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gryphon1911 · 29 days ago
Camera-A-Week Challenge Wk 3 (27-JAN-2025)
The above image is AI generated using WordPress AI feature Welcome to the third official week of Camera-A-Week challenge for 2025! Gear (a.k.a. Loadout) Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark IIOlympus 14-150mm f/4-5.6 IIOlympus 75-300mm f/4.8-6.7 II Slung over the shoulder with the trusty Black Rapid Designs single camera sling strap. Why This Combination? Olympus (now OM Digital holds the camera assets…
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jm-bernard · 2 months ago
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coffeenuts · 6 years ago
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fit to burst by Garian Photography https://flic.kr/p/2gi2xHh
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cameronpalmer · 8 years ago
Cameron was out on one of the practice fields with Isabel, furthering her defense tactics. She knew that she of everyone on the squad would need more help. She was putting every effort that she had into this. Her shoulder wasn’t 100 percent but it also wasn’t as much a factor anymore. She was almost healed. She then found herself learning more from the other woman than she could have ever imagined that she would. Through their working together, she was managing to hold her own when they sparred. She held her ice shield for quite a while without the form faltering in the least. Then, she heard a sound that made her heart drop. It was the sound of guns firing and screams. The sounds that she’d become accustomed to this summer. “Isabel…do you hear that?” she asked, looking around and knowing that while they were clear now, they needed to hide. “We should get somewhere safe,” she said then. Her eyes scanning for places in their current location to hide until they assessed the situation. They at least had that to their advantage right now.
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wickedninaryback · 8 years ago
Everything was a rush, it had all rushed back to her then. The feelings that had left her in death. The numbness of the afterlife gone, and in its place was the pain, the sorrow. She practically lost her family and even Hayden for a second time. That coupled with the fact that she’d died, she didn’t just die for five seconds and then came the resuscitation, she knew what the afterlife looked like. She had knowledge that no person should have. She wasn’t a high priority right now she wasn’t dying anymore that she knew of but, she still, laid there tears rolling down her cheeks. The potions girl had brought her something to calm her panic, but it wasn’t strong enough to fight the things she was going through. She hadn’t even spoken but felt someone’s presence in the room with her. “I’m sorry,” she said, not even knowing why she was apologizing. Maybe for crying, for taking up space in the healing center when it was unnecessary, or for returning. Or for dying. She didn’t know anymore her mind was all over the place. 
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rickysnotyourvalentine · 8 years ago
You’re to Blame || Rick, Victoria & Garrett
Tagging: Rick, Victoria, & Garrett
Date: 7/7/17
Location: RIAP - Healing Center
Notes: Because Garrett opens a door to find refuge in the Healing Center, the consequences are dire and even deadly for some. 
Garrett ran to the healing center, and tried to get in, the back door was a safe bet, but when he was about to walk in, a hunter found, and ended up hurting his arm, he cursed on his head, but he knew that he would have to do something to defend himself, he just didn't know what, since he didn't have his element, and now that he hurt Garrett, not even mana magic he has, he had taken away that from him, so he would only be able to escape that if someone came to the rescue.
Victoria knew they were going to need more medical supplies. Recruiting Rick to help her -- since there was only so much she could carry with one arm -- they went to the back to get the supplies they needed. After instructing Rick on what to grab, as well as grabbing what she could, they were about to head back when she heard another door open, followed by a gunshot and someone crying in pain. She looked over at the back door, seeing Gary, or whatever the hell his name was. "What the fuck are you --" She stopped at the sight of a hunter coming up behind him. "Shit. We have to close the door before more of them come in!" she told Rick as she rushed towards the door.
Volunteering at the healing center and Rick’s sole purpose of helping to heal the healers at the healing center has him here at this hour but he didn't mind as he followed Victoria to get supplies. He'd follow her anywhere because she was a sight to behold. His own thoughts were interrupted as he heard the commotion. He sat the supplies down, following Victoria towards it when he saw the super up beat student, Garth or something, shot the door open and a hunter after him. The hunter wasn't after him or Victoria so he looked to her, "Vic, be careful I suppose I'll save Garth and be right there." He actually debated just following Victoria instead, but sighed and channeled one of the plants in the room closest to them, vines creeping out as he wrapped him up. Thorns dug deep in to man's exposed flesh and face once the vines reached and wrapped around his head. Rick showed hunters no mercy. Each was like a personal revenge act. He looked past Greg toward Victoria running to catch up. "If one got in I wonder how many more are in here!"
Garrett "There's a shit ton of hunters out there, we need to close this door, and find a way to not let them, I feel like just closing with a key won't do it, but maybe a spell will, spells doesn't work with hunters, but maybe in the door it will, and will stop them from coming in" he took off his coat, and used it to pressure the wound, so it would stop bleeding, the bullet was still inside his arm, maybe he could help with spells, but he wasn't sure, because he was weak, and he could barely keep himself up, he felt like he was about to pass out any time soon. "I am not sure if I can help with the spell, but I can try if you guys need a third person to cast'?" He was in a lot of pain, but Garrett usually hide how he truly felt, especially in a situation like that, where he thought that him complaining, wouldn't really help much.
 With Rick incapacitating the hunter, Victoria was able to get to the door. "I swear to God if you don't shut up I'm going to throw you back outside," Victoria snapped at Garrett. "You're useless, you have no magic now so keep your mouth shut and let us handle it." She was about to close the door when a bullet hit it, caused her to jump back. Now a group of them were coming, as well as some randoms that didn't look like they belonged with the hunters. Victoria had no time to wonder what was going on before one of them held a hand up and next thing she knew she was flying back into the hallway. "Shit," she grunted in pain as she hit the floor. They had witches this time?! "Forget it, there's too many of them!" She sat up and looked at Rick. "Grab him and let's go!"
Rick sighed when the student was telling them about the need to close the door. “Dude, I have half a mind to throw you out there as a distraction. She’s problem sworn an oath to protect, I have not.” Rick hated the hunters but he also hated that this kid basically let them loose in this damn healing center. When Victoria was pushed, Rick’s brow creased in a frown, wondering just what the hell was happening. Witches were working with them. Plot twist of the fucking century, and one that made him uneasy. Rick offered a helping hand to Victoria before going over to the student then. He pulled him to his feet. “C’mon, dude. We’ve got to move. If you pass out, I might just leave you here.” He tried not to look behind him as he let Victoria lead the way. He didn’t want chance a glance back at how close these assholes and their witch minions would be.
Garrett rolled his eyes, not answering him, not really wanting to have a fight in that moment, especially becausw he was too tired to say anything, fighting was jist a wast a of energy, not sure why exactly the other was so pissed off at him when they actually had a noce conversation before, but go figure, what was he supposed to do? He either stayed out and died or he got in, he didn't have a choice, you can't tell him that other people wouldn't do the same. "Whatever man" he wonder if he actually thought that would work. "But it just would be one more minion witch for them, that would just make them strong, they wouldn't kill me" so it wasn't exactly a smart idea to throw him out there as a 'distraction'. He started to run with them, but since he was weaker, he was somewhat behind, but not enough for them to be able catch him.
Victoria took Rick's hand just because she knew she didn't have time to be proud and try to get up herself. "Don't think so highly of yourself, if they're collecting people, they sure aren't look at you," she growled. "Hold your arm up above your heart. It'll slow the bleeding." She lead them into the healing center, the sound of heavy boots behind them echoing through the hallways. When she saw other healers, she waved her arm. "Hunters are here! Get behind something!" she yelled. It wasn't long before there were sounds of gunshots. She opened a door to an empty room. Turning to Garrett, she gestured to a chair. "Sit. And stay away from any damn doors." She looked up at Rick. "I need to patch him up --" she forced herself to say that, because all her mind was telling her was to leave Garrett to bleed out but she had to reminder herself of her oath. "-- we need to... shit!" A fireball flew through the hallway. Great, fire witches on top of that. "We need to try and hold them off as much as we can. Something tells me the Paladins are a little preoccupied at the front entrance." As she spoke, another injured student who was shot in the leg was limping in their direction to try and get to safety.
Rick sighed. Of course, they had to help the kid even though he only cared about two people in the room currently. That was himself and Victoria. He even wondered if the other hot healer was okay, but the kid in the room? Not so much. This was where his selfish tendencies really began to shine. He kept a look out, and when he saw the fire ball, he said, “This shit is crazy. I’ll make sure they don’t do too much damage, and they don’t get in here.” He sighed again but left the room so that he could deal with the bitch with fire, but there were two of them. “I guess we gotta do this the hard way.” He pulled plants from different rooms, the fire burned the vines, but he kept them coming. She was a worthy opponent for a moment, until her air friend joined in the fight, pushing Rick back into a cart for a moment, but that made him angry, thus the vines that came next had some large angry thorns along with it, cutting their arms and bare legs of one. Wrapping them up, and even covering their mouths so that they couldn’t scream. The vines squeezed until they were unconscious. He went back to check on Vic and the kid for a moment. “Everything okay in here?” he asked, stepping back out to momentarily set up a blockade of leaves and vines to keep anyone from getting past. He knew it wouldn’t hold them long.
Garrett felt bad because he was just sitting there without doing nothing when outside the room, they seemed to need help, but he also knew that going out there and trying to fight them wouldn't help anything, especially because now he was really without any sort of magic at all, if even with magic he couldn't take one hunter, imagine without any sort of magic, he was completely useless, he couldn't help, he had to just sit there and do nothing, and if there was one thing that he really hated more than innocent people getting hurt, was when he couldn't do anything to help, so he just had to stay there and watch, watching the hunters attack. "Do you think I can wait until the Paladins sort it all out? Because they really seem to need you out there... " he looked down, he felt selfish, he knew that maybe it was necessary to do it in that exact minute, otherwise he could end up getting worser, but if she thought he could handle, he would want her to go out there and help them, he could wait until it all finished.
Victoria noted the other injured student who was limping her way. She gestured him inside. "Hurry up," she commanded, fully acknowledging the poor kid was limping as fast as he could. When he got to her, she pointed to a chair for him to sit in. She grabbed some bandages and started working on Garrett first. At his question, she gave him a look like it was the stupidest question she'd ever heard. "You understand you're the cause of all this, right? Must be nice to cause all this chaos and then go back and say 'oh jeez they really need you out there maybe you should help out'," she hissed. "I would love to leave you to bleed to death but dying would be an easier way out at this point." She kept working on patching him up anyway, so she could finish him up and work on the other student. She taped the bandage to his arm and turned to the other student. "Everything's peachy," she told Rick, not looking back at him as she was working on the student.
Rick was relieved to know that everything was okay in the room, he’d even watched out as the student limped into the room. His barricade was working for a moment, and then another fucking earth witch appeared undoing what he’d done and sending two hunters through. Rick was was trying to hold them off, but one got by as he did so and the other headed straight for the room. “Guys, headed your way!” he said as he out magicked the witch and bound her. He felt sick as he heard the gun go off, not sure who had gotten shot in the room, until he’d seen the student that had just gotten in the room shot again. Before the hunter could set his sights on anyone else, vines overcrowded him, thorns growing rapidly out of the vines around the hunter’s neck, looking more like spikes. It was safe to say that he was not going to be hurting anyone else. “Tell me that kid is going to be okay,” he said.
Garrett "Seriously? You blaming me? Yeah, right, because it's my fucking fault, you do realize that they would come in one or another, right? Whether I came here or not, the door was open, the hunters would here and walk inside, it was not my fault" he didn't understand how that was his fault, after all, they would be able to get inside anyway, they would find the back door, they would open it, they would get inside. "So say what the fuck you want, but it's not my fault if the door was open, I don't have the key, how the heck do you think I got in? I just destroyed the door? No, I walked in because it was open"
Victoria "Oh really? So it's just pure coincidence that when you're involved the door's just magically open? Where were the hunters the first two times then? Give me a fucking break," she snapped. She was seconds away from grabbing a syringe to stab him with before she was shocked into silence when the student she was tending to was shot in the face. A few inches down and that would've been her. The dead student sat limp in the chair, face no longer recognizable with a hole in it. She slowly stood up, eyes glued to the dead student. "A bullet to the face isn't something I can fix," she told Rick coolly. Icy eyes glared at Garrett before she turned around and walked toward the hunter Rick had trapped. Before she did anything, another hunter appeared behind him. She quickly used Rick's vine to tie him up, then had the vines wrap around the hunter's neck and suffocate him slowly. While handling that with her mind, she turned to look at Garrett and pointed at the dead student. "Tell him to what's left of his face that it's not your fault. Go on. Start with him and when this is over you can tell every single person in this center that it wasn't your fault."
