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midnightrabbiinspired · 5 days ago
United Soulmates - Relationship Flow for Chanukah and beyond by Eli Goldsmith - Joy of Living in Chaos etc... Even in London…
United Soulmates – by Eli Goldsmith – Joy of Living in Chaos, Flood of Truth, Love & Kindness, Hardest of Tests, Even in London… United Souls – Section 2 by Eli Goldsmith – A Journey towards Real Unification Everyway Continued – Healthy Happy Chanukah 2025 5785 Blessings All – Check out all the Parts especially 43 for the Intro… The Latest Flow –…
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midnightrabbi · 5 days ago
Happy Chanukah 2024-2025 5785 - United Souls - by Eli Goldsmith - 49 - Joy of Living in Chaos etc...
United Souls – by Eli Goldsmith – 49 – Joy of Living in Chaos, Flood of Truth, Love & Kindness, Hardest of Tests, Even in London… Keep Going, Subdue & Transform! United Souls – Section 2 by Eli Goldsmith – A Journey towards Real Unification Everyway Continued – Healthy Happy Chanukah 2025 5785 Blessings All – Check out all the Parts especially 43 for the Intro… The Latest Flow –…
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torais-life · 2 years ago
"How do we serve Hashem?: With the body and with the soul"
-Rab. Abud Zonana
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psychologeek · 3 months ago
Thank you so much for your reply 🌸🩵 It's very nice to get a return from the author of your favorite fanfiction.
As for the requests, I'm sorry, I sent the question right after I finished reading the epilogue and was so excited that you were open to interactions that I didn't even read the pinned post.
"day 1: search party/panic attack"+ "Some of Them" . Maybe something about Gordon in the Bad!Verse — I really like it, I think this is my request for you. Something like the Commissioner is so seriously injured and the good Batman takes him away from himself to help. Gordon wakes up in the Wayne Manor of the good universe and there is a lot of misunderstanding.
1 — the way I see it, before become a donor Alt!Tim underwent an intensive course of recovery and general health promotion.And oh, I'm really sorry if it made you feel like you weren't comfortable.
2 — Yes shortie sounds good. And what if Alt Tim is a trance, and the other!Tim is not? Alt Damian will really experience so many difficult feelings.
Thank you for contacting me
I love talking about my fics haha :)
Many things I leave out.
Oops I forgot day 1+2 were taken, hold a sec, I'll edit it so you'll know what's open 😬
(I do have a start about Gordon after good!bat leave. Ambiguous ending.)
1- cancer isn't really my jam. Though I don't mind writing hospital/medical issues.
2 - You just made me go down a MASSIVE rabbit hole 😭😭. Will a Timkon bb be jewish? And general שו"ת about cloning. It's actually fascinating, and relay on Hilchatic discussions from the Talmud era (2nd-3rd century). Also read about "Are mermaids human or fish and can you eat them?" (Apparently Hilchaticly speaking, they are considered non-kosher fish).
I.... got sidetracked, as you can see.
But yeah, feel free to add more about Timkon bb!! (A baby girl)
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girlactionfigure · 1 year ago
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At the Shiva for Eliyahu HY"D
Tonight I visited the shiva for 19-year-old Eliyahu Avraham Bernstein HY"D, one of the 1300 Israelis sadistically massacred by Hamas terrorists this Simchat Torah.
I ended up at the Bayit-Vegan home of this family I'd never met because my soldier-daughter was concerned that this Charedi family whose son had chosen a different path would need extra chizuk. Who would comfort these poor parents? So she sent me...
My daughter needn't have been concerned that there would be a lack of visitors, the shiva was full of comforters, including the Sephardi Chief Rabbi.
And my daughter was also mistaken regarding who would give chizuk to whom at this shiva. Instead of comforting Hadassah, the remarkable mother who'd just lost her beloved son, the oldest of her 10 children, she comforted us. Hadassah's emuna glow, beauty-of-holiness reminded me of Devora Paley, the mother of Yaakov and Asher HY"D, who comforted and united an entire nation following her family's unfathomable tragedy.
