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elirandom · 2 months ago
20 questions for fic writers
stolen from @lamardeuse back in 2023 and languishing in my drafts forever
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now I'm adding notes to a possible Soapghost fic, I've ideas for an H50 fic I never know if it'll see the light of day, and bits and pieces of unfinished things in every fandom I ever been in i think.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I've yet to be the king of my castle (911, Buck/Tommy)
On this road I'm crawling (H50, McDanno)
Cause I keep runnin' from my heart (H50, McDanno)
I want to hurry home to you (NCIS LA, Sam/Callen)
Playing favourites (Torchwood, Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones/Gwen Cooper)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Of course! Why? Because it's fun, I might be late replying because of handwave everything in my life rn
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
An old Torchwood, Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, MCD fic; As I die (Reaping through the truth, Life becomes untrue)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Difficult question, but possibly Cause I keep runnin' from my heart.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Lol no. I'm not the type of writer people get up in arms about, I'm the casual read when you're scrolling a tag
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I'm so tame these days I hardly reach the Explicit rating. But there's bdsm, blood play etc back there since I used to write Spike/Angel and Riddick AUs.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've a couple I think, the one I remember is Torchwood/Angel the series.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Doubt it
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Once! That was so cool actually.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah, nothing saved but back in Livejournal days and before that on message boards rooms, kinda like discord.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Writing wise I think Spike/Angel, it used to be so easy to write a ficlet here and there. They've got such massive shared history to dig into.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Dom/Brian werewolf AU. There's also a Spike/Angel that's nearly finished and something gets stuck every time I try and finish it. But hey, I finished my NCIS LA fic series, it only took me 10+ years so who knows. I just need my brain back, there's too much in ny life rn.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character's voices? I have no idea but that's how every story starts in my head, these dialogues that I then have to build around which isn't my strong suit. But just cause I feel like I've got their voices right doesn't mean they ring true in someone's else's ears.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting and research. The overarching idea for a giant plot always falls apart on the nitty gritty for me. Either I lose momentum and start hating the story, or the nitty gritty becomes like reading a factual add-on. And research stumps me because see previous, I've a hard time picking out what the reader's need to follow along the story and not take them out of the story with too many facts.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't know if I ever have?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Pitch Black I think. Or Angel/Spike.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I still think the old SGA McShep ficlets Rainy days/When the rain lets up but that could be because it was such good fun to be apart of that fandom and I remember enjoying writing that.
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momo-de-avis · 1 year ago
Lista de alguns dos nomes mais "interessantes" que encontrei até agora em registos
É longa, fica abaixo da linha
Vou actualizando à medida que prossigo na pesquisa. Divirtam-se.
Barliza Anastácia Melchiade
Escholástica (nome extremamente popular)
Romualdo Ricardo
Eufrázia Maria Joaquina
Ethelinde Gracietti (não, não era italiana)
Clemencia Rosa Cigarro
Izidora Mónica (em 1864)
Afonso Henriques Gama de Jesus (de longe o mais patriota que encontrei)
António Miguens Nabo
Chrizagno (super popular numa terra, não me lembro agora onde)
Joaquim Ferreira Matafome
República de Carvalho (sim, apareceu depois de 1900)
José dos Papos
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h50fics · 2 years ago
On this road I'm crawling
by elizaria
Maybe it's hard living in a house of memories. Maybe it's easier to feel you're leaving it over for someone you care about. It was never much of a home without the people inside it.
And maybe home is the place where they have to take you in, when you find you can't run from it any longer. Sometimes you have to tear things down so you can build something new in its bones, and maybe accepting help isn't riskier than anything else.
Words: 3262, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Steve McGarrett, Danny "Danno" Williams, Catherine Rollins
Relationships: Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams
Additional Tags: Post-Episode: s10e22 Aloha (Goodbye), Steve Angst, Pre-Slash
via AO3 works tagged 'Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams' https://ift.tt/HTf6tdM
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jerakeenc · 4 years ago
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Rambly and fluffy.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 3 years ago
Playing favourites by elizaria ( GwenIantoJack, GwenIanto, JackIanto | Complete | 3277 | E )
Jack knows he plays favourites but he can't help it, nor stop it. He couldn't pinpoint when he realised it, when the two of them had become the teacher's pets, and not because of their own volition. "I came back for you ... all of you".
