#emma ynn
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graphx · 6 months ago
loss of innocence

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Love giving melodramatic titles lol
not the happiest with how the shattered glass turned out
i think i used too much chromatic aberration but I’ll live :)
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wakokakoa · 10 months ago
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quick doodle i did of emma !! absolutely love this redesign for her YOU WILL SEE ME USING IT ALWAYS !!
i'll be reusing this emma btw bc i wanted to do more w the drawing i just didn't know what atm so expect to see her again :]
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this is the reference photo i used from @boopboops22 :3 ty homie
shoutout to whoever that is because lord they're gorgeous
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emmaspolaroid · 6 months ago
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maybe I’ll see you in another life, if this one wasn’t enough
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rayofsunshyne · 7 months ago
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Emma is so precious T^T
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juxl25 · 4 months ago
I really wanna make one of those account where they document the day to day life of a plushie,(for my emma plush) but i literally do nothing so the acc would be so dead
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silentstudiosyt · 1 year ago
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Sleeper build Emma?? 👀
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luaelisa25 · 1 year ago
Emma Hoshino 💜
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krinklefry87 · 9 months ago
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rewatched and reread tpn for genuinely no reason i missed them
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fullscoreshenanigans · 2 months ago
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Posuka Demizu’s New Year's Art for 2025
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papoochu · 6 months ago
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“Harpy Hare” fits them so well!
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polychromatiica · 8 months ago
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what even is a consistent art style anyway
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graphx · 10 months ago
i loved you like the sun
i shine only with the light you gave me
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happy with the colors but I might mess around with them more later
tooooo tired rn
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flower-blossoms654 · 5 months ago
Each time I think about how they took out the Goldy Pond arc, I get so angry. Cause like not only was it a good ass arc, getting rid of it takes out something integral to the story as a whole, that I just don’t think they realized/cared about:
The validation of Emma’s beliefs.
Emma is established to be this happy-go-lucky character right? And as the children are still in Grace Field, you see that she still keeps this demeanor while juggling the new graveness of the situation she is in. While losing some of her naivety, she still shows herself capable of being someone hopeful for the future who will not let her circumstances get the better of her. The most important part of what makes this WORK for her character (instead of making it annoying and unrealistic) is the fact that she both acknowledged and experiences the tragedy of the world she is trying to be hopeful in. It’s not some little girl being like “I believe everything’s gonna be fine! Sparkles and rainbows!” while being shielded from the darker parts of the world. It’s a little girl who looks in the face of the darkness and that terrible world and is in the MIDST of it. It’s a little girl who found the dead body of her younger sibling and was faced with the reality that her whole life was a lie. It’s a little girl who realized her whole family was going to die and fought to grab onto her hope despite how overwhelmingly bleak their situation was. She knew and yet she didn’t hesitate to believe that they could escape. She knew and still wanted to yell to the world that she was going to save EVERYONE. Seeing someone so unwaveringly hopeful even after being hit with devastating loss and despair is like a beacon for anyone else struggling to keep surviving. Emma is lovable for how she loves—how her hope and determination stands fast in the face of adversity and still goes forward even as more events threaten to shake and bend it.
For whatever reason season 2 was changed the way it was (I’ve heard many things)(if it was because of the guns then WHY pick up the anime in the first place bc you derail EVERYTHING) it could never stand completely without Goldy Pond.
Goldy Pond is in plain terms Emma’s defining arc. It seems to be pushing forward a question whose answer will define the rest of the series.
“Who is Emma?”
Not as she is with her siblings. Not as she is when there is her family there to keep her going. Who is Emma, and how will she grow from here on out?
Goldy Pond is the first time Emma is “alone”. She has none of her siblings around her and she is in an unfamiliar environment, with people she does not know. People by all means unconnected to her when she has a family to get back to and protect.
But Emma doesn’t treat them that way. She cares for each stranger she meets, jeopardizing her safety by using herself as bait—by charging forward into battle to protect them and change the demons’ focus. As the arc progresses and she meshes herself into the other children’s ranks, treating them as family as well, it seems to be clear what the answer is. As she serves as a distraction in this main fight. As she reminds them of details of HOW they can win this fight even when there seems to be no hope left. When she gets empaled and STILL takes a shot to kill Duke Leuvis.
Emma is hopeful and kind and self-sacrificing. She treats strangers as she would treat her family, and cares for all lives the same. She is so overwhelmingly forthright and sincere in her emotions and love, that you can’t help but want to support and follow her. That is who Emma is. She is not naive. She has seen death and battle and bleak circumstances but still rises to the challenge EVERY time — and most importantly this time was the bleakest so far. This time she was “ALONE”.
She has the experience behind her to make her care for all things “valid”. This is not a silly, childish little girl not knowing all the different aspects of her declarations. She says they will survive and you can take her for her word because she knows what it’s like to be near death. But specifically and more crucially for Goldy Pond (and therefore the rest of the series): Emma says that she wants to save demons. And with Goldy Pond, you can take her word for it.
When Norman declares that his way of saving everyone is to have a demon genocide, the most important part of this is that we as the readers support Emma and her viewpoint (that the demons should not be killed.) Her viewpoint is valid in the manga because of what she has gone through. Emma says she wants to save demons and we can take her for her word because she has experience at the hands of some of the worst cruelty from demons possible. She and other children were hunted for sport. She was placed in a mockery of a sanctuary and hunted down for demons entertainment—not for the demon’s hunger or survival but for FUN. And she still turns around and says that she believes there are GOOD demons.
Without this, Emma has nothing in her experience for her to stand toe to toe with Norman’s beliefs. She looks like a naive, silly child trying to justify a foolish dream when she has experienced nothing of the world. It’s practically an insult to Norman and his experiences and it doesn’t give off what it should to the watcher. How are we supposed to believe in Emma (and go against a GENOCIDE) when it seems as if the writers want to paint that the genocide is the reasonable answer (when it fucking ISNT). And this is all because without Goldy Pond, Emma doesn’t have the experience to be meaningfully hopeful. She can’t properly value her positive experience with Mujika because she doesn’t not have a big enough negative experience to weight it against (and gracefield isn’t good enough bc Norman has gone through more than that). For Emma to have weight, she needs to be able to weight the good and the bad and STILL choose good. To still choose to be hopeful and caring.
Getting rid of Goldy Pond got rid of such an important foundation of Emma as a character and I can never forgive them for that.
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emmaspolaroid · 2 years ago
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happy birthday to our sunshine girl ☀
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evthesoup · 1 month ago
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norrayemma as birds!!!
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eobardthawneallen · 6 months ago
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[ID: fullshot traditional drawing in chibi style of Emma and Ray hugging Norman from Yakusoku no neverland.
Emma is smiling towards Norman and Ray, one visible arm extended to hold Norman from the shoulder, she is standing with one leg lift.
Norman is smiling, has one hand to grab Emma's back, and the other is holding Ray's hand.
Ray smiling towards Norman, he is resting his head on Norman's shoulder and one hand is on Norman's hair messing with it affectionately, the other hand is on Emma's extended arm.
clothes are for Ray a white jacket with a blue hood, he is not wearing the hood, dark shirt and pants, and brown boots, Emma is wearing white dress shirt and jacket. also is wearing the same style for pants and boots as Ray, Norman is mostly dressed in white except for his brown shoes. he is wearing a suit, dress shirt with necktie.
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