#emergency dentist Austin
dentistaustin · 7 months
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Discover The Best Dentist In Austin: Your Guide To Superior Dental Care
Cleaning your body is essential right? So is the cleaning of your teeth. Regular visits to a Dentist in Austin help you to get the ultimate goal of your teeth . the magic behind a radant smile? It's more than just about looking flawless – a healthy smile is like a little wellness party for your entire body. And guess what? Regular dental checkups are not just about preventing cavities; they're a holistic approach to maintaining your smile's sparkle and your overall vitality.
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universalinfo · 11 months
5 Common Dental Emergencies in Austin You Need to Know About
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When you live in the beautiful city of Austin, the last thing on your mind is experiencing a dental emergency. Yet, as fate would have it, sometimes accidents happen. You're enjoying a plate of delicious Tex-Mex when you realize you may have just chipped a tooth. Or maybe you're out for a jog and take a sudden fall, knocking out your pearly white. 
Moments like these call for immediate action, and fortunately for you, emergency dentist Austin has some great emergency dental services available. Let's dive into some of the most common dental emergencies residents might face.
1. Chipped or Broken Tooth: It's Not the End of Your Smile
We've all had those moments. You're relishing a scrumptious taco or taking that first bite of a juicy apple, and then: an unexpected crunch. First thought: "That didn't feel right." Yup, you've chipped or broken a tooth. 
Before you panic, remember, this isn't a unique Austin tale. With the many festivities and adventurous lifestyles of Austinites, such accidents are more common than you'd think.
So, what's next? Firstly, take a deep breath. A chipped tooth, although alarming, isn't the end of the world. Or your smile, for that matter. Rinse your mouth gently with some warm water to clear any debris. If there's any swelling, a cold compress can help. And remember, it's essential to consult a dentist promptly, not just for aesthetics but to prevent any further complications.
A little tip from us? Avoid using the chipped tooth to bite until you get it fixed. It might feel strange initially, but it's just a temporary hiccup on your dental journey.
2. Knocked-Out Tooth: The Clock is Ticking, But Don't Lose Hope
Ah, the dreaded knocked-out tooth. Whether it's a wayward Frisbee at Zilker Park or an accidental bump during a friendly game, losing a tooth is a jolt to the system. Here's the silver lining, though: If you act fast, there's a good chance you can save that tooth.
First and foremost, locate the tooth. When you pick it up, handle it by the crown, avoiding the root. Your next mission? Try placing it back in its socket. If that sounds too challenging, keep it moist. A cup of milk works wonders. Why milk? It helps maintain the correct balance of necessary ligament cells.
Remember, every minute counts. So, dash your dentist. The sooner you get professional help, the higher the chance of replanting that tooth successfully. Imagine the stories you'll tell!
3. Severe Toothaches: When Your Mouth Sounds the Alarm
A mild twinge when sipping a cold drink is one thing. A sudden, unrelenting toothache is a whole different ball game. It's your mouth's way of saying, "Hey, something's up" From cavities to infections, or even an abscess, there are many reasons you could be feeling that throbbing pain.
While it's easy to dismiss or hope it goes away on its own, that's not always the best route. Rinse your mouth gently with some warm water to soothe the area. Ensure there's no food lodged in between the teeth; sometimes, it's just a sneaky popcorn kernel causing all that discomfort. Use dental floss to remove any potential culprits, but avoid using any sharp tools or objects.
Another word of advice? Steer clear of placing aspirin directly on the gums near the aching tooth. It's an old wives' tale and can cause more harm than good. When in doubt, trust the experts. Book an appointment and let the professionals guide you to a pain-free existence once more.
4. Lost Filling or Crown: More Than Just a Royal Problem
So, you're diving into a caramel-filled dessert, and suddenly, something feels amiss. That secure feeling you once had is now replaced with an odd, hollow sensation. Well, you may have just lost a filling or crown. It's not just royalty that deals with crown issues; it's a common dental hiccup among us commoners too.
First things first, don't stress. While it might seem daunting, especially if it's your first time, remember that fillings and crowns can sometimes come loose or fall out. When this happens, you might feel some sensitivity due to the exposed tooth. 
Here's a neat trick: chew a piece of sugar-free gum and place it over the exposed area as a temporary sealant (just remember not to chew with that tooth). Over-the-counter dental cement can also be a temporary lifesaver.
Although these fixes are handy in a pinch, they're not permanent solutions. So, make sure to contact your dentist and get that tooth back in royal condition.
5. Abscess or Infection: Small Bumps, Big Alerts
Ever noticed a pesky, painful swelling near your gum line? That tiny bump could be an abscess, a clear signal from your body shouting, "Alert! We've got an infection here" It's the dental version of a fire alarm, and you wouldn't ignore that, would you?
An abscess is not just a small inconvenience; it’s a siren for a potentially bigger issue. Left unchecked, the infection can spread, leading to more severe health complications. 
So, what's the game plan? Start by rinsing your mouth with a mild saltwater solution a couple of times a day. It helps soothe the area and can curb the spread of the infection.
However, while home remedies can offer temporary relief, it's vital to consult a dentist for a proper examination. They’ll provide the right treatment and ensure your mouth gets back to its happy, healthy self.
Enamel Dentistry: Your Dental Superhero in Austin
So, we've journeyed through chipped teeth, knocked-out crowns, and those bothersome abscesses. But here's the cherry on top: Austin dwellers, you're in luck. For every dental dilemma you face, Enamel Dentistry is ready to swoop in and save the day.
