#emily christman
andymfx · 2 years
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This was one of two main shows that I got to work on from last October to mid March. Many thanks to Howard Berger for bringing on board and getting to work with you, Dirk, Caleb, Mike, Steve, Chris, Richard, Chris, Emily and the rest of the gang at KNB. This one was special for various reasons and can’t wait to finally see it. Here’s to the KNB gang both in the shop and on-set (Tami Lane & crew), Gary Archer & his team, Stan Winston & crew for their work on the original that inspired many of us, and of course to the creator of it all, Anne Rice. If only she could be here to see this.
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28, 44, 46 for the writing ask!
28. Do you like writing requests?
I’ve never got a request to write but if one day I receive one I’ll be happy to try them
44. Share a snippet of your current WIP?
Broken picture frames surrounding her younger self, after her father closed the door for the last time, he never came back, little pieces of glass in the floor of her bedroom when she found out what he had done, Emily destroyed the only family portrait the three of them together had, a Christman gift from her late grandmother, whom gave her the picture, because it was a day of remembrance, the day everything around her would change. - It’s from Trying to change (nobody said it had to be for the better) Still not posted but will be soon
46. Favourite sentence/paragraph you ever wrote?
A little paragraph from Exile, you can find it on my masterlist if you are courteous about how the fic goes. 
Those unsaid 'I love you’s' made her have a difficult time sleeping since she came back. Because what they once had finished long ago. That was what she told herself after the first night JJ and her spent in Paris, that was what she repeated herself after the last kiss they shared before JJ had to leave. At her front door, like they were just finishing a date, it wasn't quick. Emily likes to think that they both lingered a little, mouths still pressed against each other before JJ abruptly pulled back and left.
More questions from the ask game thing here
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decanter-fiction · 2 years
this blogs tbr
as mentioned in the description, i will be reading and reviewing the entire literary canon, plus some others i think should be there, and others i just want to read. i will be marking each read book with a line through it as it has been read
the list is as follows. To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë 1984 - George Orwell Wuthering Heights - Emily Brontë The Catcher in the Rye - J.D Salinger Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare Animal Farm - George Orwell Frankenstein - Mary Shelley Lord of the Flies - William Golding The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde Of Mice and Men - John Steinback Hamlet - William Shakespeare The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen Great Expectations - Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens Brave New World - Aldous Huxley The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka The Canterbury Tales - Geoffery Chaucer Emma - Jane Austen Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel García Márquez Dracula - Bram Stoker Macbeth - William Shakespeare The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinback A Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare Little Women - Louisa May Alcott The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemmingway Persuasion - Jane Austen Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut Jr The Crucible - Authur Miller The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath A Christman Carol - Charles Dickens The Odessey - Homer The Hobbit - J.R.R Tolken To The Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe Othello - William Shakespeare Beowulf - Unknown Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zora Neale Hurston The War of the World - H.G. Wells A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess The Aeneid - Virgil The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Authur Conan Dayle Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea - Jules Verne Metamorphoses - Ovid The Illiad - Homer Moby-Dick - Herman Melville The Jungle Books - Rudyard Kipling The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas Mansfield Park - Jane Austen Les Miserables - Victor Hugo Hard Times - Charles Dickens Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens The Sonnets and a Lover's Complaint - William Shakespeare The Divine Comedy - Dante Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll Alice Through the Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll The Jabberwocky and Other Nonsense - Lewis Carroll A Handmaids Tale - Margret Atwood The Poems of John Keats The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett This Perfect Day - Ira Levin One Flew Over to Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kessey The Art of War - Sun Tzu The Time Machine - H.G. Wells Orlando - Virginia Woolf The Little Prince - Antoine De Saint-Exupéry Pygmalion - George Bernard Shaw
annnnddd thats the list for now ! feel free to recommend books that you think id like !
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Not the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (fanfic)
Lydia prepares to celebrate her first Christmas without her mother. 
This..this is pretty angsty but also fluffy? It has a happy ending I swear.
Lydia had never been one of those people that were obsessed with Christmas and the Christman season. She didn’t dislike the holiday by any means, but it wasn’t her favorite, nobody in her family got super into it besides her uber-religious grandparents. Her mom and dad would take her to church on Christmas eve with the rest of the extended family but the rest of the holiday with filled with littler traditions they came up with as a family. As Lydia got older she learned that her mom didn’t have the most loving and affectionate family growing up and that’s why she tried to hard to get everything right for Lydia. She would make her own traditions and set her own standards, she was creating a family that not only supported Lydia growing up but made up for the crappy childhood Emily had. The Santa lie was quickly dropped when a seven-year-old Lydia displayed disgust at the prospect of this strange man with questionable business ethics sneaking into her house in the middle of the night, but the family still had their own unique way of making the holiday special. 
Emily died in the middle of December the previous year, she had been sick for almost two years by that point and her body couldn’t fight anymore. She slipped away on the eighteenth of December and everything had been such a blur of emotions and funeral preparations and a parade of semi sympathetic family members that Christmas was thrown to the wayside. Charles still tried to get a smile out of his broken-hearted daughter but the feeble attempts to recreate the old traditions did nothing but further upset Lydia who spent the day locked in her room sobbing as she stared at photographs and in the mirror at her newly short and black hair wondering if she was even worthy enough to look like her mother. Though that day was technically her first Christmas without her mom it had been such a blur that she hadn’t even had time to process the loss. As the days grew closer this year it started to dawn on her that she would never run downstairs again to find her parents sitting down on the couch in their living room in front of their chaotically decorated tree, she’d never see her mom bury her face in her mug when Lydia went to open the present that her parents said she wouldn’t be getting, she’d never spend another Christmas morning having a gingerbread house decorating contest, she’d never have another Christmas eve where her parents would still have her leave out milk and cookies for Santa even though Lydia was much too old for Santa. Sure she had lots to distract her from her all-consuming thoughts with everyone in the house and celebrating Hanukkah with Wendy, but nothing could change the fact that on Christmas Eve Lydia was sitting alone on her bed, clutching a photograph from many Christmas’s ago in her shaking hands, unsure if she wanted to cry, scream, or throw the picture frame at the wall and watch the glass shatter around on the floor. 
