#emily sonnett instagram
drex223 · 1 month
Sonnett trying to get her stuff from the bus like it’s an airport shuttle on a tight schedule
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saraalissa · 30 days
I think sometime she forgets she’s Emily too
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saucysonny14 · 2 months
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sara-woso · 11 months
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gracelin816 · 10 months
When can we see this Sonny again? Missing these so much😢
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lesbian-anxiety · 9 months
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gaysoccerhorse · 1 year
Ahhh!! Their play today was damn good!!!! Soooo fun to see. Yes Alanna Cook! yes Emily Sonnet!! Yes Megan rapinoe! Yes Quinn! Yes Veronica Latsko!
I need to stop naming before I I go down the entire roster. Such exciting chemistry again! But I'm still a Gotham loyalist. Go bats!
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incorrectnwsl · 2 months
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iowahawx · 1 year
I didn't know Emily Sonnett was so young.
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lets-get-saucy · 8 months
Media Girl - Emily Sonnett - Pt 1
Emily Sonnett x reader
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 Summary: Sonnett isn’t very active on social media, but a certain media girl catches her attention. You work for Gotham assisting with their social media and notice a certain blonde become more active with content as the weeks go on.
Warnings: just cute fluff but we’ll see where it goes ;)
a/n: originally was only supposed to be one part but inspiration struck so not really sure yet how many parts it will be
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You were new to the city, new to the job, well new to most things currently going on in your life. You had just gotten a job as a social media coordinator for Gotham FC, and it was your first week on the job. You had a social media job prior to this, but sports media was new to you. This week was mainly training for you, Sharon another coordinator on the team was showing you the ropes. What the training center was like, the different types of content Gotham expected, basically the run of the show.
While it was your first week on the job it was also the teams first week back at training. The air was filled with an excited energy, the team having won the championship just a few months ago. You had interacted with a few players, making tiktoks or creating Instagram post, so far they were all kind to you and super easy to work with. However, there were a few players who didn’t participate much even though they seemed to have great connections with the other players during training.
One was Emily Sonnett, a recent transfer to Gotham along with Rose Lavelle. Whenever asked if she wanted to partake in something for social media the blonde would find a way out. You shrugged it off, not everyone was into making a tiktok or posting on Instagram so you couldn’t blame the girl. But there was something about her that stood out to you. She was always making others laugh, dancing or cracking a joke that would send others around her into fits of laughter.
As the weeks went on you couldn’t help yourself from watching Sonnett. You were drawn to her, and slowly she was coming around to participating in content more. It started off with a simple tiktok video where you asked the players a question.
“Whats something you miss most from home?” You asked from behind the camera.
“Waffle House” Sonnett said as a quick response, smiling into the camera her dimples popping out.
You stopped the video quirking your eyebrow at the other woman.
“You miss Waffle House?”
“Yeah, I mean I know New York has Waffle Houses but not that many. Back home there’s one on practically every corner. And don’t get me wrong the bagels here are great but your really can’t beat a waffle from Waffle House” the blonde rambled on gesturing with her hands.
You found yourself giggling at her, finding Emily to be quite charming.
“Where are you from?” you find yourself asking.
You had done research on the players when you got the job, but nothing to deep mostly just professional history.
“Georgia” she answered.
“Do you miss it?” at this point you know you should be moving on to other players to finish filming so you can edit and post the tiktok, but you can’t seem to pull yourself away from the woman in front of you. Her blue eyes looking into yours.
“Yeah sometimes,” Emily shrugs. “I do miss the weather. I’m not cut out for the cold.”
You laugh at her response, “Its not too bad, and don’t worry it gets hot up here to.”
Before Emily can respond Rose comes over laughing telling Emily about a funny incident that just happened. You didn’t want to leave Emily but you both had a job to do so you offered her a smile before finding another player to add to the video you were making.
However, as the weeks went on you couldn’t help but notice Emily taking more interest in Gotham’s social media. She would volunteer for videos when you would ask players if they wanted to participate. The first few weeks of you job, Emily would almost always tell you she didn’t want to be a part of them. But now she was a regular in Gotham’s content. This continued for a few weeks, Emily seemingly growing more and more comfortable with getting posted on Gotham’s social media accounts. She would pose for pictures or participate in various silly videos and after you two would talk. Sometimes she would crack jokes causing you to laugh but other times you both would talk about genuine things. You learned each other’s favorite places to eat in New York, each other’s favorite foods, sports you played as a kid. These conversations would continue until one of her teammates would interrupt cutting the conversations short.
Even when you weren’t actively making content you couldn’t stop thinking about the blonde. During practices you would stand on the side of the field, trying to get content but you could keep your eyes off Emily. The way her leg muscles looked as she ran or how the sun reflected off her hair, you were mesmerized.
Sometime during practices you would feel eyes on you and when you looked Emily would turn away quickly, her cheeks turning red. Smiling to yourself you would turn your attention back to whatever content you were working on at the time, but you mind would still be focused on the blonde woman. Even across the field you could hear her. Emilys voice carrying as she called out things to her teammates during practice.
It was after practice one day and you were walking through the training center typing up an Instagram post when you heard Emily talking to someone.
“Its not like that, she’s just a friend” the blonde said, “plus we’ve never even hung out outside of practice.”
You stop walking, hiding behind a corner. You know you shouldn’t be listening in to the private conversation, but you do anyways.
“Well ask her on a date then” a voice you recognize as Kelley response to Emily, “you’ve talked about her for weeks now.”
You heart drops, the realization that you have a crush on Emily Sonnett sinking it, your stomach drops as it also hits you that she likes another woman.
“Kelley, I can’t do that”
Before either of them can say anything else you turn around walking in the other direction trying to get away as quickly as possible. Your heart pounding you make it to your office sitting down at your desk trying to take a deep breath. When did this happen? When did you develop feelings for Emily? Thinking back over the past few weeks it hits you. All the shared moments when you would talk to her. Her eyes meeting yours as you spoke. Her fingers grazing your back when she walked past you. How her voice along could bring a smile to your face. Or when she would tell a joke, even if it wasn’t funny you would laugh. You bury your face in your hands letting out a groan. You were screwed, totally completely screwed. Since you first meet Emily, you began falling for her, but it was all one-sided and now you were probably going to have to watch her fall in love with someone else while you stood on the sides and watched. Rubbing your hands on your face you sat up. While your heart might be weighing heavy you still had a job to do.
