#ella francis
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allthecastlesonclouds · 1 year ago
i might be diving into a dead fandom here but is there any reason why hi/ella seems to be hila in ship name and not. hella. cmon they'd both think it's So Funny. cmon hear me out
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francispratt · 7 months ago
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“Ella Mai Weisskamp sketch” oil on paper 2017 SOLD
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daimonclub · 1 year ago
A Christmas story
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Christmas in Australia A Christmas story. Ella Gray. A Christmas Story from an Australian Christmas collection: stories, sketches, essays by James Francis Hogan published in 1880. Christmas being, proverbially and traditionally the time for family reunions, it is only in accord with the spirit of the season that a writer should celebrate that great festival by bringing together the scattered productions of his pen, and placing them sociably side by side between the covers of one book. This volume is, for the most part, a selection, from my contributions to Australian periodical and newspaper literature during the past few years. James Francis Hogan 1st December, 1880. Ella Gray. A Christmas Story. Forty years ago an Irish emigrant ship sailed into Hobson's Bay, and strengthened the infant settlement with an infusion of three hundred more souls. As she dropped anchor off Williamstown, her passengers crowded her decks, engaged in animated conversation, and surveyed the low semicircular shore with the blue­ clad mountains in the distance. On some of their faces there was a look of eager expectancy, as if an inward voice was assuring them of a successful future in the boundless field for their energies that now opened up before their wondering eyes; others were calmly contemplative, as if recollections of familiar scenes in the "dear isle of the west" came thronging on their memories, and mingled with their impressions of the new sights that now surrounded them. In the crowd, too, were to be seen some in whom hope was evidently struggling with hesitating, and who were apparently conjecturing within themselves what the future had in store for them in this strange land. Standing out conspicuously from the main body of the passengers was the figure of a tall, muscular young man, who, with folded arms, was leaning against the bulwarks of the Ocean Monarch, and looking intently in the direction of the collection of huts that then constituted the nucleus of what is now the metropolis of Victoria. He had that look of unconquerable determination in his eye, that honest, manly exterior which is the best certificate of character, a sound corporeal frame, capable of withstanding fatigue and privation, and a trustful countenance, beaming with intelligence and common­sense, that pointed him out as an exemplar of the true type of colonist for a young and undeveloped country. That striking young man of 25 was Ormond Gray, a junior member of an old Dublin family. His adventurous disposition revolted at the idea of treading slowly in the professional path that his father had marked out for him; his soul had been fired by what he had read of the newly discovered lands in the great Southern continent, and after a protracted struggle, be had succeeded in gaining the paternal permission to emigrate to Port Phillip. What impelled him all the more to this decision was the brave desire to speedily build up a home, not so much for himself as for the beloved of his young affections, and the grief of the lovers' parting on the deck of the emigrant ship was lessened, and almost gladdened, by the thought that their separation would be but for a time; that the stalwart young Irish man was only going before to prepare the way for the amiable, attractive and graceful Irish maiden, and that she would soon be sent for, so that her presence would be as the sunshine in his Australian abode. Nor was it long before the promise was fulfilled.
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A Christmas Australian story Spurred on the ever-present image of the dear one at home, and by his own fixed determination to succeed, Ormond Gray, in less than a year from the day on which he sailed into Hobson's Bay; had become a pastoral settler on a splendid tract of land, stretching from the borders of the Black Forest away for many miles to the west. The homestead which he had established on a little hill, with a running stream around its base, overlooked a wide and richly-grassed area, dotted by bis grazing flocks. It had just been completed in time far the reception of its young Irish mistress, and that was a day of pride and rejoicing for Ormond Gray when he escorted his newly-made bride from Melbourne, and placed her in possession of Glenmore, a pretty name he had borrowed from their native Hibernian soil to bestow on their new Australian home. For a few years the emigrant couple lived a life of almost primeval simplicity, adding to their pastoral wealth, befriending all the poor blacks in the neighborhood, and hospitably welcoming the occasional travelers who came their way. But a great change was coming over the face of the silent land. The exciting news of the discovery of gold had been spread abroad, and crowds of travelers from every country could be seen from Glenmore hurrying on their way to the Bendigo diggings. Many of them soon returned along the same route laden with the golden treasures they had unearthed, and glad, indeed, they were, if they succeeded in getting back to Melbourne without being "bailed up" and despoiled, far the Black Forest had now become the haunt of desperate bush­ rangers, who sallied forth from its darksome recesses, carried dismay into the ranks of the returning diggers, and not unfrequently added murder to pillage. It was Christmas Eve, 1852, and the fiery rays of the summer sun were lighting up the western face of a granite peak that ascended abruptly to a height of 500 feet from the heart of the Black Forest. This huge mass of rock has since been diligently studied by geologists, both amateur and professional, who have assured their less scientific acquaintances that it was belched forth ages ago from the crater of the adjacent Mount Macedon, when that now favourite summer resort was a volcano in full activity. But at the time of which we are now speaking, no man of science had attempted to penetrate the dark and dense Black Forest in order to solve the mystery of this solitary peak. No sign whatever of human presence was discernible there; no indication of any inquisitive visitor having attempted to scale the precipitous sides of this towering mass of granite. It was the only object that broke the blackness of the harsh and forbidding forest. The thickly-clustered box and stringy-bark trees came up to its very base: and dashed their branches against its frowning sides, as if resenting its intrusion on their domain. And yet, grim and silent as it seemed on that summer afternoon, the isolated peak in the forest was not without its inhabitants. At an angle on its northern side, if you forced your way through the tangled undergrowth that environed a giant eucalyptus, you would have discovered a rift in the granite wall sufficiently wide to admit a man of ordinary size.
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The Black Forest Entering that previously invisible opening, you would have found yourself in an irregular-shaped natural chamber, with boulders of granite scattered about on its floor, having apparently fallen from the roof, a considerable height overhead. The farthest wall of this strange apartment had so many rocky projections that you saw at a glance the possibility of climbing to a platform situated a little more than half-way up to the roof; and if you were adventurous enough to attempt the feat and lucky enough to perform it successfully, your intrepidity would have been rewarded with a fresh discovery. You would land on the threshold of a second and smaller cave, commanding an extensive view of the forest through a fissure in its western wall, which was now admitting a bar of golden sunlight into the lofty rocky room. This elevated natural observatory was tenanted by a man, a woman and an infant. It had evidently been used as a habitation for some time, and it was easily to be seen that a gentle band had been at work in an effort, only moderately successful, to give a homelike aspect to this mountain cave. Walking slowly up and down the apartment, with her baby in her arms, the young but prematurely-aged mother was a picture to excite a tender sympathy. She was paying a terrible penalty for a hasty marriage. She had been aroused from a brief dream of happiness to find herself the wife of an escaped ticket-of-leave man from across the straits, but, deceived and degraded though she was, she uttered no reproach against the husband of her choice, she accepted her hard fate in silence, and, when he was forced to fly from the haunts of men in order to avoid being recaptured and sent back to a penal colony, she devotedly clung to him, shared all his dangers and privations, and now for six months had occupied with him this unknown hiding-place in the heart of the Black Forest. In the corner of the cave, a well-built man in the full prime and vigour of life was stooping over a "swag,'' whose contents he was rapidly turning out on the floor. A loaded musket was standing by his side against the wall, and the ends of two revolvers protruded from his belt. A heap of various articles of personal and domestic comfort, taken from the "swag" that he was engaged in dissecting, had been cast aside as if of no account; put suddenly he started to his feet, holding in one hand a small black bag. This he opened with some difficulty, and his eyes sparkled with delight as he gazed on the shining nuggets of gold with which it was filled. "Ha ha," he exclaimed, "I knew I would find something like you at last. I was certain the three new chums I stuck up to-day had a nest-egg among them. Look here, Alice, a thousand pounds worth at the very least." "I cannot bear to see it, Henry," she replied. "Oh, do give up this dreadful life, and come away from this horrible place to some other land, where I am sure we shall be happy again." "So we shall, my dear, and as soon as we get a few more windfalls like this lucky little bag, we will be ready to start for America." "But, Henry, can any luck attend money got in this way. Let us leave everything here that does not belong to us, and go away as we came, and commence an honest life somewhere else. Do, for our little Ella's sake." She fell weeping on his shoulder, and her ill-fated husband sadly shook his head, and looked into the laughing eyes of his infant child.
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Ella Gray A Christmas story "Alice," he said, "forgive me for having brought you to this. Your love deserved a far different reward. And yet I did my best to dissuade you, but you would insist on accompanying me in my flight to this lonely and desolate spot. Yes, I will take you out of it, and I care not if I perish so long as you and little Ella are safe." "Don't talk like that, Henry, I am sure there are better days in store for us all." "Would that I could honestly say I think the same," he sorrowfully replied. "Once outside this friendly forest, the human bloodhounds will be on my track, and in that race for life they have all the advantage on their side. Yet, what have I done that they should so hunt me down? It is true, I have been preying on my fellow-creatures of late, but my fellow-creatures have only themselves to blame for that. If they had let me earn an honest living as I wanted to do, they would never have had reason to describe me as a desperate bushranger. But no, they could not let an unfortunate brother alone; they must put the law in motion against him; they must have him arrested as a ticket-of-leave man illegally at large; and because Henry Cardiff would not allow himself to be taken back to the inhuman chain-gangs of Van Diemen's Land to expiate an offence for which he had been transported, but which be never committed, be is on this Christmas Eve an outlawed fugitive in a mountain cave. Whilst all the rest of God's creation is joyfully preparing to celebrate the great festival, be and his hapless wife and innocent babe are chased into the wilderness, and confined in this cheerless rocky cell. Heavens! is there such a thing as justice in the world at all ?" As Henry Cardiff finished this recital of his wrongs he threw himself in an agony of grief on the hard floor of the cave. His faithful wife was by bis side in an instant, calming, comforting, and consoling him. "Our lot is indeed a hard one," she said, but "all will yet be well." She had scarcely uttered these hopeful words when the piercing cry of a curlew resounded three times through the forest, and was heard distinctly in the cave aloft. Cardiff jumped to bis feet, and rushed for bis gun. "That's the danger signal, Alice," he cried ; ''courage now, it may be nothing." With blanched face and palpitating heart the poor woman clasped her infant to her breast, and cowered in a corner of the cave. The man gently dropped on the floor, and silently worked bis way along until he reached the opening in the western wall, when, shading his eyes from the fierce rays of the descending sun, he cautiously peered out and descried through the trees six armed men advancing in single file towards the peak, with a half-naked aboriginal at their head. He saw it all at a glance. Guided by a black tracker, the police had succeeded in discovering his retreat. He knew that the sharp-sighted aboriginal would speedily reveal the entrance to the chamber below, and once there his pursuers would probably scale the wall and carry the cave by storm. Jumping to his feet, be turned to his terrified wife and whispered, "They are upon us, Alice; we have not a moment to lose." From underneath a pile of clothes he pulled out a long coil of rope with a noose at one of its ends, and placed it on the brink of the cleft in the western wall. "Come, quick, Alice," he cried, " you and the child must go down first." "Oh, Henry," she said, with an entreating look , whilst her eyes filled with tears, "Do let me stop with you to the last?"
