#emma stone gift hunt
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Starting April 1, a hearty “Willkommen” awaits at the enticing and electrifying Kit Kat Club (a.k.a., the August Wilson Theatre) on 52nd Street on Broadway. The London transfer of the 2022 Olivier Award–winning revival of Cabaret is one of the most highly anticipated musicals of the spring season. Tony-winning actor Eddie Redmayne is set to reprise his performance of the Emcee, a role he won an Olivier for when he opened the show in the West End. He’ll be joined by actress Gayle Rankin, who is new to this production of Cabaret, taking on the show’s leading lady, Sally Bowles. Entertainment journalist for Spectrum News NY1 Frank DiLella caught up with both Redmayne and Rankin to talk their love of Cabaret and much more.
Eddie, congratulations on the Broadway transfer of this brilliant revival. How are you feeling knowing you’re once again taking on the Emcee in Cabaret?
EDDIE REDMAYNE: Thanks so much. Honestly, this is one of the pieces that made me fall in love with theater as a kid, so the fact that I got to play this iconic part on stage professionally in London was truly a bucket-list moment fulfilled. But when I was about 9 or 10, I became oddly obsessed with New York. London was home, but I was always looking at photographs of New York, researching the place. When I eventually came to the city and went to Times Square, it was one of those completely overwhelming sensations. I remember my whole body reacting. So the idea that I now get the chance to play this part in this show that I’m so passionate about in the mecca of musical theater — which is Broadway — is beautifully daunting and also 100 percent thrilling!
Gayle, Cabaret seems to be your show. You were part of the 2014 Roundabout revival with Alan Cumming — you played Fraulein Kost.
GAYLE RANKIN: I can’t tell you how moving it is to have worked on Cabaret a decade ago, and after lovingly letting it go, it’s come back to me with the gargantuan gift of Sally. [Laughs.] It is my show! I feel wildly privileged to be able to say that. I know I have to continue to earn that privilege because of what the show is and what it means. But I have never felt more ready to do that now, inside of this amazing production and with this incredible group of artists.
Eddie, when were you first introduced to Cabaret?
ER: I was first introduced to it when I was in school; I was around 15 or 16, and there was a little production being done at my school. And that was the first time I listened to the music. I remember hunting down all the possible CD versions I could find. I remember looking for a production to see, but there were none playing in London, so the very first production I ever saw of Cabaret was, randomly, the Spanish version in Madrid — and it was the Sam Mendes version, but in Spanish! I was 19 and completely blown away. Since then, I saw Emma Stone and Alan Cumming do it brilliantly in New York, and of course Rufus Norris’s version in London. I’m a sort of Cabaret junkie.
How about you, Gayle?
GR: The first time I was introduced to it was when I was in a musical-theater program in Scotland and one of the other young women had been given the song “Maybe This Time,” and I remember being like, “Wow! What a song!” That’s when I was introduced to Cabaret as a property.
Eddie, it’s my understanding that you were instrumental with making this production of Cabaret take shape.
ER: Ha! It’s been a long old road. After I did Cabaret in school in my late teens, there was an amateur production of Cabaret going to the Edinburgh Festival, and I got cast in that, and the venue that we were doing the show in was called The Underbelly. It was dark and damp and people were sitting around tables. I loved every minute, and it affirmed my want to be an actor. The guys who set up that venue became producers professionally and the Underbelly transformed to become a brilliant venue and producing house in the U.K. They approached me about seven years ago and asked if I would ever consider doing Cabaret again. It had always been on my bucket list, and I thought long and hard about it — as I said, it’s dream territory. Then Jessie Buckley leapt into my mind, who is an extraordinary actor and singer, and she and I plotted together. We both approached the brilliant director Rebecca Frecknall, and piece by piece this thing built momentum. But it had been done so beautifully and vividly before, we only wanted to do it if we could find a new way in, something that perhaps hadn’t been explored before.  And with Rebecca, the brilliant Tom Scutt, Julia Cheng, and Jordan Fein — our designer, choreographer, and prologue director — we took on this idea of inviting an audience through the underbelly of the theatre, taking them through this experience so by the time they arrive in the theatre, they’ve truly left all their troubles outside.
Eddie, you’re taking on one of the great roles of the musical theater, the Emcee, and I have to say, having seen you on stage in London, your Emcee is different compared to Joel Grey’s and Alan Cumming’s.
ER: I think one of the reasons he’s such an appealing part is because he’s one of the most enigmatic parts that I’ve ever read, witnessed, or experienced. The Emcee was a part that was created by Joel and Hal Prince [director of the original Cabaret] to join scenes together. He has no literary basis. So in some ways, the part exists in an abstract way. One of the things that I tried to do when I first started was I attempted to rationalize him and create a backstory. But the second you try to pin him down, he falls flat — he’s too quixotic for that. In the end it became trying to find a way into him physically and through instinct alone. It felt like a high-wire act. But a thrilling one.
Gayle, Sally Bowles is one of the great female roles in musical theater. Who is your Sally?
GR: My Sally is close to me. I think she’s only to be known truly by me. Sally can infamously live in a space where she can be pitied to people, and I don’t think that’s the whole story. There’s more to be told about her. And I feel compelled to take that on.
Do you feel that your experience of doing the 2014 Cabaret revival with Alan Cumming, where you played a Kit Kat Club girl and Fraulein Kost, prepped you for Sally?
GR: How could it not? For something to live inside of you both consciously and unconsciously — I hope I’ve evolved as a person and as an artist, and I feel like I’ve never been more ready to take Sally on. And I feel like I’m a big enough girl to admit the 2014 production — I was not in a place or was the right person to play Sally even though I had the time of my life with that show.
Sally gets some amazing musical moments. “Maybe This Time,” “Cabaret,” “Don’t Tell Mama” … Favorite tune in the show?
GR: It’s always been “I Don’t Care Much” [sung by the Emcee]. Sally’s songs are almost too meaningful; I can’t pick one, they’re like children. [Laughs.] But there’s something about “I Don’t Care Much” that’s so essential to the conversation and the story and lives inside of all those characters. This longing for hope during so much horror. That song just moves me.
Gayle, take me to your opening night, when you take your bow as Sally Bowles.
GR: [Laughs.] Frank! What a question. Now I’m crying. My niece will be there, and she’s 12, and I’ll probably be looking at her. I’ll probably be tired. [Laughs.] I think I’m going to be really happy.
This show is quite the experience. Give a little preview of what New York audiences can expect once they enter the Kit Kat Club.
ER: I can’t paint that picture for you just yet because it’s in the process of being built and designed by Tom Scutt. Tom Scutt is one of the most thrilling creative minds I’ve had the privilege to work with. What his plans are for New York are completely captivating. The idea is that you’re brought in as an audience not through the conventional way of the theatre — you’re met by an entire prologue cast of dancers and musicians. You are submerged into the world of Cabaret from the second you pass the threshold. For me, I hope it makes the experience — you will feel like you’re part of an all-consuming event. You will also get to witness Gayle’s Sally — Gayle is a volcano of talent — Bebe Neuwirth’s Fraulein Schneider, Ato Blankson-Wood’s Cliff, Steven Skybell’s Schultz. A staggering ensemble — the list goes on. So many exciting things.
Eddie, you’re following in the footsteps of two celebrated actors who played the role of the Emcee: Joel Grey and Alan Cumming. Any interaction with them?
ER: I haven’t with Alan since I’ve played it. I met Alan in Los Angeles years ago and he’s just an extraordinary talent. Joel, I had never met, but then I got through the first act of Cabaret on opening night in London, and at the interval some flowers arrived and I opened the card and it was from Joel Grey. And in the midst of our opening night show, opening his generous card was one of the great moments.
I was so haunted by this production when I saw it in London. The time feels right to see and experience Cabaret.
ER: There is something so searingly relevant with this piece. And I feel like whenever Cabaret is being done, it’s relevant. But with what’s going on in the world today, I feel like it’s a cautionary tale — it sings loudly and clear and it’s this idea of the fear of the other. The political gain of “othering” people. And that constant repetition of scapegoating and hatred is what we’re seeing in our politics now.
GR: I’m not sure what John Kander and Fred Ebb and Joe Masteroff were channeling when they were writing this — they were able to tap into something that’s so cyclical. And as a humanity, I think we all hope that Cabaret becomes not as relevant as it is.
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sylseal · 1 year
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Emma was not a creature of mild acts.
In fact, like most things born of nature, Emma often relied on her instincts to get her through the day. So the irony that she, of all people, would end up leading the tribe she grew up with did not escape her, especially following the plague and fire. 
Letting out a slow, measured sigh, Emma set down her staff and her pack atop a hill. It was relatively far from the tribe, but Emma could still keep an eye on them from here, which was very good. 
They had made good progress today, especially considering the injuries some of them had sustained during the day's hunt for food. Emma smiled at the thought, pride welling up within her as she considered how far they had all come. How much ground they'd covered, how well they all worked together. 
As Emma reached for her waterskin, she realized that this moment left her with a rare treat: time for quiet contemplation as she watched the sunset. Her fiery hair seemed to almost glow as she took a seat on an old log and drank in the sight of the treeline, and of the tribe setting up camp below. 
She saw Nicole, her older sister, among them, helping to set up wherever she could. The poor thing had felt so awful about "bringing the plague to your doorstep," as she had put it. But the tribe had accepted her with open arms, and Emma with them. She had explained to Nicky that, even if she hadn't shown up, it is likely that the plague would have found them anyways. She knew it wouldn't completely settle the anxiety or the guilt in Nicky's head, but it was, at the very least, a start.
Emma let her candy red eyes fall shut. Guilt...she had borne the brunt of it herself, too. Guilt that she wasn't strong enough to stop the plague. Guilt that she had to resort to burning down her home. Guilt that the wildfire, what should have been a gift from the Wildmother, was in fact a source of destruction for her tribe's home, and it felt as though she was entirely to blame, in spite of her knowing how untrue that was.
Yes, she was far too intimately acquiainted with guilt. On this journey alone, guilt had brought Emma to some very dark places, places that she would rather have left buried. Thoughts of abandoning her tribe and running off to live her own life. Thoughts of self-exile as punishment for her actions. Thoughts of self destruction...
Emma shook her head, shoveling those thoughts away and letting her return to a more fair-minded state. She was still here. She was still alive, and she could still act. Her hand moved to her athame; the same one her mother had given her when she was just a child. Carefully drawing the silver blade from its tiny sheathe, Emma looked it over. Inscribed upon the blade, so faintly it was invisible to most eyes, in druidic no less, was the phrase "wild one." The sight of it made her face crease in thought.
Was that how she was supposed to be known? A creature of the wild? She'd had this thought before, especially as she had grown up, but she had always wrestled it to the same place: wasn't it up to her to decide how to act? Wasn't it her who would control her fate? What say did her parents really get in where she would go in her life, especially given their disappearances when she was still a child?
Her mind shifted, then. Perhaps the inscription was not meant as a foretelling of what she would be, thought Emma after a moment more of staring; perhaps it was meant so that Emma, no matter where she went, or who she became, would never forget where she came from. That seemed...wiser, at least.
A smile came to her face at that notion, and her fingers slowly fumbled with her Druidic Focus, a set of sharpened white stones, pulled from the land and arranged to look like a bone tooth necklace.
Born of the wild, perhaps, but her destiny was her own, of that she was sure. And that one fact let her mind more easily swallow the truths that had been choked by guilt.
She had done everything right. No matter how guilt-inducing it may have been, burning the forest, leading the tribe, accepting Nicky into the tribe again, all of it had been for the right reasons. And that was what mattered, ultimately. Emma had to believe that, at least in this moment, in this case. Else, self doubt would destroy her before any plague could.
Yes, it had been a very long road so far, and there was so much ahead. But Emma and the tribe both were resilient. They would make it work, no matter where they went, or what they did next.
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del-stanley · 2 years
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Blaze Thompson - A fake Clown skull decoration because Del is still convinced he was a clown in his circus days. @blazethompscn The card attached just says ‘Was this you in a past life?’ Blair Ambrose - Every year Del gets Blair something hunting related. This year they think they’ve found the perfect gift. An interactive cute evp teddy bear.  The card attached says ‘Fluffy but annoying just like you.’  @blairambrose
River Patel - It may be a small gift but Del couldn’t resit. They gifted River a pair of enby gothic earrings. The card attached is a little more heartfelt than most. “You got this.” @riverpatel
Frankie Ackerman - For all the years they’ve known one another, Del assumes they nail the gifts every year. A floral patterned teaset with ominous threats seemed ideal this year. The card attached says, “I think the flowers are the same color as your hair? Have a good one.” @frankie-ackerman Trix Stone - It might be a little on the nose. Across the wrapping paper is ‘Open Alone.’ which is probably a terrifying thing to see when it’s written by Del. However, the gift is a little private. A book by a leading psychologists with very blunt and to the point facts about childhood trauma. The card attach says “Don’t have to read it and to be honest, the guy who wrote this is a bit of an asshole. But it helped, I guess.”  @trixstone
Cora Stanley & Emma - Let’s face it, Del sucks when she can’t give creepy or weird gifts to people. So every year, she gets her cousin and little Emma an experience gift. This year Emma and Cora can go off to an immersive VR game but Del has no idea how or what it does. and then a weekend spa voucher for Cora to cash in whenever it’s needed. @corastanley
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themovieblogonline · 6 months
Ghostbusters Fan? 10 Must-See Scary-Funny Films
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The Ghostbusters franchise is expanding with the all-new Frozen Empire. The film is already one of the most talked-about movies and is garnering praise from the critics as well. The iconic Ghostbusters are back on the scene! With the upcoming release of Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, fans everywhere are getting prepped to answer the call for another round of spooky thrills and hilarious scares. But what if you need a ghostbusting fix before then? Fear not, proton pack enthusiasts! We have the perfect cure for your Ghostbusters withdrawals. Here's a list of 10 awesome movies that capture the same spirit of mixing spooky chills with side-splitting laughs, just like the Ghostbusters themselves. 1. Zombieland (2009) If you want a dose of the undead with a healthy dose of humor, Zombieland (2009) is your pick. Starring Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, and Emma Stone, this movie follows a group of survivors navigating a zombie apocalypse. Hilarious rules for survival ("Always double-tap") and witty banter make this movie a riot, with enough action and scares to keep you on the edge of your seat. 2. Men In Black (1997) Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones star as agents in a top-secret organization battling extraterrestrial threats in Men in Black (1997). This movie blends action, sci-fi, and laugh-out-loud humor, similar to Ghostbusters' blend of paranormal spookiness and slapstick comedy. Plus, those cool gadgets and iconic suits will have you feeling like a ghostbusting agent yourself! 3. Beetlejuice (1988) Beetlejuice (1988) takes the concept of "till death do us part" to a hilarious extreme. A deceased couple haunts their old house, desperately trying to scare away new residents. Enter Beetlejuice, a mischievous bio-exorcist with a flair for the bizarre. Michael Keaton steals the show as the wacky Beetlejuice, and the movie's dark humor and wacky visuals will leave you giggling long after the credits roll. 4. The Frighteners (1996) Michael J. Fox stars as Frank, a man who can talk to the dead and uses this "gift" to run a ghost-busting scam. But things get real when he has to face down a vengeful spirit that threatens the entire town. The Frighteners (1996) offers a clever mix of humor, suspense, and supernatural chills, keeping you guessing until the very end. 5. Scary Movie (2000) Scary Movie (2000) takes a hilarious jab at classic horror films, much like Ghostbusters playfully poked fun at the paranormal investigator genre. Starring Anna Faris and Regina Hall, this movie is packed with laugh-out-loud moments as it parodies iconic scenes from movies like Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer. 6. Casper (1995) Casper (1995) is a heartwarming story about a lonely ghost who befriends a young girl. But don't be fooled by the sweet premise, there are still some spooky moments (especially when Casper's uncles show up!). This movie offers a perfect balance of humor, scares, and a touch of childhood wonder, similar to the way Ghostbusters manages to be scary and funny at the same time. 7. House (1985) An author with serious writer’s block decides to make his late aunt’s house his permanent writing nook. Little does he know, he’s about to get plagued by paranormal occurrences that have to do with dead soldiers from the Vietnam War.  8. Gremlins (1984) A small furry creature and a handful of simple rules. What could go wrong? Probably everything? Gremlins is the epitome of absolute mayhem and laughter, with a sprinkle of spook that will leave you entertained in the best way.  9. Evolution (2001) An alien invasion and faster-than-a-blink growth is a deadly combination that a meteor brings to Earth. Four science professionals need to get to the bottom of it before the earthly planet gets infested with creepy intergalactic creatures.  10. The Monster Squad (1987) All Universal Monsters in one feature? You’ll not want to miss The Monster Squad. The monster gang, led by Count Dracula, is on the hunt for a power-yielding amulet. However, it’s not a piece of cake when they’re face-to-face with a squad of 12-year-olds who will do everything to prevent the monsters from getting their creepy claws on the jewel.  Whether it’s dealing with Ghostbusters withdrawals or you simply want to binge-watch some equally comedic and scary movies, these have you covered. The horror-comedy genre is one tricky trick to master but these movies will allow you to experience the best of it.  Read the full article
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Under this cut you will find 117 gifs of Emma Stone. Gifs are size 268 x 163, textless and logoless from her role in Easy A (part 2). All of these gifs are made by me, and you’re welcome to edit them and use them however you like. Reblog or like this if it helped you in any way.
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pl-panda · 4 years
To Marry a Vigilante: Part 18
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To Marry a Vigilante: Part 18
The akuma of the day turned out to be the editor-in-chief of the tabloid that tried to spin a story about Damian and Allegra. It might’ve had something to do with the fact that the Mayor’s office, Kane Industries, and Wayne Enterprises were going after his newspaper for libel and slander. The Printer was defeated by Pink Tigress, who was working with extreme prejudice that day. Ladybug arrived just in time to purify the akuma. 
After it was all sorted out, the group retreated to Wayne Manor, where they met Chloé waiting for them. 
“Good. You’re here. Now it’s time to plan a counter-attack.” 
“What?” Marinette asked, surprised.
“Counter-attack on Erica and Lila. They practically declared war with that stunt!” Chloé raved on.
“Huh?” Damian was equally confused.
“Apparently, ‘The Printer’ was paid a rather large sum to have this article published without checking credibility. He did these things before.” She explained.
“So they actually started to play dirty?” The bluenette asked
“They didn’t!” Tim ran inside the cave, panting. “How in a hundred treadmills can you run so fast?!” He stared at the blonde.
“Puh-lease! I just used a short-cut.” She huffed. “One could think you accuse me of… physical training.” She made a disgusted face, but she was smirking. 
“Tt. So did they attack us or not?” Damian scowled and started to sharpen his sword. Where he got the sword from was not important at that moment. Everyone long since gave up on trying to track all his hidden weapon stashes. 
“They couldn’t. Neither has that amount of money. I traced it to a foreign account registered on Emma Rose Blake.”
Marinette’s eyes widened and she stumbled back as if the name slapped her. “ Adrien… ” she whispered.
“What!?” Damian was on his feet in an instant.
Sabine grasped her dagger before her expression turned soft and she walked to hug her daughter. “It’s okay, sweetie. You’re not alone.”
“I… Adrien snuck out once. He wanted to watch that movie that starred his mother.  Solitude. ”
“I remember! That one threw a wrench in my search for a while.” Tim beamed.
“We stumbled upon each other and he took me with him…” She remembered and blushed lightly. “I only saw the intro, but from what I found out on the internet, his mother was the lead. Her character’s name was Emma. Rose. Blake.” She told each word separately, making sure they got the message.
“So that bastard thought he could get the two of you to break up?” Chloé asked. “Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! The two of you are the sweetest, most loyal couple in the whole of Gotham. And besides, the blasted spell wouldn’t let anything like that happen. We’ve seen the effects.”
