#empath/mind fairy go wild
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Aisha, gesturing to Musa: Bloom, look what you did! You made Mom upset!
Flora: Mom, please don’t cry, we’re sorry!
Bloom: I’m sorry Mom... :(
#robin’s void 🪐#fate the winx saga#winx musa#winx aisha#winx bloom#winx flora#empath/mind fairy go wild
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This excerpt from Hazel Harrison's article "How to Teach Your Kids about Their Inner Critic" introduces “The Critical Critter” for exploring self-critical thoughts with your child.
Have you ever heard your child say something like: “I’m not good at this,” or “I’m so stupid,” or “It’s all my fault,” or even “I shouldn’t have even tried.” Perhaps some kids don’t say these things out loud, but maybe they refrain from doing certain activities or speaking up in school because they’ve already convinced themselves that they’re not good enough. Over time, these behaviors can grow into what we all have come to know as the inner critic.
For kids, however, I like to refer to the inner critic as “The Critical Critter” to take some of the weight off. Exploring self-critical thoughts can often feel like heavy, exhausting work, so using a playful approach can help children bring a certain amount of lightness to balance out the heavy work of noticing unhelpful habits and challenging them or approaching them differently.
The character of the inner critic as “Critter” helps children understand when they are being too hard on themselves and also the crucial lesson that thoughts are not facts. Just because we think we’re rubbish at something doesn’t make it true.
So how do you start a conversation with your children about the self-defeating, self-critical thoughts that we all have running on repeat in the back of our minds?
Here is how I help children (and parents) to understand the inner critic.
Introducing the Critical Critter
In a previous post, I talk about how the brain is like a house, with an upstairs and a downstairs. This idea comes in part from Dr. Dan Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson’s book The Whole-Brain Child and it’s a really simple way to help kids to think about what’s going on inside their head.
Having introduced the idea of the brain house, I tell children that we’re going to add in a rather scary, hairy, and un-fairy-like creature. You know your child, so make sure this makes sense to them. Some children may need lots of reassurance that this is just pretend — “there aren’t really characters living in our brain” — whilst others may relish the opportunity to run wild with imagination.
The Critical Critter in the Brain House
The Critical Critter lives in the upstairs brain house with the thinkers, problem solvers, planners, emotion regulators, creatives, flexible and empathic types in the neocortex. To begin with, we may not notice that the Critter has moved in. It may start out with a quiet voice, occasionally speaking up with critical self-talk. But, the more we listen to its words, the bigger it grows. The Critical Critter is fed on a diet of negative self-talk and unkind, unsupportive words from others. Each time we chew on harsh and unjustified criticism, it’s like giving the critter another burger to munch on. One day, we discover the Big C has unpacked all its luggage, and grown large enough to throw its weight around. The Big C has turned into a BIG BULLY, squashing any hopes of self-compassion or kindness from the upstairs “thinking” characters. And, not content with that, this dastardly doubter is also lurking downstairs in our feeling brain (the limbic system), telling Fearsome Fred that he’s right to panic and flip his lid because everything is going to go wrong. And when it does, insists the Critter, Fearless Fred will be to blame because he’s useless. We. Are. Useless.
Notice the Critical Critter in Action
Think of some examples to share with your child about what else the Critical Critter does. Choose examples that aren’t too stressful because if you make your kids feel too anxious they may end up feeding their Critter right then and there!
Here’s an example I might use: At age seven, our internal critic bursts into fits of self-incriminating giggles when we trip during a race.
Aged 16, it hides under the exam desk and repeatedly whispers “You’re gonna fail at this!”
When it’s time to leave school and think about a career, the Critter starts a chorus of “You’ll never do it; you’re not going to make it; you’ll never amount to anything.”
In short, the Critical Critter makes us default to feeling bad about ourselves, feeling ill-equipped, emotionally and mentally, to handle adversity or even to simply to try new things. Learning how to quiet the Critter can help children cultivate resilience and self-compassion.
5 Ways Kids Can Shrink the Critical Critter
If your child’s Critter has grown bigger, scarier, and hairier recently, it’s time to put it on a crash diet. Here’s how you can help your child notice the Critter at work and put an end to its constant unhelpful chatter:
1) Ask your child to name their critter: This may sound a bit silly, but it gives your child the space to separate the words and actions of the critter from their own and notice when the inner critic is at work. This gives them a better chance of taming harsh words (and catastrophizing thoughts) that eventually build into habits of rumination. It doesn’t matter what they call the Critter, just as long as it makes sense to them.
2) Take the BFF test: You might notice the Critter creeping around your child on tough days. They start being really hard on themselves — “It’s all my fault we lost the game.” When you spot this ask them: “Would you speak like this to your best friend?” If the answer is “no,” it’s time to squash that negative self-talk, encourage them to be their own BFF (Best Friends Forever). Ask them to think about what they would say to a friend in a similar position, and also HOW they would say it. Regularly practicing this exercise will help them to take responsibility for their actions whilst also building self-compassion.
3) Answer back: You may spend a lot of time encouraging your child not to answer back, but when it comes to the Critter, they need to boss them back. When you notice the Critter sneakily chanting to them “This’ll never work, you’ve always been useless at this,” encourage them to answer back. Use these sentences and their Critter will be eating broccoli for a week!
“That’s enough out of you, Critter — I’m doing my best.”
“I can’t hear you Critter, I’m too busy being amazing over here.”
“Maybe it didn’t work this time, Critter, but I’m giving it another go.”
4) Call for Backup: If your child is trying to master something new, maybe a difficult math concept or a new skateboard trick, these are often the times when the Critter will pop up. Critters tend to say things like “you’re terrible at this,” or “You may as well stop right now.” Encourage them to prove the Critter wrong by seeking the advice and support of people who have done it before. If they surround themselves with people who say “You can do it,” then it’ll be harder for the Critter to keep yelling at them to give up. And soon, it will stop shouting “You can’t,” and sit quietly in a corner.
5) Create a positive moments practice: Being under attack from the Critter is tough and, for some kids, can feel relentless. It can make kids question themselves and their abilities. To cope with this relentless criticism, it’s important that kids find things about themselves that they like. Each day, help your child find time to notice the things — no matter how small they are — that went well because of them. Ask them what went well today and help them to find the positive moments in their day. Encouraging a regular gratitude practice is a great way to build resilience, self-compassion, and to keep the Critter quiet!
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took me a min to get to this, i have since watched up thru s3e04!
I totally understand the concern it may become too convoluted/complicated to be enjoyable. to my recollection that *is* what happened with the show LOST and while i didn't personally watch LOST, ik some of the people behind that show also created From. but for now i think the mysteries presented to us do have some direction so i'm going to have faith they'll pull off instead of devolving into kookaburra nonsense!!
as for favorite characters, ooh. ykw i have to give From props on that front, i appreciate that the characters are all pretty well-written. they all have distinct personalities and motives and act accordingly. i feel like you can track the internal logic of most of the characters' decisions within their personal context and perceptions, thus i tend to empathize with them even when i don't agree with said decisions (Sarah as a notable example considering what she did in the first episode, what we learned about both why and Sarah herself since, and where she's at now), or when they're getting on my nerves! So i don't particularly dislike anyone...except Dale. fucking Dale, smdh...urgh i kinda hate Randall too, albeit one of the reasons Randall drives me so crazy is bc as much as i hate to admit it, i know in this situation?? uh, i would low-key *be* Randall. 😬
i wouldn't be as bad, like i wouldn't be going out of my way to piss everybody off and unlike Randall, i'd have the sense of self-preservation to recognize that mouthing off to Donna and/or Boyd is a no-no. you mouth off to Donna and/or Boyd, congrats, you've just rendered yourself alienated and outnumbered by 95% of the population of Fromville. but like, his paranoia?? yup, that'd be me. i would be super paranoid and suspicious of everything, wondering all about candid camera and plants and the possibility of government experimentation, etc. these aren't completely dissimilar to some of the paranoia things i get fixated over on a semi-regular basis. pop me in Fromville and it'd all be cranked up to eleven. 🙃
at least unlike Dale tho, Randall tries to help sometimes. he tried to help when he thought Tabitha was buried under the house, he saved Julie and Ethan in s3e01, tried to help Boyd last episode. Randall will try in earnest too, Dale only ever helps out when Donna makes him and complains the whole damn time, smdh.
the one thing i will critique, going back to characters and motivation and whatnot, uh, THESE PEOPLE NEED TO BE HAVING TOWN MEETINGS! i am not the first to point this out, everybody and their brother watching From has been saying this, but c'mon! too much wild shit happens in Fromville for us not to be having town meetings, communicating about our visions and broken glass voices and worms under our skin, etc. 🙄
but faves...for sure Donna! ngl i'd love a roll in the hay or two or ten with Donna. wouldn't mind macking on Kristi either. i also have a soft spot for Jade, he makes me laugh. Tabitha is up there, Tian-Chen is up there, R.I.P Tian-Chen. Fatima and Ellis would be really cool to hang out with and get stoned with. Victor and his backstory are wholly intriguing. Elgin is adorable, i have a soft spot for characters who spend time with their grandparents. Sarah is also so very fascinating to me, i hunger to learn more about her & Nathan's background, and why Fromville voices wanted her to do what she did in s1.
as for theories, well i know a lot of people suspect fairies! and that the Boy In White is some kind of fairy. Tbvh my american ass has only a rudimentary understanding of fairy folklore and this is a great opportunity for me to do more research, so i better understand these theories. atm i know some fans have made very good cases and a lot of solid meta on this but idk enough about faries to put my own two cents in.
however, i think it's worth mentioning that neither Ethan's book, The Flight of The Cromenockle, nor the nursery rhyme Bakta knew that proceeded the arrival of the music box monster actually exist in our world. i think it's little things like this that suggest From is more concerned with its own original mythos and internally based lore. even if heavily inspired by specific folklore/legends/creatures that we understand in our world, i don't think these phenomena will be identical in From. i don't think we're going to name-drop a changeling or a J’Ba Fofi in From, even if some of the creatures are possibly inspired by and/or similar to them.
i do think the the place itself is sentient and malicious. there is some speculation in Yellowjackets that Laura Lee was killed by The Wilderness bc Wilderness felt threatened by her devout Christianity. Laura Lee stopped the seance and presented a different interpretation of supernatural influence thru an established belief system she was likely too deeply faithful to, to ever abandon it for The Wilderness. i think it's possible Fromville is similar. Father Khatri notes that of all the books there, not a single bible. the crow busts thru the window before Tillie can even reveal the tarot cards, let alone discuss Fatima's reading. i think Fromville might be territorial and intentional in suppressing any other mystical influence that may distract from its own prowess.
going off of the Yellowjackets comparison, uh, if it is indeed real, i don't think The Wilderness is evil. harsh? absolutely. primordial? Beyond the shadow of a doubt. the plane crash itself may have been perceived as a sacrifice. "It's not evil, it's just hungry. Like us," dream!Lottie tells a dying Nat. Van believes The Wilderness is lonely. It is probably both these things and possibly needs to be worshipped in order to exist.
but Fromville? yeah, that place is straight up evil!! it thrives on suffering, despair, and pain. the very first song it plays on the jukebox in s1e01 is a taunt, in hindsight. it manifests itself in personally painful ways to several residents. so on that note, i agree with the theory that trauma is what informs *who* it is that winds up in the town.
when we first ran out of food in Fromville, ngl i was suspecting the town might be trying to drive its residents (captives) to cannibalism. that does not seem to be the case since we found food growing by the cabins in the woods...
those cabins in the woods tho!! so there has been the theory floating around that Eloise is alive. as of the latest episode Victor said she died but Victor's memories are not 100% reliable. he didn't even recall he had a sister until recently! he relies on drawings and objects of the deceased to fill in the gaps of his memory.
so i wonder if Eloise was one of the people living in the woods? i do think it was *people* in the cabins at least at one point.
one theory i find very probable is that Fromville cycles and that the people who fail to escape before losing all hope within the set cycle time turn into the monsters that come out at night. the internal anatomy indicates the monsters used to be human. They are all in period clothing. i believe those were people from the previous cycle and that's why none of them look modern but none of them are dressed in anything older than around the 1950s, either.
i think the theory that Tabitha is Miranda reincarnated is possible! i'm also not entirely convinced, it is compelling though! i think it's more possible than the timeloop theory. i don't agree with the timeloop theory because i think there's too much evidence to suggest that time passes in From. things in From get older, they don't reset. the monsters are in dated clothing. Marielle tells Kristi she's been gone for 6 months and Kristi does not dispute this timeframe.
i don't think Fatima is turning into one of the monsters that comes out at night, as others have theorized. obviously something horrific is taking place and she is undergoing some kind of transformation (or at the least behaving on behalf of her certainly inhuman fetus) but not one of the night monsters. Fatima appears to be developing a taste for human flesh, and the night monsters don't appear to eat the people they kill.
speaking of monsters, i think the wet woman in the kimono Elgin keeps seeing is benign! i believe introducing her alongside the cicada monster outbreak was a misdirect and that she was not actually trying to drown Elgin in that scene. i think the cicadas and/or music box ballerina manifestation were what was actually trying to drown him and that she possibly came to him then because she also suffered drowning (she always looks wet). Kimono Lady has not tried to harm Elgin in her other appearances. Boy In White and Anghkooey kids are similarly creepy but seemingly benign beings who manifest to specific people.
i think the theory that Fromville is a pocket universe holds potential. it's a throwaway line from Dale during Fatima's party, that we as the audience were quickly shuttled away from because 1) fucking Dale and 2) a drunk Ellis and scuffle quickly take center stage. but i never forgot that line and From being in an entirely different universe than our world would go a long way in accounting for its elusiveness.
that's about all i got for now, bud! How about you?? Care to share your thoughts/feelings/theories on From and its characters??
hello again, friend!! are you familiar with the epix/MGM+ series, From? just wondering, as the third season premieres at the end of the month and it's also fitting for the spooky season.
Oooh, yes! I'm really looking forward to the rest of s03 (I've seen the 1st episode and I'm excited). I hope it won't fall apart (become too complicated and mysterious to be enjoyable) down the line, but right now it's still spooky and digestible.
Feel free to tell me about your feelings, possible theories, favorite characters, and such!
#foxgirlontherun#from mgm#mgm from#speculation#this got long friend#my bad#there's so much going on in from#so much to cover
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My original transformation CRISIX (part 1)










My original transformation (crisix)
Lore here !
