#emperor Bheem
veteran-fanperson · 2 years
Fool's Gold
This is a story I had already written for another ship which I subsequently deleted. Is already complete, so updates will be fast. Ram is an orphan in this one, but with no secondary family either. Babai features as Ram's friend and colleague instead of his Babai. The world setting is pure fantasy.
Not beta-read, please excuse any errors.
The Kingdom of Malayadripuri, impoverished, inhospitable, set in the midst of barren hills, has long been subservient to the Gond Empire. Too beaten down to fight for independence, her people live in abject misery. An order from the Gond Emperor arrives one winter's evening, pushing Malayadripuri to its limits, forcing them to take a stand.
Rama Raju, one of the Royal Mages of Malayadripuri is sent to Tamaramandalam, the capital city of Malayadripuri. His mission is simple - Assassinate Komaram Bheem, Emperor of the Gonds.
Read on AO3 here.
Reliefs of Paidamma Talli, the Goddess of Agriculture, Hunting, Hearth and Home, decorate most buildings in the Kingdom of Malayadripuri. The Goddess is always depicted surrounded by livestock, her heavy breasts leaking milk, her hair decorated with a golden wreath of barley. A bow lies on her lap, flowers bloom at her feet and a tender green pumpkin vine twists itself around her ankle. She has an expression of benign nobility, her arms outstretched and bountiful.  
Worship me , she seems to say, and I will fulfil all your desires . 
Looking at the cast gilt-bronze panel in his room at the Guild, Rama frowns. It doesn’t matter how hard the desperate peasants of his homeland beseech her, any harvest the poor soil yields is immediately seized to offer as a tribute to the Gond Empire, leaving them with a pittance. 
By the time the next sowing season comes round, peasant families are nearly always a member or two short, dead of hunger or the bitter cold. 
Rama’s own parents had died when he was a mere infant, his father hanging from the rafters after realizing he couldn’t support his wife or their baby through the winter. His mother had followed shortly after.
Paidamma Talli is a symbol of their compliance to the Gonds, a gesture of their submissiveness to the Gond Emperor. 
Rama hates the very sight of her.
“We have been summoned for an audience with the Prince,” Venkateshwarulu, his partner-mage at the Guild whispers to him as they sit down for breakfast, magically charming open the letter that was just delivered. 
“Does it mention why?” Rama asks him, cutting his steamed tapioca into careful pieces. 
“None at all. Just that it is a matter of great importance and secrecy.”
“It always is,” Rama sighs. 
“Ugh,” Venkateshwarulu complains, frowning at his pongal, “this is horrendous. I do wish we get a more acceptable cook sometime soon. Even the servants at home eat better meals.”
Rama shrugs and eats his breakfast silently. Venkateshwarulu is the only child of one of the few noble families of Malayadripuri and has grown up in the lap of luxury, but Rama has subsisted on Ragi slop and rancid khichdi in the orphanage. Even if he had survived into adulthood, he would have been nothing more than yet another landless laborer, toiling all day during the season for a bit of grain and a corner to sleep in.
His magic had saved him from that life.
Rama braids his long hair carefully, tying it off with a piece of black string. His angavastram is lying on the bed behind him, along with the ceremonial staff presented to him on his graduation. He preferred the rougher, mahogany staff he had crafted himself, though the ceremonial one was better at focusing his magic. Its fault lay in the fact that it was far too delicate to wield in a real battle. 
Rama takes one last look at himself before draping the angavastram on, an uncomfortable navy blue silk one with a large zari border. There’s gold filigree work throughout and he hates how he looks in it, another pompous, empty headed nobleman, living off the blood and tears of the desperately poor souls under them.
He remembers the day he left the orphanage clearly. He had been with Gayatri that morning and they were playing cops and robbers. He had almost caught up to her when she started screaming- high, shrill, screams that reverberated down the stone corridor and brought out one of the attendants, a cane in his hand, ready to thrash the offending child. He had stopped short as well and gaped at the ring of purple-green fire surrounding Gayatri, a fire no one could extinguish. Rama himself had fallen backwards in his fear, eyes fixed on the noxious looking flames. Someone had run to fetch the local mage’s assistant — a thin, wiry young man with pince-nez on his nose and a pinched expression.    
“It’s not real fire,” he had announced, stepping closer to the terrified Gayatri, his pince-nez illuminated by the eerie flames, highlighting his sunken cheeks.
Rama had known they weren’t real, though for the life of him he couldn’t explain why. 
“Then what is it?” the orphanage head had asked him, her tone wary. 
“An illusion. Take them away, boy,” he had snapped at Rama, thwacking the prone boy’s back with his staff. 
Rama had trembled, weeping. He tried to will the fire away, but couldn’t.
Huffing a disgusted sigh, the man had chanted a counter spell. 
“He has potential,” he had said, “my master would like to have him at the Academy. If he’s no good we’ll send him back, but otherwise he will stay there.”  
Of course no one had objected, and at the tender age of ten Rama had found himself inside the walls of the Academy, bound to be a servant of the Prince ever after. 
It was only years later that he had found out that anyone who found and sent a child with magic to the Academy would be rewarded a hefty amount. He had always wondered what price he fetched. 
“Rama?” Venkateshwarulu knocks at the door, “it is time to go.”
“Very well,” Rama says and steps out into the cold. 
The portrait of Anandalakshmi, the legendary crown princess of Malayadripuri, smiles down at them as they enter the Prince’s private sitting room. There are three other men already present. One of them Rama knows well enough — Krouncha, minister of state and one of Prince Viraata Shourya’s right hand men. The other two he only knows by sight — Ravisimha and Udghata, both members of the royal guard. They were both accomplished warriors, but as a mage he had very little to do with them. 
“Your Grace,” Venkateshwarulu says as he and Rama bow deeply. 
“You are late,” Viraata Shourya states coldly, “but no matter. Venkateshwarulu, charm the doors and windows. Rama,” he says as Venkateshwarulu hurries to do his bidding, “we have summoned you both here on a matter of great importance. Would you be so kind as to read this document aloud?”
“Yes, my lord,” Rama says, taking it from him. 
The letter is from Tamaramandalam, the capital city of Gond. It has the red tiger seal and sign of Komaram Bheem, the Emperor of Gond, and is addressed to Governor Abhaya Samaragiri of Malayadripuri, their official contact with the Empire. 
Rama is well aware that Viraata Shourya is only a demoted King, his title but a courtesy one, all the power rests with Governor Samaragiri. Malayadripuri is but a vassal kingdom to the Gond Empire, and it has been for hundreds of years. 
“Double the tribute?” Rama stutters as he reaches the offending line. Behind him, Venkateshwarulu utters a shocked gasp. 
“That will be all,” Viraata Shourya says, taking the letter from Rama’s lifeless fingers, “I am sure it has dawned upon you that this is a very... unreasonable request.”
“Our people will starve,” Rama says, “we cannot survive this.”
“Can we talk to the Governor?” Venkateshwarulu asks. 
“We have tried appealing to Governor Samaragiri. He refuses to intercede,” Krouncha says, his face impassive. 
“Your Grace, can we send an ambassador to Tamaramandalam to request - ” Rama starts to say, but is cut off by Krouncha’s booming voice. 
“And have that attempt fail as well, like the innumerable times we’ve sent desperate messages before? This is hardly the first preposterous demand the Gonds have made.”
“I...” Rama says, looking at the red seal with disgust, “what do we do then, Your Grace?”
“I have thought long and hard about this,” Viraata Shourya booms, “my first and only concern is for the people of our kingdom. We owe no loyalty to the Gonds. They are barbaric people who do not care for our suffering. You all know very well that our peaceful kingdom was attacked, our people enslaved, our land captured, all because the ancestor of the current Emperor wanted her .” He waves at the portrait of Anandalakshmi. 
Rama knows of the legend. How the beautiful princess was kidnapped in the night by men who claimed to be ambassadors from the Gonds over two thousand years ago. How her broken-hearted father sent his army to rescue her, hoping to find her before they escaped. They did not expect the entire might of the Gond army stationed at the border and were utterly routed in less than a fortnight. 
“Since we lost the war, we have been little but slaves to the Empire,” Viraata Shourya hisses, “generations of Emperors have come and gone and Malayadripuri is being bled out drop by drop by each one of them. We need to gain our freedom once again.”
“But Your Grace, we cannot afford a war,” Venkateshwarulu says, his face pale.    
“We are not going to go to war,” Viraata Shourya states, “the four of you are going to travel to Tamaramandalam within this week. You will seek employment within the royal palace, gain their trust. Once you achieve this, on my signal, you must assassinate Komaram Bheem.”
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blackknight-100 · 1 year
Can you write something with Vrishasena and Arjuna? Arjuna would have been such a good uncle and all of them would have been such a cute family.
Hello there anon! You're right on time, I wrote this in the return train ride lol.
About Arjuna being an uncle to Vrishsena, I'm not sure if you're asking for a canon-divergence? Let me know if you have a specific scenario in mind. But, for now, here is a canonical one:
3 times Vrishasena found his Uncle, +1 time it was otherwise.
Indraprashtha's Palace of Illusions is larger than the one in Anga, and infinitely more complicated than the one in Hastinapura. Vrishasena is, simply put, quite lost. His father's is in Uncle Duryodhana's retinue and far too busy smoothening the Prince's ruffled feathers to pay him any mind. The other Kings are not people he has been introduced to, and he's pretty sure approaching them for such a trifle would start a war. That left the Pandavas.
Vrishasena stops at the huge double-doors leading to the garden. Made of mahogany wood, they are twice as broad as he is tall, and eight times as high. He studies the carvings on them while he contemplates his options. Yudhisthir he refuses to ask for help - the Emperor-to-be referenced etiquette and scriptures eleven times in the six minutes he has known the man. Crown Prince Bheem is out of question, for obvious reasons. The twins are a good choice, but he doesn't know where they are. That leaves Prince Arjun, who is strolling in the garden with the King of Dwarka.
Vrishasena gives the guards a dubious look, then makes his way towards his target. Krishna notices him at once, and a beatific smile brightens up his face. He spreads his arms wide and turns towards Arjun. "Look, my friend. The Prince of Anga is here."
Arjun notices him and offers him a polite tilt of his head. "Namaste. How may I help you today?"
Vrishasena bows. "Namaste, I was looking for Prince Abhimanyu."
Arjun's face goes from courteously disinterested to downright suspicious in less than a second. "Why?" he asks, far too curtly in Vrishasena's estimation.
Krishna throws back his head and laughs. "These are two young boys in a bunch of nagging kings engaged in politics. What did you think would happen, Parth?"
Arjun flushes. Vrishasena hurries him along. "We're acquainted, Prince. He was gracious enough to offer to show me around."
"Oh," Arjun mumbles. "Try out the kitchens, he's always trying to charm an extra sweet out of the cook."