“Tt. It does work both ways.” Damian’s face was twisted in a scowl. “And I reserve my right to skin the cat and feed him to sharks. I’m sure Penguin will let me borrow some.” 
“I’m… not sure if you’re joking…” Tim stared at his brother, worried about his sanity.
“I’m not.” The youngest Wayne cut him off. “That flea-ridden alley-cat is intruding on my bond. My marriage. The league… It’s the single most sacred relation for the members of the league. For me.” He grabbed Marinette’s hand. “And he will suffer for trying to separate us.”
For a moment, Marinette stared at him, taken by surprise by his revelation. Then, she cuddled into his side.
“I’m not leaving.”
“I know.”
“Also,” Chloé decided to interrupt the cute moment, “you’re trending.” She showed them a video.
Marinette and Damian were standing on the table in the cafeteria, holding hands.
“...I trust Damian with my life. I’m his and he’s mine!” She declared. There was steel determination in her eyes, but also flame that burned bright.
“I’m hers and she’s mine.” Damian echoed. He had an identical expression on his face. They raised their joint hands before turning to one another and sharing a quick kiss. In the background, many people cooed at the romanticism of the scene. Then, a black butterfly sneaked through the window. Marinette looked at it and grasped it from the air. When she opened her hand, it was a mess. 
“Not today, Hawkass Junior.” She seethed. Then, like a queen she was, she and two blondes by her side left the place among applause. 
“Someone recorded it?!” She started blushing profoundly. Damian’s cheeks were also red. 
“Tt. Who did that?” 
“Claude.” Chloé smiled. “But that’s not the important part.”
“Then what is?” Sabine asked. “Also, I want a copy of that video.” In response, her phone vibrated.
“Maman?!” Marinette moaned.
“The ‘Not today, Hawkass Junior’ is breaking the records on Twitter and Tumblr.” She smiled. “You’ve become a sort of a hero today. MDC is now  the  designer. Jagged Stone went live and he spent five minutes doing nothing but praise you!”
“Only five minutes?” Damian asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Penny found him and dragged him by the ear from the screen. After that, it was only Fang posing before the camera.”
“That’s… That’s Jagged alright…” Mari giggled. 
Damian only huffed. 
Chloé’s phone vibrated and she opened the link. She laughed for a good two minutes before she was able to speak. “Mayor Kane... just declared... ‘Not today, Hawkass Jr.’ to be the official motto... of the campaign against his terror.” 
“Can I make an MDC shirt with this?” The designer beamed. “I know! I’ll make a pillow! No! A…”
“You can make an entire collection, sweetie.” Sabine was grinning. “You’re the hero both in and out of the suit.” She cooed. “And you’re so cute! I’m totally sending this video to Sandra! And uncle Cheng! He’ll love it!”
“Maman!” Marinette moaned again, but she was smiling. She had people that wouldn’t abandon her. 
Two days later it was finally Saturday, which meant a bit of freedom from the kids at school. In hindsight, Marinette preferred it when she was not that popular. Of course, Chloé did what Chloé did best and worked her crowd control magic. She wasn’t constantly accosted at school. At least not by most. Maps made her into a personal hero of sorts.
Now though, it was Saturday, which served as an excuse to stay late in bed, spend the whole day with Damian before spending the evening watching cheesy movies with Chloé and her mom. It would be a perfect Saturday. 
She got dressed in her favorite red dress, making sure to wrap the rope dart under the sash. It wouldn’t do to leave home without any means of self-defense. Not in Gotham at any rate. Her hair fell down her back and curled slightly. On her left wrist, she put a small gold bracelet with a single pearl. It was light and didn’t attract too much attention, but made her whole outfit stand out slightly. She paired it with high stockings and black ballet shoes with silver ribbons. After a thought, she picked a black glossy leather wristlet. Damian promised they would be going somewhere special. 
When she got downstairs, he was already waiting, dressed in a semi-formal outfit. His suit was of course MDC original. He had dark trousers, a white shirt with the topmost two buttons open and a jacket with sleeves rolled to his elbows. All in all, it gave a bit of a roguish vibe, different from what he wore on most occasions. Marinette made sure he wore nothing but her creations. He tried to protest that it was too much work, or at least pay her something for it. She threatened she would forbid him from paying for anything for her. Damian made a mistake, arguing that she was living under his roof. Her response was to start calculating rent. He relented and allowed her to dress him up to her heart’s desire.
“Hello, Habibti.” He smiled at her. 
“Damian! Will you tell me where  we are going?” She hugged him. 
“Not yet.” He said mysteriously. “We’re going somewhere special and I want to surprise you.”
“Daaaamiiii!” She tried again but to no avail.
“Tt. You hang out with Maps too much.” 
“She’s cool.” 
“She’s irritating.”
“That’s just because you’re not willing to give her a chance.”
“She thinks I’m Batman.” He huffed.
“Curious why.” Marinette retorted, smirking. “I’m sure the fact Robin led her for a gift hunt had nothing to do with it, am I right?”
“Tt. I admit nothing.” He tried, but a small smile made its way on his face. Curses! Why did she make him so mushy? 
“I knew there was a heart somewhere deep inside.” She continued, smirking triumphantly.
“Don’t be ridiculous. All people have hearts.”
“Even Erica?”
“She’s not a person. She is just walking irritation.”
“Can’t argue with that,” Marinette said. They were walking down the road, bantering to and fro.
They arrived at the gate, where a sports car was waiting for them. Damian took the driver’s seat and pointed her to the shotgun. The car radio was playing the song they danced to during their dance-off. It was full of life and brought back some fond memories. 
“Can I know where we are going now?” She begged. 
“Not. Yet.” He said with a confident smirk. “You’ll love it though.”
“Fine.” She relented and remained in her seat. Marinette decided to focus on the sights outside the window. 
They were driving through the city. She saw that the mayor wasted no time and ‘Not today, Hawkass jr.’ indeed became a city-wide slogan for the campaign about positive thinking. Marinette had a not-so-small suspicion that Chloé and Allegra had something to do with it. She wouldn’t put it past them to artificially boost the popularity until it exploded. Not that she complained that much. If it helped stop more akumas, she was all for it in fact.
Finally, the car pulled in front of the Gotham City History Museum. Or at least Marinette thought it was the museum, from the angle she couldn’t be sure. Before they got out, Damian handed her a blindfold. 
“You’re joking?” She stared at him. “It’s a museum.”
“How did… Nevermind. I have a surprise for you.”
“Why would… No way!” She connected the dots. “But… But we didn’t do that much!”
Damian looked at her with a mixture of amazement and mirth. “I’m surprised Bourgeois didn’t share the news with you.”
“She was too busy hanging out with Cass yesterday.” She then got a pensive expression. “The two of them hit off better than I thought.” 
“True. I’m disappointed with Cassandra, but alas.”
“No, you are not. You’re happy that she’s making friends.” Marinette countered with a smile. 
“You have no proof.” He dropped the blindfold and got out. “Come on or we’ll miss it.”
In response, Marinette put on her sunglasses and also got out. On both walls of the museum, there were giant posters of Ladybug and Black Cat in their heroic poses. He was standing straight on the dark background, with both hands on the baton that served him as a cane. He was looking left, toward the Ladybug poster. He looked serious and a bit intimidating. Ladybug on the other hand was smiling and overlooking all the passers-by. They’ve used her new suit, for which she was eternally grateful. Marinette would probably burn in shame if they decided to stick with the original. 
Inside, Damian led her through the entrance, showing the tickets. They went straight to the Superhero hall, which previously was called just Bat-hall. Marinette was feeling a whirlwind of emotions. She remembered the statue unveiling back in Paris, but it was after months of activity. Here, Gotham accepted two more heroes after a few weeks. Granted, Hawkmoth jr. was much more persistent and his akumas more destructive (plus they had even worse fashion sense), but Marinette still didn’t consider herself special enough.
Reporters from various newspapers crowded around the podium on which stood Mayor Kane. Allegra was by her side. When the young blonde spotted them, she winked at them and smirked. Marinette waved to her in response while Damian guided her toward the front row. He was a Wayne. He didn’t settle for anything else.
The ceremony was lovely and Mayor Kane spoke kindly about the new heroes. Not once she broached the subject of their age. The statue itself was tall, with all three Miraculous users standing side by side, Ladybug in the center, and slightly forward. After that was done and the mayor answered some questions, Damian prodded her slightly and the two snuck out unnoticed. He led her toward the back and onto the stairs that led to the rooftop and the couple was away from the prying eyes. They walked up and opened another set of doors that led them outside. 
The day was a bit chilly, but several heaters placed on the rooftop made it feel perfect for how they were dressed. In the center, there was a blanket with a picnic basket and a small heat-isolated container next to it. 
“Damian!” Marinette giggled when he hugged her from behind and nuzzled into her neck. 
“A surprise.” He whispered. 
“But… How… Why… And on the rooftop?” She gave him a questioning look.
“Heaters needed a power source.” He answered before leading her to the blanket. “And it was closest to the previous attraction.” 
When they sat, cuddled together, the boy pulled a small box of strawberries. Marinette immediately snatched it from him and tasted it first. She practically melted at the taste. Seeing the look of betrayal on his face, she smirked and picked another. 
“No.” He protested when she put it before his mouth.
“Come on Dami. A plane needs to land.” She kept smirking. Damian tried to keep his dignity, but ultimately he gave up and allowed her to feed him. “See? It wasn’t that hard.” 
“Not a word of this to anyone.” He grumbled. “I have a reputation to uphold.”
“Okay… Only Chloé and Allegra.” She giggled at the horrified look on her husband’s face. 
Deciding to change the subject as fast as possible, Damian asked “Did you like the statue?”
His wife beamed. “It was amazing. I showed you the one in Paris. I mean that one is okay too, but this was actually much better! It acknowledges not only me but all three of us. We are a team and I want us to be represented as such. And did you notice that they actually replicated the tail behind you fluttering?”
“It was indeed adequate work.” He replied, reserved as usual. 
They sat in peace for a bit more, with Marinette occasionally feeding Damian a strawberry. They didn’t really need to speak, instead just enjoying the monotonous sound of cars before the museum and relaxing with each other’s embrace. 
Feeling a bit mischievous, Marinette tapped Damian’s shoulder and made him turn to look at her. As soon as their eyes met, she leaned and fed him another strawberry. Except this time instead of holding it with her hand, she was holding half of it in her mouth. This, of course, led to two of them kissing. Both of their lips tasted like strawberries. 
It wasn’t a long or passionate kiss, but it was still full of love. 
When they broke, Damian had a funny expression on his face and Marinette giggled. He shrugged and pulled a thermos from the container, pouring both of them a cup of hot chocolate each (together with marshmallows). 
Damian regaled her of some of the tales about his great detective skills and how often he saved the day. She kept giggling and pointing out obvious mistakes, to which he huffed good-naturedly. He tried to stay away from subjects related to the League of Assassins and his childhood, but Marinette coaxed some stories out of him, careful not to prod too much. She respected his decision to leave it behind, but at the same time, she wanted to understand him. In the end, they just laid on the blanket cuddled together, with all the sweets consumed. 
“Damian… I love you.” She nuzzled into the crook of his neck. 
“Yes. You told me that at the airport. And several times after.” His logical brain responded before emotions took reins and he continued. “I love you too.”
“But I feel like it was always in response to something you said. I wanted to tell you that from myself. I love you.” She cuddled closer to him and he hugged her. 
“ Habibti, ” he whispered.
“ Mon chéri, ” she answered. 
After some more cuddling and looking at how the evening sun slowly set behind the monumental towers of central Gotham, Damian finally untangled himself from Marinette and got up. He helped her on her feet and turned the heaters off. 
“It’s time to go. We have two more places to visit.” He informed her and led her down to the museum proper. They snuck out of the staircase and joined one of the trips unnoticed, before leaving the building and avoiding anyone seeing them. It was fun to do teenage things sometimes. 
Their next stop was a small Italian restaurant that was out of the way and mostly empty. Damian had a table reserved there and made sure to pick one that was out of the way, in the corner that overlooked the whole place. What Marinette didn’t know was that he paid to have the tables next to them kept empty. 
They settled on a vegetarian lasagne with grilled swiss cheddar, spinach, and ricotta. Marinette wasn’t a vegetarian herself but after their little picnic, they wouldn’t fit two separate dishes. She enjoyed the tastes Damian introduced her to since they met each other. Especially (to Plagg’s delight and Tikki’s mirth), she loved the various cheeses that he exposed her to. While she sometimes still ate meat, it happened more and more seldom. Alfred’s cooking was on par with her uncle’s. 
Their discussion was much lighter now that they weren’t entirely alone. She smiled when he accidentally referenced Game of Thrones. He tried to deny it but in the end, he had to confess or people would think he knew what a ‘meme’ was. That was humiliation beyond what he could survive.
“...I’m just saying that if it’s a bit strange that Allegra and Claude always disappear together.” She finished her speech. 
“Tt. As if my cousin would lower herself to dating the clown.” He huffed. 
“I didn’t say they’re dating. It’s just that for at least two weeks now they kept slipping away.” 
“You’re imagining things, Habibti.” He dismissed her concern. 
“Okay, but what about Felix and Jon? They also run aw… ay…” She suddenly froze when a large group of people pushed their way into the restaurant. On the front, Lila and Alya were guiding them right to where the couple was sitting. 
Marinette heard Damian curse under his breath before suddenly everything was enveloped by thick, black smoke. She felt someone grab her wrist and pull her into a nearby door. They found themselves in the kitchen, Damian leading her between working cooks. Marinette saw how he pulled a phone from his pocket and texted the restaurant owner. He also paid double for the trouble with the smoke bomb. Luckily, the owner apparently understood the need for a quick getaway. The class on the other hand would be in for a rude awakening.
“That was close…” Marinette sighed in relief. 
“Tt. I should’ve challenged them to a duel for interrupting us.” Her husband scowled. 
“I told you no killing.”
“They would survive… probably.”
“Still. Now, where is that secret birthday party supposed to be?” She had a hard time keeping a straight face when he choked on his own saliva and stared at her with wide eyes. 
“It was Claude?” He asked harshly. 
“Of course not. Did you really think I would forget my birthday?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. 
“You did forget Christmas.” He pointed out. This time, it was Damian’s turn to try and not show any reaction to how she started spluttering. 
“That… I… But… It… We… It was something completely different!” She finally shouted. 
“Whatever you say, Habibti. As for the party… Let’s go. They should be ready by now.” 
Chloé was running around the club they rented for the evening. She was doing at least seven things at once, but that wasn’t important. She needed the party to be perfect. She already made sure that all guests were in place and she was now fixing some of the decorations that were not to her liking. She had trouble balancing all the things she was holding and placing them one by one. Then, someone took the weight from her.
“Maybe I can help?”
“Thank you Maribear…” Then, Chloé’s brain registered. “Maribear!?”
“Surprise!” The bluenette cheered.
“How?!” The blonde jumped back, startled. 
“Tt. She blackmailed me.” Damian grumbled from behind his wife.
“Um… With what exactly?” Tim walked from his hiding place. The rest of the guests followed through. 
“Now. It wouldn’t be effective blackmail if I told you, right?” Mari turned and looked at him with a smirk on her face. 
“True. Happy birthday, sweetie!” Sabine was suddenly behind her daughter, Chloé, and Damian. She managed to startle all three of them. 
“Maman! Don’t scare us like that!”
“Payback’s nice.” Her mother and Chloé responded at the same time. 
“They got you there, Angel.” Damian decided to repay her for the blackmail. 
“Hey! You’re supposed to take my side!” She giggled. “Besides, it’s my birthday.”
“I’ll try to remember next time.”
With that, the party started.
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mari-lair · 5 years
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NorRayEmma Tangled AU!
Things are a little different from the original Tangled. If curious, plot and character info are below the cut~
- James Ratri is the King of Neverland. He was the one that spent day and night trying to find a  magic flower to give to his sick Queen, Owl Minerva. Isabella, the most loyal and trusted of the guards was ordered to stay by his wife side, protecting her until James and the other guards came back with the magic flower.
- When the baby was born the royal family was faced with a shocking pair of red eyes, the intense color the exact shade of the magic flower. The baby, named Willian Minerva in honor of the queen survival, had absorbed some of the flower magic, for his eyes glowed in the dark and his tears had the capacity to heal.
- The king’s brother, Peter, is the one that kidnapped the prince. He initially tried to take the baby’s eyes and keep them as a substitute for the magic flower but the moment the eye disconnected from the baby head the magic was lost, the bright red turning sky blue. Peter managed to put the eye back later but the prince was left with a scar on his left eye. When he sings only the right eye glow brighter, and the few times he cried only the tears on the right hold the power to heal.
-Isabella died trying to protect Norman from Peter, considering her friend’s son a child of her own. She managed to gravely hurt the traitor leg and abdomen before kicking the bucket but unfortunately, Peter used the baby’s tears to heal himself completely.
- After the tragedy was over, everyone mourned the death of Isabella and the betrayal of Peter. The king ordered his guards to look left and right for his son, hoping to have hope restored. Peter was paranoic about the large search, so he moved to an isolated tower and changed Willian’s name to Norman.
- Norman loves to read and write. Peter gifted him books to keep him busy and entertained, unintentionally invested on the boy. All their meaningful conversations are about books and while Peter doesn’t mind the boy hobbies he still makes sure to only bring books where humanity is described as a horrible species. Ones where people with magic don’t get a happy ending.
-Norman dreams of going out and explore the world but he is wary of it. Listening to his father’s warnings and seeing how dangerous his situation is. If even the man who loved him dearly was practically obsessed with his magic, he doesn’t want to know what strangers would do to make him cry. He hasn’t given up on his dreams however so he learned how to control his tears. Words and stones will hurt him, but they can’t make him cry. Peter find this very troublesome, but thankfully a song is still enough to light up Norman’s eye and cure any fatigue, making him young again.
-Peter convinces Norman there are traps around the tower so he shouldn’t ever leave, it’s far too dangerous for a little kid! It takes time but Norman reluctantly agrees, getting more and more skeptical as the years go by.
- Ray, left with no parents after Isabella’s death, was adopted by the queen and king, both wanting their dear friend son to have a good life.
-Ray grew up in a place were everyone sung his dead mother praises. He had memories of warm gazes from both his biological mom and adoptive parents but he knew the king wanted his true kid back. He completely understood them, so he never attempted to study to be a king, waiting for the true heir to come back and fill in this hole his existence couldn’t.
-Ray is determined to be a royal guard, promising himself he would be strong, strong enough to prevent any possible tragedies from destroying his adoptive family again. He starts training to be a guard, a soldier. He grew to be the best in the castle, and while his dad is very proud, he knows Isabella used to be even better. Ray doesn’t mind his colleges' disappointment, he is well aware he cannot fill the hole Isabella’s death caused either, but he is scared he too will fail when his family needs him most.
- Emma works on an orphanage, has been living and helping around the place for all her life. Said orphanage is very poor so she collects fruits in the forest and steals bread and milk for the small children. She steals very little from a wide variety of locations, not wanting to actually prejudice any family. Most of the time people don't even see her, but other times she gets in fights.
- One day, she gets in a bad fight, probably would have died if a tired guard in training hasn't stopped the commotion, forcing her to return the food and giving two breads of his own to appease her yelling stomach. She said  her thanks but the guard waved her off.
- Times passes, her usual targets start to get wary so she is forced to expand her territory. Emma isn't sure where she should target until she sees a huge amount of sweets get delivered to the castle and decides to steals it for her little sister birthday. It’s not that hard to sneak past all the lazy guards and she always gets tasty rewards! So she keeps coming back.