Crisix the first ever fairy transformation that has been broken down into the more modern fairy forms now
Most faerie’s haven’t gained this form because of the toll the magic takes on persons bodies and the persons magical core
The winx gain this form from the first fairy Arcadia as a offering to save the magical dimension
But this power comes at a great cost
This form has a limited usage and if you
Go over the amount your body can handle you risk losing your magic,damaging your body or just dying.
Crisix faeries have two forms that represents their magical powers
Bloom: warrior of fae- her fire magic
And enchanted fires - the full dragon flame powers
Aisha: empress of tides- the full extent of morphix & currents of Andros- water magic
Stella :tears of sunne- solar magic
Eclipse of moone- lunar magic
Musa: dance of the treble cleft- sound wave magic
Empathic idol: the more mind side to music
(Connecting with people through music/slight mind control)
Tecna : ecstatic electric- the electrical side of technology
Meca fae- basically made her a cyborg lol
Roxy: summonses of the wild- she can summon any animal in the magic dimension
Butterfly of The fae- the connection to animals that she have mentally
Phew that was a lot but hope everyone likes it ask comments down below 👇 🫶🏾🫶🏾
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I love the way you write Twilight. I love when he interacts with the wolf in his soul
I really love writing him doing that!
It's fun to give each character a perspective quirk when writing them.
For Legend it's the occasional use of odd terms and words that I think are cool, along with excessive snark and denial of feelings.
For Twi, it's the wolf, something that helps me write him better than just throwing cowboy vibes at fur.
Four has the Colors.
Wars has snark and the eternal mood of being 100% exhausted with everything while still caring almost too much (why I write him lie myself I don't know).
Hyrule has fairy stuff going on, and empath powers, so, cool on that!
Sky and Time are hard and I'm still fighting with them.
Wind and Wild are also hard, and I don't write them enough honestly! But I try to give them a bit more brains than they are usually depicted with, and I like to try and keep in mind that Wind is a big brother and also helped raise Time 9even if he doesn't really know that all the time).
(I have a Wind fic in the works honestly, it's just getting it finished is a hassle, since my Four fic isn't even halfway done yet (it's 11 freaking pages and I haven't even done everything I wanted to yet!))
#linked universe#linkeduniverse#lu twilight#lu legend#lu time#lu sky#lu four#lu warriors#lu wild#lu wind#lu hyrule#asks and answers
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hc + loss of control
It's really rare if it does happen, but when distressed enough a knoxonk's third final element tends to wig out and it's hard for them to turn it off even when calmed down. It can also happen if they eat too much of their own empathic energy, which causes some ill effects if done continuously. For Bor having a rot-element things in a ten-meter radius will start to decay and oddly enough grow things too. Like mushrooms or leeching off their necromancy to grow flesh stuffs, like a creepy fairy ring. Bor gets very unresponsive during this and tends to go in a blank 'calm' state, if they see you they'll try to go towards you for comfort even though logically they shouldn't. The ground depending on what it is might rust, goo up, mold, dry, crumble, etc! If you're in the center of it you'll probably be goo or dust, but being at the borders might either age you ten years or straight kill the cells there much like how radiation does. Their decay smell is wildly overbearing to the point it burns the noise like chemicals too. Worst still the wild demonic magic that's wigging out might corrupt you too, and it's never pretty. The knoxonk afflicted do try to reign themselves in, it works but the chances of it working is very slim, it's best to destroy the body(no need to factory reset your knoxonk, just soft reset) and let them reform again with peace of mind.
#bugheadcanons#dddisgusting#never happened to bor yet! but when it does it's gonna have big Annihilation vibes!#abt the knoxonk
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6, 9, 15, and 16 for the OC ask meme? :3
6. What kind of books comfort them? What books help them heal after a hard day?
Here are a few she LOVES to read:
Vera is an empath and a sensitive woman (but you’d never know by the number of skulls she’s cracked or her badass purple mullet). And memoirs are full of feelings. It's a natural match. I'm not saying that Vera is a wilting violet who cries for fun, but she enjoys an emotional thrill ride (ideally paired with wine and reading on the couch with Nibbles curled up next to her). Vera loves to step into someone else's mind. Far-off worlds are fine, but she finds it just as interesting to dive into a writer's psyche and explore what makes them tick.
Literary Fiction
Vera enjoys her fair share of sci-fi and fantasy. But she also loves a juicy novel about ordinary people living their every day, fictional lives. Vera’s a thoughtful reader who prefers complicated interpersonal relationships to crazy violence or explosions (or rather, she likes a balanced amount of explosions). She adores stories about people who seem real and relatable. Besides, after a long day of killing and completing extraction gigs for her Fixers, Vera likes to sit down and read fictional stories about young girls living their best lives in a lighthouse.
Magical Realism
Not quite high fantasy, but not quite ordinary, realistic fiction; Vera has a box filled to the brim with magical realism books. The world is the real world, but it's populated with secret underground kingdoms and fairies that may or may not be real. Vera has a dreamy inner side with a wild imagination. She already lives in a slightly fantastical world where anything is possible (just look at the timebomb in her head!), and she’s always in need of a book that understands her and what she’s going through.
9. What is your character's trigger point? What makes them angry, sad, or makes them go off?
As a nomad and a Black woman, the worst feeling for Vera is when something is unjust. Whether she hears of a case where a monstrous criminal fails to get the punishment that they deserve or somebody treats her in a way that is less than what she deserves, she’ll become furious and passionate about remedying the problem. Do you want to piss her off? Talk to her like she’s a child, and you’ll see just how unreasonable she can be.
There’s a lot that makes her sad, but nothing makes her more depressed than a broken promise.
As someone who keeps her word and swears oaths, it makes it hard for Vera to tolerate broken promises. There’s little that she can tolerate less. It makes her sad when somebody says that they will do something and do not follow through.
But Vera also needs to understand that in life, there are circumstances that one cannot control. Sometimes, other people also have situations come up -- situations that they, too, cannot control. Life is all about expecting the unexpected, and it’s nothing personal when things don’t go exactly the way she wants them to.
Going Off
Messing with her family will set her off. Even a minor threat will enrage her and have her plotting your demise and following through with that plan.
15. What is the first thing people notice about them?
Her violet eyes.
Vera’s violet-colored eye contacts are the gateway to her soul. People quickly get drawn to the magic in her eyes, which seems to be telling a story of their own. Strangers find the way her eyes seem to brim with intensity to be alluring and mysterious. Even without the contacts, her natural brown eyes are a sight to behold, and just about anyone can drown in the soulful tranquility of her earthy browns.
16. What do they look for in a friend? A love interest?
In a friend, Vera wants someone who understands her and isn’t quick to cast her off when the smoke clears. She wants a partner, an equal, and someone she can call family because friends are a bit like family, right?
As for lovers, all Vera wants is a man or woman who loves her for who she is and won’t try to put her in a box. Vera is a proud nomad, and she will always be loyal to her roots. Anyone who thinks otherwise and tries to change her is not worth getting her heart broken.
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Witchtypes and Crafts
Merry meet. And welcome to this long long post. Since I am new to witchcraft I am currently researching a lot. And one of those topics I am researching is the Types of Witches and their Crafts. Since that is on every List for the New witch to research. Right after History of Witches. Maybe I will make a Blog about the History as well. Later, when I have more Informations on it.
Some hints for this Post:
1: this List is not complette.
2: No witch is just one Type. Labels are nice and give a good Sense of Order. But most Witches have more then one way to do their magic. So Mix Types are usual in my experience.
3: It is mostly about where the witch is focusing on and what she works with.
4: Changing your "Type" is possible and maybe even good. Maybe you will find a way for magic you didn't even new existed. Try it out.
5: If I am presenting something wrong, please tell me. I will change it. We all can learn from each other.
6: if you know another Kind of Type that is not on the list, feel free to reblog and/or comment.
7: several names for one Kind of Type happens. So dont wonder about it if you know the Type but under a different Name.
8: there are alot of them. And some go into each other. But are their own Type. So I Made some Kind of big categories. I hope you can follow me through this all.
9: I wrote all of this in my Book of Shadows. There I just got a little Checklist. Not the Text Version like I am giving you here. If you want the short Version just write to me and I will see what I can do.
Now to the actual List of Types. There are a lot of them. So buckle up.
1. Eclecctic Witch
Just because eclecctic has a negative ring to it in some languages (German for instance), doesn't mean that these Witches are uncreative. This witch Pulls their Pratcises from many other different types, depending in what they want, need and can do. No eclecctic witch is like another.
2. Hedge Witch / Liminial Witch
These witches concentrate more on the In-Between Places. Astral Projection, Spiritual Places and Dream Magic are very common for them.
3. Green Witch / Nature Witch / Garden Witch
You can meet these Witches outside. Plants and Nature are there Expertise. The Garden is normally the centrum of their magic.
- Wild Witch
A special Form of the Green Witch. This Wild Witch is not feral. No. They just love the wilderness and the nature in its free Form. Tamed and orderly kept gardens are not so their thing. She Feels much more connected to the wilderness, where humans have not meddled.
- Forest Witch
Also a special Form of the Green or Nature Witch. These Witches love their Woods and Forests. Trees are Essential for them and their magic.
- Weather Witch / Storm Witch
If it as a Storm, Rain or just the sunshine, these Witches know how to work with the weather and what enegies they can harvest and use. From what I read these Witches seem to Prefer the rain and wind, with the occasional ligthning Strike. That is why there are also known as Storm Witches.
- Ozean / Sea Witch
The first thing that comes to the mind when you hear Sea Witch would be Ursula from Ariel. (I personally have bad relationship with her... oh childhood you follow me everywhere). But Ursula is giving a pretty crooked Picture for these witches. They focus on the Tides. And who rules over those? The Moon, correct. Trying to seperate the Ozean from the Moon wont work. And these witches also use the storm magic like the Weather Witches. Of course more focused on the sea weather. Sadly bot every Sea Witch is so lucky to live near the Ozean. Other great water bodies work as well for them. A Lake or a sea work as well.
4. Kitchen Witch
One of the most well known and beloved witches today. Not surprising. Food is something we all love and cherish. But for these witches their Kitch and their food are their Kingdom and sacred place. They love to cook or bake. New Recipes and creating their own, that is something they enjoy.
- Garden Witch
This witch is equally well known and often very close with the Kitchen Witch. The Herbs from the Garden are not only being used in the tea, but also made into little bags and bundels. In German you may know here as a “Kräuter Hexe”.
- Cottage Witch / Hearth Witch / Personal Space Witch
This type of Witch concentrates her magic on her home. Cozy and Safe, that is her motto. They need a safe and sacred place, which is their home. This witch often overlaps with the Kitchen and Garden Witch.
5. Healer Witch
The Healer or healing Witch uses her magic mostly for - well - healing. Like the name indicates. Selfhealing or the healing of others: The Witch Doctor is IN and waiting for their next patient.
6. Crystal Witch
A very common witch. And don’t I understand it. These little guys are pretty and gourgeous and very useful and powerful. Crystal, Gem, Jewels or just a plain rock. These witches knows a lot about them and how to use them. You could say the crystals are the “foundation stone”.
7. Divination Witch
This Witch concentrates her magic on the subconscious and their intuition. And uses them to predict the future. Just because of that, they don’t think that everything is set in stone. They know very well of the free Will and the power it holds and wields. Tarot, Palm reading and others. There are many ways and options to get a glance into the future. But be careful, you might not like what you get to see.
8. Empath Witch
I personaly found this witch very relatable for me and found myself reflected. This Witch concentrates on their emotions and Intuition. They can pick up all kind of energies, vibes and moods (of a room, person, animal, you say it), read them and work with them
9. Mental Witch
The mental witch fascinated me immediatly, when I heard from them. And it demanded immediatly a lot of respect from me. The way they are using their magic is purely mentally. That means no physical counterpart. Complete concentration and a lot of Imagination are needed and necessary. That is why it is an incredible hard magic. I can imagine how quick bad things can turn out, just because you are not in complete control of your thoughts while you work your magic...
10. Cosmic Witch / Astrology Witch
These witches are living with the Nightsky and are constantly working with him. Not just the moon, the stars and the plantes are an important part as well in this witchcraft. With the phases it is very diverse over the year.
- Lunar / Moon Witch
They focus on the moon. And they look how it affects them. Their power comes and goes with the moon.
- Solar Witch / Sun Witch / Day Witch
This witch works only on the day and rises and goes with the sun. The night is not for them at all. The Sabbats and the Summer Solstice are their Highpoints of the year.
- Nocturnal Witch
As the name suggest, these witches are the complette opposite of the Solar Witch. The Night is their Kingdom.
11. Cultural / Traditonal Witch
This is a group of many different tipes and stiles, put under one label. From Nordic to african and egypt. The Homeland and the culture and traditions (Heritage) from there are a solid and important Part of their Craft
- Religious Witch
This one is pretty simple and normaly just an addition (like I said way up, most witches are a mix of many types). This witch gets in contact with their God, Godess or Gods in her magic, makes it a part of it. All Religions can be combined with Witchcraft. Christianity or Buddhism, a religious witch can find a way to get the higher ups involved.
- Wicca
You probably heard already from these Witches. Wicca is neopagan religion and is using a lot of old models and musters in their ways to live.
Nice sentence to remember from Skye Alexander: Every Wicca is a Witch, not every Witch is a Wicca.
- Ancestral Witch
This witch lives close with their family and the ones that came before them. A Family tree will be found somewhere, I am sure. And it will be up to date. They have a close bond with their Ancestors and are communicating with them.
- Necromancy Witch
No, this witch doesn’t raise the dead and doesn’t creates Zombies (why can I hear the sigh of disapointment...?). But they comes easily in contact with the deceased. And blood realtion is not needed for them. The Graveyard is a place of serenity and company for these witches.
- Hereditrary Witch
To be this kind of witch, you need a witch in your family that teached you their craft. Grandmother or uncle, who it is was and is, is not so important. Passed on Spells and Recipes from Generation to the next Generation. Maybe our Children or nieces and nephews will learn the witchcraft from us and with that will be carring on. (Just think, the spell you created might be still used some Generations later. Quite Impressive)
- Ceremonial / Ritual Witch
This witch loves Ceremonies and Rituals to bring their magic into the world. Rules and clear procedures, which makes them the opposite to the Chaos Witch, a Type that will be described later.
