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embroiderling · 4 months ago
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seiya-starsniper · 2 months ago
@embroiderling here. You know I gotta ask 🧪🧪🧪
Thank youuuu
Hehehehehe, the fic I started writing today! Here's a bit of Silco whump because I can:
Silco wakes in both complete darkness and shimmering light.  “Ah, you’re awake.”  The doctor’s voice, so close and yet so far away, sends Silco straight into a panic. When he tries to move, Silco realizes he’s tied down to a table, his heart is pounding so loud it may as well be in his ears, and everything hurts, hurts, hurts.  Another round of Shimmer is injected into his veins, and the bastard Singed of course injects it directly into Silco’s neck. The fastest method of absorption.  Silco screams but it’s cut short by the piece of leather in his mouth. The Shimmer burns, and he’s certain that the chemicals are going to eat him from the inside out. He can’t move, can’t breathe, can’t— When Silco passes out from the pain, it’s bliss. 
Make me write Ask Game!
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amielot · 6 months ago
Hiii @embroiderling here. Can we see Dinner V2?
Thanks 💕
This WIP is from the HGAU!
It takes place after Hob and Dream finally find his herd. Dream arriving with a human is met with VERY mixed reception.
This comic features Desire sitting across the table from Hob and Dream at dinner....
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they silently hold up vegetables like "???????" They start with a green bean and just keep picking progressively bigger vegetables.
Hob wants to die. Dream wants to stab his sibling.
I've mentioned before that I have a creator thread on the Mr.Sadman discord server and occasionally someone will "yes, and" something so funny/ in character/incredible that I have to draw it. This one came from @the-apocrypha XDXD the snippets they pitched for this were absolutely amazing and def deserve a read.
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valeriianz · 4 months ago
Hiii @embroiderling here. For the way you said I love you, can I ask for 31? Or 27. Or 25 😂 all the options are so good 💖
Thank youuuu
Helloooo! So nice to see you after so long! haha 31: In awe, the first time you realised it also, reincarnation au :D
“I love you.”
The stranger looks twice at Hob, a beautiful expression of bafflement making his eyes pop.
Hob blinks, the words coming back to him.
“Sorry,” Hob laughs, breathless. He feels a flush growing up his neck. “That just– came out of me. I don’t– here–” Hob scrambles to get his feet flat on the ground and heft himself up halfway, extending a hand to the man he’d crashed into… who looks achingly familiar.
The man, who Hob takes in properly now, hesitantly takes Hob’s hand, allowing himself to be pulled up from the ground, standing now on unsteady legs. They carefully walk out of the bike lane and onto the slightly congested sidewalk. Hob realizes he doesn’t have his scooter until his hand shoots out to catch the thin, gorgeous man, by the elbow as he wobbles a bit.
“Careful.” Hob offers a smile but it feels broken. “You okay?”
The man looks up from the point where they are touching, back to Hob, absolute shock and something like recognition glinting in his eyes.
Hob’s breath catches when he sees that the man is crying. Beautiful blue eyes shine and overflow down pale skin and strikingly sharp cheekbones.
“What’s wrong?” Hob’s grip tightens slightly on the man’s arm while the other hovers between them.
“I don’t know…” The man finally speaks with a voice that sounds like heaven. His fingers shake as he wipes away the tears on his face. “I just feel like…”
His low vibrato cracks as he looks back at Hob.
“Feels like I’ve been waiting an eternity to hear you say that.”
Hob’s jaw drops and his heart soars.
“What’s your name?”
Hob huffs out a disbelieving laugh.
“It’s– It’s so crazy. I knew that.” Hob laughs properly now at the smile that tugs up the corner of Dream’s lips. “Do you know me? What’s my name?”
Dream’s brows pinch together as he seems to study Hob.
“... Hob.”
The smile that cracks through Dream’s composure is enough to send pin pricks up Hob’s spine, tickling the back of his neck, not to mention how incredibly strange and yet familiar this all seems. Like he’d looked at those crystal blue eyes a hundred times, in a hundred different lifetimes, a hundred different emotions reflected in them.
Then Dream laughs. A bark of laughter that he immediately covers with his hand and finally, for the first time since Hob spoke to him, looking away, the tips of his ears turning pink.
“What’s so funny?” Hob’s smiling so wide he feels his eyes squint.
“I don’t know!” Dream nearly screeches, his visage morphing through something like the five stages of grief before smiling again.
