#emma: i love him but everything is happening so fast
dnpbeats · 4 months
OKAY i need to speak on the interactive christmas adventure and how it's a full circle moment, but at the same time so indicative of what dan and phil have created together (retroactively saying, strap in because this got long)
so, to begin with, i can't imagine how it must have been for dan to be making that video with phil. six months prior dan was a fan among many, commenting on phil's videos and tweeting at him. and then this interactive space adventure drops on his birthday. and dan loves it so much he comments on every single path! and tweets phil about how much he loves it!! (okay not the point of this post but i also just need to sneak this in: i just know deep down part of dan felt so special that this was posted on his birthday. and the fact that phil used a song from ff7 and dan commented on it... anyway!) so, needless to say, dan was really into this interactive adventure thing.
so then we all know what happens after that, but fast forward to december. dan, who has been talking with phil for a few months now, who has known him in real life for barley over two, is not just with phil but is collaborating with him. and they're making something that, honestly, for the time was a pretty big production! it's obvious when you watch it that they've sunk so much time into it. there are parts when they talk in unison so you can just imagine them sitting there with a little script practicing it 😭 so think about what a full circle moment it is, that the first phil project that dan profusely expressed his enjoyment of was an interactive adventure, and here he is half a year later making that very same thing with phil!! and also, the fact that it was truly a joint project, even though it was going on phil's channel. in the last scene of the adventure, dan sacrifices himself.
dan: i have to sacrifice myself phil: no dan, please don't! there must be another way dan: but phil, this is not my channel, i'm not even meant to be here phil: don't say that, dan, think about what you're doing
and like, yes obviously this is scripted! but even in the script, when dan says "this isn't my channel," phil says "don't say that." because this was 100% a joint effort. a year and a half later dan stated it was the best thing he's contributed to the internet. idk i just love the fact that one of the things dan really appreciated about phil early on was his interactive adventure, and then six months later they got to make one together, and dan obviously has a very soft spot for it :,)
okay so that's how it came full circle for dan in 2009. but secondarily i want to talk about the fact that i truly think the interactive christmas adventure is the cornerstone of everything dan and phil have accomplished together. "but emma, what about pinof?!" okay yes. pinof my beloved... but also, at the end of the day, pinof was basically just dan and phil shooting the breeze. don't get me wrong, it is foundational as well! the fact that it got so popular really highlights that dan and phil's natural chemistry is a big part of them being a duo and their popularity. and i love a good video that's just dan and phil riffing off of each other.
however, dan and phil have done SO MUCH with their careers that is so much more than just their base level chemistry. SAP, the radio show, books, TWO WORLD TOURS, movies of said tours. because besides the fact that they have a dynamic that's enjoyable to watch, they also create so well together. even their solo things, we know they help each other behind the scenes. they just get each other creatively. but aside from that, all of the aforementioned things they've accomplished together really paved a way for other people in the industry!! other creators (vlog brothers iirc?) have talked about the fact that tatinof was the first Big Youtube Tour and the fact that it was so successful meant that other creators were able to do the same.
dan and phil as people aside, i don't think there will ever be another professional duo like dan and phil. like they ARE the blueprint. and i think that's because they care so much about putting out content that they're proud of, but also because they enjoy what they do. the reason why the interactive christmas adventure was so great was because they put in a lot of effort, but also bc you can tell that they were having so much fun making it. at the end of the day it was just two boys making something together because they could! and they wanted to! and i think their mentality for creating things today is still the same. so yeah, i think the interactive christmas adventure is so so important in terms of d&p as a creative duo. it's the first project in a long long list of amazing things dan and phil have created together, when no one else was doing what they were doing. and the fact that almost 15 years later they're still here, making content together, having a whole career together... oh yeah and also a whole life!! just absolutely wild, and i'm so grateful we're all here to see it
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caffedrine · 2 months
Nokto Klein - Beyond the Connection Between the Past and the Present – Event Summary
This is mostly a summary for me - I make no promises on the accuracy of what’s happening. I’m not nearly fluent enough to get half the jokes/innuendo much less accurate plot points.
When Emma pokes her head out of the blankets one morning, she blearily sees familiar gray hair and red eyes. Oh, was Nokto watching her sleep again? How embarrassing.
Her voice full of sleep, Emma calls out to Nokto and asks if there’s something wrong. When he doesn’t reply, Emma surmises that he must want to be pampered today. Reaching a hand out from under the blankets, Emma combs his hair back.
Nokto giggles, telling her that she’s ticking him. Weirdly, he also calls her ‘big sister’.
. . .
Was Nokto’s head always so little? And was his voice always so prepubescent? Emma looks closer at Nokto, but he was standing instead of kneeling next to the bed. Was Nokto always so short?
Suddenly Nokto, in all his adult glory walks into the room, breezily wishing Emma a good morning and asking if she’s awake yet.
He stops when he sees the kid and there’s a long silence. Nokto breaks it, asking Emma to explain the situation to him.
After the explanations are over, and Nokto has taken a nice long look at the kid, he guesses that this himself as a child.
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(This, but a smaller head)
Lil’Nokto asks if this is what he’s like as an adult, and Nokto admits that, unfortunately, he is.
Lil’Nokto asks what he means by ‘unfortunately’ and Nokto admits that he’s bad with children.
Emma muses that Nokto’s past self really is here with them, and Nokto wonders if this is some sort of dream. Experimentally, Emma pinches her cheek.
Lil’Nokto is aghast - doesn’t she know that if she does that, her face will freeze and never return?
How cute!
Emma assures Lil’Nokto that she’s fine, see?
Oh, okay, that is true. Still, Lil’Nokto urges her to take better care of herself, he doesn’t want anything to happen to her beautiful face.
Emma asks Nokto how she can endure this . . . This unfiltered cuteness. Nokto grumbles that she never reacts like that when he says sweet stuff too.
Of course, just in case she’s wondering, Nokto also thinks she’s beautiful.
Her face going red, Emma thanks him. Wow, there really is something different when the adult calls her beautiful.
Well, as much fun as it is competing with some kid for Emma’s affections, they do need to figure some things out. He asks Lil’Nokto what he was doing before he arrived in the future.
Lil’Nokto has an easy answer - he was with his brother Licht, have they seen him?
As Nokto replies that he hasn’t seen Licht, Emma imagines running into adult!Licht, who would be as confused as the rest of them.
Lil’Nokto is worried, he needs to find Licht in order to return home. If he can’t find Licht, and is alone with his mother . . .
. . .
Thinking fast, Nokto ‘remembers’ seeing Licht. It looked like he had found adult!Licht and last he saw, they were riding a horse together. They’ll probably be back after dark.
An adult version of Licht!? Lil’Nokto sounds excited.
Well, there’s no point in worrying about it until after dark, so why don’t they do whatever they want? It looks like Emma over there is dying to feed them some sweets!
Turning to her, Lil’Nokto asks if it’s true, which it is. Emma promises to make him anything he likes, and he promises that he loves everything.
Okay, Emma will just have to make a variety.
Suddenly Lil’Nokto gasps and points - Emma has an injury! That red oval mark, right on her neck.
As Lil’Nokto panics, adult!Nokto has to turn away to laugh. He assures Lil’Nokto that while it may be red, Emma doesn’t find it painful at all.
Oh-ooooh. The hickey Nokto left last night.
Her cheeks growing red with embarrassment, Emma assures him that she’s fine and thanks him for being worried for her.
Anyways, while she’s cooking, Nokto will take care of Lil’Nokto. He has so many things he wants to teach him while Emma is away . . .
When Emma returns with tea and snacks, they begin playing a card game. A card game that Emma immediately loses. Weird, she used to be pretty decent at cards.
It’s down to Nokto and Lil’Nokto, with Nokto pronouncing the sweets go to the winners. Lil’Nokto cheers at this, and dives in. When they had started, Lil’Nokto had been hesitant about eating, but with Nokto’s idea to use sweets as the reward, any hesitation Lil’Nokto had is gone.
Lil’Nokto begins to ask to play again- this time with a different reward but falls silent.
While he stuffs himself with more sweets, Emma leans into Nokto and asks what he was talking about while she was in the kitchen.
Oh, not much. He just wanted to give Lil’Nokto some advice that would come in handy.
Huh, maybe he was giving him card game tips?
Emma pronounces that for the next card game, she’s not going to go easy on Lil’Nokto just because he’s a child. From now on, she’ll go all out.
Lil’Nokto is surprised - Emma wasn’t being serious?
(She was, she had gone all out)
In that case, Lil’Nokto agrees not to go easy on her either, he won’t hold back anymore.
What a challenge! Nokto pronounces the winner gets to ask the loser for anything. Anything at all.
This is a little more interesting than gambling for sweets, right?
Emma braces herself; she can’t lose.
One loss later . . .
Emma sits with her head down. She is the loser, and depending on who wins the next round, she’ll have to reward either Nokto or Lil’Nokto with anything they want.
They both play their last cards, and the winner is . . . Lil’Nokto. Emma can’t help but catch the glimpse of a card in Nokto’s sleeve, he had been cheating on his younger self’s behalf.
A win is a win. Nokto reminds Lil’Nokto that he can claim his victory from Emma, but what will he request?
Lil’Nokto barely has to think - does she remember earlier that morning when she stroked his head? He wants her to do that again.
Emma complies, gently stroking Lik’Nokto’s hair. It’s so soft and fluffy. Lil’Nokto murmurs that her hand is so warm and nice, he could stay like this for ever.
To her surprise, Nokto has a sad and lonely expression. Emma asks if something is wrong, and Nokto admits that there was a time that he was like this.
Okay then.
Emma beckons Nokto to join them. He does, telling Emma that she doesn’t have to do this.
Okay, but she wants to.
Well, fine. If it’s what she wants, he’ll indulge her.
Though there is no guarantee this will last beyond this moment, Emma wants both Nokto and Lil’Nokto to feel happy.
Both are important to her.
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pairing: dad!bucky barnes x au pair!reader
warnings: age gap (reader is 10 years younger than bucky), smut (18+, dni if under 18)
'cause when emma falls in love, she's in it for keeps she won't walk away unless she knows she absolutely has to leave
Y/N knew she shouldn’t care if Bucky wanted to introduce Sadie to her mother or not - after all, she had better and more important things to do such as trying to fix her apparently “unfixable” thesis. Nevertheless, she was worried. Sadie wasn’t her daughter but she cared for her and she couldn’t imagine how confusing things may be in her head, how she could cope with the question of why her mother was only appearing now. Yet again, as Bucky had made it abundantly clear, it wasn’t her place to give an opinion. So, she put it in the back of her head and focused on fixing the unfixable. 
Maybe she hadn’t been clear enough. After all, she tended to go round and round to try to make a point and was know to get lost in narration. Or maybe she hadn’t used enough thousand dollar words, after all, she was at Columbia, a prestigious university, they required those thousand dollar words. Maybe she hadn’t put in the best references or ... or maybe her whole theory was just bullshit and she was about to become a street psychologist. So long dreams of being part of the academic board of a good university. 
She sighed, burying her hands in her hair as she continued to re-read her thesis from the fake brightness of her laptop which was close to dying from the amount of times she had destroyed the battery with the continuous plugging and unplugging. Just as she was about to start crying due to pure desperation - not a first as a PhD student - her phone started buzzing against her pocket. Everyone in the library turned to stare at her, giving her gazes and side eyes which she couldn’t stand and followed by a string of mumbled apologies and hitting her hip against the table on the way out, she found herself a secluded place in the garden outside the library to pick up the phone.
      - Stan? - she thought to herself as she answered the phone, holding her laptop and things on the other hand. - Hello? 
      - Miss? - his voice came from the other end of the call. - I am so sorry to be bothering you. 
      - That’s alright. Is everything ok? Is James okay?
      - I think so, I’m not sure. Sadie is asking for you and I know it’s your day off but she’s insistent. 
      - Okay. - she sighed. There was no point putting another hour towards the 5 she’d already spent. Actually, if she spent another hour trying to decipher what was wrong with it, she may actually go insane. - Send me an address and I’ll be there. 
Had Sadie gotten into trouble at school? Had Bucky gotten into trouble himself? She tended to lean towards the latter as Stan sent him an address to a law firm. Maybe they were meeting Anna there and Sadie was making a fit. She didn’t seem too keen on meeting her mother this morning and while Y/N believed she shouldn’t be forced to do so, if Sadie needed her then she was gonna be there. She got a taxi to the address, making a mental memo to charge Bucky for it as there was no way in hell she was going to pay for a taxi at midday in New York. She soon was dropped in front of a law firm, staring at the big glass doors for a while before Stan called for her attention from the car. 
     - What happened? - she asked as she got inside the car, Sadie immediately making a grabbing motion towards her. 
     - Daddy is sad. - she said as Y/N undid her seat belt to put her on her lap.
     - She didn’t show. - Stan mumbled from the driver’s seat and Y/N didn’t know what to feel.
Part of her had to admit she thought it may happen, after all no one makes a complicated decision that fast and actually sticks with it. Not one as hard as meeting one’s estranged daughter at least. She had told Bucky just that and he chose not to listen and while her ego would like to say she’d told him so, truth was her heart was clenching at the mere idea of it. Sure she knew she was probably in the right but she wished she wasn’t. She wished Sadie’s mum had come despite Sadie’s objections. She couldn’t even fantom what Sadie was thinking or feeling at the moment. She didn’t think she would tell her either. She was too young to be able to articulate what it felt like and, maybe, too young the understand the situation in its entirety. She hoped the latter was true but she knew how observant children were. 
    - You’re okay, baby? - she caressed her face, moving her ginger hair away from her face. She didn’t looked to bothered, holding her Bingo toy against her chest. - Hm? Just squeeze my hand if you’re ok, yeah?
Sadie looked at her for a few seconds before squeezing her hand and leaning her head against her chest. She sighed, relief slightly taking over her worry which was quickly replaced by anger as she watched Bucky make his way to the door. She got out of the car angrily, holding Sadie against her chest like a wounded mother bear ready to claw anyone. How dare he? How dare he screw up like this and then just leave Sadie in the car with the driver? Was he insane?
Her blood boiled and she was ready to shout something that was sure to get her fired, but something stopped her. His eyes were rimmed red and he looked on the verge of crying, strongly holding it to continue showing his unbothered nature. The clothes which were always perfectly ironed and tucked were untucked and the tie which always sat well against his neck, tied to perfection, was loose and hanging from the side. For a split second, she wanted to comfort him, she wanted to cup his face, dry his tears and hold him as close as she was holding his daughter. For a split second, she wanted to tell him she understood where he was coming from, that the pain he was feeling wasn’t a punishment for his actions. But that was only a split second, he’d made it perfectly clear where they stood - she was his employee and he was the boss. 
    - You’re here.
    - She needed me.
She needed her and Bucky needed her, he needed her badly. However, she merely got back into the car, buckling Sadie’s seat belt and turning her face away from his. Silence filled the car and Bucky swore that in all his years of running a company, of his years in the army, he’d never heard a silence quite this loud.
It was clear she wasn’t speaking to him. The drive back home was unbearable and even as they got back home, she continued as if he wasn’t there, instead devoting all her time to looking after Sadie from bathing her and feeding her. Bucky merely stood back, an observer in his own house. He wanted to be angry, he so much wanted to go and tell her he didn’t deserve this treatment, that she no place being angry. Except she did, and Bucky knew this. He knew she was perhaps waiting an apology but he’d been in his right as well. Sadie was his daughter, decisions regarding her first came to him. She didn’t make those for him. He made them and he didn’t care if she liked it or not.
At least he thought so. Truth was, he found himself outside his daughter’s bedroom, waiting for Y/N to be finished reading all her stories. She would have to eventually talk to him but if she wanted to be a brat, he could deal with it. At least he had ideas of how to deal with it, ideas which he probably couldn’t put to fruition - unprofessional ideas. 
     - Is she down yet? - he asked as she stepped out of the bedroom. 
Y/N looked at him up and down as if he were nothing but a maggot, before shrugging and walking off to her bedroom. It made both his heart break and his blood boil. What did she even have to be mad about? She should be happy about being right. Yet, right now he had to look after Sadie. Opening her bedroom door, he found his two year old tucked into her sheets, Bluey playing lowly from the TV in her bedroom which was often turned off. He took a seat on the side of the mattress, leaning his arm over the bed rest. 
    - Are you okay, Sadie? - the two year old didn’t reply, too invested on the hijinks of Bluey. - I’m so sorry that you had to go through that, Sisi. I didn’t want it to go like that. 
How does someone even explain to a two year old what had just happened? He could barely explain it to himself more less to Sadie who only saw things still in black and white. Y/N had said so herself, she understands who shows up and who doesn’t, not the nuances behind it. His lips pursed in a tense line as he moved a bit closer to his daughter.
    - I love you, Sadie. - he kissed the top of her head. - So so much. 
She cuddled next to her dad, her shining eyes which mirrored his, a permanent reminder she was part of him, looking at the low almost soothing sound coming from the TV. Bucky was sure he couldn’t do anything purer than her, anything better than her. She was his little miracle. 
Y/N was still angry at him. She acted as if he didn’t exist, continuing on with her life as if he was merely a spectre she didn’t care much for. He had tried to make things better, sending her flowers and chocolates only to find them all delivered right back to him. She didn’t even complain when he purposely only sent her pay check a day late, instead finding an angry e-mail from her written in the most professional writing he’d ever witnessed. She wasn’t budging, stubborn as ever. 
     - Good evening, Y/N. - he said as he saw her the first time today, busy cleaning up the dishes from her and Sadie’s dinner. - Your hair looks different, you did something to it?
She rolled her eyes, turning the tap and putting on the bright pink gloves he always poked fun of. He had to give it to her, she would’ve been great in the army with that poker face. 
     - I have a charity dinner tomorrow and my mum’s watching over Sadie. I was thinking maybe you’d like to go as my plus one. A lot of Columbia alumni and staff tend to go, it’d be a great opportunity for you. 
     - No, thank you. 
     - You’d be doing me a favour if you went. 
     - Then definitely no. Thank you, Sergeant Barnes. 
     - What if I pay you?
     - I am your daughter’s au pair, not your escort neither do I wish to become one. So once again, no thank you. 
     - Just let me do this for you. - he sighed, going after her as she continued with her nightly tasks.  - Please. You were really great with Sadie when Anna didn’t show up and those people at that charity dinner can get you a job or something published in a good journal. I’m trying to repay you. 
     - I don’t need charity to know my value, Sergeant Barnes, neither do I need you to pay me back for doing a good job with your daughter as that is part of my job description. 
     - Just how many jobs do you think are in academia? In New York or a good college that can actually pay you a liveable wage? Or enough of a wage to even rent here?