12. Elemantal Witch
Like the name says, these witches a working mostly with the elements and their spirits.
- Air/Fire/Water/Earth Witch
These Witches have specialised themself on one Element. The one they feel connected with. The Reason is only important to the relationship and how it will be expressed.
- Fairy / Fae Witch
I hardly now anything about these witches. Just that they work with the faes. That’s about it.
- Dragon / Draconic Witch
I don’t know a lot about these witches as well, saddly. Just that they work with the dragons, and with the fire.
- Pact Witch
These Witches make contracts with a lot of magical creatures and other beings. How these pacts look like differs not only from witch to witch, but is also different depending on the partner of the contract and their relationship.
13. Shadow Witch
One of the first witchtypes I looked into more. They use Shadow Work. Now what is that? It is about knowing yourself, all sides and facettes. The good and the Bad. And to shine a Light on them to work on and with them. The Subconsciousness is incredible important for them. And Meditation and Reflexion are frequently Methods for them.
14. Warrior Witch
These witche have an incredible urge to be activ and are protectiv. Like the Name tells you these witches are not afraid to fight for what they believe in. They have a strong and good Sense for what is right and what is wrong. Ethic and Morality are a Talent of theirs.
15. Chaos Witch
I mentioned this witch a litle earlie, that they are the opposite of the ritual Witch. They are untraditionel and love to think outside the box, because of that their magical praxis is nothing like the “schoolbook”. Flexibel and spontan are here a key. Also the changing of their way of magic is usual and not weird at all. The Genius overlooks the Chaos.
16. Modern Witch
- Tech Witch
If it is the Smartphone or the Laptop, this witch understands Technologie and knows how to use it in and with their magic.
- Urban / City Witch
This witch loves the Big Cities. The more people on one place, the better. The engery that exists there is easily used by these witches. But also the tram or cars are part of their everyday magic.
- Pop Cultural Witch
Who doesn’t know them? The new witches and wizards. Harry Potter, Sabrina, and who not and whereever they are. Magic always fascinated humans, even so it has it spooky side (or exactly because of the spooky side). Because of this fascination it became easily part of our stories. Fantasy. But most things in witchcraft happen in the head. Spells and Potions from these fantasy stories are brought to live and into reality by the Pop Cultural Witch, not exactly and to 100%, but you can see the connection and the inspiration they found. Maybe some even found their way to real witchcraft through the Pop Cultur?
- Art Witch
These witches are artists. Drawing, sketching, writing, sewing, singing and many other things with their Art they not only express themselfs, but bring their magic into the world.
- Music / Rythmis Witch
The sound of a heartbeat, a poem, drumbs or even just dancing and so much more is part of this witchcraft. Rythm is in their lives and their magic, a real beat. Loud or quite, it doesn’t matter. They will bewitch you with their beat and sound of their magic.
- Color Witch
The Colors of the wind. Well, yes. These witches are colorful. Their favourite color? Better buckle up for a lecture over two hours long, about colors and their meanings and the intentions they have. These witches know their colors. When you know one, look at their clothes they are showing you, the colors will gladly tell you what is currently on your friends mind and happening in their live.
- Sigil Witch
Sigils are the key and shield for these witches. If old ones or just created from the spot. There is hardly a situation this witch will not have a sigil ready to be drawn. And if they encounter one, they will create just the right one.
Well. That was the list. For now.
My head is mushy and is running in circles, I bet yours is not different.
If I did get anything wrong, I am terrible sorry. Just comment or write to me about it and I will correct it. After all, learning from each other is one of the most important things we can do.
By the way, It could be that there are spelling and gramma errors. My mother language is not english, and I was not very good while I was in school. Now I am catching up, by reading and listening and watching almost everything on english. But writing it is quite different. So just correct me and I will be able to get better at it, too.
I do hope I could help a little with this list and didn’t bring more confusion...
Until next time, my dear ones.
Your hexellent learning witch.
#witchcraft#shadow witch#ecletic witch#type of witches#witch types#list#green witch#wicca#faery witch#elemental witch#sigil witch#storm witch#kitchen witch#hedge witch#sea witch#garden witch#cottage witch#crystal witch#Moon witch#Divination witch#new to witchcraft#hexellentlearningwitch
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To the Ends of the Earth 16
A/n: AU!Supernatural. OOC Gabriel
Link to Chapter 15
Pairings: Gabriel x Reader, Dean x Cas
Over the next week the relationship between Gabriel and yourself seemed to be floundering pathetically. The two of you had barely spoken a word much less made an effort to talk about the conversation in the car. Gabriel decided that he wasn’t sleeping with you for the time being. In fact, he wasn’t sleeping at all. Now he had taken up staying up with Cas all night.
One morning number whatever it was, you were woken up by Dean knocking on your bedroom door.
“What do you possibly want at 7 am?”
You muttered as Dean tried to pry the pillow off of your head. Dean sighed.
“Jack and Patience broke up. I figured you would be the one to talk to the kid. He’s devastated. Sam and I are just going to say something stupid.”
You slowly sat up and pushed your messy hair away from your face.
“So you decided to send me in? Is it because my relationship seems to be falling apart right now?”
Dean winced.
“Well, the two of you can empathize with each other? Y/n, come on, you and that big baby in there will be just fine. He just has to come down off of his pedestal a bit.”
You stood up and began to attempt to fix your wild curls.
“Wait a minute! Last night you said that you agreed with Gabriel! Now you are wanting him to come off of his pedestal?”
Dean smirked. He sat down on the bed before giving you an exasperated expression.
“I only agree with him on the two of you not needing a nephilim. That is what I agree on. Hell, I would agree on that subject if he was just some normal human guy. Neither of us need a kid.”
“Sam has a kid.”
You said with a cold scowl. Dean held his hands up.
“Exactly and he didn’t need one! Now we have to keep an eye on the rugrat. Not that I am complaining. I really enjoy playing the fun uncle.”
“Screw you! I’m the fun aunt! Let’s face it, Dean. You and I...we just aren’t meant to be parents. That doesn't mean that we would suck at the job though. You did just fine with me. You’re right, Dean. So is Gabriel. You don’t need a kid and neither do I. This lifestyle...it isn’t conducive with fairy tale normal lives.”
Dean’s amused expression faded. You had a point. Dean being with Cas definitely meant no children were coming from that. Dean stood up. He crossed the room and pulled you into one of his best “big brother” hugs.
“Y/n, you may be right there but you have every right to want normal things. If it makes you feel better, you do pretty damn good with Jack and Amelia. I mean, think about it, Amelia has been here a little over a week and a half and the kid is glued to you. You’re going to be the closest thing that kid has to a mother. I can tell you right now Sam really appreciates everything that you are doing to help out.”
You smiled, feeling somewhat better.
“Yeah, well, let’s go deal with Jack.”
Walking into the library, you felt bad the moment that you looked at Jack. The poor kid looked beyond devastated! You glanced at Gabriel, who was sitting at the other side of the table. He was looking at his nephew with an annoyed expression. You had to fight back the urge to tell Gabriel to just leave if people’s feelings were bothering him so bad. Clearly, he couldn’t empathize with anyone in the room at the moment. He couldn’t understand how Jack felt because he sure as hell didn’t seem to care how he was making you feel (and he was bonded to you).
Jack looked up when you stepped in the room.
“I don’t want to talk about it, Y/n. If Sam or Dean told you to come talk to me...they can just go suck an egg.”
You smirked. The kid was taking up your vocabulary so well! You pulled out a chair and sat down.
“I’m not going to make you do anything. I don’t have really good relationship advice to give you since mine is kind of a dumpster fire at the moment.”
You said, carefully. You didn’t even have to look at Gabriel to know that he was glaring at you. Without even looking at the archangel, you could feel his golden eyes burning a hole through you.
Jack finally looked up. He frowned as he looked between Gabriel and yourself.
“She said that I wasn’t open enough and she needed space. She has her own space...we don’t even live together.”
That didn’t take long.
You thought. Your plan was just to talk idly until Jack caved. It took all of 45 seconds.
“Jack, maybe Patience is going through something right now. You both have a lot that you are learning about yourselves. I’m going to save you the whole relationships are hard speech because no one wants to hear that. I know you’re hurting. Maybe right now it’s best to just give Patience some room. I hate quoting Jurassic Park at a time like this but life finds a way. If it's meant to be it will happen. In the meantime, we can find loads of stuff to do to keep your mind occupied.”
Jack was quietly considering your words. You glanced at Gabriel who was looking at you with a shocked expression.
“You just quoted Jurassic Park when that girl broke up with him?”
You nodded.
“It sounds better than whatever Dean had cooked up and probably whatever you were going to say to him.”
Gabriel rolled his eyes.
“I wasn’t saying anything because it wasn’t my business.”
“Dean told me there were plenty of fish in the sea.”
Jack said, interrupting the budding argument between Gabriel and yourself. You spun around to face the poor kid. What you didn’t see was Gabriel was giving him the same expression.
“Oh Christ! You don’t want another fish. One fish is enough!”
You muttered before getting up to go yell at Dean. Gabriel remained seated at the table as you stormed out. He shrugged and looked back down to his hands. Gabriel had to fight all of the mixed up feelings that were going through himself at the moment. On one hand, he was right. The two of you didn’t need to think about creating some banned creature (regardless of the fact that his nephilim nephew was sitting across from him). On the other, he felt awful for the fact that you were so upset with him. It didn’t take Gabriel being in love with you to realize that you were hurt. He knew that every day that he didn’t apologize was another crack in your heart.
“Are the two of you fighting too?”
Jack asked, tilting his head. Gabriel didn’t look up.
“Sure looks that way.”
“What’s wrong?”
Jack asked. Gabriel shook his head.
“Your aunt is on one of her female driven spells that I don’t understand in the slightest.”
“You said something stupid didn’t you?”
Jack asked. Gabriel looked up.
“Not in my opinion. You don’t need to be worrying about this anyway. You have your own disaster to worry about.”
Jack stood up. His facial expression hardened a bit. Yeah, this was one of his worst days and he was in inner turmoil about the break up with Patience but his family was more important. You were the one that was there for him from the beginning. You were the one that he had bought a Mother’s Day card for because his own mother was dead. Jack had no issues with sticking up for you. Now seemed to be one of those times!
“Y/n is the closest thing that I have to a mother. She took time out of her own pain to help me with mine. You’re just sitting here like an emotionless rock. If you would think about her feelings for a change and not just how things are supposed to be the two of you wouldn’t fight as much. If you would just give her feelings one ounce of respect the two of you wouldn’t fight as much.”
Gabriel’s golden eyes rolled up to Jack’s face.
“You’re just a kid. You wouldn’t understand these things.”
Jack shrugged.
“I understand a lot more than you think. Y/n has a lot on her plate. She has to take care of everyone around here. Not to mention, she is worried to death about you and your stupid brothers. I knew she was with you a long time before Sam and Dean did. It was the first time that I had seen her happy in a long time. Now you’re spoiling that! It's no wonder that Y/n thinks that you only want her for sex. If you gave her just one drop of love and wasn’t so dismissive...everything would be okay.”
Gabriel sat looking at his nephew with a scowl. Had it been another angel that said that to Gabriel, he would have probably smacked the shit out of them!
“Again, you’re young. You don’t understand everything. You haven’t seen the things that I have.”
Gabriel laughed bitterly making Jack look a bit confused himself.
“What’s so funny?”
Jack asked. Gabriel ran a hand through his messy curls before crossing his arms over his chest.
“If you had seen half of the things that I have seen, your little break up would be the last of your worries. I have to keep Y/n safe from a lot of horrible things that will kill her and she wants to sit around and play house. I have better things to do, kid.”
Gabriel turned and walked from the room before he exploded. The moment that he stepped outside, he immediately regretted his decision the moment that he saw you a few feet away. Amelia, meanwhile, was sitting in a pile of leaves playing with some of the new toys that Sam had bought her. The little girl was blissfully unaware that everyone else around her seemed to be in some kind of chaos.
You had gleaned over your shoulder but had quickly turned around. Gabriel expected to sense some kind of hostility coming from you but there wasn’t. Your feelings were eerily calm. Gabriel stood a moment before considering Jack’s words
“If you gave her just one drop of love and wasn’t so dismissive...everything would be okay.”
Gabriel sighed before stepping closer to you.
Your green eyes rolled to him after a few moments.
Gabriel stood quietly for a few moments. Why was it always this discussion? Why was it always him apologizing for being an angel? He figured by now you should have been used to his “ways.” Changing after millions of years in existence was going to be a slow process.
“I understand why you are mad at me.”
You decided not to respond to that. Whatever you would say would sound extra sassy and Gabriel would only get mad at you again.
“Y/n, I know you don’t think so but what you want is a bad idea. I’m not saying this to hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you. If we do that...you are just going to end up hurt all the way around and I can’t. Sugar, you don’t know all of the things that I have done.I have done bad things to other angels who have created nephilim. I’ve never told you because I don’t want you to stop loving me. Y/n, I have killed other angels for creating nephilim...a lot of other angels.”
You kept your eyes locked on Amelia. The little girl didn’t seem to even notice the conversation going on between Gabriel and yourself. It wasn’t until Sam stepped out and called Amelia inside did you turn to Gabriel.
“I know what you’ve done. Raphael told me a lot of things...I think in hope to discourage me from wanting to be with you. Gabriel, that is who you used to be not necessarily who you are now. Furthermore, I never said that I wanted to go create a nephilim. I just don’t think that some absent God has the right to dictate our lives. I don’t think that you give me much credit, Gabriel. I’m not afraid of what you are or used to be. What I am afraid of is that Michael and Raphael are going to use this as a weakness against us. They know what your past is and they know that you want to protect me from everything...yourself included. They are going to find some way to twist that and if we don’t work together...they are going to win. We’ll fall and they will tear everything apart.”
Gabriel was silent for a few moments. He looked at you with the most serious expression that you had ever seen on his face.
“No, they aren’t tearing us apart. They aren’t going to win. I won’t let them.”
Gabriel reached out and pulled you into his arms. You pressed your face into his shoulder. Normally the closeness gave you some promise of everything being alright. This time, however, you honestly didn’t know how things would end up.
