs breathing had become more ragged, responding to your actions. His hand found your neck, pressing itself around the frail little thing till you saw stars and the movement of your hand became sloppy, but you never once told him to stop. Your head titled back as if transported off Stormâs End to a world altogether new in pleasure. When his hand finally released you, you coughed back to reality, and your hand stilled.
His hands moved to your shoulder as he pulled himself to your ear to breathe down, âI donât remember telling you you could stop, Lady Baratheon.â His words left you on edge and you swallowed, quickly nodding as you continued to move your hands over his now hardened length. He gave you a twisted smile, as his hand faintly pulled your hair stands away from your face, âYou look more suited to play this obedient servant of the crown than that feeble attempt at playing the lord of the castle you have been doing, my lady.â
Even if your brain could have managed to come up with some biting remark for him, the sudden invasion of two of the princeâs spindly fingers inside your pussy cut those thoughts out. âSeven hellsâ you cussed out at the feeling. Aemond hummed approvingly at your response. His free hand found itself pulling on the gown as it draped over your shoulders, tearing the cloth with a screech so it would expose to him your bare shoulder.
His lips moved over the uncovered, soft skin of yours with gentleness which contradicted the brutal pace at which his hand moved against the walls inside you. It seemed he wanted to torture you with his pace, tease you just as much as punish you for how you had been holding out on him since he had arrived. Aemond Targaryen demanded nothing if not complete control, and you had taken that from him the moment you had met him. Such a treasonous act demanded retribution.
You felt a sharp pain when his lips against your skin were replaced by his teeth, biting hard enough to leave the place blue for the next day, but not content with letting you adjust to just that, he also placed another finger inside you in that moment, overwhelming you with sensations.
âAemondââ you gasped, only to have him command you, âyou do not yet have the leave to call me by name. if youâre forgetting your manners, we can cease this nowâ âno!â the negation tumbled out of your mouth embarrassingly fast, the feeling of his fingers moving inside you having caused all your previous haughtiness and resolve to disappear. âYour Graceââ You corrected yourself, ââI think⊠I think Iâmâ before you could get the word close out of your mouth, you found yourself suddenly empty, his fingers removed.
You didnât know if you had it in you to beg him to fuck you, but thank the gods you didnât have to go that far. For it only took a moment for Aemond to replace his hand with his cock, filling you in one go till tears formed in your eyes. He mercilessly filled you till there was nothing left but the tight of feeling your walls squeezing around him. âWhen was the last time you were properly fucked, hm? Did fat old Borros Baratheon even fill this cunt half way?â He taunted you, but you could merely moan in reply, your mind clouded.
He emptied you and let manhood hit you to the tilt once more in a swift action, knocking the wind out of you, your mouth hanging open in a silent gasp. Aemond did not prepare you for his pace by starting slow, but instead pulled out and pulled back inside of you with the full force of his length till your fingers grabbed the edge of the desk beneath you for some kind of support. His hips moved at a brutal pace, his hands holding onto your legs to keep you in place, to keep you open for him. You hadnât been fucked in so long, to be filled like this repeatedly was too much for you. You shook your head and tried to keep a hand on his chest, âslower, please⊠your graceâŠâ your breathed, the knot in your stomach tightening.
âshhhâ in an act of uncharacteristic tenderness, Aemond pulled you to himself till your chin rested on his shoulder, his hips never ceasing their assault. ânot yet.â You whined at his denial, tears starting to run down your cheeks, but you did not reject him. He continued to touch your sensitive spot with each thrust, and you simply took it, almost helpless in your obedience.
âHow docile, how sweetâŠâ he cooed. He liked this, for the first time since Vhagar had landed in these lands he had felt a sense of control. It wound him up more than anything else, to have you in his hands, for the first time his plaything, rather than the other way around. The way he could elicit your face to distort in pleasure, cause you to give up that stature of authority and move as he commanded, made him harder than he thought possible.
The way your breathing had become more rapid and your walls were closing in around him, he knew you couldnât this take much longer, and so he finally allowed, âLet yourself come on your princeâs cock, Y/Nâ You curled your toes at the pleasure surmounting, your mouth unable to stifle a cry as you came around his cock. Your cum streamed down your thighs, ruining the dress you wore in the process.
The act had left you too tired to even sit up, you collapsed till your back hit the wood of the desk as Aemond continued to chase his high inside you. You could only whimper at the feeling, till you felt his cock twitch and unburden itself inside you, your mind too numb to protest.
