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kaya16universe · 2 years ago
Elsanna week is here!
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Hooli! Aparezco para festejar la Elsanna week! Amo este ship con toda mi alma, siempre me dio vida ♥ No sé, tiene algo que me puede, más allá del gustito de lo prohibido (en la ficción siempre garpa). Creo firmemente que Anna nació para Elsa y viceversa. Desde que vi la peli por primera vez tuve ese pensamiento y nada ni nadie pudo sacármelo de la cabeza. Así que acá estamos, siendo una fan más de este ship medio polémico pero no por eso menos adictivo.
Me alegra que la convocatoria de todos los años siga igual de concurrida! Por falta de tiempo no voy a poder participar :( Pero como igual quería aportar mi semillita (aprovechaba la hdp) les dejo por acá uno de mis fics Elsanna por si les pinta leerlo. Lo escribí hace un tiempo ya. Es del que más estoy orgullosa, espero que les guste :)
And now, once again but in English:
I appear to celebrate the Elsana week! I love this ship with all my soul. It is one of my favorites (and I have many).
I am glad that the call every year is still as big! Due to lack of time, i won't be able to participate this year :( But i still wanted to contribute my little seed, so i leave here one of my Elsanna fics. I wrote it a while ago. It's the one i'm most proud. It's in Spanish, but you can easily read it with the translator. I hope you like it :)
Tittle: The door
Rated: Mature +18
Warnings: incest, explicit sexual content
Review: Anna receives an unexpected visit from Elsa after she was quite absent after her coronation. The problem? Elsa reappeared with a question that could destroy her everyday life and, even worse, her sisterhood.
Enjoy! ♥
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elsanna-week · 2 years ago
Elsanna Week starts tomorrow, everyone: March 5th-12th!
As you may recall, we have two sets of prompts this year! One is a new set of prompts, the other is a collection of previous prompts for anyone who couldn’t take part in previous years, but wants to engage with those prompts!
1.    Warm Embrace 2.    Kneel Before the Queen 3.    First Date 4.    Ballroom 5.    Freaky Friday 6.    Love Epiphany 7.    Children 8.    Red String of Fate And the Older Prompts: 1: Jealousy 2: Stay Strong 3: Fairy Tales 4: Curiosity 5: Secrets 6: Holding On Tight 7: Unashamed 8: Us Against the World
Remember to tag elsanna week or elsannaweek or even  simply elsanna.
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di112otaku · 3 years ago
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Elsanna week: day 3 - Forbidden Fruits/ Sensuality
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ice-bjorn · 4 years ago
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Elsa beat her to it ;)💋

Elsanna Day 2: Whispers/Kisses
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let-it-show · 3 years ago
Deluge pt. 4 - Us Against the World
Welcome to part 4 of my Elsanna week fic! For anyone reading, thank you so much, I appreciate it more than I can express! Elsa’s rule isn’t starting the way she and Anna had planned for so long, but, she has to adapt and keep her goals in mind. This is stressful enough, but, who are these folks that suddenly showed up...? Part 3 is found Here! ~***~*** Maybe the following morning would have been easier if she had gotten any sleep. Unfortunately Elsa couldn't get more than a few minutes here and there, her thoughts racing and spiraling too much for her to get a handle on as several miniature snowstorms whipped up in the bedroom. The ice scraped her cheeks when she didn't cover her face, and the blankets became stiff and uncomfortable. Even then, she was tempted to isolate herself the next morning. It wasn't an option. On her first full day crowned as queen, Elsa had a lot to get through. She had documents upon documents that were waiting for her. She had meetings. She had to get used to addressing her people and working with them to make their lives better. Elsa wasn't just a woman with magic powers and emotions she couldn't work out. She was a ruler.
Somehow she dragged herself to breakfast, at which she didn't see Anna. That was the way it usually went because Anna slept late and Elsa had made a point years ago of having breakfast too early for her to join. Doing it made her feel like a terrible person. It broke her heart. However, it kept Anna safe and away from her.
Anna wasn't with her that morning but Elsa could not be sure she was in bed. She had gone off with that Hans fellow that made every strand of her hair stand on end, if only because her anxiety froze it at its roots. The idea that Anna spent the night with him made Elsa's stomach twist and she couldn't finish most of her breakfast.
Anna could be impulsive, and if Elsa pushed her away, what if she was seeking that attention? Surely, though, it was different levels of attention, so even if Elsa was close with her, she still might want a man and Elsa wasn't at fault.
There was no justifying it. With every step to the study she needed to work in, Elsa hated herself more.
At least the study was empty. Elsa liked her mornings alone and she had learned her duties especially fast after the passing of her parents. She could handle herself even when her eyes struggled to read the documents in front of her.
Maybe...maybe she did want Hans's role. It wasn't that she was in love with her sister! But back to physical touch and maybe dancing, laughing, a date in the castle...
