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hope-for-olicity · 4 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @fatdoctoruk I've said it before and I'll say it again. Ob*sity is NOT a risk factor for COVID. I am concerned that actual doctors are suggesting otherwise. To start with, your weight has zero impact on whether you will catch a virus. Anyone who is suggesting otherwise does not understand the principles of virology. Whilst some people are at risk of catching the virus more than others (immunosuppressed people, for example) viruses don't discriminate when it comes to BMI!!! Now, there HAVE been more COVID related deaths in patients who inhabit bigger bodies, but is not clear yet why that is. A meta analysis back in 2016 demonstrated that the high rate of swine flue deaths in fat patients was due to DELAYED TREATMENT. This supports the argument that weight stigma is most likely having a big impact on COVID outcomes. In other words, prejudice and discrimination within the medical community is may well be partly responsible for unnecessary COVID deaths. But no on wants to talk about this, do they? I'd also like to remind everyone once again that correlation is NOT the same as causation. Whilst it appears that weight and poor COVID outcomes are linked somehow, you cannot jump to conclusions that one CAUSES the other. Anyone who does that is simply looking for an excuse to uncensor themselves and express their deeply rooted prejudice openly, without fear of retaliation. Like Dr Mike Hart, MD. If this guy really is a doctor then he should know all this. But let's face it, this guy just hates fat people. The end. For more troll translations visit @dr_troll_translator #endbodyfascism #endfatshaming #endweightstigma #fatacceptance #EndWeightHate #weightstigma #fatphobiakills #doctors #doctorsofinstagram #doctorsdiscriminate #doctorsdiscriminatetoo #fatdoctor #fatdoctoruk https://www.instagram.com/p/CNZ2JtisKqfLkFESqUEmC1RQAV2zBR5dezhn1Q0/?igshid=1fedm4u75epjn
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Incident: The Gym
Today I decided I would seize the day and go to the gym. Usually when I go, I bring headphones with me and today unfortunately I forgot them. Although, it was a great opportunity to watch and observe what was actually going on around me instead of being wrapped up in my own little bubble. While I was using one of the machines, these two younger women approached the same set of machines that I was at. They sat down and instead of beginning their workout, they began gossiping with each other. Usually I would just tune them out, but the conversation quickly took a turn. I heard them laughing and giggling to themselves as they were looking over towards the treadmills. I glanced over in that direction, and I saw a larger woman walking on one of the treadmills. The young woman started blatantly making fun of her and judging her, calling her names and referring to her as fat. It started to make me upset and my blood began to boil. 
I see a lot of people, on social media especially, “fat shaming” and being very disrespectful. I have also seen many videos that people take of others at the gym in particular where they fat shame them and try to make them seem lesser. I never understood this concept, because why would you make fun of someone who is literally at the gym because they are trying to change that and lead a healthier lifestyle. You should be lifting them up and trying to help them to stay motivated and keep up the hard work. 
I was especially disappointed in myself because I have been there. I have felt extremely self conscious and ashamed of my body, and when I first started attending the gym I was nervous about what people may think of me. I regret not saying anything to these women. I should have made them aware, but instead of stepping in and trying to get them to understand where they have gone wrong, all I did was walk away. I didn't want to cause ay conflict to arise but that is apart of the problem. Not enough people are aware of what they are doing and how they are spreading these misconceptions and negativity. Build people up instead of knocking them down, especially the people who are working hard to change themselves for the better. 
I believe these young women did this in order to feel superior. By bringing down the other woman and attempting to make her seem not as worthy as them, it shows their insecurities. This incident will allow me to be much more aware in the future about this issue and hopefully next time I will be ready to address the situation to the person instead of walking away. 
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sunkrux · 3 years ago
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Saw this on FB. The original reeks of fat shaming & fat phobia. Not a good look on anyone. I fixed it. 😁 #endfatshaming #endfatphobia (at Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcnW-KOuHjB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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furyfirefandomforums · 4 years ago
Best sentence to stop fat shaming.
