#eliza brandon
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bethanydelleman · 8 months ago
it’s funny you just answered a different ask about S&S, because I’ve been mulling one over that I’ve been meaning to drop in your inbox. I listen to S&S on the regular - it’s become one of my fav comfort stories. But I’m always disturbed by Brandon talking about how relieved he is when he finds Eliza 1.0 dying of tuberculosis. I know he cares for her, both emotionally and in the sense of providing excellent care for her at end of life. But I do wonder.
What if she wasn’t dying when he found her? Would he still have loved her and wanted to marry her? Or would her life as a sex worker, her illegitimate child, the drop in her social status, and the fact she was his (then still living) brother’s ex-wife make that a non-starter? After everything that happened, did Brandon harbor some Captain Wentworth-like resentment against Eliza, irrational though it may be? And if he had rescued her and married her, could they have been happy with how much both had changed since they were first in love?
Obviously it’s all conjecture, but I think Brandon would have done for Eliza 1 the same he did for Eliza 2. Bankroll her into a nice cottage in the country and maybe visit on holidays.
First, I want to address that he's "happy" that Eliza is dying. We in Western society are very uncomfortable with death these days and agree to extraordinary measures just to retain life without considering quality of life. What Brandon is saying is that Eliza Brandon had no further chance at quality of life. The relief that he feels that she will die soon is because she's suffered so much and he wants her to find peace:
So altered—so faded—worn down by acute suffering of every kind! hardly could I believe the melancholy and sickly figure before me, to be the remains of the lovely, blooming, healthful girl, on whom I had once doted. What I endured in so beholding her—but I have no right to wound your feelings by attempting to describe it—I have pained you too much already. That she was, to all appearance, in the last stage of a consumption, was—yes, in such a situation it was my greatest comfort. Life could do nothing for her, beyond giving time for a better preparation for death; and that was given. I saw her placed in comfortable lodgings, and under proper attendants; I visited her every day during the rest of her short life: I was with her in her last moments.
I have had two relatives embrace their ending because their suffering had become intolerable. It is a source of relief, as much as it may be mixed with sorrow. I don't find this paragraph disturbing at all, I've lived through it and he's right. And remember, he's a Christian and he believes that she is going to heaven, so she is only being released from this mortal coil to go somewhere far better.*
Anyway, here's the thing, according to British law/morals at the time, Colonel Brandon was not "allowed" to marry Eliza Brandon. Your brother's wife was considered your sister, so while these marriages did occasionally happen, they could be voided if anyone brought a suit against someone and they were definitely frowned upon. (Remember Emma saying that her and Mr. Knightley weren't really brother and sister, that refers to this law).
If they did marry, their children may be considered illegitimate, which would make it hard for them to inherit if Delaford is entailed. And you know if a cousin stood to inherit, he'd challenge the children's right to the estate.
Because it was considered immoral, I have a hard time seeing Colonel Brandon marrying Eliza even if she had been healthy. His chances at marrying her ended not when she fell from status, but the second she married his brother. If he had found her healthier, he probably would have provided her a home and cared for her as his sister, but not considered marriage as might as he may loved her still. I don't think he resents her at all, he's very forgiving in his speech.
Anyway, I hope that helps!
*I have worked in medicine for a while and I know that medically assisted dying is a hot button issue, I don't want to debate it on this here Jane Austen blog. Having experiences relatives refusing treatment after living in severe pain for a long time, I understand Brandon's explanation here. That is what I'm saying.
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firawren · 2 years ago
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eurosimmer · 11 months ago
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Primrose: I can't believe we almost made it to the end of a generation.
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curiousb · 2 years ago
The Bennet Family Album: Volume V
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Bertram and Beth are back home from honeymoon, and reunited with their young son Brandon.
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They also seem to have brought a memento back with them.
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Yep, another son! Welcome, Giles! Also with the Bennet deep brown eyes, but blonde hair, like his grandma Marianne.
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Giving birth works up quite an appetite. Even for festering pizza.
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High five, little man, it’s your birthday today! (And the toilet needs cleaning again.)
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All the family is invited to the party, of course.
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Brandon is raring to go!
~ Scorpio 7 / 10 / 10 / 7 / 9
~ Dog Person / Bookworm / Virtuoso
~ OTH: Music & Dance
~ Favourite Colour(s): Green
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Interesting topic of conversation for a child’s birthday party, between two people who hardly know each other...
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It's a double celebration, and little Giles follows swiftly in his big brother’s footsteps.
~ Cancer 8 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 8
~ Brave / Over-emotional
~ OTH: Music & Dance
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He makes an immediate start on getting to know his aunt Eliza.
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The event is somewhat marred by some unexpected rivalry in the kitchen over Mary. (Robert also seems to have perfected the art of standing around awkwardly.)
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But both Edmund and George are far too nice to part on bad terms, and everything is smoothed over pretty quickly.
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heavenboy09 · 10 months ago
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#TheCrow #BrandonLee #ElizaHutton #JamesOBarr #RealLoveIsForever #BelieveInAngels
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zaenight · 1 year ago
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thatscarletflycatcher · 10 months ago
Still thinking about this.
