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elreinodelpurgatorio · 3 months ago
My brother had a giant fit last night because he rediscovered for the 5th time this week that his diabetes limits what he can eat. To help him understand how serious diabetes is, I made him watch Youtube videos of podiatrists cleaning up diabetic ulcers. The joke is on him, because I’m a nasty freak who watches this stuff for fun.
While he sat there, disgusted and horrified, I sat there perfectly pleased. It’s the petty things that keep me going.
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kiljoius-writes · 1 year ago
Comfortable Expectations
Ao3 Link
Rating: T
Pairing: Sasuke Uchiha/Hinata Hyūga
Summary: He may not be what she expected, but she’s everything he thinks of her.
For my friend ElReino for the SasuHina server's Secret Santa!
Word Count: 4.7k
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sasuhinamonth · 2 years ago
is there a long list out there of SasuHina fics that don't bash characters or pair up Naruto and Sakura?
Hello, lovely!
Let's seeeeeeee~
While I can't think of any list with those specific qualities off the top of my head, I do know of a rather lengthy rec list from a very special member of our community: @p-crowds!
Portside Crowds (or p-crowds) is known as the SH librarian, and she has an amazing old list and new list that may be of use! P-crowds does good in giving a summary of the fics she's read, so I recommend you read her thoughts over to see if you can find anything you fancy!
I can also try to provide a list, if you'd like <3
It won't be nearly as big as our p-crowds, but it will at least cater to your request!
Ichinen by Cinderella Starsend
Flak Jacket by Elreino
Koi no Yokan by xpastelberriesx
What's Mine to Give by WritingHyuHin
The Chill of Winter by Lanse
It's All About the Timing by PianoCoat
A Study of Mannerisms and Alterations by MissLe
Senior Celebration by Mauia88
Hope this helps!
Mod: PC
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acompanantescolombiablog · 6 months ago
Develandolasencantosdamas de Compañíaen Colombia: un viajepor la enigmáticacultura de Medellín
Colombia, con suvibrantecultura, impresionantespaisajes y cálidahospitalidad, ha sidodurantemuchotiempo un destino que captura la imaginación de viajeros de todoelmundo. En medio de las bulliciosascalles y lasverdesvalles, existe un mundo de sofisticación y encanto: elreino damas de Compañía. En estaexploración, nosadentramosenlasencantadorespaisajes de Colombia, con especial atenciónen la cautivadora ciudad de Medellín, dondamas de Compañíaencarnaelespíritu de elegancia, encanto y compañerismo.
Damas De Compañía Colombia: Donde la belleza se encuentra con la sofisticación
En elcorazón de Colombia, Damas De Compañíapersonifica la esencia de la belleza y la sofisticación, ofreciendoexperiencias de compañía que son tan encantadorascomoinolvidables. Desde las vibrantescalles de Bogotá hasta las soleadascostas de Cartagena, estoscompañeroscautivanlassentidos y elevancadamomento a unaescapadaeterna.
Lo que distingue a Damas De Compañía Colombia es sucapacidad para navegarporeldiversopaisaje cultural del país con gracia y aplomo. Ya sea acompañando a clientesaeventos de alto perfil, explorandogemasescondidasfuera de lo común o simplementedando un paseo tranquiloporlasencantadorespueblas de Colombia, estosacompañantesexudan un aura de elegancia y refinamiento que dejaunaimpresiónduradera.
Además, Damas De Compañia Colombia actúacomoembajadora cultural y ofreceinformaciónsobre la ricahistoria, tradiciones y estilo de vida del país. Con suinteligencia, encanto y conocimiento cultural, creanexperienciasauténticas que permiten a lasclientessumergirseenelvibrantetapiz de la culturacolombiana.
Damas De Compañía Medellín: Explorando la ciudad de la eterna primavera
Ubicadaen medio de las exuberantesmontañas del Valle de Aburrá, Medellín es un testimonio del espíritu de resiliencia, innovación y creatividad de Colombia. En estadinámica ciudad, Damas De Compañíaagrega un toque de glamour y sofisticación, convirtiendocadamomentoenunaaventura memorable.
En Medellín, Damas De Compañíaencarna la esencia de la eleganciaurbana, subelleza y encantocomplementan la energíavibrante y elestilocosmopolita de la ciudad. Ya sea explorando la arquitecturainnovadora del Parque Biblioteca España, saboreandolassabores de la cocina local enPueblito Paisa o bailandotoda la nocheenlasvibrantesclubes de El Poblado, estoscompañerosinfunden a cadaexperienciaunasensación de romance y emoción.
