#ella's original posts
lesbianralzarek · 8 months
"life doesnt get better, you just get stronger" does NOT include ages 11-17. life does in fact just get better from there. those years are dogshit. like, you do get stronger but its mostly just a factor of not being 11-17 anymore. positive thinking helps but it doesnt fix whatevers going on at 15, you have to brute force through that one raw
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ellakomskaikru · 8 months
What do you think of Zuko demanding that Katara trust him in the southern raiders
He didn’t demand that she trust him. He said that everyone else seemed to trust him, and wondered why Katara still didn’t, in a frustrated tone of voice. Then when Katara explained why she felt the way she did, Zuko asked what he could do to make it up to her.
He didn’t demand that she set aside her feelings and trust him. He actually wanted to fix what he did wrong. And after Zuko and Katara returned from the trip, he didn’t demand that she forgive him. He gave her space, and then Katara decided on her own that she was ready to forgive him.
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Some villains are all your unspoken sins personified.
The sins you didn’t commit out of fear and better knowing, the sins you regret thinking about,
the sins that scare you.
The late night thoughts you fear, the fits of rage you’ve learnt to contain.
The words you never speak out loud, the things you could be but actively chose not to become.
You fear that part of you, and you’re aware.
That villain is you, what you could have been. You fear that thought… you’re frightened, but also curious. What does that say about you? Does it mean anything? Is that yet another part of you that should be feared, the curiosity?
The genuine interest, the questioning? The wonder?
You tell yourself you never want to find out what kind of person you could be, but is that true? Is it fear or excitement keeping you up at night? The voices in the back of your head when that one person did you wrong… are they truthful, are they right, are they wrong, are they even there?
Is this you? The madness hidden within, is that more you than the person you are now? Is it somebody else whispering these things to you, telling you to do things?
Does it matter? The real question is, are you going to answer?
Are you going to do it? Or is it safer to pretend that part of you never existed and never will?
The villains… are they to fear? To blame? Take a look on yourself, and answer honestly: the things you did and the things you never did, what do they make you?
And now, the villain… an active choice or a scream for help? Would you do the same they did? No, would you? If there was no control?
What do you know about the madness within and the thoughts before and behind the actions? What do you know about the motive and the great scheme of it all?
Who knows what you’re capable of?
Who knows if you’re the right person to come with such statements, blaming others… who are you to blame them? Who are you to blame?
Who knows? How would they know? Don’t let them find out. Take that as you will.
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buneeto · 1 year
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till death do us part
day 2 : wedding
goroella: lumialle, necroalx, ATLUS
raoulkira: necroalx, apricothere, gasptheenemy, lumialle, ATLUS
church: yuyu
ray-mmd 1.5.2 (rui) kirakira (beamman, chestnutscoop) ikdiffusion (ikeno)
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uwuguay · 3 months
mi post anterior no era por ningun post en particular, nomás soy gringofóbica y tengo el impulso de putearlos porque si
por otro lado me da mucha gracia cuando salen con que x es el país más racista. de donde sacan esa info??? fascinante todo
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stars-and-darkness · 4 months
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elshells · 2 months
Agent Ace || A Guide to the Guard
"Stay Vigilante and Prevail!"
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So, you want to be a Guardian? You've come to the right place! Welcome to Ella's guide to the Harmont Guard!
If there's one thing you know about Agent Ace, or the Harmont Heroes series as a whole, it's that the Guard is the city's biggest line of defense. A Guardian must devote themselves wholly to civil security and be ready to put down their own life in order to protect another. Are you up to the challenge?
Well, even if you aren't, stick around! Let's take a leap and learn what it means to be a Guardian—but beware of spoilers!
Rise From the Rubble
The law exists to keep the people safe, but only until the law decides the people are not worth saving. In years long past—but still within living memory—plague struck down the nation like a warlord's gauntlet, sparking conflict between civilians and enforcers of law. Deadly curfews lead to violent resistance lead to hatred and destruction, ending finally in apathy. The enforcers chose to abandon the people they swore to protect, and tore everything they had to the ground, until nothing was left. Citizens lived in hopeless anarchy, choked by sickness and poverty, until, somewhere in the scorched remains of city once known as Harmont, one humble soul decided it was time to make things right. This individual rallied others under their cause, healing the broken, cleansing despair, and bringing back the solace that was thought to be lost. And once Harmont was reunited as one, they gave their life to build the city back up to what it once was—to what it was meant to be. A place of harmony. As this once-ruined city came to life before their very eyes, the people of Harmont hailed their hero as an Angel. Today, we know them as the Architect. As for their most reverent followers? They became the first generation of Guardians.* Thanks to the Architect's efforts and sacrifice, Harmont became the sovereign state of the nation. The Guardians designed a code of morality to uphold in this newborn era, and took on the responsibility of raising more heroes to bring others salvation. Today, ordinary folk of all makes and backgrounds commit to being Guardians. While many dedicate themselves to the continued fortification of Harmont, the strongest of them set off to the forefront of the new-age War, once again fighting to bring order and harmony to the world.
*During the events of Agent Ace, we have entered the fifth generation of Guardians.
The Guardian's Moral Code
The following oath is pledged by incoming Guardians and acknowledged by the Watch:
Guardians may only initiate drastic action against an opposing party under the jurisdiction of the Watch.
Agents of the Watch must be shadowed by a scout in the likely event that a mission may put them at risk.