Vrishasena bows again. "I thank you. Have a good day."
He is quietly backing away when he hears Arjun's stiff reply. "You too. I hope you like Indraprashtha enough to visit again."
Hastinapura's Palace is a veritable playground for his brothers and the Kaurava children. Vrishasena, as the eldest of them all, has been saddled with the unenviable responsibility of minding them today. This, naturally, involves a great deal of screaming and shouting on his part, and a much greater indifference on the part of the children.
"Do not run in the corridors!" he yells after Lakshmanaa, who gathers up her skirts and runs faster. "They have been wiped. You're going to slip! Lakshmanaa!"
Lakshmanaa lets out a shrill shriek as he comes dangerously close to snatching her hand and turns around the corner. Vrishasena's only warning is a muffled "oof!" before he skids around the corner himself, and barrels straight into someone.
They collapse in a heap - him dazed, Lakshmanaa laughing and the man grunting out in pain.
"Oi, you!" says a feminine voice. Vrishasena looks up. A beautiful woman looms over them, dusky face cut through with a bright, toothy smile, eyes sparkling like diamonds. "Please free my husband," she requests, shoulders shaking with laughter. "Warrior though he may be, I fear he will not live long like this."
"Empress Draupadi," he manages, then scrambles over to see which of Kunti's scions he has had the misfortune of knocking over. Of course, because the universe hates him, it is his father's mortal enemy.
"Prince Arjun," he greets, somewhat stupidly, then drags a still-giggling Lakshmanaa off him. "Are you hurt?"
Arjun rubs his forehead. "Apart from my pride? No, I don't think so."
"We're sorry," Lakshmanaa offers, not sounding apologetic at all. "Brother Vrishasena is having a hard day."
"I wasn't the one who knocked him over," he protests, half tempted to wring his hands in frustration.
"You did fall over, though," Draupadi points out, then starts laughing again.
"Where are you going?" Lakshmanaa asks, not even portending to be subtle about changing the subject.
"Your father invited us to a Dyut Sabha," Prince Arjun says, just eager to move on. Humiliation is not a good look on him.
"I hope you enjoy your game," Vrishasena offers, then bows. "Come, Lakshmanaa, let's go."
"Listen, Vrishasena," Arjun calls after them. Vrishsena waves the little Princess away. "Don't tell Angaraaj this happened."
"Lakshmanaa will tell Unc- er- Prince Duryodhana."
Arjun sighs. "Duryodhana has seen lots of embarrassing situations first hand. One more is no gain for him."
"Okay," Vrishasena shrugs. "I won't lie to him if he asks, but I won't tell him on my own either."
Draupadi gives them both a bemused look, but Arjuna nods. "Thank you. That is all I ask."
It has been many years since Vrishasena saw Arjun. The Pandava Prince looks different now. His gaunt face is shielded by a scraggly beard, his hair is tangled and haggard. The finery he once bore with ease now hangs loose from his lean frame. The war and Abhimanyu's death have worn him down, perhaps more than it has worn down Vrishasena.
It is not easy to keep pace with Arjun - fabled archer that he is. But Vrishasena is Karna's son, blessed thrice by love of his parents, of the Kuru clan, and the love of his people. Ten times he pierces Kunti's youngest child, ten times more he goes after Dwarka's King. He fights even as his father and the Kauravas draw close, and Arjun taunts them with the inevitability of his demise.
The sight of him makes Vrishasena stop heckling Bheem. His charioteer tries to steer them after Bheem, but Krishna cuts through their path and draws up in front of them. In the distance, he sees the white conch of his father's flag flutter ever closer. Arjun lifts up his bow in challenge, and Vrishasena thinks quietly to himself, Death has come for me.
He does not have the breath to speak, but he thinks of his father and pleads fervently, Let me fight, let me go, and Karna, whether he hears it or not, stays away. Arjun's arrows take off his arms one after the other, and then take off his head. Vrishasena does not have the time to feel anything but relief.
Sometimes, Arjun thinks, it is better to be ignorant and live in bliss.
Yudhisthir sits slumped on the ground, head buried in his hands. Draupadi is quiet, eyes turned heavenwards in a blank stare. His other brothers are gathered around, gaping at their mother. Even Krishna is silent and still.
"I want to go home," Sahadev says suddenly, sounding like the little boy he was all those years ago when they made their laborious way from Shatashringa to Hastinapura. The words make Arjun's heart ache.
"We will be going home right after," Kunti soothes, placing a hand on his arm. He had ever been her favourite child.
Now, Sahadeva throws off her hand and turns away. "No!" he shouts, choking on a sob. "I will not go to that graveyard. I want to go home!"
Yudhisthir lets out a strange sound, somewhere between a hiccup and a cough. Arjun looks towards the burning pyres. Karna he cannot mourn - their history is longer than Vishnu's endless serpent and deeper than the waters of the ocean. But he thinks of Vrishasena, Karna's son and his nephew, sprawled on the ground - without arms or a head, and his stomach turns. He thinks of Karna killing Abhimanyu and can feel nothing but rage. He thinks of Vrishasena coming after Nakul, and feels his heart leaden with sorrow.
Somewhere among the burning pyres Vrishasena's body smoulders. Arjun dares not go search for him.
"I'm sorry," he tells the bitter winter air. He watches the words mist in front of his face, watches the mist float heavenwards, mingling with the smoke from the pyres. He thinks of himself weeping over Abhimanyu's mangled remains, thinks of Karna stoically arranging Vrishasena's severed parts for his last rites. He thinks of devoted friends and silent mothers and cursed thrones, and apologizes no more.
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Idea for an RRR X KGF fanfic:
When Rocky presumably "dies" from drowning in the ocean after the military shoot him down with missiles, he then gets mysteriously teleported/stranded to 1920s India. He then meets Ram and Bheem, who explain that they found him lying on a beach around their area, and then proceed to take care of him. After realising where he is, Rocky takes a liking to the pair, and so then he explains how he ended up here and further explains to the duo about his gangster life, his relationships and rivals, his time in KGF and how he became the Emperor of it, as well as explaining 1970s/80s culture in Post-Independant India to them. Rocky also gets into wacky shenanigans with the pair.
If anybody wants to make a nuanced version of this potential concept, feel free to do so! Just make sure to credit me please 👍
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eremin0109 · 2 years
RamBheem Jodha-Akbar AU where Akhtar (Bheem) is the Mughal emperor who marries Sita, a Rajput warrior princess. However it is merely a marriage of convenience as both of them are Gay. Ram is Akhtar's childhood best friend, the second-in-command of his army AND one of the "navratnas" in his court. He's also the head of his majesty's personal safety squad, the most elite military unit in the entire empire.
Now from here on out it could be a straightforward romance with Ram and Akhtar falling for each other. OR we can make it more spicy and have Ram be completely enchanted by Sita the moment Akhtar's marriage is fixed with her. Of course, he utterly despises himself for having these feelings for the future-Queen, who was also the fiance of his closest friend for crying out loud. So here we get an angsty, frustrating af love triangle where Ram pines after Sita while Akhtar pines after Ram and it's all a clusterfuck of complicated emotions. However then, in a tender, vulnerable moment with Akhtar Ram has an epiphany--he has been in love with Akhtar all this time too. And this sends him into an completely different spiral of battling his internal homophobia and debating the nature of his relationship with the Emperor.
After this angstfest though we have Ram coming to terms with his bisexuality and confessing his feelings first to the Empress and then the Emperor. Obviously he doesn't expect anything in return because, well, he IS Ram afterall. But we have Sita gently letting him down, telling him about her truth, revealing that she has a secret partner. He's absolutely heartbroken but being the soldier he is, wordlessly takes a vow to do whatever it takes to protect the Queen and her lover.
When he confesses to Akhtar however (obviously after a timeskip, after he's done panicking over being in love with a man, then being in love with the freaking King), things get more complicated. It is clear both of them want each other but they can't consummate right now because the empire is in turmoil right now and they're bound by duty to their country first and all that jazz. More angst ensues (you thought we were done? Muahahahahaha no) and things pretty much stay at an impasse (i.e. they both suffer in silence and yearn like idiots) until when they have to go to war.
And then on the battlefield, after a hard-earned victory when they're both covered in blood and Akhtar's smile is brighter than the sun shining on them, Ram says Fuck it in every single way possible and crashes his lips against Akhtar's right then and there, with possible thousands of pairs of eyes watching him. But Ram has no shits left to give because they could very well be dead tomorrow and damn him if he's going to go out with one more regret piled onto his already humongous heap.
Protocols are long forgotten, as is the strict hierarchy as Akhtar all but melts against his armour and Ram smiles as he draws him into his arms, claiming him in ways no one else could dare to, right in middle of the ground soaked by the blood of their enemies--it's a glorious conquest in more ways than one.
@rambheem-is-real @thewinchestergirl1208 @flyinlove @the-gayest-tree-you-ever-did-see @irisesforyoureyes @itsfookingloosah @icarus-f4lls @hissterical-nyaan @hufhkbgg @how-is-it-in-london @darlingletshurttonight @sinistergooseberries @kafkaesquebestie @bromance-minus-the-b @miriseven @maraudersbitchesassemble @fadedscarlets @obsessedtoafault @kashti15 @idk-abt-life @reallythoughtfulwizard @dilettantemuse @manwalaage @yehsahihai @hxnky-pxnky @chaotic-moonlight @eenadu-varthalu @mikabilis @mizutaama
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abeyyaaar · 4 years
Just finished watching Mahabharata & I have sooo many question!!!
Like I knew it's story since ages ago but now I know the entire family tree & who's who and why some of these "Great" people choose to side with Kauravas(though I disagree with their reasons/dharma & also Krishna reminded them later in the story)
I still don't know if the serial is completely canon or not bcoz mirch masala bohat lagaya hai!
Though the CGI was 🙈 I think they choose good actors atleast the lead ones,if not all!!
Favourite moments:
1.When Arjun meets Krishnafor the first time & next episode where they go in disguise to undertake a mission!
2.Draupadi prays to Krishna to save her from the disrobing.
3.Draupadi's monologue to the entire court of Hastinapur.(before as well as after)
4.Abhimanyu's death(I cried like a baby)
5.Karna's death & revelation (again I cried like a baby)
6.Bheem bathes Draupadi's hair in Dushashan's blood..😍😍😍
7.Krishna "convincing" Duryodhan before letting him go see his mother Gandhari.
8.Bheem's love for the Twins & giving them constant hugs & kisses!
9.Also,Saurabh Raj Jain as Krishna is the PEAK!! He has so much calmness in his voice😍 I can listen to all his pravachan all the time!
Things I could not watch/Fast forwarded:
1.The game of dice(fast forwarded it & still cried)
2.Dushashan assaulting Draupadi(fast forwarded that & still was an emotional wreck)
3.The constant humiliation of Karna because of his caste by everyone including all the "Idle" & loving characters.