Además, Damas De Compañía Medellín sirvecomoguías de lastesorosescondidos de la ciudad, ofreciendoconsejos de expertos y conocimientos locales que permiten a lasclientesdescubrirelencanto y atractivoúnicos de Medellín. Con sucalidez, hospitalidad y alegría de vivir, creanrecuerdos que perduranmuchodespués de que el sol se pone sobreel Valle de Aburrá.
El imperativoético
En unaindustria a menudo envueltaenestigmas y conceptoserróneos, es crucial abordar las consideracioneséticas que sustentaneltrabajo damas de Compañíaen Colombia y Medellín. Un elemento central de estasconsideraciones es elénfasisenelconsentimiento, elrespeto y la comprensiónmutuaentodas las interacciones.
Lasacompañantespriorizan la seguridad y elbienestar tanto de lasclientescomo de ellasmismos, respetandoestrictoscódigos de conducta y confidencialidad. Además, aboganporlas derechos y la dignidad de suprofesión, desafiandolasestereotipos y promoviendounasociedadmásinclusiva y tolerante.
Más allá del compañerismo: un intercambio cultural
Si bien elpapel principal damas de Compañíapuede ser el de compañerismo, las experiencias que ofrecen van muchomásallá de las merasinteraccionessociales. En Colombia y Medellín, estoscompañerossirvencomoembajadoresculturales, cerrando la brecha entre lasvisitantes y elvibrantetapiz de la culturacolombiana.
A través de conversacionessignificativas, experienciascompartidas y conexionesgenuinas, lasclientestienen la oportunidad de sumergirseen las ricastradiciones, historia y estilo de vida de Colombia y Medellín. Es un viaje de descubrimiento, guiadoporcompañeros que encarnan la esencia de la hospitalidad y la graciacolombianas.
En lasencantadorespaisajes de Colombia, Damas De Compañía redefine elarte del compañerismo, ofreciendoexperiencias tan enriquecedorascomoinolvidables. Desde la sofisticaciónurbana de Bogotá hasta la energíavibrante de Medellín, estosacompañantesencarnanelespíritu de elegancia, encanto y conocimiento cultural que definen la experienciacolombiana.
Entonces, la próximavez que se encuentreen Colombia o Medellín, sumérjaseenelmundo damas de Compañía, dondecadaencuentro es unainvitaciónaexplorar, conectarse y descubrir la verdaderaesencia del encanto y la hospitalidadcolombianos.
Para más información haga clic aquí: - Universitarias Modelos Acompañantes
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fla9502 · 3 years ago
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"EL REINO" Y EL APRIETE EVANGELISTA A CLAUDIA PIÑEIRO 🔥 La Alianza Cristiana de las Iglesias Evangélicas de la República Argentina (Aciera) denunció ayer en un comunicado a la escritora Claudia Piñeiro y al realizador Marcelo Piñeiro, creadores de la serie de #Netflix, "El Reino" 📽, por desvirtuar, difundir una visión sesgada e intentar debilitar a sus fieles con esta producción. 🔺️ El Reino cuenta la historia de la vida del pastor Emilio Vázquez Pena, encarnado por el actor Diego Peretti. La historia transcurre a partir de un atentado cometido contra el candidato a presidente de la república. Este evento, le da al pastor la posibilidad de convertirse en el máximo mandatario de la Nación. En este escenario, la miniserie ficcional pone en juego y diálogo el poder político, el económico, las operaciones en las sombras y la manipulación de la fe por parte de algunas instituciones 👈. Parece que “el reino” incomoda y en su comunicado, Aciera afirmó que la escritora tiene "un encono" contra la "cultura evangélica de la Argentina" derivada de su "militancia feminista durante el debate de la ley del aborto" 🟢. Y esto suena a apriete contra una mujer que hace varios años asume un rol protagónico en la defensa de los derechos de las mujeres y las disidencias. 🗨 “Hablar en la escena pública, para las mujeres feministas, no es gratis”, dice Soledad Vallejos en @pag12 y el hostigamiento que recibe la autora, quien respondió en su twitter calificando esta acción como una censura, va en consonancia con las molestias que genera y los privilegios que pone en jaque. 🤔¿Acaso no es la amenaza una de las formas de ejercer violencia contra una mujer? ¿Qué estará mostrando la ficción que produce tanta molestia en los sectores evangélicos? ¿Qué cimientos se empiezan a mover? ¿Realmente se cree que las intimidaciones pueden callarnos? #ElReino #feminacida https://www.instagram.com/p/CS1uJ74LWuvy5Vq_15-LKB-o82pUSkcuxlw_3Q0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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elplata · 3 years ago
