#empires smp ensemble cast
anony-mouse-writer · 2 years
Smajor: An accomplished doctor from high society, he is primarily a skilled surgeon, but is trained in a variety of medical fields. Often described as a bit cold by his patients, he is nonetheless a long time and valued member of the saints expedition teams.
Mythical: Sn expert in geography and wildlife with a lifetime of globetrotting experience. The older and estranged cousin of the twins, he met them after starting the Saints Expeditions and shortly invited them on. He and Pearl used to adventure together on occasion, exploring lost secrets and ancient ruins. He has a preternatural sense of danger and occasionally seems to know things he oughtn’t. Though he’s never asked Pearl what happened on her last expedition or why she retired, she thinks he may have an idea anyways.
Pearl: The wealthy patron of a dubiously legal band of explorers known as the Saints Expedition teams. She is an ex adventurer and a champion fencer and fighter. Though she herself cannot go, for mysterious and definitely-not-at-all-magical reasons, she often sends her teams on adventures around the globe searching for strange tales and stranger artifacts.
Pixlriffs: An archeologist and historian with a fascination in magics. He met Joel during their undergrad and they became friends through long study nights and early coffee cram sessions. When Joel found the Phantom Journal, he became fascinated to the point of obsession and has been trying to get funding for an expedition to find Aquatis since.
Joel: An expert in ancient architecture and longsuffering friend of pixlriffs’ “magic” theories. During his studies of ancient architecture, he found an old tome by some pretentious idiot called ‘Phantom’ with several architectural designs that didnt match with any known peoples or locations. Showing Pixlriffs did mean he had a partner to learn the language with so he could study the book more, but it did unfortunately mean he was subjected to literal years of his friend’s obsession with magics. Of course that doesnt mean he doesnt also want to find these lost buildings, no matter what the university’s stuffed shirts and coin counters say.
Katherine Elizabeth: A chef and semi retired bounty hunter. She joined the Aquatis expedition for an adventure. Katherine knows just about every flower there is to know and their uses. She carries a frankly alarming amount of seeds on her person along with a few of the ‘heads’ of her favorite bounties (they’re just masks). Though she has hundreds of bounties to her name, she now prefers peaceful resolutions in her ‘retirement’
Shelby: A communications expert with a mysterious tragic past. Since joining the Saints Expeditions, she’s created her own system of communication devices she calls ‘hounds’ which can be used to find and send encrypted limited communique to anyone in possession of one. She keeps trying to get Katherine to add mushrooms to the menu, but has yet to succeed.
Joey: An assassin and treasure hunter with an old legacy. Unbeknownst to the rst of the Saints Expeditions, his family once were priests at the elemental temples before the fall of Aquatis and the gradual decline of magic. They have spent several generations accumulating wealth and power- political and magical- in order to revive the temples. He has an uncanny knack with lizards and may or may not have a pet caiman depending who you ask.
Xornoth: An ex military combat specialist and tactician with a menacing grin. The secret child of a rich man’s affair, Xornoth was raised by their mother alone and joined the military as soon as they were able. After being discharged, they took up private contracting under various clients before being hired by Saints Expeditions.
part 1 | sir strawberry
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erstwhilesparrow · 2 months
🍓 🏜️ ❄️? for the ask game? if you want also 🍬?