     - I’ll figure out a way. 
     - I’m trying to offer you a way to prove your value to someone face to face and not by a CV which will lay dormant on someone’s desk. You don’t even have to speak to me the whole night.
     - Yes because what picture perfect that would be. Your plus one not talking to you, then they’d definitely think you picked the lowest price escort. 
     - I don’t need escorts. I can ask anyone in my office and they’d say yes. Being in my favour pays off either you like it or not and I know people at Columbia, Harvard, Yale and all those Ivys because I donate there. 
     - So does every rich person to get their kid in there someday.
     - Point is, everyone will listen to you, to your opinions, if you go. It’s not an even playing field and you, cynical as you are, should know. 
     - I am not cynical, I am a realist. I’m sorry if I don’t believe that great things happen to good people. 
     - And what are you gonna do tonight, then? You gonna re-read your thesis for the 500th time? You don’t particularly have an active social life.
She crossed her arms, glaring at him. She really didn’t want to be next to Bucky, neither did she want to forgive him. She needed time to work through her anger and come face to face with the fact that someone who she thought was her friend threatened her job so easily. She knew Bucky was a hard pill to swallow, but she’d never had it directly thrown at her. Yet again, he did present a good bargain and she needed to figure out something if she failed her viva. 
     - What time is it?
     - Starts at 9 but we leave at 8. 
     - Dress code?
     - Black tie. 
     - What colour bow tie are you wearing?
     - Why does it matter?
     - It’s customary for someone’s plus one outfit to match but you’d know that if you actually took someone to these things.
     - It’s black. Do you need to buy a dress?
     - I have a dress. 
     - It was great negotiating with you, Y/N. - he winked, leaving victorious.
     - Fucker. - she mumbled to herself and returned to doing the dishes.  
Y/N knew this wasn’t Bucky being charitable. Not that he wasn’t charitable, he was, but he was also a master manipulator and usually did things with a purpose. He’d been educated in that manner, he knew how to behave and how to get people to like him, even though he didn’t particularly care if they did or not. For Bucky, it was all about the ability to do so. She knew this whole dinner invite was a ploy to try and soften her up but if he thought he would slip by without even a sorry, he was dead wrong. 
Yet again, Y/N knew when to grab an opportunity so she did was she did best, look her best with the little she had. She had a black dress she’d worn for her graduation and with a bit of help from youtube she’d managed to slick her hair back in a bun, gold hoop earrings being the only thing that adorned her jewellery wise and Bucky swore he’d never seen such display of elegance as he saw her for the first time. Her dress cut was low, displaying the top of her cleavage and her collarbones which were sure to have been dusted with some sort of illuminating powder. She looked exactly like the type of person who’d sit next to a powerful one, equally magnetic and miles away from the cardigans she usually wore, sometimes stained with pen and markers due to Sadie getting to them. He almost forgot she was mad at him, gawking at her like a teenage boy. 
     - It’s 8. - she reminded him, effectively bursting him out of his bubble. - Are we leaving or not? 
     - Don’t be icy. - he offered her his arm but she refused, instead holding onto her heart shaped white clutch. - Car’s downstairs, you sure you don’t need help wearing those heels?
     - I can walk in heels perfectly fine, Sergeant Barnes. Do you need help?
     - I feel there’s an old man joke in there somewhere. - he helped her put on her coat, a tiny white chiffon bolero. - Shall we?
He wasn’t getting any close to her being any less detached from him, but he couldn’t help but admire her. She was a beautiful woman, that he knew, and she was definitely magnetic although she’d prefer to hide it. Yet, there was something about the way she looked tonight, so confident. 
     - You do look beautiful, Y/N. - he broke the silence that had been filling the car for the past ten minutes and for the first time in weeks, she finally looked him in the eye, a light dusting of heat covering her cheeks. - You do. 
     - You don’t look bad yourself. Except for the crooked tie. 
     - My tie is not crooked. - he fought back. 
     - Yes it is. - she turned her body to face him, her hands moving to undo his tie before she started to re-do it again. It was such a small action, such a simple and almost worthless action yet it reminded Bucky of some hopeless romantic notions he used to have. It was so simple, such a soft touch. - You can’t tie a tie to save your life. You never did. 
     - You’d been letting me walk around with crooked ties and you didn’t say anything? That’s cold, Y/N. 
     - That’s why you can’t braid Sadie’s hair to save your life.
     - What are you talking about? She loves it when I braid her hair. 
     - If that’s what helps you sleep at night. - she smirked. - Do they have good food?
     - Pardon?
     - Do they have good food at the charity ball or is this an entree and champagne sort of event?
     - Why? Are you hungry? Want us to drive by Five Guys and get you a burger or something?
     - I know you’re joking but I actually would like that very much. 
     - They will be serving dinner at the charity dinner, Y/N. 
     - Won’t be as good as a Five Guys burger. 
     - Wouldn’t know. 
     - What do you mean you wouldn’t know?
     - I’ve never had one. Not a fast food kinda guy.
     - Urgh, you’re such a man. - she rolled her eyes in a playful manner. - Tell you what, after this is done I’ll buy you a Five Guys burger. 
Bucky left the conversation there, happy to have gotten some smiles and smirks from her. At least he knew there was a chance for reconciliation whenever the time came for him to massively screw up in a way which made her forget the events which had made her mad currently.
He liked her company, she was never trying to suck up to him or sweet talk him into bed. She just talked to him as if he were anybody else on the street, as if he were someone she’d known forever, not caring for formalities or conduct. However, she knew how to be the right one for this kind of event. Bucky found that immediately as they walked in and he introduced her. Everyone was enchanted by her, complimenting her and questioning more and more about what she did. She hid from most of it, replying politely yet refusing to share more than surface level information but even so, Bucky had to admit she even managed to steal the spotlight for a bit, while she had to admit she wasn’t hating this as much as she expected to hate it. At least as long as he stuck by her side. His touch on her naked shoulder as he helped her take off her jacket, his hand resting against her hip as he introduced her to CEOs and CFOs as if she were more than just the nanny. It lulled her almost in a fantasy like state. 
     - Y/N, this is Delia. She works at marketing down at Saks. 
     - You didn’t tell me you were bringing a date, Barnes. - she smiled. - I wouldn’t have bothered coming if you were bringing a date.
     - Y/N’s my plus one. - Bucky said. He wasn’t wrong, she said she’d be his plus one, but did he have to say it so fast. 
      - You’re still trying to impress her then. - she playfully put her hand on his arm making Y/N uncomfortable. She clearly wasn’t meant to be in the middle of whatever this is. She didn’t want to be in the middle of whatever this is. - You know, he can be very ... persuasive. 
      - Will you excuse me?
She made her way away from the two who were more interested in each other, at least as she saw it. She knew Bucky was a bit of a ladies’ man but it didn’t mean she wanted to experience it, or see it for any matter. It always made her somewhat uncomfortable, like her heart stopped for a second. Instead she just leaned against a wall, watching as the people walked by and stopped to chat to each other. When she was little, this was exactly what she expected these sort of events to be like - beautiful women and handsome men just walking hand in hand in expensive clothing, talking of the world and its affairs. She just never expected to be looking at it, instead of being part of it. Not that she wanted it, at least that’s what she told herself as she nursed a glass of expensive champagne. It was as if a dark cloud descended upon her as she watched from the outside, doing the best of her ability not to look at Bucky still in high talks with Delia. Why he bothered with Anna when he could easily find anyone else was beyond her. 
    - I thought it was you, Miss Y/N. 
    - Professor Anderson. - she straightened her back as if her mother had scolded her. - How was your holiday? 
    - It was great yet here I am back to work with a load of work on my desk. Yours being one of them. I have to say, I am very excited to see what you came up with. 
    - I wouldn’t be too keen. My other supervisor doesn’t seem to have taken a big interest but I’m working on another version. Making it a bit more succinct, easier to digest. 
   - But that has never been your forte, has it Miss Y/N? - she wasn’t sure if it was a compliment or an insult, either way it was a correct observation, so she merely smiled nervously. Supervisors didn’t tend to disagree to a degree where she could just relax and not consider another year of expenses. 
    - Well, thank you for taking the time in advance. 
    - It’s what I work for. Bright people, new ideas. - she slightly raised her glass in a cheering manner. - Actually, I must introduce you to someone. 
     - It’s really not necessary. - last thing she wanted was to make a fool of herself in front of someone important or see Bucky yet in another flirtatious conversation. His sex habits didn’t really interest her ... not right now, at least. 
     - Mr. Davis. - she approached a man who had equally found solace in the quietness of a corner. - May I introduce you to my PhD student, Miss Y/N?
     - It’s nice to put a name to a face. - he extended his hand towards hers, smiling with an ease that made him look as if he had come straight of a fairytale book. 
      - Mr. Davis graduated top of his masters’ class in Psychology just a few years before you started at Columbia. It is a shame he didn’t stick with us for graduate school. 
      - Alas, I wanted to experience the real world. 
      - I should leave you two to discuss things. I’m sure you’ll find you have much in common. 
She felt nervous around this man. He was attractive, attractive in a way which usually made her believe he’d want nothing with her. Attractive men usually didn’t yet he was eyeing her as if he’d never seen nothing like her. Perhaps he’d discovered that her dress was bought at a TJ Maxx for 70% the original asking price or maybe he’d noticed a scuff on her shoes. 
     - I saw you come in with Sergeant Barnes, I was hoping he’d introduce you.
     - You know Sergeant Barnes?
     - I work for him. - the poor thing. - Marketing division.
     - What is a psychology graduate doing working in the marketing division?
     - I believe you should understand your customer before you try to sell them anything. 
     - What? Like the colour pink makes people believe things are sweeter?
     - You can’t sell someone something by portraying it as a fantasy. People turn against it eventually. - he quipped. - But you’d know that, considering you’re every males’ fantasy right now and every woman has made you the enemy. 
     - I hardly believe that’s true. 
     - You walked in by the side of New York’s most eligible bachelor, I’d say that’s true. Yet again, who can blame him? Smart and beautiful? I too would be parading you by my side. 
     - Would you?
     - Actually, if you were my date I would’ve kept you home. God knows the things these men would actually do to get your attention. 
     - Like being a psychology graduate? - she smirked. - Sergeant Barnes is my boss. I look after his daughter Sadie. Helps pay for graduate school and it’s a rent free place to live. Besides, Sadie is just the most adorable girl I’ve ever seen. 
     - You mean to tell me I’m the first one to know that you are available?
     - I wouldn’t say I’m available. Maybe just browsing. 
     - I do work in marketing, beautiful. I can sell myself pretty well, if you’d ask me. 
     - Huh, and how would you do that?
     - You’re a Columbia student. I could maybe take you to the riverside park, we’d go on a walk, I’d woe you with my distaste of Freud’s theories and methods, and then we’d finish with a picnic.
    - Maybe I like Freud’s theories, have you considered that?
    - Nonsense, no smart woman would. 
    - I’m free Sunday night. 
    - So am I.
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blamemma · 7 days
Dearest Emma, I'm curious to know what you think of Max's post race comments that seem to glaze Checo to the skies. I understand PR, of course, and Max would never say anything bad about a teammate, but this is putting me on a ledge because it's almost sickly sweet (the best analogy I can come up with) in how hard it's going. Can I have thoughts that will take me off this ledge?
Hope you have a wonderful day/evening/afternoon 😊
i love when people send me asks formatted this way. always makes me giggle a lil 🤭 i feel like an agony aunt page where we're all coming to resolve our issues and problems.
i think to resolve this, you have to reach into the realistic delusions. realistic as in this may be delusional but i believe this is what's happening. i honestly think. and maybe i'll be proven wrong. but i honestly think that perez will announce retirement post-singapore and that will lead the way for liam to vcarb and daniel for red bull. i think this is how this situation solves itself. i dont think checo wants that. i dont think this is how he saw it ending. and so i think part of his....appeasement.....is letting him go out on highs. full weighted support behind him at baku and singapore where he can reach high results. retirement announcement in the gap so that it gives time for it to settle by the time he can have a goodbye tour in front of loving fans at cota, mexico and las vegas. max's comments, to me, are part of that. the image that checo is fast, a good team mate, unproblematic etc. is i think, how checo's team want his narrative to be framed. if i go deep into the delusions, i think they want it to be framed that checo gave his everything to help max win this years championship.....if max had been fast enough this weekend and passed checo, i think that would have easily been something that could have been framed. it is unlike max to talk about his team mates and their performance. ever. this change and shift in language from him is....interesting to me.....
and that's how i would solve ur issue
signed sincerely,
agony emma x x x
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xiefuyu · 1 year
Brother, I'm here.
-- Kurokawa Izana x little sister reader
🖤 — Tokyo Revengers
📝 — angst, implication of domestic abuse, suicide attempt, hurt/comfort, a bit of fluff at the end
:a/n — this one is a bit heavy :'> (wc: 2.4k)
— PT. 1 / PT. 2/PT.3/PT.4/PT.5
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You, Kurokawa Y/N, only wanted only one thing.
A family.
A household with the said family who’s loving and will treat you with care and affection. A family who won’t paint your skin blue and purple at any given chance and will protect you from all the things that you find to be scary.
That was the only thing you want but apparently, you’re considered greedy by the world for longing for something that’s supposed to be given to anyone the moment they were born.
Something was wrong with you.
Something has got to be deeply wrong with you because if not, why else would you be standing outside the hospital where you just got discharged a few minutes ago and currently drowning the moment your Kuya Mikey fills you in with what happened and the truth?
The fucking truth of not being related to them at all.
Your Kuya Mikey- are you even allowed to still call him that?- who you see walking towards you, panic in his eyes because you're walking backwards, walking away from them as if walking away from the truth.
He was saying something. Emma was saying something, also reaching out for you. Hell, even Takemichi was saying something but you’re drowning, you’re falling, and you’re…
You’re just there.
A part of you begs to listen to them, to run to them, to beg for them to accept you as their little sister because God, oh dear God, you loved how they treated you for the last few days in your stay at the hospital.
They treated you like glass. Like someone precious. Treated you in a way that you didn’t even know was possible.
It got you questioning if you even deserved it because your stepmother said that you didn’t deserve anyone else’s love but only her’s.
And then it hit you.
You don’t deserve it, don’t you?
It was just a pity. It wasn’t love, it was pity.
But guilt bubbles in you as the thought passes through your mind. Who do you think you are to judge their actions? Who do you think you are to doubt their love for you?
You’re just a fool who wanted to force her way into their own little bubble of family.
It’s fucking embarrassing, you tell yourself.
So you run away. Turn your back on them like how Izana did to you. You ignore their calls of pleas and waits. You drown everything around you.
As they curse at how fast you could run, you’re grateful for the times you need to run away and hide on the nights where your stepmother’s wrath was too much. Maybe it was a destiny to be abused for this very moment. This moment to run away from people who turned out to be not blood-related at all.
You should’ve just remained in your own hell.
You’re not supposed to be here.
You don’t belong here.
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Kakucho kneels in front of his king. His king who he found in front of the orphanage. He felt like a fool for not thinking about this place first.
Because as much as they wanted to leave this place before, it was still their home in their younger years.
"Izana, please. She's looking for you. She begged me to bring you back to her." He remembers the way your lips wobbled, your eyes dripping with unshed tears as you begged him to bring your brother back.
As you told him that you want Izana to stay with you because he's your family.
"She doesn't deserve me and I don't deserve her." Izana says and it hits Kakucho, as well as the Haitani brothers who helped him in finding Izana, that their king was just as desperate as you but in a different way.
While you're desperate to run after him, he's desperate to run away from you.
All because he thinks he doesn't deserve you and vice versa.
"She's…she's too pure for me, Kakucho. She's too bright." Ran looks down, eyes glancing at Rindou because he knows what Izana is saying. He understands.
But he frowns and shakes his head, stepping forward.
"Your sister…" he starts and he could see Rindou's eyebrows rising in surprise. "I understand that you want to push her away. Hell, I wanted to push Rindou away from this…gang activities before but he's all I have and I'm all he has." 
Ran stops, sighing.
"What I want to say is that she deserves at least an explanation of why you want her away from you. That is, if you still want to push her away after all this talk. She was longing for you, you know? Kakucho told me."
Izana looks up at the sky. It was so…unfamiliar. Did the sky always look that way? It was always dull before, wasn't it? Why is it suddenly blue and white? 
Why is it suddenly bright?
His hands are painted with blood and violence and yours looked like they aren't even aware of what violence is.
His head was filled with dark thoughts and you looked like all your thoughts were all flowers and sunshines.
How could he face you after all he's done? How could he tell you that he also wanted to stay with you because apparently, you're his real blood-related sister and that's all he ever wanted?
He breathes out shakily.
God fucking damnit.
If he's selfish to want to have you accept him even though he knows he fucked up his first interaction with you, then so be it. Make him look selfish. Greedy. Asshole.
He doesn't care anymore.
Kakucho's phone rings before he could even tell them to bring him to you.
Something grips Izana's heart as he watches Kakucho's eyes widen as he looks straight back at him.
"What…what do you mean she's missing?"
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The concept of family was always known yet unfamiliar to you. Everytime you go out and see parents with their children laughing happily, there’s a longing, a nostalgia that you feel. It was ironic how nostalgia is present when all you could remember was rough hands and sharp nails connecting with your skin.
However, when you got informed that you have an older brother miles away from you, it was enough to at least dull the painful memories and it was changed to an imagination, hope, that your brother will let you piggy ride his back, will let you play with his hair, and just…just simple bondings that a family do.
But you found out that it was merely imagination. A feeble hope to be destroyed by said brother.
You found yourself running and running and running.
You don’t even know where you are. You don’t care anymore. You just want to run away from here, want to get away from these almost familiar looking streets. Your eyes and lungs are burning. Exhaustion seeps through your body and your head is back to letting something hit it from the inside.
Everything is becoming blurry; was it because of the tears? The dizziness? Either way, you kept running until your feet took you to a soft feeling under.
A beach.
You’re on a beach and the sand felt so soft underneath you it was making you sick. Everything seems big, bright, dull, soft, and rough. They’re loud. The waves are loud, entrancing and calling you.
Your mind is racing with a million thoughts and yet, it is empty. All you could think about was how nice it was to just rest naturally like the sun setting beyond the horizon in front of you. All you could think about was the “what-if’s” and “could’ve been’s” if you didn’t look for your brother, if said brother didn’t turn his back on you, and if you didn’t turn your back on the people who were nothing but nice to you.
Your unshed tears were dried by the breeze, thoughts seemingly getting blown away with it, the waves in front of you engulfing it and taking it away.
And then you’re just there.
An empty shell of what used to be you.
You’re just there, feet slowly walking towards the waves.
