#employment solicitors London
whitehorselaw · 7 months
Employment law can be a complex and challenging field to navigate for both employers and employees. Disputes can arise in various areas, from wrongful termination to workplace discrimination, and finding the right legal guidance is crucial to ensure a fair resolution. In London, White Horse Solicitors & Notary Public Firm stands out as the premier destination for expert employment law services. Our team of dedicated and skilled employment solicitors London is committed to helping employers resolve disputes and protect their rights while maintaining a harmonious work environment. In this blog, we'll explore why White Horse Solicitors is the go-to choice for the best employment lawyers in London.
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lexlawuk · 2 months
How to Apply for a UK Ancestry Visa
The UK Ancestry visa is a unique immigration route, available exclusively to Commonwealth nationals who can trace their lineage back to the United Kingdom. This visa offers a pathway to live and work in the UK, with the potential for eventual settlement. For those who meet the eligibility criteria, this visa is a compelling option. This article will guide you through the detailed requirements and…
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gwhsolitcitors · 8 months
Turn your startup dreams into reality with the UK Startup Visa. Trust our guidance to navigate the immigration process, for your entrepreneurial venture.
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waterfrontlaw · 10 months
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dykepuffs · 5 months
May 7th:
Suddenly I wonder if the dinner service is all gold because Dracula can't touch silver? The holy metal was definitely an established idea already.
How many of those books that Dracula calls "his companions" are things stolen out of the luggage of English victims over the years? Obviously he could order English periodicals and reference books and literature (Laura's family in Styria were ordering English books to their Austrian schloss a generation earlier) but something about the old magazines and newspapers - Things that visitors had picked up in the railway station to read on the trip and then absently kept with them all the way to his gate? - Feels very different. How many crosswords and riddle pages are filled in partway with some visiting clerk's smart secretary hand, and then finished in Dracula's best attempt at copying it? A gentleman in London would of course have a club, and would be expected to keep up friendly correspondence with other members, he couldn't very well write out his visiting cards in his own ancient handwriting...
He's got the Red and Blue books - Much debate over exactly WHICH red and blue books, but I'm choosing to believe that this is the Blue Book from the office of national statistics (ie, telling us about Britain's industries and GDP and where things are made, so by inference telling us about the New Rich industrialists) and Debrett's red book (ie, telling us about the peers, the historic ancient rich families and their relative positions, and where they are). So he will know who the major players are in England, from the ancient seat of a lord in Nottinghamshire, to the owner of the most productive steel mill in Sheffield, who live on each other's doorsteps but likely wouldn't give each other the time of day.
And Jonathan is already investigating- he doesn't know what yet, its only been a couple of days, but he's looking around, testing doorknobs, tracking what's going on around him, who he can hear in the distance (ie, nobody)...
I love the incongruity, of this brooding medieval edifice of Carfax, with its oak gates and barred windows sunken into the thick stone walls, and then chippy young solicitor Jon climbing about in the overgrown gardens with his Kodak camera, to take the photos for the new buyer, much like I still see estate agents doing today, hovering with their cheap digital cameras and leaning in against the windows when they've forgotten their keys too.
God, Dracula's manipulations are amazing. He knows already that he can control Jon by basic politeness - leaning on that employer-employee relationship - and by food (Which, looking ahead, will probably get more and more pronounced as Jon gets more sleep deprived and confused).
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fantasyandromancelover · 10 months
Dracula AU
Dracula - Alastor
Johnathan Harker - Moxxie
Abraham Van Helsing - Husk
Mina Murray - Millie
Lucy Westenra - Charlie
Arthur Holmwood - Blitzo
Dr. John Seward - Vaggie
R.M Renfield - Angel
In the 1400's, during the time when the Ottoman Empire destroyed Constantinople and threatened Europe, Alastor a knight of the church, joined the Order of The Dragon to defend his home country and his people. In battle he was victorious, successfully slayed his enemies, and managed to rescue many prisoners of the Turks including a beautiful Byzantine princess. They fall in love and marry after the war but unfortunately, a life of wedded bliss was not to be.
The Order of the Dragon, had become corrupt after their leader chose to renounce God, sell his soul to Satan, and become the world's first vampire. The order's new plan to infect the world with this plague and create a vampire coven. Horrified, Alastor left the order and intended to flee to another country with his wife where they could live together peacefully. Tragically the order was insulted by his refusal to join their cause and decided to punish him. The order abducted Alastor's wife and burned her at the stake then he was forcibly changed into a vampire.
Driven insane by the loss of his wife and the torture of being transformed into nosferatu, Alastor terrorized Eastern Europe. Possessed by an uncontrollable blood lust, he killed many lives as did the Order, but he was merciful enough to ensure none of his victims became vampires themselves as opposed to the Order. And he swears vengeance against the order, intending to destroy it and then take his own life.
Centuries later, in the 1800's, an English solicitor Maximus (Moxxie) has become engaged to the lovely and devoted school mistress Mildred (Millie). He loves her more than anything in the world but feels that he is too poor to marry her so he desperately seeks any method to change his fortune. An opportunity for such arises when his employer assigns him to an extremely wealthy client in Transylvania though it requires him to travel to said country and stay there for a few days. Mildred wishes to marry before he leaves, insisting that she doesn't care about money and that his love is all she needs. But Maximus wants to wait til after he returns so he can afford to give her the wedding of her dreams and so much more.
While he's away, Mildred stays with her aristocratic but beautiful and innocent best friend Charlotte who has also become engaged. She has been arranged to marry Baldwin (Blitzo) a young lord who is believed to be of noble birth and dreadfully wealthy. However unlike Maximus and Mildred, Baldwin and Charlotte are not in love, though she tries to love him and he is good to her, he often neglects her for business and leaves her alone with his hateful sister Barbara (Barbie).
Upon arriving in Transylvania, Maximus is welcomed graciously by his client who happens to be Alastor and his servant Anthony, a young man who he rescued from being a sex slave. Alastor desires to secure an estate in London under the claim that he has established a new business over there but in actuality, he wishes to move there because that's where the order has traveled to. Maximus is suspicious of Alastor's intentions at first, especially when he hears and sees so many strange things during his stay. But he ends up complying with Alastor's request after seeing the man's incredible collection of treasure. In a few days, Maximus, Alastor, and Anthony go to London and he moves into the estate next door to Baldwin's.