- Despite not going much to the kitchen, Ray scary memory is enough to make him notice the foods and little items that Emma stole. He keeps his eyes open for any cheeky cook or skillful thief, eventually spotting Emma with a slice of his favorite cake. He recognizes her as the thief he saved a while back but he is so annoyed he almost cuts her hand off. Emma also recognize him but she decides to gets the hell away from the castle, apologizing "I didn't knew it was your birthday cake!! I am sorry!" and crying dramatically. Ragged looks and terrible diet aside, she proved herself to be far quicker than Ray, maneuvering pass him and promising to make it up too him.
-The next day there is a homemade cookie in his window with a badly written 'happy birthday' in it. It’s the cheap, no chocolate or honey kind of cookie, terrible when compared to the rich cakes he always get but...Not that bad... Ray half expect it to be poisoned but it's clearly not... He doesn't know what to make of it.
-She keeps coming, making sure to not get greedy and only picking the easy stuff. It’s a game. Ray tries his best to catch her but doesn't actually grab her when he has the opportunity. She started to like their interaction, teasing the boy and considering him her friend. Ray reluctantly think she is okay too and leave food by the window once or twice, smiling on the rare occasions another of those horribles cookies are placed in his window. Queen Owl and King James notice their interactions but pretend to be ignorant, happy Ray got a friend.
- This strange friendship they have it’s wonderful, or it was until Emma stole the prince crown.
-It was a tough choice. She felt bad for the King and Queen, silently apologizing to Ray too, but not giving the crown back. The prince probably won’t come back anyway and with this crown, she’ll get enough money to make sure her broken down orphanage, her home, doesn’t get demolished for a stupid shoe store.
- Ray runs after her, this time truly angry. That was the only thing left from the prince! His parents will be heartbroken! He orders the other guards to surround the city orphanages while he searchs for the girl, willing to play dirty if it came to it.
-After a lot of running, Emma finds the tower Norman is kept and decides to hide in there. Ray discovers the tower too and follows Emma, ready to threaten her with her siblings' safety in exchange for the crown. He doesn't expect to see the thief unconscious while a beautiful boy with a thick encyclopedia tucked under his arms drag her under a bed. Ray warily raises his sword, surprised by how much Norman resembles his dad, from the unusual white hair to the blue eye...It was identical to the king.
- Norman has a bad opinion of guards, trusting his books and convinced they hunt down magic people and torture them. But he also knows they’re very good at fighting and can be good shields, perfect to help him cross the supposed traps around the tower. So he hides his fear and acts relieved to see the boy in armor, stating he was hiding from thieves. When asked about his scarred eye Norman made up a story about thieves using violence to get his money, the cut was so deep he couldn’t save his left eye, so he used a substitute.
-Ray know something isn’t quite right with Norman’s story, in fact, he is pretty sure the boy, this younger version of James, is the missing ‘cute angel with red eyes’ his adoptive parents talk all the time about.
-When asked about the missing prince Norman looks genuinely confused, trying to hide behind a little smile and stating his dad Peter never talked about this missing prince.
-Peter hum? That’s either a very strange stream of coincidences or Ray just found the missing prince. That’s the only reason he accepts to escort this very suspicious ‘Norman’ to the city, trading Emma unconscious body (crown included) in return for his service as an escort. The guard ties Emma up and they both leave the tower, keeping an eye on each other. It may look harmless, but Ray knows Norman can do a lot of damage with the encyclopedia he insisted on taking with him.
-Norman tries to act neutral and focus only on finding traps but he doesn’t quite manage. His eyes light up in wonder over everything, spending a little too long rubbing his feet on the grass and trailing his fingers over tree barks. Ray just slowed down whenever Norman took a detour, finding it oddly adorable to see this boy that exude grace discreetly grab dirt from the ground and mumble “Fascinating...” when the dirt rocks dissolve into sand. It’s strange. Underneath his fondness, Ray can’t help but feel sad. If even dirt amazes Norman, he truly must have never left his tower in the 16 years the prince was kidnapped...
- It doesn’t take long for Norman to notice his father lied, there are no traps around the tower. It takes even less time to see Ray may suffer from resting bitch face syndrome but he is pretty nice. So Norman tries to actually speak with Ray, ask about his job and Emma situation. It’s a pleasant but mostly quiet conversation where Ray explains his routine in an unenthusiastic tone and Norman feel increasingly more fascinated by the outside world, feeling betrayed by his books and his father.
- Ray let him touch his hair and examine his armor. It's nice...And it only gets better when  Emma wakes up.
- She whines about her situation for a full minute, glaring and getting in a loud argument with Ray before feeling someone touch her hair antenna. If she wasn't tied down, she would have jumped, finally noticing an amused Norman by her side and then proceeding to gasp "You are the one that knocked me down aren't you??".
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moonlightchess · 4 years
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The Winter Wolves (1)
Eirik and Eija Sturmborn are twins, born to a long local tradition in northernmost Minnesota, of winter wolves and pack wars and family bonds as deep as they are destructive. Things are changing as of late, and worse, not changing at all - they’re adults now, and they have yet to shift into the wolf-skin their wild-bred parents should have passed on to them long ago. Wholly human they remain, albeit strong and hardy and ready to die fighting back the howling rival packs threaded throughout their family’s Gray woods as rumors spread that the Sturmborn twins are never going to make the final change and now is the time to strike, to wipe out the Sturmborn pack entirely so that their dwindling bloodline will finally cease to be a threat in the inevitable statewide pack war that has been simmering for years. 
There’s also the death of their lost brother Sven, years ago, killed in an alpha fight during a wolf run with their parents when the twins were children - as the story goes, anyway. Details are emerging, cults are stirring, and the twins can’t stop dreaming of ravens and death. The Danish Larsen witches to the south who claim Eija’s dearest friend and heart’s desire Sara have no idea that she’s been using her magic to aid the twins in uncovering what really happened to Sven and holding off the Karlsen and Jorgunsson packs for as long as possible. Meanwhile Eirik’s continued clumsy attempts to woo the elegant violinist, the newcomer to Angle Inlet Julian Hassan, are not going well at all. The brutal tragedy and burgeoning madness stirring in their land and their blood are nothing compared to the battlefield of human longing, a truth more evident every day.
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“All religion is only ever a desperate search for the freedom and relief of not being held accountable for your own life, your own future, your own actions,” Eirik told his sister once, huffing the words into a cloud of sawdust as he’d hunched over his current project - a kitchen table for upstairs. “The trick is finding the right god to apply to your personal aesthetic, the right doctrine to inspire your vanity and ego. You have to find the god that’s willing to tell you what you want to hear, who looks the way you think god should look. Once you do, of course you’ll die for them. The mass appeal of Christianity lies in how malleable and forgiving it is, and churches and cults alike all feed on growth. That’s why the Buddhists are so welcoming to any ignorant white college student with a “namaste” bath rug, they’ve figured it out. It’s the same reason romance novels with empty, undefined characters always sell the best. People like to see themselves in things, I revere the old gods as much as anyone, but I’m not stupid. We are nothing if not our own egos. It’s the invite-only religions that you ought to keep an eye on.”
Eija had laughed, the inhalation of a lungful of sawdust of no concern to her. They were woodworkers and potters by trade, the Sturmborns. Her own palm was slowly working out a thick pine splinter from a week ago. “So now my brother is a philosopher,” she’d observed, stealing his iron beer stein for a healthy gulp. At eighteen apiece - twins, they - technically the state laws of Minnesota frowned upon such indulgences. But the town of Angle Inlet was also acutely aware of the elective and social power of its enormously Scandinavian population, who poured beer and honey wine out at winter gatherings for everyone present, including their young. Such was their culture, and they’d been raised into responsible sorts. The ale of tonight was a heady, oaky blend with a thick head of caramel foam, heavily scented of smoked apples.
“Hardly, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about.” Eirik lapsed into a comfortable silence without further elaboration, another habit to which they were prone. She eventually retrieved some homework from under their longest work bench, history tonight, and settled cross-legged on the basement’s gritty stone floor while her brother worked. He was sanding the chair smooth by the time she looked up again, rising to his considerable height - both of them quite tall and sturdy like their parents - to tap her on the top of her head. Her nearly-buzzed snow-blonde hair scraped his fingertips like velcro, and she lifted her head without comment. His own was much longer, down just past his shoulders in thick wheat-blond waves. “It’s getting late.” He handed her the last of the beer stein to finish, which she did, bringing it upstairs to wash later.
The house was quiet, still. They hadn’t seen their parents in weeks, which was not unusual. The wolves had come calling in September, as they were wont to do, and Kaspar and Emma Sturmborn had bolted from the house one night at last, howling and wild and tearing at their clothes. They’d returned once or twice before the autumn chill had cracked the damp haze of summer, naked and soaked in blood, flesh scored raw with gore and gashes that healed in a day or two. On the last night of September though, their mother had been snappish and restless at dinner. Their father’s profoundly sexual longing for her had oozed through his attempts at polite conversation, the occasional baring of teeth suggesting that marital relations weren’t the only carnal craving he was experiencing just then. The blood moon had come.
The howling, the clicking of claws on their porch, the soft whuffing and whimpering of the pack had kept the twins up that night, and in the morning their parents had been gone, lost to the woods with the front door swinging open in the slight breeze. Every year the pack came, and every year they stayed away a little longer. But Eija and Eirik knew hunting, knew canning, fermenting, cooking and cleaning. They knew how to make and repair furniture, ceramics, clothes. They knew how to maintain embers in the wood stove to keep the house warm, and they knew how to play chess to keep each other entertained. Every year they were fine whenever their parents returned, and this bred a sense of confident abandonment in Kaspar and Emma. No questions were ever asked, no details ever offered.
The matter of Sven though, was troubling.
Sven had been their brother, once. He’d been tall and thick like them, pale and blond with a strong jaw and ice-colored eyes so light and glittering they were nearly colorless mirrors. He’d turned with their parents early, tumbling around the woods as a pup and laughing at the way his body had shifted so fluidly from yipping gray wolf to boy and back again. Sven had never stopped laughing, in fact - he’d been funny, loud and bright. He hid Eija’s shoes and teased Eirik into putting his hand into a box full of shaving cream to find out the “secret.” His hugs had always been warm and tight, and one day he’d bounded out the door with his parents and the pack to chase the blood moon and he’d never come back.
There had been a hunt, their parents had explained. A fight, an accident, Sven’s blood splashed dark across the trees and snow. He’d never come back from the woods, and they’d never spoken of him again. Eija though, she kept his sweaters at the back of her closet and would occasionally put one on, for bad nights. She still had Eirik at least, who was steady and intelligent without any of Sven’s lively humor but all of his sturdy support and dependability. Their parents would not speak his name, as if to acknowledge that he had once been would invoke some darkness, violate some pact. Still, on the night of the Friggablot every May, after honoring their mother with dinner and gifts, the twins would slip into the wolf-woods to light a sacred fire for their lost Sven. He never found it, no matter where they camped.
Eirik’s nighttime routine was a quiet one, as was Eija’s. They shared a dinner of beef stew and bread, and Eirik brewed them warm root tea as the sun sank. Wordlessly, they washed the dishes side by side with Eija scrubbing and her brother drying, and he pressed his lips to her temple before they separated for the night. “Drom sott,” were his only words, and she smiled faintly, squeezed his hand. Hausblot had already passed and the nights were going brisk and chilly, but their northern blood was ready and she didn’t bother leaving the woodstove lit. Instead, she waited for Eirik to finish his bath before taking command of the upstairs bathroom herself, the scent of his wood-and-mint soap lingering soothingly. 
She’d cleaned and laid out the old furs for her bed the month before, in preparation for northern Minnesota’s half-year deep freeze, but even snuggling down under at least ten pounds of fur and fabric couldn’t lull her to sleep. Normally this was not an issue for her, but a buzz filled her brain that wouldn’t be silenced even as the night wore on. It was around midnight that she finally abandoned all pretense and let her mind find Eirik, who was not in his bed. He was in fact, directly over her head.
The roof of their log home was flat to the east side and angled to the south, with a lip of log rising up around the perimeter that acted as a sufficient barrier to prevent one from rolling off in their sleep. This had led to some years of the twins sleeping on the roof when there was no rain predicted, and she found him up there several minutes later via the ladder hooked to her bedroom window that only asked for a little swinging and dexterity to get there. The air was sharp and cool, the sky swirling dark, the milk-dense moon casting the world in a pearl glow. An icy, pine-sharp breeze bit through her soft pajamas, and she shivered, tiptoeing across weathered roofing to him.
He’d laid out all of his own thick bedding, his pillow, and in his flannel pajama pants and long-sleeved black henley he looked as comfortable as anything indoors. Eija tossed her own pillow, managing to land it just beside his head so that he didn’t stir, but when she crawled into their now-shared nest of furs and blankets he silently slid an arm around her shoulders to draw her close. His heartbeat steadied under her cheek when she rested her head on his chest, the cool air sweeping out toward the woods unable to cut into the warmth of them, and finally she slept.
A cold, gray-soft dawn had broken when she next opened her eyes, the loss of Eirik’s soothing heat abruptly jarring. He was sitting upright beside her, leaning forward a little and peering out toward the woods. She opened her mouth, but before a breath escaped her he silenced her with a raised hand and pointed. “Look.” His voice was a whisper, strange considering that they were at least ten miles from their closest neighbor. The word floated away from his lips on a cloud of steam as it met the frigid air, his breath dissipating even as she obeyed.
The tree line of the woods surrounding their house began after roughly half an acre of wild growth that served as something of a kitchen garden - their parents had taught them how to grow potatoes, carrots, turnips and herbs to sustain them when trips into town became a snow-packed luxury in the winter months. Eirik’s pale eyes were fixed upon the space now, and after a moment of bleary adjustment, Eija came to understand why. A small collection of people were emerging into the burgeoning light, spilling out from the woods like a tiny swarm of rolling bugs out from under a lifted rock. They were all in dark hooded robes obscuring their faces, but their heights suggested men, women, maybe even children.
“What were they doing in our woods?” Eirik’s hand tightened around her forearm, where it had fallen moments before, and he shook his head to silence her. No one had noticed them yet, they were likely too far away. There were at least ten of them, and the way they moved together felt familiar. A rival pack then, maybe the ones who had challenged their father for his alpha position and killed Sven - laughing Sven -years ago. Eija’s teeth bared themselves and she tensed all over, but Eirik was only alert, watching. The group slowly broke apart, crossing their land on silent feet in the earliest possible morning, several heading west toward the Lost River, others east into town. It wasn’t until the last of them was no longer visible that Eirik seemed to exhale, lifting his hand from Eija’s arm.
Something about what they’d seen felt profoundly wrong, despite the robed figures having done nothing particularly threatening. “It wasn’t a blot,” Eirik said quietly. “Hausblot’s done, they’re quite late if they’re observing out there at this point.”
“Erik the Red’s day?”
“Couple of days too early. Maybe. I don’t know.”
They rolled their bedding in silence and carried the piles back into the house through her bedroom window, where Eirik laid them neatly back across their beds. He slept below Eija’s attic room, down the hall from their parents’ empty bedroom. She realized as she was inhaling deeply of the cold forest scents still clinging to her furs that part of her had hoped their parents would be among the strange hooded figures, on their way home from a few months with the pack. But none had crossed the kitchen garden to enter their house, and some natural instinct had held her back from calling out to the group to ask for them.
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years
This Girl Ain’t Going Anywhere: 4/4
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Here it is, the exciting (I hope!) conclusion! @katie-dub​, I can’t believe it took me almost a year to finish your gift. I really wanted this to incorporate things I know you love, strong female heroes topping that list. I hope you like it!
Summary: The Brothers Jones have built a reputation as the most feared pirates in all the realms. When they hear of the bounty on the heads of two princesses – The Princess of Fire and The Princess of Ice – they don’t hesitate to set sail on the Jolly Roger to hunt them down. But have the Brothers Jones finally met their match?
Rating: T
Also on Ao3
Words: 2,000 and some change in this chapter
Tagging: @snowbellewells @kmomof4 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @xhookswenchx @let-it-raines @kday426 @winterbaby89 @nikkiemms @teamhook @bethacaciakay @thislassishooked @jennjenn615 @distant-rose​@scientificapricot @snidgetsafan @tiganasummertree @resident-of-storybrooke @stahlop @shireness-says @spartanguard @optomisticgirl​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​ @welllpthisishappening​ @wellhellotragic​ @superchocovian​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @courtorderedcake​
The land of the Quapah was typically still, the only sounds the wind whistling eerily. The people themselves were reserved and had a mysterious gentleness about their way of life. So when that quiet was broken by the clanging of steel and shouts, the Jones Brothers were on their feet and racing into the center of the village with swords drawn.
Killian had no idea what kind of warriors, if any, this ancient race possessed, but he shouldn’t have worried. The Quapah wielded swords of blue flame that met steel with a clang and a hiss. They moved with grace and ferocity, and combined their sword play with magic - lifting stones from the earth and hurling them at the enemy.
“Knights of Camelot,” Liam called out to his brother.
“I noticed,” Killian quipped, parrying a blow from one knight as he sent another sprawling with a kick to the stomach. “The red seal of the round table was a bit hard to miss.”
Killian’s blood ran cold as a broad, confident knight galloped into the fray atop a black steed. It was King Arthur himself. Stories of his obsession with the dark arts had become the thing of legend. His wife’s betrayal with the knight Lancelot had only sent Arthur falling further into madness. It wasn’t a foe Killian was keen on facing.
The Quapah hurled magic in Arthur’s direction, and it was a kind of magic Killian had never seen before. The earth trembled, sending rocks spraying in Arthur’s direction. A geyser of water followed after, hitting Arthur square in the chest and knocking him off his horse. The horse reared in terror, then galloped back down the mountainside. In the chaos, Killian saw Arthur race towards the path that led to the temple.
“Liam, the princesses!” he shouted as he took off after the King of Camelot. Liam followed at his heels.
Yet several of the knights of Camelot saw the brothers chasing their king, and soon Liam was battling three of them at once, leaving Killian to face Arthur alone. The king’s face blanched when he saw the hook at the end of Killian’s left arm, and the pirate smirked.
“Never faced a pirate before, your majesty?”
Arthur’s only response was a growl as he swung his sword. Killian met him stroke for stroke, but the king was forcing him up the hill ever closer to the temple that hid Emma and
Elsa. Killian had to draw Arthur away from there, so he spun and swiped at the man’s legs. Arthur anticipated the move, however, dodging to the right. The rocky, hilly terrain threw Killian off balance, and Arthur took advantage of it. Before Killian knew what was happening, he was tumbling down the hill, his cutlass flying from his hand. Well, at least I’m drawing him away from the princesses he thought dryly. His shoulder slammed against a large rock and he groaned as Arthur drew near, laughing. Killian turned his head to see his brother dispatching a knight, but two more were closing in on Liam.
“You shouldn’t bring a hook to a sword fight,” Arthur sneared, grasping the hilt of his sword with both hands.
“Well, I brought a sword,” Killian replied with sarcasm, “but I seem to have misplaced it.”
Arthur brought his boot down on Killian’s shoulder, which he had apparently injured in his tumble down the hill. Killian cried out in pain. Arthur’s sword was coming down on him, and he held his breath -
Suddenly, another sword met Arthur’s with the ring of metal hitting metal. Killian gasped to see Emma standing over him, her face contorted with rage. She had saved him! With a cry, Emma flung her other arm out, and as she did, her entire body became luminescent, her hair glowing like embers. A ball of fire hit Arthur and sent him sprawling backwards.
Killian looked up at her in awe, her name slipping from his lips like a prayer. She looked down at him, eyes ablaze and intense. Behind her, Killian could see more knights of Camelot descending on them both. Where was Liam? Emma flung both her arms out in front of her, dropping her sword. The earth beneath them shook, water spurted up, and the soil beneath Killian undulated like a wave, carrying him backward. Emma turned one palm up and flung her arm skyward. The geysers followed her movement, and Killian’s view of her was blocked by a wall of water.