When you walk into our laid-back dental office, you're not just another appointment on the calendar; you're part of our family. With a team that radiates positivity and top-tier equipment at our disposal, we're geared up to tackle any dental emergency you throw our way. Emergency dentist in Austin? Look no further.
Beyond just the SOS scenarios, we at Enamel Dentistry are passionate about ensuring your overall dental health is top-notch. Whether you're looking for general check-ups, a cosmetic touch-up, or diving deep with restorative treatments, our mission is clear: your brightest smile is our ultimate goal.
In the city of live music and vibrant festivals, don't let dental woes play the wrong tune in your life. Let Enamel Dentistry be your first call. We promise to keep Austin smiling, one tooth at a time.
Life is unpredictable, and dental emergencies can happen when you least expect them. Whether it's a lost filling or a severe toothache, it's crucial to know the steps to take and where to seek help. For more details visit us at https://www.enameldentistry.com/.
For those in Austin, remember that Enamel Dentistry is always here to assist you. With our dedicated team and cutting-edge technology, we strive to make every dental experience pleasant and stress-free. 
If you ever find yourself in need of an emergency dentist in Austin, don't hesitate to reach out. We're passionate about ensuring the residents of Austin always have a reason to smile. Schedule an appointment today and experience the difference for yourself.
Read More:
Finding the Right Dentist in Austin: 5 Reasons to Opt for the Best
Your Dream Dentist in Austin Awaits: 7 Tips to Make the Right Choice
How to Find the Perfect Austin Dentist: 5 Key Aspects to Look For
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rainykittenturtle · 4 months
Book Appointment online doctor for sinus infection in New York
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Why Ask a Dentist Online? 
Imagine this: you wake up with a sharp toothache and cringe at the thought of having to wait for hours at a dental office. Online dental consultation comes in handy in this situation. The comfort of interfacing with a dental specialist from your love seat couldn't possibly be more significant. Whether you're a bustling proficient, a stay-at-home parent, or somebody with portability issues, online dental counsel administrations are intended to fit flawlessly into your life.
How Online Dental Consultations Work ?
It's more straightforward than you could suspect. In the first place, you'll have to track down a legitimate stage that offers online dental discussion. Subsequent to making a record, you'll finish up a concise clinical history structure and depict your side effects. You will then set up an appointment, and you will be prepared for your virtual visit. During the discussion, the dental specialist will survey your side effects, perhaps request photographs of the impacted region, and give a finding and treatment plan.
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Benefits of Online Dental Consultations 
The perks of online dental consultation are numerous. You get immediate access to professional advice without the need to travel. This can be a lifesaver if you experience sudden pain or discomfort. Additionally, many minor dental issues can be resolved online, reducing the need for emergency visits. Not to mention, discussing your dental concerns from the privacy of your home can make the whole experience more comfortable and less intimidating.
Common Issues Addressed in Online Dental Consultations 
Wondering if your dental issue can be handled online? Here are some common problems that dentists can address virtually:
Tooth pain and sensitivity
Gum disease and bleeding
Oral hygiene advice and preventative care
Follow-up consultations after in-person treatments
Choosing the Right Online Dentist
Not all web-based dental specialists are made equivalent. It is essential to select a candidate with the appropriate credentials and experience. Search for dental specialists who are authorized and have positive patient surveys. Check to see that the platform you select for your online dental consultation is reputable and dependable, such as PreciousLifes.
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Online Doctors for Sinus Infection in New York 
Now, let's shift our focus to sinus infections. In a bustling city like New York, finding time to visit a doctor can be challenging. Thankfully, the rise of telemedicine means you can consult with an online doctor for sinus infection in New York. Prompt treatment is crucial to prevent complications, and online consultations provide a quick and efficient solution.
How Online Sinus Infection Consultations Work 
The cycle for a web-based specialist for sinus disease in New York meeting is direct. You'll begin with an underlying finding, where you'll portray your side effects and clinical history. The specialist might request that you perform basic actual checks, such as pushing on your sinuses, to give extra data. They will recommend a treatment plan based on this, which may include sending prescriptions to your local pharmacy.
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Benefits of Online Consultations for Sinus Infections 
Why select an online doctor for sinus infection in New York? First off, it saves you the issue of sitting in a packed center. You can get opportune treatment, diminishing the gamble of your condition declining. Additionally, getting a prescription online is simple, and you can immediately begin taking your medication.
Choosing the Right Online Doctor for Sinus Infections 
Just like with dental consultations, selecting the right online doctor for sinus infection in New York is key. Ensure the doctor is licensed and has a good track record. Read patient feedback to gauge their effectiveness. 
Future of Online Healthcare Services 
The future of online healthcare looks promising. Innovations in telemedicine are continuously emerging, with advancements like AI and advanced diagnostics poised to enhance virtual consultations. As technology evolves, the scope and accuracy of online medical services will only improve, making healthcare more accessible than ever.
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How Preciouslifes Succeeds as Your Go-To Stage for Online Specialist Administrations 
Complete Organization of Authorized Specialists 
Preciouslifes brags a complete organization authorized specialists work in different clinical fields, including sinus contaminations. Our PCPs are exceptionally qualified and experienced, guaranteeing that you get master care and customized treatment for your condition. 
Smoothed out Arrangement Booking Cycle With Preciouslifes, planning a meeting with a web-based specialist for sinus contaminations in New York is speedy and bother free. Our easy to use stage permits you to book arrangements whenever the timing is ideal, with adaptable planning choices to oblige your bustling way of life.