Garrett "It was not my fucking fault, are you really that naive that you don't think that they would come here? Just so you fucking know, there was one fucking hunter coming after me, the other ones? Were already heading this way, I saw them before I walked in, they were coming from the other side, and guess what? Even if that damn door was locked, and I stayed outside, and they had killed me, or take me, because they will probably take everyone they can, even someone not powerful like me, they would still have found a way to come in, if I didn't have come here, they would still have gotten in, they always check everywhere, they aren't dumb, so I am sorry to burst your bubble, but this would have happened either way" he looked angrily at her, he was honestly done, he was already under in too much stress, he didn't really need someone else to make him feel worst, but he knew, he knew that if he didn't have come in, it would happen anyway, the hunters always checked everywhere. He wouldn't let her make him feel guilty about this, he usually cared what other people said, but this time, he knew the words he was saying was true, that he was not the one to blame. "I get that you're under a lot of stress, but it's not faid to put the blame on me, when it's not my fault"
Rick normally didn’t get so angry to the point that he was literally seeing red but right now, he was done. The hunters made him angry already, and here this asswipe was complaining when someone had died right in front of his eyes and had that shot been a little bit closer someone he was friends with, would have died too. Rick rushed forward then. He grabbed Garrett by the shirt, lifting him and slamming him against the wall. “Do you ever fucking listen to yourself speak? You opened the door you did that. Because you did that hunters came into this fucking building. Not just a few, a fucking swarm because the door was open. He pulled him away from the wall and slammed him back against it again. “You unleashed hell on this center, the one place everyone comes and retreats to. You’ve just sentenced so many people to death and you don’t even realize it. That kid right there, died because of your fucking decision. The hunters don’t want to take you. They’ve got witches. They want to kill your dumb ass. They’ve got the information that they need. Now they’re applying it, to you.” He made a stronger barrier this time, pulling from the earth beneath the foundation of the room. He’d even help fix it later, but needed to blockade them in for now. “You sit the fuck over there in that corner and you don’t speak to Vic again, and you don’t speak to me or I will take this gun I’m carrying and pistol whip your ass before I have target practice do you fucking understand me?” He paused a moment. “Don’t speak. Just nod.”
Victoria: Victoria showed more restraint than Rick had, but she couldn't say she wasn't amused when he lost his cool. It helped her calm down herself, since she was ready to do a lot worse to Garrett. "Couldn't have said it better myself," she remarked. Leaving Garrett to Rick, she walked back over to the dead student to examine the body.
Garrett was caught by surprise when he slammed him against the wall, the image of the nice guy that he had before when they last talked just disappeared, the school should really start to pay more attention to who they hire, because two professionals that blamed a student on a time like that, were wrong, and one that literally slammed a hurt student in the wall, and literally threatened him, were even more wrong. He just looked at him, he didn't nod, he didn't say anything, but there was no sign that he actually started to believe it was his fault, because it really wasn't, doesn't matter what they say, he knew what he saw. Hunters coming from the opposite direction, going on the center's direction, he knew even if he didn't have gotten in, that they would get in, but of course that those two wouldn't believe him, would just keep blaming him, but he knew the true, he knew that no matter what he did, they would have hurt the people there, killed the boy, he wasn't feeling guilty about it, he would have been if he didn't see the other hunters, he did feel bad for the boy, he didn't deserve that faith, but there was nothing he could, and he knew that, of course he was frustrated about that, he wanted to help so much, but he knew there was nothing he could.
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zoeysinclair · 8 years ago
TechnoKids Unite || Zoey, Isaac, & Ophelia
Tagging: Zoey, Isaac, & Ophelia
Date: July 7, 2017
Location: RIAP - Earth Dorms
Notes: The techno kids work together to keep not only hunters but witches at bay. 
Zoey always loved her decision to major in Technomagic, and one thing she wanted to do with it was modify her camera. It wasn’t until they’d begun to deal with hunters that she’d started to see the benefit of actually creating things that could help with defeating the hunters. She was meeting Isaac over at Ophelia’s dorm this morning to talk about the things that they’d maybe been working on that could work to their advantage. She’d been wearing one of her creations. Glasses that advised on straighter aim, and assessed weak points in the hunters’s armor. As she showed the two of them, she explained, “It’s almost like in video games where there’s a little bar that tells you how much life you have left too. Like there’s an algorithm woven in to help with the probability of their survival after shots and hits and well whatever attacks I hit them with. Also, gives me ideas on what to do next. Kind of like Iron Man’s suit but much less sophisticated than that and smaller scale.”
Isaac smiled slightly as he saw what Zoey had created. It was inspired to say the least. Isaac had been focusing on more offensive weapons than he had been on tactical. This could turn any student into an expert soldier if it were done right. He picked up the glasses carefully, studying them intently. "Got an unbreakable charm on the glass or was there too much magic in the tech already?" He asked quietly. It wasn't a criticism, it was what he did. He looked for the logical weak points so that people could fix it and make their work that much better. He placed the glasses down and smiled again at Zoey. "They're really go-" A banging sound interrupted him and Isaac tensed up, his fingers curling over the edge of a table and holding it hard. "What was that?"
Ophelia  looked at the glasses as Isaac held them in his hands. "That's so cool," she said as she stood up to get a closer look. She heard Isaac ask a question and then looked to Zoey to see if she was going to answer. "An unbreakable charm would be pretty useful on these. Glasses could be easily breakable in combat. A way to fit them onto your face would be a good idea as well." She wanted to give a suggestion, too. The last thing she wanted was to seem like she wasn't useful. As Isaac began to say something else, Ophelia heard the banging that made him stop mid-sentence. "Well, I don't think it was very good." Then she turned to Zoey. "You don't happen to have another two pairs of those on you, do you?"
Zoey smiled when Isaac and Ophelia gave her suggestions. “Oh yes, I’m going to do that now!” she said mumbling the unbreakable charm over the glasses. “Some kind of sleeker design would be good!” And then she heard it, the sounds that made her heart clench because she knew that it could be more death, more pain for everyone. “I wish, but if one of you want the gun, one of you want the glasses, I technically don’t need them.” She figured she might as well say it before she needed to explain later. “Isaac, real quick you’re going to see me do unexplainable things. I have extra elemental power.” She fished out her gun holding out glasses and gun to them to let them figure out who wanted what. She would conservatively use her new powers. She looked to Isaac, he was the most logical thinker she knew. “Do you have a plan? Either of you? We really need one.”
Isaac blinked at Zoey's admission, his lips pressing together. Seemed like everyone had an ace up their sleeve these days, something that he was not privy to. He couldn't be mad, Zoey and Isaac weren't close but something hit him. They were still playing this war like it was a game. They weren't coming together as a group, they were a bunch of individuals that were thrown together. That was why they were losing. He shook his head at the gun, taking the glasses. He was used to gaming, this wouldn't be a new thing for him. He looked at Zoey, a measured stare before he nodded. It was a game of chess that had real life consequence, that's all he had to think about. They had to protect their king, which was every kid that was below them. "Get everyone to the third floor. Break the stairs. It's the Earth dorm, they'll work out a way to get down if they need to after that. But they'll be out of the way and safe. I'll go down there, keep whoever it is at bay until reinforcements come. I'm not asking you two to throw yourselves into this, if you want to stay with everyone, you can. No judgment. If you're coming, we're holding them at the entrance, bottle-nosing them out. You can get a max of three through that doorway at a time and that's without armor. That's manageable." He was laying out the plan that he had in his head. "What do you think?"
Ophelia didn't even bother taking the gun. Isaac had taken the glasses so she was going to try and use other means of defending herself and Zoey and Isaac. Ophelia was about to step out of the room when she heard the plan that was being set in motion. They would have to go down one flight before she took the stairs down. As soon as he finished laying out the plan, she looked at him and shook her head. "We're a team right now, Isaac. If you're going down there, we're going down there. I'm not letting either of you die no matter what. And I'm not letting anyone else either. I've got your back with whatever you want to do, Isaac. We can all be heroes today." Leave it to Ophelia to reference back to comics all the time. "Morgan would want us all to survive and stick together. And that's what we'll do. I wouldn't let you do this alone, Isaac. So let's go save the day." Then she added, "Or just the Earth dorm."
Zoey tossed the gun back in her purse, she wouldn’t need it this time. Then again if need be, she’d acquire another. She “The plan sounds good to me. We have to go down each floor regardless since we’re on the fourth. That way while we’re down there, the people gathered on the third are closer to us. If you two go ahead of me, I’ll get them there. I’ll destroy the stairs so that the hunters can’t join them. Once I get them all there, I’ll be right there with you two. I can fly so I can do this quickly,” she offered. “None of us are dying today we have elements and we have technomagic, and each and every one of them have some sort of tech on them,” she said then. “We’ve got this.”
Isaac They had accepted this and that meant his outlook on his plan changed. Three different elements, plus what happened when they combined, they had a chance. He cataloged what he knew they could do and looked at strategy. Two Queens and a Knight. Valuable pieces on the field. "From what I know, these hunters rely on their upperhands. Armor, shields, guns, they need to be dealt with first. Zoey, we might need you for most of that. They can see our elements coming, they can't see yours. O, I need you on the defensive. You can throw up walls that I can't and that is more valuable than a gun." Running his fingers through his hair, Isaac let out a deep breath. "I'm... I'm glad I have you two here, okay?" He didn't show that much emotion around anyone except Nina, Zach and Lauren. This was new for him. "We'll see you down there, Zoe. Be careful. It doesn't sound like they've breached the door yet but if they have, we're moving the plan to the first floor. Same concept. Come on, O." He headed for the stairs, taking them two at a time.
Ophelia "Alright. Be careful, Babs." Ophelia was ready to do her best. She listened to the next part of the plan and then nodded her head. At least they knew what they were going to do. A plan always made Ophelia feel like she could do things better. "Throw up some walls on defense, got it." She wasn't afraid this time. She knew what she was dealing with. Last time, she had to be saved, but this time she got to protect people. She had to protect people. Lifting a hand, she placed it on Isaac's shoulder. "I'm glad I have you guys here, too. I feel a little bit stronger with you both here." They all had different elements, but they all had similar interests. Technomagic. And they could use that against these hunters. Before she went to follow Isaac down the stairs, she went to go plant a kiss on Zoey's cheek. "You got this, Babs!" Then she followed down the stairs. "Do we want to get everyone from the first and second floor first so that we can bring them up here? If we run into anyone, we can take them out. Right?"
Zoey knew her element was one of surprise. “I’ve got it. Even with shields, I blew one through a wall. If need be, I can recreate that.” It was easier now, talking about harming people, putting it in an us against them situation. She knew that they had a duty and this was what she wanted this extra power for. She wanted to save people. “I’m glad I have you guys too.” She trusted them with her life and she would do whatever it took to keep them safe in turn. She gave Isaac a smile and quickly hugged Ophelia as she kissed her cheek. “Go save the Earth dorms, Miss Grayson.” As they left, she began to concentrate hard. Phones started ringing, along the fourth-floor alarms would be blinking they all would say: Hunter attack. Third floor safe. She concentrated hard, trying to channel everything that she could. She began to see people rushing from their rooms as she’d moved down to the third floor to do the same. She hoped she’d given Isaac and Ophelia enough time to get down to the lobby as she flew down to the second floor, and then the first with the same tactics. She flew from room to room making sure everyone was out. Once they were all on one floor, she set out to use her extra power to destroy the stairs between the floors. All the while she listened out to make sure Ophelia and Isaac were okay.
Isaac heard all the message tones go off at once and nodded. Zoey was on this. They pushed past every person in the crowd, Isaac only stopping once to force a kid along, one that claimed that it might be a joke. "They got the message but give the dorms a check just in case someone has slept through it." The banging on the door was getting loud and Isaac bit his lip. He could feel his heart racing in his chest, apparently, that was never going to go away. One deep breath and he got himself ready. Water from the air was harder to grasp inside but he pulled from the air, readying a stream in front of him. "O, you got this." He said reassuringly, before the door exploded open, Isaac throwing up an ice shield to cover them from any debris before pushing it forward to try and knock any hunters off balance. It was just a duel, he had to keep thinking that. Just a duel.
Ophelia Before she even really got the question she asked out, she heard all of the phones going off. She was about to ask if he had done it, but there was no way he could have done all of that at once. Unless he was inhuman. That would be so cool. She'd have to ask him later if everything went smoothly. Pushing through the crowd, Ophelia tried to get people to move. "Everyone get to the third floor!" Most of the doors were open and she only stopped a few times to get to the people who were still in their rooms. The alien girl saying something was going on was almost as bad as the boy who cried wolf. Some wouldn't listen to her, but they still went upstairs. The banging on the door in the lobby drew her attention immediately. She had to take a few deep breaths so she wouldn't lose focus. When Isaac spoke to her, she smiled and nodded her head. "Thank you. I really needed to hear that right now." As soon as the hunters burst through the door, she focused on the plants that were around the lobby. Using some of the vines, she looped them around two hunters legs to trip them so they would fall. "I did it!" Her celebration was short-lived though because there were still more hunters coming in.
Zoey found that destroying the stairs was a feat, but one that she conquered eventually. She flew back up to the third floor, advising everyone as she heard the clattering on the first floor, “Stay up here, stay silent. They can’t get to you. We’ll keep you safe.” She knew that if anything the three of them would get the job done. She had so much faith in them. The air witch flew down to the lobby then, just in time for another incoming of hunters. Without even using the extra power, she concentrated on the air around one of the hunters’ necks and squeezing until he passed out. Zoey steadily hovered so she could move quickly her feet didn’t touch the ground.
Isaac had tentacles of water in front of him, freezing a shield to the point that they were too cold for the hunters to use. He saw a hunter take aim with his gun and flicked another tentacle, it wrapping around the gun and pulling it from his grasp. "Good one, O!" He yelled out before dealing with his own problems. They were doing it right, bottle nosing the hunters back. They couldn't get past each other just yet. But he didn't know how long he could keep this up, this level of ferocity had an expiry date. "Zoey! Let's give them a blizzard." He called out. "Cover, O!"
Ophelia continued to use the vines from the plants around them to her advantage to help in this fight. "Not so bad yourself, Murdock!" She said as she watched him use his element to disarm and defend himself. It was pretty cool that he could do all of that. She wished she was that skilled at her element, but she only knew as much as her father had told her. When one hunter passed out, she turned to see Zoey and gave her a short wave before paying attention to what Isaac was saying again. He was a great leader, she hoped he knew that. "Okay!" She responded with a nod of her head. Grabbing as many plants as she could, she started to build up a thick shield that would be able to cover them.