Humans can be chonk too.
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zombiepearl666 · 8 years ago
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Basically #endfatshaming #endbodyshaming #loveyourself #fatisnotabadword #fatisbeautiful
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I know I'm not fit. Everyday I wish to be my high school weight again, but not every women is built the same after having kids. I have had doctors tell me you can't do this because of your back or mental issues, or you can't eat that because it will kill you. But I only have one life, and my kids and I must live it out to the fullest. I'm gonna take risks and enjoy every moment. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger. And if you can't pay me, or sponsor me to lose weight your way, then I'll do it to my budget, because I'm not rich. I'm trying to get there. I'm trying to reach that goal for my kids until my last breath. To you I am a mundane label from your lips. I'm fugly, I'm beautiful, I'm fat, or I'm perfect. I should be lighter, or your beautiful for a dark skinned gurl you really could pull off any color Witch your skin color, or I like blk women but only if they are mixed or lighter!!!.,(WTF!!!;BubblebeeVoice). I'm too honest, or why didn't you tell her/him, and etc. And it makes me want to scream, "I AM ME!!!" #EndRacism #EndFatShaming #Coexist #BlessedBe #BlackGirlsRick #Thickalicious #VoluptuousWomen #BlackGothGirl #GothChick #StudentPhotographer #FuturePhotographer #PlusSizeGoths #PlusSizeWomen #FitMumOnAJourney #FuglyBeautiful (at Marietta, Georgia)
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theabundantyogini · 8 years ago
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Fit inspiration or "fitspo" pictures create an illusion of what fit bodies look like and marginalize non conforming bodies. Body positivity is about fat acceptance and normalizing all bodies as good bodies deserving of respect, representation and love #yogaandrepresentationforall #endfatshaming #endfatphobia @glitterandlazers @bodylove4all @blackgirlsrock @yesyogahascurves @fatwomenofcolor @314yoga @womensrunningmagazine @bodypositiveyoga @nataliecummingsyoga @ybicoalition @yoga_international
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endfatshaming-blog · 8 years ago
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Be sure to visit https://endfatshaming.info and get 30% off during the preorder window!
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I don't feel like my skin, my soul is colorless. I have evolved past mundane & grew into what no man or women will manifest. You fear my flesh and I fear humans. I'am Fugly Beautiful!!!.,...😎🖕🏾.#EndRacism #EndFatShaming #Coexist #BlessedBe #BlackGirlsRick #Thickalicious #VoluptuousWomen #BlackGothGirl #GothChick #StudentPhotographer #FuturePhotographer #PlusSizeGoths #PlusSizeWomen #FitMumOnAJourney (at Cobb County, Georgia)
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stophatingyourbody · 10 years ago
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FAT: is not a bad word, it does not mean ugly, it does not mean lazy, it does not mean unhealthy, it does not mean worthless. People come in different shapes and sizes. All people deserve basic human respect. #EndFatShaming #AllBodiesAreGoodBodies #StopHatingYourBody #SHYB #BodyPositive #FATPositive Illustration by @annieelainey
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Love thyself., Be your mind, body, heart, soul, & universe!!!. Live, laugh, listen, learn, love. Evolve. Build your own foundation. Manifest your blessings into the castle you desire. Become the muse, the queen no man or women will ever understand or seen. Let them continue to believe you are the same cause they are afraid of your changes. You are destined for greatness beyond mundane. Always know your inner "I"am".,... #Coexist #Blessed #EndRacism #EndFatShaming #Coexist #BlessedBe #BlackGirlsRick #Thickalicious #VoluptuousWomen #BlackGothGirl #GothChick #StudentPhotographer #FuturePhotographer #PlusSizeGoths #PlusSizeWomen #FitMumOnAJourney #CounteyIslandGirl #CountryGirl (at Cobb County, Georgia)
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