Things I need answers to aka if someone makes Mahabharat again they should answer these questions!!
1.After Yudhishthira become the Emperor what happened to Dhritrashtra & Gandhari?Did they took sanyas & left the palace?
2.How did Gandhari's curse affected Yadav Clan and how the entire downfall happened?
3.How did Krishna die??
4.Did Uttara's child become a famous King?
5.What happened to Arjun's promise to Karna which he makes on the battlefield that as the eldest among them his kid will become the next Emperor??(is this even canon?😂)
6.How did Kunti die??
7.What happened to Arjun & Subhadra's marriage?
8,Also,why was Yuyutsu not mentioned??
9.I thought Vidur dint participate in the Battle bus was still in the palace with Dhritarashtra & Sanjay watching the battle..did I miss something?
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noolagan · 4 years
Chhota Bheem Kung Fu Dhamaka Movie - SneapPeak Free eBook
Chhota Bheem Kung Fu Dhamaka Movie – SneapPeak Free eBook
Price: (as of – Details) Bheem now stronger than ever is in the kingdom of China, participating in the emperor’s annual martial art competition. The world’s top fighters have assembled there and Bheem has his whole gang of friends from Dholakpur with him. The competition starts with Kalia to participating and while Bheem fights his way through the rounds. Kalia gets beaten and drops out. In the…
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railrestroblog · 5 years
A Journey towards the magical land of Madhya Pradesh- The Malwa Regions
Madhya Pradesh is the heart of India. This magical land is truly inspirable and if you’re a history buff or a travel enthusiast; then locations of Madhya Pradesh is best suited for you. It’s the state which has balanced division of land between mountains, plateaus and plains. One of the famous and ancient plateaus of India is Malwa Plateau, which has a historical province of north central region of our country bounded by Bundelkhand. Malwa derives its name from “Malaw” which mean “Goddess Lakshmi”. Located at an elevation of about 1650 to 2000 feet from the sea level, Malwa has found its mention by a Chinese traveller Xuanzang. It’s a land of cultural diversity and magnificence where one can find Gujarati, Marathi and Rajasthani culture in abundance. So this plateau is the perfect example of “Strength in Diversity” which is a specialty of our country. The famous masterpiece ‘Abhigyanshankutlam’ was written by the great play writer Kalidas who belong to this region. Chanderi and Maheshwari Sarees are two of the most celebrated handlooms produced in Malwa regions. Traveling to Madhya Pradesh via train is itself a fun and tasty food in train elevates your fun. RailRestro, an e-catering company, is at your service providing you to choose best food option in train and order them online to during your journey. 
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Places to visit at Malwa Region: Mahakal Temple of Ujjain which is one of the twelve Jyotirlinga in Malwa region. Many other temples like Harisiddi, Chintaman Ganesh are also present in MP. Tourism in Malwa Plateau is mostly associated with historical or religious significance. Some of the tourist attractions in the Malwa Plateau are:
1.  Ujjain- It is a home of 100 ancient temples revered with of Hindu culture and rich in exhibiting the finest architecture. Ujjain is also known as the Greenwich of India, as it was regarded by the prime meridian of India by Indian Geographers. Simhasta Mela which occurs once in 12 years makes this city more special.
2.  Mandu: The Fort Capital of Parmar Dynasty –Mandu, is the home of the most gigantic fort and buildings of India. The palaces of Mandu like Hosang Sah’s tomb, Hindola Mahal and Roopmati Mahal still speak of rich history and are alive with romance. Jahaz mahal shows its testament beauty of Afghan Architecture.
3.  Wildlife Parks- Madhya Pradesh is the land of wildlife parks where Malwa Plateau is a rich wildlife denizen and home to diverse flaura and fauna. From Bandhavgarh National Park, Pench National Park, Ranthambore National Park, to Kanha National Park and Rewa White Tiger Sanctuary, these’re some of the most important ones to visit. Royal Bengal Tigers & rare white tigers are found here.
4.  Khajuraho- Khajuraho is one of the top tourist destinations famous for its sculptures and rich cultural heritage of India. It has group of Hindu and Jain monuments which are known for their Nagara style of architecture.
5.  Bhimbetka- With 243 shelters, Bhimbetka is most interesting rock shelter in India situated near Bhopal. It’s a world Heritage Site on Malwa plateau where rock paintings of 30,000 BC are found. These rock formations resemble the ones in Spain and France.
6.  Chittorgarh- It is said that the beautiful Fort of Chittorgarh and it’s construction was initiated by Bheem, one of the five Pandavas. The walls of fort ring with incredible stories of valour. Rani Padmini’s Fort is also found in Chittorgarh who played a great role in the Rajputana history. It is believed that Alauddin Khilji saw the reflection of Queen Padmini on a pool and was so enchanted by her beauty that sent forces to abduct her.
7. Gwalior- Madhya Pradesh has made a significant contribution in the world of music. Musicians like Tansen and Baiju Bawra were from Gwalior and they’re a renowned personality in Indian music scene. Tansen Music Festival is celebrated every year in his tomb in Gwalior.
8.  Bhopal- Bhopal is known as “Lake City of India”. It’s true! There’re many natural and artificial lakes in the city. It is cleaved by two lakes known as North and South Bhopal. North Bhopal contains ancient mosques, alleys, collosal hawelis of Mughal architecture whereas south Bhopal is more developed with high class infrastructure and malls. Taj-ul-Masjid in Bhopal is one of the largest mosques in India.
9.  Sanchi Stupa- Built by Emperor Ashoka in third century, Sanchi Stupa contains illustrations from the life of Buddha, as told in the tales of Jataka. This site is open from sunrise to sunset of visitors.
Best Time to Visit Here: Whether it’s the summer or winter, spring or monsoon, the best part of Malwa region is its seasonal adaptability. Visitors can visit during any season. Though there’re some precautions to be taken during the time of summer, it’s favourable for tourists. The climate of this region is temperate i.e. neither it’s exuberant heat during summer nor extreme chilly during cold.
How to Reach: Malwa Plateau is a significant landscape as it has a lot of area cover under it. It is well connected by road, rail and air. There are two airports in this region, at Indore and Bhopal. Many trains on a daily basis connect the cities of MP to the major metro cities. Other than metro cities, there’s a wide connection of Railways from all state capitals. If you are travelling in train and want some delicious food in train, then it is suggested to download RailRestro’s food ordering app from Google PlayStore or visit the official website of RailRestro to order your food from top restaurants in train.
Since Bhopal is the nearest city of Madhya Pradesh from Delhi; many buses operate in every 75 minutes and takes around 12 hours to reach Bhopal. This region offers the tourists a unique shopping experience. With so much to offer, it is one for the best and unique shopping destinations for tourists, known for its handcrafts, arti facts, souvenirs and various collections especially art works from the local handicrafts. There are two main shopping centres where tourist can shop for hours. These shopping centres include The Chowk area where you can also choose some street style shopping from local vendors and the state developed Mrignayani Emporium, where you can buy excellent artefacts.
Things to buy: Handicrafts, Chanderi silk sarees, silk dress materials, fabrics etc.
From “Mahakaal ki puja” to “Khajuraho ke Shesh” from “Bhutte ki Kees” to enormous “Jaleba”, Madhya Pradesh is an amalgamation of finest tourist spots to explore. Reserve your tickets and check PNR status online regularly to know the confirm status of your ticket, if reserved in RAC or waiting list. RailRestro wishes you a happy journey to the visit the terrains of MP.  
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Estrenos de Netflix en Estados Unidos para Abril 2019
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Te ofrecemos la lista completa de Series, Películas y Documentales que Netflix estrena en Estados Unidos en Abril 2019:
Lunes 1 de abril Ultraman (Original de Netflix) Across The Line All the President’s Men Bonnie and Clyde (1967) Deliverance Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood Evolution Freddy vs. Jason Friday the 13th (2009) I Am Legend Lakeview Terrace Monster House Obsessed Penelope Pineapple Express Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon: S2 P.S. I Love You Snatch Spy Kids Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D The Bone Collector The Fifth Element The Golden Compass The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 Valkyrie
Martes 2 de abril Kevin Hart: Irresponsible (Original de Netflix)
Miércoles 3 de abril Suzzanna: Buried Alive (Original de Netflix)
Viernes 5 de abril Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (Parte 2 (Original de Netflix) In The Shadows Legacies (Temporada 1) Our Planet (Original de Netflix) Persona: colección (Original de Netflix) Roman Empire: Caligula: The Mad Emperor (Original de Netflix) Spirit Riding Free (Temporada 8 (Original de Netflix) Tijuana (Original de Netflix) When a prominent politician is murdered in cold blood, intrepid local journalists risk their lives to uncover the truth. Unicorn Store (Original de Netflix)
Martes 9 de abril Trolls: The Beat Goes On! (Temporada 6) (Original de Netflix)
Miércoles 10 de abril New Girl (Temporada 7) You vs. Wild (Original de Netflix)
Jueves 11 de abril Black Summer (Original de Netflix)
Viernes 12 de abril A Land Imagined (Original de Netflix) Band Aid Huge in France (Original de Netflix) Mighty Little Bheem (Original de Netflix) The Perfect Date (Original de Netflix) The Silence (Original de Netflix) Special (Original de Netflix) Who Would You Take to a Deserted Island? (Original de Netflix)
Lunes 15 de abril Luis Miguel – La serie (Temporada 1) No Good Nick (Original de Netflix) The New Romantic
Martes 16 de abril Super Monsters Furever Friends (Original de Netflix)
Jueves 18 de abril My First First Love (Original de Netflix)
Viernes 19 de abril A Fortunate Man (Original de Netflix) Brené Brown: The Call to Courage (Original de Netflix) Cuckoo (Temporada 5) (Original de Netflix) I, Daniel Blake Music Teacher (Original de Netflix) Rilakkuma and Kaoru (Original de Netflix) Samantha! (Temporada 2) (Original de Netflix) Someone Great (Original de Netflix)
Sábado 20 de abril Grass is Greener (Original de Netflix)
Lunes 22 de abril Pinky Malinky (Parte 2) (Original de Netflix) Selection Day – New Episodes(Original de Netflix)
Martes 23 de abril I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson (Original de Netflix)
Miércoles 24 de abril Bonding (Original de Netflix)
Jueves 25 de abril The Hateful Eight: Extended Version The Ugly Truth
Viernes 26 de abril The Protector (Temporada 2) (Original de Netflix) ReMastered: Devil at the Crossroads (Original de Netflix) She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (Temporada 2 (Original de Netflix) Street Food (Original de Netflix) The Sapphires Yankee (Original de Netflix)
Sábado 27 de abril American Honey
Domingo 28 de abril Señora Acero (Temporada 5)
Lunes 29 de abril Burning The Imitation Game
Martes 30 de abril Anthony Jeselnik: Fire in the Maternity Ward (Original de Netflix) Baki (Parte 2) (Original de Netflix) Ingress: The Animation (Original de Netflix)
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Maratones en Netflix!