Zoey gave Ophelia a smile as she waved at her. When Isaac said to make a blizzard, she nodded. “You’ve got it. Give it all you got because I’m packing some power behind this.” It sounded almost cocky, and odd coming from her, but she was so sure of her new powers and had managed a semblance of control over them that she couldn’t help herself. As Ophelia provided them cover, Zoey said, “Miss Grayson, you’re amazing!” She concentrated, honing in on the extra power the ancestors had given her. The surrounding the hunters started to whip and twirl as if there was a storm brewing she controlled it so that it didn’t touch the three of them, only the hunters trying to get into the room. They would have to be as powerful to get through that magnitude of wind.
Isaac added in his ice to the mix, the hunter side of the room becoming a dangerous mix of harsh wind and icy cold snow. It would have had to have felt like little pin pricks of pain to any skin that was out in the open. Times that by 100 and there is no way, they could focus enough to get a shot on them. It also took away their sight, they couldn't aim if they couldn't see. Bullets were flying but Ophelia's shield was taking care of that. They had an upperhand, finally. A slow grin was spreading on his face. They could hold this as long as there were no surprises.
Ophelia held her shield up as best as she could for as long as she could. At Zoey's compliment, she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and smiled. This was easy, she could do this. Isaac and Zoey had the advantage with the attack while she did her best with defense. They seemed to have the upper hand for the time being and she hoped that no surprises would be happening. It was almost as if her thoughts jinxed her though. She had no idea what it was, but she felt the plants from her shield start dying from the other side. Her face dropped as she tried to salvage whatever was happening to her plants. It almost felt like they were burning. "My plants are dying!"
Zoey felt as though the were finally in control that they were finally doing this, and then it suddenly changed, they weren’t just fighting the hunters, there were witches too. Her heart went out to them and she didn’t want to hurt them. Zoey still focused the wind, but she wanted to see just how strong mentally this witch was. “Guys, cover me, I’m going for the witch.” She flew even higher then, catching the witch’s attention. Zoey began to attempt hypnosis when she locked eyes with her, keeping her from killing Ophelia’s plants, she said, “Stop it! We don’t want to hurt you.” Her voice took a commanding tone and her eyes still held Zoey’s gaze, locked into the hypnotism. “Leave,” she commanded and blew the hunters back momentarily so that the witch could do as she had commanded. She’d never hypnotized someone outside of work or class. It felt almost wrong to invade, but she had. They had what felt like just a second to rest and then the hunters were back on their feet.
 Witches changed the entire game, flipped it on its head and Isaac felt something he hadn't really felt before. Pure fear. "Just keep holding, O. It'll be okay, Zoey will take care of it." He was covering her, giving her a clear path in order to talk to the singular witch. He had to admit, he was in awe of what Zoey could do now. There was a different confidence to her. The gust of wind blew down the hunters and Isaac tried to freeze as many wrists and ankles to the floor that he could. But they were witch hunters for a reason and Isaac bit his lip, going to his offensive tactic again. "How many more witches do you think they have?" He yelled out to Zoey in the air.
Ophelia focused on making sure her shield stayed intact. That was all she had to make sure of so that the three of them were okay. But apparently, they had witches. When Zoey said she was to take care of them, Ophelia's eyes widened. "Be careful, Babs!" She said up into the air. Her head turned to Isaac to see if he was still okay and then she watched the scene unfold in front of them. Her plants were okay now since they weren't burning, but she was still worried about anything else that could happen. "Are you guys okay?"
Zoey was completely rattled by the fact that they were using witches. These poor people made to fight their own kind. She was just glad that none of them had hurt the witch that had come in with them. “I’m pretty sure there are more…probably lots more.” The thought made her sick, but she had to focus. At Ophelia’s question, Zoey nodded. “I’m okay, how are you holding up? We need to end this!” She didn't know for how long they could keep them blocked and they needed to do something drastic. Zoey wanted to try something, and she had to tap into her extra magic once more. “I’ve never done this but Isaac - another blizzard? Ophelia - let’s make a tornado at the same time.” She would have to concentrate on two different pockets of air, but she believed she could do it. She believed they could do it, because after all, they were surviving this long through teamwork.
Probably lots more. That idea was terrifying. "I'm fine, O. Don't worry about me, worry about you." He heard Zoey's plan and nodded, planting his feet on the ground so he could push it that little bit more. She was right, they needed to end it and they needed to end it now. Any longer and there was a risk of someone slipping up or doing something wrong. He knew, deep in his heart, that the three people in that room were not going to take a life, not if they didn't need to and that was a weakness that could be exploited if it were found out. "Zoe, you sure about this?" He called out. She'd be doing something that he'd only seen experts in air do. But he still pushed forward his ice, combining it with Zoey's air to make another blizzard, the end result completely blinding.
Ophelia couldn't see much of end at what was going on through the blizzard, but she tried her best to focus. "Umm...okay?" She responded to Zoey's request. She sincerely hoped none of this fatally hurt anybody. Hurting someone was one thing. Taking a life was another thing entirely that she would never be ready for. And she figured the same could be said about the other two people she was with. Right when she was about to ask Zoey if she was sure, she heard Isaac ask instead. She turned her attention to the girl in the air for a second before using her element to push it into Zoey's element. Hopefully it worked. They needed this to work.
Zoey concentrated on two separate points on either side of the hunters, making the wind swirl like two many hurricanes were afoot. "I'm sure, I can do this," she said once they added their elements to each bit of air. She flew in between them so that her vantage point was better, accelerating the wind of the blizzard, the ice pelting down on the hunters with force and she knew that it had to hurt. Both of her hands were out manipulating the wind on each side. She focused on the tornado then, keeping them back from the door, pushing them further away. She then combined both the tornado and the blizzard sweeping the hunters up inside. She grunted as she made a pushing motion, using the force of her circle magic to push them back out so far that they'd hit the quad. Zoey sighed then, using her air to shut the door. "They won't be anyone's problem for a very long time."
 He pushed his ice that little bit more as they were swept out the door. He was stunned at that, impressed that this had actually worked. It wasn't perfect but it would hold them off for now. The door shut once more and Isaac turned, wiping his forehead with his sleeve. The glasses had worked well, clearing his vision of what was happening and where he should target. Sighing heavily, Isaac sunk to the floor. "It won't keep them back for long if they've got an Earth on their side. Healing factor. But this gives us more time than we had."
Ophelia looked around as she realized everything was finally over. They had done it. And it was so cool. Looking towards both Zoey and Isaac, she headed in his direction first. She went over to kneel down next to Isaac with a smile on her face. "Good job, Murdock," Ophelia said as she lifted a hand up to high five him. Then she got up and went over to Zoey. "Good job, Babs." She lifted her hand up to high five her as well. "Good job, Nightwing," she said to herself as she gave a pat on her back.
Zoey felt as though the day couldn’t get any worse. This attack was…brutal. She was so thankful for the glasses that she created that aided in their victory and pinpointed weak spots. She started to feel the familiar feeling of teleporting except she wasn’t doing it. The feeling made her heart sink because there had to be something bad occurring with one of the girls for this to happen. She didn’t even have time to explain to Ophelia what was happening, instinctively she grabbed her hand. “Oh, God, it’s happening again! Hold on to me,” she instructed. "Isaac, I'm sorry!" One minute they were in the earth dorms and the next she and Ophelia were outside and all she saw were hunters lying dead, but the screams practically ripped her heart in half. It was Alex and the air witch she knew to be Alex’s friend. She put her hand to her mouth because she was…she was dead. Zoey didn’t know Nina but the sight brought tears to her own eyes. “Alex…” Zoey said, touching her shoulder. She was still holding Ophelia’s hand, forgetting to let go for a second probably afraid to let go especially in the middle of what looked like a war zone and had been.
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eliteeduversity · 4 years ago
What Is Success?
 Are we really succeeded in our life?
 Or we are just inferring something else as a success.
 Having BMW or Sea-Facing apartments or any big business is a success for some but for others, it might not be.
 Everyone has a different meaning of success, for a businessperson synonym of success would be the fluent working of the business or expansion of business, A worker or an employee might describe their permanent and secure job as their success, just a healthy business or secure job or wealth is able to describe “what success really is?”
 “No..a Big No”
 A 4-year-old kid can get success, a student or a teacher might be successful even a housewife can be successful, anyone can be successful even if they think their life is filled with failures and setbacks.
 In my opinion, success is not a big thing, in fact, it’s not a thing, it’s just the feeling, emotion or sentiments, that we feel in our daily life, the feelings, that we felt in our those days when chocolate is more valuable than any other thing, the feeling of a kid after getting a new lunch box and showing it to friends or a feeling of having a new bicycle, for a housewife feeling of sending children to their school or completing all the household works within time.
 The feeling of extra income of a rickshaw Driver is a success of that day for him.
 Even a swindler can be successful or the police too, in their respective works.
 Success is nothing but the happiness of our achievements or accomplishments in our lives.  Success can be as small as solving any mathematical problem or big as ISRO’s interplanetary mission.
 We can’t actually say about anyone that s(he) is successful or not because we don’t know others criteria of success, but we know what our standards so that we can surely say to us, “yes, I am successful, I have achieved what I wished.”
It is not the once in a lifetime thing, It is the combination of all the big and small things of our life, It is the combination of all the big and small happiness of our life. Success is for happiness, happiness is for life…
By: Elite Eduversity
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dacatsongmaviet · 3 years ago
Thuốc hàn tự động Song Mã SJ501T
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Thuốc hàn tự động Song Mã SJ501T
Phù hợp tiêu chuẩn: AWS- F6A0 F7A2
Đặc điểm:
–Thuốc hàn tự động Song Mã SJ501T là loại thuốc hàn thêu kết Aluminate-Rutile. Trong quá trình hàn ngoài chức năng bao phủ mối hàn, thuốc hàn còn bổ sung một lượng Silic và Mangan hợp kim hoá mối hàn. Khả năng bong xỉ tốt.
Ứng dụng:
– SJ501 nên sử dụng với dây EL8/EL12, EM12, thích hợp sử dụng cho hàn các kết cấu thép thông dụng như: Bồn bể chứa áp lực, ống thép, kết cấu chịu lực vỏ tàu.
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kutulisdulu · 3 years ago
Berhubung masih dalam situasi pandemi cov-19 ini, tempat kerjaku tidak mewajibkan untuk bekerja dari kantor. Wah nice!
Ku pikirpun begitu, kuputuskan untuk pulang ke daerah asalku Bali dan berpikir disini akan lebih seru daripada jakarta. Kota yang sangat penat -- setidaknya itu yang ku rasakan.
Hanya satu bulan berfikir, ku putuskan untuk melanjutkan studi S2 ku.
Pikiran ku sederhana, pro kontra dalam melanjutkan studi S2: Pro 1. Perkuliahan jarak jauh (daring)
2. Harga yang tidak terlalu mahal
3. Perkuliahan hanya hari Sabtu, tentu tidak akan mengganggu pekerjaanku
4. Mempunyai lingkungan baru, sudut pandang baru
5. Beberapa lulusan kampus tersebut juga tersebar di hampir seluruh tempat BUMN, konsultan di jakarta yang tentu akan menambah koneksi karirku nanti
6. Kemungkinan bisa menjadi dosen di Bali bila bosan di Jakarta.
Kontra 1. Akan menjadi lebih sibuk dari sebelumnya
Lihat kan? sangat banyak Pro dibandingkan Kontra-nya. Aku melihat ada peluang kelas daring yang bisa ku lakukan sembari aku bekerja dari sini. Setidaknya, setelah lulus nanti. Ku berpikir dosen adalah salah satu alternatif pekerjaan yang dapat diisi oleh strata pendidikan magister (S2) pikirku. Jadi kenapa menunggu lagi? Ku daftar saat itu juga tanpa berpikir lebih matang.
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Awalnya aku merasa banyak sekali waktu luangku. Bayangkan, setiap hari Kamis aku bisa tidak bekerja seharian (red: mengerjakan hal lain), yang bukan pekerjaan utamaku. Ini sesekali membantuku memperoleh tambahan uang jajan bulanan (walaupun tidak sering). Menggiurkan bukan?
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Dilemanya dimana?
Bulan Oktober 2021 ini tugas kantorku sangat banyak-banyaknya yg kurasakan, hingga tugas perkuliahanku terganggu-resultnya tidak maksimal. Pikiran ini terus mengusik. Menyuruhku untuk tetap bertahan, atau menunda studi S2 ku.
Singkat ceritanya ku putuskan untuk menghubungi wakil dekanku untuk membicarakan hal ini -Hari ini 11 Oktober 2021 pukul 21.00 WIB.
Permasalahan: 1. Apakah km yakin menlanjutkan studi S2
2. Apakah km yakin menunda studi S2
1.1. N/A
1.2 Kenapa km mendaftar studi S2 waktu itu?
Karena waktuku cukup senggang ku pikir saat itu. Beban perkuliahan S2 juga belum benar-benar tergambarkan dengan jelas di kepalaku. Saat ini aku sudah mulai memiliki gambarannya.