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El poder simbólico de la escenografía. Y las gigantescas "columnas" a la derecha son huecas: tubos metálicos encastrados (chequeado "in situ"). Adentro mercachifles sacados que, además de cobrar el diezmo, venden, sin que puedan rechazarlos, desde libros de "teología" hasta harina. #elreino #ladris https://www.instagram.com/p/CS4Yk5_AYXj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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moemiazrael · 6 years ago
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Hermoso paisaje. . . . . #lolitasmonterrey #elreino #latinlolitas #mexicanlolitas #lolitafashion #egl #eglcommunity #sweetlolita #himelolita #classiclolitas #fashion #fashiondress #kawaii #harajuku #harajukufashion #harajukugirl #harajukustyle #ロリータ #原宿 #かわいい #rijksmuseum https://www.instagram.com/p/BuognwNntS2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1iuwk31xn6n5i
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un-camino · 3 years ago
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Mateo 5:3 @youversiones #dios #jesús #jesuscristo #cristo #mateo #bienaventurado #el #debil #de #espiritu #le #pertenece #elreino #delos #cielos #biblia #biblico#new #youversion #youversionbibleapp #versículo #versiculodeldia #versiculobiblico #foto #newpost (at Guatemala City, Guatemala) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeHyYM9uHkg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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antigonista · 3 years ago
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Me gustó mucho el ritmo de la película, que va aumentando según el protagonista va enredándose más y más en la trama de corrupción en la que está inmerso. Es el engranaje del juego de poder y corrupción habitual del que sólo vemos la puntita en el telediario. #Sorogoyen #RodrigoSorogoyen #antoniodelatorre #josepmariapou #anawagener #barbaralennie #política #Corrupción #Crimen #Cine #Cinema #pelis #película #film #Cine #Cinema #movies #elreino https://www.instagram.com/p/CX_KgDvMzkq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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alexanderpifano · 3 years ago
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🎥 #ElReino 🎬 . . . @chenetflix @netflix @kramersigmanfilms . . #PorQueCadaInstanteCuente . . #Netflix #ElReinoNetflix #AlexanderPifano #JoaquinFurriel (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS24RFpDwj0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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patosdetemporada · 3 years ago
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Aquí, mi reseña sobre "El reino", el tanque argentino que hoy estrenó Netflix. Si querés leer la nota completa, andá a mi BIO y hacé click en Casa Montenegro. #reseña #series #netflix #elreino #casamontenegro #streaming #tv #instaseries #insta #instagram #instareview #review #mendoza #argentina #veniquetecuento💕 (en Ciudad de Mendoza) https://www.instagram.com/p/CShpMJsp9IE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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elreinodelpurgatorio · 9 months ago
Where I Pretend I'm Carmen Sandiego
Aka: where tf I am on the internet.
Here is a list of all my social medias and what I use them for. Some are backups, some are for stuff I don't want to show people I know in real life, and some are accounts that I pretend are "professional."
Please don't feel obligated to follow any of these.
@elreinodelpurgatorio : where I follow and reblog everyone. I also post about my job as a library assistant and about fanfiction.
@el-reino : my art only blog.
@jessechavez : my "professional" blog where I post updates about my original writing and inspiration for those projects.
thepurgatoryarts : my art only Insta
elreicreates : my art TikTok. I don't post there often because then I get sucked into the TikTok vortex and then I'm lost for 6 hours.
Where I fuck around and find out (in a good way.)
Username: ElReino - Fandoms include Naruto and Star Trek
Thank you for reading!
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kiljoius-writes · 2 years ago
Cooler Than You - Chapter 2
Ao3 | FFN
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Hinata's Chapter
Chapter 2: Day Two - Hinata
Even though I haven't done day 2 in the main series, I'm releasing the SasuHina smut early for LavenderEyedAssassin's birthday!
Happy early birthday, LEA! Be sure to check out her SasuHina works on FFN or Ao3.
And thanks to several people from the SH server for the beta. Big thanks to ElReino, antioedipus, and Pinaka for their very fine-toothed combs!