About 10 minutes after I arrived, out of the crowd of comforters Hadassah looked straight at me and asked, "And who are you? Where did you come from?"
So I sat down next to her, and she told me about her Eliyahu:
"As a child in the Belzer cheider, Eliyahu's rebbe said he was an ilui. He loved learning Torah.
"I had a special connection with Eliyahu. He was my oldest child, how could I not? When he was missing, we were already davening, and when I told Eliyahu's younger siblings that their beloved oldest brother had died sanctifying Hashem's name, they were inconsolable.
"And since he's like this [she points to the photo of Eliyahu with long hair] I was even more connected with him. I wasn't connected to him despite the fact that he's like this, but because he's like this. This is the way he could get to his true self. And the more he was his true self, the more he could express his greatness. It's important to learn Torah, to do teshuva, but with Eliyahu, I feel like he was was already incredible, just incredible. And even when I would pray for him [that he would return to religion] I thought, "But he's already a wonder, with so many talents, but even more than being talented he had his huge smile with those big dimples. And he was so connected to the home, so connected to the family. And that's not something to take for granted, at all."
May Hashem bless this beautiful, broken family with comfort among the countless mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Amen.
Jewish MOM
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yeloroom · 11 months ago
i be making sounds.
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ammg-old2 · 2 years ago
Weekly Recap (8th – 14th May 2023)
Read Among the Mongols (ch6-9)
Read 4 MGL articles
Read 5 MGL photo essays
Read 60 articles
Reread 4 articles
Reading (non-fiction)
Read The English Medieval Minstrel (ch1)
Read People Love Dead Jews: Reports From a Haunted Present (intro, ch1-5)
Read Bedlam: London and Its Mad (intro, ch1)
Read The Austerity Olympics: When the Games Came to London in 1948 (intro)
Read A History of God (intro)
Reading (fiction)
Reread 3 Shirley Jackson short stories
Read Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw
Read House on Endless Waters by Emuna Elon (ch 1-28)
Read The Wasps by Aristophanes
Read The Frogs by Aristophanes
Wrote Iris (Step 0) – 2117 words
Played flute for L. (Thursday)
Listened to Yishan Mountain Fantasy || Gada Meilin symphonic poem || Fantasia of the Red Guards on the Hong Lake || Hong Nianzi symphonic poem || Yellow Crane Mansion symphonic poem || Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto (performed by Tang Baodi)
Tuesday 1.4km exercycle
Saturday 1.4km exercycle
Knitted 3 scarf rows
3 shorter readings
Read 30 photo essays/collections/etc
Watched 4 videos
Watched geography drone footage (18min)
Special Daily Hashi (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
Special Weekly Hashi
11 25x25 Hashi (hard)
32 Suguru
2 Killer Sudoku
1 Sudoku
1 Wordhunt
1 Mini Sudoku
6 Mental Sums
2 Number Fit
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kolhaneshamamx · 2 years ago
Nos explica el Zohar al comienzo de Perashat Yitro acerca de la importancia y la fuerza que tienen las manos del ser humano. Nos dice que cada uno de los diez dedos corresponden a diez fuerzas espirituales que se encargan de llevar todas las bendiciones y alabanzas a Hashem y por otro lado se encargan tambien de vertir hacia abajo la bendición que proviene de lo alto.
Debido a esto, es que la persona tiene prohibido alzar sus manos a menos que se para pedir o rezar. Nos hace saber adicionalmente que estos diez entes espirituales son llamados los guardianes de la ciudad mencionados en el libro de Kohelet 7:19.
Son diez, como las 10 Sefirot, 10 como las 10 expresiones divinas de la creación, 10 como los Aseret Divrot, 10 como los 10 dedos de las manos y que en ellas se encuentra el secreto del numero 14 יד y el numero 28 (14x2) siendo este el valor numérico de la expresión fuerza/כח, la fuerza creativa que encuentra en todos nosotros, aludida por las 28 falanges de los dedos de la mano en conexión con las 28 letras del primer versiculo de la Torah בראשית ברא אלוהים את השמים ואת הארץ. Verso que nos revelan los Sabios contiene ya a toda la creacion.