If you put 35 year old Tilney in the role of Brandon, so many things in the novel hit extremely hard, even for me, who has been a Brandon fan since forever. Maybe S&S would work best as a seq- *gets shot*
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lunarwildrose · 2 years ago
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29 years ago, a few days ago, on May 11th ... my and Hubby's special movie, for mysteriously paralleling our life at the time in my imaginary world and psychosis the first time we watched it. 🧸🤍
Karasu means "crow" in Japanese, and ... he is also my Eric, as much as he is my Beast, and I am his Shelly and Belle, "forever and ever ... there, I've promised." 🤍
I always loved the quote, "people die, but real love is forever" ... ever since I heard it at the end of "Even in Death", by Evanescence ... I love Eternal Love that transcends Death and eternity, and who doesn't love an Avenging Angel who comes along to 'make right what was once wrong'? 🤭 (Karasu loves Quantum Leap, too. He's my Al, and I'm his little wifey, Beth. ☺🤍)
Coincidentally - or is it synchronicity? - Karasu’s Japanese voice actor shares a birthday with the late Brandon Lee on February 1st ... and my Hubs told me "Today we will celebrate my birthday" on March 31st in a dream, and when I told Micky @octobernocturne to get a cake for my SO, Micky informed me it was also the Death anniversary of Brandon Lee, which really, really surprised me! 🙀 I guess it was just one of those Fate things, as my role model, Amy Lee, would say. 🥰🤍
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dagostini-time · 2 years ago
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lili-mj · 16 days ago
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princesssarisa · 7 months ago
My post about whether or not Lydia should be saved from Wickham in modern Pride and Prejudice retellings has gotten more likes and reblogs than I expected. It's made me think of another possibility of why Austen didn't save her from him.
Presumably, Lydia and Wickham's marriage could have been avoided in only three ways that would have left Lydia's reputation intact. The first is if they had only been planning to elope, but it was prevented, as with Georgiana. The second is if they had been found earlier and separated before Lydia lost her virginity. Or else Lydia could have listened to Darcy and left Wickham, and then Darcy could have used his influence to protect her honor: e.g. by claiming that she was kidnapped, or by arranging a decent marriage for her.
If Austen had wanted to make any of those choices to free Lydia, she could have done it without drastically changing the plot. But if she had, it might have felt a bit too "literary" and unrealistic.
I've just been re-watching some of Dr. Octavia Cox's literary analysis videos on YouTube. They reminded me that Austen always loved to skewer the tropes and clichés of other literature, especially Gothic melodrama, whether in outright parody or in subtler deconstruction.
Dr. Cox's video on the elder Eliza's fate in Sense and Sensibility particularly highlights this trend in Austen. She argues that Eliza's story is a classic, clichéd Gothic melodrama (a beautiful orphan, an abusive uncle, thwarted romance, forced marriage to a cruel man, a "fall" into a life of "sin," and ultimate illness and death, all narrated by Colonel Brandon in heightened, poetic language), and that Austen's point in including it was arguably to highlight that this wouldn't be the fate of her heroines. Marianne comes close to it with Willoughby and with her near-fatal illness, but in the end she's saved. Austen's point was arguably to say "Yes, I know all about this type of melodrama, I know all the clichés, but I'm relegating it to the backstory, because that's not what I want to write."
(I don't know if everyone would interpret the elder Eliza's storyline this way, but it's how Dr. Cox reads it.)
Maybe with Lydia's fate, and with the backstory of how Georgiana was freed from Wickham, Austen was doing something similar.
I'm not enough of an expert on Georgian literature to know if the rescuing of girls from predatory men with their virginity and honor intact was a cliché or not. But it does appear in late 18th century comic opera. For example, Mozart's Don Giovanni: the title character is the ultimate womanizer, but he has no success with any of the women he tries to prey on over the course of the opera. His seductions are stopped by the timely, chance arrivals of his enemies, his victims get away unscathed, and he pays for his crimes with his life in the end. Or The Marriage of Figaro: the Count's designs on Susanna are thwarted, and he's humiliated and forced to beg his wife's forgiveness.
If stories of womanizers being thwarted and punished, and their female victims saved with virtue intact, were as common in the literature of the day as they are in opera from that era, then maybe Austen used Wickham and Lydia to deconstruct them.
We definitely see some skewering of poetic cliche in the fact that despite Mrs. Bennet's fears/hopes, Lydia's honor is saved with a bribe instead of a duel.
Maybe like the Eliza backstory in Sense and Sensibility, the backstory of Georgiana's near-elopement can be read as a more perfect "literary" example of a girl escaping a cad's clutches. The elopement was thwarted partly by pure chance, as Darcy paid a surprise visit just before Wickham and Georgiana meant to run off, and partly because Georgiana was a “good victim,” whose conscience got the better of her and who chose her family and honor over her whirlwind romance.
But similar luck isn't on Lydia's side, nor does she make the right, “virtuous" choices. Darcy doesn't find the lovers until Lydia has already been living with Wickham, and like a typical reckless teenager, she cares nothing for either her reputation or her family compared to her infatuation with him. So Darcy is forced to bribe Wickham to marry her, Wickham goes unpunished except that he loses his hope of marrying rich, and all the characters have to live with the results of the scandal for the rest of their lives.
By having Georgiana's successful escape from Wickham be mere backstory while foregrounding Lydia's lack of escape, maybe once again Austen was saying "I could have freed Lydia this way – I know the tropes other authors might have used to free her – but I'm a more cynically realistic writer than that, so I won't."
I have no idea if this is valid or not, but it's a theory.
