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Cine: Les

Las escuelas secundarias de Estados Unidos parecen ser un pequeño mundo dentro de la sociedad educativa del país del norte. De hecho, incluso podría pensarse que es un estado más en el que rigen leyes particulares, escritas o tácitas, que son aceptadas y cumplidas al pie de la letra. Un entorno en el que el cuerpo docente y el alumnado se dividen en varias castas que se erigen entre lo poderoso a lo insignificante.
Nerds, atletas, porristas, vagos. Para quienes estamos acostumbrados a que en la escuela sólo se va a estudiar, rendir exámenes, realizar tareas especiales o participar en clases de gimnasia, todo ese contexto nos parece demasiado ajeno y exagerado, cuando no absurdo o intrigante. La escuela secundaria estadounidense es una jungla, como lo confirma la película “Chicas pesadas” (Mean Girls, 2004) y, aquí el enfoque está puesto en una raza controvertida que requiere de grandes cualidades atléticas y una aguda sincronización: los porristas. Generalmente se supone que son las chicas las que mandan en este territorio hostil, pero también participan algunos varones, con la consecuencia de ver cómo su hombría está puesta en duda.
Estamos hablando de “Bring It On (o “Triunfos robados”, como se le conoció en la Argentina), la primera, dirigida por Peyton Reed, de una saga de siete películas. En resumen, la historia se centra en un grupo de estos enérgicos profesionales que alientan a “Los Toros”, el equipo del colegio “Rancho Carne High School” (sí, así se llama). La nueva líder, Torrance Shipman (Kirsten Dunst), se encuentra con la muy desagradable sorpresa de que su predecesora robó las rutinas de sus contrincantes, por lo que debe buscar la forma de efectuar en un concurso de porristas una presentación imaginativa y creíble.
Aquí, uno de los muy simpáticos porristas, de nombre Les (Huntley Ritter), responde la pregunta de Missy (Eliza Dushku) sobre su sexualidad; su respuesta es: “Bueno, Jan (nota: el personaje interpretado por Nathan West) es heterosexual y yo soy... controversial”. “¿Estás tratando de decirme que hablas en maricón?”, le pregunta ella, atónita, a lo que él la sorprende con su respuesta: “con fluidez”. Recordemos que, a fines de los noventa, la homosexualidad en la adolescencia no estaba normalizada; así y todo, la historia le hallará intentando establecer contacto con el chico que le gusta, otro porrista interpretado por Riley Smith, mientras procura no ser traicionado por la ansiedad en una escena llevada a cabo con gran ternura y realismo.
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🎞️True Lies (1994)
🎥James Cameron 📷Russell Carpenter
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They would have made a great couple.
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#ElizaDushku #Faith #BuffyTheVampireSlayer #FaithLehane #TrueLies #WrongTurn #TruCalling #Dollhouse #voiceactor #beautiful #talented #actress #portrait #pencildrawing
Full vid: https://youtu.be/ZTNhgwnyDY8S horts: https://youtu.be/0F-5PVBqe2c
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elizadushku: Hi ~ Sharing my personal story of using psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT) with @BostonMagazine (link in bio) was not an easy choice, but I’m committed to using my “second life” to destigmatize mental health challenges AND the medicines that could alleviate suffering for so many people. More to come..
#Boston #massachusetts #psychedelicassistedtherapy #PAT
Thank you @gretchen.voss.5 & #BostonMagazine for sharing my story, experience, and mission!
Hello Friends -
It's been a while. Life, changes, and new possibilities abound. It is with a newfound sense of purpose, hope, and humility that I have chosen to share about something deeply meaningful to me, something that helped shift the course of my life and brought tremendous healing- so that I might help or inspire others to find their personal pathways to peace.
I left a lot of pain on the table when I walked away from my career in Hollywood as an actress years ago. It felt important then to speak some buried truths and get honest with myself about what was/is most important in this life that I was given: to live authentically, heal and grow from my life's unique experiences, begin life's work of processing it all, and through that processing find my true purpose and life's passion.
It's pretty wild for me to stand today on very different ground, a new foundation- and I am profoundly grateful to the many special people, the countless, who have supported my recovery and journey within this space, both in my "first life" and now, in my "second life" so to speak.
My goal is to share my experiences and ultimately offer hope. With the application of ancient and sacred (and simultaneously novel and groundbreaking) molecules used in a therapeutic modality of consciousness healing, we have an opportunity, NOW, to help those suffering. Protocols for these sacred molecules to be used as medicines must always be respected and wrapped in purposeful intention, safe set & setting, experienced guidance, and ongoing integration. This has been and will remain paramount as I advocate for this work.
By amplifying some of these healing tools that have assisted in my life transitions and personal recovery over the last 5+ years, I aim to help be a voice in the mission to alleviate suffering. In my new vocation, I feel I can offer support to others and walk with them as they, too, face unmasking, the prospect of deeply feeling, and integrating their life experiences and challenges.