“But…” Dream manages to get himself under control, looking around at the people walking past them, the buildings towering over them, and back to Hob. “It’s a very strange name.”
It feels like an excuse, or some explanation that at least makes sense.
“I love your laugh,” Hob blurts out, feeling more present, all the sudden.
Dream sighs, his body relaxing, like he’s committed to whatever is happening… acquiescing to it. 
“I know you do.”
Hob grins. This is insane.
“Can I take you to dinner?”
Dream’s breath seems to catch, his eyes flicking up and down.
“I feel like you owe me a lot more than dinner.”
Hob laughs again, emotion welling on inside his throat and making his own eyes begin to burn.
“I’m going to make it up to you. God. What is happening right now?”
Dream merely shakes his head, running a hand through his hair and looking around them.
“Are you free tonight? Eight o’clock?”
Hob nods, excitement– like a child, rushes through his veins.
“Let’s meet here,” Dream points to the ground. “... again, if you’re serious.”
Hob nods again. “I’ll be here.”
“Good,” Dream takes a long breath, his eyes seem to burn, instantly watching Hob. “I will see you again.”
An unconscious grin splits across Hob’s face.
“You will.”
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samsalami66 · 3 months ago
Hiii Ssammyy! @embroiderling here!
I've just seen you posted that long list of prompts. Can I ask for a fake marriage/relationship dreamling, with the prompt "kiss me while everyone's looking."?
Hey there @embroiderling! Have this little fic I definitely didn't write just after I got that prompt... <33
Read here or on ao3!
Dream wasn’t entirely sure what led him to the situation he was currently in; running down the streets of Los Angeles like he was chased by the devil. Perhaps it had all started when he met Hob Gadling on the set of his latest show, witty and charismatic and throwing him smiles that would light up the entire room. Or it had been when Dream found himself smiling back, accepting the easy friendship Hob proposed for them and meeting him outside of filming for drinks and movie night and sleepovers at his home spent trading stories and a glass of wine.
But actually, it had probably been the moment Dream agreed to Hob’s insane plan of marrying him. 
Yeah, they probably skipped a few rather important steps right there, between friendship and marriage, but that was not really the problem they were facing. No, the fact that they were two of the most well-known actors in the industry that married for something as crude as a green card was not really the problem. The fact that they had both been married before, that Hob was a widower and Dream divorced, was also not it. 
The problem was that being married to Hob was easy. Too easy. Marriage with Calliope had been… harder. They had both been characters, stubborn and intense and with a temper to match. For Dream, marriage had always been about damage control, about preventing some inevitable argument or other. But eventually they would always end up yelling or crying or hurting each other, before doing it all over again the next day. 
Marriage with someone Dream had never intended to marry, had not even found himself interested in at first, should have been worse. 
Instead, marriage with Hob Gadling was heavenly. They lived together. Shared a bed. Hob did not mind Dream cuddling up to him to steal some of his body heat. They would read together on the couch, then talk about their current books while they made dinner. When Dream complained about the laundry needing to get done, Hob would do it and not allow him to help. He would come back with a pot of tea and the offer of a massage should Dream’s feet or back or neck hurt from acting all day. 
Dream found himself searching Hob’s touch whenever he could and never being denied. When out on his own he would see something and bring it back home for Hob and receive the world’s biggest smile in return. So he did it again. And again. Their living room was overloaded with antiquities and books and little trinkets, all lovingly displayed. 
And they never fought. Over a year of living together, of sharing a house, a room, a bed, a life, and they did not fight once. How could life with Hob be so good, when Dream’s entire life before hadn’t been? 
Well, the answer should have been clear. But for some reason, Dream hadn’t noticed. He hadn’t noticed, and now Hob was gone. Not gone gone, just. Gone. His friend, his husband, was gone from their home and Dream did not know where he had disappeared to after their… disagreement. It hadn't been a fight. Because in a fight, both parties got angry. In a fight, partners tried to hurt each other after they had been hurt first. But Dream hadn’t been hurt by Hob. Hob would never hurt him, not in a million lifetimes. Instead, he hurt his friend for no reason but his own stupidity and insecurity. 