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A Christmas collection "No, no. It cannot be," he quickly answered. " I must see you and my child safe out of this. Come, now, place your foot in this noose. There, that's right. Now, clasp little Ella tightly with one hand , and keep a firm hold of the rope with the other, and I will lower you safely to the ground. Don't look down, it might make you giddy. When you find yourself on the earth, hurry away through the forest keeping the sun straight ahead of you, and in an hour you will strike the open country, and see Ormond Gray's homestead right in front. He and his wife are kind and good, and they will shelter you for the night. If all goes well with me, I will rejoin you in the morning. Ha! I hear them below. Come !" He kissed his sobbing wife and the little infant. She nervously clutched the rope, and he lowered it by degrees down the face of the rock. At last it slackened, and, bending over, he saw her standing safely on the ground beneath, with her infant in her arms. She gave one wild glance upwards, and then rushed into the forest. "Thank God, they are safe," was the ejaculation of Henry Cardiff, as he rose to his feet. "Now to secure my own escape." Rapidly crossing over to the northern end of the cave, he took one of the revolvers from his belt, lay down flat, and cast one glance into the chamber beneath. One of his pursuers had climbed half-way up the wall, and the others were just commencing the ascent. Levelling his revolver he fired at the foremost. The man let go his hold, threw up bis arms, and fell dead on the floor, fifty feet below, with a bullet in his brain. His comrades returned the fire but with no effect, for the bushranger had retreated into the cave and was now tying the end of the rope around a bulging piece of rock in order to descend by its means into the forest. Whilst thus engaged, he was suddenly and silently pinioned from behind. The black tracker, with the natural agility of his race, had swiftly scaled the wall from the chamber below, and his bare feet gave no indication of his approach as he entered the cave and surprised the bushranger in his preparations for escape. A life-and-death struggle ensued between the powerful white man and the strong and supple native. The latter did not relax his grip for an instant, whilst the former strained every nerve to shake him off. As they struggled all over the cave, the blackfellow gave utterance to hideous yel1s, and the encouraging voices of the pursuers could be heard at intervals coming nearer and nearer. Collecting all his energies, the bushranger made one desperate effort to free himself, and succeeded in throwing his dusky assailant in a heap on the floor. He tried to draw his revolver to despatch the now-quivering native, but he was too late. Two of the police arrived at that instant on the scene of the struggle and, firing simultaneously, Henry Cardiff, the bushranger, fell to rise no more. "Just in the nick of time," said one of the policemen, and, turning to the blackfellow, he added, "Good boy, Tommy. You had a narrow escape, but you made a splendid fight of it. See here, Cardiff was fixing that rope around the rock, and he would have slid down the side of the mountain and got clean away into the bush if Tommy hadn't tackled him and held him until we managed to scramble up." The other three pursuers now appeared; a consultation was held; the cave was searched in every part, and all its contents seized, including the black bag of golden nuggets that, a few minutes before, had so elated the now inanimate bushranger. Descending into the chamber beneath, they brought down the body of the ontlaw with them, resolving to remain there for the night, and to return to Melbourne in the morning with the bodies of their murdered comrade and the desperate bushranger whose career they had brought to a close. All this time, unconscious of the tragic scene that was being enacted in the place from which she had so strangely escaped, Alice, with her infant clasped in her arms, her face deadly pale, her eyes unnaturally bright, her countenance dazed with the horror of her situation, was hurrying on through the forest. She took no heed of the long rank grass which now and then impeded her steps; or the enormous boughs that shot out into the sky over her head; or the fallen monarchs of the forest that lay strewn around, grand and majestic even after their deposition; or the rustling snakes that sidled away into their holes at her approach; or the grand chorus of evensong with which the myriad birds were saluting the setting sun. Read the full article
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sobezr · 14 days ago
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se gira hacia él con evidente sorpresa en su rostro. ' ¿en serio? ' un poco cree que está tomándole el pelo, pero la realidad es que en el fondo sospecha que es verdad. sobre todo porque cloud no hace chistes, o por lo menos no así. su humor es más impávido, sarcástico. ' no te imagino teniendo las suficientes ganas de vivir como para correr. ' por lo menos, esa había sido su adolescencia: cuan lejos del deporte como pudiera estar. arquea las cejas. ' ¿cómo sabes que soy feliz? ' y de inmediato añade: ' —no le digas a nadie, tengo una imagen que mantener. ' pero supone que su fachada no durará mucho tiempo. tampoco necesita tanto del mismo, es cuestión de días para que emprenda su aventura con ferdinand en otro continente, y entonces podría olvidarse de lo que piensa la gente en el pueblo al respecto. ' lo sospechaba. ' dice a lo último, poniéndose de pie y apagando el televisor. se dirige a la puerta. vecina a esta, hay un perchero del cual saca su abrigo y un manojo de llaves. se coloca la prenda superior, cubriéndose la cabeza con la capucha. vuelve la vista a la granja, cerciorándose de que está todo en orden antes de abrir la puerta. aunque el viento parece haber bajado en intensidad, todavía continúa nevando. ' es hacia allá. ' indice, estirando el brazo hacia la derecha. mira a su acompañante. ' ¿estás listo? '
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su cabeza se inclina ahora hacia el lado contrario— como los perros cuando están un poco confundidos. está estudiándola, pero cloud no es tan observador como aparenta ser. era bueno en el quirófano, hambriento de aprender, y puede encontrar una falla en el motor de una camioneta obsoleta sin ningún problema, pero leer a las personas no es tanto su fuerte. "con razón," dice, creyéndole con sencillez que es eso que le explica, aunque quizás en unos minutos vuelva a dudar. a él le vendría bien dormir más, pero la cantidad de cafeína y pensamientos en su cabeza le impiden un descanso digno. termina gruñendo ante las posibilidades y echa la cabeza hacia atrás. "¿sabías que en la preparatoria hacía atletismo?" pero ahora fuma demasiado, y si tiene que correr para salvar su vida, pues que dios venga a recogerlo (o el diablo, en su defecto). suspira. "supongo que ahora que eres feliz tenemos que resguardarte," encoge los hombros, pero no es por indiferencia, sino porque busca distender sus músculos, como si se preparara para la carrera. "en realidad es por el café," agrega después, ladeando sonrisa. @sobezr
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hotvintagepoll · 8 months ago
THE TOURNAMENT IS OVER! Eartha Kitt lounges in her deck chair in the sun, dipping her toes in the pool with Toshiro Mifune and sipping a brightly colored fruity something with an umbrella in it.
Far below in the shadow realm, however, the fallen hotties dance in the dark—let's take a minute to look back at them under the cut.