No voice had ever sounded sweeter, and Killian turned to see his brother being deposited by another wave of earth right next to him. He noticed Elsa on the other side of Liam, but then she flung her arms outward and ice flew from her fingertips. The wall of water instantly froze, and before Killian or Liam could process it, they were completely surrounded by walls of ice.
“No!” Liam shouted, scrambling to his feet and rushing forward. He pounded on the ice wall, yelling Elsa’s name.
“I don’t think that’s going to help,” Killian said, unable to keep the humor out of his voice.
Liam scowled at him. “Why would they do this?”
Killian arched a brow. “To keep us safe, it looks like.”
“But that’s . . . but we’re supposed to -”
“We’re supposed to save them?” Killian laughed. “Hate to break it to you, brother, but it looks like we’re the damsels in distress in this little drama.”
Liam scowled and kicked and pounded at the ice wall. He finally let out an irritated breath and turned on his brother, his hands on his hips. “They do realize we can freeze to death, right?”
As if the princesses could hear Liam Jones, a crackling fire suddenly sprang up in the center of the ice fortress. Killian threw his brother a lopsided grin before plopping down before the fire and rubbing his hands before the flames. He rolled his shoulder as warmth spread down his entire arm. Hm, Emma had even taken care of his injury.
“I don’t know about you, brother,” said Killian smugly, “but I thought Emma looked incredibly sexy saving my life.”
There wasn’t much one ship could do when surrounded by multiple fleets. The Jolly
Roger had no choice but to fly the white flag of surrender.
Yet the attacking fleets had no interest in the codes of war. Anna’s knees buckled and Henry’s face turned white as the enemy ships prepared their canons. Kristoff hugged them both close, praying to every god he could think of as explosions rocked the air. They all braced for impact.
An impact that never came. When one pregnant moment faded into another, those aboard the Jolly finally, hesitantly lifted their heads. Smoke and embers float upon the air around them, as if the cannonballs were disintegrated before they found their mark.
“Look!” Henry cried, pointing.
Through the smoke, two figures seemed to hover above the ocean waves. Elsa seemed to skate across the water on a sheet of ice, wind spinning through the air around her. Walls of water poised to crash turned to ice in her wake, Emma rode along an updraft, fire at her fingertips, turning the sea water to vapor. Her hair writhed around her, her skin sparking, yet she was not consumed. Elsa’s eyes were of arctic ice - blinding, fiery, and piercing. She was a blizzard incarnate, roiling across the sea. Emma obliterated canon balls then absorbed the fiery explosions, the green of her eyes brighter and sparking like emeralds.
An inferno surrounded the enemy ships, Emma in the midst of them, luminous, incandescent, yet the vessels were not consumed. Elsa rose beside her upon a glacier rising slowly from the sea, hailstones raining down like diamonds. Each crystalized weapon disintegrated, however, on impact, the intent not to harm, but to warn. The ocean bit, chilled, blazed at the hands of the two princesses, pushing back the fleets until finally, each ship flew its own white flag of surrender.
Anna realized she was trembling against the railing, scarcely feeling Kristoff’s arms around her. She was numb, stiff, chilled to the bone. Was her sister now the monster everyone claimed?
“Look!” Henry cried. “They’re leaving! All of them!”
“Ann,” Kristoff whispered to her gently, “Anna, it’s over.”
She shook her head, pressing her face to his shoulder. He gently pulled her away, forcing her chin up to meet his eyes. He grinned broadly.
“They saved us without harming a single ship. A battle without a single casualty, Anna, it’s a miracle!”
She blinked and looked around in awe at the suddenly calm seas. Kristoff helped her to her feet and pulled her close. There, across the water, Elsa calmly walked towards them, snowflake shaped crystals of ice bearing her weight. Emma glided next to her, streams of fire pushing her against the waves. They approached the Jolly Roger with elegant ease, then clambered up the ladder to board. When the princesses’s feet hit the boards, Emma ran immediately to embrace her son, and Elsa stood before her sister, confident and with a peaceful smile upon her face. Anna blinked before words spilled from her lips in a rush.
“How did you do that? And you’re not freezing - I mean, of course you froze things, but you aren’t freezing, and . . . oh gods, how did you do that?”
Elsa laughed as she threw her arms around her sister. “We’ll explain it all soon, I promise.”
“Where are Killian and Liam?” Henry asked worriedly.
Emma bit her lip sheepishly. “Yeah, about that . . . “
Elsa laughed. “Liam will probably want to strangle me for literally putting him on ice like that.”
Emma gave a shrug and tilted her chin. “I think Killian thought I was sexy.”
Killian growled, yanking the tie from around his neck and tossing it to the ground. Liam chuckled and bent to retrieve it.
“Those things are designed for people with two hands,” Killian muttered. “I don’t see why I have to wear it anyway, Emma likes my chest hair to breath.”
“This is a royal wedding, little brother,” Liam countered, “I don’t know that chest hair needs to be on display.”
“It’s younger brother,” Killian corrected automatically, but he didn’t protest when LIam took over fixing his tie. It was a bit odd to be in their naval uniforms once again, albeit this time in the colors of Misthaven and Arendelle, respectively. Killian was proud of his new career, yet he would miss his brother. He arched a brow at Liam teasingly. “Do I call you Admiral Liam or King Liam?”
His brother rolled his eyes. “Technically, I’m Prince Consort Liam Jones. Queens under Arendelle law do not share sovereignty. You, on the other hand, little brother, will be king along with Emma when she takes the throne.”
Killian snorted. “I don’t think either of our lady loves need our help to lead their people.”
“No,” Liam agreed, voice laced with pride, “they surely do not.”
“Are you nervous?” Killian asked, feeling like a lad again.
“There, your tie is perfect,” Liam said, patting his brother on the shoulder, “thank the gods you’ll have a wife to do it for you after today.”
Killian was still getting used to doing things one handed, and normally it would rankle that he couldn’t handle a bloody tie. Yet having Emma at his side to help him through it all? Somehow that didn’t bother him quite so much.
“You dodged my question,” Killian pointed out.
“Am I nervous about standing up in front of two kingdoms to declare my vows? Yes. Am I nervous about declaring my vows to the woman I love? Emphatically no.”
Killian smiled in complete agreement with his brother. Watching the women they loved work so hard with the Quapah to balance their powers by calling on all the elements - earth, wind, water, and fire - and then fight for peace between all the realms had only made them fall deeper in love.
“They’re ready for you,” a voice called from the doorway.
The brothers shared a smile, scarcely able to believe how far they had come from their days of servitude. They followed the Arendelle castle steward into the great hall and took their places on either side of the priest. Killian’s heart thundered in his chest, his eyes intent on the large double doors at the end of the hall. Soon, a trumpet sounded, and the doors opened. His breath caught as he saw Emma in a long, filmy white gown, her golden curls tumbling down her back, and flowers in her hair. Elsa was there too, he knew, but he only had eyes for his own bride.
There wasn’t a dry eye in the house as the crown princess of Misthaven and the queen of Arendelle pledged themselves to their childhood sweethearts in a double ceremony. When LIam and Elsa were declared husband and wife, he lifted her off her feet when he kissed her, the queen throwing her arm around his neck in a very undignified manner.
His little brother, of course, had to outdo him. When the priest announced Killian and Emma husband and wife, he dipped his bride as they passionately kissed. The crowd laughed, hooted, and cheered with joy.
Later, the royals greeted their subjects who crowded outside of the Arendelle palace. They stepped out on the balcony, greeted by cheers and shouts. Instead of fireworks, Princess Emma sent sparks of fire racing across the sky in a rainbow of colors. Queen Elsa then sent giant multicolored snowflakes floating down upon the crowds. The people of Arendelle and those who had traveled from Misthaven celebrated into the wee hours of the morning.
The Queen of Ice, however, slipped away with her husband far earlier. They had their own beauty to create. The Princess of Fire also slipped away with her husband to create fireworks of their own. The Brothers Jones had, in fact, met their match, and they were entirely okay with that.
I've searched the world to find my heart is Yours
Oh, my heart is Yours
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lotornomiko · 4 years
Dark Enchanted Forest AU That I don't Yet Have A Title For One
Gift fic for my best friend....she fangirls the darkness from my fic, Beyond Here Lies Darkness. It's a dark dark fic meant to cheer her up.
Everlasting night has fallen over the land, and been that way for centuries, courtesy of the Dark One, who demands a monthly tribute of female flesh. Princess Emma doesn't think this or the fact no one has tried to fight the darkness, right, and decides to go to it, as its monthly tribute, but really goes with the intention of being the savior that vanquishes the darkness once and for all. She's about to find herself vastly outmatched.
Even in the darkest hour, there is always some light, as Emma is about to discover first hand the truth behind the tributes, and just what that power inside her is, and what it means to the Darkness...
No Storybrooke, it's an Enchanted Forest AU...dark dark fic as my friend wanted.
This here is a gift fic dedicated to my bestie, Huntress...Recently I inadvertently spoiled something that has to do with the planned ending for my Beyond Here Lies Darkness fic. She was pretty devastated about it, to the point to try and cheer her up, I am trying to do a fic where the Darkness wins. It’s meant to be a dark fic, but it’s not set in Storybrooke, as I couldn’t see Emma Swan as ever truly giving in and submitting to the dark or forgiving it...however I started brainstorming, and thought maybe some crazy Enchanted Forest AU, where the curse was never cast, so Emma grew up a Princess..
This is meant to be a dark fic, so please be advised, there will be rape/non con/forced seduction (Whatever flavor you prefer to call it personally), and violence among other themes. If blatant dark themes are not your cup of tea, I strongly advise you to turn back. The first chapter may start off somewhat light, but I can guarantee it won’t STAY that way for long….
There’s the mad stampede of what had to be over one thousand hooves hitting dirt, stone, and whatever else lay covering an ill repaired and not often used path. Easily close to five hundred horses pounding down that shamble of a road, splitting the long abandoned pavement further apart. They brought with them the sound of thunder, and the desperate fury of the King and Queen’s army, that bright regime colored in soft blues and golds, and armed to the teeth for the war they were prepared to wage. For beneath the thin fabric of their kingdom’s color, lay the glint of the metallic, the armor each man wore, many covered from head to toe, the steel and iron painted with symbols that had nothing to do with their country, and everything to do with being wards of protection.
Those wards extended from every known corner of the land, some dating back hundreds, if not thousands of years in age. Dark inks and in some cases actual blood, used to create those desperate symbols in which they all pinned their hopes on, that desperate army continued on, pushing down that pathway that was looking more and more like the forest ahead of them was hell bent on reclaiming it entirely, the horses were worked to the fine lather of their limits, and beyond, several of the magnificent steeds suddenly just dropping down abruptly.
No one turned, no one even paused, horses made to go around, even jump over the obstacles of their brethren. With snorts of exhaustion, and even the occasional whinny of fear, these fine examples of flesh, were made to run, to give chase even at the personal cost to themselves. Those few horses who dared tried to slow down, were whipped by merciless hands, no quarter or rest given by an army in so fervent a pursuit.
Their quarry, not more than a few dozen kilometers away, flew with the grace and speed of something unholy. It was more than a self righteous fury, or that need to self sacrifice for the good of the people. It wasn’t even that self possessed determination, the woman already half caught and she just didn’t have the good sense to realize it. Her horse ran and it ran without tiring, the long bright gold of the woman’s hair streaming out behind her like a beacon, the only source of light in an otherwise in a never ending black that was the eternal night of this world.
That night had blanketed the world on a day none living had ever had the privileged to have seen. Not this generation, or the last, or the many that preceded them. The sun in all its rumored glory, had been lost, the world cast into this void of cold and dark, where each soul had been left, battered and afraid, clinging to what they could for comfort and warmth. They weren’t a forsaken people, though abandoned by all that was holy they were, the one being they could dare to compare to God, the very creature who had plummeted them all into this eternity of madness.
The Dark One.
It was a whispered thought in all their minds, that being of pure evil, a creature none had lived to see and talk about. Its menace however, was felt throughout the world, and not just for the sun it had stolen from them. The famine and the desperation, the sacrifices made, the tribute it demanded on a monthly basis, all the lives lost as a result. There was nothing but despair to be found, and yet a determined people kept trying, living and adapting through the many horrors, clinging to one another in these desperate moments, whole civilizations worth of people working to get by as best they could. Even with that horrible price looming over their heads, daughters, sisters, even wives, lost to that darkness.
No one knew WHY the dark demanded a new female be brought to it each month, just that it did, a life sacrificed every month for hundreds of years, so that everyone must else might keep on surviving.  It was a necessity that no one much liked, but the cost against going against the Dark One, had already proven time and time again too high. The greater good of the many was bought on the backs of that monthly tribute.
It was disgusting! Her stomach curled with just the thought of it, with how beaten down everyone, including her parents, were. A King and A Queen, not even they tried to defy the Dark One. They, ALL of them, just went on living that bleak existence, bartered off of a sacrifice that brought nothing but misery and more tears, no one was left unaffected, not a single family, not even that of the nobility. But the princess’ time had never come, not in all of her twenty one years of life. She was told to be grateful for the miracle of being overlooked, to just keep on living her life for as long as she still had it, but the princess simply couldn’t. She had seen the devastation done to those called upon, to the pain and heartbreak of their family and loved ones, to the resignation of the one marked for sacrifice. She couldn’t, wouldn’t feel grateful for being spared that, not when everyone should be doing more than just accepting the tribute as a permanent part of life. That it had been centuries however, since anyone had thought to hunt down and fight the Dark One, didn’t much matter. If everyone, including her parents, were too cowardly to face it, then let the princess herself be the one to put an end to this madness!
With that thought, that DESIRE in mind, she felt bouncing at her back, the stuffed quiver of her mother’s best made arrows. The princess was good with a bow, and stood a better chance of winning with that than with the sword she had stolen from her father’s armory. She had brought it all the same, though the young woman didn’t expect to win if it came down to a clashing of swords. The Dark One was fast, this ancient, evil entity one of magic and cruelty. The princess’ best chance, was to strike from a far, an arrow to that black heart that felt and knew nothing of love and good.
Behind her in vigorous pursuit was an army, the men that her parents had dispatched to stop her. She couldn’t help feel a small smidge of resentment that they could send out the military for this, for her, but not let loose the soldiers to take down the dark menace who had terrorized the world for centuries. She couldn’t hate them for it though, for no parent had ever found it easy to send a daughter off to the Dark One’s forest.
Her parents no different, no less loving than any other who had lost a daughter as tribute, not even their heart break could get the princess to stop. Her ambition, as mad as it was, was also an act of desperate and determined heroics, a savior needing to bring to end this never ceasing cycle of terror and cruelty, and with none in sight, the princess had appointed the only one who was still willing to try! It did not make for her being any less nervous and afraid, every step forward one step closer to what might be her spectacular victory, or an equally as unimpressive a failure.
The dark forest loomed in the distance, all gnarled wood, and menacing atmosphere. A bolt of stray lightning seemed to split the sky, but any rumble of thunder was lost to the sound of all those horses running. She urged her own ride faster, the stallion whinnying in a distress that didn’t have all to do with the fact they have been journey for more than two nights worth of time. He too was nervous, nostrils flaring as though the animal scented something foul. The princess could only whisper a prayer, fervently hoping she wasn’t about the be thrown from his back or worse.
Never once did it cross her mind, that there might be one more pair of eyes watching. Narrowed with a considering gleam that compelled the horse forward. The beast snorted and whined with its fear, its legs moving not of its own accord, bringing the princess, the tribute, closet to her ultimate destiny. The stallion picked up speed, the distance widening between it and the army in pursuit, and this time when lightning flashed, it struck down on the ground directly behind her, splintering it in such a way, that the first of the horses reared up in alarm.
The princess heard the cry, heard the man shouting in an effort to calm his horse down. She might have even spared a glance back over her shoulder, but the mist was upon her, swallowing her and her steed up. It was the shock of wet ice upon her, and impossible to see through, but the stallion kept plowing forward. Fear of a different kind caused her to try and pull on the beasts’ reins, the princess fearing they would stumble headfirst into the border of the Dark One’s forest, and smash against one of the many thick trees.
The horse seemed to ignore her, running forward even faster now. Long gone was the sound of the pursuit, the eerie quiet of the mist disrupted only by a night hawk’s screeching overhead. One hand’s fingers still tangled upon the reins, the princess began to unfasten the delicate in appearance cross bow from the topmost saddle bag. An arrow was quickly slid into slot, wires primed and made ready, the princess wide eyed and alert, fearing as though the entire forest would hear the terrified beat of her heart.
Abruptly, both wet and shaking from the mist, they found themselves THERE, not at its borders, but inside the deepest part of the woods. The princess couldn’t quite contain her gasp, the trees that surrounded her so tightly knitted together, that there was only one path, with no room for maneuvering, the horse padding to a stop. It panted from its exhaustion, pushed beyond the limits of its endurance, the horse’s legs actually shaking.  The princess had no way of knowing that the horse’s deathly pallor, wasn’t entirely all her own fault, but that a dark magic had also been at work. She just heard the tired exhale, the stallion close to breathing out its last breaths, and found herself to blame.
“I am sorry.” The princess whispered, stroking the horse’s coarse mane one last time, before sliding off its back. “And thank you...” She didn’t make to remove any of the saddle bags, knowing she needed to be light on her feet to be quick enough to stand a chance against that which she was hunting.
Her eyes used to the dark of night, were in no way prepared for the sudden burst of light in the distance. It wasn’t the sun though, wasn’t even the blaze of a fire, or the soft illumination of the kingdom’s many lamps. Each one was barely bigger than her thumb, and so low to the ground, as though to light the way for her feet. She thought that strange, and was made leery, realizing that someone, or rather some THING was expecting her now.
The shiver that went through the princess, didn’t have all to do with the cold left over from the mist. She found herself shaking with every step, though never once did she hesitate. It was simply too late for any second thoughts, and she was about to die a hero, not run away sniveling and crying like a coward. She followed the light, that continued to pop up just ahead of her. It was never enough to get her bearings, though it did keep her from tripping over the gnarled and exposed roots of several trees. She never once saw sign of a living thing, though she heard it all the same. Howls of what had to be wolves, sharp squawks of birds, even the buzz of insects. And larger yet, something big and heavy crashing about, something so immense in size, she hoped that it wasn’t the Dark One that she had to face.
She kept walking, her unease building from all the noise that the princess was hearing. It was making her border on hysteria, the princess starting to take aim in the direction of the worst sounds. She was no longer watching the light that guided her, the tip of her boot hitting something solid. She quickly spun in its direction, ready to fire off an arrow, and realized nothing was in front of her. Nothing that is, except for the half formed skull of some long dead human. Was it from the monthly tribute, or was it even older than that, some hero who had once sought to put an end to the very creature she too now hunted? It was too dark to say, and she was in no condition to want to truly contemplate either answer for neither would bring her any solace.
She moved on, stepping over the remains of the skull, but also keeping attuned to the sounds. It was so noisy, the loudest of sounds to perhaps cover what might already be upon her. She led with her crossbow, the pointed tip of the arrow ready and willing to spring free at a split second’s notice. It was getting harder and harder to NOT let loose with an arrow, her fear almost palpable, worries and insecurities trying to lay into her like a heavy cloak.
“This was a mistake.” They said. “You should have never have come. You’re not strong enough to do what needs to be done. You will NEVER be strong enough. No one will.”
She tried not to give in, didn’t so much as lower her crossbow, not certain if that was her fears talking, or that of the Dark One messing her with mind.
“I am not afraid of you!” She cried out in bold face lie.
“But you will be.” Immediate was her answer, the arrow flying towards the direction of that voice. She heard a telling thunk, realized it had not struck whoever had spoken, but instead had slammed into the bark of a tree. The princess swore in a way most unbecoming of a lady, and quickly reached towards the quiver on her back.  Laughter accompanied her movements, low but decidedly male sounding, and ever so amused. She loaded and primed the crossbow, shot it off in the direction where she thought the laughter originated from. That one went further, whistling through the air, until it abruptly went silent. As though it had been pluck mid flight, with no rhyme or reason as to what might have happened to it. The same result would follow with the next arrow the princess fired off, and the next, until soon all she had left was an empty quiver, the now made useless crossbow, and her father’s stolen sword at her hip.