"Uuugghhhh..." she groaned and buried her forehead in her hands. She missed their childhood dates, but not in that childlike way. She thought about Anna's shoulders again. "What's wrong with me..." she murmured into gloved hands.
"Um...is this part of your new queen-hood?"
Elsa quickly dropped her hands and looked up to see Anna in the doorway. Her sister was still in her green nightgown but her frenzied mess of hair had been tamed with the help of one of the ladies that helped the girls dress. Her hair still hung free of any braids or ties and the way it framed her face and her cute bangs...
It wasn't like she had never noticed her looks before, really, Elsa always had. She'd always found her beautiful and cute. Somehow, though, as she moved into the next big phase of her life, she found her mind trying to bring more change with her. Becoming queen felt like she was getting farther away from Anna in a way and despite her efforts to keep her away and safe...
All she wanted was Anna to come with her.
"Ah, no, no, I'm just..." Elsa's words caught in her throat. She was what? She was overthinking, and she was thinking about Anna.
"Tired? Me too. When did you leave the party? I couldn't find you at the last wine serving, and I looked everywhere!" Anna sighed and threw her arms out dramatically as she walked into the room.
Elsa rested her elbows on the desk, clasping her hands. "You didn't check everywhere."
"I did! I really really did! I looked-"
"In my bedroom? At my bed?" Elsa couldn't resist teasing. She still did it, once in a while.
"I...no...I stay out of your room. I um, I know you don't want me in there..." Anna bit her lip and looked away.
"And yet, you set flowers next to my bed yesterday..." Elsa pointed out, hiding a smirk and keeping her face blank.
"How did you know that was me!? ...I mean, that was someone else, who, what? What flowers?" Anna laughed nervously and kept looking away, but that time at the ceiling.
That was when Elsa allowed herself to smile. Anna had that way about her, and she had calmed Elsa's heart even while being part of what troubled her so much. "I'm not mad. You didn't disturb my sleep, after all. So, did you enjoy the party?"
Anna hesitated, and then nodded. "I did! It was so fun. We rarely have any celebrations here, so seeing all the people and how lively it was...Hans is so nice, too. I also met some others, like a brother and sister who sometimes do sled races, that was amazing! You should meet them!"
Elsa listened carefully, relieved to hear that Anna met some other people. If it had just been an extended date with that Hans man, she would have...well, she didn't know what she would do, but she would have been irritated. "Perhaps I will."
"They might still be here. Also, Kai says we have a couple of guests who got caught up due to travel troubles and missed the party last night. They just arrived. So we gotta meet them!"
"We do?" Elsa thought hard. As far as she knew, everyone who was supposed to be there the previous night was accounted for. It was possible the list she had been given was incomplete, or in her stress she had missed someone. She hoped it wasn't the latter. She couldn't start out her reign like that.
"Yes! I um-I should get dressed, huh?" Anna gave a sheepish and excited smile.
Elsa didn't answer right away. It wasn't Anna's duty to meet anyone, even though she was excited. Elsa had to be careful. Talking then, to each other, felt smooth, it felt natural, but that was only going to give Anna a false hope of ruling with her. It was something they talked about, before their parents died.
As small children Anna asked if she was allowed to help Elsa rule since she was adopted. Elsa said she didn't know but she didn't care because she wanted Anna to be a queen too. They grew older and they would lay on Elsa's big bed, holding hands and talking about the things they would do when they were queens. They would make all sorts of good laws for people, and they would build things that would be fun for everyone, and maybe they'd decorate the castle with Elsa's ice and Anna's ideas.
They would rule their world together, or, if something went wrong, well it would simply be them against the world. They would save all that was dear to them if needed and that included each other. No one and nothing could come between them.
As much as Elsa wanted that...and she did so, desperately...
"You don't have to. This is something I am required to do, you can go back to sleep or go for a picnic with your new friend." There. She put it simply so as not to offend Anna, but distract her. She couldn't say Hans's name, though.
"I-I want to go with you, Elsa. Remember everything we used to talk about?" Anna shifted on her feet.
"Things change, Anna," Elsa said with a sigh, taking another document from the stack on her desk. She needed to finish up a little more before going to meet guests. Anna always used to say she'd help her with that stuff.
"But I-"
"There's only one queen. That's me. You're a princess, and you should enjoy it. There's less to worry about." Elsa said that in earnest.
For a minute, Anna was silent. Then she sighed. "Not really, you know," she said and Elsa heard her backing toward the doorway. "Maybe there's more."
"Hm? How so?" Elsa asked, still looking at the words in front of her and trying to focus.
"Because now I have to worry about you, doing this all alone. That's a lot. But I'm gonna do it, because I love you, Elsa." At that, Elsa looked up. Anna lingered just another second. "...I'll meet you downstairs in one hour," she added, and stepped out of view.
Elsa stared at the empty doorway, her mouth open and tears in her eyes. Anna used to say that to her all the time, but Elsa hadn't allowed it, hadn't left room for those words in years. They had a profound and immediate effect on her and rendered her useless for long, conflicted moments. "I love you too," she whispered to the empty cold air before forcing herself to look back down at her work.