Conclusion Online healthcare services have revolutionized how we access medical advice and treatment. Whether you're dealing with a dental issue or a sinus infection, virtual consultations provide a convenient, efficient, and accessible solution. Embrace the benefits of online healthcare and take charge of your health from the comfort of your home.
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Q. What if my issue requires an in-person visit? 
A. Most online healthcare platforms can refer you to a local specialist if your condition needs hands-on treatment.
Q. How secure are online consultations? 
A. Reputable telemedicine platforms use advanced encryption and security measures to protect your personal and medical information.
Q. Can I get a prescription online? 
A. Yes, many online doctors can prescribe medications and send the prescription directly to your local pharmacy.
Q. How do I prepare for an online consultation? 
A. Ensure you have a stable internet connection, a quiet space, and any relevant medical records or symptoms documented.
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kiankiwi · 1 year
CG!Elvis, CG!Reader x Little!Austin: Our Little One AU
Elvis walked into absolute chaos.
Your little, Austin was so upset. His face was so red, his nose was an absolute faucet and he was screaming his little head off while you were trying to find some of the baby medicine in the kitchen cabinet. Absolute chaos
Elvis scooped up your little and held him close. He snuggled in but continued to scream. "Well, hello to you too, baby bear, what's got you so upset hm?" You turned to see Elvis had arrived home.
"Oh, hi babe. He's been upset all day, I think his teeth are bothering him and he's clearly exhausted from crying. Is he warm to you?" Elvis bounced his little in his arms and cooed at him. "Oh honey, is that it, your mouth hurts?"
Austin cried pointing to his mouth. "Yeah? Okay, mama's getting you something for it okay?" Elvis placed his big hand on his little's forehead to check his temperature. "Yeah, he's warm. Poor thing. I'm gonna go get a thermometer and look for the medicine." You nodded started cleaning up the mess you made. "You're alright sweet boy, we'll get something to make you feel better."
Thankfully half an hour later, you had found Austin some medicine for his mouth and it was starting to work. Austin was laying on his daddy's shirtless chest, his head up as he quietly looked around while you and Elvis sat and talked about your day. "Has he been like this all day?" Elvis asked. "Mhm, the poor thing started complaining after breakfast. As soon as I figured out what it was, I made him an emergency dentist appointment for tomorrow morning." Elvis nodded and kissed Austin's forehead as Austin babbled and tried to pat his daddy's face. "You little one, need to take a nap! Yeah, I can tell you're tired from crying all day hm? Close those eyes and go to sleep bubbas." Austin cooed again but laid his head down. "Good boy." Elvis murmured as he began to pet his hair. "Aaaaand little man is out." You chuckled a few minutes later. Elvis smiled. "Good."
A couple hours later, Austin was up and crying again because his medicine wore off. He was back in pain again, crying, rubbing at his cheeks, pulling at his ears and sweating.
"Oh sweet boy, are you hot? Hm?" Austin continued to cry. "El, can you give him a shower while I finish up dinner please?" Elvis nodded. All Austin wanted today seemed to be Elvis. Anything to keep his little boy happy. You were currently getting everything ready for a certain little boy to have a sleepover in your bed that night as you listened to Elvis trying to calm your crying little. "I know, I know sweetie. I know your mouth doesn't feel good, I know.." Elvis cooed. Then you heard the all too familiar sound of Austin's gag. "Did he just--?" You asked, cut off by Elvis,
Elvis sighed. "Yep, still going currently." Concerned, you pull back the curtain to see Austin throwing up everything in his stomach onto his daddy's chest. And Elvis is just zoning out, so as not to react. "Oh baby," You cooed as Elvis stepped back under the stream of water.
As soon as he finished, Aus just looked at you, a little stunned that his body produced that much vomit. Like, where'd you come from. "Do you wanna take him and I'll finish up in here?" You nodded, carefully taking your naked bub in your arms, sitting on the toilet to get him dried off. "You okay baby? Was that it? Your tummy just upset on top of your tooth hurting?" Austin whined and put his head on your shoulder. "Oooh, I'm so sorry baby. We'll get your tooth fixed in the morning. I promise you."
Twenty minutes later, you and Austin were laying down, waiting for Elvis to come to bed. "Here you go buddy, you want this?" Elvis offered him an ice cold frozen paci to help his mouth pain. Austin eyed it before popping it in his mouth and testing it out. Little one absolutely loved it and lays his head down on his daddy's chest as he gets in bed. Elvis turns the light off and pulls at the binkie. He wasn't intending to let him have it all night but Austin wasn't going to let it go. "Oh, are you not gonna let me have that?" Austin just held onto it and shook his head. "No? alright then buddy." Austin snuggled in and closed his eyes again. The both of you were grateful when you heard Austin begin snoring.
The next morning, bright and early you got up for Austin's dentist appointment. You kept him in his pajamas, baby was too cranky to get properly ready. "I know baby, I know you're tired. It's been a rough couple days, huh? You'll feel so much better in a few hours okay?" Austin just groaned and attempted to nuzzle into your shoulder. "C'mon we gotta go buh-bye."
The whole ride to the dentist office was short but miserable. Austin was now exhausted on top of being in pain so he was throwing an absolute fit. You had wanted to keep him awake until the procedure but Austin was fighting against any and everything he was so cranky. He only calmed down when you reached into the back and he grabbed your hand. "There, buddy, there you go, you're okay."
