tomlinsonhazz · 1 month
💛💙❤️🇻🇪 FREE VENEZUELA !!! 🇻🇪💛💙❤️
Please sign this petition to help my country end
Dictator Maduro's regime 📢🆘
💛💙❤️🇻🇪 Edmundo won by DEMOCRACY!! 🇻🇪💛💙❤️
THE PEOPLE of Venezuela need Maduro OUT! 🚨
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sjw-irritant · 10 days
Katie Hopkins: THIS is the biggest story in Britain right now. (And the media are deaf to it.)
FYI: Britain cut the heating subsidy to the elderly while sending millions more to Ukraine
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giannic · 5 months
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fallhound · 2 months
trying so so hard to not be envious of people who were more fortunate than me
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faeriefrolic · 3 months
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Holly's first fortune cookie was savage 🥠
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ersatzpenguin · 1 year
Help me out, Tumblr.
Just in case Biden’s neo-liberal era isn’t the first halting step of a leftward turn, and is instead the last gasping breath of American democracy before succumbing to fascism…
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ifindus · 2 years
sorry if you’ve gotten this question before but what do you imagine america’s and norway’s relationship looks like?
((i grew up in the us south and remember a lot of people who were norwegian or from norwegian parents))
America tend to be very loud and might be a bit too much for Norway for a longer period of time, but he recognizes the good intentions and tolerates him. Norway definitively is much more mature than America, and sees him as this young country who became too powerful too quickly. But overall, I think they're pretty amicable and on good terms - though they might not hang out very often or at longer periods of time.
Norwegians are very 50/50 in opinions on America because we consume a lot of American media, tv-shows, movies etc., but at the same time... politics. And then most Americans haven't even heard of Norway, or at the very least is very confused about what/where it is. Talking to American exchange students in Glasgow, half of them forgot I was Norwegian and thought I was Swedish most of the time 😔 It's a bit of an inside joke in Norway that "Norway is the capital of Sweden, right?" is an American thing 😅
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sundogscoops · 1 year
I saw a blazed post of yours about your art, opened your shop, immediately had to buy one (the garchomp one!). It arrived like a week ago but I finally actually opened it, and I just wanted to say, it's even more gorgeous in person!! I was immediately drawn to your visual style and bold color choices, A++, 13/10, I love it so much.
The freebie Pokemon cards were also very appreciated, love that one was a gabite LMAO
(I meant to follow your blog after buying but tumblr reloaded and I lost the post, lucky for me your kofi name and tumblr url are the same haha)
YEEEE AAA im glad it arrived alright!!! Stoked u liked the lil prezzies too :3
thank you so much for orderin!!!
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kokoinupi · 6 months
they should invent a place you can live that isn't in america. that would be cool i think.
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
Idk here's a radical fucking idea why don't we try pushing cultural and historic tourism, which we have the potential for? Do you think maybe then we'd get better tourists???
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minglana · 1 year
reading about my village's history on wikipedia
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raggedclawsscuttling · 3 months
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conkreetmonkey · 3 months
Remember how a few decades ago spending your life in a pointless office job where you sit in a cubicle sipping coffee all day, going home to your cramped apartment to eat a TV dinner, was considered peak Miserable Western Life? And nowadays landing any job is a pipe dream and living alone in a cheap tiny one bedroom apartment is the height of luxury for anybody under 40 because the norm is to share it with at least 2 other people?
Anyway, I've gotten rejected by Walmart, McDonald's, and numerous shitty grunt labor jobs like asphalt laying, warehouse laboring and roofing. As soon as it's cool enough to safely walk a dozen blocks without risk of heatstroke, I'm going to go to the unethical 12-hour shift factory down the street, and if they reject me I'm just going to start selling off my stuff.
I'm not sure if this town is particularly bad or if it's like this everywhere, or maybe I'm just unemployable, but I've applied to hundreds of jobs and literally can't get in flipping burgers with years of kitchen experience. I can't get a job tarring rooves or digging holes because the few that are hiring ghost me. I had a guy ask me when I'd be avaliable for an interview and then ghost me after I answered. Just... FUCK.
