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tswaney17 · 12 hours ago
Wildest Dreams - Part 2
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She liveeeeessss.
Sort of. I want to thank the incredible @moonfalles for helping to inspire this chapter (I had no idea that this fic needed a second part, but I was desperate for some tender Azriel/Elriel moments). The headcanons we've been sharing with each other gave me that burst of creative energy to write this in one day. So, bless you, my darling, for being my muse. 🥰
Am I back? No. Am I working on stuff to possibly be back one day? Yes.
Remember, writers need engagement to keep going. If you liked this story, please share that with me! I'd love to hear your thoughts. 💕
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​​​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Trigger warnings: None
Word Count: 1,978
This fic will be posted on AO3 only. Read the beginning below or click here to head to AO3.
Azriel landed on the back terrace of his and Elain’s home. It was a beautiful spring afternoon and he knew that his two girls would be spending it in the garden, Elain pruning her various flowers with Rosalie buzzing around her like a little bumblebee.
He smiled at the thought. His daughter earned that nickname a few years back when she was toddling around with her mother. Azriel had said she reminded him of a bee orbiting its flower. Elain had smiled at that, asking him if Rosalie was his little bumblebee.
Without hesitating, he looked at his wife with a broad smile and said, “Yes.” His heart ached at the memory. She was only a bumblebee to her Papa. That was his special nickname for his sweet girl.
Striding through the yard, Azriel took note of the blooming flowers, his shadows flitting between the shaded spots cast by the petals and leaves.
As predicted, he found them in a back corner of Elain’s garden, pruning a section of night-blooming jasmine. It was one of Elain’s favorite sections of her garden, and his too, as it always smelled like her. Azriel couldn’t get enough of his wife’s sweet jasmine scent.
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Remember, sharing is caring! Please reblog if you liked the fic. It helps spread my work and I truly appreciate it. 💕
I'm done using a taglist. So, if you'd like notifications when I post on Tumblr, please subscribe to my fanfic account! Otherwise, follow me on AO3. 🥰
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
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enchantmentandshadows · 4 years ago
Elriel Month | Day 1: Rosehall
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Word Count: 1142
Content Warning: None
Theme: Fluffy & Sweet
Song Suggestion: Mrs. Darcy - Music from Pride & Prejudice
“I think that your future will be filled with more lovely and wonderful things than you could ever imagine, Elain.” He said, softly, resisting every urge that screamed at him to reach out to her. “Maybe this is the Mother’s way of telling you that.”
Elain picked a large purple flower, twirling it between her fingers before adding it to the small bouquet in her hand. “There was a large gate, but I couldn’t quite make out the word across it. It was in lovely swirling letters. I just can never seem to pull it from my visions.”
"Hmm." Azriel hummed from where he lay. The trip to the meadow was one of their usual outings, Azriel found that Elain had a much easier time discussing her visions when they were here, alone. The others meant well, but they just didn’t have the patience to sit and listen without pushing for more information. Azriel found that he could listen to Elain talk about just about anything for hours and never tire of it.
“Beyond the gate there was a long cobblestone path and I followed it all the way to an enormous garden.” She explained, fanning her arms out to describe the enormity of said garden.
“The same garden as last time?” Azriel asked, eyes closed and wings fanned out as he sunned them.
“Yes, the very same, you remembered!” she said, excitedly as she described her latest vision, similar to ones she’d had before.
“Did you think that I wouldn’t?” he asked, pretending to be offended as he lifted his head and teasingly opened one eye, narrowing it at her with a smirk.
“No no, of course you would, of course...” She amended, waving her hand at him and plucking a few more flowers before pausing, having lost her place in the story.
Azriel snorted, closing his eyes and laying his head back down. “The stone path to the massive garden...”
“Yes!” she exclaimed, plucking more flowers to add to her collection. “I took the stone path all the way to an enormous garden, oh the flowers were so lovely, flowers I’d never even seen before, perhaps from the continent or other courts, I can’t be sure. If I had Feyre’s talent I would paint them all. A sea of reds, pinks, yellows and blues…” she sighed dreamily as she recalled.