#Gabriel#Gabriel x Reader#Reader x Gabriel#Supernatural#Supernatural Fan Fiction#Dean Winchester#Sam Winchester#Cas#Castiel#jack kline#dean x castiel#Cas x Dean#supernatural reader insert#michael#raphael#To the Ends of the Earth#ourloveisforthelovely
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hi!! im wondering if you have any long (over 50k words) johnlock fics with no smut..? thank u !
Hi Nonny!
Ohhhh, gosh I ABSOLUTELY do! I love long emotional connection fics! I’ll stick to my K, G, and T-Rated fics since those I can guarantee has no smut, and I’ll also include M-Rated fics, so if you’re not okay with brief mentions of sex (not graphic details, just “the next morning after a love session” kind of description), then you can skip those :)
A Love with No Name Series by aceofhearts61 (G to M, 49,955 w. across 20 stories || Asexual Sherlock / Straight John, Est. Rel, Queerplatonic Relationship, Romance, Cuddling, Fluff, Platonic Romance, Domestics) – In which Asexual!Sherlock and Straight!John are platonically in love life partners.
An Experiment in Empathy Series by belovedmuerto (T, 62,397 w. across 13 stories || Empath AU || Psychic John, Psychic-by-Proxy Sherlock, Empathy, Psychic Bond, Romance / Bromance) – In which John is an empath, Sherlock is Sherlock, and an epic bromance happens. In the aftermath of The Great Game, John creates an unexpected bond between himself and Sherlock. Now they have to learn how to deal with it. John is better at this than Sherlock is.
You Have Drawn Red From My Hands by J_Baillier (T, 67,085 w., 17 Ch. || Three Garridebs, Heavy John Whump, Hurt / Comfort, Pining, Heavy Angst, Case Fic/Adventure, Slow Burn, Sick Fic, Injury, Guilt & Depression, Just Talk Already Please, Medical Realism, PTSD) – John getting injured leads Sherlock on a path of guilt and revelations.
The Green Blade by verityburns (T, 72,929 w., 15 Ch. || Casefic, Bromance) – As a serial killer hits the headlines, the police are out of their depth and the next victim is out of time. With faith in Sherlock Holmes at an all time low, this is a case which will push loyalties to the limit…
Darkling, I Listen by You_Light_The_Sky (T, 73,254 w., 8 Ch. || Fairy Tale AU || Loosely Based on Beauty and the Beast, Magical Realism, Suicidal Themes, Romance, Creepiness, Adventure) – No one who enters old London ever comes out. They say that the beast devours them. When his sister disappears, John ventures into the dead zone beyond the wall, and finds a brilliant madman under a terrible curse… Part 1 of Darkling I Listen + Extras, Deleted Scenes
A Case of Identity by jkay1980 (T, 91,009 w., 22 Ch. || Post-TRF, Fake Relationship, Case Fic) – John and Sherlock have succeeded in rebuilding their friendship after Sherlock’s fake suicide, but an unusual case puts their relationship to the test. They pretend to be engaged and attend a marriage counseling workshop. Under the pretext of the case, Sherlock turns out to be a master of seduction, and John finally learns he might like Sherlock more than he thought. Slowly, John discovers that he loves Sherlock not only in a friendly, brotherly way, but both men have to fight their own demons before they can think of taking their relationship to a new level…
Definitions by siennna (T, 101,528 w., 12 of ? Ch. || Dev. Rel., Pining, Fluff and Romance, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Fluff, Cuddles) – Sherlock’s journey in defining his flat mate and stumbling through the muddled world of emotion. {{This feels complete; the chapter count is listed as ? but I feel like it is done}}
between each beat are words unsaid by darcylindbergh, hudders-and-hiddles (T, 107,998 w., 215 Ch. || Epistolary, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Angst, Happy Ending) – On their wedding night, John and Sherlock gift each other with the things they each said when the other could not hear, the things they each put down where the other could not see: a collection of writings that illustrate the way their love for one another has grown over the years. Part 1 of between each beat
THERE BUT FOR THE GRACE OF JOHN WATSON by skyefullofstars (T, 110,758 w., 24 Ch. || H/C, Kidnapping, Angst, Violence, Whump, Nightmares, Murder, Drug Addiction, Torture) – While Sherlock grapples with his new-found feelings for John Watson, he faces a very real threat: John’s kidnapping and shooting at the hands of James Moriarty. And the knowledge that the love of his life is being used to test an addictive drug - at the risk of John’s sanity and life. Prequel to THE BOYS OF BAKER STREET. Part 1 of THERE BUT FOR THE GRACE OF JOHN WATSON
The Swan Triad Series by Pennin_Ink (T, 121,660 w. across 3 works || Swan Lake AU || Magical / Fairy Tale AU, Romance, Falling in Love, Pining, Psychological Torture, Transformation) – Sherlock and John grow up spending every summer together. Their mothers’ attempts to play matchmaker only fuel their mutual resentment and scorn. But then, one summer.
The Horse and his Doctor by khorazir (T, 129,003 w., 13 Ch. || Horse / Vet AU || Magical Realism, Horses, Vet John, Horse Sherlock, Implied Alcoholism) – Invalided after a run in with a poacher in Siberia, veterinary surgeon John Watson finds it difficult to acclimatise to the mundanity of London life. Things change when a friend invites him along to a local animal shelter and he meets their latest acquisition, a trouble-making Frisian with the strangest eyes and even stranger quirks John has ever encountered in a horse.
Mise en Place by azriona (M, 161,004 w., 28 Ch. || Restaurant (Kitchen Nightmares) AU || Sherlock is Gordon Ramsay / Celebrity Sherlock, Restauranteur John, Harry Plays Prominent Role, Alternating POV, Mutual Pining, Cranky Sherlock, Bed Sharing, Slow Burn) – John Watson had no intentions of taking over the family business, but when he returns from Afghanistan, battered and bruised, and discovers that his sister Harry has run their restaurant into the ground, he doesn’t have much choice. There’s only one thing that can save the Empire from closing for good – the celebrity star of the BBC series Restaurant Reconstructed, Chef Sherlock Holmes. Part 1 of Mise en Place
Fallen Series by Belladonna_Q, mamishka (T, 222,094 w. across 3 works || Winglock || Angel!John, Angels & Demons, Faes, Christianity, Changelings) – In a world where myth, mystery, and the supernatural flourish beneath the veneer of modern civilization, Sherlock is a master of magic as well as science and deduction. But there are some things that he cannot see, riddles he cannot unravel, even when they walk right beside him in the form of one John Watson…
The Homecoming Series by sussexbound (M, 51,744 w. across 12 stories, WIP || Domestics, PTSD, Love Confessions, Hurt/Comfort, Cuddling, Jealousy, Family Issues) – Sometimes home is all you need. After three years of horror, betrayals, and crushing loss, John and Sherlock find their way back home to one another, and together find new footing in a world that has changed forever.
John Watson’s Twelve Days of Christmas by earlgreytea68 (M, 53,464 w., 14 Ch. || Christmas, Holmes Family, Fake Relationship, Alternate First Meeting, Falling in Love, Fluff and Angst, Hardcore Pining) – It’s the holiday season. John Watson needs money. Sherlock Holmes needs something else.
Wars We Fought, Things We’re Not by blueink3 (M, 55,204 w., 10 Ch. || Post S3 / Post TAB, Parentlock, Fluff & Angst, Kidnapping, Whump, Post-TAB, UST/URT, 3G, Mild Peril, Slow Burn, Couple for a Case, Protective Mycroft, Infant Death Pre-Story, Friends to Lovers) – Five months after John’s world has fallen apart, Mycroft sends the consulting detective and his doctor on a case that neither is prepared for.
floating through a dark blue sky by Lediona (M, 58,966 w., 15 Ch. || Notting Hill AU || POV John, Celebrity Sherlock, First Date / Time / Kiss, Past Drug Addiction, Angst with a Happy Ending) – Of course, I’d seen his films and always thought he was, well, brilliant – but, you know, a million miles from the world I live in. Or, when John is the owner of a travel book shop and the famous Sherlock Holmes stops in one day.
The Burning by SrebrnaFH (M, 60,658 w., 24 Ch. || Reverse Reichenbach, Suicide, Depression, Hurt Sherlock / John, Separation, BAMF John, Good Big Brother Mycroft, Angst, Implied/Referenced Torture, Fake Character Death, Rescue Mission, Reconciliation / Reunion, Hospitalization, Marriage Proposal, Illnesses, Physical Therapy, Happily Ever After) – Something went very, very wrong. John had seemed, if not happy, then reasonably content with his life. Sherlock had never predicted something like THIS might have happened. Not in his worst nightmares. He was the lousiest friend ever, apparently. At least Mycroft found him something to occupy his mind with, so that he didn’t have to go back to 221B and stare at the walls and the chair, where John Watson would never sit again.
Bedtime Universe by Liketheriver (M, 65,173 w. across 2 stories || Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Angst, Humour, Case Fic) – John’s POV during Season 2 and beyond when Sherlock takes up semi-permanent residence in his bed. A collection of codas and missing scenes wrapped up into one long fic and topped with a bow that takes the story beyond Reichenbach and into happy territory once more.
The Vapor Variant by 88thParallel (CanadaHolm) (M, 72,684 w., 18 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-THoB, John Whump, Protective Sherlock, Guilty Sherlock, Anxious/Worried Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Angst with Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, PTSD John, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Suspense, Virus, Sickfic, Big Brother Mycroft) – They stood face to face in the middle of a clearing. The dim light of the moon barely allowed Sherlock to see the glassy terror in John’s eyes and the sweat that glistened off his forehead. His nose was bleeding again, blood dripping in a slow stream from his right nostril. They were both gasping for air, John’s eyes locked on Sherlock’s. There was no recognition there, just wild animal fear. Time stood still for an eternal few seconds, and Sherlock took a shaky breath. “John—”Spell broken, John spun and bolted back into the woods. Still heaving for air, Sherlock took off after him.
Summit Fever by J_Baillier (M, 78,802 w., 18 Ch. || Mountain Climber AU || POV John, Angst, Tragedy, Suicidal Ideation, The Himalayas, Mountain Guide / Doctor John, Mount Climber Sherlock, Loneliness, Drama, Suspense, Slow Burn, Injured Sherlock / Sherlock Whump, Pining John) – After graduating from medical school, John Watson followed his heart to the Himalayas. Ten years later, he’s a haunted cynic working for his ex-lover’s trekking and mountaineering company. Will leading an expedition to Annapurna I—the most lethal of all the world’s highest mountains—shake John out of his reverie, and who is the mystery client added to the group at the last minute?
The Burning Heart by May_Shepard (M, 119,150 w., 21 Ch. || Canon Divergence, Post-TRF, John’s Sexuality, S3 Rewrite, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV John Watson, John’s Gay) – When Sherlock dies, John Watson feels like his life is over too. He’s completely shut down, until Mark Morstan, a new nurse at John’s medical clinic, catches his attention, and helps him uncover the long buried truth of his attraction to men. Although he’s certain he’ll never get over Sherlock, John plans to move on, and build a new life with Mark, unaware that Sherlock is not quite as dead as he appears, and that Mark is hiding secrets of his own.
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bede wasn’t gardevoir’s first trainer. in fact, it was only by chance she became his pokemon at all.
he had been training in the wild area when the sounds of a commotion caught his attention. a pokemon, wailing mournfully — as if experiencing some great agony. the voice of a human, scolding and cruel. though common sense told him to mind his own business, bede has always had a soft spot for pokemon, and so he couldn’t help but go investigate. were they hurt? were they having a disagreement? ( he and hatterene squabbled frequently, after all — though it was always in jest. never so... harsh. )
the answer, it turned out, was none of the above. instead, bede found a young man trying to abandon a very distraught gardevoir. ❝ i wanted a gallade, ❞ the trainer told him when he asked. ❝ none of this — this girly fairy shit. ❞ it took everything bede had not to snap on him then and there. instead, he found himself offering ( demanding ) to take the pokemon off his hands. she was used to being with humans, he had reasoned. releasing her into the wild area was simply... cruel. not to mention dangerous.
originally, he hadn’t planned on adding her to his team. he took her back to ballonlea and decided to let opal and the gym trainers figure out what to do with her. ( he was still in the middle of his fairy boot camp days, then. ) however, over time, bede found himself going out of his way to check in on the pokemon. making sure she was alright. bringing her food. sitting down and chatting quietly with her, or reading one of his books aloud.
having just experienced a similar abandonment at the hands of rose, bede couldn’t help but empathize.
in time, gardevoir ( who had been very sullen and anxious ) slowly began to trust him, and come out of her shell. she started following bede around, helping him with various tasks around the stadium and cheering him on when she couldn’t. one day, during a practice match, she suddenly approached the boy and indicated she wanted to battle for him. the rest was history.
currently, gardevoir hardly resembles the quiet pokemon bede took from an unloving trainer. she’s patient and kindhearted with a sunny disposition, and acts as the sort of ❝ squad mom ❞ to the rest of his team. her closest friend is his mawile, and the two can often be spotted together when they aren’t with bede. ( she’s rather good at keeping mawile’s destructive impulses in check. )
#— ★ . * ( HC. ) ┇ ❝ ᵃᵐᵒⁿᵍ ᵃˡˡ ᵗʰᵒˢᵉ ᵉˡᶦᵗᵉ ᵉⁿᵒᵘᵍʰ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵃⁿ ᵉⁿᵈᵒʳˢᵉᵐᵉⁿᵗ ᶦ'ᵐ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵒˢᵗ ᵉˡᶦᵗᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵃˡˡ ❞#( hatterene tries to act as squad leader but gardevoir is everyone's mom. )#( sometimes the children around ballonlea make her flower crowns to wear )#( she's ^_^ personified )
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destiel fic recs part 3
Part 1
Part 2
I’ve added heart to the ones i really-really love for perhaps personal reasons, but otherwise these are all beautiful fics and you won’t regret reading them! (same goes for my previous lists obvi :))
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The Secret Santa of Cubicle Land by followyourenergy Castiel Novak has never loved the workplace Secret Santa tradition, but he loves watching his coworker (and his very straight, secret crush) Dean Winchester’s enthusiastic responses to his daily gifts. Dean is so enthusiastic that he declares he’s going to ask his Secret Santa on a date.
Dry in the Downpour by almaasi Dean was in half a mind – nay, three-quarters of a mind – just to turn back, go home, make coffee, call in sick and watch wrestling and porn all day, when the rain stopped abruptly.
He glanced around in surprise, then looked up.
An umbrella. Someone had put an umbrella over him.
