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Simple geometric shapes contain innate psychological properties that we instinctively recognize.
Community, love, unity, inclusiveness. Positive emotions.
Stability, balance, strength, efficiency, professionalism.
Mystery, power. Used for sci-fi, religious, or law themes.
Commitment, strength, progress, goals.
Movement through time, futuristic, tech-savviness.
Follow @everythingaboutbiotech for useful posts.
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studiocryo · 1 year
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Poster series — Palmės Diskoteka ‘18-19-20 — Master Phil — 2020
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higheredforall · 1 year
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fennessyofficial · 6 months
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Space is more than just a container—it's an emotional journey. Furniture and decor speak volumes, narrating the life story within. 🏡✨
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biswadeepdas · 1 year
Psychology of Color in Digital Marketing: How It Affects Consumer Behavior
Colors have a profound impact on human emotions and behavior, making them a crucial element in digital marketing strategies. Whether you're designing a website, creating social media graphics, or crafting email campaigns, understanding the psychology of color can significantly influence how consumers perceive your brand and ultimately drive conversions. Here's a deep dive into the psychology of color and its role in digital marketing:
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1. The Emotional Impact of Colors:
Different colors evoke various emotions and associations. For instance:
Red: Often associated with energy, passion, and urgency. It can be used to grab attention and encourage action.
Blue: Conveys trust, stability, and professionalism. It's commonly used by tech companies and financial institutions.
Green: Represents growth, health, and nature. It's often used for eco-friendly or wellness-related brands.
Yellow: Radiates positivity and optimism. It can be attention-grabbing and suitable for highlighting deals.
Black: Signifies luxury, sophistication, and power. It's commonly used by high-end brands.
2. Cultural and Contextual Considerations:
Colors can have different meanings in various cultures. For instance, while white symbolizes purity in Western cultures, it's associated with mourning in some Eastern cultures. Additionally, color context matters. A color that works well in one industry might not have the same impact in another. Understanding your target audience and their cultural background is crucial.
3. Creating Brand Identity:
Consistent use of colors in your branding helps in building brand recognition and identity. Think of Coca-Cola's red or McDonald's yellow. These colors have become synonymous with their respective brands. Choose colors that align with your brand's personality and values.
4. Calls to Action (CTAs):
The color of your CTAs can influence click-through rates. Choose a color that contrasts with your website's primary colors to make the CTA button stand out. However, ensure that the chosen color still aligns with your brand's overall color palette.
5. Color Combinations:
Creating visually appealing color combinations is essential. Complementary colors (opposite on the color wheel) can create a striking contrast, while analogous colors (adjacent on the color wheel) provide a harmonious and soothing feel. Using too many colors can be overwhelming, so sticking to a few key colors is often more effective.
6. Testing and Iteration:
Don't be afraid to experiment with different color variations. A/B testing different color schemes for landing pages, email templates, and ads can provide insights into which colors resonate better with your audience and drive higher engagement.
In conclusion, the psychology of color is a potent tool in your digital marketing arsenal. By understanding the emotions and associations different colors evoke, you can strategically use them to connect with your audience, build a strong brand presence, and drive desired actions. Remember that there's no one-size-fits-all approach, and it's essential to tailor your color choices to your specific audience and industry.
What are your thoughts on using color psychology in digital marketing? Have you noticed any particular colors that seem to work well for your brand? Let's discuss!
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issacts · 1 year
🎨 The Magic of Colors in Interior Design: Exploring Emotional Impacts ✨
Colors hold the key to unlocking the perfect interior design. 🏡 Their power lies in their ability to shape emotions, alter moods, and redefine spaces. 🎨 In this captivating journey, let's dive into the world of color psychology, unveiling how different shades influence our minds and feelings, guiding us through a design wonderland. 🌟
The Enchanting World of Color Psychology 🧠🌈
Color psychology is like a palette of emotions, revealing the hidden effects of colors on our minds and perceptions. 🧙‍♂️ In interior design, it's like wielding a magical paintbrush. 🖌️ Each color brings a unique energy that can energize or soothe, transform our sense of space, and even make us feel warmer or cooler.