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livlepretre · 5 years ago
Vicarious: The Buffy-in-the-Mix Remix by lynnenne, Love is... by elisi, Troika by Rahirah, Idle hands are the devil's workshop by elizaria, Love in Full Color by bluspirits, Overdone by Settiai, To Work Its Will by NotASong, The Lady Diminishes by useyourlove, Closer and Further Still by Foxinator, A Crazy Gorram Story by Herself_nyc, Vampire Winter by Glassdarkly, Those Things by Foxinator, Mating by Herself_nyc, Too Easy by kally77 (2)
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nataliesnews · 3 years ago
A day in the life of Palestinians 21.8.2022
5 What are delays, arrests or prevention of coverage
80 cases of physical assault
65 cases of attack by settlers backed by the occupation forces.
 the occupation forces
1. Deir Nizam northwest of Ramallah
The occupation army stormed the village during the night and clashes started there. No injuries were reported.
2. Hussan west of Bethlehem
The occupying forces invaded the settlement and clashes began there. The army fired rubber bullets and tear gas canisters. No injuries were reported.
3. Beta south of Nablus
Settlers accompanied by occupation soldiers invaded Jebel Al Arma on the town's lands. Clashes started there. The settlers and the army retreated. No injuries were reported. In the past they tried to establish an outpost in the place. The place has a strategic advantage in terms of the continuity of settlements in the Valley and the intention to interrupt the Palestinian continuity.
4. Kalkilia
3 Palestinian women were arrested at a checkpoint near the city with an improvised weapon of the Carlo model and a will in their car.
5. Silwad northeast of Ramallah
Firing at least 8 bullets at a shielded Israeli bus. Damage to the bus. no casualties.
At this time, the occupying forces close all entrances to the settlement.
6. Eastern Elizaria
to Jerusalem
The occupation army set up a roadblock that prevented the passage of a groom's convoy on the way to Kufa and near Ma'ale Adumim.
7. Khirbat Abu Falah northeast of Ramallah
The occupation army arrests 14-year-old Alaa Ihab Hamail.
8. Umm Al Khair from Safar Yata
The occupying forces tried to stop drilling works and confiscate the drilling equipment but found out that these works were part of the village's master plan and had to retreat.
9. Hebron
Cessation of construction work and confiscation of equipment from Ayman Kafisha's house near the Ibrahimi Mosque.
10. Ramallah
The Episcopal Bishop of Jerusalem condemned the onslaught of the occupying forces, on Thursday, on the St. Andrew's Church compound in Ramallah, for two hours they occupied: the community hall, the church offices, the rectory and the medical center, claiming that they needed to get to the El Haq offices. But the entrance to them is separate. Damage was caused to the entrance. The diocese claims damage to a religious complex.
In the same context, the European Union expresses concern about the invasion of the offices of human rights organizations in Ramallah and El Bira. and announces that he will continue to support these organizations.
11. I'm hungry again
Halil Awauda was transferred to intensive care after 161 days of strike. Despite the announcement of the suspension of the administrative arrest, his wife reported that she was not allowed to visit him. The administrative detainees are organizing to start a general hunger strike.
12. Bir Zeit north of Ramallah
The student union organized a protest over the arrest of the coordinator of the student youth movement and the representative of the Islamic bloc last week.
1. Jerusalem
Jews threw stones at Palestinian vehicles on Bar Lev Boulevard
2. Turmusa'ya north of Ramallah
Settlers cut down 150 olive trees.
3. Umm Al Khair from Safar Yata
Settlers from the Ma'on farm tried to encroach and evict shepherds from the village's grazing land but retreated in the face of resistance.
4. A-Dich west of Salafi
Settlers destroyed agricultural buildings belonging to Palestinians.
5. Hebron
Settlers accompanied by occupation soldiers marched through the streets of the old city.
6. Pasail northwest of Jericho
Activists of Looking at the Occupation with their Eyes repaired the water pipe that was damaged by settlers and cleared blockages. After exerting pressure, the RTG (finally) gave permission to the Palestinians to repair the pipeline
7. Ras a Tin east of Ramallah
Activists look at the occupation through the eyes of those who repaired a water collection pit that was destroyed by settlers for the benefit of the residents of the Ras al-Tin community, many of whom abandoned it after years of abuse by settlers and the occupation army.