Family is a concept you tried so hard to understand. It’s something you know and don’t know. It’s something you experienced in a wrong way.
Something that got you questioning your true purpose in life. It was supposed to be given to you the moment you were born so why?
Why are you all alone and trembling in fear and yet, you keep walking? The water is cold and it’s pulling and pushing you in and out. It’s shooing you away at the same time it’s pulling you in.
You were born in a household that paints your skin blue and purple. People are supposed to be born and cradled with gentle and soothing hands, aren’t they? So why were you even born if you don’t have those?
You get it.
You were born to die, weren’t you?
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Izana’s vision was obscured with his own unshed tears. He’s trembling and running. A part of him blame the Sanos for your disappearance. How could they tell you about the truth? Couldn’t they have just hid it from you? Protect you from it?
But then he’s too aware of what could happen if people let the water boil for too long. He’s seen it in himself. He’s seen how he was so full of hope and was ignorant of the truth that it utterly destroyed him when he was forced to face the reality.
It was funny, he thinks. Funny how he uttered the words that you’re no sister of his but the both of you are just too similar, aren’t you?
Both longing for a family.
It was funny because you’re there, a family, and yet he pushed you away. He’s such a fool, isn’t he?
But he vows to himself that this time, he’ll make things right. This time, he’ll open his heart and accept people. He’ll open his kingdom and let people do whatever they want. He’ll be a king who comes down from his throne for you- his family.
He’s running along a beach, he registers, and your name comes out of his mouth as if it’s the last thing keeping him sane. And maybe it was, maybe you are the only thing keeping him sane because he’s running like a madman, the word “No” stumbling out of his mouth over and over again.
You’re the only family he has. The only blood-related family he has so why are you trying to run away? He’s selfish, he knows. He’s the cause of this and he wants the waves to engulf him instead.
The waves already reached your waist but you’re just looking ahead, unaware of the people running towards you. Your eyes looked empty and it terrifies him. Those similar lilac eyes are supposed to be shining albeit a bit dim. They’re not supposed to be empty like his.
He reaches for your hand and tugs you to him. It scared him how you were so limp that you let him engulf you in his arms as he frantically dragged you towards the shore, how you let the both of you fall on your knees.
Kakucho, the Sanos, Draken, the Haitani brothers, and Takemichi sees the pure terror in Izana’s eyes as he holds you against him tightly. They notice the trembles of his body, the wobble of his lips and his tears that are freely flowing, carving their way on his cheeks.
His mouth was gaping, opening and closing, finding their words but it seemed like the waves took it away with them. He doesn’t know what to say.
He almost lost you.
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One moment, you’re feeling the water reaching your waist and the next, it was trembling warm arms around you. Having disassociated with your reality, you were baffled because you’re suddenly at the shore, kneeling, and leaning against someone.
You didn’t have to look up to see who it was for he smelled like a family, a comfort, and safety.
You sob quietly against your brother, feeling him tense under you but his arms around you further tightens. You’re also trembling, fear creeping in you with full force with the realisation that you were so close to killing yourself.
You feel lost.
Are you even alive? What if you’re actually under the waves and all of this is just an imagination? A last resort of your brain that’s seeking comfort?
Your hand grips your brother’s clothes, hard and tight, as if he’ll disappear if you let go for at least a second. You hear him shushing you, calming you down, but it just made you sob more. 
Despite being treated softly by the Sanos, being treated in the same way by your real blood-related brother was different.
You felt loved. You felt safe. You felt accepted.
This was the purpose you were cradling in your delicate, trembling hands years ago. Now, it’s being cradled by you and your brother; shared.
But something inside you is still not content. You need to make sure that everything is real. That right now is not just a figment of your imagination.
“Kuya…” you cry out.
“Yeah?” Izana says, so soft and gentle.
“Kuya, I’m here…I’m here, right?” you question the reality, daring. You hear Izana breathing out shakily, his right hand cupping your cheek, tilting your head to his direction. 
And his eyes. You have those eyes, don’t you? They’re so similar to yours and it makes you sob more. You’re finally staring at your family. 
“You’re here, Y/N, you’re here with me.” he reassures. It took you a moment to process his words but after a while, a wobbly little smile made its way to your lips before it fell- in relief- as you hid in his neck once again.
Your sobs echo through the area. The waves were calm as if giving you privacy, the sunset basking you with its gentle light and warmth.
The Sanos and Haitani brothers watch with a smile and deep gratitude to the world. Even though their family is broken, they know they were lucky enough to have each other since the beginning unlike you and your brother who had to cross multiple challenges just to see each other.
With a soft grin, all of them made their way to the both of you.
And all of a sudden, affection seeps to your head from their pats. It was overwhelming but you found yourself smiling and not running away. Your eyelids feel heavy, making you sigh.
Before succumbing to darkness in your brother’s arms, the last thing you felt was warm lips against your forehead along with a soft “thank you for not giving up on me, Y/n.” and,
“Thank you for being here.”
A/N: i swear we're getting fluff next hehe (with a sprinkle of angst)
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jokeringcutio · 11 months
Helloooo I have a Halloween request for Arthur Fleck x female reader
I was thinking it could take place on Halloween while he's working for Ha Has, so he's walking home in his clown costume not realizing it's Halloween until he's passing a house/apartment party and gets invited inside by someone assuming he's their friend who also dressed as a clown. Maybe he goes along with it because he's never been to a party he wasn't performing at, but doesn't know how to act. Maybe the host pulls him to introduce to the reader and he has to come clean that he's not the guy everyone thinks he is. And she's just really sweet relieved because she didn't like the guy she thought he was, and tells him how she's never dated so people keep trying to set her up.
So they bond at the party and meet up for coffee or something later. Bonus points if they lose their virginity to each other and fall in love.
Sorry if that's too long or not specific enough. I just like a sweet, supportive, Disney princess type girl that brings out the best in Arthur and vice versa 💞
Arthur Fleck x Reader - Sweet Halloween (contains smut)
AN: Follow me for more Halloween Reader Inserts. More stories will follow this month.
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Fandom: Joker 2019 Pairing: Arthur Fleck (as Carnival) x Reader Rating: Explicit Summary: You mistake him for somebody else, but that might be the best thing that happened to the both of you, for you end up losing your virginity to each other.
Warnings: Sexual content, Virginity/First Time.
Those downtrodden streets with their faded yellow lights that made everything seem grey and bleak were familiar to Arthur. As he walked his usual route home, hands buried deep inside of his pockets, clown shoes kicking dirt and thrown-away wrappers and cans. He stared at the potholed pavement. There seemed to be more of a buzz around him, more noises. But he gave it no thought.
His Carnival costume hung loosely around him, his body too thin and too slender. He hadn’t had a good meal for the past God-knows how many weeks, and the lack of food was starting to have its effect on him. Arthur had grown easily tired and vexed and felt as if his hunger had left him completely. And so he kept his eyes pointed at the street, careful where to place his feet in case he might trip over the too-big shoes he had been too tired to swap for his ordinary pair. He would do it at home, he figured. He’d wash off the makeup there.
Being completely focused on the ground in front of his feet, he didn’t notice how he approached a house with an open door. A few young people stood on the porch, observing him as he neared. He felt their gazes, however, and made himself smaller than he was. His shoulders up high, hands even deeper inside his pockets and turned into fists – invisibly to their eyes. He tried not to draw too much attention to himself, eager to pass by without being picked on, laughed at, or even worse – beaten. He knew he was an easy target like this. And though the people he passed usually didn’t care, sometimes they would.
“Ah, there you are.” Before he had time to react, a gentle hand laid firmly upon his arm and he was ushered between the youngsters, pushed passed them, and into the house. It all happened so swiftly, that he had no idea how to react.
Soft hands pushed the small of his back, urging him into a hallway where they paused. Low thumps of music came from down the hall. There definitely was a party going on here. He tried to turn around and protest, but everything was happening way too fast.
“Josh, you can find Emma in the kitchen. She’s busy prepping the punch,” Arthur heard a female voice say from behind. It was a pleasant voice. One that sent sparks of warmth down his tummy.
He slowly turned around to face you, prepared for anything but you. A princess in every sense of the word. From your voice to your looks. You were even dressed in one of the prettiest dresses he had ever seen. Surely, if you were to come to work for Ha-Ha’s you’d be paid maximum wages. You’d have a booking every day. You-
You must be mistaken, he realized crestfallen as he watched you breathlessly. His shoulders slumped, his green eyes upon you. You didn’t want him here. You expected someone else. Some kind of Josh. What should he do? What should he do next?
There was a warm smile on your face. “Come on, let’s get going. I know you came just to see her, and I promise, no one is going to come in between the two of you tonight. This house got more than enough rooms for a bit of privacy.” You smiled at him and, once again, placed your warm hands upon him, pushing against his belly, probably to usher him in the direction of the kitchen. Then your eyes turned wide. Had you spotted he wasn’t Josh?
“Oh, gosh,” you gasped. “You really need to get some food in you. There’s some great apple and cinnamon pumpkin-shaped pies.”
So you hadn’t realized your mix-up, he thought. He followed your gaze as your eyes slid down his form. What must you be thinking of him, he wondered? This shabby clown, tired after a long day’s work. Your eyes darted lower and he followed your gaze. “Your shoes are so big. How can you walk without tripping?” The words spilled from your lips, melodious to his ears. Then your eyes sought his again. But instead of the judgment he had expected, your eyes sparked with joy and admiration. “They are amazing,” you said, warming his heart once more.
He blinked at you, confused. “I- I don’t think,” he started, voice too soft and being drowned out by the loud music that came down the hall. The realization came that you hadn’t heard him when you gave him a gentle pat on his shoulder and smiled.
“I know. Size matters! Well, you have an impressive girth,” you joked.
And then you were gone. The crowd had swallowed you, like a phantom. A ghost.
Arthur stood baffled. Had that just happened? As if in a dream, he glanced around him. The hallway was getting crowded as more people seemed to arrive at the party. He looked desperately but found no clue of you ever having been there. Had he entered the house himself? Had you been another delusion?
He leaned against a wall, his heart thumping loudly in his chest. Taking deep breaths, he tried to steady himself. Another delusion, he thought. Another dream vision.
But then, an unfamiliar girl came to stand next to him, dressed as a pirate in a very revealing short array. Her red bouncy curls danced around her when she reached up to pull him into a hug.
“Ah Josh, glad you could make it,” the girl said with a smile. Arthur could see how the lipstick on her lips cracked at the motion. “Come on over, there’s food and drinks waiting.”
Luckily, she let go when Arthur started to feel the hug was getting too suffocating, and then she gestured ahead, urging him to walk into the next room which appeared to be some kind of large hall, decorated as a ballroom. He felt the girl’s eyes upon him for a little longer, but when he glanced behind him she seemed to have turned away. He saw her at the far end of the hall. Not a vision then. But not the woman he had dreamed of either.
Carefully, Arthur, still dressed as Carnival the Clown, entered the festive hall. The chandeliers were adorned with bats and cobwebs. Tiny fake ghosts hung from the ceiling and pumpkins filled the corners, all with faces like clowns. He could not help but chuckle when he saw what a wonderful room he had walked into. Everywhere, people were dancing.
Had he held any hesitation, it vanished when he saw the pumpkin pies the princess of his dreams had told him about. They stood on a table in front of him, looking every bit as delicious as you had told. For once, he thought to himself, you deserve this. “Well,” he nasally said to himself. “I suppose one bite won’t do any harm. After all,” here he suppressed the upwelling laughter that threatened to leave his lips. “They invited me in.”
The Halloween party was in full swing, the room bathed in a dim orange glow from the flickering jack-o'-lanterns lining the walls. Laughter and chatter filled the air as costumed guests mingled and danced. You expertly wove through the crowd, your body swaying to the haunting beats of the music. You were no stranger to dancing; it was an outlet that allowed you to escape the challenges of your life.
As you moved across the floor, a man dressed as a clown caught your eye. The colorful frills of his costume juxtaposed against the dark atmosphere of the party. You’d seen him before. At the time you had believed him to be Josh, that friend that Emma had invited because she wanted to date him. You knew better now. The real Josh had appeared half an hour later. It made you realize you’d invited a stranger into the house.
But this stranger, this man dressed as a clown… he was fetching. There was something about him that lured you in. Now that you knew he wasn’t Emma’s to claim, you became bolder, more daring. Moving closer to him, you deliberately started moving along with him, feeling the beat of the song resonate within you. When he noticed you, his eyes lit up like fireworks, surprise and delight radiating from his gaze.
The clown began to challenge you with his moves, his hips gyrating to the rhythm of the music. He had good moves, you noticed. Every gesture was graceful, like dancing came as natural to him as breathing. The rotating of his hips, while his eyes rested firmly upon you, was an invitation you accepted without hesitation. You danced closer, enticed by the mystery behind the painted face. His movements were fluid and surprisingly graceful, drawing you in even more.
As the song continued, you found yourselves dancing together, his arm snaking around your waist as he twirled you effortlessly. Your bodies pressed close, the heat emanating from him warming you as his scent – a mix of cologne and something uniquely his – intoxicated you. A sense of desire bubbled within you, fueled by the passion of the dance and the enigmatic connection between you two.
He twirled you around again and then pulled you in close, until your back was pressed against his front. You could feel his hot breath tickle your ear. His fingers splayed on your tummy, holding you like a lover’s embrace as you sensually pressed your hips against his. Your bodies fit together perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle, and you had to suppress a moan.
The sensation of your bodies colliding with each beat was overwhelming. The dance became a sensual exploration, your bodies speaking a language only the two of you understood. And when the song came to an end, you lamented the fact that Emma stood several feet away, beckoning you to help her bringing the snacks from the kitchen. You reluctantly pulled away, feeling the sudden absence of his warmth. "Sorry,” you whispered, unsure if he could hear you over the starting tunes of a new beat, “I need to go help a friend.”
You felt your heart pounding in your chest as you saw the Clown’s lips twitch into a smile. You assumed he had heard you, and quickly turned away, unaware of how the clown doubled over as he watched you go, grabbing his stomach as he tried to bite back the laughter that threatened to spill from his lips. He failed though, and in an attempt to escape the judging gazes from those around him, he turned around and pushed his way through the crowd.
By the time you returned with the snacks, your eyes wandered to find your mysterious dancing clown, but found no trace of him. Crestfallen, you put the snacks down on the table and scanned the room once more. Your clown seemed to have gone. But the tingling sensation deep inside of you still lingered, reminding you of the dance you had just shared.
Time slipped away, the evening deepening as laughter and chatter filled the air. You found yourself wandering outside to get some fresh air. The cool night breeze was a welcome respite from the heat of the party. You’d almost given up on finding him, almost convinced yourself that it didn’t matter, that this stranger you had met was someone you would never see again. But then, there he was.
Sitting on the porch and smoking, was the clown who had captivated you earlier. The sight of him stirred something within you – curiosity, desire, and an undeniable connection that you couldn't shake. You watched him for a moment, silently admiring his enchanting silhouette. Then you stepped closer to him.
"Hey," you called out softly, drawing his attention. “Are you alone?”
His eyes widened in surprise, the cigarette between his fingers momentarily forgotten. As he looked up at you, you caught sight of his vibrantly green eyes and your heart skipped a beat. So beautiful, you thought. You felt your cheeks flush.
"You're a really good dancer," you quickly said, smiling warmly at him.
The man seemed to hesitate, staring at you like a deer caught in headlights, but he quickly recomposed himself. His shoulders relaxed again. "Oh, uh, thank you." He seemed almost embarrassed by the compliment, his cheeks flushing beneath the white face paint.
"Mind if I sit with you?" you asked, gesturing to the empty spot beside him before bunching up your skirt. If you showed him a little leg, well, that wasn’t entirely an accident. You could tell he had seen it, that he must have spotted your bare legs underneath your skirts, perhaps even the outline of your panties, for his cheeks flushed and he quickly glanced away. But you’d seen his pupils dilate.
"Of course not," he replied, snuffing out the cigarette. For a moment he stared ahead while you settled down onto the wooden steps. The warmth of his body radiated through the thin fabric of your costume, sending shivers down your spine.
“I thought I'd dreamed you up." His words caught you by surprise and you stared at him with eyes open wide. When he finally turned to lock gazes with you, his lips carried a shy smile. Almost as if he was afraid to admit it.
“Not a dream,” you assured him. "Definitely real."
For a moment, his smile broadened, an imitation of your own, and you were lost in his eyes. Their depths, their vibrancy… This man made you feel warm and alive.
But then his smile faded like snow in the sun, and he tore his eyes away from yours. Shyly, he looked down at his hands.  A deep frown appeared on his face, twisting his features. "I'm sorry,” he said, voice hardly more than a low mumble. “I’d better go.”
He shifted, jumping up to his feet without a warning, but you grasped him by the sleeve, preventing him from stepping away. He turned to look at you, surprise visible on his face.
“Why would you leave now?” you asked, confused by his sudden change in demeanor. Didn’t he feel the same? You could swear he did. You’d seen it in his eyes, how the two of you had been lost in each other’s gaze.
The clown hesitated. You could see the thoughts running wildly inside his head, the deep frown when he licked his lips before he shyly admitted, “Because I am not who you want?”
“Nobody said that,” you smiled, the grasp on his sleeve diminishing until your hand just laid gently upon his arm. There was no pressure there. If he still wanted to leave, he could.
“But I,” his voice had turned nasal, like a whine. Whatever was going through that pretty head of his was making him worried. “I know you mistook me for a friend of yours," he finally admitted, a frown still on his features.
You shook your head and smiled, your hand slipping from his arm for a moment. But he did not run away. Instead, he remained rooted to the spot, standing there, looking down at you with eyes full of uncertainty. It was obvious he wanted to stay. And you did not want him to go.
Your hand reached out once more to gently touch his arm. "I want you to stay," you whispered.
In the dim light of the Halloween-lights, you could see how his eyes widened in surprise. You felt his body grow slack underneath your hand. "All right.”
Slowly, he sat down again. His hip slotted against yours, the warmth instantly returned, making you breathe a sigh of relief. He was here again, where he needed to be.
“My name's Arthur, by the way," he hesitatingly said, as if he were shy to introduce himself to you.
"Nice to meet you, Arthur," you replied, your heart racing as you studied his face. Beneath the makeup, there was a vulnerability that drew you in. Your thoughts raced, emotions swirling as you tried to make sense of the magnetic pull between you two.
"The boy I confused you with, he is Emma’s new friend,” you confessed, your gaze drifting to the ground. "She’s always dating, never able to go without a boyfriend for long, so I hadn’t really seen him yet.”
Arthur remained silent, just watched you, his gaze enough to encourage you. “She keeps trying to set me up, but it never feels right," you quietly admitted, feeling how Arthur shifted by your side. He placed his hands in front of him, fingertips touching.