While you all were waiting for Austin's name to be called in the waiting room, Elvis figured he'd show Austin the fish. He stood and picked up Austin who was wearing a blanket with a hood so that he could hide. "See buddy, see the fishies? Can you find Nemo?" Austin tapped the glass. "Nemo..." He said, watching the fish. To pass the time and wake up Austin even more Elvis had him point out even more fish. If he started falling asleep again he would switch hips making him whine and squirm. Elvis cooed and kissed his head. “I know buddy I'm sorry. We gotta stay awake okay? Just a little longer, you can take a big nap soon, bubs.” Austin got bored quickly of the fish so Elvis took him over to the corner with the toys. You were a little worried about germs but you had hand sanitizer and wipes for later. Austin playing with the toys passed the time and soon his name was called.
"Austin?" The dental hygenist asked. Elvis grabbed Austin's hand and made him wave as he whined and hid in his daddy's shoulder. "That's him!" You said. The woman smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry but only one of you can go back with him." You looked back and forth between Elvis and Austin before addressing your little. It was ultimately his choice, anyway. "Aus do you want daddy or momma to go with you bubs?" Austin was clinging to Elvis so you knew the answer before he said anything, "Daddy..." Austin whimpered. Elvis smiled. "Okay buddy. Let's go."
-- elvis followed the dentist to the back with Austin on his hip. As they were led to the room, Austin whimpered and hid his head in elvis’ neck as he heard the scary machines going off as other patients got procedures done. “I know buddy, it’s alright.” the dentist smiled and got them to room number six. “It’s okay kiddo. We have movies to watch and maybe daddy can hold you. And we'll get you plenty of happy medicine to make your pain go away?"
Elvis lowered Austin into the big dental chair but Austin's eyes never left his daddy as he took his own seat and held out his hand for the scared little. "See buddy, you're okay." The dentist slowly let the chair fall back so Austin would be laying down instead of sitting. "Okay buddy, I'm gonna make sure your mouth doesn't hurt anymore. Can I give you some of the sleepy meds to and have a look inside? All you have to do is take a big nap while I fix the owie okay?" The dentist explained as he fixed the laughing gas nozzle to Austin's nose.
Austin whined. He couldn't see daddy anymore and that scared him. Elvis squeezed his hand. "It's alright baby. I'm right here." The dentist gave Elvis permission to come up and comfort Austin. And suddenly daddy was hovering over his face, shushing him and petting his hair. "D-daddy..." he bemoaned, not understanding why he was suddenly so sleepy. "It's okay baby, you're safe. Daddy's still here." Austin couldn't keep his eyes open anymore and he felt cozy and warm despite laying in the chair. He felt daddy give his hand one more big squeeze before he let himself go to the medicine.
You noticed Austin stirring an hour later in the recovery room. "Hi munchkin. How do you feel?" Austin looked around and noticed he was no longer in that sterile chair. Instead, he was laying in mommy's lap with his head on her shoulder. Austin whined, still sleepy. "Yeah, you did so good m'love. Daddy told me you did so good?" Austin popped his head up again at the mention of daddy, searching for him. He saw Elvis come through the door holding his blankie and his raccoon stuffie. "Hi superman! You want these?" Elvis offered which Austin took and immediately snuggled into gratefully. He was still so tired.
Austin was asleep five minutes after you left the dentist office and you drove around for a while, even stopping at Starbucks, letting him sleep as much as he needed before you brought him home to rest up more. "You did so good today." You whispered to him as he drifted off.
When you got home, Elvis carefully took Austin and his blankie out of the car and brought him up to the house, laying him on the couch with you before going back to retrieve his raccoon stuffie.
You picked Austin up and laid him on your chest. He stirred but settled down after a moment. You kissed his head. "Good job baby, it's all done, you did so good."
It was a struggle to finish because it was so long but I did it!
Thank you to @elvisthesillygoose for brainstorming, editing and reading through parts of this for me to make sure they made sense!!!
Yes I'm making cg!reader x cg!elvis x little!aus its own au so have fun with it, I will!!!
Onto the next work, happy reading see you soon!!
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judy-maroon · 2 years
Conversation with Scott: Dream Come True
I asked Scott Klopfenstein if I could interview him as it’s been a dream of mine for a long time. When he agreed, I knew I wanted it to be special. I thought about maybe asking to do it live on his Twitch stream, or recording it for Facebook or Instagram. But when I was there at the Last Exit Live show in Phoenix and he was right in front of me, I realized I didn’t want the pressure of performance to be a part of it. I just wanted to talk to him like we were friends. That was the experience I wanted more than an in-depth or entertaining interview. And I felt that it would be more of an experience that he would want, too.
He sat across from me in a high backed grass green armchair. I asked the obvious question – it was the last day of the tour, were they relieved to be done? Ready to go home, sure. But everyone agreed what they would miss most would be the inside jokes. Prichard chimed in that none of their friends back home would get any of their jokes now.
In his white t-shirt, high water purple slacks, new balance sneakers and ever present beanie, Scott looked very comfy. I didn’t ask about the wardrobe choice but wondered if it was deliberate styling or if it was just comfortable. Considering Scott’s recent Lyme Disease diagnosis, I would have been in favor of anything that made him a bit more comfortable or made the symptoms easier to cope with. He spoke about the medicinal regime he needs to adhere to to manage the disease and it is involved. On top of that, upon arriving in Phoenix, a dental implant chose to uproot itself and so necessitated an emergency visit to the dentist. He was very complimentary of the dentist office he visited in Chandler, though the name of the place escapes me. Apparently it was a gorgeous place to visit.