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Outside of the main police station in the Uchiha compound, Hinata bounces on the balls of her feet, her purse clutched in front of her. Her day at the Academy had ended at 3 p.m. on the dot, and she had just spent the last two hours unwinding at the bakery next to the school with two cinnamon rolls and a tea. She reasoned she should treat herself after the day she had—teaching about a dozen giggly 10-year-olds proper sexual practices was draining for anyone but was especially draining for Hinata. Instructing young shinobi at the Academy seemed like the perfect fit for her when she first decided to be an Academy sensei. Too bad no one clued her in that she would be the one teaching them sex ed. It was her third year doing it, she still wasn't any good at it, and was sure she never would be, no matter how hard she tried to pretend putting a condom on a cucumber wasn't absurd.
Now, she was just happy to have made space between her and the lesson. Dutifully, she awaits Sasuke, checking the watch he had bought her for their anniversary: 4:59 p.m. The little hand ticks, ticks, ticks, until it meets the big hand on the 5, and she looks up to see Sasuke pushing the front entrance open, punctual as always. His eyes immediately find hers, and despite the tiredness behind them, they brighten. She offers him a warm smile as he comes to stand toe to toe with her. Without a word, he holds out his hand, and she covers her giggle with her palm, setting the strap of her purse in it.
"Let's go." He nudges his head, other arm outstretching, and she readily hooks her elbow into it.
"Long day?" she asks, tilting her head up at him as they fall into step together.
He clicks his tongue, eyes looking out in the distance as someone passing by greets Hinata specifically without acknowledging Sasuke. She gives a bright response, then looks back at him to see him rolling his eyes, but a smirk tugs at the corner of his lips. He likes to pretend as if he's annoyed by others focusing their attention on her when they're together, but she knows he prefers it that way. He scoffs before answering here, "could say that."
"Want to talk about it?" she offers, sincerely.
With a little breath, he shakes his head. "Not really."
"That's okay," she responds, pulling his arm a little tighter to herself, and he responds in kind. He looks down at her, and she sees his eyes search hers. Finally, he gives her a smile, and it's sweeter than he probably realizes. He's always been like that: sweeter than he realizes. She's not sure how many people outside of his brother and Naruto get to see it, but she counts herself lucky she's one of them.
Because he lives in the compound, they're at his doorstep within moments, and they break apart. She holds out her hand for her purse back, and he pulls it away. She looks up at him questioningly, pouting out her lip as he holds it out of reach above his head. He's hoping she'll make a fool of herself by hopping up to try to grab it, but she's long learned his games and simply folds her arms, cocking an eyebrow at him. Teasingly, he asks, "where do you think you're going?"
"Home," she responds, narrowing her eyes at him. "Sasuke, I can't stay tonight, I have to be up early. I'm setting up a training course, I'll need to get there—"
"I'll help you," he cuts her off, and he's making those eyes at her. The ones that are tired and silently pleading. Her lip further pouts out and he reaches up with a finger to poke at it. "You can drag my ass out of bed, and I'll go help you set up the playpen for the brats." To this, she giggles. His free arm circles her waist and she presses her palms to his chest, and she's done for.
Hinata lets Sasuke drag her into his apartment because he's being sweet right now, but that's not always the case. He's tired, she can see it, and she figures indulging him in some of her stories about her terrible health education lessons will cheer him up. He closes the door behind him with his foot and hangs her purse up on the hook of the door, always careful with her belongings. They both toe off their sandals, and they pad their way in, tangled together.
"So, tell me, Hinata-sensei," Sasuke starts, pulling her hands up to rest on his shoulders so her chest will press against his, "what kind of jokes did the gremlins come up with today?"
"Hmm," Hinata hums, smiling up at him as she laces her fingers with his free hand, "one boy asked if the girl takes all her birth control pills at once if she'd become immune to pregnancy."
She bites her lips together in amusement at the ugly snort that escapes him. "That's funny, but not a joke. You should have a talk with that boy."
"I did," she responds with a nod as he begins swaying with her. It's something he indulges her in, dancing. Even though there's no music, he still pulls her against him and dances on his two left feet. He's never been good at it, but it's always made him all the more endearing to her.
She hums softly as they two step, her eyes falling to his upturned lips as she does. Since there's no music, she hums something her mother used to hum when she was little. She never noticed that she did it mindlessly until he pointed it out to her on one of their walks with Naruto and Tenten before they began dating. At the time, Hinata thought he was annoyed with the hum, as if she was intruding on his thoughts.
"You're always humming something."