And now… now he was running. Not away. He was running towards Hob. Or at least he hoped so. Finding his husband was a much harder matter than Dream had hoped for when he started running. But he was getting closer, he was sure of it. Their bench. That would be where Hob was. Sitting on the right side, peas in hand, feeding the pigeons. It had been one of Dream’s favourite rituals. Whenever a role got to him too much, twisted his stomach into knots and left his heart aching, he would sit on that bench and feed the pigeons. 
And now, as Dream turned the corner, he saw his husband sitting in the spot he had claimed when he had first joined Dream in this little ritual of his. Those beautiful brown eyes were staring off into the middle distance, while one of his hands threw peas to a flock of birds and the other turned his wedding ring around between his fingers. 
The sight made Dream’s heart ache, his best friend reduced to nothing but numbness. He had done that, and he would make it right again. 
“Hob,” he called once he was close enough to be heard, and his husband’s eyes immediately snapped towards him. There was surprise there, possibly at the sheen of sweat that plastered Dream’s hair to his face, proof that he ran all the way here. Not that he stopped just because he found Hob. No, he ran straight into his husband’s arms, which wrapped around him all too willingly. 
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong, love? Are you alright?” The words ached, because Dream was not worth this level of care after how he had hurt Hob. But now that he wasn’t running anymore he couldn’t breathe, and so he allowed his husband to hold him for a moment, just until he could form an actual response. 
“I am sorry, Hob. For what I said.” There was no answer and Dream supposed that none could be given anyway, and so he continued. “I had not realised how… deep your affections for me were. I. I expected some catch, for I had not known marriage could be so wonderful.” 
There was pain in Hob’s eyes and Dream suspected it was not because of him, but rather for him. 
“And here I was, thinking I’ve been rather bloody obvious.” 
Dream huffed a laugh and took Hob’s hand in his, so that their wedding bands were resting against each other. “Looking back, I wonder how you ever became an actor.” That, at least, got him a grin. “I do not want to leave you. Not when the five years are over, not ever. You’re it, Hob.” Silence, stunned, but there was also a bud of hope that was threatening to spill into a smile so bright it would break Dream clean in two. 
“So kiss me now, husband mine, while everyone in this blasted park is looking.” 
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valiantstarlights · 6 months ago
Ahhhh so many good options!! Can I ask for Fostering Abused Omegas? Thanks 💕
Of course! 🥰
CW: human trafficking, abuse, depression
So, okay, in this AU, omegas are very rare. Like maybe 10% of the population. Because of this, they are treated differently. In some countries, they're treated like treasures. In some, they're treated like animals. Most countries treat them normally.
The Endless are from Greece, which treats their omegas like they're gifts from the gods. Unfortunately, Dream is kidnapped by Burgess, who wants a pet omega of his own. (Burgess also does a little omega trafficking on the side to line his pockets.)
Dream and the other omegas in Fawney Rig are rescued a couple of years later. Most of the omegas are sent back home, but Dream refuses to go back. The truth comes out that we was sold by his parents, actually, and not kidnapped. Burgess relished telling him about it, and showing him the contract his parents signed. (Dream was sold a day before his 18th birthday, making the contract 'legal.')
So he is assigned to a carer: Hob.
Hob is a beta who has been 'fostering' omegas for close to 10 years now. He's like, the go-to person for difficult cases. Dream comes to him battered and bruised, bone-thin and wary of everything. He seems to have accepted that he's going to die soon. But of course, Hob isn't having it.
"Why do you waste your time caring for me?" Dream asks. He sounds so tired, like it takes all of his energy to even speak. He leans his head against the window pane, passively staring at the sunset sky outside. "I am going to die. That is a certainty."
"Well," Hob says, as lightly as he could. "I'm known for being very stubborn."
Dream sighs. His breath fogs the glass for a moment, but he makes no move to wipe it, or to look away from the clouds. "You will not succeed with me." And it's the way he says it, not sad or challenging, but like he was stating a fact, that had Hob discreetly hold the tray filled with food tighter, his anger for Burgess a bright beacon on a dark night. "It's better for you to devote your time caring for someone else."
"My time," Hob says, voice gentle and even only through great difficulty. He is reminded of every omega he cared for before. They always come to him hopeless and lost, wondering why they're still alive and struggling to find a purpose to live. Hob should be used to it, but he's not. It hurts him every time. "My choice to make."