As Aemond pulled out of you, you closed your eyes attempting to even out your breathing and calm your heart. Your mouth had gone dry and an ache had formed between your legs from the vigour of the princeâs pace.
The sound of the princeâs leaving steps sounded across the room till the door he had brazenly pushed open earlier, shut close shut behind him. Once you were alone you finally opened your eyes and sat up on the table.
As you walked over to the washbasin your servants had placed in the corner, to splash water to cool down the fire the prince had ignited within you, you caught sight of yourself in the mirror. Dishevelled hair, torn clothes and flushed cheeks. This wasnât how youâd expected your negotiations to leave you.
Aemond was up at the crack of dawn, despite the little sleep he had received the night before, his body too set in its routine to allow him to sleep in. Heâd remained distracted all morning though, from his usual training to breakfast, his mind still buzzed from the night beforeâ with you.
His thoughts lingered on the memory of your body pressed against his, the taste of your lips still vivid in his mind. Truth be told such thoughts had barely allowed him to sleep, he had to do everything in his power to restrain himself from marching down to your chambers to have you once again. Come morning, it seemed his feet had made up their own mind as they carried him to the grand hall where you broke fast every morning, determined to speak to you. But speak to you about joining the war, or joining him, he wasnât sure as he took strong steps towards those stone gates, until a shaky, scared servant reluctantly blocked his way with bowed head.
âPrince Aemond,â the servant began cautiously, âLady Baratheon is indisposed this morning.â That gave him pause. Now that he looked around, there seemed to be more activity around the castle, it was certainly peopled with more men than usual. There was something different in the air, you were up to something. The servant carried on stammering âShe-she re-regrets that she is unable to see you, but she extends the c-c-courtesy of allowing you to escort one-one of her stepdaughters for the dayâŠ.should you wish.â
Aemondâs jaw tightened at the message, his eyes narrowing slightly. It wasnât the refusal that stungâhe had known you would be up plotting, woman of action as you are âbut the implication that he should entertain one of your stepdaughters instead. His mind briefly flickered to Floris, Cassandra, Maris, and Ellynâeach dull and uninspiring in their own ways. None of them possessed your sharpness, your strength. His patience for their company had worn thin days ago, and now, after the night he had shared with you, the thought of spending an entire day with one of them felt intolerable.
âWhich of the ladies would you prefer to accompany today, m-m-my prince?â the servant asked, still refusing to meet his eye. Aemond barely suppressed a sneer. âNone,â he stared at the closed gate ahead of him. He wondered what you were doing behind those doors, wondered if you were mulling over his proposal or planning how to betray him to his half-sister. He wanted to know how you were thinking of this situation, how your mind would tick at the facts before it. He wanted you. He placed one hand on the stone gate, feeling the cool surface beneath his palm. You were so close to him, almost within his reach.
Yet, he thought as with decisive steps he turned around and started to walk away, so far.
He spent the day inspecting the grounds, trying to gauge the situation. He understood soon youâd called your bannermen to counsel you, but which way they would sway you remained unknown.
He mulled over the previous night in his mind often, no matter how much he tried to deny how he felt with you, he had to admit you had awoken something in him. You were unlike any woman he had seen â someone bold, someone who challenged him. You had surrendered in the end, but not without making him work for it. It had been a hollow victory, one that left him dissatisfied and wanting for more.
As the day wore on Aemond found himself restless. The usual routine of the castle felt stifling, and your absence only deepened his bitterness. By nightfall, his frustration had grown, it was perceptible in the way he stared into the fire, sitting in his chambers, waiting for news.
A soft knock at the door of his eerily quiet chambers alerted him. Aemond straightened, his brow furrowing as he rose to open it. Beating him to it, to his surprise, you opened it without invitation, dressed in nothing but a white, silk nightgown. The firelight flickered behind him, casting a warm glow across your features.
Your lips curved into a faint smile, âI hope Iâm not disturbing you, my prince,â you teased. Aemondâs gaze lingered on you in a suspicious manner, his expression unreadable. âYou rarely come without purpose, my Lady. What is it tonight?â
You stepped inside, closing the door behind you as you moved further into his chambers. âAfter much consultation with my bannermen,â you began, your voice steady with a note of finality, âI have made my decision.â
He was intrigued as he matched your steps to meet you half way across his chambers, agitated to hear this âAnd what have you decided?â
 âStormâs End will declare for King Aegon.â
Aemondâs chest tightened, his thoughts racing as he processed your announcement. He had done it, finally done it. He had brought you to his brotherâs side, fulfilled the promise he had made to his mother and grandsire. He had proven himself worthy. He would not be the son who shirked duty like his brother, no, he would be considered the one who stepped up when his family needed him most. His chest swelled in self-pride at the thought.