One night Alastor catches a glimpse of Charlotte and is stunned to discover that she looks identical to his late wife. Desperate to meet her, he throws an engagement gala for Maximus and Mildred "To show his gratitude to him." At the event he and Charlotte fall in love at first sight and he suspects her to be the reincarnation of his lost love.
Meanwhile unknown to everyone else, Baldwin and Barbara have lost their fortune and their place in society due to their father going into debt and have secretly joined the order to recover what they've lost. Although Baldwin is completely unaware of the evil taking place within the cult. So while Baldwin is busy running errands and making secret deliveries for the order, Alastor begins tracking down and killing members of the cult one by one. One night his killing is witnessed by Maximus who also discovers the painted portrait of Alastor's wife and her resemblance to Charlotte. He flees to warn the others but Anthony intercepts him, they fight and both men knock each other into the river.
Luckily Anthony is found and taken to the hospital while Maximus is discovered by a nun and whisked away to a convent where he suffers from a brain fever. Mildred travels to said convent to marry him,  leaving Charlotte completely alone in the house with Barbara. But at night Alastor begins to invite Charlotte to one romantic evening after another, causing their love to grow stronger. During one of these outings Alastor professes his love to her and they share a passionate kiss but Charlotte quickly regrets it, telling Alastor that she wishes to remain faithful to Baldwin, and cannot see him anymore. Though heartbroken, Alastor accepts her decision.
Word of the mysterious way Alastor's victims died soon reaches Dr. Harlin Talanov (Husk) a professional in the medical field and in vampire hunting, having slain the very vampire who turned Alastor. He suspects vampirism is plaguing London and travels there with his headstrong apprentice Vagatha to investigate. They set up their research at the hospital with Harlin studying the dead bodies and Vagatha taking care of the living patients, thus leading her to meet and form a bond with Anthony. It isn't long before Harlin begins to suspect Anthony is a vampire's minion and he convinces Vagatha to get answers from him.
Back at Whitbay, Charlotte suddenly becomes ill but Barbara refuses to let Baldwin call a physician but when Mildred visits, she becomes suspicious and sends for Vagatha. The three women strike up a friendship and Charlotte confides in them about her friendship with Alastor, and Vagatha can't help noticing the similarities between him and Anthony's "master." Later Barbara lies to Baldwin that Charlotte's ailment is really a cover for an affair she's been having with Alastor. Charlotte pleads with Baldwin that she has been faithful and still retains her virtue but he does not believe her and furiously has her confined to her room until the wedding.
When she over hears Barbara trying to convince Baldwin to send her to an asylum, she cries herself to sleep. Alastor hears her cries and later sneaks into her bedroom. When she wakes, she reveals that she remembers her past life as his wife and confesses that she still loves him despite the fact that he's a vampire. She offers herself to him as his bride and they make love. Shortly after, Charlotte's illness increases and she takes a turn for the worst. Unable to lose her, Alastor turns her into a vampire and carries her off to his estate.
Meanwhile Maximus finally recovers from his fever and reveals Alastor's identity as a vampire. He, Baldwin, Harlin, and Vagatha then go to Alastor's state to stake him but are mortified to find him and a vampirized Charlotte sleeping together in a coffin. Charlotte then denounces her engagement to Baldwin and declares that she is now Alastor's wife, and wishes to be with him forever. Baldwin unable to accept this, tries to take her by force but Alastor attacks him and the others, only agreeing to spare them on Charlotte's behalf. The couple then choose to flee back to Transylvania.
That same night, Mildred is attacked and bitten, now in the process of becoming a vampire herself. The group believes Alastor is responsible and sets out to destroy him in order to save Mildred. The order of the dragon offers to help but Harlin does not trust them and advises the others to avoid the cult. Unfortunately Barbara persuades Baldwin to bring them along. As Mildred slowly transforms, she develops a psychic connection to Charlotte due to them making a blood sister pact sometime ago and reads her mind in order to locate her and Alastor.
They take a train to Transylvania to pursue them and during the trip Maximus, Harlin, and Vagatha can’t help noticing how uncomfortable Mildred acts around Barbara, and Harlin keeps picking up a peculiar yet familiar scent on her. When the group splits up, Maximus and Harlin search her bag, discovering a rare but very fatal poison that has no known cure. When they confront Barbara about it she reveals to them that Charlotte’s illness had been a result of her secretly poisoning her so she and Baldwin could inherit her fortune and use it to benefit the order. She also reveals that the order had transformed her into a vampire and that it was she who attacked Mildred.
She and cult then capture them, and try to force Mildred to feed on them. She almost succumbs to their influence and bites Maximus but her love for him allows her to resist long enough for Harlin to place a communion wafer on her head to slow down the transformation. Mildred helps them escape and the flee to warn Baldwin and the others.
Baldwin’s group manages to catch Alastor and Charlotte before they reach the castle, and a fight breaks out. During the battle Barbara attacks Charlotte revealing her vampire form and true nature to her brother. As she prepares to stake Charlotte, Alastor desperately throws himself on to his wife and takes the blow for her. Finally recognizing the evil of the order and his sister, Baldwin turns on them and fights back along with Maximus and the others upon reuniting with them. In the end, all the cult members are killed, the Order of The Dragon is finally destroyed, and Baldwin is forced to stake and decapitate Barbara thus saving Mildred from becoming a vampire herself.
A tearful Charlotte then takes the dying Alastor into the chapel where he was cursed and prays to God to let him live, while he repents for his sins and agrees to face death and damnation with dignity but pleads that Charlotte be spared. Heaven is moved by their love and by Alastor’s sacrifice, so through a miracle not only is Alastor saved but both he and Charlotte are reverted to their human forms, free to live a happy life together at last.
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canary0 · 1 year
May 12 - Dracula 2023
Let me start with facts – the things I know can be verified through other sources and physical evidence. I can’t confuse them with subjective experiences, or my feelings about them. Eyewitnesses are well known for being the worst form of evidence, and I can’t assume that’s not true for me, as well.