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bethanydelleman · 2 years ago
Do you know if in the 19th century and before, it was common to use "consumption" not just as a term for tuberculosis, but as a euphemism for "syphilis"? You yourself have written that in "Sense and Sensibility," even though Eliza Brandon allegedly died of consumption, she probably really died of syphilis. And Wikipedia suggests that Marie Duplessis, the famous French courtesan who inspired "Camille" and "La Traviata," may have actually died of syphilis, not TB, though I don't know if that's true or not. Was it common to hide cases of syphilis by claiming they were TB, much like the use of "cancer" or just "long illness" as euphemisms for AIDS?
I'm not totally sure, to be honest I don't have a great reason to think Eliza is dying of syphilis, I just think it's likely because we are told she fell into prostitution. According to my favourite word website, "consumption" means "wasting of the body by disease; wasting disease, progressive emaciation" and while it was most often TB, the term was also used for other diseases.
In Sense & Sensibility, Colonel Brandon says this:
I could not trace her beyond her first seducer, and there was every reason to fear that she had removed from him only to sink deeper in a life of sin... That she was, to all appearance, in the last stage of a consumption, was—yes, in such a situation it was my greatest comfort. Life could do nothing for her, beyond giving time for a better preparation for death; and that was given. I saw her placed in comfortable lodgings, and under proper attendants; I visited her every day during the rest of her short life: I was with her in her last moments.
Which could totally mean it was tuberculosis, but she also could be wasting away from mercury poisoning which was the main treatment for syphilis. I think the timeline is too short for syphilis itself to be killing her.
I do know that tuberculosis was considered a more Romantic disease, so given that Colonel Brandon's backstory is the height of Romanticism, Jane Austen was probably imagining TB. Elinor makes fun of Marianne about it earlier in the book:
“Had he been only in a violent fever, you would not have despised him half so much. Confess, Marianne, is not there something interesting to you in the flushed cheek, hollow eye, and quick pulse of a fever?”
But I think it also fits with Colonel Brandon's protectionism of Eliza's memory to give her a more socially acceptable ending. He spends a lot of time during his speech trying to explain and excuse her behaviour (I'm totally on his side by the way, his father and brother were the real villains!), so I wouldn't be shocked if he pretended she had a more "innocent" disease.
Anyway, this is just my theory, but people in this era totally knew syphilis came from sex somehow. I have to imagine that just like people do today, if you could you would claim a less embarrassing illness.
If anyone knows of cases like this please let us know in the reblogs!
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warrioreowynofrohan · 14 days ago
In another note on Mansfield Park – the thing that bothers me most about Henry Crawford is that he is doing, repeatedly, exactly what Willoughby did to Marianne in Sense and Sensibility: charm them, get them to fall in love with him, give them all the social signals that he is about to propose marriage, and then drop them and act like they were reading too much into it. From the way he and Mary talk, he’s done this to dozens of women. Willoughby differs in that he ended up actually falling for Marianne, whereas Henry does not fall in love with his conquests (until he tries to play this trick on Fanny, who remains unconquered).
And we hate Willoughby for what he did to Marianne! Marianne’s experience with Willoughby came near to being life-ruining, she was so devastated by it.
Willoughby is worse in his seduction and abandonment of Eliza, Colonel Brandon’s ward, but not in any other respect.
And the excuse made for Henry Crawford seems to be the assumption/assertion that these offscreen women were all silly, shallow, and vain, and only their pride was hurt. But there’s no reason to actually believe this! It’s just placing the blame for Henry’s actions on the people that he’s mistreating and making miserable.
It frustrates me to see this written off as “flirting”. It’s much more than that! When he toys with Maria at Sotherton, he is telling her in clear symbolism that she should drop Rushworth for him and, if she does, he will marry her. He is lying. And saying of all the women he’s lied to, “They should have known better,” is not remotely an excuse.
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evans23 · 3 months ago
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Pairing : Colonel Brandon x OC
Summary : During a night on December, Colonel Brandon meets a young woman who captivates him instantly. He then realises that what he had mistaken for love when he met Marianne had never truly been love.
Tag(s)/Warning(s) : Sadness, mention of depression and loneliness.
A/N : Hello dear 😁 I'm so excited to write for my first Rickmas hosted by the amazing @deepperplexity ! I stumbled upon Rickmas last year... after Christmas, but I was in a very bad phase at the time and all those amazing stories helped me so much and I also discoverd the incredible trilogy "Judge and Sentenced" from @deepperplexity that I advise you to read because it's probably the best Turpin's fiction I've ever read ! Anyway, I'm doing my Sinclair by rambling here, therefore, let's begin Rickmas !
Also read on AO3 - Wattpad
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Poor Colonel Brandon was returning from London, exhausted. He, who usually preferred to be perched on his stallion was comfortably installed in the shelter of his carriage. At 38, he had never felt so old and yet, he was still so young.
But a small voice, which strangely had the same intonations as a lady he knew, told him that he was just an old man full of rheumatism. It was not entirely false. He had an old soul since birth, fuelled by the mistreatment of a violent and unloving father and by a protective mother who died too early. As for the rheumatism, it was more a vestige of his life in the army, but also of an accident in India involving an elephant, which had almost cost him an arm and had left him with a painful shoulder, especially in rainy weather.
But beyond his 38 years that he carried like a burden, there was the memory of his sweet Eliza and te one of the mischievous Marianne. Two women who had broken his heart. The first without wanting to, the second on a whim.
Eliza, tender, intrepid and in love with him, this beauty with whom he had fallen in love while still very young and whom his father had taken away from him without scruples before sending him, at only sixteen, to join the ranks of his majesty's army. 
Fortunately, in India he had met John Middleton who had been more than a friend, almost a surrogate father. Indeed, 20 years older than Brandon, he had immediately taken a liking to the young man and his situation, helping him to climb the ranks of the army thanks to his influence.