Claude Gensac, Silvia Pinal, Ewa Aulin, Rita Tushingham, Annette Funicello, Norma Bengell, Catherine Spaak, Brigitte Auber, Micheline Presle, Nanette Fabray, Libertad Lamarque, Vera Miles, Martha Raye, Catherine McLeod, Virginia Mayo, Elizabeth Allan, Belle Bennet, Virginia Cherill, Mary Brian, Ruth Chatterton, Agnes Ayres, Merna Kennedy, Marie Prevost, Corinne Griffith, May Allison, Virginia Brown Faire, Alice Brady, and Jetta Goudal
Angie Dickinson, Thelma Ritter, Geraldine Chaplin, Evelyn Preer, Vanessa Brown, Betty Blythe, Susan Hayward, Mae Clarke, Sally Ann Howes, Ossi Oswalda, Adrienne La Russa, Hermione Gingold, Barbara Bouchet, Melina Mercouri, Anna Karina, Edwige Fenech, Charmian Carr, Pina Pellicer, Marlène Jobert, Tsuru Aoki, Alice Roberts, Leila Hyams, Lady Tsen Mei, Geneviève Bujold, Dolores Hart, Anita Berber, Bonita Granville, Vonetta McGee, Claire Windsor, Zizi Jeanmaire, Tuesday Weld, Grace Darmond, Carol Channing, Deanna Durbin, Laraine Day, Mariette Hartey, Wendy Hiller, Candy Darling, Hermione Baddely, Valeria Creti, Ella Raines, Ann Miller, Dana Wynter, Dalida, Martine Beswick, Gale Storm, Simone Signoret, Cristina Gaioni, Mabel Normand, Stéphane Audran, Ruth Weyher, Anna Wiazemsky, Ann Sheridan, Sandhya Shantaram, Alice White, Anne Francis, Gena Rowlands, Lyda Borelli, May Whitty, Cathleen Nesbitt, Jessica Walter, Virna Lisi, Barbara Shelley, Iris Hall, Heather Angel, Anne Shirley, Joanna Pettet, Virginia O'Brien, Joan Collins, Greer Garson, Gracie Allen, Peggy Ryan, Frances Dee, Shirley Maclaine, Geraldine Farrar, Kathleen Byron, Margaret Hamilton, Eva Gabor, Francesca Bertini, Julie Adams, Olga Baclanova, Misa Uehara, Yvette Vickers, Milena Dravić, Jenny Jugo, Madeleine Carroll, Benita Hume, Olive Borden, Shirley Jones, Miyoshi Umeki, Dorothy Lamour, Gale Sondergaard, Mary Anderson, Charlotte Greenwood, Sybil Seely, Mona Barrie, Kathryn Grayson, Katharine Ross, Madge Bellamy, Rhonda Fleming, Sally Gray, Jana Brejchová, Debra Paget, Madame Sul-Te-Wan, Evelyn Brent, Zelma O'Neal, Marie Laforêt, Türkan Şoray, Beatriz Costa, Irene Zazians, Eleanor Powell, Susan Luckey, Patsy Kelly, Lil Dagover, Norma Talmadge, Dorothy Mackaill, Madge Evans, Virginia McKenna, Amália Rodrigues, Mamie Van Doren, Valerie Hobson, Isabel Jeans, Beata Tyszkiewicz, Claire Luce, Aleksandra Khokhlova, Nieves Navarro Garcia, Janet Leigh, Carmen Miranda, Jean Harlow, Aud Egedge-Nissen, Nina Foch, Jean Simmons, Piper Laurie, Katy Jurado, Jayne Mansfield, Anita Garvin, Frances Farmer, Lizabeth Scott, Joan Greenwood, Una Merkel, Arlene Francis, Ethel Merman, Doris Day, Suzanne Pleshette, Ruta Lee, Carolyn Jones, June Richmond, Eva Nil, Diana Dors, Anna Chang, Colleen Moore, Alexis Smith, Yvette Mimieux, Ruby Keeler, Viola Dana, Dolores Grey, Marie Windsor, Danielle Darieux, Jean Parker, Julie Christie, Acquanetta, Leatrice Joy, Ghita Nørby, Julie Newmar, Joanne Woodward, Sandra Dee, Eva Marie Saint, Simone Simon, Katherine Dunham, Birgitte Price, Lee Grant, Anita Page, Flora Robson, Martha Sleeper, Elsie Ames, Isabel "Coca" Sarli, Glenda Farrell, Kathleen Burke, Linden Travers, Diane Baker, Joan Davis, Joan Leslie, Sylvia Sidney, Marie Dressler, June Lockhart, Emmanuelle Riva, Libertad Leblanc, Susannah Foster, Susan Fleming, Dolores Costello, Ann Smyrner, Luise Rainer, Anna Massey, Evelyn Ankers, Ruth Gordon, Eva Dahlbeck, Ansa Ikonen, Diana Wynyard, Patricia Neal, Etta Lee, Gloria Stuart, Arletty, Dorothy McGuire, Mitzi Gaynor, Gwen Verdon, Maria Schell, Lili Damita, Ethel Moses, Gloria Holden, Kay Thompson, Jeanne Crain, Edna May Oliver, Lili Liliana, Ruth Chatterton, Giulietta Masina, Claire Bloom, Dinah Sheridan, Carroll Baker, Brenda de Banzie, Milú, Hertha Thiele, Hanka Ordonówna, Lillian Roth, Jane Powell, Carol Ohmart, Betty Garrett, Kalina Jędrusik, Edana Romney, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Kay Kendall, Ruth Hussey, Véra Clouzot, Jadwiga Smosarska, Marge Champion, Mary Astor, Ann Harding, María Casares, Maureen O'Sullivan, Mildred Natwick, Michèle Morgan, Romy Schneider, Elisabeth Bergner, Celeste Holm, Betty Hutton, Susan Peters, Mehtab, Leslie Caron, Anna Sten, Janet Munro, Nataša Gollová, Eve Arden, Ida Lupino, Regina Linnanheimo, Sonja Henie, and Terry (what a good girl)
Evelyn Nesbit, Thelma Todd, Tura Satana, Helen Gibson, Maureen O'Hara, Rocío Dúrcal, Mary Nolan, Lois Maxwell, Maggie Smith, Zulma Faiad, Ursula Andress, Musidora, Delphine Seyrig, Marian Marsh, Leatrice Joy, Sharon Tate, Pina Menichelli, Teresa Wright, Shelley Winters, Lee Remick, Jane Wyman, Martita Hunt, Barbara Bates, Susan Strasberg, Marie Bryant, Diana Rigg, Jane Birkin, Rosalind Russell, Vanessa Redgrave, Brigitte Helm, Gloria Grahame, Rosemary Clooney, Bebe Daniels, Constance Bennett, Lilian Bond, Ann Dvorak, Jeanette Macdonald, Pouri Banayi, Raquel Welch, Vilma Bánky, Dorothy Malone, Olive Thomas, Celia Johnson, Moira Shearer, Priscilla Lane, Dolores del Río, Ann Sothern, Françoise Rosay, June Allyson, Carole Lombard, Jeni Le Gon, Takako Irie, Barbara Steele, Claudette Colbert, Lalita Pawar, Asta Nielsen, Sandra Milo, Maria Montez, Mae West, Alma Rose Aguirre, Bibi Andersson, Joan Blondell, Anne Bancroft, Elsa Lanchester, Nita Naldi, Suchitra Sen, Dorothy Van Engle, Elisabeth Welch, Esther Williams, Loretta Young, Margueritte De La Motte, Ita Rina, Constance Talmadge, Margaret Lockwood, Barbara Bedford, Josette Day, Stefania Sandrelli, Jane Russell, Doris Dowling, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Donna Reed, Ruby Dee, Diana Sands, Billie Burke, Kyōko Kagawa, Françoise Dorléac, Hend Rostom, Monica Vitti, Lilian Harvey, Marjorie Main, Jeanne Moreau, Lola Flores, Ann Blyth, Janet Gaynor, Jennifer Jones, Margaret Sullavan, Sadhana, Ruby Myers, Lotus Long, Honor Blackman, Marsha Hunt, Debbie Reynolds, Michèle Mercier, Irene Dunne, Jean Arthur, Judy Holliday, Tippi Hedren, Susse Wold, Vera-Ellen, Carmelita González, Nargis Dutt, Purnima, Harriet Andersson, Yvonne De Carlo, Miroslava Stern, Sheila Guyse, Helen, Margaret Dumont, Betty Grable, Joan Bennett, Jane Greer, Judith Anderson, Liv Ullman, Vera Zorina, Joan Fontaine, Silvana Mangano, and Lee Ya-Ching
Jean Hagen, Sumiko Mizukubo, Mary Philbin, Ann-Margret, Margaret Rutherford, Claudia Cardinale, Eleanor Parker, Jessie Matthews, Theresa Harris, Brigitte Bardot, Alla Nazimova, Faye Dunaway, Marion Davies, Anna Magnani, Theda Bara, Myrna Loy, Kay Francis, Fay Wray, Barbra Streisand, Bette Davis, Hideko Takamine, France Nuyen, Claudine Auger, Miriam Hopkins, Maylia Fong, Samia Gamal, Maude Fealy, Machiko Kyō, Sharmila Tagore, Lucille Ball, Ginger Rogers, Juanita Moore, Anna Fougez, Waheeda Rehman, Ruan Lingyu, Nina Mae McKinney, Ethel Waters, Nadira, Olivia de Havilland, Abbey Lincoln, Louise Beavers, Agnes Moorehead, Lana Turner, Norma Shearer, Maria Falconetti, Reiko Sato, Marie Doro, Clara Bow, Margaret Lindsay, Catherine Denueve, Madhabi Mukherjee, Rosaura Revueltas, Hu Die, Mary Pickford, Fredi Washington, Louise Brooks, Leonor Maia, Merle Oberon, Paulette Goddard, Vivien Leigh, Francine Everett, Savitri, Tita Merello, and Meena Kumari
Judy Garland, Dorothy Dandridge, Yoshiko Yamaguchi, Marilyn Monroe, Irene Papas, Lupe Vélez, Pola Negri, Gene Tierney, Barbara Stanwyck, Gina Lollobrigida, Lena Horne, Nutan, Jean Seberg, Kim Novak, Gladys Cooper, Tallulah Bankhead, Linda Darnell, Julie Andrews, Carmen Sevilla, Gloria Swanson, Glynis Johns, Anne Baxter, Angela Lansbury, Anita Ekberg, Toshia Mori, Deborah Kerr, Hazel Scott, Chelo Alonso, Cyd Charisse, Nancy Kwan, Devika Rani, Shima Iwashita, and Anouk Aimée
Setsuko Hara, Pearl Bailey, Joan Crawford, Madhubala, Marpessa Dawn, Keiko Awaji, Rita Hayworth, Veronica Lake, Ava Gardner, Greta Garbo, Grace Kelly, Xia Meng, Suraiya, Natalie Wood, María Félix, and Mbissine Thérèse Diop
Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, Vyjyanthimala, Jane Fonda, Katharine Hepburn, Josephine Baker, Elizabeth Taylor, and Ingrid Bergman
Audrey Hepburn, Marlene Dietrich, Anna May Wong, and Lauren Bacall
Rita Moreno, Diahann Carroll
Hedy Lamarr
Eartha Kitt
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dilucs-princess · 9 months ago
The sweet taste of milk
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Pairing: Doppelganger Francis x afab reader
words: 1,147
warnings: fem!reader (no pronouns but fem anatomy), sub!Francis, slapping, unrealistic sex (no prep), slight mommy kink, overstimulation
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Francis Mosses was on his knees, staring up at you. You have no idea how you got in this situation, peering at him through the window. "Please," He breaths, clasping his hands together. "Please let me in.. I-I'll be a good boy... I'll serve you so well, miss, please..."
You could only watch, mouth hanging open in shock as you watch Francis. Was it Francis? Was it a doppel? You weren't even sure but the way he was begging was so beautifully and so needy, you had to rub your own thighs together.