El likutey Moharan nos explica que “ciudad” es una referencia a la tefila. Como esta escrito: Tehilim 48:2. “Y alabado en la ciudad”.
Nos dice tambien en referencia a los patriarcas que cada uno de ellos hizo palpable la Presencia Divina en diferentes grados cada uno mas intenso y tangible que el anterior.
Leemos asi que de Abraham esta escrito: “la montaña donde Dios aparecera” Bereshit 22:14. Acerca de Isaac esta dicho: “ Y salio al campo a orar” Ber. 24:63. Mientras que de Yaakov dice: “Y llamo al nombre del lugar Bet-El”. Siendo cada unos de estos niveles un grado de manifestación de la Divinidad, superior y más tangible que el anterior. Acerca de esto David escribio: “Grande es Di-s y alabado en la ciudad” Tehilim 48:2. Siendo esta la expresión manifiesta de la supervisión e intervencion del Infinito (la NO-CASUALIDAD) en cada detalle y detalle de la vida de la persona y de el mundo en general, este es el nivel donde todos somos conscientes de la dirección y sabiduría Divina en nuestras vidas. Por eso se denomina ciudad ya que es el conjunto de varios individuos en un solo lugar/idea.
Sin embargo existe algo dentro del ser humano que impide que la persona se entregue en las manos del Creador, lo impide de sentir su conexión constante y unica con el Creador, en otras palabras lo llena de incertidumbre y ansiedad del futuro. Tambien en ocasiones lo hace incapaz de rezar o incluso si reza lo hace sin Emuna (certeza). Y cuando esta Klipa es muy potente puede causar que la persona deje de identificar su deseo de apegarse a lo absoluto a lo Infinito y lo hace alejarse de El debido a que se siente inerte, sin vida e incapaz de sentir, como una piedra y parece que no hay palabras ni estuido que pueda devolverle esta sensación de sentirse vivo, con propósito y en unicidad con su Creador. Todo esto resultado del vacio y frustración al que conduce esta Klipa.
Esta energia interna es llamada Abimelej אבימלך (Rey filisteo) y representa el deseo humano de controlar, de reinar sobre todo, de imponer sus reglas y su lógica. Sabemos que el deseo de control cuando se encuentra en un estado de desequilibrio puede ser muy peligroso para el ser humano tanto psíquicamente como emocionalmente y también físicamente trayendo resultados debastadores para la salud de la persona.
Esto esta ilustrado con el evento sucedido entre Sara y Abimelej, donde Sara representa el reinado/control y él (Abimelej) pretende tomarla por la fuerza. Desea quitarsela a Abraham, que representa la certeza de que todo tiene un sentido. Sin embargo, vemos que en la historia interviene Hashem, lo divino, el universo, aquello que siempre esta oculto pero sabemos que en ultima instancia dirige toda vida y todo destino a un propósito. Y le dice: “Devuelve la mujer del hombre/ השב אשת האיש” Hasheb eshet Haish” Ber. 20:7.
Siendo Hasheb/ השב Rashe Tebot (Letras iniciales) de Har/Montaña הר Sade/Campo שדה y Bait/Casa בית (los niveles en los cuales los patriarcas revelaron a Hashem) y Eshet/Mujer אשת es Rashe Tebot de: “Adonai sefatai tiftaj/ Dios abre mis labios” Tehilim 51:17. Es decir la plegaria, es decir la certeza de que internamente tengo ya todas las herramientas para cambiar, lidiar, solucionar etc. cualquier situación que se presente pues esta fue puesta únicamente para el desarrollo de mi ser interior dándome así la pauta para la superación constante y por lo tanto un extasis cotidiano pues en el “nivel” de Yaakov/casa todo tiene sentido, todo me es util. La plegaria no es otra cosa mas que la conexion interna con lo Divino que yace dentro de mi, con lo infinito, con el potencial que yace infinitamente en mi.