She closed her eyes briefly for one moment, made dizzy and further afraid. She was certain she stood no chance at winning, not with a blade as her one and only defense. She reached for it all the same, the young woman determined to go down fighting rather than just lay down and die. It was a scream not a whimper, that escaped her, the princess charging blindly forward, swinging wildly. She was not expecting the metal to meet with her sword, or the sparks that resulted from the two connecting. It still wasn’t enough light, but she caught the shadowy figure of what had to be a man. The Dark One!? Or someone pretending to be him!? She wasn’t even sure the latter was possible, no one could be so daring, so INSANE!
The sword pushed at hers, the princess forced back several steps. With the connection broken, so too did the sparks leave them, that form once again lost to the darkness of the forest. She was literally left fighting blind, swinging her father’s sword about wildly, hoping against hope to hit against something. The only time that she did, was to meet that metal blade once more, sparks flying up to reveal bits and pieces of that shadowy form that advanced upon her unrelentingly. It never once made the starting move, always leaving the young woman to advance with the offensive,
“Stop toying with me!” She snapped, furious to realize that creature was only PLAYING with her. “Fight me fair, and fight me real!”
“Fair it can never be...” Came the dismissal. “But if it is real you be wanting, that I can do.” The satisfaction that slithered in that voice, was accompanied by the first true offensive move, the princess just barely getting her sword up in time. Her arms HURT from the effort, the blow that struck her father’s sowrd, felt to the marrow of the young woman’s bones. There was no time to recover, or reconsider her words, another attack coming, and another, her sword making desperate but ultimately paltry attempts at fending off the barrage. She was being driven back, step by step, and sapped of her strength and bravado bit by stinging. Worse, the only light that now was, came from the sparks of the two blades clashing, steel against steel grinding together, and each time her sword was a little slower, her arms just that much more tired.
She was LOSING. She felt it every time she got cut, small slices here and there that bled thickly, and strung sharply, but weren’t ultimately killing blows. It made her angry, and it made the princess ever more desperate, the young woman suddenly abandoning her defense, to stab her sword downwards, towards what she hoped was the man---the creature’s thigh. She heard a hiss, hers and his, each strike landing true. The princess fell back against a tree for support, her breath coming out in wild pants that were just short of hyperventilating. She had been stabbed, as effectively as he---IT had been, but only one of them was the worse for wear.
“Good form.”
“Go rot in hell.” Is what she spat out at it. There was a long beat of anticipation, one that went on for much too long. “What are you waiting for!?” The princess demanded, and pained as she was, she still managed to let the defiance gleam in her expression. “DO IT!” She had meant the last as a means to goad him into ending her at long last, and not the kiss she received instead.
She still couldn’t see him---it truly, but she felt it all the same, a hot heavy mouth pressing down against hers, lips that were firm and cruel, and unrelenting in their need to absolutely dominate. They didn’t ask, and they certainly didn’t beg, her surrender a demand it expected her to heed. The princess started to gasp in response, skin crawling in unease, and then thought better of it, biting down hard on the lip. She tasted the coppery tang of blood, heard a grunt that wasn’t wholly dissatisfied, the kiss continuing unabated.
Desperate, and panicked in a way that was wholly new to her, the princess tried to shove her attacker off balance. A growl was her reward, a body pressing against hers with an urgent grind that couldn’t hide the weapon still stuck inside. She let him have the kiss, let him think he was victorious, while surreptitiously making her move. This time when her hands landed on him, it wasn’t to push him away, but to signal her acceptance of the situation. Her soft little lips voiced a sigh, letting his tongue slip inside. It was her first experience with such a kiss, and she was charmingly clumsy in her deceit, her fingers stroking down, down his body, searching and exploring, and he didn’t seem to suspect a thing. Not until after her fingers closed around the hilt of her father’s sword, the princess somehow managing to wrench it free of the man—the monster’s leg in a less than fluid like motion.
There was a snarl, more furious surprise than any true pain voiced, the sword’s bloodied tip being pressed to the creature’s chest. The princess grip was a white knuckled one, her sword arm shaking from the effort to keep it up. “Any last words, monster!?”
The laugh that followed such words, was darkly sinister, rolling through her. She shivered in response, but did not let it destroy her defiance and determination. “So be it then!” She said, and used the last of dwindling strength to piece the Dark One’s heart.
To Be Continued….
Hmm….can’t really think of much to say at the moment.  Got a lot going on in real life, though I suspect we all do, cause of the virus...been trying to find my writing muse, but not having much luck on that front. This be a gift fic for my best friend, and I think I covered what I wanted to say in the author’s note before the fic started….
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Be honest with yourself, are you proud of your actions? Yes. If there’s one good thing going for me it’s that I’m happy with the things I’ve done, overall. I regret few of my actions.
Have you ever had an operation? No, and the thought scares me to be honest. I get uncomfortable with the idea of being put under anaesthesia or being cut open D:
Favorite sit-down restaurant? Yabu, Frankie’s, or Mendokoro Ramenba. Missing all these places bigtime, too. I can’t wait to start getting my internship money, heh. Chicken wings will probably be one of the first things I’d buy.
What have you eaten today? I had sushi bake with nori sheets in the afternoon, during a lull at work.
Who has made you laugh the hardest in the last week? Rhett and Link, if people from YouTube count. But Angela made me laugh quite a bit today, if you’re looking for an irl person.
If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be? But would I be down with the tattoo...? Probably should have been the first question you asked, haha.
What is something you find romantic? I like different ways of saying I love you without having to say those words. Like, “I thought of you when I saw this,” or “Should I drive to you?” or “Did you get home safe?” Those are my favorite things to hear when in a relationship; it makes me feel I’m looked out for, which I appreciate.
What is your style? Sometimes I like going the 90s route with graphic tees and high-waist denim jeans, but other days I like to look more modern or chic.
If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be? Not that I enjoy doing it, but I’d love to visit Nacho’s resting place right now. I’m just not sure if I’m allowed to go out at this time. I’m certainly hoping he wasn’t alone today and that he got a lot of love.
What is the best movie you have ever seen? Good Will Hunting.
What makes you attracted to the person you like right now? Intelligence.
What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about? I don’t appreciate jokes on miscarriages and rape, and those that poke fun at transphobia. Jokes on suicide and mental health issues can sometimes be offensive, but it depends on the context.
How long was your longest relationship? 4 years.
Would you rather live in a castle or a spaceship? I’d take the castle. I personally prefer the spaceship a lot more, but I feel like I’d be barfing in there a lot lmao. Also, the amount of controls and buttons that I’ll have to move around will probably overwhelm me.
Have you ever felt unimportant in someone’s life? Unfortunately, yes.
Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear? No. Not my gift of choice either, so I’d say it’s a good thing that no one has made one for me.
Did you have any unread texts this morning? I don’t think so, no.
What are your initials? RIAC.
What is your definition of “having sex”? I don’t feel like describing it in detail lol, just look it up.
Who was the last person you were “in a relationship with” on Facebook (including anyone you may have put “in a relationship with” for a joke)? I never used that feature on Facebook. I don’t like sharing too much personal info on there, because Filipino relatives tend to be nosy and gossip around lol. All they need to see are the memes I share and my political stances.
Do you think a relationship with a 16-year-old girl and a 35-year-old man would work out? Do you think age differences like that (when they’re under 18) should be legal? 16 years old...say that again, but slowly. That’s pretty disgusting.
Were you ever “the other man/woman”? How did it turn out? How do you feel about it today? No. I’d never want to be; I wouldn’t know how to deal with it if I ever found out I was one.
What do you think of open relationships? If your partner suggested it, what would you say? i dont care what other people do, but that is not for me.  < Sums it up well.
Would you ever date out of your race? I’m open to it. I don’t see why I shouldn’t be.
Who were you with yesterday? Just family, but I was mostly by myself.
Have you ever had a reptile for a pet? Nope.
What time do you have to get up tomorrow? My work starts at 9 AM so I always have to be up by then, but because I like taking a shower and polishing the work I did the day before, I personally like to be ready anywhere between 8–8:30 AM.
Have you ever kissed anyone with a tattoo? I never have.
What kinds of alcohol do you like? I like cocktails; I like having a good, chill time with friends and I’m usually not in a hurry to get drunk, so cocktails are the perfect drinks for me for most situations. As for hard drinks, I usually go for tequila shots and whatever Bacardi is.
Did you have a swing set when you were a kid? We didn’t, but as a kid I regularly came over to my cousins’ place who did have a playground and they had a variety of swings that I loved riding.
Can you do the alphabet in sign language? Incompletely.
Have you ever been so hurt that you wanted to stop feeling completely? Of course.
State you most want to visit? Illinois, but only for Chicago.
What is a book that you really want to read? I’m not really eyeing any at the moment, but I’m currently reading Midnight Sun. Except by ‘currently’ I really mean reading a few pages or so once a week lol. I’ve always been terrible at reading books as a teenager/adult.
What brand was the last lotion that you used? I don’t remember anymore. I don’t use lotion often.
What color is your underwear? Green.
What was the last type of cookie that you ate? Sandwich cookies. They were Oreos.
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? In a happier place, mentally. I’d give an arm and a leg to be there rn.
What genre was the last song you listened to? R&B I think.
What sort of surveys catch your interest and which ones bore you? I like ones with random questions or those with themes that I can relate to, like college or film surveys. I can’t say I enjoy surveys that ask what kind of X you are and then just lists down traits that you’re asked to bold or not. Bolding surveys can also be kinda bleh, but I like putting my own twist on them and elaborating on each entry so that I don’t finish them too quickly.
What books do you usually enjoy reading and which do you not enjoy? I enjoy autobiographies. I don’t like the fantasy and epic genres, or anything that has too many fictional or supernatural elements.
What is something that you really want to try, whether it’s a hobby, food, etc.? Baking! I feel like it would be therapeutic for me, so it’s something I want to get into. It’d be awesome to master chocolate chip cookies.
What websites do you frequent most often? YouTube these days, for sure. I also use a lot of Google Suite for work.
The last person you found attractive — what did they look like? Big eyes, medium-length hair, bright smile.
If you could go back in time, would you prefer to go forward or backward? this question is so jacked LOL. "if you could go back, would you go foward?" go away. < Hahahaha true, but I’d go forward in time. I want to fast forward to feeling happy again, if that will even be the correct guess.
Post a link to the last video you watched online. Aw man, your timing made me a little sad. I’m currently watching the GMM episode that featured Kobe Bryant a few years ago.
Is there anything bothering you at the moment? You bet there is.
What color was the last shirt you wore? I’m wearing a black and white striped shirt right now, but the one I wore before this had a leopard print.
What sort of things do you like to post or look at on Tumblr? I just do surveys full-time now, man. I hopped off the fandom side of Tumblr 6-7 years ago and this has been my ~main blog since, if I had to call it anything.
What scent was the last candle you burned? It was just a plain candle that we had to light up because we had a blackout. I don’t really get my own candles to relax or whatever.
What type of people are you usually attracted to? I’m demi, so it will always differ. I don’t have a ‘type’ of person.
Do you collect anything? If so, what? Can’t say I do.
When you look to your left, what is the first thing you see? What about the right? I see my bed on the left, and the wall and the glare from my phone on the right.
What room are you currently in? What color are the walls/floor? I’m in my bedroom. Walls are white, floor is brown.
What color is the last blanket you used? Pink but it has polka dots of various colors. My light is currently turned off and it’s dark, though, so I don’t feel like reaching for my blanket just to list down its other colors.
What do you smell like right now? I think I just smell like person...I wasn’t around strong scents today.
If it was possible to celebrate a holiday everyday, which would you choose? That would get boring really fast, but idk...Christmas, I guess? It’d be nice to have big grand dinners everyday and to see regularly relatives I only see 1-2 times a year.
If you could compare yourself to a celebrity or character, who would it be? Mr. Peanutbutter from BoJack Horseman. Loyal, wacky, covers everything up with humor, very expressive when it comes to love.
Which male celebrities do you find attractive? Timothée Chalamet, Troye Sivan, Mark Ruffalo.
Which female celebrities do you find attractive? Kristen Stewart, Kate Winslet, Rosamund Pike, Claire Foy, Courteney Cox, Mila Kunis, Emma Stone.
If you could marry one of your favorite celebrities and have a happy relationship until the end of your days, who would it be? I’d go with Mark Ruffalo, heh
What song are you listening to at the moment? I have Good Mythical Morning on, not music.
What is currently on your desk? Just my headphones at the moment. I usually use my laptop on the desk too, but right now I prefer to be on the floor just because.
What brand is your computer? Apple.
What are the last things you ate and drank? For eat, I had sushi bake with nori sheets. For drink, I had water.
How often do you take naps and how long do they usually last? I take naps in the afternoon but only on weekends now, because work. How long they last always varies, depending on how hot it is in my room. Higher temperature = quicker, less satisfying naps.
Which season do you wish lasted all year? I definitely wish we got rain all year.
What is the last part of your body that itched? My back.
Is there anything that you should be doing right now? Nope. My day is over and I’m happy to take a survey or two tonight.
Is there anything you’re craving right now? Pad thai. I did ask my dad to make it again, so I should expect it any day soon.
How do you take your tea? I don’t drink tea.
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Hoping for Home Ch 8 - Burning House
Summary: Sixteen years ago Libby Scott was supposed to become Queen of Cordonia, but Fate had other plans. Catch up here.
Special Thanks to @ritachacha for pre-reading and @ao719 for constantly being my sounding board for this piece. ily both
Disclaimer: I don’t own the TRR characters, they own me.
Song Rec  for this Chapter: “Burning House” by Cam
Tags:  @ao719@cocomaxley@leelee10898@fullbeaumonty@choiceswreckedme@ritachacha@itsstillnotwhatyouthink@blackcoffee85@indiacater@drakesensworld@carabeth@daniv2278@cosigottahavefaith@gibbles82@innerpostmentality@perfectprofessorherokid@darley1101@jovialyouthmusic @liamxs-world@thequeenofcronuts@blznbaby@zilch3382@wannabemc2 @jlouise88@lodberg@jasieschoices@aworldoffandoms @lynne1993 @valtorian-duchess @bbrandy2002 @hopefulmoonobject @dianalend@desiree-0816 @emichelle @lettersofwrittencollective
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    "Good morning, Your Majesties." Libby singsonged with a brief curtsey as she entered the breakfast hall.
      Liam and Olivia exchanged glances as the twins looked on in wonder. 
     "Good Morning, Duchess." Liam responded. "It's lovely, if not out of character, to see you so chipper in the morning."
    Olivia quirked a knowing brow at the other redhead in the room as she stabbed a slice of melon.
     "Perhaps Her Grace got a good night's rest?"
    Libby dragged the mug of coffee the servant on her left had just poured closer to herself, eyes fixed sheepishly on the table and unable to hide the smirk on her lips.
     "Oh well now I'm just intrigued. Libby spill." Olivia retorted.
     "My queen this is neither the time or place for that." Liam said, slicing into his French toast.
     The queen looked quickly between her husband and his former flame. Deciding that Liam had certainly not been Libby's late night rendezvous, she returned her attention to her fruit bowl.
      "Will Max and the Walkers not be joining us this morning?" Emma questioned.
     Liam swallowed the gulp of coffee in his mouth.
    "I arranged for their breakfast elsewhere. I had something I wanted to speak to our Valtorian guests about privately."
    Will shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Valtorian. Just the thought made him cringe. The longer they stayed in Cordonia the more he wished to be free of this place. All of the pomp and circumstance was extremely off-setting. He had always wanted to know his father, but if he had known that would mean all of this...maybe his mother had been right to shield them from it.
    "I had hoped we could head to Applewood Manor today. Just the four of us. I'd very much like to take the twins on their first Royal Hunt."
    "The four of us?" Libby questioned, caught slightly off guard.
    "I have no interest in visiting the ruins yet again. And horses are only good for polo and battle, neither of which will be taking place today." Olivia piped up.
     "Hunting? Like hunting?" Emma asked incredulous. 
     "Nah. The Royal Hunt is only symbolic now. It's a trip down old royal hunting grounds on horseback that brings the court to an ancient Cordonian village. There are ruins not far from the village that I assume the queen is referring to. It's rumored that the fabled fire tribe from Cordonian folklore called them their home." Will explained as the rest of the room went silent.
    "What?" He shrugged pushing his eggs around his plate. "I know how to read. History is-"
    "Your favorite subject?" The King finished for him, "Mine as well. I must admit, Will, I'm impressed. It warms my heart to see you take such an interest in your new home country."
     "Well I think that settles it then, we'd be happy to accompany you, King Liam." Libby answered and her former fiance shot her a look that told her he picked up on her subtle sarcasm.
     "Fantastic. I'll have security ready a car. We'll head out to Applewood this afternoon." 
      Liam tapped the mahogany door to Emma's room. After a breath she opened it with a broad smile.
     "Hello Your Majesty. Please come in." She curtsied quickly, stepping aside to let Liam in.
     On her bed there were a few open portfolios scattered about, yet organized all at once. It reminded Liam of the desk in his study.
     "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were busy. I can come back…" he started but the young girl shook her head.
    "It's okay. I've got plenty of time to finish my campaign platform."
     Liam quirked an eyebrow as he ambled to the mattress plucking one of the pages from it's stack.
     "Student body president?" he asked.
     Emma nodded, knotting her fingers together sheepishly.
     "I was the first freshman to win. And I took sophomore year easily too. I know that I may not be attending for junior year," she paused, her face flashing with a mix of sadness and uncertainty, "but I'd like to be prepared just in case."
     "There is still so much that hangs in the air until we get those results isn't there?"
     She nodded solemnly, taking a seat near the head of the bed.
    "You know, no matter who your father is, political savvy is in your blood."
    "Well you're a king, of course." 
    Liam nodded in agreement before wetting his lips to continue, "Did you know that Maxwell's brother, Duke Bertrand of Ramsford, attended the same Cordonian boarding school as my older brother Leo?"
     Emma crossed her legs beneath her. "Mom told me a little about him. He abdicated right? And the Duke was Mom's sponsor when she came here."
    "Right on both counts. Anyway during their senior year my father encouraged Leo to run for student body president or rather the school's equivalent. He'd done so every year, and every year he won. Of course no one ever ran against him because he was the crown prince. But in their final year, Bertrand Beaumont ran against him. He had a very persuasive campaign. And do you know what?"
    "Bertrand won?"
    "By a landslide. My father was furious, but truth be told Leo was glad. The best man won and he knew it. I suspect even then he knew he had no intentions of taking the crown, he never did like the leadership role."
    "So politics runs in the Beaumont blood as well?"
    "Very much so."
     Emma grinned and the room filled up with a comfortable silence.
    "If I'm able to return to school I think I'll use that in my platform next campaign. It'll be hard to not elect foreign nobility after all." Emma finally laughed.
    "If you choose to, I say milk it for all it's worth, my dear." Liam joked rising from his perch. "I'll leave you to it then,and catch up with you on the way to Applewood, young Emma."
              The trip along the path of the Royal Hunt had taken half of the next day and Libby swore it was longer than she remembered. Emma was as bright eyed and bushy tailed as ever and Will and Liam had spent the entirety of the trip ahead of the ladies deep in conversation about Queen Kenna Rys, the legendary first ruler of what is today Cordonia. 
       As the village appeared on the horizon, Liam rounded his horse back to face Libby and Emma. "Shall we continue on to the ruins first, ladies?"
      Libby nodded, pulling slightly at the reigns of her horse edging him down the wood covered path.
