#elliott al-abbasi
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morelikesin · 18 days ago
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. . .to nip at his throat - his skin feeling the threatening edge of their teeth between the softness of their lips. Had they suddenly decided to rip his throat out, he wasn't quite sure he'd mind that much.
Because I like him being constantly at the mercy of his partners. Just a little.
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awardseasonblog · 2 years ago
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Annunciate le candidature nelle categorie principali degli European Film Awards (EFA), conosciuti anche come Oscar Europei, che da oltre 34 edizioni celebrano annualmente le migliori pellicole del Vecchio continente. Quest'anno tra i 35 film provenienti da tutta Europa (in rappresentanza dell’Italia ne sono stati selezionati 3 comprese le co-produzioni) la nostra cinematografia può fare affidamento sull'apprezzata prova di #PierfrancescoFavino candidato come miglior attore per il film di Mario Martone #Nostalgia (scelto per rappresentare quest’anno l’Italia agli Oscar per la competizione del Miglior film internazionale) e sulla meravigliosa opera di Laura Samani #PiccoloCorpo candidata al #FIPRESCI. A conquistare il maggior numero di candidature spiccano #Close #HolySpider #TriangleofSadness #Corsage. Best European Film -Alcarràs (Sp-It) -Close (Bel-Fr-Neth) -Corsage (Austria-Lux-Ger-Franc) -Holy Spider (Den-Ger-Swe-Fr) -Triangle Of Sadness (Swe-Ger-Fr-UK) Best European Director -Lukas Dhont for Close -Marie Kreutzer for Corsage -Jerzy Skolimowski for EO -Ali Abbasi for Holy Spider -Alice Diop for Saint Omer -Ruben Östlund for Triangle Of Sadness Best European Actress -Vicky Krieps in Corsage -Zar Amir Ebrahimi in Holy Spider -Léa Seydoux in One Fine Morning -Penélope Cruz in Parallel Mothers -Meltem Kaptan in Rabiye Kurnaz Vs. George W. Bush Best European Actor -Paul Mescal in Aftersun -Eden Dambrine in Close -Elliott Crosset Hove in Godland -Pierfrancesco Favino in Nostalgia -Zlatko Burić in Triangle Of Sadness Best European Screenwriter -Carla Simón & Arnau Vilaró for Alcarràs -Kenneth Branagh for Belfast -Lukas Dhont & Angelo Tijssens for Close -Ali Abbasi & Afshin Kamran Bahrami for Holy Spider -Ruben Östlund for Triangle Of Sadness European Discovery – Prix FIPRESCI -107 Mothers (Slovakia-Czech Rep-Ukr) -Director Peter Kerekes -Love According To Dalva (Bel-Fr) -Other People (Pol-Fr) -Pamfir (Ukr-Fr-Pol-Ger-Chile) -Small Body (It-Slovenia-Fr) -Sonne   #Nominations #EFA #EFA2022 #EuropeanFilmAwards #OscarEuropei #AwardsSeason #AwardsRace #Awards #StagionedeiPremi #Movies https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckse_e5s0ae/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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morelikesin · 22 days ago
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"Well," Blóðhundr began, eyes dark and lidded with want, full wine-stained lips pulled into a gentle, coaxing smile as they spoke low, purring, unfathomably beguiling, "I say we welcome ourselves to The Mandragora."
. . .
“Guess I should take some responsibility for how the night's turning out - I've seduced y'all with my nice orange number here.”
Like a stalking animal, intense eyes watched the gentle rising and falling of his body as he breathed, studied the bob of his tender throat as he swallowed, waiting for a meal to be at its most supple and vulnerable. Blóðhundr's heavy voice purred, and made their namesake wonderfully real upon speaking low, “Like an orange I want to rip open and juice.”
Some pieces, the former traditional and the latter digital, for a chapter of the book 🍷🍊
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morelikesin · 2 months ago
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feel me up, feels so wet
go in deeper and make u sweat
i've been missing u lately
makin me
wanna fuck u gross, baby
Some cover art plus the song it was made for 🥴 Both produced by me (⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠)⁠ ⁠~⁠♪
Audio also included beneath the cut for ease of access. The joke in how I worded that is not lost on me trust
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morelikesin · 1 month ago
💯🐷🤔 for any (or all) of the members of the ot4 !!?!??!
For this ask meme for my fanon apex ot4 🩷🥂
I'll be a pleaser of the people and do all four of them for each one - woof! You're welcome in advance (⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠つ⁠⊂⁠(⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)
We will go in order of age, from eldest to youngest, because I did that in my last answering and I think it's only fair.
Answers beneath the cut because I tend to yap, and these get lengthy because of that (⁠・⁠–⁠・⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL - share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
I will, also like my last request, answer these in a manner in-universe for facts that are generally unknown by most people in their lives, save for potential partners and close friends (or reasonable exceptions, as seen later down this list.)