Warm Colors: Vibes of Energy and Warmth 🌞🔥
Imagine red, orange, and yellow – the warm color trio that ignites excitement. 🔥❤️ Red brings the heat of passion and social fun, making it perfect for lively living rooms and entertainment areas. 🛋️🥳 Orange offers a warm and enthusiastic embrace, creating inviting kitchens or cozy reading nooks. 💃📚 Yellow, the embodiment of sunshine, adds optimism to kitchens, breakfast nooks, and creative spaces. Balance is key to keeping the coziness intact. 🧘‍♀️🔥
Cool Colors: Tranquility and Chill Vibes 🌊❄️
Think blue, green, and purple – the cool colors that wash over us like a calming wave. 🌊💆‍♂️ Blue whispers serenity, making it your go-to for peaceful bedrooms and bathroom sanctuaries. 💤🚿 Green brings nature's balance and harmony indoors, making it a refreshing choice for bedrooms, home offices, and relaxation corners. Purple hints at luxury and sparks creativity, making it an alluring pick for artistic spaces or cozy sitting areas. These colors even have the superpower to make tight spaces feel breezy. 🚪🪟
Neutral Colors: Timeless Canvas for Creativity 🎨⏳
Neutrals like white, beige, and gray are the blank canvas of design, ready for your creative masterpiece. 🎨🖌️ White symbolizes purity and cleanliness, often gracing kitchens and bathrooms. Beige and gray set the stage for timeless elegance, seamlessly pairing with any style and awaiting your personal touch. 🏰✨ These neutrals create a versatile backdrop for accent colors to shine.
Accent Colors: Pop of Wow and Focus 🎉🎯
Accent colors are the spotlight of design, injecting personality and pizzazz. 🎉💃 Bold and vibrant, they shout "look here!" Whether through art, furniture, or accessories, these colors throw a spotlight on specific areas or elements, creating visual fireworks that tie the entire design together. 🎨🌟 Use accent colors in statement furniture, artwork, throw pillows, or even an accent wall for maximum impact.
In the captivating realm of interior design, colors blend creativity and emotion, sculpting spaces that speak to our hearts and minds. 🎨💓 Colors aren't just eye candy – they're emotional enchanters. By understanding the dance of color psychology, designers can summon spaces that elevate spirits, spark creativity, and offer relaxation galore. The symphony of colors transforms mere rooms into enchanting havens that sing to our souls. 🎶✨ Choose your colors wisely, and let the magic unfold in every corner of your home. 🏡✨
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homebrewandhacking · 1 year
Empathy-Lead Design
That’s not a title you see every day is it? I should probably clarify some things. “Empathy is experiencing the frame of reference of another, as if it were your own, but without ever losing that “as if” quality.” – Carl Rogers That definition is very important and needs to be considered as a whole. If you see something from someone else’s “point of view”, their “frame of reference” than you…
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onyv · 2 years
The importance of emotions to achieve a fully integrated outcome and create empathy with our potential users.he importance of emotions to achieve a fully integrated outcome and create empathy with our potential users.
Откриване на значението на емоционалното измерение в нашите проекти. Donald Norman, когнитивен инженер и признат с книгите си „Дизайн на ежедневните неща“/ ‘Design of everyday things’ и „Емоционален дизайн“ /‘Emotional Design’ казва, че всичко, което правим, има както когнитивен, така и емоционален компонент – когнитивен за усвояване значение и афективност за придаване на стойност. Съответно, емоциите играят съществена роля в способността на човека да разбира света и в начина, по който научаваме нови неща. Например: естетически приятните обекти изглеждат на потребителя по-ефективни по силата на тяхната привлекателност. Това се дължи на емпатията, която потребителите изпитват към обект, който им харесва, поради нарастването на емоционалната връзка с обекта. Дизайнът е предизвикателство чрез радикална промяна на значенията и ценностите. Продукти като прочутия сочен салиф/juicy salif , който Philip Starck нарисува върху салфетка през 90-те години, бяха иновации, движени от дизайна - никой не е дошъл с пазарно проучване, предполагащо, че ще има успех, но това наистина създаде огромен пазар. Какво стана?
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Philippe Starck's Juicy Salif citrus reamer (1990), an icon of industrial design (??)