Later, when he returned to England, he met his mentor's mother-in-law, Mrs. Jennings, an intrusive woman who had an unfortunate tendency to meddle in things that didn't concern her, but for whom he nevertheless had infinite tenderness. Her intrusive nature came from the pain of having lost his eldest daughter, John's wife, while she was expecting a child. A haemorrhage in the middle of the night, an incompetent doctor, and in the morning, the mother and child had gone to join the heavens. Mrs. Jennings reminded him of his own mother with the gentleness she showed him and if she was not known for her subtlety, she had always had the delicacy to never mention Eliza in front of him.
As for Marianne... This pretty devil who had reminded him of her deceased Eliza had hurt him much more than any whipping given by his father for an unimportant misdeed.
He had loved her at first sight, finding in her his first love and it had taken him time and a little too much of a difficult lesson to realize that she wasn't even the shadow of his Eliza. Eliza would never have shown the wickedness that Marianne had shown by letting him hope just after his infectious fever, graciously accepting his gifts and demanding his presence. No, Marianne, full of malice, had felt no remorse in making him suffer as she did with all those around her when she could no longer get anything from them.
She had let him believe that she was his just after this fever that had almost taken her, but when he had asked her to marry him, she had hesitated, giving him an ambiguous answer, a "maybe" more than a "yes". It was during a social event organised at Barton Park that he had understood that the young woman had set her sights on another man of barely 23 years old. A young and dashing high judge of London with a cold and severe look, but rich and powerful, much more than him, much more than anyone in Devonshire.
The next day, he had asked Marianne for an answer to his question and when she had still hesitated, he had told her that he knew and that he was freeing her. He didn't yet know that it was him that he was freeing.
Marianne was now married to this man that all of London nicknamed The Death's Judge, and if she was happily married or not, Brandon didn't know, all he knew was that she was expecting her first child while he was still alone, with no one to love. No loved one and no descendants.
Alone with his heavy thoughts and this feeling that he would end up alone, he who had so much affection to offer, so much love to give, if only a woman with enough spirit but also a certain reserve could make his heart beat again that he now thought would be cold forever, he would cherish her as no man could.
Two years had passed since the injury inflicted by Marianne and with time, his heart had calmed down, and his old governess, full of wisdom, had gently made him understand that what he had taken for love towards Marianne had in fact been only an illusion nourished by this vague resemblance of character that the young woman shared with Eliza.
It was then that the carriage stopped abruptly and Christopher had just enough time to put his hand in front of him so as not to crush his hooked nose against the empty seat in front of him.
"What's going on ?" he asked in his baritone voice as he got out of the carriage.
The icy wind immediately bit his cheeks as night fell gently, promising new frosts.
"A dog, Colonel Brandon, I wanted to avoid a dog," the coachman apologized.
Christopher saw it. A little further away. A dog with a red coat was curled up.
"Is it hurt ?" Christopher asked, genuinely worried.
"No, I avoided him," the coachman replied, "I think he got scared."
Christopher approached the animal cautiously. Medium-sized, the dog looked fierce, ready to bite, but Christopher was reassured to see no injuries.
"Are you lost, little boy ?" he asked the dog, hoping to calm him down.
As if to answer his question, a young woman's voice was heard behind the trees that lined the road.
"Henry ! Henry !" she shouted urgently.
That's when you appeared from behind the trees at the very moment the moon was hitting the night with its first rays. Christopher couldn't take his eyes off that angelic face, fine features that gave off great gentleness and eyes... eyes as deep green as the woods you had just left, green like when summer brought the trees back to life.
You stopped dead when you saw the carriage and your face went from surprise to terror.
"HENRY !" you shouted as you ran towards the dog.
Without even a glance at Christopher or his coachman who had just dismounted, you ran towards the dog who immediately stood up to run towards you.
"Henry, are you okay ?" you asked as if the dog could have answered you.
You examined him carefully, looking for an injury or a trace of blood.
"My coachman avoided it just in time," Christopher reassured you.
You stood up, turning towards Christopher who was slightly disconcerted by your gaze, deep, vibrant, eyes that reflected a thousand emotions at the same time... and who seemed to judge him.
"I promise you it was an accident, the dog rushed in front of the carriage," he felt obliged to justify himself.
You still said nothing, watching Christopher carefully. He did the same, although a little uncomfortable by the sudden silence of this young woman who had been so vocal when she had thought her dog was injured. He too looked at you. He had never seen you before, not that he knew everyone living in Dorsetshire, but he could at least boast of knowing everyone living around Delaford, most of them working for him.
"I am Colonel Christopher Brandon," he finally introduced himself with a bow.
"[Y/N], [Y/N] [Y/S]," you answered in a soft voice, bowing back.
You seemed a little shy, perhaps due to your youth. But the more Christopher looked at you, the more he doubted that you were as young as you looked. A certain seriousness in your gaze, like a deep-seated pain that only someone who has lived long enough to know the true pangs of life could have.
"I have never seen you here before," he said in spite of himself.
"My father was hired as a gardener by the Hawthorns, we arrived a month ago," you answered without trying to appear for what you was not.
Christopher knew this influential family from Devonshire well, John's neighbours. You were far from their home, more than four hours on foot, maybe five if the rain started to fall on the ground that was freezing at full speed.
"You are far from home," he pointed out.
The moonlight prevented him from hiding a slight blush on your cheeks.