I wanted to ask what was, to me, a kind of silly question. When stressed, as a musician, does he prefer to play music or listen to music? But coping with stress isn’t really a silly topic at the heart of it. Scott said that when he’s stressed the problem he often has is that he’s unable to follow something to completion, so he needs peace, stillness, at those moments. We talked about better ways of coping with stress. Scott likes meditation, he walks 6 miles daily. We talked a lot about the mind-body connection, the emotional impact physical activity can have on your body. He talked about the emotional release that can happen in pilates and how his former acupuncturist could tell what was going on in his life just from where his body was holding on to tension. He spoke as a person very familiar with the effects stress can have on your body and the best ways he’d found to address it.
The band had just completed a two day drive from Austin, TX. I asked after what, to me, seemed like a pretty intense tour schedule: 9 shows in 14 days, driven through several states by bus. No one was complaining, though, and there were smiles all around. I felt at ease immediately back there in the green room. I was worried I was encroaching on personal space as we hung out before the show, but I couldn’t settle on that feeling. Everyone was conversational and welcoming, despite most of them probably having no idea who I was.
Scott asked me if I was there with anyone and when I told him I wasn’t – one friend couldn’t make it, another lived far too far away, among other issues – he told me I would be with them, then. Tonight, I would be part of the band. This is what it’s like talking to Scott – if you’re feeling alone, friendless, he’s there to reassure you that you are absolutely none of those things.
I asked him about performing at SPI, the Ska Punk International Fest, that had happened in Austin. They played on a bill with several other prominent ska and punk bands. He said they got there pretty late, but the crowd was good. Though the Littlest Man Band has all the elements of a ska band, their music isn’t quite in that genre. Though watching their performance of It’s You at Last Exit that night, it definitely felt like a more punkified version than I’d seen before, with an intense drum and horn section driving the energy.
I was curious about what Scott thought about musical genre as identity, how conscious he was of trying to adhere to a genre. I asked about the song writing in Reel Big Fish, for example, and how much they tried to stick to just one style of music. He reminded me that not all Reel Big Fish songs are ska songs (and upon reflection, I remembered this, too: Where Have You Been, the cover of New York, New York, are just two examples) but that Aaron really loved that kind of music. It was what he wanted to write and play, it was who he was.
And Scott is a well known member of the ska/punk community, and has expressed gratitude for that acknowledgement in the past and did so again to me. I asked if he had ever worried that his ska fans from Reel Big Fish might not follow his music in its different direction. He reminded me that he had released music with PAL during his time with RBF that had been received well, and that the reaction to Drunk Again and Average Man, when they were first released, had been positive, too. It made him feel like he could pursue his music and still be able to find an audience, whether they were new to him or not.
I mentioned that in both Reel Big Fish and PAL he shared vocal duties, but in The Littlest Man Band he is the lone frontman. Was this always his ambition? His answer was low and quick when he told me, No, he never wanted to be a frontman. He is a sidekick, he said. That is how he still considers himself even within The Littlest Man Band. I smiled at the word because it is the reason Scott has always seemed so approachable to me. As a self-identifying weird quiet girl, I found the goofy loveable sidekick role easy to play and it made it easier to fit in, too. And I saw it in Scott in his performance persona with Reel Big Fish. It made me feel a kinship with the trumpet player. Hearing him admit to the sidekick identity was validating, in a way.
Being a sidekick necessitates a group and Scott enjoys the collaborative element of creating music. So, I had to ask if he ever said no to a collaboration and he admitted that he has at times had to say no. I asked how he determines who he can collaborate with. He said that he needs to know that whoever he works with can understand him and follow him down any creative path he may take, while also not being afraid to call him out when he’s not going anywhere. He spoke tenderly of his creative partner, Catya, and how she knows when to tell him he’s off track and when to tell him he’s got gold. It was apparent how important their relationship is when he celebrated her upcoming creative projects as well, and the pride was completely obvious on his face and in his voice. The trust is real and necessary for it to work.
He said when meeting a new potential collaborator, he’s more interested in doing something like visiting a museum together rather than taking a traditional meeting. I get the impression that he loves being part of a creative community and that it’s important newcomers are as willing to be there as he is. I get this impression from his online communities as well – be there for the serious talent, but also be there for the absurdist silliness. Scott is both, and you can’t really understand what he does unless you can be there for both.
The Littlest Man Band’s new single continues Scott’s unique genre identity. He admitted he doesn’t really think about genre or try to limit himself that way. He has songs he wants to create and for them to turn out the way he envisions them, he’ll be the frontman and go where the music takes him. He recently spoke about the story that inspired Sidle Up: a magical realism fantasy about a planet with identical cities on opposite sides of the globe. Every six months the inhabitants of one city find they’ve woken up on the other side of the world. Their only clue that this has happened is their sand filled homes; the result of an unceasing sandstorm that circles the planet every six months.
But that isn’t what the song is about. The song is about a relationship coping with generational trauma, with sweeping concerns under a rug along with the ever present sand. It’s about the pain and strain in a relationship when important things get pushed aside and unaddressed in the name of keeping the peace until they fester. I asked how often he uses this technique to write a song – creating a fantasy first. He admitted he does it all the time. He likes to come up with a story, and then pull the human element out of it, the relationships that must exist in those contexts, and his song will tell that story.
