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carefreejules · 5 months ago
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A day in the life of Partitio and Ori!
I was invited to partake in a little photoshoot with some amazing and incredibly kind cosplayers at Otakuthon this past weekend! I'm not a serious cosplayer or anything but they were so patient and encouraging that it was such a blast! Thank you so much for having me! (Also that last photo is a recreation of @drainbangle's art LOL)
Here are some more candid shots from earlier heehee
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(That last photo was taken by @/nappotuna!)
Throné Anguis: endless_skies_ (was also the one who took the photos from the photoshoot! Partitio Yellowil: cinclidaecos Agnea Bristarni: EmeraldLatias Temenos Mistral: VelocicCos Ori: That's me!
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trcelyneart · 11 months ago
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My contribution to this year's Netteflix Winter Exchange, for EmeraldLatias :)
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irishais · 2 years ago
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Agnea from Octopath 2 for @emeraldlatias !
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summonerluna · 1 month ago
Word Search Tag Game (Part 4)
Rules: In a new post use the words below (or choose your own) to find where they appear in your WIP/s and share those parts.
From @raurusthirdeye, my words are: weather, desperate, nap
Weather: I don't actually have the word weather in any WIPs, but this is a scene from Ashes that is all about the weather so I'm counting it:
He tasks her with cutting them again, tells her to slice them horizontally only this time while he gets a few more things out of the house. He takes a knife from his belt and hands it to her before disappearing inside.  In the few minutes he is inside, Zelda listens to the sounds around the house. The water in the creek below. The wind in the trees. A few stray buzzing insects, and a chorus of songbirds in the trees above where they were just foraging. It has warmed up considerably since the morning, and there is not much of a breeze. The air is thick, and smells like… Link walks back outside just as she realizes it, and she turns to him and tells him, “You smell like mushrooms.”
Desperate: From an original short story I wrote a long time ago and should probably go back and edit. (Also it's about someone with powerful magic and her sworn partner/protector, so... I clearly have a theme.)
She dreams there, as it was her dreams that led them there, and she tries to piece together the duty assigned her by the generations that came before. Always a tree, standing alone in dry, desperate earth–white branches, green leaves, and always a large black bird that takes flight towards a dark sky.  She dreams. And in their time he learns the extent of his role, and the depth to which their intimacy extends. And they learn the boundaries of the possession of magic are not so severe as they once had thought.
Nap: Another one from the next chapter of Ashes
She wants to say no. She wants to go back to his house and nap. Or, more than anything, to have her own house, her own home, to retreat to. A place where she isn’t a guest, where she can draw a bath, then wrap herself in her mother’s robes and fall asleep reading. Knowing that…  ...knowing that Link was right there. “I would like that,” she says.
Tagging: @emeraldlatias, @raccoonfiend95, @bahbahhh. Your words are: coffee, road, feather
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thesuccessorchallenge · 3 years ago
The Successor Challenge Submission: And There Was Only One Floor
Written by EmeraldLatias
Synopsis: Rinoa Heartilly was a self-proclaimed voracious reader and romantic at heart but even she was keenly aware that what made romance novels enjoyable also made them as unrealistic as flying T-Rexaurs. What she was about to find out however, was just how fun it was to discover just how unrealistic it truly was firsthand.
Genre(s): Humor/Romance
Featured Character(s): Rinoa Heartilly, Squall Leonhart
Current Word Count: 4,055
Rating: T
Theme: Hope Status: Complete
Chapter 1 (ao3 mirror)
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rinoaheartillyy · 8 years ago
Time Compression goes all screwy (well, screwier) and drops a character from VIII into the XV world of Eos and after they go back to the VIII world, the opposite happens for a brief moment before time fully corrects itself. What is the first things out of the displaced characters' mouths?
Firstly I just wanna apologise for the extremely late reply to this! It’s a really great question that made me think a lot, so thank you ^^ I hope I’ve read it in the correct way, I’m so sorry if I’ve misunderstood it! I couldn’t think of what character from each ff I’d like to write about so instead I’m gonna give you most of the main characters from each game. I’ve thought about different stories and interactions that these characters would have and because I also couldn’t decide on what location to use in both worlds, I’ve switched up time compression a lil’ bit so that when each character travels to their opposing world, they end up in a location in that world that relates to their personality. I hope that makes sense lmao. Okay, so here goes. VIII → XVSquall: naturally ends up in one of the most gloomiest places on Eos, the Vesperpool. It’s dark and damp and after looking around for a minute, he realises what’s happened he’s used to it by now. Squall’s first words is (you guessed it) “…Whatever.” Most likely, he’s shrugging off the feeling of being alone. He sees blue sky in the distance and starts heading in that direction because he knows that’s where he’ll find Rinoa.Rinoa: finds herself in beautiful Galdin Quay on the sand watching the waves. She’d be scared if it wasn’t for the tranquil scenery, it feels just like home. Her gaze wanders and lands on the back of a guy dressed in all black who appears to be fishing. “Squall..?” It’s more of an inaudible question to herself rather than getting ‘Squall’s’ attention.Selphie: Wiz’s chocobo post (where else?) Doesn’t hesitate for a second. Squeals at the sight of so many cute animals and immediately starts customising her very own chocobo. “You’re even cuter than the ones back home! AND YOU COME IN PINK!!!”Zell: is the first one to interact with someone from this world. He’s at a campfire and across from him, Gladio is sat eating some cup noodles. “WHERE ARE THE HOTDOGS?!” Of course hotdogs are the first thing on Zell’s mind no matter where he is in time or space. Gladio invites Zell to sit down and the pair have a pleasant conversation, discussing the worlds they’re from, the different books they like and who their friends are. Zell even compliments Gladio on his tattoos but the chat suddenly turns sour when Zell has a taste of cup noodles and spits them out yelling “UGH, GROSS!” Quistis: feels tiny as she stands before the Rock of Ravatogh. The first words to escape her mouth are “well this puts the Fire Cavern to shame” as she starts heading up the mountain. Nothing like a bit of adventure in a foreign world during time compression when you’re waiting to be sent back home, right?Irvine: ends up in the Weaverwilds (to him it’s the middle of no where). A blonde-haired guy is fighting some sabertusks and Irvine helps out by shooting them down from afar. Prompto runs over and thanks him. Irvine tips his hat, “Nice guns you got there. Hey, uh, any hot women around these parts?” Prompto looks confused but nevertheless shows Irvine photos of Cindy and Aranea before the two start an in-depth conversation about guns and women. Irvine also lets Prompto wear his cowboy hat for a while and Prompto takes many selfies.Laguna: wakes up in