1.3 Kenapa km perlu memiliki gelar S2 ? Saat ini termasuk ke dalam kategori Nice-To-Have. Tidak memilikinya pun tak masalah sebenarnya. Ku pikir uang yang ku keluarkan saat megambi S2 adalah sama banyaknya dengan yang ku keluarkan untuk mengambil sertifikasi. Jadi tidak ada salahnya untuk ku ambil
1.4 Berapa presentase EM di kantormu yang S2 ?
Chief of Staff: N/A EM1: MIT EM2: n/a EM3: n/a EM4: MBA EM5: n/a EM6: n/a EM7: n/a EM8: n/a EM9: MBA EM10: Msc EM11: n/a EM12: n/a EM 13: n/a
Jawabannya adalah, cukup kecil. Mungkin sebagian kantor akan mempertimbangkan S2 sebagai level managerial. Namun itu berlaku pada beberapa case saja. Kalau aku bisa tidak terjebak kedalam lingkaran tersebut. Seperti orang-orang diatas. Harusnya tidak ada masalah bagiku.
1.5 Apakah km akan baik-baik saja kedepan tanpa S2 ?
Tidak ada yang menjamin dan aku sendiri tak tahu. Ada rekanku yang lulus S2 dari Universitas Negri terkemuka namun saat ini mengaggur. Ada pula yang ijazah S2nya tidak digunakan dengan banar. Tentu tak semua seperti itu.
Yang ku maksud, tidak ada yang bisa meramal masa depan. Memang tidak lama studi ini, namun bila ku kerahkan tenagaku pada hal yang lainnya seharusnya tidak masalah bukan?
1.6 N/A
1.7 Apakah semua orang yang memiliki S2 hidupnya lebih baik?
Tidak juga, jawabannya sama seperti pertanyaan diatas
1.8 Apakah studi S2 dapat tidak km lakukan?
Sedang ku pertimbangkan
1.9 Dampaknya apa kalau nanti punya gelar S2 ?
Bisa menjadi dosen? -- awalnya ku pikir dmikian. Namun setelah kujalani ku pikir aku akan membuang2 waktuku melakukan hal yang tidak ku senangi. Hidupku tidak harus samadengan orang lainnya.
Opportunity pekerjaan? memang lebih terbuka. Kuncinya. Jangan bandingkan dirimu dengan orang lain. Bila km sudah menyukai pekerjaanmu sudah cukup itu yang baik, kamu lebih mungkin lebih bahagia dari orang kebanyakan.
2.1 Kenapa harus di tunda S2 nya ?
Aku merasa hasilnya tidak semaksimal aku kuliah S1, dan karena kurang fokus aku tidak mau setengah-setengah menjalaninya. Anggaplah cut-loss di awal.
2.2 Apakah km bisa melanjutkan nya nanti ?
Harusnya bisa, 1 tahun ku perlukan untuk melanjutkannya di luar negri. Tapi kembali lagi apakah memang itu yang ku perlukan?
2.3 Kenapa harus menunda studi S2?
Jawaban yang sama dengan 2.1
2.4 Kalau menunda sekarang dampaknya apa saja?
Mungkin usiaku sudah tidak muda lagi nantinya, cara berpikirku telah berbeda. Harusnya tidak berdampak banyak. Namun jika sebaliknya, ku usahakan mencari hal lain yang membuatku nyaman.
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1999fashion · 4 years ago
ý nghĩa của ngày tết nguyên đán
Tết Nguyên Đán và ý nghĩa của nó, cùng tìm hiểu để biết được phong tục mang đậm màu sắc văn hóa của người Á Đông nói chúng và người Việt Nam nói riêng. Tết đến không chỉ là niềm khao khát của biết bao đứa trẻ để được xúng xính quần áo mới, được ăn mứt bánh và được lì xì. Mà nó còn mang một ý nghĩa vô cùng sâu sắc. Đó là điểm giao thời giữa năm cũ và năm mới, giữa một chu kỳ vận hành của đất trời, vạn vật cỏ cây. Bên cạnh đó là khao khát sự trường tồn cuộc sống, sự hài hòa Thiên – Địa – Nhân, sự gắn kết trong cộng đồng, gia tộc và gia đình.
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Tết Nguyên Đán
“Tết” chính là “tiết”. Hai chữ “Nguyên Đán” có gốc chữ Hán; “nguyên” có nghĩa là sự khởi đầu hay sơ khai và “đán” là buổi sáng sớm. Cho nên đọc đúng phiên âm phải là “Tiết Nguyên Đán”. Tết Nguyên Đán được người Việt Nam gọi với cái tên rất thân thương “Tết Ta”, là để phân biệt với “Tết Tây” (Tết Dương lịch).
Tết Nguyên Đán được tính từ ngày nào?
Do cách tính lịch âm của người Việt Nam có khác với Trung Quốc cho nên Tết Nguyên Đán của người Việt Nam không hoàn toàn trùng với Tết của người Trung Quốc và các nước chịu ảnh hưởng bởi văn hóa Trung Quốc khác.
Vì Âm lịch là lịch theo chu kỳ vận hành của mặt trăng nên Tết Nguyên Đán muộn hơn Tết Dương lịch. Do quy luật 3 năm nhuận một tháng của Âm lịch nên ngày đầu năm của dịp Tết Nguyên Đán không bao giờ trước ngày 21 tháng 1 Dương lịch và sau ngày 19 tháng 2 Dương lịch mà thường rơi vào khoảng cuối tháng 1 đến giữa tháng 2 Dương lịch. Toàn bộ dịp Tết Nguyên Đán hàng năm thường kéo dài trong khoảng 7 đến 8 ngày cuối năm cũ và 7 ngày đ���u năm mới (23 tháng Chạp đến hết ngày 7 tháng Giêng).
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Nguồn gốc của Tết Nguyên Đán
Chịu ảnh hưởng mạnh mẽ từ văn hoa Trung Quốc trong hơn 1000 năm Bắc thuộc, Tết Nguyên Đán cũng là một trong những nét văn hóa được du nhập trong thời điểm đó. Theo lịch sử Trung Quốc, nguồn gốc Tết Nguyên Đán có từ đời Tam Hoàng Ngũ Đế và thay đổi theo từng thời kỳ. Đời Tam Vương, nhà Hạ chuộng màu đen nên chọn tháng giêng, tức tháng Dần. Nhà Thương thích màu trắng nên lấy tháng Sửu, tức tháng chạp, làm tháng đầu năm. Nhà Chu ưa sắc đỏ nên chọn tháng Tý, tức tháng mười một, làm tháng Tết. Các vua chúa nói trên quan niệm về ngày giờ “tạo thiên lập địa” như sau: giờ Tý thì có trời, giờ Sửu thì có đất, giờ Dần sinh loài người nên đặt ra ngày Tết khác nhau.
Đến thời Đông Chu, Khổng Tử đổi ngày Tết vào một tháng nhất định là tháng Dần. Đời nhà Tần (thế kỷ 3 TCN), Tần Thủy Hoàng lại đổi qua tháng Hợi, tức tháng mười. Đến thời nhà Hán, Hán Vũ Đế (140 TCN) lại đặt ngày Tết vào tháng Dần, tức tháng giêng. Từ đó về sau, không còn triều đại nào thay đổi về tháng Tết nữa.
Đến đời Đông Phương Sóc, ông cho rằng ngày tạo thiên lập địa có thêm giống gà, ngày thứ hai có thêm chó, ngày thứ ba có thêm lợn, ngày thứ tư sinh dê, ngày thứ năm sinh trâu, ngày thứ sáu sinh ngựa, ngày thứ bảy sinh loài người và ngày thứ tám mới sinh ra ngũ cốc. Vì thế, ngày Tết thường được kể từ ngày Mồng một cho đến hết ngày mồng Bảy.
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Ý nghĩa của Tết Nguyên Đán
Tết Nguyên Đán không chỉ thể hiện sự giao giao cảm giữa trời đất và con người với thần linh trong quan niệm của người phương Đông. Mà thiêng liêng hơn cả đó chính là ngày đoàn viên của mọi gia đình. Mỗi khi Tết đến, dù làm bất cứ nghề gì, ở bất cứ nơi đâu đều mong được trở về sum họp dưới mái ấm gia đình trong 3 ngày Tết, được khấn vái trước bàn thờ tổ tiên, thăm lại ngôi nhà thờ, ngôi mộ, giếng nước, mảnh sân nhà,… được sống lại với những kỷ niệm đầy ắp yêu thương của tuổi thơ yêu dấu. “Về quê ăn Tết”, đó không phải là một khái niệm thông thường đi hay về, mà là một cuộc hành hương về với cội nguồn, nơi chôn rau cắt rốn.
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Bên cạnh đó, Tết Nguyên Đán còn được coi là ngày “làm mới”. Bởi, mọi người đều mong muốn đón một năm mới an lành, sung túc, thuận lợi trong cả năm và gác lại mọi điều không may mắn trong năm cũ. Do vậy, vào dịp Tết nhà nào cũng tất bật dọn dẹp, sắm sửa, trang hoàng. Đây cũng là dịp mọi người làm mới lại về phần tình cảm và tinh thần để mối liên hệ với người thân được gắn bó hơn, tinh thần thoải mái, tươi vui hơn.
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Không những thế, Tết Nguyên Đán còn là dịp để tạ ơn. Con cái tạ ơn cha mẹ, cha mẹ tạ ơn ông bà, tổ tiên, nhân viên tạ ơn cấp chỉ huy. Ngược lại, lãnh đạo cũng cảm ơn nhân viên qua những buổi tiệc chiêu đãi hoặc quà thưởng để ăn Tết.
Hãy gác lại mọi thứ, để cùng đất trời đón một mùa xuân tươi vui, cùng gia đình quây quần trong không khí Tết đầm ấm!
Đặt mua vé máy bay Tết giá rẻ ở đâu?
Nếu bạn không có nhiều thời gian cho việc săn vé máy bay giá rẻ, hãy liên lạc với 1999fashion.com Air. Các Booker chuyên nghiệp sẽ hỗ trợ việc săn tìm những chiếc vé máy bay giá rẻ, vé máy bay khuyến mãi phù hợp với hành trình của mình. Bên cạnh đó, việc cung cấp thông tin chuyến bay, đặt vé online, giữ chỗ cũng sẽ được các nhân viên nhiệt tình tư vấn. Còn chờ gì nữa mà không đặt ngay cho mình một chiếc vé máy bay giá rẻ.
1999fashion.com cũng đã mở bán vé máy bay Tết 2021. Đặt vé máy bay Tết 2021 ngay hôm nay để được giá tốt nhất!
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Chọn chuyến bay
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(MPL)Moscow (SVO)Nice (NCE)Paris (CDG)Prague (PRG)Rome (ROM)Toulouse (TLS)Vienna (VIE)Zurich (ZRH)Heathrow (LHR)Copenhagen (CPH)Warsaw Chopin (WAW)Munich (MUC)Helsinki (HEL)Atlanta Hartsfield (ATL)Austin (AUS)Boston, Logan (BOS)Chicago IL (CHI)Dallas Fort Worth (DFW)Denver (DEN)Honolulu (HNL)Los Angeles (LAX)Miami (MIA)Minneapolis/St.Paul (MSP)New York (JFK)Portland (PDX)San Francisco (SFO)Seattle, Tacoma (SEA)St Louis, Lambert (STL)Washington (WAS)George Bush (IAH)Dulles (IAD)Phoenix Sky Harbor (PHX)Philadelphia (PHL)Tampa (TPA)San Diego (SAN)Sydney (SYD)Melbourne (MEL)Brisbane (BNE)Perth (PER)Adelaide (ADL)Darwin (DRW)Cairns (CNS)Gold Coast (OOL)Auckland (AKL)Wellington (WLG)Christchurch (CHC)Palmerston North (PMR)Johannesburg (JNB)Murtala Muhammed (CPT) Nơi đến Hồ Chí Minh (SGN)Hà Nội (HAN)Hải Phòng (HPH)Vân Đồn (VDO)Đà Nẵng (DAD)Cần Thơ (VCA)Phú Quốc (PQC)Nha Trang (CXR)Đà Lạt (DLI)Thanh Hóa (THD)Vinh (VII)Huế (HUI)Đồng Hới (VDH)Chu Lai (VCL)Quy Nhơn (UIH)Tuy Hòa (TBB)Pleiku (PXU)Ban Mê Thuột (BMV)Côn Đảo (VCS)Rạch Giá (VKG)Cà Mau (CAH)Điện Biên (DIN)Bangkok (BKK)Chiang Mai (CNX)Jakarta (CGK)Kuala Lumpur (KUL)Luang Prabang (LPQ)Manila (MNL)Phnom Penh (PNH)Phuket (HKT)Siem Reap (REP)Sihanoukville (KOS)Singapore (SIN)Vientiane (VTE)Yangon (RGN)Beijing (PEK)Busan (PUS)Chengdu (CTU)Fukuoka (FUK)Guangzhou (CAN)Hàng Châu (HGH)Hong Kong (HKG)Kaohsiung (KHH)Nagoya (NGO)Osaka (KIX)Seoul (ICN)Shanghai (SHA)Taipei (TPE)Tainan (TNN)Taichung (RMQ)Tokyo Haneda (HND)Tokyo Narita (NRT)Shanghai Pudong (PVG)Dubai (DXB)Indira Gandhi (DEL)Xiamen Gaoqi (XMN)Shenzhen Bao"an (SZX)Ngurah Rai (DPS)Kunming Changshui (KMG)Amsterdam (AMS)Barcelona (BCN)Frankfurt (FRA)Geneva (GVA)London (LGW)Lyon (LYS)Madrid (MAD)Marseille (MRS)Montpellier (MPL)Moscow (SVO)Nice (NCE)Paris (CDG)Prague (PRG)Rome (ROM)Toulouse (TLS)Vienna (VIE)Zurich (ZRH)Heathrow (LHR)Copenhagen (CPH)Warsaw Chopin (WAW)Munich (MUC)Helsinki (HEL)Atlanta Hartsfield (ATL)Austin (AUS)Boston, Logan (BOS)Chicago IL (CHI)Dallas Fort Worth (DFW)Denver (DEN)Honolulu (HNL)Los Angeles (LAX)Miami (MIA)Minneapolis/St.Paul (MSP)New York (JFK)Portland (PDX)San Francisco (SFO)Seattle, Tacoma (SEA)St Louis, Lambert (STL)Washington (WAS)George Bush (IAH)Dulles (IAD)Phoenix Sky Harbor (PHX)Philadelphia (PHL)Tampa (TPA)San Diego (SAN)Sydney (SYD)Melbourne (MEL)Brisbane (BNE)Perth (PER)Adelaide (ADL)Darwin (DRW)Cairns (CNS)Gold Coast (OOL)Auckland (AKL)Wellington (WLG)Christchurch (CHC)Palmerston North (PMR)Johannesburg (JNB)Murtala Muhammed (CPT) Ngày đi Âm lịch: Ngày về Âm lịch: Người lớn 1 Người lớn2 Người lớn3 Người lớn4 Người lớn5 Người lớn6 Người lớn7 Người lớn8 Người lớn9 Người lớn10 Người lớn11 Người lớn12 Người lớn13 Người lớn14 Người lớn15 Người lớn16 Người lớn17 Người lớn18 Người lớn19 Người lớn20 Người lớn21 Người lớn22 Người lớn23 Người lớn24 Người lớn25 Người lớn26 Người lớn27 Người lớn28 Người lớn29 Người lớn30 Người lớn31 Người lớn32 Người lớn33 Người lớn34 Người lớn35 Người lớn36 Người lớn37 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0 notes
wickedninaryback · 8 years ago
The World Beyond || Alex, Zoey, Lauren, Ophelia, Emily, Nora, & Nina
Tagging: Alex, Zoey, Lauren, Ophelia, Emily, Nora, & Nina
Location: RIAP 
Date: July 7, 2017
Notes: The girls are summoned when the pain of losing Nina overbears Alex. They must make a tough decision, and Alex must take a trip to the Spirit World. 