There will be much more to follow, but may this be the beginning of a new mission and new relationship with you- that focuses on mental health advocacy and healing recovery. Each of us knows someone suffering from mental health challenges who needs other options and strategies. Many of us ourselves face the difficulties of finding the mental health support we need individually (and collectively). All are welcome here.
With warmth and appreciation,
(link to Boston magazine article)
#eliza dushku#news#social media#instagram#quote#october 2024 boston magazine#psychedelic assisted therapy#prev pinned post#interview#press#photoshoot
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Pic of the Day: James Marsters, Eliza Dushku & Felicia Day hanging out & having fun at @megaconorlando 2017
@realjamesmarsters #JamesMarsters @elizadushku #ElizaDushku @feliciaday #FeliciaDay #MegaConOrlando #Buffy #BuffytheVampireSlayer #BtVS #Spike #Faith #Vi #UnexpectedTrio
#james marsters#eliza dushku#felicia day#buffy#buffy the vampire slayer#btvs#megacon#megacon orlando#Instagram
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#Happybirthday @elizadushku #ElizaDushku #actress #buffythevampireslayer #angel #bringiton #thenewguy #wrongturn #dollhouse #jayandthesilentbobstrikeback #trucalling #thealphabetkiller #leapyear #ntsfsdsuv #thescribber #HulkandtheAgentsofSMASH #janewantsaboyfriend #banshee #conman
#happybirthday#eliza dushku#actress#buffy the vampire slayer#angel#bring it on#the new guy#wrong turn#dollhouse#jayandthesilentbobstrikeback#tru calling#the alphabet killer#leap year#ntsfsduv#thescribber#hulkandtheagentsofsmash#janewantsaboyfriend#banshee#conman
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💀☠️🧁 A Happy #horror Birthday to Lloyd Kaufman, Ellen Sandweiss, Kelli Maroney, and Eliza Dushku 🧁☠️💀
#horror#horror movies#horror movie#scifi#science fiction#thriller#lloyd kaufman#ellen sandweiss#kelli maroney#eliza dushku
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S1E03: Witch
Episode 3 opens with Giles giving Buffy a lecture on her attempting to join a cult, that “cult” is the cheerleading squad. As we attend tryouts, the most talented contestant spontaneously bursts into flames during her audition. What the!?
So, when Buffy and new friend Amy don’t make the squad, one by one, the cheerleaders who did, start suffering ailments preventing them from performing. First Cordelia, which sends in Buffy and when she goes down, our supernatural crime fighting team is on the case but without their Sheriff. With hardly a leap, skip, or jump, it isn’t difficult to figure out Amy has something to do with it given her mother was the be all and end all of cheerleading at Sunnydale.
This is a pretty fun episode and only a taste of what is to come in the Buffyverse. We learn just how infatuated Xander is with Buffy, how Willow secretly pines for Xander, but by episodes end the team has defeated the foe and all is well, except for a trophy in the hall…
#buffy #buffythevampireslayer #vampire #vampyr #hellmouth #thehellmouth #sarahmichellegellar #anthonystewarthead #alysonhannigan #nicholasbrendon #kristinesutherland #charismacarpenter #davidboreanaz #markmetcalf #brianthompson #juliebenz #jamesmarsters #emmacaulfield #michelletrachtenberg #amberbenson #sethgreen #marcblucas #dannystrong #tomlenk #elizadushku #arminshimerman #julietlandau #adambusch #mercedesmcnab #robiascott #harrygroener #dbwoodside #clarekramer #leonardroberts #Alexisdenisof #lindsaycrouse #adamkaufman #nathanfillion #ktoddfreeman #biancalawson #sunnydale #sunnydalehigh #sunnydalehighschool #witch
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ELIZA DUSHKU Covering Face with Turtleneck
#eliza dushku#edushkuedit#elizadushkuedit#elizadushku#dushku#buffy the vampire slayer#tvandfilmdaily#slayerdaily#buffyversesource#thequeensofbeauty#ladiesofcinema#faith#flawlessbeautyqueens#flawlesscelebs#dailywomen#femaleedit#femaledaily#my edit
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elizadushku: Hi All~ Since the Boston magazine article came out, SO many people have asked me where I did my psychedelic-assisted-therapy certification training, so here to share!
I studied under Dr. Janis Phelps at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), which conducts the first academically accredited, professional certificate training program for psychedelic-assisted-therapy and research. Dr. Phelps and her colleagues in the field are leading the important work of providing gold-standard training, ensuring safety, and advocating for advancements that will help millions of people.
Becoming certified in psychedelic-assisted-therapy has been one of the most fascinating and rewarding things I have done in my life so far. The connection between the transpersonal (our connection to the world around us + the universe as a whole) and psychedelics is simply extraordinary.
If you are interested in this exciting field - listen, we are going to need tens of thousands of appropriately trained therapists as this work becomes available to those in need. So check out the program info in the CIIS link in my bio.
Yours in healing… Eliza
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