a bed at the Leville Hotel in Lestallum. “Raine?! Ellone?!” Confusion overtakes him for a while as the hotel room looks so familiar, almost like Raine’s bedroom. When he walks out of the hotel, he realises he’s trapped in time compression and sighs, holding on to the thought of Raine still being alive. He takes a deep breath and takes pleasure in how similar Lestallum looks to Winhill with its narrow paths and flower shops. With a feeling of nostalgia, Laguna walks to the market to buy some things that he can take back with him to give to Ellone. Seifer: fishing at the Forgotten Pool. It’s peaceful until “TURN THE ROD TOWARDS THE FISH!”Seifer turns around to see Ignis staring at him, arms crossed. He holds his head in his hands and mutters to himself, “I can’t believe I managed to find someone more annoying than chicken-wuss. I actually miss that little shit.” He tries to return to his fishing, it lasts a couple of minutes before Seifer gets so annoyed, he threatens Ignis with his gunblade. A fight is about to ensue when Ravus appears out of no-where. He and Seifer start arguing about whose coat is better whilst Ignis quietly disappears. XV → VIIINoctis: Ultimecia’s Castle. Noct is completely freaked BEFORE he sees Ultimecia so when she appears on the stairs he muffles a scream and hides hoping she didn’t see him. He hears her leave the room but continues to tense up in hiding. He whispers aloud, “If anyone is listening, please dear Six, I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this but please please PLEASE send me back to Ardyn.”Prompto: finds himself flying on board the Ragnarok with Selphie in the driver’s seat. “Oh my god, THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE REGALIA!” Starts taking photos without a second thought. Selphie teaches Prompto how to fly the Ragnarok and they swap every now and then with one flying and the other jumping up and down and yelling “WHOO-HOO!” Gladio: admiring Balamb Garden’s library. Spends ages looking through all of the collections. He finally settles on what looks like a good read when he sees a familiar looking blonde spiky haired kid in the corner of his eye. “HEY! CUP NOODLES ARE THE ULTIMATE FLAVOUR EXPERIENCE!!” Gladio then gives Zell a lecture on why cup noodles are better than hotdogs for the next few hours.Ignis: also ends up in Garden but in the cafeteria. He smells something delicious and the cafeteria lady gives him a plate with two hotdogs on. Ignis takes a bite and- “THAT’S IT! I’VE COME UP WITH A NEW RECIPEH!” Everyone in the room looks at him like he has three heads and Ignis suddenly feels extremely out of place and starts longing for his friends.Luna: Trabia Garden in the aftermath of the missile attack. At first she’s worried about where she is and why she’s ended up here but as soon as she sees there are people hurt and in pain, those thoughts are forgotten as she immediately proceeds to help the injured. Her first words are “I need some cloth to make bandages, STAT!” or some other statement that involves more professional medical terminology lmao.Aranea: appears to be in Galbadia, sitting on Edea/Ultimecia’s throne. “That’s it, I’m staying.” Aranea’s first words are before bossing Seifer around like a servant, getting him to fetch her cocktails and kneel on all fours before her so he can be her footstool. Cindy: in Dollet by the car that was crushed by X-ATM092. She’s almost heartbroken by the sight of it and knocks on the door closest to the car. When a couple answer it, Cindy’s first words escape her. “This might sound weird to y’all but… can I fix y’alls car?” Cindy has the door slammed in her face but doesn’t let it phase her. She proceeds to fix the car anyway and even gives it an upgrade.Bonus → XV chocobros after time compression stops and everyone is back home.At camp, Ignis is cooking dinner. Noctis and Prompto are salivating already. Gladio returns to camp a little later after doing a couple of more hunts and breathes in the aroma. “Mmm, Iggy, whatcha cookin’?” Ignis stares down at his grill and Noctis and Prompto look at each other with worried expressions. “Umm…” Ignis mumbles. Gladio walks over to Ignis and sees eight hot dogs on the grill. He frowns at Ignis and refuses to speak to him for the rest of the night. Safe to say, Gladio is extremely unimpressed. 
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ask-mrleon · 8 years ago
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ellie-mars · 8 years ago
emeraldlatias replied to your post “Happy bday, hun, may you be smothered in hot plants.”
ngl, I misread that as hot pants. (Happy birthday!)
omg... I just had two other people say the same thing to me, you’re not the only one!  I did a double-take myself lol (and, thanks for the birthday wishes :D)
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xercisarchive · 8 years ago
@emeraldlatias I’m Replying to you here so i don’t make a HUGE wall of text when reblogging my ask...
Thanks for the input! This was an interesting read, but tbh I still would argue with most of your typings.
For Squall, I still find him a heavy Ni user, just cause he doesn’t apparently plan ahead it doesn’t mean he’s not an NJ (this feels like bad use of Te), he’s merely a teenager really close to enter adulthood and is struggling with the same problems just like everyone that age, he is cold, arrogant, pushes everyone away from him, this is very typical immature INTJ behaviour, thinking he can do everything by himself, being detached, and almost living completely in his head. His inner monologues feel Very Ni-Fi also, and he doesn’t have much concern for duty, responsibility and being of help to a community, he was always difficult to work with, and resented assuming leadership, even though he is the first to ensure that what is necessary gets done (all sounds very Ni-Te, capable of carrying out duties but resents it). He is capable and assumes responsibility, but in a very forceful manner, he even dislikes it when he is appointed commander of Balamb Garden, and also when ppl start giving him orders he becomes frustrated as well (this is near opposite of Si, and tertiary Fi acting up taking things too personally), he’s very anti-social. Overall he is heavily independent (a very big INTJ trait) and I simply don’t see inferior Ne in him at all, a Si-dom would do their utmost to reject Ne in order to protect their ego-image as a “careful, reliable, and thoughtful” person, and this isn’t what Squall does at all.
For Rinoa, this one I could agree with you, she is definitely a EXFJ and the inferior Ti is clear, but to me she felt more Ni-Se, rather than Si-Ne. Like Squall she is another struggling teenager, she is very stubborn, naive, often does what she wants and acts in a rebellious manner (particularly towards her father) and she is quite impulsive, acting without thinking and often getting in trouble (this feels like Se acting up, ignoring Ni and inferior Ti manifesting itself). A function like Si is not impulsive nor is Ne (in a big way) when tertiary or inferior, Rinoa gets often too caught up in the moment (rather than in the past) which even makes her look like a xxxP type, but this is ENFJ’s Se acting up (whom are sometimes even confused with ESFPs). Like u said, she’s an ideas person, u can even see her in the Balamb Garden library (reading books?) when she’s not with the party, but i still find it she has Ni, rather than Si. Ni itself is about seeing future outcomes, and planning based on those visions would come with Fe/Te, but since she has Fe she does not plan with facts or logic, but rather the emotions of others, values, ethics etc… this in exchange shows her poor Ti and how she failed to carry out plans correctly (like in the Train with the president). She could easily be an ENFJ just like ESFJ, not really far off the mark.
