#elven subliminals
elis-corner · 19 days
y'all I love the way Elrond is going this season. TROP S2 SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT.
Firstly, THE CLIFF JUMP. It's a perfect nod to Elwing, which I don't think is at all tacky. Tolkien loves his circular storytelling, and this adds another layer to it. The way Galadriel realises just before he jumps is great too.
Speaking of circular storytelling, Elrond wanting the rings destroyed fits on so many levels, not to mention being book accurate.
I love how you kind of see his half-elven vibes so far very subliminally. Favourite way is him turning up to Cirdan looking like he'd just run through the bush and fallen off a cliff (which he had lol), Cirdan just kind of shrugs it off like "He's half-elven, he gets to be a bit strange."
Speaking of that, the obligatory "Your father would be proud" hits different every time. (Side note, I love the respect Gil-galad has for Cirdan, considering he's kind of a father figure to him).
Short moment here about how good the Durin-Elrond friendship is. I see myself and one of my friends very much in the whole "I know he's lying cause my bestie would never speak that highly of me" moment. 10/10 perfection.
Next, the power he has over Galadriel is delicious. Being chosen to lead the company over Galadriel was the cherry on top. Elrond is my favourite Tolkien character, so seeing him be respected is so exciting to me (I will note here that Galadriel was seriously Feanorian last season and this is her getting what was coming for her, hopefully she learns from all this, she deserves to be as respectable as Elrond).
I will note that Gil-galad seems permanently grumpy at Elrond, and the "half-elven" comment last season didn't help, not to mention this season's "this is above your clearance" moment (my dude is literally part angel, I love you Ereinion but really??), but I don't blame him for it, being High King has a 100% mortality rate. But still, be a bit nicer to one of your few remaining relatives, geez.
Anyways, I love Elrond, and RoP is doing him justice :D
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verosvault · 6 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 8 "Fracas at the Frostyfaire Folk Festival"
Timestamp: 00:00:48
Video Length: 4min. & 58sec.
The intro for episode 8 😂 (Ally and Zac lip-syncing!)
Brennan with Ally copying and Zac lip-syncing: "Hello, one and all! Welcome back to another thrilling episode of Dimension 20: Fantasy High Junior Year. I'm your humble dungeon master, Ally Beardsley."
Ally: *yells and points at Brennan*
Brennan: *laugh*
Siobhan: "He freaking got you, dude."
Brennan: "Freaking got you, dude."
Ally: "****, I got freaking got."
Emily: "I was so enraptured here that I didn't even catch you catching them." *points at Brennan and Ally*
Ally: "I was so enraptured here."
Brennan: "I see it all, okay? I never miss a bit, famously. Never absorbed in what's going on here. Folks, I'm your humble...(babbling intro rapidly) Our Intrepid Heroes! Say hi, Intrepid Heroes!"
Everyone: "Hi, Intrepid Heroes!"
Adaine: "See you at Basrar's!"
Brennan: "See you at Basrar's. Short episode."
Emily: "Wow, okay."
Brennan: "Okay, moving along."
Murph: "Short 'Adventuring Party.'"
Brennan: "Short 'Adventuring Party.' Last we left off, our Intrepid Heroes were grinding through the fall semester at the Aguefort Adventuring Academy. We had some high highs, some low lows. We discovered some interesting information, with Lydia Barkrock returning with data about Bakur the demon and a sort of ritual that had occurred tagged onto the end of a mystery that Riz had noted and that had been followed up on by Kristen around the disappearance of Lucy Frostblade, who seemed to have submitted paperwork to change her deity at the end of the last school year and then suddenly withdrew it. Riz also found the last place that she was observed before she went missing, although she has been confirmed by magic to be dead. We also discovered that Kipperlilly Copperkettle was getting food trucks with some little subliminal ads in the wax paper. There was a sort of fraught confrontation between Kristen and the other presidential candidate."
Emily: "Was it a confrontation? It was more of a conversation."
Ally: "Yeah, Yeah. I really came out on top, I think."
Brennan: "Yes, absolutely. We had some incredibly high academic achievements. Actually, A+'s across the board, save for our party cleric."
Ally: "I'll take it!"
Siobhan: "Hey, if you're failing, a C is an A+."
Ally: "A C is really good for Kristen."
Brennan: "Also a C in barbarian."
Zac: "A bit of a C."
Brennan: *laughs* "A bit of a C. But huge achievements in your artificer classes, and we also had huge achievements in warlock classes as Fig actually went on a quick impromptu field trip to Hell with her warlock class."
Emily: "They're building a recording studio."
Ally: "That sounded so sick, honestly."
Brennan: "Honestly, so sick."
Siobhan: "So sick."
Lou: "And licking Baby?"
Brennan: "Licking Baby."
Siobhan: "Fabian played the bass."
Emily: "I don't know how much to put my foot down about that."
Ally: "I think that needs to be the only merch that comes out of this season."
Siobhan: "Everybody lick Baby."
Ally: "Just a shirt that says, 'Lick Me,' and in the back, 'Everybody lick Baby.'"
Siobhan: "No context. No picture of Baby."
Brennan: "Everybody lick Baby. We also saw a new sort of, like, the coolest kid on campus, Fabian Seacaster, double A+'s, captain of the Owlbears, running study hall at Seacaster Manor. Never mind the rapidly piling boxes of takeout stinking it up in the kitchen."