I was a little surprised when Scott then asked after how I was doing. The same way I am always a little surprised that Scott knows my name. This is more a reflection on my star-struckness when talking to him than it is on his ability to remember who I am. After nearly three years of somewhat continuous conversation through his weekly Twitch stream, it would be kind of weird for him not to know me. But he’s Scott Klopfenstein, and I’ve been a fan since 1998 when something like having a two hour long conversation with him was still purely a dream activity.
But I found myself confiding in him, trusting his kind face and easy smile. Just like always. Scott is the one celebrity I always felt could be a friend and it really felt that way as we talked. When I told him about my son’s delight over my trumpet playing, I could tell his smile matched my own. And when he shared his pride about his eldest daughter’s drawing, I felt another kind of kinship. The smiles of parents taking real joy in the joys of our children.
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coolcreekfamilydental · 2 months
Cool Creek Family Dental
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Business Address:
6414 River Pl Blvd #101
Austin, TX
Busines Phone:
+1 512 501 6022
Business Email:
Business Website:
austin dentist, austin invisalign, austin sedation dentist, austin Pediatric dentist, Emergency austin Dentistry, austin Dental Implants.
Super friendly dentists and their caring team of professionals connect and share good vibes with the Austin community.
7 AM–5 PM
Social Link:
Payment Method:
Major credit cards, cash, check, insurance
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arboroaksdentalaustin · 4 months
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Emergency Dentist: Immediate Care When You Need It Most
Dental emergencies can happen at any time. Whether it’s a sudden toothache, a knocked-out tooth, or a broken crown, our emergency dental services are here to provide immediate relief and expert care. At Arbor Oaks Dental in Austin, we prioritize your urgent needs with fast, compassionate, and professional treatment. Save our number and know that help is always just a call away!
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gatewaydentalarts · 8 months
Gateway Dental Arts-Dr Richard Austin-DDS Dental Implants All on 4
Welcome to the Gateway Dental Arts-Dr Richard Austin-DDS Dental Implants All on 4 Salt Lake City, Utah. We are a leading Salt Lake City cosmetic dentistry clinic. Meet Dr. Rick Austin, Utah’s Premier Cosmetic Dentist Trust Education Dr. Austin graduated from Georgetown University in Washington D.C. with a Doctorate of Dental Surgery degree and has been practicing cosmetic dentistry in the Salt Lake City area for over 34 years. He is one of only a handful of Utah dentists to have completed the Advanced Dental Studies Master Aesthetic Dentist postgraduate program at the prestigious Las Vegas Institute (LVI). Out of the 150,000+ practicing dentists across the country, fewer than one-quarter of one percent have attained this level of achievement. Trust Experience Dr. Austin specializes in full-mouth cosmetic reconstructions and state-of-the-art implant procedures. Call our Salt Lake City dentist today to solve all your dental problems. Our services are  All on 4 Dental Implants, Emergency Dental/Toothache, Cosmetic Dental Implants, Porcelain Veneers, Teeth Whitening, Conscious Sedation Dentistry, Crowns and Root Canals, Full Mouth Reconstruction, Instant Orthodontics, Oral Surgery Procedures, Oral Surgeon Monitoring, Wisdom Teeth Removal, etc. Call us now to get your appointment.
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renkenoakhill · 10 months
Renken Dentistry - Oak Hill
If you are looking for a dentist in Austin, TX, look no further. Renken Dentistry - Oak Hill is a dentist located in Austin, Texas. Some of the services we offer include: cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, general dentistry, orthodontics, family dentistry, emergency dentistry, and invisalign. Schedule your appointment today by giving us a call at
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txdentisttree · 10 months
Dr. Hieu Nguyen at Dentist Tree of Fairfield: Where Science Meets Artistry in Cypress Dentistry
At Dentist Tree of Fairfield, Dr. Hieu Nguyen, a Texan through and through, brings a unique approach to dentistry in Cypress. Educated at the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, his passion lies in the fusion of art and science. But for Dr. Nguyen, the heart of his practice is the personal touch. Understanding that every smile is one-of-a-kind, he forges strong patient connections, providing tailored care for cosmetic enhancements, restorations, and dental emergencies alike.
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abingtoncenter22 · 2 years
Native Dentist For You & Your Family
At Roswell Dental Care, our full range of services is designed to boost each aspect of your smile. Your preventative dentist can help you in gaining lifelong protection on your smile, with choices similar to mouthguards and dental sealants in Roswell. We provide cosmetic dentistry services corresponding to dental bonding, teeth whitening, and dental veneers that produce highly effective results to enhance the great point about your smile. We also use a range of expertise and sedation to make your visit even more snug. A unique and special dental follow providing world-class dental care. Whether you may be nervous, embarrassed or apprehensive about how your smile will look, we can definitely allow you to.
In general, prosthodontics concentrate on more concerned procedures and have a tendency to carry out more advanced restorative and cosmetic cases. Depending on the actual number of tooth whitening treatment you go for, you could possibly lighten enamel colour by two to nine shades. Existing fillings sometimes have to be changed because of put on, chipping, or cracking.
Crown supplies may be gold, porcelain fused to steel, or all-ceramic porcelain; the final of which offers the highest diploma of esthetic worth. Porcelain crowns boast a lowered thickness that maintains sturdiness whereas permitting increased light transmission by way of the crown for a pure, tooth-like look. Although sturdy, the all-ceramic porcelain number of crowns will not be advisable for certain areas of the mouth that require heavy perform . Dr. Fitzgerald was awarded as one the highest dentist in 2005 and 2006 by the American Dental Association. Over the years, he has developed a high technical skill in cosmetic dentistry procedures as well as oral well being.