After that, she became embarrassed of it and consciously avoided humming, despite him trying to reassure her that it didn't bother him (she could never tell at the time what would bother Sasuke, she just figured everything bothered him). Then, while they were alone together, he started humming some version of it she had never heard from him before, but recognized it was close to what she might hum. When she asked, he revealed it was something his mom hummed, and that he liked it.
And that he liked it when she hummed it even more than his own mom.
That was the night Hinata finally let Sasuke kiss her. Now that hum was one of the few things that brought him comfort these days.
"I want to kiss you," he whispers to her as he presses his forehead against hers.
She giggles, softly, her hum stopping with her words, "so? You won't?"
"Not if you stop humming," he responds, his grip on her waist tightening.
It's silly, she knows, to blush after all this time, but the way he speaks so softly and sweetly to her makes her feel special. He's reassured her that he has no idea where it comes from, but that it's just for her. So, she returns the kindness and resumes humming, tilting her head up to brush her lips against his without actually kissing. He's content with that, matching her movements. She sees his lips twitch with the vibration of her hum, and it makes her heart jump at the shy chuckle he gives her at the sensation.
Hinata never really recognized any lust inside of her before Sasuke, but this broody boy who only offered her gentleness had somehow drawn it out of her.
Their first time together was clumsy. It was like something out of a romcom, two idiot teenagers trying to figure out each other's bodies. The funnier part was that they were both in their baby twenties, both virgins, both naïve, and both oh-so awkward when it came to…nudity. She had suggested they both keep their clothes on, and he readily agreed. Turns out it's a little hard to figure out where to put a penis when the vagina is covered by a skirt.
They got through it together. It's generally not recommended for a person's first time to be with someone who is also a virgin, but it suited them, Hinata thought. Neither of them had been sexually active like the rest of their peers, both awkward and rigid when it came to the topic of sex. While they weren't the silly adolescents giggling and blushing at the words "testicles" and "vulva", they were the ones going bright red and sinking into themselves. When Kiba confided in Hinata that he had successfully touched a girl's breasts (boobs as he put it), she fainted.
So, when they agreed to give themselves to each other for the first time, despite the ungainliness of it, it felt just right for them. Comfort between them had become a given, and their patience with each other was important to both of them. Really, neither of them was really curious what the other couples of the village were up to, perfectly content with their mediocre love life (though neither were too sure what "mediocre" constituted outside of the romance novels they had read and steamy movies they had seen).
It's nothing new, but she really does adore the way his cheeks brighten as she slowly leads them to his bedroom. Blushing from Sasuke was abnormal in the best way, and she likes being the one who can make it happen. She's teased him before that it's her weapon against him under public eye, though he's never seemed to actually mind. That's why, as she tugs him towards her, she takes her other hand from his neck and slowly unzips her jacket to reveal a lowcut top—one she wouldn't typically wear, but had been behind on her laundry. It reveals more than she'd normally like, but it now works to her advantage, and Sasuke's blush deepens to something closer to crimson. That's the blush she really likes to see.
He readily follows her lead, eyes shamelessly dropping where she had guided them, and he trips over a little indent in the rug. She tightens her hold on his hand to steady him, beaming up at him as she keeps humming. He puffs out his cheeks, and she knows he's grateful that she plays it off as if nothing at all happened. Potential chief of police, and here he is, fumbling over a girl he's smitten with. Unashamedly, Hinata feels pride in her chest for it. She lets the jacket fall off her shoulders, revealing the rest of her skin.
She swings him gently so that his back is facing his bed, then presses against him so he sits on the edge of it. He watches her with those big, black eyes that worship her and her every movement, full of wonder and excitement, like he's just a boy. "Going to give me a lesson, Ms. Hyūga?"
It's a cute blush that dusts her cheeks that are also creased with a smile. She giggles, quietly. His lips are normally thinned to a harsh line, but for her giggle, they part into a pearly grin, showcasing all of his nice, straight teeth. It's a grin she selfishly lives to see, one that's only offered to a fair few. She leans down to press a kiss to his nose while also pulling her hand from his shoulder, the other from his hand, to meet in the middle of his chest to pull his jacket apart.
"What would you like to know, Mr. Uchiha?" she asks, softly, playing into this silly little roleplay.
He shrugs out of the jacket and similarly tugs at her shirt, and she doesn't make him do the work. She pulls it up over herself, a surprised giggle leaving her when part of her bra comes up with it, leaving one breast out. This time, he laughs louder, helping her with the task. "Airhead."