Your hand reached towards the open button and Francis basically sobbed with relief, crawling his way towards you. You could tell he was so, so needy! You couldn't help but laugh as he crawled into your office.
He sat back on his knees, a cute little bulge forming at the front of his trousers, you reached your foot out to press down on it gently and he keened, choking back a desperate moan.
His disguise was starting the slip. Sharp teeth and a long tongue, red eyes, rimmed with gold. You grinned.
This is what you wanted. You gestured the poor doppelganger to stand up. "Strip," You commanded. And he did it as fast as his shaking and trembling hands allowed him. He folded his shirt and trousers, placing his hat and bow tie on top.
He was left in his boxers and shivered when you licked your lips. "Delectable... Truly, a pleasant sight to behold.." You murmured, standing up. You clicked your fingers and pointed to the chair, he rushed over to sit down.
'What a good boy..'
You chuckled, shaking your head as you ran a hand through his hair and he leaned into the touch. You leant down to press a kiss to the corner of his lips, kissing across his jaw and slowly down his neck and chest.
You moved to straddle his lap and he gasped when your body made contact with his hard dick. Even through his final layer and your clothes, he desperately rutted up but you slapped him and he stopped immediately. He sobbed softly, he was so desperate for release! He needed to cum so bad - and you hadn't done anything!
A soft chuckle left you at his pathetic state and you lowered your head to wrap around his nipple, gently sucking on it whilst your other hand went to tug and pull at the opposite one, leaving him writhing and whimpering under you. You hummed with a raised eyebrow as you pulled back, swapping your mouth and hand with a happy smile.
Francis was panting, gripping your hipws tightly, he was trying so hard not to move his hips, he didn't want to get hit again, he was a good boy! He bit back another moan, he was sure his fingers were causing indents in your skin.
He threw his head back when you began to grind against his cock. Small whimpers left his lips and a small cry when you got up off of him. He looked back up but sighed happily when you began to strip, quickly standing too discard his last item of clothing.
You raised an eyebrow, chcukling when you saw him sitting down quickly too, wrapping a hand around his dick. He moaned softly, slowly stroking himself, squeezing his eyes shut. You tsk'ed quietly, cupping his chin, your thumb swiping across his lip. "Gonna cum already? You're not even inside me yet!" You laughed, humming as he took your thumb in his mouth.
Francis was like putty in your hands, so desperate and needy for you, allowing his hand to pull away from his dick as you straddled him, the tip of his dick rubbing against your pussy.
He cried softly, whining when you took your thumb out of his mouth, quickly taking one of your breasts into his mouth, suckling desperately on your nipple. You smiled, he was so cute! How could you ever deny him anything?
"Mommy, mommyy, please.." he whimpered against your skin and you just smiled, slamming down onto him quickly, all at once.
Both of you moaned out in unison and you smiled at the slight stretch, though you couldn't wait for your turn to fuck him instead. You allowed time for you both to adjust as his hands went to hold onto your hips, slowly rubbing circles into the skin before you slowly lifted yourself up and dropping down again.
Francis' breath was hot against your neck and skin, his moans breathless and desperate as he whimpered and whined as every pull of your soft walls against his rock hard dick. He knew he wouldn't last long, he had been desperate for ages.
His fingers were digging into your skin, his eyes glued to your cunt as one of your perfect hands went to rub at your clit. He whimpered and tentatively replaced your hand with his. He smiled up at you nervously but it all disappeared as he saw your blissful expression.
"Mmm, Miss. 'm so close, wann' cum so bad!" He whined, burying his head in your shoulder. You smiled, nodding as you continued to bounce on his cock. "Cum, cum inside of me, darling, you're okay," You replied with a smile, clenching around him desperately.
He nodded, gasping for breath as you continuously clenched around him, rubbing your clit with more vigor, collecting some click to aid in the lubrication.
He moaned so loudly as he came that you had to shove fingers in his mouth. He didn't care, so desperate as he gagged on your fingers, eyes fixed as he cum spilled out of your beautiful pussy.
His eyed widened and he whined as you continued. "Mmf-" He tried to speak but just gagged beauifully around your fingers instead. You smiled evily down at him. "You really think you could just cum and forget about me? Stupid boy.." You laughed as he cried from the overstimulation.
You allowed your head to tilt back, thrusting your fingers into his mouth as you continuously bounced on his cock, increasing your pace as you felt yourself get closer and more and more desperate.
"Fuck, close, Francis, been such a good boy! So good for me, cumming- oh god, i'm cumming, Francis- fuck-!" You cried out, reaching out to blindly grab onto him as your pussy tghtly clenched aorund him and your body spasmed.
Francis gasped and cried as he came again too, the praise and stimulation was too much for him. You smiled as you slowly came down from your high, wiping his tears away gently.
"Sh, sh, you're okay, baby boy, it's all good. You did so well.." You promised, cupping his cheek gently. Francis looked up at you, eyes still watery as he hid his face in your chest. You just smiled and held him close. "Good boy... Well done.."
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urgetocreate · 11 months ago
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Larry Francis, HI Aunt Ella, 1993, Oil on canvas
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noh07 · 3 months ago
list of mixed name ideas (october 29, 2024)
i sorted them into three categories: androgynous, feminine and masculine.
in this list, there's any type of names (mostly for english-speaking people though): typical first names, noun names, mythology names, etc.
if you have more ideas of names for trans folks, writers, etc, just lemme know! (Can also be not-so-cool names for the writers, we need them for the asshole side characters :3)
i will update the list every time I have a lot of new name suggestions. this is not the newest version, but you can find it under the tag #updated name list on my profile.
(alphabetical list with 553 mixed names under the cut)
--- androgynous ---
--- feminine ---
--- masculine ---
If you want me to add meanings, origins, etc., just tell me! ^^
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justinspoliticalcorner · 16 days ago
Ella Lee and Rebecca Beitsch at The Hill, via NewsNation:
President Biden announced pardons for members of his family in the last minutes of his presidency, a shocking development as President-elect Trump’s inauguration is already underway. The blanket pardons were granted to his brother, James Biden; his sister-in-law, Sara Jones Biden; his sister, Valerie Biden Owens; his brother-in-law, John T. Owens; and his youngest brother, Francis Biden. “My family has been subjected to unrelenting attacks and threats, motivated solely by a desire to hurt me — the worst kind of partisan politics,” Biden said in a statement. “Unfortunately, I have no reason to believe these attacks will end.” Biden said the pardons do not acknowledge any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be viewed as an admission of guilt. They cover any nonviolent offense from Jan. 1, 2014, to Sunday.  The pardon for the Biden family members came after a number of them testified before the then-House Oversight and Accountability Committee as it investigated both President Biden and son, Hunter Biden, in a probe of influence peddling. While President Biden pardoned Hunter Biden in December, he had not yet done so for other family members, risking continued congressional oversight.
In the final hours of Joe Biden’s Presidency, he gave preemptive pardons to the rest of Biden’s family members. Hunter was already pardoned in December 2024.
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longliveblackness · 7 months ago
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Henrietta Smith Bowers Duterte, the first female undertaker in the nation, was born free in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Henrietta Bowers was a tailor who made capes, coats, and cloaks for the city’s middle and upper classes. In 1852 at the age of 35 she married Francis Duterte, a Haitian-born local coffin maker. Together Henrietta and Francis had several children, but none survived infancy. Francis Duterte was a member of the Moral Reform Retreat, a local organization which supported the abolition of slavery and equal rights for women.
After the death of her husband in 1858, Henrietta Duterte defied the gender restrictions of her era by assuming control over her late husband’s business. In doing this, she became the first woman undertaker in the city, and the first woman undertaker in the nation.
Like her husband, Henrietta Duterte worked to abolish slavery. She became an agent of the Underground Railroad, often hiding runways in coffins or disguising them as part of funeral processions to ensure their safe passage through the city. She also supported the African American community through philanthropic projects.
Henrietta Smith Bowers Duterte, fue la primera directora de servicios fúnebres de la nación. Ella nació libre en Filadelfia, Pensilvania.
Henrietta Bowers fue una costurera que hacía capas, abrigos y mantos para la clase media y alta de la ciudad. En 1852, a la edad de 35 años, se casó con Francis Duterte, un hombre originario de Haití que fabricaba ataúdes. Henrietta y Francis tuvieron varios hijos juntos, pero ninguno sobrevivió su infancia. Francis Duterte formó parte de una organización local que se dedicaba a apoyar la derogación de la esclavitud y a promover la igualdad de derechos para las mujeres.
En 1858, después de la muerte de su esposo, Henrietta Duterte desafió las restricciones de género de su época al tomar control del negocio de su difunto esposo, y al hacer esto se convirtió en la primera directora de servicios fúnebres de la ciudad y de la nación.
Al igual que su esposo, Henrietta Duterte trabajó para derogar la esclavitud. Se convirtió en agente del Ferrocarril Subterráneo, a menudo escondía a los fugitivos en ataúdes o los disfrazaba como parte de los cortejos fúnebres, para poder asegurarse de que pasaran de manera segura por la ciudad. También apoyaba a la comunidad afroamericana por medio de proyectos filantrópicos.