Pero que es eso divino? Aquello divino es aquello que permanece, que por naturaleza no tiene fin ni comienzo, que es capaz de atravesar incluso la muerte pues no existe fin ni limite, solo procesos diferentes y formas diferentes de reconocer y apegarse a la bondad Divina, al sentido absoluto.
En principio, cuando se comienza este proceso de “montaña-campo-casa” esto se expresa inicialmente como una lucha consciente de buscar el sentido personal y de un intento constante de conexion. A pesar de que estos esfuerzos en su mayoria pueden terminar en un sentimiento de frustracion debido a que la sensacion de insensibilidad persiste, eventualmente dara resultado y comenzara otra etapa en esta etapa se descubre ya un sentido a la existencia y se comienza con la sensacion de que todo acontece para nosotros por nosotros y para nuestro bien. En ultima instancia se logra una armonia con nuestro interior y con lo que sucede en lo exterior, en este nivel de conciencia desaparece incluso la regla karmatica de causa y efecto (mida kenegued mida) y ahora solo se perciben diferentes e ilimitadas formas de expresion del Ein sof/ El infinito.
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onmymasa22 · 1 month ago
When ur teacher says after seeing the culmination of ur art the past 3 years that ur life is humor mixed with tragedy... lol, nice to meetcha, take a seat.
Top hobbies:
1) When a guy is being annoying, saying to a third party person "dont worry about him, he just got his period"
2) when guys hit on my friends, but they're not interested, so i get to be the super blunt Sagittarius that i am with a delightful "yo, dude, she doesnt like you".
3) and back to number 1
I always thought that my name sima was yiddish, but its not, its aramaic,
Arlene honey william
Denise joy william
What i realized: my voice was made for jazz music.
Watcb house the show about the vietnam veterans and the movie aladdin w real people
Emuna is my alignment with the constant awareness that hashems plan will carry out. Its a very weird thing, but i feel peace with the idea that although i might not be alive, the jewish nation will be alive.
This is the year that you cut out everything that doesn't serve you. Every complicated relationship, bad habits, wasted time on whatever is below you. This is the year that you only carry with you people who are good to be around, positivity, love, humor. When it says- לֶךְ־לְךָ֛, the לְךָ֛ for you refers to anything thats good
I have slept probably a good five hours total in the past three days, and yet my day today looked like- waking up in greece, flying to israel, bringing all my crap to jerusalem, buying pillows, meeting up with friends for dinner, buying shower stuff, putting all my bedding on my bed, and packing for tomorrow which requires me to be out and about at 6am for a weekend in the desert with like 50 friends. At the same time im impressed with myself but also wondering what trauma led me to deal fairly well under really not normal circumstances... like no real sleep or food for 3 days.
Yah, being an adult is crazy sometimes.
i brought my crap to Jerusalem, bought pillows, went to
El al. Put in stuff, buy foid
הי, אני חזרתי לארץ ומעוד רוצה להמשיך באנוש. שרי אמרה שיהיה כמה מתנדבות חדשות אז אני חושבת לבוא בסוף סדנת בישול כדי להגיד שלום ולא להפריע. עם יש מקום בסדנה עצמה, אשמח להתנדב שם קבוע אבל אני מבינה אם אין מקום ויהיה צפוף מדי. יש עוד מקומות באנוש שצריך אותי?
This is really hypocritical cuz im not really a sunscreen wearer... i like sitting in the sun in the summer. I like seeing freckles on my nose and lines on my feet. But for me, the difference is that i dont do tanning salons. I like natural, from the sun. But if you get gel nails done, the curing process was found to be corelated with getting cancer so anyone that gets it done, sunscreen or gloves. It's like going to a tanning bed all the time.
Its really hard right now to not let politics affect relationships. So honestly, i thank gd right now that the people closest to me arent into politics. And im with them. So hears to the people who have better things to talk about then politics
Sometimes i just want quiet, i want streets where no one knows me. I want real grass, i want to just breathe, i want to relax my mind. I want to be outside and inside at the same time. I want to be comfortable with myself and my surroundings. I want to be with people, and also alone. I feel sick and fine at the same time. Stop judging myself. Let gd judge you. I need to just love myself.