Last evening’s meeting with the Count began with his asking of all sorts of legal and business questions. I had spent the time I’d been awake thus far going over books, just trying to keep my mind occupied, reviewing some of the information tested during my SQE. I tried to put everything he asked down in order, since there seemed to be a method to it all.
First, he asked if a man in England may have two solicitors or more. I told him that he could have a dozen or more if he really wanted. Someone having a whole team and a half of lawyers is far from unheard of these days, after all. I did warn him, that it’s a good idea to only have one solicitor engaged in one transaction at the same time, though, and changing from one to another in the middle of one is a whole production, and probably not to his interests unless gross incompetence is involved.
He understood well, and asked if there would be any difficulty with having one involved in banking, and another in shipping, in case something happened far from the banking solicitor. I encouraged him to give me an example so I wouldn’t give him the wrong information.
He said, “I shall illustrate. Your friend and mine, Mr. Peter Hawkins, from under the shadow of your beautiful cathedral at Exeter, which is far from London, buys for me through your good self my place at London. Good! Now here let me say frankly, lest you should think it strange that I have sought the services of one so far off from London instead of some one resident there, that my motive was that no local interest might be served save my wish only; and as one of London residence might, perhaps, have some purpose of himself or friend to serve, I went thus afield to seek my agent, whose labours should be only to my interest. Now, suppose I, who have much of affairs, wish to ship goods, say, to Newcastle, or Durham, or Harwich, or Dover, might it not be that it could with more ease be done by consigning to one in these ports?”
I answered that he could, but we have a system of agency for one another, so local work can be done at the behest of any solicitor. The system was meant to make it both easier and more efficient for the client.
“But I could be at liberty to direct myself. Is it not so?” he asked.
“Ah. Yes, it’s common for self-reliant businessmen who don’t wish any one group of people know their business.”
“Good!” he said. He went on to question me about consignments, the forms he’d need to fill out, and the whole spectrum of potential issues and pitfalls. I did my best to explain, and it seemed like there wasn’t a single scenario he didn’t think of. Once satisfied, with all his concerns addressed, and me heading to the somewhat outdated law books to confirm it as much as I could, he suddenly stood and said, “Have you written since your first letter to our friend Mr. Peter Hawkins, or to any other?”
I told him in vague terms that I hadn’t had any chance to communicate with anyone outside. I did my best not to let the bitterness show on my face.
“Then write now, my young friend.” His hand rested heavily on my shoulder as he spoke. “Write to our friend and to any other; and say, if it will please you, that you shall stay with me until a month from now.”
My face stilled, the only way to school my expression. “Is that how long I’ll be staying?”
“Yes. I desire it much; nay, I will take no refusal. When your master, employer, what you will, engaged that someone should come on his behalf, it was understood that my needs only were to be consulted. I have not stinted. Is it not so?”
“Ah yes. Of course.” My head bowed. What could I say, but yes? I am a prisoner, as I’ve said. My refusal would not unlock the castle’s doors. The way his presence bore down on me was a striking reminder of that. He knew my acquiescence was his victory and that he was fully the master of the situation, and used it as soon as he saw it.
“I pray you, my good young friend, that you will not discourse of things other than business in your letters. It will doubtless please your friends to know that you are well, and that you look forward to getting home to them. Is it not so?” As he spoke, he slid across the table three sheets of notepaper and three envelopes. The envelopes were of thin, plain paper with no print on the inside. Glancing to the side, he had a calm smile that just happened to make the points of those canines very noticeable. I got the message – careful what you right, because I can and will read all of it. I will right formal notes for now… I may try to get more detailed information out in secret.
Once I was done, I read a book while the Count wrote several letters of his own, referring to a few books on his desk as he went. He took my letters then and placed all of them together. He got up to put away his writing materials, and the instant the door closed, I went over and looked at his letters. This isn’t something I would do to anyone, normally, but information meant all the difference under the circumstances. They were addressed to Samuel F. Billington, No. 7, The Crescent, Whitby, another to Herr Leutner, Varna; the third was to Coutts & Co., London, and the fourth to Herren Klopstock & Billreuth, bankers, Budapest. The third and fourth weren’t sealed, but I heard the door handle move, and had to hurry back to my seat and resume my book.
He brought in yet another letter, and carefully sealed and stamped everything. Then he turned to me and said, ““I trust you will forgive me, but I have much work to do in private this evening. You will, I hope, find all things as you wish.” He paused at the door and added, “Let me advise you, my dear young friend—nay, let me warn you with all seriousness, that should you leave these rooms you will not by any chance go to sleep in any other part of the castle. It is old, and has many memories, and there are bad dreams for those who sleep unwisely. Be warned! Should sleep now or ever overcome you, or be like to do, then haste to your own chamber or to these rooms, for your rest will then be safe. But if you be not careful in this respect, then…” He made a motion of washing his hands. Ah. If I do, it won’t be his problem. I don’t doubt what he says. I don’t know what possible nightmare I could compare to my waking life and not have it seem pleasant.
Later – I stand by what I wrote, but there is absolutely no doubt now. I will be happy to sleep anywhere he isn’t, at this point. I placed the crucifix over the head of my bed. Any protection from my dreams after this would be a blessing.
When he left my room, I went out to the stair, to where I found that window looking out south. There was a sense of freedom in the vista, a reminder that there is the rest of the world out there, compared to the courtyard view, where the remains of my phone had disappeared at some point. I needed the fresh air, too – it’s like a prison in becoming slowly claustrophobic, as well. Or maybe it was the late night that did that? I’m not a night owl, and these long night hours are wearing at my nerves. I’m jumpy, and I keep imagining horrible things. God know it’s a well deserved thought pattern. I didn’t know how right I was about this place being a nightmares. I was looking out over the valley – it was a gorgeous night, with the moon so big and bright it almost felt like daylight. It bathed the hills in soft yellow light, and the shadowed areas almost seemed like voids in their blackness. The fresh air and the vista helped calm me. I leaned forward to get a deep breath and glanced down and too the left, where I had to imagine the Count’s rooms were, and caught something moving.