Estrenos de Netflix en Estados Unidos para Marzo 2019
Estrenos de Netflix en América Latina para Marzo 2019
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i-heart-hinduism · 8 years
Some of the best kept secrets of-the Mahabharata
Although the 18 days of Mahabharata war was fought to make Yudhishthira the king of Hastinapur, we have very little knowledge about the character than his brothers Bheem, Arjun and other characters of the epic. Here are something you might not know about him.-
Yudhishthira means "the one who is steady in battle or tough conditions”.   His father king Pandu held dharma above all other qualities in a human especially for being a king, therefore when Kunti told him about his boon he desired his eldest son and heir to be born righteous and truthful.
Although being the eldest son he was less martial than his brothers preferring diplomacy and politics. He was a polyglot knowing languages which no other human knew. Nevertheless he was a master in the use of spear only second to Karna. It was said that he could pierce a stone wall with spear as it was a piece of paper.
He had two wives Draupadi and Devika who was of Sivi kingdom. Draupadi bore him Prativindya his heir and Devika; Yaudheya. Yaudheya survived Kurukshetra but was not made king. Instead he ruled his mother's kingdom.
After loosing in the dice game during his banishment he never left the game and kept practicing. He learnt from sage Bridashwa to control the dices. He became so good at it that he was never defeated again at it.
He married his brother Bheem to a rakhsashi Hidimbi and denounced casteism saying actions mattered more than birth.
Kurukshetra war would have been longer if he had'nt killed Shalya king of Madra and uncle of Nakul and Sahdev. Shalya was an extraordinary fighter with a range of weapons.
He had this gift that whenever his opponent got angry his strength will increase therefore making him very difficult to fight. Only a person with a calm mind could have defeated him; Therefore Yudhishthira had to do that and justified his name.
Yudhishthira cursed women that they will never be able to withold secrets after he came to know about Karna and his mother hiding about him.
His chariot had a flag of a golden moon surrounded by planets. He was also an expert charioteer.
One of the most under appreciated characters in the epic the son of Drona was one of the most formidable and the most fiercest warrior of his time. He was comparable to Karna, Arjun and Bhishma yet we know very less of him save his immortality. Some facts about him.
When he was born he cried like a horse hence his name.
His father did years of severe penance to have a son with valiance of Shiv himself. Ashvatthama is considered to be a partial incarnation of lord Shiv himself.
He possessed a gem in his forehead which gave him dominion over all life form lower than human. It protected it against hunger, thirst , fatigue, ghosts, demons , snakes ,insects etc. It helped him fight off Ghatotkach Bheem's half rakhshas son.
He is master of all knowledge trained by the likes of Drona, Bhishma , Parshuram.
He was the king of north Panchal after Kaurav army captured Panchal and gave it to Drona as guru-dakhshina and Drona split it between his son and Drupad.
Bhishma once remarked that if Ashvatthama becomes angry nobody will be able to stop him because he was incarnation of Shiva himself. However Duryodhana always chose Karna over Ashvatthama because he saw him as fearful of death.
The most important part in epic of Mahabharata for Ashvatthama was when he was made Commander of Kaurava army on night of 18th day of war. He went to attack Pandava camp at night with Kripacharya( his uncle) and Kritvarma ( a Yadava) .He instructed them to remain at gates to kill anyone who comes out. He went into the Pandavas camp but it was guarded by a Bhairava and he did not allowed him to pass.Then Ashvatthama performed a yajna for Lord Shiva and offered himself as sacrifice . He rose from it with a part of Shiva in his body and an army of gunas given to him by goddess Kali. He became the destroyer and with gunas slaughtered all Pandavas soldier and their family.
Some other facts are as follows
Yuyutsu- He was not born from Gandhari but from a maid servant in her service. The Kaurava brother that defected to Pandava camp later became prime minister under King Parikhshit and even ruled as his regent.
Vrishketu- Son of Karna was made the king of Indraprastha . He was tutored by Krishna himself and was the last person to know and learn divine weapons as Krishna made him promise to never tell anyone about them.
Satyaki and Kritvarma - Both Yadavas fought from opposite camps in the war and remained lifelong enemies until they killed each other during the doom of Yadavas .
Nakula - Nakula was said to have a unique talent that he could ride a horse in rain without getting wet. It was because of his two talents horsemanship and swordsmanship . He deflected rain drops with his sword.
Vibhishan - To perform Rajsuya Yagya ,Yudhishthira sent his 4 brothers in 4 directions to collect tribute from kings. Sahdeva went south where he met King Vibhishan in Lanka as he was an immortal. He sent Sahdeva back with gift of jewels and precious stones and clothes of finest fabrics.
Arjun - Arjun was ambidextrous so one of his name is Sabyasachi. He had control over all his senses and could go on days without needing sleep getting the name Gudakesh . The horses in his chariot where white therefore one of his name is Svetavahana.
Curse on the name of Arjuna- The father of sage Parashuram sage Jamadagni was killed by Kartavirya Arjun's sons . Therefore Parashuram cursed that anyone with name Arjun will never become a king only subordinate.
Duryodhana- He was said to be incarnation of Kali(demon).He was best mace fighter of his time. When he was born he cried like a donkey. He was first person in history other than lord Vishnu to perform Vaishanav Yagya making him Emperor of the Entire World he achieved this with help of his friend Karna who subjugated everyone including Krishna and Jarasandh. Other than his jealousy towards Pandava he was a rightful and just king treating his subjects with equality . It is said that when he died flowers rained from heaven.
Eklavya - In later life he became kings of Nishada and he was subordinate to Kingdom of Magadha. He was killed by Krishna himself in swayamvar of Rukmini. In some version of the epic it was he who was reborn as Drishtadyumna to kill Drona.
Most handsome man- Although Nakula is considered most handsome of all the Kuru princes, the smallfolk of Hastinapur liked Karna. Common women of Hastinapur desired Karna because of his fair glowing complexion.
Bheema's Pride- After Drona's death Ashvatthama became enraged and released Narayanastra. Only Krishna,Drona and Ashvatthama knew about this weapon and how to stop it. It brought a deadly shower of missiles and annihilating Pandava army. Krishna advised Pandava warriors to bow and submit to the weapon as it was the only way to stop it. But Bheema saw this as a symbol of cowardice and didn't submit. Therefore it continued to harm him. Krishna and pandavas had to restrain him to save his life.
Mayasura- The demon who made the palace for Yudhishthira at Indraprastha was the father of Mandodari wife of Ravana.He founded Mayarashtra which became modern city of Meerut .He was foremost among daityas being born from sage Kashyap and Diti.
Shakuni- He is considered to be personification of Dwapar yuga. He was enraged by marriage of his sister to blind Dhritrashtra and vowed to destroy Kuru lineage. However he loved his nephew Duryodhana very much.His lineage continued till Prince Ambhi of Taxila who fought alongside Alexander the great and was killed by Chandragupta Maurya in 3rd century B.C.
Karna- Interestingly for most part of the epic Karna was called Vasusena " the born with wealth" or Radheya " son of Radha" . He got his name after he gave his armour to lord Indra. It was Indra himself who took form of an insect and bit Karna on his thigh while Parshurama was sleeping on it that led to him giving curse to Karna. Later to repent for his curse he gave Karna his own Vijaya bow, Bhargavastra that no one possessed and a silver chariot covered with tiger skin.
Bhishma's dillema - When choosing the heir to the Hastinapur throne after Pandavas came from the forests after their father Pandu's death, Bhishma and Vidur had different choices. Vidur was in favour of Yudhishthira while Bhishma was supporting Duryodhana. This was because contrary to popular belief Duryodhana was very popular among the common people and because living in the capital he had much knowledge about millitary and administrative matters than any Pandavas while Yudhishthira was unknown to the general populace and he will never understand them. However he gave in to Vidura after he realised that Duryodhana was egocentric and power hungry at heart.
Godmother- The eldest female of Hastinapur royal family was the child of Chedi king Vasu and fish who in reality was apsara Adrika when the fish swallowed the king's sperm. He was cut out from the fish by chieftain of fishermans. Due to smell of fish coming from her body she was called Matasyagandha. Later Sage Parashar had sex with her out of which Sage Vyasa was born. He also gave her fragrant smell. Thus giving her name Yojanagandha.
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newonnetflixusa · 5 years
Chhota Bheem Kungfu Dhamaka
Chhota Bheem Kungfu Dhamaka
Chhota Bheem Kungfu Dhamaka is available in: Hindi [Original] English on Netflix USA
[fanarttv id=””] [traileraddict id=””]
Chhota Bheem is in China for a martial arts competition but his real challenge: to save the emperor’s daughter from being kidnapped by the villain Zuhu!
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veteran-fanperson · 2 years
Fool's Gold - Chapter 3/10
Previous Chapters -
Read on AO3 here
The Kingdom of Malayadripuri, impoverished, inhospitable, set in the midst of barren hills, has long been subservient to the Gond Empire. Too beaten down to fight for independence, her people live in abject misery. An order from the Gond Emperor arrives one winter's evening, pushing Malayadripuri to its limits, forcing them to take a stand.
Rama Raju, one of the Royal Mages of Malayadripuri is sent to Tamaramandalam, the capital city of the Gond Empire. His mission is simple - Assassinate Komaram Bheem, Emperor of the Gonds.
Tamaramandalam is a whole new world. Its roads are wide and clean - Neem, Ashoka and Banyan trees growing thickly along the sides, providing a pleasant canopy to walk under. Water gushes out of many beautifully sculpted stone fountains, the smell of sandalwood incense and jasmine wafts from the various temples dedicated to Paidamma Talli. Everywhere he looks, Rama sees opulence - the gold, silks and gems sold on the streets like they were mere vegetables, enormous cattle being fed melons and carrots so fresh and fine, nobility in Malayadripuri would have had them on their tables. Women walk freely alone, bejewelled and perfumed, their laughter mixing with the tinkle of their heavy anklets. Children play happily, plump and well fed, their toys made from Ivory or Sal wood. 
Food is plentiful and delicious even at the cheapest lodging for travellers, rich in spices and ghee, coconuts and cashew. The serving ladies routinely press extra helpings on Rama, but the food sticks in his throat. Everyone is kind and unfailingly polite, and Rama wonders afresh if the cityfolk realise that dogs and crows in their Empire lead better lives than the unfortunate civilians of Malayadripuri. The thoughts enrage him afresh every time he sees the outlines of the Palace against the rising sun, his hands itching to wring their oppressor’s neck.  
“I would like to seek employment within, please,” Rama asks one of the Palace guards.
The man looks him up and down and nods, seemingly satisfied.
“Go inside through that side gate and ask for Loki,” he says, scratching his beard, “she’ll decide what to do with you.”