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
hm... taizi, i think! i started reading their writing right around the same time i started high school and i went, "wait. you can just do this?" i'd read fanfic before this but taizi's work was what made it click for me that fanfic is, like, A Type Of Writing, and you can do it really well, and put it in places where people will see it and enjoy it. so i did the thing. wrote lego ninjago fanfic in microsoft word on the days school started late and i had nothing to do in the hour before the bus arrived.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
oh gosh, that's difficult. i think, and maybe this is too vague, maybe the ones that get into the crunch of the thing. i am always on my all fic is meta train, so i think comments that seem to Get That, and expand on or pull into the open my thinking are my favourites? also a big fan of when someone says something i didn't think about while writing, but is nevertheless There In The Fic! new insights! that's very cool to me.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
oh god oh fuck. i'm gonna take 'dream' here as meaning i cannot personally Make It Happen because a lot of the things i could say i dream about seeing in a fic are also things i could just put in a fic and tada, there, not a dream anymore. so it's gotta be some kind of stupid plot-heavy ensemble cast AU because that's just not the kind of thing i know how to write well enough to be satisfied with if i did it. i know if you asked me this again, like, tomorrow i would probably have a different answer, but right now i am sighing longingly about some kind of empires smp modern au. catrina belovedgamers and i were talking in dms the other day about a circus au in which some of the strays, stowaways, and outcasts of the world discover, with great joy, that they never have to go home again if they don't want to, and the idea of scott and shrub and joey (these three specifically, yes) getting happy endings amid the shenanigans of Circus makes me really tender. but it also has to be sad and difficult. it has to Deal with the corruption and xornoth and the fact that none of this is easy, and scott still has to try to kill himself and joey still has to get tangled up in xornoth and be just as prickly as he always is and shrub still has to lose everyone. and that's Just the three newest runaways this circus has picked up, all of wra is still here too, and so are pix and lizzie and joel and jimmy, so. do you see why this would be really fucking hard to write,
who would write it best? for it to be warming and gentle all the way through like a cup of tea at just the right temperature, probably taizi. but for it to pluck out the sad and difficult bits exactly right, probably alouette_des_champs, who consistently does The Best modern aus for pretty much every fandom they've written for. they are not in mcyt fandom at all, but they did this with drawga (comedy art actual-play web series), and atla, and naddpod (actual-play d&d podcast, also mostly comedy), and if there's anyone who could do this right i bet it's them.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
[guy who deliberately surrounds itself with people who have good fandom opinions that it generally agrees with voice] do i have. unpopular opinions. about popular fandom characters.
i think canary jimmy is deeply boring and gets focused in on to the exclusion of almost all the Interesting Things Literally Happening On The Screen? i have total faith that it can be a fun/useful/interesting framework with which to consider [jimmy in the life series] but mostly i think.... jimmy's got a personality in there. it feels weird that he seems so popular but so few people have Things To Say About Him outside of what he represents to other life series members.
i dunno, that feels like a really easy take to have, just disagreeing with The Most Popular fanon. and maybe i haven't Reviewed The Literature enough. but that seems like it meets the requirements. so!
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ardegea-blog · 8 years
A Little Tribute to MCU (and Stan Lee)
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HELLO FELLAS! Udah lama sejak postingan tumblr yang terakhir :)). Dan tulisan ini adalah tulisan tumblr pertama di tahun 2017 ini. Maafkan tumblr ini jadi ga keurus, umm.. karena... ada kesayangan baru nih.... ehehehe. 
Jadi kenapa baru sekarang nulis lagi?
So.. pertama tama gue mau nyampein tulisan ini akan billingual Bahasa Indonesia Sunda maaf kalo jadi pusing karena bahasanya nyampur nyampur atau karena kurang ngert bahasa inggrisnya, harap maklum aja hehe. 
Kedua, ini tulisan pertama gue tentang perfilman, kalo kalian suka, gue mungkin akan bikin banyak tulisan2 lainnya tentang film favorit gue. So let’s start shall we, Here we go
Senin pagi gue iseng iseng browsing sambil siap siap presentasi untuk kuliah PMIP, sampai akhirnya gue nemuin video announcement dari Marvel ini di YouTube dan I feel goosebumps all over my body, like seriously, It’s full of nostalgic feeling. All Aboard the hype train! 
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Memang sebelumnya Announcement Video pra produksi ini pernah dilakukan oleh Disney untuk film Star Wars: The Last Jedi tahun lalu, dan membuat heboh dan perbincangan hangat di kalangan para netizen di seluruh dunia. Apa arti dari The Last Jedi? Apa ini berarti Luke Skywalker akan mati? Apakah Rey akan tergoda dan berpaling pada Dark Side? Atau sebaliknya Kylo Ren yang kembali ke Light Side? Kalau kalian tanya gue, gue optimis Star Wars Episode VIII ini akan penuh dengan suasana mencekam, make the viewers constantly on the edge of their seat, dan tentunya ga bakal ngebosenin. Itu karena gue ngeliat besar kemungkinan Last Jedi akan mengadaptasi plot film Empire Strikes Back, Which is the best Star Wars film until now, and one of the best sequel ever made.
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Tapi di tulisan ini gue ga akan ngebahas lebih lanjut tentang Star Wars, Gue akan ngebahas tentang Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity Wars Announcement Video. Bagi kalian yang belum liat videonya, check this out!
Finally guys, we got to see Thanos in Action! 
