soda tab society
63 posts
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soda-tab-society · 24 days ago
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Svolávám celý čumblr, pojďte přidat své oblíbené reakční obrázky s Patem a Matem (protože jich není nikdy dost)
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soda-tab-society · 29 days ago
no but you don’t understand how important Blaseball was.
it wasn’t just a silly random number generator with a discord community, it was the community.
i, like many others, felt a sense of comfort in knowing my fellow fans were waiting for the same random numbers to appear, made up epic stories, laughed, cried, burned candles and exploded suns.
blaseball was so much. it was way bigger than a site. blaseball was a part of many people’s lives.
if i could i would talk for hours about it, and seeing the community die out slowly with everyone moving on feels… bad. i miss it.
i miss blaseball.
play ball
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soda-tab-society · 29 days ago
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because I was thinking about this again, here's a little collection of blaseball screenshots without context.
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soda-tab-society · 1 month ago
přátelé, potřeboval bych pomoc.
Vzal jsem si v našem školním časopisu téma vtipných titulků v novinách, a chtěl bych vás poprosit jestli nějaké máte, protože vím že tu někdy kolovaly. Mockrát děkuji a přeji hezký večer!
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soda-tab-society · 2 months ago
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i painted a girlypop T’au Riptide Battlesuit. I forgot why midway through.
yes that is glitter.
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soda-tab-society · 2 months ago
omg hiiiiiiiiiiiii
fellow pokémon and cookie run appreciator!!
hello tumblr artists! i'm issa / ink and this is a self promo!
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put in the tags if you're an artist too and i'll drop a follow!
like my art? curious about what i post? check out my interests here! want a commission? here are my comm details! i also make music! here’s a link to my spotify!
thanks for stopping by!
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soda-tab-society · 3 months ago
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Finally caught one of the isopods on the dinosaur 🥹
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soda-tab-society · 3 months ago
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soda-tab-society · 3 months ago
sedím a přemítám nad svými modely Tisíce Synů. život je… fajn? možná je i zveřejním. uvidíme.
sitting, pondering my Thousand Sons models. life is… good? i’ll maybe post them. we will see.
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soda-tab-society · 3 months ago
making friends awwwwyeah:)
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soda-tab-society · 3 months ago
Reblog with an inside joke you have with your friends.
“Yes, Captain America has LEGS!”
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soda-tab-society · 4 months ago
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s přítelkyní jsme sledovali Cimrmany
Švestka moje milovaná hra
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soda-tab-society · 6 months ago
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another Funny Bone pic. this time featuring Boom Bloom.
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soda-tab-society · 6 months ago
my baby!!!
Custom Skylander: Hat Trick
(Art and Origin made by @soda-tab-society)
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Hat Trick: Magic and Undead Twin-Type Skylander
Catchphrase: “Hats off to me!”
Concept: A magician and necromancer, Hat Trick is capable of fooling his foes before raising the dead to unleash swarming damage threats.
Origin: Gather round, gather round, the “Circus Circus!” is in town! Housing clowns, fortune tellers and a group of Mabu, and of course the main event- Hat Trick!
Hat Trick used to be the ringmaster of Circus Circus! , until one faithful night when a rival troupe of Spell Punks attacked from above with a magical net to kidnap Sheep-That-Talks, a sheep clown. Hat Trick attempted to follow the criminals, trying to rescue Sheep, but his tiny legs just couldn’t get him up there to the airship.
He followed their ship day and night, until he had the brilliant idea to use his signature hat as a stepping stool. Lo and behold, it was indeed enough! Or so it seemed from his point of view. What he didn’t realize was that he placed the hat onto a gravesite, and the skeletons laying peacefully in the ground came up to look what is disturbing their peaceful death. And as they poked their heads above the ground, they saw nothing, as they were inside of Hat Tricks hat, poking it ever so slightly more up to give Hat Trick the height he needed to reach the airship and rescue Sheep That Talks.
Who would have thought the skeletons liked the inside of the hat so much that they decided to stay and allow Hat Trick to call upon their powers whenever needed, granting him the opportunity to change up from his normally Magical form to an Undead one.
With Kaos’s army on the rise, Hat Trick left Circus Circus! and ventured to be a Skylander. One day he hopes to return to his troupe and bring joy to everyone around Skylands.
Stats and Upgrades under the cut:
In Undead Form:
Health: 290 (Level 1) 870 (Level 20)
Power: 55
Speed: 45
Armor: 34
Critical Hit: 60
Elemental Power: 25
In Magic form:
Health: 290 (Level 1) 870 (Level 20)
Power: 60
Speed: 75
Armor: 34
Critical Hit: 30
Elemental Power: 25
Undead Form Upgrades:
Core Abilities:
Primary - Cane Fencing: Hat Trick wields his cane like a rapier, stabbing forwards for quick, low damage. Press the Primary button three times to perform a Combo attack, Stunning whatever it hits.