Because life is just overwhelming. And i run because i need to. And everything is just as it should be. I just need to trust hashem. And read thursdays tehillim. Thats it.
אז בזוהר כתוב שהמרגלים אהבו את בועה הרוחנית שלהם במדבר- שלא הצטרכו לעבוד, עסקו כל הזמן ברוחניות. הבעיה של צלפחד לפי רב שמעון בר יוחאי היה שהוא עשה השוואות בין עצים. יש את העץ הדעת והעץ החיים. והמרגלים רצו לחיות ב"עולם" של העץ החיים- רוחני, חיים במדבר, בלי הקושי של להקים מדינה או להילחם. צלפחד האמין בקצה השני- שהדבר הכי חשוב זה לעבוד בעולם, ולהבין בין טוב ורע (ה"עולם" של העץ הדעת). העניין הוא שצריך את שניהם כדי לחיות, ואחד לא יותר חשוב מהשני. מבחינת שהפילו עליו אבנים- כתוב בזוהר שההשקפה הזאת של לעבוד כל הזמן ולהיות מכורים לעבודה גורם ללב להיות קשה/ קשוח מדי כמו אבן. וגם אבן= א (השם, והעולם הרוחני) בן= אותו גמטריה של המילה בהמה (העולם הגשמי). יעני להפיל עליו את הרעיון הזה שהחיים שלנו צריך לכלול את שתי העולמות, שיש לנו תפקיד בעולם, אבל גם יש לנו את שבת.
So the zohar says that the spies basically loved the spiritual bubble of the desert. They didnt need to lift a finger, and they could spend all there time in spirtuality. The guy who didnt keep shabbos, was actually tzlafchad (whos daughters loved israel so much they begged moshe for land there) and his issue according to rav shimon bar yochai was that he compaired trees. Basically theres the tree of knowledge- (we recognize this from adam and chava and its all about the struggle between right and wrong), and the tree of life (all spirtual). So the spies wanted to exist only in the realm of the tree of life- desert life, spiritual, no struggles of starting up a country. And we see that was wrong. So tzlafchad believed in the other extreme- the tree of knowledge, that the most important thing is working in the world and figuring it out. The thing is- u need both. U need shabbos. One isnt more important, they are both needed to sustain our lives. So when we say he was stoned, the zohar says, that negating the rest of shabbos, ie: workaholicism/productivity addiction makes a persons heart hard or tough like a stone, too tough. So אבן- stone is really like א- hashem or spirtuality, and the gematria of ben= 52 like behaima (animal)- as if to say- pelt him with the idea that the physical animalistic world needs to go together with the spiritual world, where we both have our purpose, but also the break from it that we need to not get burn out. If u want the whole speech- its "the sin of compairing trees" on youtube
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midnightrabbiinspired · 12 days ago
United Souls - by Eli Goldsmith - 49 - Joy of Living in Chaos, Flood of Truth, Love & Kindness, Hardest of Tests, Even in London… Keep Going, Subdue & Transform!