“Tell me more…” he coaxed gently, watching as she closed her eyes, as if trying to get the vision back. Eventually, she sighed and went back to picking more wildflowers, arranging them as she went along.
Elain turned her gaze to him and gave a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry, I’m sure you’re not interested in my rambling on about this place. Why don’t you tell me about your mission? I’m certain its much more exciting.” She said, adding more flowers to the bouquet in her hand.
He shook his head and sat up, elbows resting on his knees. “Actually, after missions I look forward to our talks. Dwelling on missions…on what battles may lie ahead…I’m happy to keep my mind off of it when I can. It’s easy when I’m with you.”
Elain tilted her head as if considering before nodding with a smile, the gentle breeze blowing through her hair, making the soft pink ribbon from her sun hat dance with her golden brown waves. “Alright then, back to the vision. This time, I also got to see the manor beyond the garden. I’ve never seen so many roses in my life, in every color you could imagine leading to the house. Oh, it was so lovely, Azriel.”
He picked a flower, twirling it between his fingers. “It sounds lovely.”
“There were even roses on the house, just waves of the most beautiful pink blossoms spilling over its great stone walls. It was as if the entire manor were made of roses or-” she smiled to herself, “or as if they were protecting it.”
Azriel arched a brow. “The flowers? Protecting the manor?”
Elain nodded, picking more flowers. “Yes. I think that’s a lovely thought actually, don’t you? Something that seems so delicate protecting something that seems so strong and secure?”
“I do.” He agreed, picking a few more flowers. “Was there anyone else there this time?”
“Unfortunately, no, but it felt different this time.” She smiled, thoughtfully.
“Good different, or bad different?” he asked, his shoulders tensing slightly as he watched for her reaction.
“Good. All the other times it all felt so strange and new. In fact, I thought that I might be tapping into Feyre’s memories at first, perhaps from her time in the Spring Court, but I never felt sad or afraid.”
“Azriel smiled, plucking another flower. “Only good feelings then?”
“Yes, in fact this time I felt so comfortable there, it felt...well it felt as if I were home. As if I belonged there.” She said, the memory warming her heart as it had during the vision.
Elain stopped to examine her bouquet, turning flowers this way and that and nodding to herself in approval before realizing that Azriel had fallen silent. She tilted her head and looked to him, her eyes narrowing slightly in the sun. “What are you doing over there? Have you fallen asleep?” she teased, taking her sun hat off and walking over to where he sat.
Azriel chuckled, watching her, a vision in the dusty pink dress she wore. “I’m just listening, that’s all.”
“Do you think it means something? I mean, that I keep seeing this place in dreams and visions? Could it be some kind of sign or warning?” She looked at him, her brow furrowing slightly with worry.
He shook his head, rising to his feet. “I think that your future will be filled with more lovely and wonderful things than you could ever imagine, Elain.” He said, softly, resisting every urge that screamed at him to reach out to her. “Maybe this is the Mother’s way of telling you that.”
“Do you really think so?” she asked, smiling up at him, her eyes shining with hope.
“I do.” He nodded, presenting the flower crown he’d been struggling with as she’d been telling her story. Elain’s face lit up as she bowed her head, letting Azriel put the crown on her. His hands trembled slightly as he gently placed the crown in her hair.
“More than anything, I hope that vision is a sign of your future happiness.” He said quietly, letting a lock of her soft brown hair slip through his fingers.
“Thank you, Azriel, I hope so too, and you're quickly mastering flower crowns, I'm very impressed.” She smiled shyly as she teased him and wrapped her arms around his middle, hugging him. She closed her eyes and her heart fluttered as that familiar feeling washed over her again. The same feeling she got as she neared the rose covered manor, the feeling of home.
Azriel didn’t hesitate, his heart thundering as he wrapped his arms around her too. He closed his eyes, her delicate scent warming him, the scent that always reminded him of home.