Rama nods, relieved and confused by the seeming lack of questions. They had decided that he would be the one to scout the Palace first, given that his magic made it easy for him to escape if something went wrong.
The place is massive. Rama passes a maze of gardens and little buildings, all strangely deserted.
“Excuse me, where can I find Loki?” he asks a passing maid.
“Oh, you’ve taken the wrong path,” the young girl giggles, “alright, go down the lime walk and past the stables. The Kitchens are further ahead. Loki should be in the housekeeper’s office at about now.”
“Thank you.”
The girl nods and smiles as she disappears.
The lime walk is cool and fragrant, and Rama finds himself stopping every so often to admire the lovely budding flowers. Spring is almost here, and the thick carpet of flowers on the sides of the path make for a charming scene. He gathers up a couple of parijatas, marvelling at their delicate petals. He had only ever seen them in picture books.
He’s passing the stables when he realises he still can’t see the Royal kitchens. Or any other building, for that matter. Just how large are the palace grounds? Confused, he’s about to retrace his steps when he hears scuffling noises from within.
“I should get the bigger share, come on, I did the actual stealing bit!” A man’s voice rings from within, deep and rich.
“I don’t think you took that big a risk, come on…” someone else wheedles.
“Excuse me?” Rama calls. There’s a sudden hush. Curious, he peers inside to see a stable hand and a little girl sitting around a rather large dish on a huge mound of hay, their mouths sticky with what looked like syrup.  
“I hate to… disturb you, but I’m afraid I’m a bit lost,” he begins again, but the stable hand leaps up and drags him by the arm. Rama makes a little oof as he’s made to sit next to him.
“He’s new, he decides.”  
Rama stares at him. Up close, the man is beautiful. Large, clear dark eyes with eyelashes a mile long, wild curly hair and beard, a plain copper nose ring. There’s an impish smile on his face, which only serves to emphasise the fullness of his lips. He’s dressed in a rough looking short dhoti, a towel thrown casually across very broad shoulders. 
“What’s your name?” the little girl asks him and Rama jerks away from the beautiful one’s gaze.
“Rama Raju.” He answers automatically, cursing himself a second too late. An alias would have been preferable. 
“Well, Rama, consider this. This impossible girl - Malli,” the child nods at Rama, her gap toothed smile wide, “She wanted me to steal some baked sweet potatoes from the kitchens and I did-”
“I helped, you idiot.” Malli interrupts.
“But I was the one in the line of fire, so don’t I deserve the last potato? It’s the best one too - so plump and juicy and wonderful smelling!”
“Yes, if I hadn’t caused a diversion you wouldn’t have even gotten in,” Malli grumbles, “if anyone was in the line of fire, it was me!”
“What do you say, Rama?” His eyes are so, so utterly black and bewitching that Rama finds himself entranced, unable to answer for a few moments. 
“I…” he looks at the dish, “to be honest, I think I deserve the last potato, seeing as this dish is very large and very empty. So the two of you have had a good deal of potatoes already… it would be rude of you to invite me to arbitrate and not offer me some in return.”
Malli snorts as the stable hand gapes at him. Rama smiles.
“He's got a point you know,” Malli says. And before the other can say anything she grabs the potato and shoves it into Rama's surprised mouth unceremoniously. He suppresses a groan when he takes a bite, nothing had ever tasted as good in his entire life. The potato is crispy and sweet, the jaggery coating smelling of camphor and spring sunshine.
“Based on that reaction, you deserve it,” the man says, an amused smile playing on his beautiful lips “never had a sweet potato before?”
“Nothing like this, no. In my country we eat plain food. Any richness is considered a needless indulgence and...” he breaks off, annoyed with himself. The sweetness seems to have loosened his tongue more than necessary.   
“I’ve never seen you around here,” the man says thoughtfully, “you said you were looking for Loki?”
“Oh yes,” Rama answers, his words muffled slightly as he chews, “I’m new to Tamaramandalam… and I am looking for a job. Someone told me the Palace always needs more cleaners, so…” he shrugs.
“Yes, there’s always something or the other available,” Malli says, “She’s a bit scary, but if you don’t get intimidated and work hard, she’ll like you.”
“Oh?” Rama asks her, “what is it like, the job? And the Emperor? What is he like to work under?”
“With a face that pretty and underfed?” the man winks at him, “I doubt you’ll need to do any work at all with all the maids queuing up with bowls of payasam -” he grunts as Malli pushes him off the hay, “I’m just pulling his leg!”
Rama stares at the stable hand, who is glaring up at Malli from where he’s sprawled on the ground.
“I don’t understand.”
Malli opens her mouth, but is interrupted by an almighty yelling coming from outside.
“Oh, blessed Paidamma, she’s here!” Malli yelps before she takes off like a deer, leaving a very confused Rama and the still prone stable hand.
A large grey haired lady comes tramping into the stables, a heavy looking bronze ladle in her hands. She takes one look at the man and gives a disgusted snort.  
“I should've known it was you… why can’t you wait until lunchtime like a normal human being, boy?”
Said boy stands up, attempting to smile.
“Oh come on, Gaanavakka -” he starts to wheedle.
“Not another word out of you! And you bet you’re going to pay for this when I tell your brother about this. Now go and clean up, you and your new friend .”
Rama gets to his feet as she glares at him, mouth going dry. Not even an hour in and he is already in trouble. What possessed him to forget what he is really there for?
“Come on Rama,” the man says, looking a little sheepish, “I’ll take you to Loki after we make you look a little more presentable.”
Gaanavakka gives Rama a keen look as he follows the other out. Rama feels like his soul is being peered into and shuffles uncomfortably until they’re out of sight, his heart thumping wildly. ‘Remember the mission. The mission. Only one chance to get it right.’ he tells himself as he washes his face quickly at the nearby well.
The Royal kitchens are large, as is everything in this Palace. A frenzy of voices and good natured shouting and chopping noises surround them as they pass through. A couple of maids glare at his companion as they walk towards the back, and Rama assumes it must be because of the potato theft earlier. The other man seems unfazed though, smiling jauntily at them, and Rama finds himself briefly taken again by just how attractive he is.    
“Here we are,” the stable hand says cheerfully, knocking on an imposing looking door.
“Come in,” a sharp voice sounds from inside, and he pushes it open and breezes inside, beckoning to Rama.
A beautiful young woman looks up from her desk, frowning when she sees them.
“There you are,” she drawls, ignoring Rama’s presence, “what did you do this time?”
“Nothing,” he waves her off, “I brought you a new employee.”
She turns her piercing dark eyes on Rama, and it takes him a minute to collect himself enough to speak.
“Greetings, madam. My name is Rama Raju. I’m new to Tamaramandalam, and am hoping to find a job here. The guard outside told me to speak to you.”
“Hire him,” the stable hand says, before Loki could say anything. His posture had straightened, his eyes suddenly sharp and commanding. “He has neat nails.” 
Loki sighs.
“Well if you’ve made up your mind, I guess I don’t need to ask your boy anything.”
The other man smiles, all good humour and sunshine, before he claps Rama on the shoulder.  
“Right, I’d better get back to work. You stay with Loki, she’ll show you the ropes.”
He lopes off, whistling.
“Thank you for showing me the way here.” Rama offers weakly to the other man’s retreating back.
“How did you get Bheema to escort you?” Loki asks him curiously.
“Bheema?” Rama stutters. “Who Bheema?”
She gives him a long, incredulous look and Rama feels like slapping himself. Of course. Komuram Bheem.
“You are new to Tamaramandalam.”
“Was that…?”
“That was the Emperor.”
Rama gapes at her, wanting to sink into the floor in mortification.
“He had stolen some sweet potatoes and was sharing it with a small child,” he protests, “neither of them told me.”
But both of them had laughed, and had had a giant joke at his expense. He blushes red, suddenly longing for Malayadripuri, where everyone knew their place in society, and supreme leaders certainly did not dress like ragged ruffians and steal things from kitchens.
“He’s bored,” Loki sighs, “he’s not allowed to ride this week, only visit that beloved horse of his, no wonder he’s up to mischief.”
She smiles at Rama’s woebegone face.
“Cheer up, boy. You have a lot of rooms to clean.”
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nowonnetflix · 5 years
Chhota Bheem Kungfu Dhamaka
Chhota Bheem Kungfu Dhamaka
Chhota Bheem Kungfu Dhamaka is available in: English Hindi [Original] on Netflix Thailand
[fanarttv id=””] [traileraddict id=””]
Chhota Bheem is in China for a martial arts competition but his real challenge: to save the emperor’s daughter from being kidnapped by the villain Zuhu!
Reviews Watch it on Netflix Thailand
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officialroyalqueen · 5 years
Who is ready for April blockbuster movies coming next month. April 1st Across the Line All the President’s Men Bonnie and Clyde (1967)Deliverance Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood Evolution Freddy vs. Jason Friday the 13th (2009) I Am Legend Lakeview Terrace Monster House Obsessed Penelope Pineapple Express Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon, season 2 P.S. I Love You Snatch Spy Kids Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D The Bone Collector The Fifth Element The Golden Compass The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 Valkyrie April 2nd Kevin Hart: Irresponsible April 3rd Suzzanna: Buried Alive April 5th Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, season 2 In the Shadows Legacies, season 1 Our Planet Persona: Collection Roman Empire: Caligula: The Mad Emperor Spirit Riding Free, season 8 Tijuana Unicorn Store April 9th Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, season 6 April 10th New Girl, season 7 You vs. Wild April 11th Black Summer April 12th A Land Imagined Band Aid Huge in France Mighty Little Bheem The Perfect Date The Silence Special Who Would You Take to a Deserted Island? April 15th Luis Miguel No Good Nick The New Romantic April 16th Super Monsters Furever Friends April 18th My First First Love April 19th A Fortunate ManBrené Brown: The Call to Courage Cuckoo, season 5I, Daniel Blake Music Teacher Rilakkuma and Kaoru Samantha!, season 2 Someone Great April 20th Grass is Greener April 22nd Pinky Malinky, part 2 Selection Day, new episodes April 23rd I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson April 24th Bonding April 25th The Hateful Eight The Ugly Truth April 26th The Protector, season 2 Chambers Re Mastered: Devil at the Crossroads She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, season 2 Street Food The Sapphires Yankee April 27th American Honey April 28th Señora Acero, season 5 April 29th Burning The Imitation Game April 30th Anthony Jeselnik: Fire in the Maternity Ward Baki, part 2 Ingress: The Animation LEAVING NETFLIX April 1st American Pie Billy Madison Blue Mountain State, seasons 1-3Casino Royale Diamonds Are Forever Die Another Day Don’t Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood Gold finger Happy Feet Happy Gilmore Heat I Love You, Man L.A. Confidential Live and Let Die Luther, series 1-4 Octo pussy Pokémon: XY, seasons 1-2 Seven Sex and the City: The Movie The Living Daylights The Man with the Golden Gun The Spy Who Loved MeThe World is Not Enough Wallander, series 1-4 You Only Live Twice April 4th Raw April 7th Star Wars: The Clone Wars Star Wars: The Clone Wars, seasons 1-5 Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Lost Missions April 13th Video Game High School, seasons 1-3 April 18th Silver Linings Playbook
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viggletips · 5 years
Coming to Netflix in April
Netflix watchers can catch The Perfect Date starring Noah Centineo, You vs. Wild with Bear Grylls and Chilling Adventures of SabrinaSeason 2 in April.