But there was something more to it of course, he thought as he saw how your eyes followed his every move, as if attempting to pierce through him and grasp his soul. He had to be in your debt for this, he knew that. He wasnât sure how well he could have done at his task had you made up his mind against him. âThe crown will not forget your loyaltyâ his leather boots took the final steps to close the gap between you both, his arm snaking around your waist to pull you to his chest. He stared down at you as he added in a whispered voice ââŠand Iâm certain it will find a way to express its immense gratitude.â
You words were raspy as you answered staring up at him, captivated. âConsider it a reward for your⊠persistence.â He hummed in response, bending just a little so his lips were at level with yours, never touching but hovering like phantoms.
Your own lips curved upwards as you began to comment with a hint of amusement âMy stepdaughters will be waiting with bated breath, eager to hear which one of them youâll choose as your bride.â
Aemondâs grip on your waist tightened slightly, he turned his head so his nose grazed your neck as he took in your scent, his breath tickling your skin. âAny suggestions to make my choice easier? You do know them better than anyone.â He muttered against you, before pressing his lips to your ear lightly.
You tilted your head thoughtfully, allowing him access to your neck, trailing kisses down it. âCassandra is the eldest,â you began dryly. âBut sheâs air-headed, always prattling on about nonsense. I donât think Iâve ever heard a sensible word out of that one.â
Aemond chuckled softly, as he considered your words. âAnd the others?â he baited you to go on, his hands starting to lift your sheer nightgown to allow his fingertips to graze your thighs.
âMaris is clever,â you continued, your breathing hitched at his actions though there was a flicker of exasperation in your voice as you added âToo clever, sometimes. That girl never learned the art of silence. Always chattering, always thinking she knows better.â You sighed, your expression shifting to mild disdain. âEllyn is dull. Always whining about somethingânothing ever pleases her.â
Aemond arched a brow, smirking, finding your frankness far more entertaining than the thought of any of these girls. âAnd Floris?â
You laughed softly, a melodic sound that carried a trace of mockery. âFloris is beautiful, yes. But sheâs already scared half to death by the mere sight of you.â Your eyes flicked to his face, and before he could react, you lifted your hand and reached toward his eyepatch, smitten. âI wonder why that is...â
Your fingers brushed the edge of the leather patch, but before you could go any further, Aemondâs hand shot up, gripping your wrist firmly. He pulled your hand away, his gaze dark and intense as he leaned closer. âAnd you, my lady?â he asked, his voice low, a dangerous edge to it. âAre you no longer scared?â
Your lips parted slightly, and your heart raced as you stared up at him, unflinching. A slow, wicked smile spread across your face. âYou could not scare me if you tried,â you murmured, goading him.
In a flash Aemond had pulled you to him by grabbing your wrists. He wrapped his long, slender fingers around those dainty things, and pulled them behind himself, till you crashed into his lips.
With your body held captive like this you felt as if this was the prince taking his war prize in advance of the actual battle. His lips left no room for you, gave you no quarter. You werenât protesting much about the abduction though. The prince may conduct himself as an aloof noble, a dragonrider who was above mere mortals in public, but when alone like this, youâd realised he showed a hunger of a poor man, a man denied, who was searching for his redemption.
He only released your hands to lift you up, your legs wrapping around his thin torso for dear life as he swiftly carried you to the bed, your lips refusing to leave his even as your arms hung around his shoulders for anchor. It was only when he threw your back to the mattress that he broke the kiss. You realised the prince was already hurrying with untying the strings which held his breeches, an impatience within him.
He used his knee to pry open your legs, making room for himself between them as he took his cock out in his hands and helped himself, looking down on the site of you sprawled all out for him, in just a sheer nightgown. Hair all over the place, legs open and ready to receive him. He mused with the hint of a smirk, how the mighty, commanding lady Baratheon had been reduced to this state.
You could feel his gaze upon you as if dragonfire itself, but you refused to turn away. You looked into his face, the expression of fervour in his eyes. He had you under him, in every way possible, and you knew he was relishing in that feeling. He had his army, and he had the woman.