Lou: "Hey, you know, we clean those out right before everyone comes over. I have to spend the day with them."
Brennan: *laughs* "As well as our Elven Oracle having to fend off ancient high elves in search of arcane wisdom at her job at Basrar's, working as a waitress, helping to serve that ice cream."
Siobhan pretending to serve ice cream and Zac pretending to eat it! 😂🤣
Brennan: "What incredible... It's finally time for Basrar to hire help, given that he has literally no overhead. He generates the ice cream from another dimension."
Emily: "Oh."
Brennan: "That's been all profit, except for what he pays on the mortgage for the shop itself. Incredible."
Zac: "His books are good.
Brennan: "His books are good. He's doing well."
Lou: "My man's in the black."
Brennan: "In the black, okay? We return back to Mordred Manor. And actually, I want to confirm with all of you as we come back here and find you, on the day of the Frostyfaire Folk Festival, a little sort of loose thread of a connection between something that is occurring at Gorgug's house, occurring at the Thistlespring Tree, that you had seen some information that your mom was working on connected to, but got away from you. Junior Year, pretty ****ing busy, gang. And speaking of how busy it is, we also introduced last episode our system for academic stress here in junior year."
Everyone: *holding up stress tokens*
Brennan: "Some of our students barely scathed by the monster that is cortisol as Fig began some paladin classes, both with the paladin teacher Halo St. Croix, and also some tutoring with Porter Cliffbreaker who, due to your incredible attunement with the principles of barbarianism if not any of the actual class features-"
Ally: "That's true, actually."
Brennan: "Porter signed your MCAT when your actual Bard teacher flew into the sky, weeping."
Emily: "I call him Sir."
Ally: "Yeah, finally you give him a shred of respect."
Brennan: "A shred of respect as he's like,"
Porter: "I have no idea why. What have I ever done?"
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xasha777 · 4 months
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In the verdant expanses of the mech-domed city of Elarium, where technology intertwined seamlessly with nature, there resided a young tinkerer named Aube. With emerald hair as vibrant as the city’s lush canopy and eyes as clear as its crystalline streams, Aube was no ordinary inhabitant. She was a progeny of a forgotten elven lineage, blending ancient magic with the city's advanced mechanics.
Elarium, powered by the Core—a colossal, pulsating engine deep beneath the city—had thrived in harmony for centuries. Its citizens, a mix of humans, elves, and sentient automatons, lived peacefully under the guidance of the Arcane Mechanists, a council of the most skilled magi-technicians. Aube, with her innate talent for melding gears and glyphs, dreamt of joining their ranks.
One morning, as Aube navigated the cobbled streets towards the market district, a peculiar sight caught her eye—a sparrow, its wings tangled in mech-fibers, struggling by the wayside. Without a second thought, Aube knelt beside the creature, her fingers deftly working to free it. As she worked, the sparrow’s eyes met hers, and in a flash, a vivid image filled her mind: the Core, overrun by a creeping darkness, its light flickering dangerously.
Shaken by the vision, Aube returned to her workshop, her mind racing. Her hands moved almost autonomously, crafting a device from the scraps of metal and ancient wood that littered her table. The device, a delicate circlet fitted with intricate lenses and gears, was designed to enhance her sight, to see beyond the physical, into the very essence of machinery.
Donning the circlet, Aube ventured into the undercity, where the Core’s heartbeat was strongest. As she drew closer, the air grew thick with a tarry miasma. Through her enhanced vision, Aube saw not just the darkness but the tiny, parasitic entities feeding off the Core’s energy.
Realizing the gravity of the threat, Aube reached into the depths of her heritage, summoning a spell her grandmother once whispered about—a fusion of elven magic and mechanical science. With the spell, she crafted ethereal cogs and gears from thin air, intertwining them with her own aura to create a spectral machine, a Guardian of the Core.
As the Guardian whirred to life, Aube directed it towards the Core, its ethereal parts spinning and glowing with a bluish light. The battle was fierce; the darkness recoiled and thrashed, but the Guardian, powered by Aube’s determination and the purity of her magic, purified the Core, expelling the parasitic darkness.
Exhausted but triumphant, Aube collapsed, the circlet falling from her head. When she awoke, it was in her own bed, the circlet carefully placed on her nightstand, a note beside it bearing the seal of the Arcane Mechanists. They had witnessed her courage and ingenuity, and the note was an invitation to join their council.
From that day forward, Aube served as a bridge between the old magic and new technology, her inventions always bearing a touch of nature’s elegance. Elarium thrived under her guardianship, a testament to the harmonious blend of past wisdom and future possibilities.
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The Benefit of using supernatural subliminals as a supernatural identifying being(otherkin, Elven soul, starseed, etc).
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(thumbnail for the Elf Beauty sub by Wings of Dreams on Youtube)
I use a lot of Elven-related subliminal videos and listen to them pretty much on the daily. And I see my results even now (it's been like 2 months).
In case you don't know what subs or subliminals are, they are audio that has affirmations (Example, "I am beautiful, I am ethereal, I have ethereal beauty") that play over and over, but are hidden by music and/or nature sounds. The concept utilizes both types of LOA (Law of Attraction and Law of Assumption) so that you begin to believe the affirmations the more your hear them (without even realizing it) and soon that belief manifests it into reality. A really basic example would be how a parent might tell their kid they are the greatest artist in the world. They probably aren't, but the more they are told this without a hint of irony, the more they will believe it and it will eventually become true. At least, to some capacity (maybe not becoming the greatest artist in the world, but in their city or something?)...anyway.