Laguna… this is one I can also agree with being ENFP cause I debated him being ENFP too. What made me decide go for ESFJ however was how much he felt like a Fe-dom user, he felt slightly like Rinoa and could have gone for ENFJ too but that didn’t seem right, it felt like he had the Si&Ne pair instead. He feels like a direct opposite of Squall, (having INTJ and ESFJ in mind, they don’t share any common functions and do everything differently). Unlike the rest of the cast he is older, 22 in flashbacks and 44 in the main story, so he is gonna have a more balanced functional stack there and looks like a mature ESFJ. In the flashbacks he is awful at following up to plans requiring external consideration of facts, logic and reason (much like Rinoa, another Ti inferior user), he thinks he is going well with his course of action but then he realises he is mistaken and clueless as to what to do (much to the frustration of his comrades) however he thinks about others and finds his way to get out of those situations, has this big concern for external harmony so I couldn’t help but Type ESFJ. His style of combat also feels like relying on past experience heavily, i didn’t feel like he was Si inferior but I can see why you type him as and ENFP and can agree with that too.
Quistis: Classic overachiever could very well relate to INFJ, specially to reaffirm that she is smart (Ni). Ni does not mean intelligence, but it does bring a degree of “know it all” confidence to assert themselves quietly (in the case of an INFJ). We can agree she uses secondary Fe and tertiary Ti, however Se seems more befitting as inferior, she is not impulsive at all and has a very stoic, composed aura (ISFJs would a appear more warm, accommodating and serene). Ne inferior would make the Si-dom not apt to radical or risky thought/behavior, but this isn’t a problem for Quists (cause she has Ni). She does not go wild, but she can think differently (plus she is not stuck on the past, more like on ideas and the feelings she has about others). Also I don’t see how doubting self-worth/talent and seeking out others to listen is a Si-Fe and Inferior Ne trait, this is something all types can experience and is not particular to ISFJ behaviour. As for what happened in Deling City, she was stressed and conflicted to act efficiently, this a mistake a normal INFJ could make cause they value external harmony a lot, Ti acting up blocking the insight of Ni can make the INFJ make this mistake. You seem to be very biased with Ni-users thinking they are very strict planners who follow up through their plans no matter what but the rest of the functions can bring information Ni hasn’t taken and make them doubt themselves/ act in irrational ways / change their course of action abruptly. Ni gives you visions and insights, and the functions that build the plans using this information is Te and Fe, not Ni.
Seifer being ESFP is the one i have most conflict with (even ESTP would have been more accurate), his bullying tendencies seem to manifest from inferior Fi, he is the typical Te-dom bully who’s very conflicted internally and takes out his anger on others to compensate. He is rude and has been picking on other kids since young (ESFPs bully others if they are getting in the way of their fun, Seifer however does not seem worried about this at all). He also has many parallels with Squall being both TJs, saying he is ESFP contrasts a lot with him, and both are fighting to prove their superiority. The only Se I would see in him is how impulsive he can get, defies authority figures and considers that others should defer to taking orders from him, but again this is Te and inferior Fi acting up, he loves being boss and having others do what he wants. Also Being unable to let go of the Romantic Dream™  is inferior Fi and Te acting up, he has extreme loyalty to Edea and his actions feel very Si paired with Te. Plus he is the head of the disciplinary committee, this screams Te, he is responsible and has no trouble performing tasks (unless he is internal conflicts start acting up).
Overall I wasn’t really off the mark with my typings (it was mostly Ni-Si differences) and Selphie and maybe Laguna are the only ones I can see being mistyped but not the rest. But tbh I can accept everyone has different perceptions on each character’s type and I find it difficult for everyone to agree with them so lmao, If you have more to say i’ll gladly listen! It’s fun discussing type theory, but i’ll leave my typings the way they are lmao.
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irishais · 4 years ago
@emeraldlatias this is the most Canadian thing I've ever seen wtf
Ok this is kinda funny but imagine being surrounded by people who sound like this. The French language was a mistake in the first place but combining it with English.... abomination
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yukiranine · 6 years ago
I got tagged for a top ten list of songs I’m currently obsessed with by @emeraldlatias 
Tbh some of the recent songs I’ve been listening to a lot are kinda embarrassing but lets get on with it:
Remember- FLOW
Misery Business- Paramore
Fever Dreams- Diveo
I Like It- Cardi B
Long Hope Philia- Masaki Suda
Freaking. Nyan Cat.
Sun- Bite the Lung 
Akaneiro ga Moeru Toki- Scoobie Do
Devil Trigger- Devil May Cry (Ali Edwards/Cliff Lloret)
so uhh tagging @hideandseaking @bakunasa @un-ah @akh-afah @miniwaves @franeridan @idolshifter @kobat0s @princebog 
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irishais · 2 years ago
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Random project photos from this weekend: first is the Vest With Too Many Grommets for our Huntsman for the Snow White otakon group, second is the corset for @emeraldlatias 's Agnea commission (it's not wrinkled, it's just color shifting taffeta), third is a shirt I made for @fairy-feather !
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donferret · 7 years ago
20 Questions
20 questions meme…
Tagged by @florecita-r0ckera
Name: Jose
Nickname: Ferret
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 5′5
Languages Spoken: Spanish and English
Nationality: American
Favorite Fruit: pineapples and oranges
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Scent: dead skunk
Favorite Color: red, purple, green and orange
Favorite Animal: crow, octopus and turtle
Coffee, Tea, or Hot 🍫: fruity teas or hot chocolate
Average Hours of 💤: 6-9
Favorite Fictional Character: Too many: Jessica Rabbit, Tifa Lockhart, Power Girl, Solid Snake, Tsubaki Yayoi to name a few
# of blankets you 💤 with: 0-1 light sheet
Dream Trip: round the world to all the Disney resorts
Blog Created: Kony 2012 was trending at the time.
I shall now tag the following people to do this:
Only people I'd tag have already been tagged. So I'll tag some of my favorite people I don't know
@cockismybusiness @pinxiedust @emeraldlatias
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thesuccessorchallenge · 3 years ago
The Successor Challenge Submission: How to Build a Life
Written by EmeraldLatias
Synopsis: Squall was coming to the realization that three days was a long time without saying anything.
Genre(s): Drama, Romance
Featured Character(s): Squall Leonhart, Rinoa Heartilly
Current Word Count: 1445
Rating: T
Theme: Fear
Status: Complete
Chapter 1 (AO3 mirror)
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For some reason Tumblr is being a buttmunch isn’t showing the proper chapter number in the link above, but I have tested it myself and can guarantee that it does, in fact, lead to the final chapter of my ongoing Blind!Ignis fic, Memory Lane and Pastries.
If you’ve been following along with the promises I’ve made thus far, then yOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS HUEHUEHUE ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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[ISEB Author’s Note: It means Ignis gets nekkid. Very, very nekkid.]