“Truth is, I've never had a boyfriend before," you continued, voice a soft whisper. You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “I've never even dated.”
Your eyes gently slid back to seek his. He was still looking at your face, his eyes desperately seeking yours. And when your gazes met, you could tell there was a quiet understanding in his. A deep warmth.
“How come,” he started, but had to pause to clear his throat. His voice was hoarse, filled with emotion. “How come no one ever claimed you as their own? Who wouldn’t want you?” he asked you, warming you up inside because that was a high compliment. Who wouldn’t want you? Who would? Then again, you shrugged and shook your head.
With a small smile, you looked up at him again. “It’s not fully up to them, is it?” you said, a small smile curling your lips. It took him a moment to understand what you were saying, but then his lips curled into a smile as well, the red of his makeup curling upward even more.
“You didn’t want any of them,” he concluded, and you let out a sigh of relief that he caught your meaning.
“Never really felt a click with any of them,” you admitted. Your eyes drifted down to his hands. Carefully, you sought out his hand with your own, placing your palm on top of his. He allowed you to touch him, even waited till you liked up again before he flashed you another smile. Emboldened by his reaction, you gently squeezed his hand.
"I meant what I said earlier on,” you started, shyly but suggestive. “Maybe we could, uh, find some privacy inside?" Your voice was playful, teasing. "There are plenty of rooms."
Arthur's eyes sparked with mischief as he met your boldness head-on. "I'd like that." He returned the squeeze with his hand, then carefully rose, holding your hand in his own. He waited for you to lead the way, an unspoken invitation that sent a thrill through you. With your heart pounding, you led him back into the house, your warm hands still touching. You could hear his rapid breathing and realized he was excited too.
Upon entering one of the unoccupied rooms, you closed the door behind you and locked it, your heart pounding with anticipation. The room was clean enough, pleasant enough for sure. A cream-colored bed, ordinary and plain, invited you to take this further. If Arthur hadn’t wanted to go this far, he would not have followed you in, would he? And so you turned to face Arthur, who stood there, hesitantly shifting his weight from one foot to another.
"Go on," you urged gently, "take off your costume."
He looked at you oddly, as if you had said something preposterous, but then slowly started to unbutton his waistcoat. “You want to do more than just talk,” he murmured, and you blinked at him. For a moment he had you confused.
“I mean,” you started, suddenly feeling insecure. Where you going too fast for him? Was this the right thing to do? “Only if you…”
A deep groan tore from Arthur’s lips, interrupting you before you could finish. The waistcoat slid down his shoulders and without hesitation, he started to unbutton his fly. “You think I’d say no?” his voice was husky and low, thick with arousal. Hearing it sent a spark of lust deep down your core, making your pussy slick and moist at the sound of him.
“Oh no, my beauty,” Arthur continued, the words drawn and a low hum. His hand revealed his aching cock, firmly stroking up and down the hardened flesh. “No, pretty girl, I am going to make you all mine.”
Your mouth had turned dry at the sight of him. So eager. So wanting. “You’re beautiful,” the words spilled from your lips, earning you a groan as Arthur squeezed his cock hard.
“Don’t lie to me, princess. I am not much to look at,” he grunted, moving his hand up and down his shaft. His eyes never left your frame though, silently undressing you with his gaze. “Too thin, too meager. Not much of a man at all.”
“I disagree,” you said without giving it a moment’s thought. Your hands moved up your sides, slowly peeling the dress from your body, revealing all that you had hidden beneath it. His eyes lit up at the sight of your skin, then darkened with sinful desire. "You're more handsome than you give yourself credit for, Arthur."
He blushed at your compliments, his cheeks warming beneath the fading clown makeup. Despite his thin frame, you were drawn to him, captivated by the vulnerability in his eyes. The dress pooled at your feet, and then you stood there in just your underwear. His eyes roved over you, eager to take you all in. You loved it, loved the way his eyes took you in as if he wanted to remember all of you.
"Come here," you whispered, beckoning him closer. And when he was within reach, you cradled his face in your hands, looking deeply into his eyes before pressing a sweet, lingering kiss upon his lips, uncaring of the makeup that would surely smudge your own.
When you broke apart to catch your breath, the words that escaped you were a whisper.
"I want you to be my first, Arthur."
Something seemed to shift within him then, as if your words had unlocked a hidden desire. His restraint vanished, replaced by a hungry passion that matched your own. Arthur's hands found their way to your back, pulling you closer as he returned your kisses, tracing the contours of your body.
The two of you moved together as if you were dancing again. His body fit perfectly against yours, his hands led the way. You didn’t even notice that he had led you toward the bed until you felt the back of your knees bump against the mattress. His wig cap tumbled off his head, revealing brown curls underneath. It suited him, you thought. He was gorgeous.
Another kiss as his lips met yours hungrily. His hands ran past your skin, fondling your breasts eagerly, squeezing a bit too hard but making you feel exceptionally good.
Breaking the kiss you were sharing, you murmured against his skin. "Be gentle with me."
His green eyes sparked as he lay you down on the bed. The world outside the room ceased to exist; all that mattered now was this intimate connection between you and Arthur. The way his hands ran past your body and his fingertips danced down your skin, the way his scent enveloped you entirely like an embrace, the way he sunk deep into your core, letting out a shuddering moan.
If there had been pain initially, it soon ebbed away at his gentleness. He allowed you time to adjust, panting heavily above you while his eyes sought out yours. When you felt he was able to move again you gave an encouraging nod. He followed your command without a pause, gently thrusting his hips, first shallowly but deeper and deeper as time and your body allowed.
There was an experimental thrust of his hips, followed by another moan from his lips. His eyes squeezed close and his face contorted in ecstasy. As he slowly started to pick up a pace, murmuring obscenities about how good this all was, you suddenly realized that this might be his first time as well. As your bodies entwined and he gently rocked inside of you, you arched your back, spreading your legs to give him a little more access to rock deeper inside.
Arthur bit his lip and grunted. Another thrust, this time firmer, bolder. He hit a delicious spot deep inside and your walls fluttered around him as a result. It tore another deep moan from him. Again.
“There,” you pleadingly said, “there.” He obliged, seeking the right angle and thrusting inside of you with deep strokes.
“Is that good, princess?” You heard his low voice rasp. He sounded nearly dangerous now, voice drenched with lust. “Do you like my cock deep inside your pretty little cunt?”
“Y-yes,” you stammered, hardly able to speak as pleasure overtook your body. Your pussy clenched down hard on his cock, gripping him like a vice, making him grit his teeth and groan.
“Hmm, too tight, princess,” the low murmur sounded near your ear. He was bent over you, rutting into you like a frenzied animal. You loved this wild side of him, his forceful thrusts. They helped sent you over the edge.
The intensity of your shared passion was overwhelming, yet you both navigated your newfound intimacy with care and tenderness. Your breaths mingled, hearts racing in unison as you reached the peak of your shared experience, an exhilarating crescendo that left you both breathless.
Exhausted and content, you held each other close, your body pressed against Arthur's as he cradled you in his arms. As the adrenaline subsided, you looked into each other's eyes, warmth and affection radiating between you.
"Was this…your first time too?" You gently ran a knuckle past his cheek, caressing him as you softly whispered your question.
His green eyes held yours even as he nodded, barely able to speak as he muttered, "Yes...” A pause, a bob of his throat as he swallowed. And then an admission. “I love you so much."
He buried his face against your shoulder, cradling you close to his chest. His brown curls brushed past the skin of your jaw. A smile formed on your lips as you basked in the feeling of being held in the afterglow. It felt good to be held by this man. It felt good to have been pleasured by him and to know you’d given him pleasure in turn.
You knew that something truly special had just transpired, a moment of beautiful vulnerability shared between two souls in a world where such tenderness was all too rare.
“Happy Halloween,” you whispered.
~ Fin ~
AN: Hope you enjoyed it :) ♡ Support me on Ko-Fi ♡ Love you all
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senditcolton · 8 months
I'm Still Glad I Met You (epilogue)
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a/n: just a little something for Demi's "Lowkey Lovefest" because I wanted to write a little more of these two! hope you all enjoy! check out the fic here word count: 1.4k warnings: sexually charged flirting and the lead up to more but nothing explicit prompts used: fluff numbers 9, 12, & 13
There were a few things that made a house a home: laughter echoing off the walls, an abundance of love that palpable when you stepped through the door.
But for Emma, the best way to make a house a home was to bake. There was just something about the smell of bread fresh out of the oven that instantly transported you to the feeling of comfort and domesticity. It was one of the first things she did when she moved into Nico’s former bachelor pad.
Yes, she was a pastry chef, so baking in Nico's kitchen was expected to happen eventually but that first day, she baked a simple bread recipe just for them. And it remained to be one of her favorite memories; Nico welcoming her into his place and his life.
The memory is fresh in her mind as she leans over the kitchen counter, grabbing another handful of flour, sprinkling the marble top and the dough with the powder. Emma reaches up, brushing a strand of hair that fell from her messy bun away from her face before taking a hold of the rolling pin again. She moves, the strength in her arms pressing down and rolling out the dough, the butter now paper thin between each layer.
The industrial equipment and professional grade counters and refrigerators at Crème de la Crème would get this done faster but Emma never liked taking up space just to experiment when that space could yield more productivity for the café. Here, in her and Nico’s kitchen, was perfect for attempting a new recipe. Nico didn’t complain – not only did he get to try delicacies before anyone else but he was always honest and kind about what did and didn’t work. Even if he freely admitted that he still knew next to nothing about pastry, even after almost two years with Emma.
The jingle of keys and the creak of the hinges sound, signaling the return of Nico from practice. Emma hears the thud of his hockey bag hitting the floor of the hall closet and she smiles to herself, listening intently to the sound of his footsteps moving through the foyer and to the kitchen.
When they pause, she glances over her shoulder to find him leaning against the doorway and she’s forced to catch her breath at the sight of the sheen of sweat still lingering on his skin.
Two years and he still made her heart stutter every time she looked at him.
“Hey you,” Emma smiles, her hands never leaving the rolling pin.
“Hey you,” Nico repeats, lifting himself off the wall. He walks up behind her, his arms curling around her waist and pressing a quick kiss to her lips before looking over her shoulder at the dough on the counter. “What are you making this time?”
“Vanilla laminated brioche.”
“Sounds fancy,” Nico says.
“You think everything sounds fancy,” Emma laughs, the remembrance of him adorably trying to pronounce Religieuse coming into her mind.
Nico’s only reply is a hum, his head moving to press a small kiss against her cheek. Emma expects to feel his arms disappear and hear his footsteps retreat but the butterflies erupt when she feels the press of his lips against her skin. His kisses continue, moving down her cheekbone, towards her jaw until he places a gentle kiss on the spot on her neck that always elicits a reaction. And a reaction it does bring: Emma’s knees weakening as Nico continues to mark her skin, his hands moving underneath her shirt and tracing the lines of her hipbones.
“Nico,” she says, extending the vowels in a playful whine. “I’m in the middle of something.”
“I know,” comes his fast reply, no attempt being made to move. “And you look insanely hot.”
Emma can’t stop the blush that rises to her cheeks. She gently shakes her head, trying keep her attention on the task she was almost done with before she was not so rudely interrupted.
“It should be a crime to be that hot,” Nico whispers, his raspy voice against the shell of her ear forcing a shiver to run down her spine.
“That’s just the stove,” she quips. It wasn’t a lie; the stove was still warm from when she made the cream filling. But in reality, the words were an attempt to hide how much he was affecting her. It didn’t seem to work, the sensation of Nico’s lips curling in a smile against her skin making another tremor move through her.
“No, it’s all you.”
It takes all her focus to move the rolling pin over the dough a few more times before she places the heavy wooden utensil off to the side. She spins in Nico’s arms, coming to face him with a single eyebrow raised in amusement. An expression that is mirrored by Nico as he takes in the sight of her.
“You have flour on your forehead,” he says, as if that was the most important thing that needed to be addressed.
“Does that turn you on?” Emma teases, her arms coming up to rest on his shoulders, careful not to touch his shirt with her still flour-stained hands.
“Everything you do turns me on.”
“Oh, really?” she asks. “And why is that?”
“Simple. I love you.”
The words bring another smile to Emma’s face. No matter how many times she had heard them from his lips, it always felt like the first time. And Emma knew she would never get sick of hearing him say it.
She doesn’t immediately give a verbal reply, choosing instead to connect her lips with his. Nico’s arms tighten around her body, pulling her flush to his chest as the kiss deepens, his tongue brushing against hers. Emma can feel his hands moving, the fabric from her shirt bunching up as his hands lift above her hips over her waist and to her ribcage, his thumbs brushing the delicate underside of her breasts. She presses closer, the need for him flooding her body before her brain reminds her of the task still at hand. She pulls away from the kiss, smiling up at him.
“I love you too,” she says, pecking another kiss to his cheek before playfully scrunching up her nose. “Even though you still smell like practice. You need to go take a shower.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know,” he laughs, his hands finally falling away from her. “I’m going to.”
Emma hums an affirmative, turning back to the brioche dough, lifting it off the counter and placing it on the baking sheet. She hears Nico’s footsteps retreating away from her before they pause. She turns to find Nico once again lingering in the doorway.
“You’re welcome to join me,” Nico says, that hunger in his eyes returning and making Emma’s heart do somersaults in her chest.
She smiles as she grabs the towel next to her, wiping off her hands before tossing it aside. It only takes a few quick strides across the tile floor to reach Nico, launching herself into his arms before kissing him again. This time, it is desperate, no more holding back, her hands tangling into his still damp hair as his reach down to grip her ass, pulling her impossibly closer. Eventually, Emma is the one to break the kiss, her forehead resting against his.
“I have to put this dough in the fridge to rest overnight,” she explains, a wicked grin breaking out on her face. “You get started without me. I’ll be right there.”
“You better be,” Nico says, untangling her body from his before disappearing completely from the kitchen.
Emma listens intently to the door open, smiling when she hears the shower start. She finishes her task, placing the sheet in the fridge and throwing the dirty dishes into the sink to be dealt with later. Her footsteps are silent as she makes her way to the bathroom.
When she reaches the threshold, it isn't the steam already seeping out from the open door that causes her body to flood with heat. No, it’s Nico’s naked form standing under the showerhead, the water flowing in rivulets down his toned back that makes the warmth pool in her lower stomach.
The grin reappears as she walks in, closing the door behind her. The click of the lock hitting home calls Nico’s attention to her, his own smirk mirroring hers. Their eyes stay locked on one another as Emma peels the fabric from her body, her clothes slowly join his in heaps on the floor. Once rid of the layers, she crosses the small distance between them, sliding open the shower door and lets the steam and Nico’s arms wrap around her.
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tags: @tkachvkmatthew @m00nlightdelights @cixrosie bonus tags @wyattjohnston & @offside-the-lines SIGN UP FOR MY TAGLIST HERE
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agendabymooner · 1 year
the paddock’s lucky husband ! toto w. x ofc (hearth sister!ofc)
summary: toto wolff is a lucky man amongst other things. OR a series of tweets and clips in which tilly wolff discussed her husband and their three kids.
content warning: fictional wolff kids, tweets + video clips, use of explicit language, fluff, mentions of pregnancy, dad!Toto, established relationship, toto’s older kids being cool asf (idk their social media handles)
note: what is sleep? enjoy xx
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liked by lewishamilton, danielricciardo, loricciardo
danielricciardo i like how you didn’t post anything for a whole year since last year’s canadian gp and come back with a brand new toddler liked by tillywolff
tillywolff delmo’s grown too fast okay 🥲
danielricciardo he’s no longer allowed to 😭
user1 idk what i love the most: a year old adelmo being taught how to skate by toto or toto sleeping while adelmo’s awake
user2 you would think that tia and soren are twins just looking at the second last picture
user3 i’ve been promptly fed with toto’s back. thank you tilly 🫶
user4 girl 😅 that’s her husband
ben.wolff tia must have missed her brother ben 🥲 liked by tillywolff
tillywolff if by that you mean causing chaos in your dad’s office then yes 😂 they’re looking forward to seeing you and rosawolff 😉
rosawolff i would really prefer not to make a mess in papa’s office, thank you very much :)
rosawolff look at addie and ren :((( i miss those little stinkers liked by tillywolff
tillywolff ren’s been wondering where you’ve been so maybe this is a chance to spend some time with them!!!
lewishamilton ugh elmo’s so big now 😩 how’s lottie supposed to play with him? liked by tillywolff
tillywolff delmo doesn’t like to roughhouse don’t worry 😅
user5 tilly, baby, your child is tall like his dad 😀
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[1st image: emma: you look like you came from a minimalist renaissance painting, might i add. tilly: thank you! you look amazing yourself. who're you wearing? e: i should be asking that question but louis vuitton and cartier. you? t: christian siriano. he did all of this on friday which i'm grateful for.]
[2nd: e: your husband, toto- he would normally attend the gala with you, right? t: yes. he actually couldn't right now because he's in miami with the kids in preparation for the grand prix. he was insisting that he should come along but i kept giving him the outline of his job roles that he can't skip out on.]
[3rd: e: he's just being a husband, if you think of it. t: yes but he's a husband who also happens to have a racing team that are hoping to contend for the world constructors championship. e: what did he say when you told him he couldn't go? t: he was rather cranky. he wasn't the typical toto who would radiate this intense energy. he was just upset i couldn't allow him to go.]
[4th: t: i'm a couple weeks away from surpassing my first trimester, and he doesn't seem to think i'd do perfectly fine on my own especially if he's away and we're not at home. he's still worried i would trip and everything as if i hadn't worn heels back when i was pregnant with soren and tia. e: you must be some sort of superwoman if you could do that while pregnant!]
[5th: t: i worked hard on it. sometimes mary janes wouldn't do my job outfit any justice and there'd be a pair of kitten heels calling for me. e: how did your poor feet feel? t: swollen. i cried after realizing i can't wear them unless i get a bigger size. but it's not anything that i couldn't get. it's mostly just toto that i have to deal with whenever he sees me slipping on some heels.]
[6th: e: who would have thought that the big bad wolff could feel the discomfort of a pregnant woman by simply looking at her? t: *laughs* he's an empath of some sort. i don't know. i've been with him for almost a decade and one of things that l've learned is that he's quite observant and wouldn't budge unless you admit that he was right about what he saw.]
Q&A WITH TILLY by tilly marie
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[1st image: what smell brings back good memories?]
[2nd: what could be a scent that brings back good memories? this is quite hard... i think i would say baby powder? *laughs* it sounds quite peculiar but it's something that reminds me that l've got the best things that could have happened to me. which are my children.]