At first, I was a but apprehensive. I got into subs to quell my curiosity but eventually I thought... why am I listening to Elf subs when I already see myself as Elven? When I already know that I am? When I have entire visions of a place beyond this earth and my life here? It just kinda struck me as a bit redundant. Like, why listen to videos called "Become an elf Subliminal" when I already AM Elven as I am? I don't need to 'become' one.
I've come to realize though, it's actually more complicated than that. It's not just about 'becoming' something. If for nothing else, they have helped me to REMEMBER who I am when I forget.
I think it's actually good for Otherkin/AltHumans/Starseeds to listen to subs...well, well-made subs. For the Elven ones, the affirmations in these subs are usually related to gaining and maintaining an Elven mindset, and that's what I want to maintain. Far too often, I find myself reverting back to my crow brain (I see shiny, I want shiny lmao) and leaning on my human conditioning and ego to express myself. And that can get ugly if you let it go far enough...
But one way that has helped me grow out of this habit is listening to my Elven subs. They give me such a regal and wise mindset. They remind me of who I truly am and I will continue to use them for that reason. Are they good for manifesting physical things too? Sure! I am trying to get pointier ears and maintain that "ethereal, Elven glow" but, the more important thing (imo) is maintaining the mindset. Once you have less moments of forgetting who you are, you are able to shine as your true self on the outside much more often.
And for those reasons I also think they are beneficial for us to hear. Granted, they are well made and have the right sort of affirmations. When in doubt, make your own! And eventually I am going to, along with restarting my youtube channel!! so stay tuned for that ;D
Subs aren't for everyone. But certainly worth a try! But PLEASE, if you DO decide to get into subs, do your research first, learn about negative vs positive affirmations and proper self care when using subs!
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dalishious · 5 years
Coding Does Not Inherently Equate to Representation
So I’m mostly going to be talking about Dragon Age’s elves and Indigenous coding, because that’s my lane to drive in, but that is just a single example of what my point is: The unfortunate truth is that media--namely media almost solely built by white men--can be sleazy as hell in taking things from minorities without giving back in return.
The elves in Dragon Age are canonically inspired by Indigenous, Jewish and Roma peoples. This is something that has been stated by the developers, namely Gaider, on multiple occasions. But the elves of Dragon Age are not real representation. I, a native person, have taken them and made them into that myself, because there is so so so little Indigenous rep in the fantasy genre, but any remaining imaginative notions that BioWare intended that, or even gives a single shit about me, left after the events of Dragon Age: Inquisition and the Trespasser DLC.
For those of you who don’t know, “coding” ranges from subliminal to obvious ways readers are tipped off things about a character, commonly used in reference to background and ethnicity. This can be used for good, and this can be used for bad. And sometimes it can be used simply because creators think it will give their story a cool/uncanny/unique/etc vibe, without any thought or consideration for what they’re actually taking and who they are taking from for their coding.
If I were to sit down and actually make an expansive list of all the bits and pieces of Indigenous coding put into the Dragon Age elves, it would make for a long post. BioWare quite literally picks and chooses things I can only assume based on how cool they thing it would be, because if any actual consideration was put into it, you would have to assume someone would say for example, “does it really make sense to place this ripoff tiki torch and ripoff inukshuk next to each other, though?” Of course, I resolve things in my mind with the assertion that Dalish elves are not in fact a single culture but differ from clan to clan, and ignore things like the above--something that is not even a stretch, considering we are told about how they differ in other ways. But that doesn’t erase the fact that BioWare chose to pull things from this culture and that culture, as if we’re the monolith we’re so often ignorantly believed to be, without any thought or care in the world beyond wanting to give their fantasy race an “ethnic flavour.”
To call Dragon Age elves proper native representation would be like calling Jared Leto wearing a headdress because he thinks it looks cool representation, because what BioWare is doing is walking a very, very fine line between coding and straight-up appropriation. Could they turn this around? Could they make it better? Yes, I think they still could. They could start by having some explicitly native-equivalent protagonists. They could stop using the elven religion to prop up the Chantry, going as far as tearing it apart while promising to never do the same to Andrastianism. They could stop beating us to death with victim-blaming and the most whitest takes on colonialism. They could retcon the bullshit about multiracial elves not existing. But I don’t think they will. 
The bottom line is this: Dragon Age elves may be coded Indigenous, but it’s not intended for Indigenous audiences. (Nor are the elves even the only example of BioWare doing this.) It’s for white audiences to play pretend in before going back to calling us greedy for wanting things like clean water and to stop being murdered without repercussions.
...But that’s just all the more reason my bitter and starved for any potential rep ass is taking them.
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So, an ending tip for all the aspiring content creators out there: If you want to use coding, a) do your proper research to be respectful, and b) do it with consciously good intentions.
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ageofdragon · 7 years
So quick thing. There are people talking about how others shouldn't make their young inquisitors romance Solas. (Like early 20's sort of thing) because of the age difference and that he's old enough to be their dad. But. The thing is. He's lived for however long it's been since the ancient elves were around. So no matter what he would still be old enough to be their dad? If there's something I'm missing about this please explain it.