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enchantmentandshadows · 4 years ago
New Day, New Recipe
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“ Love doesn’t just sit there like stone; it has to be made like bread. Remade all the time. Made new.” — Ursula K. Le Guin
THEME: Fluff
SONG SUGGESTION: “You Are Enough” - Sleeping at Last
Elain hummed as she gathered ingredients in the kitchen. She’d been given a new bread recipe from a sweet fae woman at her gardening workshop and she decided to try it to keep herself busy for a while.
Normally she would meet Azriel after her workshop, however, he was away on court business and their training had to be cancelled. It was Mor who offered to winnow Elain to and from her workshop that day instead and Elain was glad that she didn’t have to stay home and dwell on how disappointed she was that she wouldn’t be training, especially as Nuala and Cerridwen had also been sent off on an assignment and were not around to keep her company.
Elain tied her apron on and continued humming the tune as she measured and mixed her ingredients and wondered what Azriel was up to. She found that her thoughts wandered to Azriel quite often lately, he was so interesting and as the Spymaster of the Night Court he was always off to different places for his court business. Every now and then he would tell her stories about where he’d been and they always made her long to travel and see all of Prythian. He told her about all sorts of fae she’d never seen or even heard stories of before. He would describe the architecture of the other courts and of course any special flowers he’d seen along the way. A few times he’d even brought her seeds from other courts. Elain wanted so desperately to be able to venture out, but she knew it wasn’t safe yet-not until the threat from Koschei and those wretched Queens had been dealt with. She suspected that Azriel’s absence had something to do with them and hoped that he was safe wherever he was.
Elain paused, laughing softly as she looked up from the mixing bowl. “I know you’re there, there’s no need to hide.” She waited a moment before going back to her mixing, covering the bowl and preparing another batch of dough before stopping and glancing toward where the small shadow kept darting around.
“Are you trying to tell me something by dancing around over there?” She asked, making her way over, watching as the shadow twirled and twisted before hanging in the air.
“Are you here to deliver a message?” She asked, but the shadow simply floated there. “Aaare you here to check up on me?” She asked, laughing as it moved a bit. “Here to check up on me and keep me company?” The shadow twisted and twirled again.
“Well thank you, I could certainly use the company today. It is awfully quiet with everyone out. Not that you can help much with the quiet, but it IS nice to have someone to talk to-if you don’t mind me talking to you.” She said, covering the second bowl and setting it aside to rise. The shadow slithered closer along the counter and Elain assumed that it didn’t mind her chatting.
“You like to dance?” Elain asked, watching the shadow move around. “I miss dancing. I think I lost that part of myself somewhere along the way here.” She said wistfully, recalling all of the lovely balls she and Nesta had attended before her whole life changed. “I’d like to find it again, now that things are feeling so much happier and more hopeful. It feels like everyone is moving forward again instead of struggling to keep things from falling apart. We should all be dancing more.” She said, laughing as the shadow began twisting and twirling around her.
“You want to dance with me?” She asked, watching as the shadow bobbed up and down. She dusted her hands off and untied her apron, setting it to the side. The shadow twirled and Elain gave her best curtsy before twirling around with it, humming music she recalled from the last ball she had attended-when she was still human. The steps all came rushing back to her and she lost herself in it, that carefree feeling she thought would never come back, she let it take hold of her-even if just for a moment. Even if there would be scrying and other work ahead, she could let herself have these moments of happiness from time to time. Perhaps it would help to remind her just what they were all fighting for.
“This is much easier with someone else leading.” She said, and it wasn’t lost on her that for the first time in her life she truly was leading her own life. She wasn’t completely in charge just yet-but she knew that day would come. She knew that becoming fae had changed everything for her. That idea had been horrifying once, but now it felt like absolute freedom and excitement. Suddenly, anything and everything was a possibility for her and she had no one to tell her what was and wasn't acceptable for a Lady like her. She wouldn't be limited to being a possession, an accessory to a husband who made all of the decisions for her. She felt shame burn within her slightly. She had been so ready to take that life on, so sure that she'd found the best option in a sea of bad ones, maybe she had, it didn't matter now. Now, she would be free to choose whatever and whomever made her truly happy.