You, on the other hand, were far more discreet in your sense of achievement. After the day of discussions you had had, the terms you and your bannermen had drawn up, you knew that the crown would not get the Stag for cheap. But you were happy to let them enjoy in this victory before you presented your full terms, after all a content prince was probably easier to haggle with than an irked dragonrider.
Yet still, the thought popped in your head as the prince leaned forward to enter you, pressing you beneath his weight, you didnât have to give up all your sense of control. Your legs hooked around him, and your palms pushed at his shoulders to flip you both.
âYou are our guest under this roof. Allow me, my prince.â Your voice sounded more as if you were taking charge, than acting the welcoming host. Last night he had been the one to make you feel helpless, and as much as you had enjoyed the feeling, you werenât one to take what came at you lying down either.
You were the one looking down at him now, his silver hair covering the white sheets till the colours melted under the moonlight, his expression remained distrustful, still reluctant to allow himself to be beneath you, give you the reins this once. You didnât want to allow him to dwell on that feeling and change your positions. You wasted no time in lifting yourself up and gathering your nightgown till it pooled around your stomach, taking his length in your hand and positing it with your cunt.
If the prince was going to protest, those words left him as soon as your warmth sunk down on him. He grunted as his head titled back in pleasure, your eyes unable to leave the sight of him as you yourself bit down on your lower lip at the feeling of the initial insertion.
âSÄ«r Èłrdaâ so tight, he let out through gritted teeth as his hands found your hips, though you were unable to understand his ancient tongue you took it as encouragement. You placed your palms on his chest for support as you rolled yourself on his cock, feeling him hit your spot with every move. You hadnât been this bold with your late husband, who would visit you every second day to pump himself in you with a few thrusts and leave once he was satisfied. You would have never had the liberty to take him on like this, riding atop him, chasing your pleasure impaling yourself on such a cock.
You kept your movements slow, with little experience in such a position you didnât think you could take faster snaps before becoming overcome. The prince had already displayed his aversion for patience though.
His hands moved to snake themselves around your waist fully as he sat up, âallow me, my ladyâ he almost mockingly threw your words back at you, with an almost sadistic half-smile. He lifted you slightly before thrusting himself upwards at you, quicker each time. You drew in a sharp breath at the feeling of becoming filled so fast, again and again and again. You refused to give him the satisfaction of telling him to slow down this time though, simply bracing yourself to take him.
Still subconsciously looking for some semblance of control, your fingers found his hair. you couldnât help yourself from clutching at his long locks, jerking his face to jut out his chin. He grunted lowly in response, his hand coming down on your buttocks suddenly with a loud smack as punishment. You whimpered at the sensation; in pleasure or pain, you werenât sure. Your eyes wandered to the pale skin of his neck, how it glistened with sweat under the moon. You pressed a kiss to it, tender, trailing up to his lips as you felt your thighs becoming feeble with his every movement. You moaned as you kissed him fully, your tongue slipping inside his mouth.
You felt his fingertips slip under your nightgown and trail up and down your back almost affectionately, but his cock hit your walls so mercilessly you could feel a throbbing ache. He was a storm of contradictions, Prince Aemond. Just when you thought you could understand him, he would turn everything upside down.
He gave you agony and satisfaction in such an equal measure, your body had become mush, acting only on his unsaid whims. He broke the kiss to gaze upon your serene face, twisted from the bombardment of sensations. âDo you swearââ he thrusted into you, ââfealtyââ another thrust, ââto your prince?â
You were so close now, you could feel it, your nails were digging themselves in his skin, breaking it. You couldnât answer him in your haze, which caused him to slap your bare buttocks once more, âyesâ you immediately replied with a gasp.
âMy prince Iâm close⊠AemondâŠâ Aemondâs hand reached to hold your face in his hand as you could feel that wave of pleasure about to crash, âcome undone for me, y/nâ he whispered in your ear, which broke the dam for you.
You chanted his name as you came, feeling him reach his peak in your walls soon after. Somewhere far in your mind you had the thought to obtain some moontea the next day, seeing as you had allowed the Targaryen inside you twice now, but in that moment, you pushed such things aside. You sat together, you stradling his lap, him still inside you, his face pressed to the crook of your neck as he panted lightly with exertion. Your hand reached to brush the hair falling down his back as you sat there, with only the moon to witness your moment of solace.