I can’t speak for the whole old enough to be their dad thing, because yeah solas is like 5000 years old. And also I don’t have a problem with younger lavellans (or inquisitors) dating solas (or the other romances), within reason of course. if you have a sixteen year old inquisitor eyeing cullen I’m going to Not and maybe you should question what you are trying to get out of that.
That said, from where I am in the fandom it’s not about “young” lavellans exactly when it comes to solavellan, rather it is the “lion and lamb” trope. The trope made popular by the twilight series (at least in my generation) and is basically that lavellan is so young and naive, so helpless and blindly in love with solas; that he has to lead her as the older, wiser man. And yes, the trope does tend to thrive in the younger lavellan fandom (among younger fans)
I Hate That Trope, not only because it is sickeningly disgusting on so many levels (again I get it comes from younger fans, I too am young. But we need to stop worshipping this trope that has the subliminal effect of older predatory men are hot and perfect for the young and inexperienced); but also because it is the Exact Opposite of what solavellan is.
solas is Not looking for a “child” to teach and instill knowledge in, he speaks to lavellan as an equal. he admits he sees her as his only true equal in a world of those he doesn’t understand. he loves lavellans who are wise, bold, and understanding. he loves to hear their ideals and thoughts, he calls them strong and graceful. matches them wit for wit. lavellan (at least as the first) is a woman full of knowledge, full of strength, and full of power.
what more a lot of people latch onto the “lion and lamb” trope because “oh! solas is the dread wolf and lavellan is symbolized by a halla”. which does a disservice to lavellan, the halla, and on a very (consciously) petty note to the dalish culture. halla are not to be fucked with, they are canonically a divine warrior creature, who have run through elven enemies with their antlers and trampled fools who dared tease them. They are deadly creatures (anyone whose seen a rampaging or hormonal deer knows what’s up), who could easily take down a lone wolf. That imagery leaves lavellan with the power, not without. lavellan and the halla are not prey facing a predator.
So yeah, from what I’ve seen it’s not the age but the fandom’s dynamic for it. But that’s just personally, from my view into the fandom.
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breniarchive-blog · 8 years
me: *remembers DoS quite literally introduced Thranduil’s character through the “male gaze” trope, setting up a genius subliminal suggestion for the first of many tools of diplomatic power Thranduil is seen wielding in his favor, thus effectively and further blurring the line(s) of divide between elven sexes, and even proposing through introduction alone that Thranduil doesn’t fit within the “pure infallible elf” mold continuously beaten into the Tolkien cinematic universe since the introduction of Legolas himself* 
me: nice
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epsilonews · 4 years
Onward Review – Movie
The year when we get treated to not one, but two Pixar films is a great year in my mind. Outside of Studio Ghibli and Walt Disney Animations, Pixar’s contribution to the art is legendary. However, In the situation of having two Pixar films in the same year, I tend to gravitate towards one or the other. As I listed the upcoming Soul as one of my most anticipated films of the year, it’s quite clear that Onward was the latter, though this doesn’t mean I didn’t think it would amount to anything. Onward as it so happened turned out to be a brilliantly entertaining journey that is more complex than you may think.
First, when it comes to voice actors, Pixar always seems to get the cream of the crop which is clear given their ground-breaking reputation. Tom Holland and Chris Pratt are the ones who will be enchanting us in this story as elven brothers Ian (Holland) and Barley (Pratt) Lightfoot. Considering they worked so well together for the previous two Avengers films, it should come as no surprise that their chemistry makes them brilliant in reflecting off each other’s strengths. I do have one little critique about this choice, however, but we’ll get to that later.
As with many Pixar films that have come before it, you already know that you’re not in for another by the books family film, you’ll be treated to a story that operates on levels that people of all ages can enjoy. Onward is no exception. What is exceptional is how strong the continuous critique of convenience is displayed. We learn quickly that the picture postcard fantasy world and magic have disappeared, and the modern world has made way (keeping the aesthetic fantasy elements of course). The story sneakily injects this ideal into the chain of events, every time the characters take the more convenient path, conflict ensues, but on the more adventurous path with great danger, the characters connect with each other.
All this comes together in a perfectly written narrative where the choice of events are perfectly timed to relate to other moments in the film. For instance, we learn at the beginning, the insecure, shy Ian makes lists of things he will aim towards and later in the story you’ll find these things being ticked off without the character’s knowledge. It may not seem like it but these moments subliminally create the entertaining feeling, each high energy scene is made all the more enjoyable because the narrative comes around full circle.
Another narrative function I enjoyed is the film’s ability to misdirect the audience. Just when you think you know the whole story, Onward redirects your attention to something that’s been hiding in plain sight the whole time. The opinion on these revelations may be seen differently by audiences’ members in terms of how relevant they are to the central characters and story, but to me, it shows intent in the writing, intent to maximize enjoyment out of the respect of the audience. On the other hand, I can see these revelations being to some mislead and unnecessarily complicated for the sake of being complex.
I figured out quite quickly that Pixar must have had Tom Holland and Chris Pratt in mind for these roles because I could see the characters they played shared some resemblance to their real appearance. Ordinarily, this would be something I bring up but I had to because I think it’s important for a voice actor to become distinguishable from their real appearance. When you look at the most recognizable Pixar character Woody, ask yourself to do you see the heroic cowboy or Tom Hanks on the screen? I never once think when watching the Toy Story films, or even acknowledge that Tom Hanks is the voice behind the 3D render, I just see Woody. The same distinction, unfortunately, can’t be applied here. A good test to see if you feel the same way I do is when describing Onward you use the name of the actors or the name of the characters.