The rest of the day goes by in a blur as you post content and plan out new ideas to pitch to your boss. Before you know it you’re making your way across the parking lot to go home for the day. You’re half way to your car when you hear a familiar voice call out to you. Turning around you see a nervous looking Emily walking towards you.
“Hey” she says as she gets closer, fiddling with her bag.
“Hi” you mumble back, wanting nothing more than to get home and hide under blankets on your couch eating ice cream.
“Are you okay?” Emily ask you, looking concerned.
“Yeah, I’m fine its just been a long day” you lie, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach as she looks at you.
Emily looks around fiddling with her bag. She looks… nervous.
“So, I was.. I” Emily looks around not meeting your eyes. “Do you want to get coffee with me sometime?” she ask so quickly you barely catch what she said.
“Coffee?” you arch an eyebrow.
“Yes, or something else if you don’t like coffee. Theres a really nice smoothie place or”
“Coffee sounds great” you cut her off.
“Awesome!” she smiles finally meeting your eyes.
Her blue eyes twinkle in the late afternoon sun making them appear bluer. Even though your still upset that she’s interested in someone else, maybe a friendship could work out. You enjoyed being around Emily, so if that meant just being friends then maybe you could learn to be okay with that. You did just realize your feelings for her today after all.
“Theres this coffee shop not too far from here, maybe we could meet one morning before practice” you suggest.
“Yeah, sounds good” she smiles.
You exchange information, promising to finalize your coffee plans before you saying goodbye for the day. You watch as Emily makes her way over to her car before you get into yours. Sighing you learn your head back wishing you never realized your feelings for the blonde. On the bright side, you were now friends with Emily Sonnett. You hadn’t even realized your feelings for the other woman until just a few hours before, you could ignore them if it means being friends with her.
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kellohara · 10 months
Emily Sonnett Instagram story - 11/19/23
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wosoimagines · 2 years
Hoodie - Leah Williamson/Reader
part one | part two | part three | part four
prompt: Leah and Reader’s relationship is still building up together. And more people are catching on.
warnings: none
words: 3936
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“Shit! Shit,” I muttered as I threw the clothes from my bag. I could have sworn that I brought the hoodie with me for this camp. Especially since we were going to be in New Zealand.
“You okay there, (Y/N)?” Kristie asks as she comes into our room. “Oooh, that’s a mess.”
“Shut up, Kristie.”
It wasn’t here. Leah was going to kill me.
“What are you looking for?”
“My hoodie.”
“Your US one is right there,” Kristie said as she pointed at the chair behind me.
I glanced over my shoulder to look at the hoodie. It was my blue USWNT hoodie, but it wasn’t the one I was looking for.
“No, this one isn’t a team hoodie,” I said as I shook my head. I had to find the hoodie. “It’s a forest green hoodie. It’s got patches on it. Been adding patches to it whenever we go somewhere for camp.”
“You mean the one like Sonnett is wearing?”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Yeah, Sonny’s wearing this green hoodie. It’s got a Hellfire Club patch, an astronaut on a skateboard, a penguin, there’s a couple of memes.”
“Where’s Sonnett?”
“Why do I feel like I shouldn’t answer that now?”
“Kristie! My hoodie! It was a gift!” I snapped. I knew what the hoodie had come to represent for me. For someone other than her to wear it was wrong. “I don’t want anyone else wearing it!”
“Um, I think she went out to get ice cream with some of the others.”
I was immediately rushing out of the room. The last thing I needed was for any pictures of Sonnett to make it to social media in my hoodie.
“I can’t talk right now,” I said as I answered my phone.
In hindsight, I should have looked at the caller id, but I had been too busy trying to dodge the people on the sidewalk.
“Why is Emily Sonnett wearing the hoodie?”
“Why is Emily Sonnett wearing the hoodie?”
“Look, Leah, she probably came into my room and stole it. I’m literally headed to the ice cream shop right now so I can get it back,” I said softly. I knew that it meant more to Leah than being just some present now. “I would have never let Sonnett take it. I wouldn’t let anyone else wear it but you.”
“You promise?”
“I wouldn’t lie to you. Not to you.”
Leah went quiet on the other end of the line.
“Just get it back, yeah? And you have to add an extra patch.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to choose one for you. I’m almost there, so I’ll text you when I get it back, yeah?”
“You better.”
I grinned as I hung up the phone. At least Leah was still going to be talking to me. I made my way into the ice cream shop and it was easy enough to spot the girls. They were the largest group in the shop after all.
“Give me the hoodie.”
The girls all looked up at me as they froze.
“Sonnett. The hoodie.”
“Oh, come on!”
“Hey,” I said as I slammed my hands onto the table. “It isn’t yours. You didn’t ask to borrow it either.”
“If I had, would you have said yes?”
“No! Because it’s my hoodie! And it was a gift! It means a lot to me.”
Sonnett grumbled as she started to pull the hoodie off.
“I don’t see why it’s such a big deal.”
Mal shrunk back as I glared at her. Of course none of them would, because I refused to tell them.
“Sorry,” Mal said as she held her hands up.
“So, what is the story behind the hoodie?” Sanchez asked.
“Nothing that concerns you,” I said as I sent a glare her way as a warning. I turned my glare back to Sonnett since Sonnett had been begging to borrow the hoodie since she saw it in my social media posts. “Take the hoodie again, and you’ll never step on a pitch again. Got it?”
Sonnett gulped as she quickly nodded her head.
“Good.” I smiled as I patted the side of Sonnett’s face.
I held the hoodie in my hands as I headed out of the ice cream shop. I made a point to post a picture on my Instagram story with the hoodie in my hands to show that I had it back. I knew that it might spark some new dating rumors since Sonnett had obviously been seen wearing it on social media.
“You were supposed to text me that you had the hoodie back.”