Ask about my WIPs
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tj-dragonblade · 2 months ago
Hiii TJ! @embroiderling here! I have to ask for 🛋️
Thank youuuu! 🫶
Hi Yam! Following the last one, still E-rated:
It's no time at all until Dream is coming undone, hands clenched on Hob's straining forearms, voice crying out in one long continuous note as Hob pumps steadily up into him. It's work to hold him up like this, yes, and it would be easy enough to change positions for something less challenging but Hob won't, because he knows Dream loves this. He is forever grateful for the upper body strength his job has given him that lets him do this for Dream, who deserves every happiness and every fantasy that Hob can give him. He lifts just a little more, feeling it in every arm muscle; he'll be sore tomorrow, definitely, but it's so entirely worth it for the way Dream is arching and trembling and wailing under his care.
It's only another moment of this, Hob trembling under the strain, Dream crying out his pleasure, and then Dream's voice climbs higher, urgent and desperate and breathless. "Hob—Hob—Hob—!
Hob doubles his efforts, fucking for all he's worth until at last Dream comes, shaking against him with the sweetest little scream. Hob lets him down, flush into his own lap, pushes deep into the spasming clutch of Dream's body and holds, riding it out until Dream goes limp.
Make me write!
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the-apocrypha · 7 months ago
Got tagged in the last line game by @dsudis and @cuubism a few days ago--and now actually have some last lines to share! Currently working on a Dreamling Olympics prompt that was supposed to be short but is... not. Of course.
Dream then opens his mouth to properly lay into Hob about not requiring some quack with a blood pressure cuff to tell him he has a broken nose, which requires no treatment except time and over-the-counter pain medications—when Orpheus suddenly pipes up.  “Uh, Dad, do you like. Know this guy?”  Dream turns his head, and out of the corner of his eye sees Hob do the same.  Orpheus looks back at them, all his previous anxiety replaced with healthy teenaged skepticism, and a whiff of judgment on top of it.  “He is,” Dream says, abruptly aware of the way Hob’s hand is still resting on his left knee, “a… friend.”  “An old friend,” Hob agrees.  “I’ve never met him before,” Orpheus says suspiciously.  “Unbelievably, Orpheus, I did have a life before you came into this world,” Dream replies. Orpheus’ expression conveys his disbelief at this particular claim.  “We were both Team GB, back in Sydney and Athens,” Hob puts in, for—not having children himself—he must not realize the futility in attempting to redeem oneself to a teenager after already having been judged uncool. “Hung out a bunch. Lost contact after a while, though—didn’t have Facebook like you kids do these days.”  That is… a G-rated summary of their former relationship. 
Tagging @embroiderling, @kydrogendragon, and @softest-punk, if they want to play!
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teejaystumbles · 2 months ago
Hiii @embroiderling here. Can I ask for 🐦‍⬛or🥊?
Thank you!
Heyy Yam, thank you for asking! I'll go with 🥊because I got another ask for the Labyrinth one :)
So, this is my first fic for the Arcane fandom, I'm still working on it and just wrote most of these words fresh for you!
“They want to hurt uncle Silco!” Powder’s whisper makes Vander freeze for a moment before he pulls the girl away from the bar and crouches down before her. “What did you say?” he whispers back. Powder’s eyes are wide, she looks worried and frightened.  “Those guys over there said they’re going to ambush Silco, make him pay. Do you know where he is? I thought he- that he wasn’t around anymore?” Her gaze darts over to a group of young men who belong to one of the undercity’s many gangs. Vander tolerates them as long as they make no trouble. Business is business after all, and he hopes to have a mitigating effect on gang wars this way. The Last Drop is neutral territory. “Vander?” Vander looks back at his daughter and ruffles her hair, giving her an encouraging smile. “Thank you for telling me, Powder. Don’t worry. I won’t let them hurt Silco.” Powder’s eyes grow even wider and she almost squeals in excitement. “Does that mean he’ll come visit us? I miss him! He always liked the toys I made for him!” Vander is taken aback by her enthusiasm for a second. He stands again and clears his throat. “I will tell him that.” He looks down at Powder and knows his smile must look pained. “I’d like him to come back, too. But I hurt him, and he hasn’t forgiven me yet. I’m sorry, Powder.” She frowns and gnaws on her lip. “You know… He always looked at you like Dad looked at Mum. Like he really, really liked you. How could you hurt him?” Vander’s face falls and he looks down at his shoes, clenching his fists. “Yeah…I’ll try and make up for it, sweetie. I promise.” He turns back to the bar and busies himself with cleaning glasses and pouring drinks until Benzo comes in and Vander can ask him to cover for him. “I need to make an errand. Keep an eye on things for me, alright?” Benzo nods easily and Vander claps him on the shoulder, shoots a grin and finger guns at Ekko and Powder playing darts in the corner and heads out of The Last Drop. Vander has a rough idea where Silco’s hideout should be. He has never gone properly looking since the first few months he desperately tried to find him and couldn’t. Now he knows where some of his lackeys hang out and corners a kid to tell him where he can find his boss. The boy’s instructions lead him deeper into the bowels of the undercity, closer to the river. He’s almost ready to ask some poor sod for directions again when a familiar figure steps into his way. “What do you want?” Sevika asks and looks Vander up and down in distrust.