The streaming site released a list of the movies, TV shows, comedy specials and documentaries coming and going next month.
Here's the full list of what's being added to Netflix in April:
April 1 Across the Line All the President's Men Bonnie and Clyde (1967) Deliverance Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood Evolution Freddy vs. Jason Friday the 13th (2009) I Am Legend Lakeview Terrace Monster House Obsessed Penelope Pineapple Express Pokémon Series: Sun & Moon Season 2 P.S. I Love You Snatch Spy Kids Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D The Bone Collector The Fifth Element The Golden Compass The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pans 2 Ultraman - Netflix Original Valkyrie April 2 Kevin Hart: Irresponsible - Netflix Original April 3 Suzzanna: Buried Alive - Netflix Original April 5 Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Part 2 - Netflix Original In the Shadows Legacies Season 1 Our Planet - Netflix Original Persona: Collection - Netflix Original Roman Empire: Caligula - The Mad Emperor - Netflix Original Spirit Riding Free Season 8 - Netflix Original Tijuana - Netflix Original Unicorn Store - Netflix Original April 9 Trolls: The Beat Goes On! Season 5 - Netflix Original April 10 New Girl Season 7 You vs. Wild - Netflix Original April 11 Black Summer - Netflix Original April 12 A Land Imagined - Netflix Original Band Aid Huge in France - Netflix Original Mightly Little Bheem - Netflix Original The Perfect Date - Netflix Original The Silence - Netflix Original Special - Netflix Original Who Would You Take to a Deserted Island? - Netflix Original April 15 Luis Miguel - The Series Season 1 No Good Nick - Netflix Original The New Romantic April 16 Super Monsters Furever Friends - Netflix Original April 18 My First First Love - Netflix Original April 19 A Fortunate Man - Netflix Original Brené Brown: The Call to Courage - Netflix Original Cuckoo Season 5 - Netflix Original I, Daniel Blake Music Teacher - Netflix Original Rilakkuma and Kaoru - Netflix Original Samantha! Season 2 - Netflix Original Someone Great - Netflix Original April 20 Grass is Greener - Netflix Original April 22 Pinky Malinky Part 2 - Netflix Original Selection Day New Episodes - Netflix Original April 23 I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson - Netflix Original April 24 Bonding - Netflix Original April 25 The Hateful Eight Extended Version The Ugly Truth April 26 The Protector Season 2 - Netflix Original ReMastered: Devil at the Crossroads - Netflix Original She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Season 2 - Netflix Original Street Food - Netflix Original The Sapphires Yankee - Netflix Original April 27 American Honey April 28 Señora Acero Season 5 April 29 Burning The Imitation Game April 30 Anthony Jeselnik: Fire in the Maternity Ward - Netflix Original Baki Part 2 - Netflix Original Ingress: The Animation - Netflix Original Coming in April: Chambers - Netflix Original
Here's the full list of what's leaving Netflix in April:
April 1 American Pie Billy Madison Blue Mountain State Seasons 1-3 Casino Royale Diamonds are Forever Die Another Day Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood Goldfinger Happy Feet Happy Gilmore Heat I Love You, Man L.A. Confidential Live and Let Die Luther Series 1-4 Octopussy Pokémon: XY Seasons 1-2 Seven Sex and the City: The Movie The Living Daylights The Man with the Golden Gun The Spy Who Loved Me The World is Not Enough Wallander Series 1-4 You Only Live Twice April 4 Star Wars: The Clone Wars Star Wars: The Clone Wars Seasons 1-5 Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Lost Missions April 13 Video Game High School Seasons 1-3 April 18 Silver Linings Playbook
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jessicakehoe · 6 years
Everything Coming to Netflix Canada in April 2019
<span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start"><span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start">.embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
Our Planet 
It took four-years, 50 countries and 600 crew to bring this eight-part documentary series together. Created by Alastair Fothergill (Planet Earth, Blue Planet) and narrated by Sir David Attenborough (every great nature film ever made), Our Planet employs the latest in 4K camera technology to take you everywhere from the Brazilian rainforest to Norway’s Svalbard archipelago—without leaving your couch.
The series will feature local narrators in ten languages, including Penélope Cruz for Spain and Salma Hayek for Latin America. “Being a part of Netflix’s Our Planet is an incredible honour,” Cruz said in a press release. “The series is spectacularly beautiful and the message of conservation could not be more timely or important. I feel very close to everything Our Planet stands for and I’m proud to bring such a powerful piece of work to my home country and audiences around the world.”
Available April 5
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Rilakkuma and Kaoru
Fans of Hello Kitty and Totoro will fall for Rilakkuma, an immensely popular character created by Japanese stationery maker San-X. Rilakkuma and Kaoru—the latest title added to Netflix’s growing collection of anime series—follows the adventures of the slow-moving stuffed bear and its companion, office worker Kaoru, voiced by To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before‘s Lana Condor. The stop-motion series is sure to be a wholesome, refreshing breath of air amidst all the true crime dramas and raunchy reality TV shows streaming right now.
Available April 19
.embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
Someone Great 
The Netflix romcom streak continues with this NYC-set film starring Gina Rodriguez, Brittany Snow and DeWanda Wise as a trio of best friends learning to let go of their twenties. There is a boy, a break-up and a hard-to-refuse job opportunity on the opposite side of the country (isn’t there always), but really, it’s a story about how female friendships support us through these times of major transition. 
Available April 19
  And here’s the full list of everything else coming to Netflix in January:
Available April 1 Ultraman – NETFLIX ORIGINAL Annie Boyz n the Hood Fifty Shades Darker Les Misérables (1998) Memoirs of a Geisha Monty Python Best Bits (mostly): Season 1 Monty Python: The Meaning of Live Resident Evil: Extinction Snatched Split
Available April 2 Kevin Hart: Irresponsible — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Sleepless
Available April 3 Billy Elliot Hulk Suzzanna: Buried Alive — NETFLIX FILM
Available April 4 Pope Francis: A Man of His Word Star: Season 3
Available April 5 Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Part 2 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Our Planet — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Persona: Collection — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Roman Empire: Caligula: The Mad Emperor — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Spirit Riding Free: Season 8– NETFLIX ORIGINAL Tijuana — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Unicorn Store — NETFLIX FILM
Available April 8 The Oat
Available April 9 Trolls: The Beat Goes On!: Season 6 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Available April 10 You vs. Wild — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Available April 11 Black Summer — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Available April 12 A Land Imagined — NETFLIX FILM Colette Huge in France — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Mighty Little Bheem — NETFLIX ORIGINAL The Perfect Date — NETFLIX FILM The Silence — NETFLIX FILM Special — NETFLIX ORIGINAL What They Had Who Would You Take to a Deserted Island? — NETFLIX FILM
Available April 15
Happy Feet Two Luis Miguel – The Series: Season 1 No Good Nick — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Available April 16 Super Monsters Furever Friends — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Available April 18 My First First Love — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Available April 19 A Fortunate Man — NETFLIX FILM Brené Brown: The Call to Courage — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Cuckoo: Season 5 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Music Teacher — NETFLIX FILM Rilakkuma and Kaoru — NETFLIX ANIME Samantha!: Season 2 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Someone Great — NETFLIX FILM
Available April 20 Grass is Greener — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Weed the People
Available April 22 Pinky Malinky: Part 2 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Selection Day – New Episodes— NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Available April 23 I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Available April 24 Bonding — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Available April 26 The Protector: Season 2 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL ReMastered: Devil at the Crossroads — NETFLIX ORIGINAL She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Season 2 — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Street Food –– NETFLIX ORIGINAL Yankee — NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Available April 28 Little Women (1994)
Available April 29 Burning Wonder Woman
Available April 30 Anthony Jeselnik: Fire in the Maternity Ward — NETFLIX ORIGINAL Baki: Part 2 — NETFLIX ANIME Ingress: The Animation — NETFLIX ANIME
The post Everything Coming to Netflix Canada in April 2019 appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Everything Coming to Netflix Canada in April 2019 published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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sultrysstash-blog · 7 years
Cartoon Movies List