The whole month had been an emotional rollercoaster for her bouncing from having a panic attack at school, to the isolating loneliness that came with the anniversary of Emily’s death, to the heartwarming celebration of a new culture when she spent the first night of Hanukkah with Wendy and her family, and now the numbness she was overwhelmed with now. It was a strange sensation to be overwhelmed with numbness, it somehow both felt like everything and nothing at all. Filled with so many conflicting emotions that they all canceled each other out, leaving her feeling empty inside. There were so many other months that had less going on, Lydia couldn’t help but feel as though she was being punished with her mother’s death occurring right before Christmas. She knew that was a stupid thing to be annoyed by but now every single Christmas or Hanukkah from this point forward would always compete with the sadness Lydia felt when she thought about the loss of her mother. December Eighteenth. Every holiday would feel as though it was missing something, no matter how many people she added, no matter the friends she made or the family she found. Nothing would replace the hole where Emily Deetz once existed. 
Though her therapist told her that keeping all these feelings boxed up inside of her was not good for her mental health she didn’t want to ruin anyone else’s holiday. The Maitland’s seemed so excited to have people to buy presents for, Delia was big into decorating, and though he was never crazy about it when she was little even her dad was getting into the Christmas spirit, making Lydia groan whenever he would kiss Delia underneath the mistletoe. The only person Lydia could pretend the holiday didn’t exist with was Beetlejuice, but now even with the day getting closer, he was constantly asking Lydia questions about Christmas. They were often stupid and funny questions so they were a welcome distraction but tonight she was alone. Everyone was sleeping or pretending to sleep in the Maitland’s case. She knew they were just upstairs in the attic and she could spend the night with them is she wanted to, but she couldn’t bring herself to get up. Even her cats noticed the difference in her demeanor, the usually distant Kraken was snuggled up with her on one side, and the always cuddly Cation on the other. 
The clock on her dresser glowed midnight, and though she was exhausted she slid out of bed and went back over to the pile of presents she had accumulated in her room for all the family members. She remembered how happy she was at the beginning of the month, spending hours online and out shopping with Wendy trying to find the perfect presents for the wonderful people she got to call her family. She didn’t make a ton of money babysitting Skye but she wanted to splurge on them, they had done so much for her in the past few months, she wanted to let them know how much she appreciated it. She ran her fingers on the nicely curled bows and perfectly wrapped gifts knowing that she had to admit defeat and ask Barbara and Delia for help. It worked out really well because she didn’t want them to know what she got them so she just had the other person wrap it. One present she wrapped for herself though, and she debated on if she was going to put it under the tree. Her mother couldn’t open it anyway, she wasn’t exactly sure why she spent her money on it but she couldn’t get rid of this nagging feeling in her heart until she had a gift for Emily. She told her therapist how stupid it made her feel, and while she knew her family wouldn’t tease her for it she still worried they would think the same thing she was. It was dumb, she was dumb for doing it, she...she shook her head and went back to her bed just wishing the holiday was over already and she could move on with her life.  
She eventually passed out around two in the morning and woke up around ten in the morning. Christmas morning was a lot more casual now that Lydia was older, no more running downstairs at seven in the morning to see if Santa had come, it was now whenever Lydia rolled out of bed. She stood in the mirror ruffling her hair, noting that her blonde roots were starting to show and she was going to have to decide if she was going to go back to being blonde or dye her hair again. She straightened out her fuzzy pajamas and carried the armload of presents down the stairs to find the whole family hanging around the living room, Delia, her dad, and the Maitland’s talking about dinner that night and making sure there were kosher options for Wendy, though she wasn’t super strict about it. Beetlejuice was nursing some eggnog and glaring at her cat.  While she was staring at her family, they hadn’t yet noticed she was standing behind them, Lydia decided that she wasn’t going to completely ruin her holiday by lamenting over things she couldn’t change. No matter how hard she wished it, nothing would change the family that the holidays would never have her mother in them again. Blinking away a tear in her eye she greeted everyone warmly and joined them around the Christmas tree.
“Merry Christmas Lydia!” Barbara wrapped her in a warm hug, Barbara was practically bouncing up and down in excitement to give Lydia her present. Charles grumbled a little teasingly because he also wanted to give Lydia her present, but knowing Barbara he let her go first. Lydia tore through the cat pattern wrapping paper and revealed a beautiful hand-painted portrait of her two cats. She couldn’t hold back a grin and she threw herself into a tight hug with the ghost profusely thanking her and how much she loved it. She got everything right from Cation’s grey and green eyes to Kraken’s cheeky smile. While it wasn’t a contest she didn’t know if anything could quite beat that, and it seemed like Barbara knew it because she was beaming. 
Next, her father handed her a small package, and a larger package all wrapped in spare silver paper that Lydia had used for Wendy’s Hanukkah present, he smiled when handing it to her and said, “Open the small one first, I wasn’t sure if it’s your style but I hope you like it.”
Lydia carefully ripped the wrapping and opened the jewelry box to see a heart-shaped pendant with pink, white, and orange stripes. Lydia leaned her head against her father’s chest, “Aw dad thank you so much! I love it!”
“I know you have a lot of the rainbow pride things, and I wasn’t sure if you had any of the lesbian pride flag.” He blushed, “I know there’s a lot of controversy over the flag so I hope I got the right one.”
“It’s perfect dad, I love it.” She hugged him tightly extremely proud of the progress he’s made when it came to her identity. He was always accepting, he never once wavered in his love for her but he had gaps of knowledge when it came to it, but instead of remaining ignorant he was constantly learning and working to support his daughter. She teased him a lot but he really did try very hard to be a good father, and she appreciated everything. She must have been looking at the necklace for too long because her father was eagerly pushing the larger box towards her, she opened it up and was stunned to see the camera she had been begging for all year but her father swore he wasn’t going to be able to get because it was out of stock. She hung the strap around her neck and started taking pictures of everything going on throughout the rest of Christmas morning. Adam got her a set of new tea flavors that she had been wanting to try, Delia got her sweaters for her cats that Lydia instantly put them in and threw a mini photoshoot, and finally Beeteljucie tossed her a present wrapped only in tissue paper and scotch tape. She carefully unwrapped and laughed when she saw he got her “Cards Against Humanity” and fuzzy cat socks. He pretended not to smile when Lydia thanked him announcing he knew all along what to get her because he’s just that intuned to her interests, but secretly he was relieved she liked it. He spent hours trying to figure out what to get his best friend. 