United Souls – Section 2 by Eli Goldsmith – A Journey towards Real Unification Everyway Continued – Healthy Happy Chanukah 2025 5785 Blessings All – Check out all the Parts especially 43 for the Intro… Intimacy World Bnei Akiva Boyz Finale – The Real Connection Summary Q/A Relationship Flow! This is a reminder that my next trip to London is May 11th -15th, 2025 (Visit/Tour), in Edgware TBC. As…
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torais-life · 2 years ago
"Take care of your soul as you take care of your body"
-Rab. Yonatan Galed
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fortunetellersdilettante · 4 months ago
atoff, kul sic achol mechel hakav hazeh em est shoal shoot, lo yodeia maifa lahtakhil chas, ahavah, balbul, darkim shla mobiles lashum makom ani yodeia shish makom tob extra cos est themid lukah shoot leshem ba elich am emuna shevora nati le extra meade lahachick netefas lipni spagathi bakarka teii le shanny betuh, ish lech shoot ikhsiu heyte lukah at hahaga em ani maved schlitte? em ani shokhev kon ham ticka shoot havita? est jechol latfel sal neshma shevora? ham tahazik shoot ikhsiu? hetzemido le at naked larash laspor hacht, shteym, shlosh em ze ozer le lahatherhak ez ze mah ani tzarik kul deke meste klee extra kakel sureyou madever ethia extra est metartz at amanists hachi ophelot slay ken est, scharer otam lehofsey ba elich am emuna shevora nati le extra meade lahachick netefas lipni spagathi bakarka teii le shanny betuh, ish lech shoot ikhsiu
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kuida-tupoder · 5 months ago
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rochadomarcio · 11 months ago
1 João 5.14 – Oração & Confiança
“Esta é a confiança que temos ao nos aproximar de Deus: se pedimos alguma coisa de acordo com a vontade dele, ele nos ouve.”
A espiritualidade de 1 João 5.14, registrada no grego koiné, traz consigo a tradição aramaica clássica subjacente, amplamente difundida entre os séculos VIII a.C. e III a.C., ao longo dos Impérios Neoassírio, Neobabilônico, Persa e Grego, tomando parte na composição de livros como Daniel e Esdras e partes do Novo Testamento.
Esta tradição aramaica adiciona camadas de intensidade ao texto, conectando-se à cultura e às práticas espirituais da época, proporcionando uma compreensão mais clara da relação entre Deus e o crente.
Πίστις (Pistis – Confiança, Fé): Corresponde ao aramaico ​"אֱמוּנָא" (Emuna), transcendendo a mera confiança ao incorporar um fundamento inabalável, uma convicção profunda e uma entrega total a Deus.
ἐγγίζω (Eggízō - Aproximar-se): Equivale ao aramaico ​"קרב" (Qarev), indo além da proximidade física ao entrar na presença divina com reverência e desejo de comunhão íntima.
αἰτέω (Aiteō – Pedir, Solicitar): Contextualizado pela raiz aramaica ​"שאל" (Sha'al), implica na requisição de bens materiais e espirituais ao buscar alinhamento com a vontade de Deus.
θέλημα (Thelēma - Vontade): Deriva do aramaico ​"רצון" (Ratzon) e inclui a vontade ativa e benevolente de Deus ao nivelar-se aos Seus propósitos, compreendendo e aceitando Sua orientação.
ἀκούω (Akouō - Ouvir): Deriva do aramaico ​"שמע" (Shema), ultrapassando a mera audição ao receber resposta ativa de Deus que ouve as súplicas e age em conformidade com Sua sabedoria e desígnios.
Aprender, praticando:
Desenvolva atividades que conectem o texto bíblico aos conceitos da BNCC para contextualizar ensinamentos religiosos.
Crie projetos que explorem os princípios éticos e morais da DUDH em paralelo com as várias religiosidades, promovendo integração de valores.
Utilize ferramentas multimídia para apresentar textos sagrados de forma envolvente, cativando os estudantes e dinamizando a aprendizagem.
Produza vídeos, podcasts e apresentações que conectem espiritualidade, ensinamentos religiosos e direitos humanos para uma compreensão holística.
Implemente projetos de serviço à comunidade baseados em princípios religiosos, integrando valores da DUDH, solidariedade e justiça social.
Motive os estudantes a desenvolverem ações de respeito aos valores éticos e religiosos, incentivando participação ativa na construção de uma sociedade pacífica e equilibrada.
Organize espaços de diálogo inter-religioso, estimulando líderes de diferentes crenças a compartilhar experiências, desenvolvendo habilidades como empatia, tolerância e resiliência.