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kuyatecallate · 4 months
The flatmates are gone now. I'll never see them again. If I'm honest with myself, we were 'incompatible' from the start, but I can appreciate that they weren't malicious-never malicious. Just different. Never bothered getting close to 'em.
I never said goodbye to either of them--happened to be out both times. I'm sure they'll forget about me anyway, as I will them. It's the natural progression of things, and I wish nothing but the best for them.
But then. why do I feel so. very. wrong?
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ancientrimer · 1 year
okay so I AM working on catching up with one piece anime now and I’ve got just one thing to say. zoro. babygirl. how do YOU think a sword made by a guy called shimotsuki in wano would end up in shimotsuki VILLAGE
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castle-dominion · 1 year
Crack fic I'm sorry & SO not edited or designed to be a real fic. I just don't rly care. This is just bc smth funny popped into my head. I did not write this out of pride, I wrote it bc I thought it was funny.
Once upon a time I was liveblogging & thought an insane thought.
Ryan popped up from the floor. It was dark & rather than turning on the lights, they were using flashlights to search the boiler room in the basement of where some hacker-not-hooker was found dead in the water tank on the roof. 
Ryan, annoyed, complained, “Man. This was Castle’s theory. How did we draw the short straw?”
“I don’t know,” Esposito said. He took the opportunity of conversation to ask a question that had been bugging him. “Let me ask you something.” He turned off his flashlight. “You notice anything weird about Beckett?”
Ryan was unsure what his partner was referring to. “What do you mean?”
Esposito jumped on a heater unit to get closer to the ceiling. “Well, she’s- she’s different.” Esposito’s non-specific explanation causes Ryan to look up at him. “Something’s off.”
The recent concerns over whether or not he himself was perceptibly different came bubbling to the surface. “What are you saying? Like she’s --pregnant?”
Esposito sharply looked down from the heater unit in startledness. “What are you talking about? Where did that even come from?”
 It seemed like Javier was talking about their friend, it did not seem like he was just using a third party as an analog for Kevin. “Well, you said she was acting different. They’re consenting adults–..” 
Javier adamantly argued, “Beckett is not pregnant. Come on, man.” He went back to running his hands along the top of the ductwork, which used actual duct tape which is like sticky aluminum foil NOT DUCK TAPE WHICH IS BAD FOR DUCTS & NOT MEANT TO BE USED ON DUCTS.
Feeling hurt, (especially considering- if they were trying -that they were trying,) Ryan pointed out, “What’s so wrong with being pregnant?”
I can’t decide whether they were trying to have a kid or not. If they were then he says this in a hurt/sad way. If they were not then maybe.. idk. They would probably be having safe sex tho so they would HAVE to be trying to have a kid meaning ryan would probably be off testosterone. Oh also I forgot whether I wanted this to be trans or if I wanted this to be magic mpreg bc it is already crack. Annoyed, (or sad,) Javi shook his head & said, “You know, I can’t even talk to you about this right now.”
Definitely feeling hurt at this point, Ryan said [sort of like mumbling but clear, interjecting but not interrupting, mentioning offhand but it is a continuation of the conversation, I can’t find a word that means “said” in the way I intend], “Okay. Well, um,, try to get over it before I tell you the (good) news, okay?” I don’t know if Ryan is trans or if this is an au where mpreg is possible, I don’t know if they were trying to have a baby or if it was an accident but Ryan felt nervous & a little bit scared, & definitely excited & anticipatory when he told Esposito that he had news relating to being pregnant. 
Kevin was staring at Javi’s face after implying he was pregnant & got to see the shock slap on there & smiled.
“What?” Javier asked.
Kevin grinned wider in response. 
Still unbelieving, “Are you serious?” & his partner really was. “Wowwww! Congratulations, Precioso! That’s great!”
Kevin could not stop smiling. “Thanks, Ducky.”
Javier crouched & hopped to the ground to envelop his sweetheart in a warm, proud embrace.
well I hope you enjoyed the crack that took me way too long. I used to hate crack & I still kind of dislike it but it is funny.
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