Adagio by noangelsinthegarrison
<3 “His name’s Dean," Cas sighs, "And he’s really stupidly attractive, and when he dances, he feels it, you know? And it makes me feel like I know him, even though I don’t. He makes me feel like… like he’s dancing just for me.”Gabriel rolls his eyes, “Wow, you’re over-dramatic when you’re horny.”
He Thought He Was Reckless by MajorEnglishEsquire Cas settles back and rolls his head on the seat. Tugs on the corner of Dean’s jacket.
Sits there. Pathetic-looking and unnecessarily bleeding.
(a.k.a.: Dean is a super Soft Boy.)
The Age-long Rivalry Between Pilots and Engineers by Winglesss <3 Living on a space station isn´t easy. Especially when you share your quarters with someone like Castiel Novak.
Irresistible by raths_kitten
<3 Castiel is a lonely wizard longing for a familiar to bond with. Dean just really wants a taste of this pie that’s luring him in somehow.
so this is the miracle by deanniker He doesn't believe in magic, or fairytales, or happy endings. If someone were to ask his opinion, he'd say that the ball is nothing more than a clever stunt, something meant to drum up popular support for the new king, that would inevitably come to naught when he married some foreign princess.
No one asks him his opinion, of course.
10-50 k
A Brief Glimpse by cloudyjenn Castiel is utterly convinced he can't love anyone, but Sam, so when a strange occurrence at a carnival shows him otherwise, he doesn't know what to do.
Unholy Ground by teacass (Fushigi) “And I’m not a vandal,” the man shoots back. “My name’s Dean. And I think there’s been a misunderstanding—”
“No,” Castiel hisses. “I have watched you. I have seen you creep around with your shovel and your gun and I have seen you trying to desecrate the graves, my graves, so do not talk to me about a misunderstanding—” Dean holds his hands up and shakes his head. “Shit, man, I swear I’m not trying to—” Castiel has had enough, though, so he flicks his wrist and pushes Dean over one of the tombstones and down to the ground. Dean falls with a grunt and tries to stand up quickly, but Castiel keeps him pinned to the ground with a raise of his eyebrow. “I am the guardian of this cemetery,” he states when he stops and looks down on the struggling man. “I will not be made a fool of, especially not by someone like you.”
Chili Peppers by justanothersong for literaryoblivion Dr. Winchester hears an off hand comment from one of his students and find himself browsing a website dedicated to rating university professors. He's not surprised by his rating -- but is a little miffed to see the department chair has an even better one. Clearly, something needs to be done about this.
The Choice by RedheadedSuperhero To solidify the alliance between the Houses of Veenah and Winchester, Castiel agrees to marry one of Lord John’s sons. It’s not like he has any say in that matter anyway – as a marriage of convenience is the fate of almost any royal omega. He is even grateful that the king of Winchester had offered him to make his own choice between his three children. From all he had heard, Castiel already likes the scholar Samuel from afar; he certainly prefers him to the infamous Demon Knight or Adam, who is hardly more than a pup. So, he believes his decision is already made as he travels towards his new home.
But unfortunately, things go horribly wrong, and Castiel finds himself alone in an unclaimed forest, with only a strange hunter to help him find his way the castle of Winchester. And by the time he arrives, he might have already changed his mind.
Don't Be So Charming by PieDarling - Very loosely based on the movie “Prince Charming” -
Prince Dean was always meant to be fortunate, all the fairies and witches in the kingdom of his father would shower him with gifts. However, one of them had a deep darkness in her heart and out of selfishness cursed him instead, condemning him to have everyone fall under his charm and never know true love. His only hope is to break the curse before his 21st birthday.
At first, Dean is lost. How can he fall in love when everyone he meets falls under his charm? He finds hope in a magic coin his mother left him and in search of that hope he sets out on a journey with his childhood friend, Castiel, as his companion. Castiel is the only person Dean has ever met to not be affected by his curse, he trusts him more than anyone else.
Manifest Destiny by KreweOfImp The year is 1899. The Wild West is in its dying days—but don’t tell that to the outlaws of Eastern Kansas. The gangs are Winchester and Novak, and the feud is bitter and blood-soaked.
The families were friendly once upon on a time, but that time is long gone, and when Michael Novak, the second-in-command to the Novaks, sees the opportunity to have Dean, golden boy and heir apparent to the Winchester gang at his mercy, he takes it. They have history, Michael and Dean, and he’s been waiting on this opportunity for a long time.
What Michael didn’t bank on was that his cousin Castiel, the Novak gang’s resident scapegoat and outcast, would have some sympathy for the prisoner—let alone start to like him.
Eyes Like Knives by jennyfly for palominopup When rockstar Dean Winchester comes home to Austin to play a stop on his sold-out tour, he's surprised after the encore by a hot cop barging backstage to deliver some awful news. Not only is Detective Castiel Novak the bearer of bad news, but he also wants to question Dean's estranged brother, Sam. Can a frantic police investigation over the course of a single weekend result in a lasting romance? Hey, this is fanfiction; why not?
Knocking on Heaven's Door by sir_kingsley Dean Winchester left Castiel Novak in pieces when he broke off their engagement 21 days before they were supposed to get married. Now, a year later, Castiel has put himself back together and is moving on with his life and he seems to be doing okay. Until Dean comes knocking on his door at ass-o'clock in the morning. Now Cas must come to terms with the mess of a man who broke his heart but somehow still... has it.
Shadow and Storm by zaphodsgirl One night, a mysterious visitor appears in young Prince Dean's bedroom, and he suddenly finds himself transported to an abandoned replica of his home in an unknown land. He learns quickly that the borders are finite, and none may leave without incurring the wrath of the guardian: a dragon the people call Storm.
Left with no choice, Dean adapts to life as the others have, tending to the animals and working the land to survive. As he grows up, the life he knew as a prince seems more and more distant, until a new person arrives that he remembers from his childhood. Shaken by this arrival, Dean’s desire to escape returns anew, and he discovers more than he wanted to know about the Shadowlands and its occupants -- especially about the mysterious guardian of the castle, Castiel.
Such Familiar Magic by saltnhalo When solitary witch Castiel finds an injured dog unconscious in his garden, he takes it in. He's expecting to heal it, look after it for a few days, then perhaps return it to its owners.
He's not expecting it to be one of the strongest familiars he's ever met.
The Greatest International Love Story the World Has Ever Seen by MalMuses Dean wasn’t the type of person who did this kind of thing. He just wasn’t. GISH?? Ugh. The whole thing was just further proof that Dean would do anything his brother wanted him to do. Why else would he be in a Stormtrooper costume, calling up his ex-girlfriend for a private yoga class? Had he been stuck in a rut that long? Given that he’d been pining for the same freakin’ guy, his professor and coworker no less, for three long years… maybe.
Cas was definitely the type of person who did this kind of thing, not that many people knew that. He was one of the most well-respected professors at KSU. His students and coworkers didn’t need to know that he was captain of a GISH team, or that he knitted kinky accessories and made art with his online friends. His TA certainly didn’t need to know either. Just professionalism, of course. Nothing at all to do with the failed attempt at a relationship, three years of pining, and frequent inappropriate daydreams.
A two-person love triangle with online friendships, costumes, and a lot of glitter.
Scintilla by WinchestersRaven Dean Winchester: ghost hunter extraordinaire! Call now for all your paranormal needs!
He cringes at the flyer. It's tacky and cliche, but Sam insisted it would bring in more customers. And dammit, if he wasn't right--this new case sounds like a doozy.
Dean’s a medium with a unique gift of being an empath. Seeing and speaking with the dead is as normal to him as speaking with his brother, Sam. A new job leads him to Georgia, Castiel Novak, and a historical home that’s tucked away on a mountain. As he investigates, he not only uncovers the secrets of his client’s family but also one of his own that he may not recover from. One that has the potential to destroy the budding relationship that is quickly forming between him and Castiel. Will they make it through to see the light on the other side? Or will the darkness that surrounds the home claim them as its next victims?
If At First You Don't Succeed (Destroy All Evidence That You Ever Tried) byjustkeeponwriting “Three days, Cas,” Dean groaned. “You’re not going to call her tomorrow and scare her off, like you always do! Or worse, tonight! That has ‘creeper’ written all over it.”Or, the one where Dean pretends to be a woman who likes to text Cas in order to teach him a lesson, and finds that he’s way in over his head. (Inspired by How I Met Your Mother's episode 4x21, "The Three Days Rule".)
Pineapple on Pizza by HigherMagic In a world where everyone is colorblind until meeting their soulmate, Castiel suddenly sees color during one of his concerts.
Lois Lane Never Had it So Hard by FunnyWings <3 It started with the most humiliating picture of Dean Winchester's life and just snowballed from there.When a sinister new big bad moves into Lawrence Kansas, will the local heroes (and maybe a few villains) be able to band together and save their home?
Get a Whiff of This by bendingsignpost <3 When no good deed goes unpunished, Dean ends up sentenced to community service for physically defending another Omega at his job. That is, at his former job. It's all a steaming pile of shit, and that's exactly what he has to clean up at the joint animal shelter and clinic he's been assigned to.With a face full of allergies and a horrific mood, all Dean has to do is get through six weeks of this sinus-assaulting torture. That's not so easy with a smartass Alpha receptionist, but at least the weird Beta vet might just end up being kinda cool.
Dean Winchester is Not Afraid of Ghosts by Desirae When photographer Dean Winchester is not capturing momentous occasions like weddings and graduations with his Nikon, he is moonlighting as the cameraman for the South Shore Paranormal; a ghost hunting series on YouTube, headed by his brother Sam, and Sam's best friend Gabriel.Despite his brother's adamance, Dean Winchester does not believe in ghosts. And no one is going to change his mind. Certainly not a scam artist like Castiel Novak. Castiel is a self-proclaimed medium... and Gabriel's brother. When a member of the SSP team has to leave the crew, Castiel is the replacement, much to Dean's dismay. But the more they work together, the more Dean is drawn to Castiel, the man stirring up protective instincts usually only reserved for family.What happens when Dean realizes that Castiel is not the fake he always thought he was, but instead, a generous soul that Dean is rapidly falling in love with?
Looking For Group by athaclena Dean Winchester is in love with his best friend, a man he has never met, who goes by the handle AngelofThursday. Problem is, Thursday values his privacy and refuses to meet. Dean buries himself in his work at his bakery Slice of Pi and in computer games, desperately trying to move on from a man he can never have.
James Novak has problems of his own. Trying to cling onto what sense of security he can, he drifts around the city from café to coffee-shop to bar, using their wi-fi to keep his online footprint anonymous. He falls in lust with The Beautiful Man at his favourite coffee-shop, Study/Break, and turns to his best friend The_Michaelsword for advice.
A two-person love triangle for the digital age.
Time Still Exists by starespressos Castiel Novak has dreamed of participating in a theater dancing project forever. When a spot opens at Rowena MacLeod's theater, he jumps right in -- even though it means taking over from someone who has recently passed away. Soon enough, he meets Dean, who spends almost as much time at the theater as Castiel does but refuses to share any details about himself. Castiel is intrigued by him, and not only because Dean is the first person in a long time to treat him with anything less than admiration. As their friendship and the mystery around Dean deepen over time, Castiel’s perception of both himself and the universe is changed forever.
Falling Through The Ice by athaclena for JupiterJames Dean's finally retired from the Dallas Stars, and he's back at his original home ice-rink for a publicity stunt for his autobiography. Problem is, he has to do something that terrifies him. Second problem is, he has to do it in front of the man he was best friends with as a kid, until the ice cracked under him and he was left on the wrong side of an increasingly large chasm.
A story about smashing expectations (and some pumpkins), what it means to be brave, and how to follow your heart. Also, smut.
Genie in a Bottle by thepopeisdope
<3 When Dean finds (okay, steals) a bottle containing a strange, glowing blue substance, he does so thinking it's a cool novelty, at best. It didn't exactly cross his mind that the substance might be a living being, let alone a grumpy, sarcastic, perpetually-underdressed genie waiting for a new master. But now that he has a bona fide genie at his disposal, well-what better chance will he have to help things along with Lisa?
Except, things don't always go as expected, relationships are complicated, magic is never the solution, and sometimes the person you want isn't the person you need.
Between the Lines by JhanaMay Environmental rights activist Castiel Novak may not have grown up on the Plains, but he has thrown himself into protecting and conserving South Dakota’s natural treasures as if he was a native. When Dean Winchester, Hollywood’s modern day John Wayne, comes to South Dakota to film his next movie, Cas is more focused on preventing the environmental damage Dean’s movies cause than hoping for a chance to meet him. After Cas makes some negative comments on social media about the actor’s authenticity as a cowboy, he is invited to spend a week alone with the star, roughing it in the wilderness. Cas sets out to prove exactly how fake Dean Winchester really is, but he isn’t expecting to find out that Dean is a troubled man running from a past that is just as difficult as his own.
50-100 k
so bitter and so sweet by superhoney Dean has known about the family curse ever since it claimed the life of his mother: anyone who dares to love a Winchester is fated to die. When he takes a chance on love and loses his husband Benny, his belief in its power only grows stronger.
Two years later, a late-night phone call from his brother Sam sends both of their lives spinning wildly out of control. Then Officer Cas Novak arrives in town, looking into the disappearance of Sam’s girlfriend Ruby, and starts asking questions Sam and Dean can’t answer. Complicating matters even further, Dean feels an immediate, overwhelming connection to the intense, blue-eyed source of their problems.
Dealing with all the secrets, the lies, and a brother slowly crumbling under the weight of his guilt doesn’t leave much time for romance, but as Cas gets closer to the truth, he also gets closer to Dean.
Will you be my ten inch hero? by NotfunnyDean (IronEyes) When John Winchester kicks Dean out, after he saw him kissing another boy, and Dean sees that Sam has a perfect life at Stanford without him, Dean starts a new life in Santa Cruz. He works at a tiny shop as a cook, has found some friends there, and is overall happy enough. That changes when Castiel comes into his shop and his Co-worker Azara, who has a different man every night, starts flirting with him right in front of Dean. Not that he would be jealous or anything, but there is something about Castiel that makes him weak in the knees. Only that Castiel would never want him back, right?