[3rd: it's not really that peculiar, if i come think of it. there are people that like the smell of gasoline still to this day. i have spent years in garages and l've had my fair share of smoking experiences- those scents were addicting but the baby powder? extremely addictive. you won't have any issue with your lungs too.]
clip one — soren’s wake up call… literally
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[1st image: the breakfast came it quite late today and my neighbour's playing the most awful songs in the morning. i absolutely thought that i was going to have the most horrendous day at the haute couture show then my husband just rang and it turned out it was soren who called me early in the morning to say hi. he stole his papa's phone from the bedside and somehow knew the passcode. or it's probably his face id that did it. who knows.]
[2nd: i was telling him about how hungry i was because my breakfast wasn't ready, so my sweet boy didn't even hesitate to run downstairs to "cook"- he began to grab pans and eggs to "cook." thankfully toto had gotten up by then otherwise soren would've gotten into some sort of accident just trying to make me an omelette from brackley. i'm in paris but my sweet boy thinks he could send the breakfast my way as soon as possible.]
clip two — tilly shows how adelmo moves
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[1st image: tilly: do you wanna see how adelmo dances to aladdin's "friend like me?" cameraman: yes of course. why not? tilly: great, this is how his little 2 year old self dances with the genie]
[2nd: *hums in adelmo torger lewis wolff*]
clip three — tia is the spoiled cub of the cubs
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[1st image: i think i should try to put tia in my purse and take her with me on a show next time because i- *laughs* i can't behave by myself anymore. tia would most likely be scolding me and she'd be so happy to see all of these clothes. then she'd probably ask it she could get a dress tailored for her from the haute couture collection.]
[2nd: now that i think of it, she's most likely to empty toto's wallet in one go. whenever she and toto goes out for some daddy-daughter time, tia would return with her papa carrying shitloads of shopping bags. the sad case is that they all came from harrods- but that's the only place we could go without being hounded by cameras. still... toto goes all out for her all the time.]
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maarrgarr · 1 year
The Unknown Heir
part four
masterlist of the Unknown Heir.
Gojo Satoru x fem! reader
Synopsis: The reader returns after being gone for two years and leaving her boyfriend, Satoru, without giving him a reason. But now she doesn't come back alone.
Warnings: English is not my first language, possible grammatical and spelling mistakes, some plot changes.
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A few days after telling Ieiri about your decision to return, and she practically jumped with happiness, you received a call from an unknown number. "Hello?" you answered, "Y/n-chan?", you recognized that voice instantly, "Yaga-sensei" you said between surprised and nervous, there was a minute of silence until he spoke again, "Goddamn, girl, how long were you planning to disappear, what happened to you, are you okay?!". You felt how a lump formed in your throat and how the tears fell, you took a breath and spoke, "I'm fine, many things happened, so many that I can't explain here" he heard your voice cracking, "It's ok, little one. Ieiri told me that you want to come back and work here, you know you can come back whenever you want. Besides, it wouldn't be bad for this school, to have one of the best come to teach" he said and you felt a great relief, "Sorry, Yaga-sensei, I-" he interrupted you, "It's ok, when you come you will explain everything, ok?".
They arranged that in a month and some more, you would return to the Jujutsu College, you explained to him that first you had to fix some things where you were and he told you to take as much time as you need. You also asked him to keep your return a secret and he agreed.
First, you explained to Ryusei that you were both moving out, you were afraid that such a change would affect him in a bad way, but he took it quite well. Second, you considered selling your house, but then you decided not to, it was a very nice place and it didn't hurt to have a place to visit from time to time. Finally, it was several days of packing up all your things, with a little help from your son.
It was Emma who went to see you off at the airport, you both hugged each other, thanked her for all the help and agreed to keep in touch, Ryu also said goodbye to his dear aunt Emma and told her how much he loved her.
The trip was quite quiet for Ryusei, who only ate, slept and played a little. For you, on the other hand, it passed quite fast, you couldn't sleep much, due to the nerves that gnawed at you. It was Ieiri who greeted you once you landed, when you saw her a few tears formed in your eyes, you almost ran to hug her and she greeted you the same way.
You lifted your son up, and said, "Look Ryu, this is your Aunt Ieiri" his eyes sparkled and he opened his arms for Shoko, to lift him up. Ieiri, for a moment, froze. She knew Ryu was similar to Satoru, but she didn't think so much, seeing him through a screen was not the same as seeing him in person. "My goodness, you're beautiful, Ryu" your friend said as she pinched his cheeks softly. Ryusei was quiet for a moment and then replied, "I know."
After they both laughed at what Ryusei said and you scolded him and told him to say "Thank you very much" instead of "I know", they left for the Jujutsu College.
You were too nervous, so much so that you were almost shaking. Ieiri told you to calm down, and that everything was going to be fine, but you felt the opposite.
Gojo Satoru was calm while watching his students train, when he felt it. He felt that energy that he had not felt for a long time, but he thought that maybe he was wrong, although deep down he knew that he was never wrong.
Everything was still the same, nothing had changed, was the first thing you thought, when you returned to school.
Ieiri had left you since, apparently, a student had broken his nose while training, but before leaving he told you that Yaga-sensei was waiting for you. So you were on your way there, as you didn't want Ryusei to be there alone, so you took him with you, and you had to introduce him to the principal.
You were walking looking around, with Ryu holding your hand and looking at you in amazement at your behavior. You were afraid of meeting Satoru.
You stopped in front of the door and knocked. "Come in," you heard. When you entered, you saw who had been your master sitting, creating his next cursed body, around him were several of his "dolls", but you did not expect what happened next: Ryusei let out a cry of excitement at the sight of so many "toys", and ran towards them, wanting to play. Masamichi Yaga opened his eyes to see his worst nightmare in front of him, another Gojo Satoru in miniature version, touching their cursed bodies.
"Ryusei!" you exclaimed and quickly walked over to your son and picked him up, before any of them could do anything to him. "They are not mere toys, don't go near them!" you told him with a frown, and he quickly nodded as he noticed you were serious. "Y/n, can you explain to me who this child is?" Yaga used a serious tone, one she had very rarely used with you. "He is my son, Mochizuki Ryusei" you replied. "And why is your son identical to Gojo?" he questioned, though he could already imagine the answer. "Because he is also his son."
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fangirlynjunk · 3 days
You know I think I want to like put into words my interpretation of TGWDLM as its stands and after the Hatchetverse has had way more content because I'm sure if I saw it stand alone and not AFTER I'd seen Nerdy Prudes I'd have a different feeling, and I saw someone's post that got me thinking
I think for whatever reason Pokotho took an interest in Paul, maybe because of CCRP, maybe he was one of the many born with the gift. I wouldn't be surprised if Paul is actually so averse to musicals because some part of his soul knows and fears Pokotho and therefore fears musicals because they feel/look like a hivemind to him.
So Pokotho took everything Paul knew away slowly. His job, where he spent most of his time. Beanie's, the place he visited every day to see Emma. Charlotte, one of his friends, Alice the kid he used to babysit, his best friend Bill, his new ally MacNamara, then Ted. All of Hatchetfield, the place Paul always loved despite it's flaws.
But not Emma, Pokotho let Paul keep Emma to let him have false hope maybe. Or maybe because somehow Paul was keeping her safe, but either way Emma survived. And I think maybe that was just a cruel way to both lord over how he won in the end to Emma (and Paul, if Paul was still in there), or as a sort of reference to when Emma asked Paul if she was the villain of his life. (and he very tenderly said 'I don't think your a villian Emma' and my heart swelled and I sincerely believe that made Emma fall in love with him because she was always the bad kid and here was Paul breaking that expectation just like how Pete always affirms to Steph that she's smarter then she thinks she is you see what I'm saying?)
Emma wasn't the villain to Paul's life, but she was to Pokotho's plans. I'm still VERY sure if Emma and Paul had the time to develop their relationship in TGWDLM that they could have saved each other, at least. I doubt a happy ending would happen, but they could have at least defeat Pokotho temporarily.
Paul always saw the good in Hatchetfield, something the Lords in Black hate.
I also find it interesting that Prof Hidgens COULD easily be a Pokotho minion but Pokotho only ever seems kind of interested in using him? Like, he was ready and willing so fast in TGWDLM but Pokotho couldn't care less. And in Workin' Boys (assuming the lighting was a clue) I really just think Pokotho took offense to the reworked script or was bored and happens to like hanging out at the theater because... well its Pokotho.
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geekgirles · 1 year
Something I hope we get to see in season 2 is Edred and Emmelyn's relationship developing more positively. Mainly because it could allow for his own relationship with Melinda to change for the better.
Now, what we must understand about Meldred is that it's a love born from adversity. Their whole relationship, all incarnations, has been marked and dictated by their mission and its necessary sacrifices. They both chose to dedicate their lives, throughout countless lifetimes, to fighting The Evil.
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And that greatly impacted their relationship and the way it works and how they bounce off of each other.
Relationships born from adversity and crisis tend to become deep and long-lasting fast (as evidenced by Emma and Melinda's eventual bond with each other). The fact that Melinda and Edred have been deeply in love for over a thousand years is proof enough of that.
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However, the moment Emma entered the picture, there was a new factor neither could have accounted for that changed everything.
A different kind of relationship. Because Emmelyn, now influenced by Emma's presence and her memories, couldn't keep up with Edred's intensity.
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Since their love has been so impacted by The Evil's doing, alongside their more serious and uptight original personalities, the burning passion and love Melinda and Edred feel for each other never had time to simmer down into something more comfortable but equally meaningful.
It never got the chance to be like Emma and Winston's relationship.
As opposed to Melinda and Edred, who were brought together by crisis and have had to intertwine their love for each other with it, Emma and Winston are "simply" childhood sweethearts. They're undeniably close and, more importantly, able to just enjoy their relationship because they were born into money, without any really binding responsibilities, and grew up without a care in the world.
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Which is why Emmelyn is capable of laughing and goofing around Winston. It's not necessarily that she doesn't feel anything for Edred—if anything, I'd say her conversation with Winston back in a Love's Last Light about how she had Emma's memories but there was so much more (before the camera focused on Edred) seems to imply she actually has both women's feelings for each of their lovers, but can't act on either out of respect for the other, as @theunawakening can testify—rather, I'd wager it means that their relationship just isn't like that.
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Seng said it himself, Melinda had never laughed like that before. And like Edred said, that is because that's not Melinda, but a completely different person.
Melinda can be warm and deeply caring, but outwardly she's laser-focused on their quest against The Evil, deeply scarred by the trauma of what happened to her mother, and acts rather callous and harsh as a result of it. Even when she's trying to do something nice—like how it was implied she kept trying to push Edred away when they first met not because she didn't think him capable of helping or handling himself, but because she didn't want him to sacrifice his everything for their quest, her quest, just like she'd done.
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Melinda and Edred's love for each other is deep and long-lasting, but it's been influenced by outside forces for far too long, never given the chance to just be explored and enjoyed. They were always focused on putting a stop to The Evil; they never had time to just be a couple!
I'm convinced there were definitely more subdued moments between them, just like there's been more positive, softer interactions between Edred and Emmelyn (namely, their interactions in The Heart of Kings and Darkness Before the Dawn right before Winston appeared). It's just that they've never had the chance to be together without raising any kind of stakes, like how Edred running away with Melinda directly led to a civil war between the Elves and the forest dying.
But now that they're younger and they get to wear their hearts on their sleeve, now that their approach has shifted from confrontation to compassion in their quest against The Evil, now that Edred has come to accept Emmelyn is not his Melinda...
Now I truly believe they can learn to mellow out, which will then help strengthen their love.
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daisynik7 · 11 months
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Bursting at the Seams
Pairing: Takashi Mitsuya x Original Female Character
Rating: Mature
Word Count: ~3.3k
cw: switching POVs (2nd and 3rd person), explicit language, kissing, established relationship (yay!)
Summary: You and Mitsuya make your newly blossomed relationship official. To commemorate this special occasion, he invites you to his house for breakfast, where you meet his mother. 
Author's Note: Thank you for your patience with this! I really love writing this story, so I’m doing my best to work on this while I continue a few other WIPs. I appreciate every single one of you who have read this so far. I’m excited to show you all how everything will play out! Would love to know what you think and maybe some predictions on what may happen in the future chapters. Thanks so much for reading!
Previous Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter
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Saturday morning, Mitsuya wakes up with a bright smile on his face, the confession from just hours before still replaying in his head like his favorite scene in a movie. He flexes his hand, fondly remembering how hers fit so seamlessly in his. They were close to a kiss; if they hadn’t been interrupted by her parents, he’s sure it would have happened. While he wants nothing more than to feel how soft her lips are, especially pressed against his, he wonders if this is all happening a little too fast. After all, they aren’t official yet. He ought to ask her to be his girlfriend first before he smooches her, right? Isn’t that what a gentleman does?
And is Takashi Mitsuya, founding member and Second Division captain of the Tokyo Manji gang even capable of being a gentleman? Of being a good boyfriend?
He gradually comes down from his dreamy state to contemplate how best to proceed with this. After breakfast, he calls both Draken and Takemitchy, the only two people he knows that are actually succeeding in the boyfriend category. 
“You have a girlfriend now?!” Takemitchy exclaims loudly on the other end. Hina’s in the background, begging him to put it on speaker so she can listen in too. 
“No, not yet. I confessed to her last night and she likes me back.” He smiles to himself, recalling the moment once again. 
“Holy shit, you actually took my advice,” Draken chuckles. “Good shit, man. So did you two kiss yet or…?”
“Well, we almost did,” he explains. “Her parents came out right as we were about to. But it got me thinking that maybe we should make it official first before we do anything irresponsible.”
Draken barks out a laugh. “You know that you can’t get a girl pregnant just from kissing her, right?”
Before Mitsuya can cuss him out, Takemitchy comments, “No, I totally understand where you’re coming from! When Hina and I started dating, we barely held hands. It took even longer for us to kiss! Waiting for the right time just made it all the more special.” 
“Hina, stop holding the gun to his head, we know you’re in the room with us,” Draken teases.
There’s shuffling on their end as she grabs hold of the phone, giggling, “I didn’t even have to tell him to say that! Anyways Mitsuya, I think taking things slow is a wonderful idea!”
“Nah, screw that. You’re a man now, Takashi. And men have needs. As long as she wants it too, I say just go for it.”
“Go for what exactly?” Mitsuya asks, genuinely curious.
“Dude, do I really have to spell it out for you?”
“Please don’t,” Takemitchy murmurs.
“Nothing gross!” Hina chimes in.
“I’m talking about fu – ”
“Ken Ryuguji!” Emma’s voice rings from the line. “Do not say what I think you’re about to say! Not in front of our child!”
“It can’t even hear yet!” 
Clearly now, Emma insists, “Mitsuya, whatever you do, do not listen to Draken. Go with your heart instead of your…well, you know.”
“Says the woman who is currently pregnant because of you-know-what,” Draken mutters.
“This is totally different. We’ve been together for years. Mitsuya’s only known this girl for a month. And unlike you, Ken Ryuguji, Takashi is actually a sweet guy.”
She ignores him, adding, “You’ve got all the time in the world. Do what you think is right. Everything will work out in the end.”
He thanks all four of them for their input before ending the call, heeding their advice carefully the remainder of the day as he babysits his sisters at home. It’s probably best for him and Hana to discuss what their expectations are going forward. He has no experience in relationships whatsoever, so naturally, he’s apprehensive. He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if he somehow becomes a rotten boyfriend. 
Around dinnertime, he decides to text her, asking if she is free to talk on the phone later tonight, to which she confirms that she is. He takes the next few hours to prepare himself, rehearsing what he’d like to say over and over in his head until he tucks his sisters into bed, retreating into his own bedroom to dial Shimizu’s number. 
After two rings, she picks up. “Hello?”
He smiles, happy to hear her voice. “Hi. How are you?”
“Good. And you?”
“Good. Great, actually. I hope I’m not bothering you.”
“You’re not. I’m happy you called.”
They exchange pleasantries, recounting each other’s nights before getting to the main matter. His heart skips a beat, getting increasingly nervous, despite how comforting it is to hear her speak so casually with him. When the right opportunity arrives, he clears his throat, remembering what he practiced from earlier. “I just want to make sure that we do this right, you know? I’ve never had a girlfriend, so I really don’t know what to do when it comes to things like this. But I want to do my best to be a good boyfriend to you.”
Her voice is gentle and sweet as she replies, “I feel the same way. I’ve never had a boyfriend either. I don’t know how good of a girlfriend I can be. But I’ll do my best too to be good to you. We’ll learn together. ” 
He grins, touched by her words. “Together. I like that.” He swallows his emotions to continue. “I’m sure your parents won’t approve of you dating a gang member. But you’ll always be safe with me. You have nothing to worry about when it comes to Toman. I can promise you that.” 
“It doesn’t matter to me that you’re in Toman. I already feel safe with you, so I’m not concerned about that at all.”
Surprised, he says, “Really?”
“Really,” she confirms with confidence. “I want you to feel safe with me too. I’ll do everything I can to protect you. I mean, I can’t fight. But I promise that I’ll be there for you whenever you need someone to lean on, someone to support you. I want to help you however I can.”
Tears begin to well in his eyes, his heart on the verge of bursting from his chest. He’s never felt anything like this before. He’s always taken pride in protecting the people dearest to him, whether it be his family or his fellow brothers in the gang. And while he knows that his friends will always have his back, knowing that someone outside of Toman is looking out for him, determined to protect him, feels different. Is it okay for Mitsuya to rely on her like this? To be vulnerable and depend on her throughout all the obstacles that come his way? Draken’s words from last night replay in his head. You deserve to be happy. You’re always the one taking care of others, it’s about time someone takes care of you. The more he thinks about it, he realizes that yes, maybe he does deserve this. 
He grabs a tissue from his nightstand, wiping away his sniffles. “You’ve already helped me so much. I don’t know if this makes sense, but when I’m with you, I feel normal. I feel like myself, you know? Like I’m more than just this Toman jacket. I’m just me. A lot of our classmates are too scared to talk to me, and when they do, it’s usually for a favor because of my reputation. But you approached me, wanting sewing lessons. I feel like you see the real me more than anyone else does.”
It takes a several seconds for her to respond, seemingly holding back tears. Eventually, she says, “I’m really glad I came to you for lessons then.”
“Me too.”
There’s a comfortable silence between them as they cherish each other’s heartfelt sentiments, Mitsuya stares at his bedroom ceiling with the phone pressed to his hear, wishing he could see her right now. “So, Hana Shimizu.”
She giggles. “Yes, Takashi Mitsuya?”
“Would you please do me the honor and be my girlfriend?”
There’s more of her precious laughter as she answers, “Yes. And will you do me the honor and be my boyfriend?”