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billboard-hotties-tourney · 8 months ago
Okay, folks, the mini-tourney is inching closer to the finals, so I'm going to give a list of the competitors in the Miss Billboard Tourney in order to give everyone a chance to submit more propaganda. The nominees are:
Lale Andersen
Marian Anderson
Signe Toly Anderson
Julie Andrews
LaVerne Andrews
Maxene Andrews
Patty Andrews
Joan Armatrading
Dorothy Ashby
Joan Baez
Pearl Bailey
Belle Baker
Josephine Baker
LaVern Baker
Florence Ballard
Brigitte Bardot
Eileen Barton
Fontella Bass
Shirley Bassey
Maggie Bell
Lola Beltran
Ivy Benson
Gladys Bentley
Jane Birkin
Cilla Black
Ronee Blakley
Teresa Brewer
Anne Briggs
Ruth Brown
Joyce Bryant
Vashti Bunyan
Kate Bush
Montserrat Caballe
Maria Callas
Blanche Calloway
Wendy Carlos
Cathy Carr
Raffaella Carra
Diahann Carroll
Karen Carpenter
June Carter Cash
Meg Christian
Gigliola Cinquetti
Petula Clark
Merry Clayton
Patsy Cline
Rosemary Clooney
Natalie Cole
Judy Collins
Alice Coltrane
Betty Comden
Barbara Cook
Rita Coolidge
Gal Costa
Ida Cox
Karen Dalton
Marie-Louise Damien
Betty Davis
Jinx Dawson
Doris Day
Blossom Dearie
Kiki Dee
Lucienne Delyle
Sandy Denny
Jackie DeShannon
Gwen Dickey
Marlene Dietrich
Marie-France Dufour
Julie Driscoll
Yvonne Elliman
Cass Elliot
Maureen Evans
Agnetha Faeltskog
Marianne Faithfull
Mimi Farina
Max Feldman
Gracie Fields
Ella Fitzgerald
Roberta Flack
Lita Ford
Connie Francis
Aretha Franklin
France Gall
Judy Garland
Crystal Gayle
Gloria Gaynor
Bobbie Gentry
Astrud Gilberto
Donna Jean Godchaux
Lesley Gore
Eydie Gorme
Margo Guryan
Sheila Guyse
Nina Hagen
Francoise Hardy
Emmylou Harris
Debbie Harry
Annie Haslam
Billie Holiday
Mary Hopkin
Lena Horne
Helen Humes
Betty Hutton
Janis Ian
Mahalia Jackson
Wanda Jackson
Etta James
Joan Jett
Bessie Jones
Etta Jones
Gloria Jones
Grace Jones
Shirley Jones
Tamiko Jones
Janis Joplin
Barbara Keith
Carole King
Eartha Kitt
Chaka Khan
Hildegard Knef
Gladys Knight
Sonja Kristina
Patti Labelle
Cleo Laine
Nicolette Larson
Daliah Lavi
Vicky Leandros
Peggy Lee
Rita Lee
Alis Lesley
Barbara Lewis
Abbey Lincoln
Melba Liston
Julie London
Darlene Love
Anni-Frid Lyngstad
Barbara Lynn
Loretta Lynn
Vera Lynn
Siw Malmkvist
Lata Mangeshkar
Linda McCartney
Kate McGarrigle
Christie McVie
Bette Midler
Jean Millington
June Millington
Liza Minnelli
Carmen Miranda
Joni Mitchell
Liz Mitchell
Marion Montgomery
Lee Morse
Nana Mouskouri
Anne Murray
Wenche Myhre
Holly Near
Olivia Newton-John
Stevie Nicks
Laura Nyro
Virginia O’Brien
Yoko Ono
Shirley Owens
Patti Page
Dolly Parton
Freda Payne
Michelle Phillips
Edith Piaf
Ruth Pointer
Leontyne Price
Suzi Quatro
Gertrude Rainey
Bonnie Raitt
Carline Ray
Helen Reddy
Della Reese
Martha Reeves
June Richmond
Jeannie C. Riley
Minnie Riperton
Jean Ritchie
Chita Rivera
Clara Rockmore
Linda Ronstadt
Marianne Rosenberg
Diana Ross
Anna Russell
Melanie Safka
Buffy Sainte-Marie
Samantha Sang
Pattie Santos
Hazel Scott
Doreen Shaffer
Jackie Shane
Marlena Shaw
Sandie Shaw
Dinah Shore
Judee Sill
Carly Simon
Nina Simone
Nancy Sinatra
Siouxsie Sioux
Grace Slick
Bessie Smith
Mamie Smith
Patti Smith
Ethel Smyth
Mercedes Sosa
Ronnie Spector
Dusty Springfield
Mavis Staples
Candi Staton
Barbra Streisand
Poly Styrene
Maxine Sullivan
Donna Summer
Pat Suzuki
Norma Tanega
Tammi Terrell
Sister Rosetta Tharpe
Big Mama Thornton
Mary Travers
Moe Tucker
Tina Turner
Bonnie Tyler
Sylvia Tyson
Sarah Vaughan
Sylvie Vartan
Mariska Veres
Akiko Wada
Claire Waldoff
Jennifer Warnes
Dee Dee Warwick
Dionne Warwick
Dinah Washington
Ethel Waters
Elisabeth Welch
Kitty Wells
Mary Wells
Juliane Werding
Tina Weymouth
Cris Williamson
Ann Wilson
Mary Wilson
Nancy Wilson
Anna Mae Winburn
Syreeta Wright
Tammy Wynette
Nan Wynn
Those in italics have five or more pieces of usable visual, written, or audio propaganda already. If you have any visuals like photos or videos, or if you have something to say in words, submit it to this blog before round one begins on June 25th!
If you don't see a name you submitted here, it's because most or all of their career was as a child/they were too young for the cutoff, their career was almost entirely after 1979, or music was something they only dabbled in and are hardly known for. There are quite a few ladies on the list whose primary career wasn't "recording artist" or "live musician," but released several albums or were in musical theater, so they've been accepted.
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itsss4t4n · 1 year ago
Who I write for /Rules
I'm new-ish to writing (i used to write fanfiction when i was like 13. i'm 19 now and write very rarely) but I really wanna do it again.
So this is a list of characters/fandoms I write for as well as some rules for asks. Some things may be missing from this list so if you dont see something on this list, feel free to ask. :))
Do add as much detail as you want to a request and please ALWAYS have at least some sort of prompt, as i'm really not good with coming up with storys on my own yet.
I WILL NOT DO SMUT SO DONT REQUEST IT! I might however do spicy stuff (Nothing more than making out or somewhat implied stuff tho).
My writing will be mostly pg 13 but please still be careful if the fic-warnings include sensitive topics, and i might repost some 18+ things so be careful when navigating my blog.
Please be nice and have manners when requesting.
Also please include what gender/pronouns you want the reader to have (i write for all genders). If its not included I will default it as gender neutral. :)))
I also write poly relationships and AUs.
Some things I will not write include: Pregnancy, toxic/yandere, student x teacher, love triangles.
(Also english isnt my first language, and even though, in my opinion, i speak it really well, if they are any mistakes, thats why.)
Heartbreak high
Harper Mclean
Quinni Ghallager-Jones
Darren Rivers
Spencer "Spider" White
Anthony "Ant" Vaughn
Malakai Mitchel
Sally face
Sal Fisher
Travis Phelps (male or gn readers)
Larry Johnson
Ashley Campbell
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Charly Weasley
Bill Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Olliver Wood
Draco Malfoy (+6th year only)
Theodore Nott (+6th year only)
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Regulus Black
Evan Rosier
Barty Crouch jr
Pandora Rosier
Lilly Evans
Marlene Mckinnon
Hogwarts Legacy
Sebastian Sallow
Ominus Gaunt
Gareth Weasley
Poppy Sweetings
Imelda Reyes
Die drei fragezeichen / the three investigators
Bob Andrews
Peter Shaw
Justus Jonas
Skinny Norris
Jasper Hale
Emmet Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Esme Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Alice Cullen
Sam Uley
Paul Lahote
Charlie Swan
Leah Clearwater
Jacob Black
Let me know if you want book or show
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Luke Castellan
Clarrisse La Rue
Selena Beauregard
Charles Beckendorf
Ethan Nakamura
Nico di Angelo (no romantic fem readers)
Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Will Solace
Travis Stoll
Connor Stoll
Hazel Levesque (no romantic)
Jason Grace
Leo Valdez
Piper Mclean
Magnus chase
Magnus Chase
Samirah al Abbas ( no romantic)
Alex Fierro
Mallory Keen
TJ (Thomas Jefferson jr)
MCU (Avengers)
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Sam Wilson
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
Peter Parker (tom holland and andrew garfield)
Wanda Maximof
Piedro Maximof
Clint Barton
Scott Lang
Stephen Strange
Kate Bishop
MCU ( Guardians of the galaxy)
Peter Quill
Daredevil (Season 1)
Matt Murdock
Karen Page
James Wesley
X-men universe
Eddie Brock
Harley Quinn
Jason Todd
Dick Grayson (any version, young justice, robin, nightwing,etc.)
Wally West (youngJustice)
Artemis (young justice)
Roy Harper (young justice)
Disney Descendants
Carlos devil
Benjamin Beast
Chad Charming
Audrey Rose
Lonnie Fa
Harry Hook
Rise of red
James Hook
Tiny Pretty things (Netflix)
Bette Whitlaw
Oren Lennox
Shane Madej (no romantic fem readers)
June Park
Jennifers Body
Jennifer Check
Colin Gray
Ever after high
all characters
Redacted Audios
(no x reader, just ships)
literally all characters
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kristallbluemchen · 10 months ago
Okay! Ich hab Bock auf nen Thread für Nolin Songs (Happy, sad, destructive, hopeful, mir schnurz, alles was ihr mögt und für passend haltet!)
Haut eure favorites raus und lasst sie uns sammeln!
Love Situation (911) - Blanks
Ich würd‘ lügen - Kayef (irgendwie mehr Noah pov but still about them)
What you do to me - Blanks
love should be easy - Zoe Wees 
Hold on me - Ella Henderson
Back to December - Taylor Swift
Midnight Rain - Taylor Swift
You‘re losing me - Taylor Swift
Love lies - Khalid & Normani
Let somebody go - Coldplay & Selena Gomez
Letzter Song - Cro
Falling - Cro
Dich - Cro (OMG Leute! Hört den euch an und schaut dann noch mal Folge 1047!)