With Pixar’s reputation of making its films very emotional, I felt that the priority was firmly for entertaining the audiences, rather than making them cry. There no reason why Pixar films can’t be both emotional and entertaining, but it is with the assistance of heart-breaking moments that makes certain Pixar films like Inside Out and Up more memorable.
Onward is a good Pixar film that may have some rusty edges or two, however, I believe the unseen complexity of the film’s writing will over time be able to polish those rusty edges. Who knows, maybe this film could be held to as high a regard as Toy Story. It’s the hugely entertaining story that can be seen as a nice break from all the heavy emotions, even if I believe more should have been included. But the film kept me in my seat long enough to go along with the story, it’s like with a book you have to keep turning the page, in the case of films you need to stay in your seat, and Onward will surely keep you there.
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ozmium-zombie-blog · 7 years
Ghosts of You
The sound of muted rain
And you were gone
What is ghost but spirit remains
Physical departure yet memory sustains
Plying calm waves subliminal wake
Aft the blue moonlight fantastic floating wraith
Sleep soft, starry grey luxurious dim
Hypnotic ripples rift time’s swirling gyre
Distant reflective planets echo her pirate smile
Whispers forsake forgotten loves lyre
Enchantments now lost neglected child
Awoke the sound of falling rain
Soft somnambulant silk warmth bereft
Hands vacant of gentle touch, caress
Inspiration forbids a single dauntless breath
Velvety silence smooth, satine faint haze
Awoke the sound of distant rain
Impressing illusions specters persist
Lingering latent her lovely imprint
Helplessly hoping, heart flutter aside
Yearning the wisp her slyphlike napes glide
Steel blue iris, fading faraway eyes
Nuzzling contours elven visage vacate
Aeolian winds in the motes of mind
Dance with fond memories vicarious shadows
Of iron heavy chest burning pressure weight
Invisible outreached arms reassure
Heaving heart still fearful chaste
You are still here
As I once dreampt
A silent apparition yet
Quietly, alone, I wept
You visit my dreams
If ever I slept
Solitudes’ night follows solitudes' night
Again we met, serene Earth and Sky
Lost life’s, loneliness long, rugged high
A tryst in the clouds you and I
Awoke the sound of pouring rain
We walk hand in stride
Step in step for cadence alongside
A white sandy beach
Beneath violet blue skies
Embracing the silence solemn, sunrise
Awoke the sound of vanishing rain
Dabbing dreaded drops, dreamless eyes
Empty arms, empty within
Empty heart, empty lies
Emotion’s tethering lines
Frayed dangerous thin
Awoke the sound of sound of muted pain
And you were gone
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So im thinking, my next subliminal videos are going to be relating to:
Elven wisdom, knowledge, and memories.
Starchild awakening to your purpose. ➡HERE
Nihal/Lepus Starseed awakening.
Elven awakening.
Elven fashion, wardrobe and physical aesthetics.
Elven lifestyle and homelife.
Elven beauty and physical body traits.
And some belief and confidence boosters.
I also want to do some variations of these (mostly unisex and femineine-specific and Lunar elf-specific for some)
Are there any other Elven or Faekin related subjects you would like a subliminal for? I am taking suggestions! No promises I can do everything, but any ideas help!
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An In-depth Elven perspective on Mind Power Subliminals (p1)
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I felt lead to talk about the controversial subliminal creator known as Mind Power. This is a post to address anyone who may have been curious about the Elven Light Path but was turned off to it by Mind Power herself. Even if this post just helps one, that is a great thing. I also have suggestions for alterative Elven subs you can use and other resources! If you want them, just lemme know!
(sorry for the length of this, it ended up being WAAAAAY longer than I wanted it to be, so I split it in two parts! I wanted to fully address her actions that I've seen, from my perspective as an Elven soul).
TL;DR -- Mind Power seems to be a shady person who speaks with self-assumed authority about a people she is not a part of, because (as far as I can tell) she wants a bunch of devoted followers at her whim. But she does NOT speak for the collective.
-- If you are unfamiliar with what subliminals are, they are essentially a psychological tool to help you achieve goals for yourself. They are videos with silent or quiet affirmations covered by music. Creators of these videos typically post their subliminals to Youtube. I wrote about them a bit more in my last post here, but there is also another explanation here.
-- If you are unfamiliar with the Elven Light Path.... this is living as an Elven Soul. It's more than just a physical/fashion aesthetic. It is taking on the thoughts, lifestyle, mindsets, and wisdom of the Elves. It is NOT a religion or cult. It is appreciating the beauty of this world through the visions of the next. While most who follow this Path are spiritually awakened to their Elven higher selves, non-Elf identified souls may freely follow this path as well.
SO....I've been using subs actively for about 2 months, but have been using them on and off for the past yearish. In this time, I had heard of two controversial sub creators who have since left the community: Rose Subliminals and Mind Power.
I had never "researched" much about them but had been hearing more news about Rose and her actions since there were some more recent developments this year with her. There's a gaggle of YouTube videos meant to 'expose' both these channels, but I take them with a grain of salt. While I don't necessarily doubt the allegations, many of the videos seem to lean on common conspiracy theories (eg, illuminati) and mystical suggestions for entertainment, based on some serious claims vs just looking at the situation for what it might be at its bare bones. I just go by screenshot conversations from the actual accused and whatnot. Regardless, a number of people claimed to have had a bad experience with Mind Power's videos (from general discomfort to claims of hospital visits) and also claimed that she was "not a good person" and also that she "wanted to control everyone" (in her own words).