Alex continued to scream violently as the last hunter fell to the ground, tears still were falling from her eyes. Watching as the ghosts around her disappeared now that their job was done, she dropped to her knees. Even though they were dead it didn’t replace her loss, it didn’t bring Nina back. Looking towards the dead body next to and Alex screamed out in pain as she put both hands over her mouth. “I’m so sorry.” Shaking as she pulled Nina’s lifeless body to her. Letting her tears fall onto Nina’s blood stained dress as pulled her closer. There was blood now covering her hands and clothes. “Please, Nina.” Begging the girl she was clothing onto for life, even though she knew there wouldn’t be a response. “I need you. Please come back.” Screaming again as she grabbed at the fabric of Nina’s clothing. Silently praying to whatever deity that may be listening. Offering up various things like her magic, happiness, money, or whatever they needed. All she wanted was Nina back, but her prayers fell on deaf ears. “You promised me that you wouldn’t leave, Ryback. It’s not far. You don’t get to leave me, not like this.” Not bothering to wipe her face that was red from her screaming and crying. Holding onto Nina even tighter as she shook, she couldn’t let go. She wasn’t sure if she could ever let go. “Come back, please! I’m begging you!” Alex asked angrily as she rested her head on top of Nina’s. “Please.”
Zoey felt as though the day couldn’t get any work. This attack was…brutal. She was so thankful for the glasses that she wore that aided in her aim, and pinpointed weak spots. She still had one of the hunter’s guns when she felt the familiar feeling of teleporting except she wasn’t doing it. The feeling made her heart sink because there had to be something bad occurring with one of the girls for this to happen. She didn’t even explain to Ophelia what was happening, instinctively she grabbed her hand. “Oh, God, it’s happening again! Hold on to me,” she instructed. One minute they were in the earth dorms and the next she and Ophelia were outside and all she saw were hunters lying dead, but the screams practically ripped her heart in half. It was Alex and the air witch she knew to be Alex’s friend. She put her hand to her mouth because she was…she was dead. Zoey didn’t know Nina but the sight brought tears to her own eyes. “Alex…” Zoey said, touching her shoulder. She was still holding Ophelia’s hand, forgetting to let go for a second probably afraid to let go especially in the middle of what looked like a war zone and had been.
Lauren had one thought replaying in her head as she watched the scene unfold: What the hell. All in the matter of what felt like a few seconds Nina had fallen, Alex had screamed, the hunters all died because of it, and now she felt like she was having déjà vu. It was only a couple of months ago she’d held a bloodied rag to someone’s wound and watched them slip away, leaving their crying best friend and Lauren in their wake. Why did it have to be happening again? She couldn’t wrap her mind around Nina being dead. The two of them were supposed to get through these together. They always found each other. And what the hell was she going to tell Isaac and Zach? Her knuckles were turning white from how tightly she gripped her bloodied sweater that she’d held to Nina’s wound as she looked down at the girl's body. She didn’t even react as Alex grabbed onto Nina and held her. Lauren couldn’t process what was happening, because Nina couldn’t be dead. She was Nina Ryback—this didn’t happen to her. Alex’s screams sounded like they were miles away, and she barely even noticed as the other girls from the circle started to appear. “Alex,” she said, her voice monotone as she reached out to place a hand on the older girl’s shoulder. “Alex, please…” She shook her head as tears formed in her eyes. “Alex.” Her voice cracked. She didn’t know what else she could say. She just watched like she had last time, only now she felt no need or desire to get up from where they sat or to get somewhere safe.
Ophelia had been exhausted from fending off hunters, but her, Zoey and Isaac had succeeded. No injuries had occurred and she was thankful for that. Looking towards Zoey, she didn't even realize the girl had grabbed her hand. "What? What's happening again? Are you okay?" Before she even knew what was happening, she was in a completely different place. All she heard was screams and, when she turned her head to see who it was, she saw that it was Alex. And, in her arms, she saw Nina laying limp. "Nina." Ophelia held tighter to Zoey's hand and then looked back and forth between both girls. "Isaac. You should've brought Isaac." That was all she could think of. If they had known what was happening, she was sure that would have been her first option. Ophelia would've preferred if Zoey took Isaac instead of her. But here they were. And now she worried for Isaac. "What just happened?"
Nora couldn't believe this was happening again and so soon. However, there was part of her that was glad. Ever since she heard the hunters killed her parents, she had been looking for her opportunity to get them back. Part of her worried if Declan had noticed the extra power Nora had been using against the hunters, but she also didn't care. They were getting exactly what they deserved and she would kill as many as she had to in order to get the message through. In what felt like a small moment of silence, Nora suddenly felt like she was starting to teleport somewhere. She had only experienced it a small number of times, so the feeling was odd and she didn't know what was happening, because she surly wasn't in control. Finally she ended up somewhere outside and looked around to figure out where she was. "Shit!" She called out as her thoughts went back to Declan. He had been left in the middle of a hunter attack, but she didn't know why or how. As she heard screams, her body turned to see Alex and the other girls sitting around someone's dead body. Quickly she moved towards the group only to notice Alex clutching the somewhat familiar looking witch in her arms. It made her heart stop for a second and she felt like tears were starting to form, but she took a deep breath and focused on the girls in front of her. "What happened?" She asked softly.
Emily had just wanted a family dinner. A FAMILY DINNER. Why was that so hard? They'd managed to hold the staff dorms but she'd failed to protect Mason. Once again the hunters were hurting the people she loved. She sighed, rubbing her temples, and all of the sudden she was being pulled away again like she had with Nora. First she wondered how she would explain this to her family. Then she was worried. Who was hurt? What was wrong? Suddenly she was surrounded by dead hunters. Alex was crying over- Emily's heart nearly stopped. Nina. This couldn't be happening. Tears started to fall, and she ran over, dropping to the ground near the other girls, surrounding Nina. She couldn't even put words together. The hunters had gone too far.
Alex feeling people touching her made Alex jerk, she moved closer to Nina so she was away from their hands. “Don’t touch me!” Screaming to the two girls next to her as she clutched onto Nina tighter, her tears slid down her face as they fell onto the limp body she was holding. Feeling her lungs tighten as she cried harder, it felt like the air was being sucked away as time passed. All she wanted was for everyone to just leave, for them to all go back to their lives and leave her here with Nina. “Just go away, please.” Begging the girls as she finally looked at them. “Just get out of here please.” Giving another scream as the pain inside of her built up once more, this felt like the only way she could actually release it. Digging her nails into Nina’s skin as shook more violently, she felt like if she let go it was going to kill her. “Nina, please. Come on please. You can comeback, I know you can.” Whispering in Nina’s ear as she ran her hand over Nina’s dark hair, she just prayed that Nina would wake up. That Nina was wrong than this and she could pull herself back. Resting her head on Nina’s shoulder as she sobbed, she just thought back to the memories she’d made with Nina.
Zoey turned to Ophelia when she mentioned Isaac. “It happened so fast I would have grabbed him too.” She just hoped he was okay because the news that his girlfriend was dead wasn’t going to be pretty. She knew how much this would hurt. As the other girls started filtering in, she wished there was more that they could do. Suddenly her hand went to the second charm on her bracelet. The book. She and Alex had talked about her other magic, but since it hadn’t manifested that was all they could do - talk. There was something there about resurrection, but she didn’t think Alex would like the costs. “Alex, what if…what if you could resurrect her?” It wasn’t a guarantee because it depended on her pulling from the strength of all four girls, and it also depended on how ready the dead was to come back, along with the price that the spirit child had to pay. A life for a life. Just the thought made her shiver. She didn’t even want to say it out loud. Didn’t even want the other girls to know Alex’s price if she truly wanted this and the consequences didn’t even stop there.
Lauren pulled her hand away when Alex jerked back from her touch. “I’m sorry,” she muttered. “I’m sorry." She looked down at her hands and while she’d become numb to the sight of blood after the first bonding circle, knowing that the blood on her hands was Nina’s made her feel nauseous and light-headed. She wanted to beg her to come back too., but she bit her lip and kept her hands balled into fists as Alex continued to beg Nina to come back. Her head whipped around when she heard what Zoey said, finally acknowledging the fact that the other girls were there but not enough to register or question why Ophelia was there too. “Resurrect?” she questioned. Would there ever be a day where all of this magic stopped surprising her? Probably not. “She can do that?” She looked between Zoey and Alex then to Nina’s body and knowing that if she and the others needed to help in any way, Lauren would do it without a doubt. She looked back up at Zoey. “How? How does that work?”
Ophelia: When a bunch of people started showing up, Ophelia started looking around. She shouldn't have been here. But Zoey had brought her. And Alex was here. And so was Nina. Nina, who was... Then she heard Alex screaming again and all she saw was Lauren backing up. Once Zoey started talking, she let go of her hand and knelt down in front of Alex. She didn't care if the girl had just told everyone else not to touch her. This was her best friend. No matter how mad she was at her, she was not letting her go through this alone. Placing her hands on Alex's face, she lifted it to look at her. "Breathe. Do not lose control. You are capable of a lot more than you give yourself credit for. And, if you can bring her back, you can do that, too. Hey," she paused and looked right into Alex's eyes. "I love you, okay? You can do anything. Isn't that what Nina would want you to do? Anything?"
Nora was looking from one person to the next as she was still taking in the situation. Alex clearly didn't want anyone to be here, but Nora didn't blame her. Even now she still wasn't up to seeing people. Her eyes moved over to Lauren and she noticed the blood on her hands, so she took a small step towards the other girl and placed a hand on her shoulder before giving a small reassuring smile. Her eyes moved once more when Zoey spoke and she paused. Since when could they resurrect people? It wasn't something she felt like needed to be asked right now, but more about how it could happen and they could bring their friend back from the dead. "What needs to be done?" Nora spoke, knowing that she needed to help her fellow circle member in any way she could.
Emily was overwhelmed. Alex's screams tore right into her heart, breaking it into more pieces. She didn't know how to help. She didn't know anything any more. How did they get Nina? She was so strong. Emily gave Alex space, her body shaking as she cried. Then Zoey started talking, and Emily turned to look at her, not daring to be hopeful. Resurrection? She sniffled, wiping at her face and for the first time since being teleported there she tried to talk. "How. How can we do it, how can I help." She turned back to face Nina, lifeless on the ground. "I will do whatever it takes to help." Also, Ophelia was here. Emily didn't even have time to really question how or why she had come along with Zoey, and was honestly just glad to have someone else here.
Alex could feel the ache in her chest from the pain she was feeling, she felt like she was going die at any moment. Tears still fell down Alex’s face as she listened to the chaos around her and she could only make out a few words. At the word resurrect Alex turned her head towards Zoey as she gripped onto Nina’s lifeless body. She tried to make out the other words around it to hear exactly what Zoey was saying, but it all sounded like another language. At Ophelia touching her Alex jumped slightly from the contact, but she allowed it. Letting her blue eyes meet Ophelia’s hazel eyes as she cried, she did her best to try and stay focused. Taking in a deep breath as she tried to control the now five elements coursing through her veins, but she could feel the magic itching to escape. Each element wanted to come to light and to have it’s moment, but right now she needed to save them. More pressing matters were at hang than her element problems. Listening to Ophelia, she nodded softly, she had the chance to bring Nina back. The change to bring back Nina, she knew it wasn’t even a question. She needed Nina back. “I love you too.” Lifting one hand off Nina’s body and she placed it against Ophelia’s hand. Turning her head towards Zoey as she looked at and nodded. “How do we bring her back? I’ll do whatever it takes it doesn’t matter the cost. Just tell me how we do this.”