Azriel crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe, watching as his shadow twisted and twirled around Elain as she danced, her smile positively glowing. His grin widened as he heard her humming along with whatever tune was in her head. She looked so happy in this moment, it was what he knew they’d all hoped for, that Feyre would have her sisters back one day; that they would both claw their way back from the darkness they’d been plunged into. Elain at least seemed to be faring well, much better than Nesta was anyway. Selfishly, Azriel was glad that it was Lucien who seemed to be the target of what little anger Elain did show instead of he and his friends. It was unfair, he knew it and he had a feeling that Elain knew it too, but he couldn’t bring himself to feel too badly about it. Lucien had played his part in what happened-he supposed they all had and they should all play their parts in helping the sisters heal too-even if for Lucien that meant keeping his distance.
Elain danced, her eyes closed as she saw herself in a grand ballroom, surrounded by courtiers and having not a care in the world. She twirled toward Azriel, slowly coming to a stop, the image in her mind fading away.
Azriel couldn’t stop himself from taking Elain’s hand. Chuckling as her eyes shot open as he swept her along. Elain laughed, resting her hand on his arm and letting him lead her in a turn around the kitchen. Azriel clearly knew what he was doing.
“Azriel, is this a hidden talent? I’m very impressed.” she beamed.
“Not exactly hidden, just not often required as you can imagine. Rhys’ mother and Mor whipped us all into shape-even Cassian if you can picture that.” He joked, smiling at the memory.
“Actually, I can. I’ve seen you both train, it isn’t completely unlike dancing, you both move with such ease. I’ve had my feet stepped on enough to know that you can be injured doing both.” She joked as they slowed and she twirled under his arm one last time, dipping into a curtsey as he bowed with an easy smile.
“Thank you for the dance, both of you." she said, smiling as the shadow moved to join Azriel again. "I didn’t think I’d see you today.”
Azriel leaned back against the counter and watched as she tied her apron back on. “My business didn’t take as long as I expected. Are you here all alone?” He asked, his expression not giving away how he felt about that when Elain nodded her head. “Mor was here, she left not too long ago. Though I am capable of being home alone.” She asserted, scrunching her nose slightly at him. And the house is safe anyway, isn’t it?”
Azriel nodded, hazel eyes scanning the countertop. Baking today then, no gardening. “You’re right, you’re right. Is that why you didn’t throw a punch at me when I surprised you?”
Elain nodded, smiling. “I always feel safe here. And with you, Nuala and Cerridwen stepping in and out of shadows all the time, I'm completely desensitized to things and people appearing out of nowhere."
Azriel smiled at that, happy that she'd become accustomed to their ways, and happy that she finally seemed to realize that she was not out of place there. “I’m glad, you should feel safe here, you are safe here." Elain offered him a gentle smile that he returned. He knew what it meant for her to feel safe again, after being snatched from her own home by Hybern's men. "I owe you, you know. An outing for the day.” Azriel offered, referring to their bargain as he rubbed the small stars inked on the underside of his finger.
“But the deal was an outing for every training, and I didn’t train today.” She corrected.
Azriel hummed in agreement before picking up a butterknife and twirling it between his fingers. “Knife training?”
Elain arched a brow in doubt. “With butterknives? What about my bread?”
“You show me how to make bread and we can work on holds then.” Azriel countered with a grin.
“It’s a de-“ Elain stopped herself and nodded. “Alright.”
Azriel chuckled, washing up. “Not keen on another tattoo so soon?” He asked in a hushed tone.
“Not sure how I’d hide another if its any bigger than the first.” She reasoned, as she offered him an apron. “Sorry, I don’t have an Illyrian sized apron, but at least it should do to keep the flour off of you.”
Azriel tied it on and rubbed his hands together, ready to begin.
“I hope everyone is in the mood for bread tonight.” Elain joked, washing up before sliding another bowl in front of Azriel and instructing him on the ingredients to add.”
“You do this everyday?” Azriel asked, pushing the sleeves of his tunic up and mixing the dough.
“Not every day, just most days. It keeps me busy and I like it, especially when I have a new recipe. I find it relaxing.”
Azriel nodded. “I can see how it would be.”