“Yeah, I got distracted. Saw a patch in a store that I wanted to get.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Too bad that you’ll just have to wait to see it until I get back unless I take good pictures in the hoodie in between games.”
“(Y/N), that’s no fair.”
I grinned at the whine. It had quickly become a thing for Leah and I to grab a patch anytime that we were traveling for the hoodie.
“Did you get any new patches? I know you were playing in Milton Keynes,” I said. I knew how excited Leah had been about getting to play where she grew up. “It seems cool getting to play where you’re from.”
“It was amazing. I wish you could have been there,” Leah said. My grin only grew at that. I would have loved to be at the game, but I had my own national team duties. “The game was amazing. We won! 4-0.”
“I saw,” I said as I thought back to their game. “Still makes me pissed that Man Utd. refused to let Alessia transfer to join us at Arsenal.”
“Tell me about it. You know, I’ve been trying to get the team to replace this one forward we have,” Leah started off. I shook my head at that. “You might know her actually. She’s this really cocky American. Thinks she’s better than everyone else.”
“Maybe she is?”
“Oh, my God,” Leah gasped, causing me to chuckle. “It’s almost like I can hear her right now.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
Leah giggled at that but I scratched the back of my neck. My grin had fallen in less than a second and was replaced with a frown.
“Hey, Lee?” I asked, causing Leah to hum to let me know that I had her attention. “You don’t actually want the team to replace me, do you?”
“No, I don’t,” Leah assured me. I softly smiled at that. “You might still be a little too cocky in my opinion, but you aren’t that bad... Usually.”
“Yeah, usually. You got a problem with that?”
“Maybe just a bit.”
There was a knock on the door causing me to raise my head. I looked up as Kristie stuck her head into the room.
“Hey, we’re about to check out,” Kristie announced.
“Thanks,” I said as I smiled at her. “I’ll be right down. Let me just say bye.”
Kristie nodded as she closed the door again. I got up from my spot on the bed. I was wearing the hoodie with two new patches on it. I started to move to grab my bags.
“I gotta go.”
“Yeah, I should probably go too. Kiera’s been bugging me to go out with her at some point today.”
“Leah! You shouldn’t ignore your friends just to call me.”
“I just wanted to hear your voice,” Leah said. I didn’t need someone else to point out how all the blood rushed to my face as I blushed at that. “And to tell you that you did good against Canada. I know you take those games personally.”
“Yeah, well, when they’re the reason you break your leg right before the Olympics, it becomes a little personal.”
“Yeah, but they’re always physical against everyone.”
“You’re more than welcome to put on one of our jerseys and play against them. See just how physical they play when it’s us out there on the pitch.”
“I think I’ll stick with the three lionesses on my jersey, thanks.”
“Yeah, whatever. Look, I really should go. I wouldn’t put it past Vlatko to leave me stranded to prove a point. I’ll text you later though?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Did Katie give you this one?” Leah asked. I looked up from my spot at the island to see that she was pointing to the orange juice box patch that had been added to the hoodie. “Tears of my enemies?”
“No, but I’m sure she wishes.”
“Also, a QR code? Where’s it lead?”
“I guess you’ll just have to scan it to find out,” I shrugged.
Leah rolled her eyes at that. I watched as she headed back to the living room. It wasn’t long though before I heard the song playing through the house.
“Seriously!” Leah’s voice echoed over the song. I couldn’t help as I laughed at her as she came back into the kitchen. “You Rickrolled me?”
I only shrugged at it. Leah scoffed as she shook her head. She turned her attention back to her phone.
“Hey, do you mind if some of the national team comes over?” Leah asked. I raised an eyebrow at that. I had gotten back relatively fast, but that was mostly because we had a game on the 26th against Chelsea. “Some of the girls have tonight before they go back to their clubs in the morning. The house has the most space, but it is yours and I wouldn’t invite them over if you don’t want them to come over.”
“I don’t mind,” I shook my head. I looked at the time on the stove. “I was planning on heading to London Colney.”
“You’re going to train?”
“I usually do when I get back from camps,” I shrugged. My body had adjusted back to USA time while I was in the States and I usually spent a couple of days to adjust back. “I went to a different time zone. It takes a couple of days to get back to time here.”
“I guess that makes sense.”
I looked back over at the clock.
“Want me to throw something together before they get here? I could make some pasta and garlic bread in like 20 minutes tops?”
“You don’t mind?” Leah asked. I shook my head. I really didn’t since I knew that Leah hadn’t eaten dinner yet. “I think the girls would love that.”
“You know where the wine is too, so help yourselves. Just don’t drink it all,” I said, causing Leah to nod. I stood up to start working on the pasta. “Save me some so I can eat when I get back?”
Leah nodded in agreement and I grinned at that.
I dropped my keys onto the table by the entrance before kicking my shoes off. I could hear the girls talking through the house. I figured that they were probably still in the kitchen and living room. I ducked through the laundry room to get into my bedroom without being seen.
I peeled my sweaty clothes off before jumping in for a quick shower. Once I put fresh clothes on, I could still hear the voices in the rest of the house. I threw my dirty clothes into the laundry room before exiting my room to make my way into the kitchen. Thankfully, none of the girls in the living room had noticed me as all of their backs had been turned to me.
“Hey,” Leah softly greeted me when she saw me. 
I sent Leah a soft smile as the others in the kitchen had turned to look at me. I ignored the looks that the other English women sent me as I grabbed a plate before getting some pasta and bread and heating it back up in the microwave.
“How was training?”
“Good,” I nodded as I pulled the plate out of the microwave. I moved to sit at the island. “Burnt off a lot of energy, so maybe now I’ll actually get some sleep tonight. Thankfully, Jonas understands if I oversleep, but I don’t think he’d be too happy if you don’t show up on time.”
“Am I missing something?”
I looked up to find Keira Walsh’s eyes trained on me. 
“I thought we couldn’t stand (Y/L/N),” Keira said.
“No, we can,” Leah said. I raised an eyebrow as I looked over at Leah. “I’ve been staying here with her since Jordan and I broke up.”