Norman показва, че дизайнът на повечето обекти се възприема на три нива: *висцерално/Visceral (дълбоко интуитивно, отнасящо се до вътрешностите); поведенческо/behavioral и отразяващо/reflective:
Висцералното ниво, където се правят бързи преценки – това е началото на афективната обработка. На висцерално ниво това, което остава, са физическите характеристики, видът, усещането и звукът доминират. Тук чистотата, добрата графика и красотата играят роля. Накарайте дръжката на камерата да се чувства твърда и изнесе приятен звук, докато прави снимки.
Поведенческо ниво, което отговаря за всичко, което контролира ежедневното поведение – тази част не е съзнателна. Ето защо можем да караме автомобила си, докато мислим за нещо друго. На поведенческо ниво представянето е основната грижа на дизайна. Функцията е на първо място. Дори ако единствената функция е да изглежда добре, ще бъде по-добре да успее в това. Първият поведенчески тест, който продуктът трябва да премине, е да задоволи нуждите на потребителите. След функцията идва разбирането, ако не можете да разберете даден продукт, не можете да го използвате. Физическите обекти имат тегловна текстура и повърхност. Дизайнерският термин за това е осезаемост. Въпреки това много високотехнологични продукти преминаха от реални физически контроли и продукти към такива, които се намират на компютърни екрани, за да се управляват чрез докосване на екрана или манипулиране на физически обект, изчезна, а с него и чувството за контрол. Но физическото усещане има значение. Добрият поведенчески дизайн трябва да бъде основна част от процеса на проектиране от самото начало, той не може да бъде възприет, след като продуктът е завършен. Неговото проучване започва с разбиране на нуждите на потребителя, идеално получени чрез провеждане на проучвания на подходящо поведение в домове, болници, работни места или навсякъде, където продуктът действително ще се използва. След това дизайнерският е��ип произвежда бързи бързи прототипи за тестване с потенциални потребители. Прототипи, чието изграждане отнема часове (не дни), за да се изгради и след това да се тества. Дори картонените решения работят.
И накрая нивото на отразяване, съзерцателна част от нашия мозък. Дизайнът на отразяващо ниво е свързан с послание, култура и значение на обекта или неговата употреба. Има рефлективна наслада да покажем потенциала на нашата нова джаджа и да обясним как работи и трудностите при работа с нея… Когато проектирате, рефлективната стойност надделява над поведенческите предизвикателства.
Като синтез на урока ни тази седмица - една препоръка – добрият дизайн трябва да обхваща всички тези три емоционални нива! Шестте мислещи шапки/The six thinking hats/ е метод, който се състои в организиране на идеи според определена емоционална перспектива. Създадени от Eduard de Bono, шестте мислещи шапки включват :
🟢🎩Зелена шапка е за творчески неща, които ни дават алтернативи;
⚪️🎩Бяла шапка – за фокусиране върху наличните данни;
🔵🎩Синята шапка – за цялостен поглед върху темата;
🔴🎩Червена шапка – до инстинктивна реакция и емоция;
🟡🎩Жълта шапка – за оптимистични и ясни, ефективни и градивни гледни точки;
⚫️🎩Черната шапка – за да наблюдавате неща, които може да не работят.
TASK : Можете също да направите това упражнение с някои от вашите ранни скици и идеи за вашия проект.
Така че задачата тази седмица е: чрез избиране на снимки от нашите колективни визуални изследвания и ранните скици на вашия проект и вашата собствена визуална база данни, изградете мисловна карта с подхода на шестте мислещи шапки на Едуард де Боно. Направете преглед на спринта си и планирайте следващия спринт.
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fahmeenaodetta · 2 years
Article For Publishing, Customer Satisfaction And Design
I submitted an article for publishing yesterday. I hope the journal accepts it.
I found an interesting article that was all about considering the customer's satisfaction when designing a product (specifically the product's appearance, such as color and shape of the product) to increase the likelihood that the customer will purchase the product. The researchers used a Kansei Engineering approach, which focuses on human emotions or emotional needs in determining customer satisfaction. This meant that the researchers focused on affective design, an emotional design or design that satisfies the customers' emotions.