Zoey waited for Alex to say she wanted to bring back her friend before she whispered the incantation for the book on her bracelet to return to life size. She turned straight to the page that spoke of spirit magic and resurrection. “You and Nina will be in the middle of the circle. Each of us will hold hands as we channel our strength and chant: Viața și moartea sunt împletite, cu dragoste și încredere în fiecare inimă care se va lega pentru a se reînvia.” Life and death are intertwined, with love and trust each heart will bind in order to revive. While we are chanting this, you will chant: Intrând în lumea spiritelor vin să găsesc spiritul celui în care se definește iubirea și încrederea mea. Cu această magie, spiritele noastre se leagă.” Entering the world of spirits I come to find the spirit of the one in who my love and trust are defined. With this magic let our spirits bind. “You’re going to pass out, Alex. You have to enter the spirit world and you have to bring her back, but only if she agrees. You can only bring her back if you truly love and trust her. Our chanting keeps the portal open, but you can’t stay long because it will drain us. If one girl,” she paused to look at each girl, “stops or breaks the chant for some reason, we could lose the both,” Zoey warned. “Ophelia, could you make sure that none of us break the chant?” She knew in her heart that ths would put a heavy burden on Alex, but it might be worth the risk. “Alex, do you want to know the consequences now or later?”
Lauren felt more tears prick her eyes when she felt someone place their hand on her shoulder and she turned to see that it was Nora. She gave her a small smile as she met her gaze. “Thank you.” She couldn’t articulate how grateful she was to Nora in that moment, especially because of everything she was sure Nora was still dealing with after the death of her parents. She turned to Alex and felt relieved when she pulled herself together enough to say she’d bring Nina back. That was all Lauren needed to pull her own self together and take a deep breath; there was still hope. She listened to Zoey carefully, suddenly worried about having to speak that mysterious language again but willing to become fluent in it if it was going to help bring Nina back. She nodded along to Zoey’s instructions, wiping her hands on her pants so none of the other girls were forced to feel Nina’s blood on their hands. She sat back more so Nora could be beside her, then turned to Ophelia when Zoey asked her to watch them. “You have full permission to slap me if it’s necessary,” she told her. Yet she knew that if it was keeping Alex and Nina safe, she was not about to let herself pass out or mess up. She finally looked at Emily too and tried to give her a reassuring smile. She knew Emily would do anything for her family and Nina was close to all the Bryants. She wanted her to know there was hope and that no one in that circle was going to let Nina stay dead. Lauren then ran the saying over and over again in her mind to make sure she knew what to do.
Ophelia stayed quiet as Zoey spoke about how to bring Nina back. This was something she couldn’t really help with, but she was going to be here through it all. After all, she had no choice in the matter since there were probably hunters still lingering about on campus. Nevertheless, she was still ready to help. When she heard her name, she looked up. "I'll try my best," she said in response to Zoey. As she turned her head to look at Alex again, she let out a sigh. “Should I move out of the circle or...?” The question was more directed at Zoey than anyone else since she seemed to know most of the information.
Nora smiled at Lauren and gave a small nod of her head before turning back to Zoey. She listened to the instructions quietly, trying to remember the words they needed to say. This was going to be a lot more than she needed for the day, but she knew everyone was probably in the same boat right now. Her eyes moved to the other members of the circle and the other girl who was here, Ophelia. "Whatever it takes to bring your friend back, Alex." She spoke, knowing that if she had been in the same situation, she would do whatever it took. Her eyes moved back to Zoey and the circle girls before standing up again. "Let's get this going, shall we?"
Emily listened very carefully to Zoey telling them what to say. Unlike the last time they had been doing rituals like this, she wouldn't have time to practice, and this was not a situation she was willing to mess up. She didn't like that Zoey was mentioning a price, but she wanted Nina back. She just wished that it wasn't all on Alex like this. Not because she was worried it would be too hard, if there was someone who could drag Nina back from literally being dead, it was definitely Alex. She just felt helpless in a way. She could keep the portal open for Alex, but that was all she was going to be able to do to help, and it wasn't enough. She looked over at Lauren, determination settling in on her face and nodded. She didn't know that she was going to end up so close and tied to all of these people when she agreed to do the circle, but she was glad she had. She threw her hair into a ponytail, ready to start. "Nothing like a good old chanting circle to really set the mood, am I right ladies?"
Zoey nodded to Ophelia at her question. “Yes, I don’t know if it’d take everyone inside the circle, or not so to be safe, stand outside of it. Okay, ladies, form a circle around Alex and hold hands.” Zoey sat the book down in front of her. With the amount of magic this was going to take, she couldn’t cast an illusion to keep them safe from anyone should they happen upon them. “Alex, start chanting when we all do, okay?” Zoey repeated the words that Alex would say one more time: Intrând în lumea spiritelor vin să găsesc spiritul celui în care se definește iubirea și încrederea mea. Cu această magie, spiritele noastre se leagă. “Okay girls. I’ll say it once and then we start ours.  Viața și moartea sunt împletite, cu dragoste și încredere în fiecare inimă care se va lega pentru a se reînvia,” she began to chant then.
Alex stayed in her position as she held tightly onto Nina and she knew that she needed to let go. At least for a few moments, she laid Nina easily back against the warm ground. Putting her hands on Nina's face as she looked down at her dead friend. Keeping Nina's hand in hers as she listened to What Zoey was telling her. Nodding at Zoey's words as she looked around to each girl, she gave each of them a weak smile. Mostly to thank them for all they were doing for her right now. None of them had to do this, they could have simply said no, but here they all sat around her. Letting her eyes rest on Ophelia as she looked at the brunette girl, she just stared for a long moment. "I'll be back. I love you." With that she turned away and started to chant her words to the group around her. As she said it a final time she felt everything go black, she passed out on top of Nina.
Michael had been here for only God knew how long. Time was different here, or rather time was absent here. There were old friends here, people roaming through this world, this place. Everyone seemed to have their own little corner, their own world just behind each door. His was a world where he could watch out for Zoey and his parents. It was a room of televisions and his favorite beer and chair, and cupcakes it wasn’t the best life and something felt as though it was missing, always and it was always cold here, reminding him that he was dead. That life got boring living in your own room alone, so spirits often visited one another. He was lingering in the hall, really with no destination planned just planned to chat up whoever else seemed to be bored of their own personal world when he saw a familiar face that shouldn’t have been here. “Alex?” he asked. “What are you…are you?” Funny he was dead but couldn’t say the word.
Alex didn’t know exactly what she expected in the spirit world, but this wasn’t it. Walking down the dark hallway as she wrapped her arm around herself. She just kept walking as she passed numerous rooms all with the door shut, she didn’t dare to open them, mostly because of the fear of what lurked behind them. Some doors were meant to stay shut. Looking down at her shoes as she walked faster, she didn’t know how she was going to find Nina especially with all of these doors. Checking every door in this place would take years. Hearing the familiar voice made Alex stop as she tenses up, she looked up to see Michael a few feet away. Instantly her heart started to ache, she felt the loss not for herself, but for Zoey. She knew that Zoey would have given anything to be here with Michael for a moment longer, to at least have a goodbye with him. “No– I’m alive still. I’m just looking for Nina.” Admitting sadly as she looked down. She couldn’t help but wonder if just maybe she could bring back Michael too, this way Zoey could have her happy ending.
Michael nodded then. He breathed a sigh of relief, not wanting Zoey to have lost him and Alex in what he thought was a short time, but he didn’t know anymore. “Oh…oh Nina’s…hunters I presume,” he asked, but figured that was the only way he could see his former student going. “She’d be with the Rybacks. Just above each door is a letter, first of our last names. New doors pop up all the time the halls extend and twist and turn, it’s never ending,” he informed then. Michael almost didn’t want to ask, but he figured why not. “If you have the time could you tell her something for me?” he asked Alex. He knew she knew which her he was referring to.
Alex had to admit she was just as relieved as Michael was that she wasn’t dead. “Yeah, she died just a bit ago and I’m trying to bring her back.” Biting her lip as she nervously rubbed her arms. “So many people’s last names start with R so this is going to take a hot second.” Giving him a small smile, but she was truly thankful for the help he’d just provided her. “Yeah, I’ll tell her anything Michael. Just tell me whatever you want her to know.” She figured it was the least she could do after how horrible she’d been to Zoey over the past few months. This was also a way to help give Zoey the closure to her former relationship that she hadn’t got.
Michael nodded. “I wish you luck. I don’t wish this, on anyone not that early in life. There are but she’s Nina I’m sure you’ll find her easily, and Ryback is probably near the end of the Rs.” He tried to be as helpful as he could. For a moment, Michael opened his door. So that Alex could see the tvs in his room. “I’ve got three tvs in here, one of my parents one channel is all Zoey, and one is the Food Network, but she’s never far, and I see her struggling. I just…I need you to let her know that I love her. That I’ve always loved her and I never stopped. It was stupid of me to end things but I was scared of how much I loved her, of how full of love I was with her and how I’d never felt this way before. She’s always been my heart, and don’t tell her this part but I am waiting and it can be a long wait for the day I see her again. But I just want her to know that she’s a Kingsley, and I wouldn’t change our story. I want her to be happy, I’m watching over her and I just want her to find happiness. It’s okay to let me go because I’m never far. Tell her to stop living in those illusions and pick up her camera again. So she knows it’s really me, tell her that I love her more than cupcakes.” If he could feel pain, he would but pain was earthy and he was just empty, but he still held onto his love for his parents and his fiancé. “Also tell her thank you for looking after my parents. Thank you, Alex for doing this and I hope you find Nina.”
Alex just simply nodded to him as he mentioned wishing her luck. She truly needed it right now. How in. The world was she going to find Nina in all of this mess. As Michael started talking Alex looked into the room, she could see Zoey sitting there as still as possible, she could see his parents. Feeling the tears already starting to fall as he talked, she didn’t bother to wipe them away. Instead she focused on listening to him while he talked, she wanted to remember as much of this as she could for Zoey. “I’ll tell her everything I promise.” Wiping the tears that were streaming down her face away as she just looked at him. “Michael wait–” Reaching out to him, but her hand went right through his arm. Realizing that she couldn’t touch him broke her heart, she knew that there was no real way she could bring him back for Zoey as much as she wanted to. Instead all she could actually bring Zoey were his words. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to bring you back to her. She loves you so much, Michael. I’m sorry that you’re apart, if I could I…” Trailing off as she wiped her nose and some of the other tears that were falling. “Rest easy Michael.” Waving goodbye to him as she just stood there for a long moment crying.
Michael knew she wouldn’t be able to touch him, but if only he’d have hugged her at least so she could take that back to Zoey. He nodded at her words. “Hey, Alex, tell her to listen to In Case You Didn’t Know, by Brett Young, sums things up perfectly…it was going to be our first dance at the reception,” he said simply before disappearing into his room once more.
Jack Mooney was sitting in the room he shared with his wife, listening as she messed with the roses. It had been hard being down here, even though it was just the beginning of it all. The hardest part was coping with the idea that they were away from their daughter. Nora had been the biggest thing in their lives, and they didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye. It was why their room looked like the family garden they had back at their house. There was Earth for the women in his life, and water for him. While he was able to keep Lily calm for the most part as they got used to it, he felt like her wasn’t going to do well for much longer, knowing how much pain their daughter was in. As he stood there he heard something outside and moved to the doorway, only to notice a girl who looked about Nora’s age wondering around, looking lost. “Hey there, Lass.” he called out. “Is there someone you’re looking for?”
Lily Mooney knew that there was no pain here, but she could have sworn that she felt the pain of being away from her daughter. She didn’t want to be reunited with her here, but she did want Nora to know that everything was okay even if she didn’t feel it was so right now. It could have been worst, she was at least here, sharing this afterlife with Jack. When he moved to the doorway, she frowned, not far from him. “Who’s there, Jack?” Seeing a young woman always made her feel as though the pain had returned. It always made her think of how Nora could be next and she didn’t want that. “Can we help you?”
Alex felt her heart growing heavier by the moment and when Michael mentioned his wedding song with Zoey she lost it. Hugging herself as she cried. She did her best to try and pull it together, even though she didn’t know if it was possible right now. At new people appearing Alex became more nervous, she wasn’t sure who else might pop out at her. “I’m just looking for Nina Ryback. I’m sorry to both you lovely people.” Frowning as she looked at them, they had a sense of familiarity to them that she couldn’t place for the life of her. “I’m sorry you both are down here.”
Jack Mooney looked at the girl with a little confusion when she spoke. He didn’t understand why she was sorry that they were down here, when he was sorry she wasn’t….Unless. “Are you not like the rest of us?” He asked, wanting to avoid the word dead if he could. When she spoke the name, he shook his head and gave a shrug of his shoulders. “I don’t know anyone by the name of Ryback,” He spoke as his thick accent made the name sound different. “But we have a couple old pals down that way and I can tell you that you aren’t too far off. I mean, you made it to Mooney, so you are almost out of the M’s.” He assured the girl.
Lily Mooney shook her head then. “No, dear, I’m sorry that you’re down here. You can’t be much older than our Nora, and I’d hate to see her here.” She didn’t want that day to come. “The Reinharts are close, down the way take a left. The Rs end the hall If you make a right at the end you’ve gone to S. If you run into Reinharts tell ‘em Mooney sent you, I’m sure they’d help.”