      "Your memory certainly serves you well, Duchess. I'm a little surprised you remember the way." The king called as he fell in line behind Libby and the twins.
     "I'm not," she thought smirking at Liam over her shoulder. "This is where I first fell in love with Maxwell."
         The Ruins at Applewood - 17 years ago
      Libby had shared a private moment with each of her friends at the ruins. It was interesting to hear everyone's insights on the awe inspiring place.
     She found Maxwell last, skipping stones across the face of the river near the center of the crumbling landscape.
     "Not a bad toss." she smiled sidling up next to him.
    "My record is five skips. It's not much, but it's respectable. Though there was probably some kid who lived here who could skip a stone over ten times. Wanna give it a try?"
     Maxwell came up behind her, a wide grin on his face. He gifted her the stone and placed his hands on her forearms, his chest pressed against her back.
    Libby's body sighed into him, relishing in his warmth.
   "The trick is to clear your mind and become one with the rock. It is an extension of your will."
     The young redhead tried to do as she was directed, but with Lord Beaumont so close all she could think about was his heavenly scent. Hazelnuts and fresh brewed coffee. Her hand went limp as she breathed him in, the stone falling haphazardly into the water with a splash.
    "I guess its an acquired skill. But that's okay." Maxwell hiked up his pants as he squatted down to pick up a few more stones.
     "You know, I don't really know all that much about you." Libby mused.
    "There's not really much to know."
    "Really? I've seen you talk about yourself for hours at our social events."
   Maxwell sighed skipping another stone before reaching around to rub the back of his neck.
    "That's just, y'know, small talk. Nothing real."
    "Tell me something real."
   "What do you want to know?"
   Libby turned away from the water, her eyes meeting the deep blue of Maxwell's. She tucked her lip between her teeth as she was wont to do before continuing.
    "Have you ever loved someone before?"
    "Oh...you don't play around with these questions do you?"
    "I do not."
    Maxwell sighed, puffing his cheeks before exhaling. "Well Bertrand is the more eligible between the two of us. He's the Duke of Ramsford after all. I always kind of thought I'd figure things out once he was married; but I don't think bertrands gotten any closer to getting married...but there's no need to dwell too much on it."
    Libby nodded solemnly.
    " Mmmmmhmmm," she hummed, sucking her teeth. "But I didn't ask you about your eligibility. I asked you if you'd ever fallen in love."
    Maxwell blinked unbelievingly. "I...uh…"
    She could see the slightest tinge of pink creeping onto his cheeks as he rubbed his hair, eliciting a giggle from her.
    "Yes. Only once, but she's way out of my league."
      He stared deep into her eyes, the two transfixed on one another as if the rest of the world had simply fallen away.
     "Come on guys, let's get back to the others." Drake's voice broke their trance and Maxwell cleared his throat, cheeks as red as Cordonian Rubies.
     "Uh, I'll uh race ya back to the village?" He stammered.
    "You're on, Lord Beaumont," she gulped.
          Applewood Manor - Present day
      It was thick and billowing as Libby staggered down the hallway. She wadded up her tank top, covering her nose and mouth as she coughed, her lungs and eyes burning.
     "Li-Liam!" she croaked frantically, scanning the labyrinth before her, lit only by the rim flickering of the flames from somewhere ahead.
         More coughing.
    She leaned her shoulder against the wall, the surface warm to the touch already. Her breaths were coming shorter, vision blurring from her wheezing. 
   "Liam! Liam please! Where are you?"
      Libby leaned her head against the wall, closing her eyes and steeling her nerves before pushing off of the surface with purpose.
     Again she staggered down the corridor, finally falling into a drawing room of some sort, pitch black but not as smoky, the embers having not reached this far yet.
   Frantically she lunged at the window, her body bouncing off of the glass although it remained intact.
   "Libby? Libby follow my voice." 
    She jumped at the sound to her left, turning towards it but finding only darkness.  The smoke was beginning to thicken once more, curling into her nostrils and seeming to singe the inside.
    "Liam? Where are you? I can't find you,"
    "I'm just here, darling. Follow my words, my love. You can do this Libby. Come back to me."
    She edged closer to the sound, arms outstretched, fumbling in the abyss.
     A plume of fire erupted through the doorway and she stumbled to the side blinking in the sudden illumination. 
     Liam sprang forward, grasping her shoulders to shield her from the blistering heat as the inferno licked it's way into the parlor with a vengeance.
      Libby's knees buckled and she allowed the king to support the full weight of her, head lolling from her lack of oxygen.
    "Liam. We have to...we have to get out."
   "Oh my love, we're trapped here."
      "I am afraid so. Once again I have failed you, darling."
    The redhead buried her face in Liam's shoulder giving way to a fit of sobs and coughs.
  "Don't cry my love," he soothed her, his voice even and steady as always. He rubbed her hair tenderly.
   "This time I will choose you. I will stay with you until the end...and even in death, my arms will hold you, Libby. As they always should have."
    With the last of her strength, she wrapped her arms around him, holding him as if her life depended upon it.
    "Oh Liam...I wish that I could be the woman you think I am-the woman you deserve."
    He shushed her again. 
  "You're more, Libby. So much more."
   He rocked her gently from side to side and a wave of contentment washed over her. But her bliss was short lived.
    Suddenly above the crackling of the flames and the crumbling of the furniture as it was consumed all around them, Libby heard two voices as clear as a bell.
   "Daddy! Daddy save us! Help please!" Emma screamed.
   "Dad? Dad! What do we do?" Will's words hit her eardrums and Libby tried with all her might to move her feet, but they stayed planted in place as if they'd melted into the foundation. 
   "Go to them, Liam. Please. Save our children."
     Libby sat bolt upright, a cold sweat on her brow. She frantically pawed at her face and throat, chest heaving from her nightmare. 
     It wasn't the first time; she'd had the same dream too many times to count in the years since her departure. However this time there was a very different ending.
     Hearing the pain and panic in the voices of her twins was definitely new, and they had called Liam, Dad. What was that supposed to mean?
     Her head was spinning as she flung her legs over the edge of the bed, grabbing her robe and tying it tight around her.
    Groggy, with her heartbeat still elevated she headed out of her suite, unsure of where she was headed. At the end of the hallway the light was on in a suite, the door slightly cracked allowing the beams to spill into the hallway, splashing over the charcoal slacks of the King's Guard posted outside.
     She approached slowly and when she was just outside she dropped her voice conspiratorially.
    "May I- can I see the king?"
     The guard nodded and Libby pushed the door, slipping inside. She found Liam leaned over his desk, his left ankle crossed over his right, his shoulders exposed in the pajama tank he wore, pulled taut against the rippling muscles of his shoulders. His weight rested on his fingertips, brow furrowed and lips pulled down as he poured over the document before him.
     Stunned, Libby blinked a few times at the sight before finally clearing her throat.
     "Oh, Duchess. Is everything alright?" the king questioned, turning his head towards her.
     "Yes. No. I-I couldn't sleep and I saw your light…"
      Liam smiled and for the first time since her return Libby noticed the crinkles beside his eyes when he did it. He certainly had aged since they were together, but he'd done so gracefully. Like a fine wine, he'd gotten better with age.
    "I am always available for a midnight scotch with an old friend." 
     He corrected his posture to stride across the room, grabbing two small glasses and filling them with a few fingers of liquor. He faced her once more, offering the drink.
    Libby stepped her bare feet across mahogany floors to take the tumbler, still unsure why she'd come to Liam of all people. After all these years he had a way of making her feel completely at ease, and perhaps that was her subconscious reasoning.
     Many moments passed, each of them sipping scotch in silence, seemingly waiting for the other to speak. Finally Liam did.
   "Libby, I hope you don't think me forward for saying this, but I have always envied your effortless beauty. Here you are fresh from bed and still you look so put together."
    He leaned casually against the bar cart, once more supporting himself on his fingertips.
    Libby blushed, averting her gaze.
     "You flatter."
     "I'm simply stating my opinion freely,"
      Liam pushed himself off of the cart and took a few steps towards her.
     "Do you ever wonder- do you think things would've been different if I had chosen you the night of my coronation, Libby? I have pondered the thought millions of times since I made the decision. I was trying to protect you, but in my youthful ignorance all I really did was tear you apart. I loved you so much I just...I never meant you harm. The cracks between us began there didn't they?"
    The walls were closing in on her, heart hammering in her chest and before she even knew what was happening Liam's fingers were brushing her cheek, and he was so close. Libby could feel herself dissolving like sugar cubes in afternoon tea. She closed her eyes as the king brushed a hair across her forehead and tucked it behind her ear.
     "I didn't want them to. I knew you were trying to keep me safe. You will always keep me safe. I knew it then and I know it now. You're a benevolent man, Liam and I love you for it. I just wish I could've ...well, I made choices out of my own youthful ignorance."
     He tenderly took her chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting her face to look into her eyes.
    "Well we aren't so youthful anymore, my love. I'll just chalk this up to the actions of a foolhardy old man." 
       He bent down, pressing his mouth to hers softly yet forcefully, and when he pulled away Libby stayed frozen in place, lips still slightly parted.
    Dazed, she finally blinked herself back to reality, gaping at Liam. 
    "I should... I-I-I should go." She stammered, setting her glass on the desk and heading for the door. She paused, offering a swift curtsey.
    "Your Majesty." 
     Liam closed his eyes briefly before nodding at her, "Your Grace."
      The next morning Libby was awakened by her phone ringing. Blearily she reached out and pressed it to her ear.
    "Apologies for waking you, Your Grace. It's Tessa, your majordomo. I know you had instructed me to forward any letters from the DNA lab to the palace, but since you'll be arriving at Valtoria with the court this afternoon I wasn't sure if I should forward these or keep them here."
    "Yes, Ma'am. One addressed to Lady Emma, the other to Lord William."
    Libby sat up so fast it made her head spin. The results.
    "Uh,uh yes. Tessa, I want you to put them in the safe in my bedroom until I arrive. And don't tell a soul that they're in there, do you understand?"
    "Yes, ma'am. I and the letters await your arrival back home, Your Grace."
   Libby dropped the phone in her lap, scrubbing her hands over her face. There wasn't enough coffee in the world to prepare her for the day ahead.
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themovieblogonline · 6 months
Ghostbusters Fan? 10 Must-See Scary-Funny Films
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The Ghostbusters franchise is expanding with the all-new Frozen Empire. The film is already one of the most talked-about movies and is garnering praise from the critics as well. The iconic Ghostbusters are back on the scene! With the upcoming release of Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, fans everywhere are getting prepped to answer the call for another round of spooky thrills and hilarious scares. But what if you need a ghostbusting fix before then? Fear not, proton pack enthusiasts! We have the perfect cure for your Ghostbusters withdrawals. Here's a list of 10 awesome movies that capture the same spirit of mixing spooky chills with side-splitting laughs, just like the Ghostbusters themselves. 1. Zombieland (2009) If you want a dose of the undead with a healthy dose of humor, Zombieland (2009) is your pick. Starring Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, and Emma Stone, this movie follows a group of survivors navigating a zombie apocalypse. Hilarious rules for survival ("Always double-tap") and witty banter make this movie a riot, with enough action and scares to keep you on the edge of your seat. 2. Men In Black (1997) Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones star as agents in a top-secret organization battling extraterrestrial threats in Men in Black (1997). This movie blends action, sci-fi, and laugh-out-loud humor, similar to Ghostbusters' blend of paranormal spookiness and slapstick comedy. Plus, those cool gadgets and iconic suits will have you feeling like a ghostbusting agent yourself! 3. Beetlejuice (1988) Beetlejuice (1988) takes the concept of "till death do us part" to a hilarious extreme. A deceased couple haunts their old house, desperately trying to scare away new residents. Enter Beetlejuice, a mischievous bio-exorcist with a flair for the bizarre. Michael Keaton steals the show as the wacky Beetlejuice, and the movie's dark humor and wacky visuals will leave you giggling long after the credits roll. 4. The Frighteners (1996) Michael J. Fox stars as Frank, a man who can talk to the dead and uses this "gift" to run a ghost-busting scam. But things get real when he has to face down a vengeful spirit that threatens the entire town. The Frighteners (1996) offers a clever mix of humor, suspense, and supernatural chills, keeping you guessing until the very end. 5. Scary Movie (2000) Scary Movie (2000) takes a hilarious jab at classic horror films, much like Ghostbusters playfully poked fun at the paranormal investigator genre. Starring Anna Faris and Regina Hall, this movie is packed with laugh-out-loud moments as it parodies iconic scenes from movies like Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer. 6. Casper (1995) Casper (1995) is a heartwarming story about a lonely ghost who befriends a young girl. But don't be fooled by the sweet premise, there are still some spooky moments (especially when Casper's uncles show up!). This movie offers a perfect balance of humor, scares, and a touch of childhood wonder, similar to the way Ghostbusters manages to be scary and funny at the same time. 7. House (1985) An author with serious writer’s block decides to make his late aunt’s house his permanent writing nook. Little does he know, he’s about to get plagued by paranormal occurrences that have to do with dead soldiers from the Vietnam War.  8. Gremlins (1984) A small furry creature and a handful of simple rules. What could go wrong? Probably everything? Gremlins is the epitome of absolute mayhem and laughter, with a sprinkle of spook that will leave you entertained in the best way.  9. Evolution (2001) An alien invasion and faster-than-a-blink growth is a deadly combination that a meteor brings to Earth. Four science professionals need to get to the bottom of it before the earthly planet gets infested with creepy intergalactic creatures.  10. The Monster Squad (1987) All Universal Monsters in one feature? You’ll not want to miss The Monster Squad. The monster gang, led by Count Dracula, is on the hunt for a power-yielding amulet. However, it’s not a piece of cake when they’re face-to-face with a squad of 12-year-olds who will do everything to prevent the monsters from getting their creepy claws on the jewel.  Whether it’s dealing with Ghostbusters withdrawals or you simply want to binge-watch some equally comedic and scary movies, these have you covered. The horror-comedy genre is one tricky trick to master but these movies will allow you to experience the best of it.  Read the full article
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mountphoenixrp · 4 years
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
                       Song Yuqi, who is known by no other name,                                a 20 year old daughter of Emma-O.                                     She is currently unemployed.
FC NAME/GROUP:  Song Yuqi, G-Idle CHARACTER NAME: N/A AGE/DATE OF BIRTH:  September 23, 1999 PLACE OF BIRTH: Beijing, China OCCUPATION:   HEIGHT: 162 cm (5’3″) WEIGHT: 43 kg (94 lbs) DEFINING FEATURES: N/A
PERSONALITY: While she went to school, she did not have a chance to connect with her peers due to her home situation. So, while she does have the gift of intuition, she struggles between viewing it as an unhealthy distrust of others and the truth. Due to her upbringing, she finds issues disclosing her powers, holding some fear that someone might treat her like her “father” had. Similarly, she purposely hides her wealth, straying from flashy clothing and personal items.
Despite dealing with her father’s abuse, Yuqi is bubbly and charming with the desire to make friends. Her actions are thoughtful and tender, generally putting others before her. Her smile is always bright with her happiness spreading to the people around her. Yuqi is kind to all, often characterized by a sweet, sometimes shy friendliness. As she grows closer to people, she is very open and adamant about displaying her love for her close friends, whether through goofy handmade gifts or sacrificing her own needs to assist them.  
HISTORY: tw: abuse
Yuqi was born to a young university student. Emma-O had approached Yuqi’s mother as a knight in shining armor who could save her from an unhappy relationship. In the end, her mother was left alone pregnant. Yuqi’s birth forced her mother to marry her not-so-great boyfriend, under the strict demands of her conservative parents. Yet, born in the wake of such negativity, Yuqi quickly grasped her mother and grandparents’ heart. Yuqi’s “father” displayed no regard for her, spending most of his time taking his anger out on his wife or spent gambling. Despite her father’s disturbances, Yuqi’s childhood was simplistic, and her mother shielded much from her father.
However, as she entered her teen years, her father’s gambling addiction intensified. Bills began to go unpaid, and meals became less frequent. As much as her mother tried to lessen their strife, Yuqi’s father always found a way to worsen their situation. It was then that Yuqi discovered her abilities with stone transformation. Excited that she had found the means to end her family’s strain, she displayed her powers to her parents, a regret much later. Much of the financial misfortune found a resolution, but this talent help fueled her father’s gambling. Often, she found herself subjected to hours of hunting for rocks and transforming them for her father. Her mother urged her to cease, but any attempt to deny gems to her father ended in an explosive fight.
University presented an escape, but Yuqi soon found herself barricaded in by a man threatening her mother. Despite the need for her freedom, Yuqi allowed herself to be locked in her house, doing nothing but fueling her father’s greed. After a year of doing nothing but turning rock to gem, her and her mother finally had the chance to escape when her father had been foolish enough to go on an extended gambling trip. Yuqi used a hidden stash of gems to help move her mother far away from her father, almost untraceable from the monster who had tormented her life.
Finally, Yuqi had a chance for freedom, and in her exploration, a kind stranger helped her understand her true parenthood and guided her to Mount Phoenix.
PANTHEON: Japanese CHILD OF:  Emma-O POWERS:  Yuqi is capable of transforming small stones into the prettiest gems, and for her, it is an easy task that she does mindfully. Intuition is a gift of Yuqi, but often, she discredits this sense to a lack of trust in others. STRENGTHS: Sweet, Friendly, Compassionate WEAKNESSES: Often Too Nice, Inexperienced, Lacks Self-Confidence
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bigyack-com · 5 years
The Best Movies on Netflix in India [February 2020]
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In its efforts to win Oscars and please its 167 million members, Netflix has been pouring billions into movies recently, including projects from or featuring the likes of Dwayne Johnson, Martin Scorsese, and Michael Bay. One of those — The Irishman — racked up 10 nominations for the streaming service at the 2020 Oscars, though it failed to come away with a single prize. Netflix has also expanded its film efforts in India in the past year, announcing projects from the likes of Shah Rukh Khan and Karan Johar. For now though, the strength of its catalogue is still the acquisitions. With over 3,500 movies, Netflix offers more choices than any other platform in India. To pick the best movies on Netflix, we relied on Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, and IMDb ratings to create a shortlist. The last of them was preferred for Indian films given the shortfalls of reviews aggregators in that department. Additionally, we used our own editorial judgement to add or remove a few. This list will be updated once every few months if there are any worthy additions or if some movies are removed from the service, so bookmark this page and keep checking in. Here are the best films currently available on Netflix in India, sorted alphabetically. 12 Monkeys (1995) Inspired by the 1962 French short La Jetée, a prisoner (Bruce Willis) is sent back in time to learn more about the virus that wiped out nearly all of humanity. Terry Gilliam directs. 12 Years A Slave (2013) Duped into slavery on the account of a job, Steve McQueen's adaptation of a free New York black man's (Chiwetel Ejiofor) 19th-century memoir is an incredible true story, and an important watch. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) In Stanley Kubrick's highly-influential sci-fi film, humanity charts a course for Jupiter with the sentient computer HAL 9000, to understand the discovery of a black monolith affecting human evolution. It's less plot, and more a visual and aural experience.