"It's Henry, he ran away this morning and I wanted to find him before nightfall. I was afraid he would die of cold tonight," you explained, glancing at the said Henry.
The dog, totally unaware of the fright he had given his mistress, amused himself by teasing Christopher's coachman who was not at ease in front of the animal, much to the amusement of the Colonel.
"You came all this way for a dog?" he asked, surprised.
"Henry isn't just a dog ! He's a full-fledged member of the family," you replied briskly.
Christopher apologized quickly. He hadn't meant to offend you, he had been sincerely surprised. In his world, full of nobility, a woman wouldn't have ventured so far, so lightly covered, to find a runaway dog.
"Aren't you cold, miss ?" Christopher asked, seeing you suppress a shiver.
"I'm used to it," you replied, looking away.
That was all it took for him to understand. He had already understood your modest condition, but he assumed, probably rightly, that your family had probably couldn't afford a proper coat.
Without hesitation, he took his off and before you could protest, he placed it on your shoulders.
"I insist," he said gently but firmly when you wanted to give it back.
A new silence settled between you. Christopher couldn't help but notice your similarities. You didn't speak much, looked serious but you had a certain dignity and you seemed deeply kind even if he guessed a volcanic temperament if you attacked those you loved, as you had shown when he dared to say that your dog was just a dog.
"Henry, that's a funny name for a dog," he finally dared to say.
"I called him that because when I found him, I was reading a book about Henry VIII."
"Found ?"
"Yes, an old farmer had abandoned his dog's entire litter in the middle of the woods. It was in the village where I used to live. Henry was the only puppy still alive. I brought him back and my father didn't have the heart to abandon him when he found him hiding in my room," you said before stopping suddenly, feeling like you had said too much.
But Christopher didn't judge you, not for your modest condition. He found you endearing, refreshing even in your own way.
"Can I drive you and Henry home ?" he offered kindly.
"That's nice, but we're going for a walk," you replied.
Christopher's smile immediately faded.
"Miss [Y/S], I insist, it's already pitch black."
"I don't think it's right for me to sit alone with you in your carriage," you said softly.
Christopher's eyes lit up with a flash of understanding. You had no chaperone to accompany you in the carriage and propriety shouldn't have made him insist, but it was cold, you were far from home, and he would not have been able to sleep properly tonight without being sure that you had returned home safely.
He was about to insist when, without warning, the rain began to fall, hammering the ground severely. He almost pushed you into the carriage before grabbing Henry and making him climb in at the same time as himself.
"You can't go back alone, by foot, in this weather, you will catch your death," he said in a tone that left no room for contradiction.
He told the coachman your destination and the carriage set off again. He wouldn't return home tonight finally, to his estate that he had so longed to return to, he wouldn't find his firm and comfortable bed and his governess's lemon cakes. He already knew that you would arrive home late, but he had no doubt that John and his mother-in-law would welcome him with open arms, even if he was not expected. It bothered him a little to impose himself like this, but he knew that the horse, and also the coachman, would not have the strength to make it all the way to Devonshire, then to Delaford.
The journey took place in comfortable silence. You were shivering slightly from the cold, snuggling in spite of yourself in the Colonel's oversized coat that smelled of cologne and another perfume whose name you did not know but that you had already smelled on your father's employer.
"May I ask you if you live alone with your father ?" Christopher dared to ask.
His intention wasn't entirely innocent. He wanted to know if you had a fiancé.
"Yes," you simply replied.
He wondered how old you were and what you did with your days, but he felt you were reserved and he himself was not a man who spoke easily about himself, he preferred not to bother you any further.
It was almost 10 pm when the carriage finally arrived near the modest cottage that the Hawthorns rented at a ridiculous price to your father. The place was small, modest. There were only four rooms: two bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen as well as a small cold and poorly lit room that you used to take your baths.
Although you didn't know who Christopher really was, you guessed that he was important... and rich, and you couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed by the smallness of your means, but at no time did Christopher seem to be bothered by it. He helped you down before handing you Henry.
"Come inside and get warm, [Y/S]," he said, bowing before adding, "it was a pleasure to meet you."
"Thank you Colonel Brandon, really," you replied before disappearing inside, not without one last look at the man who still had his hazel eyes fixed on you.
Christopher then headed to his old friend John's, his thoughts filled with your face, your soft voice, that strange feeling you had awakened in him but that he tried to stifle at all costs. He didn't want to suffer, not again. He had finally learned his lesson. Love wasn't for him, you wouldn't make him suffer, not you too.
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"Brandon ! My old friend, I didn't know we were expecting you !" John exclaimed when the butler announced Christopher.
"I'm sorry to intrude like this..." he began before being interrupted by Mrs. Jennings who told him with her usual joviality that he was always welcome at their home.
John invited him to drink a glass of his best whisky, a Scottish vintage that he particularly cherished, in his office. Christopher hesitated to confide in him about the intriguing encounter he had had, and wisdom made him hold his tongue. Until the next day, when at breakfast, when he ventured a few questions to Mrs. Jennings.
"Last night, as I was heading to your place, I met a young woman. A certain [Y/S]. Do you know her, Mrs. Jennings ?" he asked casually without telling the whole truth about your encounter.
"Oh, Miss [Y/S] ! I don't know her very well, she's a very private young lady, but..."
She knew a lot for someone who didn't know you and she was able to tell Christopher that you were a 28 year old spinster with no known fiancé. You were rather private although often seen with your faithful Henry.
"She sometimes walks on my land," John informed Christopher as he took a bite of bread, "I've never had the heart to tell her she walks on private land, she's so reserved that I don't want to make her uncomfortable," he added.