Alex frowned at him asking about her being like the rest of them, she moved some hair out of her face. "I'm not. I'm still currently living." As the woman mentioned the name Nora it caused Alex to raise an eyebrow. "Are you talking about Nora Mooney?" Asking curiously as she stepped forward to the two people near her, she hoped that maybe this was actually Nora's parents. Even though they had gave her useful information for later it caused Alex to smile at the last name. "Are you Nora's parents?" Asking with even more hope than before. "You both look just like her."
Jack Mooney sighed a small breath of relief and nodded his head. "Well, then I hope you get out of here as soon as you can. You still have so much life to life." He commented. However, as their daughters name was spoken, Jack's head perked up and he smiled at the girl. "You know our Nora?" He asked more for his own sake before looking at his wife for a moment, then back to the girl in front of him. "If you're talking about a little Irish girl who is very big into music, then yes. That's our little girl." Jack spoke, trying to keep himself calm. "You wouldn't happen to know if she's okay, would you?"
Lily Mooney ’s lip practically quivered at the mention of her daughter. This girl knew Nora. “If you mean that feisty little thing, that happened to snag her mom’s sarcasm then yes, that’s her.” Part of her hoped that they could get this girl by chance to send their daughter a message since she wasn’t one of them. “If you do know her can you tell her something for us?”
Alex nodded happily at their words, she couldn't help but smile. This was Nora's parents, which warmed Alex's heart like no other. She reached out to them, wanting to see if she could touch them. Maybe since they had died more recently there was a better chance, but her hands still sadly went through them. "I do. She's--" Trailing off as she tried to thing of the right word, but it never came. Instead, Alex just went with honesty, she hoped for the best. "Sad. She misses you guys so much right now." Wrapping her arms back around herself as she talked. "I'll tell her whatever you would like me to. I promise I'll tell her."
Jack Mooney felt a little excited to hear that this girl had known their daughter. He missed her so much, but there was no way to get to her. When she mentioned their daughter being sad, his smile fell a little a bit and he looked down for a moment before looking back up at the girl. "I mean, I don't..." He looked over to Lily. "Hun, what would you want to say?"
Lily Mooney had to think on it for just a moment. She took a breath, unbelieving that this was actually happening. “I want her to know that first we love her. We never stopped and I want her to carry that with her. Don’t let this close her off, I hope that she doesn’t stop living. Just as the life and the earth flows through her I want her to know that I’m there, it’s what we share. The plants and the trees and everything about it we’ll always be connected through it. I want her to remember us, to continue to love us but to keep living too, because though we can’t continue living, we will never stop loving her. And if she’s anything like me, she’ll want revenge, but tell her to kick ass but be careful. I don’t want to see her here, or I’ll personally find a way to send her back.” She was rambling and she knew it. “Honey?” she looked at Jack in hopes that he might have something to say to make sense of her rambles like he always did.
Alex: 'It's okay for her to be sad. She just lost you guys, but she'll be okay. I promise I'll be there for her." Biting her bottom lip as Lily started to talk, she felt like she was going to cry again. Lily's saying she wanted Nora to remember them was what broke Alex and the floodgates started up once more. Crying softly as she listened to Nora's mother talk, she smiled at the end. "I'll tell her every word of this." She knew Nora would want to know ever single word. "Is there anything else you want to say sir? I'll tell her anything.”
Jack Mooney was looking at his wife as she spoke and nodded his head. Every word she said was something he felt like his daughter needed to hear. His arm moved around his wife and placed a soft kiss to the top of her head. Looking back to the girl, he gave her a soft smile. "Make sure she knows we love her with all her and to let her music flow. We're there in every note and lyric she rights. Stay strong Sweet Potato." He paused, laughing a little. "She'll know it's us if you add in the Sweet Potato." He explained. "Thank you very much for passing along the message. We hate the idea of here being along, but we know she will be strong enough to make it through." Jack continued. "And we wish you the best of luck in your search for your friend. Hopefully you two can get out of here as soon as possibly."
Alex: Listening to him and she smiled at both of them, she just stood there silently for a long moment. She couldn't imagine how hard it was for Nora to lose both of these amazing people. "I'll make sure to add that in just so she believes me. Although I don't think she'll have much trouble." Who would really make up seeing someone's parents who just died. "I'm sorry you both are here, but I hope you both rest in peace." Walking past them as she gave them both another smile. "I promise I'll check in on her often." Keeping the fact her and Nora would be tied together forever a secret because the last thing she needed was more questions. "Thank you, both." Turning her head back straight as she walked down the hall as she tried to find the family that the Mooney's were talking about. As she walked farther down the hall Alex felt a pull that was leading her to her destination. She wasn't the least bit sure how she got here, but before she knew it Alex was standing outside a door with her fingers on the handle. Opening it slowly, she kicked it opened with the front of her heel to look inside. "Nina?"
Nina laid back on the replica of the dock of the boathouse from her home in Charlotte, listening to the water flowing. In her room it was practically eternally night because it was her favorite time, watching the moon reflect against the water. Her parents sat in lawn chairs behind her and it felt as though she was almost complete. She told them all about the things she’d been up to after they’d died, and they’d asked questions enthusiastically. One thing her mother didn’t really talk about was her birth father. She figured that there was good reason behind that. Probably that it was an awkward situation and it didn’t matter now, she’d never know him. Not unless he suddenly died. “Do we sleep here?” she wondered. ”There’s not really a need. We don’t get tired. We’re spirits, dead. There’s nothing human about us anymore,” her mother informed. Nina nodded. She closed her eyes regardless. Behind her lids, she saw Isaac and she could have sworn her heart ached. She let the silence permeate the room again and they all sat in contented silence. That was until a voice cut through the silence and Nina jumped to her feet along with her parents. Seeing Alex, she was annoyed. “Cromwell, I pushed you out of the way for a reason. What the hell are you doing here?”
Alex walked into the scene and she had to admit it was beautiful, it felt real even though she knew nothing about this was real. Walking out onto the dock, she practically cried at the sight of Nina. Not even thinking Alex ran towards Nina as she pulled her in for a hug. She realized for the first time she'd been able to touch someone; being able to touch Nina made her eyes start to water. Maybe she was able to bring Nina back afterall. "I'm fine." Putting both hands on Nina's face as just stared at her happily for a moment. "I came down here to get you, to bring you back home." Rubbing her hand down Nina's arm as she locked their hands together. "Please come back with me. I don't know how to do this whole life thing without Nina Ryback beside me." Smiling towards Nina once and she gave Nina's hand a gentle squeeze.
Nina let confusion mar her features for a moment, because people didn’t open other people’s doors. People who weren’t dead also didn’t hug and touch dead people. “I’m sorry, what?” she asked, as she hugged her tightly. She was happy to see Alex, yes, but none of it changed the fact that Nina was resigned to her fate. “Alex, I’m dead. I have a room. My family is here. Hayden’s in the Ls with a Strip Club. I’d say I don’t know how to do life without you, but I’m dead so I won’t have to worry about that. There’s no pain in here,” she told her then.
Alex just licked her bottom lip as she stared at Nina, she silently prayed that Nina wouldn't fight her too much on this. "I used my spirit magic to come down here and get you. It's a long story, but the sparks note version is you can come back with me. I promise I'll explain it all later to you, but you have a chance right now. You can walk out of here with me and be a living breathing person once more. At Nina mentioning her family and then Hayden living it up in the dead her eyes flickered red as she filled with rage. Of course, Hayden was partying like the trash queen she was. While she knew she couldn't attack her right now, next time though Hayden's little spirit ass was going to be hers. Sighing as Nina continued talking and she let go of Nina's hand. "How nice it must be to not have pain." Rolling her eyes at Nina's words before she looked towards her and she let her face soften. "You don't wanna be here, Nina." Sighing heavily again as she ran a hand through her hair. "I get your in pain.... I couldn't imagine if I had lost what you had." Looking towards Nina's parents who were still on the doc. "I don't know if you ever truly come back from that so I get wanting to stay. It's nice to be numb, but that's all it is. You're numb right now. The problem with being numb though is eventually that will grow to not be enough for you anymore. Do you honestly think someone as great as you can just sit here day after day feeling nothing." Nervously playing with the ring Ophelia had given to her as she tried to find the right words to talk. "I know I can't stand here asking you to do this for me or for Isaac. It's not fair to ask that of you. I'm asking though that you look at your future though Nina. What is it? If it's here then fine I'll leave you. If it's up there though then you know what you have to do."
Nina heard what Alex was saying. She did, but she thought about the fact that once she left this world that old pain, that old hurt would come back. She could see Hayden now and the pain wasn’t there. That blind rage didn’t matter because there was nothing left. She could see her parents and her grandparents and that sadness and loss wasn’t there anymore. “Maybe I don’t want to be here, but I don’t want to be there either. Not living like that, not crying every day because of it.” Suddenly it was as if she heard Zach’s voice in her head as she’d mentioned crying. “Whatever is going on and whatever’s making you want to cry, its okay. Everybody needs to cry sometimes. I know I do. I gotchu.” She swallowed the lump in her throat thinking about her friend. “That’s the thing…I don’t come back from that. I’m going to be in pain like this forever, nothing erases it but death.” It was Mason’s voice that she heard then, telling her the opposite once upon a time. “Nina Ryback, you’re a fighter, you’re amazing, you have been through so much and come back the other side, you have more than survived, you made it, life keeps trying to knock you back and you get back up again, stronger and better.” Nina sighed, trying to drown out the memories that came back to her in painful clarity. “I’m not that great. I’ve killed so many people, it’s like Karma has caught up to me.” It was a memory of Emily that weighed in next. “I can’t wait to see who Nina is, deep down.” Followed quickly by the very person that she was talking to. “I love you, okay? If you ever need a reminder about how you’re not a monster come find me and I’ll list you a number of reasons why you’re not.” Nina sighed. This was asking her to go back to hurt. To constantly losing people and watching almost helplessly as those she loved were harmed. She did remember though that she did have those people. She had people that were there for her. She had Lauren, who’d said, “But Nina, I would never have left you behind. As much as I wish things could have been different, especially for you, I want you to know that I’m glad I found you too. And I don’t let just anyone fly me up into trees and, you know, other heights.” She had Nic and in his own Nic way expressed that he cared about her.“Nina, I keep remembering why you’re one of my favorite people every time you speak.” “Is the pain really worth it, Alex?” but as she asked, she thought of Tyler. “Whatever you need, I’m here for it. Even if it means just sitting here and letting you talk through it or if you need to get anger out or anything, I’m here for you. Always will be. Just let me know what you need.” She heaved sigh then. “Do you even think I’ll get that family and future I want? Those three kids I want two girls and a boy. Mostly named after me and Isaac and all of you. It’s only a matter of time before I lose it all because of who I am.” Yet again she recalled words that disproved that very thought this time from Isaac. “I don’t care about what we go through, I care about you. That’s the deal, babe. I love you, better or worse. Look, we go through stuff and we deal with it together. It’s not conditional, I don’t want us to ever pick and choose. I just want to be there.” If that wasn’t enough, here Alex was in the fucking spirit world to come retrieve her, defying all kinds of laws of magic. The love of her friends greatly outweighed any love that her family had ever given her. She took Alex’s hand in hers then, looking apologetically at her parents. “I think I’m going back.” She looked back at Alex. “You and the rest of them love me way more than they ever have. Take me back.” She wrapped her arms around Alex in a tight hug. “And I love you too. Even though you’re crazy enough to defy magic laws for this.”
Alex watched closely as Nina made her decision, all she could really do was stand there and wait. “Nina—“ Reaching out to touch her, but she knew she couldn’t make this decision for Nina. This had to be Nina’s decision to come back, but if she said no then Alex was prepared to drag her back. She didn’t care if the spirit world crumbled on the way back, Nina was coming back one way or another. Although Alex believed in at least giving Nina a chance to reach the right decision herself. Taking in a deep breath as she played with her ring some more, she tugged at it nervously. Shifting her weight as she bit down on her bottom lip, she knew this wasn’t looking good right. “I do actually. If anyone can get happiness and that future it’s you, Nina. You will have Lily Alexis, Isaiah Edward, and Natalia Nicole even if I have to carry these damn children and give birth to them for you. You’re getting your family do you understand me. This is happening.” Putting both hands on Nina’s face as she spoke, she was serious. She’d do anything she could to make sure this was Nina’s future even if it killed her I promise you it’s worth it. At the end of the day it’s going to be worth it.” Looking at Nina when she said she would lose it all and she shook your head. “You are so wrong Nina Cromwell. You will always have me. You are just as much blood to me as my sisters and Sera are. You’re one of us. I love you so much.” Wiping away the few tears that were falling as she talked, she had to admit she was starting to feel tired and hopeless. Holding Nina’s hand back as she looked in the same direction, she frowned at Nina’s parents. Hearing Nina say she was going back actually shocked Alex and she hugged her back tightly. “Oh thank god.” Letting out a sigh of relief as a few happy tears fell and she was holding onto Nina for dear life. “I’d only defy the laws of magic for you, babe.” Letting go of Nina slightly, she started to feel more weak. “We have to go. If you want you can take a moment to say goodbye, but my energy is draining quickly. The girls can only hold on for so long.”