When she did see Anna again, she was dressed so nicely in the Great Hall. Her bodice was black like the day before with tan and green wheat designs across the torse. The neckline scooped low with straps over her shoulders. Her hair was in a bun with gold colored ribbons hanging. Her long skirt was paneled with black and green, with lighter green flower and leaf designs along the bottom.
She stood in front of a pair, a man and a woman.
The man was tall with broad shoulders and piercing blue eyes. He had a head of thick, wavy light brown hair and a full beard to match. Elsa couldn't help but feel his head was almost a rectangular shape. The fancy tailcoat he wore was a chocolate brown with brilliant white buttons, tucked and forming a perfect line at his waist. His trousers were cream colored and slim fitting - almost too much so. Seeing his legs so well defined didn't bring her much joy.
The woman next to him was shorter, coming up to his shoulder. Her hair was in a bun much like Anna's and it was a dark red. It looked thick and very long and very beautiful, much like...well, much like Anna. Elsa began to feel very wary.
This mystery woman was clad in a red formal day dress, with black trimming on the coat and skirt. The buttons on her coat were a deep marroon, standing out just barely from the dress. Her eyes were green and her face looked warm, friendly, with freckles on her cheeks.
Everyone looked up as Elsa entered the room, stopping next to Anna and bowing her head just barely to greet their visitors. They inclined theirs as well before she spoke."I am told you were to make it last night and could not. I welcome you to my kingdom of Arendelle, where do you hail from?"
"Um..." Anna shifted uncomfortably next to her for some unknown reason. "Well, they're to the west of us."
"We hail from Aalborg, you may recall us from a journey with the late king and queen many years ago, Your Majesty," replied the man in a deeper voice than Elsa expected.
Aalborg. Yes, she knew it. She could never forget it, and she found herself unable to speak for a short time. The floods of Aalborg had been wretched, and life changing for so many - including her.
"Ah I...I, yes, I remember Aalborg," Elsa answered slowly. She slowly turned her head to face Anna. "Anna..."
"They're from where I'm from..." Anna still seemed mystified.
"I am Kolli, and this is my wife, Arina," the man informed them.
Arina smiled at them both, and then took a deep breath. "We thank you for welcoming us to your kingdom, and we don't want to waste your time. We have come because I believe Anna is the niece I lost to the great floods," she said and she said it quickly, as if she had rehearsed it and wanted desperately to get it out.
Kolli nodded. "Yes. Upon hearing of your coronation, and learning the story of your sister, we decided to make the journey. It is difficult for us to get away from our work, but we knew we had to do this."
Elsa was in shock. Anna's family? Her - her real family? She again looked to Anna.
Anna's eyes were wide and she looked a bit pale. She didn't look excited as Elsa had both expected and hoped for. Didn't she want to meet her real family? Didn't she want to find the people she had lost and want to reconnect with them?
Arina cleared her throat. "We informed the princess of this as soon as we met her, and we...well this isn't quite what..."
With a slow nod of agreement, Elsa nudged Anna gently. "Anna? Aren't you happy to see them?" she asked, quietly.
"Yes...yes! Yes, I'm sorry, it's a lot to take in, I didn't know I left anyone behind and thought everyone died in the floods or something- what-what about my..." Anna seemed to choke and linger on the words. "Um...my...birth parents?"
Oh, it hurt. Elsa wasn't even sure why, but it hurt. It wasn't as if she didn't know!
Kolli looked down. "Lost to the floods," he said simply.
Elsa's body went frigid, ice forming beneath her feet.
That was two sets of parents Anna lost to drowning, or angry water anyway. Elsa wasn't going to prod about the details and she hoped they wouldn't be offered. The situation was strange and awkward enough, and she didn't like it. She couldn't even pinpoint why.
"Anyway, we'd like to get to know you, if you'd-"
"Princess Anna! How delightful to see you again in the daytime!" The voice made Elsa prickle in her already anxious state.
Approaching them was Hans, and Elsa swore he was wearing the same white suit he wore the day before. It was clean though, so maybe he just had a stack of the same outfit.
"Hans!" Anna squeaked and looked at him with her still-wide and alarmed eyes. Her so-called aunt and uncle did as well.
Hans was smiling as he walked over, but when he was a few feet away he frowned and came to a stop. "Your Majesty..." he half greeted Elsa, clearly not that interested in her presence. Then he looked between both pairs. "Is-is everything alright?" he asked.
Anna and Elsa just looked at each other. For one brief moment they were connected and both blown away in regards of just what they should do. The confusion was mutual. Elsa wanted to reach out to her and she could see Anna's hand clenching and unclenching and very slowly starting to reach toward her.
In a moment of panic, Elsa made a decision she would hate herself for all day. "Well, then," she said suddenly as she stepped away, "It seems that this is an affair in which I do not belong at this moment," she declared. "Perhaps you can all spend the day getting to know each other, as I have so much to do." That was true.