“Absolutely yes,” he replies, smiling even wider. He’s tempted to get out of bed and drive to her house to commemorate this special occasion, but he resists. Instead, he blurts out, “Do you want to come over for breakfast tomorrow? I really want to see you before school on Monday. I can make pancakes. Plus, my mom has a late shift and she’ll be home, so you can meet her.”
“Isn’t this too soon to be meeting your mother?” 
“Is it? Are there rules against it or something?”
She laughs. “I guess not. We can make up our own rules. As long as we’re learning together, right?”
“You know I like the sound of that. I’ll see you tomorrow, then?”
“Yes, tomorrow. Goodnight, Takashi.”
His breath hitches, enjoying the sound of his name from her mouth a little too much. Chest fluttering with affection, he says quietly, “Goodnight, Hana.”
Within twenty-four hours of his confession, you are officially Takashi Mitsuya’s girlfriend. 
You stare wide-eyed at the ceiling of your bedroom in disbelief, the phone still warm in your grasp having just finished your conversation with your now boyfriend. You’re tingling all over, utterly amazed and completely ecstatic at this recent turn of events. Who would have thought you, plain and ordinary Hana Shimizu, would be anyone’s girlfriend, let alone Takashi Mitsuya’s girlfriend? 
It takes you a while to fall asleep, mind racing with thoughts and fantasies of your new relationship. You wake up the next morning, both nervous and excited to see him. Knowing that you’ll be meeting his mom today, you put on your best dress, hoping to make a good impression. You quietly step down the stairs, barely sticking your head into the kitchen to greet your parents. “Morning! I’m going out for breakfast!” 
Before you can sneak away, your mother calls out to you. “With who? Mei and Keiko?”
You contemplate lying, but you know that never pans out well. So, praying they don’t question it, you answer, “I’m going to the Mitsuyas.” You listen for any reaction, and when you only hear hushed whispers between your parents, you slip into your shoes, heading out the door. 
It’s a short trip to his house, less than ten minutes. You knock on the front door, taking a deep breath. He answers quickly, a smile already on his face, eyes full of kindness as he greets you. “Hana, good morning.” Your name sounds so soothing from his mouth; you never thought your name was special but hearing it from him makes it feel that way. “Hi, Takashi.”
He rubs the nape of his neck, a slight blush on his cheeks. “I’m not used to hearing you say my first name yet.”
“Do you want me to stop?”
“No, not at all. I just…I think I like it a little too much,” he admits. 
You reach for his hand, brushing your fingers gently along his knuckles. When Luna and Mana come running towards the entrance, you immediately retract from him, embarrassed. “Ms. Hana!” they cheer, hugging you tightly around the waist. 
You pat their heads. “Hi! I missed you two!”
They peer up at you, beaming. “We missed you so much!” 
“What did Taka do to you, huh? Should we beat him up?” Luna offers, shooting a glare at her brother.
“No, no, no! He didn’t do anything wrong, I promise,” you assure them. 
Takashi snorts, playfully rolling his eyes. “Like you even stand a chance.”
“We know exactly where to hit you, Taka!” Luna threatens. 
Mana chimes in. “Yeah, you taught us, remember?!”
You grin at him, brow raised. “What are you teaching them?”
“Self-defense, of course,” he replies, smirking. “In case some idiots try to mess with them.”
A woman with the same downturned lavender eyes appears from the kitchen, a warm smile on her face. The resemblance is uncanny; this is definitely Takashi’s mother. She’s as beautiful as you imagined her to be and you’re immediately flustered under her gaze. You bow to her, the kiddos still latched to your legs. “Good morning, Ms. Mitsuya. Thank you for having me.”
“Of course. You’re welcome anytime. I’ve heard so much about your from my children, so I’m so happy I finally get to meet you. The food is ready, so if you’d like, we can start eating.”
The five of you gather around the table, Takashi taking the seat beside you, his knee touching yours as you sit cross-legged on the cushion. The spread is fantastic: fluffy pancakes stacked neatly one-by-one, pillowy golden tamago topped with strips of seaweed, bowls of strawberries and other fruit to top it all off. Luna and Mana help themselves to a pile of pancakes, drizzling a generous amount of syrup before they take a big bite. Takashi serves you, giving you a little bit of everything to try. His mother watches the two of you, a small grin on her face. 
You chat casually, Ms. Mitsuya asking the typically questions: how’s school, what your family does for work, what you plan to study in university. “I’m going to major in education. I want to become a teacher,” you inform her.
“So you will follow in your father’s footsteps. How wonderful,” she comments. “Mitsuya, maybe you should consider doing that, too.”
You face him, nodding. “You’d be a great teacher!” 
He shrugs, stuffing a forkful of eggs into his mouth. “I think I’d rather keep my major to business. If I ever become a designer, I might want to open my own shop, you know?”
His mom leans forward, a serious expression on her face now. “Do you think you’ll really follow through with it, Takashi? I know how committed you are to Toman, but maybe it’s time to move on from it. I don’t want you to put your dreams on the backburner for this little gang of yours.”
“Why can’t I do both? I’m not just going to abandon my friends, Mom. And I’m not going to abandon my dreams, either. I can do them both,” He avoids her gaze, staring down at his almost empty plate of food. You rest your hand on his knee, squeezing it, wanting to show your support for him. If he’s confident that he can balance both obligations at the same time, then you believe in him too. 
He smiles at you, entwining his fingers with yours. “I have another announcement to make. Hana and I are dating.” Much to your shock, he holds your hands up, showcasing this display of affection. 
Luna and Mana squeal, applauding enthusiastically. “Yay!”
You anticipate his mother’s reaction and breathe a sigh of relief when you notice her serious demeanor relax, a grin spreading across her face at the news. “Congratulations. I’m very happy to hear that.”
He grips you tighter, looking at her. “Mom, I know you think I have a lot to deal with, but I can do this. When have I ever let you down?”
She shakes her head. “You never have.”
“So, do I have your support? Do we have your support?”
She smiles. “Of course. You always have, and you always will.”
While the abrupt announcement has you shaken at first, you can’t help being elated at how well this is already going. With his mother’s approval, this only leaves your parents to consult with next, which might prove a bit more difficult than this. However, with Takashi by your side, you’re confident you can convince them to trust in this new relationship of yours. Especially with all the wonderful merits your boyfriend brings to the table. 
After breakfast, you play with this sisters in the living room while mother and son wash the dishes in the kitchen. When Takashi excuses himself to use the bathroom, you take this chance to speak to her in private, if only for a brief moment. Standing next to her at the sink, a clean dish towel in hand, you offer to dry the dishes, which she gladly accepts. “Ms. Mitsuya. I just want to thank you for welcoming me into your home.”
“Like I said, you’re always welcome here.” She glances at the hallway, checking on Takashi, who remains in the bathroom. In a lower, hushed tone, she adds, “I just hope that you can push Takashi in the right direction.”
Confused, you ask, “What do you mean?”
She sighs, scrubbing the last bowl with the sponge. “I don’t want him to be in Toman for the rest of his life. I’m not sure if you know this, but back in middle school, he got into this really big fight. He was beaten to nearly an inch of his life, all for the sake of his friend, Hakkai. I’m scared that if this continues any further, there will be a time he’ll put his life on the line and won’t be able to get back on his feet. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders, so maybe you can steer him to where he needs to go.”
It’s never crossed your mind what hardships Takashi has had to overcome in his past. Sure, there are rumors and idle gossip about him floating amongst your classmates, but you never paid it any mind, wanting to get to know him for yourself. Hearing this from his own mother is concerning, and with her subtle plea for you to guide him away from Toman, you’re not sure if you’re qualified to do that. It doesn’t seem like your place to interfere with his life. All you can do is support in whatever decisions he makes, right?
Your boyfriend returns before you can respond to her, standing beside you to help dry the remaining dishes. Ms. Mitsuya slides her gloves off, wiping her hands on a paper towel. “I need to run to the store to get a few groceries. I’ll take the girls with me so they can pick out some snacks. Will you be okay here, Taka?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
“Hana, it was so nice to finally meet you. I’ll see you again soon, okay?” She wraps her arms around you in a snug embrace. 
“Yes, thank you for breakfast, Ms. Mitsuya,” you say, squeezing her back. You hug Luna and Mana goodbye before they leave hand-and-hand with their mother, leaving you and Takashi alone.
You turn to face him, stepping closer. “I guess I should head home soon.”
He closes the distance even further, leaning towards you, his hands in his pockets, a smirk on his face. “Yeah, maybe that’s for the best.”
You grin at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Thank you for inviting me. This was really fun.”
He slides his hands around your waist, pulling you closer, nuzzling his nose to yours. “It was. Thank you for coming.”
Your lips meet in a delicate kiss, sweet and soft just as you imagined it’d be. Warmth fills your chest and you’re almost breathless when you part, his forehead pressed to yours, smiling. “Do you really have to go?”
You giggle, giving him a peck on the cheek before you pull away. “I think I should.”  
He watches you from the doorway as you make your way outside, twirling in your dress once more to wave goodbye. You stroll through the neighborhood in a daze, lips tingling, body buzzing with excitement, taking your time to get home. 
Ms. Mitsuya’s request still lingers in your mind as you enter your house, humming a happy tune with your mom and dad eyeing you suspiciously. Then, there’s your parents, of course, who you’ll need to talk to soon. There may be obstacles to face, but you’re confident that you and Takashi can persevere, together. All that matters in this moment is that the two of you are happy. And there is nothing standing in your way to stop that. 
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Hi! I just saw your recent dazai x reader post and saw that the request is open soooo I want to request something.
Uhh if by any chance you know Tokyo revengers could you do Reader as Emma Sano? Dazai as Draken and Ranpo as Mikey like the scenario takes place during the prison arc and the vampire thingy and during that time Reader died the same way Emma Sano died and she was killed by Fukuchi in order to weaken the ADA and Dazai was informed by Ango about her death , you know just some good ol angst ehehehehe. I hope this request somehow makes sense and Thank you in advance! 🥰(⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
Last Soul
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Summary: They swear as they see, she will be the last soul they will sacrifice for the battle. Dazai x Fem!Reader ft Ranpo's SisterMasterlist Tysm for the request! I have watched tr a little and I mainly surfed the web, Hope this doesn't disappoint you, I tried to co-relate both the scenarios as close as possible! Hope this fulfill your request
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Atsushi and Y/N were on the way escaping Fukuchi, Akutagawa helped them escape, but on a cost of what? His life.
Everything was spinning and going to fast. They merely escaped the attacks by Fukuchi. Y/N couldn't help out much except for the fact she didn't contribute much of defense and combat skills.
She was didn't own any ability, just like her brother Ranpo, who was too denial to say he didn't own one too.
They were running through the forest with Poe's book in hand which had her brother trapped.
This was going to much for her, she wanted to live normally for god sake.
It happened so fast.
One moment she was beside Atsushi running away, and the next moment her body lied on the ground beside where Atsushi stood.
She was injured by Fukuchi's sword.
It came ripping through the thin air, and before either of those two could react, the sword pierced through her body and Y/N could react nothing but cough blood as she fell down in the pool of blood that was hers.
Ranpo didn't know what to say
He came out of the book solving the mystery to see his sister, lying on the ground as Atsushi stood still. He caught the light of the sword that reflected in his eyes, knowing damn well what had happened. He dropped on his knees as his body weakened to see his sister's body on the ground.
"Atsushi What happened...?"
Ranpo was beyond angry.
Y/N seemed to gain conciseness when they reached near the base, and Ranpo was relieved a little, but his happiness didn't seemed to last long as she took her last breathe almost saying 'take care' right at the entrance, smiling.
That was what could they all hear. Eyes diluting, tears streaming down as a silence scream escaped Ranpo, as he stared at his sister, who's soul completely slipped her body, which now was dropped on the ground, where Atsushi regained his human form.
" Tell me this a sick joke you pull Y/N, You know Dazai Loves you back right? Y/N-" Ranpo said, his voice cracking as he spoke.
"Y/N please, wake up you wanted to start a family right? With Dazai, and you even thought so far on picking the colours of the walls for your kid, Please Y/N, you cant throw away all of this you cant-" Ranpo's voice cracked, as he held his sister's body in denial.
Atsushi could only place a hand on ranpo's shoulder as a sign of comfort, unsure of the next motive of either parties.
Ango, Who watched the scene unfold, didn't say much but still shed a tear, knowing well he had to be professional in the battlefield.
Now the problem for Ango was, to convey this message to Dazai.
As the usual time passed, Ango sat once again to decode and code the messages between him and Dazai
Sending the coded Message to Dazai, Ango could only hope that this doesn't change the direction of the war.
Dazai didn't know how to react.
Y/N L/N was dead. The Y/N who he spent time with, who actually cared for him other than his late friend Odasaku , and The Y/N who he never confessed his love to.
"Say Dazai, didn't you hear it yet?" Fyodor smiled, who sat across him in another cube smiling wickedly seeing his enemy in denial.
"If this didn't exist, I would have made sure you didn't see another day" Dazai announced as his head slowly raised up and you could see the maniac beast he held close rise up, little by little just like it had when he made his first kill.
"I will make sure you pay the prize of this act Fyodor Dostoevsky, she will be the last soul sacrificed for this battle."
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Help i went through my notes the other day for this request and
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Welcome Dazai Sazai
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rindouswifeee · 1 year
How it is to be Mikey’s girlfriend
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He is so adorable
He would call you after every fight and tell you basically every little detail of it and than you don’t answer the call he would write it to you in a very long message on whatsapp
,, It was so cool how Ken-chin beat that guys ass…‘‘ ,, it’s so sad that you don’t see how weak that guy was he was knocked out after one kick of me“
Would visit you spontaneous with his bike and would ask you if you want to go on a night ride with him
He would be so happy than you agree and would give you a very big smile
,, hold on well you know I drive fast but don’t worry I will make sure that nothing will happen‘‘
Yes you know how fast he drive but you trust him and you know how good he has his hawk under control
After the Bloody Halloween he came to you and you know that something happen because he acts different
,, it was so bad…‘‘
He shows his soft side only to you and he know that you would stay ever on his side
You and Emma would be best friends and she knows everything about you and Mikey
Before the two of you become a couple she try’s so hard that you confess him or he confess you
,, Why don’t you answer me ? Why have you ignore my calls ? Don’t you love me anymore ?‘‘ he puts and acts so offended and childish
He is such a cute and adorable guy sometimes he don’t even act like a gang leader and even not that he can beat everyone to death
,, bae no you know that this isn’t true I was in the park with Emma , hina and yuzuha I told you that you know‘‘ you stand with crossing arms in front of him
,,yeah but you have ignore me‘‘
After that you gave him a dorayaki and he was so happy and forgot why he was angry of you
He would also hold you every night in his arms than the two of you go to sleep
He just want to make sure that you are on his side because he can sleep way better than you are stay overnight or he stays overnight
Draken would also know everything about you two Mikey would tell him even more about his relationship than you would tell Emma
Some things he don’t really want to know
The whole gang knows you and you are at every Toman meeting staying by him and draken
You would be the Queen of Toman and nobody ever mess with you because they know that they would have a problem with Mikey, draken and the commanders because they all become good friends of you
Mikey would be happy that you understood with his friends and you like them
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216 notes · View notes
bubblesreplies · 2 years
The Middle
Max Brinly X Female Reader
A/N: No, I'm not neglecting my other fics to write a random oneshot? Why would you even suggest---fuck it here it is besties. Anyways, this product of procrastination is dedicated and written for my bestie @house-of-kolchek, who loves Max as much as I do.
WARNINGS AND TAGS: NSFW 18+ ONLY, this is unedited and might be awful, Reader is Jacob's cousin, manipulative!Emma but like in a good way, BFF!Emma, Emma/Jacob, Abi/Nick, making Emma cooler than she is, sweetheart!Max, unrequited love (assumably), forced proximity, sex jokes, unsafe seating situations while driving DO NOT DO THIS PLEASE, lap-sitting, erections, staring down your shirt, teasing, love confessions, very very cheesy and idc anymore
Word Count: 8k
Main Masterlist
“EMMA, that is the stupidest idea in seriously the entire world.”
You meant it, too; you already thought that this little impromptu camping trip was an awful idea; the last time that the group of you were out in the woods, it ended with werewolves, so, could anybody really be blamed for not wanting to tempt fate? And now hearing Emma’s latest plan, you couldn’t help but say fuck this whole entire trip and its mom, too. 
“Oh—come on!” Emma insisted with a pout across her face, leaning across her oversized suitcase—who in the world needed all of that space for a weekend camping trip? “Babes, you are my wing-woman here—my ultimate girl. Come on, please—Jacob won’t even look at me when we hang out. I really need your help with this!”
You sighed; a year ago, when the ten of you—eight, if you considered the fact that you hadn’t actually met two of the camp counselors until the end of the summer—worked at Hackett’s Quarry and endured that shitshow of a summer, you hadn’t even liked Emma. You didn’t like how she had your cousin, Jacob, mooning all over her like she owned the whole fucking Earth. You didn’t like the way that the nicest girl you’d ever met seemed to think she walked on water, too, and you did not appreciate the fact that she thought she was entitled to tell you all the ways that you were doing your makeup all wrong. 
But then, that night happened. The night of the full moon, when your idiot cousin sabotaged the van just to get another night with the woman he’d fallen in love with who couldn’t give a rat’s ass about him. The night where the ten of you had miraculously survived werewolves, and a crazy-ass family trying to kill you all night. That night was what changed everything. 
You’d gotten stranded with Emma running through the woods, and somehow landed yourself in a heated battle with Jacob—who had apparently been bitten by one of those things because he was now one of those things. He, obviously, tried to kill the two of you and Emma thought fast, using a piece of silver jewelry to save both of your lives and buy you enough time to get the hell out of there. 
And then, you’d been locked in a room with her and Abi, the three of you not knowing if you would survive the night, and something just…changed. You began to see her differently, and from that point on, throughout this entire past year, the three of you had been best friends. 
More you and Emma, if you were being honest, because Abi and Nick had just gotten engaged three months ago and most of her free time went to him.
Not that it hurt your feelings. If you somehow managed to bag the man of your dreams, you’d be spending every free moment with him, too. 
“Jacob just…needs time,” you informed her with a groan, throwing your tennis shoes across the room as you frantically looked for your favorite pair of leggings. “He’s still hurt, you know? You can’t just tell him you didn’t mean any of it and then expect him to forgive you and jump back into your arms, Emma.”
“Which is why I need you to get me into his cabin this weekend,” Emma pleaded, getting up from her place on your bed and digging through your drawers as she pulled out the very clothes you were looking for. You swore that sometimes, it was literally like she could read your mind. “All we have to do is fake a fight; I will refuse to sleep in the same cabin as you, and then the boys will offer to switch with us. I’ll get a whole night—and a whole, isolated cabin—with Jacob; and you? Well, let’s not pretend that you aren’t benefitting from my little plan.”