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embroiderling · 3 months ago
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Embroidery for the @sandman-connect4 - Prompt: Kidnap.
Original artwork by @seadeepspaceontheside .
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seiya-starsniper · 3 months ago
Hiii!! @embroiderling here (against @samsalami66 opinion 😂). Can I ask for 4 and 12? Thank youuu 💖
4. favourite fanvid of the year
I actually don't watch fanvids! So I don't really have a favorite 🤣 Have seen a few funny ones floating around though.
12. longest fic you read this year
Oh man, I WISH there was an easier way to check this in my history, I've read some long fics this year! Looking at the longest dreamling fics though, I think it's @signiorbenedickofpadua's Risk and Reward that was the longest fic I read this year!
I know you said you were gonna ask me arcane related stuff, but I defaulted to dreamling anyways 🤣
fandom end of year asks
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amielot · 1 year ago
Horse Girl AU Master Post
just in case: my art tag | sideblog @toleima | ko-fi
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Everything else under the cut. I will be updating this constantly.
Horse Girl AU (HGAU)! In which Hob busts a wild and abused centaur by the name of Dream out of the circus and attempts to earn that horse's trust. This is difficult since Dream hates humans and wants nothing to do with them. The two go on an adventure.
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I post the comics in somewhat chronological order. On occasion I will jump back to add a new beat or scene I wasn't motivated to do at the time so this master post is nice for me to flesh out previous scenes or moments while still letting everyone read things sequentially. ENJOY!
PSA: longer comics are best viewed on desktop so they can be clicked through like an animatic.
Miscellaneous comics
Height chart
A guide to centaur ears
Satellite dishes
Horse Girl AU vs Centaur AU!
Apples ( This has a nebulous location in the AU timeline. It's the first comic I did of them and it helped me establish their character dynamic <3 )
Spoil that horse
In the Circus
On the Run
Don't know I'm here
The barn
Broom system
Thank fuck he's eating
Knife system
Two hearts
One pair of lungs
Animal magnetism
Don't hurt yourself ( Brushing pt.1)
That's enough
Hasn't been brushed in awhile (Brushing pt.2)
Hot bath
Touch starved
I don't understand
Dont make me regret this >:(
Uno Reverse
The Sheep
Had Fun?
Night Visions
Don't Leave
Sweet tooth
Touch Starved Round 2
What You Look Like
Immovable Object
The Herd
Desire and Death
Destruction and more foal sketches
The HGAU ask tag
I sometimes drop lore here and I tag it when I do.
Fanart inspired by the AU
I'm gonna fuck that horse by @fishfingersandscarves
Dream horn art by @teejaystumbles
Manticori by @cloudsofcondensation
Horse girl au nsfw by @teejaystumbles
Saddle by @yellobb
Dream Circus Poster by @rexwrendraws
Dream poster embroidery by @embroiderling
The Lamb by @embroiderling
The Centaur and the Phoenix (cw blood) by @dragonnan
Fragile by @embroiderling
Bath day: Centaur AU AU by @dragonnan
Lamb embroidering ask by @embroiderling
Fics inspired by the AU
Old Town Road (AKA The "Hob is a Horse Girl" Fic) by @arialerendeair
Soft Hands by @delta-pavonis
Deep Seat by @delta-pavonis
Levade by @delta-pavonis
Lessons in Not Getting Caught with Your Trou Down by @sleepsonfutons
The Rope by @shadowpuppet-storyteller
All Wound Up by @seiya-starsniper
The Gift by @seiya-starsniper
In Flagrante Defisto by @bovivinator
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valeriianz · 2 months ago
Hiii!! @embroiderling here 🫶
I can't decide between 🎸 and 💌, so feel free to choose one 💖🤭.
