#elwood blues is legit me
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elwoodsharmonica · 5 months ago
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Ok so I did it
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idioticeliza · 7 days ago
I can’t go to bed so have a list of characters in fandoms I’m in who I feel have autism (as an autistic person wooohooo /half sarcasm with that woohoo)
The set up:
(Reasoning) but they’re the most non-making sense type paragraphs ever because it’s 3-4 am
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Elwood Blue: The Blues Brothers 1980
I think this can go for literally ANY Dan aykroyd character but yk that’s for later because like a bunch will be in this lol Anyslays that man drives like how I do in any and every video game involving a car (I shouldn’t be allowed to drive… but I will be in a couple years…) and also the comfort food is LIFE like the plain bread (for me it has to be plain broccoli ✨)
Darren Roskow (Mother): Sneakers 1992
Ok yes another Dan Aykroyd character get over it anyslays him during the whole movie screams it but the part when Crease mentions why he got the boot from the CIA while he grabs the gun, Mother calm reaction to it solid my thought process for me
All the GhostBusters characters no further explanation needed
All variants of the Doctor in Doctor Who (plus probably other things)
Intermission over
Himiko Yumeno: Danganronpa V3
When I mean fandoms I mean FANDOMS anyslays the consistency of how much she says nya and is also pretty quietish during the game (which I think also messes with her character development in all honesty) kinda always stuck with me when I was younger and made her very relatable to me (I constantly repeat words specifically the word Moopsy and NI)
Abed Nadir: Community
I’m 80% sure that this was confirmed at some point? Somebody lmk on that because my mind is running on these sweet tart candies and Broccoli rn ANYSLAYS (this word will be repeated continuously I am sorry) just everything about Abed being such a fire representation with constant film references and EVERYTHING also his predictions on stuff and IT BEING CORRECT (I relate to this heavily because I’ll predict stuff in my head about my friends as Abed does with filming his predictions and 8/10 times I’m correct on my predictions positive or negative)
Rick Sanchez: Rick and Morty
I’m again 85% sure (I’m a little more confident in this one) this one has been confirmed? In like little side jokes? ANYSLAYS I know bro ain’t the best representation for the Autism community but like- shittt look at the stuff that mad man doessss I don’t think any neurotypical person can do THAT MUCH
Charlie Kelly: It’s Always sunny in Philadelphia
Uhhhh this could just be because he’s uh- something but I see him more as a undiagnosed autistic more then anything like all medical professionals are like “dude you’re a alcoholic, glue huffer, paint huffer, AND cat food eater” and not take him seriously but two reasons I think this is because of the Super Bowl episode (is that the correct sport thing name?) and Charlie NEEDS the Green man suit like he literally was doing EVERYTHING to find that suit he could NOT break his pattern (I feel like the whole episode shows how stuck to his pattern he is) my second reason is……. Bird (if you get it, you get it)
Arnold Rimmer: Red Dwarf
Burnt out gifted kid type vibes, he’s annoying as shit don’t get me wrong but I see it in him‼️‼️ the way the salute is always the exact same (till season 7 I think) and having to join chaos unwillingly
Barry Berkman: Barry
Ok.. OK… IF WE IGNORE THE FACT HES A MURDERER OK.. OK.. THINK BARRY BLOCK OK FOR A SECOND when looking at Barry Block especially in the scene with him and Gene, his comfort position is having hands in pockets, which could legit just be a comfort thing but it’s being put here anyways, another thing is this man has missed so many social cues during the whole show it’s funny like when gene was talking about shooting himself and Barry just goes “You’re kissing a gun?” and gene has to say literally “no Barry.. as in killing myself” (not exact quote)
Any Star Trek character in StarFleet from og to now
Any Orville Character
Intermission over
Gregory House: House MD
The way House has to distract himself from the actual subject to actually think of it is something i have to do pretty often I’ll usually fidget with smth then actually start thinking on a subject after
Garth Algar: Wayne’s World 1992
My explanation is just watch the movie because I can’t type the whole movie out (I will put the drum part in the music store solid it for me though)
I am super sleepy now and will probably do some dumb stuff before I finally knock out so I hoped you enjoy reading this (sleep-deprived) analysis
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thealmightyemprex · 11 months ago
April Foolishness:The Blues Brothers
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Yup this is my first time seeing this comedy classic ....In full.Like 10 years ago I attempted to watch the movie but was busy so I didnt get to finish ,but I saw it a few days ago
This 1980 film follows brothers Jake (John Belushi ) and Elwood (Dan Akroyd) on a mission to reunite their band to raise money to save the orphanage they grew up in
....This film is a blast.Its honestly facinating cause the film is less about plot and character....And more about sheer chaos and mayhem and good tunes which is fine with me ,cause my favorite type of comedy tends to be "How bad/insane can this situation get" type humor and while I'm not an expert on blues,I love good music and am a firm beliver of the power of music
Lets talk about music first cause the film is kind of a musical ,full of classic songs performed by not only the titular characters but also legendary musicians like Aretha Franklin,James Brown ,Ray Charles and Cab Calloway .Now Akroyd and Belushi are no slouches ,they sing some good tunes,with the concert at the end being great and showing their musical talent ,like I buy them as a musical act ....But I gotta tip my hat to the old pros,and while Ray Charles singing Shake ATail Feather is the most fun song .....Words cannot express the joy I felt seeing a 74 year old Cab Calloway perform Minnie the Moocher ,it is just such a magical moment to me
The humor is great,the brothers are very chill,not much seems to phase them ....And yet they cause chaos everywhere they go .By the end of the movie they are being chased by cops,cowboys,NAZIS and a heavilly armed Carrie Fisher (The reveal of why shes chasing them made me laugh and Fisher is so good in this movie )
I cant even get into the cast ,as the film is peppered with great character actors and cameos ,the funniest being the last cameo ,which is up there with ORSON WELLES in the Muppet Movie as one of the best cameos I have ever seen
Belushi and Akroyd are the glue of the movie,they legit work as not just a duo but almost mythic figures ,right down to having a holly mission .Without the oddness of these two the film wouldnt work
This movie is one of a kind and is just a hoot .Ive seen many peo-ple say its their favorite movie....I finally get it and you can call me a Blues Brothers fan
@ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @amalthea9 @princesssarisa @piterelizabethdevries @filmcityworld1 @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @countesspetofi @barbossas-wench
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suckitsurveys · 8 years ago
for some reason it only lets me add the read more at the beginning oh well.