As I was looking through Google images for the thumbnail pic that I used in that previous post I linked above, I came across THIS image:
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And it piqued my interest. I had missed the entire Mind Power saga. I was not really active and paying attention in the subliminal community until very recently so I wasn't actively around when Mind Power had her videos still up.
Clicking the image link here, it led to a blog post. Originally when I read the post I thought the best possible thing: that maybe she was working with someone and knew they were putting negative things in their affirmations and was trying a tactic to scare away people from using them. Then I read more of her posts and realized she was being serious. So then I thought, the next 'best' thing: There are kids/young teens in the sub community and maybe a lot of the comments on her videos her these younger users who just didn't quite understand the Elven Light Path and she was fussing about it. But no.. the truth is much worse.
So, I had no idea that (a lot of) her channel focus was apparently on the Elven Light Path--the path I walk--until I came across this blog post...but right away I could tell her perception of this spiritual and lifestyle path was severely skewed.
From what I can gather from her blog, Mind Power (AKA Asherah Aphrodite) is what some on this site might call godkin (Idk if she'd identify that way... probably not). She claims to have been offering the traits and powers of the Elves through her videos to help "turn humans into elves". With secret powers and gifts FROM the Elves.
To quote her directly, here is a small paragraph about using Elven subliminals from the article that Legolas meme image accompanies:
"This is completely changing from human to Elf. This is Elven immortality. This is being part of the Elven family. This is giving up your humanity. Do not use the Elf series unless you are serious about the Elven path. We would much rather have less people using the Elf series. It would be fine if only a few of you used it because we would be a more solid and dedicated tribe. Don't mess with them. They are not tolerant and forgiving towards humans who disrespect them. Have you read the folklore stories of what they do to humans they don't like?"
After reading this, I realized she was simply outside trying to define a group she doesn't even understand.
Yes, the Elven Light Path is a real lifestyle that goes beyond just dressing elven and being obsessed with LotR, but for many, that is how it starts. And that is more than okay! All journeys must start somewhere. If someone DESIRES to be elven and actively seeks out these sort of videos, it is a sign that they already have a connection to the Elven and Fae.
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In truth, we elves would ALWAYS rather have MORE people walking the Elven path, than LESS. Even those who do not identify as elven themselves. We are not a closed club or sorority group that has to audition only the "best of the best" to be accepted in our little exclusive "tribe" as she calls it.
The Elven Path is a path for every and anyone, all who wish to explore it. It is simply about living and seeing life through the eyes of the Elven and connecting with your Elven self. The more you follow this path, the more you become aligned with Elven energy. Being Elven is NOT "giving up your humanity". It is heightening it. Elevating it. Elves are humans. Humans are Elves. There is an innate connection that only differs in frequencies, spiritual maturity levels, and physical form. Those of us who have become awakened to our higher Elven selves and claim to be Elven Souls only recognize this truth and strive to live it. But we are still human and recognize this as well. Regarding her point in the first quote about Elves not being "tolerant and forgiving toward humans who disrespect them" while, this is certainly not an exaggeration, it is not the only truth. Yes, many people have had contact with dark or demonic energies that show their wrath toward humanity, and these people record this experience through fear and lack of understanding, often as a Fae or Elven encounter. I mean, it's like when you're a kid experiencing your first thunderstorms. You may be terribly frightened of them and hate them.. but once you learn what thunderstorms are, what their purpose is, how they work, and the actual threat level.. you realize that, while the fear is valid, it is not needed. Once you understand, you are no longer afraid. Or at least, you know you don't have to be as afraid as you were. The same goes for adults who have experiences with the supernatural and no way to explain or interpret it. Human nature has the flight or fight instinct and this is grounded in fear to maintain survival. But with wisdom and understanding, we combat this instinct. Also.. I gotta point out that many stories about Fae and Elves in history are simply just... works of fiction meant to scare children or entertain adults (but often inspired by Elven/Fae energies).
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An In-depth Elven perspective on Mind Power Subliminals (p2)
This is PART 2 of my post HERE. Please read that one first if you haven't!!
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She goes on:
"...I am tired of people thinking this work is about subliminals. I do not give a s--t about the subliminal community or what they think of me. What I do is so far beyond this. That community is a pebble compared to the mountain I offer."
"I never even shared my magnum opus. The most powerful beautiful hybrid to exist. Affirmations are thousands of words long and the most beautiful affirmations ever written." "What kind of inspiration graces such a person? [...]They trashed me because they wanted an excuse to steal my work for their own. They wanted to tear me down so they could rise. They are not able to match my level of creation."
"I shall not ever make a subliminal again. This was a gift I was preparing to give. These humans showed me they did not deserve such a gift."
"You think you should be held at the same level as me? I am looking for generals, captains, and warriors. You first have prove yourself to me as soldier before you can be upgraded to a captain or general. I want to forge you to be among the most powerful in the cosmos."
"I won't give power away freely. I will test you and put you through the trials. You have to show me you are worthy. You want me to write a post to prove myself to you? It is you who needs to prove yourself to me! I have shown you who I am."