You snorted, shimmying out of your jeans and pulling your leggings up over your legs, smiling as Emma nodded towards your ass in approval. If she thought that you looked good, you could rest assured that you damn well did.
“And how will I benefit from getting into a fake fight with you and causing a scene?” You questioned, your head cocked as Emma passed you your shoes and you eagerly slipped them on. The rest of your group would be here at any minute, and you didn’t want to keep them waiting. 
“Because if I end up in Jacob’s cabin, you know who ends up in yours? Max.”
You whipped around and shot Emma a glare, shaking your head like you couldn’t believe that she would just mention his name all casually like that. You’d made her swear to never bring up your pathetic, unrequited crush on Max Brinly ever again, since the day she’d first found out that it even existed in the first place. 
You first met Max when the sun came up after that hellish night at Hackett’s Quarry. You and Emma had run back to the island to see if Jacob was there and if he was alive, and you ended up running into Max instead. After lots of screaming and confusion, the two of you finally allowed him to explain just how in the fuck he had gotten there and who he was, which is when you learned that your one night of hell had lasted two months for him and his girlfriend. 
Emma had found Jacob and ran after him, but you stayed behind with Max, talking and laughing at his jokes, attempting not to swoon at the adorableness that was his laugh. You had hoped, at the beginning of the summer, to find somebody just like him and have a summer romance. Somebody who was cute, who could make you laugh, and seemed to understand you instantly.
It didn’t work out that way, obviously—seeing as the summer had been over and Max Brinly had a girlfriend. 
Laura eventually came back for him and you parted ways, assuming that this would be the last time that you would ever see Max Brinly, attributing your budding feelings for him as some sort of trauma response to the night that you had just been through. 
Imagine your surprise when, a month after Hackett’s Quarry, the new co-worker that you were assigned to train at the coffee shop was none other than Max Brinly. You assumed right away that he wouldn’t even remember you—why would he?---but you were wrong. He knew exactly and immediately who you were, and the two of you hit it off just as well as you did the first time you had ever spoken to him. It wasn’t long before you were hanging out with him every single day, and he had slowly become your best friend. 
You went to movies together, you got dinner, he came to all of the track and field competitions you ran in at your local university, you helped him study hard enough to get into a new graduate school—literally, anything that you could think of, the two of you did it together.  You even stayed the night at each other’s apartments on occasion, both of you knowing what the other’s couch felt like pretty intimately. 
In fact, the only time the two of you weren’t together was when Laura came to town to visit her boyfriend. Before she dumped him, at least.
It was nearly a month and a half ago now, that you had sat on this very bed with Max as he sobbed, asking you just to hold him and not ask any questions when he told you that he and Laura had broken up. 
“Max isn’t into me, so that really doesn’t help your case,” you grumbled, your pissy mood only continuing to sour the more that you thought about it. After Max and Laura, you thought that you might actually stand a chance with him. After all, he spent all of his free time with you, and you knew that nobody in this world knew him as well as you did—and vice versa. But after the night that he’d sobbed with you, fallen asleep in your bed, and told you how he felt like years of his life were wasted with Laura, nothing ever happened. 
He just went right on back to being the same old Max, your friend.
“Do you seriously still think that that boy has no feelings for you whatsoever?” Emma shrieked, watching as Jacob’s car pulled up from the window, hurriedly throwing her hair up into a sexily-tossed messy bun. “‘Cause, if you do, you’re so wrong that it isn’t even funny anymore.”
“Em, if he had feelings for me, then why didn’t anything change after he and Laura broke up?!” You interjected, a frown pulling at your lips as you grabbed your tiny duffel bag and hiked it up over your shoulder. “And also, why would he date Laura for so long if he actually, secretly liked me instead? Your logic isn’t logic-ing,” you insisted, and Emma smirked.
“You are so naive that it’s actually kind of cute,” she responded, rolling her eyes as Jacob opted to honk instead of being a gentleman and coming to the door. Emma sauntered over to you, playing with the ends of your hoodie and eyeing it suspiciously. “Look, just—help me with this plan, and you’ll see, okay? And change into that sexy little top I bought you last month for the car ride.”
“Just trust me!” Emma insisted, pulling the hoodie up and over your head for you and tossing you the lacey black crop top she’d bought you last month. “Put it on—good, yes, I would so bang you—oh, and just in case you find out that Max also wants to bang you, I snuck condoms into your bag.”
“You have got to be kidding me, Emma!” You shrieked, although it was with a large smile on your face as you were, once again, blown away by the antics of your friend. 
Emma only laughed as the two of you rushed down to the car, you having to help Emma with one half of her bag since she’d brought such a gigantic one. You’d barely made it to the door before there was a knock on it—apparently Jacob had decided to be a gentleman after all. Or he’d simply gotten impatient, which was the better bet of the two options.
“Keep your pants on cuz, we’re coming,” you hissed out, lowering your end of Emma’s bag to the ground as you ripped open the door to your apartment. Your annoyed glare dropped and your mouth fell open as you saw Max standing there, his cheeks red and running a hand through his freshly-cut red hair. “Max! I, uh, thought you were Jacob?”
Fuck, why did you sound so fucking awkward?! Your conversation with Emma had you paranoid and upset, and if you kept acting this way, Max would definitely notice. The two of you had crossed the awkward barrier a long time ago.
“Ah, nah,” Max answered, his signature smile flashing across his face and warming you up from the inside out. “Jake’s too possessive over that steering wheel to get his ass over to the door honestly.”
“That and he doesn’t want to have to speak to me,” Emma sighed, lugging her bag forward and hitting Max in the chest with it. You suppressed a giggle as he let out an “Oomph!”, but he caught your smile and playfully sneered at you. “Oh, what a gentleman! And damn, Max, I’ve never noticed how strong you are. Have you, Y/n?! Have you ever noticed those biceps?” 
“Cut it out, Emma,” you hissed under your breath, grateful that Max had already turned around and was heaving her oversized bag to the trunk of the car. “I know what you’re doing, and it isn’t going to work on me.”
“What am I doing?” Emma asked with faux innocence, batting her eyelashes heavily down at you before she winked. “Just use it as fuel for our fake fire, if you want, babes. Besides—would it really kill you to admit in front of him that he looks good?! Give the boy a win, Y/n!”
“He does not think of me that way—”
“Hey, um, Emma?” Max called out as you were locking your front door behind you, and you turned and ran over to where he was pursing his lips behind the trunk. “Maybe we should’ve brought a bigger car, but, your bag is not going to fit back here.”
Emma turned to look and her lips, too, were pursed. 
“Well, where’s everyone sitting?” She asked, peering her head into the car to check out the situation. 
“Well, uh, Jacob’s driving—obviously—Abi and Nick are in the row of two seats behind him, and then he wants you to sit back in the last row with me while Y/n takes the passenger seat,” Max explained, using his hands to gesture to each person. Abi turned around to look at you from her place in the car, Nick’s head in her lap as he slept, and she waved. You waved back, grimacing at the large bag that was seated at your feet. 
“Hmm, no, that won’t do,” Emma insisted with a wave of her hand, using all of her strength to heave her bag up and over the full trunk of the car and into the last row of seats. “It’s going to have to go here—and oh, I really didn’t sleep well last night, so if I don’t sit in the passenger seat, I’ll get sick.” 
Max’s jaw dropped and he scoffed lightly, looking between the two of you as you held in a large groan. 
“I don’t really see how that makes any sense?” He questioned.
“So Y/n will have to sit in the back, with you!” Emma finished with a gleeful squeal, hurrying to shut the trunk and turning to make her way to the passenger seat of the car. 
“Um—hold on a minute, just where the fuck in the back will I sit?!” You barked out, gesturing incredulously to the monstrosity that was her luggage all over the back seat of the car. “Your bag is taking up the entire row—all but one seat, Em! And it’s way too fucking big to go down at our feet!” 
Emma put a daintly little finger to her chin, and you could tell that she was only pretending to think about the predicament.
“Well, it’s only about a forty-five minute drive,” she informed you, a wicked smile pushing its way onto her lips. “It’s not that long, so, just sit on Max’s lap?”
Your eyes widened and you felt sweat beading on the back of your neck, your heart beating at an intensely quick pace just at the mere thought of having to sit on Max. One look at Max’s face showed he heard her suggestion, too, because it was unnaturally blank and pale. 
You walked closer to Emma, pulling her into you as you said, “You better be fucking for real with your next suggestion, or we will get in an actual fight, Emma,” you warned her, your voice low enough that Max couldn’t hear it. You noticed that he was already ushering Nick and Abi out of the car, hurrying to his seat in the back, and the three of them were just waiting on you. 
“Oh my g—will you just trust me, for once in your life?!” Emma begged dramatically, clinging onto your arm and giving you a little push towards Max. “Thank me later, hoe.”
Oh no, I will not be thanking you later, you sneaky little she-devil, you thought to yourself, climbing over Abi’s seat and landing ungracefully into Max’s lap. He caught you much more elegantly than you fell, luckily, and he helped you right yourself so that your back was facing his chest. 
You turned your face towards him despite the fact that it was burning, and you brushed a strand of hair back behind your ear. 
“You know, I could always just sit on her bag instead of on you,” you offered, geturing weakly over to the big problem that Emma had handed over to the two of you with a private sneer at her back. “That way I won’t crush your legs into tiny pieces of ash.”
Max actually laughed out loud at that and your heart swelled with a feeling of accomplishment; Max was funny, he had probably always been funny, and anytime that you had gotten him to laugh, you took it as a personal achievement. 
“Please sweetheart, as if you could,” Max retorted, winding an arm around your waist as he pulled your back flush against his chest, leaving his arm to rest across your stomach and his fingers splayed across your hipbone. You closed your eyes, holding in a sigh as you prayed that he couldn’t see the way that your face had reddened from this angle. “Besides, this is probably the…safer option of the two.”
You heartily disagreed with that. 
Still, you positioned yourself against him, awkwardly playing with your fingers on your lap as you had no idea where to rest your hands. You and Max were close, yes, but you had never physically been close, aside from a few silly moments of teasing tickles, accidentally falling asleep on his shoulder, or him resting his legs on your lap as the two of you watched a movie together. This was entirely new territory, and you had no idea what to do with it, and you knew that if Emma hadn’t forced this to happen, that Max wouldn’t have chosen to even be in this situation with you. Probably. 
“Jacob, the drive is forty-five minutes?” You called up to him, wincing as you watched your cousin’s teeth grit in the rearview mirror as he attempted to ignore Emma completely.
“An hour, if traffic’s bad,” Jacob called back and you groaned, your leg shaking furiously in your nervousness. As if Max could sense that you were on edge—fuck, with the way that you were bouncing around he probably could feel it—his other hand landed on your thigh, rubbing calming circles around as he successfully got it to stop shaking.
“Sorry, I don’t know why I’m so anxious today,” you sighed, rubbing a hand down your face and leaning back into Max. You could hear his groan and you winced, assuming you had hurt him, as you instantly tried to reposition yourself to take some of the weight off of him.
After a few minutes of frantic wiggling, Max’s hands harshly gripped onto your waist, his fingernails digging into you as he held you tightly into place and you froze, your eyes wide and breath held. 
“Y/n, please—stop.” Max’s voice was incredibly hoarse, coming out in a groan and you winced again, mortified that you had hurt him enough to elicit this sort of response. 
“Oh shit, Max! I am so sorry—I was trying not to hurt you and then I did hurt you and—”
“Y/n!” Max interrupted, clearing his throat so that his voice sounded a lot more normal and less husky. “Honey, you’re not hurting me, just—don’t wiggle around right—there.”
Your eyebrows raised in confusion at his words and your brain couldn’t process what the hell he was saying, so you just opted to nod, leaning forward as far as you could and beginning a conversation with Abi as you tried with every ounce of your being to not put much weight on Max. It took every ounce of concentration that you had to not think about the fact that you were touching the love of your life and focus on Abi’s words about wedding planning, but somehow, you did it. 
“Hey, uh, Jake?” Max suddenly called out, and you noticed that his voice had gone hoarse again and that his tone was tight and clipped. Higher than normal. You frowned; in your conversation with Abi, you had slipped a little further backwards than you’d realized, back into his lap. “How much longer?”
“Thirty minutes,” Jacob growled, and you noticed Emma looking a little offput herself. “It’s looking closer to an hour total at this point.”
“Alright then, we need to stop,” Max insisted and you stifled a pathetic whine, embarrassed that you were this hard to bear just sitting on his lap. It probably didn’t help that you were still actively avoiding any and all contact with him, practically leaving him here in the backseat to talk to himself as you ignored him, anxious and letting Emma’s words get to your head.
You needed to stop. You and Max were friends. Good friends, and you were being absolutely ridiculous about this whole thing. 
Three minutes later, Jacob pulled off at a reststop and you lifted off of Max instantly, watching him scamper out of the car after Abi and Nick and hurrying into the men’s restroom. With everyone out of the car but you and Emma, you climbed over the seats and sat between her seat and the driver’s seat, staring at her with wide eyes.
“So,” you started out, pointedly ignoring the tears in her eyes, knowing she wouldn’t want to talk about it right now. “Your plan to make me sit on Max is not working; I can barely say two words to the guy, and his poor legs are getting crushed by me. He probably can’t think of anything but leg cramps!” 
“Oh, please,” Emma scoffed, dabbing at her eyes with a tissued and waving your worries away with a flick of her hand. “Look at him, and look at you; there must be some other reason he needs a break.”
“Oh yeah?” You fought back, crossing your arms over your chest as you frowned at your friend. “Like what, exactly? It’s not working Emma, you’re miserable up here, and I am back there; we should just switch places. You’re smaller than me.”
“I am not,” Emma sighed.
“All I know is one minute, I can’t sit still, and the next minute, he’s grabbing my hips and telling me to stop wiggling around,” you continued on, as if Emma hadn’t even interjected. “What else could it be if not that I was—”
You instantly stopped talking as Emma looked over to you, mouth opened and eyes glinting with excitement. 
“You poor naive little thing!” She giggled, pulling your arms so that you were practically sitting on her lap. “Y/n, you aren’t hurting him—you’re turning him on and he doesn’t want you to feel it!” 
You felt pinpricks across your face as the entire thing turned white, and you were suddenly feeling a little nauseous. 
“What?” You questioned, shaking your head lutching nervously at your hair. “What? I—no, Max isn’t—he wasn’t—”
“Oh, yes, yes he was,” Emma argued, and there was a light in her eyes that replaced whatever sadness she had been feeling before you came up there to talk to her. “Okay, do exactly as I say; when Max comes back out to the car, sit back on him just like you were that first time. Wiggle around a bit again—”
“What? No!”
“Just trust me—wiggle around a little bit again, then ask him if he wants to watch something with you on your phone. When you turn it on, lean back against him so that your back is arched and he gets a good, full view down your—”
“Okay, and this is where I officially stop you, you are crazy,” you intoned, shaking your head and leaning away from your friend. “Max is not into me—in case you managed to forget about that, babes—and besides, I can’t just show him my boobs, Emma! They’re my—boobs. They’re, like, private.”
“Holy fuck, how are you not a virgin,” Emma groaned, shoving you back towards your seat as she pointed eagerly out of the car. “Okay, babes, here he comes—just trust me, okay?! Do it!” 
You opened your mouth to argue again, but the words fell from your lips as the car door opened and Max poked his head inside, grinning over at you as his eyes darted back and forth between you and Emma. 
“What, uh, what’s going on here?” He asked, and you shot a glare at Emma as she giggled, hiding her face in her shirt and sending an ominous wink your way. You tried as well as you could to tell her to shut up with your eyes, but she ignored you in typical Emma fashion. 
“Nothing,” you replied, shaking your head and sending him a smile. “I was just feeling nervous about getting away this weekend and Emma was talking me down. That’s it.”
“Ah,” Max yawned, heading back to his seat and patting his lap for you to join him. You blushed. “Is that why you’re acting so weird? You haven’t spoken to me for the last, like twenty-five minutes.”
“Yeah, sorry, just nervous,” you insisted, climbing back over Abi’s seat and settling yourself on top of Max’s lap. As you looked up after readjusting, your eyes met Emma’s in the rearview mirror and she nodded, looking from you to Max’s…well…yeah. 
You cleared your throat, feeling the burn of your phone in your pocket as you stared widely back at her, conveying that she was being way too obvious, here. Regardless, a part of you was…curious, now, and with Laura out of the picture and Max completely single, it’s not like a little testing of the waters was inappropriate anymore. What could it hurt, really? Max was too nice to reject you, so if he wasn’t into it, he just wouldn’t say anything and you’d let it go forever. But, if he really was into it—
Well that was the best-case scenario, wasn’t it?
So, you shifted; nothing crazy and nowhere close to grinding—just a small, flick of the hips that brushed right up against his crotch. Max’s breath hitched and you froze, wondering if you’d truly heard that right, completely distracted from the fact that Abi and Nick were re-entering the car and that Jacob was starting it again, getting ready to head on the road once more. 
A hitch of a breath wasn’t enough of a confirmation for you, so you shifted once again, and then again and then again, and this time Max’s hands lifted back up to your hips, grasping for dear life as you settled your ass back down to his crotch, turning your head to watch as his eyes shut tight and he bit his lip.
“Do you want to watch part of a movie with me?” You interrupted, watching as Max’s eyes flashed open, a glint of pain underneath them that had you second-guessing what had just happened. Max smiled down at you, though—that brilliant smile that God had blessed him with—and nodded.
You had no idea what you were going to watch, but your fingers worked anyway, hurriedly typing some stupid TikTok compilation that you hoped he wouldn’t get too distracted by. Max laid his chin on your shoulder, his hands that were gripping your waist winding around your front and interlocking as he held you, his face snuggling slightly into your neck.
Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, your mind reiterated as you slowly breathed out, your heart pounding wildly in your chest as you silently prayed that Max couldn’t hear it, and that he couldn’t feel the way that your skin had suddenly heated up and become sweaty. It wasn’t even that cuddling with Max was anything new—as a person, he was a fucking lapdog—but it was the fact that you had never sat on his fucking lap before while cuddling. Never had intentions to turn him on, never gave him this much of a glance down your lowcut shirt—
Y/n, don’t be a pussy, your inner Emma chastised and you shut your eyes tight and sucked in a breath, desperately trying to convince yourself not to go through with this. But damn it—you sort of wanted to and, so far, Max hadn’t shown a single sign that he’d wanted you to sit anywhere else. 