Oh and did he only want veneers on the front teeth or the back as well? I looked on Dr. Serfonteins web site but he doesn’t mention prices, which is a bit ominous. Since his smile makeover, the distinction has been like evening and day.
Our office typically recommends dental implants for sufferers who need to switch one or more teeth. Many of the individuals who see our emergency dentists become lifelong patients. We consider that our welcoming workplace cosmetic dentist near me is what encourages people to return for preventive care and take better care of their smiles. One of the most typical questions sufferers ask about cosmetic dentistry is round remedy value.
Dr. Stewart has a pleasant, enjoyable personality and is excellent at what he does. He has an excellent sense of humor and enjoys visiting with his patients as he gets to know them higher. At Ellis Dentistry Co., our mission is to supply cosmetic dentist near me full dental care with the highest normal of remedy tailored specifically to every particular person patient.
We are devoted to enhancing the standard of care we offer and treating each person with dignity and respect. An best candidate for cosmetic dentistry will have sufficient oral health. Certain conditions will require restorative treatment before any cosmetic procedures can start, including each time and money to your total remedy. At Harrisonburg SmileMakers, we designed our office with our patients in mind.
Dr. Austin Westoveris proud to supply a wide variety of dental services at the highest normal of care. We attempt to make your experience at Westover Family Dentistry as snug and thorough as potential. Our dentists and group have the expertise, data, and character to assuage away any dental nervousness that you could have. We are continually studying cosmetic dentist near me dental analysis articles and taking continuing training courses in order that we may study about the newest dental upgrades in supplies and expertise. This permits us to offer our patients the most effective dental care out there within the Winchester area. There are few things in life as priceless as a wonderful and wholesome smile.
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universalinfo · 10 months
Your Ultimate Guide to Choosing an Austin Dentist
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Austin is known for many things: live music, quirky vibes, and some delicious tacos. But did you know it's also home to some top-notch dentists? If you're on the hunt for a new Austin dentist, you're in the right place. 
This guide is here to help you navigate through the options and find the perfect dental home for your pearly whites. Let’s take a look, shall we?
Why Location Matters
Imagine this: It's a sunny Austin morning. You're sipping on your favorite local coffee, and guess what? It's time for your dental appointment. But instead of dreading a long drive, you simply stroll down a few blocks or take a short drive to your dentist's office. 
Choosing an Austin dentist close to home or work not only saves you time but also makes the entire experience less stressful. It’s like having a friend in the neighborhood, always there when you need them, especially for those unforeseen dental emergencies. 
When it comes to dental care, convenience is truly king. So, let the allure of nearby eateries or the beauty of a short commute guide your choice.
Check Reviews and Recommendations
Ever heard the saying, "It's not what they say about you; it's what they whisper?" When looking for an Austin dentist, let the whispers of the community guide you. Ask your neighbor, barista, or yoga instructor about their dentist. You'll be surprised how a casual chat can provide a treasure trove of insights.
Online reviews are the modern word-of-mouth. Scroll through them, see what stands out, and spot patterns. A multitude of gleaming reviews about a dentist's gentle touch or a specific treatment might just seal the deal for you. And hey, while the internet is a goldmine of opinions, always trust your gut feeling.
Explore Services Offered
Imagine walking into a store filled with everything you ever wanted. That's how you should feel with your chosen Austin dentist. Whether you envision a Hollywood smile, seeking relief from a pesky toothache, or simply wanting a regular check-up, your dentist should have your back. 
And think long-term. Perhaps today, it’s just a cleaning, but tomorrow you might be considering veneers or even braces for your kiddo. Opt for a dental clinic that's like a Swiss army knife: versatile, efficient, and ready for any challenge.
Consider the Atmosphere and Vibe
Picture this: Soft melodies play in the background. The receptionist greets you by name, and there’s an inviting, comfy couch calling your name. This could be your dentist's waiting room! The ambiance of a dental clinic can set the tone for your entire visit. 
If a place feels like a warm hug, chances are you’ll be more relaxed, even if you're just there for a routine cleaning. And if that place is offering a laid-back vibe where you can kick back and binge-watch your favorite series, why settle for less? Your dentist's office should feel like a serene oasis, not a cold, clinical space.
Technology and Equipment Matter
Think of your favorite sci-fi movie. Futuristic tools, mind-blowing gadgets, and innovative technology are everywhere, right? Now, while we may not have reached the age of flying cars, the dental world has seen some astonishing advancements. From 3D imaging to laser treatments, modern dentistry is leaps and bounds ahead of the "olden days." 
When searching for the perfect Austin dentist, peek behind the curtains (or, in this case, the dental chair). Does your potential dentist embrace the latest technology, ensuring quicker, pain-free, and more effective treatments? It’s not just about shiny tools; it's about a commitment to delivering the best care possible. For more details visit us at https://www.enameldentistry.com/.
Cost and Insurance: The Practicalities
Let’s be real. Budgeting is a part of life, and while we'd love to live in a world where we don't have to count pennies, understanding costs is crucial. When you're exploring options for an Austin dentist, transparency is key. No one likes hidden fees or unexpected bills. 
Ensure your chosen clinic is upfront about costs and offers a range of payment options. And don't forget about insurance! A dental clinic that aligns with your insurance or offers flexible payment plans is like finding that perfect pair of shoes on sale.
The Importance of First Impressions
You know that feeling when you meet someone, and everything just...clicks? That’s the kind of relationship you want with your dentist. 