Venom Space Jam Who Framed Roger Rabbit The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman Journey towards the center of the Earth Cartoon movies include great humor, song as well as dance sequences, and many importantly, the particular content isn't violent and explicit. Scooby-Doo as well as the Legend of the Vampire Final Fantasy: The Actual Spirits Within Jack and additionally the Witch Tom along with Jerry: Any Nutcracker Tale Oliver Twist Jiminy Cricket's Christmas The Reluctant Dragon (1941) Return to become able to Oz Futurama: Bender's Large Score 2003 Marco Polo Junior Versus the Red Dragon Of Stars along with Men Doctor Strange Wilfred Jackson (1948) Stuart little 3: call with the Wild Rime in the Ancient Mariner After College Tinker Bell Chhota Bheem and the Curse involving Damyaan My little Pony: Your Movie The Jungle Guide 2 2002 Starchaser: The Particular Legend involving Orin Monster Evelyn Lin Mash Mickey's Christmas Carol Book involving Life Scooby-Doo Meets the actual Boo Brothers The Adventures of Buratino (1959) Hemo the actual Magnificent (1957) Scooby-Doo upon Zombie Island Scooby-Doo throughout Arabian Nights Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Although they actually do use computers to render graphics, however which simply adds to the rich detail regarding 2D techniques. Additionally they are a testament regarding immense creativity involving storytellers in which a new movie with an innovative storyline is launched almost every 2 years. Aliens Scooby-Doo and in addition the Ghoul School Cloudy using a Likelihood involving Meatballs Shrek Permanently After Hoodwinked! DuckTales: Treasure with the Golden Suns Akira Madagascar 3: Europe's The Majority Of Wanted The Secret of Magic Island (1956) Dead Space: Aftermath Shrek 2 Rock-a-Doodle Alpha along with Omega 2: A New Howl-iday Adventure The Fantastic Mouse Detective Pocahontas The Pied Piper regarding Hamelin Mr. Limpet Star Wars: Your Clone Wars Beauty and the Beast Romeo & Juliet: Sealed with a Kiss 2007 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure Mulan The Jungle Book Rise with the Guardians Evil Toons Tom as well as Jerry: This Great Time Ring Asterix the particular Gaul Everybody Rides the particular Carousel Beauty and also the Beast: Your Enchanted Christmas The Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy Show The Wizard of Oz Mars Wants Moms 1980 Lady and in addition the Tramp (1955) Klay World: Off your Table The Brave Small Toaster towards the Rescue The Nutcracker Prince A Near Shave Is Presently there Intelligent Existence upon Earth? Charlotte's Web Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown (and Don't Occur Back!!) The Lord of the Rings Gladiators associated with Rome The Enchanted Boy (1955) Race regarding The Life, Charlie Brown The Invincible Iron Man Lil' Pimp Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas inside July I Want a new Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown The Cosmic Eye Cinderella III: Any Twist throughout Time Tom and also Jerry as well as the Wizard associated with Oz South Park: Bigger, longer & Uncut The Flintstones Meet Rockula as well as Frankenstone Kronk's New Groove Robotech: The Actual Movie The Terrain before Moment XIII: The Particular Wisdom of Friends My little Pony: The Actual Princess Promenade Tarzan The H2o Babies 1970 Superman vs. Toad (1949) Justice League: The Newest Frontier Titan A.E. Strange Frame: love & Sax Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves The Adventures involving Sinbad The Orphan Brother (1961) Heidi Rudolph the particular Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Particular Movie Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Particular three Musketeers Beloved Attractiveness (1958) Coonskin Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost Darkwing Duck: Darkly Dawns your Duck Batman: 12 Months One 2013 Pinocchio and in addition the Emperor in the Night The Lifestyle & Adventures involving Santa Claus Tom as well as Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes Hansel and Gretel: An Opera Fantasy (1954) The Wacky world of Mother Goose Tarzan II Pinocchio Dante's Inferno Robotech: The Actual Shadow Chronicles Doraemon: Nobita zero Himitsu D?gu Museum Winnie the particular Pooh Abra Cadabra The Hunchback regarding Notre Dame Free Birds A Bug's Life Battle with regard to Terra Journey Again to Oz The Croods Scooby Should Go Hollywood Horton Hears the Who! The Batman vs Dracula: The Particular Animated Movie Sinbad: Legend with the Seven Seas Pokmon: Destiny Deoxys Starship Troopers: Invasion The Amazing Mr. These People have begun to utilize motion capture technology to display accurate facial expressions inside animated movies, generating your characters appear life-like. However, even if the plot is serious, animated movies are generally supposed to be relaxed as well as entertaining, even however they are fiercely critiqued through the critics. Though any fully computer-aided animated movie named Toy Story came out in 1995, filmmakers didn't abandon your standard style altogether. This kind of makes them safe being watched simply by children of all ages, although the movies with adult themes do call for parental guidance. the particular Sword associated with Justice Peter Pan (1953) Planes The Flight associated with Dragons Winnie your Pooh and a Day pertaining to Eeyore Bambi II 2004 TaleSpin: Plunder & Lightning Cinderella The Highway in order to El Dorado Phineas and Ferb: Across the actual 2nd Dimension 1965 1950-55 Olive, the actual Some Other Reindeer Seer 2 The Terrain Prior To time IV: Journey Via the Mists Fantasia (1940) Here Arrives Peter Cottontail The Proud family Movie The little Motor Which Could Son involving Alladin Dumbo (1941) The wonderful Globe involving Puss 'n Boots Bigfoot as well as the Muscle Mass Machines Scooby-Doo and the Loch Ness Monster Mondo Plympton Tom as well as Jerry: Blast Off for you to Mars Pokmon: Jirachi Wishmaker Gnomes Turok: Son associated with Stone Open Season The Pirate Fairy Tarzan with the Apes Cars Arthur Christmas Frankenweenie Scooby-Doo! and in addition the Goblin King Norm of the North INDEX William Hanna The Adventures involving Tintin Asterix along with Cleopatra Krishna 1979 It Has Been I Which Drew the particular little Man (1960) Asterix throughout Amerika Freddie as F.R.O.7 Mighty Ducks the Movie: the First Face-Off Cheech & Chong's Animated Movie A Flintstone Christmas The Phantom Tollbooth Justice League: Crisis upon 2 Earths Persepolis The Lion King 1 Turbo The Nightmare Just Before Christmas Dinosaur Pooh's Heffalump Movie Robert Cormack (1946) Robin Hood: Quest For Your King Beavis as well as Butt-head Do America Santa Claus Will Be Comin' in order to Town The Adventures associated with Ichabod and Mr. Joe: Valor vs. Bickford The Princess as well as the Frog TMNT The Princess and furthermore the Pea Codename: Kids Subsequent Door: Operation Z.E.R.O Yogi's Fantastic Escape Scooby-Doo! and the Samurai Sword Monsters University 1996 Snow White Christmas Iron Man: Rise associated with Technovore 1984 The Fox and the Hound 2 The fairly OddParents: Abra-Catastrophe! Mickey's When On a Christmas Justice League: Doom Escape coming from Cluster Prime Toy Story The Toe Tactic 2009 1994 The Rugrats Movie Home about the Range Ratatouille Superman: Brainiac Attacks Ice Age Afro Samurai: Resurrection Tiny Toon Adventures: The Method I Invested My Vacation The Legend regarding Frosty the particular Snowman The Ugly Duckling Alice within Wonderland: What's the Issue Along With Hatter? The Swan Princess: the Mystery of the Enchanted Treasure Batman: Below the particular Red Hood The Prodigy Jonah: a VeggieTales Movie Brave The Legend of Robin Hood The Thief and in addition the Cobbler The Lion, the Witch as well as the Wardrobe Sinbad: Beyond the actual Veil regarding Mists Legend of the Guardians: The Particular Owls regarding Ga'Hoole War of the Worlds: Goliath The 3 Musketeers Throughout Boots The Scarlet Flower (1952) How to always be able to Train your Dragon 2 The Lorax The Snow Queen's Revenge 1973 The Shepherdess as well as the Chimney Sweep (1952) Meet your Robinsons 1975 Alice associated with Wonderland in Paris The Nuttiest Nutcracker 2012 Beowulf Yogi Bear's all Star Comedy Christmas Caper The Snow Maiden (1952) Aladdin and the King associated with Thieves Alpha and Omega Frozen Santa as well as the 3 Bears The Home of Magic Alakazam the particular great (1960) 1987 A Goofy Movie Tangled Planes: Fire & Rescue 1982 1001 Arabian Nights (1959) 1971 Pinocchio's Christmas Garfield: His 9 Lives Daffy Duck's Quackbusters Tinker Bell Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron Adam 2 The Nonexistent Knight Alice inside Wonderland (1951) Hellboy: Blood along with Iron The Incredibles Dick Deadeye, or perhaps Duty Done The Adventures of the American Rabbit Dwegons Buzz Lightyear involving Star Command: The Actual Adventure Begins 1992 Megamind The Smurfs and the Magic Flute Hey Arnold!: Your Movie Piglet's Huge Movie Jetsons: Your Movie 1983 Yogi and the Invasion in the space Bears DuckTales the Movie: Treasure with the Lost Lamp Bartok the actual Magnificent Aladdin 1976 The Snow Queen (1957) A Tale of A Pair Of Toads Chicken Little The Fox and furthermore the Hound Oliver & Company Bugs Bunny's 3rd Movie: 1001 Rabbit Tales Monster House The Illusionist Popeye's Voyage: Your Quest for Pappy Animal Farm (1954) Benny's Bathtub Rango The three Musketeers The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Movie The Drawn Collectively Movie: The Actual Movie! Ultimate Avengers 2 Hellboy Animated: Sword of Storms Heaven and also Earth Magic (1962) Puss inside Boots Snoopy, Occur Home Ed, Edd n Eddy's Large Picture Show Pinocchio Monsters, Inc. Rugrats Go Wild! Happy Feet Two Kangaroo Jack: G'Day U.S.A.! How to Train your Dragon Stand Through Me Doraemon Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Actual search with regard to Christopher Robin Johnny the actual Giant Killer (1950) Tubby your Tuba Pirates of Darkish Water: Your Saga Begins Handling Ships (1945) The Fantastic Wizard involving Oz Mickey's Residence associated with Villains Mad Monster Party Leo the actual Lion: King with the Jungle Shock Invasion Willy McBean and his Magic Machine Cloudy with a Opportunity of Meatballs 2 Wizards Where the Dead Go for you to Die 1972 Heart String Marionette 1988 G.I. Evil Gulliver's Travels Aeneid Zarafa The Chipmunk Adventure Modern Animation Mr. Any classic example of this can be your Batman: The Particular Animated Series franchise along with its spin-offs. Computers get revolutionized animated feature films, a luxury yesteryear could not afford. The Actual techniques employed here ranged from your exhaustively rich in depth complete animation simply by Walt Disney to the efficient and also budget-friendly techniques employed by Hanna-Barbara. This specific helps to create the occupation of making a set of very best animated movies every 1 involving the a lot more difficult. Old Cartoon Movies The Territory Prior To Occasion II: The Genuinely Amazing Valley Adventure The Rescuers A Cat in Paris Gargoyles your Movie: Your Heroes Awaken Rio Scooby-Doo as well as the Cyber Chase Next Avengers: Heroes regarding Tomorrow Gulliver's Travels Beyond the actual Moon Ice Age: Dawn in the Dinosaurs The Lion King II: Simba's Pride The Snow Queen Rugrats throughout Paris: Your Movie Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch has any Glitch The Jetsons Meet your Flintstones Victory Via Air power (1943) Superman: Doomsday The Enchanted Village (1956) Waltz together with Bashir Hey There, It's Yogi Bear! "When we constantly inquire regarding miracles, we're unraveling the pad in the world. This kind of had been somewhat limited any decade ago, however using the latest progress throughout CGI technology, the main difference between animated movies and feature films is actually thinning. Enthusiasts still favor the existing 2D type of animation pertaining to DC comics superhero movies. Bug Should Go in order to town (1941) Hotel Transylvania Seer The 3 Musketeers: Saving Your Crown The Return of the King The Rescuers Down Under Rockin' along with Judy Jetson Felix the actual Cat: Your Movie Dot along with Keeto Daffy Duck's Wonderful Island Batman Beyond: Return in the Joker Alice within Wonderland (1949) Bambi (1942) The Tale in the White Serpent (1958) Green Lantern: Emerald Knights 1977 Yogi's Very first Christmas Thumbelina Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Adhere To Your Current Dreams Beauty and furthermore the Beast Scruffy William Morgan (live-action) (1947) We are the Strange Rio 2 Gumby: The Particular