Reality of Dreams by sternchencas for my sister Dean Winchester has been living a boring life. At least until his brother is missing, the police think he has something to do with it, and a group of people who call themselves 'Liberi Somniorum' and live in an underground bunker ask him to join them so they can teach him how to use his dreaming abilities. As if that isn't bad enough, the police also took his car and then there's this guy in a trenchcoat who's guarding him, and some dark secret. Dean does his best to convince himself it's a dream. But somehow, sometimes, dreams can be very real, and this time, he just can't wake up.
Green Corners by rustling_pages
<3 After the death of his son, there is nothing left for Dean other than his garden market. His days are tough, the nights are tougher, but at least there's a reason to get up in the morning. And with the new boom on do-it-yourself garden magic, his business is going okay.
Amidst the passing of time, there is only one thing that distracts him from functioning like a normal human being: Diagonally across the street, in the display window of that traditional Herb and Potion shop, plants are dying in masses.
Storming in to confront the owner goes differently than he imagined, though. Castiel Novak may be the kind of guy who wears old-fashioned mage robes and keeps his shop in sweltering heat, but he's also a talented herbalist, the kindest soul Dean has ever met, and utterly beautiful.
Not that Dean is ready for anything other than friendship.
(Not that Cas doesn’t get sick a bit too often.)
And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets <3 Only a very few people in the world know that the celebrated and reclusive poet Jack Allen is just Kansas mechanic Dean Winchester, a high school dropout with a few bucks to his name. Not that it matters anymore; life has left him so wrung out he never wants to pick up another pen.Until, that is, a string of coincidences leads Dean to auditing a poetry course with one Dr. Castiel Novak. The professor is wildly intelligent, devastatingly handsome...and just so happens to be academia's foremost expert on the poetry of Jack Allen.
Turn the World to Gold by superhoney, teacass (Fushigi)
<3 Just as Dean is starting to get comfortable at his new mining job in Nevada, the site is shaken by the announcement of a six-week visit from a team of consultants hired to make changes to the practices and procedures of the mine. Among that team is Castiel Novak, one of the most coolly infuriating, stuck-up, unfairly attractive men Dean has ever met.
The friction between them comes to a head during an unexpected but scorching hot makeout session at a company picnic, and they soon fall into a pattern of hooking up at the site or after work at Castiel’s hotel. But it’s just sex, or so they keep telling themselves. Castiel is only in Nevada for six weeks. They’ll have their fun, and then it’ll be over. But as those six weeks go by and they gradually get to know each other, both of them find themselves wondering if there might be a chance it could become something more.
Where the Lightning Splits the Sea by thepopeisdope Seattle’s hero never fails to live up to his given nickname. Like an angel, he appears when he’s needed most, a miracle when none is expected; he gets in quick, then gets out quicker, and like the angel he is, he goes off to perform his miracles elsewhere, often without any link between one miracle and the next, aside from the fact that he shows up when someone needs help.That’s how Dean met him, after all. The Angel is the only reason he’s alive.And that’s also why Dean is more than a little bit in love with him.But when the Angel is suddenly defeated, Dean’s world turns on its head. His city is in a vacuum, heroless for the first time in years, and to make Dean’s life even harder, his roommate has turned quiet, withdrawn. Dean doesn’t know what happened to make Cas’ mood swing so drastically, but he wants nothing more than to see him happy again. Dean owes the Angel a debt. Choosing between the two isn’t an easy thing to do.When the Hunter is born, the balance becomes nearly impossible to keep up.
Pining Sickness; Or, Murder With One Stone by athaclena, iraeim New York, 1895. The rigid customs of the old century are beginning to fall away, allowing access to the professions for more people than just Omega men and Alpha women. Dean Winchester, the city’s first Alpha male Detective, uncovers evidence that a mysterious new illness killing mated couples might have its origins is the criminal rather than the medical.Castiel Novak is a respectable Omega doctor who has started to see patients dying cruelly of something he cannot cure or even effectively treat. Approached by the Detective to once again give his medical expertise, he is eager to work towards finding a cause and, he hopes, a cure for the unfortunate sufferers. But both men harbour a secret attraction towards the other, and the quest for the truth will stretch their relationship beyond its limits.A historical murder mystery set against a backdrop of a non-traditional Omegaverse.
Silver and Cold by superhoney The death of a young man in an apparent animal attack brings hunter Cas Novak to the small town of Sydnam, Maine. It doesn’t take long for him to realize he’s tracking a werewolf, but discovering the killer’s identity is no easy task. All signs point towards Dean Winchester, a lonely recluse who lives in the middle of the woods and whose antagonistic behaviour does little to lessen Cas’ suspicions.As the investigation drags on, their mutual distrust gives way to a wary alliance. Cas’ instincts warn him that Dean is hiding something, but as he uncovers the man beneath the mystery, his professional interest becomes far more personal. Praying his faith in Dean isn’t misplaced, Cas races to catch the killer before the next full moon rises and another life is abruptly cut short.
The Horse-King by cloud_wolfbane, opal_bullets When orphans Sam and Dean Winchester get jobs in Horsetown, they figure that being stable boys is just their lot in life. But when King Metatron takes a peculiar liking to an even more peculiar horse they find themselves in the middle of an intrigue they barely understand, leading to an adventure full of magic and mystery, faith and betrayal, and maybe - if they survive it - love.
In Some Sacred Place by Hellosaidthemoon, schmerzerling Dean has cystic fibrosis, a brutal respiratory disease that means he can’t cut it in the life his father chose for him, despite his very best efforts. He also has a give ‘em hell attitude and a dogged crush on his childhood best friend. Castiel has an absent father, a stellar GPA, a comprehensive ten-year plan, and—a lot of reservations about all this.
Should've Just Asked by Annie D (scaramouche) Despite their age gap and differing social circles, Castiel has struck up a warm friendship with Mary Winchester, a wealthy widowed socialite. When Castiel needs a place to stay, Mary invites him into her house, where there’s loads of spare room. Castiel’s aware that they make an odd pair, but he doesn’t fully realize how things look to outsiders, especially to Mary’s eldest son. All Dean Winchester sees is that his mom has apparently hooked up with a hot young guy (who is totally Dean’s type) and that makes things… weird.
100+ k
The Brave and the Bold by manifestingwings In a world where dragons reign over the mountains and terror looms in the streets of the city of Lavendel, Dean Winchester never expected his main problem to be a surly thief with eyes like the sea and a rare smile. As Captain of the Guard, he knows he has to arrest him for his crimes, but there may be bigger things at stake…
Shot Through The Heart by peanutbutterjelly-pie (Aleakim) As a hunter Dean finds himself more often than not relying on the help of the Men of Letters. Most of the time that's not much of a problem - if it wasn't for Castiel, the smartass bookworm with the piercing blue eyes, the messy hair and the rude attitude.
He's been an annoying thorn in Dean's side since day one - and the hunter doesn't see that change anytime soon!
Everyone's a Critic by Englandwouldfall The one where uninspired chef Dean Winchester has a one night stand with the male (!) food critic who described the flavour of his garlic bread as 'closeted' and accidentally ends up dating him to try and prove that he's a kick ass chef, thank you very much.
(He may have a point about the 'closeted' thing).
Dreaming in Digital by Ltleflrt for jupiter_james Set in a Cyberpunk world where global warming and climate change has driven most of the human population into domed cities, Sam and Dean hunt rogue tech and science experiments gone wrong in the shadows, protecting the lives of those the government doesn't care about anymore. On a trip to the dump to scavenge for valuables Dean finds Castiel, an Angel Industries sex bot, which is worth his weight in credits. But when he turns the sex bot on, he learns that Castiel is sentient.
Artificial Intelligence is illegal, and for good reason, but Cas doesn't put off dangerous vibes. That doesn't stop Sam from researching his creators while Dean's off making friends with the android. If there's someone out there creating a robot army unconstrained by the 3 rules of robotics, Sam's going to make sure the operation is shut down for good.
Castiel just wants to exist. He wants to read and work in the Winchester's greenhouse and have movie nights with Dean. But he also wants to understand. Himself. His unexpected reaction to Dean. What it it means to feel.
A Graced Kingdom by angvlicmish
<3 this is a wip but i can’t not add it!!! Ten years ago, the Northern Continent was at peace, angels and humans living side by side until the human King Winchester of Torrin waged war against the angels in an attempt to wipe them out - an attempt that almost succeeded. However, to this day some angels still remain in hiding and with an unpredictable turn of events one of them finds himself as the personal guard to King Winchester’s firstborn son, Prince Dean. With a strange ability no angel has had before - to hide his own wings - no one knows that they have just let their greatest enemy into the heart of their kingdom.
Alone and struggling to deal with being surrounded by the ones who slaughtered his people, Castiel comes head to head with the Crown Prince. But what he finds within the man is not what he expected and they soon become each other’s only comfort.
Will Dean be the strength Castiel needs to pull through or will he be the weakness that will tear everything to pieces?
#destiel fic recs#destiel rec list#spn fic rec#destiel fic rec#destielfanficnet#destiel#these are almost all au-s
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OT3FIC: Irish Wolfhound
4 - calm knife wolf
Will had noticed something very strange about the pair after a few months. It had taken a while for him to pick it up and really see how different it was to their other behavior, but as soon as he’d seen it he couldn’t unsee how they acted around Jo’s massively huge beast of a dog.
He had always known that Jo was a dog person, ever since the first time they met and Winston of all dogs had laid his head on her thigh. Clearly, something about her spoke to canines in and uncanny way that Will dreamt of achieving.She had a way with them, the ability to calm and soothe as well as excite and energize them. She always took the time to bend down and pet and cuddle and rub whichever noses, heads and bellys were presented to her every time she visited and then subsequently every time she came home after their worlds had shifted into the one space. She always made dog-friendly cupcakes and even had baked a dog-appropriate carrot cake for Buster’s birthday. Will had noticed her snooping in his medical records for each of his babys and was thoroughly expecting that there would be more carrot cakes from here on out. Jo was just a dog person.
He had also recognized very quickly that despite Grey’s love of the animals and affection for them. They very rarely held the same in return for him. It had been three months to get to the point his own dogs wouldn’t growl at the shadow’s presence, and the most adventurous - Minxy the dalmatian cross - had finally moved towards actually willingly allowing herself to be pet by the shadow. And only after Nana and their other dog had been brought by a while back and Minxy watched the way the shadow and the Bernese mountain dog interacted. Grey was always so patient with Will’s dogs, he’d noticed that immediately, and never once tried to touch them without their initiating the cuddles - in stark contrast to the way Jo practically fell upon them the moment she saw them every time. He was considerate in a way that Hannibal, Jack and even Alana had never managed from Will’s perspective. Grey wished he was a dog person.
Both of those could have been construed as mostly normal and totally fine behavior - nothing out of the ordinary or weird at all when Will would watch them interacting with the canine portion of his family - but the way they interacted with Jo’s other dog was borderline insanity.
Will had noticed it when he overheard Grey asking Amon how he felt about spending some time at the farm after Will has suggested they come stay for a week during the break in his lectures. The way Grey had tilted his head and nodded and thanked the giant, wolf-like dog for his opinion as if the animal had responded. Will had noticed it when Jo was taken four full sized steaks out of the freezer to defrost and then given a whole steak to the ginormous beast of a dog without giving any such benefits to the rest; and then made a joke to the dog that he was very lucky she found a fourth one for him.
It came to a head for him though when he and Jo had gone out actually hunting that morning for deer or rabbits or whatever they happened to come across; and she had stilled his hand from drawing a knife in defense upon coming upon what looked like the hulking form of a wolf over the body of a doe they had shot in their sights over twenty minutes ago and they had been stalking since.
“Will! No! It’s fine!” Jo’s voice cut over him and Will did not hold back at all the pressing need to protect her, pulling the fighting blonde in close to him before twisting to place himself between her and the snuffling wolf’s form. It was truly large for it’s species, a hulking black amount of fur as it’s tail slashed in warning through the air. “Will!”
“Jo, shh.” He hissed the words into her ear as he kept a fixed eye upon the wolf as it began to shift and turn it’s attention onto them rather than the downed doe. Jo’s shot had been better than Will’s despite Garrett Jacob Hobbs’ encouragement as he’d lined up his own shot, and the ground below it was slowly begun to grow red from the thick arterial blood pumping out in slowing pulses. Will didn’t notice any of that other than the way the wolf turned it’s snarling muzzle towards them and the unearthly yellow to it’s eyes. “Now, we’re going to have to step quietly bac- Jo!”
Will’s cry cut through and echoed through the woodland they had been stalking through as the blonde roughly shoved her way past him towards the beast. She was too kind, too trusting, too fearless, too- affectionate? Jo was standing beside it, a hand out stretched in a way that Will felt should have been shaking violently from anyone else before the wolf batted it away with a massive paw.
He watched on in surprise as the wolf sat back on it’s haunches as it dropped it’s paw and stared at her - eyes on a level with her own as she stood before it as it blinked it’s eerie yellow eyes at her. Jo for her part seemed completely nonplussed by the observation as she nodded to the mammoth creature before turning her attention and her precious and unguarded back to it as she squatted down near the downed doe and smiled. Her fingers were red when they pulled back from the animal’s neck with a soft smile.
“Jo.” “It seems to have died from the blood loss-” “Jo!” “-which I guess is a slightly nicer death than mauled by a wolf-” “Jo!” “- on which point, I didn’t know you were goin’ to be out here today. Work all finished for the day?”
Will felt his eyes get wider and wider the more Jo talked as the large form rose back to it’s feet and began padding around her and the catch with far too much focus in it’s eyes for Will’s comfort. The last words she said however sounded like complete gibberish, and he felt his mouth twisting into a confused scowl as her eyes moved from the doe to the wolf without once acknowledging the person she was talking to. And the entire idea he’d been at work when all he’d done that day was wake up to the shadow’s mouth around his cock and the sound of running water from Jo’s showering, made them all bacon and eggs while Grey’d showered and said he had planned to do some painting along the creek that day, and helped Jo pack up the few hunting rifles for their planned game hunting day seemed nonsensical. “Jo...” The man hissed the name out again, eyes alert and hands readying to raise his gun towards the beast as he moved as quietly and gently as possible not to spook it.
“Oh my god, Will, shut up, I’m havin’ a conversation here!” Jo snapped the words back with a roll of her eyes as she rose upright and wiped the blood off on her leg and seemed unphased at all as the wolf lent towards her thigh to sniff at the mark. Will found himself aiming the end of the rifle into the thick mass of fur before the other hunter let out a frustrated sound and appeared to lunge from where she was. Not towards the wolf, or away from the wolf, or anything that would make sense to him, but towards the end of his rifle, pointing it skywards. “Will, you can’t fuckin’ aim at Amon!”