Nina shook her head but smiled as she did so. “People around me die then I die. Do I look like I get happy endings? I died. I get more pain and suffering every time I try as hard as I can and things like this happen.” She didn’t want to be a downer, but what do you do when you already died? Things couldn’t get much worse. “Alex, as much as I appreciate that, I want babies that also look like me and I want to be the big house of a pregnant lady. But I died, who’s to say I won’t be back here.” Alex believed in her future more than she believed it would happen at this point. It was as if she was already preparing for the worse. “Now where were you when I was trying to change my last name? I could have used that.” It meant so much to her that she had Alex in her life and she had a sister. “I’ve always wanted a sister, somedays rather I wanted a sister.” She was too spoiled to want a full time sister. “I love you too. This couldn’t possibly have been easy and I want you to tell me what you did,” Nina said, knowing that something bad must have happened to get her out of here. She was an Occultism major, she knew that people didn’t just leave the Spirit World. “It’s fine. I don’t want to say goodbye. Just, I’ll see you guys later,” she promised. “Mom will be back topside as a ghost. I know it. Dad, you can come too.” To which her mother and father nodded. “We can go,” she told Alex.
Alex just laughed softly at Nina's words. "I mean hey most of your friends are still kicking." Although she didn't really count the hell beast that was Hayden as one of Nina's friends. She was more like the demon who had been summoned to ruin everyone's lives then die the moment she actually had to deal with any of her bullshit. "You'll get a happy ending, I swear." Giving Nina's had a squeeze as she smiled at her once more. "Hey if you die again then we'll start this all over." Shrugging lightly, she knew she wasn't lying. She didn't care if she had to do this over and over again, she'd do it for Nina. "I guess I never got the memo." Hugging Nina tightly once more before she let her go. "You know if you want to change it then you're welcome to." Offering in case Nina still wanted to change her name, she wasn't sure if she did. "It's not easy at all. I promise I'll explain it all to you later." Her body started to feel weaker as the longer they stayed in the spirit world, she tucked some hair behind her ear. "Oh okay." Giving Nina's family a weak smile as she took Nina's hand and she started to lead her out. Walking back into the hall and towards the now bright light. As they made it to light Alex looked over at Nina and smile again before she pulled Nina into the light with her. Jolting up from her sleep and she gasped for air as she looked around. Her body felt absolutely drained from all the energy she used, she put her hands on the ground to try and steady herself. "She's back." With that Alex laid back against the ground, she did her best to keep her eyes open.
Nina nodded then. “I’ll think about changing it I’m sort of hoping Ryback is a temporary thing anyway.” She shrugged. “But who knows what the future holds.” Death sure was around every corner. As they walked toward the bright light, Nina couldn’t even prepare or brace herself for every emotion that left her to come back to her full force. She felt her body come to life once again, gasping for air as if she couldn’t catch her breath. Kept gasping but instead of a sense of calm all she could do was cry. That perfect dream felt like a distant memory. She didn’t just cry, she sobbed because she was back and so was everything else. The hole in her body that killed her was gone but it felt almost like tenfold her grief came back. She looked down at the bloody dress she’d been wear. “My fucking dress,” she cried harder practically hysterical at this point.
Zoey was so glad when Alex was back. She didn’t feel like she could even stand anymore she was so weak. She sank to the ground, trying to keep from simply laying there and never getting back up. She did have to say something to Alex though, the price was an urgent one. She crawled over to the other girl then. “Alex,” she whispered. “you have twenty-four hours to take a life or she’s going back. It’s a life for a life.” She didn’t say it loud enough for the other girls to hear. “There’s more…side effects but for now you have to that or all of this is for nothing.” She spoke with urgency, before looking around at the other girls then. “We all okay? We need to get Nina to the healing center and get to safety. I know we’re tired but we have to move and soon.”
Lauren had chanted as she held onto the other girls’ hands desperately. Nina and Alex were depending on them and it was very clear to Lauren that she’d do anything for them, whether that meant guarding the door or chanting in a foreign language even though she could feel her energy slipping away from her. She didn’t know how much time passed, but she nearly collapsed from relief and exhaustion the moment she heard Alex’s voice. She opened her eyes and took a few steps towards the two of them before she fell to her knees beside them. “You did it. You’re back,” she breathed out, reaching out to grab Alex’s arm then looking at the hysterical Nina who was devastated over her ruined dress. Lauren gave a weak smile as more tears flooded her eyes. “She found you.” Her arms felt like lead, so all she could do was grab onto Nina’s hand with both of hers. “She’s totally our savior daughter now. Nina… I’m so glad you’re back, Nina.” She nodded slowly at Zoey’s question, and while getting up from the ground seemed like the greatest challenge they’d ever face, she reminded herself they just brought someone back from the dead, so she could definitely stand up. “I can call Isaac...tell him to meet us there."
Emily felt like her mouth was a desert. Chanting for that long was hard. There was something else at work too. Standing up, even holding her arms that long shouldn't have tired her out. It was far less strenuous of an action that what she was used to. Still, she was drained, like the energy had been pulled right out of her. A weak smile moved her lips when Alex woke up, Nina suddenly gasping next to her. "I knew you could do it." Slowly she lowered herself to the ground, a long sigh leaving her lungs. She knew they needed to move, but it seemed next to impossible right now. Then again, so did bringing Nina back from the dead. She crawled on the ground over to Nina, putting an arm around her very bloody dress. "Don't go dying like that again on us, got it?" She tried to laugh but her throat was parched and she just ended up coughing.
Nora didn't know how much longer she was going to be able to hold. This kind of magic was taking more out of them then they really could handle, but she knew they were doing it for a good reason. They had to help their fellow circle member out as well they could. As she heard Alex's voice, Nora placed her hands on her knees and took a few breaths trying not to completely fall out from exhaustion. After a couple seconds, she moved towards the rest of the group before giving herself a chance to sit down. Getting a chance to relax was needed, after both the attack and this, but now they were talking about moving again and Nora was almost ready to just chill there. After a moment, Nora talked herself into standing up again and listened to the plants around here. "If we are moving by foot, now would be the time to go. The hunters aren't near this area and we can find some more hiding spots further on campus." She spoke, looking to the other girls.
Ophelia watched as they did all of their chanting and all she could do was stand there. Her eyes darted around them to make sure everyone was okay. It seemed like quite a while for the procedure to finish. When she saw Nina and Alex both wake up, her eyes widened. Then she looked at Zoey, her ears focusing in on the life for a life part. Letting out a breath, she shook her head. "I need a nap." All of this was too much to process.
Alex just put her hand on Nina as she heard Nina start crying, she did her best to try and comfort her. Even though she extremely exhausted and felt completely drained. She could hear others around her talking, but everything faded out as Zoey told her the price. A life for a life. The clock was already ticking away as each second past. Setting up as she bones ached, she knew she had to get this done. "Just get her to the healing center and call Isaac please. I gotta-- I gotta go." With that she pulled herself up wobbly and put her hands on her knees. "Thank you. All of you." Looking towards the girls as she gave them a weak smile. "I love you guys." Putting her hand back on Nina as she looked at her for a moment. "You'll be okay. Let them get you to the healing center." Placing a kiss on top of Nina's head, then she took off back towards her apartment. She needed to get her phone and get this done as quickly as possible.
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wallpaperpainter · 5 years ago
You Will Never Believe These Bizarre Truth Of Large Canvas Art | Large Canvas Art
NORFOLK, Va. (AP) — The nymphs were arrive to appointment Italy this spring, but they are way too important to biking alone.
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Contemporary art paintings, extra large canvas art L12 .. | large canvas art
Curator Lindsay Neal would accept to escort them.
The nymphs, or rather, the 1902 painting “The Cave of Storm Nymphs” by Sir Edward John Poynter, is a admired at the Hermitage Architecture and Gardens in Norfolk.
The Musei San Domenico in Forli capital to borrow the allotment for its bounce exhibition. Since it would be the aboriginal all-embracing accommodation for the Hermitage, Neal capital to tag along. One can’t aloof bang a Poynter in a amalgamation and pop it in the mail.
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Large Abstract Painting,Modern abstract painting,painting original .. | large canvas art
Moving a masterpiece is abundant added complex.
The Hermitage assassin a Philadelphia accomplished arts aircraft aggregation to architecture and body a crate for the painting. In aboriginal February, Neal monitored the packing and its adjustment in a climate-controlled barter for the aboriginal stop in Philadelphia. The painting went through appropriate TSA pre-screening, again went on to New York area Neal eyed the crate until it was stowed anxiously on a plane. Once in Rome, the action was antipodal for a anchored six-hour drive beyond Italy.
Before assemblage get to bore at art in museums, teams of curators, architecture directors, aircraft companies and art registrars actualize an orchestrated ball of sorts to move the fragile, the huge, the rare, from one architecture to the next. Not alone are the pieces generally irreplaceable, they additionally are admired in the hundreds of thousands, if not, millions of dollars.
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Large canvas art, Large canvas wall art, Oversized canvas art, Extra large canvas paintings, Extra large wall decor EM12 – large canvas art | large canvas art
It involves a white-gloved analysis (cotton, please, or powder-free nitrile) in controlled environments that are monitored for temperature and clamminess beneath lights that are abolished to the just-right brilliance. The lighting requirements alter depending on if the art is a 5,000-year-old bowl carve or 15th-century watercolor.
“It’s consistently a fun proposition,” Allen Hoilman, babysitter at the Hampton History Museum, said of planning an exhibition.
“People anticipate you aloof accompany things in, put them in a case and lock it. Best times, it’s not like that at all.”
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Abstract Painting, Contemporary Art, extra large wall art, Landscape oil painting, blue painting, large canvas art, paintings on canvas, Art – large canvas art | large canvas art
In mid-March, Heather Hakimzadeh, babysitter at the Virginia Architecture of Contemporary Art in Virginia Beach, and two administration were boring unwrapping a ample affected canvas for its “New Waves 2020” show.
It was deeply belted in bright wrap.
“Do you appetite me to authority the artificial up?” Hakimzadeh asked. Tight wrappings apprenticed adjoin a canvas can cull acrylic off of the art.
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Large Abstract Painting Print Navy Blue Print Art Large Canvas Art Blue and White Art Print Abstract Canvas Blue Wall Decor Abstract Artwork – large canvas art | large canvas art
“Yes,” Eliot Hicks said. “Yes, as abundant as possible.”
The affected angel was placed on a bedlam table beneath bendable lights to appraise in what is alleged action reporting. The art allotment is compared to photos and addendum that were fabricated above-mentioned to aircraft and beatific with
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Large Abstract Wall Art – Blue Original Abstract Painting .. | large canvas art
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Hand Painted Large Original Painting, Abstract Art, Acrylic .. | large canvas art
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Compre Lienzo Grande Pintura Moderno Arte De La Pared Niña Con Flores Pintura Al Óleo Impreso En Lienzo Imágenes Para La Decoración Del Hogar Sala De .. | large canvas art
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Extra Large Painting, Large Canvas Art. Mminimalist Art, Modern .. | large canvas art
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Large Original Abstract Painting. Acrylic Painting on Canvas .. | large canvas art
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Sunset painting / Extra Large Wall Art / Abstract Painting .. | large canvas art
The post You Will Never Believe These Bizarre Truth Of Large Canvas Art | Large Canvas Art appeared first on Painter Legend.
Painter Legend https://www.painterlegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/contemporary-art-paintings-extra-large-canvas-art-l12-large-canvas-art.jpg
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earcandycabs · 5 years ago
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This is a sovereign 1x12 made out of carbon fiber. It is loaded with an @weareeminence EM12N, A Neo version of the EM12, which is a dead ringer clone of the famous EVM12L. This 1x12 cab is 200 watts and weighs 18 pounds. We made a carbon fiber cab for DARGI of "The UnderCurrent / Black on Black productions" We met DARGI through Prince at Paisley park, DARGI was a producer for Prince and we have remained great friends ever since. DARGI has the only other carbon fiber cab in existence and uses an #eminence neo Tonker in his "Anti-Gravity" Sovereign. Keep an eye out for his up and coming production "The UnderCurrent" = A modern day equivalent to Pink Floyds "The Wall" all of the guitar work and tracking is being done with his anti-gravity sovereign with some seriously awesome guitar work by Reeves Gabrels. (at Earcandycabs) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7v3AUxh4VW/?igshid=3htu754zx0fv
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2017 Nissan-Datsun Altima Technical Service Bulletin # 12-039 Date: 120420
2017 Nissan-Datsun Altima Technical Service Bulletin # 12-039 Date: 120420
Engine - Cooling Fan Parts Update
Classification: EM12-005
Reference: 12-039
Date: April 20, 2012
APPLIED VEHICLES:2007-2012 Altima Coupe and Sedan (C/L32)
If you confirm there is a need to replace the engine cooling fan blade, fan shroud, or fan motor on an Applied Vehicle for any reason:
^ Do not replace the entire cooling fan assembly. The cooling fan blade, fan shroud, and fan motor are now available as separate service parts.
^ Reference an electronic parts catalog (FAST or equivalent) for the part number(s) applicable to your vehicle.
2017 Nissan-Datsun Altima L4-2.5L (QR25DE) Page 122
^ Refer above to view cooling fan disassembly and assembly instructions.
^ Future editions of the applicable Electronic Service Manuals will be updated as possible.
from Blogger http://bit.ly/2LJ7U1U via IFTTT
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fuckyeaheffectspedals · 8 years ago
I can't get over how beautiful Atlas cabs are.
It helps that the gnarliest 4x12 I've ever heard was an Atlas loaded with Eminence EM12s and Fanes. Ugh. I need a 2x12 cab from them.
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