The first visit can tell you a lot. Observe the small details. Is the staff friendly? Do they listen to your concerns? Are the magazines in the waiting room from this decade? Kidding aside, that initial connection is paramount. An Austin dentist who makes you feel seen, heard, and valued from the get-go is a keeper.
A Closer Look at Enamel Dentistry
Let's pull back the curtain on a place we're immensely proud of: Enamel Dentistry. Nestled in the heart of Austin, we're not just a dental clinic; we're a dental experience. From our lively team who always sports a genuine smile to amenities that make your visit a treat (Netflix, anyone?), we redefine dental care.
Beyond the cool ambiance and top-notch amenities, our services are unparalleled. Whether you’re looking for general care, a touch of cosmetic magic, or a dental superhero for emergencies, we’ve got your back. Our inclusive vibe and dedication to education ensure that every patient, regardless of age, leaves our clinic not just with a brighter smile but also with a deeper understanding of their dental health.
In essence, at Enamel Dentistry, we fuse the best of both worlds; the expertise of the best dentists in Austin with a vibe that’s unrivaled. Why settle for the ordinary when the extraordinary is just around the corner?
Selecting the right Austin dentist can feel like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. By keeping these tips in mind and considering all your needs, you'll be on your way to finding the perfect dental home in no time. 
If you're seeking a unique blend of quality care, fun vibes, and state-of-the-art facilities, Enamel Dentistry awaits you. Schedule an appointment with the best dentists in Austin and discover a truly different dental experience. Read More:
Dental Emergencies in Austin
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familydentalcare · 2 years
Sandton Dental Studio: Family Care
The Carriere Motion Appliance helps align mis-aligned back teeth before braces or Invisalign treatment begins. The Carriere Motion Appliance strikes the upper and lower enamel for a more aligned chunk. By aligning the bite earlier than the transition to braces or aligners, complete remedy time could be tremendously reduced dentist sandton. Because it's easy to get confused when offered with Dynamostol's three modelsInCharge,ClassicandReForm. The ergonomic rules apply to all three chairs, so it's only a case of finding which chair fits you best. We wish to share our experiences here, although these are only a information.
She continues to comply with her passion for connecting people with the healthcare they need by writing informative content material about dentistry and drugs. There are additionally some charitable foundations that provide free dental implant packages, most notably the Dental Lifeline Network. Most dentists agree that the easiest way to replace enamel is with implants, as a outcome of they actually replace the roots of your missing enamel, making it the closest factor to having your natural tooth . Whether you may be missing one tooth, or your whole teeth, getting those enamel changed is really important for not only your dental health but your total wellbeing as well.
You don't have to be homeless to get your dental work from students; many schools provide reduced-cost care to anybody, regardless of your earnings degree. The following video shows how students at the University of Chicago in the dentistry program present free care for the homeless. With a dental mortgage, you can pay for your therapy upfront, if you want it.
He actually has his affected person's well being at heart and does nothing without detailed explanations. After 2 years of ache, discomfort and being terribly self-conscious, thanks Dr Wynand for giving me again my confidence. I was treated with empathy and professionalism that I have skilled in only a handful of instances in my life. I can wholeheartedly advocate this dental office for any of their supplied procedures.
Sheil is incredible and really skilled and knowledgeable a... Amazinggggggg results on the very first classes. Sheil is solely exceptional— very skilled, educated, and meticulous who applies the highes...
SeVen Villa Hotel and Spa is recruiting for an skilled Executive Sous Chef based in sandton, jhb. Dr Munclinger deeply believes within the Hippocratic Oath and has always positioned the well-being of her sufferers above all else. If you're getting few outcomes, attempt a extra basic search time period. If you are getting irrelevant end result, attempt a extra dentist sandton narrow and specific time period. This all-round minimally invasive laser dentistry makes many, as soon as lengthy surgeries historically done in theatre, now possible more gently and faster in the dental chair. After a few years of drilling and fillings, toothache and dental emergencies, I lastly obtained my smile back!
Or take this implant heart in Austin, Texas, providing a 20% low cost on implants to help sufferers financially impacted by COVID-19. Have a glance atthis listing of schoolsprovided by the American Student Dental Association. These colleges dentist sandton may present pro-bono dentistry as a half of their neighborhood outreach providers. I had appointments and still had to wait for two hours to be seen by the Dentist!
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blunncreekdental · 2 years
What Situations Necessitate Emergency Dental Care?
It is critical to first identify the symptoms of a dental emergency. In general, if you are experiencing excruciating oral pain, you are most likely experiencing a dental emergency. If you have a dental emergency, you must act quickly. However, depending on the nature of the problem, certain crises can be quickly classified. There are a number of Dentists in Austin, TX, and you should contact the best one in your area
To Read More Hit Here
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snitchesusa · 2 years
Brandi Austin Snitched on American dental association in Chicago
Brandi Austin Snitched on American dental association in Chicago
"according to governor dental is open for emergency only. The ada has modified the order. I'm not sure if this is within the governor's guidelines. Dentists have reopened as if May 11. I currently work for an oral surgeon and we are emergency only. Has there been a change for dentistry according to the governor's office?" – Brandi Austin The aforementioned complaint was filed by Brandi Austin in…
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Emergency Dentist Austin
Emergency Dentist is a top-notch dental clinic in Austin. We have the best root canal treatment services and work with your dental insurance and never make you feel uncomfortable. We are a multi-Doctor specialty practice, where all your specialty dentistry is complete under one roof. For more details, please visit our website.
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