“Amon?! That’s not Amon.” “Sure it is.” “No, it’s really not, now get back here quickly.” “Will, it really is. I swear.” “No, that’s a giant wolf and it is going to eat you like out of a fairy tale.” “It’s Amon, Will. You’ve only ever seen him sitting down from afar!”
Jo’s voice had gotten shriller and shriller the more they bickered as her hands had wrapped around the rifle and she had fought to keep the barrel pointing upwards even as the wolf seemed to double back towards her open back with a speculative, cunning look Will knew that such wild animals possessed. Will found himself dropping the gun and his hand going for his knife again before the blonde’s own hands had dropped the other end of the gun and caught his arms up in hers before he could reach it.
There was a long, silent moment between them before the inevitable happened. Jo laughed, as she always did, and shook her head as she drew his hands towards her instead.
“Will, it’s Amon, I swear.”
The empath ran an eye carefully over the hulking size as the wolf’s lips had pulled back into a threatening snarl at the movement of the gun and appeared to be sizing him up himself as Jo spoke. Will felt like he was staring at a completely different creature, right until the wolf appeared to almost sigh - a thought that Will would need to revisit later - and sat back down on it’s back legs before laying down as the big, dark dog always did, and looked up at him in a mix of what Will somehow knew was frustration and annoyance. The size seemed so much smaller all of a sudden in the lowered position, and the dangerous pull of it’s muzzle seemed less threatening and more passive even if nothing had changed. The horrifying black wolf with the golden eyes which Will hoped would not appear in his dreams that night, seemed to suddenly click in his mind with the same giant if aloof black dog that followed Jo and Grey around on occasion.
“But why do you own a wolf, Jo?” Will found himself staring back at the wolf with a newfound concern and realization that he did not know nearly as much as he thought he had. “How on earth did you end up with a wolf following you around?”
“Oh, babe, we have so much to talk about.” Jo’s voice was tinged with such amusement as she caught his hands back up, and let out a crisp laugh to match the crisp, cold air that surrounded them and bounced back at him and haunted out from them like a ghost through the dark trunks of the trees around them. It was joined as Will caught up to his thoughts but what almost sounded like a laughed growl from the massive black wolf, it’s golden eyes still focused entirely on him as Will let out a nervous laugh in return - the calm from the hunt returning as the fear faded away.
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Liana Finck
October 21, 2019
The thing about being a woman is you always have to pretend to be interested in characters in books and movies to whom you don’t quite relate. I don’t relate 100 percent to men in suits, or men with guns, or men pining after women, or anguished male artists in paint-splattered pants, or men sailing ships, or men making money. I relate, at best, 74 percent to these men. And then I do the work, make the mental leap, bring myself the extra 26 percent so I can really enter the story.
What I can potentially relate to 100 percent is women. Women in flowing bow ties, women cleaning floors, women chopping wood, women knitting, women leading countries, women wrestling wild animals, women raising kids, women making eyes at men, women making eyes at women, women doing nothing at all. Some of the books and movies I come across are about women, but not enough. It’s fun to read books about people who are different from you, but not if your own story is so excluded that you feel erased.
Are these comics sexist? Sure they are. They depict the female stereotypes of a very sexist, very white Protestant, early sixties American society, where a woman’s highest calling—higher even than cleaning and cooking—is to attract a man by being lovely and pointy-breasted, a light dancer, an easy laugh, supportive of the man in all his pursuits, and fun without being threatening. It’s a stupid, quietly violent thing to tell a woman: that her vocation is to be pleasant to men, and her supreme goal is to be chosen, kept, erased by one reassuringly tall, clean-shaven fellow. But it’s even more of a violent thing to tell a woman indirectly, by not putting her point of view in the book at all. I’ve been told these things indirectly all my life. It’s a relief, in these comics, to hear it said out loud, said to us, so we can make of it what we will. These comics won’t turn you into a sixties housewife. They’ll remind you, with a rush of fairy-tale feeling, that you are an I. With the great power that comes with selfhood, perhaps you’ll be able to identify the sixties housewife living inside you. So you can gently thank her, and let her go.
Here’s my confession: Not only do I not mind Whitney’s romance comics, I love them. I find them touching and empowering and human. The stories are ridiculous. They have a lot of charm and are beautifully crafted, but it’s not hard to see behind the scenes and think, This is a world where everyone is a white American Protestant, and where a woman’s sole value is in her desirability to men. This is propaganda. I will take it with a grain of salt. The romance comics don’t hide their retrograde politics. They make them clear, so you can concentrate on reading, and not expend the usual energy weeding out the sexism cleverly hidden in art and pointing it out to others. I also think, by some miracle, Whitney really understands and empathizes with his female characters—Margie Tucker, the “hopelessly dumb” farm girl with a heart of gold; Nancy Wilson, the pug-nosed scientist; Roxanne Farr, ambitious president of Roxanne Frocks, Inc.; Cindy Lamb, the spunky coed; Meg Foster, the self-abnegating aunt—the way Anton Chekhov and Alfred Hitchcock (who was a terrible person, by the way) do.
By Liana Finck October 21, 2019ARTS & CULTURE
The thing about being a woman is you always have to pretend to be interested in characters in books and movies to whom you don’t quite relate. I don’t relate 100 percent to men in suits, or men with guns, or men pining after women, or anguished male artists in paint-splattered pants, or men sailing ships, or men making money. I relate, at best, 74 percent to these men. And then I do the work, make the mental leap, bring myself the extra 26 percent so I can really enter the story.
What I can potentially relate to 100 percent is women. Women in flowing bow ties, women cleaning floors, women chopping wood, women knitting, women leading countries, women wrestling wild animals, women raising kids, women making eyes at men, women making eyes at women, women doing nothing at all. Some of the books and movies I come across are about women, but not enough. It’s fun to read books about people who are different from you, but not if your own story is so excluded that you feel erased.
The women in Ogden Whitney’s comics live to find love. If they are distinguished, or distinguishable from one another, it is only in order to offer a different spin on the tried and true form of the romance story. They are vivid characters, but their vividness exists solely to attract the attention of men. Although there are plenty of talented and interesting women in the pages of Whitney’s Return to Romance, clichés still abound: if they know how to cook, that’s good. If they don’t know how to dress, that’s bad. The edgy beatnik character in “Beat Romance” turns out not to be a beatnik after all: she’s a polite, healthy coed, top of her college class—not a threat to the status quo, and therefore deserving of romance.
Our knowledge of Whitney is shadowy. He was born in 1918 in Massachusetts and later lived in the Bronx. At twenty he began working for Detective Comics, Inc., which is now DC Comics, and from there created a number of superheroes, the most famous of which was Herbie Popnecker, a fat, unhappy child who wields a magic lollipop. Whitney drew the romance comics in the early sixties, when New York comic book publishers were trying to use love stories to reach a new audience of teenage girls. Unlike most of the artists drawing romance comics in that period, however, he didn’t use stock plots but likely invented his own; their pacing and interest in social relations, even within the confines of the genre, are part of what make them worth reading today. Whitney’s life was marked by its own romance. By all accounts a lonely, withdrawn man, he married Anne Whitney in 1958 at the age of forty. (She was forty-two.) Their marriage coincided with one of the most fruitful, inventive moments in his career, and when she died in 1970, he is said to have been overtaken by alcoholism and madness.
Are these comics sexist? Sure they are. They depict the female stereotypes of a very sexist, very white Protestant, early sixties American society, where a woman’s highest calling—higher even than cleaning and cooking—is to attract a man by being lovely and pointy-breasted, a light dancer, an easy laugh, supportive of the man in all his pursuits, and fun without being threatening. It’s a stupid, quietly violent thing to tell a woman: that her vocation is to be pleasant to men, and her supreme goal is to be chosen, kept, erased by one reassuringly tall, clean-shaven fellow. But it’s even more of a violent thing to tell a woman indirectly, by not putting her point of view in the book at all. I’ve been told these things indirectly all my life. It’s a relief, in these comics, to hear it said out loud, said to us, so we can make of it what we will. These comics won’t turn you into a sixties housewife. They’ll remind you, with a rush of fairy-tale feeling, that you are an I. With the great power that comes with selfhood, perhaps you’ll be able to identify the sixties housewife living inside you. So you can gently thank her, and let her go.
Here’s my confession: Not only do I not mind Whitney’s romance comics, I love them. I find them touching and empowering and human. The stories are ridiculous. They have a lot of charm and are beautifully crafted, but it’s not hard to see behind the scenes and think, This is a world where everyone is a white American Protestant, and where a woman’s sole value is in her desirability to men. This is propaganda. I will take it with a grain of salt. The romance comics don’t hide their retrograde politics. They make them clear, so you can concentrate on reading, and not expend the usual energy weeding out the sexism cleverly hidden in art and pointing it out to others. I also think, by some miracle, Whitney really understands and empathizes with his female characters—Margie Tucker, the “hopelessly dumb” farm girl with a heart of gold; Nancy Wilson, the pug-nosed scientist; Roxanne Farr, ambitious president of Roxanne Frocks, Inc.; Cindy Lamb, the spunky coed; Meg Foster, the self-abnegating aunt—the way Anton Chekhov and Alfred Hitchcock (who was a terrible person, by the way) do.
These comics are fairy tales. They tell you that you’re chosen and precious. It’s true, they tell you, that no one notices how special you are now, but notice is within reach: all you have to do is lose a few pounds, do your hair differently, buy a new dress, and everything will be wonderful. Fairy tales were originally oral histories, told from mother to daughter. A woman, as a daughter learns from her mother, is not a full human being. A woman is a storybook character, like Prince Charming or Santa Claus. She can act only according to certain rules. She lives in fairy tales. Once your mother has told you a fairy tale, the character of the woman lives in you, too. You can’t get her out. She’s tied up with you, but she is not you. We are blessed and cursed to have her, just as we are blessed and cursed to be able to give birth to our own daughters, if we wish, and teach them these lessons, too.
What is a woman? She is all things good and lovely. Often unrecognized, and kept down by forces less incorruptible than herself, she prevails by force of sheer quietness. How, specifically, does she prevail? By winning the man: Prince Charming. Like most of the female characters in great romantic books and films—Philip Roth’s women, Junot Díaz’s women, Haruki Murakami’s women, Wes Anderson’s women, Woody Allen’s women—Prince Charming is alluring but opaque. A love object. How delicious and rare for a man to be seen in this way. For a woman to be the one watching him. Even if, ostensibly, according to the story, she’s only watching him watch her. Astrid Franklin, in the title story—who loses her dreamy husband by neglecting her looks and wins him back by changing her hair style and clothes, losing weight, and putting on makeup—is one-dimensional. But her feelings—low-level depression, then devastating loss, then blinding realization, and then triumph—are all the more relatable for it, and so gratifying. And there is so much pleasure in a happy ending: Astrid Franklin wants only one thing from life, and her wish is granted.
Fairy tales are a twisted thing. Femininity is a twisted thing. It’s a kind of religion. As for Prince Charming, I will never have him, and I don’t want him. But don’t make me give up my longing for him. Tell me about it again and again. Tell me fairy tales the rest of my life.
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Peter Pan Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses | ScreenRant
There might be enough pixie dust and happy thoughts in Neverland to generate enough magic to satisfy Peter Pan, the Lost Boys and their friends, but what about magic in the real world? And what if Captain Hook, Smee and the rest of the crew wanted a taste of the same thing?
It's hard to do without happy thoughts, and why should only happy people get magic anyway? Sadness is a valid emotion and sad people should have magic, too, which is why the characters of Peter Pan's world might enjoy a go at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Along with Harry Potter, they could thrive under the leadership of the Houses they would be sorted into while there.
10 Peter Pan: Slytherin

Peter Pan may laugh in the face of danger and have all of the qualities of a Gryffindor, but he also has the trademark qualities of a Slytherin. He only goes to Neverland in the first place so he doesn't have to listen to others and grow up. He will only do exactly what he wants to do, no matter who he hurts.
Once Upon a Time's Peter Pan is the clearest version of a Slytherin but every version of the character finds joy in others' pain, whether it's watching Wendy's brothers struggle and nearly get destroyed during flight or smirking over Hook succumbing to yet another one of his devious plans. Tormenting Hook, in fact, is Peter's favorite thing to do, which makes people question whether he's all that heroic after all.
9 Wendy: Hufflepuff

Wendy Darling is an interesting character. In most situations, from Disney's Peter Pan to J.M. Barrie's book, Wendy isn't all that brave or even adventurous, often falling to pieces in tears whether the situation calls for it or not. In her defense, she's dealing with a lot, and as her brothers' caregiver, she's got a lot more pressure on her. She's quite patient and caring for the people she loves, which are the best qualities of a Hufflepuff.
RELATED: 5 Harry Potter Characters Who Didn't Belong In Their Hogwarts Houses (& 5 Reasons The Sorting Hat Put Them There)
2003's version of Peter Pan saw an updated version of Wendy that could only be described as a Gryffindor. That version of Wendy loves ghastly stories, adventure and sword-fighting, but she's an exception to the rule.
8 Rufio: Gryffindor

Rufio is a Gryffindor in the major ways Peter Pan is not: the adventure, danger and excitement are what he craves. Whereas Pan enjoys humiliating Hook, Rufio is more about sticking it to authority in general and living in as much anarchy as possible. He's a wild, tenacious leader who throws caution to the wind and doesn't think about the big picture at all, making him the epitome of a Gryffindor.
Rufio might have a bit of Slytherin in him, given how he treats grown-up Peter, but he's bound to be that way toward any grown-up who tries to infiltrate his Lost Boys not to mention grown-ups in general.
7 Michael: Hufflepuff

Wendy's smallest brother Michael is just a little one, which means that he really isn't old enough to fully sort into a Hogwarts House. His personality still has some development but as it stands, he would likely be sorted into Hufflepuff, where he would make good, loyal friends and learn how to be a great friend himself.
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Michael enjoys a good adventure and once in a while, he has his moments of bravery, which means the Sorting Hat might have to decide between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor for the child but he doesn't show any proclivities for Slytherin or Ravenclaw just yet.