I won’t bore you with the details of what was going through my mind when I wrote it, but I will say that it’s another long, rambling story, so feel free to skip ahead to the steamy bits if your eyes start glazing over. I meant to do this last time, but I’m going to go ahead and tag a few peeps who I know might be interested: @thirdstreetcettin, @fencrocks, @roses-and-oceans, @atarostarling why u no let me tag you (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`), @sweetchocobae, @emeraldlatias, @sailorwiggle, @saurgristiel, @diadyn wat u too (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`), @chocobroobsession, @jellybabiestomanual cmon now (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`), @ardorminerva wtf tumblr (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`), @lunar-magnolia, @herondalcarstairs Lastly, I just want to mention that although this is the last chapter of Memory Lane and Pastries, the whole reason I wrote it was to establish an OC in that time frame, so that I may revisit Ignis and Ophelia in future one-shots. I’m going to make a separate post about my plans for the next week, but I do look forward to entertaining people again with my longer fics in the future!
(Abso-fucking-lutely NSFW; Click on the link above or the cut below for the full text of Chapter 5.)
“Tell me more about that Karlabos.”
“You know—the one that supposedly murdered your mother. Did you ever manage to take your revenge?”
“Ah.” A smile touches the strategist’s lips as they round the usual corner of the alleyway leading back to his apartment. “As a matter of fact, I did.”
“Well? Don’t leave me in suspense.”
Ophelia’s fingers find his and she squeezes his hand teasingly. “My friends and I confronted the colossal beast on a shore overlooking Cape Caem some years ago,” he says. “We’d been sent on a quest to dispose of a Dread Behemoth that had been terrorizing the locals, and there he was—hiding like a coward behind his fellow monstrosity and taunting me with those beady black eyes of his.”
“Did he give you any trouble?”
“Not nearly as much as the prince did. Noct evidently had worse eyesight than me, because I couldn’t take two steps without having my feet frozen to the ground, no thanks to his poorly aimed Blizzaga spells.”
“I presume you were victorious, seeing as how you’re still alive to tell the tale.”
“Indeed. Can’t say it was worth the effort, though—we couldn’t even enjoy a nice lobster meal afterward, since whatever the creature had gained it size, it had seemingly lost in flavor.”
His heart skips a wayward beat when her fingers slip from his hand and move to rest at the small of his back. “I saw a Karlabos, once,” she says, her voice thoughtful. “At the monster arena in Altissia. What was that place called?”
“Totomostro—also known as the gambling addiction I never knew I had. And before you ask, I’d rather not talk about it.”
Her laughs are carried by the breeze as they halt at the front steps of his apartment. “It’s likely your own fault for losing money. You should know you’re always supposed to bet on the Spiny Speedsters.”
“An error in judgment, to be sure,” he says, as her arms slowly encircle his waist. “Maybe my luck will start to look up from here on out.”
“I’d say it already has.”
He then feels her soft lips brush against his, just as he had felt them touching his own every night after work for the last three weeks; it was getting easier for him to show his affection for her in public, the anxiety of being spotted by perfect strangers growing less and less insistent with each passing day, and the weight of the pendant against his neck hadn’t bothered him in quite some time.
It’s a chaste kiss, nothing terribly overt or ambitious, and it’s over nearly as quickly as it had begun. But he can’t fully bring himself to let go of her this time, not tonight, not like he could before, because the warmth of her body beneath her cardigan pressing against his chest was as addicting as the lure of ten-to-one Totomostro odds, and Ignis had almost forgotten what it was like not to feel so completely and utterly alone.
“Would you care to come inside for a moment?” he asks, scrambling for any excuse that would stay her departure for even one minute more. “I wouldn’t dream of forcing a cup of Ebony on you, but I did make some pastries the other day that could use a proper taste test.”
“I’ll pass on the coffee,” she demurs, “but I suppose I am a bit curious to see how well your baking skills stack up to mine.”
So she drops her hands from his waist, and the strategist’s heart cries out only a little at the travesty before he returns his attention to fishing his keys from his pocket. When he’s managed to finally open the stubborn door—‘stubborn’ in the sense that it wouldn’t open under its own free will when his nervous fingers couldn’t seem to find the correct key—he climbs the narrow stairwell leading to the unit two floors up, Ophelia’s footfalls echoing lightly behind him.
Another ‘stubborn’ door later, and he is stepping into the foyer of his apartment and showing her in. The strategist had never actually seen what the inside of his own home looked like, but he’d signed the lease solely based on the layout; the custom built cabinetry was spacious enough to accommodate his extensive collection of cooking utensils, and the open design of the kitchen flowing into the living area helped him to avoid walking headfirst into any unnecessary walls.
He flips a light switch and hangs his keys on a hook he knows is eye-level and exactly eighteen inches to the right of the front door, listening intently as Ophelia strolls into the space. “This is nice,” she says. “Quite comfortable, all things considered.”
He then moves into the kitchen, frowning slightly as he reaches for a clean plate. “All things considered?”
“One generally doesn’t list ‘bright neon lights encroaching on the living room’ as a must-have when apartment hunting.”
Ignis had almost forgotten about the supposed view from his flat; he’d saved a fortune by renting out this particular unit rather than a west-facing one, since his landlord had struggled to find potential tenants who would be unbothered by the bright EXINERIS Industries sign that glowed annoyingly just beyond his easternmost window. “One of the few perks of being blind,” he comments. “It also helps to save money on electrical, since I don’t even have to use the overhead lights when I’m home alone.”
“I was wondering if I might ask you about that.” A gentle creak echoes from the living room as she makes herself comfortable on a leather sofa. “How long precisely did it take you to regain your mobility after you lost your sight? I’ve seen you prepare complex dishes that someone with four working eyes and six arms couldn’t even manage.”
He retrieves a set of tongs hanging above the sink and opens the refrigerator door. “A couple of years, I suppose. Never underestimate the power of a strategist with an obstinate streak.”
“That’s what they call you, right? I’ve seen it in the newspapers—‘Ignis Scientia, also known as The Strategist’.”
“That’s what they used to call me. About the only strategies I work out nowadays is how best to satisfy Cid’s sweet tooth without having to go out and harvest Ulwaat berries myself.” He selects a pastry off the upper shelf of the fridge, then strides into the living room and stops at the sofa. “Speaking of, give this a try.”
“What is it?”
“Memory Lane Pastry—a Tenebraen specialty.”
The plate in his hand disappears. “Can’t say I’ve ever heard of it.”
“They were a favorite of the prince’s when he was recuperating there as a child,” he says, as he lowers himself onto the couch beside her. “I never could get the recipe quite to his liking, but he’s not exactly around to complain about it any longer.”
Either he is unable to entirely conceal the hint of sadness in his voice, or she is more perceptive than he initially gave her credit for; he hears her shift closer to him on the couch, followed by the sensation of her hand squeezing his knee. “I imagine you must miss him a great deal, considering the sacrifices you made for him.”