8. Givat Assaf east of Ramallah
Stone throwing near the settlement.
9. Dir Istia east of Salafit
4 cows belonging to the resident of the town that disappeared were found in the herd of a settler from an outpost near the valley. After an attempt to hide, they were returned to their owners.
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sunnydaleherald · 7 years ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, August 2
WARREN: I didn't make a toy. I made a girlfriend. BUFFY: A girlfriend. Are you saying ... are you in love with her? WARREN: I really thought I would be. I mean, she's perfect. I don't know, I ... I guess it was too easy. And predictable. You know, she got boring. (Buffy rolls her eyes) She was exactly what I wanted, and I didn't want her. (laughs crazily) I thought I was going crazy. BUFFY: Really? You? WARREN: Then something happened. (sits next to her) Katrina was in my engineering seminar, and she was really funny and cool. You know, she was always givin' me a hard time, real ... unpredictable. She builds these little model monorails that run with magnets, and ... (pauses, looks at Buffy) Anyway. (shrugs) I fell in love with Katrina. BUFFY: Swell. Romance and magnetic trains. But first you decided to take April out of the box... ...play with her for five minutes, and then what? You got bored, decided to dump her, tell her to go away? WARREN: Kinda.
~~I Was Made to Love You~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Here We Go Again (crossover with Eureka, Willow, Buffy, FR-13/PG) by tvashti
Abby Normal (crossover with NCIS, Xander, FR13) by jerseyfabulous
Closing the Barn Door (crossover with Escape Plan, T/PG-13) by jedibuttercup
Revelation (crossover with Walking Dead and Flashforward, Buffy, Willow, FR15) by shieldage
They Made Profiles Where? (crossover with The Avengers, Dawn, Andrew, FR13) by indraleigh
Gently Used (crossover with Harry Potter, Xander, G) by twisted_slinky
Second Home (Buffy, Giles, G) by badly-knitted
One Truth (crossover with Stargate SG-1, Buffy, FR-13) by mmooch
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I Love Livin' in the City (Joyce/Ripper, T) by thewiggins
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Envy (crossover with Iron Man, Oz, T) by Vashti
Collection of fandom poetry things and ficlets (Spike/Buffy, Angel/Spike/Buffy, Angel/Spike, Not Rated) by elizaria
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Anima Telorum Chapter 7 (Angel/Buffy) by Mrs Gordo
Lust Games Chapter 2 (Faith/Buffy, M) by ZzZzZzZZuzuZzZzZzZzZ
Surprise! I'm Your Sister Chapter 3 (crossover with Law & Order: SVU, Faith, M) by btvscharmedgirl
this cold heart never bleeds Chapter 3 (crossover with Sherlock (TV), Spike/Drusilla, E) by Mentalguerilla
Change of Destinies, Again. Chapter 5 (crossover with Charmed, T) by btvscharmedgirl
Save the Last Dance For Me Chapter 71 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Passion4Spike
My Kind of Love Chapter 6 (Faith/Buffy, T) by Chlo88
Feeling Something Chapter 7 (Spike/Buffy, M) by Chandrian. COMPLETE!