Hey, maybe I'm being a hypocrite for saying she can't gatekeep the Elven Path this way, while claiming she is not part of the Path herself... but it all comes down to one truth for me:
This is not Elven wisdom. This is not Elven love. All of what she said is just... arrogance--dare I say human arrogance--plain and simple.
And I am fairly certain she doesn't even identify as Elven herself, she is just speaking for us.
But it's bullying and arrogance under the guise of 'tough love'. As the old saying goes, you'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar... and all of her posts and interactions with others just reek of vinegar. She was trying to vet her followers by being as offensive as possible, to find those who she could make the most promising of lemmings out of.
I am trying my best not to sit here and armchair diagnose her, but I will say this reminds me of a narc's rage fit. The temper tantrum they throw when no one wants to take the bait and follow them into their highly decorated cave. We are all foolish idiots and ungrateful peons who are ~ jUsT jEaLoUs ~ for not accepting their bait gift.
The very phrase "I won't give power away freely" goes against the nature of the Elven Light Path. It is not a lineage of power passed down from a great Elven leader to their followers. It is a journey unique to each who walk it. We are here to inspire others to find their power within themselves and Light inside of them. We are not able to "give away" any power of this sense because we are not the makers of our power, we are the wielders of it. And that goes for any human person on this earth, in this universe, no matter what your soul connects to. No one is above or below another. We all hold the same amount of power. It is simply a matter of claiming and wielding it. But NO ONE can give it away or grant it to someone else. We simply are to share our gifts and inspire others to do the same. It doesn't mean life will be all sunshine and rainbows, or to ignore the bad things that happen.. quite the contrary. It means we focus on the darkness to bring in the Light.
And we do this with the powers we can give away. The power to inspire and encourage and give hope. To heal. Or to warn and help others understand. These are the gifts we are given to give away, but these are not the powers she is talking about.
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She talks about making soldiers or warriors out of her listeners/users quite a lot.
"Not all warriors are equal. Not all beings are equal in power. You have to work for what you become." "I am exactly what is needed to prepare us and get us through what is to come. I fight alongside my warriors. I lead the charge into enemy lines. You have yet to see the full power of my wrath."
Seeing herself as a the General and commander of it all, of course. But what she seems to fail to understand is that while yes, not all warriors ARE equal, that doesn't mean they have less power. It just means they hold a different type of power.
I am one who she would probably call a weakling. I am a novice Priest, and a Lunar Elven Soul. But I do not fight the way she fights. I am not hardhearted or determined for justice a way a solider on the frontlines might be. The way that she describes a soldier to be.
The real war is not with flesh and bone. It is not a physical war that can be fought with rage and wrath against people here and now. It is a war that takes place in the spiritual. The mental. The emotional. The psychological.
It requires wisdom, kindness, love, compassion, empathy, a humble spirit and a servant's heart. It requires the ability and strength to not allow human conditioning of pride and power to cloud your mind. It requires knowing when to speak and when to hold your tongue. It is more akin to a chess match, not a game of tag.
Yes, an army needs foot soldiers who can directly combat the real world forces here against us... but to deny and discount the true war in the spiritual is a real red flag.
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Alright. I've been rambling for a while now and I think I've made my point. Mind Power is a woman who took the concept of the Elven Light Path, as if she was speaking "for the Elves" and was using it as a way to...well, control others. Or attempt to. So the claims of her trying to control people? Not so far fetched.
She does not speak for us as Elves, for the non-human bodied Elves, or those who walk the Elven Light Path. If you have been drawn to the path, but stepped away out of fear because of her, I can assure you, that is not what this path, nor those who truly follow it are like. One can follow it alone, or walk it with friends. While we have shared experiences and are able to connect, the Elven Light Path is NOT a cult or exclusive club and should NEVER feel that way. If you are truly curious, I would suggest learning about it through the High Elven Wisdom and Love videos.
I am glad Asherah Aphrodite is far from the subliminal community and seems to stay out of the Elven Light community online as well (at least on Facebook and Youtube, from what I can see). Her Facebook group seems to still be up, and has a good number of members. I can only hope they realize the kind of person she is soon.
I know it's kind of old, stale news but I wanted to give my input because I wasn't around during the height of the drama surrounding her, and as someone familiar with both subliminals and the Elven Light Path, I felt compelled to give my perspective on it!
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Claiming your Elven Inheritance
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I posted about this on my instagram but I wanted to also post about it here!
I am just going to copy and paste what I wrote, and add a little to it:
I have been meditating a lot on the inheritance and heritage of the Elves and how any of us who resonate with the Elves may claim it. However, I think the waters have been muddied by human deception and pride. Elven inheritance has nothing to do with your current human one, no matter what country or culture you're from. I'm tired of people defining Elven energy (and its many, many manifestations from all over the world) based on human interpretation and a narrow lens. Elven energy has manifested all over the world, in countless countries and NO singular human race or culture lays claim to the lineage of Elven Energy.
Claiming your Elven Heritage means that you connect to and resonate with the Elves, and accept this connection and the gifts that come with it. And thus, coming into these gifts and cultivating them. It has nothing to do with having blonde hair, light skin, or blue eyes. It is not about being from Northern Europe or having European traits. It has everything to do with spiritual gifts, internal powers, and the gift of heightened senses and knowledge. It is growing in nature magic and art magic. It is an ancient wisdom one grows into. While ælfscýne, the ethereal beauty of the Elves does exist, it is not defined by human physical beauty standards or traits.