•He knows how to play a bağlama and a balalaika rather well. He picked up the instruments after his first round of college, using them as something to keep his mind sharp and his love for music satiated, but in recent years he's had the misfortune of not being able to play: keeping busy, typical life stresses, the works of an aging man.
If he were to be given one of either, however, his ability to play would only be impeded by a quick fingering of strings to remember where his hands went for which notes before picking up right where he left off.
One of his favorites to play was Lazare, a Bulgarian wedding song.
•Give him the right opportunity and he could talk to great lengths about old Hollywood and vintage stars. The topic tends to come up as often as a pig flies, so it simply isn't something he divulges.
Saying that he did, however, he could talk gossip about Paul Newman and James Dean; he will fawn over Katharine Hepburn’s transatlantic accent while simultaneously denying he put one on while he read something aloud; he'd claim that Bunny Berigan’s music is amongst his favorite records in his collection.
His vintage celebrity crushes include Ava Gardner, Katy Jurado, and Guy Madison.
•Henceforth I will be cheating a little, and for each person their last fact will be related to language.
What is common knowledge is that he speaks Russian, but what makes uncommon knowledge is that he speaks Azerbaijani and Turkish. He reflexively relies on Russian given his country of origin, but from his ana’s side, his mother's, he is fluent in his maternal tongue. He will also only ever refer to his mother as his “ana.”
•He’s the frontman for the phrase “fake it til you make it” - he's confidence, suaveness, and an effortless flirt; he's also horribly self-conscious. He plays off his stutter, and he puts an enormous amount of care into his physical appearance, and yet that feeling of uncertainty and the habit of criticism is a hard beast to wrangle. It's gotten better as he's gotten older, with part of his confidence coming from his expertise in playing his insecurities off, but it is certainly still there.
•He loves camping: cooking on a portable spit over a fire, finding flat enough ground to pitch a tent, listening to how quiet the world can really get when you part yourself from the bustle of urban living, he's in love with it all.
One of the traditions he and his brothers had was to go camping. When Noushad, the eldest, got his driver's license, he brought up the idea for the four of them to get away and spend some quality time together out where New York felt like a faint memory - and thus a ritual was born, with their excursions taken after the end of the school year, once during the summer, and once right before school started back up again. They continued this tradition up until the year leading to Noushad and Keith's deaths.
Samuel and Elliott do their best to continue the tradition, with the practice serving some sense of healing for them.
•He isn't completely fluent, but he does speak a decent amount of Farsi and Arabic as per his mother's influence. He's quicker to understand being spoken Arabic to, as it was her native tongue, but he was taught some Farsi on behalf of what his father's tongue was.
He doesn't get many opportunities to speak it outside of his family's presence, so I would consider it uncommon knowledge.
One of the more notable ways someone would find this out is if you'd put on a Fairuz song, such as “Rageen Ya Hawa.” He grew up with his mother listening to her, and knows the lyrics to many of her songs by heart.
•They love to draw. Recounting their memories of people and flora and fauna by manner of brush or pen or graphite is their way of making sure the memory will not be forgotten - when something begins to fade, they have journal pages to turn to to refresh their mind.
One of their greater disappointments is that they have a difficult time remembering faces. Seeing somebody in person does not fail them - they are sufficient in this regard, good enough at recognizing someone in a room or environment for a need depending - but having to rely on a memory to see someone's face in their mind is not something they can do easily, if at all. To draw them - a person's face in particular - ensures that the truth of their face, or at least the prominent pieces of it, will remain in their grasp.
As far as making physical a plant or animal or other scene, their desire to do so stems from both wanting to better keep the memory and to keep a handy log of their life’s experiences. Recording plants and animals also proves useful for future reference.
•Speaking of recording people and things, they frequently write about the people they encounter - keeping tabs and documenting new information they learn about them for anything from leverage to plain curiosity.
If you've told them something, there's a chance they've recorded it in their journal; written with disdain or affection, they have pieces on old foes and past friends, and new acquaintances and their latest obsessions, pieces ranging from quirks about their mannerisms - “they fidget with their hands,” “they seem disconcerted with eye contact,” “they take their time getting to a point,” - to pieces on their personality and preferences - “they're easily-excitable, and make a good conversation partner,” “they didn't seem to take to the mushrooms on their plate,” “they grow passionate when talking about the history of the Sami people,” - to pieces where personal history and information was shared personally or through the grapevine - “their parents died ten some odd years ago,” “their hair is a sign of mourning,” “their talent to carry a tune is awe-some.”
What they use the information for differs from each entry; whatever they deem fit for each seems to have served them well enough so far.
•Their affinity for language is one of their foremost traits, and a set of languages they've learned happen to have been taught to them by the same person: Etruscan, Latin, and Old Georgian.