Lydia excitedly gave her presents to everyone: a new paint set for Barbara, a set of crystals for Delia, a model train starter kit for Adam, and a DNA kit for her father because he always talked about wanting to know about where he came from. They were all very thankful and they all lounged around in the torn-up wrapping paper while enjoying each other’s company. Lydia bit back a grimace when her father suggested a gingerbread house decorating contest, but seeing how excited everyone else got she couldn’t bring herself to say no. For the next two hours they kitchen turned from clean to a frosting, sprinkles, and gumdrop disastrous mess. In the end, Lydia’s house came in second just behind Delia’s who shockingly had a very impressive house. Lydia had never known how good her stepmother was at design, while her and her father had decorated the house it was always too outlandish for Lydia’s taste. The gingerbread house looked perfect though, the cookie ceiling had frosting icicle. It broke Lydia’s heart that Beetlejuice started eating it before she got a good photo of it. 
She had been doing a good job of distracting herself, any time she caught herself slipping in her happy facade she threw herself into another mindnumbing task knowing it would keep her mind occupied until Wendy arrived. She was midway cutting up the potatoes for the side dish when there was a knocking at the door. Lydia quickly brushed her hands clean on a dish towel next to her and ran over to the door, almost slipping on the hardwood. She straightened up her red and green Santa hat and opened up the door. Wendy smiled warmly and Lydia pulled her in for a welcoming hug. Charles and Delia greeted Wendy as they walked into the kitchen, Barbara and Adam hugged her, and Beetlejuice shot her finger guns from the distance saying, “Happy holidays Weslie.”
“At least he’s getting closer,” Wendy whispered to Lydia
She simply rolled her eyes, “He knows your name he’s just trying to be a prick and pretend that he doesn’t care about my life. Honestly, the funny part is hearing what W name he’s going to use next to describe you, there’s only so many.”
“Last week I heard him call me Walter when we were talking on the phone.” 
“Yeah that’s just BJ.”
The dinner went smoothly, Lydia felt bad that the traditional Christmas dinner was ham and Wendy couldn’t have it, but they did make a small turkey for her to eat. Once dinner was over they cleaned up the dishes and had a monstrous amount of cookies for dessert. Lydia didn’t realize how into baking Barbara was until the kitchen tables and counters were covered with what must have been hundreds if not a thousand cookies. They were all starting to get stuffed and tired from the long day, everyone was relaxing on the couch, Lydia and Wendy trying to hide the fact that they were holding hands underneath the blankets when Beetlejuice began to loudly and incorrectly sing Christmas carols. The snow was peacefully falling outside the window, making the evening almost as cheesy as a Christmas card. Everything looked so perfect, and Lydia tried to hard to push away the uncomfortableness she felt brewing within her. She wanted so desperately to be happy, to just feel happy, she should be happy. Everyone around her looks so happy, she is surrounded by family, and friends, and loved ones. She thought this should be enough, she should be satisfied. She halfheartedly laughed whenever BJ started screeching the wrong words to “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer” and smiled when he pulled up Wendy from the couch to dance with him and the Maitlands. 
After preparing a large plate of cookies and other goodies for Wendy to take home to her family in exchange for the delicious Hanukkah treats they sent with Lydia the two girls were left alone to say goodbye for the night. It was almost the exact same as it was three nights ago when they were celebrating Hanukkah but this time it was Wendy handing Lydia a small wrapped gift. Opening it carefully she smiled gratefully when she opened another small jewelry box to find a bracelet with charms on it signifying inside jokes they had. They spent a good five minutes just reminiscing in their jokes, Lydia’s personal favorite the serotonin molecule from when she was hanging out at Wendy’s house and said she could really go for some serotonin and Wendy went up to go look for some, forgetting what it actually was. Lydia pulled her girlfriend into a loving hug, leaning her head on the crook between Wendy’s neck and shoulder. 
“Get a room.” Beetlejuice teased, leaning against the doorway, “Ya know doing this kind of stuff in front of your ex-husband isn’t very becoming Lydia. I just want you to know I’m not the jealous type, I don’t care what you do with Winston-”
“Wendy,” Lydia corrected sarcastically, “One, I’m literally a lesbian. Two you died so technically you’re not my ex-husband I’m your widow.  And third, that wedding was a green card thing and YOU KNOW IT!”
Beetlejuice raised his hands up defensively, “I’m joking, I’m joking! You gotta relax kid, I have literally never been interested in you. I’m more interested in Sexy and Babs.”
“Then PLEASE go bother the Maitlands.” Lydia pleaded as she held onto Wendy’s hand while trying to give Beetlejuice a look explaining that she’s trying to have a moment and he’s ruining it. He supposedly got the hint because he went to turn around but not before snapping his fingers and pointing upwards above Lydia and Wendy’s head.
“Looks like mistletoe to me Scarecrow.”
Lydia glanced up and her face tinted pink when she saw the green and red plant hanging above their heads. Wendy snickered, her nose scrunching up like a bunny which Lydia thought was incredibly adorable. She started t stutter out some excuse that they didn’t have to do it, and that Beetlejuice was being an annoying brother figure again, and that mistletoe was stupid in the first place but Wendy was having none of that. She leaned down and gave her a soft kiss on the lips before hugging her goodbye once more and running out to her parents’ car. Lydia stood there with a dumb-happy grin on her face for a solid minute before Beetlejuice reappeared in the room making kissy noises at her. She threw the closest thing within grabbing distance, which unfortunately happened to be one of Delia’s strange rocks. Beetlejuice simply caught it and tossed it around in his hands before telling Lydia to not be so easy to pick on so he doesn’t have to keep bugging her. She rolled her eyes at him again as she walked back into the living room. For the rest of the evening, they sat and watched cheesy Christmas movies and drank hot chocolate, deciding that a new tradition they would adopt would be to guess how much liquor BJ put in the eggnog. Charles took one sip and instantly spit it out it burned of alcohol so much. Beetlejuice tried to sneak some spiked eggnog to Lydia but was stopped almost instantly as literally everyone was watching him and even Lydia refused the absurdly strong drink. 