Training and clearance by a superior is required before an agent or Guardian can register a new weapon under their name.
Any agent or Guardian must undergo a mental evaluation by a doctor and give a demonstration of skill under the supervision of a superior before they can be certified to carry firearms in the field.
Use of weapons in the field should be reserved for high-risk missions and ceremonial events, and individual use of such weapons is highly monitored by the Watch.
For reasons of protection and accountability, an agent and a Guardian must both be present during private audiences, including interrogations, council hearings, and matters of court.
Use of a Guardian's alias in the public eye must be enforced and respected, except posthumously, under individual discretion.
A Guardian is never exempt from the rulings of the Conventions of War.
"Stay vigilant and prevail": A combination of the less-common phrases 'the Watch is vigilant' and 'the Guard prevails.' Usually said as a gesture of good luck.
"I swear it on my name": An informal oath within the Guard, to swear on your name means that, should you be incorrect or acting on deceit, you forfeit your title as a Guardian. While an individual cannot be stripped of their position on the basis of this oath alone, an alias is given with honor and pride, and many Guardians take these words seriously.
Now you know the history, and you understand the code. You've learned what it means to be a Guardian. Are you still with me? Good! Now it's time to learn what it takes to be a Guardian... PART 2 COMING SOON!!
TAG LIST: @writernopal, @mysticstarlightduck, @livums, @wotchergiorgia Message me to be added or removed!
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artlyloser · 9 months
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[ID: An illustration of two women in a skate park in the afternoon. We are looking upward from the bottom of a ramp and can see trees and a fence behind the girls. The bit of the ramp we can see has faded graffiti and a lot of scuffs from use. The woman on the left has very long orange hair put up in a ponytail with a scrunchy and right parted side bangs. She is wearing a cute candy themed outfit with shorts, thigh high socks, and knee pads. Her pink converse shoes are off and sitting next to her. She is standing on the edge of a ramp with a pair of roller skates dangling from her hands behind her back. While bending over the edge, she is looking worried about the drop.  Next to her is the other woman with short black hair covering half her face. She is dressed in cargo pants and a white tank top with red accents. Around her neck is a pair of noise cancelling headphones. She is sitting on the edge of the ramp with her legs dangling off and she’s looking up at the other woman with adoration. Next to her is a skateboard that is a similar red to the roller skates and on top is drinks and fast food. END ID]
Starting the year off with my two (current) favorite ocs of mine Ella and Blair <3
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ziva-david · 2 years
WAIT SINCE THE TIVA FANDOM IS LOWKEU REAWAKENED, FIC REQUEST: I have always wanted a fic of their meet cute being Ziva rear ending Tony’s car (and her flirting her way out of it) 😭🤣
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my5hiningstars · 10 days
u shouldn't have said that 😪
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ellakomskaikru · 1 year
Don't you think Zutara is a shallow ship based on physical attraction. It's no surprise most Zutarans are fan girls and women who think Zuko is hot.I bet if Aang looked like Zuko Kataang would be way more popular.
No, it is not a shallow ship. There are many metas explaining why we with Zuko and Katara would go well together because of their personalities. But yes, we also think they look good together, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Also taking into account the physical appearance of a character for shipping preferences isn’t shallow, it’s completely normal.
I hate to break it to you, but physical attraction is a real thing in real life and does matter, and no one is shallow for rejecting someone if they don’t find them physically attractive.
And your comment: “It’s no surprise most Zutarians are fan girls and women who think Zuko is hot”
Is highly misogynistic. Why are the preferences of women seen as “immature” or “shallow”? Why is it okay for men to have their nice guy fantasies but women can’t simply also value physical appearances for shipping?
And no, if Aang looked like Zuko, I still wouldn’t ship Kat.aang, because my issues with the ship stem from the fact that Aang feels entitled to Katara and the narrative rewards him for feeling that way. The ship is basically “Katara is too stupid and shallow to see that Aang is the right guy for her but then she’ll come around because he’s the avatar and the hero.” I hate that trope because it’s misogynistic. It’s a fantasy for men who have been rejected by women and want to imagine the woman eventually changing her mind. That’s it.
I don’t hate Aang himself, I think he’s a good person overall and a unique character, but the Kat.aang ship is what I have a problem with.
So no, there is nothing wrong with the Zutara ship and there’s nothing shallow about it. It’s a ship where people think Zuko and Katara would go well together according to their personalities and life goals, as well as their physical appearances. Usually those are the things that are required for a relationship to be successful in real life too.
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nannichuan · 1 year
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finally getting around to posting these here too please enjoy the 6 main characters from my story Ready! Set! Drop! but in crop tops
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yourlocalbadgerscales · 2 months
All around me there are
Shining lights in eyes and hearts
I can’t stand it, the burn in my eyes
It’s blinding, I’m crying, a sobbing mess on the floor
This pain is my pain
And I’ll make it others’ pain if I have to
In a final desperate attempt
To blow their lights out, to see darkness finally falling
In other hearts than mine
I tell myself it’s fine
Because it’s my last and final attempt to see my own light shine
Too small to be seen in daytime, I beg it lights up in the night
But it never does, and just like that I’m left here in complete darkness
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cuchufletapl · 3 months
Gods above but Mrs. Norris is fucking insufferable.
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stormtide-leviathan · 2 years
Next time I see lord ruler apologia I’m killing somebody
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stars-and-darkness · 4 months
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