"So rude," she tuts, still smiling, letting him push the rest of the fabric from her shoulders so she's bare. She pokes his chest, and he smirks up at her, that lovely uptick of his lips that makes her heart flutter. He eagerly pulls his own shirt off, then drags her against him so they're chest to chest against. His skin feels hot underneath hers, and it forces a little sigh out of her. He dips his head, so his lips meet her neck.
"So pretty," he mumbles against her skin. She moans out, quietly, wrapping her arms around his neck as his circle her waist. She runs her fingertips along his scalp, threading through his thick, black locks, and smiles at the way he leans into her touch. His mind is fighting with him on whether to encourage her touch or press his lips to her collarbone, so she helps him by pushing his face into her neck. He hums against her, and it makes her shiver, slightly, goosebumps crawling outwards and forcing the blood pumping in her ears to ring louder. His touch is feathery, and it makes her knees feel like jelly.
She feels one of his hands work their way down against her shorts, tugging them along her thighs and she obliges, stepping out of them. Then that hand works on his own belt buckle, because they both know where this is going, and he's not going to be his usual pretentious self and expect her to do that work. He lifts up just slightly to get them around his hips, and then he's bare in front of her, and she smiles down at him as he pulls away to admire her. She slides her fingers up to cup his chin and lifts his head to meet her eyes. They're glazed over, and it's quite nice.
"You didn't tell me what you want to learn."
Sasuke groans, quietly, and it causes heat to begin pooling in her stomach, rapidly. Those little noises he makes always make her warm in a dirty way. He leans up to press his lips against her jaw, then whispers against it, "how about…putting on a condom."
A surprised laugh leaves her, and she pushes his face away. She looks down to see that smirk on his lips again, and she turns away, hiding her blush with her hair. "Goodness…"
"Please?" he asks, a little whine in the back of his throat and it makes her skin tingle. She bites her lower lip as she looks back at him, his eyes wide and genuine and adoring. Those puppy dog eyes only she gets to see. She licks her lips before nodding.
"It is important," she responds, breathily, pulling away from him for a moment to reach for his nightstand drawer. His hands don't leave her, and even impede her movement, causing her to giggle and look back at him. The lazy smile on his face gives him away, he's teasing again, but she knows he's on the edge, too, based on his erection. She digs in and grabs a condom, then pulls it in front of them. She returns to her spot in front of him and tears it open, tossing the wrapper behind her.
"Tell me how it's done, Hyūga," he says, quietly, and she'll never admit to anyone else that the way 'Hyūga' is said from the back of his throat has always made her feel a little…sinful. Even before they were dating, and now she wonders if that had been intentional on his part.
"First, make sure it's not expired," she says.
"Did you check?" he asks, a smirk tugging his lip.
She nods, then holds it up to her face. "Make sure it's facing the right way…nothing more embarrassing than trying to roll it and it won't go down."
He chuckles and bites his lip, and that's very cute, to her.
"Then, a good friend of mine once told me…" she lays into the tease as she pushes on his shoulders, and he readily scoots up the bed until he's laying down. She straddles him, knees stacked on either side, and she leans down, continuing, "pinch the tip and put it on the head of the penis."
Another gross snort leaves him at that, and she has to return with her own giggle. She does just what she said and begins rolling it down.
"Then unroll to the base," she continues, gently tugging it down around him as he watches her, his jaw going slack. She wants to place a kiss on that slack jaw, but holds off for a moment to finish, "then you have sex."
"Aah," he struggles to get it out, she can tell, because he's ready for her.
To be fair, she is, too. She presses her palms to his chest and moves up so she's right above him. She sees his hand snake down to hold himself, and she slowly lowers herself onto him. She lets another moan leave her as she presses down, then his hands are coming up around her back to pull her down by her shoulders, forcing her to be flush up against him again. When their hips meet, they let out a gasp in unison, and she sees his eyes go cloudy.
She sees him wet his lips, and with a breathy voice, he asks, "a-and then the teacher fucks you?"
"Sasuke!" she gasps out, forehead dropping into the pillow under him to muffle her laugh. His grip on her tightens and she feels him shake under her with restrained laughter and gods—she can't believe she's sitting on top of Sasuke with him inside of her, laughing. "This is ridiculous!"
Before the mood can take too lighthearted a turn, she lifts her head slightly from the pillow and one of his hands comes to cup her chin, forcing her to face him. "Seriously," he grunts out, "how is it possible for one woman to be so amazing?"