"Oh, and she seems so respectful and she's not doing anything wrong walking here with her dog. Poor child, she's always so alone." Mrs. Jennings said theatrically. "She sometimes helps out at the Hawthorne manor with the children. I did try to invite her to have tea with me once, but she told me she didn't think a girl like her belonged at my table."
"Nonsense !" John exclaimed, "Any pleasant and well-mannered person is worthy of being part of our acquaintances."
His mother-in-law nodded vigorously before continuing with the latest gossip, but Christopher was already no longer listening, his thoughts lost in a December night where the moon lit up your eyes a deep green.
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Finally returning home, Christopher settled into his old worn fabric armchair, a book in his hand, but he wasn't reading. You were still there haunting his thoughts. He had felt this feeling before. Not like with Marianne, no. But like with Eliza.
He shook his head vigorously as if to get your image out of his head. He couldn't afford to have heartbroken, he wouldn't survive it, not when he had finally come to terms with the idea of ​​being alone for the rest of his life, in the comfort of the Delaford, with his dogs. And yet, he didn't see his day go by. Not because he had been busy with his fishing trip and his horseback ride, but because his mind had been busy. Busy with you.
And for no real reason, he found himself visiting his friend John two days later, under the pretext of proposing a hunting trip. John accepted enthusiastically, unaware that his friend's real intention was to see you again. And it didn't take more than two days for him to come across you near the small river that crossed John's land. Recognising him, Henry ran towards him, barking happily.
"Miss [Y/S], what a nice surprise to see you again," Brandon said politely, bowing.
"Colonel Brandon, this is a surprise indeed," you replied, giving him a slight bow.
"You don't have any gloves," he remarked, a little concerned.
However, what he didn't mention, although he noticed it right away, was that you were wearing his coat, the one he had forced over your shoulders a few nights earlier and that you had forgotten to give him back. The fabric still smelled like him, in addition to being of undeniable quality, giving you a welcome warmth. Christopher was kind enough not to say anything, happy that you had something decent to cover yourself with.
"I never wear them," you replied, shrugging, "I can't turn the pages of my book with gloves," you added, showing him the book with the worn cover that you were holding in your hands.
"Can I accompany you on your walk, Miss [Y/S] ?"
You nodded shyly and you walked along the small river together, Henry at your side. The Colonel didn't seem bothered by your four-legged companion who regularly jumped on him, leaving his footprints on his black pants. When you apologised, a little embarrassed by Henry's behaviour, Christopher replied with a smile that he loved dogs and that it didn't matter to him that Henry decided to repaint his pants.
When the sky began to darken in the late afternoon, you politely excused yourself, stating that you should go home before nightfall.
"Can I walk you home ?" Brandon suggested, genuinely worried about letting you walk home alone.
You bit your lip, hesitant. On one hand, you didn't want to risk being seen with a man and having rumors spread about you, but on the other hand, you didn't want to risk hurting the kind Colonel Brandon. You finally agreed, praying inwardly that no viper's tongue in the village would see you two. Your wish seemed to have been granted and it was with the manners of a gentleman that Colonel Brandon wished you a good evening before waiting until you had closed the door behind you to turn on your heels.
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In love. He was in love, for sure. And it wasn't an illusion this time. You were nothing like Eliza. You were neither lively nor spontaneous. In fact, you were more like him: thoughtful, calm and sparing with words. But you also had a certain depth, a certain culture and a natural curiosity to feed your mind. He knew that with you, he would always have a subject of conversation, whether it was books, poetry, art, theatre or music. He had understood it when, despite your lack of education on the subject, you had taken an interest in his life in the army and when you had started to drown him in questions not about him but about India, the different cultures and people he had met there, he had found it refreshing.
At no time had you asked a question about his field or made any allusion to his status. But that was where the problem lay in Christopher's mind. His status. He had never really given importance to social class differences. Not with Eliza. Not with Marianne. His father had taught him a first lesson, Marianne a second, more bitter than the first one. What would he do if you were also a dowry hunter?
Christopher wanted to be loved. Loved for himself, not for his wealth, not for the Delaford. Of course, if you were his he would spoil you like never before. You would have the most beautiful dresses, your own coats, gloves, clothes for every season and jewellery to match each dress. 
You would have access to all the books you wanted and he would teach you to draw and play the piano so that you could occupy your time in his big house. But it was not for all that he had to offer that he wanted you to love him in return. It was for himself and a small, vicious voice told him that a girl like you, a girl of little condition, penniless, a gardener's daughter, an old maid at that, could never truly love him for himself. But another small voice, weaker but still there, told him that he must not let himself be swayed by a bad experience. 
After all, Marianne was just a child, a capricious and changeable little girl and he wasn't even sure that her real interest in his love stories was money. With her impulsiveness, Marianne fell in love as easily as one falls off a chair and he wondered if she would keep her promise made before God to be faithful to her high judge. Although he knew the latter well enough not to doubt that he would hold this little demon with an iron fist.
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Several miles from the Delaford, your thoughts were haunted too. Haunted by a tall man with dark blond hair and hazel eyes. His eagle-beaked nose that made him even more distinguished and his shy smile haunted you. You knew exactly what you felt for him. You had known it the moment he had wrapped you authoritatively in his coat before forcing you into his carriage to take you home on that December night lit only by the moon.