Saiba mais:
• Missio Dei XXI: https://www.facebook.com/MissioDeiXXI
• YouVersion: https://www.bible.com/pt/bible/129/1JN.5.14.NVI
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nightmarewithnowayout · 1 year ago
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emuna hecho x krautmusic
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onmymasa22 · 3 months ago
Anxiety is carried on in genes. When a few generations ago, your ancestors were running for their lives. Their body was running at their most optimal for survival. It wasn't called anxiety, it was, waking up and trying your hardest to live. It was a nightmare of death everywhere, living on no medecine or food or comfort. Its trying to live when the world is falling apart. What happens is, the "living to the the highest capacity to survive" stays in the system. So what happems when someone feels like the world is falling apart and your body is running just to survive but everything around you is ok. You arent in danger, but your body and mind are sending signals thst youre in danger. Anxiety is when you feel like the world is falling apart and you are fighting for your life
Inwant to wear my hair in a mitpachatbwith my hair in a bun. So people can see the color but not what it looks like. With a headband type thing. Curls coming down the sides of my face, a messy bun. I want piercings. I want 4 on eaxh lobe and conches
This past year, for volunteering that was required of me, I helped teach a cooking class to older folk with mental health issues that rendered them over 40 percent disabled, everyone for a different issue including ocd, manic depression, schizophrenia, dementia, slowness, tourettes, and more. I started there because i had to, but i fell in love with it. I realized how much i love dealing with these adults. I love who i am when im around them.
I've never really gotten ginger hate... all I've had is creepy people tell me they really like redheads... and i dont really know what to do with that information... it honestly annoys me when ppl talk about it cuz it's obvious, and not really in my control. I don't go around talking about being in a room with left handed people or complimenting their left handedness, or that their earlobes have the perfect amount of attatchedness to their face. I feel like that'd be weird... i will however start doing that now...
I dont really like talking about where im from or about my hair or my name.
Having friends who geek out over sci fi or fantasy books made me think that i
Its raining which means we're in a cooking baking vibe: pita, cream cheese, sriracha mayo sauce, onion and mushroom with too much butter, tomato, sunny side up but flipped over eggs.
When i have kids, im so gonna tell them stuff that'll keep their preeschool teachers on their toes
Me: "you saw daddy go up the stairs? Yah? Do u know where he went? He went to China. But he'll be back in a few minutes."
Getting diagnosed with adhd was a blessing. Because it made it easier to address my shortcommimgs. The one that had the most affect of me was emotional dysregulation.
I need this about being a red head... yes, i know I'm a readhead. Don't call me "gingy" unless you use a french accent. Yes I know it's rare, no it's not dyed. Yes I have a soul. No I don't care that you realllly like readheads. No I don't care that that you always wanted to be one. No I don't classify you as a member if yours is dyed. Yes I know that this shirt is "my color". Yes, i tan and get freckles in the summer on my cheek and nose. Yes I know that "im an enigma".
, and yah, i know how rare it is. No its not dyed, its natural. Yes i have a soul. Yes i know you cant get this color from a bottle. Yes i know it looks cool when i wear green. No, the line "I like readheads" doesn't work on me. This has been a wonderful conversation. Have a lovely day
*all said using
Hi, it's Dalya from Michelet Emuna. I'm going to write in English because I want to make sure I fully express myself, I hope you don't mind. Two years later, I finally painted the landscape. Honestly, when you gave us this assignment I was scared. I felt like- ask me to draw an apple that I'm looking at and I'll draw it 20 times. But ask me to draw something from my mind? I had no idea how, and my imagination felt like a scary black hole. As if you were asking me to paint air. This summer, I wanted to paint what I think Gan Eden looks like, and I started with painting two trees (because every tree needs a friend, and also one for the tree of life and one for tree of knowledge) and I ended up painting this whole landscape with more ease than I expected. I'm shocked but also proud that I painted for the first time, an oil painting, entirely from imagination. I'm just so proud of myself, and I want to thank you for being such a good teacher in my process. I didn't forget the assignment, I just wasn't ready at the time yet. And I am now, and it feels incredible. Whether this is a good landscape painting is a different conversation, but I'm happy that I arrived to this point in my learning. And I just wanted to say all of this.