It was a different kind of pain, losing Noct; as he rests his arm along the back of the sofa, and his lips press together into a thin line, he concedes to himself that honor of serving the last king of Lucis in his final hours far outweighed the burden of sorrow he still carried on his shoulders. “I’ll spare you the grisly details of the time he drove the Regalia off the top of the Duscaean arches,” he says. “Go on—have a bite.”
She must have sensed his desire not to be bogged down by old memories, because she doesn’t press him for details, and instead removes her hand from his leg to focus on the dessert on her plate. It’s only when he hears her nibbling at the soft crust that he realizes he’d forgotten to set out some napkins; as he ruminates over the most polite and gentlemanly way of offering to lick any wayward crumbs off her lips with his tongue, his ears pick up on an audible gasp beside him.
“Are they to your liking?” he asks. “Or should I just set the contents of my kitchen on fire altogether?”
“These are delightful,” she breathes. “How on Eos have you been hiding these from me all this time?”
“They’re not particularly common in Lucis, although I did happen to learn my recipe from an establishment in Galdin Quay. Ulwaat berries inarguably make a superior filling, but they’re fairly hard to import unless you know exactly which merchant to talk to.”
He then hears her set the empty plate aside. “Really, Ignis—have you considered selling these for Mr. Tostwell? They’d certainly give my father’s Baklava pastry a run for its money.”
“I’m not really the competitive sort.” His nose wrinkles, and he pushes back on the lenses of his visor. “Besides, there’s something about capitalizing on nostalgia that doesn’t quite sit right with me. I suppose I’m getting a touch sentimental in my old age.”
“Come now, don’t be obtuse. You’re hardly old.”
“Maybe not, but these scars aren’t doing my features any favors.”
He suddenly feels her fingertips tracing over the lesion nestled above his right eyebrow. “I like your scars,” she says quietly. “More like marks of distinction, in service to the greater good.”
His spine begins to tingle under her gentle touch. “You are perhaps the only one who finds any measure of value in them.”
“Perhaps,” she echoes.
Her fingers then move to the bridge of his nose, pausing over the small scar there before drifting down his cheek. His mouth opens slightly when she glides a thumb across it; before he can sample the flavor of any powdered sugar still clinging to her skin, however, she removes her digit and replaces it with her soft lips.
He needn’t have worried about the sugar, he surmises, because she tastes like Ulwaat Berries and pastry crust and all the things that made her so delightfully sweet. His hand moves from its resting spot on the back of the sofa to sift through her hair and draw her in close, and he’s rewarded with the sensation of her tongue chasing after his. As the scent of her Sylleblossom perfume swirls in his nostrils and muddles his senses, the strategist yields to her playful probing and fronts his own sensual assault.
They’ve kissed before, but it was never like this; something about it was different, something wholly electrifying, and the nerve endings in his brain are firing impulses at light speed. He feels her palm slip under the collar of his dress shirt and caress the crook of his neck, but before he can reach up and entwine his fingers in hers, she ensnares his wrist and drags his hand down toward her thigh.
But a gentle leg caress evidently wasn’t what she was aiming for, because she doesn’t let go of his arm until she’s guided his hand several inches past the hem of her dress; an inkling of doubt worries away at the back of Ignis’ mind, and he withdraws from her slightly as he breaks their kiss.
The confusion in her voice is obvious. “Is this all right?”
He then retrieves his fingers from the edge of her undergarment and frowns. “Yes, of course.”
“So then, how long are you going to play the consummate gentlemen before you allow me to lead you into the bedroom?”
Her hand is still locked around his wrist; when she makes no move to release him, he gives up trying to extricate himself from her clutches and settles for resting it awkwardly on her knee. “I… don’t want you to think that’s why I invited you up here this evening.”
“I’m the one who’s offering, aren’t I?”
“Am I being too forward?”
She finally lets go of his arm, and he lets out a defeated sigh. “It’s not that. It’s just been a rather long time since I’ve been this intimate with anyone.”
“That makes no difference to me.”
“That’s kind of you to say, but, well—ah, you see—”
Scarcely anything was shameful enough to ruffle the strategist’s feathers and leave him at a total loss for words, but the matter of his own deficiencies was admittedly a source of embarrassment. “There is some lingering damage from the trauma I’ve sustained,” he says finally, pushing back on his visor again. “I couldn’t even tell you if the parts still worked properly.”
His remark isn’t precisely accurate, although there had been long stretches of years where Ignis had been unable to achieve anything remotely approaching rigidity between his legs. Just when he had begun to believe his impotence was yet another permanent reminder of the physical sacrifices he had made, however, he’d occasionally wake up in the middle of the night with an erection so painful and acute that the only source of relief he’d been able to find was by submerging himself in an icy cold shower and rubbing one out several times over. And while it had mercifully been several months since his last miserable episode, his body’s natural functions had proven to be more than a little erratic, to say the least.
Ophelia returns her hand to his arm, but it’s not to restrain him against his will, and instead she runs it gently across his shoulder. “There’s only one way to find out.”
He gnaws at the inside of his cheek and hesitates. “I would hate to leave you feeling disappointed, is all.”
“Ignis, you couldn’t disappoint me if you tried.” She then captures his face in her small hands, lowering her voice as she brushes her lips against his ear. “Now, are you going to follow me into your bedroom like a proper gentleman, or do I have to throw you over my shoulder and carry you in there myself?”
He feigns a smile, but doesn’t immediately stand up when he feels her rise from the sofa—partly because he hadn’t expected for things to move so quickly and he wasn’t sure whether he was prepared to bare his broken body to her fully just yet, but mostly because he didn’t want to draw attention to the obvious tenting in his trousers—and it’s only when she begins to tug gently on his wrist that he swallows his reticence and gathers himself to his feet.
But she doesn’t promptly tackle the buttons of his shirt the instant they step foot into the bedroom, nor does she launch herself at him like a rabid Voretooth as her insinuation might’ve suggested; if anything, she seems entirely unhurried in her plot to assess his virility, and simply asks him to remove his shoes while she briefly excuses herself from the room.
“I’m going to freshen up a tad,” she says. “I’ll be just a moment.”
And then she’s gone, and he’s left with nothing but bare feet and a testy groin to distract him from the fears that are currently plaguing his thoughts. Leaping out a window seemed like a disproportionate response to an unusual dilemma, but he can feel the bulging in his pants already starting to soften; when the silence in the bedroom grows increasingly deafening in his ears, and he’s spent five whole minutes calculating the odds of surviving a fall from the nearest fire escape, his mind slowly begins to registers the smell of newly applied Sylleblossom perfume.
He then feels her hands snake around his waist from behind, and when he turns to face her, he discovers she’s removed the cardigan she was wearing earlier; the skin on her arms is soft and velvety smooth, the scent of her floral fragrance both mild on his delicate senses and wholly seductive to the primal part of his brain, and his reservations ebb somewhat when he traces his fingers along her shoulders and collarbone.