Kansei Engineering (KE) is defined as "translating technology of a consumer’s feeling (Kansei in Japanese) of the product to the design elements, which aims to produce a new product based on the consumer’s feeling and demand." KE is considered "the optimal method of identifying emotional requirements and accounts for the interactions between customers and products."
Kansei Engineering has been applied in various industries, including the automobile, electrical appliance, construction, and clothing industries. It was first used in the Japanese autombile industry by manufacturers such as Mitsubishi, Mazda, Toyota, and Honda. Some other adopters include Ford, Fiat, and Porsche.
The researchers used the design of a watch to illustrate their KE-filled approach.
I was happy to learn of KE.
The article:
How can manufacturers make decisions on product appearance design? A research on optimal design based on customers’ emotional satisfaction By: Runliang Dou, Wei Li, Guofang Nan, Xiaoqiu Wang, Yanjie Zhou https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2096232021000123
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(Screenshot of article on emotional design using KE approach)
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artesostenible · 11 months
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Hola a todos, ¡acabamos de lanzar un nuevo episodio del podcast de @reinherit_ “Museum’s Up” titulado "Emotional Museums"! En este episodio, Elisa Bruttini, profesora de la Universidad de Siena (Italia) y directora científica de la Fundación Musei Senesi, explica el papel de las emociones en el diseño de museos: cómo las emociones son una condición previa para el aprendizaje y cómo facilitan las experiencias emocionales e incluso tienen como objetivo fomentar la empatía en los visitantes. Escúchalo ahora en Museums Up!: https://rss.com/podcasts/museumsup-reinherit/ y también en las plataformas de podcast Spotify, Apple, Google, Amazon y Samsung #reinherit #horizonproject #culturalheritage #museisenesifoundation #podcast #sienauniversity #emotionaldesign #visitorengagement #emotionalmuseum #museographicdesign #digitalhumanities #museumstudies #museumexhibitiondesign #artesostenible #museologia
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kazuttora · 3 years
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DS - Buried alive by love
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guillermotblog · 4 years
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what is life without friendship? May be nothing... falconry is our excuse to meet and share our feelings and stories. Thanks @franbolinchesgt for meeting us in an environment with such good vibes #falconry #friendship #feelings #goodvibes #vibes #emotionaldesign #aigle #fredperry #fredperrytshirt #menswear #guillermotorrent https://www.instagram.com/p/CB-SAyPFZHT/?igshid=181bc4o55mfmg
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studiocryo · 4 years
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Poster and exibition design — Vyras su tamsiais plaukais ir saulėlydžio fone / A man with dark hair and a sunset in the background — Project by Paul Paper — Event curated Lokomotif — 2019 — MORE INFO
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“Making things too easy will eventually lose value and interest. Instead, when designing make sure that you leave enough room for discovery.”
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annalobergh · 5 years
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Non potevamo spiegarvi a parole il valore di una progettazione di Design4Pet, così abbiamo deciso di farvela vivere. Vet Lounge Design4Pet project 35° Congresso Internazionale SCIVAC 24, 25, 26 Maggio 2019 Palacongressi Rimini #design4pet #design4pets #petdesign #petdesigner #emotionaldesign #vetlounge #scivac #scivacrimini2019 #anmvi #veterinary #veterinari #medicinaveterinaria #habitat #benessereanimale #rimini #palacongressirimini #lovemypets #loceanimals https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxh5tP0CQc0/?igshid=3t3othrncxmk
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shichao-luo · 6 years
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The Death of Apollo - teapot, paper clay, 2019, Shichao
Statement As its form presented, the teapot is a rooster which symbolises vigilance, the power of light and an attribute of Apollo in Orthodox literature. Ironically, some associate the bird with lust because of its belligerent character. The missing head, one foot and one wing allude the taken half which is deliberately hidden is a surreptitiously unsayable open secret.
In representations of a grief and terror emotion - while the upside-down foot on the lid suggests the death of the rooster, the stretched-wing-shaped handle appears to have a flying trend and inviting audiences to give a hand for its movement. Trapped in the closed-loop of promising and disappointing towards tomorrows, the belly fulfiled with lust simply dragged the creature and froze it, never daring to move on.
Moreover, the chosen glaze indicates that the contagious darkness and its irremovable stains which are predictable to be lasting forever…
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