"Elsa?" Anna asked and there was a hint of panic in her voice as she did so.
In her heart Elsa could feel dreams shattering one by one. She wanted to cry, wanted to let it rip raw and painful from her throat as she screamed. Her and Anna holding hands and facing the world before them was no longer a possibility for so many reasons. First, her powers became too dangerous and unstable. Second, a handsome man entered the picture and third...third was her real family who came to see her, to know her, and maybe even take her back home.
The worst part was knowing that she was getting what she had asked for every second that she had pushed Anna away.
"I apologize," Elsa said, addressing them all. It was unbecoming of her to leave so suddenly and she knew it. "I really do have quite the day ahead of me and I cannot keep my council waiting. I do hope you will stay and make yourselves comfortable," she said, addressing Kolli and Arina. "Kai will set a room up for you; your journey must have taken quite a while. I will be happy to talk more with you later."
"Yes-yes of course!" Arina assured her in a warm and friendly way that Elsa knew too well.
"It IS her first official day as the queen," Hans announced as if he were helping the situation at all. "She has much to do. As Anna's friend, I would be happy to accompany her and enjoy the day with you all."
"Well, that sounds lovely," Kolli agreed.
Elsa nodded her head once more and began to walk away toward the stairs and to her study. She hesitated once and turned to look at them all.
Looking back at her, almost pleading for her to return was Anna.
As she turned away without another word, Elsa loathed herself entirely.
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froelsannazen · 4 years ago
Elsanna Week, Day 7: Unashamed
Okay, I love today's prompt too much, let me draw this… drawing (I think it's really bad but oh well) for it too. This was originally for fun, but why not post it? :)
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I know not everyone is okay with cussing, so I did spell it all out. Though now that I think of it, I probably shouldn't have even put it in the picture. :/
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glittering-snowfall · 5 years ago
Elsanna Week Day 2: All is Found
Note: Still behind, apologies! But please, tell me how you like this! NSFW-ish.
Lullabies, fairy tales – how do we call them sweet?
How do we treacle them in our dotage, our young dotage or our old?
The words of old tales and songs swirl like frosting on the edge of the gingerbread man in our minds. We remember the gentle rhythm of the repetition in fairy tales. We remember the soothing melody of lullabies. The words in their unassuming simplicity seduce us, so that we forget the things they truly tell.
We forget the singsong laughter of the gingerbread man ends with the sudden sharp clap of the fox’s jaws…
Dive down deep into her sound…
But not too far or you'll be drowned…
Children grow up and sugar-sweeten the shadows their parents tuck into their hearts.
But Elsa did not grow as other children did, did not feel the shadows melt like snow upon the mountain.
The shadows lingered in her heart.
She’d have given anything for the sugar-sweetness of simplicity to give her solace in childhood… but instead the shadows stuck.
Stuck in her like jet-black knives.
This was an exorcism.
Taking Anna in her arms, kissing her rapturously.
Bodies entangling…
This was diving too deep.
This was drowning.
Kisses like fire upon Anna’s neck.
The heat of flesh.
Pulling forth the knives from her heart and letting the wounds flow hotly, letting the passions stymied by the moon-crater blackness spill from her heart as she could not let them before, always holding back, always hiding, always daring not to dive…
This was not drowning.
This was gasping the clear air after finally breaking the surface.
Hot tears spill from Elsa’s eyes and she presses her face into Anna’s bosom.
In Anna, all is found.
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sakuraayanami · 5 years ago
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kaya16universe · 2 years ago
Elsanna Week 2023! Day 3: First date
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¡Hooli de nuevo! (señooora déjese de molestar). Aparezco para colaborar con el día 3 de la Ensanna week (sí, vengo atrasada. La historia de mi vida *shora*). Tengo un fanfic que escribí hace años que creo que podría llegar a encajar bien con la temática de este día.
Lo subí a Ao3. Antes tenía el fic en otra plataforma pero me lo borraron por incestuoso :( Loco ya no se puede escribir sobre nada (? Me niego a aceptar que me cancelen mi expresión artística, ME NIEGO.
Dejando de lado la indignación, ¡espero que les guste la historia! En su momento la escribí con mucho amor ♥
And now, like always, once again but in english (a poor english, sorry for that):
Hi again! I'm here, enjoying the Elsanna week :) And u? enjoying too? I hope so. I appear to collaborate with the day 3 of the Ensanna week: first date. I have a fanfic i wrote a few years ago that i think might fit well with the theme of today (well, yesterday. Yes, i'm late. I'm always late D:). Still, i hope u will enjoy the story. It's set shortly before the death of Anna and Elsa's parents. I wrote this story with a lot of love because i LOVE so much this ship ♥
Like the other fanfic i uploaded, it's in spanish. If u want, u can use the translator to read it.