When a best friend says she found a new show- gilmore girls and she misses you so much, shes been watching it just to feel like she's with you... and ur like "right?! I'm such a Lorelai, it's not even funny!" If lorelai and pheobe and a golden retreiver and a plant all somehow put their genes into one being, im that being. Anyone whoI'm either drinking coffee, playing guitar, on a walk, or in the shower.
New people: So what are you like?
Me: I'm pretty much somewhere between a dog and a plant. Like if Pheobe, Lorelai, a golden retriever, and a plant somehow got together and created a human, I'd be that human. Cuz everyone around me knows- I'm either drinking coffee, playing guitar, on a walk, sitting in the sun, or in the shower. I'm not hard to figure out. Everyone knows where to find me at all times. And I like it like that.
Anyone else always have the worst timing? My timing is having tge sane bed my whole life, then two weeks before i leave the country for who knows how long, getting a new one. Buying a wine glass two days before packing up my life. Spending a month not knowing what to do for an assignment, then figuring something out and winging out. Eating a special brownie the day before flying. Buying a huge canvas two weeks before leaving. I'm a cerial bad timing, but "you only die once" person. Bad timing but i cant help myself. I read something that said "show up
What people see:
The nicest girl in the room. The girl who is yellow in a person. Who makes soup when her friends are sick, who has compassion on and empathy for everyone. Who thrives on making people happy. Who will make herself an absolute fool to make others smile. She is a goofball at times and incredibly deep. She loves hard but will understand that you need to do you. She doesn't judge. She is beautiful inside and out and she brightens every room she walks into. She is a fireball, a sparkler. She is mgic.
What people dont see:
She knows what its like to not be the favorite grandchild. To not be the favorite niece. To not be liked or loved for who she is. She knows what its like to be in so much pain that she inflics it on herself, just to feel balanced. Like her outsides match her insides. She knows what its like to be called ugly, or nasty, to be yelled at, to be embarrassed infront of a multitude of people. She knows what its like to pray for the end of it all. Ske knows what its like to sleep in the street, throwing up, at rock bottom because she has no where else to go. She knows what its like to fight her brain to live. She knows what its like to choose life.
I want to do something on the tree of life. Something about covering everything- gan eden, trees, family, and how raw and hurt it is for me. Going from not choosing life and ketamine to choosing life, being offered cocaine, amd saying no, coming home, and eating chocolate cake. Seeing the boy who died on the bus.
Anyone else buy a monster sized canvas
So at the end of this last school year, this famous israeli artist started talking to me and asked me "what changed for you between the first year of your studies to now?" I answered something like how at the beginning, everything was so new and exciting. You know, u go from corona, to living in Jerusalem, learning to draw and oil paint from a sweet master on the top floor with windows, wood paneling, and easles everywhere. I was in burn out last year. From stupid classes, teachers, and assignments, and a year that solidified my elephant skin, i was a little numb to school. But now, its summer and my answer would be- what changed is that in the first year, i produced according to assignments. I might have manipulated the assignment, but i needed the assignment to help me produce something. This past third year, the assignments hindered me. And when i look at the year, my best works came from the classes that didnt have assignments. Where no one told me, thats great but u should do this instead. I had a need to do what was in my head depending on my energy and material. And i could just go. This summer, I made the art that i wanted and needed to. And maybe thats how i know whether i can stand as an artist. Without the assignment, can i still paint and draw and make? If u can, congratz ur an artist. If not, ull pass art school, and good luck w life but maybe ur not an artist. So im flying back to israel in two weeks, and i went to good will and bought a huge canvas. And it doesn't scare me enough to debilitate me. I just decided that i want it to be an oil pastel and i need to prep it and find something that fits that. But thats what changed. I dont need an assignment anymore, and im not scared of my mind. The first year, i couldnt do anything from imagination. Ask me to draw an apple that i see i can do it twenty times. Ask me to make up a landscape in my head, and it just happens.
Now i feel like im an artist. I dont need assignments. Assignments take me away from what im supposed to be doing. And it creates burn out. I dont need someones ideas for me to produce something. I dont have a style.
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