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bra1nsm0othi3 · 2 years ago
lil bimbo ☆
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isabellakillss · 1 year ago
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More digital cam pics ^_^
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catsharkzzz · 6 months ago
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havent seen anyone posting about it so im posting it myself they gave emoteen a koala hat and properly anchored him and also an actual shirt !!!
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r0nt0n · 1 year ago
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y3ah that ab0ut sums !t up
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z3ny44 · 2 years ago
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rockyrancid · 2 years ago
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barsikoizumiart · 2 years ago
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xxprincesssykes · 2 years ago
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snuffluvr · 2 years ago
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HEY Pretty Boy, please go
Not in the Pizza SHOP.
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bra1nsm0othi3 · 1 year ago
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isabellakillss · 1 year ago
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I do what I want middle finger in the air!
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ruizgothicmetal · 2 years ago
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r0nt0n · 1 year ago
the vibez.....
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it hurtz but it hurtz so good...
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rain-day-today · 10 months ago
A few more baby fairytail headcanons because their the found family that haunts me in my dreams🫶🏽 these are a little more natsu and gray centric cause those are my favs
Gray and Natsu did not have a place to live until they were in the guild for like a year . There were too many parentless orphans running around and not enough people to keep track of them, so It was couch surfing hot potato like nobody’s business.
Natsu’s stuff was scattered to the high heavens. You would find his sandals in Laxus’s room, bag in the Strauss Siblings place,any clothes were scattered between Erza, Cana and Levy. Really its a miracle he had clothes at all considering the fact he also refused to wear a shirt his first month( “you don’t needs shirts in the forest snd their itchhhyyy” ) . Gray was a bit better and just had a card board box that he took to people’s house when he decided (without the person’s permission) to crash there for the next week. Ironically,The two would always end up trying to crash with the same person on the same night. Natsu would be climbing into the room through the window right when Gray was breaking in by picking the lock.
Speaking of which, Everyone but erza can pick locks. Lissana is the fastest followed by Cana and then Natsu. Mira just broke the door down.
Whenever they were smaller and Erza went on a job with Levy they had an unspoken understanding to only speak like they were from medieval times. There were alot of questions afterward and more lost in translation.
Little Cana would cut and dye everyone’s hair. She Once dyed natsu’s hair black, mistaking the hair dye as extra shampoo-y shampoo
That was the worst week of Natsu and Grays life. Whenever they were out in public together they got mistaken for brothers.
*cana and laxus dying of laughter*
*maco and wakaba choking*
natsu and gray couldn’t look at each other that entire week.
EmoTeen!Gray discovered the girls taste in books after being locked in the library closet during “book club”
Natsu knows exactly what Erza and Levy read. super hearing y’know? He wont admit to it but he knows not to be in the guild whenever those high pitched giggle start.
Laxus gets severely motion sick. He used to deal with it by using those stupid looking motion sickness glasses every time he got on a train. Now he just sells his soul to the devil (mira) for a bottle of magic elixir ( straight vodka) that lets him pass tf out.
Erza lost an Erza look alike contest once
Mira lost a Mira look alike contest
Lissana won both of them back to back
Natsu has a collection of hand me downs that he refuses to wear or get rid of. Most of them are Erzas old armors or things gray stripped and forgot about, but he has a little of everyone. His favorite one is Laxus’s old big coat.
Elfman does a little quote of the day thing in the guildhall
Elfman once got all the fairytail kids including s-class Laxus, Erza, and Mira to Jump Guildarts. No one knows the outcome because at some point all the smaller kids got knocked out with only Erza,Mira and Laxus left awake and they wont tell who won.
When they were younger there was a cute skate park the girls would visit often, thats why they can do all the cool skate board tricks.
Levy bought a motorcycle after getting the money from her first “big” job
Natsu once put a tin full of mentos in multiple buckets of coke in the guild hall infirmary
One time gramps was feeling really down and kids did a little play to cheer him up. They did sleeping beauty with Levy as Sleeping Beauty, Cana as the prince, Mira was maleficent, and Laxus as the prince’s horse. Gray, Natsu, and Elfman were obviously the fairies. Erza wasn’t in the guild at the moment much to her dismay. The play genuinely went incredibly well except instead of waking the princess up with a kiss, Cana head butted Levy so hard it caused Levy to pass out.
Little Valentines Day scenario
(No i do not care that its may)
The first year they were all together, Natsu and Gray got in trouble with Erza the day before valentine’s day. Them hearing everyone gush about wanting someone to give them something, decided that the best way to apologize (save themselves) would be to give her a bunch of valentines day candy and presents. They gave them to her at the guild with cute cards and she was so so happy she started to tear up. This marks Erza as the first person among them all to get a Valentine present.
The others were silently seething, which turned into alot of teasing “ Aww looks like Grays got a crushhh,” “ Look at natsu being all gentlemen like , Erza must be a special special girl,” Erza promptly beat them all up for it, and Gray and Natsu were successfully in their mission to save themselves!
They did feel kinda bad afterwards seeing the others look longingly at Erza quite large pile. Natsu sneakily went out and bought some more chocolates to hand cheer everyone up, gray joined in because “No way am I letting flame brain be liked more then me!” They obviously fought, which melted the chocolates. No fear however! Natsu tempered the chocolates to perfection and gray used his magic to make fun molds.
The next day they handed them out and now its a tradition. On Valentine’s day you get candy from the boy of your dreams, the next day Natsu and Gray give you a creepily detailed mini you made out of chocolate.
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medleymisty · 2 months ago
*cracks knuckles*
Time to start putting together Seth's submission into the Simblr's saddest wettest poor little meow meow tournament. Brought up the EmoTeen!Seth playlist for inspiration. :)
It's come through a few music apps so I don't think this is the whole original list, but it's what remains.
The Unforgiven - Metallica
Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd
Why I'm Here - Oleander
River of Deceit - Mad Season
Saint Joe On The School Bus - Marcy Playground
Psycho - Puddle of Mudd
Popular - Nada Surf
Love Hurts - Nazareth
It's extremely obvious that I was a teenager in a small Southern town in the 90s, isn't it?
Also I was reading the requirements for being a sad wet poor little meow meow to the spousal person and he laughed so much and he was like yeah, that fits Seth very well.
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kitchenwizardkisser7 · 8 months ago
emoteen pfp
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