But a flicker of panic returns when her own fingers move to his face and touch the sides of his visor, and he seizes her wrists before she is able to fully remove it. “You may want to consider turning out the lights first,” he says. “For your own benefit—I wouldn’t want you to have to stare at my bare face all night.”
“I look forward to staring at your bare face all night,” she teases, brushing his hands aside. “In fact, I’m counting on it.”
There was a deep-seeded insecurity buried somewhere in the depths of the strategist’s psyche, the origins of which could be traced back to long before he had ever lost his sight. Corrective lenses or frosted visor, the absence of the comforting weight across the bridge of his nose made him feel altogether more naked and vulnerable than even the worst torture he had endured during the Hydraean catastrophe. So when Ophelia does finally remove his visor, and he hears the sound of her setting it carefully on the nightstand behind him, Ignis is unable to entirely quell the distress poisoning his insides; he remains paralyzed in place when she caresses his disfigured left eyelid, and it’s only after her hands finally fall from his face that he lets out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
But one anxiety is quickly replaced by another as she fingers the top button of his shirt. “There’s something you ought to know,” he whispers, grasping her by the wrists again to slow her progress. “My injuries, they—well, they’re not limited to my face.”
The strategist is beginning to think she is either braver than Bahamut or more reckless than the Infernian, because her only response to his warning is to touch her lips lightly to his mouth before resuming her efforts. His heart beats hard against his ribcage with each inch of his torso she exposes to air, until there’s nothing left for him to hide behind and she’s pushing his shirt down around his elbows.
She then runs a hand tentatively across the gruesome laceration that bisects him from shoulder to navel. “Does it hurt?” she asks.
He shakes his head wordlessly, and at the back of his mind he wonders how on Eos she is able to stomach the view as he feels her rake her teeth across his pectorals. He doesn’t have time to ponder the enigma for very long, however, because her mouth soon drifts to his right nipple, and the tongue she is circling it with is working wonders to distract him from his own self loathing. He briefly considers staging one last protest—his occluded eye is sensitive enough to note she had not turned the bedroom lights off when she went to remove his visor—but he abandons all argument when her hands drop to the waistband of his trousers.
She hadn’t show the slightest hint of doubt in her resolve until now, and it’s only when several moments pass without hearing the audible whir of his zipper being released that he notices her struggling with the notches of his belt. “Sorry,” she laughs. “It seems you aren’t the only one who’s been through a bit of a dry spell as of late.”
The tension in his chest eases a tad and he offers a her small smile, running his fingertips lightly along her arms until goosebumps appear on the skin there. When she finally manages to discard the stubborn piece of equipment, he feels her grip him gently by the forearm to steady him; he acknowledges her silent signal and steps out of his trousers, kicking them far enough away so as not to be a walking hazard on the path toward the bed.
For a moment, he isn’t quite sure what to do with himself; the mental picture he conjures of standing blind and nearly naked before her doesn’t exactly recall to mind the dignity and decorum of his former self. But she offers up her own answer to his conundrum by wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning into his embrace, and his cheeks warm slightly when he feels her hips pressing against the fabric of his briefs. The tightening there has resumed its arbitrary behavior and is now standing at embarrassingly full attention, but she doesn’t appear to care—the hands gliding down his buttocks being her only outward reaction to his uncontrollable prodding—so he simply enjoys the sensation of her small figure nestled comfortably against his torso before reaching around her back to finger the zipper of her dress.
It hadn’t felt like all that long ago when he was the one quieting the trembling hands of a nervous lover; the strategist of old had always been in control, his nerves seemingly tempered in steel, and there was a period in his life when he would’ve rather been publicly flogged than ever be caught dead showing the slightest sign of weakness. But Ignis Scientia isn’t the same man he was before, and its his own hands that are trembling now, and he bites back a curse as he fights with the leading hook that evidently required the use of an electron microscope to unfasten.
But then he does finally manage to unfasten it, and relief washes over him when the zipper mercifully comes undone without further issue. Ophelia steps away long enough for him to hear the sound of her dress pooling to the floor; he had tried never to get into the habit of resenting his circumstances, but he can’t quite help the bitterness he feels at being denied the rapture of gazing upon her figure with his own two eyes.
But he still has two hands, and she is seemingly well aware of this fact as well, because she guides him to sit on the edge of the bed before grasping his palms and placing them on either side of her waist. He flexes his fingers tentatively, only allowing them to make contact with parts that weren’t explicitly covered up by her undergarments—he finds the flesh of her belly is as delicate as silk and twice as smooth, while the taut muscles of her back ripple and yield as he draws his fingernails lightly down her spine—and he takes the opportunity to nuzzle his nose against the softest part of her neck when she moves to settle herself in his lap.
The wetness he can feel even even through her undergarment is positively tortuous against aching groin, but old habits die hard, and he chokes back the growl threatening to claw its way up his throat. He had always been a quiet lover, because he’d always preferred listening to melody of his partners’ ecstasy over the sound of his own ardor, and it was even more critical to him now that he relied so heavily on his hearing; as he grips her buttocks and angles his hips against her heat, he is rewarded with exactly the moan he was hoping to elicit from her.
So he allows her vocalizations to feed his inquisitiveness and finally lets his idle hands wander, teasing his fingers under the straps of her brassiere while his other hand circles around her torso to tackle the clasp at her back. His grip is steadier now, a little of his former confidence returning each time she presses her lips hungrily to his, and he feels her nails dig into the thickest part of his shoulders when he liberates her from the constricting garment; a moment later, and she’s arching her neck against his open mouth and drawing his hands to her chest to make her insistence known.
As much as he would’ve liked nothing more than to ravage her nipples with his tongue, however, her hips bucking hard against his erection is distracting him from the effort, so he shifts his weight and guides her to lay down on the bed beside him. A frustrated whine escapes her at not having her immediate desires fulfilled, but it’s soon replaced by a whispered gasp when he settles in between her legs and draws his teeth across her belly. His fingers slip under the waistband of the lace separating him from the last of her nakedness, but he doesn’t immediately tear them off in a fit of lust; stoking the flames of passion took time and patience, and although the strategist might’ve been a little out of practice, he had never forgotten the fundamentals of his basic training.
He can’t resist indulging in a smile when he feels her writhing beneath him, and he opens himself fully to the sensations his four other senses are currently experiencing all at once. The scent of her perfume swirls in the air around his nostrils each time he glides a hand across her breasts, his fingertips lingering at her nipples and pinching them lightly until they’ve grow hard against his unyielding touch, while her soft moans reverberate like an aria in his ears. It’s the way she tastes, however, that perhaps ignites his libido the most; the delectable flavor of her skin is a borderline aphrodisiac, and the hardening between his legs strengthens with every inch he comes to closer to stripping her of her panties.