He finally broke the silence with a hum, pulling you both down to place you next to him in bed, not bothering to pull out of you. âStay.â His words had the force of an order, but his eyes pleaded a request. You smiled at the fondness he couldnât bring his tongue to convey but that his expression betrayed. âAs you wish.â You felt no hurry to leave his side either, you realised.
The soft light of dawn filtered into the room, casting a pale glow across the stone walls. Aemond stirred, the warmth of the bed a stark contrast to the chill in the air. His hand stretched out to find you missing from his side. He looked around the room, and didnât allow his face to disclose the relief he felt when he saw you were still with him. You stood in your nightgown, staring out the window in silent contemplation.
Aemond sat up, as you turned to face him, realising that your expression was at ease, but there was a trace of calculation behind your eyes, as though the events of the night before were already giving way to something more pragmatic.
âWe need to work out the details of the treaty,â you stated as a morning greeting, stepping away from the window and crossing the room toward him. âBefore the official declaration of Stormâs End for King Aegon, we must solidify the alliance, the exact conditions.â Gone was the sultry Lady Baratheon of the night. In the morning it would be the reigning lady of the house who was meeting him. âAnd you need to decide which of my stepdaughters it will be.â You matter-of-factly added.
Aemond studied you for a moment. There was no playfulness in your tone now, no teasingâonly the cold reality of the marriage alliance that had brought him to your doorstep in the first place.
You were no longer the naĂŻve girl who had held hopes of falling in love with your husband when you had first married. Borros had made sure of disabusing you of that notion. All that stood in place of that girl now was a hardened woman, one who knew fiction from reality. And a prince falling for her was certainly the former. You would get what you needed, security for your son, and Aemond would achieve his objective and marry one of your husbandâs pliant girls. You held no grudge against him, you were just interested in moving along with what needed to be done.
He did not share your straightforward view though, because as he considered your words, something else occurred to him, something that made his lips twitch into a faint smirk.
âIt occurs to me now,â he began, almost thoughtful, âthat my specific instructions were to secure House Baratheon through a marriage alliance. It was never specified that it must be one of Borrosâ daughters that I marry.â
Surprise overtook you so fast your face couldnât hide it under its usual, crafted mask. You watched him in silence for a moment, your brow arching ever so slightly. Did he jest? Or did he mean what you believed he did?
âAnd what exactly are you suggesting, my prince?â you did not want to bring your hopes up, you had trained yourself not to, yet your measured voice carried an unmistakable edge. A glimmer of hope.
Aemond rose from the bed, his gaze never leaving you. Heâd met all four of your daughters and not one of them held his interest for a moment. You though, were intelligent and knew how to hold yourself against him. You wouldnât be a pretty liability he would have on his arm, but an intelligent counsellor to be at his side through the upcoming war. He recognised the value that would have. In addition to that, even he couldnât deny the attraction he had for you, how your magnetism pulled him in. He couldnât resist you if he tried.
So then why try? A voice in his head had dared. Why try, when marrying you would secure the Baratheonâs just as much as marrying any of those silly girls would.
He walked to you, his smirk deepening as he spoke. âIâm suggesting that there may be a more suitable match within House Baratheon than your stepdaughters.â
Your lips pressed into a thin line, attempting to suppress a full grin. âAn intriguing offer. I would love to see Otto Hightowerâs expression when heâs apprised of that.â From what you knew of the Hand, he wasnât a man who took to surprises warmly. âLeave my grandsire to me.â He assured you as he stretched to place his hands on your arms as a pledge. âAll you need to worry about is preparing for your arrival at Kingâs landing.â He would tell Otto Hightower what he knew to be the truth: having you by his side would bring all of them closer to victory, than the alternative.
A slow smile broke across your face, you stood on your toes to press a quick kiss to him. âAs my Prince commands.â You finally answered, your words on their face were an open attempt at fawning at him, but he could sense the oblique pride and challenge that hid behind them. You hadnât even known how youâd managed it, but even as he stood as the one who had achieved all his aims, you felt like the victor in this arrangement.
#aemond targaryen x you#aemond targaryen imagine#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond imagine#aemond smut#aemond targaryen fanfic#aemond targaryen fanfiction#aemond targaryen fic#aemond x fem!reader#aemond x you#aemond x y/n#aemond x reader#hotd aemond#hotd fanfic#hotd smut#aemond targaryen smut#aemond targaryen x y/n#fics i wrote
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