Setelah 9 film semenjak The Avengers akhirnya Thanos bangkit dari kursinya dan langsung turun tangan berhadapan langsung dengan barisan superhero terbaik yang Marvel punya di MCU. (Sori aja Fantastic Four, Kalian ga pantes gabung di MCU)
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FYI, I Really Love Watching Films. And I’m not ashamed to admit that for some film, I love watching a good film more than reading a good book. Yes I’m not kidding. Seringkali abis nonton film saking bagusnya sampai ngebuat gue penasaran sama bukunya, dan mulai nyari nyari bukunya. 
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Ah di, lu orangnya pasti males ya masa lebih suka nonton film
Ya ya kalian boleh bilang begitu, tapi ingat gue bilang kalau pernyataan itu berlaku untuk beberapa film. Contohnya Lord of The Rings, gue jaman kelas 1 SD mana tau kalo buku karangan JRR Tolkien yang terbit setengah abad lalu ternyata sangat bagus, aing jaman SD malah gak tau kalo filmnya berdasarkan buku ._. Lalu ada Harry Potter (terutama yang Prisoner of Azkaban. This movie is a real masterpiece. Thanks Alfonso Cuarón for making my childhood a great one)
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Ga ketinggalan ada film seperti, The Prestige, Children of Men (Satu lagi karya Alfonso Cuarón), sama film klasik The Godfather, Jaws, Silence of the Lambs, film jadul yang bahkan ditonton sekarang pun masih bagus dan gak bikin bosen. Ga peduli itu film Drama atau film Horror, film Kartun, atau film Action, Thriller atau Science fiction, Genre Epic Saga atau Noir Crime. Film adaptasi komik, novel atau kejadian di dunia nyata, Gue juga sangat suka Serial TV yang bagus seperti Game of Thrones, Sherlock. Anime berpuluh-puluh episode (Avatar:The Last Airbender, Fullmetal Alchemist, Code Geass). dan masih banyak lagi. Gue enjoy berbagai film dari berbagai genre.
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Pada film yang bagus ada keajaiban khusus yang gak bisa dideskripsikan, the magic of technicolor world just flow. Sangat memuaskan menonton film dengan plot yang menarik, dibawakan oleh aktor dan aktris yang menjiwai perannya dengan baik, ditambah cinematography yang ciamik, sutradara yang berkelas dan membawa kita melihat karakter yang kita lihat dilayar berkembang dan belajar sampai akhirnya jadi karakter yang kita kagumi di akhir film (atau serial TV).
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Lalu apa jadinya jika banyak film bagus yang berdiri sendiri, punya cerita yang saling berkaitan?
Banyak orang dan sempat skeptis akan ide ini, tapi kemudian Marvel merilis film The Avengers tahun 2012 lalu, dan film ini mengguncang seluruh jagat film, Film ini disukai banyak orang, mendapat banyak penghargaan termasuk Oscar, menjadi film terlaris di tahun itu dengan total pendapatan 1,5 miliar USD worldwide! Menempatkannya di tahta peringkat 3 film paling laris di dunia (disusul Star Wars VII, dan Jurrasic World).
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Tak hanya itu kesuksesan film Avengers membuka jalan untuk kesuksesan film film selanjutnya, karena di akhir film kita tau bahwa the ultimate and the most badass supervillain of all time hasn’t come out yet, yups benar, dia adalah Thanos
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Hal ini berarti orang-orang yang seneng dengan Avengers akan setia menonton seluruh film dalam MCU agar bisa terus up to date dengan ceritanya. Sama kayak ibu ibu yang gak mau ketinggalan sinetron Indianya, atau ukhti ukhti yang gak mau kelewatan satu episode pun drakor favoritnya. 
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Dan berkaca dari kesuksesan Marvel, produser2 film pun berlomba melakukan hal yang sama, temasuk juga produser film Indonesia. Saking masif dampaknya hingga semuanya ingin menjiplak MCU, namun kebanyakan berujung dengan kegagalan total. DC Extended Universe collapse setelah BvS Dawn of Justice serta Suicide Squad gagal memenuhi ekspektasi. Bisa diprediksi Justice League pun mungkin bisa sedikit lebih baiktidak akan jauh dari sana. 
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Lalu di Indonesia ada Rudy Habibie, Surga yang Tak Dirindukan 2 dan masih banyak lagi.