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3 Idiots (2009) In this satire of the Indian education system's social pressures, two friends recount their college days and how their third long-lost musketeer (Aamir Khan) inspired them to think creatively and independently in a heavily-conformist world. Co-written and directed by Rajkumar Hirani, who stands accused in the #MeToo movement. 50/50 (2011) Inspired by a true story, a 27-year-old radio journalist (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is diagnosed with spinal cancer and learns the value of friendship and love as he battles the rare disease. Aamir (2008) Adapted from the 2006 Filipino film Cavite, a young Muslim NRI doctor (Rajeev Khandelwal) returning from the UK to India is forced to comply with terrorists' demands to carry out a bombing in Mumbai after they threaten his family. American History X (1998) In a film that's more relevant today than when it was made, a neo-Nazi white supremacist (Edward Norton), who served three years in prison for voluntary manslaughter, tries to prevent his younger brother from going down the same path. American Hustle (2013) In the late 1970s, two con artists (Christian Bale and Amy Adams) are forced to work for an FBI agent (Bradley Cooper) and set up a sting operation that plans to bring down several corrupt politicians and members of the Mafia. Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner star alongside. Andaz Apna Apna (1994) Two slackers (Aamir Khan and Salman Khan) who belong to middle-class families vie for the affections of an heiress, and inadvertently become her protectors from a local gangster in Rajkumar Santoshi's cult comedy favourite. Andhadhun (2018) Inspired by the French short film L'Accordeur, this black comedy thriller is the story of a piano player (Ayushman Khurrana) who pretends to be visually-impaired and is caught in a web of twists and lies after he walks into a murder scene. Tabu, Radhika Apte star alongside. Apollo 13 (1995) Ron Howard dramatises the aborted Apollo 13 mission that put the astronauts in jeopardy after an on-board explosion ate up all the oxygen and forced NASA to abort and get the men home safely. Argo (2012) Ben Affleck directs and stars in this film about a CIA agent posing as a Hollywood producer scouting for location in Iran, in order to rescue six Americans during the US hostage crisis of 1979. Article 15 (2019) Ayushmann Khurrana plays a cop in this exploration of casteism, religious discrimination, and the current socio-political situation in India, which tracks a missing persons' case involving three teenage girls of a small village. A hard-hitting, well-made movie, though ironically, it was criticised for being casteist itself, and providing an outsider's perspective. The Avengers (2012) Earth's mightiest heroes — including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and the Hulk — come together in this groundbreaking Marvel team-up from writer-director Joss Whedon to stop Thor's adopted brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and his alien army from subjugating mankind.
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The Aviator (2004) With Leonardo DiCaprio as Howard Hughes and Cate Blanchett as Katharine Hepburn, Martin Scorsese dives into the life of the aviation pioneer and film producer, who grapples with severe OCD while his fame grows. Awakenings (1990) Robin Williams and Robert De Niro lead the cast of this drama based on a 1973 memoir of the same name, about a doctor (Williams) who discovers the beneficial effects of a drug on catatonic patients, thereby gifting them a new lease on life. Barfi! (2012) Set in the 1970s amidst the hills of Darjeeling, writer-director Anurag Basu tells the tale of three people (Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, and Ileana D'Cruz) as they learn to love while battling the notions held by society. Beasts of No Nation (2015) With civil war raging across a fictional African nation, this Netflix Original focuses on a young boy who's trained as a child soldier by a fierce warlord (Idris Elba), and the effects it has on him. Before Sunrise (1995) In the first chapter of Richard Linklater's long-drawn-out trilogy, two idealistic twentysomethings, an American man (Ethan Hawke) and a French woman (Julie Delpy), spend the night together walking around in the Austrian capital of Vienna. The Big Lebowski (1998) A guy known as The Dude (Jeff Bridges) seeks payback for his ruined carpet after he's mistaken for a millionaire with the same name in this crime comedy from the Coen brothers. Less about the plot and more about a way of living. The Big Short (2015) Starring Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt, a look at Wall Street's penchant for self-profit in a vicious loop that caused the 2007–08 global financial meltdown. Birdman (2014) Alejandro G. Iñárritu won three Oscars including Best Picture for this tale of a washed-up superhero actor (Michael Keaton) who struggles to revive his career with a Broadway play. Known for appearing as if it was shot in a single take, it also starred Edward Norton, Zach Galifianakis, and Emma Stone. Blade Runner (1982) One of the most influential cyberpunk films ever made is about a burnt-out cop (Harrison Ford) who reluctantly agrees to hunt down a group of fugitive “replicants”, synthetic humans with a limited life-span who aren't allowed to live on Earth. Blue Valentine (2010) Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams lead this drama that shifts between time periods to depict a couple's courtship and how their marriage fell apart. Das Boot (1981) One of the most authentic war movies ever made chronicles the life of a German submarine crew during World War II, as they go through long stretches of boredom and periods of intense conflict, while trying to maintain morale in a capsule 10 feet by 150 feet hundreds of metres under the surface. The Bourne trilogy (2002-07) Technically not a trilogy, but the first three chapters — Identity, Supremacy, and Ultimatum — starring Matt Damon in the lead as the titular CIA assassin suffering from amnesia were so good that they changed the longest-running spy franchise of all-time: James Bond.
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The Breadwinner (2017) This animated film follows a 11-year-old girl living under Taliban rule in Afghanistan, who disguises herself as a boy to provide for her family after the father is taken away without reason. Uses wonderfully-drawn vignettes to stress on the importance of storytelling. Bulbul Can Sing (2019) Three teenagers battle patriarchy and the moral police as they explore their sexual identities in Rima Das's National Award-winning drama — and pay for it dearly. Das writes, directs, shoots, edits, and handles costumes. C/o Kancharapalem (2018) Set in the eponymous Andhra Pradesh town, this Telugu film spans four love stories across religion, caste, and age — from a schoolboy to a middle-aged unmarried man. A debut for writer-director Venkatesh Maha, featuing a cast mostly made up of non-professional actors. Capernaum (2018) In the award-winning, highest-grossing Arabic film of all time, a 12-year-old from the slums of Beirut recounts his life leading up to a five-year sentence he's handed for stabbing someone, and in turn, his decision to sue his parents for child neglect. Captain Phillips (2013) The true story of a Somali pirate hijacking of a US cargo ship and its captain (Tom Hanks) being taken hostage, which spawns a rescue effort from the US Navy. The Bourne Ultimatum's Paul Greengrass directs. Cast Away (2000) After his plane crash-lands in the Pacific, a FedEx employee (Tom Hanks) wakes up on a deserted island and must use everything at his disposal and transform himself physically to survive living alone. Castle in the Sky (1986) In the first film officially under the Studio Ghibli banner, a young boy and a girl protect a magic crystal from pirates and military agents, while on the search for a legendary floating castle. Hayao Miyazaki writes and directs. Chupke Chupke (1975) Hrishikesh Mukherjee's remake of the Bengali film Chhadmabeshi, in which a newly-wedded husband (Dharmendra) decides to play pranks on his wife's (Sharmila Tagore) supposedly smart brother-in-law. Amitabh and Jaya Bachchan also star. A Clockwork Orange (1971) Set in a near-future dystopian Britain, writer-director Stanley Kubrick adapts Anthony Burgess' novel of the same name, commenting on juvenile delinquency through the eyes of a small gang leader who enjoys "a bit of the old ultra-violence". Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) Steven Spielberg's slow-paced sci-fi pic — which spent several years in development, being rewritten over and over — is about an everyday blue-collar guy (Richard Dreyfuss) whose humdrum life turns upside down after an encounter with an unidentified flying object (UFO).
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Cold War (2018) Jumping either side of the Iron Curtain through the late 1940s to the 1960s, Oscar-winner Paweł Pawlikowski depicts the story of two star-crossed lovers, as they deal with Stalinism, rejection, jealousy, change, time — and their own temperaments. Company (2002) Inspired the real-life relationship between Dawood Ibrahim and Chhota Rajan, director Ram Gopal Varma offers a look at how a henchman (Vivek Oberoi) climbs up the mobster ladder and befriends the boss (Ajay Devgn), before they fall out. Dallas Buyers Club (2013) Refusing to accept a death sentence from his doctor after being diagnosed with AIDS in the 1980s, the true story of an electrician and hustler (Matthew McConaughey) who smuggles banned medications from abroad. Dangal (2016) The extraordinary true story of amateur wrestler Mahavir Singh Phogat (Aamir Khan) who trains his two daughters to become India's first world-class female wrestlers, who went on to win gold medals at the Commonwealth Games. The Dark Knight (2008) In the second part of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, regarded as the greatest comic book movie ever, Batman (Christian Bale) faces a villain, the Joker (Heath Ledger), he doesn't understand, and must go through hell to save Gotham and its people. Dev.D (2009) Anurag Kashyap offers a modern-day reimagining of Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay's Bengali romance classic Devdas, in which a man (Abhay Deol), having broken up with his childhood sweetheart, finds refuge in alcohol and drugs, before falling for a prostitute (Kalki Koechlin). Dheepan (2015) Winner of Cannes' top prize, three Sri Lankan refugees — including a Tamil Tiger soldier — pretend to be a family to gain asylum in France, where they soon realise that life isn't very different in the rough neighbourhoods. Dil Chahta Hai (2001) Farhan Akhtar's directorial debut about three inseparable childhood friends whose wildly different approach to relationships creates a strain on their friendship remains a cult favourite. Aamir Khan, Saif Ali Khan, and Preity Zinta star. Django Unchained (2012) Written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, a German bounty hunter (Christoph Waltz) helps a freed slave (Jamie Foxx) rescue his wife from a charming but cruel plantation owner (Leonardo DiCaprio). Drive (2011) A stuntman moonlighting as a getaway driver (Ryan Gosling) grows fond of his neighbour and her young son, and then takes part in a botched heist to protect them from the debt-ridden husband.
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Dunkirk (2017) Christopher Nolan's first historical war movie chronicles the evacuation of Allied soldiers from the French beaches of Dunkirk in World War II, using his love for non-linear storytelling by depicting three fronts — land, sea, and air — in time-shifted ways. The Edge of Seventeen (2016) In this coming-of-age comedy, the life of an awkward young woman (Hailee Steinfeld) gets more complex after her older brother starts dating her best friend, though she finds solace in an unexpected friendship and a teacher-slash-mentor (Woody Harrelson). End of Watch (2012) Before he made a terrible sci-fi remake of his own film, writer-director David Ayer took a near-documentarian lens to the day-to-day police work of two partners (Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña) in South Los Angeles, involving their friendship and dealings with criminal elements. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) An estranged couple (Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet) begin a new relationship unaware they dated previously, having erased each other from their memories, in what stands as writer Charlie Kaufman's defining work. The Exorcist (1973) One of the greatest horror films of all time, that has left a lasting influence on the genre and beyond, is about the demonic possession of a 12-year-old girl and her mother's attempts to save her with the help of two priests who perform exorcisms. The Florida Project (2017) Set in the shadow of Disney World, a precocious six-year-old girl (Brooklynn Prince) makes the most of her summer with her ragtag playmates, while her rebellious mother tries to make ends meet with the spectre of homelessness always hanging over them. Willem Dafoe stars alongside. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) In John Hughes' now-classic teen picture, a high schooler fakes being sick to spend the day with his girlfriend and his best friend, while his principal is determined to spy on him. Fruitvale Station (2013) Black Panther writer-director Ryan Coogler's first feature offered a look at the real-life events of a young California man's (Michael B. Jordan) death in a police shooting in 2008. Winner of two awards at Sundance Film Festival. Full Metal Jacket (1987) Stanley Kubrick follows a US marine nicknamed Joker from his days as a new recruit under the command of a ruthless sergeant, to his posting as a war correspondent in South Vietnam, while observing the effects of the war on his fellow soldiers.
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Ghostbusters (1984) A bunch of eccentric paranormal enthusiasts start a ghost-catching business in New York, and then stumble upon a plot to wreak havoc by summoning ghosts. Gave birth to one of the most iconic song lyrics in history. Gol Maal (1979) A chartered accountant (Amol Palekar), with a knack for singing and acting, falls deep down the rabbit hole after lying to his boss that he has a twin, in this Hrishikesh Mukherjee comedy. Gone Girl (2014) Based on Gillian Flynn's best-selling novel and directed by David Fincher, a confounded husband (Ben Affleck) becomes the primary suspect in the sudden mystery disappearance of his wife (Rosamund Pike). GoodFellas (1990) Considered as one of the best gangster films of all time, it brought Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro together for the sixth time. Based on Nicholas Pilegg's 1985 non-fiction book Wiseguy, it tells the rise and fall story of mob associate Henry Hill, his friends and family between 1955 and 1980. Gravity (2013) Two US astronauts, a first-timer (Sandra Bullock) and another on his final mission (George Clooney), are stranded in space after their shuttle is destroyed, and then must battle debris and challenging conditions to return home. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) A bunch of intergalactic misfits, which includes a talking racoon and tree, come together to form a ragtag team in this Marvel adventure that needs no prior knowledge. Guru (2007) Mani Ratnam wrote and directed this rags-to-riches story of a ruthless and ambitious businessman (Abhishek Bachchan) who doesn't let anything stand in his way as he turns into India's biggest tycoon. Loosely inspired by the life of Dhirubhai Ambani. Haider (2014) Vishal Bhardwaj's Shakespearean trilogy concluded with this modern-day adaptation of Hamlet, that is also based on Basharat Peer's 1990s-Kashmir memoir Curfewed Night. Follows a young man (Shahid Kapoor) who returns home to investigate his father's disappearance and finds himself embroiled in the ongoing violent insurgency. Her (2013) A lonely man (Joaquin Phoenix) falls in love with an intelligent computer operating system (Scarlett Johansson), who enriches his life and learns from him, in Spike Jonze's masterpiece. Hot Fuzz (2007) A top London cop (Simon Pegg, also co-writer) is transferred to a sleepy English village for being the lone overachiever in a squad of slackers. A blend of relationship comedy and a genre cop movie. Edgar Wright directs. Hugo (2011) In 1930s Paris, a boy who lives alone in the walls of a train station tries to figure out the mystery involving his late father and his most treasured possession, an automaton, that needs a key to function. Martin Scorsese directs.
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The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) In the best of four movies, Jennifer Lawrence's Katniss Everdeen is forced to participate in a special edition of the Hunger Games, a competition where individuals fight to the death, featuring the winners of all previous competitions. I, Daniel Blake (2016) After a heart attack that leaves him unable to work, a widowed carpenter is forced to fight an obtuse British welfare system, while developing a strong bond with a single mother who has two children. Winner of the Palme d'Or. I Lost My Body (2019) In this animated Cannes winner, a severed hand escapes from a lab and scrambles through Paris to get back to his body, while recounting its past life that involved moving to France after an accident and falling in love. In This Corner of the World (2016) Set in Hiroshima during World War II, an 18-year-old woman agrees to marry a man she barely knows in this animated Japanese film, and then must learn to cope with life's daily struggles and find a way to push through as the war rages on around her. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Directed by Steven Spielberg off a story by George Lucas, an eponymous archaeologist (Harrison Ford) travels the world and battles a group of Nazis while looking for a mysterious artefact, in what is now often considered as one of the greatest films of all-time. Infernal Affairs (2002) Martin Scorsese's Oscar-winning The Departed is a remake of this original Hong Kongian film, in which a police officer is working undercover in a Triad, while a Triad member is secretly working for the police. Both have the same objective: find the mole. Into the Wild (2007) Based on Jon Krakauer's nonfiction book, Sean Penn goes behind the camera to direct the story of a top student and athlete who gives up all possessions and savings to charity, and hitchhikes across America to live in the Alaskan wilderness. Iqbal (2005) In writer-director Nagesh Kukunoor's National Award-winning film, a hearing- and speech-impaired farm boy (Shreyas Talpade) pursues his passion for becoming a cricketer for the national squad, with the help of a washed-up ex-coach (Naseeruddin Shah). The Irishman (2019) Based on Charles Brandt's 2004 book “I Heard You Paint Houses”, Martin Scorsese offers an indulgent, overlong look at the life of a truck driver (Robert De Niro) who becomes a hitman working for the Bufalino crime family and labour union leader Jimmy Hoffa (Al Pacino).
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John Wick (2014) In the first part of what is now a series, a former hitman (Keanu Reeves) exits retirement to find and kill those that stole his car and killed his dog. Less story, more action, with the filmmakers drawing on anime, Hong Kong action cinema, Spaghetti Westerns, and French crime dramas. Jurassic Park (1993) It might be over 25 years old at this point but watching the very first Jurassic film from Steven Spielberg — based on Michael Crichton's novel, which he co-adapted — is a great way to remind yourself why the new series, Jurassic World, has no idea why it's doing. Kahaani (2012) A pregnant woman (Vidya Balan) travels from London to Kolkata to search for her missing husband in writer-director Sujoy Ghosh's National Award-winning mystery thriller, battling sexism and a cover-up along the way. Khosla Ka Ghosla! (2006) After a powerful property dealer (Boman Irani) holds a middle-class, middle-aged man's (Anupam Kher) newly-purchased property to ransom, his son and his son's friends devise a plot to dupe the swindling squatter and pay him back with his own money. Dibakar Banerjee's directorial debut. Kiki's Delivery Service (1989) A coming-of-age story of the young titular witch, who opens an air delivery business, helps a bakery's pregnant owner in exchange for accommodation, and befriends a geeky boy during her year of self-discovery. Hayao Miyazaki writes and directs. Lady Bird (2017) Greta Gerwig's directorial debut is a coming-of-age story of a high school senior (Saoirse Ronan) and her turbulent relationship with her mother (Laurie Metcalf), all while she figures out who she wants to be through friendships and short relationships. Lagaan (2001) Set in Victorian India, a village farmer (Aamir Khan) stakes everyone's future on a game of cricket with the well-equipped British, in exchange for a tax reprieve for three years. The Little Prince (2015) Antoine de Saint-Exupery's 1943 novella is given the animation treatment, in which an elderly pilot (Jeff Bridges) recounts his encounters with a young boy who claimed to be an extra-terrestrial prince to his neighbour, a young girl. Rachel McAdams, James Franco, and Marion Cotillard also voice. A Little Princess (1995) Alfonso Cuarón directs this tale of a young girl who is forced to become a servant by the headmistress at her New York boarding school, after her wealthy aristocratic father is presumed dead in World War I. The Lord of the Rings trilogy (2001-2003) Peter Jackson brought J.R.R. Tolkien's expansive Middle-Earth to life in these three three-hour epics, which charts the journey of a meek hobbit (Elijah Wood) and his various companions, as they try to stop the Dark Lord Sauron by destroying the source of his power, the One Ring.
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Loveless (2017) A Cannes winner about the social ills of life in modern Russia, told through the eyes of two separated parents who are drawn back together after their 12-year-old child goes missing. From award-winning director Andrey Zvyagintsev. The Lunchbox (2013) An unlikely mistake by Mumbai's famously efficient lunchbox carrier system results in an unusual friendship between a young housewife (Nimrat Kaur) and an older widower (Irrfan Khan) about to retire from his job. Lupin the Third: Castle of Cagliostro (1979) In legendary Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki's feature debut, a dashing master thief enlists the help of a long-time nemesis in the police and a fellow thief to rescue a princess from an evil count, and put an end to his counterfeit money operation. Marriage Story (2019) Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver play an entertainment industry couple going through a divorce, which pulls them — and their young son — from New York to Los Angeles, the two different hometowns of the protagonists. Mary Poppins (1964) Based on P.L. Travers' book series of the same name, a disciplined father hires a loving woman (Julie Andrews) — who he doesn't know is capable of magic — to be the nanny for his two mischievous children. Won five Oscars, including best actress for the debutant Andrews. Masaan (2015) Neeraj Ghaywan ventures into the heartland of India to explore the life of four people in his directorial debut, all of whom must battle issues of caste, culture and norms. Winner of a National Award and the FIPRESCI Prize at Cannes. Million Dollar Baby (2004) An overlooked, veteran boxing trainer (Clint Eastwood, who also directs) reluctantly agrees to train a former waitress (Hilary Swank) to help achieve her dreams, which leads to a close father-daughter bond that will forever change their lives. Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015) With the organisation he works for disbanded and his country after him, Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) races against time to prove the existence of the schemers pulling the strings in this fifth chapter. Introduced Rebecca Ferguson to the franchise. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) The legendary British comedy troupe mix their talents with the tale of King Arthur and his knights, as they look for the Holy Grail and encounter a series of horrors. A contender for the best comedy of all-time.