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: pretty soon he’s going to realize that he wants more than just #bubblebuffy (worksafe) by tarastheory
Artwork: Spike wearing an "I'm a Cat" hoodie (worksafe) by shadowsfandomhellhole
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Video: Buffy & Angel | Rush (Bangel, ) by
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Artwork: Banners (Buffy, Anya, worksafe) by betta
Artwork: Banner (Cordelia) by Nina
[Reviews & Recaps]
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PODCAST: Pop Culture Role Call S04E22 - Fever Dream - Restless
PODCAST: Still Pretty #43. Nightmares (S1.10) by Lani Diane Rich and Noelle LaCroix
PUBLICATION: How ‘Buffy’ Slayed the Musical Episode by Miles Surrey and Kate Halliwell at theringer.com
PODCAST: Once More, With Feeling - Euer Buffy Rewatch Podcast 120 – Apfel. Baum! (6×16) (in German)
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More Links Than A Bag Of Sausages by petzipellepingo
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Fanvid Buffy & Angel | Rush by haley bob recced by jbuffyangel
[Community Announcements]
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Contest Week, Day 4: Three or More Characters at fic-promptly
Final wrap of 2018 at summer-of-giles
[Fandom Discussions]
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Who are your top three favorite BtVS/AtS characters? by multiple participants at sunnydalescribe
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When did you first become a Bangel fan ? by buffy-angel-and-co
When did you first become a Bangel fan? by dingoes8myrp
When did you first become a Bangel fan? by royalweirdonj
Re: Why does fandom view Cordelia's tendency to go out of her way to be mean... as awesome "sass" and admirable honesty? by we-pay-for-everything
Ever since someone headcanoned Willow as a Slytherin, I like her again by millennialslayer
[The Twilight symbol] by millennialslayer
Re: I know you don’t ship any of Buffy’s canon ships, but if you absolutely had to pick... by baumanhp
When did you first become a Bangel fan? by mrsgordo84
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Spike - why Buffy changed her attitude in S7 by thetopher
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Roux discussed by multiple participants
Discussion of s6 Spuffy and Spike in "As You Were" by multiple participants
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A Question About Death & Souls by UnsureAndWondering
Portents of Dawn by Aggrajag68
Question: Looking for Spike - which comics to read? by ketzelboo
BTVS' Storylines Which Are Still Relevant [Discussion focused on the bathroom scene in Seeing Red] hosted by Ahm Shere
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: How Joss Whedon's Buffy reboot could (actually) work by Sam Ashurst at digitalspy.com
PUBLICATION: Why The 'Buffy' Reboot News Has Original Show Star Emma Caulfield So Conflicted by Emma Caulfield Ford at bustle.com
PUBLICATION: A revamped Buffy could rectify the original Slayer’s problem with race by Patricia Pender at theconversation.com
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thenewbuzwuzz · 6 years ago
I made my first post on Pillowfort, and I am STOKED. Thanks for the nudge, @buffyversetop5! :))
(I did also make the same post on buffyversetop5.dreamwidth.org, for those of us whose taste in sites is only moderately hipster.)
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ao3feed-spangel · 7 years ago
Time moves without us
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OyIZLX
by elizaria
[originally posted on my LJ 2005-07-28] Title: Time moves without us Fandom: BtVS/AtS post both series Status: Finished - 3041 words Genre: slash Spike/Angel, Spike/Xander implied, angst, loss, character death Short summary: written for SUMMER_OF_SPIKE. How do you continue to exist and find a place for you in life, when you no longer have someone to connect with? -- A Spike and Angel point of view on life years after Not Fade Away. When people around them age and die, and they are left alone outside of everything.
Words: 3010, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Angel: the Series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Angel (BtVS), Spike (BtVS), Xander Harris
Relationships: Angel/Spike (BtVS)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OyIZLX
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mayberrycryptid · 2 years ago
oh these two idiots🥺
Wip Wednesday
I'm currently a bit stuck, probably because my brain is drowning in work. And it's still a rough draft because I'm trying not to hate the text too much before the rough draft is done, I'm already scrolling up and down in it as is. I know there's a lot of Steve's in these sentences but it's 9 pm and I've been up since before 5am, I'm not editing more now.
[...] Steve gestures with his coffee mug, the breeze from the ocean bringing over the scent of fresh coffee. "No Steve, I'm not moved in. I stayed till I was better, then till you came home. Now, here you are."
"Right." Steve goes quiet, concentrating on his breakfast for a minute or three. "You going back to work?"
"Only the office so far, I haven't decided if I want back in the field again. But sitting on my ass while my team endangers their lives, not sure I can do that either." Danny's frustrated with the whole situation but what else is new, he's had weeks to rack up his annoyances. His body's been completely unhelpful but there's nothing wrong with his brain.
Steve keeps shoveling eggs into his mouth to not argue, it's obvious in his jerky movements. Danny can give him that, they're both a bit restless and Steve's only been home a day. Except then he opens his big mouth. "Can you wait to decide, a little while?"
It's a good thing Mary had decided to buy new sturdy coffee mugs the way Danny slams his into the table. "What Steven, you mean give you consideration as my partner?"