“Oh, hey, did you get the patches you brought back onto the hoodie?” I asked. Leah nodded causing me to grin. “I still can’t believe you wouldn’t show them to me when I got in.”
“I can’t believe you Rickrolled me with a patch on the hoodie.”
I rolled my eyes at that.
“Hold up,” Lucy said, causing my attention to be drawn to her. “That’s your hoodie? Leah’s been wearing your hoodie?”
“You didn’t know?”
“Shut up, (Y/N).”
“Awwww, look Captain England is embarrassed that she’s my friend.”
Leah threw one of the cloth napkins at me. I couldn’t help but laugh as I caught the napkin.
“No one ate in the living room, did they?”
“No one ate in the living room,” Leah assured me. I nodded at that. It was one of the biggest rules I had and asked Leah to respect while she stayed here. “I think they have wine in there right now, but no one ate there. I know how you feel about it.”
“So, you two are living together?” Keira asked
“Until I can find another place,” Leah said.
“Unless you just want to officially move in here,” I said. Leah turned to look at me and I shrugged. “It’s been kind of nice having someone else in the house.”
“Maybe you should get a dog,” Keira suggested.
“No. No way,” I shook my head at that. A dog was a bad idea. “Dogs need too much maintenance. And we are gone far too often. It isn’t a practical idea.”
“Then get a cat.”
“I’m good,” I shook my head. “Don’t even know how to take care of one. Mom was allergic so we never had a cat growing up.”
“Don’t worry, I don’t plan on moving out anytime soon,” Leah assured me. I smiled at that. It was nice to know.
“So, are you two a thing?” Lucy asked.
I froze at that. Leah and I sure acted like we were together sometimes, but I didn’t want to push her with everything that had been going on with Jordan and I knew her breakup was still pretty fresh.
“Honestly? I’m just trying to make sure that Leah has someone right now. If that ever turns into more, that’ll be up to her. But I’m not going to take advantage of someone who’s hurting.”
The women in the kitchen went silent as they took the words in.
“Who’s fucking golden boots are these!”
I looked over my shoulder, but I didn’t actually know the voice. I just turned back to Leah with a raised eyebrow.
“Georgia. Probably looking for the bathroom.”
I sighed as I got up from my spot. I made my way to the room where Georgia was standing looking at all of the stuff that was sitting throughout the room.
“Looking for the bathroom?” I asked. Georgia whirled around to face and her brow furrowed in confusion at the sight of me. “Just one more down. And on the other side.”
“This is all of your stuff?” Georgia asked. I nodded as I shrugged. Sure it was all cool and everything, but outside of the medals, most of it didn’t actually seem that much to me. “Dude, you should have this stuff displayed, even if you are an American.”
“Yeah, sure,” I nodded. My worth had been tied to how I did on the field for so long that I just wanted one place where it didn’t matter what I had won. “Bathroom. It’s one door down on the other side.”
Georgia held up her hands as she started heading on. My eyes caught something missing on the wall.
“Georgia,” I said. She turned around to face me. “My World Cup medal?”
“I just wanted to look at it closer,” Georgia said as she looked at the floor and held it out to me.
I took the medal back as I looked at it. I sighed as I looked up at her.
“How about you go to the bathroom and then you can have a closer look at everything in here?”
Georgia looked up at me with a grin on her face as she nodded. I hung the medal back on the wall as I glanced at the trophies that were thrown in boxes. Some of them were probably pretty cool. I shook my head as I went back to the kitchen. There was no avoiding the players who were still in the living room.
“Everything okay?” Leah asked when I sat back down.
“Yeah,” I nodded. “Georgia just opened up the spare room where I keep all my awards and medals. I told her when she gets out of the bathroom, she can look at them.”
“Got anything cool in there?”
I looked over my shoulder at the newcomer.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” I shrugged as Alessia moved further into the kitchen. “I mean, all of my stuff is in there. I think Georgia was more interested in looking at the World Cup medals than anything else when she realized they were in there.”
“You keep your World Cup medals hidden away?” Keira asked.
“It’s not like I have people over. No reason to exactly have them on display.”
“Dude! Is this the Ballon d’Or?”
“Oh, my God! I swear, Stanway, if you break it, I will break you!”
I needed to pack it up so I could fly it back to the States with me when I went back during the summer. I heard the feet hitting on the floor before the person came close enough.
“What’s this?”
I looked at the medal that Georgia had in her hands. I furrowed my brow in confusion as I took the medal from her to look at it. It was probably some medal that was worth like 20 bucks painted gold.
“A youth soccer medal.”
“And you have it up on the wall with World Cup medals?”
“I got this when I was 6-years-old,” I said as I held the medal back to her. “That was my first season playing soccer. And I fell in love with it and the championship game where I won that was the moment when I decided that it was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.”
“So, why aren’t these up somewhere to show them off?” Georgia asked. I shook my head at that. I didn’t want to get into it. “There’s some pretty cool things in there.”
“It’s kind of personal. No offense to any of you but I literally haven't had a conversation off the pitch with any of you besides Leah and Lotte.”
“Well, if you ever want help putting them on display, give me a call,” Georgia said as she looked back down at the medal in her hands. “I’d be willing to help just because of how cool it all is.”
“Do not invite her to help,” Lucy said as she pointed at Georgia. “She cannot use any tools to save her life.”
I chuckled a little at that. I could handle myself around tools. My dad had made sure of that.
“Also, what’s that huge trophy in there? It says ‘State Championship.’“
“You do not touch that. You will never tell anyone about it either. Do you understand?”
Georgia nodded before she scrambled off back to the room. I turned back to find four pairs of eyes on me.
“In our high schools, we have State Championships for each sport. Think of it like the division you’re in is based on the size of the school you go to and the other schools of the same size closest to you,” I explained. I rubbed the back of my neck. “My school won State four years in a row. My senior year, I kind of stole the trophy? They never figured out who did it. And I need it to stay that way because I go back this summer to announce that I’ve donated the money for the soccer teams to have their own field that they don’t have to share with the football team and their own locker rooms. They’re not gonna invite me back if they know that I took the trophy.”
“Wow,” Lucy said. She glanced over her shoulder at Leah. “Maybe Leah shouldn’t be staying with someone who just admitted to stealing.”
