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govindhtech · 3 months ago
Access To Improve Emergency Obstetric Care (EmOC) Using AI
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EmOC Meaning
How AI is being used to increase access to Emergency obstetric care (EmOC). Technology may make healthcare more accessible, as shown by one case study that examines location and access to EmOC.
For individuals worldwide, access to healthcare continues to be a major obstacle. To acquire the care they need, many may make lengthy commutes, skip work, or scurry to locate childcare. Delays in diagnosis, treatment, and even life-threatening emergencies might result from these obstacles.
Governments and public health authorities continue to struggle with the lack of current, reliable data to guide choices for their communities. It discovered a way to assist in an unexpected location: Google Maps travel insights.
What Is Emergency Obstetric Care?
Improving mother health needs Emergency Obstetric Care. EmOC may assist control difficulties during labor and is a potentially life-saving intervention. Accessing EmOC, however, might be difficult, particularly in nations with low and moderate incomes.
Types Of Emergency Obstetric Care
Reducing mother and newborn death rates during pregnancy and delivery requires access to emergency obstetric care (EmOC).
There are two types of EmOC:
1. Basic Emergency Obstetric Care (BEmOC)
Essential emergency care techniques that address the most prevalent and possibly fatal problems after delivery are provided by basic EmOC facilities. Smaller medical institutions or community-level health centers often provide these services.
2. Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care (CEmOC)
All essential treatments as well as extra cutting-edge medical procedures are included in comprehensive EmOC. This level of treatment can handle more serious issues and is offered at bigger medical institutions, often hospitals.
Emergency obstetric care (EmOC)
Understanding geography and access to medical care
One area where these access issues are most urgent is Emergency obstetric care. Research indicates that women’ and babies’ outcomes throughout pregnancy and labor are greatly impacted by the length of time it takes to go from home to medical facilities. In fact, prompt access to Emergency obstetric care (EmOC) may decrease intrapartum stillbirths by up to 75% and maternal fatalities by up to 50%.
Historically, geographic distance was used to estimate access to these services. However, anybody living in a densely populated city is aware that proximity to a facility does not always translate into speed. A simple trip might become a lengthy one due to traffic.
This changed the way people saw the issue: Women in metropolitan areas also have difficulties in being able to go to the doctor in a timely manner when it counts most. In order to provide decision-makers in Nigeria Africa’s most populous nation, where over 50% of the population lives in densely populated metropolitan areas and where maternal fatalities account for roughly a third of global mortality travel time information, everyone teamed with the On TIME Consortium last year.
Researchers collaborated to develop a program that pinpoints hotspot locations where women take the longest to seek treatment by using information from Google Maps. The dashboard shows us how long it could take a pregnant woman to go to a facility where she can receive EmOC by estimating the travel times to the closest, second-nearest, and third-nearest emergency obstetric care facilities for various locations.
It sought to provide data-driven insights to researchers, public health authorities, and anyone who need them in order to identify locations with restricted access to Emergency obstetric care(EmOC). This would allow them to plan changes to ambulance routes and road infrastructure, as well as to construct new facilities or update existing ones. For instance, it has aided groups such as Emergency Response Africa in allocating resources in an educated manner. Additionally, nous believe it may help others comprehend how geography and socioeconomic fairness are related.
Increasing care accessibility
Additionally, this organization is contributing to the discussion of disparities in access to Emergency obstetric care(EmOC) care. In addition to EmOC care, one can collaborating with other public health partners to provide a more realistic picture of access issues, such as widespread healthcare accessible, access to immunization locations, and parks and other outdoor areas.
For years, experts have investigated how AI may help with access issues, such as creating AI models to identify TB in chest X-rays and decipher the size and location of the fetus during pregnancy. Instead of forcing patients to go to a doctor’s office for these vital checks, its’ve made these models portable so that healthcare professionals may utilize them in their communities. The solutions, such as Open Health Stack, assist developers worldwide in implementing healthcare data standards for applications.
It’ll keep searching for fresh ways that technological advances can help more people get healthcare. Help keep assisting people worldwide in leading healthier lifestyles, whether that means introducing new tools, facilitating further research, or discovering innovative applications for products.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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eemmoorrii · 8 months ago
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someone get this guy outta here
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Vážení přátelé, já- *odejde do rohu brečet*
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billygoat26 · 6 months ago
I swear to all mighty fuck I can’t stop noticing random ass triangles-
It’s been ever since I made a deal with Bill on the website…
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Also ignore the phone charger cord
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dalsimoravskyblog · 1 year ago
Nedávno jsem objevila tuto fotku Jiřiny Bohdalové, cítím potřebu ji sdílet.