But if he thought she’d immediately wrap her thighs around his neck like angry Malboro tentacles the instant he freed her from her underwear, he is sorely mistaken. “Ignis,” she says hoarsely, as he draws the lacy accoutrement down around her ankles. “Consider trading places with me for a moment. This was my idea, after all.”
He brushes his lips against the inside of her thighs before drawing them over each of his shoulders. “You wouldn’t deny a starving man a few bread crumbs, now would you?”
His desire to please her has less to do with wanting to oversee the direction of their activities, and more to do with logistics; the evening wouldn’t be a completely wasted effort if he could at the very least bring her to climax, in the likely event that his body eventually betrayed him. It helped that the single greatest joy the strategist generally took in life was the sampling of new, unexplored flavors, and he doesn’t waste any time burying his maimed face into the warmth of her flesh.
Every partner tasted a little different, but no more or less decadent than any other, and one of the perks of having a palate as sophisticated as his own was being able to distinguish the subtle nuances between each one. He feels her legs relax around his shoulders as he nuzzles her sensitive hood, and his mind picks apart the fragrances of her natural odors and Sylleblossom perfume much like he would if he were nosing a glass of fine wine. She flinches slightly when he presses a rough tongue against her folds, but he doesn’t yield or shy away; he probes onward instead, allowing her soft gasps to entice his exploration further.
Even if his better days were behind him, the strategist was always a man with a plan, and tonight is no different; as he settles into a measured pace with his tongue, and he feels her thighs finally begin to tighten around his shoulders, he moves to wrap a hand around the back of her knee; the artery there is close enough to the surface of the skin to detect the slightest fluctuations in her rising pulse—the human body surrendered all the knowledge a lover could possibly require in order activate a pleasurable release, if one were shrewd enough to know just how to decipher its secrets—and he slips his other hand between her legs and presses a finger inside of her, alternating the pressure on her nub between his thumb and his mouth.
His dedication to maintaining a methodical cadence quickly begins to yield positive results; he can hear her breath shortening in her lungs, the whimpers escaping her lips wavering in volume depending on the pressure he is bringing to bear against her hood. It may have been eons since his last intimate encounter with anyone, but the muscle memory is still there, and as she rakes her fingers through his tawny hair, he can feel her walls trembling with each of his deft caresses. He focuses most of his efforts on employing his tongue, but he can’t resist the urge to nibble gently at her hardening nub, and it takes all of his willpower not to ravage it altogether every time her gasps echo in his ears.
At the back of his mind, though, he knows he’s losing himself in the moment; he’d be of better service to her if he could rein himself in and extend her ecstasy for just a little longer, but the stalwart discipline that had defined the strategist in years past is in direct conflict with his selfish desire to hear his own name on her lips. Which is exactly what is on them right now, because his mouth is pressed hard against her sex, his tongue lashing back and forth against her quivering hood, and his fingers are buried to the knuckle in her warm and dripping fluids. The sharp tug of his hair being yanked on and the vice grip her legs now have over his neck seem only to heighten the fervor that is overtaking his senses, and he casts aside the last of his restraint in his unwavering mission to push her over the final edge.
“Ignis,” she whispers, her fingers nearly tearing his hair out. “Please, I—”
There was something wholly otherworldly about bringing a woman to orgasm; the way Ophelia’s body writhes beneath his touch without rhyme or reason and entirely of its own accord was a curious sight for any man to behold. But Ignis doesn’t immediately cease his ministrations the instant he feels her walls clench tightly around his fingers, and instead keeps his tongue pressed firmly against her nub as he carries her through each wave of her climax, until he feels the tension in his scalp and around his neck suddenly ease and her body grows still on the bed.
Only then does he grudgingly pry himself away from her warmth, running a cheek tenderly against her thigh before moving to rest beside her on the comforter. He feels her arms snake around his neck and draw him in close, and the only sound that can be heard for a long moment is her labored exhales and her heartbeat resuming a more measured pace inside her chest.
He then feels a finger brush the lock of hair that falls across his forehead. “If you ask me,” she says quietly, “I wouldn’t have said you were out of practice in the least.”
He smiles softly and runs a hand along her bare arm. “This retired strategist still has a few methods left at his disposal.”
“Care to let me show you some of my own methods?”
“Hm, maybe not. It’s getting rather late, and I’m feeling a bit tired.”
It’s a lie, and he knows it’s a lie, and he also knows that she knows it’s a lie; she guides him to roll over onto his back before pressing an open palm against the flesh that is still—mercifully—rigid between his legs. “Then perhaps you’d agree to lie back and let me do a bit of the legwork.”
She somehow manages to push his briefs down around his ankles before he even has time to object. “Really, Ophelia—it’s fine. You know how irritable Mr. Tostwell gets when any of his employees are late for wor—”
But his words are cut off by the sharp hiss that escapes his lungs when he feels the sensation of her tongue slowly circling the head of his shaft. It had been an eternity and a day since he’d exposed his manhood to anything other than ice water or his own calloused hand, and he bites down on the inside of his cheek so hard and so suddenly he can taste blood.
If he thought that would be the extent of her delightful torture, however, he quickly begins to realize the worst is yet to come; she was merely priming his equipment, evidently, because her mouth lingers on his aching cock only long enough to deposit a copious amount of saliva there before she is straddling his waist like an armored paladin and guiding him inside of her with a gentle hand.
The flavor of blood intensifies on his tongue as he bites down on the urge to scream; his eyes roll back against his closed eyelids and he arches himself against her heat, a warmth that is at once both comfortable and inviting yet so searingly hot it feels like he is quenching his flesh-and-blood sword in a vat of boiling liquid. His breath escapes him and he gasps for air, and it’s only when she presses a palm to his forehead that he is able to regain control over his senses—but only just a little, because she’s already beginning to rock her hips, and it takes everything in his power not to immediately fire his empty rounds inside of her right then and there. He gropes for her arms in an attempt to curtail her momentum—she isn’t even moving that fast, he concedes, but anything quicker than a snail’s pace would almost assuredly bring an abrupt and embarrassing end to the evening—and she responds to his flailing by leaning over his chest and pressing her mouth hard against his.
His fingers sift through her hair, and for a moment he forgets altogether that he is blind and broken and a bitter husk of his old self, because he can see her, somehow; maybe not with his eyes, but in his mind he can envision the lithe body that fits together with his like pieces of a puzzle, can hear the smile in her voice when she moans aloud, can feel the warmth and kindness emanating from every cell and fiber of her being, and Ignis doesn’t need the use of his sight to recognize it was undoubtedly the work of the Six that set her path on a collision course with his.
Heartwarming as the sentiments may be, however, they’re little help in the fight against the growing insistence in his loins; he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold fast against her jostling, and if he doesn’t take matters into his own hands soon, he might find out a little sooner than he prefers. So he slips a hand around her waist and takes firm hold, rolling her onto her back without disturbing the union of his cock buried deep within her cunt.