C'est La Vie (Graham Lake Edit) - Graham Lake
Scream - WTRGRL & Zhone
Just friends - Nuno Freitas
Gravity - Michael Johnston 
Just You and I - Tom Walker
Flash mich - Mark Forster (Ja, der obligatorische Mark Forster Song hat es auch in meine Playlist geschafft)
The heart wants what it wants - Selena Gomez
Sorry - Justin Bieber (fragt nicht)
Wish I could forget - SLANDER, Blackbear & bring me the Horizon
Dream Boy - Waterparks
Closer - Waterparks
Kiss me - Sixpence None the Richer
Smile again - Blackbear
You be love - Avicii ft. Billy Raffoul
Miss you - Oliver Tree & Robin Schulz
Lost without you - Kygo & Dean Lewis
Unendlichkeit - MilleniumKid & JBS
Mit dir - MilleniumKid
Dir ist es egal - MilleniumKid (AUA)
Until I found you - Steven Sanchez & Em Beihold (unser inoffizieller Endgame Song 💔)
Heaven - Bryan Adams
When you‘re gone - Bryan Adams ft. Melanie C.
Please forgive me - Bryan Adams
It must have been love - Roxette
Listen to your heart - Roxette
Let Em Go - Matt Hansen
Break my heart - Matt Hansen
Without you with me - Matt Hansen
Dead the day you‘re gone - Matt Hansen
Where you belong - Matt Hansen
Can‘t stop loving you - Phil Collins
True Colors - Phil Collins
Weißt du - Rowli
Durch die Nacht - Francis
Close to you - Dayglow
Had me @ Hello - Luke Benward (don‘t ask aber der Song ist gut)
Mine - Michael Gerow
Broken - Isak Danielson
Don‘t think twice - Hikaru Utada (any Kingdom hearts Fans here? 👀)
Alone Pt. II - Alan walker & Ava Max
Falling stars - Fabian Schuster
Missed chance - Fabian Schuster
Strangers - Jake Cornell
Count me out - HART (not really sure about that one but it kind of fits?)
Clarity - Zedd ft. Foxxes
I‘d rather die - Lost stars (das ist so Noah!)
Vertigo - Lost Stars
Something just like this - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay
no more days alone - Isaac Anderson
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dolceminerva97 · 8 months ago
¿Podrías hablar un poco de la Relación de Inglaterra con Aquitania? Creo que alguna vez mencionaste algo sobre ello.
El oc de Aquitania le pertenece a una amiga francesa (@/Galatea_bn) que desapareció de la faz del internet hace unos tres años, así que no soy la más afilada con el tema (he hecho mis lecturas, pero la experta era mi amiga orz) pero su investigación y caracterización de Francia me permitió entender mejor el lore de Arturo medieval!
Inglaterra y Aquitania se casaron en 1152 y su matrimonio duró hasta 1453, ¡tres siglos! y su unión se produjo gracias a la dinastía de los Plantagenet. Tengan este único dibujito de ellos que hice en 2021:
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Conozcan a la bellísima Alienor, pretendida también en ese entonces por Francis. Alienor es, por lo menos, un milenio mayor que Arthur, ¡incluso nació antes que su madre! En el momento de su boda él tenía 14 y ella unos 17 años, aproximadamente.
Este matrimonio significó un periodo de transición para Arthur en donde forjó su carácter y pasó de ser un adolescente a un hombrecito ( calculo que para el fin de su matrimonio, habría llegado a la edad de 17 años). No fue nada fácil para él ser un buen esposo, y a menudo sentía que no estaba a la altura de una mujer como Alienor. No estaban enamorados cuando se casaron, pero con el tiempo, Arthur se enamoró de ella, y de Alienor puedo decir que le tenía un sincero afecto, pero tal vez la inmadurez de Arthur no le permitió enamorarse de él de la misma manera. Tuvieron conflictos, momentos de desconfianza así como también otras épocas en donde reforzaron sus lazos, en especial económicos. Que estuviesen casados no significó que viviesen siempre juntos, pues es la época en la que los reyes ingleses se fueron a participar de las cruzadas a Medio Oriente, la guerra de los 100 años contra Francia, conflictos con Escocia, etc.
En esta época, Arthur se volvió buen amigo de Gascuña (Guilhelm), quien es medio hermano de Alienor, así que era su amigo y cuñado lol, pueden ver al oc en la página de instagram de mi amiga.
El divorcio fue un momento duro para Arthur, pero con el tiempo lo superó, y cualquier resquicio de ese antiguo amor quedó completamente en el pasado. Actualmente tienen una relación cordial, y Arthur sigue pensando que es una de las mujeres más hermosas que ha conocido. Luego de su separación de Aquitania, no volvió a contraer nupcias hasta su matrimonio con Escocia en 1707, con quien sigue (infelizmente 🤣) casado en la actualidad. Otro matrimonio de 300 años y contando... ¿cuánto más durará? 👀
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sussex-newswire · 4 months ago
"After walking the green carpet during her unexpected appearance at the event on Saturday, Oct. 5, Meghan spotted a former CHLA cancer patient named Ella, who was with her parents, Megan and Marcus, and her little brother Francis. According to an attendee at the gala, Meghan went up to Ella, crouched down to her level, asked what her name was and told her she was beautiful. She then introduced herself to Ella’s family and took photos in an unplanned interaction.
"'It was incredibly sweet, and at one point Ella’s mom and Meghan had a relatable moment about having two young kids,' an attendee tells PEOPLE. 
"The guest adds, 'Meghan was lovely, and there was no pretense about her. She was smiling and happy to shake hands with anyone who approached her.'
"'She was so approachable and accessible,' an attendee says of Meghan. 'It was refreshing.'"
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f--e-u-e-r-t-r-u-n-k-e--n · 7 months ago
Abya Yala (no) es un pueblo al sur de Estados Unidos. Colección de Apuntes.
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Joaquín Torres García, América invertida.
"Tal vez, la permanencia de este clown del humor fácil en la pantalla chilena se debió a que fue cuidadoso en sus opiniones contingentes y supo atrincherarse en el Canal Católico, además su programa siempre tuvo el apoyo de la derecha empresarial. Aun así, aunque Don Francisco reiteradamente evitó los temas políticos, hay gestos suyos que pocos conocen y que harían más soportable su terapia populista. Se sabe que en los primeros días después del golpe, ayudó a un periodista que entonces era perseguido por los militares. Tal vez, esto que alguna vez ha reconocido públicamente, haga más digerible su insoportable chacra, pero no basta para el Vía Crucis de la Teletón. Esa odiosa teleserie de minusválidos gateando para que la Coca Cola les tire unas sillas de ruedas. No basta la emoción colectiva, ni la honestidad de las cristianas intenciones, ni el sentimentalismo piadoso para justificar la humillación disfrazada de colecta solidaria. No basta la imagen del animador, como virgen obesa con la guagua parapléjica en los brazos, haciéndole propaganda a la empresa privada con un problema de salud y rehabilitación que le pertenece al Estado. Con este Gran Gesto Teletónico, el país se conmueve, se abuena, se aguachan sus demandas rabiosas. Y el «Todos Juntos», funciona como el show reconciliador donde las ideologías políticas blanquean sus diferencias, bailando cumbia y pasándose la mano por el lomo con la hipocresía de la compasión. Porque más allá de los hospitales que se construyen con el escudo de la niñez inválida como cartel, quien más gana en popularidad y adhesión es el patrono del evento. El sagrado Don Francisco, el hombre puro sentimiento, puro «chicharrón de corazón», el apóstol televisivo cuya única ideología es la chilenidad, y su norte, la picardía cruel y la risotada criolla que patentó como humor nacional. (…) A lo mejor, en estos últimos años de desengaño democrático, si había que exportar un producto típico chileno, que no fuera el Condorito, pasado de moda por roto y derrotista, ahí estaba Don Francis: sentimental, triunfador y chacotero. Si había que instalarlo en algún escenario, no cabía duda que el mejor era Miami y su audiencia sudaca y arribista. Al resto del show, sumarle el gusaneo cubano y su hibridez de hamburguesa gringa y salsa transplantada, allegada, paracaidistas de visita siempre, pero igual se creen yanquis con sus pelos teñidos, sus grasas monumentales y su vida fofa del carro al mall, del mall al surfing, y del beach al living room, con bolsas de papas fritas, pop corn, pollo chicken y litros de Coca Cola, para ver al chileno gracioso, que cada tarde de sábado reparte carnaval y electrodomésticos a la teleaudiencia latina. Y no cabe duda que en estos trópicos se ha hecho insustituible, aunque ya no está con su yunta del humor, el cómico Mandolino, a quien dejó botado con su disfraz de vagabundo en las palmereadas costas de Florida. Pero eso no le preocupó a Don Francis, tampoco la querella por acoso sexual que le puso una modelo. El salió libre de polvo y paja y ella quedó como mentirosa, tonta y oportunista. En fin, dígase lo que se diga, Don Francisco equivale a la cordillera para los millones de telespectadores del continente que lo siguen, lo aman, le creen como a la virgen, y ven en la boca chistosa del gordo una propaganda optimista de país. Más bien, una larga carcajada neoliberal que limita en una mueca triste llamada Chile.
Pedro Lemebel, Don Francisco (o «la virgen obesa de la TV»)
"Para turistas gente curiosa, es un sitio exótico para visitar Es solo un lugar económico, pero inadecuado para habitar Les ofrecen Latino América, el carnaval de Río y las ruinas aztecas Gente sucia bailando en las calles, dispuesta a venderse por algunos USA dollars. Nadie en el resto del planeta toma en serio A este inmenso pueblo lleno de tristeza Se sonríen cuando ven que tienen veintitantas banderitas Cada cual más orgullosa que su soberanía (…) Y el inocente pueblo de Latino América Llorará si muere Ronald Reagan o la reina Y le sigue paso a paso la vida a Carolina Como si esa gente sufriera del subdesarrollo Estamos en un hoyo. Parece que en realidad Latinoamérica es un pueblo al sur de Estados Unidos.
Los Prisioneros, Latinoamérica es un pueblo al sur de Estados Unidos.