I hid a little back and looked down as hidden as could be done under the circumstances. I saw the Count leaning his head out much like I had. I couldn’t see his face from above, but I could tell by his head and hands. I had also not seen anyone else here, so it seemed like the reasonable conclusion. It seemed kind of interesting at first because as it turns out, besides the stressful games of verbal cat and mouse, being a prisoner is very boring. But then he kept moving out… and out, his whole body, and start to scale the walls face down, like a lizard or a spider. His cloak spread out around him like great wings. I wondered if it was some kind of bizarre tree shadow I had mistaken out of tiredness, but another look told me it was no mistake. His fingers and toes grasped the corners of the stones, and he moved with some speed down the wall.
What on earth am I dealing with in this place? I can feel terror taking hold and there’s no way of getting away from it… I’m trapped and surrounded by horrors.
(A/N: If Jonathan seems a little more snarky than in canon, it’s because I’m trying to think in terms of a post-1990s culture. We’re pretty steeped in irony and afraid of sincerity. He’s not too deep into it, because Jonathan was always remarkably emotional and still is here, and is very sincere. Stress is also getting to him. No idea what that’s like. >_> I did want to reassure that I have thought about it, so it wasn’t just my own writing voice sneaking in (tho its prob also that).
I’m also making an effort to write more in the active voice. Besides sounding a little more modern, it’s good practice for my original writing.
In the line about how not wanting any one person to know their business, Jon absolutely sounds like he’s describing white collar criminals or the mob. He is very aware of this fact, but he was trying to be factual and didn’t add it.
1 hour and 15 under the deadline - just like college.)
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1016anon · 2 years
Title: Kate is a Governess AU Author: 55anon Fandom: Bridgerton Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sharma Summary: Kate is the Viscount's Governess
"We should take the children to Aubrey Hall for the summer."
Anthony stopped writing and looked up. Kate was standing at the window, staring out at the snow-covered picture of London, a thick shawl wrapped around her shoulders.
"All of them? Do you not think it too early?"
She turned around.
"They miss it."
"They miss it?"
"Fine, I miss it," she huffed. "I miss Kent. I have not been back for a year, and I should like to see my friends. So much has happened since I moved to London."
Anthony put down his quill and looked at the woman who had, within a span of six months, changed his life.
"Do you not wish to see Aubrey Hall again, my Lord?"
"My Lord."
He was quiet.
"It has been less than a year since Mother passed."
"It will have been more than a year come summer."
"That's not enough time for the memories to fade."
"Perhaps for adults-- children are resilient, my Lord. And-- if I may--" she hesitated.
Anthony motioned for her to continue.
"I think it will do you and Mr. Bridgerton some good, to grieve away from the prying eyes of London Society. Aubrey Hall will afford you privacy."
He felt his anger flare at her presumption, but he had allowed her to continue. Anthony knew by now that when Kate asked for permission to speak, it was because she knew she was going out of the bounds of a governess speaking to her employer. They had fought bitterly on that point a few times; each time Kate withdrew completely and each time, it had taken Anthony twice as much groveling as the last to get her to open up to him again.
She had a point: he could not retroactively revoke permission just because she said something he did not want to hear. It had felt humiliating to be chastised in such a manner by a woman two years his junior, but she'd argued with him on that front as well; if he wanted her to censor herself to shower only praise, he had plenty of ladies and gentlemen in the ton who were more than happy to play that duplicitous role. She would take no part in it. Either she spoke honestly or not at all; there was no such thing as being half honest.
It worked wonders on forcing Anthony to curb his temper and think before he spoke. His solicitors, stewards, land agents, all other individuals in his employ might keep their mouths shut, but Kathani always had a response on hand. Her father had also. However, where he was kind and wise, she was sharp and clever due to her age and sex. Anthony, to his shame, was less inclined to listen to a woman than a man. Another hypocrisy she pointed out and was supremely unimpressed with.
"Perhaps you and the children can spend two weeks in the country, and I shall join you after I've finished all my business in London."
"It is exceedingly hot in the summer months, and the stench is terrible. I think the fresh country air will do much good."
Anthony nodded, conceding her point. The air of London was stifling, with no breeze to mitigate the unbearable heat.
"What made you think of this in the dead of winter?"
"The Wentmores sent an invitation for their annual Christmas ball. Mrs. Wilson and I were discussing decorations for the house."
"I'd rather not go."
"You have obligations, my Lord."
"I am well aware of my obligations, Kate."
"Then you are aware your mother used to host a dinner after Christmas."
"That was in the country."
"I think it would not go amiss to host a small dinner in London."
"Who on earth would you have me invite?"
"Some of your close schoolmates. You've lost touch with them since you've become Viscount, my Lord. Reestablishing those friendships would do you good."
"When I have you permission to manage my affairs in Kent, I did not mean you had carte blanche to manage my life."
"I did not take it as such."
"I see them at White's anyway."
"But their wives and children--"
"Well, yes," she blinked. "The children would also join."
"You should have led with that."
"Then, you would be open to hosting a dinner?"
"There is no lady of house who could act as hostess," he gave her a significant look.
She blithely ignored it.
"Perhaps you could invite your aunt."
"I know that tone of voice."
"What tone of voice, my Lord?"
"You've already invited her."
"She was already due to come for Christmas, I simply asked if she would be open to hosting a dinner on your behalf."
"And she said yes."
"She was the one who suggested the dinner in the first place."
Kate sighed, figuring she ought to come clean.
"Your aunt wrote to me asking after your health, my Lord. It seems she did not find your or Mr. Bridgerton's responses to her letters satisfactory"
"Good god"
"In the course of our correspondence, she asked how you were faring in the social season"
"You are not a governess, you are a spy"
"I told her you upheld your duties to the utmost but due to the lack of hostess, had not been able to hold any events at Bridgerton House"
"Which I am perfectly happy not to hold"
"This naturally led to her bringing up this dinner after Christmas"
"Going forward, I shall have to review all your correspondence with my aunt-- you're a fiend"
"She asked me to broach the topic with you, as she was certain any suggestion she might raise would be summarily rejected."