But being on top has its disadvantages, the strategist suddenly—and regretfully—surmises, because now she doesn’t have the annoying nuisance of the bed getting in the way of her legs. When he feels her ankles lock around his hips to accommodate his girth more fully, and the telltale sign of his own imminent climax pulses at the base of his pelvis, he forces himself to a halt.
“I’m sorry,” he pants, desperate to delay the inevitable. “I—give me just a moment, if you would.”
He feels her nose nuzzle his damp cheek, followed by the sensation of her lips pressing lightly against his own. He yields to her kiss in an effort to distract himself from his own hypersensitivity afflicting every inch of his flesh, but the fingernails she is dragging up his spine is causing the nerves in his lower back to tingle, and he lets out a frustrated growl as the carnal side of his brain wrenches free will away from the rational one.
His hips move without thinking, his thrusts growing more erratic as her hands find his fingers and entwine them with her own. There was a time in his life that being in control was the difference between life and death, and that losing firm grip over himself meant risking the safety and wellbeing of the people he loved; that time has long since passed, however, and not even the Knights of the Round could save him now, because the blood locked away in the hard tissues of his shaft have reached a saturation point, the hormones flooding his brain sending the appropriate signals to direct the proper flow of seminal fluid, and he is suddenly spilling his hot seed inside of a woman for the first time in over a decade.
But not even a whisper escapes his lips when he climaxes, because old habits really did die hard, and instead he simply allows his body to relay the messages he cannot adequately express vocally himself. She holds him tightly in her arms through his final throes, raking a gentle hand through his hair and brushing her lips across the light perspiration dotting his forehead, until the last of his strength fails him and his biceps begin to tremble under the strain of his own weight.
For a long moment, neither one of them moves; the stillness of the bedroom is in sharp contrast to his screaming pulse galloping throughout every vein and capillary of his body. Then he feels Ophelia push back on him slightly, followed by the sensation of her fingertips tracing the outline of his jaw. “So much for not being the touchy-feely sort.”
He finally finds enough strength to withdraw from her, and pushes himself upright on the edge of the bed. “Right.”
“You clearly had nothing to worry about. Seems to me all the parts work just fine, after all.”
He then rises from the bed and moves to open the nearest window; whether it was merely a coincidence of his namesake, Ignis wasn’t sure, but his skin always felt like it was on fire after making love, and suddenly the room feels rather asphyxiating. “I suppose not.”
The worry in her voice is evident. “Is everything all right?”
His feature crumple into a frown as he leans his head out the open window. The humid breeze of nighttime Lestallum is doing little to lower his internal body temperature, and he narrows his eyes against the glare of the neon EXINERIS sign he can sense off in the distance. “Yes, of course.”
But he’s not all right, not really, because as the chaos of the last few lustful minutes begins to clear from his mind, and his feet slowly return to this plane of existence, one singular thought turns over and over in his head: What have I done?
It’s her earnestness that defines her, and he knows it, which is why he isn’t surprised in the least at her next words. “I can’t very well put your mind at ease if you don’t tell me what’s bothering you. Spit it out.”
It wasn’t Ophelia’s fault; he’d always been like this, growing ever more aloof in the aftermath of intimate relations, even when he was younger and the only thing at stake was his reputation, and even—nay, especially—when he was with the one who visited him in his dreams, because while chaste kisses and benign handholding were relatively harmless in the grand scheme of things, there was something about consummating a relationship that put a spotlight on the harsher realities of life.
He gives up on his effort at cooling off and heaves a heavy sigh, retrieving his trousers from the floor as he makes his way back toward the edge of the bed. “I can’t give you what you want, Ophelia.”
“You don’t even know what I want.”
“I don’t think you are fully aware of the challenges that lie ahead. I’d rather not put someone in a position where they have to double as my caretaker.”
“You seem to be under the impression that I am unable to make my own decisions,” she snaps. “And besides—there isn’t a thing I can’t do that I haven’t seen you do twice as well.”
“I can’t read. I can’t drive. I can’t even father a bloody child.”
Her ire suddenly dissipates, and she pauses. “You can’t?”
He resorts to stepping into his pant legs to hide his scowl. “I told you, my injuries are not limited to my face.”
She grows quiet on the bed behind him for a long while; it’s only when he is sure his argument has likely spurred her to silently weep into a pillow that he feels her fingers reach out and touch his shoulder. “I’m not asking for a marriage proposal—I’m only asking you to take things one day at a time. Preferably with me.”
A younger, more prideful version of himself might’ve deflected her advances, letting her down gently with the same words he’d used on countless other lovers in the past. But the sincerity in her voice strikes an annoyingly sensitive chord inside of him, and he’s more tired than he used to be; tired of the aches and pains of his lingering injuries, tired of carrying the grief of losing Noct and the redhead and the hundreds of thousands of people he couldn’t save from the Empire and the starscourge, and—most of all—tired of maintaining the walls that still guarded his wounded heart.
So he swallows his dismay and turns to face her, covering the hand she has on his shoulder with his own. “I would hate to be the reason your prospects wind up so limited. You have such a bright future ahead of you, and I feel like I would serve only to weigh you down.”
Her fingers lace with his, and she leans to rest her head against his chest. “Are you happy being alone, Ignis?”
“Not particularly.”
“That makes two of us, then. And if I had to take an educated guess, I’d say there there’s scarcely a person who has ever crossed paths with you who didn’t think you deserved to be happy—not Noctis, not her, not anyone.”
He thinks back to what Cid had said to him, about something tying him down here in Lestallum; maybe there was and maybe there wasn’t, and maybe one day he would eventually return to Insomnia and resurrect his hopes and dreams that had died there all those years ago.
But maybe there was actually something worth staying here for, a seed worth planting, a relationship worth cultivating. The weight of his skull necklace feels as light as a feather now, and the scent of Ophelia’s Sylleblossom perfume is unlocking a long-forgotten door inside his heart. “Perhaps you’re right,” he says simply.
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summonerluna · 7 years ago
Successor Challenge Extension!
So--I have bad news for me, but good news for everyone else! The bad news, is that my son spilled a glass of water on my computer two days ago and it hasn't turned in since. I had my final chapter almost complete, but lost the ability to access it, and couldn't get an appointment with the Apple Store until today. The GOOD news, is @emeraldlatias and I have decided to take my misfortune, and give everyone a never-before-done-and-one-time-only challenge extension!!! In the blind hope that Apple can recover my files (or that I can recreate 3000 words while sobbing into my coffee), we will allow WIPs to be submitted through September 4th/US Labor Day. This is for WIPs ONLY. If you want to take advantage of the extension to try and do a new last-minute entry you may, but with one caveat--it must match the prompt "Pumpkin Spice Latte," in addition to meeting the regular requirements. Feel free to comment here or PM with questions! We look forward to seeing the couple of other unfinished submissions, and everyone cross your fingers that I have not lost all of my files!!!
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