Everyone had gone to bed around eleven at night, and Beetlejuice went...whereever it is Beetlejuice goes when nobody else is around. Lydia was about to head up to her bedroom and edit some of the photos she had taken in order to keep herself distracted from the growing pit of dread in her stomach. She wished everyone a Merry Christmas and was about to go into her room when her father pulled her aside and gestured for her to follow him into his room. She sat down on his one chair while he went to grab something from the closet. He returned with a nicely done gift bag, stuffed with white and glittery tissue paper and the two handles tied up in a neat bow. 
“Dad you already got me more than everything I wanted, you really didn’t have to.” She smiled sweetly
He fiddled with his hands, taking in a deep breath, “This isn’t from me.”
“Who’s it from?” 
“Your mother. She bought it for you last year before...I don’t know what it is. Remember all those Christmas mornings when I’d have no clue what she got you?” He handed her a card that came with the gift and Lydia stared down shocked to see her mother’s familiar scrawl on the envelope. She always looped her Ls weird, something Lydia had copied into writing her own name, but seeing it again, writing that came from a pen that her mother had held...it was resurfacing all the feelings she had been trying so hard to keep pushed down just for today. She kept repeating to herself in her mind that she was fine, she was okay, her mom was gone, there was nothing she could do about it, don’t cry it’s Christmas, don’t ruin everyone else’s good time, don’t don’t don’t.
She curled her fists into her hair, almost dropping the gift bag onto the floor. Charles pulled Lydia into a hug and everything she had been holding in came flooding out. She started sobbing against her father’s chest, her tiny body shaking with such violence that Charles gripped onto her tighter in an attempt to calm her. She wanted to stop, she wanted to stop crying and just go back to how it had been during the day but she couldn’t help herself. She missed her mother. She missed her mother so much, and it wasn’t fair that she couldn’t see her again. She’d never have another Christmas, or New Years, or Halloween with her. Never. She knew she was soaking her father’s shirt with her tears but he didn’t move away, he just stroked her hair, and told it that it was okay. 
“It’s not okay dad. It’s not okay, it’s not ever going to be okay. She’s dead, she’s never coming back, and this is the last present she ever got me. I tried really hard, I tried really hard to be okay today. Everyone else is so fucking happy and I didn’t want to ruin it for everyone else. I screwed it all up, I’m ruining your day, you tried to do this really nice and sweet thing for me and I’m a goddamn mess!” She gasped out between her hiccuping-sobs 
“Lydia, Lydia sweetheart it’s okay! You’re not ruining anybody’s Christmas. I’m so sorry you felt like you had to keep this all from us because you thought it would upset us. Honey, I’ve been missing her a lot today too. I was holed up in my office all last night flipping through old photo albums of our Christmases wishing we had gotten just one more. That’s when I remembered this present. I packed it away last year, I thought it would be too hard for you back then but I shouldn’t have hidden it from you.”
Lydia sniffled a little, still clutching the present in her hands unsure if she was ready to see what was inside. Lydia set the present down gently on the floor, grabbed her father’s hand and slumped down on his bed. She knew she was getting too big for this, but she really just wanted to be close to someone right now. He laid on his back and she rested her head on his stomach while he gently rubbed the back of her shirt. She was still crying, “I feel so broken. It’s supposed to be the happiest time of the year and the whole month I’ve been a trainwreck with one crisis after another”
“It’s okay for it to not be “the most wonderful time of the year.” a lot of people have struggles around Christmas and this is going to be one of yours. I wish it didn’t have to be, I want so badly for her to still be here with you but we can’t rewind the clock. You don’t have to pretend you’re alright though, it is okay for you to be sad, for you to miss her. We can talk about her, we can still keep her alive in our traditions and everything else.”
She nodded her head, “I know it probably sounds stupid but I got her a present, I know she can’t open it but I got it for her because I couldn’t bring myself not to.”
“It’s not stupid at all honey. It’s incredibly sweet, you should have put in under the tree this morning.”
“Why? There’s nobody to open it.”
“I think it would have made you feel a lot better,” he tried to explain, “I think you would have not been holding all this in all day.”
Lydia thought about it, wondering if all of this could have been avoided if she just talked about it. She was always on her dad’s case for never wanting to talk about things but here she was hiding her feelings from her family. She did it all the time, now that she thought about it. Ever since she moved to Connecticut she had been so preoccupied trying to not ruin the happiness everyone was supposedly experiencing that she just buried down her own problems, only talking about them when they boiled over and she had a breakdown. She laid with her father in a peaceful silence for a few minutes before she sat up and crawled over to where the present was laying. She debated opening it alone but she knew whatever it was it was going to make her cry, she didn’t want to be alone anymore. 
She undid the ribbon and slowly removed the tissue paper. She held the gift in her hands, mesmerized by the object in her hands. It was a snowglobe. When she first pulled it out of the bag she was kind of confused, she had never collected snowglobes but when she turned it around she saw that inside the glass was two photographs of their family. One when Lydia was just a baby, the other a photo they had taken just a few weeks before Emily had died. She grazed her thumb over the glass and showed it to her father who smiled bittersweetly at the gift. She noticed there was a turn-key on the bottom and when she wound it up she couldn’t help but smile when it started to play that song her mother always sang when they were cleaning up. It was strange to hear “Jump in the Line” in a music box tune. She knew there were tears in her eyes but they weren’t as urgent feeling as the ones from just a few minutes ago. It felt alright to cry, she wasn’t exactly sad but she wasn’t happy. It was strange. 
She and her father sat on the bed listening to the snowglobe play it’s tune over and over again while looking at old photos from Christmas’s of long ago and not so long ago. Her dad must have texted Delia because she never came into the bedroom that night, she felt bad about it especially because she was fifteen years old now, she shouldn’t need to fall asleep in her daddy’s room but he assured her that Delia completely understood. She snuggled under his blankets, he kissed her goodnight on her forehead. It did not take long for her dad to fall asleep, his loud snoring quickly filling the room but Lydia didn’t mind. For the first time all day she didn’t have this crippling tension building up in her body, she was relaxed and she knew that her father was right. It was okay if it wasn’t the most wonderful time of the year.