"He dicho Escuela del Sur porque en realidad  nuestro Norte es el Sur. No debe haber Norte, para nosotros, sino por oposición a nuestro Sur. Por eso ahora ponemos el mapa al revés, y entonces ya tenemos justa idea de nuestra posición, y no como quieren en el resto del mundo. La punta de América, desde ahora, prolongándose, señala, insistentemente el Sur, nuestro Norte"
Joaquín Torres García.
"Con su ritual de acero sus grandes chimeneas sus sabios clandestinos su canto de sirenas sus cielos de neón (…) con sus predicadores sus gases que envenenan su escuela de chicago sus dueños de la tierra con sus trapos de lujo y su pobre osamenta sus defensas gastadas sus gastos de defensa con sus gesta invasora el norte es el que ordena
pero aquí abajo abajo cada uno en su escondite hay hombres y mujeres que saben a qué asirse aprovechando el sol y también los eclipses apartando lo inútil y usando lo que sirve con su fe veterana el Sur también existe
con su corno francés y su academia sueca su salsa americana y sus llaves inglesas con todos su misiles y sus enciclopedias su guerra de galaxias y su saña opulenta con todos sus laureles el norte es el que ordena"
Mario Benedetti, El Sur También Existe.
"En tu reciente visita a México señalaste que en América Latina no se está en condiciones de hablar de pensamiento decolonial ni postcolonial. Afirmaste que lo decolonial es una moda, lo postcolonial un deseo y lo anticolonial una lucha. ¿Cómo seguir este camino anticolonial? Yo creo que es una forma de poner en relieve que este proceso tiene larga data. Desde tiempos coloniales se han dado procesos de lucha anticolonial; en cambio, lo decolonial es una moda muy reciente que, de algún modo, usufructúa y reinterpreta esos procesos de lucha, pero creo que los despolitiza, puesto que lo decolonial es un estado o una situación pero no es una actividad, no implica una agencia, ni una participación consciente. Llevo la lucha anticolonial a la práctica en los hechos, de algún modo, deslegitimizando todas las formas de cosificación y del uso ornamental de lo indígena que hace el Estado. Todo eso son procesos de colonización simbólica.
Has profundizado mucho en la sociología de la imagen, tomando la imagen como teoría y no solo como ilustración. ¿De qué forma te sirve la imagen? Es una forma de replantear el papel de la visualidad en la dominación y también sirve como forma de resistencia. Se trata de descolonizar la conciencia propia, superar el oculocentrismo occidental y convertir la mirada en parte de una experiencia completa, orgánica, que implique los otros sentidos también, como el olfato o el tacto. Es decir, reintegrar la mirada al cuerpo.
Quisiera profundizar en el concepto ch´ixi. ¿Cómo llegas a él y qué significa para ti? Surge como una metáfora que me comunica un escultor aymara —Victor Zapana— hablando de animales como la serpiente o el lagarto, que vienen de abajo, pero también son de arriba, son masculinos y también femeninas. Es decir, tienen una dualidad implícita en su constitución. Y eso me parecía a mi una muy buena metáfora para explicar un tipo de mestizaje que reconoce la fuerza de su lado indígena y la potencia para poder equilibrarla con la fuerza de lo europeo. Entonces se propone a lo ch´ixi como una fuerza descolonizadora del mestizaje. Lejos de la fusión o de la hibridez, se trata de convivir y habitar las contradicciones. No negar una parte ni la otra, ni buscar una síntesis, sino admitir la permanente lucha en nuestra subjetividad entre lo indio y lo europeo.
Resulta interesante como varias personas han manifestado alivio y tranquilidad al comprender tu noción de lo ch´ixi, sobre todo, en relación con problemas de identificación. A mi también me ha llamado la atención que pueda dialogar este concepto con experiencias tan distintas. Lo que pasa es que todos vivimos una contradicción muy fuerte, entre lo occidental y lo que nos da el paisaje, el ámbito local, que nos conecta con la otra cara."
Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, entrevista con Nora Narváes para El Salto.
"Adam Smith decía que el descubrimiento de América había «elevado el sistema mercantil a un grado de esplendor y gloria que de otro modo no hubiera alcanzado jamás». Según Sergio Bagú, el más formidable motor de acumulación del capital mercantil europeo fue la esclavitud americana; a su vez, ese capital resultó «la piedra fundamental sobre la cual se construyó el gigantesco capital industrial de los tiempos contemporáneos». La resurrección de la esclavitud grecorromana en el Nuevo Mundo tuvo propiedades milagrosas: multiplicó las naves, las fábricas, los ferrocarriles y los bancos de países que no estaban en el origen ni, con excepción de los Estados Unidos, tampoco en el destino de los esclavos que cruzaban el Atlántico".
Eduardo Galeano, Las venas abiertas de América Latina.
"El protagonismo indígena en la producción audiovisual es una de las muchas facetas de un fuerte movimiento de resistencia en América Latina que apuesta a la valorización de la ancestralidad de pueblos originarios que habitaban la región antes de ser invadida por el colonizador europeo y vieron cómo se despreciaban y negaban sus modos de vida y cultura. No se respetaron las peculiaridades de cada pueblo y todos fueron denominados por igual “indios”. La Abya Yala, uno de los nombres con que los pueblos originarios llamaban a sus tierras, fue bautizada como América. En este movimiento de resistencia, se acordó volver a llamar a la región de Abya Yala (tierra viva o tierra que florece), según la denominaba el pueblo Guna, de Colombia y Panamá, en su idioma original. En Brasil, el nombre de América era Pindorama. «Usar el nombre de Abya Yala es una forma de enfrentar al nombre de América Latina, que fue dado por el invasor”, cuenta el profesor e investigador Janssen Felipe da Silva. “Su uso es la afirmación de que nosotros, que trabajamos con epistemologías del Sur y de América Latina y con el pensamiento descolonial, asumimos el tema como una confrontación”.
Fabia Prates, ¿Qué significan Abya Yala y Pindorama? Para Contemporary And América Latina.
"A principios del siglo XXI, las ideas feministas latinoamericanas se vinculan al éxito del capitalismo en la destrucción de las culturas locales (la llamada globalización), y al clima continental reactivo de profunda crítica a la occidentalización de América,2 y a sus secuelas de racismo y colonialismo que intentan reorganizarse en las ideas y las prácticas políticas del neoliberalismo. Según María del Rayo Ramírez Fierro, ubicar el propio análisis de la realidad desde América Latina implica hacerlo desde "todos los lugares marginales del imperio global". Esto es, desde espacios geográficos, culturales y económicos donde los movimientos sociales más recientes han aglutinado a sectores diversos (mujeres y hombres indigentes urbanos, indígenas y campesinos, desempleados, de la tercera edad, niños de la calle, afrodescendientes, migrantes), para estructurar reclamos que tienen que ver con algo más profundo, más elemental que la lucha por la socialización de los instrumentos de producción, posiblemente con el cambio de una cultura basada en el concepto de lo superior, ejercida por los elegidos. Se han juntado alrededor de la no privatización de recursos naturales primarios como el agua o el gas, contra el turismo trasnacional, el latifundio y la agroindustria: son los sin tierra de Brasil, los sin rostro de México, y los sin techo de toda América, es decir son los seres humanos extranumerarios para el sistema capitalista mundial que, desde sus márgenes, son capaces de ponerlo en crisis. Las mujeres que participan en el movimiento zapatista en México, las cocaleras en Bolivia, las indígenas amazónicas y andinas de Ecuador y Venezuela están denunciando la relación entre el colonialismo, el racismo y las desigualdades económicas, de oportunidades y de acceso a los servicios públicos que las marginan. Igualmente juzgan como manifestaciones de racismo las políticas de castellanización y aculturación de los pueblos originarios: "Nos quieren desindianizar", denuncia la maestra Perla Francisca Betanzos Gondar, de Milpa Alta. "Quien estudia español ya no quiere hablar náhuatl y lo olvida. El proceso de desindianización implica que quien habla español es gente de razón, es gente respetada. Con la lengua se pierde la cosmovisión, la relación con la naturaleza como madre, la idea que el principio creador, Ometéotl, es femenino y masculino, que las mujeres representamos a la tierra… (…) En Sexo y conquista, Araceli Barbosa Sánchez analiza cómo el odio de los españoles contra las mujeres y contra toda "feminidad" de los hombres, llevó a los conquistadores a prácticas de violencia extrema, tortura, muerte y degradación de los cadáveres, de las mujeres indígenas que se resistieron a la violación y contra los "sodomitas", equiparándolos de alguna manera.14 De las indias y los sodomitas, los conquistadores nunca recogieron testimonios, palabras, ni describieron sus actitudes y saberes, a diferencia de los inquisidores que transcribieron con lujo de detalles los saberes "perversos" de las hechiceras y herejes. Fue relativamente fácil para el movimiento feminista europeo identificarse con las brujas, una vez que se llegó a demostrar la positiva diferencia de sus saberes con los de la cultura de la represión que sostuvo al absolutismo monárquico y al despegue del capitalismo. Pero ¿con qué diferencia positiva de sus antepasadas pueden identificarse las latinoamericanas sin pasar por una revisión antropológica de las culturas americanas actuales e históricas, y por la ruptura con la cultura mestiza hegemónica, que encubre la historia en sentido racista y sexista?"
Francesca Gargallo, Feminismo Latinoamericano.
"Ka’aru ´pytü ha che rovetäme hendypu joa tataindyu mboriahúicha tapÿi chavimi mboriahu retä."
"¿Quién te dijo a ti que te hicieras carabinero, Juan Antillanca?
Tú que naciste a la orilla del mar y que jugaste en las playas sin dueño, que naciste sabiendo que la vida no necesita de ley porque allí nunca ocurre nada; a más de una ola y otra ola, un transitar de espuma, dos fantasmas de viento y una gaviota borracha de cielos…
¿Y qué más pasa, Juan Antillanca?
Cuando llegaste de uniforme verde y te pusiste rígido, ¡parecías un atado de "colloi"! ¡cómo te gozaban los chiquillos, casi te empelotaron la primera vez!