6 Smee: Hufflepuff

Smee couldn't be described as 100% loyal, but as far as pirates go, he's as loyal as it gets, taking orders from Captain Hook so automatically that he even does it when Peter Pan impersonates the captain. Most versions of Smee don't do a lot of their own reasoning and it's easier to just trust what the captain wants as what's best for everyone, even when it's not and the captain berates his own second in command.
Hook is Smee's family, which means he's everything that is important in Smee's life, aside from the normal pirate priorities like pillaging and fighting. As a Hufflepuff, Smee could empathize with those who might have a laid back nature but still take orders from the leaders they're loyal to.
5 John: Ravenclaw

Logic and reason are the two things that John values most, which is why Neverland is so mind-boggling to him. If he attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, John would need the grounded nature of a Ravenclaw affiliation in order to make sense of it all.
Once John is able to make sense of the wizarding world, he would thrive under the leadership of Professor Flitwick and, like Hermione, become enamored with the Hogwarts library. John would enjoy living with other wizards who value intelligence and wit above all else while at school, and he'd probably question everything along the way.
4 Tink: Slytherin

Is there a more self-serving person in all of Neverland than Tinkerbell? In the animated Disney films, she's got a different personality, and she's made more sympathetic by actresses like Julia Roberts but even then she often has an ulterior motive of a Slytherin. Tink is bent on getting rid of Wendy, even if it destroys the child in the process because she is jealous of the Wendy-Bird and wants Peter to herself.
RELATED: Ranking All The Tinker Bell Movies, From Worst To Best
Tink's also impressive in her resourcefulness and accomplishes quite a bit for a small fairy. She's even double-crossed Peter in order to get what she wants, only to regret it later.
3 Tiger Lily: Gryffindor

Which Peter Pan character faces danger and certain doom without blinking an eye? Tiger Lily, of course. While Wendy's tears are perfectly valid, Tiger Lily's bravery is also something to be admired, even if she's often made to be a caricature of an indigenous person.
RELATED: 10 X-Men Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses
In the book, when tied up and left for dead, Tiger Lily was described like this: "Yet her face was impassive; she was the daughter of a chief, she must die as a chief's daughter, it is enough." She's proud, noble and brave, which would be great if she were given more layers as an actual character rather than a token one, but she's definitely a Gryffindor.
2 Thud Butt: Hufflepuff

In the film Hook, Peter Pan leaves Thud Butt in charge upon his departure once Rufio's been murdered in battle because he's the most capable, authentic Lost Boy, loyal to both Peter as well as Neverland itself. If Peter had a Sword of Pan, it would definitely appear in Thud Butt's hour of need.
Would Tootles, the twins, Latchboy, Ace, Slightly and the rest of the Lost Boys also end up in Hufflepuff? Probably not, but perhaps the Lost Boys would finally put an end to this inter-house conflict business and really unite the Hogwarts Houses after all. Then again, it might even get more competitive.
1 Hook: Slytherin

No matter which way you slice it, or whose hook you slice it with, Hook is and always will be a Slytherin. It doesn't matter if it's Jason Isaacs (who would already put Hook within the universe), Tom Hiddleston, Ian McShane, Christopher Walken, Colin O'Donoghue, Dustin Hoffman, Tim Curry or any of the many other talented faces and voices who've played the role over the years: Hook's always going to look out for his own best interests.
Even when we've seen more sympathetic versions of Hook, like O'Donoghue's in Once Upon a Time, commit selfless acts like selling the Jolly Roger to save the people he loves, most of the actions they take still stem from a purely selfish motive. Every version of Hook has incredibly cunning schemes to carry out as well.
NEXT: Disney Princesses Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses
source https://screenrant.com/peter-pan-characters-sorted-hogwarts-houses/
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The Little Mekmaid
@themiscyra1983 is doing me a favor tomorrow, and so I offered her a ficlet thing in exchange. She asked for a Brigitte/Hana Little Mermaid AU, which I came at with a sort of sampler/slice thought process--these rewrite fics are usually like 30k ahaha. BUT I HOPE YOU ENJOY. 2,300 ish words
The winds were higher than they should be, that day, and this should have given Brigitte pause, she would later think.
But she did not think that as she looked out to the sea from the bow of the boat, the salt of the air fresh in her nose, delicate crystals of it gathering in her hair and setting it to sparkle like the princess. Well, the princess she should be, she thought with a laugh, not the princess who sailed out around the horn on an afternoon when she could be entertaining a suitor.
Suitoress? She thought, puzzled for a moment, would that be the name? And then she shook her head and decided it didn’t matter, if she wasn’t there to greet them anyhow.
Her parents, by and large, were tolerant of Brigitte’s sense of adventure--Torbjorn was not without his stories of being a young man on the sea, and Ingrid had proven the only thing wild enough to sate that hunger--but the need to find someone to marry, to carry on the kingdom, was a practical concern, and while they empathized with the boredom she felt when presented with the lovely and accomplished ladies of various kingdoms, still they insisted.
It was easy for her father to talk. Her mother had smashed into his ship in a Norwegian bay and demanded he hand over his command.
It had been love at first demand.
But Brigitte had never had such luck, no matter how much her father’s dearest friend and advisor, Reinhardt, had told her that there would be some kingdom somewhere that had a woman who would be perfect for her, that would capture the same way the wind off the sea, Brigitte mostly chalked this up to Reinhardt’s bighearted optimism, and doubted she’d ever have the luck of her parents.
The clouds began to grey, but Brigitte paid them no mind. There was no danger, yet, and she was most at home out here, out of the palace and rocking gently on the waves.
The things she loved could only ever come from the sea.
“Well, if you don’t know, and I don’t know,” Hana scowled at Fareeha, “Then we have to ask Lena.”
She swam up toward the sun glittering through the crystal of the ocean above her, dashing across her skin like precious jewels.
“Do we?” Fareeha followed after her, her voice tinged with annoyance. “I can also invent things, you will find.”
“You are being so uncharitable, Fareeha,” Angela swam up next to Hana, who had completely ignored all of Fareeha’s misgivings, however vehement they had been, “Lena lives so much closer to the humans than we.”
“She knows what is a fish and a chip, and that is all.”
Hana shook her head. Fareeha disapproved of her talks with the seagull, and Hana was never sure if it was more that she disliked Lena herself, or if she disliked anyone and anything that encouraged Hana’s interest in humans.
Even Hana herself was not sure why she was so drawn to their world, why she, since she was a minnow, had looked up toward that sun and desired to see what it was like surround by the green of those plants she saw from the shoreline, to feel what the sand might be like on her feet. To feel what feet might be like.
The others seemed so happy down below, but Hana just kept searching, swimming toward the sun.
Brigitte ruffled her dog’s fur, looking out at the storm that was brewing on the horizon. Ingrid had told her today was no day to go out, and part of Brigitte had thought it was just her general desire to keep Brigitte at least looking at the girl who was visiting from some far-off kingdom.
Or maybe it was that Ingrid didn’t want to entertain her on her own.
But now, looking out at the grey-green clouds gathering, Brigitte began to wonder if her mother hadn’t been right, if she should get back to shore. They were a way out now, and she glanced back toward the land. The storm was coming up fast, and they might not make it even if she turned around now. Worse, the storm could hit while they were close to the rocks and reefs that led into the bay.
There were times, her father often said, when all you can make is the choice you make. She hadn’t really understood that, then. Her father was given to saying things that sounded wonderfully growled through his beard, but didn’t make much sense when you sat to think about them. But suddenly, she understood him.
She told the men to batten down the hatches.
“This, this is just brilliant. Just lovely. A real piece.” Lena examined the bicycle bell carefully.
Fareeha grumbled. “A real piece of--”
“Fareeha!” Angela tapped a fin onto her back.
Hana leaned forward onto the rock. “I found it in the wreckage of the white ship.”
She looked up at Lena expectantly. Hana had always been a quick child, eager to learn and to grow, and it frustrated her that there was so little known, and so little desired to know, about the world of the humans. Their ships went over their heads, and the storms that whipped up in the turbulent currents of their home sometimes cracked and broke them against the rocks, but the only things Hana ever heard were whispers and ideas. No one seemed to know, and she longed to know.
“Now this,” Lena leaned in closely to Hana, “is a raddyding. Rare bit of treasure, ‘ere. The ‘umans--” Fareeha let out a loud and aggrieved sigh, and Lena shot her a look, “Fareeha, ‘as anyone ever told you as you’d make a lovely bit of dip? The ‘umans use this to propose courtship, tween the two of them,” she whipped back the button and let it go, and a high, tinny sound echoed from within it, “see? ‘Umans love that sound.”
“Much as you, with the sound of your own voi--”
Fareeha was interrupted by a clap of thunder booming overhead, Angela dipping back under the waves for the fear of it, and the sky was darker than they had remembered.
Hana slipped the bell back into her pack and looked at the clipping waves, and the small caravel that bobbed on them uncertainly. Fareeha and Lena continued to bicker in the background, but Hana barely heard them, the sound of the waves and the wind and the thunder overpowering them, but Hana could hear, carried to her as if by magic, the sound of a woman ordering the men, and she felt a strange flutter in the pit of her stomach.
Brigitte may have made a mistake. Later, as she lay in her bed in the palace, recovering from her odd bout of judgment and her odder bout of hallucination, she would reflect on the fact that more than the worry that she was going to die, she was worried about Ingrid and Torbjorn’s stern looks. They were a sailing dynasty, how could the heir to the throne have so little sea sense?
But that was, in fact, her compelling worry as the waves came higher and higher, as she tried to steer away from the rocks, the currents of the ocean bucking and curving against her, a passionate argument with the only lover she had thus far. She could see her parents’ faces as the ship was repaired in dock. She could see herself being sent out on a tiny sailboat for rudimentary lessons with Reinhardt, who would laugh and tease her, so good-naturedly but all the same making her tie the knots she’d known since childhood over and over again, drinking his beer and eating his picnic as he asked her if she needed help in the tiny swells of the near bay.
And she couldn’t have that. She was heir to the throne, even if she was not betrothed, and if she couldn’t guide a ship through the eye of a needle, what did she have?
And, on another day, she may have done just that. But sometimes, the fairies have to ensure that the tale is there to tell, and they did so on this day. The wave was guided over the side of the small ship, and swept in such a way, guided by the hands of fate, that it carried one of her crew, a small, nimble and fairly young girl, over the side of the ship, Brigitte’s eyes filled with horror but her hands unable to move.
Many positive things could be said about Princess Brigitte Lindholm, and her parents and friends and subjects often did. But as lovely as her large heart was, it could not be fairly said of her that she always thought through the immediate consequences of her deep desire to help.
Such an example might be her instant dive into the dark, cold, and stormy water, rope in hand. That the girl was likely able to swim herself, as Ingrid and Torbjorn were of the strict opinion that a sailor who couldn’t swim may as well be written off as helpless and careless, but Brigitte though nothing about that. She was Brigitte’s crew, and Brigitte’s responsibility.
She grabbed the girl by the arm, and thrust her toward the rope, her hand closing over her crewmember’s to make certain she had hold of it. The waves pummeled them, Brigitte barely able to yell to the men on the caravel to pull before being crashed underneath the high waves once more.
But they listened, and they pulled, and Brigitte and the woman began to rise toward the ship.
And then, with a great clap of thunder, Brigitte felt the hard punch of her lover’s anger like a stone wall, and her hand loosed of the rope, and all was cold, and all was dark.
“Hana, we should go to the depths, where it is calm.” Fareeha never seemed to tire of her role as the voice of reason, or a giant nag, depending on who you asked.
“Hana…” Angela offered, as there was another great crash of thunder.
“Oh stop,” she looked over at them, “It’s just a storm.”
It was true that there was lightning, and true enough that a strike into the water could be anywhere between unpleasant and deadly, but Hana had taken to the thrill of the top of the water during a storm from an early age, always more daring than any of her siblings, and none of that even remotely bothered her anymore.
Which may be why her father had her constantly followed by Fareeha.
She was close to the caravel now, watching it rock back and forth in the wind and water, hoping that something of value would fall off, something new and exciting from the human world, though she couldn’t guess at what she wanted, just something to take back to the deep and remind her of all the things that she loved and wanted to know about the human world.
There was a dramatic splash beside her as a small woman fell through the water, immediately followed by a larger one, and Hana jumped back for a moment.
She had seen humans on the shoreline, and knew they were somewhat like Mer, at least from a distance, but she had never realized how very similar they were. To hear her parents talk, they were the two most different things in the world, but, so close, it all seemed so silly to her. She watched them, fighting in the seas, and felt that same strange tug.
The smaller girl lifted out of the water, carried by the line her crewmates had thrown, but the larger girl was slammed by a wave, and fell into the water, unconscious.
For a moment, Hana did nothing. Just waited and stared.
And then, she remembered Lena telling her that humans could not live in either the water or on land, not even for a little bit. They needed air, all of the time.
Hana sprung into action, looping her arms underneath Brigitte’s, swimming as hard as she could to the top of the water. Her parents had been wrong. They were just like the Mer, and hana could not let her die simply because the rest of her people were afraid.
The sea was powerful, but Hana struggled against it, breaching the waves and looking around for the shore, something she had never been aware of, all of her life, and suddenly needed desperately. Brigitte coughed in her arms. Hana was strong, for her size, and full of determination, but she was still small, and the forces of nature could only be overcome by adrenaline for so long.
“‘Ana!!” There was a cry from above, as Lena dipped toward the sea, fighting against the wind.
Hana’s eyes followed her as she flew toward the shore, and Hana dragged Brigitte along, desperately trying to keep her above the waves, a woman she had never met or seen but suddenly whose life seemed so precious to her, more than any treasure she had below in her grotto.
The wet sand beneath her tail was a welcome sensation, even as unfamiliar as it was, and even with the struggle of flopping Brigitte toward the shore, where she could be sure she wouldn’t drown.
Lena alighted next to her, and nodded her head toward Brigitte.
“‘Ave an ‘uman friend what nursed me back to health, ‘e’ll ‘elp with this, sure of it.”
Without waiting for a confirmation or denial, Lena flew off toward the land, as Hana looked down at Brigitte. Her long auburn hair pulled up into a high ponytail, the sides of it falling out haphazardly, complimenting the light dusting of barely-visible freckles across her cheeks. She was breathing softly, and Hana had a tremble of hope. She leaned closer to her, almost touching her face to hers.
Brigitte opened her eyes.
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