You loved him. You loved him as you had thought you loved twelve years earlier. But you realized today that what you had taken for love at only sixteen had nothing to do with what you felt for the dark Colonel Brandon. This time, you were experiencing true love, the kind that burns you from the inside, consumes you, haunts your nights and fills your days.
But you had no right to love him. By discreetly asking around at the old bakery, you had learned who Colonel Christopher Brandon really was. A man who wasn't for you. A man too good, too important, too rich. How could a man like him ever be interested in a woman like you ?
But that wasn't all. Even if, by some totally improbable chance, Colonel Brandon could have the slightest interest in you, you were hiding something. A secret that would repel any man, even a man of your status. A secret that only your grandmother knew and that she had taken with her to her grave. A secret that would die with you but that condemned you to remain alone forever.
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A few days later, you were alone outside in the middle of the night, frozen to the bone as a pure white snow fell on Dorsetshire. Henry was sheltered in your coat, or at least the Colonel's coat. The little rascal had burrowed away again and now you were both going to catch bluetongue. If it hadn't been for the full moon, you would never have been able to find your way through all that white. Just then, in front of you came a man on horseback, a magnificent black stallion with a fine appearance.
Inwardly, you felt anxiety take hold of you. It was late and you could tell that the rider was a man, and you hoped that he was a man with good intentions.
The closer the horse got, the more familiar the figure on it seemed to you. But it was only when he was a few steps away from you that you recognized Colonel Brandon, dashing in his long wool coat.
"Miss [Y/S] !" he exclaimed in an almost angry tone, "what are you doing out in this weather ? You're going to catch your death !"
"It's Henry, he disappeared again himself again," you replied in a very small voice.
Hearing his name, the dog stuck his head between the flaps of the coat, his tongue hanging out trying to catch the snowflakes that were falling on you.
"Maybe we should build a proper barrier to stop your companion from scaring you to death... and freezing."
Brandon had said this with a firmness that left no room for any kind of humour. You nodded timidly, shivering despite the warmth of his coat.
"Give him to me," Brandon ordered.
You hesitated for a moment but when he held out his gloved hands towards you, you handed him Henry without fear. Deep down, you knew he wouldn't hurt your best friend. Christopher placed your dog inside his own coat, then he held out your hand.
"Ride with me, I'll take you home !"
You placed your hand in his hesitantly and he hoisted you up without any harm behind him before setting his horse into a gallop.
Your hands hooked on his hips, you gently rested your head against his back. You could feel the warmth emanating from his body pierce you and for a moment, you imagined what it must be like to be loved by a man like him.
When the horse stopped in front of the cottage you shared with your father, the snow had stopped falling and it shone like millions of diamonds under the benevolent gaze of the moon.
"Your father isn't here ?" Brandon asked worriedly, seeing no candles lit in your candle, nor the smoke of a warm fire burning in the fireplace.
"No. The Hawthornes are having a small party for the staff and he was invited," you replied as he helped you dismount.
Christopher dismounted as well, Henry still sheltered against his chest.
"Do you need help lighting the fire ?" Brandon asked, genuinely concerned.
"No, thank you Colonel, but I'll be fine."
The truth was that you couldn't start the fire eight times out of ten, but if anyone found out that a man had come into your house while your father wasn't there to chaperone you, it didn't matter that you were already 28, the rumour that you were a girl of easy virtue would spread like wildfire in the village and your father would risk losing his job with the Hawthornes, people of great kindness but who couldn't stand to be the object of mockery, especially at the fault of their employees.
"Good evening, Miss [Y/S]," Brandon murmured, his gaze tender.
"Colonel, I can't go home," you murmured.
"Why ?" Christopher asked in a whisper.
"Because you're still holding my dog in ​hostage," you replied with a slight smile.
Christopher chuckled before handing Henry back to you, but as he placed him in your arms, his fingers lingered longer than necessary on your icy hand.
Gently, he untied the silk scarf that brought a little more warmth to his throat and chest to place it around you, adding a touch of modesty to your fragile form in the face of his imposing stature. The scarf, light and delicate, immediately offered you an additional touch of warmth, a touch of warmth that manifested itself in a delicate blush on your cheeks, a touch of warmth caused by the violent feelings you felt for Christopher Brandon.
"I offer it to you. As well as the coat. They will keep you warm this winter," Brandon said softly, almost as if he were reciting poetry.
"Colonel..." you murmured, too moved to add a thank you.
"Miss [Y/S]..."
He hesitated for a moment. What he was about to say would change the destiny of both of you forever. He wasn't going to offer to be your friend. No, he was going to take a risk, a new one.bet against the reason that pushed him to make you a mere memory, against his heart that screamed at him that he would suffer again, against the love that seemed to refuse him with force, leaving him a little more broken each time.
"Miss [Y/S], do you allow me to court you ?"
A million emotions crossed your gaze and he could not name any of them. Inside, you screamed with joy while your heart beat so hard that you wondered if it would not explode with love. But there was this secret. This secret that could destroy the slightest illusion that you could nourish towards the slightest spark of love between Colonel Brandon and yourself. Yet, if your head told you to say no to him immediately so as not to hurt him later, so as not to hurt this man who seemed sincerely good and kind and who deserved so much better than you, it was your heart that answered.
You said it in a breath, your eyes diving into his. With tenderness, he caressed your face, a slight smile softening his features so often severe while you allowed yourself a sincere smile that hid your fear that he could learn what had haunted you for more than twelve years.
"I promise to always respect you miss [Y/S]," Christopher murmured, confusing your apprehension for what you were hiding with the fear that he was playing you.
