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pureblissyoga · 7 years ago
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“Going inward. That’s the real work. The solutions are not outside of us. Get to know who you really are, because as you search for the hero within, you inevitably become one.” #EmmaTiebens. Come explore your inner realm in our twice weekly #PropsRUs class. It’s our special blend of #yin and #restorative yoga, infused with #pranayama (breathing practice) and #meditation. Wednesdays at 8:15pm and Sundays at 6:15pm with @zeniyoga 🕉☯️💟 (at Pure Bliss Yoga, Fort Lee, NJ)
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renovationwellness · 7 years ago
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💗 #inward #goinginward #solutions #herowithin #hero #brave #courage #beyou #bepresent #liveinthemoment #EmmaTiebens #DailyCalm #RenovationWellness #RWCrew #RW
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emmatiebens · 8 years ago
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I remain in awe of your outpouring of love, prayers and positive intentions for me and Garrett Tiebens. I literally feel light and buoyant from all your positive intentions, healing light and financial support you continue to send our way! I love you all for being so supportive! I promise I will reply to your comments and posts as soon as I'm energetically able. I am so touched that my Mentor and dear friend Joel Bauer touched my heart when he told me yesterday that he will be doing a special training, to help raise awareness and funding for my treatment and #WarriorsForEmma campaign. Thank you so much Joel, Cheryl Benson Bauer, Channelle, Brianna and a Sterling! In his very rare training, he will be revealing his exact WEBINAR process, language, structure & CLOSE that has generated thousands of dollars,. Here are the webinar details below. Register ASAP as seats are limited... "Join me on Saturday, January 14th at 3:00PM Pacific Time (Sunday, January 15th at 7:00AM Singapore time) Register NOW to Guarantee Your Exclusive VVIP Seat: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/b73e395adc8aa2ead746f627e8486654 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar." In the moment, for the moment, #Joel Bauer #mentor #supportacause #gofundme #breastcancer #webinar #raceforthecure #thetruthaboutcancer #warriorsforemma #fightcancer #healingjourney #inspirations #emmatiebens
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ironeaglemike · 8 years ago
Dearest Emma @emmatiebens You are such an inspiration and an incredible friend. Our lives have been touched by an angel. Always giving and loving unconditionally. You've inspired me from that very first day I met you. Immortal words I remember from your speech that night of April 12, 2012; "Individually we are strong. Together we are invincible." Truly magnetic, inspiring, and memorable. This is not a goodbye. You have touched, inspired, and uplifted many, many lives with your unconditional love. Your light will never dim. Your spirit will never be extinguished. Like ripples in the ocean your love and energy flows beyond the five senses. Your energy signature is in each and every one of the many lives that have been blessed by your friendship. Light can never be extinguished. It is eternal. #love #truefriends #friendship #magnetic #memorable #trusted #success #life #heart #invincible #strength #healing #Healer #earthangel #gifted #motivation #eternal #light #spirit #gratitude #followme
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ironeaglemike · 8 years ago
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It's Flex Friday and this time it's a full body workout with Garrett @garretttiebens LA Fitness in Huntington Beach. What a joyous experience working out together. Here we have a 15 year old and 50 year old pushing each other past perceived limits. While Mom Emma's @emmatiebens resting we got the energy flowing and moving in the gym! Next session we will kick it up a notch even further and get this young man ready for football season. We got the power! 👊 #warriors #athletes #energy #gym #training #trainingday #squats #curls #legpress #fitness #strength #swole #swolepartners #lafitness #chestworkout #welift #fitstagram #ageless #coach #trainer (at LA Fitness)
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ironeaglemike · 8 years ago
Today's our big day at the Courtyard Marriott in Cypress! We are the special guest speakers of PB-USA non profit organization for their "Healthy and Looking Good for 2017" wellness event. Thank you to all those who helped us along the way in our journey to health and happiness! Before this event though I made sure to give myself 45 minutes of prep time in the gym! @radhaanilia @legacydirectceo @jakerosario @billydemoss @maryjanemirasol @metalshake_by_sweden @emmatiebens @mayatheshaman #ufc #ufcgym #success #gratitude #lawofattraction #mindset #discipline #warrior #friends #gratitude #life #health #dedication #loveyourself #happiness #bodymindsoul #fitfam #gym #gymflow #entrepreneurs (at UFC GYM Garden Grove)
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emmatiebens · 8 years ago
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My team and I have been working on my Online Group Coaching Program for the past few months now and we are getting closer to releasing more information about it! Many people from around the world have been asking so we're finally getting there and we need your help - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YPZKFXZ We would love your input in making sure that this program will help as many entrepreneurs as possible so we are sharing this brief survey so we can create this program together, address real issues and bring you real tangible results. Please click here for our survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YPZKFXZ Thank you in advance for your contribution! Thank you so much @alextupazphotography for this awesome picture! #coachingonline #onlineprogram #personalbranding #marketingdigital #socialmediamarketing #videomarketing #emailmarketing #listbuilding #blogging #vlogging #motivations #magnetic #magnetism #memorable #trustedonline #thoughtleader #entrepreneurlife #mompreneur #emmatiebens #bestsellingauthor #speaker (at Irvine, California)
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emmatiebens · 9 years ago
I am so proud to become one of the newest Board of Directors for the Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of Orange County! We are having our 21st Annual Awards Gala - "Monte Carlo Night" on October 17, 2015 and are looking for nominations for prestigious awards for business owners. We will also be inducted as new officers and Board of Directors by my dear friend, a lady I adore, Assemblywoman Assemblywoman Young O. Kim. An incredible woman whom all business owners must get to know! You don't have to be Filipino-American to attend - all are invited! Only the awardees need to be Filipino-Americans. I am personally inviting you to join us! There will be VIPs in attendance from various corporations, public utility companies and government agencies in our roster. This is the perfect time to really get to meet people who are making a difference in the business communities so mark your calendar and register now! Go to www.FACCOC.org for more information and to register. #faccoc #montecarlonight #gala #filipinoamerican #chamberofcommerce #filipinoamericanchamberofcommerce #boardofdirectors #induction #entrepreneuroftheyear #awardsceremony #inspirationalwomen #entrepreneursofinstagram #orangecounty #orangecountybusiness #magnetism #brandidentity #magneticsuccess #magneticandmemorable #emmatiebens (at Anaheim White House Restaurant)
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