Tus ojos que eran mansos y risueños, tuviste que endurecerlos; y aquel gesto tuyo que era como un amanecer, lo transformaste en grito duro, en amenaza negra, en noche desconfiada …
¿Te acuerdas como se las arreglaban para tener algo de comer cuando tú eras niño? ¿Y ahora, Juan, tu andas buscando a los que roban ovejas porque tienen hambre y no tienen trabajo?
¿Cómo murió tu padre, recuerdas? ¿En qué cuartel amaneció muerto?
A ti te han escogido para esto porque hablas "mapu dugun" y porque conoces todos los escondites de la costa.
Te vimos esa tarde cuando llevaste al Mauleo: tú ibas más asustado que él, pasaste avergonzado por frente de nosotros.
Ese día, Juan, nos dio una pena grande.
Alguien dijo: -Antillanca se hizo carabinero para ganarse el pan pescando presos a sus hermanos.
¿Qué gusto tiene ese pan, Antillanca?
Pedro Alonso Retamal, MARI AILLA  
En principio, el antiimperialismo podría definirse como una modalidad de la resistencia política y cultural que involucra aspectos diversos, entre los que cabe mencionar un tipo de discurso, una retórica, una simbología, una serie de gestos dotados de rasgos específicos. Por esta vía es posible avanzar en la formalización de matrices discursivas y en la identificación de procedimientos formales típicos. La caracterización que ofrece Ana María Vara de la matriz narrativa sobre la que se apoya lo que designa el "contra-discurso neocolonial de los recursos naturales" y el intento de Andrés Kozel de inventariar una serie de rasgos del "ensayo histórico antiimperialista", son esfuerzos que, aunque no necesariamente sumables, se orientan en esa dirección (Vara, 2013; Kozel, 2012; 2010). Sin embargo, y aun cuando constituye un buen punto de partida, una definición así dista de resolver todos los problemas implicados. Una cuestión medular tiene que ver con cómo pensar la localización del antiimperialismo en el campo ideológico. Plantearla adecuadamente supone la forja de herramientas analíticas apropiadas para pensar las relaciones entre lo particular y lo general; se trata, en definitiva, de enfrentar algunos temas clásicos asociados a la teoría de conjuntos, pero también de otras cosas, para lo cual nos basaremos principalmente en los aportes de Cornelius Castoriadis (2013) y Pierre Ansart (1983). Para comenzar, parece conveniente hacer a un lado las definiciones del antiimperialismo que lo conceptúan como un cuerpo doctrinario o sistema ideológico particular. Por esta vía, el antiimperialismo aparecería como una ideología entre otras, a las cuales se contrapondría en la disputa en torno a la verdad acerca de lo social. Ocurre que, si se mira con detenimiento, el antiimperialismo no parece ser un fenómeno de ese tipo. En efecto, no sería difícil mostrar que el antiimperialismo se hace presente en más de una doctrina o ideología particular. Habría, de hecho, dosis importantes de verdad histórica de justicia.
En América Latina, el antiimperialismo no ha sido antes ni es hoy de alguien en particular. Siendo de nadie y, potencialmente, de todos, el antiimperialismo no parece ser exactamente un cuerpo doctrinario o un sistema ideológico, como sí lo serían, al menos en principio, el anarquismo, el socialismo, el liberalismo, el conservadurismo. Pero entonces, ¿de qué estamos hablando? Una posibilidad sería argumentar que el antiimperialismo es un elemento, algo así como un ornamento o voluta, que aparece integrando y eventualmente enriqueciendo y/o complicando algunos cuerpos doctrinarios o sistemas ideológicos particulares. De seguirse esta vía, se abren enseguida nuevas preguntas, relativas a los grados de afinidad entre cada uno de los distintos cuerpos doctrinarios y el componente antiimperialista, al peso relativo que éste puede adquirir dentro de los cuerpos permeables a su incidencia, a los eventuales efectos del componente —catalizadores, distorsivos, decorativos, etc.— sobre los equilibrios internos de los cuerpos. Ninguno de los derroteros de investigación insinuados por estas preguntas carece en principio de interés.
Juan Carlos Morales Manzur, El antiimperialismo latinoamericano y sus aportes a las ideas de unidad continental, para la Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela.
"El Plan Cóndor, también conocido como Operación Cóndor, fue una campaña de represión política y terrorismo de Estado respaldada por Estados Unidos que incluía operaciones de inteligencia y el asesinato de opositores. Fue implementado oficial y formalmente el 25 de noviembre de 1975 por los líderes de los servicios de inteligencia militar de Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay, e implementada luego por las cúpulas de los regímenes dictatoriales y gobiernos democráticos de América del Sur, a excepción de Surinam, Guyana y Trinidad y Tobago, así como las dependencias francesa y neerlandesa en esa región.​ Diversas fuentes han señalado también la participación secundaria, indirecta o esporádica en el Plan Cóndor de autoridades de Colombia, Ecuador y Perú, según la agencia DW del Estado alemán, el Ministerio Público de Argentina, o el exjefe del Ejército argentino general Martín Balza.​ A pesar de que algunas fuentes afirman la participación esporádica de Venezuela en el Plan Cóndor, el país mostró su rechazo y oposición a la Operación en reiteradas oportunidades, y durante su vigencia se convirtió en uno de los principales destinos para los exiliados de las dictaduras en el Cono Sur.​
Esta coordinación implicó, oficial y directamente, el seguimiento, vigilancia, detención, interrogatorios con tortura, traslados entre países, la violación y desaparición o asesinato de personas consideradas por dichos regímenes como «subversivas» al orden instaurado, o contrarias a su política o ideología.4​ El Plan Cóndor se constituyó en una organización clandestina internacional para la estrategia del terrorismo de Estado que instrumentó el asesinato y desaparición de decenas de miles de opositores a las mencionadas dictaduras, la mayoría de ellos pertenecientes a movimientos de la izquierda política, el peronismo, el sindicalismo, las agrupaciones estudiantiles, la docencia, el periodismo, el campo artístico, la teología de la liberación y el movimiento de derechos humanos. Los llamados «Archivos del Terror» hallados en Paraguay en 1992 dan la cifra de 50 000 personas asesinadas, 30 000 desaparecidas y 400 000 encarceladas."
Plan Cóndor, Wikipedia la enciclopedia libre.
"Dos meses después de haber asumido en Argentina, Sampaoli se preparó para su primer juego oficial ante Uruguay, en Montevideo, por las Clasificatorias.
La previa de ese partido estuvo cargado a lo político cuando el DT fue consultado en conferencia por Santiago Maldonado, un activista de izquierda que en ese entonces estaba en condición de desaparecido luego de participar de un corte de ruta.
“Por mi generación y por todo los que vivimos en una época, como ciudadano argentino, no como entrenador de la Selección, molesta un poco que ese tema todavía no esté resuelto, porque realmente vivimos en nuestra época de adolescencia con mucho miedo y dolor y que aparezca esto acá, en estos momentos, sorprende un poco y ojalá que se resuelva y nosotros apoyar desde acá la aparición de Santiago”, respondió el DT.
Pero no fue lo único. Según la prensa, en ese entonces, Sampaoli intentó que sus jugadores ingresaran a la cancha el día del partido con alguna alusión a Maldonado, ya fuera una camiseta o una bandera. Eso sí, el plantel se negó argumentando que no deseaban mezclarse con lo político.
El conflicto llegó después, cuando Messi apareció en la antesala del juego junto a su amigo uruguayo, Luis Suárez, con vestimenta referida a la candidatura de ambos países a sede del Mundial del 2030. Esto desencajó a Sampaoli.
“Se ve que para los negocios sí, pero para los derechos humanos no”, habría lanzado el DT, como consigna La Sexta."
Pablo Velozo, La historia del motín de Messi que destrozó a Sampaoli en Argentina: cuatro peleas y un adiós.
"Las expresiones de rechazo hacia diversos sectores poblacionales son una constante creciente en América Latina en los últimos años. Los diversos países de la región conforman un crisol de complejas interacciones sociales enmarcadas en el desarrollo de políticas institucionales, cuyas directrices económicas neoliberales agudizan las condiciones de desigualdad y precarización, lo cual deriva en prácticas de despojo, inseguridad e intolerancia. Fenómenos como la movilidad creciente de personas a lo largo del continente, la visibilización de nuevas formas de alteridad, la diversidad religiosa, el narcotráfico y procesos de paz que no derivan en mejoras para la sociedad, son procesos que hoy día inciden de múltiples formas en la cotidianidad de nuestras sociedades.
En este convulso escenario existen también procesos organizativos que derivan en vigorosas experiencias de acción colectiva con fuerte incidencia política. Mujeres y hombres de pueblos indígenas, afrodescendientes y campesinos, por solo mencionar algunos, cuentan con agendas de construcción ciudadana importantes que construyen alternativas de vida sugerentes en este contexto de constante transformación. En este escenario emergen fenómenos como el racismo y la xenofobia, los cuales se convierten en un reto epistémico y metodológico para las ciencias sociales en general, y la antropología en particular. En la región, la ideología del mestizaje es la narrativa que permeó la construcción de los Estados-nación. La apología de la miscegenación construyó cierta “ceguera” a las dinámicas de racismo manifestadas por las sociedades latinoamericanas a partir de la consolidación del racismo científico decimonónico (Wade, 2000; van Dijk, 2007; Gall, 2014). De esto se desprende la tardía atención brindada a este flagelo. No obstante, a partir de las últimas décadas del siglo xx observamos una producción constante para entender las aristas y particularidades con que se expresan el racismo y la xenofobia en América Latina. Este aspecto es sumamente relevante, ya que partimos de considerar la importancia de generar un conocimiento situado con marcos interpretativos acordes a nuestras realidades".
Citlali Quecha Reyna y Cristina V. Masferrer León, Racismo y xenofobia en América Latina para el Boletín de Antropología, vol. 35 (Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Universidad de Antioquia)
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