Thank youuuu!
helloooo~ i am still writing, slowly but surely haha. and since the celebrity crush au is finished... have some ch 16 of Bolt in the Blue:
“You being here is enough. It would be dreadful to deal with this alone.” Morpheus eventually says, his own little smile creeping through. Hob feels his heart do a cartwheel. His lips part, but then he closes them, laughing softly. He almost can’t stand how honest Morpheus is with him now. He thinks back to his promise, that night they first kissed, that he would give Morpheus everything. And he would. He wants to remind him of that. But there is still a niggling part of his brain that worries about coming on too strong, despite how enthusiastic Morpheus had been behaving thus far.  So instead, Hob says, “I feel the same way.” Morpheus tilts his head in a way that resembles a bird, and Hob has to look away. Morpheus is so beautiful, so curious and attentive; every time he looks at Hob in any capacity, it sets his blood racing. Fills his head with thoughts of the future, of domesticality, of tucking that loose strand of hair behind his ear and caressing his fingers down Morpheus’ jaw. To press his thumb against those plush, pink lips just to watch them part and feel hot breath coat Hob’s skin. Grabbing him by the chin to pull him in for a lazy morning kiss, unhurried, taking the time to just enjoy one another’s warmth, the closeness. Hob loses himself in the fantasy, his hands moving on autopilot and so it takes him a moment too long to parse how Morpheus’ eyes follow his every movement. He’s become so still, but Morpheus tracks Hob’s hands on the guitar like a predator… eyes gone dark, contemplative. The fingers along his jaw curl into a fist and his lips part with a soft puff of air as Hob begins wiping the final product down the neck and strings of the guitar. “Is this doing it for you?” Hob asks once he puts two and two together. He feels his smile going dopey and bites back a laugh. “Me cleaning your instruments?” It takes a moment for Morpheus to answer, seeming to languish in the show Hob is apparently putting on for him. He doesn’t even look at Hob when he speaks. “It’s not just that…” Hob notes that Morpheus doesn’t deny it. “It’s your confidence with them.” Hob can’t deny the thrill that shoots through him at how easy the admission comes from Morpheus. The praise, too… something he’d always yearned for from Morpheus, from the very start. 
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twainxavier · 6 months ago
You know I have to ask for Dark Academia 😸
Of course! 😊🫂💜
Okay, so, this is one I've been working on for a while and have recently been struggling to continue for some reason.
So this is a Catwin AU, basic premise is that Edwin and Thomas (the Cat King) both take the same course in University and somehow no matter how hard Edwin studies Thomas always seems to be top of the class 🤣👌 Thing is, it does get a little dark soon into the story thanks to Edwin's roommate Simon and his friends 👀
So yeah, several trigger warnings on this one for graphic descriptions of violence, homophobia, homophobic slurs and a lot more horrible things for Thomas to help Edwin through later on 🫂
As for the snippet, I'll go for something more tame, before the Simon incident 😅👌 So here is Edwin and Thomas meeting by chance in the library...