Tittle: Just for today
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Relationships: Anna/Elsa
Warning: incest
Review: a short story of a surprise meeting in which Elsa and Anna reveal their feelings in the most unexpected way.
Enjoy! :)
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elsanna-week · 2 years ago
Elsanna Week Day 7: Children OR Unashamed
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di112otaku · 3 years ago
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Elsanna week: day 1 - Romantic Tension
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let-it-show · 3 years ago
Deluge Pt. 3 - Forbidden Fruits/Sensuality
Day 3 of Elsanna week! It’s coronation day, and of course Elsa is tense. She also, well, gets a big talkative and as she does so, reaaally starts to notice things, notices Anna.... But hey who the hell is this guy?? Part 2 is found Here! ~**~***~ Coronation day went about as Elsa expected. Almost. It started with help from two of the bedchamber ladies, whom Elsa had employed in recent years though she rarely actually used their help. Her dress however was a bit much to manage with the cape she had made. It was longer than anything functional should be and thus the whole fuss of getting into her clothing needed extra hands. Once dressed, she rehearsed and rehearsed. She needed to be able to hold the orb and scepter without growing too anxious about the giant step she was taking in her role. No matter what she did, ice spread over the objects and snow threatened. Even if people had an idea of her powers, she wasn't ready for a full display on such an important day.
Part of her longed for Anna at her side, but she couldn't use her as support. After so long of pushing her away...she couldn't ask for her help. She wasn't even sure where Anna was, either. Her best guess was that the younger woman was enjoying the festivities, meeting foreign dignitaries and receiving many wonderful gifts simply for being a part of a royal family.
She saw Anna again when she was sworn as queen. Anna waved at a man in the audience, and Elsa had to swallow the jealousy that shot through her.
Somehow she made it through the ceremony.
The dance and night of celebration afterward was a different story.
Elsa didn't know what made her do it. Maybe it was the awkward, lost expression on Anna's face when Kai pushed her toward the queen with hardly any space between them. The look surprised Elsa - Anna had been constantly trying to be near her, why was she suddenly so shy? Maybe because it was a crowded and less personal setting, she reasoned.
So she would say it was an effort to calm her sister that made her do it. "Hi," she said suddenly, softly, turning toward her a little.
Anna's eyes went wide and she sort of looked around before looking at Elsa and pointing at herself. "Hi me?"
Well, she couldn't take it back, so she nodded. "Mmm hmm. ...Anna...you look beautiful," she added without catching herself.
It was true, though. Anna, in her coronation dress, she was gorgeous. Her freckly shoulders were bare and the light danced off her skin. Her hair was in a bun and while Elsa preferred it down, there was something about so much of her bare neck on display. She felt drawn to it. Then there was the way her chest nicely filled out her bodice. Anna's chest was smaller than Elsa's own, but still a pleasure to look at.
That was the wrong way to think and Elsa immediately hated herself a little bit for it.
She focused on Anna's face, and the little scar on her adorable cheek that was left from the night her ice crashed down. That nearly pulled her out of it. And then-
"Well you're beautiFULLER!" Anna announced and then made a face. "I don't mean - you're not - it's just that you're more beautiful-" She motioned with her hands in front of her chest, which couldn't possibly look right to anyone watching.
Thank goodness for Anna's awkwardnes pulling Elsa's thoughts from where they shouldn't be! She laughed, covering her mouth and making sure not to have an all out, overly loud, undignified roar. Anna was funny! She always was. Elsa loved that about her, just as she loved so much about the dear girl.
Maybe it - maybe it wouldn't be so bad if for one day, one, sacred day, she didn't actively push her away. She could blame it on the wine she had yet to drink, or something.
"I know, I know Anna," she said, holding out her hands and motioning for her to stop. "I know exactly what you meant, and you're being too kind." Anna's eyes started to meet her own and Elsa quickly pulled her gaze away. She wasn't ready to look her in the eyes, not then, and she didn't know if she ever would be.
Elsa cleared her throat and moved on, watching the dancers. "So! Are you enjoying the party?"
"Oh! Yes, very much! It's warm in here though, very warm..."
As she chanced a glance at Anna, Elsa noticed her cheeks were a little red. "Are you well? I feel quite comfortable, and we know I'm more susceptable to the heat. And I have on more layers."
"I am, yes! I had chocolate earlier and went for a walk! There's just, so many people and the room is warm from all the...people breathing..." Anna trailed off lamely.
Again, Elsa had to cover her mouth. "Anna!" she expressed through her fingers before muffling her laughter.
Anna joined in the laughter too. "Yea, I guess that was pretty silly! It's true though! It's not a bad warm though Elsa, a good warm. I got to meet quite a few people today, and I helped with some of the decorations before I walked into the garden for a while, for some air. Gets stuffy in here sometimes, you know?"
Elsa knew too well. Hiding herself away over time meant wandering to lesser used parts of the castle once in a while and she felt like she inhaled more cobwebs than actual air. It didn't feel good. "I know. Who did you meet?"