At least he knows when not to evade, "I know I earned that Danny, I'm sorry."
"For the right thing this time?"
"I felt like I was endangering you guys okay, that I was a liability with psychopathic criminals coming out of the woodwork at any given time."
Sometimes that tall-ass miscreant really made you wanna crush him up into a hug while shaking some sense into him at the same time. "Steve, you could have told us that."
"So you could deny it, cause you would. Don't tell me you wouldn't."
"Stop waving your fingers at me, of course we would. Wo Fat and his ilk is not your fault Steve. There's no long list of bad choices that you checked."
"Oh really?"
My problem with these two is to get them to stop arguing, this part is quite a few more paragraphs but I'm stopping here. Good night.
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ao3feed-mcshep · 7 years ago
Teeth in tender places
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LYEZ8U
by elizaria
Blowjob Friday John/Rodney, SGA - bout 1000 words of blowjob pr0n of the McShep variety. Originally posted on my Insanejournal August 24th, 2007.
Words: 1024, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Stargate Atlantis
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: John Sheppard, Rodney McKay
Relationships: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LYEZ8U
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a03feed-btvs · 7 years ago
Collection of fandom poetry things and ficlets
by elizaria
Collection of poetry-ish things and ficlets I wrote on Livejournal, mostly in Buffy and Angel fandom, back in 2004-2006-ish.
Words: 650, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), Angel: the Series
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Spike (BtVS), Angel (BtVS), Buffy Summers
Relationships: Spike/Buffy Summers, Angel/Spike/Buffy Summers (BtVS), Angel/Spike (BtVS)
from AO3 works tagged 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)' https://ift.tt/2Klggqk via IFTTT
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ao3feed-doctorwho · 7 years ago
Donations in red
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2vuc3LC
by elizaria
[originally posted 2009-05-20] Fandom: Crossover Angel post-series/Torchwood Pairing: Spike/Angel, and Jack Harkness as a visiting character Rating: R-ish? Words: 3124 Notes: unbetaed crack. Leave logical thought at home. There might be more?
Words: 3111, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Captain Harkness and the vampires
Fandoms: Angel: the Series, Torchwood
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Spike (BtVS), Angel (BtVS), Jack Harkness
Relationships: Angel/Spike (BtVS)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2vuc3LC
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thetorchwoodarchive · 3 years ago
As I Die (Reaping through the truth, Life becomes untrue) by elizaria ( JackIanto | Complete | 2241 | NR )
Torchwood's Children of the Earth. I finally saw it. Figured I'd hit it after a weekend of having my BFF here so I had some good mood to walk me through it. Oh yeah. Crying like a fangirl who got her heart ripped out in a good way. So much to do my head in and I won't say more cause I don't know how except fic. As therapy. And not very happy therapy at that. I want fluff, except for some reason TW never fits my fluff part of my brain. Title: As I die (Reaping through the truth, Life becomes untrue) Pairings: canon Jack/Ianto, mentioning Jack/Hart Rating: R? Wordcount: 2247 words Notes: unbeta'd as always, all comments welcomed. Title borrowed from Paradise Lost (music group, not book). Unapologetic love for Jack, Gwen and all Torchwood team. Excerpt: Jack couldn't remember for the longest time if he actually slept while still having someone in his bed. He was a skilled fake sleeper, so he could watch his bed partners with their faces unguarded and their secrets spilled out over his sheets. The way they'd twitch, moan and twist when the dreams came tiptoeing. He was intrigued by it, because Jack wondered if he dreamed like them even if he didn't remember it.
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ao3feed-btvs · 7 years ago
Time moves without us
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OyIZLX
by elizaria
[originally posted on my LJ 2005-07-28] Title: Time moves without us Fandom: BtVS/AtS post both series Status: Finished - 3041 words Genre: slash Spike/Angel, Spike/Xander implied, angst, loss, character death Short summary: written for SUMMER_OF_SPIKE. How do you continue to exist and find a place for you in life, when you no longer have someone to connect with? -- A Spike and Angel point of view on life years after Not Fade Away. When people around them age and die, and they are left alone outside of everything.
Words: 3010, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Angel: the Series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Angel (BtVS), Spike (BtVS), Xander Harris
Relationships: Angel/Spike (BtVS)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OyIZLX
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