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Oke mari kita balik lagi ke topik
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Ketika pertama kali nonton film Iron Man (2008), gue masih di bangku SMP film ini sangat bagus dan berkesan untuk gue yang masih polos di SMP. Tapi film ini memberi dampak besar saat duduk bangku SMA dimana film ini selalu diputar berualang ulang di Bioskop Trans TV. Gue pun terinspirasi sosok seorang Tony Stark yang selain merupakan pebisnis ulung dia juga seorang engineer yang brillian. 
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Coba bayangkan, Ia bisa membuat reaktor nuklir seukuran kepalan tangan di dalem gua penjara sarang teroris untuk menyelamatkan dirinya dan mentenagai battle suit canggih agar bisa kabur. It’s so awesome, walaupun fiksi tapi mampu membuat gue semakin termotivasi untuk masuk ITB dan menjadi seorang Engineer.
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Saat kelas 2 SMA dan Avengers baru keluar beberapa hari gue langsung ajak sekeluarga buat nonton. Saat nonton gue bingung akan adanya karakter Loki dan Thor, ternyata gue skip nonton Thor dan baru nonton DVD nya di rumah Rifqy sambil ngerjain tugas kelompok pelajaran B, Indo, bikin acara acara TV =D
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Iron Man 2 dan Avengers membuat gue memantapkan cita-cita untuk jadi seorang Insinyur Mesin (Mechanical Engineer) dan ikut mengembangkan teknologi energi bersih dan terjangkau untuk Indonesia dan membuat tanah air ini mandiri, rakyatnya pintar, melek teknologi dan sejahtera. I want to be the real life Iron Man of indonesia. Some of you may laugh.. but hey.. people say dream BIG right? This is my dream.
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Semester 2 di ITB gue dibuat ternganga dan terkagum dengan Captain America : Winter Soldier. Mulai dari sana gue mulai terikat dengan idealisme, keheroikan dan patriotisme Captain America
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Kemudian masih di tahun yang sama ketika sudah memasuki semester pertama di Teknik Mesin ITB. Gue dikenalkan dengan this fun-wacky-space-Avengers called Guardians Of Galaxy. Film yang sangat original dan menghibur.
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Di penghujung semester 6, Civil War dirilis dan gue dikenalkan dengan Black Panther dan Spiderman yang baru. Di Semester 7, Benedict Cumberbatch yang malang melintang manjadi aktor papan atas setelah gebrakannya di serial Sherlock masuk ke MCU sebagai Doctor Stephen Strange
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Kemudian akan ada Infinity wars, Film yang kemungkinan besar akan merebut tahta film paling laris dari Avatar. Didukung dengan ensemble cast penuh bintang hollywood papan atasKetika film Infinity Wars keluar, insya allah gue sudah lulus dan mulai membangun mimpi gue. The dream that was inspired by, and accompanied by these great films for this past 9 years. Film yang gue enjoy, juga dengan cameo cameo dari Stan Lee yang selalu hadir di tempat tak terduga dan gak jarang karakternya sangat menghibur. 
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Gue ga kebayang kalo Stan Lee tidak mendirikan Marvel Comic, dan Marvel Studios tidak memproduksi film Iron Man, which kick start this whole universe. Mungkin saja gue ga diterima di ITB dan berjuang di jurusan yang terkenal angker dalam memberi nilai ini, bertemu orang-orang yang luar biasa juga menginspirasi dengan caranya masing-masing, kemudian bertemu dengan pujaan hati gue. All of these may not be possible without Stan Lee and Marvel Studios. :’))
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Now I say to teenagers/adults/kids or any MCU fan across the world, as the first saga in the MCU comes to a close... 
Let me just say : May the MCU make many more movies and TV shows over the next 50 yrs so our kids and their kids can get the same enjoyment and satisfaction we did when we grew up with these characters. 
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May they continue to bring inspiration for generations and generations of people who dare to dream and dare to act. Because that’s exactly what this nation need, people who stepped up and face everything with courage, and unite to bring Indonesia... to glory...
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This is my little tribute, mohon maaf bila sedikit panjang dan cukup membingungkan dan bila ada salah salah kata, semoga bermanfaat untuk semuanya terutama untuk diri penulis. Let me know if you like it and if you want to share your story ask.fm/ardegeaa. 
Long live Marvel Cinematic Universe, Long live Stan Lee. And as always thanks for your attention. Have a good day. Cheers!
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