“You would steal it too if you won the championship and then they announced that you wouldn’t be considered part of the team anymore because it came out that you were gay.”
“Oh, shit.”
I ran a hand through my hair at that. It seemed that I was just going to be oversharing with British players lately.
I got up from my seat and moved my dishes into the sink before cleaning them off. I threw them into the dishwasher, but since it wasn’t full yet, I didn’t start it. I looked over at Leah.
“I’m gonna go lie down. If you need me, just come get me. If I’m asleep when you go to bed, just wake me up and I’ll move to the couch.”
Leah only nodded as I moved to my room.
“Good morning,” Leah said.
I looked at her over my shoulder as I smiled at her. Leah sat down at the island as I plated up the food before I grabbed the plates. I sat one in front of Leah before sitting the other one next to her. I turned back to grab the cups of coffee before putting them by the plates.
“Sugar and cream?”
“Yes, sugar and cream.”
I moved over to the other side of the island as Leah took a bite of her omelet. I took a drink of my coffee before I started to dig into my omelet.
“Did you mean what you said last night?” Leah asked eventually.
I raised my head to look at her. I wasn’t entirely sure what she meant considering we had talked about a range of things last night.
“About... us?”
“I mean, I won’t deny that I like you, Leah,” I said softly. I guess if I was going to tell Leah the truth, it wouldn’t hurt to tell her everything. “I would love to take you out on a date some time, but I don’t want to be a rebound and I don’t want you to go out with me before you’re ready to. You were with Jordan for a while. It would be understandable if you need a while before you’re ready to date again.”
“But what if I wanted to go on a date with you?”
“I mean, if you’re asking...”
“Well, I am.”
“Then you’re planning.”
“Only if I can wear the hoodie.”
“I think that can be arranged.”
Leah grinned at that before she pressed a kiss against my cheek. She got up from her seat and moved over to the sink.
“I’m wearing it today. And I hope you’re good at arcade games, because the loser is buying drinks,” Leah said as she looked over her shoulder. “And I am wearing the hoodie all day today.”
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ouiouibaguettt · 1 year
Bienvenido De Nuevo
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Aitana Bonmati x Savannah Sonnet (oc)
request from @liverpoolfan96
—> For the aitana bonmati one say oc and aitana are together and oc comes back after a long term injury and comes on for aitana and she kisses her and wishes her luck
warnings: no one
words: 1.2k
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I hadn't set a foot on a pitch for 10 months because of my injury, if you don't count the training sessions I had to do to get back up to level.
It was the 46th minute of the match and the Colombians had the ball in midfield. Fortunately for us, Liana Salazar pushed the ball too hard with her dribbling.
"What a mistake by Salazar, who pushed the ball into Savannah Sonnett's feet," said the commentator. "Wow, the American player has just fallen to the ground because of her knee, which reacted very badly," he added. "I hope it's not too serious for her," added the other commentator.
Unfortunately, I was still on the ground, my knee in my hands, when I heard Rose and Sofia shouting my name. "Are you all right?" asked Rose as Sofia quickly alerted the medics. "My knee, it's hurting too much, Rose," I cried as the medical staff arrived.
Once on the stretcher, they took me to a room to do a few tests before confirming at the hospital. "Do you want someone to go with you Savannah?" one of the medics asked me, "Yes my sister please." I replied, my eyes still red. "All right, I'll get her," he said, before leaving to find Emily.
When he came back 10 minutes later with my sister, I already felt a little safer with her by my side. "Do you want your phone while we wait for the results?" she asked, "Yes please" I said, holding out my hand towards her.
I was scrolling through the stories on Instagram when I saw her name appear on the screen, and a little smile came over my face despite the pain and sadness of the moment.
My 'Tana
I hope it's not too serious, and even if it is, I'll be by your side every day despite the Euro! I love you, don't forget that and be strong!
Call me when you know what you've got!❤️
Luckily she was there, even though she's over 8000 km away. It had been over 2 years since Aitana and I started dating in secret, as we were still young and worried about people looking at us, so we preferred to tell only our closest family and friends. I was very lucky to be able to play for the same club as her, despite our different nationalities. During the season, I still get to see her asleep on my chest with my arm around her, while during international camps I wake up to Kelley or my sister snoring. Very charming, you might say.
When the results came back I was devastated. I'd ruptured my anterior cruciate ligament. Not being able to set foot on a pitch again for at least 10 months? It's worse than pregnancy! Luckily I had my sister, my girlfriend and my team-mates by my side, otherwise I don't think I'd have had the strength to fight to play again one day. If only I'd known that my comeback would be in the second leg of the Champions League semi-final against Chelsea, I'd have prepared myself mentally beforehand, because stressing out before a match is anything but good.
Waking up before a match is always complicated, especially when you know you're going to have to make your comeback in front of a full Camp Nou. Despite the mounting stress, I know I've been waiting for this moment for the last 10 months and I absolutely don't want to spoil it - I've been waiting too long for this moment, the moment when I'll see my number in green on the board so I can make my comeback.
As we arrived at the stadium for the inspection, the fear of hurting myself again started to appear before I'd even put on the shirt and touched a ball. Having sensed my distress, Alexia came to my side to reassure me that she too would soon be back on the pitch and that the team would soon be complete.
"You're scared, aren't you?" she asked. "I'm terrified to be honest, I'm afraid of hurting myself again at any moment, but I know I need that fear to motivate me now, because the match has already started," I said as I started to go into the changing room to put on my kit and warm up. "Don't worry, we're all behind you if you need us, you know that, we believe in you" she said, "Thank you Alexia, really, I can't wait for you to get back out on the pitch too" I said before letting her leave with the other players not selected for the match.
"Good luck mi amor", I said, whispering into Aitana's ear as I walked behind her, leaving my hand on her back. "Good luck to you too, baby, I can't wait to see you on the pitch with me," she said, leaning on my hand. "Try and score for me when you get sub in," she whispered before kissing me on the cheek. And then she left me like an idiot, with a little smile and my fingers on the cheek where she'd kissed me.