"She was right on that point," he smiled and shook his head. "And you were so confident that you would succeed in convincing me that you told her we--"
"We would have the dinner."
"I knew I would succeed as soon as she said the children could also join."
"You know me too well. And don't think I didn't notice you've avoided answering my question. Why were you thinking of Aubrey Hall?"
She exhaled, resisting the urge to close her eyes.
"This time last year, Appa was still alive. If I'd known it would the last time we celebrated the winter solstice--"
"Kate," he rounded his desk cautiously to stand in front of her.
"And now Mary and Edwina are in Somerset--"
Anthony offered her his handkerchief.
"So much has changed," she finished quietly.
Sometimes he forgot that she was but nineteen years of age. Kate had become such an important figure in his life and she conducted herself in a manner far older than her years, he forgot that if she had followed the path of others her age, she would have come out to society, been courted by some country gentleman, perhaps married by springtime.
Instead, she was with him, managing a grand estate, taking care of his household, and helping him raise his six siblings. Anthony shuddered when he remembered what life had been like without her: an utter disaster of unending exhaustion, frustration, helplessness. Gritting his teeth and soldiering on.
"Would you like to invite your mother and sister to join us for Christmas?"
"You would do that?"
He nodded, refraining from telling her that he would probably do anything she wanted if it made her look at him like that.
"You shall have to conduct yourself in a proper manner, Lord Bridgerton, and address me as Miss Sharma."
"I don't see why I ought to do so, not when the children already have the incurable habit of calling you Kate."
She frowned at him.
"I shall do my best."
"I suppose I shall have to be satisfied with that," she sighed; they both knew he would slip up sooner rather than later. "Now, regarding the Wentmore's--"
"Kate, please--"
"It's an important event!" she protested.
"And there will be plenty of time for other important events in the future. It is an annual ball and I am but one and twenty. You would throw me to the marriage minded mama's already?"
"You do not have to dance, my Lord"
"I don't?" he perked up. His mother, when she'd been present enough to speak to him, had always admonished him to dance with some young lady.
"You can spend all your time in the smoking room or the card room. But you must attend."
"Indeed," she tried to suppress a smile. "I used to enjoy dancing, you know. At assemblies and such."
"And now no longer?"
Kate didn't answer.
"Are you finished with your letters, my Lord?"
"Nearly. Are you finished arranging my social calendar to your satisfaction, Kate?"
"I am. Now, if you will excuse me, my Lord, I must change for dinner."
"Change? Why?"
"Mr. Bridgerton and Mr. Colin are both home for winter holiday, tonight is family dinner."
"Dash it. Will you--"
"Yes, I shall call for your valet."
Anthony restrained himself from asking about the color of her evening gown. Though she was a governess, he insisted on her dressing the part of a lady; it felt more balanced when he sat at the other end of the table at family dinner. It also fended off whines from Eloise trying to use Kate as an excuse not to change.
In truth, it was somewhat silly for the children to all join the table and dress in muslin and silk for dinner, but it was a piece of normality that Anthony had clung to after Father died, then Mother. Keeping the same routine comforted him and he liked to think it comforted the children.
Kate was more than adept at hosting dinner-- she had learned such skills from Lady Mary-- but she adamantly refused play hostess for Anthony's guests. Anthony had the luxury of pretending-- or in most cases, outright forgetting-- that she was a governess, but Kate never could. Perhaps if she could have children, she might have gotten her hopes up and set her eyes on the master of the house.
However, Viscount Bridgerton was the first son nine times over, with a legacy he was expected to continue. To forget her place in the household was to fall prey to a hopeless fantasy. So she might dress in beautiful evening gowns, but it was to demonstrate to Daphne how a lady ought to hold herself. She might sit at the other end of the table, but it was to show Benedict what to expect at a society dinner. She might be the one the nursemaids deferred to when it came to Gregory and Hyacinth, but it was because she loved the little ones dearly.
Kate was there to fix Daphne and Eloise's hair, tie a big bow at the back of Francesca's dress, tease Colin when he used too much pomade. Benedict favored finicky silk cravats in the latest fashion-- she straightened them for him. She helped little Gregory into his tiny socks and carried three year old Hyacinth on her hip.
She even waited up for a thoroughly foxed Viscount Bridgerton to return from the Wentmore Ball and retrieved his valet and a footman to prod him to his chambers. Kate did this because the last time no one had waited up for him, a completely sober had Lord Bridgerton collapsed into the chair in his study, locked the door, and proceeded to drink himself into a stupor. This was unfortunate because he had meetings with the steward and solicitor the following day-- Kate had discovered him that morning and somehow coaxed out the entire story (the meetings had to be rescheduled).
He hated coming back to a silent house, with all his siblings asleep and no one caring or knowing whether he'd returned in one piece or not. So, from that point forward, Kate waited for him to come home. Anthony had been extremely embarrassed the first time; insisted that she did not have to do it again; it was an imposition of her time; it was not one of her duties. As usual, Kate did not listen to him and did what she thought best.
Obviously, Anthony loved it. Sometimes it was the best part of his evening-- going home, knowing that someone cared enough to wait up for him. Sometimes he found Kate had fallen asleep in his chair in the study and he shouldn't have done so, but Anthony couldn't resist picking her up and carrying her to her chambers. It was entirely, entirely improper for him to do so and they never spoke of it, but the rare occasions it did happen, he treasured the feeling of her head against his chest, body curled into his in complete trust.
(He dared not steal a kiss.)
When Mary and Edwina arrived at Bridgerton House for Christmas, Mary was astonished to see how much Kate acted as a mother, rather than governess, to the children.
She saw the light in Lord Bridgerton's eyes and watched him carefully, but aside from looking, it seemed he had no designs on her daughter. He, of all people, must have understood the delicate equilibrium which had been achieved, and how easily it could be disrupted by any unwise actions on his part.