"A few people, but I spent some time with a handsome prince from the Southern Isles! His name is Hans, and he has a beautiful horse. We have a lot in common! I hoped to talk more, but we separated before your coronation ceremony. He was at that, though!" Anna said it all quickly, in an excited ramble, as if she was worried Elsa would leave before she could get it all out.
Elsa raised an eyebrow. "Here you are talking about breathing, but did you do it with all that talking?" It didn't come out as gently as it should have, and Elsa regretted it right away. Her words had carried her attitude for a moment. Anna spending all day talking to a handsome man bothered her more than she would have imagined.
If she weren't so dangerous to her well-being, Elsa would have been the one to spend all day with the girl, making her smile.
"Oh. Yea." Anna took a deep breath then and raised her hands just above her chest, fanning herself. Elsa couldn't miss the way her breasts rose as she took that breath. Indeed, she was stunning.
Elsa looked back to the dance floor, where everyone was having such fun. They danced, they laughed, they drank and they ate fancy tiny foods off of silver trays that her servers carried around. Altogether, it seemed to be a successful celebration and to her that was a good sign for her reign. Let her people and those who visited enjoy themselves, and she hoped to always bring them such positivity.
"Hey, Elsa..."
Elsa looked to Anna inquisitively. "Yes?"
"Listen, we're just standing here watching everyone else have fun. What do you say we maybe, we um, we have ourselves a little dance like we used to?"
Such a hopeful smile was plastered on Anna's face. Her eyes were bright. Elsa's gut twisted painfully as she already knew the answer she had to give, even if part of her reasoning was entirely legitimate. "Oh, Anna...we cannot. It simply would not do..."
The smile wobbled. "Why? You can dance with your sister. No one minds."
"Perhaps, but I must receive our visitors should they desire to approach during the evening, and you know after a couple of songs some will tire and do exactly that." She wasn't terribly excited about it. Elsa would rather dance with Anna, she would rather waltz across the floor with her, but, she couldn't. Doing so would give Anna the wrong idea and she may push for Elsa's attention again.
Elsa and her magic weren't stable. She could feel the ice in her veins as they stood in the Great Hall, and while it was under control then, she didn't know it could stay that way when it counted. Anna needed to be safe, and keeping herself in check was the best way Elsa could guarantee it.
"...Oh." Anna sounded defeated, but not destroyed. Elsa's reason was enough to dissuade her without crushing her, and Elsa's relief was immense, at first.
Then she heard a man's voice.
"Princess Anna! Your Majesty, Queen Elsa!"
Elsa looked up to see the man Anna had waved to in the chapel. He was tall and handsome, with brown, well groomed hair and sideburns. Elsa supposed the sideburns were handsome, anyway, to her they made him look kind of like a monkey she remembered from a picture book she read years ago. And just like the monkey in the illustration, his nose was a bit big and something about him made her want to put the book away and leave the room, but it wasn't exactly an option.
"Hello," she greeted him with a little nod of her head.
"Hans!" Anna piped up and bounced forward, hugging his arm and pressing herself just lightly against him in greeting.
Oh, Elsa definitely didn't like him.
"Elsa, this is Prince Hans!" Anna looked between them excitedly before stepping back just slightly and tugging on his arm excitedly. "I was just talking about you!" she told him, gazing up at him in his too white suit.
The white of Elsa's own snow had a lot more shine. "Ah, yes, she was," Elsa added uselessly.
"It is an honor to meet you both, Your Majesty," Hans said with a little laugh in response to Anna. "It was a....a wonderful surprise to first meet Anna, and even better that she remembers me."
"Yes," Elsa said dryly, and then reminded herself to be calm. She could already feel the cold prickling in the ends of her fingers. "You said you are from the Southern Isles? Are other members of your family present, any of your royal council..."
"Oh, yes!" Hans seemed to straighten himself and Anna giggled. "But I believe they are preoccupied. A couple of your staff have been guiding others around the castle," he said as if Elsa didn't already know that, "They may be participating. Or, perhaps, at the ship."
"You don't know where they are?" Elsa pressed.
"Ah, no, you see I was so eager to see Anna again that I just..." Hans faltered, and Anna lightly smacked his shoulder as her cheeks reddened again.
"Listen to you! It's just me!" Anna insisted.
"Just you?" Hans retorted with what appeared to Elsa as a sly, reindeer-pie eating grin.
Elsa interrupted. "Well, should you locate the rest of your party, I would love to meet them and talk to all of you. I'm sure we have much to talk about." As she did with everyone, really, but Elsa felt that she ought to find out what Hans was all about.
"Surely," Hans assured her with a confident nod. "Now...I hope I do not overstep, but Princess Anna, may I have this dance?" he asked, turning and offering her a gloved hand.
The squeak that left Anna's lips was almost on a level only dogs might hear and Elsa made a bit of a face. "Yes! I would love that! Um...Elsa?" Anna was bouncing on her feet as she turned to Elsa, practically begging for permission.