We were in the 84th minutes into the match when Jonatan decided to bring me on for Aitana. After the mini-warm-up, I went next to the scoreboard where I finally saw my number on it. I see Aitana come forward to clap my hands, but not before taking me in her arms and kissing me: "Bienvenido de nuevo, mi amor," she says. "Gracias mi Tana," I tell her before running off to take my place to the sounds of applause by the fans.
The final whistle: we were in the Women's Champions League final! I couldn't believe it. Despite the excitement spreading through my body, I first went to congratulate the Chelsea players before feeling a small body jump onto my back. When the person dropped, I knew immediately who it was. "Mi Tana," I said, taking her by the waist and twirling her around me. "I'm very proud of you, especially after everything you've been through in the last 10 months," she said, kissing me in front of a crazy Camp Nou. "Thank you for always supporting me and staying by my side," I said, resting my forehead against hers. "I'll always be there, you know that," she promises me, before taking my hand and heading off in the direction of the others to cheer the crowd. "I was sure you were together," Patri admitted, putting her arms around our shoulders, "You're adorable," Alexia said, and soon the whole team and staff were complimenting us. "Would you rather talk about our relationship or celebrate our place in the final?" asked Aitana half-heartedly. "THE FINAL" replied the whole team, sprinting into the changing rooms, singing and dancing.
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sorry I couldn’t post because of the classes!!
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gracelin816 · 9 months
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fifaworldcups · 2 years
SOCCER: USWNT Opens 2023 Campaign In Wellington/Te Whanganui-A-Tara
The U.S. Ladies' Public Group will start off a gigantic 2023 in Wellington/Te Whanganui-a-Tara, New Zealand, taking on the 2023 FIFA Ladies' Reality Cup co-have Football Plants at Sky Arena. The game will start off on Jan. 18 at 4 p.m. nearby NZT, which will be 10 p.m. ET on Jan. 17 back in the US and will be accessible for review stateside on HBO Max, with pre-game inclusion starting at 9:30 p.m. ET and present game inclusion on follow.
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The 2023 opener in Wellington, which will act as the host city and setting for the USA's subsequent gathering stage match against the Netherlands throughout this mid year's Reality Cup, will be the first of two gatherings between the USA and New Zealand during this outing Down Under. The groups will meet again three days after the fact in Auckland/Tāmaki Makaurau for a standoff at the famous Eden Park, New Zealand's Public Arena. The opening shot for the subsequent match is scheduled for 4 p.m. NZT on Jan. 21 (10 p.m. ET on Jan. 20; HBO Max).
Fans can likewise follow the activity by means of Twitter (@USWNT), Instagram (@USWNT), Facebook and the authority U.S. Soccer Application.
USWNT Nitty gritty Program BY POSITION (CLUB; Covers/Objectives) GOALKEEPERS (3): Adrianna Franch (Kansas City Current), Casey Murphy (North Carolina Fortitude), Alyssa Naeher (Chicago Red Stars)
Safeguards (8): Alana Cook (Old Rule), Emily Fox (Dashing Louisville FC), Gem Dunn (Portland Thistles FC), Naomi Girma (San Diego Wave FC), Sofia Huerta (Old Rule), Hailie Mace (Kansas City Current), Becky Sauerbrunn (Portland Thistles FC), Emily Sonnett (Old Rule)
MIDFIELDERS (7): Sam Coffey (Portland Thistles FC), Lindsey Horan (Olympique Lyon, FRA), Taylor Kornieck (San Diego Wave FC), Rose Lavelle (Old Rule), Kristie Mewis (NJ/NY Gotham FC), Ashley Sanchez (Washington Soul), Andi Sullivan (Washington Soul)
Advances (6): Ashley Trapdoor (Washington Soul), Alex Morgan (San Diego Wave FC), Midge Purce (NJ/NY Gotham FC), Trinity Rodman (Washington Soul), Mallory Swanson (Chicago Red Stars), Lynn Williams (NJ/NY Gotham FC)
The 24-player program called up for this outing highlights 21 players who partook in the USA's November Instructional course and matches against Germany toward the finish of 2022. The USWNT will be without advances Sophia Smith and Megan Rapinoe for these games, both of whom scored in the November friendlies against Germany, as both are returning from minor wounds. Safeguard Emily Sonnett and forward Lynn Williams return to the program subsequent to missing huge time in 2022 because of injury while forward Midge Purce likewise is back in camp for the USWNT.
Thirteen players on this program saw activity in the latest gathering between the USWNT and New Zealand, which came on Feb. 20 at Poise Wellbeing Sports Park in Carson, Calif. During the 2022 SheBelieves Cup. Ashley Lid and Mallory Swanson, previously Pugh who will currently be playing under her wedded name, both scored in the success as the Americans additionally constrained three New Zealand own objectives in the 5-0 triumph.
Go THROUGH DOWN UNDER This January camp, which will advertise the very first games for the USWNT in New Zealand, furnishes the USWNT with the extraordinary and priceless experience of getting to remain and prepare in the city in which it will headquarters during the World Cup, as the USA will be situated in Auckland/Tāmaki Makaurau for the span of the gathering stage.
The USA will likewise get to play at the two its Reality Cup bunch stage scenes this month, as Sky Arena, which will be known as Wellington Local Arena during the World Cup because of sponsorship guidelines, will be the site of the USA's second Gathering E match against the Netherlands on July 27 (opening shot at 1 p.m. NZT; 8 p.m. ET on July 26 in the USA). The USA's Reality Cup opening match against Vietnam (July 22 at 1 p.m. NZT; 8 p.m. ET on July 21) and third gathering stage match against the Gathering A Season finisher Victor (Aug. 1 at 7 p.m. NZT; 3 a.m. ET) will both be organized at Eden Park in Auckland.
Leading the pack up to the 2019 FIFA Ladies' Reality Cup, the USA likewise had the valuable chance to encounter travel and preparing On the planet Cup have country, holding its January camp in France and opening the 2019 timetable with a match against 2019 FIFA Ladies' Reality Cup has France in Le Havre.