In truth, while Edwina was delighted to spend time with the Bridgerton children and her sister, Mary grieved to see Kate embrace the position she'd made for herself. Her daughter should be allowed to have her own children, her own husband, her own family to look after. Her daughter should be allowed to be part of the family as a wife and mother, not as a hired hand. It broke her heart, but since Kate seemed happy, Mary did not say anything.
It was fortunate that Lord Bridgerton's relatives wholly approved of Kate and did not mind the strange purgatory she lived in. If anything, they seemed to question why Lord Bridgerton hadn't already proposed and married Kate. Little Hyacinth even went so far as to sometimes call Kate "Mama." When Mary first heard the little girl say it, she froze, afraid that Lord Bridgerton would lash out.
He did no such thing. Instead, he just looked at Kate and Hyacinth fondly, while Kate corrected Hyacinth that she was not her mama, she was her Kate.
What Kate did not understand, but Mary knew with her heart, was that when Hyacinth said "Kate," she meant "Mama" anyway. Mary knew this because it had been the same for her.
The trouble finally emerged at the dinner after Christmas, when no one knew where Kate should be seated.
Should she be seated with the children, as their governess? Should she be seated next to Lady Mary, as Mary was a guest and Kate was her daughter? Certainly she would not be sitting opposite Lord Bridgerton, but it was impossible for them to be in the same room without everyone seeing Lord Bridgerton's affection for her. Yet the children were so used to dining with her, they were puzzled when she was not with them. No one could countenance her avoiding the dinner altogether.
Kate was uncharacteristically silent for this debate, which took place entirely between Lord Bridgerton and his aunt; his aunt thought it might be best to have Kate with the children; Lord Bridgerton would not hear of it. Like a true lord of his station, he did not care about and possibly purposely oblivious to the heavy hints his aunt dropped with respect to his relationship to Kate.
The solution-- which was no solution at all-- was that she would be seated with Lady Mary (as far as possible from Lord Bridgerton as possible). His aunt decided that it was best to get the unpleasantness out of the way now, among members of the ton who liked Anthony, to essentially confirm what had been rumored as soon as Kate stepped foot in Bridgerton House: that Kate was governess in name only.
The guests really had no idea how to classify Lord Bridgerton's relationship with his governess. They were not sleeping together-- how they knew this to be true, they did not know, but it was somehow clear-- but he held very deep affection for her; yet there was no sign he planned to marry her; but she was extremely intelligent and raised by Lady Mary; and the children considered her to be their mother; the staff treated her like the lady of the house. The only thing they could lamely conclude was that... she was the governess.
Governesses held a sort of strange, ambiguous position in society anyway. That Kate's was a bit stranger than most was immaterial, they decided. She became the open secret of the ton, simply referred to as the Viscount's Governess-- as though this in and of itself was a title, akin to the Viscount's Solicitor, the Viscount's Steward, the Viscount's Housekeeper.
It was a title distinct from the Viscount's mistresses. The children might have many tutors and other governesses, but everyone understood that if one referred to the Viscount's Governess, they were speaking of Kate. Everyone else was "the governess who worked at Bridgerton House" or something along those lines.
In Kent, she was known as Kate because she was one of them.
In London, she held her own title because the ton thought of her as belonging to one of them. Belonging-- in a proprietary sense, not in an inclusive one.
In Bridgerton House, Kate belonged to no one but herself. She was Kate-- sister, mother, and wife depending on who spoke her name.
Lord Bridgerton did not become Anthony until Benedict forced the issue. Once he'd graduated from Cambridge and returned home, he was tired of being called "Mr. Bridgerton" day in, day out. He accomplished what Anthony had not been able to achieve for over a year of cajoling, eye rolling, prodding, reminding.
Kate would never forget Anthony's smile at family dinner when she called him by his given name for the first time.
Benedict would never forget it either.
There were a few weeks when he'd been furious with Anthony for not marrying Kate; no matter how much Benedict tried to bait his brother, Anthony refused to betray Kate's confidence. Until Kate finally understood the source of the tension between the brothers, took Benedict aside and told him of the impossibility.
Benedict didn't know how to react. Because for Kate to marry Anthony meant Benedict and his son would be the heir. He was freshly graduated from Cambridge, young and certain he understood what it meant to live with the uncertainties of the world.
It turned out he did not understand at all.
His gaping silence and utter bewilderment was yet another grief which sliced through Kate's heart. She didn't know why it hurt so much, but it did. Perhaps it was because she'd hoped Benedict would understand what it meant to her, to have to carry this with her always; but she did not blame him for thinking of himself first, and what it would have meant for Kate to marry Anthony and produce no children.
Still, it hurt. To be thought of, even by a man who considered her his sister, as a broken vessel. A person whose body failed in its essential societal duty, and in consequence could have turned his life upside down.
It hurt to see that tiny, minuscule flicker of relief on Benedict's face, that Anthony had not married her and thus had not placed the responsibility of siring an heir on Benedict.
(In the coming years, Benedict's sense of duty would change drastically, but the damage was done by that one moment of unconscious reaction. He knew he'd had some sort of reaction-- some sort of incredibly damaging reaction-- by the way Kate's face crumpled for half a second. Just as he would never forget his brother's smile, he would never forget Kate's devastation. If he could go back and undo it entirely, he would have. It was one of his greatest regrets.)
When Anthony found her late at night sobbing in their study-- he was furious with his brother.
Kate was too generous at heart and forgave Benedict as soon as he apologized.
Anthony, however, held it against his brother for months.
Benedict did not blame him for it.
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adviceelegal · 2 years
Employment Solicitors in London Adviceelegalonline
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Are you looking for the best Employment Solicitors in London? Whether you are a unionized worker or not, national or foreign, or in another situation, our partner lawyers can guide and defend you. Initially, they will listen to you attentively and answer all your questions as part of their primary mission of advice and information. Then, in case of disagreement with the employer, they will endeavor to favor an amicable agreement. If necessary, however, they will represent you before arbitration boards or the courts.