“Now, don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty at the end to make sure its all mixed together.” She said, watching as he mixed the rest with his hand. “No need to be dainty with it.” She teased, watching him and giving a nod of approval when the dough was thoroughly mixed.
Azriel smiled to himself, he wasn’t sure if she realized how dainty she seemed to everyone else most of the time. If only they knew.
“Now we cover this and wait for the other two to rise.” She said, laughing at his dough covered hands, moving to help take some of the dough off, gently as if afraid she might hurt him. Azriel felt his face heat as her gentle fingers moved over his hands, his skin tingling in the wake of her touch. Elain never seemed to mind his hands, had never recoiled or gave him those pitying looks that others did. When he was with her, he seemed to forget about being self conscious about them-about anything really.
“Now lets wash up and in the meantime, I’m in your hands.” She said, smiling up at him before they both washed their hands and put their aprons aside.
“Today, I want to start with some simple moves that don’t require much strength. Unfortunately, its likely that if someone attacks you, they’ll be larger than you so we can’t always rely on strength to be enough.” He explained.
Elain nodded in understanding. It hadn’t gone unnoticed by her just how large every male was, even Lucien who was smaller than Cassian and Azriel seemed to tower over her. Azriel moved to face her, he could sense her nervousness and gave her a small smile which seemed to put her at ease. She smiled back and gave another nod, letting him know that she was ready.
“Now I want you to be the aggressor first so I can show you and then we’ll switch. First situation, someone grabs you by the wrist.” He said, nodding as she held him by the wrist. “Fear will make you want to pull away, don’t. Take control back instead. Put your hand over their fingers and hold their hand down.” He instructed, putting his hand over hers. “Then swing your arm and move to grab their wrist.” He moved slowly, so as not to hurt her as he twisted his arm in her grip, grabbing her wrist and holding her arm behind her. “From here, you can force them to their knees, or just shove them and run.” He said, letting her go. “The goal is for you to escape the situation, not to stay and fight.”
Elain nodded. “Grab their hand, swing my arm, grab their wrist, push them down and run.”
Azriel nodded and grabbed Elain’s wrist. She hesitated for a moment before putting her hand over his and grabbing his wrist with the hand he held. She pushed down slightly, holding Azriel’s arm. “Was that okay?”
“That was good, just try not to hesitate, if someone grabs you like that, they deserve what’s coming to them. Also, don’t worry so much about hurting me.” He said with a smirk. “Again, with a little more force.”
“More force, got it.” She nodded, letting him snatch her wrist again, twisting in his grip and twisting his arm. She pushed until he dropped to one knee before releasing him.
“Much better, you can give them a shove once they’re off balance too, and then you run.” He instructed, looking down at her. She seemed so small, he hated that he needed to teach her any of this, but they both knew it was necessary.
“Next situation.” Azriel moved closer to her, slinging his arm around her shoulders and pulling her in against his side. “I’m in your space, what are you gonna do about it?”
Elain moved, trying to back away and duck under his arm, a whine escaping her as she ended up in a loose headlock. “This is where I would bite you.” She said, slapping his leg lightly.
Azriel let her go, chuckling. “I can’t make it too easy for you. You have the right idea, but they’re not going to let you go if they can help it. Okay, put your arm around me now.” He instructed, crouching slightly to allow her to reach across his shoulders as he had done to her.
“Alright, grab their wrist and hold it down.” He said, taking hold of her wrist, forcing her to keep her arm draped over his shoulders. “Grab their shoulder and then duck under their arm, you’re holding their arm now so they can’t get you in a headlock. As you duck under, you pull that arm as hard as you can behind their back.” Azriel kept hold of her shoulder as he ducked under her arm, pulling her arm behind her back and holding her there. “From here you would kick the back of their knees to drop them and give yourself a chance to run.” He released her and she looked back at him, thinking. “What is it? You have a question.” He said, noting her uncertainty.
“Its just…you’re crouching so I can reach, if someone attacks me, they’re not going to be quite so accommodating.” She reasoned.
Azriel considered for a moment. “If your attacker is too big to reach, then step 1 is to hit him in the groin or elbow them in the ribs as hard as you can, that’ll shorten him enough for you to do the rest.”