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vernorsgingerale · 4 years
books i read in 2020
the hound of the baskervilles by sir arthur conan doyle
curious toys by elizabeth hand
illyria by elizabeth hand (reread)
goodbye, vitamin by rachel khong (reread)
ghost wall by sarah moss (reread)
ways of seeing by john berger
wuthering heights by emily brontë
oranges are not the only fruit by jeanette winterson
euphoria by lily king
landscapes: john berger on art by john berger, edited by tom overton
how the canyon became grand: a short history by stephen j. pyne
medieval bodies: life, death and art in the middle ages by jack hartnell
howl’s moving castle by diana wynne jones (reread)
weather by jenny offill
how to be both by ali smith
public library and other stories by ali smith
margaret the first by danielle dutton
homie by danez smith
mariette in ecstasy by ron hansen
a children’s bible by lydia millet
how steeple sinderby wanderers won the FA cup by j. l. carr
don’t call us dead by danez smith
the hand on the wall by maureen johnson
in the heart of the sea: the tragedy of the whaleship essex by nathaniel philbrick (reread)
real life by brandon taylor
autumn by ali smith
a room of one’s own by virginia woolf (reread)
meditations after the bear feast: the poetic dialogues of n. scott momaday and yuri vaella, translated and edited by alexander vashchenko and claude clayton smith
midwest futures by phil christman
the waterworks by e. l. doctorow
the case of the missing marquess by nancy springer
fieldwork by mischa berlinski
n.p. by banana yoshimoto, translated by ann sherif (reread)
lie with me by philippe besson, translated by molly ringwald
chemistry by weike wang (reread)
the case of the left-handed lady by nancy springer
intimations by zadie smith
darkly: black history and america’s gothic soul by leila taylor
the only good indians by stephen graham jones
fierce femmes and notorious liars: a dangerous trans girl’s confabulous memoir by kai cheng thom
winter by ali smith
earth keeper: reflections on the american land by n. scott momaday
last night in nuuk by niviaq korneliussen, translated by anna halager
kitchen by banana yoshimoto, translated by megan backus
weetzie bat by francesca lia block (reread)
witch baby by francesca lia block
mapping the interior by stephen graham jones
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randomlyrandoms · 5 years
JANUARY Pegi Young - Jan. 1 (Folk Singer) Bob Einstein - Jan. 2 (TV Actor) Gene Okerlund - Jan. 2 (Sportscaster) Daryl Dragon - Jan. 2 (Pop Singer) Herb Kelleher - Jan. 3 (Entrepreneur) Jo Andres - Jan. 6 (Director) Annalise Braakensiek - Jan. 6 (TV Actress) Kevin Fret - Jan. 10 (Rapper) Mel Stottlemyre - Jan. 13 (Baseball Player) Carol Channing - Jan. 15 (Stage Actress) Hailie Masson - Jan. 17 (TikTok Star) Windsor Davies - Jan. 17 (TV Actor) Mary Oliver - Jan. 17 (Poet) Boo the Pomeranian - Jan. 18 (Dog) John Coughlin - Jan. 18 (Figure Skater) Sean Dolan - Jan. 19 (Family Member) *Ethan & Grayson's Father* Masazo Nonaka - Jan. 20 (Supercantenarian)   Emiliano Sala - Jan. 21 (Soccer Player) Ashley Lovelace - Jan. 21 (Imstagram Star) Kaye Ballard - Jan. 21 (Stage Actress) Russell Baker - Jan. 21 (Memoirist) Kevin Barnett - Jan. 22 (Comedian) James Frawley - Jan. 22 (Director) Oliver Mtukudzi - Jan. 23 (Reggae Singer) Aloysius Pang - Jan. 24 (TV Actor) Fatima Ali - Jan. 25 (Chef) Michel Legrand - Jan. 26 (Composer) Jayo Sama - Jan. 27 (Rapper) Pepe Smith - Jan 28 (Rock Singer) James Ingram - Jan. 29 (R&B Singer) Dick Miller - Jan. 30 (Movie Actor)
FEBRUARY Clive Swift - Feb. 1 (TV Actor) Neal James - Feb. 1 (Reality Star) *Kristoff St. John - Feb. 3 (Soap Opera Actor) Julie Adams - Feb. 3 (TV Actress) Matti Nykanen - Feb. 4 (Skier) Albert Finney - Feb. 7 (Movie Actor) John Dingell - Feb. 7 (Politician) Frank Robinson - Feb. 7 (Baseball Player) Fabio Legarda - Feb. 7 (Reggaeton Singer) Cadet - Feb. 9 (Rapper) Ron W. Miller - Feb. 9 (Entrepreneur) Jan Michael Vincent - Feb. 10 (Movie Actor) Pedro Morales - Feb. 12 (Wrestler) Gordon Banks - Feb. 12 (Soccer Player) Bruno Ganz - Feb. 15 (Movie Actor) Saban Saulic - Feb. 17 (Folk Singer) Sean Milliken - Feb. 17 (Reality Star) *Karl Lagerfeld - Feb. 19 (Fashion Designer) Stanley Donen - Feb. 21 (Director) Beverley Owen - Feb. 21 (TV Actress) Peter Tork - Feb. 21 (Pop Singer) Brody Stevens - Feb. 22 (Comedian) Morgan Woodward - Feb. 22 (TV Actor) Clark James Gable - Feb. 22 (TV Actor) Lisa Sheridan - Feb. 25 (TV Actress) Mark Hollis - Feb. 25 (Rock Singer) Christian Bach - Feb. 26 (Soap Opera Actress) Nathaniel Taylor - Feb. 27 (TV Actor) Andre Previn - Feb. 28 (Composer) Anna Cunningham - Feb. 28 (TikTok Star)
MARCH Katherine Helmond - March 1 (TV Actress) Elly Mayday - March 1 (Model) Janice Freeman - March 2 (Pop Singer) **Luke Perry - March 4 (TV Actress) Keith Flint - March 4 (Pop Singer) Ted Lindsay - March 4 (Hockey Player) King Kong Bundy - March 4 (Wrestler) Chokoleit - March 9 (Comedian) Jed Allan - March 9 (Soap Opera Actor) Hal Blaine - March 11 (Drummer) Felicite Tomlinson - March 13 (Instagram Star) Mike Thalassitis - March 15 (Reality Star) Lil Mister - March 15 (Rapper) Dick Dale - March 16 (Guitarist) Richard Erdman - March 16 (TV Actor) Scott Walker - March 22 (Pop Singer) Agnes Varda - March 29 (Director) Nipsey Hussle - March 31 (Rapper)