Movie Jack and also the Beanstalk 1969 Taro your Dragon Boy Clifford's Actually Large Movie It's Such any beautiful Day Fire as well as Ice Pokmon: the First Movie A Christmas Carol Scooby-Doo as well as the Reluctant Werewolf An Oversimplification of The Woman's Beauty Dougal and in addition the Blue Cat Sleeping Splendor (1959) The Ant Bully Treasure Planet Black Beauty Dead Space: Downfall Brother Bear Adventures regarding Mowgli Water with regard to Firefighting (1948) A Troll inside Central Park Twice Upon a new Time Scooby-Doo as well as the Monster associated with Mexico (2000 in order to 2014) Exquisite detail-that's what just about any cartoon film buff says if he's questioned about the animation movies associated with today. Yes, there have been movies using less emotion and more techniques, yet filmmakers have kept the essence of the animated movies exactly where it ought to be-the heart. The Terrain before Moment V: The Particular Mysterious Island Scooby-Doo as well as the Alien Invaders Cars 2 http://www.buzzle.com/articles/cartoon-movies-list.html Shark Tale Happily ever after - AKA: Snow White 2 Animalympics Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Gnomeo & Juliet Alvin and also the Chipmunks Meet Frankenstein Mulan II The Adventures regarding Mark Twain The Cat within the Hat Thumbelina 2006 Adventures associated with Sinbad your Sailor Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas Asterix: The Particular Property with the Gods Ultramarines: Any Warhammer 40,000 Movie 1985 Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius Naruto your Movie: Guardians with the Crescent Moon Kingdom Magic Gift of the Snowman Monsters vs. Such is the extent for you to which the particular filmmakers are generally likely to entertain the actual audience. a realm of continuous miracles would not be considered a world, it would be considered a cartoon." -Douglas Coupland Animated movies take you to some different world altogether. The Particular primary target audience are kids and small moviegoers, although more mature themes and scripts are attracting adults too. Chill Out, Scooby-Doo! Poe Sinbad Futurama: In To the Wild Green Yonder Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed within at the Residence associated with Mouse The Outback Fritz the Cat Planet 51 Robin Hood Stewie Griffin: Your Untold Story The Boxtrolls Ice Age: Continental Drift Halo Legends 1966 Anastasia Toy Story 3 Tarzan & Jane Tintin and in addition the Lake involving Sharks Despicable Me Ice Age: the Meltdown The Pretty OddParents: Channel Chasers A Boy Named Charlie Brown Arjun: the Warrior Prince Shrek the particular Third The Black Cauldron The Prince regarding Egypt A Christmas Carol The 12 Months (1956) (1940 in order to 1979) These movies laid groundwork for a total generation involving cartoons in which spanned almost 5 decades. the character involving Mike Sully inside the movie Monsters Inc. Unique personal computer farms are generally utilized to method how 1000s of strands regarding curly hair will behave because the character moves within the animated universe. So, you tend to be in the position to think with regards to the variety of sketches that will be needed to acquire a total duration feature! Subsequent time a person watch these classics and also crib in regards to the not enough detail and just how they don't really measure approximately today's higher standards involving filmmaking, just think about the effort the particular cartoonists possess place in to it. Stitch! the Movie Mighty Mouse within the Fantastic Room Chase Batman: The Particular dark Knight Returns - Component 1 Chico as well as Rita Shrek Winnie the Pooh: Seasons associated with Giving Bee Movie Puss within Boots 1974 Flying Phantom Ship Puss 'n Boots Travels around the particular World Heathcliff: The Actual Movie Winnie the particular Pooh: A Really Merry Pooh Year The Mouse and also His Child 2005 The Lorax Skeletor's Revenge Escape coming from Planet Earth An Most Dogs Christmas Carol (1980 to 1999) There had been this moment around involving the late 1980s as well as 1990s exactly where there is any transition inside the type of cartoons. Inside top quality animation, as much as 18 frames could be employed per second. Computers had been just being accustomed to aid animation effects. had reportedly 5 plus a half million strands regarding head of hair upon his body, and a single pc took 670 hours to render 1 2nd of the movie with the character throughout it. The following movies are generally coming from this era, a period within transition, where people finally began to accept the actual digitization regarding cartoon movies. 5 Weeks in a Balloon Garfield's Pet Force The Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie Tom Sawyer All-Star Superman Happily N'Ever After 1981 Street Fighter Alpha: Your Movie Dragonlance: Dragons associated with Autumn Twilight Despicable Me 2 Batman Beyond: The Actual Movie Delhi Safari Yogi the particular Easter Bear The Lion King 2008 Naruto Shippuden the Movie: 7 Mighty Raju : Rio Calling The Prince and the Pauper Gulliver's Travels Looney Tunes: back in Action The Secret regarding NIMH Highlander: The Actual Research regarding Vengeance 1993 Thor: Tales of Asgard Tom as well as Jerry: Blast Off to always be able to Mars The Nut Job 1998 2014 Open Season 3 The Stingiest Man within Town The Simpsons Movie The Small Mermaid The Hobbit Batman: Your dark Knight Returns - part 2 The Haunted world regarding El Superbeasto The Jungle Book The Night Prior To Christmas (1951) Puss within Boots Make Mine Songs (1946) A Christmas Carol Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol (1962) Doggie March (1963) Cinderella II: Desires Occur True American Pop The Lego Movie The 12 Months Without Having any Santa Claus Ghatothkach: Master associated with Magic Cowboy Bebop: the Movie The Man Referred In Order To As Flintstone Les Misrables The Easter Bunny is actually Comin' to Town Scooby Doo throughout Where's My Mummy? The Man via Button Willow Kim Possible: Consequently the particular Drama PollyWorld The Cunning Small Vixen Dinotopia: Quest for the Ruby Sunstone The last Unicorn The New Alice inside Wonderland 1986 The 3 Caballeros (1944) Space Chimps Pinocchio in Outer Space Ultimate Avengers Legends regarding Oz: Dorothy's Return The Waterman Movie A Christmas Special A Liar's Autobiography Quantum Quest: A New Cassini Area Odyssey The Ten Commandments Rudolph, your Red-Nosed Reindeer The Polar Express Fun as well as Fancy free (1947) Tom and also Jerry: the Movie Chhota Bheem and in addition the Throne involving Bali GoBots: War in the Rock Lords Arabian Nights: the Adventures involving Sinbad (1962) Osmosis Jones 1990 Modern Classics 2011 Asterix and in addition the Huge Fight Green Lantern: First Flight Sophie's Place Tinker Bell and the great Fairy Rescue James as well as the Giant Peach Madeline: Lost throughout Paris Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland Disney's Halloween Treat Cleopatra: Queen associated with Sex Raggedy Ann & Andy: a Musical Adventure 1968 Kung Fu Panda 2 Robotix: Your Movie Alice throughout Wonderland Winnie the actual Pooh: Springtime along with Roo Bedknobs along with Broomsticks Garfield Will Get a Life One Hundred and 1 Dalmatians (1961) Tom as well as Jerry: Rapid and furthermore the Furry Garfield's Enjoyable Fest Chicken Run 1989 Mutant Aliens Happy Birthday, Garfield Charlotte's Internet 2: Wilbur's Fantastic Adventure Tinker Bell and furthermore the Lost Treasure The Terrain before Period XII: The truly Amazing Day in the Flyers 1995 ParaNorman The Adventures associated with Pinocchio Happy Feet Road to become able to Ninja: Naruto the Movie The Small Mermaid Brother Bear 2 The King along with I Down as well as Dirty Duck A Wish regarding Wings That Will Work Top Cat: The Particular Movie The Adventures involving Pinocchio Aladdin and also His Magic Lamp Futurama: The Actual Beast with a Billion Backs Rudolph the particular Red-Nosed Reindeer and in addition the Island regarding Misfit Toys The Talking Parcel The Twelve Duties of Asterix The big fun Carnival (1957) The Territory Prior To Occasion X: The Fantastic Longneck Migration Yogi Bear and additionally the Magical Flight of the Spruce Goose 1999 We're Back! A New Dinosaur's Story The Wind inside the Willows 1978 Rudolph's Shiny New Year Madagascar Teacher's Pet 2001 Treasure Island Superman/Batman: Apocalypse Seer 3 Princess Twins involving Legendale An Very Goofy Movie Scooby-Doo! Abracadabra-Doo Pinocchio (1940) Madagascar: Escape two Africa 20,000 Leagues Below the Sea Care Bears Movie II: a New Generation The Fool of the Globe and also the Flying Ship 1956-60 The Grinch Grinches the Cat within the Hat Gallavants Fantasia 2000 Mars Finding Nemo 2000 The Tigger Movie The Tale associated with Despereaux Hercules The Final with the Mohicans 1940-1949 The Soldier's Tale Jack Frost Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Kids The Iron Giant The Powerpuff Girls Movie Toy Story 2 Jungle Book: Rikki-Tikki-Tavi for the Rescue Tintin as well as the Temple with the Sun Snow White The Transformers: Your Movie Tarzan My Scene Moves Hollywood Tony Hawk inside Boom Boom Sabotage Over the particular Hedge The Batman vs Dracula: The Actual Animated Movie Dragon Ball Z 10: Broly - second Coming Yellow Submarine Bonjour Paris! (1953) The Sword inside the Stone (1963) Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World 1991 Disaster! Epic The Secret in the Sword Open Season 2 A Deadly Invention (1958) The Mind's Eye: Some Sort Involving Computer Animation Odyssey Superman/Batman: Public Enemies Hans Christian Andersen's the Small Mermaid Wreck-It Ralph The Brave Frog Batman: Gotham Knight Naruto the Movie: Snow Princess' Guide of Ninja Arts 1964 Surf's Up 1997. Peabody & Sherman The Wild 1961-63 The Pirates That Don't Perform Anything: A New VeggieTales Movie Lilo & Stitch Dot as well as the Whale Melody Occasion (1948) A Miser Brothers' Christmas Frosty Returns Care Bears: Huge Wish Movie Care Bears: Reveal Bear Shines 1967 The Nine Lives involving Fritz your Cat Astro Boy: Hero of Space Dragon Ball Z: Battle associated with Gods Ramayana: Your Epic Ark 2010 The Glorious Musketeers All Dogs Go in order to Heaven 2 Kung Fu Panda Planet Hulk WALL-E Antz Livin' It Together With Bratz The Legend involving Hiawatha The Legend of Sasquatch The Many Adventures involving Winnie the Pooh Cinderella (1950) The Point! The Amazing Mr. Unlike today's computer-aided graphics, these movies needed painstaking effort, in the way of cartoon drawings, manually drawn. Using cartoon movies, the storytellers can portray surreal universes, alternate realities, and fantastic scenarios and also stories. the Elite Fantastic Animation Festival Gay Purr-ee (1962) Live Freaky! Die Freaky! Bolt The Crucial (1961) Futurama: Bender's Game Sonic the particular Hedgehog: Your Movie Casper's Haunted Christmas Fullmetal Alchemist: Your Sacred Star involving Milos Sleeping Beauty Shenmue: Your Movie The Night B4 Christmas Hercules: Zero to Hero Foodfight! Wonder Woman Hercules as well as Xena - The Actual Animated Movie: the Battle regarding Mount Olympus Pokmon the Movie: Kyurem vs
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