She can't help it, she has to press her lips against his to quiet him, because even after all of it, she's still not sure how to handle it when he sweet talks her. It's just so strange from him, and while it makes her feel unbelievably special, she has a hard time accepting praise, even from her own boyfriend. His hands tug on her hips to encourage her weight upwards, and she obliges, lifting and pushing back down. She moans against his lips as his other hand lifts up to thread into her hair, grasping the back of her head.
"So perfect," he sighs against her as she gets into a rhythm of bouncing on top of him. She clenches at the words, and she knows he feels it based on the way an embarrassing groan leaves him. Her hand slides from his chest to the pillow next to the side of his head, and she pushes herself up to look at him, lips sucking as they part.
She admires him. She always does, he's just so handsome. The way a lock of hair falls over his forehead and covers part of his eye, his eyelids low, cheeks flush, his lips parted for air as he looks up at her with the exact same admiration. As if he can't believe she's on top of him, riding him, giving it all up to him. So, she reaches back and takes one of his hands on her waist and pins it into the pillow below him, lacing her fingers with his and he easily complies. Her other hand trails down his chest and thumbs over a scar on his upper right pectoral, tracing the mark.
"Don't look at that," he mumbles, both hands twitching as he says it.
"It makes you more handsome," she breathes out, pressing her thumb into the scar.
"Liar," he responds under his breath while the fingers on her hip digs in.
"Truther," she retorts and a giggle bubbles out of her as she says it. The smile on his face is just so cute.
"Dork," he murmurs, pulling the hand laced with his to his lips to kiss the backs of her knuckles. She giggles louder, and she knows it's not very sexy to be giggling and joking during sex but doesn't care.
She knows he doesn't care, either. Life outside of these walls is too serious to bring it back to the bedroom. When they were with each other, everything was easy, and that was undeniably the most satisfying part of having sex—for both of them.
With her whole heart, she says to him, "I love you."
She bites her lips together as he pulls his hand out of hers and grabs her around the back of the head to force her back down so her nose and lips are right against his. A hand finds her backside, encouraging her weight on him, and he slots his lips over hers. It comes out muffled, but she hears it clear as day: "I fucking love you, Hinata."
"Oh—" she gasps out because the way he says it, so seriously, right into her mouth, lights her up inside. His hips start moving upwards to meet hers, and now she's doing none of the work while he ruts up into her. She whines quietly when his hips abruptly still because she knows he's close. One of his hands snakes down her stomach to press against her clit, because he's never been a selfish lover. He always wants her to orgasm before him, and she won't deny it to him. Her head falls into his shoulder as he massages her clit—something he'd become quite accustom to finding on the first try over the years, because nothing less than 100% was acceptable for Sasuke.
So, he rubs her climax from her, and part of it is for him, admittedly. Having her flex around him is a form of satisfaction in and out of itself, and it makes him come close to release, too. When she feels herself gush around him, she cries out, dirty and filthy in all the ways she didn't know she could be. He wants her to be a blubbering mess on top of him, and when he feels her release on him, he pulls his hand away and immediately slides those same fingers into her mouth.
"Mmph—" she mumbles out as she willingly lets them between her lips, her eyes glazed over and wanting. His other hand grips her hip all too tight while he begins thrusting up into her, chasing his own release. And she lets him, because there's nothing left in her brain except the beautiful way his mouth opens and the look of admiration on his features. The way he gently pulls his fingers from her mouth and then strokes her lips—she can't find words for how it makes her feel.
It's just filthy. It's loving, it's sinful, it's wrong and it's right. It's everything they should be for each other, and she loves it.
With one final thrust into her, he wraps both arms around her waist and forces her down so their faces are buried in each other's necks, panting, and whining with each other in a way others might find pathetic, but is just right for them. She struggles to get her arms around him as he pushes her down around him as he comes. She gasps out, "Sas—Sasuke—"
"M-move in with me—"
"Ah—" she gasps out, taken off guard.
Typical man, asking something big of her just as he comes.
"I want you to move in," he breathes, his swallow audible in his throat.
Hinata pants against him, feeling his orgasm still even as he gives her such a big ask. "N-Now?"
"Now," he confirms, hand tangling up into her hair, "I want you here, every day. No more leaving at the doorstep."
"You're…high," she giggles, relaxing against him, "off your orgasm."
"So?" he questions in a low voice, and she resists the shiver creeping up her spine, "I was thinking about it before this."
"And you're only asking because—"
"Don't doubt me, woman," he gruffs out, pulling back his head and she follows his movement, pulling up to look at his expression. He's still smiling, but his eyes are low and serious. "Move in with me."