“Fair enough.” Elain agreed, laughing. “We can skip that step I suppose.”
“I’d appreciate it if we could.” He said, smirking before slinging his arm across her shoulders again.
Elain took hold of his wrist, gripped his shoulder and ducked under his arm, pulling his arm behind his back. “And then I would kick the back of your knee to take you down, right?” She asked, excitement in her voice.
“Right, that we can practice that when we’re in the right space again.”
“Alright, I like that one, wish I’d learned it ages ago.” She joked, but Azriel felt something in him go cold. He wondered how many “gentlemen” had gotten closer than she’d wanted, if they were anything like fae nobility, they felt entitled to anything they wanted. He said nothing, but schooled his features and nodded. “That was very well done.”
Elain smiled and nodded. “Thank you, I think maybe one more and then back to the bread?”
“Alright, one more.” Azriel thought for a moment before nodding to himself and getting down on his knees. “Go ahead and grab me by the hair.”
Elain hesitated, then slid her fingers into his hair-careful not to pull.
“Alright, you’re gonna swing your arm over again and bring it up, trapping their arm with yours.” He explained as he moved his arm to hook under hers, just enough to show her but not enough to hurt. “You’ll want to pull up more than I am to take them to their knees.”
“Alright.” Elain nodded, absently smoothing his hair down before moving back into position. Azriel tried to ignore the tingles it sent down his spine, they were friends and this was training he reminded himself. They were friends, just friends.
“Let me know if I hurt you.” He said, taking hold of her hair as gently as possible.
“Its fine.” She assured him, waiting for his nod before hooking her arm over then under his.
“Go ahead and put some more pressure on.” He instructed, dropping to his knees as she did so. “Good, now from here, you might be able to break their arm, you could also punch them in the face, both would give you a chance to run away.”
Elain nodded and let him go. “Thank you, Azriel, I think these will be most helpful.”
“I hope you never have to use them.” He said, getting back to his feet.
“So do I.” She said, the look they shared saying that they both knew that she might. She shook her head, her easy smile returning as she moved to wash up again. “Alright, back to YOUR training.”
Azriel washed his hands again, watching as Elain set two bowls on the counter, uncovering both.
“Okay, the dough has risen.” She said, sprinkling the counter with flour. “You want to dust some flour on your dough so it doesn’t stick to your hands again.” She sprinkled, watching Azriel do the same. She was very sure he would never do this on his own, but it still gave her a sense of satisfaction-teaching him something that he didn’t already know.
“Now you want to fold your dough, and push it like so.” She instructed, folding her dough over and pushing it forward with the heel of her hands a few times before turning her gaze back to Azriel who was gently kneading his own dough. “You can’t hurt the dough.” She said as she stepped closer, Azriel moving to let her step between him and the counter, bringing his hands back to the dough, caging her in.
Elain felt her face heat slightly, but she watched as he folded the dough and waited until she put her hands over his. “You can’t hurt it.” She said, guiding his hands. “It isn’t as delicate as it seems, it's better to push harder. Its very hard to over work your dough.”
“This is why you punch so hard already isn’t it? This and hauling rocks around the garden?” He teased, smiling. His deep velvety voice so close to her ear sending a shiver down her spine.
“My bread is better than my punching, I’ve had way more practice.” She said and he could hear the smile in her voice. “Just a little more and we should be done kneading.”
“This is pretty relaxing.” He confessed. “You usually do this with Nuala and Cerridwen?”
Elain nodded. “Yes, ever since…well since I felt well enough to leave my room.” She said quietly. “I enjoy their company very much.”
“They’ve told me that they enjoy your friendship as well, Elain” He said, still folding and kneading.
“Oh?” She looked up at him, a little shocked that they would talk about her with Azriel.
“They could have been reassigned months ago, they like it here, like spending time with you.” He offered. “We all value your friendship, Elain.”
“And I value theirs, and yours Azriel.” Elain gave his hands a gentle squeeze before he moved his arm to let her pass.