APRIL Wowaka - April 5 (Pop Singer) Seymour Cassel - April 7 (Movie Actor) Mya-Lecia Naylor - April 7 (TV Actress) Earl Thomas Conley - April 10 (Country Singer) Bibi Andersson - April 14 (Movie Actress) Georgia Engel - April 15 (TV Actress) Black Jezuss - April 15 (Rapper) Alan García - April 17 (Politician) Lorraine Warren - April 18 (Supernatural Investigator) Julio Melgar - April 19 (World Music Singer) Stefanie Sherk - April 20 (TV Actress) Ken Kercheval - April 21 (TV Actor) Mark Medoff - April 23 (Playwright) John Singleton - April 29 (Director) **Peter Mayhew - April 30 (Movie Actor)
MAY   Rachel Jones - May 4 (Blogger) Rachel Held Evans - May 4 (Religious Author) Max Azria - May 6 (Fashion Designer) Jim Fowler - May 8 (TV Show Host) Peggy Lipton - May 11 (TV Actress) Pua Magasiva - May 11 (TV Actor) Alvin Sargent - May 11 (ScreenWriter) Elsa Patton - May 12 (Reality Star) Doris Day - May 13 (Movie Actress) *Grumpy Cat - May 14 (Cat) Tim Conway - May 14 (TV Actor) Isaac Kappy - May 14 (Movie Actor) I.M. Pei - May 16 (Architect) Ashley Massaro - May 16 (Wrestler) Bob Hawke - May 16 (World Leader) Herman Wouk - May 18 (Noveist) Niki Lauda - May 20 (Race Car Driver) Bart Starr - May 26 (Football Player) Gabriel Diniz - May 27 (World Music Singer) Bill Buckner - May 27 (Baseball Player) Susan Anne Christman - May 29 (Family Member) Leon Redbone - May 30 (Jazz Singer) Patricia Bath - May 30 (Inventor) Roky Erickson - May 31 (Rock Singer)
JUNE José Antonio Reyes - June 1 (Soccer Player) Ani Yudhoyono - June 1 (Political Wife) Dr. John - June 6 (Jazz Singer) Noemi Ban - June 7 (Non-Fiction Author) Curlyhead.kidd - June 8 (Instagram Star) Mary Duggar - June 9 (Reality Star) Bushwick Bill - June 9 (Rapper) Gabriele Grunewald - June 11 (Runner) Sylvia Miles - June 12 (Movie Actress) Sean McCann - June 13 (TV Actor) Edith González - June 13 (Soap Opera Actress) Franco Zeffirelli - June 15 (Director) Bishop Bullwinkle - June 16 (Soul Singer) Mohamed Morsi - June 17 (Politician) Gloria Vanderbilt - June 17 (Entrepreneur) Philippe Zdar - June 19 (DJ) Judith Krantz - June 22 (Novelist) Dave Bartholomew - June 23 (Songwriter) Stephanie Niznik - June 23 (TV Actress) Fame Reek - June 24 (Rapper) Billy Drago - June 24 (Moive Actor) Etika - June 25 (Youtube Star) **Beth Chapman - June 26 (Reality Star) Max Wright - June 26 (TV Actor) Hella Sketchy - June 27 (Rapper)
JULY Tyler Skaggs - July 1 (Baseball Player) Lee Iacocca - July 2 (Entrepreneur) Arte Johnson - July 3 (TV Actor) Chris Cline - July 4 (Entrepreneur) **Cameron Boyce - July 6 (TV Actor) Martin Charnin - July 6 (Director) Joao Gilberto - July 6 (Guitarist) *Rip Torn - July 9 (Movie Actor) Freddie Jones - July 9 (Movie Actor) **Denise Nickerson - July 10 (Movie Actress) Emily Hartridge - July 12 (Youtube Star) Bianca Devins - July 14 (Instagram Star) Rutger Hauer - July 19 (Movie Actor) Gabe Khouth - July 23 (Voice Actor) David Hedison - July 23 (TV Actor) Beji Essebsi - July 25 (Politician) Russi Taylor - July 26 (Voice Actress) Carlos Cruz-Diez - July 27 (Pop Artist) Dillon Henderson - July 28 (Youtube Star) The King of Random - July 29 (Youtube Star) Nick Buoniconti - July 30 (Football Player) Harold Prince - July 31 (TV Producer)
AUGUST Toni Morrison - Aug. 5 (Novelist) David Berman - Aug. 7 (Rock Singer) Ben Unwin - Aug. 14 (TV Actor) Peter Fonda - Aug. 16 (Movie Actor) Cedric Benson - Aug. 17 (Football Player) Gina Lopez - Aug. 19 (Environmentalist) Jessi Combs - Aug. 27 (TV Show Host) Valerie Harper - Aug. 30 (TV Actress)
SEPTEMBER Peter Lindbergh - Sept. 3 (Photographer) Carol Lynley - Sept. 3 (Movie Actress) Lashawn Daniels - Sept. 3 (Songwriter) Chris March - Sept. 5 (Fashion Designer) Jimmy Johnson - Sept. 5 (Guitarist) Robert Mugabe - Sept. 6 (World Leader) Robert Axelrod - Sept. 7 (Voice Actor) Camilo Sesto - Sept. 8 (World Music Singer) Robert Frank - Sept. 9 (Photographer) Daniel Johnston - Sept. 11 (Folk Singer) Eddie Money - Sept. 13 (Rock Singer) Ric Ocasek - Sept. 15 (Rock Singer) Phyllis Newman - Sept. 15 (Stage Actress) Suzanne Whang - Sept. 17 (TV Actress) Cokie Roberts - Sept. 17 (Journalist) Aron Eisenberg - Sept. 21 (TV Actor) Sid Haig - Sept. 21 (Movie Actor) Carl Ruiz - Sept. 21 (Chef) Robert Hunter - Sept. 23 (Songwriter) Linda Porter - Sept. 25 (TV Actor) Jacques Chirac - Sept. 26 (Politician) Jose Jose - Sept. 28 (World Music Singer) Jessye Norman - Sept. 30 (Opera Singer) Louie Rankin - Sept. 30 (Reggae Singer)
OCTOBER Karel Gott - Oct. 1 (Pop Singer) Kim Shattuck - Oct. (Rock Singer) Diahann Carroll - Oct. 4 (TV Actress) Ginger Baker - Oct. 6 (Drummer) Rip Taylor - Oct. 6 (Movie Actor) Larry Junstrom - Oct. 6 (Guitarist) David Weisman - Oct. 9 (Film Producer) *Robert Forster - Oct. 11 (Movie Actor) Kadri Gopalnath - Oct. 11 (Saxophonist) Sulli - Oct. 14 (TV Actress) Elijah Cummings - Oct. 17 (Politician) Alicia Alonso - Oct. 17 (Dancer) Bill Macy - Oct. 17 (TV Actor) Willie Brown - Oct. 22 (Football Player) Robert Evans - Oct. 26 (Film Producer) John Witherspoon - Oct. 29 (TV Actor)
NOVEMBER Rudy Boesch - Nov. 1 (Reality Star) Brian Tarantina - Nov. 2 (TV Actor) Walter Mercado - Nov. 2 (TV Show Host) Laurel Griggs - Nov. 5 (Stage Actress) Fred Cox - Nov. 20 (Football Player) Goo Hara - Nov. 24 (Pop Singer) Gary Rhodes - Nov. 26 (Chef) Godfrey Gao - Nov. 27 (Model)
DECEMBER Shelley Morrison - Dec. 1 (TV Actress) Ron Leibman - Dec. 6 (TV Actor) Juice WRLD - Dec. 8 (Rapper) Caroll Spinney - Dec. 8 (Puppeteer) Rene Auberjonois - Dec. 8 (TV Actor) Marie Fredriksson - Dec. 9 (Pop Singer) Philip McKeon - Dec. 10 (TV Actor) Danny Aiello - Dec. 12 (Movie Actor) Chuy Bravo - Dec. 14 (Reality Star) Mama Cax - Dec. 16 (Blogger) Claudine Auger - Dec. 18 (Movie Actress) Sue Lyon - Dec. 26 (Movie Actress) Don Imus - Dec. 27 (Radio Host)
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legandaryharry · 7 years
92 Truths
Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag.