"Colonel, please, call me by my first name," you asked him candidly.
"Only if, in private, you call me Christopher."
You nodded with emotion. He squeezed your small hands in his, smiling slightly at Henry's antics who was impatient at the idea of ​​going back to get warm.
"Come back, [Y/N], get warm. I'll come back to see you tomorrow and talk to your father. I'll ask for his blessing to court you properly." 
And without waiting to answer, he placed a tender kiss on your forehead, while on this December evening, only the moon was witness to this hope that you both nourished. The hope of a new chance, of redemption, of finally knowing true love.
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curiousb · 2 years ago
The Knightley Family Album: Volume XII
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Veteran scientist Mary has recently become a bit of a mentor to the new junior researcher in her department, Georgiana.
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Meanwhile, Bertram and fiancée Beth have struck out on their own...
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renting a spacious apartment in nearby Sanditon.
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There are far more interesting things to do than make make lunch!
Beth’s stats:
~ Capricorn 8 / 4 / 9 / 7 / 8
~ Kind / Virtuoso / Supernatural Fan / Born Performer / Natural Cook
~ OTH: Music & Dance
~ Favourite Colour(s): Pink / Blue
~ Aspiration: Popularity / Fortune
~ Turn-ons / -off: +Cultured / +Well-liked / -Infamous
~ Major: Drama (3.8)
~ LTW: Become Rock God
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Sadly, there’s another goodbye to be said too, to everyone’s favourite kitty, Kevin.
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It’s OK, Kevin, I have it on very good authority that Grim likes cats!
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As she’s got older, Mary has become intrigued by the afterlife, and takes it upon herself to install Kevin in his final resting place, hoping to catch sight of a ghost. (Do I have to do something special to get ghosts in my cemeteries? They never show up.)
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Sadly for Mary, the dead were not feeling restless tonight, but there was a bonus witch, so her nocturnal vigil wasn’t a complete disappointment.
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And then it’s back home, for some quality time with George.
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While recently-graduated daughter Eliza takes a well-earned soak in the bath, after a hard day wrangling algae in her new job.
~ Gemini 9 / 5 / 9 / 1 / 4
~ Brave / Genius / Bookworm / No Sense of Humour / Perfectionist
~ OTH: Science
~ Favourite Colour(s): Blue
~ Aspiration: Knowledge / Fortune
~ Turn-ons / -off: +Intellectual / +Serious / -Charismatic
~ Major: Mathematics (3.7)
~ LTW: Become Mad Scientist (her mum Mary is absolutely her role model!)
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rottindecay · 11 months ago
hi~sorry to disturb you!I'm new to this fandom and in the hope of talking with someone else.🥺🥺🥺 i notice that you write requests for Eric Draven👉👈...could you please write something like a crossover head canon👉👈like David from lost boys being bestie with Eric (as i just read somewhere yesterday that Kiefer Sutherland was close to Brandon Lee and even the one who introduced Eliza Hutton to Lee. 👉👈)Or maybe just write a vampire Eric Draven AU please🥺🥺🥺🌹.
I haven’t seen THE LOST BOYS movie in like a million years and sadly, I don’t write for them. that might change though!
So this post is gunna be about Vampire!Eric Draven x Reader !
𝑹⛧𝑻' s Note (1): also soo sorry I made this super late, lots of stuff is happening in my life such as school and other things so I hope you don’t mind too much! I've also been grounded for some time now so if this layout looks a bit weird, I'm writing this on computer.
𝑹⛧𝑻' s Note (2): also im so sorry if this is ass i dont know much about vampires.. lol
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𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who writes poetry about you and for you. whether it’s about how much he loves you, or how beautiful you look under the moonlight. anything that comes to mind when he thinks about you, he is writing down on paper and giving it to you once he’s done or he's putting them in a pile full of other his poetry he has written for you but didn't gift.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who feels bad when you give yourself up to him for when he is in need of blood. He hates hurting you in any way and will always feels guilty when he does do it, even after you say how it’s completely okay and you’re fine with it.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who when is done feeding on you, would patch any wounds up he might have left on you. he would hug and cuddle you and tell you how amazing and lovely you are as he kisses your patched up scars.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who would give you nicknames such as love, dove, my rose, angel…
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who is overly clingy towards you, but it’s not like you mind at all.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who stalks you at night when you’re at walking around or doing anything outside of your guy's shared apartment. He doesn't tell he does this; he just wants to make sure nobody is going to hurt you.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who watches you sleep at night since he isn't tired from sleeping all day. He admires your beauty from the one lit candle he has in the room and is astonished by how or why you chose him out of any other good-looking guys.
𖤐 . . Speaking of sleep.. Vampire!Eric Draven who will see you randomly taking a nap on the couch or bed and would just sit there and just stare admire you. He could do this for hours and hours on end and wouldn't get even the slightest bit of boredom.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who is like an actual crow. He would randomly give you things that reminded himself of you like roses, or just any cute looking trinkets he finds laying on the ground when he's out patrolling the night.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who when gifting you roses, would cut the thorns off of it first before handing it to you because he's scared that if you prick yourself on one of those thorns and smell the blood running down from your wound, he doesn't know if he could handle himself with the smell of your sweet... delicious... tasty... blood...
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven when you do accidently get pricked by something, would walk up to you and try to contain himself. He would ask if you're alright, but you can see the hunger in his eyes when he looks down at your freshly cut wound. After noticing this, you would ask him if he wants some of your blood but he's hesitant (as always) but gives in once he knows your 100% fine with it.
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