It was halfway through the video that you forgot the rest of the people in the car and arched backward without a minute to second guess yourself, pretending to stretch your arms above your head as you knew you were, successfully, letting Max have a perfect show of your black lacy bra underneath your shirt, and under that, the perfectly rounded mounds of breasts that it pushed up.
You heard a sharp inhale and dared a look at his face; he was as white as a ghost, and even his perfectly placed freckles had gone impossibly paler—and yet his eyes, those gorgeously sea-colored orbs, were still staring down your shirt, transfixed, as he studied your figure. 
“Alright, everybody out!” Jacob suddenly called out, and the two of you jumped, Max’s eyes meeting yours as he was brought back to reality. His eyes, no longer clouded over with lust, widened and a blush spread unevenly across his face as he realized that he’d been caught watching you. “We’re here!”
“Y/n,” Max breathed out, whipping his arms away from you and running nervous hands through his newly cut hair. “Shit, Y/n, I’m so sorry, I—I wasn’t—I mean I was but…” You smiled as he stuttered along, a giggle framing your mouth and escaping out of your lip, causing Max’s gaze to whip back onto you. You couldn’t help it; he was always so damn cute when he was flustered.
“Does it make it any less creepy if I’m aware that staring down your shirt is creepy?” Max asked, equal parts timid and teasing. You laughed aloud at that, the two of you lingering in the backseat of the car while the rest of the party headed out. 
“It’s fine, Max,” you insisted with a shrug and a wink, conveying in every way possible that you weren’t completely innocent here either. “No one wears a bra like this for it not to be seen, sweetheart.” 
The words coming out of your mouth shocked even you, and Max’s entire jaw fell open as he stared at you in complete and utter disbelief. 
“Whoa, Y/n,” he reared away from you, just to get a better look at your face, testing to see if you were saying what he thought that you were saying. His hands found their way to your waist again and he touched you softly, his thumbs running up and down the curves of your hipbones as he stared in wonder down at you. “Are you saying that you wanted me to—”
“Are you two gonna get out of the car, or do you plan on freezing your little asses off all night?!” Jacob called out as he forced open the trunk of the car, staring in disbelief at the two of you still sitting there. You both jumped, eyes turning to Jacob with guilty blushes, and you didn’t waste another second climbing off of Max and over the seats, pushing your way past Jacob and onto the dirt-clodded driveway. 
Taking your bag from your cousin and asking a hurried, “Where’s our cabin again?” You received directions and hurried off in the direction of the cabin that you and Emma were supposed to share, attempting to outrun Max so that he couldn’t question you any further.
What the hell had you been thinking?! You hadn’t, obviously, and you’d let Emma’s skewed opinion get to you. Now, you had to come up with a solution for some serious damage control before Max got to you with his, What’s gotten into you today? And his, Look, I know you must have been kidding, or his I’m sorry Y/n, I’m just not attracted to you that way—
“Fuck,” you muttered to yourself, throwing open the door to the cabin and chucking your suitcase onto the empty bed. Emma was standing on the other side of the room, facing the bathrooms, but she jumped and turned around when she heard the slam of the front door. “Fuck this whole plan, Emma, and fuck my stupid self too. I can’t believe that I actually let myself believe that Max was really into me and I—holy shit, are you crying?!?”
Emma’s pretty hazel eyes were red-rimmed, but the telltale giveaway that she’d been sobbing was the tear tracks of black mascara spreading down her cheeks and clumping up near her pointy chin.
Once her mind had registered your question, she began sobbing once again, her hands coming up to cover her eyes and you ran to her, throwing your arms around her neck and feeling her own arms go around your waist as she sobbed into your neck heartily. 
“Honey, what happened?” You asked, but your voice was muffled by your much taller friend’s collarbone. You pulled away from her and sat her down on her bed, sitting down next to her and taking her hand in yours. “Emma, what did my idiot cousin say to you? You know that big dummy acts completely on emotions, so whatever he said, I’m sure it was just in the heat of the—”
“He meant it,” Emma interrupted you, pulling her hand out of yours and using it to wipe her eyes. “But I don’t even want to talk about it right now, so—tell me what happened with Max.” You opened your mouth to protest but she shot you her “Emma” look—the look that told you that arguing would quite literally be pointless. So, you sighed, letting yourself fall backward onto the bed and groaning as your head hit the awfully lumpy mattress she’d been provided tonight.
“I don’t know what happened, Emma,” you admitted with a whine, feeling her lay down beside you and cuddle her head into yours comfortingly. “It was like I had this sudden, insane boost of confidence and I was like…grinding on him and giving him a full show of my boobs—”
“You do have great boobs—”
“And then when he noticed that I caught him staring at my breasts, I kindofsortofmaybe insinuated that I wanted him to look down my shirt and then he was about to ask me if I really meant that I wanted him to see me naked and then Jacob interrupted us and I freaked out and ran away.”
Emma just stared back at you, blinking occasionally, as if she were really confused.
“Why?” She finally asked, staring down at you in confusion. You blinked back at her, shaking your head bewilderedly. 
“Wait, why what?”
“Why did you run away, you fucking dumbass!” Emma insulted, but it was loving and the two of you laughed as she pushed you off the bed and you squealed. “Seriously, Y/n, what the fuck? You ran away? After doing all of that you just ran?”
“I was scared!” You defend your actions with a hiss, pulling yourself up off of the floor and planting down next to her again. “Fuck, Emma, Max is my best friend. I cannot risk freaking him out and losing him, okay? I just…can’t, okay, he means…he means everything to me, Emma, he’s the most important person in the whole world. He’s my best friend.”
“Ouch,” Emma responded, but there was a fond smile on her face and a happy gleam in her eyes as she gazed down at you. “Babes, you know that you’re the most important thing in the world to him too, right? Even if he didn’t feel the same way about you, he wouldn’t let this ruin your friendship. You know that, right?” 
You shrugged and looked away from her, playing with your hands as you avoided the question. Did you know that? No, not really. Yeah, the two of you were really close, and yeah, he spent most of his free time with you, but that didn’t mean that this wasn’t something that would freak him out enough to ghost you.
“Shit, if I was going to do something as fucking ridiculous as this, I should have just bit the and told him how I felt,” you finally responded with a sigh, pushing yourself off of the bed and shuffling your feet over the cold, hardwood floor. “But you know, maybe this way, there’s some way that I can play it off?”
“Okay babes, I’m just going to say this once and I’m going to say it outright,” Emma cut you off, standing in front of you and forcing your chin up to look your much taller friend in the eyes. “I know why they broke up, Y/n. The real reason, and if you just fucking ask me I will tell you right here, right now.”
The offer was, obviously, tempting; and two or three years ago you’d probably be a lesser person and taken that offer. As it was, though, you valued Max and his privacy, and if he’d wanted you to know, he would have told you himself. 
“No, I don’t want to know,” you insisted, pursing your lips and pulling away from Emma. “It isn’t any of my business, and Max made that abundantly clear by not telling me inthe first place.”
“Of fucking course,” Emma groaned with a shake of her head, rolling her eyes at you and then fixing you with a glare. “The two of you are both so stupid.”
“Gee, thanks Em.” Your words fell flat as you shot her your own sharp look and she gulped, having the common decency to at least look like she felt bad for saying what she did. “Besides, why do you even know the reason Laura dumped him?”
“Laura didn’t dump Max—Max dumped Laura,” Emma clarified and your heart dropped into your stomach. The piece of news, realistically, probably should have made you feel better, but it didn’t. It only made you feel worse, like your heart had been stomped on and used up. Because—if that was true—if Max had dumped Laura—then why had he been so upset that night when he came over to your house? And why the fuck had he lied to you about it?
“What?” You asked, your voice tiny and fragile, and Emma looked back at you, confused. 
“Max broke up with Laura,” Emma repeated, and was somehow completely missing the broken, wounded look that was written all over your face. “He dumped her, because he wasn’t in love with her, Y/n, he realized that he was—”
Jacob’s voice pierced through the air, and the two of you jumped towards the sound, to where your cousin was currently glaring daggers towards your best friend. Emma immediately shut up, shooting you a guilty look as she moved farther away from you and towards Jacob. 
“Y/n, can you please give us a moment?” Jacob asked, his throat froggy and having to clear it as he continued staring at Emma. When you saw the raw, heated look pass between them you excused yourself quickly, knowing that whatever feud they were having was about to be made up in tenfold. You forgot to bring your suitcase with you—not even thinking that you’d effectively be kicked out of your cabin for the night—as you ran outside, outside to the nothingness that awaited you.
No, seriously.
There was not a soul out here, Abi and Nick notably missing and Max even nowhere to be seen—not that you even wanted to see him right now anyways. Your heart was barely beating in your chest at the revelation that he’d lied to you—you, supposedly his closest friend—about something that was so huge. Then again, maybe he had no idea how huge it was to you. He didn’t at all, actually, because he had no idea that you were so annoyingly and stupidly in love with him. 
“Fuck this day, and fuck everyone else,” you groaned to yourself as you plopped down on a metal bench under a canopy, covering your eyes with your hands as you whined. 
“That an invitation?” 
Max’s voice sent your blood running cold and you jumped, shocked, turning yourself towards him as he stood slightly behind you, watching you warily. His face was red, but he was smiling at you, and he made his way over and sat at the bench opposite you slowly. 
The two of you stared at each other for a while—one of you, optimistically nervous, and the other of you having had your heart shattered into a million little pieces just ten minutes ago. Neither of you said anything, unsure of what exactly you should say, for a long time until finally, Max broke the silence.
“Y/n,” Max spoke, clearing his throat from the nervousness that threatened to choke and overtake him. “About what you said in the car—”
“You lied to me.” 
You hadn’t intended for it to come out like that, but there it was, and there was no taking it back now. 
Max reared back, astonishment registering across his perfect features. 
“I—what?” He shook his head back and forth, as if he couldn’t quite comprehend what you were saying. “I lied about—about the car?”
“No Max, not about the fucking car!” You swore, rising from your seat in your anger. Max followed quickly, a gentle hand on your elbow that you quickly ripped out of his grasp. “You lied to me about—about Laura! You told me that she—that she broke up with you, Max! You were heartbroken, you were crying, you lied!” 
You thought that there were tears streaming down your face but you couldn’t really tell at the moment. All you could feel was the adrenaline that was being fueled by your anger, and all you could see was the shock that hadn’t left Max’s face since you’d first spoken. 
“Who told you that?” Max questioned, and the fact that he wasn’t denying it made you even more upset and you huffed, turning around on one heel and heading towards—fuck, you had absolutely nowhere to go.
“Does it matter?” You answered, turning back around and accepting the fact that the only way you were going to get to be alone was if Max went back to his cabin and left you here and, knowing him, that wasn’t likely to happen. “You lied, Max. And I’m pissed about it. That’s the only thing that you should care about.”
You still hadn’t turned around to face him, so he made his way in front of you instead, placing tentative hands on both of your arms and levelling his face with yours. 
“Sweetheart, please look at me.” Fuck; you were weak anytime that Max called you sweetheart and you knew that he knew it, too. Hating yourself just a little bit more for it, you looked up at him, unaware of how your big, sad eyes caused every cell in his body to melt. 
“Why did you lie to me?” The question slipped through your lips without your consent and Max sighed, releasing your arms and pressing a hand into your hip so that you couldn’t get away again. 
“I didn’t want to hurt you,” Max answered simply and you reared back, out of his touch, away from his hold, as you scoffed in response.
“You didn’t want to hurt me?” You shrieked, pulling farther away from him and pushing your hands out in front of you to stop him when he tried to reach out for you again. “What the fuck—how the fuck would that have hurt me, Max?”
Max winced, running a nervous hand through his hair, and inspected his surroundings, as if he wished somebody else would come out any minute now. 
“Y/n, you are my best friend,” Max pleaded, and you could see the desperation in his eyes but you had no idea why he was so upset. “You know me better than anybody else in this entire world, honey, please—can you give me the benefit of the doubt on this one? Can you let me tell you when I’m ready?”
“No, Max, obviously I cannot do that because obviously it has something to do with me!” You retorted sharply, angry tears burning hot at the corners of your eyes, hotter than normal, devastated tears. “Like—what is going on, Max? I hae this feeling that everybody’s in on this secret, everybody but me—and I should know it, I should know what’s going on with you—”
“Y/n, sweetheart!” Max interrupted again, and this time, he successfully gathered your hands into his. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry that I lied—really I am, but—why is it so important to you?” You glared back at him, pulling your hands out of his grasp and beginning to walk away from him. “Why is it such a big deal that I didn’t tell you the whole truth?”
“Because I’m in love with you, you idiot!” You screamed back at him, your body turning back around on its own accord as the screech left your mouth. You both heard the words echo against a canyon somewhere, and you blanched, unaware of what you’d actually said and the weight of them until they hit you in the chest on the reverb.
Max’s mouth had dropped open and he stepped away from you in shock, his hands coming up to frame his cheeks, never making actual physical contact with his face. He stared back at you, his eyes wide and full of wonder, as if he were seeing you for the first time, all over again. 
“You’re—” Max gulped, but he took a step closer to you, a smile adorning his freckled cheeks. “You’re in love with me? Really?”
Your heart sunk again when he spoke and you shook your head, backing away from him and pressing two fingers to the bridge of your nose as you suddenly felt an oncoming migraine. 
“I’m sorry Max,” you apologized, feeling a bout of nausea spring up in your stomach as you realized that you’d just past the point of no return. “Shit, I’m so sorry, I should have never even said anything—I should have let it go—”
“I broke up with Laura because I’m in love with you.”
The words came out quickly, like Max was afraid that if he hadn’t said them as quickly as he did that he wouldn’t say them at all. You reaction was surprisingly slow compared to everything else you’d done in haste tonight, and you dropped your hands from your face and gazed up at the man in front of you, who was staring back at you with awe. 
“I love you,” Max repeated, taking another step towards you with his light, airy chuckle that you loved so damn much. “And I didn’t tell you that night I broke up with Laura because I thought that you’d think I was lying, or that you were a rebound, and you’re not, Y/n. You’re absolutely not—I’ve loved you for a long enough time that I’m a total asshole for letting it go on with Laura for as long as I did.”
“Then why—why did you—”
“I lied because I didn’t want you to think that any of this was your fault,” Max continued, and he was so close now that his arms were winding around your waist and his forehead was pressed to yours. “I just—I knew, the second I saw you again in that coffee shop, that it was fate. And I lied to myself, hoping that my relationship would just fizzle out on its own and that I wouldn’t have to hurt anyone but—fuck, I would break Laura’s heart a thousand times over if it meant that I might get to be with you in the end,” Max finished, and you were stunned silent, unaware of how to speak anymore. 
“Do I—” Max took a sharp inhale of breath and a step back to assess your face. “Do I get you in the end?”
You smiled back at him before pressing your lips so tightly to his, wrapping your body so hard around his own, that the two of you could barely breathe in anything that wasn’t lingering on each other’s bodies. 
“You had me,” you answered in between breathless kisses, in between promises, in between hopeful smiles. “You had me at the beginning.”
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emylonline · 1 year
Not the right person
Jacob Custos x Male Reader
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Summery: (Y/N) comforts Jacob after Emma kissed Nick
Warnings: fluff, comfort, crying
“Emma, so you have to kiss… Jacob or… Nick” Kaitlyn says. I look over to Emma, who’s contempling the option. “Uh, uh… Sorry, Nick, this is not even a dare, obviously I got this” Jacob’s voice make me look at him, only to look at Nick once he speak. “Uhhh… I don’t know if that’s a good idea” Nick says, scared of his relationship with Abi, or at least that’s what I think.
I look at the fire. Emma’s going to kiss Jacob, I mean they’ve been together all summer. I don’t care if they broke up, he still loves her, and will never love me. As I lose myself in my thoughts I feel a hand shaking my shoulder. “You alright?” Abi asks, “Yeah, yeah. I’m-I’m fine” I reply.
Emma finally gets up and walk over to… Nick. She press her lips on his and not just kiss him, they start making out. Abi’s hand leaves my shoulder as Emma and Nick stop kissing. Abi leaves in the woods, as Jacob goes the other way after telling something to Nick. “You… You should go to her Nick” I say looking at him. He gets up and follows her. I get up too, glare at Emma, who rolls her eyes in respond, and then follow the way that leads me to Jacob.
I arrive to the boathouse and see Jacob sitting in one of the port. I walk over to him and sit beside him. He looks up for a second before looking down at his legs again. I look at the water, searching for the right words. “I’m sorry for what happened” I say. He scoffs. “It’s not your fault. It’s Nick’s a-and Emma’s” he says. I sigh. “She’s been a bitch” I add. “She… Isn’t the right person for you. You deserve better” I say, trying to comfort him. “I loved her” his voice barely audible “Why would she do something like that to me?” he says, trying to hold back his tears. “Some people are like that. They want to have fun, and once they’re done you’re done” I reply. “It… It wasn’t me? It wasn’t my fault, right?” he asks, finally looking at me, despair in his voice. I sigh again “It absolutely not your fault. You’re great, cool, nice, you helped me with my anxiety the first time I came here, and you helped me fitting in the group. You’re the most wonderful and handsome person in the world” I open my heart to him, well not all of it, but all the things I said were true. “Thank you, (Y/N)” he says before hugging me. I fast return the hug. “I know how cheesy it might sound but you saying this things really help me don’t think about her” he says. “Even if you might not think this way” he start, pulling away from the hug “I feel like most wonderful and handsome person in the world is… You” he says. I blush after hearing his words. He giggles a bit, he must have notice my red cheeks.
We stay silent for some time, before we decide to take a swim. He’s the first one getting undress and dumping in the water. As he undress I look at his body, the sexiest and perfected I ever saw. I undress shortly after him. “Is it too cold?” I ask “Even so? That way I could hold you!” he half-jokes back. I blush more, before entering calming in the water. “Ohh-Uhh. I-it’s cold” I say. Jacob chuckles, swimming toward me. He places his hand on my lower back, pulling me closer. “W-what are you doing?” I ask “I told you I could hold you” he says.
He place his hands on my hips while a place my hands on his chest. We look at each other in the eyes, our faces so close. Finally our lips connect in a love and passionate kiss. The moment feels so magician, the water our corpses are floating feels like we’re in a dream, the delicates light of the moon makes everything looks so calm. And finally him, Jacob, the one who really makes me feel like I’m in a dream.
We stop kissing and rest forehead against forehead. We both don’t dare to utter a word, too scary of ruining the magical moment. “I-“ “I like you (Y/N)” Jacob cuts me off before I could say anything. “I like you too” I reply “But now let’s get find some towel, it’s getting cold here in the water” I add. “I know some other ways of keeping you warm” he say “Perv” I say, swimming away from him. “Wait! (Y/N)! Wait for me babe!”
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