thank you @nickygrimms , @shadesofstyles , @harryslusciouscurls , @mizpahes , @adonisstyles , @black-ink-rose , @hardliquorhaz for tagging me wow
1. Drink: Water
2. Phone Call: My friend 
3. Text Message: my girl @jetaimeharry i luv u
4. Song you listened to: Look at me - xxxtentacion 
5. Time You Cried: Yesterday LOL
Dated someone twice: yes big mistake 
7. Been cheated on: yes :/
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: no
9. Lost someone special: yes sadly
10. Been depressed: yes lol
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yes omg never again 
burgundy, olive green, muted pink
15. Made new friends: Yes :)
16. Fallen out of love: kinda yes but kinda no
17. Laughed until you cried: yes a lot
18. Found out someone was talking about you: definitely 
19. Met someone who changed you: no.
20. Found out who your true friends are: yeah one is 
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: if they mean my friends list then yes
22. How many of you Facebook friends do you know in real life: mostly everyone
23. Do you have any pets: one dog, she is a black miniature pinscher and her name is macy, shes the love of my life. 
24. Do you want to change your name: no i like my name, it suits me 
25. What did you do for your last birthday: i went to cheesecake factory lol
26. What time did you wake up: like 11am 
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: chillin with my bro
28. Name something you cannot wait for: seeing harry next year
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: like an hour ago, shes asleep
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: how depressed and stupid i am
31. What are you listening to now: 6six6 - suicide boys
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no lol whos tom
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: myself lol
34. Most visited website: Tumblr
35. Elementary: fun time
36. High school: depressing af
37. College/University: dont go to college
38. Hair color: dark brown
39. Long or short hair: like short medium but im growning it out
40. Do you have a crush on someone: no lol
41. What do you like most about yourself: ummm nothing lol
42. Piercings: i have two holes pierced on both ears 
43. Blood type: B positive i think
44. Nickname: maddy, mads
45. Relationship Status: single aff
46. Zodiac Sign: libra
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV shows: american horror story, inuyasha, noragami, tokyo ghoul, kamisama kiss, yona of the dawn, vampire diaries, orange is the new black, the office, parks and recs, arrested development
49. Tattoos: i have the letter N on my hand
50. Right or Left Handed: right
51. Surgery: never had surgery
52. Piercing: ears
53. Sport: dance
54. Vacation: north carolina in the outer banks
55. Pair of trainers: i remember i had these pink and grey sketchers lol
56. Eating: lol my favorite food since i was a baby was mashed potatoes so maybe that then
58: Drinking: milk lol
59. I’m about to: go get food lol 
60. Listening to: im watching a youtube video
61. Waiting for: my happiness to come back lol
62. Want: chipotle 
63. Get Married: maybe 
64. Career: hair stylist
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs
66. Lips or Eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or Taller: tall
68. Older or Younger: older
69. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms
70. Sensitive or Loud: in between
71. Hookup or Relationship: relationship
72. Troublemaker or Hesitant: troublemaker
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: yes
76. Lost glasses/contacts: I don’t wear either.
77. Turned someone down: yes
78. Sex on first date: no lol
79. Broken someone’s heart: ugh i think so
80. Had your heart broken: kinda yesss
81. Been arrested: no 
82. Cried when someone died: YES
83. Fallen for a friend: no lol
84. Yourself: no lol
85. Miracles: maybe
86. Love at first sight: noo
87. Santa Claus: not anymore
88. Kiss on first date: no
89. Angels: no
90. Current best friend’s name: umm i have two to abbey and emily
91. Eye color: brown
92: Favorite movie: the black swan, sing, where the heart is, the hand that rocks the cradle, baby boom, funny farm, anywhere but here, national lampoon vacation and christman 
im tagging @jetaimeharry , @liamsboss , @edwardstyles , @17-blackaf , @blueeyedsoulme , @fatheremily , @harry-writings , @lovingstyles87 , @hcrrystvles , @kiwi-live , @gucciloafer , @guccisuit
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netmyname-blog · 6 years
Marinaro Tyrance MO
New Post has been published on https://nerret.com/netmyname/marinaro-tyrance/marinaro-tyrance-mo/
Marinaro Tyrance MO
Marinaro Tyrance MO Top Web Results.
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www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov Dec. 13, 1973 – Speech, Heisman Trophy Dinner, New York, NY MISSOURI. Robert W. Broeg, Post-Dispatch …. PAUL CHRISTMAN, Missouri. 4. GEORGE CAFEGO ….. ED MARINARO, Cornell University. 3. GREGG PRUITT …
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thepeterssite · 7 years
Katherine Heigl Net Worth
What is the Net Worth of Katherine Heigl?