SERIES HISTORY: USA Versus NEW ZEALAND The USA and New Zealand have played multiple times beforehand with the USWNT driving the general series 17-1-1. The solitary misfortune for the Americans arrived in a 1-0 loss during the main gathering between the groups on Dec. 15, 1987. From that point forward, the USA is unbeaten in the last 18 no holds barred matchups with the Football Greeneries, scoring at least five objectives in every one of the last four gatherings. The groups attracted 1-1 during a cordial October of 2013.
The latest gathering between the groups came 11 months prior at the 2022 SheBelieves Cup, a 5-0 triumph for the Americans in Carson, Calif on Feb. 20, 2022, behind objectives from Seal and Swanson and three New Zealand own objectives. Preceding that, the groups got down to business in the gathering phase of the postponed 2020 Olympics, a 6-1 triumph for the Americans as Rose Lavelle, Lindsey Horan, Dedicate Press and Alex Morgan scored while the USA constrained the Football Plants into two own objectives.
The gathering during the Tokyo Olympics denoted the fourth sequential Olympics in which the USA and New Zealand have gotten down to business, a streak that started during bunch stage play in 2008.
THE WORLD CUP Is standing by The 2023 FIFA Ladies' Reality Cup will start off on July 20 as co-have New Zealand takes on Norway in Auckland/Tāmaki Makaurau. After an hour, co-have Australia opens against the Republic of Ireland in Sydney/Gadigal. The full competition plan alongside the opening shot times can be seen as here.
The USA, which has equipped for each FIFA Ladies' Reality Cup in history and will look to lift the prize for a fifth time frame, will confront World Cup debutant Vietnam, Netherlands and the Gathering A Season finisher Champ - - either Portugal, Thailand or Cameroon - - in Gathering E, playing the whole of the gathering stage in New Zealand. The U.S. will open Gathering E play against Vietnam on July 22 at Eden Park in Auckland/Tāmaki Makaurau and afterward face the Netherlands on July 27 at Wellington Local Arena - otherwise called Sky Arena - in Wellington/Te Whanganui-a-Tara, denoting the initial time in FIFA Ladies' Reality Cup history that the two finalists from the past competition will meet in bunch play. The USA will then finish off the gathering stage against the Gathering A Season finisher Victor on Aug. 1 at Eden Park in Auckland/Tāmaki Makaurau.
The Between Confederation End of the season games will decide the last three capability spots for the 2023 FIFA Ladies' Reality Cup, including the USA's last adversary for the gathering stage. The ten-group season finisher competition will happen in New Zealand from February 17-23, 2023, and highlights ten countries split into three gatherings, with the victor of each gathering meeting all requirements for the Ladies' Reality Cup. Bunch A will highlight Cameroon against Thailand on Feb. 18 with the champ taking on Portugal for a billet to the World Cup on Feb. 22.
AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND 2023 Gatherings Bunch A: New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Switzerland Bunch B: Australia, Ireland, Nigeria and Canada Bunch C: Spain, Costa Rica, Zambia and Japan Bunch D: Britain, Gathering B Season finisher Champ, Denmark and China PR Bunch E: USA, Vietnam, Netherlands and the Gathering A Season finisher Champ Bunch F: France, Colombia, Jamaica, Brazil and the Gathering C Season finisher Victor Bunch G: Sweden, South Africa, Italy and Argentina Bunch H: Germany, Morocco, Colombia and Korea Republic
Single match passes are accessible among now and Walk third through FIFA's tickets entrance on a the early bird gets the worm premise. Costs will begin at AUD/NZD$20 for grown-ups and AUD/NZD$10 for kids. For more data about the 2023 FIFA Ladies' Reality Cup visit the 2023 FIFA World Cup center point.
2023 SHEBELIEVES CUP, Introduced BY VISA, Just around the corner Following these January games in New Zealand, the USA will return stateside for the February FIFA Global Window, where it will have the eighth yearly SheBelieves Cup, introduced by Visa®. The current year's competition will run from Feb. 16-22 as Brazil, Canada and Japan join the USA for the four-group worldwide competition. Each of the four countries will be taking part in the 2023 FIFA Ladies' Reality Cup the following summer and every one of the four are positioned in the main 11 on the planet with the USA at No. 1, Canada at No. 6, Brazil at No. 9 and Japan at No. 11.
The SheBelieves Cup will get back to its conventional three-setting design with matches played at Exploria Arena in Orlando, Fla., GEODIS Park in Nashville, Tenn. what's more, Toyota Arena in Frisco, Texas. Play starts off on Thursday, Feb. 16 at Exploria Arena as Japan takes on Brazil (4 p.m. ET) and the USA faces Canada (7 p.m. ET). The competition resumes on Sunday, Feb. 19, as the opposition moves to Nashville's GEODIS Park with the USA playing the principal match of the day against Japan (2:30 p.m. CT/3:30 p.m. ET) and Brazil confronting Canada (5:30 p.m. CT/6:30 p.m. ET) in the nightcap. The competition finishes up on Wednesday, Feb. 22 at Toyota Arena in Frisco, Texas, with Canada taking on Japan (3 p.m. CT/4 p.m. ET) and the USA confronting Brazil in the competition finale (6 p.m. CT/7 p.m. ET). Broadcast data for all the matches will be accessible sometime in the future.