Elain moved back over to her dough, a gentle smile on her face now. She hadn’t realized how much she’d needed to hear it, that the wraiths saw her as a friend and not an assignment; that Azriel saw her as a friend. She kneaded her dough a few more times before nodding in approval and bringing her bread pans over.
“Now lets form our dough into a ball and put it in the pan.” She instructed, turning her gaze back to Azriel who stood watching her before forming his own dough, forming the mound in his hands before placing it in the pan. “Very nic-“ she laughed and Azriel froze.
“What did I do?” He asked, looking at his dough, brows raised.
“Nothing. Your dough is perfect, you’ve just powdered yourself with flour.” She said, motioning to her cheek to show him. “Littler higher…bit more…lower…to the right. Nearly there, just a bit higher.” She directed as he wiped at his face, eyes narrowing as he noticed her fighting to keep herself from laughing.
“Higher like here? Or here?” Azriel asked, his thumbs leaving smudges of flour on both her cheeks.
Elain gasped and batted at his hands, laughing. “I am not engaging in a flour fight, not when Rhys isn’t here to clean up with his magic!”
“Truce then, the shadows don’t clean.” He offered with a laugh, hands up in surrender.
“Truce.” She agreed, laughing and reaching up to dust the smudge of flour from his cheek. Azriel reached out, gently thumbing the flour from her cheeks as well.
“What’s next for our dough then, boss?” He forced himself to ask.
“Now is the fun part, we can make a design or decorate the bread, give it a simple pattern or just put it in the oven as it is. Feeling creative?” She asked with a smirk.
Azriel shrugged, smiling. “It’ll taste good even if its ugly, right?”
“We’ll start with something simple.” She promised. “Now I get to show you my knife skills.” She said with a mischievous smirk as she slid a small knife over to him and used her own to carefully cut the dough into quarters, then began making shallow cuts in the dough, quickly creating a leafy wreath pattern on each quarter.
Azriel cursed under his breath, trying the same pattern, his brow furrowed and gaze intense as his eyes shifted back and forth between his dough and hers.
“Azriel that is so well done.” She praised, watching his careful hands as he finished.
“You’re not the only one who can be a good student.” He teased with a smirk.
“You think I’m a good student?” She preened and he laughed.
“Alright, alright, now they go in the oven and we’ll have some-hopefully delicious bread with dinner tonight.” She said, moving the pans into the oven and checking on the third bowl. “Your dough hasn’t risen yet, but it should be ready by dinner too.”
Azriel smiled, leaning against the counter. “Thank you for the lesson.”
“Thank you for the lesson.” Elain offered in return, fingers drumming on the countertop, her heart skipping as Azriel slid his hand closer until it was under hers, her fingers gently tapping on his palm.
Her eyes moved to meet his and he moved to take a step forward when they heard the sound of the front door opening and multiple people filtering in. They both heard Rhysand asking after Azriel and Elain gave him a smile. “Duty calls...”
Slowly, Azriel slid his hand away and nodded. “See you at dinner, Elain.” He turned and left to join the rest of the group, leaving Elain who leaned back against the counter, wondering what exactly had just happened between them.
Dinner went on as normal with the usual chatter back and forth. The bread had been a success and Elain and Azriel exchanged satisfied smirks as it disappeared quickly. After Dinner, on his way out, Azriel made one more visit to the kitchen. Elain looked up and smiled. "Hey, if you're on your way out, don't forget your bread." she said, sliding the wrapped loaf over to him. "It rose while you were busy with Rhys, so I finished it for you."
"Thank you." He said, taking a peek and smirking. The loaf was decorated with a different more intricate pattern, flowers baked into the surface as well. "Show off."
Elain laughed. "Goodnight, Azriel."
"Goodnight, Elain." Azriel smiled before disappearing into his shadows.
Elain made her way back to her room, a smile on her face. Something was changing between her and Azriel, of that she felt sure but to what exactly-she didn't know. In one day she had gone from being content and comforted by their friendship to considering the possibility of something more. Her smile brightened at that, a blush coloring her cheeks at the idea of something more than friendship with Azriel, something fresh and new.
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