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itsrattysworld · 25 days
Without Prejudice Mervelee Myers Share Stories 18 Facebook Pages Disabled 2023 LinkedIn Stolen 3 Accounts 1st 69 Publications Google My Business Suspensions Twitter Blocking Instagram Threats TikTok 55K Views 300+ Comments Andrew Holness Guy Lawfull Mark Upton Stole My Vision Website YouTube 6.9K+ 1K Subscribers Led To Cyberbullying Strikes To Take Channels Narin Masera Devonshires Solicitors LLP Repossession Letter Housing For Women July 2023 DJ Sterlini Label Violent Nuisance 1/8/23 Meet Nigel Pearce Elim House Invited A New Met For London Launch Sir Mark Rowley Sign IN HONOUR OF STRONG WOMEN EVERYWHERE Richard Blakeway HOS Dr. Joanna Pennack Nexus Health Group Gayle Lewis PALS Am Barricaded From Debbie Gilchrist Joe Hooper Waiting For MCP Contractors To Sort Flooding Bathroom Kitchen H4W Failed To Adhere To Tenancy Agreement Was Member Scrutiny Panel Minute Taker Complaints April 2019 Detailed Discrimination At Alma Grove Bermondsey Life Did Not Begin When Samantha Gibbs Trina Philbert Employed To Treat Tenants With Misogyny Of Employers Reference HMCTS CPS CJS IOPC JCIO BSB SRA CCMCC MOPAC CLCC DBS Involvement In Miscarriages Of Justice Rev Rose Hudson-Wilkin Will Give Evidence I Have Rights To Defend My Name 10/9/2024
Refer to Watch “@theblacawards4512 #mimiowusu & #scammer #friend #trinidad Liz with @housingforwomen8227 #haters” on YouTube Inbox Search for all messages with label Inbox Remove label Inbox from this conversation Mervelee Myers <[email protected]>Sun, 8 Sept, 18:12 (2 days ago)to me, MFC ReplyForwardAdd reaction Hi there,We’re reaching out because members of the YouTube…
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hudsonmckenzie · 26 days
Transfer of workforce and increasing responsibility of an UAE immigration lawyer
The ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the sudden radical political shift in the US has suddenly despised a large number of global firms to transfer their company executives deployed to various nations to the U.S. for their designated roles. This can also be attributed to the fact that the US has come out as the clear winner in the race of nations for being the world’s trade capital.
The US-based employers can guarantee their employees safe and lawful visits by abiding by the visa categorizations on the basis of the professional context of the transferee, the duration of the employee’s proposed stay, the nationality of the foreigner, and a number of various other norms. These nuances about foreigner’s visits and stays are all mentioned in the Immigration and Nationality Act.
The foreign business travellers arriving in the US rely on B-1 visas which compliments them legally a short stay which can be anything less than 12 months. There is no scope for U.S. employers to recompense these visitors. A person who visits the US as a business visitor can take part in the following activities while his stay:
•             Discuss planned investment or purchases
•             Attend meetings and participate in them fully
•             Conduct negotiations
•             Solicit sales or investment
•             Make investments or purchases
•             Interview and hire staff
•             Conduct research.
Also, you must be aware of the fact that people entering in the U.S. for tourism or commercial purpose for 90 days or less from eligible countries (such as Western Europe, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand) may be entitled to visit the U.S. without a visa if their prerequisites match with the visa waiver program requirements. The nuances involved in the immigration approval process has upheld an all-new stream of Immigration Solicitors in London who are proficient in their work. The leading immigration solicitors in London bifurcate company-sponsored employment approval for foreign nationals into two categories:
(1) Immigrant status or permanent residency: a company may patron a foreign national for permanent residence.
(2) Non-immigrant status: a particular employer may seek permission to hire a foreign person for a particular period of time as a provisional employee.
AnUAE immigration lawyer has found some visa categories that allow the transitioning from Non-immigrant (Temporary) Residency Status to Immigrant (Permanent) Residency Status, but these privileges are not covered in all categories. These cases are handled under the influence of dual-purpose where some non-immigrants are allowed to enter and/or stay in the U.S. provisionally with a non-immigrant visa (such as H-1 or L) even though they have exhibited a long-term commitment to stay lastingly. B-1, B-2 and F-1 categories do not permit themselves to the application of the dual intent principle.
Each visa category has extremely specific regulations which are looked after carefully by an UAE immigration lawyer, most of which easily harmonize between the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), a portion of the Department of Homeland Security, and other U.S. government departments, such as the Labor Department for smooth and easy redressal of clients because the timelines are very important in this kind of cases and involve large documentation.
The major visa categories for the temporary non-immigrant employment of foreign nationals include L-1A (Multinational Managers/Executives), L-1B (Specialized Knowledge), H-1B (Professional Workers), and TN Application (Canada and Mexico).
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lexlawuk · 3 months
Guide to UK Self-Sponsorship Skilled Worker Visa
If you are looking to set up a new business in the UK or own an existing UK business, you might be eligible for a Skilled Worker visa through self-sponsorship, which involves being sponsored by your own UK company. This article outlines the process and requirements for obtaining a UK self-sponsor visa and highlights why instructing our Leading London Immigration Law Firm is crucial for a…
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gwhsolitcitors · 9 months
Discover the real-life experiences of our valued clients. Read their testimonials to understand our commitment to excellence.
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theretirementstory · 27 days
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08/09/2024. Bonjour tout le monde, it is currently 15c and the sun is shining brightly.
It has been a fantastic week which culminated in a birthday 🥳. “Mr. Solicitor” and “The Recovery Coordinator” arrived bringing with them “The Great British Weather”, to be honest I would have preferred them to have left it at home, but nevertheless it was great to see them. Mind you two adults stripping off in my front hall was not the reunion I had expected, but as they were soaked to the skin it was better than dripping water all around the house. My neighbour had been to pick them up at the station, I think an “ark” would have been a better mode of transport as his car was soaked inside while getting luggage and people into it. On Friday we noticed he had a new car……. was this due to the water which had poured into the old one on Monday?????
I have eaten more this week than I have done in ages and I think I have kept my visitors tummies full too.
They have done shopping for me, been out for long walks and then have returned home to read. I have been gifted 14 books 😮 so I don’t need to buy any for some time.