Beings of "Light" are not white people from norther Europe. They are far beyond any human physical/racial descriptor which are mostly grounded in genetic qualities based on geographic location. Not spiritual or soul inheritance. In other words, Light Elves are not "light skinned" or "fair skinned" in the same way as human white people. It's an entire different quality which is achieved by anyone resonating with the energy, with a higher vibration. It is 'light' in the same sense of "enlightened".
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(photo of the gorgeous FlowersfromKenji)
No part of an Elven heritage can be stolen, begged for, forced, or earned. It cannot be bought into simply based on your human status or birth. But no matter who or where you are, once you are aware of your resonation with an Elven Energy (or Energies), you have access to that power and heritage. I have much more to say and I am currently in the process of editing a discussion video about this, as well as a subliminal for reaching the right vibration and mindset for it. This is not an easy thing to maintain, I'm still learning myself, but after finding hot racist takes like this:
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I am very tired of others who gatekeep who can be truly connected to Elven energy, through the lens of human prejudice, racism, and criticism. It's time this pathway was abandoned and the truth be shared. I can only pray that those who think that way, truly find the Elven Light inside and allow themselves to step out of their human ugliness. Anyone putting others down for arbitrary racial traits is (aside from being horribly racist) not anything close to Elven. Elven energy does not operate in such a way with hatred, pettiness, or superiority complexes.
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dalishious · 8 years
“Shemtits” Event - Stop. Please.
You know, it’s funny. I’ve been told people would listen to me more if I was calmer when explaining things. But apparently that makes zero difference because I was way more polite and reserved about this than deserved, and whaddya know, I was blocked and my input removed from notes anyway. And then compared to motherfucking nazis. Good to know. But this needs to be seen, so here it is again as its own post.
"Shemtits” is all kinds of uncomfortable IMO, TBH.
I just want to clarify that I am biraical. I need to clarify this because it’s important to what I’m going to try and say. And also please remember that I am speaking personally, as in, this is on my behalf and my behalf alone.
For starters, I really am curious where the tag idea “shemtits” came from. It seems kind of in poor taste.
Second, here’s the thing…. There are tons of human/elf ships I love. Especially Merribela; I have made it no secret that I absolutely adore Merrill x Isabela. And I’ve written a fic myself. What makes this thing uncomfortable for me, is not that it’s about human/elf ships. But that it’s only about human/elf ships.
As it’s been reminded (by me and others, over and over) that Dragon Age elves are linked to real life Aboriginal (First Nations/Métis/Inuk), Jewish, and Roma peoples. I am not Jewish or Roma, and as such I cannot speak about the impact for them. I can, however, link to this wonderfully written post about the importance of “Jews Being Allowed To Love Jews,” and how literature commonly presents otherwise, to the point of being a trope:
“The problem is that any old representation is not always good representation. There are a number of problems with this trope, but the first & more glaringly obvious one being: it’s super common for gentiles to write about Jews marrying out. (This may be applicable for other minorities too btw, but I see it for Jews all the time.) You’ve all seen it. The two star crossed lovers: Julia McEnglish & Aaron Jewson. Aaron’s Jewish parents don’t like that he’s dating a goy, Julia can’t imagine giving up Christmas, but they just love each other anyway. Nearly always the minority character’s (although, sometimes it’s both characters as minorities) entire culture is eroticised and Orientalised. It’s their culture that throws up boundaries and difficulties to the relationship. And the tensions and upheaval of the stories are all found in the Jew’s culture being in the way.”
Bolding that last part because it’s also very much in relation to what I want to say re: the connection to First Nations in a minute.
I don’t think white people can really realize what it’s like to be in a constant battle to keep your identity alive. And a there is a very common mindset on reserves that if you marry a nonnative person, you are betraying your people. Is this right? IMO, no, but I do understand the emotions behind it. I also think a lot of it comes down to blood quantum, which comes from the government’s bullshit way of defining Status. Without getting too much into that because I could write a ten page essay on the troubles with how Status works, the short of it is, if you want your possible children to have the same rights as you do to their culture, getting together with a nonnative may insure they don’t. This is another very subliminal way the government is enforcing assimilation.
We are put in a place where we are the ones who are supposed to give up our cultural backgrounds. Our culture is, as said above, seen as in the way. And in the extremely thin existing examples I can think of where we’re love interests, it’s usually between a white man and a beautiful “exotic” native trophy wife, for the lulz, or the Aboriginal person has parted themselves with their culture. (Or any combination of the three.)
This is why human/elf ships are tricky. The brutal history the humans have put the elves through is not something to be just forgotten. There are way too many “You’re not like the other elves” fics out there. Please people, stop other-ing characters from their race. Or what drives me even madder, people who write their elven characters as apologizing for being elven. All this is way to similar to the trope spoken about above.
I mean not to say it can’t be done, because it can. (Again, Merribela. OTP.) But this event doesn’t seem to be supporting this, but rather a “free for all.”
The last thing we need is to be encouraging fics about “shameboners.”
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Screencap courtesy of @saarebitch from this thread.
And the inclusion of Cullen x Surana gives all kinds of bad vibes, for another example. Unless it’s some kind of AU where things are not cringe-y AF.
If the event was all about celebrating interracial relationships, why is it only about humans and elves? Why them specifically? Because that is why it feels targeted. And why it feels uncomfortable, to me. And why some people may easily take it as fetishistic.
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