Who is Katherine Heigl?
Katherine Heigl, born as Katherine Marie Heigl, is an American actress, producer and ex fashion model who is well-known for portraying Izzie Stevens in ABC’s television series Grey’s Anatomy. She is also recognized for her films like Knocked Up (2007), The Ugly Truth (2009), Killers (2010), Life As We Know It (2010).
Heigl was born on 24th November, 1978 in Washington, D.C. to Nancy, a personal manager and Paul Heigl, a financial executive and accountant. She has three elder siblings; Meg, Jason (dead) and Holt. Before moving to New Canaan, she lived at Virginia and Denver. In 1986 her brother, Jason died because of some injuries caused by a car accident.
Beginning of Career
At a very young age of 9, Heigl started her career as a model. She worked with Wilhelmina Models as a child model. She appeared in the catalogs of Sears and Lord &Taylor. She then made screen debut through the ad of Cheerios cereal. In the year 1992, she made her movie debut as Kathryn in Craig Bolotin’s That Night. Following the year, she portrayed Christina Sebastian in King of the Hill.
After having minor roles in two films, Heigl got her first lead role as Nicole Arnel in Steve Miner’s My Father the Hero in year 1994. Just after that year, she again played the character of Sarah Ryback in film Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995). She then appeared as Alexia Wheaton in TV film Wish Upon a Star. In year 1997, she was cast as Princess Ilene in Anthony Hickox directed film Prince Valiant.
In the year 1998, Heigl was seen as Shannon Griffin in film Bug Buster and Jade in Bride of Chucky. She also appeared as Miranda Prosper in The Tempest, a television film. She subsequently played the lead role Isabel Evans in The WB’s (original) and UPN’s (later) TV series Roswell from year 1999 to 2002. She had also played in different movies like 100 Girls and Valentine in respective years 2000 and 2001.
Moreover, Heigl portrayed the character of Ann Hedgerow / Emily Hedgerow in Kermit Christman and Del Tenney’s Descendant. The same year, she was seen in TV movies like Vegas Dick, Love Comes Softly, and Wuthering Heights. These works helped her to increase her net worth for year 2003. In 2005, she co-produced and starred in film Side Effects, and was seen as Lynn Sheridan in The Ringer.
Her work from 2005 to present
Heigl, then, was cast as lead character, Dr. Izzie Stevens in ABC’s medical drama TV series, Grey’s Anatomy. She did the role from year 2005 to 2010 and 120 episodes. This TV series was the main source of her net worth. She then starred as Jane Nichols in Anne Fletcher’s 27 Dresses. The movie also contributed in her net worth. The following year, she again co-produced and appeared in The Ugly Truth.
In the year 2010, Heigl played movie Killers and produced as well as played in movie Life as We Know It. Subsequently, she appeared as Laura Carrington in film New Year’s Eve. She also performed in two films One for the Money and The Big Wedding in years 2012 and 2013 respectively. She later came as a voice actor in movie The Nut Job voicing Andie. She also played the role of Jackie Laurel in film Jackie & Ryan the same year.
Moreover, Heigl portrayed the main character Officer Charleston “Charlie” Whitney Tucker in NBC’s TV series State of Affairs. Recently, she was cast as Tessa Connover in Unforgettable and voiced Andie in the sequel of The Nut Job, The Nut Job: Nutty by Nature.
Katherine Heigl has been living in luxurious house worth $2.55 million at Los Angeles, California. She also owns a farm located at mountains near park city, Utah. She also drives Audi Q5 and Range Rover SUV. Counting these all things, she has a net worth of $32 million US dollar.
Must Know Facts about Katherine Heigl
Real Name: Katherine Marie Heigl Date of Birth: 24th November, 1978 Profession: Actress, Producer and Ex Model Height: 5′ 9″ Married: Josh Kelly Children: 3 Facebook: 4.1M Fans in Facebook Instagram: 1.9M Followers in Instagram Twitter: 1.13M Followers in Twitter Net Worth: $32 Million
The post Katherine Heigl Net Worth appeared first on etcNepal.com.
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Dec 5 - 8, 2017 Pop-Up Type Museum The Commons, Emily Carr University Opening Reception, Dec 5 @ 6:30PM-8PM / Lighting Talks @ 7PM The Pop-Up Museum of Typography is an annual installation of typographic exhibits, containing a wide array of exciting - and often highly-interactive - displays covering the vast world of type. Created by the fourth-year students in Peter Cocking's Advanced Typography class, the museum runs for just a few days each December at Emily Carr University of Art + Design, and is co-sponsored by the wonderful team at Type Brigade .
There will be some type-themed market place with artisanal goods and a cash only refreshment bar available (no ATM on campus) Designers: Samuel Sum Siqi Li Eve Jiaying Zhou Anna Djerfi Lula Christman Derek Durand Griffin Reichl Li Zhang Emma Hong Natayi Kwok Candace Tam Melody Men Brianna Collins Iris Xinxuan Zhu Jamie Yang Emma Plested Yuriy Kyrov Jingjing Wang Cathy Yang Bri Kim Special Thanks to: Type Brigade (http://typebrigade.com/)
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srinivasmangipudi · 7 years
99/1 Exhibition Opening and Summer Open House
99/1 will showcase speculative designs for new public artwork, alongside models of realized public works by CIADC members. Featuring contributions by Enrique A. Aguilar, Andranik Aroutiounian, Janet Austin, Kelly Burns, Harald Busch, Craig Calhoun, Laura Christman, Sage Dawson, Gary Duehr, Elizabeth Griffin, Thomas Hellstrom, Oliver Jeffers, George Larson, Micki LeMieux, Elaine Luther, Srinivas Mangipudi, Richard Medina, Emily Moorhead, Jamie Naqvi, Victor Nelson, Andre Pace, Kip Pasta, Rory Scott, Betsy van Die, and Daria Wawrzkiewicz. Opening: Saturday, June 3, 2017, 1:00pm till Sunday, August 13, 2017, 3:00pm At: Chicago Industrial Arts & Design Center 6433 N. Ravenswood Ave. Chicago, IL 60626 United States Link: https://www.ciadc.org/community-current-exhibit/
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