The person who happened to teach them these was Cicero - his native languages being the former two, his being from Cyrodiil, and the latter being a useful trade to learn while traveling through Tamriel for the communities that spoke it.
In their time together both in the Sanctuary and working together across the provinces, they were an eager student to his teachings, and in return they could teach him Mycenaean Greek.
•Despite what most people would believe about him, considering his love of technology and contemporary conveniences, he's very in tune with his natural side: as in nature, being present, and naturalist hobbies such as hiking and bushcraft.
Some of his favorite memories are where he's camping in a desert, or living off of the land in a mountain somewhere - the stars shine brighter, the air is fresher, and nothing else makes him feel actually alive.
Considering who he is partnered up with, initially I think most people would be confused at his inclusion into the polycule - but understanding him deeper, seeing this basic commonality between the four of them appreciating the natural life, I think their relationship is suddenly seen with clarity.
There's other things they like about each other too, of course, but ya get it lmao
His departure from his last real outdoor adventure, and having to return to a modern life in the city, prompted him to create “Void,” a piece lamenting his loss of the one thing that made him feel human.
•Also despite what most people would believe about him, his personality is considerably different now compared to when he was younger. From quiet, reserved, and outwardly sensitive, he's become boisterous and outwardly assertive in a relatively short amount of time.
Encouraged by his aunt that he stayed with after being disowned by his father, and through his own self-teachings, he's learned to be more certain in what he says, and truer to himself in who he is and how he identifies. Parts of his younger self still crop up every now and again, especially with his greatest insecurities, but such is life.
Who he once used to be is reflected in a lot of his music, moreso in his earlier career, in songs such as “Battle of the Larynx” and with the greatest paradigm shift in his personal growth being seen in “Nymphology,” touching on his intersexuality, burned family bridges, and accepting himself.
This might be a cheat-y answer, given that “if his music talks about these things, is the information really so secret?” To that, I say: fair, yeah. But I'm choosing to look at it in the way of personal connections rather than what his potential fanbase thinks they know.
•With his aforementioned aunt, he took this time of self-growth and healing to get in touch with the side of his heritage he never quite got to when he still lived with his father. In doing so, he got to be taught Navajo by her. He isn't entirely fluent, but he knows a good amount for healthy, basic conversation!
🐷 PIG FACE - what is your oc's favorite animal?
Their favorite animals and their symbolic animals are different for most, and the same for one.
Alexander • Musk deer. He has fond memories of watching them from his parents house in the Siberian wilderness, and even has a bleached skull from one he processed when he was a much younger man. Their presence is the nicer half of nostalgia for him.
Elliott • Peacocks. They're vibrant, and flashy, and everything he'd love to embody - and certainly succeeds in doing so. They possess his most favorite colors, rich blues and, if you squint, gold - even if it's a muted shade - so they serve the perfect plumes for his wardrobe.
Blóðhundr • Birds of any sort; they don't like to call upon a favorite animal too quickly - they hate playing favorites - but their sincere answer would be birds, yes. Part of it is awe, and another part of it is envy: they're wild, and intelligent, and can carry themselves so far. For somebody with a terrible wanderlust, it's a fantastic beast.
Octavio • Rabbits. I think this is self explanatory.
🤔 THINKING FACE - what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
Alexander • One stimulation/fidget of his is finger snapping. I've covered this fact before, but it's his most common one so I can't not include it ya feel. When he's thinking, when he's keeping in time with a song, when he's frustrated, when he's trying to stave off crying, there he will be: quietly snapping his middle finger and thumb. For an otherwise stoney man, it's the one tell he'll physically demonstrate besides finding eye contact difficult.
Elliott • His smile naturally pulls a little tighter and a little more upward on his left side. I try to represent this in my art, and it's a key piece of my writing of his expressions as well.
As a bonus fun quirk fact: his brother sort of has the same feature, but it's less dramatic on him. He and his brother also have facial beauty marks only on the left side of their face - the body is fair game, but for countenance I very strictly put the moles on one side only.
Blóðhundr • Singing and playing instruments is a forefront stimulation for them. Any excuse they have to sing, or bow a tagelharpa, or pat a drum, they will take it with no hesitation and no self-consciousness. It likely helps that they are wonderfully good when they do.
I like to think one of the things that made eyes focus on them, past their prowess for the Games, would have been the melodies they'd sing or the rhythms they'd play - half of their helm removed, covering all but their jaw and their lips, with gloved hands gently patting a drum or twisting their hurdy-gurdy, while they, with a voice like honey and wine, sung something like "Misirlou" or hummed something as simple as a brief melody.
Octavio • He bites his lip a lot. While drawing, while pressing his headphones against his ears to better hear a beat he's making, while playing games, and generally just while he's working on some sort of task, he'll be biting his lip as he's thinking. In general, I think while he's putting his thoughts together he fidgets: playing and/or speaking with his hands, looking around his environment, and/or messing with his hair.
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