Friday, we got a taxi into town and went to a restaurant for lunch. We all had pizza followed by some amazing desserts. It was a restaurant “Mr. Solicitor” and I had visited back in 2019 and he really loved the food then too. It was a good choice and afterwards (as it was rather sunny) we wandered down to the Hôtel de Ville, which is where I snapped these photos.
My friends have just messaged me, rather than visiting, leaving me time to spend with my family.
My gorgeous granddaughter returned to school this week and at the end of the week was given an award. Apparently it’s a weekly award for resilience and respect, how wonderful. She was thrilled to see her brother at assembly with Mummy and Grandad.
Spending my birthday with family makes for a lovely day. I don’t normally mind being here alone but it is such a change. Last year my birthday coincided with having my stem cell transfusion, I was in hospital for three weeks. It was ok having my birthday in hospital but it is a whole lot nicer being at home (with family).
I think I have to go to hospital twice this week, Monday is treatment day in Paris and I am booked into Troyes on Wednesday for my platelet transfusion. I hope to have two workmen coming on Tuesday, keeping my fingers crossed for that. It will be lovely to get this work done and out of the way before the winter sets in.
“The Photographer” is going to London next , staying overnight and then doing some photos for his current employer. That’s great, getting more jobs with his camera is good.
The music section this week will be pretty old ones (again) but sometimes it’s so nice to hear them again. The first one is “Stumblin’ In” by Suzi Quatro and Chris Norman this is from 1978 and is one of those songs that gets into your head and you keep humming or singing it. The second song is by Randy Crawford, it’s “Almaz” which was released in 1986.
So today I received a video call from my grandchildren, they had been baking cakes and cookies yesterday, was that to celebrate “Grand-meres” birthday? Of course I had to show them my presents, I think they were amazed that I had received two jigsaws 😃. Then I will be preparing for Paris on Monday I this afternoon I will relax (probably with a book).
Whatever you are doing today, have a wonderful time.
Bon dimanche.
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onyxsolicitors · 1 month
Corporate Law Firms in Birmingham and London: Your Partners in Business Success
Navigating the complexities of corporate law is essential for any business looking to thrive in today's competitive market. Whether you're a startup, SME, or a large corporation, having the right legal support can make all the difference. Onyx Solicitors, with offices in Birmingham and London, is a leading corporate law firm that provides expert legal services tailored to your business needs. Our experienced team is here to help you navigate every legal aspect of your business, ensuring compliance, minimizing risks, and maximizing opportunities.
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Why Choose Onyx Solicitors for Corporate Law?
As a business, you need legal partners who understand the unique challenges and opportunities within your industry. At Onyx Solicitors, we offer:
Expertise Across Multiple Sectors: Our team of corporate law specialists has extensive experience across various industries, including technology, finance, manufacturing, real estate, and more. We provide bespoke legal solutions that align with your business objectives.
Comprehensive Legal Services: From company formation and corporate governance to mergers, acquisitions, and dispute resolution, we offer a full range of corporate legal services. Our goal is to protect your interests and help your business grow.
Strategic Advice: We don't just offer legal advice; we offer strategic counsel. Our lawyers work closely with you to understand your business goals and provide legal solutions that support your long-term success.
Local and Global Reach: With offices in Birmingham and London, we are well-positioned to serve businesses across the UK and internationally. Whether you're expanding locally or looking to enter new markets, our team is here to guide you.
Client-Centric Approach: At Onyx Solicitors, our clients are at the heart of everything we do. We pride ourselves on delivering personalized service, clear communication, and practical solutions.
Our Corporate Law Services
At Onyx Solicitors, we provide a wide range of corporate law services designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. Our services include:
Company Formation and Structuring: We assist with the legal setup of your business, advising on the most suitable structure and ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements.
Corporate Governance: We help businesses implement effective governance frameworks, ensuring that your company operates smoothly and in accordance with legal standards.
Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A): Our team provides comprehensive legal support for mergers, acquisitions, and disposals. We manage the entire process, from due diligence to negotiation and completion.
Commercial Contracts: We draft, review, and negotiate contracts that protect your interests and minimize risks. Whether it's supplier agreements, partnership contracts, or service agreements, we've got you covered.
Dispute Resolution: In the event of a dispute, our corporate lawyers provide expert representation. We focus on resolving conflicts efficiently and effectively, whether through negotiation, mediation, or litigation.
Employment Law for Businesses: We advise on all aspects of employment law, from drafting contracts to handling disputes. Our goal is to help you manage your workforce while staying compliant with the law.
Intellectual Property (IP) Protection: Protecting your intellectual property is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. We help you secure and enforce your IP rights, including trademarks, patents, and copyrights.
Corporate Law Services in Birmingham
Birmingham is a dynamic and thriving business hub, home to a diverse range of industries. At Onyx Solicitors, we understand the unique challenges faced by businesses in Birmingham. Our local expertise allows us to provide tailored legal solutions that support your growth and success in the region.
Whether you're a startup looking for legal advice on company formation or an established business seeking support with complex transactions, our Birmingham team is here to help.
Corporate Law Services in London
As one of the world's leading financial centers, London offers unparalleled opportunities for businesses. However, with opportunity comes complexity. Our London office provides expert corporate legal services to help businesses navigate the intricate legal landscape of the capital.
From handling high-value mergers and acquisitions to advising on corporate governance and compliance, our London team is equipped to support your business at every stage.
Why Corporate Law Matters for Your Business
Corporate law is not just about compliance; it's about protecting your business and enabling growth. By working with Onyx Solicitors, you gain access to legal expertise that helps you:
Mitigate Risks: We help you identify and manage legal risks before they become major issues.
Stay Compliant: Our team ensures that your business adheres to all relevant laws and regulations, reducing the risk of penalties and legal challenges.
Drive Growth: With our strategic legal advice, you can make informed decisions that support your business objectives and drive growth.
Get in Touch with Onyx Solicitors Today
Whether you're based in Birmingham, London, or anywhere else in the UK, Onyx Solicitors is here to provide the corporate legal support your business needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out how we can help you achieve your business goals.
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lauralot89 · 2 months
"My employers, your solicitors, expect me back in London."
"We shall see."
Dracula what the hell does that mean
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