"Go on. You deserve to enjoy the night," Elsa said, nodding. As much as she felt something about Hans was off, that didn't mean Anna should be punished. If she wanted to dance with a handsome man for a night, so be it. Maybe she'd meet another handsome man, someone with better energy to him, and she would go with him to a safe, wonderful home far away from her and her ice.
Anna broke into a smile that Elsa swore she hadn't seen in years. Then she hurried off with Hans, joining the crowd of people on the floor before Elsa.
In a way, it did feel like Elsa had handed her off to someone else, and she felt strangely about it. She didn't feel good, in fact, and watching them dance while Anna smiled made her want to throw up. That Hans guy touched her bare skin with his gloved fingers, his big palms on her thin waist. They ran over her in a way that made Elsa's throat dry, and that was just their placement in regards to the dance!
The way Hans twirled her made her dress fan out beautifully around her and Elsa wished she could be the one to do that. She could almost feel the floor getting icy under her feet and her long cape, which was a problem.
When an officer from a neighboring kingdom approached her to greet her, Elsa was only too happy for the distraction. In a way she was also genuinely happy to be meeting others and strengthening kingdom connections, something her mother had always pressed as vitaly important. And, it was, because other kingdoms played big roles in the well-being of her kingdom, which was exactly what she should be thinking about.
As such, she threw all her focus into doing such, even forming discussions with a little group in regards to special material trades and festivities. She kept herself formal, quick and to the point, and when they all walked away from each other she felt confident in what she was doing.
If she could just be a good queen, then she could make sure Anna wound up somewhere safe without letting sadness or jealousy take away from that.
Yet, as the party wound down, she didn't see Anna and Hans anywhere. Guests had spread all over the castle in the areas they were allowed, so not seeing them on the dance floor wasn't an emergency. Anna might stay up late talking with Hans or other new friends and she was probably absorbed in that. Elsa could go find her and verify for herself.
She did not.
When at last the night was considered late enough for her to reasonably retire to her bed chambers, she did. The longer she stayed at the celebration the bigger the chance something could go incredibly wrong. Elsa wasn't going to mess around. She was truly exhausted along with feeling the weight of the kingdom on her shoulders more than ever, so her bed was a welcome sight and feel. Sleep was something she craved terribly, both to get her rest and to make her mind stop trying to run away.
However, sleep did not come easily.
Elsa tossed and turned, thinking about Anna. She probably shouldn't have gotten so brave, talking to her and telling her she looked beautiful. There were so many way that the conversation she started could have gone wrong. In a way it was a good thing that Hans came along when he did and separated them from each other.
But watching Hans and Anna set her off. Something within her was already awakened when she looked at Anna and admired her skin. Watching them dance made Elsa want to touch Anna again, though, even if in just an old, familiar kind of hug. She wanted to hold Anna and rest her cheek on Anna's bare shoulders, inhaling the scents that Anna's neck had to offer.
She wanted to bury herself in her adopted sister. Anna brought her such love and warmth and everything a person could want, both emotionally and....and physically.
Was that thought so wrong?
Yes, yes it was.
Elsa growled as she tried to hide her head under her pillow and she could hear ice extend from the ground in spikes. That meant there would end up being more, and it was another night she would probably freeze her bedroom door shut as well. What was wrong with her, thinking of Anna in such a way?
Initially she thought the day had gone well, had gone successfully, and she finished it without any big problems to have to worry about dealing with later.
Elsa frustratingly admitted to herself that she was very, very wrong.
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froelsannazen · 4 years ago
Elsanna Week
Day 2: Whispers/Kisses
“Yes, it’s a pleasure to have you,” Elsa greeted, another one of the trade partners visiting Arendelle. While that one was walking away and another was stepping up, Anna whispered, “Let’s do something later.”
Elsa welcomed another, then when he left, she asked in a whisper, “What do you have in mind?” Anna shrugged, “Something related to our bedroom?” Elsa’s face immediately started to turn red, but she had overtime learned how to be stoic, so she pushed the blush that was creeping up her neck down.
She turned to the one coming up now, “Hello, Mrs. Swan, welcome to Arendelle.” “Greetings, Queen Elsa, it’s a pleasure to see you,” Mrs. Swan replied, “Is this Princess Anna?” “Yes,” Elsa nodded, “this would be my sister.” “Hello Mrs. Swan! Nice to meet you!” Anna held out a hand. The trade partner shook it, “It’s nice too meet you too.”
“Anna,” Elsa hissed, “act like a princess.” She jested, “Like how you kept down your blush when I mentioned a specific word?” The queen gritted her teeth and turned to Mrs. Swan. “I am so sorry about her, I promise—,” she looked at Anna, “that this would never happen again.” She just chucked, “It’s fine! I’ll see you later, your majesty.”
They went like that until their conversation was over. Elsa greeted their last guest just as Anna left with a smile on her face.