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hidden-but · 5 months ago
Tímto oceňuju volební tým Starostů, kteří se rozhodli využít barevné schéma pro trička lidí z kampaně, které mají podobné barevné schéma, jako lízátka Chupa Chups.
Jakože, nevím nakolik je to politicky efektivní kampaň, ale rozhodně bych si teď dala sladkou žvýkačku.
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hvezdarensti · 1 year ago
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Nemám doplánováno všechno, aLE TO NEVADÍ, TO VŮBEC NEVADÍ, PŘÁTELÉ. Protože já mám eso v rukávu. Jmenuje se ✨ myšlenková mapa✨ a Tak Zatraceně Moc to ladí s mým způsobem myšlení, to je dokonalý.
1) do pěti minut většinou vím, kudy dál
2) neztrácím se po stromě svých myšlenek ve všech těch odbočkách, můžu se vracet
3) nic nezapomenu (nebo ne tolik, co normálně)
4) sebeblbější nápad k něčemu je
5) kde se ve mně sakra vzalo tolik energie, jsem vyčerpaná, emočně mimo, bolela mě hlava a měla bych jít spát, ale místo toho jsem dostala Příval energie (děkuji svému sponzorovi, říká si Náhodné vlny nadšení a soustředěnosti a emocí a možná bych si ho měla nechat nějak diagnostikovat, ALE TO NEVA)
6) vypadá to vizuálně moc hezky
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emoboysilike · 11 months ago
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Johnnie Guilbert
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prussianmemes · 2 years ago
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pepomatblog · 2 years ago
Láska - největší emoce
❣️LÁSKA – NEJVĚTŠÍ EMOCE ❣️ Ve vesmíru není větší síla, než síla lásky. Cit lásky je tou nejvyšší frekvencí, kterou jste schopni vysílat. Kdyby jste byli schopni každou myšlenku zabalit do lásky, kdybyste byli schopni milovat všechno a každého, svět by se změnil. Někteří významní myslitelé minulosti poukazovali na zákon přitažlivosti jako na zákon lásky. A pokud se nad tím zamyslíte, pochopíte…
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pepikhipik · 2 years ago
❤️‍🔥Proč není dobré krotit emoce?
💬 „Je nesmysl říkat, že musíme zapomenout na emoce nebo je potlačit. Je to přesně naopak, musíme je vzít do hry. Problém je, že naše společnost není zvyklá s nimi pracovat. Emoční výchova bohužel není součástí školních osnov,“ říká Iva Poláčková Šolcová z Psychologického ústavu Akademie věd ČR a Národního institutu SYRI.
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eemmoorrii · 1 year ago
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ppl are sleeping time to post my ocs being silly
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umberto-ecchi · 2 years ago
někdo: jak se na tý vysoký máš vlastně? já: no zažívám trochu
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skizabaa · 2 years ago
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Happy Holidays to Pep and the gang!
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Pep: "..."
Pep: "Mrrp!"
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Pep: "Niaga uoy ees ot deticxe ma I!!! Syadiloh yppah!!! Sdneirf olleh!!!"
Pep: "Kool emoc! Enoyreve rof staert gnikam yad lla ysub neeb ev'ew!"
Pep: "Olleh yas sdneirf ruo! Kcirb ,kool kool!"
Brick: *happy greeting squeak!*
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Pep: "Enoyreve rof eikooc a edam ew! Kool!"
Pep: "Sdneirf, uoy rof tsuj eno laiceps a s'ereht dna!"
(Happy holidays to you too! Everyone can't be here right now, but I hope you guys enjoy a little bonus post for now, hehe)
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alextydaisuda123 · 6 months ago
How would Echo react to these chaps?
@pizza-tower-twisted-tower-au for later))
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Bruno Cattivo: ".yot" ym kcab em evig, no emoc ,hO .(((evila niamer lliw uoy "ebyam" neht dnA
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Bruno: NO! !uoy kcuF💢
Pepperman and Vigilante: ?!?!
Noise: Ha! My school!)))
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Pepperman and Vigilante: YOUR SCHOOL?!
Noise: Oops.
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