what is your least favorite sour patch kids color? The yellow ones.
do you like mashed potatoes? Is there a soul on this earth who doesn‘t? do you ever roleplay? Nah. are you your best friend’s best friend? Yes. have you ever seen the movie matilda? I have! Side note: I was almost named Matilda. I am so incredibly happy I wasn’t tbh. doughy or saucy pizza? SAUCY. do you think it is bad to have sex at your age? Lol no. do you have a poster of your favorite band/artist on your wall? I have a Shins poster. They aren’t necessarily my favorite anymore. are you shorter, taller, or around the same height as most of your family? I’m shorter. do you like red bull? I don’t. do you know how to read music? Nope. do you have a back-up career choice? what is it? Hahahahaha who is your favorite male singer? Tom Waits. do you take off from school, or work for your birthday? No. what is missing from your wardrobe that you need to buy? I need jeans and bras. are you really pale? if so, do you mind? I am and no. does your best friend smoke cigarettes? Yes. did your last received text message have a smiley face in it? Nope. have your parents ever tried to talk to you about things like sex and contraception? Yeah. find your last text message from the opposite sex. can you tell us what it says, or is the content too personal? Mark sent me a gif of a cat attacking a dog and then licking its nose. how about your last facebook message from the opposite sex, what does that say? ^My texts and FB messages are morphed into one now so I count those as texts. you find out that your last ex is in a relationship with someone else, and it’s very serious. in fact, they’re planning to get married. your reaction? I don’t care at all. what’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done, and you got away with it? I haven‘t done anything particularly naughty. when you were younger, did you have a swing set or a playhouse in your backyard? There’s a swing set in the yard still. My dad built it for me and then my cousin brittney came along and then my niece came along so it’s still up. is your mall nice? I don’t have a mall. There’s a few I go to around here and none of them are horrible. do you like to post song lyrics for your facebook status? Nah. are you scared of dying? Sure. are you hard to handle? No, I can handle myself. are you a good singer? Nope. are you a very stressed out person? Yes. Always. if someone doesn’t like you its probably because? I don’t care, that’s their problem, not mine. do you use perfume? if so, what kind? I have some body sprays. I need to restock soon. do you text during school? --- what was the last picture you took? post it below: A picture of a TV stand we wanna take from my grandmother’s. have you ever had your eyebrows waxed? Yeah never again thanks. do you own any game consoles? if so, which ones? Nope. have you ever straightened your hair more than once a day? I don’t straighten it at all. have you ever been to a rap concert? Yes, mc chris. what color was the last bathing suit you wore? Black with a blue bow. have you ever been to cracker barrel? A loooooooong time ago. as soon as you find out you are pregnant, who will you first tell? The abortion clinic. where was the first place you kissed the last person you kissed? At Watson’s bar in Elwood, IL. do you like your steak rare? Medium rare. how much younger or older would you date someone? Irrelevant. have you ever been to a spa? if so, what did you get done there? Not a legit one, no. have you ever been ‘banned’ from a website? I got banned from 4chan once hahahhahaa. do you expect to move out in the next year? The next month. would you rather go without shaving your legs for 2 weeks or go without shaving your armpits for 2 weeks? Legs. I do that anyway really. I only really shave in the summer. But I like having my pits shaved because it makes me feel cleaner. would you do something you didn’t really want to just to please your significant other? Within reason, sure. do you like the saw movies? I do not. do you think you have to be skinny in order to be beautiful? Are you fucking kidding me? would you ever meet someone you met online? YES I’ve done it before and I’d do it again hello Kayla and Ellen come over. who’s your favorite band? Currently it’s Vampire Weekend. how many best friends do you have? 3 or 4. do you own anything from victoria’s secret? Nope. what type of guy are you attracted to? Mark. what would you do if you found out one of your friends likes your crush? I don’t have a crush. will the last person you kissed be the next person you kiss? Yes. when meeting someone new, are you afraid they won’t like you? I really don’t care. have you ever lived with a girlfriend/boyfriend? Yes, currently.
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elwoodsharmonica · 5 months ago
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Blues Brothers is mid they're not even blue ok explain this then?!
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elwoodsharmonica · 5 months ago
Every single day I listen to my Elwood Blues playlist on Spotify and every single day I am reminded how much I would die for this character it's not funny
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