“Um, Kai, may I have a word?” Elsa asked as she was heading to her study and Anna was following her. He nodded, “Yes, your majesty, and greetings, your highness.” Elsa had her mouth open, ready to say something, but then Anna whispered, “I want a kiss.”
Elsa sucked in her lips and gave a peck to her forehead before turning back to her steward, “I’ve told you, you can call us Elsa and Anna.” He nodded in reply, “Well then, what do you need, Elsa?” “Um,” she fidgeted with her fingers, “can you make sure all the staff are gone and there’s no one around my room by nine o’clock?” “Of course, your- Elsa, but may I ask why?” Kai asked, his head tilting a bit to the side.
Elsa’s cheeks flushed. Thus, Anna gave her a reassuring, or what’s supposed to be a reassuring, kiss on the cheek. She whispered, “Just say it’s personal,” while pulling back. “Uh- um- it’s personal,” Elsa blurted out. “Ah, okay,” he nodded, “Is there anything else?” Elsa just shook her head, unable to form words. She then left immediately with Anna apologizing to him for her “behavior” that she “don’t know why she acting like that.”
Elsa sat at her seat for dinner and of course, Anna was there too, sitting right beside her. Olaf sat next to Elsa, but not as close to her as Anna was.
While the staff were serving their food, Anna leaned to Elsa and whispered, “Do you remember what we’re going to do tonight?” Elsa nodded and answered in a whisper, “Yes,” when they started to serve her food. Olaf was too busy jumping in his seat and didn’t see the exchange between the two sisters. However, the castle staff obviously did.
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tellopost · 6 years ago
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Hello there people ... 
Here´s the result of me watching a lot of times the second trailer of  Frozen 2... 
I just can think of more and more DRAMAAAAAAA!! 
Yup...our babies suffering and stuff </3 ahahahhahhahaahahah ;’)  
also, thank you beauty <3  @bblabbla 
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glittering-snowfall · 5 years ago
Elsanna Week Day 1: I Will Follow
Note: I have been blighted by a sore throat and so am woefully behind on Elsanna Week, but I hope this can make up for it. @loveable-elsanna, you might like this, because it’s somewhat akin to a story idea I shared with you before.
The host comes to march on Arendelle, carrying banners before them. They have heard that the Witch is fled to the Wood, but do not find the realm undefended.
Anna stands in defiance of them, crown shining in the sun like a new star to be placed among the heavens. Mattias stand beside her – and behind them all the soldiers of Arendelle.
The Queen draws sword from scabbard and it blazes like her crown, so that the whole of her countenance is illuminated. The fair face of Arendelle may glare with scarlet indignation in the time to come, but more terrible than the bloodstained land will be the glower of the Queen, hot with ferocity like a shieldmaiden of old…
She would have peace, not war – but bleeding war is upon her.
And then, as in the old accounts of miracles crumbling in monasteries and shrines, a light as brilliant as Anna’s star-crown and saber shines upon the water. The nokk surfaces, with tempestuous mane, and upon its back, Elsa.
The salt-hooves of the sea-being rout the host. The scattered troops try to charge, but no spear they wield can shatter Elsa’s ice.
Anna surges forward, hair of flame, and with her comes all of Arendelle.
The leader of the host, black-armored and terrible, swings his sword at Anna to cleave her in two.
The sword splinters like the blade that struck Anna’s icy hand upon the fjord.
Splinters, for her sister’s ice is cold and strong.
And it protects Anna from harm.
Elsa throws the brigand down – for brigand he is, this callow usurper, like all callow usurpers, another Hans although this one wears armor more ostentatious – all jagged, to strike fear into his foes, but strip off the spiked helm and look upon a pale coward’s face.
She throws him down and pins him, holding Anna close, running hands over her to see if she is injured.
So different from the years before, when she did not even dare to touch her.
Now a wall of ice encircles all three figures, so that none of the bloodied soldiers may see within.
With a blast of ice, Elsa destroys the warlord’s helmet – and lo! his face is the face of any pathetic tyrant.
She thinks she sees a hint of her grandfather in that hollow face, a hint of Hans, a hint of the Duke of Weselton – all cowards in their ways…
“Anna is Queen in Arendelle,” Elsa says firmly, “and I will follow her and keep her safe from harm.”
Anna’s eyes glisten.
“Does my sister disgust you?” she whispers. “She, with magic in her veins? I see that she does. I sicken you as well. Well, let me leave you with a sight that will make your helpless heart quail all the more. Your last sight, before the end.”
And she kisses her sister beneath the silver-blue dome, kisses her passionately and hungrily, leaving the failed wretch with one last sight to sting his heart before driving her sword right through it.
They break the kiss, and Elsa melts the ice-dome away.
The few straggling soldiers see their warlord nothing more than a bloodied carcass and flee.
The weight of the horror over, both Anna and Elsa sink to the ground and hold one another in their arms.
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elsanna-week · 2 years ago
Elsanna Week Day 3: First Date OR Fairy Tales
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