"Sasuke…" she sighs as he pulls her down for another kiss.
"I like how you say my name," he mumbles into the kiss, gripping her head.
"My love," she murmurs back, and she feels his hips twitch against her.
"Like that more," he groans, mouth messy on hers as his need becomes more apparent. "Move in with me, Hinata."
"I—" He cuts her off with his mouth, pressing his lips harshly against hers. She goes with it, because she really wants to, despite that little nagging in her voice that tells her not to give into demands post-coitus. When he lets her go and their mouths release with a sucking sound, she looks at him with big eyes. His are still lazy—calm, cool, collected, and she gives in. "Okay."
"Good," he says, quietly, fingers curling in her hair.
She smiles at him, and he smiles back.
And really, that's all she wants.
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sasuhinamonth · 2 years ago
When will SH month be?
For 2023, it will be in July!
Mod: ElReino
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locuradelibrosblog · 3 years ago
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#HoyRecomendamos 📖📚 Una novela de un autor que me encanta 🧡 Una magnífica novela como todo lo de este autor @jonesbo_author @reservoirbooks_ 🧡 🔸 #ElReino #JoNesbo #ReservoirBooks 🔸 TRAS CONQUISTAR A 50 MILLONES DE LECTORES, REGRESA EL REY DE LA NOVELA NEGRA CON UN THRILLER LITERARIO MONUMENTAL 🔸 «Sin duda, la mejor novela de Jo Nesbø.» 🔸 En lo alto de una montaña, en los páramos de Noruega, hay un viejo caserón habitado por un hombre solitario. Se llama Roy, es experto en pájaros, lleva la gasolinera del pueblo y en cada casa corre un rumor sobre él. Su vida gris se reabre con la vuelta de Carl, su hermano pequeño. No se ven desde que se fue a estudiar a Estados Unidos hace quince años, tras la muerte trágica de sus padres en un accidente de coche. 🔸 El hijo pródigo trae consigo a su flamante esposa, Shannon, una enigmática arquitecta: han ideado un plan para construir un gran hotel en los antiguos terrenos familiares y podrían hacerse ricos, no solo ellos sino además los vecinos de la zona. 🔸 Sin embargo, pronto llegan también los malos presagios. Porque es difícil reinventarse en una comunidad pequeña donde todos se conocen, y a los habitantes del lugar les costará olvidar ciertos episodios del pasado. Sobre todo, al agente Olsen, hijo del antiguo alguacil, que desapareció tiempo atrás en extrañas circunstancias. 🔸 El reino es un thriller gigantesco, adictivo y complejo, que retrata como ningún libro de Nesbø las pasiones humanas, y que ha sido considerado inmediatamente por la crítica una obra maestra. 🔸 #Reseña en breve en el blog: peroquelocuradelibros.com 🔸 📖📚 #ProximaLectura #YoVeraleo #LaMejorLiteratura #Reseña #Opinion #Lectora #LecturasDeVerano #ClubDeLecturaLL #YoLeo #YoLeoNovelaNegra #YoLeoConLocuraDeLibros #YoLeoReservoirBooks #Literatura #LeerEsVida #LocuraDeLibros #Thriller #Recomendaciones2021LL #RecomendacionesLL #EnMiBibliotecaLL #LeyendoSiempreyenCualquierSitio #NovedadesEditoriales #feliceslecturas (en Garganta De Cuartos, Losar De La Vera, Caceres) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSY-R-6jEse/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dmujercristiana · 4 years ago
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𝑯𝒐𝒍𝒂 𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒔 𝒎𝒖𝒋𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔!🙋‍♀️ . El versículo del día de hoy se encuentra en Mateo 6:33 . Dios les guarde y les bendiga a todas! . Con amor 𝓣𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓪 𝓜 𝓞𝓵𝓼𝓼𝓸𝓷 Bendiciones mil 🙏📖🕯💐🙋‍♀️ . . . . . . . . . #Dios #mujeres #cristianos #dmujercristiana #versiculodeldia #versodeldia #miversiculofavorito #evangelio #palabradedios #labiblia #biblia #sagradasescrituras #buscar #primero #elreino #deDios #justicia #mujerdefe #mujervirtuosa #mujerpiadosa #mujercristiana #mujerdedios #colombiatierraquerida #bogotacity #medellincity #cartagenacity #buenosairescity #méxicocity #limacity #santiagocity (en Caracas, D.F., Venezuela) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD0pgOypVGS/?igshid=1st8jy6qka7pb
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