USA List NOTES Starting from the beginning of 2020, the USWNT has played 33 matches in the US and 18 external the country. The USA is 30-1-2 in homegrown matches and has outscored the resistance 130-6 (+124) at home and is 10-4-4 with a 35-16 objective edge (+19) while playing outside the USA. The most covered player on this program is Becky Sauerbrunn at 211, followed Alex Morgan (200), Precious stone Dunn (126) and Lindsey Horan (122) while the most un-covered players are Casey Murphy (11), Adrianna Franch (10), Trinity Rodman (10), Naomi Girma (10), Hailie Mace (8), Taylor Kornieck (7) and Sam Coffey (4). Morgan procured her 200th cap on Nov. 13 in the USA's match against Germany in Harrison, N.J., turning out to be only the thirteenth player in USWNT history to arrive at the 200-cap achievement. Morgan is the top scorer on the list in worldwide play with 119 objectives. Lindsey Horan has 26. Swanson has 25 and Dunn has 24 objectives for the USWNT while Rose Lavelle has 22. Seventeen unique players scored for the USWNT in 2022 - Sophia Smith (11), Mallory Swanson (7), Catarina Macario (5), Alex Morgan (4), Rose Lavelle (4), Kristie Mewis (3), Ashley Sanchez (3), Ashley Trapdoor (2), Trinity Rodman (2), Midge Purce (2), Kelley O'Hara (1), Jaelin Howell (1), Andi Sullivan (1), Taylor Kornieck (1), Emily Sonnett (1), Lindsey Horan (1) and Megan Rapinoe (1). The USA's other six objectives in 2022 came through own objectives, the most ridiculously ever in a schedule year in program history with three on Feb. 20 versus New Zealand, and one each on April 12 versus Uzbekistan, June 28 versus Colombia and Sept. 6 versus Nigeria. Nine unique NWSL clubs are addressed on this program, alongside 2021-22 UEFA Ladies' Bosses Association champs Olympique Lyon, drove by four players each from the Washington Soul and Old Rule, and three players each from Portland Thistles FC, San Diego Wave FC and NJ/NY Gotham FC. IN Concentration: NEW ZEALAND | FIVE THINGS TO Be aware
Current FIFA World Positioning: 24 OFC Positioning: 1 FIFA Nation Code: NZL World Cup Appearances: 5 (1991, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2019) Best World Cup finish: Gathering stage Record versus USA: 1-17-1 Last Gathering versus USA: February 20, 2022 (5-0 win for the USA in Carson, Calif.) Mentor: Jitka Klimkova (CZE) Title Respects: OFC Ladies' Countries Cup Champions (1983, 2007, 2010, 2014, 2018); AFC Ladies' Heroes (1975)
NEW ZEALAND WOMEN'S Public SOCCER Group Program BY POSITION GOALKEEEPERS (3): 1-Erin Nayler (IFK Norrköping), 21-Murphy Sheaff (Jacksonville College, USA), 23-Brianna Edwards (Wellington Phoenix FC)
Protectors (8): 7-Ali Riley (Holy messenger City FC, USA), 18-Mackenzie Barry (Wellington Phoenix FC), 19-Liz Anton (Perth Magnificence, AUS), 24-Partner Green (Vålerenga, NOR), 30-Ashleigh Ward (Southampton FC, ENG), 31-Anna Green (Sydney FC, AUS), 35-Elegance Neville (London City Lionesses, ENG), 37-Rebecca Lake (Canterbury Joined Pride)
MIDFIELDERS (7): 12-Betsy Hassett (Wellington Phoenix FC), 15-Daisy Cleverley (HB Køge, Cave), 20-Jana Radosavljevic (DSC Arminia Bielefeld, GER), 28-Ava Collins (St John's College, USA), 29-Jacqui Hand (Åland Joined together, Blade), 32-Aniela Jensen (College of the Pacific, USA), 33-Elegance Wisnewski (Wellington Phoenix FC)
Advances (9): 9-Gabi Rennie (Arizona State College, USA), 11-Olivia Possibility (Celtic FC, SCO), 13-Paige Satchell (Wellington Phoenix FC), 16-Emma Rolston (Wellington Phoenix FC), 22-Hannah Blake (College of Michigan, USA), 25-Elegance Jale (Canberra Joined together, AUS), 27-Indiah Paige Riley (Brisbane Thunder), 34-Tayla O'Brien (Eastern Rural areas AFC), 36-Deven Jackson (Eastern Rural areas AFC)
NEW ZEALAND List NOTES The Football Greeneries have equipped for each big showdown since the 2007 FIFA Ladies' Reality Cup. New Zealand showed up at the Olympics the previous summer, having equipped for each Olympic Games since its presentation in 2008, and will play in its fifth sequential World Cup in the late spring of 2023. Practically the aggregate of NZL's list plays club soccer outside the nation and they are spread across the world in Australia, the USA, Scotland, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Germany and Finland. As these matches are occurring outside a FIFA window, the Greeneries are feeling the loss of a couple of standard call-ups, yet have a determination of exceptionally experienced players. Group commander Ali Riley, who plays for Heavenly messenger City FC in the NWSL, is the most experienced Greenery on the list with 147 covers and two objectives. Riley, who experienced childhood in Southern California and went to Stanford, has burned through a large portion of her master vocation abroad, spending around seven years in Sweden, one Germany and one in Britain, she returned the USA to play for the Orlando Pride and was exchanged to Holy messenger City FC before last season. Beginning goalkeeper Erin Nayler, who plays for IFK Norrköping in Sweden and has 78 covers, has had a few brilliant games against the USA throughout the long term. Veteran midfielder and previous California Brilliant Bear Betsy Hassett (137/14) acquired her 100th cap against the USA during the match in 2017 in Colorado. Hassett played with U.S. forward Alex Morgan at Cal. Midfielder Daisy Astutely played school soccer at UC Berkeley and Georgetown and presently plays expertly in Denmark. Five players on this New Zealand program are as of now playing school soccer in the USA including Gabi Rennie of Arizona State who scored in New Zealand's 2-1 misfortune to Australia at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Japan. Rennie was a piece of the New Zealand U-17 group which impacted the world forever by winning NZL's most memorable decoration at a FIFA Word Cup with a third-place finish at the 2018 FIFA U-17 Ladies' Reality Cup. Two different players on this program, safeguard Mackenzie Barry and midfielder Beauty Wisnewski, were likewise in that group. Lead trainer Jitka Klimkova was the lead trainer for the U.S. U-20 WYNT during the 2020 World Cup cycle and was additionally lead trainer U.S. U-19s as well as head scout for the U.S. group at the 2018 FIFA U-20 WWC in Papua New Guinea. She came to U.S. Soccer from New Zealand Football League, where she was lead trainer of the New Zealand U-17 Ladies' Public Group and an associate mentor for the Greeneries U-20 Ladies' Public Group more than 2013 and 2014, likewise filling in as an associate mentor for the senior New Zealand Ladies' Public Group in 2014.
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that-soccer-guru · 4 years
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