For the next few weeks, Edwin spent most of his free time in a dark corner of the University's expansive library—his usual spot—studying as hard as he possibly could. There was a fortress of books stacked up around him, so high he would have to stand to see the rest of the library. Edwin was certain that each and every one would be useful in some way, he just had to keep searching. Every now and then someone would breach his safe corner to find a book of their own, and Edwin would feel himself tense up every single time. There was a reason he chose to sit in the corner, corners were safer, more secure, protected. It was harder for someone to sneak up on you if you were in a corner already. But then that just made it all the more anxiety inducing whenever anyone wandered into his safe corner. Edwin would have gone back to his room to study, but the library would never allow him to take out this many books at once. He had to settle for his corner, and the many interruptions that came with it. Just as he was getting back into the swing of things, yet another student invaded his corner to hunt for a book. Edwin couldn't help but sigh slightly. He did his best to pretend he was still working and that was the reason for the sigh, but for some reason this particular student still seemed to be hanging around. Edwin was about to ask if they needed help, purely to get them out of his hair, but they managed to speak first, and Edwin froze entirely. “That's a lot of books you got there, already researching your thesis?” Thomas King. Of course it had to be him who came to invade Edwin's peace. He didn't want to grant him an answer, but he learned long ago that silence was somehow worse than talking back most of the time. “I am working on the next assignment, if you must know.” Edwin kept his response curt and short in the hope that Thomas would decide he was rude and leave him alone. “With this many books? Half your essay is gonna be references, surely?” Thomas asked with a slight chuckle, looming over Edwin's table and shoulder in such a way it almost made him flinch. “I know what I am doing, thank you very much. Wider reading is always useful. Now if you do not require a specific book I would appreciate it if you would leave me to my studies,” Edwin commented, still not daring to even look at the other man leaning over him. Thomas just chuckled again, but thankfully stopped leering over him. “Well, I would ask to borrow one of the books from your book towers, but I can see you're busy with it. I'll grab it another day.” Edwin was so absolutely shocked by Thomas’ nonchalant attitude in spite of him hoarding what he had to admit was a small library's worth of books, that he actually looked up and met his eyes. Thomas was smiling at him, a genuine sort of smile, wholly unlike his usual smirks across lecture halls. “Well good luck with the research, see you next class, Edwin,” Thomas said, as casually as anything. Then he grinned down at Edwin, and winked. Actually winked. The infuriating American simply sauntered off, as Edwin tried to recover from the encounter. He was beyond confused by the other man's behaviour towards him at this point, with the smirking and the glances and the winking now. All of it just angered Edwin further. He was so flippant and unserious and yet he had clearly decided to learn the name of the one boy in class who refused to laugh at his jokes. Edwin could feel himself tensing up again for a whole new reason, fists clenching where they rested by his forgotten work.
Hope you enjoyed this little hint! Hopefully the words will be returned to me as soon as possible so I can continue this fic and finally start posting it 👀🫂💜
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tj-dragonblade · 6 months ago
Hiii! Can I ask about Search Agency? Thanks 💕
Of course you can! This one is brand new and hopefully something I can buckle down and knock out in short order. Hob is something like a private detective who hires his services to help people find things, whether missing people or lost heirlooms or stolen property, etc. He works for both the mundane world and the supernatural, and Dream comes to him for help tracking down items originally stolen by Burgess and stolen again by Ethel Cripps. Here is the start of it:
"Are you Robert Gadling?" Hob does not bother unpropping his feet from the edge of his desk nor sitting upright to greet this stranger. It's literally ten minutes before he locks up and his mind's already gone on ahead home, with maybe a quick stop at Jim's on the way for dinner. Professional appearance is not quite front and center. "Suppose that depends who's asking," he drawls, glancing over to the doorway. And immediately, he's paying more attention. The stranger on his threshold is gorgeous. Tall, pale, rail-thin, thick black hair tousled every which-way and eyes that are a luminous blue, shining as he crosses into Hob's office. And his voice— "Are you a friend to the shadows, and to the lights that dwell beneath?" Oh. Oh fuck, okay. He's that kind of client. Hob puts his feet down, spins the chair around the way it's meant to face, meets this stranger's eyes seriously. "I am friend to the lights, to the shadows, pledged to help before harm and to foster coexistence," he intones, with the solemnity due the code, and offers his hand. "Robert Gadling, at your service. Hob, unless we're being terribly formal." He winks, all charm and ease. "Hob, then," the stranger says, in that velvet-dark voice, giving his hand a firm clasp and dropping it just as quickly. "I am told you might be able to. Help me."
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the-apocrypha · 2 months ago
Hiii Apo! 💖 @embroiderling here! I'm so excited to read your Hallmark AU! 😍, so here my 🎄. Thank youuuu!
Ah, what a surprise, another request for the Hallmark AU. :D
“Cranberry again?” Dream asks.  “Cranberry and walnut,” Hob corrects.  Dream holds the biscotti up for examination.  “Do you not like it?” Hob asks.  He tries not to (and perhaps does not entirely succeed) sound utterly crushed at this prospect.  “On the contrary, I. Enjoy cranberries very much.” Dream’s brow creases faintly, and his eyes meet Hob’s. “It is just unusual to see them used so often as you seem to. They are not generally favored by bakers.”  Hob beams in relief. “Oh! Well, yeah. Er. Crazy thing. Jo accidentally ordered a double batch last week. So now we’ve got loads. Gonna be cranberries, cranberries, cranberries for the next little while. Hope that’s all right.”  “Well, you’re hardly baking for me, are you?” Dream asks, raising an eyebrow.  “...Not at all,” lies Hob. 
make me write
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