Secondary - Bone Barrage: Hat Trick's hat floats into the air and releases severel bones in a star pattern. The bones can be various sizes, which will do more or less damage.
Upgrades (ordered by cost to purchase, Twin-Types get less upgrades per path):
1200 - Bone Spike: Hat Trick's can becomes sharper, dealing more damage.
1700 - Tertiary: Raise the Dead: Hat Trick pops a Skeleton out of his hat. The Skeleton has medium health and does low damage, but will move quickly, trying to block attacks coming towards Hat Trick.
Upgrade Paths:
Path 1 - Wielder of Bones: Hat Trick has decided that he knows bones better than a Skeleton does, and has chosen to imbue himself with undead energy, fighting with his collection of cadavres all by himself!
2200 - Bone Helix: When using the Bone Barrage, it will fire a second star of bones after the first, offset to fire in the directions that the first one didn't.
3000 - Staff Master: Hat Trick unlocks two more combo moves. By pressing 'Primary, Primary, Secondary', Hat Trick will end the combo by swinging his hat to deal damage and knockback in an arc. By pressing 'Primary, Primary, Tertiary', Hat Trick will spin around as a pair of skeletal arms pop out of his hat to damage enemies around him.
Path 2 - Undead Puppeteer: Preferring to hang back and let his minions do the work, Hat Trick is looking out for himself, and his horde of skeletons don't mind a bit!
2200 - Splitting Skeleton: When the summoned Skeleton is defeated, it will split into two smaller skeletons that have less health and do less damage, but are even faster.
3000 - Armored Skellies: The summoned Skeleton wields a rusted sword and wears an old chestplate. This gives it more health and damage. The split Skeletons hold daggers and wear helmets, doing the same thing to lesser extent.
Soul Gem:
4000 - Warping Bones: Hitting the summoned Skeleton with a bone from the Bone Barrage will mutate the Skeleton, causing it to grow much larger and become frenzied. The Mutated Skeleton will no longer try to block attacks, instead scratching (or slashing) at any enemy that gets close to it. The Mutated Skeleton can't split.
Magic Form Upgrades:
Core Abilities:
Primary - Saw Hat: Hat Trick throws his hat forwards as sawblades pop out of its brim, before returning. The saw does lots of damage, but moves somewhat slowly. It will bounce back to Saw Hat after hitting an object or enemy.
Secondary - Hat Hide: Hat Trick pops into his hat, slowing him down heavily and halving all damage he takes. While hiding in the hat, press the Primary button to have the brim sprout sawblades, dealing close range damage. Press the secondary button again to leave the hat.
Upgrades (ordered by cost to purchase, Twin-Types get less upgrades per path):
700 - Magic Spinner: The Saw Hat and spinning while in the Hat Hide can both reflect projectiles.
1200 - Tertiary: Copycat: Hat Trick creates a copy of himself that mirrors everything he does. Enemies can't tell the difference between the copy, and if the copy takes damage, it will explode!
Upgrade Paths:
Path 1 - Sawblade Magician: Hat Trick loves a good trick, and what's tricksier than an unexpected sawblade to the face?
2200 - Piercing Hat: Hat Trick's Saw Hat can pierce through enemies, always reaching its full throw before returning.
3000 - Hat Shocker: Press the Tertiary button while hiding inside the hat, and the top will pop open, Hat Trick popping out to scare nearby enemies, surprising the enemies so much that they take damage and become unable to move for a moment.
Path 2 - Master of Trickery: Hat Trick is an elite mage, able to warp the perceptions of his foes with minimal effort. Put his true skills of manipulation to the test!
2200 - Illusion Switch: Press the Tertiary button while a Copycat is out in order to switch places! Hold the button down and all Copycats will detonate instantly.
3000 - Quad-Illusion: When Hat Trick uses his Copycat, he'll make three copies, that will stand around him so that the four Hat Tricks all stand in a square shape. The Illusion Switch will always cause the Hat Tricks to move one spot to the left in the square.
Soul Gem:
4000 - What's Better Than One Hat?...: Two hats! Hat Trick wears a second hat on top of his hat! This allows him to throw two hats, and while hidden inside the hat, he will throw the second one if you do a spin!
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soda-tab-society · 6 months ago
hear ye hear ye!
the time has come. join us!
With the Poll officially over, it is time to announce the title of the Custom 7th Skylanders game, and all that will come with it!
Skylanders: Twin Skies
The 7th game in the Skylanders franchise, and the 1st (currently only) game in the Custom Skylanders series, Skylanders: Twin Skies is a game based on duality and the Skylanders Multiverse.
Info on how to join and interact with the project at the bottom.
Kaos never escaped from the prison that he was put into by the Skylanders at the end of Imaginators, and remains trapped in there to this very day. Recruits are trained, same as always, and the villains turned Sensei's do what they can to help, even if they still have less than moral opinions on some things.