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Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979) Satire so cutting that it was banned for years in the UK and elsewhere, Life of Brian saw Monty Python turning their eyes on more long-form storytelling. The Life of Brian is the story of a young Jewish man born on the same day and next door to Jesus Christ, who gets mistaken for the messiah. Mudbound (2017) A Netflix Original, this World War II drama is set in rural Mississippi, and follows two veterans – one white and one black – who return home, and must deal with problems of racism in addition to PTSD. Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. (2003) After his parents find out he has been pretending to be a doctor, a good-natured Mumbai underworld don (Sanjay Dutt) tries to redeem himself by enrolling in a medical college, where his compassion brushes up against the authoritarian dean (Boman Irani). Co-written and directed by Rajkumar Hirani, who stands accused in the #MeToo movement. My Neighbor Totoro (1988) Set in post-war rural Japan, a heart-warming tale of a professor's two young daughters who have adventures with friendly forest sprits. Hayao Miyazaki writes and directs. Mystic River (2003) Three childhood friends reunite after a brutal murder, in which the victim is one's (Sean Penn) daughter, another (Kevin Bacon) is the case detective, and the third (Tim Robbins) is suspected by both. Clint Eastwood directs. Nightcrawler (2014) Jake Gyllenhaal plays a freelance video journalist with no ethics or morals who will do anything to get the best footage of violent crimes that local news stations love. A feature directorial debut for screenwriter Dan Gilroy. Ocean's Eleven (2001) In this first of Steven Soderbergh's trilogy, which features an ensemble cast including George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and Matt Damon, Danny Ocean (Clooney) and his eleven associates plan to rob three Las Vegas casinos at the same time. Okja (2017) Part environment parable and part skewer of corporatisation, this underappreciated Netflix Original by Bong Joon-ho tells its story of a young Korean girl and her best friend – a giant pet pig – while effortlessly crossing genres. On Body and Soul (2017) A shy, introverted man and a woman who work at a Hungarian slaughterhouse discover they share the same dreams after an incident, and then try to make them come true.
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Only Yesterday (1991) A Studio Ghibli production about a 27-year-old career-driven Tokyo woman who reminisces about her childhood on her way to the countryside to see her sister's family. Isao Takahata writes and directs. Paan Singh Tomar (2012) A true story of the eponymous soldier and athlete (Irrfan Khan) who won gold at the National Games, and later turned into a dacoit to resolve a land dispute. Won top honours for film and actor (Khan) at National Awards. Pan's Labyrinth (2006) In Guillermo del Toro's fantastical version of Spain five years after the civil war, Ofelia – a young stepdaughter of a cruel army officer – is told she is the reincarnated version of an underworld princess but must complete three tasks to prove herself. The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) Emma Watson stars in this coming-of-age comedy based on the novel of the same name by Stephen Chbosky, who also wrote and directed the film. Watson plays one of two seniors who guide a nervous freshman. Phantom Thread (2017) Set in the glamourous couture world of 1950s post-war London, the life of a renowned dressmaker (Daniel Day-Lewis), who is used to women coming and going through his tailored life, unravels after he falls in love with a young, strong-willed waitress. Pink (2016) A lawyer (Amitabh Bachchan) comes out of retirement to help three women (Taapsee Pannu, Kirti Kulhari, and Andrea Tariang) clear their names in a crime involving a politician's nephew (Angad Bedi). Won a National Award. PK (2014) A satirical comedy-drama that probes religious dogmas and superstitions, through the lens of an alien (Aamir Khan) who is stranded on Earth after he loses his personal communicator and befriends a TV journalist (Anushka Sharma) as he attempts to retrieve it. Porco Rosso (1992) Transformed into an anthropomorphic pig by an unusual curse, an Italian World War I ace fighter veteran now works as a freelance bounty hunter in 1930s Adriatic Sea in the Mediterranean. Hayao Miyazaki writes and directs. Queen (2013) A 24-year-old shy woman (Kangana Ranaut) sets off on her honeymoon alone to Europe after her fiancé calls off the wedding a day prior. There, freed from the traditional trappings and with the help of new friends, she gains a newfound perspective on life. Director Vikas Bahl stands accused in the #MeToo movement.
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Rang De Basanti (2006) Aamir Khan leads the ensemble cast of this award-winning film that focuses on four young New Delhi men who turn into revolutionary heroes themselves while playacting as five Indian freedom fighters from the 1920s for a docudrama. Ratatouille (2007) An anthropomorphic rat (Patton Oswalt) who longs to be a chef tries to achieve his dream by making an alliance with a young garbage boy at a Parisian restaurant. From Pixar. Rebecca (1940) Alfred Hitchcock's first American film is based on Daphne du Maurier's 1938 novel of the same name, about a naïve, young woman who marries an aristocratic widower and then struggles under the intimidating reputation of his first wife, who died under mysterious circumstances. The Remains of the Day (1993) Made by the duo of Ismail Merchant and James Ivory, this based-on-a-book film is about a dedicated and loyal butler (Anthony Hopkins), who gave much of his life — and missed out on a lot — serving a British lord who turns out to be a Nazi sympathiser. Reservoir Dogs (1992) After a simply jewellery heist goes wrong in Quentin Tarantino's feature-length debut, six criminals – Tim Roth, Steve Buscemi, and Michael Madsen are a few of the actors – who don't know each other's identity start to suspect each other of being a police informant. The Revenant (2015) Leonardo DiCaprio and director Alejandro G. Iñárritu won Oscars for their work on this semi-biographical Western film set in the 1820s, which tells the story of frontiersman Hugh Glass and his quest for survival and justice amidst severe winters. Roma (2018) Alfonso Cuarón revisits his childhood in the eponymous Mexico City neighbourhood, during the political turmoil of the 1970s, through the eyes of a middle-class family's live-in maid, who takes care of the house and four children, while balancing the complications of her own personal life. Sairat (2016) In a tiny village in the Indian state of Maharashtra, a fisherman's son and a local politician's daughter fall in love, which sends ripples across the society because their families belong to different castes. Currently the highest-grossing Marathi-language film of all time. Scarface (1983) Al Pacino delivers one of his best performances as a Cuban refugee who arrives in 1980s Miami with nothing, rises the ranks to become a powerful drug kingpin, and then falls due to his ego, his paranoia, and a growing list of enemies. Se7en (1995) In this dark, gripping thriller from David Fincher, two detectives – one new (Brad Pitt) and one about to retire (Morgan Freeman) – hunt a serial killer (Kevin Spacey) who uses the seven deadly sins as his motives. Secret Superstar (2017) Though frequently melodramatic, this coming-of-age story – produced by Aamir Khan and wife Kiran Rao – of a Muslim girl from Vadodara who dreams of being a singer dealt with important social issues and broke several box office records during its theatrical run.
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Sense and Sensibility (1995) Jane Austen's famous work is brought to life by director Ang Lee, about three sisters who are forced to seek financial security through marriage after the death of their wealthy father leaves them poor by the rules of inheritance. The Shining (1980) Stephen King's popular novel gets the film treatment from Stanley Kubrick, about a father who loses his sanity in an isolated hotel the family is staying at for the winter, while his psychic son sees horrific forebodings from the past and the future. Shoplifters (2018) Winner of the top prize at Cannes, the story of a group of poverty-stricken outsiders scraping together an under-the-radar living in Tokyo, whose life is upended after they take in a new, young member. Hirokazu Kore-eda writes, directs, and edits. Shrek (2001) A half-parody of fairy tales, Shrek is about an eponymous ogre who agrees to help an evil lord get a queen in exchange for the deed to his swamp, filled with enough jokes for the adults and a simple plot children. A Silent Voice: The Movie (2016) Based on the manga of the same name, a coming-of-age story of a school bully who tries to make amends with a hearing-impaired girl he tormented back in the day, after the tables are turned on him. Silver Linings Playbook (2012) Two people (Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper) with pain and suffering in their past begin a road to recovery while training together for a dance competition, in what becomes an unlikely love story. The Sixth Sense (1999) In writer-director M. Night Shyamalan's best film to date, a child psychologist (Bruce Willis) tries to help a young boy (Haley Joel Osment) who can see and talk to the dead. Snowpiercer (2013) Chris Evans stars in this sci-fi from Bong Joon-ho, which takes place in a future ravaged by an experiment, where the survivors live on a train that continuously circles the globe and has led to a punishing new class system. The Social Network (2010) The tale of Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg gets a slight fictional spin, as it explores how the young engineer was sued by twin brothers who claimed he stole their idea, and sold lies to his co-founder and squeezed him out.
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Soni (2019) A short-tempered young policewoman and her cool-headed female boss must contend with ingrained misogyny in their daily lives and even at work, where it impacts their coordinated attempts to tackle the rise of crimes against women in Delhi. Spartacus (1960) After failing to land the title role in Ben-Hur, Kirk Douglas optioned a book with a similar theme, about a slave who led a revolt — known retrospectively as the Third Servile War — against the mighty Roman Empire. Won four Oscars and was named as one of the best historical epics. The Stranger (1946) A war crimes investigator hunts a high-ranking Nazi fugitive (Orson Welles, also director) hiding in the US state of Connecticut, who is also duping his naïve new wife. Super Deluxe (2019) An inter-linked anthology of four stories, involving an unfaithful wife, a transgender woman, a bunch of teenagers, which deal in sex, stigma, and spirituality. Runs at nearly three hours. Swades (2004) Shah Rukh Khan stars a successful NASA scientist in this based on a true story drama, who returns home to India to take his nanny to the US, rediscovers his roots and connects with the local village community in the process. Taare Zameen Par (2007) Sent to boarding school against his will, a dyslexic eight-year-old is helped by an unconventional art teacher (Aamir Khan) to overcome his disability and discover his true potential. Talvar (2015) Meghna Gulzar and Vishal Bhardwaj combine forces to tell the story of the 2008 Noida double murder case, in which a teenage girl and the family's hired servant were killed, and the inept police bungled the investigation. Uses the Rashomon effect for a three-pronged take. Tangerine (2015) Shot entirely on iPhones, a transgender female sex worker vows revenge on her boyfriend-pimp who cheated on her while she was in jail. Tangled (2010) Locked up by her overly protective mother, a young long-haired girl finally gets her wish to escape into the world outside thanks to a good-hearted thief, and discovers her true self.
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Thithi (2016) In this award-winning Kannada-language film, set in a remote village in the state of Karnataka, three generations of men reflect on the death of their locally-famous, bad-tempered 101-year-old patriarch. Made with a cast of non-professional actors. The Town (2010) While a group of lifelong Boston friends plan a major final heist at Fenway Park, one of them (Ben Affleck) falls in love with the hostage from an earlier robbery, complicating matters. Train to Busan (2016) Stuck on a blood-drenched bullet train ride across Korea, a father and his daughter must fight their way through a countrywide zombie outbreak to make it to the only city that's safe. Tu Hai Mera Sunday (2016) Five thirty-something friends struggle to find a place in Mumbai where they can play football in peace in this light-hearted rom-com tale, which explores gender divides and social mores along the way. The Two Popes (2019) Inspired by real life, the tale of friendship that formed between Pope Benedict XVI (Anthony Hopkins) and Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Jonathan Pryce), the future Pope Francis, after the latter approached the former regarding his concerns with the direction of the Catholic Church. Udaan (2010) Vikramaditya Motwane made his directorial debut with this coming-of-age story of a teenager who is expelled from boarding school and returns home to the industrial town of Jamshedpur, where he must work at his oppressive father's factory. Udta Punjab (2016) With the eponymous Indian state's drug crisis as the backdrop, this black comedy crime film depicts the interwoven lives of a junior policeman (Diljit Dosanjh), an activist doctor (Kareena Kapoor), a migrant worker (Alia Bhatt), and a rock star (Shahid Kapoor). Uncut Gems (2019) A charismatic, New York-based Jewish jeweller and a gambling addict (Adam Sandler) ends up in over his head in this taut thriller, struggling to keep a lid on his family, desires, business, and enemies. The Untouchables (1987) With mobster Al Capone (Robert De Niro) making use of the rampant corruption during the Prohibition period in the US, federal agent Eliot Ness (Kevin Costner) hand picks a team to expose his business and bring him to justice. Brian De Palma directs. Up in the Air (2009) A corporate downsizing expert (George Clooney) who loves living out of a suitcase finds his lifestyle threatened due to a potential love interest (Vera Farmiga) and an ambitious new hire (Anna Kendrick).
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Vertigo (1958) Topping Citizen Kane in the latest Sight & Sound poll of greatest films of all time, Alfred Hitchcock's thriller about a detective afraid of heights who falls for an old friend's wife while investigating her strange activities continued his tradition of turning audiences into voyeurs. Village Rockstars (2017) A young Assamese girl of a widow pines to own a guitar and start her own rock band, but societal norms routinely get in the way. Rima Das writes, directs, shoots, edits, and handles costumes. Visaranai (2015) Winner of three National Awards and based on M. Chandrakumar's novel Lock Up, the story of four Tamil laborers who are framed and tortured by politically-motivated cops in the neighbouring state of Andhra Pradesh. Vetrimaaran writes and directs. A Wednesday! (2008) Neeraj Pandey's film is set between 2 pm and 6 pm on a Wednesday, naturally, when a common man (Naseeruddin Shah) threatens to detonate five bombs in Mumbai unless four terrorists accused in the 2006 Mumbai train bombings case are released. Wonder Woman (2017) After a pilot crashes and informs them about an ongoing World War, an Amazonian princess (Gal Gadot) leaves her secluded life to enter the world of men and stop what she believes to be the return of Amazons' nemesis. Wreck-It Ralph (2012) This Disney animated film tells the story of a video game villain who sets out to fulfil his dream of becoming a hero but ends up bringing havoc to the entire arcade where he lives. Zero Dark Thirty (2012) The decade-long international manhunt for Osama bin Laden is the focus of this thriller from Kathryn Bigelow, dramatised as and when needed to keep a CIA intelligence analyst (Jessica Chastain) at the centre of the story. Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara (2011) Hrithik Roshan, Farhan Akhtar, and Abhay Deol star as three childhood friends who set off on a bachelor trip across Spain, which becomes an opportunity to heal past wounds, combat their worst fears, and fall in love with life. Zodiac (2007) David Fincher signed on Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo, and Robert Downey Jr. to depict a cartoonist's (Gyllenhaal) obsession with figuring out the identity of the Zodiac Killer in the 1960s–70s. Zombieland (2009) A student looking for his parents (Jesse Eisenberg), a man looking for a favourite snack, and two con artist sisters join forces and take an extended road trip across a zombie-filled America, while they all search for a zombie-free sanctuary. Read the full article
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salvatoreschool · 6 years
Legacies: 6 huge moments from Lets Just Finish This Dance
It’s time for the annual Miss Mystic Falls pageant on this week’s episode of Legacies. Let’s look at the six biggest moments from the episode.
Last episode of Legacies features the return of an age-old tradition, the Miss Mystic Falls pageant. It’s the Salvatore School’s turn to host and Lizzie intended on being the belle of the ball. Then Dana’s mother turns up and makes it clear she doesn’t care for Lizzie one bit because her former-now-dead-nemesis, poisoned her mother against her.
A change of plans is then in order. To ensure the Salvatore School takes home a win, Lizzie puts all her eggs in Hope’s basket instead of her own sister’s!
The pageant isn’t the only big event this week, several surprising guests make return visits – some good, and some bad. Here are the six biggest moments from “Let’s Just Finish the Dance”.
6. Roman returns.
Remember Roman? Hope’s ex-boyfriend with the Nazi mother who was responsible for killing Hayley? He returns this week to add a fresh new obstacle to Hope and Landon’s relationship. Jealousy rears its ugly head when Landon spots Roman.
It doesn’t help that Hope insists on defending him. She doesn’t blame him for her mother’s death anymore and feels he has made amends by assisting Alaric recruit new students in the years since. I’m not sure if Legacies has more planned for Roman, at present, he’s a plot device to add angst between the show’s main couple.
5. A gorgon is on the prowl.
We meet another supernatural creature this week. She wasn’t drawn to the school by an artifact. Instead, she was sent on a mission issued from Agent Clark to bring Landon to him.
Does Medusa ring a bell? Apart from being a comic book enthusiast and potential love interest for MG, Medusa may be a distant relative. As a gorgon, she is able to turn people into stone and her hair turns into snakes. Alaric and MG’s mother wind up in her crosshairs.
MG is the one who imprisons her – first by doing some research on her weaknesses and saving Landon, they declare themselves “even” after the attack from last week. With Dorian out of the picture (side note: has anyone checked on Emma?) MG got a moment to shine in hunting down the gorgon’s weakness.
4. Jo stands up to Lizzie.
After being coaxed by Penelope all episode to stand up for herself, Jo finally takes her advice and angrily confronts Lizzie about her selfish behavior. Instead of trying to help Josie win after backing out of the pageant, Lizzie immediately focused on Hope and seriously hurt Jo’s feelings.
Lizzie claims she only chose Hope based on science and statistics. Jo asks if she even considered how she might feel being able to wear their mother’s dress or if she considered how Hope would feel if she found out where the dress came from (it was a gift from Klaus to Caroline in The Vampire Diaries episode “Dangerous Liaisons” which is paralleled heavily in this episode).
I feel as if Jo and Lizzie have had this argument before, perhaps this time Lizzie will actually try to make a real change in how she treats her sister.
3. Hope has a breakdown.
The trauma of Landon’s death coupled with residual loss of her family has Hope tightly wound. She’s been having nightmares, lashing out, losing control of her powers, all signs of a supernatural breakdown — which could be catastrophic. Lizzie is a surprising comfort and presence for Hope this week. She recognizes the signs as someone with her own mental instabilities and goes out of her way to support Hope.
At the pageant, Hope learns where Caroline’s dress came from, her father, and it triggers her meltdown at the same moment she is crowned Miss Mystic Falls. Lizzie gives her a hug and encourages her to let it all out, the right way, and Hope has herself a good cry (and so did I, for the first of two times in this episode).
As an aside, why did Hope need Roman to listen in on Jo and Lizzie’s conversation? She has vampire hearing too, doesn’t she?
2. Penelope leaves the Salvatore Boarding School.
Penelope’s mother got a job in Belgium and Penelope will be transferring to an all-witch school located there. You guys, I’m so sad.
All night we spent time with the couple, Penelope kept urging Jo to read the letter she gave her. By the end of the night, when Jo finally reads it and realizes everything Penelope has been saying about her always settling for second best is true, it’s too late.
They exchange a tearful goodbye, “I love you, Jo Jo”, I cried buckets, and Penelope left Jo with an important gift. She spelled pens around the school to spy on everyone’s journal-writing (which is messed up, mind you) and kept her own journal where it was all recorded. Within her secret spy diary, she has record of Alaric writing about the merge! Penelope tells Jo to read it soon because she knows what’s coming and doesn’t want to watch Jo go through it.
Penelope can’t be gone for good, right? What reason do the writers have for putting her on a bus?!
1. Landon finds out the truth about his mom.
Between Roman’s return and finding out Hope remembered meeting Landon’s mom and hid it from him, it was a rough week for Landon and Hope’s relationship. Reeling from the discovery of Hope’s lie, he leaves the school to go on a walk and clear his head.
Barely a few yards out, MG’s mom pulls up and offers him a ride. Landon politely declines but twist! It wasn’t a request. She zaps him and shoves him in her mom van! When Landon wakes up, he’s restrained and sitting in front of Agent Clark near the malivore.
What could they want with a phoenix? And who exactly is MG’s mom? What reason does she have for working with Clark? Also, can we assume the gorgon is dead since Veronica said (quite ominously) she “cleaned up her mess”? Shame, if so, I thought she could become a cute new romance for MG.
What did you think of latest episode? What is the deal with MG’s mom? Will Hope be able to find Landon? Is Penelope really gone for good?
A new episode of Legacies titled “I’ll Tell You a Story” premieres March 21 on The CW.
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