However, what no one ever expected to happen was for there to be a new Kaos in town... Well, other than Sensei Kaos, but he's chill!
When a rip in the very sky itself opened up, and a battleship larger than some entire kingdoms flew through, no one knew what to expect, and were shocked to find a new Kaos at its helm. Going by the name of King Kaos, and wielding his ultimate weapon, "The Infinite Cosmic Destroyer of DOOM!". he has defeated the Skylanders of his own world, and begun traveling the multiverse, destroying Cores of Light in order to feul his ICDoD to conquer more worlds.
The newest team of Skylander recruits had infiltrated the Doom Ship to try and stop King Kaos, but were caught by him, and blasted out of Skylands by the ICDoD. This caused them to split apart and reform throughout the multiverse anew, taking on traits of their multiversal variants. Now, the Twin-Types, as they call themselves, can switch between their variants, being able to have two bodies in the same mind. The Skylanders and their allies must now work together to defeat their biggest and baddest foe ever before. And King Kaos? Well, he has some tricks of his own up his sleeve...
Gimmick Type:
Physical Appearance: Twin-Type Skylanders are a team of Skylanders possessing two elements. They can switch between their elements in the same way that the Nintendo exclusive Bowser and Donkey Kong figures switched between Skylanders and Amiibo: By twisting the underside of their base in opposite directions.
The actual base itself is split in two by the elements, one half being the first element, and the second half being the other element. The figure on the base will be shown in an action pose of their transformation between their different forms.
Game Mechanics: The Skylander's transformations have similar designs, but will play differently. Their forms have different stats, movesets, and upgrade paths. Each form's upgrade path has less upgrades individually, but combined they get more than normal.
They can use these form changes to open elemental gates they normally couldn't, get boosted by elemental zone buffs, and overall change their playstyles to match the needed course of action.
Example Figure:
One of the two Skylanders already fully designed for the project, this is Pumpkin Spice!
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Pumpkin Spice: Life and Fire Twin-Type skylander
Catchphrase: "Spice it up!"
Powers: In life form, he uses pumpkins, primarily. Shooting pumpkins from his flower bazooka, creating extra massive pumpkins that crash from the sky, and snaring his enemies in vines.
In Fire form, he bursts free from his plant shell, becoming frailer but more dangerous. His bazooka now acts like a flamethrower, blasting out continuous bursts of flames. He can also create a wall of flames around himself, and perform a massive jumping flame stomp.
(Art by @soda-tab-society)
Meta Info:
So, you want to join in on the project? There are a few ways to get involved!
Firstly, I and @soda-tab-society are hosting a Discord Server where the community will be able to interact and concept directly, as well as talk about other Skylanders related things! Even if you aren't planning on contributing, if you want to be around to watch the project unfold, or just want to talk about Skylanders stuff, join the Discord!
Now, if you don't have Discord, or don't want to join, people can message me directly, or send in Asks related to the project at any point! I won't really be taking many contributions through Asks, but Messages and Discord are fair game to offer things to the project!
For people just looking to watch from a distance, there will be several Tags that'll be listed in my pinned post that lets you search around for specific things as they appear!
A few things to note about that, though.
This will still be family friendly. No gore, maiming or murder would be involved in the game.
This is all volunteer work. No one is being paid for this, it's just for fun.
This won't be becoming a proper fangame, trying to make that work would be totally impossible. Unless some supergenius coder shows up and offers to make this thing, we're sticking to just making a fun community project.
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soda-tab-society · 6 months ago
please please please vote and join in, this seems like way too much fun to pass up
Hello everybody!
I am a Skylanders expert. I've played every game several times (With the only exception of Superchargers for reasons I'll likely explained in a different post at somepoint) and I own more of the Skylanders than I don't at this point.
I've been thinking about some stuff, and it's gotten me curious: Would you be interested in seeing me design my own Skylanders game?
No, I don't mean a fangame. I don't know how to code, and my skills as an artist are severely lacking. What I mean is, I would make a special tag for this supposed Skylanders game so that people can find it among the other posts, and I would occasionally explain levels, game mechanics, custom skylanders, and parts of the story.
I would also be interested in collaborating with other artists in the Skylanders fandom in order to add some of their own ideas and custom characters to the roster. The overall intention being to make the perfect community Skylanders game!
Some other info:
No, this won't be a 'mature' Skylanders game. While the story will likely be a bit more dramatic than the likes of Imaginator's story, it will not involve killing Kaos, or having on screen death at all. I want to emulate the drama of the game with (in my opinion) the best story, Trap Team
I have not decided on the gimmick team of the game, or really anything except that I want to make something!
While I'd love to collaborate, I don't promise constantly agreeing to every addition someone wants to make. This will be my project, first and foremost.
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soda-tab-society · 6 months ago
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me and my partner were playing Imaginators and…
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